#Emily's crits
dichromaniac · 1 year
Controversial opinion and it's only an opinion, but NADDPOD Campaign 3, episode 32 "The Ones We Couldn't Save" may be the best episode of the entire podcast.
Y'all can fight me, and you may be right, but it's still gonna be my top favorite.
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vox-phantom · 5 months
compilation of zac critting during the last standard exam bc he's insane
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yoursonlucifer · 11 months
the thing about emily axford as a player is that she rolls fine but whoo boy does she know how to play. theres a couple posts on here about murphs bad luck rolling vs emily "being able to roll a nat 20 on command," but that's just not true. emily rolls pretty middling, but she's very good at strategy, more often than not meaning that she is able to add buffs to rolls or have them work out even if she doesn't roll Great; we gotta give credit where credit is due, which is to emily's strategy and not to her rolls
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emiko-matsui · 9 months
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galad rosell, matty big crits, the widow aka lydia stormborn, subway fight, teehee, ol' cobb, horny goats, sticky buns, beverlin kiss, airship, beverly's parents, i'll suck your fucking dick, the boy king, first one big bed, duncan pebblepot, i wanna be sedated montage, pawpaw in shoulder pads, green teen glee team, hubert duncap, thiala plot twist, discarded letters, egwene, walking sticks, nana kindleaf, etc etc etc etc
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md-confessions · 2 months
Oh boy, someone made another stupid take on CodeGold and me, being the only vocal sane CodeGold "fan" has to talk about it.
Just gonna say right now, Juzi and CodeGold are completely different. Don't compare the two. That's really all I had to say about that confession, it just riled me up so I'm gonna ramble here a bunch.
So, question here, am I a horrible person for shipping CodeGold in an AU where J isn't abusive to N. Not even a major personality shift, maybe one or two little things changed but plenty of people have done that to plenty of characters. And J herself doesn't exactly have much of one anyways due to her limited screen time so you have to fill in the gaps either way.
Am I a proshipper, because I enjoy a ship that's normally a proship in a non proship situation? If I condemn the fics where N is like "step on me mommy" to J, or condemn fics where J hits him and he continues to love her?
And I know someone will say "Making an entire AU for it doesn't justify it." Then what about personality swap AUs? One where N gets V's personality, V gets J's, and J gets N's. Then it'd basically be Envy, right? What's wrong with it then? If there's elements outside the CodeGold, is it justified?
And then that's the next question, why is CodeGold condemned while Envy isn't? V is still quite abusive to N, even if not as harshly and with better intentions. And the answer to this is probably "V has shown she's changing for the better" But J hasn't had a chance to show that. Outside ep 1, her only actual character moments were in ep 6 and 7 and she only insults N once with a pretty tame insult all things considered. Now I know, in the pilot J says she'd kill N. And to be honest, I don't blame anyone for using that one line as justification for shipping Envy and not CodeGold. Still, I'd like people to understand that V hurt N a lot too. And this is coming from someone who enjoys Nuziv and the occasional standalone Envy content.
Next thing up, why should me making slight changes to J's character to make shipping her with N not a proship be made invalid? Plenty of fics make small changes to the characters in order to tell the story they want to tell. Why should it be any different in this case? And I know people out there will say "Just make an OC." Right, so I should make an OC that looks exactly like J, acts like J 95% of the time, and take J's place in the story, rather than just change J ever so slightly. Makes sense to me, honestly not sure why I didn't think about doing that. I say that sarcastically but that's only because it's something that genuinely irks me. I apologize if I offend anyone by doing that.
The reason I bring this up is because while I wouldn't really label myself a CodeGold shipper nor fan, I still enjoy the occasional cute art or well written fic of it. But the only reason I like that art or the fics is because J isn't some abusive asshole and does actually like N. And often times, J is pretty well exactly like her canon counterpart, aside not saying she'd kill N. But I could never say that because the moment I do, I'm lumped in with all the Cyncest redditors, the Khan x Uzi people, and god forbid the idiots who think Nuzi is a proship and enjoy it because of that. All of those disgust me, and I feel me shipping CodeGold in a way in which it's not a proship should not condemn me to that fate.
I'm not saying CodeGold isn't a proship. If you just ship it directly with how canon is, it is a proship. No doubts about it. And there are some disgusting people out there who enjoy that dynamic, and I. Am. Not. One. Of. Those. People.
Generally things like this don't disgust me, but non-con and abusive relationships just...do not sit right with me. Incest is disgusting too, but it just doesn't affect me nearly in the same way. So being lumped in with those people despite how I ship CodeGold just...makes me feel dirty.
And the biggest thing, CodeGold is hardly part of who I am. I know most of you will probably know me from my J confessions and CodeGold confessions, but neither are even a particularly big part of my attachment to Murder Drones, ESPECIALLY CodeGold.
I like J, don't get me wrong. I think she's an endlessly fascinating character. But Uzi, N, V, Lizzy, Thad, Sam, and Emily are all characters I engage with as a fan far more than I do with J. And two of them are the camp kids from ep 4 that die.
Just please, don't throw people like me into the pits of Hell because of how other disgusting people ship something like this. This isn't like Cyn x N where it's a proship no matter how you do it. CodeGold is a proship due to the history between N and J, and history is something that can be changed. I mean, technically I guess you could make Cyn and N not related in an AU, but that feels a whole lot different than making some minor tweaks to J's character and her history with N. Maybe that sounds hypocritical, that's just what if feels like to me.
I have friends who also enjoy CodeGold, but have told me about CodeGold stuff they dislike. They dislike the "mommy step on me" stuff like I do, they dislike fics where N is abused by J but it's still CodeGold. They're good people. I know that's a rare thing from CodeGold shippers, many of them are idiots and terrible people. Like a certain someone who said Nuzi is toxic and yet ships CodeGold of all things. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.
I'm not one of those idiots. I sometimes say questionable stuff, or do questionable things. But I'm not an idiot and I wouldn't consider myself a bad person. And I don't think I should be defined as such because I like CodeGold stuff where it's not abusive and thus not a proship, when I have so many other things that define me. I really should show that more by making confessions not related to J or CodeGold but the whole point behind me using anonymous and having a signature was because I knew talking about this stuff would get me lynched. Understandable though with my first confession because I was just plain fucking wrong with some of the shit I said. J isn't an abuser my ass, seriously. What was I thinking saying that?
and one last thing. You can still dislike CodeGold after this. That is perfectly reasonable. I just ask that we could be friends still if we met, or at the very least you don't just immediately block me and see me as a horrible person.
With that all said, I leave you all once again by wishing you all a good day, evening, or night. (also sorry for making you read through all that, admin. I hope it doesn't cause you too much stress)
-- TSM
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c-duceusclay · 1 year
“I’ve never had rocks, and that’s really closed minded of me” *proceeds to eat a handful of rocks*
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fandomshatewomen · 6 months
I see popular tweets about Gilmore Girls and noticed people always ignore Lorelai was a victim of her parents emotional abuse. Both Richard and Emily tried to control every aspect of Lorelai life and tried to do the same with Rory, so much so that they treated their working class boyfriends badly because they weren't upper class. Furthermore, they are both extremely racist and treat their maids poorly. Lorelai is not perfect but as victim of toxic parents it's terrible to see people defend them+
+There was an episode where Rory was excited to see her grandparents until she discovered that her grandparents lied to her and that party they invided her was actually with high society boys so that she could break up with her boyfriend who didn't belong to their social class. Later they destroyed Lorelai's relationship with Luke, who is also a worker. There is so much manipulation, gaslighting and classicism but people ignore it.
+Just saw another thing: Richard and Emily Gilmore saying white blonde rich men are 'good breeding'. Emily even fantasizes about Rory, her granddaughter, having blond, blue-eyed children. How people really say they are the real good guys of the show????
YUPPPPPPP there’s a *lot* of classism and racism baked into that show that get’s laughed off as Emily and Richard being a product of their time and like, “harmless” or whatever. Amy Sherman Palladino pulled some similar shit in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel with the lead character’s parents, only this time she added some antisemitic caricatures, you know, as a treat 🙃
• mod dyr
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cat-chthesehands · 4 months
BLOOD AND BREAD WHO FOR CANDIA PT 2 IS WHERE IT'S AT. TRULY no DND game has ever been so fucking crit heavy.
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verosvault · 8 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 5 "Mall Madness"
Timestamp: 00:31:14
Video Length: 22sec.
Riz silvery barbs on one of the hits and picks 2. 👀
Emily: "None are crits is starting to sound like a little Italian grandma to me."
Siobhan: "That's your Sophomore Album" 😂
Emily: "Nonna Crits" 😂😂🤣🤣
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xfactor7aurora · 1 year
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Some cr ladies
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ria-the-camel · 1 year
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screw it, ben affleck fcg and evil blunt version emotes, go be free in the world
free to use in ur discord servers or whatever, crediting somewhere is appreciated
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caseydoingart · 1 year
Prism is just literally everything too me.
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detect-undead · 1 year
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Prism Grimpoppy 💜
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md-confessions · 5 months
I’d probably like the cabin fever casualties more (excluding Darren and Rebecca, fuck those two in particular) if they all didn’t
- run away from Uzi like she was the spawn of Satan towards the literal spawns of Satan
- very clearly try to isolate Uzi from the Disassemblers (“You can be our friend, little guy” step off, Emily)(V even joined them. Uzi saved your ass, tf is your deal, V)
- purposefully forget who Uzi was (those mfs were robots, that shit had to be purposeful)
Idc what excuses there are, they’re all pricks
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c-duceusclay · 1 year
Aimee, Utkarsh, and Emily are such amazing and incredible guest players. They were so fantastic and fun and I hope they all come back some day
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