#Emperor of the Eight Islands
March Reading Wrap-Up
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Lots of fantasy and sci-fi to give myself the much-needed escapism as the semester picks up. Wasn't expecting them to relate to my courses as much as they ended up doing, but they were enjoyable nonetheless.
The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu - Incredible, like the artistic cousin of Ender's Game. 4/5
Emperor Of The Eight Islands by Lian Hearn - I enjoyed it while I read it, but it didn't feel very memorable. 3/5
Autumn Princess, Dragon Child by Lian Hearn - Started weaving together all the loose threads left floating around at the end of the first book. 4/5
Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo - So different from the first time I read this but just as beneficial. 4/5
Lord Of The Darkwood by Lian Hearn - Far more intense than the first two books in the series; it keeps getting better. 4/5
Shodo by Rie Takeda - As someone who has just started calligraphy and is really enjoying it, this book was great at laying out all the introductory techniques. 3/5
The Tengu's Game Of Go by Lian Hearn - It connects to the author's other series!! 4/5
Dogs Of War by Adrian Tchaikovsky - I don't have the words to explain what this book made me feel, only that it's an unsung work of art. 5/5
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supitsgdo · 7 months
Book review: The Tale of Shikanoko by Lian Hearn
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Emperor of the Eight Islands: 3,5⭐️
Autumn Daughter, Dragon Child: 4⭐️
Lord of the Darkwood: 3⭐️
The Tengu’s Game of Go: 3⭐️
Easy reading. Interesting world building and weird magic. A typical Asian-literature-narrative style. A lot is happening and you fell into the story out of nowhere.
I bought these books out of nowhere too. I was at Lucy Score’s fan sign in Lisbon, when the book’s spine caught my eyes. The cover designs were amazing and the price also encouraged me to buy it.
Unfortunately, in the first book, due to the fast pace of the story and complexity, I didn’t connect with it. But then in the second book, I suffered. The last two books somehow the magic of the story slowly died for me.
Overall the story plot was interesting but I believe the writing style didn’t help me enjoy more the books. Or perhaps was the way the author wanted to incorporate Japanese culture mixed with a lot of fantasy and it didn’t come out well.
I recommend reading the books one after the other to not get lost in it.
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nesiacha · 1 month
Mini Portraits of Three Revolutionary Women from Overseas Territories
French womens revolutionaries from mainland France are largely forgotten in France. But those from the Overseas Territories and Haiti are even more overlooked.
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Victoria Montou aka Aunt Toya (presumed portrait)
(? – 1805)
A former slave working for the colonist Henri Duclos, she would be considered a second mother by Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the future Lieutenant General under Toussaint Louverture, who briefly allied with General Leclerc as a strategic move before fighting against him again and becoming Emperor of Haiti. It is believed that she taught Dessalines about African culture and some combat skills while they were enslaved. Duclos saw their association as dangerous and decided to get rid of them by selling them to different slave owners, ensuring their separation.
On her new estate, where she was exploited again , Dr. Jean-Baptiste Mirambeau, who would later become the Emperor’s physician, noted, "Her commands are identical to those of a general." This observation would prove accurate as events unfolded. Toya led a group of slaves she was affiliated with, and together they took up arms, fighting against a regiment. According to Mirambeau, "This small group of rebels, under Toya's command, was quickly surrounded and captured by the regiment. During the struggle, Toya fled, pursued by two soldiers; a hand-to-hand combat ensued, and Toya severely wounded one of them. The other, with the help of additional soldiers who arrived in time, captured Toya."
Upon the proclamation of independence in January 1804 and Dessalines’ coronation as Emperor, he made Victoria Montou an imperial duchess. However, she fell gravely ill in 1805. Jean-Jacques Dessalines tried to heal her, saying, "This woman is my aunt; treat her as you would have treated me. She endured, alongside me, all the hardships and emotions while we were condemned to work the fields together." She died on June 12, 1805. She was given a grand funeral; her funeral procession was carried by eight brigadiers of the imperial guard and led by Empress Marie-Claire Bonheur.
Marthe Rose-Toto (1762? – December 2, 1802)
Marthe Rose-Toto was born around 1762 on the island of Saint Lucia, which became free following the abolition of slavery in Guadeloupe in 1794. According to some sources, she became a close companion of Louis Delgrès, an officer and fervent republican revolutionary, so much so that he was called a "Sans Culotte" by Jean-Baptiste Raymond de Lacrosse ( I've already discussed Louis Delgrès here: https://www.tumblr.com/nesiacha/751677840407330816/on-this-day-die-louis-delgres-freedom-fighter?source=share) . However, in 1802, Bonaparte sought to reinstate slavery and sent General Richepance. Louis Delgrès and many others took up arms. It is noteworthy that women were as present as men in this struggle to maintain their freedom and dignity. When all was lost, Louis Delgrès and 300 volunteers chose to commit suicide by explosives, shouting the revolutionary cry "Live free or die," after ensuring the evacuation of the estate for those who were not willing. The repression was brutal.
According to historian Auguste Lacour, during the evacuation, Marthe Rose-Toto broke her leg and was brought to the tribunal on a stretcher. She was accused of inciting Louis Delgrès' resistance and inciting the murder of white prisoners. It should be noted that these accusations were generally false, intended to legitimize death sentences. She was hanged, and according to Lacour, her last words were, "Men, after killing their king, left their country to come to ours to bring trouble and confusion: may God judge them!" In any case, Marthe Rose-Toto is considered one of the most important women in the fight against the reinstatement of slavery, alongside Rosalie, also known as Solitude. Their struggles and sacrifices should not be forgotten, and they were not in vain, as slavery was once again abolished in 1848.
Flore Bois Gaillard
Flore Bois Gaillard was a former slave and also a leader. She was reportedly one of the leaders of the "Brigands" revolt on the island of Saint Lucia during the French Revolution. Little is known about her as a former slave, only that she lived in the colony of Saint Lucia. Local historian Thomas Ferguson says of Flore Bois Gaillard, "A woman named Flore Bois Gaillard—a name that evokes intrepidity—was among the main leaders of the revolutionary party," and that during the French Revolution, she was "a central figure in this turbulent group that would be defeated by the military strategies of Colonel Drummond in 1797."
The group that included Flore Bois Gaillard consisted of former slaves, French revolutionaries, soldiers, and English deserters. They were determined to fight against the English regiments, notably through guerrilla strategies. This group won a notable battle, the Battle of Rabot in 1795, with the help of Governor Victor Hugues and, according to some, also with the help of Louis Delgrès and Pelage. However, this group was ultimately defeated by the British, who retook the island in 1797. At this point, Flore Bois Gaillard’s trace is lost. Writer Édouard Glissant imagines in his book that she was executed by the British after the island was retaken in 1797. Nevertheless, she remains a symbol in this struggle and a national heroine. The example of Flore Bois Gaillard is also interesting because it clearly shows us once again that the French Revolution was also taking place in the overseas departments and that slaves or former slaves played a crucial role there in order to make her revolution triumph and were in all the battles.
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otmaaromanovas · 10 months
Anastasia's personality
Lesser known quotes about Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov and her personality, from those who knew her and from Anastasia herself!
Happy reading :)
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"Once they had seen this demonstration [of security dogs sniffing out objects], the Grand Duchesses often amused themselves by hiding objects on the island, and asking us to have them retrieved by the dogs. That was, above all, the favourite game of the youngest of the Grand Duchesses, Anastasia Nicholaievna. So the guide asked permission to take the Grand Duchess by the hand and let the dogs sniff it, who then disappeared into the island and brought back the hidden object. Of course, the Grand Duchess was hugely delighted." - Alexander Spiridovitch, Last Years at Tsarskoe Selo, Volume 1
Anastasia to tutor Pyotr Vasilievich Petrov: "Wikied P.V.P. I am very, very upsit with you. Why didn’t you write a litter to Maria and me? I’m telling you, you are very, very bad, extremely bad even. Maria and I have written you so meny letters and you haven’t replied. I am going to make mystakes on purpose. I alredy see where I made mystakes. Anastasia. 1909. 9 November." - Helen Azar, George Hawkins, Anastasia Romanov: The Tsar's Youngest Daughter Speaks Through Her Writings
"Sometimes, the Grand Duchesses would enter the thatched houses and strike up conversations with the peasant women. The male population worked far away, at fishing, Anastasia Nicholaievna made friends with an old peasant woman, whom she came to see in her thatched cottage several times, and with whom she had long conversations. The peasant was knitting a stocking, and showed the Grand Duchess how it was done. On her birthday, Anastasia Nicholaievna visited the old lady, and asked her how old she thought she was. When the old lady could not guess, the Grand Duchess announced proudly that she was eight years old!" - Alexander Spiridovitch, Last Years at Tsarskoe Selo, Volume 1
"We used to make long outings around the islands. One day, Anastasia Nicholaievna begged the Emperor to take her on one of these outings. The Emperor consented. It was a very long outing. We covered some fifteen to seventeen versts. Everybody, except the Emperor, was very tired, with Anastasia Nicholaievna at the point of tears. The people who accompanied the Emperor took turns carrying her pick-a-back [piggy back]. That outing was remembered for a long time." - Alexander Spiridovitch, Last Years at Tsarskoe Selo, Volume 1
"Anastasia Nicholaevna was a lively witty child, who developed rapidly in the midst of her sisters. Very mischievous, always gay she still amused herself with toys such as the little, stoppered bottles and pots which a doctor who visited the Imperial Family used to bring her. She and her brother got no end of fun from these things." - Alexander Spiridovitch, Last Years at Tsarskoe Selo, Volume 1
"Little Anastasie was delighted with the stir and bustle of city life and deeply interested in all she saw. The children developed a love for those little toy balloons which are sold in the streets. When they were very good I used to send out and get them one each. But Anastasie used sometimes to want me to stop the carriage and buy them from the men, and this, of course, could not be allowed. So I always said simply that I could not, without advancing any reason. She evidently thought force would have to be used to induce him to part with them, for one day she saw some little children walking on the Palace Quay, each one with a balloon. She drew my attention to them. "Look, look!" cried she; "little children with balloons; get out, take them from them and give them to me." I explained why that would not do, so she said, " Well, get out, and ask them nicely and politely, and perhaps they will give them to me."" - Margaretta Eagar, Six Years at the Russian Court
"Someone in speaking to me of the four little girls lately said to me, "...little Anastasie has personal charm beyond any child I ever saw."" - Margaretta Eagar, Six Years at the Russian Court
"I had got from England a preparation for the children's hair, and was rubbing it into little Anastasie's head one evening. She objected, and I said, " It will make your hair grow nicely, darling," so she submitted. Next evening I went to get the kappuka [solution] from the cupboard, and mademoiselle ran off into the next room. She returned dragging by its leg an awful dolly, a regular fetish, minus a wig, one eye, and an arm. She gravely took a little piece of sponge and began to rub the kappuka into the creature's head. I remonstrated, telling her I had to send to England for the stuff and did not want it wasted. She looked at me most reproachfully, and said, "My poor Vera! she has got no curls; this will make her hair grow." Of course, she got her way." - Margaretta Eagar, Six Years at the Russian Court
"Anastasia Nikolaevna was especially attracted to stores, where they sold doll shoes of various sizes…" - Sophia Ivanovna Tyutcheva, A Few Years Before the Catastrophe
Letter from Alexei to their father, Nicholas: "[22 Sept 1914] …Anastasia was throttling [tutor] M. Gilliard." This has also been translated as "…Anastasia was trying to strangle M. Gilliard" - George Hawkins, Alexei: Russia's Last Tsesarevich - Letters, diaries and writings
Letter from Alexandra to Nicholas: "Jan 6 1916 …Anastasia has bronchitis, head is heavy & hurts her swallowing, coughed in the night,, she writes about [Dr.] Ostrog.[orsky]. “Although he said that I look a little better than yesterday, but I am pale & my appearance is foolish in my view” just like the “Shvibzik” [her nickname] to say such things…" – Joseph T. Fuhrmann, Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna. The complete Wartime Correspondence April 1914 – March 1917
Letter from Alexandra to either her brother or sister-in-law: "7 May 1913… Anastasia is growing gradually and is as funny as always." - Petra H. Kleinpenning, The Correspondence Of The Empress Alexandra Of Russia With Ernst Ludwig And Eleonore, Grand Duke And Duchess Of Hesse
The following are from Helen Azar, George Hawkins, Anastasia Romanov: The Tsar's Youngest Daughter Speaks Through Her Writings:
Tutor Pyotr Vasilievich Petrov to Anastasia: "12 October 1909. Hello dear, good, diligent, obedient (albeit not always), kind and affectionate (also not always?) Anastasia Nikolaevna!" - Helen Azar, George Hawkins, Anastasia Romanov: The Tsar's Youngest Daughter Speaks Through Her Writings
Anatoly Mordvinov to the Grand Duchesses: "September 19, 1915 My beloved torturers! I can’t express how pleased I was with your joint, dear, sweet letter… What terrible news, reported by my chief tormentor Anastasia Nikolaevna…"
Anastasia to Nicholas: "October 3rd [1915] …There was a psalm-reader who read so incredibly funny that it was simply impossible not to laugh"
Note from Anastasia to Alexei "…Now you, little piggy, know all the rooms…"
Letter from Anastasia to Alexei: "1 November 1915. ...My Dear and Darling Little Alexei! I haven’t forgotten my responsibility [to walk dog Joy], and every day either I or Madeleine or Tutles goes for a walk and it goes very well."
Last diary of Alexandra: "12/15 April. Marie comes with us [to Ekaterinburg], Olga will look after Baby, Tatiana the household & Anastasia will cheer all up." - Last diary of Alexandra Feodorovna
"Anastasia was not allowed to go to dinner, had to go to bed early, which was why she had dinner alone with the nanny in her giant lonely “upstairs”… So sad, these poor children live in a golden cage." - the memoirs of V. I. Chebotareva
Diary entry of the palace priest: "April 11, 1917 - …The former Heir was taken past my window in a wheelchair. Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna saw me in the window and loudly said to her mother, “Over there, the batiushka [father] is looking at us”" - Belyaev, Potapov, The Romanovs Under House Arrest: From the 1917 Diary of a Palace Priest
Letter from Maria to Nicholas: "April 1915 …The little Shvybzik [Anastasia's dog] just made a “governor” [accident] on Mama’s carpet, and Anastasia is not training him…" - Helen Azar, George Hawkins, Maria Romanov: Third Daughter of the Last Tsar, Diaries and Letters, 1908–1918
"...the most energetic and speedy - Anastasia Nikolaevna - had a rather silent, sedate and serious Navigator A.V. Saltanov [to look after her]. The latter ended up with most trouble and turmoil. Dear 'Nastasya', as the Gosudar [tsar] called her, was a trouble making tomboy. With her hair always messed up, always dishevelled, from morning till night she ran around the yacht, climbed up ladders, peeked where she should not have, until, with a lot of screaming she was finally led away and put to bed. Her parents said she was the "clown"." - Memoirs of Nikolai Vasilievich Sablin
"It was after Anastasia had arrived as a pupil that Gibbes met his first real problem. Still slightly built (she would soon grow rapidly), eager in her movements, her eyes sparkling with intelligence, she was self-possessed and in entire command of her features; he had met nothing like it any other child. Remembering a course in child psychology he had taken during one of his exploring periods at Cambridge, he tried as many innovations from it as he could; they did not shelter him from storms, usually sudden. Once, after a disturbed lesson, he refused to give her five marks, the maximum (and customary) number. For a moment the wondered what might happen; then, purposefully, Anastasia left the room. Within minutes she returned, carrying one of the elaborate bouquets that seemed always to be in waiting. 'Mr Gibbes,' she said winningly, 'are you going to change the marks?' He hesitated before he shook his head. Describing it long afterwards in a letter (1928) to the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, the Tsar's brother-in-law in Paris, Gibbes wrote: Drawing herself up to the most of her small height, she marched into the schoolroom next door. Leaving the door wide open, she approached the dear old Russian professor, Peter Vassilievich Petrov. 'Peter Vassilievich', she said, 'allow me to present you with these flowers'. By all the rules he should have refused them, but professors are human; he did not. Later, we made it up again, and I received my bouquets once more, for the Grand Duchess nearly always gave me one during those early years. I-well, I was more careful in my marking. We had both learned a lesson. Another morning would not be forgotten. There had been a children's fancy-dress dance at Tsarskoe Selo on the previous night. Gibbes, in tail-coat and white tie, waited at his desk for Anastasia to arrive. When she did, quickly and mischievously, her face was blackened like a chimney-sweep's and she carried a small golden ladder which she placed beside her while she waited for the lesson to begin. Gibbes, deciding to take no notice, was about to speak when he heard a rush of laughter outside the big double doors at the end of the room. They flew open, and through them there appeared the three elder Grand Duchesses with their mother. The Empress looked in horror. 'Anastasia!' she cried, 'go and change at once!' And, meekly, the sweep vanished. When she came back, her face scrubbed as red as a lobster, the gold ladder was still beside her desk; but everybody pretended not to see it and the lesson continued in the Empress's presence." - Trewin and Gibbes, Tutor to the Tsarevich
"Through the years he preserved from Tobolsk two cheap exercise books, each labelled ‘English’. ‘M. Romanof’ had written her name on one label. The other book belonged to A. Romanova (Shut Up!) Tobolsk 1917-1918.’ Grand Duchess Anastasia, more exuberantly talkative than her sisters, seized on one of Gibbes’s exasperated moments. When he told her to shut up, she asked him how to spell it and adopted it as her nickname." - Trewin and Gibbes, Tutor to the Tsarevich
"‘At the end of the farce [Gibbes reported] the husband has to turn his back, open his dressing-gown as if to take it off- Anastasia wore an old one of mine - and then exclaim: 'But I've packed my trousers; I can't go.' The night's applause had excited the little Grand Duchess. The piece had gone with a swing and they were getting through the 'business' so fast that a draught got under the gown and whisked its tail up to the middle of her back, showing her sturdy legs and bottom encased in the Emperor's Jaeger underwear. We all gasped; Emperor and Empress, suite and servants, collapsed in uncontrolled laughter. Poor Anastasia could not make it out. All were calling for a second performance, but this time she was more careful. Certainly I shall always remember the night; it was the last heart unrestrained laughter the Empress ever enjoyed.’" - Trewin and Gibbes, Tutor to the Tsarevich
"...Anastasia was the most amusing; she was always full of mischief. - “Anastasia is our family clown!” the Emperor once exclaimed, laughing, to my mother." - Olga Voronova, Upheaval
"Fleeting memories come back to me of those cloudless summer days. Pictures of the Emperor and his daughters at the Garden Party at Tsarskoe, the little Grand Duchess Anastasia, her cheeks scarlet with excitement, surrounded by a group of midshipmen, plying them with eager questions. “You will take me up into your conning tower,” her clear childish voice rang out above the hum of conversation. “Couldn’t you let off one of the guns and just pretend it was a mistake?”" - Muriel Buchanan, Ambassador's Daughter
"The youngest girl, Anastasia, was spirited, sly and playful; she would get under the dinner table and pinch the legs of some elderly statesman until her father pulled her out by her hair. She has been described as ‘a little inextinguishable volcano, with a world of her own’." - Bernard Pares, The Fall Of The Russian Monarchy A Study Of The Evidence
"The Tsar's youngest daughter was much the sprightliest and most entertaining. She had a comic gift as a mimic, picking out people's foibles in a way that made everyone laugh. "What a bundle of mischief," recalls her godmother, Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, the Tsar's sister. There was also a serious side to Anastasia's nature. She had a restless, questioning intelligence. "Whenever I talked with her," says Count Grabbe, "I always came away impressed by the breadth of her interests. That her mind was keenly alive was immediately apparent." More than her sisters, Anastasia chafed under the narrowness of her environment and used her comic sense in revolt against it." - Count Alexander Grabbe, The private world of the last Tsar, in the photographs and notes of General Count Alexander Grabbe
"The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaevna was sixteen or seventeen years old; she was short, stout and was, in my opinion, the only one in the family that appeared to be ungraceful Her hair was of a lighter color than that of Maria Nicholaevna. It was not wavy and soft, but lay flat on the forehead. Her eyes were grey and beautiful, her nose straight. If she had grown and got slim she would have been the prettiest in the family. She was refined and very witty. She had the talents of a comic actor, she made everybody laugh, but never laughed herself. It appeared as if her development had stopped and, therefore, her capacity faded a little. She played the piano and painted, but was only in the stage of studying both." - The Examination of Sidney Gibbes, The Last Days of the Romanovs
"The Grand Duchess Anastasia, I believe, was seventeen. She was over-developed for her age; she was stout and short, too stout for her height; her characteristic feature was to see the weak points of other people and to make fun of them. She was a comedian by nature and always made everybody laugh. She preferred her father to her mother and loved Maria Nicholevna more than the other sisters." - The Examination of Commissar E. S. Kobylinsky, The Last Days of the Romanovs
Hope you enjoyed reading and learnt something new!
Want to find a book listed here? Reply, ask, or message me! I'd be happy to help!
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
wait what if in lunarian!sanji but sanji and king escaped together and ended up in wano? :0 mb sanji and yamato can end up friends, depending on the age gap, and it would be funny if this was also transfem!sanji bc she and transmasc!yamato would prbly bond over gender and shitty fathers. sanji would likely be very upset with kaido over yamato's explosive cuffs and want to help him escape, but not quite sure what king would do if that happens
So based off the other Lunarian!Sanji asks I just answered(I'm so fucking sorry) and King managed to take Sanji to Wano with him, the closed off island would be the safest option for them in the long run. I don't think King would be a bad father necessarily, not after what he and Sanji had gone through but he would make bad choices regarding their safety.
So they arrive and surprisingly there's another child around Sanji's age. Yamato tells Sanji he's a boy and Sanji says he and his dad are Lunarians because he's like seven/eight. They start hanging out and eventually Sanji asks about the cuffs and Yamato tells him with a sad voice and Sanji vows to help him. He runs and tells his dad what's going on and Alber holds him and tells him they'll have to be careful about how they go about this.
When Sanji is older she realizes she's a girl and Alber nods, could see the signs from years ago, the way his child was drawn to the more feminine kimonos and liked long hair. Alber makes the changes easily. Yamato and the others do as well, gender has never been much of a hassle to them, Yamato saying he's Oden can get annoying but that's about it. Yamato and Sanji constantly talk about trying to find ways to trade bodies and stuff.
When Sanji's older, around 14, she offers her freedom and her greatest treasures in exchange for Yamato's. Kaido grins and agrees, unyielding to Yamato's arguments as cuffs are placed on Sanji and his are taken off. Later Yamato chastises her as King frowns at his daughter. She holds her ground and shows no regret, she is in a place where she and her father are safe from being captured by those that would harm them.
When Ace shows up and fights Yamato and Sanji watches with Otama, big smiles on their faces as Sanji feeds them. When Yamato produces Ace's vivre card and tears a corner off the paper and says it will reunite them one day.
"It will reunite us." Sanji says as she snatched the card from Yamato.
"I can't leave you here!" Yamato argues.
"People who come to Wano don't leave, Yamato. I am safe here. Enjoy the world." Sanji smiles sweetly at her old brother.
"I promise, when I'm stronger, my crew as well, we will come back for you!" Ace bows and rises with a promise. Yamato is staring at Sanji with fear and joy and gratefulness as he hugs his younger sister and promises to come back. Sanji and Otama wave them off as they leave. Later Sanji watches Ace's vivre card burning on the dock one morning, tears streaming down her face because she doesn't know what's happening as it vanishes to ash and she collapses to her knees sobbing. King finds her, hyperventilating and her eyes wide at him, the blue and red orbs glassy with tears as he takes her back to their quarters.
Sanji accepts her place and hates Queen because he knows what she is, and what her father is and King is more often than not about to kill the man. Many new people join the beast pirates. Time passes and King leaves to defend Wano from a fellow emperor of the sea it sounds so Sanji takes to the sky and finds Otama's village which has...visitors. Including a familiar hat and head of white hair. Sanji always visits with fruit and such for Otama and her family so she lands with a powerful thud on the ground. Otama, in Ace's - he's supposed to be dead - arms and Yamato smiling widely with a completely different crew from last time. Yamato rushes and hugs his little sister as Ace and Otama cheer at the sight of her. Everyone else is ready to fight however. Sanji is unamused however, hand on her hip as she glares at Ace and Yamato specifically, noting the absolutely massive scar on Ace's chest.
"You died." Sanji glares at Ace.
"Just for a little bit, I got my fruit back." Ace laughs. "Yamato was okay!"
"How would I know that? I only had a piece of your vivre card. I can't leave Wano to find out!" Sanji snaps at them and they both look sheepish. "Find me when you decide to fight Kaido. I will help."
"Wait, Sanji, you should stay!" Yamato calls as Sanji drops the bag of fruit and flies off to the capital, ignoring the yells from everyone below. Yamato is left to explain Sanji is basically his little sister and that's partly why Germa teamed up with Big Mom, they want Sanji and Yamato won't let them take her, it just happened to fall in line with Law's plan. Yamato explains Sanji and King are Lunarians and Wano, despite being under Kaido's control, is safe for them.
So when the raid of Onigashima is happening Sanji helps Luffy and everyone and with Kaido dead and Wano being free she feels at peace. The cuffs won't take her hands anymore and all of Wano may eat so she spends her time feeding literally everyone. All of them. Otama is brought to the capital by Ace and Yamato and she's cheering for Sanji's freedom and the food.
"What do you mean Sanji's freedom?" Nami asks the little girl.
"Sanji's bracelets from before, they would have taken her hands if she tried to leave Wano or was away from the capital from too long." Otama explains. "She's the best cook in Wano! So it was always special when she could come visit and bring us food when she could! Or her father would in her stead sometimes."
"Oh, the leather guy?" Luffy asks.
"Yeah!" Otama cheers as Sanji laughs and holds her.
"Well, now that you're free you're going to be my cook, right?" Luffy asks her. Sanji frowns at him.
"I...who would stay and protect Wano? I know Momonosuke and Hiyori are capable leaders but there is much to be done in Wano." Sanji asks.
"Your father would. Wano is his home as much as anyone else's." Yamato nods. "Travel with us Sanji! I've found a person to fix our bodies like we wanted when we were children!" Yamato commands happily. Sanji is blinking at him because yes, her brother has changed but so has she and she is unsure if her father would even take care of Wano after what had happened with the raid and everything.
He does of course, he makes his apologies to Momonosuke and Hiyori and vows to protect Wano like he had under Kaido. He does in fact basically kick Sanji out of Wano like Zeff kicked Sanji off the Baratie. She's staring at her new crew, in an iris purple kimono with her wings out and sighs and heads to the galley.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
evil swk only it's him finally fed up with everyone hurting mk so he kills the latest villain of the week and takes the powers of the Jade Emperor for his own thus: Monster (epic)
oops, hands slipped!
He meets MK on accident. Sun Wukong does not make it his ordeal to wander where mortals are near, but sometimes needs must. his little Suns have chosen to pester him about this specific brand of chips (how they ever got their hands on a bag of chips in the first place is a mystery of itself), so after hours of twisting his arm, Wukong obeyed their pleading cries and whines.
the accident came when Wukong found himself run over by a meager delivery cart. the boy, probably only two decades old, hopped off his death kart immediately, apologies spilling from his lips while Wukong debated throwing his disguise down the gutter and raising this whole block to the ground.
“—you have to understand! The Megapolis Grand Prix has a grand prize of an immortal peach and I thought I could both race and deliver, you know, kill two birds with one stone and all that but—“
“I don’t really care, kid.”
The mortal was quick to shut his mouth and nodded. Another apology was thrown out while Wukong dusted off the spare dirt from his clothes, and he was pretty sure the mortal made sure to follow him back to the safety of the sidewalk. It was a little overbearing, but Wukong was trying to keep a low profile for the sake of a stupid bag of chips. He would rather not bring Heaven or any other celestial’s attention to himself.
The things he did for his monkeys.
He met MK again on New Years. Again, his little Suns sent his out for a task— apparently, some idiot decided to teach them what noodles were and Wuking spent months suffering while they bemoaned and cried about it.
There was a plaza full of food trucks, so Wukong figured he’d find noodles over there somehow.
“Oh! It’s you!”
Wukong was startled by the smile, how it spread wide, so easily like a trained soldier (except soldiers were more fixed and lacked the warmth this smile gave). The mortal stood behind one of the windows of a truck, apron tied around him.
Wukong grunted put a hello.
“Can I get you anything?”
“Eight helpings of noodles.”
“Wow, that’s quite the haul! Got a party or something?”
“More like a family of rascals.”
The mortal laughed, quickly writing down the order before placing somewhere near the kitchen. There followed some indignant shouting about the order while the mortal— MK, the cool called him MK— placated and answered all the cook’s questions.
“It’ll be ready in an hour? Maybe longer.”
The third time, he found MK through his monkeys. A mortal, they had chirped at him, a mortal on the beach! Color him surprised when it was his mortal he found. How he got past the volcanic mountains was something he figured MK would tell him when he woke up.
And, boy, did he ever.
MK told Wukong of his old sworn brother, the Demon Bull King, and the would-be Spider Queen. Two demons who found it in their heads that Megapolis was their city, and neither were keen on sharing. And both seemed to believe that their solution was a secret weapon hidden in Wukong’s vault.
“And we thought— my friends and I— that if we found it first, then they wouldn’t be able to.”
It was a hilarious story. One Wukong made sure to laugh at in MK’s face. Because really, why would either demon think they had the balls to invade his island?
“I’m serious! We need to find it now or else they’ll—“
“Tell me, MK,” Wukong spoke, keeping a bright smile on his face. It was different from the ones MK would share. Less genuine and more senile. “How much do you truly know about me?”
Finding the terror in the mortal’s eyes shouldn’t have been endearing, but Wukong would argue that after receiving plenty, he was open to judge them all. While MK was slow on the uptake on who he was talking to, he was a quick learner in figuring out just how dangerous Wukong could be.
In the end, neither of the demons stepped foot on his island. And if he had to twist their arms a little to ensure there would be no future attempts of them sneaking in, that was between Wukong and them. The fact that a little delivery boy was included in that clause was neither here nor there.
The fourth time was when Azure made his appearance on Wukong’s island, smiling and laughing as if none of the past millennia had ever happened. Wukong played a good host to his old brother even while his skin crawled and his little Suns whined. But that all came to pause when out of Azure’s scroll came MK and more of his old brothers.
“So you used him,” he asked, eyes closely watching the mortal shake and tremble (he was mumbling something too but Azure was speaking too loudly).
“We needed someone on the inside in order to retrieve the rest of our brothers. With all of us here and reunited, we can finally put Heaven in their place!”
Wukong tilted his head. “What of the Bull King?”
He watched MK flinch when Azure scoffed, the mortal clutching his robes tighter. He was still in shock, but it would not last long. The new buzz of magic told him as much.
“He has forsaken the cause.” There seemed to be more but MK finally cracked.
“You said we’d free my friends.”
Wukong raised a brow, watching Azure’s careful sigh and friendly smile.
“And we will, but there is something I must do first. You have to understand?”
MK shook his head. “You promised. I’d go in the scroll and free my friends. You said you’d help me—“
“And I will, MK.”
“No you won’t.”
All eyes faced Wukong. He saw as Peng rolled their eyes, ever the dramatic one, but Wukong chose to ignore him.
“Azure is too set on his goal of overthrowing the Emperor that no other task will matter until that endeavor is complete.”
“And we will complete it. Wukong, you are not one to be so glum.”
“A lot has changed.”
“So much that you would turn your back once more to us?”
Wukong watched as MK’s eyes pleaded at him.
“I would.”
Given that he was the last one in possession of the missing memory scroll, the Diyu was quick to point their fingers on Wukong and claim MK as his accomplice. How they came to that conclusion was, quite frankly, insane and stupid of them. Wukong told them as much while they placed him on trial.
“And yet there is no other living soul we can find.”
“Well, duh,” he sniffed, keeping MK behind him at all costs, “I killed them all.”
“So you could have it for yourself?”
“Because they threatened my subjects.”
This one king was starting to get on his nerves. All his questions seemed posed to specifically point all attention on MK and Wukong refused to bring any attention to him. He’s not blind, there was obviously something mystical with the mortal. What exactly, he wasn’t sure. He could just hear Macaque lecturing him about it. As if that shadow monkey knew anything! He just spent most of his time trying to steal the attention of Wukong’s subjects like the asshole he was!
“And so why was this mortal involved?”
Again, the same king. He was a strange one, his magic not exactly the same as the others. Wukong was not liking the look of him.
And it turned out his instincts were right. As the trial continued and he asked more questions, the King began to call MK the harbinger, a title MK seemed to recognize and freeze at.
But in the end, none of their words held any good defense. Not that Wukong expected anything different. In fact, he was excited for it. Both the Diyu and Heaven have dreamed of shackling him down once again ever since his first havoc. So, when the chains came to shackle MK as well, Wukong felt he was excused enough to start a little mayhem.
Or a lot.
Actually, a lot, a lot.
It was only a pleasant occurance that Heaven chose to bring Wukong up to their realm and place him before the Emperor. And if said Emperor threatened to erase MK out of punishment of Wukong’s behavior?
Who is to say that Wukong is not excused from cutting that old goat down to size?
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myriadeyed · 2 years
I would like to offer this resource for therians, an extensive list of all of Sir David Attenborough’s nature documentaries that are available on soap2day, and a full list of what species* they each (notably, prominently) feature the natural behaviors of, separated by episode, and omitting species that were only shown dead, juvenile or being predated on. This took me a while (I have been working on it since Prehistoric Planet’s release) because I did in fact have to watch every single series in full in order to list all the species and the episodes are around 50 minutes long, but enjoy.
Long post ahead:
Most of these shows have closed captioning, which is why I’ve picked soap2day. Planet Earth is the only one that doesn’t. I did not include Dynasties and Dynasties II because each episode only features one species.
Thank you to Birch (@ambiguousmutt​) for his help (he watched about half of the episodes) so I didn’t have to do it individually. Credit goes to him as well.
*Sometimes Attenborough doesn’t say the specific species and I was too busy trying to get through the episodes to identify it. In those cases I just put the most specific name I could.
Planet Earth
Episode one (From Pole to Pole): emperor penguin, polar bear, caribou, arctic grey wolf, Amur leopard, six-plumed bird-of-paradise, superb bird-of-paradise, great white shark, African elephant, African buffalo, lechwe, baboon, African wild dog
Episode two (Mountains): gelada, walia ibex, Ethiopian wolf, guanaco, cougar, grizzly bear, markhor, snow leopard, golden eagle, grey wolf, panda, golden snub-nosed monkey, red panda, demoiselle crane
Episode three (Fresh Water): giant salamander, grizzly bear, smooth-coated otter, Nile crocodile, dolphin fish, midge, Amazon river dolphin, dorado, piranha, spectacled caiman, crab-eating macaque, snow goose
Episode four (Caves): wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat, cockroach, bat hawk, cave swiftlet, yellow-red rat snake, Texas blind salamander
Episode five (Deserts): Bactrian camel, dromedary camel, red kangaroo, fennec fox, guanaco, long-nosed bat, Nubian ibex, flat lizard, lion, African elephant, locust
Episode six (Ice Worlds): snow petrel, Antarctic petrel, south polar skua, humpback whale, emperor penguin, eider, muskox, arctic grey wolf, polar bear, little auk, arctic fox
Episode seven (Great Plains): Mongolian gazelle, red-billed quelea, wildebeest, snow goose, arctic fox, arctic grey wolf, bison, wild ass, Tibetan fox, pygmy hog, African elephant, lion, baboon
Episode eight (Jungles): magnificent bird-of-paradise, spider monkey, howler monkey, siamang gibbon, gliding tree frog, colugo, red crab spider, African elephant, chimpanzee
Episode nine (The Shallow Seas): humpback whale, multiple corals, banded sea krait, trevally, dugong, bottlenose dolphin, Socotra cormorant, salp, comb jelly, sea lion, dusky dolphin, sea urchin, sunflower starfish, short-tailed stingray, great white shark, king penguin, fur seal
Episode ten (Seasonal Forests): Eurasian lynx, moose, crossbill, wolverine, western capercaillie, pine marten, great grey owl, pudu, kodkod, mandarin duck, cicada, red deer, Amur leopard, tiger, mouse lemur
Episode eleven (Ocean Deep): whale shark, oceanic whitetip shark, common dolphin, Cory's shearwater, manta ray, sea spider, vampire squid, spider crab, unnamed deep sea eel, giant isopod, chambered nautilus, Pacific spotted dolphin, mola mola, frigatebird, sailfish, blue whale
Planet Earth II
Episode one (Islands): pygmy three-toed sloth, Komodo dragon, sifaka, marine iguana, Galapagos racer, Buller's albatross, fairy tern, Christmas Island red crab, yellow crazy ant, chinstrap penguin
Episode two (Mountains): Nubian ibex, red fox, golden eagle, grizzly bear, bobcat, flamingo, mountain viscacha rat, snow leopard
Episode three (Jungles): spider monkey, flying lizard, sword-billed hummingbird, river dolphin, jaguar, glass frog, paper wasp, click beetle, red bird of paradise, Wilson's bird of paradise, indri
Episode four (Deserts): lion, Harris's hawk, shrike, locust, sand grouse, pale chanting goshawk, feral mustang, golden mole, desert long-eared bat, darkling beetle, Namaqua chameleon
Episode five (Grasslands): saiga antelope, lion, harvest mouse, carmine bee-eater, Kori bustard, African elephant, serval, Jackson's widowbird, grasscutter ant, compass termite, giant anteater, bison, red fox, arctic grey wolf
Episode six (Cities): langur, peregrine falcon, leopard, European starling, great bowerbird, raccoon, rhesus macaque, spotted hyena, wels catfish
Our Planet
Episode one (One Planet): lesser flamingo, orchid bee, golden-collared manakin, red-capped manakin, blue manakin, cormorant, booby, common dolphin, shearwater, African wild dog, timber wolf
Episode two (Frozen Worlds): gentoo penguin, wandering albatross, narwhal, Pacific walrus, humpback whale, orca, leopard seal, polar bear
Episode three (Jungles): lowland gorilla, forest elephant, black sicklebill, twelve-wired bird-of-paradise, western parotia, mountain treeshrew, Philippine eagle, black spider monkey, leafcutter ant, Sumatra orangutan, velvet worm
Episode four (Coastal Seas): northern fur seal, compass jellyfish, giant trevally, mobula ray, Atlantic stingray, bottlenose dolphin, grey reef shark, whitetip reef shark, sea otter, California sheephead wrasse, Steller's sea lion, bald eagle, humpback whale, Guanay cormorant, Inca tern, Peruvian booby, South American sea lion
Episode five (From Deserts to Grasslands): Socotran cormorant, Arabian leopard, Arabian oryx, African elephant, cheetah, bison, Alcon blue butterfly, saiga, Przewalski's wild horse, tiger
Episode six (The High Seas): blue whale, spinner dolphin, mobula ray, oarfish, anglerfish, bristle worm, giant petrel, black-browed albatross, wandering albatross, bluefin tuna, sea lion, humpback whale
Episode seven (Fresh Water): Australian pelican, torrent duck, grizzly bear, manatee, giant mayfly, common kingfisher, osprey, jaguar, callipterus cichlid, Siamese fighting fish, hippopotamus, lion, African elephant, sandhill crane
Episode eight (Forests): Siberian tiger, bald eagle, rough-skinned newt, great hornbill, African elephant, African wild dog, fossa, gray mouse lemur
A Perfect Planet
Episode one (Volcano): lesser flamingo, marabou stork, Galápagos land iguana, vampire ground finch, Aldabra giant tortoise, North American river otter, coyote, Kamchatka brown bear, wildebeest
Episode two (The Sun): yellow-cheeked gibbon, fig wasp, arctic grey wolf, wood frog, garter snake, arctic fox, Saharan silver ant, golden snub-nosed monkey, sooty shearwater, humpback whales
Episode three (Weather): straw-colored fruit bat, fire ant, Amazonian giant river turtle, desert rain frog, Bactrian camel, Christmas Island red crab, carmine bee-eater, Nile crocodile, African fish eagle, hippopotamus
Episode four (Oceans): common dolphin, marine iguana, flightless cormorant, flamboyant cuttlefish, eider, bottlenose dolphin, lemon shark, manta ray, blacktip reef shark, trevally, rockhopper pengin, Eden's whale
Episode five (Humans): none
Episode one (Challenges of Life): bottlenose dolphins, cheetah, panther chameleon, orca, brown-tufted capuchin, stalk-eyed fly, hippopotamus, Clark's grebe, giant Pacific octopus, strawberry poison-dart frog, leopard seal, orangutan
Episode two (Reptiles and Amphibians): pebble toad, caiman, basilisk, Brazilian pygmy gecko, panther chameleon, Namaqua chameleon, red-sided garter snake, collared iguana, hog-nosed snake, horned lizard, sea krait, African bullfrog, Komodo dragon
Episode three (Mammals): Weddell seal, elephant shrew, aye-aye, caribou, straw-colored fruit bat, lion, spotted hyena, polar bear, brown-nosed coati, meerkat, African elephant, humpback whale
Episode four (Fish): sailfish, flying fish, weedy sea dragon, convict fish, sarcastic fringehead, mudskipper, Hawaiian freshwater goby, hippopotamus, barbel, silvertip shark, clownfish, sea lion, ragged tooth shark, multiple snapper, whale shark
Episode five (Birds): spatuletail hummingbird, lammergeier, red-billed tropicbird, magnificent frigatebird, red knot, horseshoe crab, lesser flamingo, chinstrap penguin, great white pelican, Clark’s grebe, sage grouse, Vogelkop bowerbird
Episode six (Insects): Darwin’s beetle, unnamed damselfly, monarch butterfly, alkali fly, Wilson’s phalarope, oogpister beetle, mongoose, bombardier beetle, honey bee, black bear, Japanese red bug, Dawson’s bee, grass cutter ant
Episode seven (Hunters and Hunted): ibex, short-tailed stoat, brown bear, Ethiopian wolf, California ground squirrel, star-nosed mole, cheetah, red fox, greater bulldog bat, bottlenose dolphin, Bengal tiger, rattlesnake, orca
Episode eight (Creatures of the Deep): Pompeii worm, Humboldt squid, nemertean worm, moon jelly, fried egg jellyfish, spider crab, stingray, cuttlefish, giant Pacific octopus, sunflower sea star, king crab, cleaner shrimp
Episode nine (Plants): monarch butterfly, purple-throated carib hummingbird
Episode ten (Primates): Hamadryas baboon, Japanese macaque, lowland gorilla, spectral tarsier, phayre's leaf monkey, ring-tailed lemur, Sumatra orangutan, chacma baboon, white-faced capuchin, brown-tufted capuchin, western chimpanzee
Blue Planet II
Episode one (One Ocean): bottlenose dolphin, tuskfish, tern, giant trevally, mobula ray, false killer whale, Asian sheepshead wrasse, orca, humpback whale, walrus
Episode two (The Deep): sea toad, Venus’ flower basket, unnamed shrimp, ethereal snailfish, cock-eyed squid, pyrosome, barrel-eyed fish, unnamed siphonophore, yeti crab, Humboldt squid, fangtooth fish, sixgill shark, scabbardfish, zombie worm
Episode three (Coral Reefs): broadclub cuttlefish, coral grouper, day octopus, multiple corals, green turtle, bottlenose dolphin, manta ray, bobbit worm, saddleback clownfish, marbled grouper, grey reef shark
Episode four (Big Blue): spinner dolphin, yellowfin tuna, mobula ray, sailfish, sperm whale, sea turtle, blue shark, great white shark, multiple jellyfish, Portuguese man o' war, whale shark, wandering albatross, shortfin pilot whale
Episode five (Green Seas): Garibaldi, Australian giant cuttlefish, weedy seadragon, common octopus, pyjama shark, sea otter, tiger shark, smooth stingray, zebra mantis shrimp, common dolphin, humpback whale
Episode six (Coasts): Pacific leaping blenny, king penguin, southern elephant seal, Sally Lightfoot crab, Galápagos sea lion, ochre starfish, clingfish, chain moray eel, Atlantic puffin, arctic skua
Episode seven (Our Blue Planet): none
Prehistoric Planet
Episode one (Coasts): Tyrannosaurus rex, Tethydraco, Phosphatodraco,  Tuarangisaurus, Mosasaurus hoffmannii, pycnodont fish, ammonites,  Kaikaifilu
Episode two (Deserts):  Dreadnoughtus, Tarbosaurus, Velociraptor,  Mononykus, Barbaridactylus, Secernosaurus
Episode three (Freshwater): Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus rex, Deinocheirus, Quetzalcoatlus, Masiakasaurus, Beelzebufo, elasmosaur
Episode four (Ice Worlds): dromaeosaur, hadrosaur, Ornithomimus, Olorotitan, troodontid, Antarctopelta, Pachyrhinosaurus, Nanuqsaurus
Episode five (Forests): Austroposeidon, Triceratops, Carnotaurus, Qianzhousaurus,  Edmontosaurus, Atrociraptor, Anodontosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Telmatosaurus, Hatzegopteryx
The Hunt
Episode one (The Hardest Challenge): African leopard, African wild dog, Parson’s chameleon, nose-horned chameleon, African mantis, Darwin’s bark spider, Nile crocodile, Amur falcon, orca, cheetah
Episode two (Arctic): polar bear, arctic grey wolf, arctic fox, glaucous gull
Episode three (Forests): tiger, American marten, sparrow hawk, Portia spider, tarsier, harpy eagle, chimpanzee, army ant
Episode four (Oceans): blue whale, frigatebird, dorado, sargassum fish, spinner dolphin, Beroe ovata, Chiroteuthis, lionfish, black-browed albatross, sea lion, tuna, copper shark, common dolphin, Bryde's whale
Episode five (Plains): cheetah, caracal, honey badger, termite, bald eagle, lion, Ethiopian wolf, hotrod ant, spoor spider
Episode six (Coasts): bottlenose dolphin, algae octopus, sand bubbler crab, long-tailed macaque, marine otter, grizzly bear, grey wolf, peregrine falcon, orca, humpback whale
Episode seven (Conservation): none
Life In Colour
Episode one (Seeing In Color): Indian peafowl, mandrill, Costa’s hummingbird, magnificent bird-of-paradise, blue moon butterfly, fiddler crab, mantis shrimp, flamingo, poison dart frog
Episode two (Hiding In Color): Bengal tiger, langur, ptarmigan, crab spider, zebra, Cuban painted snail, blue-striped fangblenny, common waxbill, pin-tailed wydah, Augrabies flat lizard
Frozen Planet II
Episode one (Frozen Worlds): emperor penguin, orca, Pallas’s cat, Siberian tiger, grizzly bear, hooded seal, polar bear
Episode two (Frozen Ocean): polar bear, beluga, harp seal, skeleton shrimp, crested auklet, orca
Episode three (Frozen Peaks): high-casqued chameleon, japanese macaque, kea, andean flamingo, giant panda, golden eagle, andean mountain lion
Episode four (Frozen South): king penguin, Antipodean wandering albatross, blue whale, Weddell seal, chinstrap penguin, snow petrel, leopard seal, orca
Episode five (Frozen Lands): grey wolf, arctic fox, Amur leopard, Siberian tiger, painted turtl, Lapland bumblebee, snowy owl, caribou, grizzly bear
Episode six (Our Frozen Planet): none
Episode one (Kalahari): fork-tailed drongo, ostrich, black rhinoceros, Angolan giraffe, African leopard, armored ground cricket, spider wasp
Episode two (Savannah): Agama lizard, shoebill, bee-eaters and rollers, lesser flamingo, African elephant, crowned eagle, African fish eagle, martial eagle
Episode three (Congo): chimpanzee, central African rock python, Angola banana frog, African skimmer, rockfowl, African elephant
Episode four (Cape): emperor swallowtail, giant kingfish, African penguin, monkey beetle, springbok, yellow-billed kite, pied crow, ghost crab, vundu catfish, Nile crocodile, Bryde’s whale, great white shark, common dolphin
Episode five (Sahara): Grevy’s zebra, naked mole rat, barn swallow, Dromedary camel, dung beetle, crocodile, western yellow wagtail, Saharan silver ant
Episode six (The Future): none
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a-killer-obsession · 1 month
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🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 45 - Welcome to Wano
Land ahoy.
Word Count: ~3.3k
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Sailing with the Straw Hats was relatively easy, even if they only currently had half their crew and practically half a ship. What remained of the Thousand Sunny was quite beautiful, from the lawn deck, to the tangerine grove, to the aquarium, which Dawn particularly loved. The Straw Hats had set up a bed for you on the aquarium floor, with a makeshift cot for Dawn made from a wooden box that usually held vegetables. The word ‘potato’ spray painted in stencilled letters on the side of the crate made for a funny image as Dawn slept in it. With the help of the small crew you were able to catch up on your sleep and replenish your energy with good food, and you were glad to have taken the risk to leave the island. Knowing you were on your way to finding your crew was a great help as well that reignited your hopes. Just a little longer and you'd see your family again.
You'd been with the Straw Hats for eight days now, and in that time you'd become quite comfortable with them. It was nice as well to be able to have a bath without holding a baby at the same time, and not having to spend all day foraging for your own food while caring for a baby at the same time was also a nice change. Sanji's cooking was incredible, but it made you miss Killer's cooking even more. You missed your crew so badly, at this point you would have done anything just to hear Kid yell at you. The eccentric stories the Straw Hats told you of their adventures helped soothe your heart though by distracting you. You were surprised to learn that the reason only half the crew was here was because they'd been on a rescue mission to retrieve Sanji, who was apparently a prince, and in the process they'd gone up against the emperor Big Mom herself, destroying her castle. You couldn't fathom how this scrawny kid they called a captain had somehow defeated Big Mom's top commander.
Being on board the Sunny had been quite useful for your powers as well. Nami, their navigator, had spent several years with a group of what sounded like wizards, studying weather. Her weapon used air pressure manipulation to create weather events such as rain, wind and lightning to use to her advantage. After learning how your devil fruit worked, Nami had been helping you learn to manipulate the air pressure yourself, and with her guidance you'd been able to recreate her weapon's abilities, as well as get a better sense of the changes in the air around you. You finally understood how you'd summoned lightning after Victor's tragic birth - it had just been air pressure manipulation.
Today you sat with Nami and Brook, drinking tea under clear skies while Dawn rolled around on a blanket in front of you, amusing the three of you as she attempted to eat her own foot. Luffy sat on the lion figurehead of the ship, his favourite spot you had quickly learned, with onigiri in his hand and a den-den at his side. The crew had been waiting for communication from the rest of their friends to hear that they made it safely to Wano, but thus far had heard nothing. Somewhere in the background was a small hammering as Chopper attempted to repair a railing, interrupted by the cawing of a news coo as it passed over and dropped the newest paper. Nami caught it easily, opening it and quickly finding an interesting article.
“Luffy! It says the Reverie has begun!” Nami called to her captain excitedly, “Kings and queens from all over the world are attending the conference at Mariejois! This time, all eyes are on the Ryugu Kingdom, since they're joining for the first time in two centuries! Neptune-san and the brothers are there, and it says there was a great applause for Shirahoshi at the Red Port!”
“So she came up to the surface!” Luffy laughed, “She became much stronger, that Yowahoshi!”
“Seems like your grandpa was the escort,” Nami noted, “they took a big step towards their dream to relocate the Fish-men to the surface!”
You had been leaning towards Nami to peek at the paper, admiring the photos of the many princesses on the pages, when Sanji suddenly shoved himself in front of you and Nami. “Vivi-chan!” He cooed at one of the royals pictured, “You became an even more beautiful princess! Who could it be for? Me?! Hey, is it for me?!”
Nami was quick to smack him over the head, dropping him to the floor immediately. “How annoying!” Nami scolded. You picked up Dawn before the fighting could catch her in the fallout as Nami continued to beat on Sanji. The others continued to talk about the many people attending the conference that they knew from their adventures, it surprised you just how wide their reach was. It seemed like they made friends everywhere. You noted a large shape out in the water as the others bickered about the paper and Sanji and Chopper began to cut photos out of it, so you swapped your mask setting to get a better look, surprised to see what seemed like a giant koi. You were thankful that it at least didn't appear to be a seaking, and didn't seem to have any interest in the ship other than riding the wake, so you let it be and returned your attention to the group. Nami had finally reclaimed the paper, but was frowning as she inspected the many holes in it.
“Hey! I haven't even read the back side yet!” She shouted at the boys, “It's full of holes! Oh? Is this an article about Kaido? Big Mom… What? It's unreadable! Sanji-kun! Chopper! Give these back to me!” Your attention was caught by the mention of Kaido, snatching the paper a little rudely and trying to decipher the lost information as well, hoping for some mention of your crew. You were about to yell at the boys as well when suddenly the wind picked up, forcing you to hold Dawn a little closer as the cool air whipped around you. Nami took notice too, exchanging a look with you as her hair ran wild in the wind, knowing you could feel the oncoming storm. The others hadn't noticed yet, all too excited about continuing their journey so they could go back and see their friends all the sooner.
“All right! Take the helm, Brook!” Luffy exclaimed to the other excited crewmates.
”Wait, Luffy,” Nami interrupted their excitement. They were all familiar with the concerned look on Nami's face, she was in serious navigator mode. You abandoned the newspaper as you felt the strong shifts in air pressure around you, a sure sign of a storm.
“What's wrong?” Luffy asked the ginger.
“The wind…” Nami replied as dark clouds began to roll in. As was normal on the Grandline, the weather had changed rapidly, the waves now growing large and crashing violently against the side of the ship. “This cold wind… And these waves that I've never seen before… I have nothing but bad feelings about this.”
In the distance tall, rocky pillars came into view, decorated by the occasional twisted trees. Whirlpools were forming in the waves surrounding the ship, adding to the violent nature the ship was being thrown around. The air grew brisk and the wind harsh, catching the sails and threatening to tear them as Nami ordered for them to be furled. It was no longer safe for Dawn to be out here, so you called to the others that you were retreating and took her into the relative safety of the galley. It was much quieter inside, but you could still hear the creaking of wood and the howling winds as the room rocked back and forth.
Watching out the window you could see more of those giant koi as they appeared beside the ship, one of them jumping out of the water and catching your eye through the porthole as it flew through the air before diving back into the ocean. You saw Luffy's long stretchy arms reach out and grab one of the thrashing fish, throwing him around through the waves. What was that idiot thinking? The waves began to get bigger, almost tidal in size, and you gasped as suddenly a giant waterfall came into view, the ship heading directly towards it. The school of giant koi began to swim directly up the waterfall, and you heard shouting outside as Luffy wrapped his body around the figurehead of the ship before grabbing several fish.
You slid yourself under the dining table, which was bolted to the floor to keep it steady during storms, holding the leg of the table tight with one arm as you held Dawn with the other. The room began to tilt, until it was entirely vertical, your back falling against the base of the dining booth seating as the ship was pulled up the waterfall. There was a moment of weightlessness as the ship hit the top, tilting back to its correct orientation as you slid back under the table, before it suddenly crashed down again, hitting the water hard and making the hull creak under the strain.
The calm only lasted for a moment before everyone was shouting in panic. You climbed out from under the table and took the opportunity to grab your harness fabric you'd left in the kitchen earlier and strap Dawn to your chest, before scurrying out to the deck to see what was happening. It only took a moment outside to spot the giant whirlpool that the Straw Hats were struggling to navigate away from, but there was at least land in sight. You ran upstairs to the aquarium, grabbing your duffle bag and weapons, haphazardly shoving in anything that was loose before running back out to the deck.
“I'm getting Dawn out of here!” You called to the others. Nami and Carrot were already clinging to Sanji as he prepared to do the same, Chopper and Brook quickly adding to the dogpile. “Chopper, come over here!” You offered. You weren't strong enough to carry a full sized human, but you were sure you could manage Dawn and Chopper and at least take that small strain away from Sanji. Chopper scurried over and jumped up to sit on your duffle bag, his little hooves holding your waist tightly. Sanji gave you an appreciative nod before you took off, moon stepping towards the closest land you could see, the small pops of air behind you signalling that Sanji was doing the same.
Both of you hovered in place for a moment to watch behind you. Luffy had said he would make it to land on his own, but you all watched in horror as some sort of octopus grabbed him and pulled him down, dragging him down along with the Sunny as the ship was consumed by the centre of the giant whirlpool. Sanji made like he was going to aid Luffy, but Nami shouted at him, her voice raised to be heard over the roaring water below, reminding him that he was already carrying three lives (well, two, when you accounted for the fact that Brook was already dead, yohohoho) and there was nothing the blonde could do right now to help Luffy. With a defeated sigh, Sanji began making his way back to land, and you swiftly followed him.
The two of you landed with a puff, practically collapsing to the ground under the strain of both carrying extra weight while you moonstepped. Dawn began to cry, adding to the forlorn atmosphere as the Straw Hats lamented their drowning captain, and you held her to your shoulder to calm her. You were thankful at least that Dawn was a usually easy to calm baby, but you missed Heat dearly whenever she cried; he was always the best at calming her quickly. Nami pulled something from between her breasts, a small piece of paper - a vivre card.
“It's not burning,” she noted, “whatever happened to him, he must be fine.”
“Maybe the octopus took him somewhere?” Chopper mused, “he seemed friendly.”
“Let's hope so,” Sanji sighed, “maybe he and Sunny popped up somewhere else.”
“It's a likely theory,” Nami replied, “a whirlpool that size, in the middle of what seems like a lake. It's probably not caused by currents, more likely it's draining somewhere, like a giant bathtub.”
“Let's hope so,” Brook added, “I'm sure Luffy-san will be okay!”
“We need to figure ourselves out now,” you insisted, “we can't sit here forever, we need to-”
You and Sanji both sensed it at once, him with his haki, and you with your fruit, your sentence fading to nothing as you concentrated on the movement in the forest behind you. Dawn sniffed in your ear as she calmed, her lip still wobbling a little. You exchanged a look of concern with Sanji before slowly pulling your katana from its sheath, Brook reading the room and doing the same with his cane that hid his sword. Nami held her staff-like weapon in a fighting pose, and Carrot raised her fists, her glove weapon sparking with electricity. Chopper changed to his Heavy Point form, making him much larger, and he carefully took Dawn from you so your arms would be free to fight. He stood behind everyone else, holding Dawn protectively. Her lip still wobbled as she threatened to cry again, but she seemed enamoured with the soft fur that covered Chopper, running her tiny fingers through it and making him wince as she pulled it.
The bushes rustled, and you heated your blade, the metal turning red hot in preparation. It was an efficient use of your devil fruit, making your weapon more dangerous while using minimal stamina, saving as much energy as possible for the potential threat, since you had no idea how strong the enemy was. Your group all tensed, when suddenly a man jumped through the bushes, and you rushed to put your weapon through them.
“Yin! Stop!” Nami shouted. Like the obedient weapon you were, you halted, the tip of your blade millimetres from the man's throat, the heat from your weapon making his skin red and wet with sweat. The man was breathing heavy, his hands in the air in submission. “He's not an enemy, lower your weapon!”
Your sword returned to its normal state as you let the metal cool, lowering your blade and taking a few steps back as the group relaxed. You took in the man's appearance now; brown hair sticking out from behind a white mask, a face painted on in black, and a kimono, embroidered over the chest with a jolly roger. You realised it was the jolly roger of the Heart Pirates, the crew the Straw Hats had told you they had made an alliance with. Your hand twitched around the handle of your blade as the bushes rustled again, this time a man with a matching kimono and strange, sticky-uppy beanie emerging from the foliage.
“You good, Hakugan?” The new man asked.
“Yeah,” Hakugan breathed a sigh of relief, “just a misunderstanding.” He turned back to the others, addressing them now. “We've been scouting for you on captain's orders. Normal den-den don't work here, so we've been checking the borders to wait for your arrival.”
“Ah, that explains why we never got a call,” Nami replied, “everyone else made it okay then?”
“Yeah, they're already spread out over the Flower Capital undercover to get intel,” the second man replied, “captain wants you to all meet at the old castle ruins, it's at the top of the hill if you head East through the forest from here.”
“Well, thanks for the ride, but this is where we split off,” you told the others as you resheathed your sword and took Dawn back from Chopper. You had no intention of joining up with the Heart Pirates, you had to find your own crew. “Thanks for all your help, I'm sure once I find my crew we'll figure out some sort of payment.”
“Ey? You're not a Straw Hat?” Hakugan asked. His voice prompted Dawn to look at him, and she squealed and reached for him. Ah, right, her dad wore a mask, she probably saw the similarities. She wiggled in your arms, trying to reach for him, making the mask man cock his head in confusion.
“Sorry, her dad wears a mask too,” you sighed sadly, trying to wrangle the wriggly baby, “I think she might think you're him. And no, I'm not a Straw Hat. I was just hitching a ride. I have to go, I need to find my crew.”
“Maybe we can help?” The other man offered.
“I'll be fine, thanks,” you replied stubbornly, upsetting Dawn as you put her in the carrier instead of handing her to Hakugan like she wanted, making your way into the forest quickly before the others could see how tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. You needed to find your family, it couldn't wait any longer.
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Sticks and dirt crunched underfoot as you made your way through the forest. In hindsight, not accepting help was an awful choice, because now you had to navigate this foreign land on your own without any clue of where you were going, and with a baby in tow. You sniffed as tears rolled down your cheeks, what a fucking idiot. Maybe you could go back and find the group again, ask them for help. Or pretend you got lost and just happened to bump into them.
Feeling defeated and overwhelmed, you slumped down to sit on a fallen log. Dawn was squirming in the carrier, no doubt hungry, so this seemed like as good of a time as any to feed her while you tried to figure out what the fuck you were going to do. Dawn made small squeaks as she fed, interrupted by what sounded like an explosion in the distance. She was too milk drunk to care, half asleep on your breast, while you were on high alert, trying to hear if whatever was happening was getting closer. The sky darkened for a moment as something large flew overhead, before everything seemed to settle again.
Dawn finished feeding and promptly fell asleep, and by then you'd made your choice. You knew where the Straw Hats and Heart Pirates were meeting, you'd just go to that spot and ask for help, easy. Well, not easy, you'd have to put your pride aside, but you'd cross that bridge when you came to it. With Dawn tucked safely back into your carrier you got on your way, heading east in the hopes of finding the castle ruins Hakugan was talking about. Unfortunately, east also seemed to be in the direction of the explosion, so you hoped whatever caused it was over with now.
The forest actually made for quite a pleasant walk. If you hadn't been in such an awful situation, it would have been a nice, calming walk. There was a distinct lack of wildlife though, you thought you would have seen some sort of squirrel or something by now, given how dense the forest was. You could hear the occasional bird, but there was nowhere near as much birdsong as there should have been. It made you uncomfortable, what was so wrong with this place that the ecosystem seemed nonexistent?
You were distracted by your thoughts by the sound of heavy, strained breathing. You followed the sound, your sword drawn and ready. You let out a small surprised gasp as you found the source of the breathing, sitting against the stump of a tree, blood pouring from his arm.
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jasminewalkerauthor · 9 months
Deep dives into folklore: Japanese mythology
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Japanese mythology is a rich and intricate tapestry woven over centuries, blending indigenous beliefs with influences from China, Korea, and beyond. The mythology of Japan is deeply rooted in Shinto, the native religion, as well as Buddhism and Confucianism. It comprises a diverse array of gods, spirits, mythical creatures, and epic tales. Let's delve into some key aspects of Japanese mythology:
Shinto and Kami:
Shinto: Shinto, meaning "the way of the gods," is the indigenous spirituality of Japan. It emphasizes the belief in kami, which can be translated as gods, spirits, or sacred forces. Shinto doesn't have a central religious text but is closely tied to rituals, ceremonies, and the reverence of nature.
Kami: Kami are considered divine beings or spirits that inhabit all things in nature. This includes rocks, trees, rivers, animals, and even human ancestors. Some prominent kami include Amaterasu, the sun goddess and ancestor of the imperial family, and Susanoo, the storm god.
Creation Myths:
Izanagi and Izanami: One of the most famous myths involves Izanagi and Izanami, the divine couple tasked with creating the Japanese archipelago and its many gods. Their union gave birth to several islands and deities, but tragedy struck when Izanami died while giving birth to the fire god Kagutsuchi.
Amaterasu's Hidden Sun: After a feud with her brother Susanoo, Amaterasu, the sun goddess, withdrew to a cave, plunging the world into darkness. The gods tricked her into emerging, bringing light back to the world. This myth explains the cyclical nature of day and night.
Japanese Pantheon:
Amaterasu: Often considered the most important deity, Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun, symbolizing light, fertility, and imperial power. The emperor is believed to be a direct descendant of Amaterasu.
Susanoo: The storm god, Susanoo, is associated with the sea and the destructive forces of nature. Despite his turbulent nature, he plays a crucial role in defeating the eight-headed serpent, Yamata no Orochi.
Tsukuyomi: The moon god, Tsukuyomi, is Amaterasu's brother. Unlike his stormy sibling, Tsukuyomi is associated with calmness and serenity.
Inari: A popular kami associated with rice, fertility, and prosperity. Inari is often depicted as both male and female, reflecting a duality in their nature.
Mythical Creatures:
Tengu: Human-bird hybrids known for their martial prowess and supernatural abilities. They are sometimes considered protectors of the mountains and forests.
Kappa: Water creatures resembling humanoid turtles. Kappa are mischievous but have a strong sense of politeness, and bowing to them may cause them to spill the water contained in a depression on their heads, rendering them powerless.
Yokai: A broad category of supernatural creatures, including spirits, demons, and monsters. Examples include the kitsune (fox spirits), oni (demons), and yurei (ghosts).
Influences on Art and Culture:
Japanese mythology has left an indelible mark on various aspects of Japanese culture, from traditional arts like Noh and Kabuki theater to literature, visual arts, and contemporary popular culture, as seen in anime and manga.
In summary, Japanese mythology is a captivating blend of creation stories, divine beings, and mythical creatures that provide a rich cultural and spiritual foundation for the people of Japan. It continues to inspire and shape the country's identity, connecting the past with the present.
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liberty-or-death · 1 year
Wangxian Poems "Envious of the green hills that have the serenity of one that’s deep in thought, or the white crane that has forgotten the ways of the world and has a tranquil heart. " (Eight Sounds of Ganzhou.  Picking Unripened Plums to Accompany My Wine 八声甘州·摘青梅荐酒 by Tang Hui 汤恢)
There are a few poems that possibly inspired Wangxian. All these poems are widely discussed among the chinese fans so I thought I’d share it everyone. Anyway they’re all really lovely 😍😍😍
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The “Eight Sounds of Ganzhou. Picking Unripened Plums to Accompany My Wine. 八声甘州·摘青梅荐酒” is a Ci written by Tang Hui 汤恢, poet in the Southern Song Dynasty. The “Eight Songs of Ganzhou” is a specific ci pattern.
Picking unripened plums to accompany my wine. It was bitterly cold, and filled with worries over my ramie made clothes.
T/N: Ramie was weaved by people who lived in the mountains into clothes.
The willows trees are lush, the flowers are withering; like green clouds flowing slowly, and red snow falling like rain.
The house next door has a date with the qin zheng, just who is singing the songs of springs?
T/N: 春词 - This either means the song of springs or words of love between a couple. The Qin Zheng is a musical instrument
Look back, the former thriving prosperity was like a dream, like the river that flows way and the setting sun.
I reside at the bottom of the Mount Lu. But I live frugally as I drink from the ladle and cover the door filled with moss.
T/N: Mount Gu is an island on the West Lake of Hangzhou. Gu 孤 also means Lonely so you could also interpret this as the “lonely mountain”. It’s a popular spots for poets in the Tang and Song Dynasty. Bai Juyi and Su Shi have also written poems about it.
I’m envious (Xian) of the green hills that have the serenity of one that’s deep in thought, or the white crane that has forgotten the ways of the world and has a tranquil heart. (Wangji)
Wangxian’s names are mentioned here. If you do a quick search with of line, you’ll find numerous chinese wangxian fanworks.
The passage of time is worrying, and I can’t help but scratch my head anxiously. My tears send Spring off towards the end of the world again.
At this moment, the Koel sorrowful cries echoes in the mountains. The raspberry flower is blooming everywhere.
T/N: Legend has it that when the Emperor Wang Di entered seclusion and passed on, he died and his soul became a Koel.  Hence, when Spring goes and when the Koel cries out sadly, the people of Shu would say “I look forward to the emperor’s soul”, as though the Koel is sending Spring off. 
My Analysis
This poem summarises Tang Hui’s feelings. He was staying in seclusion in the West Lake Mountains, but yet he wants to return to live with others, and he yearns for his love of the Northern Song Dynasty. The first part of the poem is about what the poet is doing, and the second part’s about his envy and love for his Dynasty.
Firstly, I was struck by how said sad and how forlorn wangxian’s namesake’s line is. If we break down it down, essentially it describes someone that loves the silence of the musing mountains, and how the crane remains unbothered by the world. It’s such an apt line given that the cultivational world wangxian lived in really hurt them.
The reference of the “plum” and the “white crane” is said to be a reference to Lin Bu 林逋, the Confucian poet who planted plums and raised cranes, and didn’t marry for the rest of his life. His actions gave birth to the idiom “梅妻鹤子 to marry the plum, and raise the cranes for his son”, which means to lead a life of seclusion and attain a tranquil state of mind. (wangxian living in seclusion and living happily ever after? HAHA)
Another thing that struck me was, was this the reason why CQL put a white crane in the wangxian moment? It clearly wasn’t a key point because there’s a clip of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo debating about the existence of the crane, of which Xiao Zhan forgot about it, and Wang Yibo insisted it was there. The crane was never in the book, and I always thought it was a mere decorative feature but now I don’t think so 🧐. Perhaps the directors were paying tribute to this poem? And is this the reason why lwj is often painted in white?
Personally, I did find it interesting though, that the c fandom would associate this poem with wangxian, because unlikely the other themes Wangxian has been associated with (Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji’s name respectively), this poem talks about someone who IS in seclusion, who wants to go back to society. Though yes, if you did focus on Wangxian's namesake's line (羡青山有思,白鹤忘机) in isolation, the poet is envious of those who can stay away from the ways of the world. Whereas in the other poems, and in the novel itself, it was clearly the other way around. That’s just my two cents though! Either way, it’s a really pretty poem. 😍
You can check out @fwoopersongs's alternative translation here!
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Desaix / ドゼー and Clive / クレーベ
Desaix (JP: ドゼー; rōmaji: dozē) is the chancellor of Zofia who stages a coup of the kingdom in Fire Emblem: Gaiden and Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. He is named after Louis Desaix (JP: ルイ・ドゼー; rōmaji: rui dozē), one of the most highly regarded generals of the French Revolutionary Wars. Born into a noble house, Desaix began his military training at age eight. By age 15 he was a second lieutenant. After the Revolution began, he served under Victor de Broglie, chief of staff of the Army on the Rhine. Desaix would quickly ascend through the military, serving as a commander under Jean-Baptiste Jourdan and Jean Victor Marie Moreau during the invasion of Bavaria. Soon after meeting General Napoleon Bonaparte in Italy, Desaix was assigned to the campaign in Egypt. There he continued to prove a valuable asset as a commander in the Battle of Alexandria and Battle of the Pyramids. His victories over Murad Bey the Mamluks earned him the title of "Just Sultan" among the peasants of Egypt until authority was given to his fellow commander Jean-Baptiste Kléber. Desaix would join Bonaparte in Italy once more, where he died in the Battle of Marengo.
Clive is the former leader of Zofia's resistance force - the Deliverance - against the Rigelian Empire and Desaix's coup before relinquishing command to Alm. His name may be derivative of Robert Clive, a British baron and colonial, who became the first British to govern the Bengal Presidency largely credited for the East India Company planting roots in that region of India. More likely, it was a close approximation of Clive's Japanese name.
In Japanese, Clive's name is クレーベ (rōmaji: kur��be), officially romanized as Clerbe. This seems to be a corruption of the surname of a contemporary to Desaix and Bonaparte, Jean-Baptiste Kléber (JP: ジャン=バティスト・クレベール; rōmaji: jan-batisto kurebēr). Unlike his fellow generals, Kléber was common-born, which withheld his promotion under the French Royal Army. At the outset of the Revolutionary Wars, he reenlisted, where he quickly rose through the ranks, eventually becoming second-in-command. He participated in the campaign in Egypt and Syria. However, when the expedition turned sour for Napoleon, the general withdrew, leaving the remaining French army holding Egypt in the hands of Kléber without a word prior. And it would be in Cairo that he would be assassinated, on the same day that his close friend Louis Desaix would be killed in action. While Kléber was highly regarded by Napoleon for his skill, Emperor-to-be had the commander buried on a remote island, fearing his tomb to be used as a symbol of Republicanism.
While the character of Clive is not of common birth, the reference to Kléber is likely meant to allude to his desire to fight alongside the commonfolk under the banner of the Deliverance. Him being in conflict against the encroaching empire could relate to Napoleon's interpretation of his character as representing Republicanism. Additionally, Clive stepping down from leadership of the Deliverance could be based on Kléber declining supreme command over the French Revolutionary Army.
On the other hand, Louis Desaix's position as "sultan" over Egypt during the bulk of the Egyptian and Syrian expeditions was likely the primary reason for Desaix's name and role in the story, aiding the Rigelian Empire's expansion into Zofia while gaining greater social standing over the region.
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rabbitcruiser · 19 days
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V-J/V-P Day
Following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Emperor  Hirohito announced Japan’s acceptance to the Potsdam Declaration and  surrendered on 15th August 1945, effectively marking the end of World  War II. However, the official surrender ceremony did not occur until  over two weeks later, and thus President Truman marked 2nd September as  the official V-J Day.
Learn about V-J Day
It  is estimated that anywhere from 60 to 80 million people died during  World War II, on all sides of the conflict. V-J Day should be seen as  not only the celebration of the defeat of the tyrannical Japanese  government of the time, but also the remembrance of those who lost their  lives.
There are a number of different ways that people refer to  V-J Day. This includes V-P Day, Victory in the Pacific Day, and Victory  over Japan Day. No matter how people refer to this day, what matters is  that it is the day on which Imperial Japan surrendered in the Second  World War, marking the end of the war.
Interestingly, there are  really three different dates that can be considered the date of  surrender. The first is the 15th of August in 1945, which is when the  announcement of Japan’s surrender was made. However, in some parts of  the world, including the United States, this was actually the 14th of  August in 1945 because of the time differences.
As mentioned,  there is also the date that the official document of surrender was  signed, which was the 2nd of September in 1945. This is when the Second  World War was officially ended.
Because of this, V-J Day is  celebrated on different dates throughout the world. While the official  US commemoration occurs on the 2nd of September. In the United Kingdom,  for example, they actually celebrate V-J Day on the 15th of August.
History of V-J Day
In  order to understand the history of V-J Day, we need to delve deeper  into the history of the war and the events that happened in the build-up  to this date. On both the 6th and the 9th of August, in 1945, the  United States dropped atomic bombs on both Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The  Soviet Union also declared war on Japan on the 9th of August as well. A  day later, on the 10th of August, the government in Japan communicated  that it intended to surrender under the Potsdam Declaration terms.
Celebrations  around the world started early when they heard that Japan intended to  surrender. In Paris, Frenchmen and Americans paraded and sang “Don’t  Fence Me In” on Champs-Élysées. On the streets of London, on Regent  Street, allied soldiers danced in a conga line.
It was six days  later, on the 15th of August, a little bit after noon Japan Standard  Time, that it was announced that Japan had accepted the Potsdam  Declaration. Emperor Hirohito made the announcement over the radio to  the people of Japan. Once the declaration had been signed, the  celebrations across the world really ramped up.
In fact, in Life Magazine, they reported the following about Americans celebrating:
It was “as if joy had been rationed and saved up for the three years, eight months and seven days since Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941”
There were a number of different terms that were included within the declaration. This included the following:
“We  do not intend that the Japanese shall be enslaved as a race or  destroyed as a nation, but stern justice shall be meted out to all war  criminals, including those who have visited cruelties upon our  prisoners.”
“The Japanese military forces, after being  completely disarmed, shall be permitted to return to their homes with  the opportunity to lead peaceful and productive lives.”
“Japanese  sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido,  Kyushu, Shikoku, and such minor islands as we determine.”
Why not take a look at the Potsdam Declaration in full to learn more about V-J Day?
How to celebrate V-J Day
There  are a lot of different ways that you can celebrate V-J Day. A lot of  people have street parties and celebrate with their neighbors and their  friends and families. This is something that people enjoy all over the  world. It is an opportunity to be patriotic and show your love for the  country you were born in. People like to hang up posters and bunting  with their national flags, as well as enjoying traditional food and  alcohol. What better excuse to have a party?
Of course, we cannot  mention V-J Day without paying tribute to all of the men and women who  lost their lives during World War Two. There are many different  memorials and marks of honor that go on around the world on this day. As  individuals, it is important that we all take a moment to reflect on  those brave people who went to war for their country, with some never  returning. Every year, it helps to learn more about the war and about  the people who lost their lives. Pay honor to them and their families by  researching these people as individuals and sparing some time to think  about them.
You can also spend V-J Day learning more about the  war. After all, there were many battles that were fought, and there are  many documents, textbooks, and research papers on the war and the  build-up of it. After all, years and years were spent in battle, and so  there is a lot to read about. Enrich your knowledge so that you can have  a better understanding of what the men and the women of your country  went through during this period.
You can also learn more about the  Japanese surrender. The start of the surrender can probably be dated  back to the Battle of Okinawa, which started on the 1st of April and  ended on the 21st of June in 1945. During this battle, there were more  than 117,000 Japanese casualties, and over 82,000 U.S. casualties. It is  also estimated that approximately one-fourth of the civilian population  of Okinawan died, with a lot of people dying in mass suicides that the  Imperial Japanese Army had organized. A month later, on the 26th of  July, the Potsdam Declaration was issued. Truman stated the following to  Japan:
“Surrender or suffer prompt and utter destruction.”
At the time, the declaration was rejected, but as we all know today, it then came to be accepted a month later.
It  is important to remember that V-J Day is about more than just victory,  though. We should think about all of the men and women, on both sides of  the battle, who lost their lives, as well as the innocent civilians who  were caught up in the middle of a horrific war. On V-J Day, we salute  you.
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naviculariis · 1 month
Janoshima / Fujihara lore time.
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The Island Maker comes from Wano ( and further inland ) mythology- or so they say. It entirely depends on if you listen to the legend from someone who came from Wano ( Izou, Kiku, Yamato ) or someone who came from Janoshima ( Suma, Itsuki, Mai ). However, the basis is that the Island Maker is one of the oldest gods to exist. They were the reason why the Earth was knocked off center, causing it to tilt to the southeast and the sky to tilt to the northwest.
A great Serpent that has the ability to speak the common tongue, who can create islands by burrowing within the earth and pushing them up from the sea floor, who can offer both life and death-
The Island Maker is often seen as a villain and, after losing a fight against a God of Fire for the throne of the heavens, kills himself out of shame. This causes the Earth to flood for eight days and nights, thus creating the rift now known as the Grand Line- breaking apart islands and reforming the earth. Out of desperation, another Goddess- who essentially is their version of Mother Nature, resurrects him, bringing back stability. Hiwever, she could not undo the damage that was done, and as such-
The Island Maker was banished to the Grand Line, where his head now rests beneath Janoshima / Wano, depending on where the tale is being told.
That being said-
Wano is the Bad Guys in Janoshima history.
Wano colonized Janoshima three hundred years ago.
That's when the island name was changed.
When their culture was stripped away and forcibly learned Japanese ( which many in the countryside still refuse to use, and refer to Janoshima as Shé Zhī Dǎo.
Kaido, unfortunately, is to thank for the complete withdraw of Wano influence in Shé. It was only in the last.. maybe 65? Years?? That they've started undoing the damage and lifting the bans that Wano had placed on them. Using their old methods of dress and reintroducing their languages.
Mai was taught this by Ayame.
Ayame made sure her children knew their history-
Including Suma.
Kiyomi, Junpei, and Mizuki do not know this.
Daisuke was an essential Imperialist for Wano. Believed that Wano was
Because HIS mother came from Wano.
But Kotetsu and Ayame did not believe in that.
They actually did read, both being the Emperor and Empress- they learned and taught themselves the true history, and learned from their cabinets.
Daisuke refused.
And Daiyū fed into it.
Which is why Suma is the only one of her siblings to be able to use Mandarin.
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jageshemashftw · 1 year
My idea for a ‘Finale’ Trilogy to cap off the ‘God of War’ franchise
The first two games of my ‘Finale’ Trilogy would be split between Kratos and Atreus, each one getting a game of their own. Kratos’ game would be about Kratos, the new All-Father, and Freya traveling to the east to gain an alliance with the Egyptian pantheon to help them rebuild the now Eight Realms after Ragnarok, especially because Midgard is currently under siege by a legion of foreign soldiers who seem awfully familiar to Kratos.
While there, they get embroiled in the story of the contendings between Horus and Set, agreeing to aid Horus against Set in exchange for his alliance against this foreign legion that is now in the midst of conquering Midgard. Eventually, Kratos’ game ends with the return of Ares, now resurrected into his Roman counterpart Mars, teaming up with Set to take revenge against Kratos.
Meanwhile, Atreus’ game would take place around the same time as Kratos’ game, where he and Angrboda travel to the ‘Emerald Island’, what will eventually become known as Ireland, to look into the possibility that the Fomorians of Irish legend and the Giants that fled Jotunheim are in fact one and the same.
While there, they meet a young Cu Chulainn, still going by the name Setanta, and get caught up in the story of his ballad. Things get complicated when it’s revealed that the Queen Maeve of Cu Chulainn’s ballad is none other than Athena, reincarnated into Minerva and taking a false identity to track down Atreus as part of a larger scheme, as well as pave the way for a larger scale invasion of Ireland by the Roman legion.
Eventually, Minerva escapes Ireland as Cu Chulainn falls in the final battle of his ballad, entrusting his spear, the Gae Bolg, to Atreus.
Both games end with Kratos and Atreus making an alliance with the respective pantheons of the lands they travel to and making the decision to travel to the home of these new Roman Gods to take the fight to them.
The final game of this trilogy, and indeed, the final God of War game, has Kratos and Atreus reunite in Rome with all of their gathered allies to break the phalanx of the Roman legion and defeat the new leader of the Roman Pantheon. A reincarnated Helios, now known as the great Emperor Sol Invictus, who has some serious beef to settle with Kratos.
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redwoodrroad · 1 year
i'm really stricken by just how TES this GW2 expansion is becoming.... i think we all sort of realized a long time ago that the dragons were necessary to keep alive and that we're really going to screw things up by killing them all, despite the short-term good we knew it would do for like tyria's mortal populations, but with both the advent of this demon incursion and with effectively the confirmation (or at least the STRONG assumption) that they are a necessary force that keeps nayos separate from tyria, i'm starting to get....... vibes
long geek ass nerd ass post incoming:
for those who haven't played elder scrolls games or who are unfamiliar with the deeper lore, there is Mundus (the mortal plane), Aetherius (the empty realm of the "good" gods), and there is Oblivion (the very busy realm of the "bad" gods). there are some other more complicated over-realms like the Outer Realms and parallel realms, and everything is sort of contained in the overarching "Aurbis," but the important pieces that are related to gw2 in my opinion are Mundus, Aetherius, and Oblivion (mostly mundus and oblivion) for the following reasons:
the representation of the Aurbis is the Wheel: the wheel encompasses these many realms. the outer edge of the wheel is pretty much Aetherius, the inside of the wheel is Mundus, the spokes of the wheel that connect the inside to the outer edge are the "eight components of chaos" or perhaps the representations of the divines, or what they left behind when they ascended, and the space between the spokes are the planes of Oblivion. in TES, there are these towers: eight of them, all erected across Tamriel to not only represent the spokes of the wheel but possibly also to serve as landmarks that fulfill the duties of the divines by connecting mundus to aetherius--and keep mundus separate from oblivion. imagine one of the towers falling and allowing the spaces between the spokes to seep across the gap. i'll get back to that
also in TES, there exists the Imperial City, governed by the Emperor who bears the Amulet of Kings. this amulet contains several souls from previous important figures across history and represents a very important pact between one of the divines (Akatosh) and the bloodline that's supposed to bear the amulet (Septims, but also those who have dragon blood in them in some capacity), and the pact effectively states that so long as the right kind of person bears the amulet and keeps these special beacons lit within the Imperial City, the entire world will be protected against demon incursion (it's a little more complicated than this but that's the basic idea)
so we have two things that are protecting the mortal world from demon invasion: the towers and the amulet of kings
TES 4: Oblivion ends with the amulet of kings getting destroyed. it was a last-ditch effort to protect the imperial city from falling into demon hands (the only reason this happened was because the emperor was assassinated, and the amulet was stolen for a little while, and by the time it was given to the right person, it was sort of too late)
additionally, there are currently only.... i think 4/8 towers still standing: One in the Imperial City (the white-gold tower), one in Valenwood, home of the bosmer/wood elves (green-sap tower), one on an island between High Rock, home of the bretons, and Hammerfell, home of the redguards (adamantine tower), and one in Skyrim, home of the nords (the throat of the world aka the giant mountain in the center of the map). the other towers fell after.... several worrying events, some of which taking place during the other mainline games and others taking place throughout history
so how does this relate to gw2, you may be asking (if you made it this far despite all my rambling)
uh TES's towers = GW2's elder dragons
we have no amulet as far as i know, but both the wizard tower (hey look another tower) and the World Spire are very sussy to me, and the fact that it itself is wheel shaped makes me think that it has quite a lot of cosmic significance. which is pretty much confirmed by the meta event in Amnytas. if the demons in nayos want to take over the world spire, it's likely that it also serves to represent a blockade keeping demons out of tyria, a la TES's towers, but it's not likely to be the only one. i'm thinking there are others--maybe only five to have six in total--and worse, i think scarlet's vision was not just about the dragons
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
Domestic Marco and Sora on the brain, because they're so gross in love I'm going to be sick. Also they're both so cute with their son.
When Sora joins the crew, she takes to helping Marco make medicine first or sewing clothes back together because they're the White Beard fleet, they fight as much as they party. Marco is just thrilled to have someone actually want to listen and learn no matter the reason. Then when they start "dating" which is just doing what they've been doing but way more touchy and Marco will use whatever excuse he can to have Sora in his lap or hold her or whatever. When they ask Sanji for what is basically his blessing for them to be together, he's looking at them in all his like nine or ten year old glory like 'yeah, that's fine, I thought you already got married or something' which makes Marco laugh so hard he's wheezing as Sora explains that's not how relationships work necessarily and they'll talk about it more when he's older.
The first time Sanji refers to Marco as "dad" Marco puts him on his shoulders for the whole day after Sanji's embarrassment subsides and Marco assures him it's alright and he would love to be Sanji's dad if he'd let him. Sora calls White Beard 'Pops' and Sanji calls him 'Old Man' because truthfully they're in the family, have been since Marco's bird brain brought them to the fleet but they let them name them as family in their own time.
White Beard is always excited to have more people join the family. He tells Sanji stories and he's so loud and boisterous but he'll take Sanji so Sora and Marco and can just have some time together. Maybe they'll go to an island and go shopping or something. Sora is really good at keeping Marco's phoenix side in check but he will constantly play with her hair and everyone makes fun of him for it. Marco decides to become a pro at braiding so that he will have an excuse to play with her hair and have her in his lap.
The wedding happens on an island definitely not suited for the size of the bash they throw. Like it so fucking big. The ENTIRE fleet is all the subordinate captains and crews, it is a full week of drinking, eating, dancing, singing, and all the other debauchery that comes with being a pirate. It is the best excuse Marco has had to hold his wife, she's his wife now, he can't fucking believe she married him, he is on cloud nine if not fucking higher with how much luck he thinks he had to fucking land her. Sora in a similar boat of just absolutely over the moon that Marco loves her so fucking much and the fleet welcomed her and Sanji so easily that she has so many happy tears that week and obviously everyone knows the government is going to come after them, if not Germa so like they are balling that whole week, no indulgence is set to side really.
Shanks rolling up to talk about a possible alliance after that and meets Sora and Sanji who Marco has to like haul out of the galley to meet a fellow emperor. Marco is holding a twelve year old Sanji who is just struggling to get back to the galley and the Redhaired Pirates fucking lose it at the sight of Marco holding Sanji away from and introducing him like he is some sort of feral kitten and when he is set down Sanji fucking books it to the galley and yells for Thatch to get his dad. White Beard is chuckling at the show of his grandchild as he and Shanks go to talk and waves off any worry the visitors might have about him or Sora.
Marco probably still takes Sanji on his first mission when he's sixteen and Sanji gets that 100m Beri bounty and now he has take a verbal lashing from his wife and White Beard. Both of them demanding to know why he would take Sanji out. Marco says it's good learning and he needs to be prepared when he comes up because Thatch chose him as his successor, they're pirates and Sora has a sizable bounty already and has been on raids and such with them. Sanji is a pirate, he's been a brat of the fleet since he was eight, he has plans to find the All Blue and reign as a monster of the sea. Marco tells this all to Sora when they're in bed and she knows, she does, but she risked so much to save him and Marco just holds her.
Sora is a fearsome pirate in her own right, she doesn't hold a real rank in the fleet outside of Marco's wife, but her bounty does match the commanders and she's a remarkable swordsman. Her bounty is over a billion beri Marco has it in his office, next to Sanji's and the small photo of the three of them. Sora's locket has a photo of Sanji and Marco in it. They're so fucking gross in love. I adore them.
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