#and FUCK calroy crueller!!!!
cat-chthesehands · 4 months
BLOOD AND BREAD WHO FOR CANDIA PT 2 IS WHERE IT'S AT. TRULY no DND game has ever been so fucking crit heavy.
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magical-misfit · 2 years
Rewatching ACOC and I am OBSESSED with Calroy Crueller. Not in like a tumblr sexy man way but like a “this guy genuinely had a good plan that could’ve worked if he and everyone around him wasn’t so obsessed with revenge and power”
Cause I fully believe Calroy intended for Jet to ascend the throne after he eventually killed Amethar so he could rule through her.
He’s never outright condescending or rude to her and even encourages her curiosity and questioning regarding the laws of Candia and the Concord. Liam and Ruby would follow wherever Jet led and so Calroy not only had the future Queen of Candia in his pocket, but the future Archmage AND the future Duke Jawbreaker.
By all intents and purposes, if the assassination attempt had worked, Cal would’ve gotten everything he wanted because he got Jet, Ruby, and Liam to trust him.
But then Amethar wouldn’t. fucking. die. And so his plan became more about fulfilling his own personal revenge against Amethar than gaining power.
But still the Catherine Ghee plot worked in his favor because if Amethar, his daughters, Caramelinda, and the heir to House Jawbreaker in the eyes of the Bulb all met a fatal accident due to the hands of Ceresia and there was no Emperor to handle the issue of succession, then the Pontifex (as the de facto ruler due to their accrued power and the people’s belief in the bulb) could appoint a new ruler of Candia, one that supports the Bulb and opposed the “heretic” daughter of King Amethar and the rebellious Duke Jawbreaker. One who supported the Concord.
And Calroy already has an in with the Pontifex. But where it all falls apart is that each person in the betrayer’s circle had their own agendas. Plumbeline wanted to be Empress, Ciabatta wanted to be Imperator, and the Pontifex wanted to wipe out the entire race of Candians.
God I’m just…I forgot how good this season was and how Brennan does such an immaculate job with setting up these characters to fall later. It was their own ambition that undid them and that shit is like crack to me.
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explorerspack · 4 years
for my first original post on this blog i will be attempting to process all my theories about poltical intrigue masterpiece CROP, all while cursing my decision to play a character with 20 INT in this of all games. this is gonna make no sense to anyone but the 11 people in that server and only a couple of us are even on tumblr but that’s ok this is mostly just for me processing and also so i can prove how smart i am if i do happen to get it exactly right on the first try <3 
SO: who’s behind the assassination attempts? more specifically, why are two random noble families working with Myconia?
theory 1: the border nobles, the Passionas and the Bluebar, are working with Myconia to try to start a war between Agricola and Floaroma because they’re both hoping to seize land, which there’s precedent for--Auberon’s family seized land after the Martini War. the problem with the idea of this collaboration between them is that there’s no way they BOTH would benefit from a war, and in fact being border lords puts them at MORE risk, buuut i could see Myconia masterminding and playing them against each other? it seems weird, because this really seems designed to start a war but the people who are doing it are the ones who are least likely to benefit from a war, or at least who’d be in a very high-risk-high-reward situation. therefore...
theory 2: Myconia has some funky mind-control magic and THAT’S how the nobles ended up working with them. there’s not really any evidence for this, other than that Myconia clearly has some super advanced magic, and also that they’re mushrooms, and therefore some spore stuff seems totally plausible. (i should....probably cut open rafael’s brain to check on this. however, that’s gross) 
theory 3: General Pea is right, and Floaroma and Myconia are working together. they faked the attack on Pista, the Bluebars are innocent and were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Pax Flores is FULLY a trap. my instinct doesn’t agree with this, but it sure is possible!!!
theory 4: there’s a conspiracy going on, and we’ve got a coup coming. these weren’t the only nobles involved, and some people in the castle are involved too, and there are some in Pista too. again, my instinct doesn’t totally support this, but we sure did just get evidence of nearly undetectable sleeper agents. in this theory, Myconia is supplying said sleeper agents, and the mastermind is some or a few noble houses in both Floaroma and Agricola, and we have this campaign’s version of calroy crueller in our midst as we speak. 
theory 5: this is Arborea’s fault somehow? honestly i don’t vibe with this one simply because i didn’t think they usually go in for all this espionage, and i also don’t understand why they’d want to stop Pax Flores. which leads me to:
what the fuck is up with Arborea?
SUB-THEORY 1: Arborea is also a target, and they also had an assassination attempt, but we have NO eyes in Arborea so no way to get any info on this. (disclaimer: an insight check on my DM led me to this idea, but i’m still not fully sure it’s true)
SUB-THEORY 2: Arborea was already planning to attack Pax Flores, hence flexing their army, and the double-assassinations were designed to destabilize Agricola and Floaroma ahead of that. But honestly, the result is that we’re both gonna bring more troops, and that it might have gotten cancelled entirely. Maybe Myconia didn’t WANT Arborea to attack Pax Flores? Maybe Agricola and Floaroma are just caught in the middle?
SUB-THEORY 3, a combination of the above two: Arborea wasn’t planning to attack Pax Flores before, but they sure are now!
if Toshi is lying or even just wrong about how Myconia works, most of this gets fucked, because it’s based on the assumption that Myconia--all of Myconia--is necessarily involved
awesome! that didn’t help at ALL. i’m having the time of my life
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