#Empowered Alchemy
pittypaul · 2 years
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Breakthrough on Canvas with ELIZABETH ELLEN
Elizabeth Ellen’s Art Alchemy is a powerful, creative, inner change process, to empower you to step into your unlimited destiny and ‘Be the change you want to see in your world’ TM. You will enter into a melting pot of alchemical change processes, as Elizabeth leads you with powerful creative visualisation and shamanic journeying processes, empowering you to Breakthrough on canvas using many layers of colour, texture, signs and symbols to paint the layers of your unconscious mind, while having fun and connecting to your tribe of like-minded souls, all wanting to create positive change in their lives.
You will rewrite negative emotions and limiting beliefs such as low self-worth and/or powerlessness and alchemise your dark night of the soul into your brightest light of joy and happiness, through painting on canvas. Elizabeth has created Art Alchemy by melding her passion of painting, meditation, shamanic energy healing, spiritual connection, with her life purpose of holistic life coaching, empowering others to live the life they were born to live, magnificently.
Elizabeth is an Intentional Creativity Red Thread Guide – MUSEA USA connecting, empowering andhealing people through painting on canvas.
Graduating from UNSW BA Fine Arts University Sydney Dip Ed Visual Arts Secondary Post Grad Diploma Design
ABNLP Master/Trainer Life Coaching, Hypnotherapist.
She is a professional, multi award winning Artist, Life Coach, Teacher, Mentor and Coach, bringing you over 25 years of professional experience in the fields of Art, Design and Photography education, Holistic Life Coaching and Business Management.
Event Details @ The Fat Cat Camden
Thursday 24.11.2022 6.30pm onwards
Dial 04162 14582 for more details.
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crookedfandomquill · 2 years
All the folks complaining that we didn’t get “badass Naksu” back really are showing that the only way they think a female character can be strong is if she kicks ass. Was Naksu awesome? Of course. But she was also the version of Cho Yeong that was abused, neglected, forced into becoming magically and physically powerful as a tool for Jin Mu. In the end, Cho Yeong made her own choice to reclaim her birth name, stick with the divine powers she received from Bu Yeon, and be happy and free alongside the person she loves. Also, would you want to go back to using the magic and the sword that you were forced to kill your lover with?! Yeong and Uk both spend the whole story chasing freedom, and they both got it in the end. They are both powerful, both free of others’ control, both happy with each other. I don’t see how that isn’t an ideal ending.
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acrylicalchemy · 7 months
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Here's a little peek at my "As The Caged Bird Sings" shoot with the lovely Tovi. Full shoot on my ONLY page 😘
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julienelson · 10 months
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“Once a woman can tune in to the different parts of herself and can listen, observe, or feel her differing priorities and competing loyalties, she can then sort them out and measure their importance to her. She then can make conscious choices: when conflicts arise, she decides what priorities to place above others, and what course of action she will take.
As a result, her decisions resolve inner conflicts instead of instigating internal wars.”
-Jean Shinoda Bolen, Goddesses in Everywoman.
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chocnoire · 1 year
Miracles, Magic, Mystery, Manifestation
It’s not meant to make sense…mystical, magic, manifestation, miracles don’t have any barriers that’s why you’re not supposed to have to figured out because by ACTIVELY surrendering you’re assuming your role in this exchange but choosing to STAY in RECEPTIVE MODE is your currency because you’re embodying active faith…you’re showing belief and belief is the only thing that stops you from being…
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thewertsearch · 4 months
EB: i have seen lots of interesting things in the clouds… EB: i guess you used to see things like that all the time, right? GG: yes! GG: what have you seen?
Jade's always been really good at deriving meaning from these clouds, often gleaning non-visual context intuitively.
If she can teach John this ability, then it might be worth getting a coaching session in while he's still on Skaia.
EB: well, i saw you once in a neat outfit… EB: it was kind of like you were torn from the pages of my favorite japanese mangas. EB: and the snow was melting. EB: and you were surrounded by frogs for some reason!
Sounds like Jade's going to light the Forge with time to spare. With Dave's help, she might actually be able to speedrun the Genesis Frog before the Reckoning ends.
This is great, technically - but I don't think it'll be enough to win Sburb.
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All Kernels need to be prototyped to successfully create a universe - and I have no doubt that all Denizen Hoards must likewise be collected to initiate the Ultimate Alchemy. This feels like a much harder sell than speedrunning the frog breeding, and the only Player who might beat his Denizen in time is the divinely-empowered John.
Without performing the Alchemy, I assume that the immature Genesis Frog (Genesis Tadpole?) will simply be unable to evolve into a viable universe. If they don't find a workaround, Bilious Slick will be nothing more than a fancy garden pet.
EB: oh, and one time i saw a green version of you with pointy ears, and you were crying! […] GG: i prototyped my dead dream self and tried to get her to fight jack GG: but it turned out to be a BIG MISTAKE GG: god i cant believe how dumb that idea was, she was an emotional wreck
Unlike, you, right? You’re 100% positive all the time - which is totally natural, and not at all a symptom of some serious repression that Jadesprite is throwing into sharp and uncomfortable relief.
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EB: i even saw my own dead body in a cloud! […] EB: i was sort of tricked into sleeping on my quest bed. EB: and when i went to sleep, jack killed me. EB: she must have known that would happen… GG: who? EB: vriska. do you know her? […] EB: she is pretty cool, but just between you and me, she might be a little crazy!
Understatement of the century, right there.
John’s really taking Vriska’s manipulation in stride - which, to be fair, is pretty consistent with his character. The guy's always been a follower, rather than a leader, and I doubt that'll change anytime soon.
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lunar-witches · 1 year
🍁🔮 10 Autumn Witchy Practices🌙🍂
1. 🌕 Harvest Moon Rites 🌾
Under the luminescent embrace of the Harvest Moon, unveil rituals of abundance, manifestation, and profound connection. Ignite candles, consecrate your sacred space, and let the moon's ethereal glow infuse your spells with celestial might.
2. 🎃 The Magic of the Pumpkin 🎃
Beyond their pumpkin spice allure, pumpkins hold an enchanting power. Carve intricate sigils, transform them into altars, or concoct elixirs infused with their mystical essence. These gourds harbor the key to banishing negativity and inviting prosperity.
3. 🌿 Herbal Alchemy 🍂
Autumn bestows a trove of botanical treasures, each brimming with magical potency. Sage purifies, rosemary shields, and cinnamon invokes warmth and abundance. Mix these sacred herbs to craft your own elixirs and brews, weaving your intentions into existence.
4. 🍂 Communion with the Woods 🌲
Step into the ancient embrace of the forest, where whispers of forgotten wisdom linger. Wander among the trees, meditate beneath their boughs, or collect leaves to attune yourself to the Earth's ancient heartbeat.
5. 🕯️ The Enchantment of Candle Magic ✨
Autumn's chill beckons the flicker of candles, a gateway to the supernatural. Harness the essence of colors and scents to amplify your spells. Pink for love, purple for wisdom—light the way to your desires and witness their manifestation.
6. 🍎 Divination with Apples 🍏
Beyond the bobbing game lies an age-old divination practice. Inscribe your queries upon apple peels, release them into a vessel of water, and interpret the apple's message as it floats toward your answer. It's like conversing with the spirits themselves.
7. 🌙 Moonwater's Mystique 🌊
Capture the moon's ethereal energy with the creation of moonwater. Leave a vessel under the moonlight to charge, and use this elixir for cleansing and empowering your magical tools. It's the alchemical elixir that bridges the realms.
8. 🍁 Tarot of the Autumn Leaves 🍂
Trade your tarot deck for the wisdom of autumn's multicolored leaves. Attribute meanings to each leaf type and let the breeze guide your selection. Mother Nature herself shall unfurl the secrets of your destiny.
9. 🎶 The Enchanted Melody 🎶
Compose a bewitching playlist that resonates with your inner mystic. Whether it's the haunting melodies of Loreena McKennitt, the ethereal ballads of Donovan, or the timeless harmonies of Fleetwood Mac, let the music inspire your enchantments, guiding your spirits as you dance beneath the moonlight.
10. 🧹 The Broomstick's Esoteric Purpose 🧹
While soaring on broomsticks remains the stuff of legend, your broom holds symbolic significance. Use it to cleanse your sacred space, banish negativity, and usher in blessings and abundance. It's the earthly bridge to the astral realms.
My Ko-Fi
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ravens-two · 1 year
PICK A CARD reading
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What do you need to learn from your shadow?
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Deck used: Seasons of the Witch Samhain Oracle
Pile 1
"To taste, one must swallow it whole, and beneath the satin flame hides drowning waters."
Pile 1, Apples is the card of deception and distrust. Here I will be reading it in two different ways, and it's up to you to understand which one applies to you, it may be one or the other, or even both.
The first interpretation for this card is that you need to learn from your shadow to beware about who you put your trust on. Your shadow is slow to trust because it needs to understand other people's intentions in order to guarantee you're safe from harm. Now, this isn't to make you doubt everyone and everything in your life, but rather to tell you to follow your gut and if something seems off, it might be off. All in all, you shadow wants you to trust it.
The second interpretation is a bit opposite. Your shadow wants you to be more mindful about the way you act and react to other people. It may be that you're lashing out at other people (even without meaning to) and you end up hurting the ones you love. It could also be telling you to trust more in your loved ones, you don't need to constantly doubt their intentions towards you. You are safe and you are loved.
Pile 2
Black Cat
"There's a curious journey into the depths of the unknown, hidden so deep that only the brave will gracefully return with light in their eyes and shadow leading home."
Pile 2, Black Cat is the card of independence, survival and grace. If you picked this pile your shadow wants to tell you that, at this moment, you need to value yourself above everything else. If there are people in your life that constantly overstep your boundaries now is the time to reinforce them. If these people continue to disrespect you and your space, then you might want to consider more drastic measures (like reducing contact or cutting contact altogether).
Most of all your shadow wants you to feel strong, capable and empowered, because you are much stronger than you think. This is also a time of introspection, your shadow would like you to take time to explore yourself, who you are and who you want to be.
Pile 3
"Grab hold! Allow the dwelling fire within belly awaken all that is. A mere glimpse, a delicate pull at the very roots living in the alchemy of self."
Pile 3, Witch is the card of wisdom and alchemy. This message will only apply to some of you but if you have decided to take up witchcraft and have been feeling doubtful about it, your shadow wants to tell you to go for it. You are a natural witch at heart, it will come easy to you.
With this card, your shadow wants to tell you that you have much more power than you realize. You are in charge of your destiny and you are the only one who has the power to change it. Yes, they're maybe outside forces that are hard to overcome, but ultimately every single choice is up to you (as well as its consequences). Don't be afraid of this power. Also, if that is something you believe in, it's a good time to manifest your wishes and desires.
Your shadow really wants you to believe in yourself, see what a badass you are and to act accordingly.
Pile 4
"Like a thousand storms held in hands soft against the winds, there is a change arising from deep within."
Hello dear Pile 4 this is the card of change. Your shadow wants you to know that things have been set in motion and change is coming, no matter your feelings on it. If you are craving change it's great, if you're not you can't really stop it. No matter what, I don't feel like this change is negative, it could be difficult of course, but not something that will make your life worse. In fact, with this being a reading all about your shadow it is likely that most of this transformation will be internal. Maybe you will finally overcome a fear, a trauma or some bad habit that you have been working on.
If you have been doing shadow work I think that it is likely that you will see the results and understand things on a deeper level.
Your shadow is also telling you that this is the right time to change the things that you no longer want in your life. Take some time to reflect and then take action.
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I love all the amazing interpretations that Jekyll and Hyde has spawned.
I love the symbolism of substance abuse and depression in the original.
I love the idea of a scientist splitting his soul in a desperate attempt to get rid of the bad things in his soul. I love the fight between a man and his inner demons.
But I also love the subversion of that, where Jekyll and Hyde are much more of alternate personalities, sorting out their trauma's and learning they can just be people. I also love when it's this but with some magicy/alchemy esc stuff going on as well.
I also love the empowering version, when "Hyde" is the mask Jekyll wears so that he might truly be himself for the first time in his life. So that he can do the things he's always wanted to do, but never could.
I love every single one. Each one offers something good and enjoyable.
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manicfoxmagick · 1 year
Chaote Tips #2:
-Keep a personal grimoire of all your magickal endeavors. Include things like the date, the weather, the moon phase, the time, your mood, etc.
-Read books on all types of magick. From folk magick to Enochian to Alchemy. Chaos magick is all about an eclectic approach, and the more techniques you study the more developed your practice will become.
-Draw sigils all the time and on everything. I have a sigil for protection hiding behind my phone case. I have a sigil for money in my wallet. Sigils don't have to be aesthetic or fancy, and they don't have to take a long time to make.
-Use deities, spirits, demons, and other entities. Do your research, and use them to empower your workings.
-Create your own entities! This goes beyond servitors. Create a personification of your anger so when you get mad you can banish it.
-Get creative! Don't be afraid to think outside the box and do new, original things. I recently did a Letter Spell where I mailed myself a spell designed to activate when opened.
-Practice visualization! It is an invaluable tool!
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rivensdefenseattorney · 9 months
Magic System
Basic Information on Magic
The foundation of all modern Magic Practices is based in Magic Theory.
User Classifications
Attuned: Those born with the innate ability to sense and store magic.
Unattuned: Those born without the innate ability to sense and store magic.
The 4 Approaches to Practicing Magic
At its core, akin to the intricacies of mathematical equations, Spellcraft and Hexcraft delve into the technicalities of magic. Practitioners meticulously craft spells by manipulating specific properties of energy, resulting in a vast array of controlled and precise magical effects. This approach empowers users to wield magic with pinpoint accuracy, creating an expansive repertoire of spells and enchantments.
Magic Arts
Elemental Arts: Focused on harnessing and manipulating the fundamental forces of nature—earth, air, fire, and water—Elemental Arts practitioners delve into the intricate control and manipulation of these energies. Mastery in Elemental Arts enables the casting of spells that shape, control, or summon elemental forces for various purposes.
Life Arts: Centered on the manipulation and understanding of life energies, Life Arts practitioners delve into the mystical essence of living beings. This discipline involves healing, restoration, vitality enhancement, and the understanding of the natural life force. Practitioners of Life Arts specialize in spells that heal wounds, revitalize energies, and promote well-being.
Death Arts: Exploring the mysteries and energies surrounding death and the afterlife, Death Arts practitioners delve into the manipulation of life force, spirits, and the transition between life and death. This darker art might involve communing with spirits, manipulating life energies, or dealing with necromancy, exploring the boundaries between life and the beyond.
Enchantment Inscriptions: A specialized skill within artifact creation, this involves inscribing runes or magical symbols onto objects to imbue them with specific effects or powers. Runes might hold protective wards, enhance abilities, or serve as keys to unlock latent magical potential.
Curse Binding: A methodical practice involving the creation of enchanted objects or items that carry curses. These cursed objects, once activated or triggered, unleash their negative effects upon the bearer or the environment.
Warding and Sealing: Emphasis in protective magic, a specialized skill used to create barriers, wards, and seals that shield against malevolent forces, entities, or influences.
Alchemy, at it's core, harnesses the potent energies within magical artifacts, raw materials & ingredients, and gemstones. This modernized magic blends the line of science and magic. This approach allows for the transmutation of one substance into another, utilizing a deep understanding of magical properties to concoct elixirs, brew potions, and create a variety of magical artifacts and charms.
Artifact Crafting: This involves the intricate process of crafting powerful magical artifacts that possess unique and potent abilities. These artifacts could range from enchanted weapons and tools to mystical objects imbued with specific purposes or protections.
Charm Crafting: Practitioners focus on imbuing smaller items or trinkets, such as amulets, talismans, or charms, with magical properties. These items often serve as conduits for protective, enhancing, or symbolic magical energies.
Healing Elixirs: Created to aid in healing wounds, reducing inflammation, and promoting regeneration when applied topically.
Enhancement Elixirs: These elixirs are applied to the skin or imbued into items to confer temporary boosts in physical abilities or attributes.
Protective Elixirs: Creates temporary shields or barriers on the skin, offering protection against magical or physical harm when applied.
Transformational Elixirs: Applied externally, these elixirs induce temporary physical changes in the form of camouflage, alteration of features, or enhancement of senses when applied to specific body parts.
Utility Elixirs: Used to aid in performing specific tasks or granting temporary abilities, applied to objects or surfaces to imbue them with magical properties.
Healing Potions: Potions designed to heal wounds, cure ailments, and restore vitality from within the body upon digestion.
Enhancement Potions: Potions that temporarily enhance physical/mental attributes or abilities when ingested.
Transformational Potions: Potions ingested to induce temporary physical or mental alterations, affecting the consumer's body or mind directly.
Emotional Balancing Potions: These potions help stabilize emotions, reduce anxiety, or induce specific emotional states.
Rooted in ancient traditions, the Spiritual Approach draws upon a higher power or deity to access magical energies. Practitioners invoke the blessings and favor of these higher entities, channeling their magic through rituals, prayers, or sacred rites. This approach reveres ancient practices, tapping into divine sources to manifest potent mystical abilities.
Divine Invocation: Practitioners focus on invoking and communing with higher entities, deities, or spiritual beings to channel magical energies. This involves rituals, prayers, or ceremonies to seek guidance, blessings, or empowerment.
Sacred Rites and Rituals: Specializing in performing sacred rituals or ceremonies, practitioners conduct intricate rites to honor or connect with spiritual entities. These rituals might involve offerings, ceremonies during celestial events, or rites to tap into specific divine aspects.
Ancestral Magic: Focused on drawing power from ancestors or ancestral spirits, this subcategory involves honoring and communing with the spirits of one's lineage to seek guidance, protection, or wisdom.
Nature Attunement: Practitioners attune themselves to the natural world, drawing upon the energies present in nature—forests, rivers, mountains—to harness magical power. This involves rituals, meditations, or ceremonies conducted in natural settings.
Cosmic Alignment: Focused on celestial bodies and cosmic energies, practitioners attune themselves to the movements of stars, planets, and celestial events, harnessing cosmic energies for magical purposes.
Embracing a more instinctive and organic path, Intuitive Magic flows naturally through practitioners. Users of this approach rely on their innate connection to the energies around them, allowing magic to manifest in more spontaneous and practical ways. Rather than complex spells, intuitive magic often leads to immediate and instinctual applications, driven by the user's innate understanding of the magical forces at play.
Instinctive Elemental Manipulation: Practitioners have an innate ability to instinctively manipulate elemental forces without formal training. This intuition allows them to shape and influence elemental energies without relying on structured spells.
Natural Empathy and Connection: Some individuals possess a deep empathy and natural connection to living beings, allowing them to sense emotions, intentions, or even communicate with plants and/or animals effortlessly.
Dreamwalking and Astral Projection: Intuitives proficient in dreamwalking or astral projection can navigate the dream realm or astral plane naturally, without formal training, tapping into these realms for insights or interactions.
Shapeshifters: Individuals with the innate ability to alter their physical form, assuming the appearance of other creatures or beings. They can morph into animals, mythical creatures, or even different humanoid forms.
Dual Natured Beings: Those capable of transitioning between different forms or states, such as mermaids transforming between their aquatic and land forms, fairies altering the appearance or abilities of their wings, or werewolves shifting between human and wolf forms during a full moon.
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the-fluffy-folio · 10 months
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Fluffy Folio on Alchemy
I’m more than happy to announce that a large part of my creatures is now available over at Alchemy ❤️
Alchemy is the world's first virtual tabletop (VTT) built specifically for cinematic immersion and theater of the mind gameplay. Its scene-based structure empowers gamemasters to tell incredible stories with animated environments, particle effects, ambient sound, and music.
In case you want to check them out: app.alchemyrpg.com/marketplace
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archivetourguide · 3 months
Chewing on my enclosure thinking about how the TMP universe is set up and what the FUCK this world's version of the entities are/when the TMA entities crossed over.
That whole encounter with Newton was obviously a manifestation of greater alchemy, but was it also an olde timey manifestation of the stranger, given how WRONG the statement giver found everything (given all his talk about good reason, and being unnerved about the dog escaping it's place in the godly hierarchy) ?
Oscar Jarrett's tattoos are likewise giving me all sorts of things to think about.
The sun symbol burning a guy alive makes sense on the surface but if you know anything about alchemy you'd know that the symbol of the sun (specifically the one with the dot in the middle) is a symbol of gold, NOT the process of calcination. I'm mostly discounting desolation because despite the burning the iconography just feels wrong.
The ship tattoo is free of obvious alchemical symbols and seems almost...infectious, making the groundworks boss obsessed and reverent just by looking at it, while disappearing the coroner and possibly the government contact aswell. The subject matter is very entity-ish (flip a coin for vast or buried, I'm leaning the latter for how often "closer" is mentioned) but that raises the question of WHEN the TMA entities crossed over into the TMP-verse.
These tattoos are almost like Leitner books, carrying power that threatens to devour most, but empowers those individuals who happen to align with them (the artist and the paintbrush). Difference being that Leitner didn't WRITE anything in his library, and Oscar Jarrett (and now inksoul) seems to be handing out different flavors of horror to each individual.
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bubbblesss000 · 3 months
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Antimony represents the wild and animalistic parts of human nature~
an Edward Elric x reader fanfiction.
Ed, Al, and Y/N arrived in Reole after hearing rumours about a philosopher's stone being used there. They were determined to locate the stone. The air was filled with the aroma of spices and the sound of people talking as they made their way towards the city centre. They noticed that every radio they passed played a recording of an unfamiliar religious sermon. They came upon a cosy cafe bar, the three friends were greeted by the inviting smell of freshly brewed coffee and the lively conversations of the patrons. Edward, Alphonse, and Y/N found a table and settled down. They soon engaged in a friendly conversation with a group of locals who introduced themselves as followers of Letoism, a unique religion that worshipped the sun and nature. The Letoists shared their beliefs and how it influenced their lives in Reole. Suddenly, a young woman named Rose joined the group. She emanated a quiet strength and determination that caught the attention of Edward, Alphonse, and Y/N. Rose shared her own personal journey and how Letoism had empowered her to overcome the loss of her fiancé and rebuild her life.
As they neared the majestic cathedral situated in the heart of the city, they were met with the incredible sight of a vast gathering outside, eagerly anticipating the arrival of Father Cornello. The locals had always spoken of him with utmost respect, praising his remarkable ability to perform extraordinary feats and cure the ailing. Intrigued by the tales, the trio made the decision to join the multitude of devoted followers and listen to one of Father Cornello's captivating sermons. During his performance, he astounded everyone with his seemingly miraculous acts, defying the principles of alchemy by conjuring objects out of thin air, thus providing undeniable evidence of possessing the coveted philosopher's stone. One such astonishing display involved him crafting exquisite crystal flowers from fallen petals, leaving the audience in awe. The cathedral was buzzing with excitement, as Father Cornello took the stage. His strong presence and captivating voice held everyone's attention as he passionately spoke about the wonders of their god, Leto, and the incredible abilities of the philosopher's stone. Edward, Alphonse, and Y/N exchanged meaningful looks, fully aware of the immense danger that this alchemical artefact could pose if it fell into the wrong hands.
After the sermon, they went to find Rose, who was known for being very trusting, in order to arrange a meeting with Father Cornello. Rose had attended the sermon and her eyes were filled with a strong faith in Father Cornello's words. As they walked up to her, she gazed at them with curiosity, but soon became friendly when they asked about her religion and expressed their wish to talk to Father Cornello. Despite their false claim of being interested in Letoism, she trusted them without hesitation.
She guided them through the maze-like hallways of the cathedral, showing them the way to Father Cornello's personal chambers. Standing in front of the grand doors, they prepared themselves for the upcoming confrontation, understanding that their journey to uncover the truth was just starting.
Father Cornello looked up in surprise as Alphonse, Edward and Y/N entered the room, the clanking of metal footsteps echoing through the chamber. The priest's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the towering suit of armour, his gaze flickering to the other two stood either side of him. Edward's voice boomed from beside the armour, his tone resolute and unwavering.
"Father Cornello, we know the truth about the philosopher's stone and the deception you've been perpetrating in the name of miracles," He declared, his hands clenched into fists. Rose peered out from the safety of the armour, her eyes filled with determination and a hint of fear.
Father Cornello's expression twisted into a sneer as he regarded the trio before him. "Ah, so the truth has finally come to light, has it? But what can the three of you hope to achieve against the power of the philosopher's stone?" he taunted, a smug confidence emanating from his every word.
Ed spoke with unwavering confidence, refusing to be intimidated by the priest's condescending attitude. "Just hand over the stone and we’ll be on our way" he stated firmly, his determination evident in his gaze. The other two companions silently agreed, feeling a mix of anxiety and resolve pulsing through their hearts.
Rose climbed out of Alphonse's armour, her heart heavy with the weight of the truth she had just learned about Father Cornello. She couldn't believe that she had been deceived by the man she had trusted and admired. Her mind was filled with a mix of anger, betrayal, and sadness as she stood in the dimly lit room.
Father Cornello shouted to her, his voice smooth and persuasive as he tried to convince her that he could still bring her fiancé back with the Philosopher's Stone. Rose's emotions were in turmoil, and she struggled to make sense of the situation. On one hand, she was desperate to see her beloved again, but on the other, she couldn't ignore the feeling of unease that gnawed at her.
As Father Cornello continued to weave his promises and assurances, Rose found herself torn between hope and doubt. She wanted to believe that there was a way to bring back what she had lost, but a part of her couldn't shake the feeling that there was something sinister lurking beneath the surface. With a heavy heart, she made a decision that would set her on a path filled with danger, sacrifice, and unexpected revelations.
As Rose ascended the stairs, her heart pounded with a mixture of fear and hope. She desperately wanted to believe that Father Cornello could bring her beloved back, but a nagging doubt lingered in the back of her mind. The sight of the Philosopher's Stone, pulsating with an otherworldly glow, filled her with both awe and trepidation.
Father Cornello's eyes gleamed with a fanatical fervour as he extended his arm, which transformed into a menacing machine gun. The metallic clinks and whirs echoed through the chamber, and Rose's breath caught in her throat. She realised with a sinking feeling that she had been deceived.
As the machine gun whirred to life, Edward swiftly transmuted the ground beneath them, creating a solid wall of metal just in time to shield them from Father Cornello's barrage of bullets. The clang of the bullets hitting the metal echoed through the chamber, and Y/N couldn't help the adderaline coursing through her veins.
As the dust settled, Alphonse stepped forward, his armour clanking with each step. "We need to take him down, brother," he said, determination shining in his eyes. Y/N nodded in agreement, her heart pounding. They had come too far to leave without the stone.
Edward's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the situation, his mind racing with possibilities. "I have an idea," he said, his voice steady and resolute. "Alphonse, you distract him. Y/N, be ready to move in when the opportunity arises." With a nod, Alphonse charged forward, drawing Father Cornello's attention, while Y/N readied herself for the perfect moment to strike. When suddenly the wall closest to edward opens up and a beast steps out.
The chimera, a grotesque fusion of man and beast, lunged at the two alchemists with a guttural growl. With a swift movement, Edward transmuted the ground beneath them, creating a barrier of stone to shield them from the chimera's attack. As it continued its relentless assault, Edward clapped his hands together, the alchemical symbols on his gloves glowing with a fierce intensity. With a surge of power, he transmuted the air around the chimera, creating a spear to attack the beast with.
Meanwhile, the chimera seized the opportunity to strike, its teeth sinking into his arm and ripping his sleeve as Ed tried to shake it off, it then latching on to his leg, now revealing both automail limbs.
Y/N focused her energy, drawing on the power of water alchemy. With a swift motion, she manipulated the moisture in the air, forming a powerful torrent that surged towards the chimera. The creature recoiled, its fur bristling as it struggled against the force of the water. The creature flinched back, its fur standing on end as it fought against the powerful rush of water. Y/N's alchemy clashed with the chimera's wildness, causing a chaotic scene inside Father Cornello's church.
As the fight continued, Edward sprang into action, transforming his automail arm into a sword and confronting the chimera in hand-to-hand combat. The beast growled and pounced, its wild nature pushing it to dominate its enemies. Y/N's water alchemy kept flowing, forming a protective barrier that defended them from the chimera's unyielding assaults. The atmosphere buzzed with alchemical power, and the church reverberated with the clash of different elements.
Despite the ferocity of the chimera, Edward and Y/N fought with unwavering determination.With a final surge of alchemical power, Y/N unleashed a torrent of water that engulfed the chimera, subduing its wild nature and bringing the intense battle to a dramatic conclusion. As the church fell silent, the triumphant duo caught their breath, their eyes meeting in a shared moment of relief and accomplishment.
Just as the fight came to a close, Al grabbed Rose threw her into his metal arms, Edward quickly transmuted a door for them to escape through. As they ran through the church, the sound of gunfire echoed around them, sending shivers down their spines. Alphonse held Rose tightly in his arms, his heart pounding with fear for her safety. Edward and Y/N ran ahead, their determination driving them forward despite the danger. The air was thick with tension, and every step felt like a battle against time itself.
Bullets whizzed past them, narrowly missing their heads as they ducked and weaved through the pews. The stained glass windows shattered around them, casting colourful shards across the floor. Y/N could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, her mind focused on one thing and one thing only - getting out of this alive.
As they reached the exit, a blinding light filled the room, and the sound of gunfire ceased. They stumbled out into the open, gasping for breath as they looked around in disbelief. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the landscape.
Y/N and Edward carefully made their way back into the church, their footsteps echoing softly in the empty halls. The moonlight filtered through the stained glass windows, casting colourful patterns on the stone floor. They reached Father Cornello's office and Edward skillfully picked the lock, allowing them to slip inside. “If he comes before we’re ready you know we're dead, right?” Y/N said jokingly. “Stop being dramatic,” Edward laughed.
Y/N set up the hidden microphone in a discreet location, ensuring that it wouldn't be easily discovered. Edward kept watch, his sharp eyes scanning the room for any signs of movement. Once the microphone was in place, they waited for Father Cornello to return.
He soon came back to his office to see the two teens standing waiting for him. “If you just give us the stone we’ll leave, we ain’t too big on following procedure.” Ed spoke confidently.
Father Cornello's eyes glinted with a sinister light as he revealed his true intentions to Edward and Y/N. The air in the room grew heavy with the weight of his words. "You see, the philosopher's stone is the key to unlocking the true potential of our followers. With its power, we can create an army of unstoppable soldiers, ready to carry out my vision for this world," he explained with a chilling smile.
They couldn't allow Father Cornello to use the philosopher's stone for such nefarious purposes. "You're a madman," Edward spat, his voice filled with contempt. Father Cornello chuckled darkly, his eyes glimmering with malice. "Oh, but you won't be able to stop me. The philosopher's stone is within my grasp, and soon, nothing will stand in the way of my grand design," he declared with a sense of triumph.
Suddenly his face drops as he sees the microphone by his feet. “What have you done!” Cornello shouted. His eyes widened in shock as he realised that his carefully laid out plan had been broadcasted to the entire city of Reole. Panic surged through him as he frantically looked around, trying to find a way to salvage the situation. The people of Reole had been under his control, believing in his false miracles and following his every word. But now, the truth was out in the open, and his facade was crumbling before his very eyes.
The once adoring crowd began to murmur and whisper among themselves, their eyes filled with disbelief and anger. Father Cornello's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to come up with a plan. He couldn't let this revelation destroy everything he had worked so hard to achieve. With a forced smile, he tried to regain control, but the people were no longer listening to his words.
As chaos erupted just outside the church, Father Cornello knew that he had to act quickly. He couldn't let the people turn against him, not after everything he had done to manipulate them.
Edward and Y/N barely had time to react as Father Cornello lunged at them with a fierce battle cry. The sound of metal clashing against metal filled the air as Edward swiftly clapped his hands and summoned a blade from the ground to defend himself and Y/N. Father Cornello's eyes blazed with a fanatical fervour as he relentlessly attacked, his movements fueled by a dark and twisted determination.
Y/N stood by Edward's side, her eyes narrowed in concentration as she assessed the situation. She knew that they were facing a formidable opponent, one who was not to be underestimated. "Edward, cover me!" Y/N shouted, her voice cutting through the chaos of battle. With a swift nod, Edward positioned himself in front of Y/N, deflecting Father Cornello's blows with his own blade. Seizing the opportunity, Y/N swiftly drew a transmutation circle of her own, her hands moving with practised precision. With a surge of alchemical energy, she unleashed a powerful wave from her sweat, sending Father Cornello staggering backward.
The impact of Y/N's alchemical attack created a momentary opening, and Edward seized the opportunity, launching a swift and decisive counterattack. With a flurry of expertly executed strikes, he forced Father Cornello onto the defensive, his determination unwavering. As the battle raged on, Edward and Y/N fought side by side, their skills complementing each other as they faced the formidable foe before them. Ed slapped the nearby statue causing the air to fill with smoke.
As the dust settled, Edward stood panting, his automail arm aching from the force of the transmutation. Y/N lay on the ground, struggling to get up, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and disbelief. Father Cornello, trapped under the colossal statue of the false god Leto, struggled to free himself, but it was futile. The once grandiose priest now looked small and helpless, his plans of using the Philosopher's Stone to deceive the people crumbling around him.
Edward turned to Y/N, his golden eyes filled with a mix of determination and concern. "Y/N, are you okay?" he asked, extending a hand to help her up. She hesitated for a moment, but then accepted his help, her eyes softening slightly as she looked at him. "I'm fine," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you, Edward."
As they stood together, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the chamber. They quickly bent down to retrieve the stone from Cornello while he was trapped, when it suddenly lost its colours and shattered. As the Philosopher's Stone shattered into countless pieces, a wave of shock and disbelief washed over Edward and Y/N. The resounding crack echoed through the underground chamber, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Father Cornello's triumphant laughter filled the air as he gloated over his apparent victory.
Edward and Y/N left the church, the weight of their encounter with the priest still heavy on their minds. As they walked through the rioting locals, Y/N couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her chest. Edward, too, was lost in thought, his golden eyes reflecting the turmoil within him.
Suddenly, they spotted Rose and Alphonse up ahead, waiting for them. Alphonse's towering figure and gentle demeanour provided a sense of comfort, while Rose was sat hunched on the steps. As they approached, Alphonse greeted them, his armour clinking softly with each movement. Rose sat unmoving as she took in the troubled expressions on Edward and Y/N's faces.
"Is everything alright?" Al asked, his voice filled with genuine worry at their disheleved apperances. Edward hesitated for a moment before speaking “The stone was a fake.”. Before Al had time to respond, Rose sprung up up from her seat on the steps za gun nestled in her hands, trembling she spoke” Liar! Give me the stone. You just want it for yourselves!”. “We don't have it!” She broke down crying, “All I want is my fiance back… How am I supposed to carry on now”. “You need to figure that out, you have two strong legs , you can move forward on your own.”
The train station was pretty much empty due to the riots outside, Edward, Y/N, and Alphonse made their way on the platform. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the platform. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for the boys, another dead end; they prepared to board the train back to Central. It had been a long and eventful day, and the thought of returning to the familiar comforts of the city was a welcome one.
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rings-of-darkness · 8 months
Title: "Unveiling Shadows: The Art of Satanic Ritual and the Suspension of Disbelief"
Posted by Damien Harker | Date: January 13, 2024
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In the tapestry of atheistic Satanism, where skepticism intertwines with the enigmatic, Damien Harker delves into the essence of Satanic ritual—an exploration inspired by the visionary Anton Szandor LaVey. Today, we embark on a journey into the shadows, where the suspension of disbelief becomes a key that unlocks the door to the profound in the realm of ritualistic practice.
[DISCLAIMER: These are my opinions and by no means representative of CoS as a whole.]
Embracing Rituals in Satanism:
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Satanism, in its incarnation, places emphasis on symbolism and ritual as tools for personal transformation rather than acts of worship. Damien Harker, inspired by the principles laid out by Anton LaVey, seeks to understand the role of Satanic rituals in fostering self-discovery and empowerment.
The Art of Suspension of Disbelief:
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At the heart of Damien's exploration lies the concept of suspension of disbelief—an intentional embrace of the ritual's symbolic power without a literal belief in supernatural entities. Much like a theatergoer immersing themselves in a play, the adept suspends disbelief to tap into the psychological and emotional impact of the ritual.
Anton LaVey's Influence:
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Anton Szandor LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, emphasized the psychological aspects of ritual, recognizing the power of symbols and archetypes in shaping human consciousness. Damien Harker draws inspiration from LaVey's pragmatic approach, where rituals serve as psychodramas, potent tools for self-exploration and personal growth.
The Theater of the Mind:
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For Damien, Satanic ritual becomes a theater of the mind—a space where symbolism intertwines with personal narratives, allowing for a deep exploration of the self. The suspension of disbelief transforms the ritual into a visceral experience, unlocking the potential for profound introspection and psychological metamorphosis, Psychodrama.
The Rituals; Akin to Personal Alchemy:
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In the vein of Satanic philosophy, Damien views Satanic rituals as a form of personal alchemy—a transformative process that transmutes the symbolic elements of the ritual into psychological gold. Through intentional suspension of disbelief, participants immerse themselves in the rich symbolism, allowing the psyche to absorb and integrate the ritual's archetypal power.
Conclusion: Beyond the Veil of Symbolism:
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As Damien Harker navigates the intricate dance of Satanic ritual, he invites us to peer beyond the veil of symbolism. In the suspension of disbelief, he discovers a gateway to psychological profundity—an avenue through which atheistic Satanism becomes a dynamic and empowering force. Inspired by Anton Szandor LaVey's legacy, Damien embraces the art of Satanic ritual, where the suspension of disbelief transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary, and the shadows become a canvas for self-discovery.
Thank you for reading and may the Luciferian Light guide you on the path of Skepticism and Enlightenment. Until we meet again, I am Damien Harker.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Transmission, transmuting, and interlocking qualities of energy dissipate, morph, build, and move, showing us something fundamental about the cosmos. It shows us that nothing is wasted or disconnected from the rest. We can start to open the door to spiritual awareness when we connect our conscious mental/embodied activity and pattern to that of the energies produced through other physical displays. We are beings fully ensconced within the process we observe around us. We must engage in the shamanic alchemy of decerning what forces empower us and which are degrading us.
"Buddha Star Portal" Talon Abraxas
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