#Embracing the Zen of Gaming
Thinking Like Picasso: A Fresh Perspective on Game Design
🎮 Excited to share "Thinking Like Picasso: A Fresh Perspective on Game Design"! 🖌️🎨 Step into the mind of Picasso and discover a whole new way to approach game design🕹️ #GameDesign #Picasso #Innovation #AdobeFirefly
Section 1: Unleashing Your Inner Picasso: An IntroductionSection 2: Breaking the Mold: Shattering ConventionsUnleash Your Inner Maverick:Beyond the Comfort Zone:Thinking Outside the HUD:Redefining Progression:Dare to Innovate:Section 3: The Art of Simplicity: Less is MoreDiscovering Elegance in Simplicity:Stripping Away the Clutter:A Seamless Journey:Embracing the Zen of Gaming:Lessons from…
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leveloneandup · 3 months
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Press returns to Angel City training
The star forward joined team training for the first time in two years.
THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. — The rehabilitation process has not been easy for Angel City forward Christen Press. She tore her right anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) against Racing Louisville on June 11, 2022, and underwent four surgeries.
Now, two years later, on the same day, Press returned to Angel City team training.
Press participated in warm-ups and a passing drill. Although she had trained individually and been around the team for months, she had not gone through drills with the rest of the group until Tuesday.
“I always thought I would be on the quickest timeline possible,” Press told reporters. “I always had some big milestone in my head that I just was sure I was going to make. That’s part of who I am. I’m just relentlessly optimistic. I’m naively positive, thinking that everything’s gonna work out for me. I never want that to change.
I kind of got off course of all of those timelines so many times that I finally had to relinquish that expectation of myself. To be back in my team training, which is a small milestone, but one that you [the media] are all here for, it feels like a full circle kind of moment. It feels a little poetic to hit it on the day precisely.”
Tuesday’s return was a significant step forward for the two-time World Cup winner. However, her return to matches may not be soon.
“It’s going to be a little while before you see me in a game, so be patient,” Press said.
In the meantime, Press will continue the rehabilitation process. Her plan involves individual drills and work in team training.
“[Press] has a detailed plan that she is fully bought into moving forward with, which is exciting,” Tweed said. “There will be different days in terms of loading and what she is doing. But she is doing things daily in an individual space, so when she comes back into the team training, she is prepared for everything that’s coming her way.”
To be able to get her in pieces with the team is huge, but to continue moving forward with her individual trading is also huge.”
Despite the lengthy (and ongoing) comeback, Press feels she has healed herself while being a part of Angel City. She built a community in Los Angeles and feels settled for the first time in her life.
“I bought a house,” Press said. “I have a home here, and it feels permanent. That is very different. In that, I have been able to build a community that I feel very cared for in and that has helped me heal.”
Press is excited about her eventual return to matches but also understands the importance of patience.
“No matter how zen I seem when I talk about it, you can’t help having your mind race towards the excitement of, if I check all these boxes and I make it on the fastest timeline, then I could make this game,” Press said. “You can’t help but do that.
“I try to embrace that excitement and not squander it, but then also temper it with the balance and the reality that this is not in my control and patience has been my best friend for the last 730 days and more.”
Press will stay the course. Tuesday’s participation in team training was a step closer to her comeback.
Source: The Sporting Tribune
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robin374 · 1 year
TF2 mercs as Basque songs (if they dedicated them to you)
I love them all
I expect this to flop.
"No es extraño
Que tú estés loca por mí
Por eso no es extraño
Que tú estés loca por mí"
"It's no wonder
you're crazy for me,
That's why it's no wonder
You're crazy for me"
"Ametsetan, ametsetan zure mundutik gurera."
"Dreaming, dreaming from your world to ours"
"Emaidazu berriro
zu zara nire poz
guztien iturria.
Emaidazu berriro
Gelditzeko nator eta!"
"Welcome me again.
You are the source
of all my joy.
Welcome me again,
I've come to stay!"
"Ta elkartuko gara berriro, gure betiko lekuetan.
Zabalduko ditugu besoak, besarkatuz gure arimak."
"And we will meet again, in our usual places.
We will open our arms, embracing our souls."
"Hegoak ebaki banizkio,
Nerea izango zen,
Ez zuen aldegingo.
Baina, honela
Ez zen gehiago txoria izango.
Eta nik...
Txoria nuen maite.
"If I had cut off its wings,
It would have been mine.
It wouldn't leave.
But so,
It wouldn't be a bird anymore
And I...
Loved the bird. "
"Ez gara izan onenak, beharbada, baina gure bizitza izan da."
"Ta ez galdetu inoiz zer galdu genuen, negar egin genuenean. Malko haiei esker orain itsasoa gara."
"Maybe we weren't the best, but it was our life."
"And don't you ever ask what we lost, when we cried. Thanks to those tears, we are now the sea."
"Izan gaitezen bihurri, izan gaitezen pirata
Partxe bat begian jarriz egunsentiari kanta"
"Let's be mischievous, let's be pirates
Patch put in the eye singing to the dawn"
"Ta zure eskutik debekaturikoa egin,
tiroka dabiltzan haurrak jolasetan ikusi.
Preso direnen izenean, harresiak sutan ikusi."
"And do the forbidden by your hand,
Watch kids shoot at games.
In the name of the prisoners,
See the walls burning.
"Errepidean geldikaitzak gara,
Leiho bat behera ta oihu bat kanpora
Errepidean gaur berriz,
Abesti berri bat idaztekotan"
"We're unstoppable on the road
Window down and a scream out.
Back on the road today,
About to write a new song."
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Do you ever think about the epiphany ending in the April fools dlc? I do, a lot. I think about my thoughts about Zen and what he may think of them. I think about the crushing disappointment that must come from finding out someone you love is actually not from the same universe as you, not felt by me (although that might have to do with the fact I know it's a game) but felt by Zen. I think about the sadness in his eyes betraying the smile on his face. I think about the tragedy of it all.
There is something painful and beautiful about realizing that you can love another person despite the infinite yet finite cosmos keeping the two of you apart until the end of time. It's painful to know you will not get the chance to hold the one you cherish and hold dear, and it's so much worse to think you'll never have a life with them.
Yet, despite all of that, you still love that person who is beyond your reach. You know you always will. Nothing will ever change that fact.
You don't want them to suffer or hurt... you want them to live a life worth leading... and even if you're not together, as long as you live a happy life, maybe the next one... you'll be able to see each other and live that life you dreamed of during this one. Zen doesn't want you to be sad... but he's sad. He's miserable. He'll never have the chance he wants to hold you, to kiss you, and to embrace you.
He'll always have a layer of glass keeping you away from him... and yet, he'll suffer through it... because as long as he has a glimpse of your smile, his agony will have been worth it. No matter where you travel or how far you go, he will always love you and only you.
This particular life is a tragic ending for an actor such as him, he will be there, playing his role of a sad lover who never betrays his one and only true love, universes apart, he will always be yours.
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nitewrighter · 2 years
cant believe it took 8 years and a cringe foxgirl for people to seriously talk about how overwatch has a huge problem with orientalism in its asian representation. (now someone talk about how fucking weird zenyatta's everything is)
I actually talked about Zen's problems a while back, haha.
Well with the Shimada Bros, there was a general understanding that they started out as one character that was split into two. and like, futuristic ninjas have been a common and popular sci-fi trope (I mean endemic to a lot of the already pre-existing but overall embraced orientalism and aesthetics of Sci-fi and cyberpunk) for decades. When the American(tm) characters were basically Captain America and a Cowboy, and the German character was a Knight, the Australians are literally just Mad Max OC's, this, along with Michael Chu's insistence that the Shimada dragons were not magic all formed kind of its own fabric of Sci-Fi anachronism and stereotype and "Technology so advanced it is indistinguishable from magic" that you just ended up kind of rolling with it. Like there was a combination of suspension of disbelief and acknowledgement of stereotypes
That isn't to say these weren't problematic, there's also definitely something to be said about half of the black characters having heavy duty cybernetics--the "black body as machine" and all that. I think Kiriko's the straw that breaks the camel's back just because like... at this point they're literally introducing the "mystic asian" stereotype into the game and there's nothing remarkable about her, looks or personality-wise, that lets people really move past that. Like I said in a previous post, she's literally just the middle slider between Tracer and D.Va. Kiriko says she got her fox spirit from her Grandma, insists that it's the "old" of her "old and new" style of fighting, and her lore is all knotted up with the Shimada bros when it's like
A. Does it really have to be if it's not even answering any real questions? (E.G: WHAT THE FUCK ARE THE DRAGONS)
B. If her mom is clearly the person with the stronger link to the Shimada Clan and that's the precedent for bringing this character into the game, why isn't she the hero?
And of course there's the literal fucking magic of the Kitsune which basically throws Chu's previous assertion that the dragons aren't magic under the bus. Like, I do think there was an inherent element of self-aware Globe-trekking stereotypes to Overwatch that people could accept--just like how one can read pulp and classic fiction and still enjoy it even though it could have wildly sexist and orientalist elements to it because overall it's an adventure story with a colorful cast of characters--and there was always a strong empathetic or charismatic angle to each character both in spite of and because of their stereotypical elements. You can let these characters play into stereotypes inasmuch as you're able to make fun of yourself for like, being an American who eats hamburgers.
But this is the moment where people are looking at blizzard like, "Oh--wait--you're not in on the joke, you actually think this."
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numberonesnarkfan · 1 year
Here's a short story concept I wrote. I call it "The end of the end is never the end". Or something cool like that.
It was the end of the world.
Well, ‘world’ was a loose term for it.
Stanley and his Narrator stood side by side on a floating chunk of the office building. The entire parable was crumbling - floating in the air - the copy machine and Stanley’s desk and the cargo lift and the two doors, now separated from their wall, floated in the abyss. Endless stars opened above and an infinite ocean below.
Perhaps this, itself, was a parable. Stanley wasn’t sure of its moral, only that he hoped it would be heeded by whoever came next.
“It’s the end of the endings.” The Narrator murmured, staring up at the supermoon. “I never… I was always so safe… from entropy. Even when you subjected me to millennia of isolation, there was no permanence to it but the memories. I would always be back, starting your story again, good as new.”
“It’s the end of the world… And it’s so beautiful.”
The Narrator started to sniffle. He drew closer to Stanley, holding his hand and hugging his arm close to his chest. His voice wobbled.
“Maybe, after this, we’ll wake up in your office, and we’ll play the game again. You and I, forever, just like always. Would you like that, Stanley?” 
His voice was barely above a whisper now,
“I’d like that very much.”
The Narrator sobbed into Stanley’s sleeve. Stanley felt hot, wet tears on his arm. He wanted nothing more than to cradle the Narrator, for both of their comfort, and ignore the end. To just hold each other and breathe in their warmth until they felt no more.
But of course, Stanley was being controlled right now. He was in a cutscene. He couldn’t move, couldn’t blink. He could only allow his hand to be held and wait.
The streaks of red lighting struck through the copy machine floating nearby. It cracked in half, then turned red and disappeared in a cloud of JPEG artefacts. Then they struck down a door, a platform, a window. All of them disappeared the same way, erased from the game.
Stanley held the image in his mind, as clearly as possible. His office, his computer. He wanted nothing more than to wake up to his job, to go back to pushing the buttons. Stanley wanted nothing more than to continue his Sisyphean torment with his Narrator. It’s all he wanted.
A bolt of red lightning flashed next to Stanley, searing heat electrifying the air. Stanley heard the Narrator gasp and cry out. He so wished he could close his eyes. The Narrator’s entire body turned solid red, for a moment, one second that seemed infinite. Then, He was only a cloud of glitchy material. 
Then, he was gone.
Stanley no longer felt his body warmth up against him, his hand in his. All that he’d ever known was taken from him, just like that, in an instant.
Stanley felt something feather-light in his hand. He looked down and found that he was in full control of his movements again. He shuffled his feet experimentally, then focused his eyes to his palm.
It was a single, thin strand of the Narrator’s brown hair, not erased by the entropy. Stanley drew his hand to his face and breathed in the last of the Narrator’s scent left on him. He smelled like tea and honey and lemon zest. He smelled like eucalyptus trees and rolling plains and stuffy office buildings. He smelled like zen rooms and mind control rooms and phone rooms. He smelled like home, and now he was gone.
A platform above Stanley dissolved into nothing, and a metallic clank followed soon after. Stanley stared at his feet, the bucket, his bucket, rolling up to nudge his shoes lightly. Stanley almost smiled. He loved his bucket, he knew that his bucket would ease his pain. Stanley lifted the bucket into his arms.
Stanley felt nothing. No wave of comfort, no soft embrace. Usually, he felt a presence, residing within the bucket, staring back at him. Looking into the bucket, he felt nothing. It was just a bucket. It was an average hardware store bucket, he could get an identical one for less than twenty dollars. His stickers were still there, but the comfort that Stanley had felt was gone.
Stanley dropped the bucket to the floor. It rolled and fell off of the edge of the platform, spinning and plunging into the inky sea.
Stanley stared back up at the entropy. The flickering, red mass that consumed all that it touched with its sharp, electrical tendrils.
Stanley felt a searing heat flare up against him. Stanley accepted it.
The entropy pointed its blade of lightning toward him. For a moment, Stanley’s vision went red.
Then, Stanley was nothing at all.
There was nothing to think, nothing to know.
He was free.
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natasha-in-space · 5 months
Okay I understand, maybe you can do headcanon of RFA and Saeran with MC who look exactly like Rika, maybe same name
Well, this would be a very sensitive and complicated situation for everyone involved, really. Rika was an important person for everyone in the RFA, albeit in very different ways. Imagine mourning someone who has left such a big impact on your life, only to have someone who looks just like them show up one day. It'll be awkward and weird. To put it simply. Everyone is aware that this is not Rika, of course. It would be highly disrespectful to treat this newcomer like they are not a completely different person. I think everyone would be as respectful as can be. However, it would still be extremely uncomfortable for everyone involved.
The circumstances are what determine everything, though. If MC bonds with everyone the way you do in the game, I think all of the issues I'm about to mention would be lessened. That is, without interacting face to face. No one will care how you look, if they already know you as a person. But, if you're asking about their reactions to seeing someone who looks very similar to Rika, without having the opportunity to get to know them first, here's my interpretation.
I don't think Yoosung is going to be able to actually meet MC face to face for quite some time. Both for his own mental health, and because he knows he'll probably make them feel very uncomfortable. And he doesn't want that. But you can't really blame him for seeing his lost cousin every time he looks at them. It's an agonizing experience. He'll need to overcome his grief before actually starting to form a genuine connection with the MC. Out of everyone, he'll definitely have the hardest time of all. But, he'll do his best to be respectful and kind to MC nonetheless. He'll probably experience a lot of guilt over his inability to connect with them properly. But, with time and health communication, I believe he'll definitely pull through it and open himself up to this new relationship.
Zen would be more relaxed since Rika wasn't as essential to him as to some other members. Even so, for quite a long while, she remained a woman he deeply admired and trusted. It's a weird uncomfortable feeling to be met with the stark image of her. Still, he will be mostly respectful and welcoming. I think he's the most comfortable person to get along with out of everyone in this situation. I believe it will take him the least time to fully embrace MC as a new member. He'll probably be their rock of support in this very strange predicament. He understands what it's like to feel a certain way because of your looks. And he doesn't want their new member to feel that way. It’s actually rather sweet to think about him getting all protective and caring over MC in this situation!
Jaehee is... Well, she arguably grieved Rika the least out of the RFA, but that doesn't mean she'll feel any less weird about the whole ordeal. In my opinion, she will be mostly professional and polite in her demeanor. She won't make MC feel uncomfortable, but there is an obvious feeling of distance between them, and that's intentional on Jaehee's part. She might mellow out with time, though. But, for the time being, she'd prefer to keep the relationship strictly professional.
Jumin is pretty similar to Jaehee in terms of his overall attitude, but his situation is far more complicated. Rika was his closest friend after V. Although he doesn't show it in the same open manner as Yoosung does, his grief for her is deep and strong. He'll definitely feel very uncomfortable on the inside the first time he sees this MC. He'll dislike that feeling even more because he understands that this is not Rika, and he shouldn't compare the two. While Yoosung is struggling with the constant reminders of Rika whenever he looks at MC, Jumin will face more frustrations with himself and his own inner feelings. He doesn't like acting illogical. And realizing that he's losing the grip on his emotions is... hard for him. Mostly because it feels like he's not in control of himself. And that's something he can't have, for more than just one reason. I believe that, much like Jaehee, he will keep the relationship mostly professional. He will be polite and respectful towards MC, and he will do everything in his power to make sure that the party is successful and that their new member feels comfortable. But on the inside, he will definitely be having a very difficult time.
For Saeyoung it's... complicated, to say the least. Although he was much closer to V than Rika, their relationship was still very important. Ultimately, she was the one he first met back in the cathedral. As a scared, hungry boy, with no one to turn to. She's the one who cared for his brother, and she's the one he feels forever indebted to. That being said, I do not think it will be as difficult for him as it is for Yoosung and Jumin. But it will still be very uncomfortable. He'll find himself being less playful and more serious around MC, something he has done with Rika whenever she was in the chatroom. He'll probably berate himself for that, distracting himself with his job. In my opinion, he will warm up overtime. After getting to know MC as an individual person.
And for Saeran, well... It really depends on a lot of factors. But if we're talking about him just meeting MC who looks like Rika, it won't be pretty, and he will need to excuse himself to breathe for sure. It's fair to say that Rika is the source of the most trauma for him. It is nothing against MC, but you can't really do anything about your body and mind acting on their own accord to protect you. It really depends on which Saeran we're talking about, as well. SE Saeran will have the strongest reaction of all, while GE Saeran will most likely settle down with some time and space for him to sort through his emotions. With Saeran, it's a very similar situation to Yoosung, only in very different circumstances. Both will have the hardest time of all to avoid the visual similarities. But, while Yoosung it's the feelings of grief, for Saeran, it's the feelings of discomfort and fear. It is very much possible to work through those emotions with lots of time and patience, though.
That's the sentiment for all of them, really. It might be difficult at first, but, none of them would want to make MC uncomfortable. And all of them would come to appreciate and love them regardless.
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istariray23 · 5 months
Choco Latte Cup
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My Cup" instant drink collection and its delightful flavors.
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The colorful cups make it not only convenient but also a fun and visually appealing treat for any time of the day!
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☕ Sip, Savor, Enjoy: Introducing "My Cup" Instant Drink Collection! ☕
Craving a delightful pick-me-up at any time of the day? Look no further than "My Cup" - your go-to companion for a quick and delicious beverage fix. With an array of enticing flavors like Choco Latte, Matcha Latte, and Coffee, this instant drink range is a game-changer for busy bees on the move!
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🍫 Indulge in Choco Latte: Experience a symphony of rich chocolatey goodness in every sip with our Choco Latte flavor. The velvety smoothness of chocolate combined with the comforting warmth of a latte makes this a treat worth savoring. Simply grab the pink cup, add hot water, and let the magic unfold!
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🍵 Delight in Matcha Latte: For those who crave a touch of zen in their daily routine, our Matcha Latte is a must-try. The vibrant green cup holds the key to a refreshing and rejuvenating matcha experience. Just add hot water, stir, and transport yourself to a cozy café moment in an instant!
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🌟 Convenience Redefined: What sets "My Cup" apart is its unparalleled convenience. Each flavor comes in its own uniquely colored cup - green for Matcha, pink for Chocolate, and brown for Coffee - making it easy to grab your preferred drink on the go. All you need is hot water, and voilà, your beverage is ready to enjoy!
⏰ Whether it's a quick morning boost, a midday escape, or a cozy evening wind-down, "My Cup" is your trusty companion for all moments in between. Embrace the simplicity, savor the flavor, and elevate your beverage experience with every sip!
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mistbow · 1 year
The Virtue of Void
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The dragon mark on the Shepherd’s glove is modeled after Maotelus, and even the cloak is based upon the patterns of Maotelus. The Shepherd also uses Maotelus’ powers, the “Silver Flame”, to purify hellions. Yet, I think, even outside of his duty as the Shepherd, Sorey’s character represents the virtue in the element that Maotelus represents, Void.
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In Zestiria, there are five elements: Earth (地), Water (水), Fire (火), Wind (風), and Void (無), modeled after the Godai (五大) in Japanese Buddhism: Earth (地), Water (水), Fire (火), Wind (風), and Void (空); as you can see that even the Five Lords are called Godaishin (五大神) in Japanese. However, if you notice in the kanji used for void, it’s actually different; sure, both “空” and “無” can be translated to “Void” in English, however, there’s a big yet nuanced difference here.
When 空 is used (like in the original Godai in Buddhism), Void means something like a vacant space. There’s nothing inside. Think about how a vase is useful because it has the clay part holding everything together, and the space inside it that you can put anything in it. In Buddhism, this character is used when describing śūnyatā or the element of ākāśa (both are very different concepts, mind you).
When 無 is used (like in Zestiria), Void means something like no-thing, like when you put the prefix un- or non- in English. It is the “without”. What it is not, however, is “no” in the “yes” and “no” dichotomy, which I will talk about later. It also, in some ways, refers to pure awareness, before the human gains experience and knowledge.
In Zen Buddhism, there’s a popular kouan in Mumonkan (無門關, lit. The Gateless Gate), in which the first kouan (趙州狗子) reads like this:
A monk asked Zhaozhou Congshen, a Chinese Zen master, “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Zhaozhou answered, “無.”
This has been interpreted to mean as follows: The kouan is not about whether a dog does or does not have a Buddha-nature because everything is Buddha-nature, and either a positive or negative answer is absurd because there is no particular thing called Buddha-nature. In it, the answer of “negative”, 無, is clarified as although all beings have potential Buddha-nature, beings who do not have the capacity to see it and develop it essentially do not have it. The purpose of this primary kouan to a student is to free the mind from analytic thinking and into intuitive knowing. A student who understands the nature of his question would understand the importance of awareness of potential to begin developing it.
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VELVET: Let me ask you a question, Shepherd. Which do you choose: the “many” or the “individual”? SOREY: Well, I suppose I'd choose each of the “individual” so I'd end up with the “many.”
This is a very Sorey-like answer, of course, in which I mean to say that here he basically refuses to engage in the dichotomy presented by Velvet (Artorius, actually). Sorey indirectly says to unask this question; it is fundamentally flawed and that he won’t give in to the premise that a dualistic answer can be given in this case. It’s not either-or, because without the individual, there is not the many, and vice-versa.
To explain more on that, I’d like to go back to the Five Lords, but especially look at the crests for the two known leaders of the Lords: Maotelus and Innominat.
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The Crest of Maotelus
A crest signifying Maotelus, the central figure of the Five Lords—a lord of the void, who embodies both light and darkness.
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The Crest of Innominat
A crest that bears a distinct resemblance to that of Maotelus of the Five Lords. The dark parts are absent, leaving one with an impression of light and purity.
These crests are deliberately similar, yet the big difference is that Innominat’s is missing the “dark” parts: signifying only “light” and “purity.” The “void” that Maotelus represents, on the other hands, embraces both the “dark” and the “light”, and we have the entire game of Berseria to explain why that is.
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Taking a closer look at Maotelus’ crest, it reminds me of another symbol that exists in the real world, because of the equal and interacting dark and light parts, almost cyclical.
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Taijitu (太極圖), literally meaning the Symbol of the Supreme Ultimate, is often used to symbolize yin-yang (陰陽), opposing yet non-adversarial forces that complement each other, equally taking turns on waning, waxing, waning, and waxing again. The common saying in English is that “there are two sides to everything”, however this doesn’t fully explain the symbol: one half of the yin-yang cannot exist without the other. They are inseparable. If you have a hill that has a sun shining on one side, then you have one sunny side and one shady side. You cannot have an inside of a square without the outside, or the outside without the inside. That sort of thing.
“I want to know why Heldalf became the Lord of Calamity.” 
Sorey answered without any hesitation, and Mayvin asked again.
“And what will you do once you know? Do you want to find a weakness to take him down?”
“I... had never thought about that.” 
Mayvin’s brows wrinkled at the unexpected answer.
“Then, for what reason do you want to know about Heldalf’s past?”
“I want to face him as the Shepherd... no, as myself.”
It is the Shepherd’s duty to quell the Lord of Calamity. When Sorey first became the Shepherd, Lailah explained this to him. In order to do so, he needed to know the world, she also told him.
Then Sorey set out on his journey. He had repeated encounters and farewells, experienced repeated joy and sorrow. He learned that everything had two sides to it, and that these two sides were inseparable.
“This journey might have been necessary for me as the Shepherd. But I am me before I am the Shepherd. Traveling around the world, I understood once again that this world is threatened by the Lord of Calamity. And I want to stop that not because I am the Shepherd, but because I want to do it as myself.” 
The Lord of Calamity was a great “negative flow,” so to speak, that seeked to fill the world with malevolence. To face and resist this, to be the “positive flow,” Sorey felt he had to know the other party deeply and be on the right side of the relationship between the two.
“If all I want to do is to fight against the Lord of Calamity as the Shepherd, I may not need to know anything about his past. But I want to know; I feel that I need to in order to face him. It’s my own selfish wish, not as the Shepherd, but I want to make this choice without hesitation, so... Mayvin, will you lend me your strength?”
Mayvin was silent. His smile faded from his face, and his sharp eyes came and went as if he were assessing Sorey.
Sorey, too, was silent, waiting for Mayvin’s answer.
“...I see. So you decided to fight him not because of the Shepherd’s calling, but on your own will... you certainly have the gall to do it.”
Emphasis mine. Like coins, Sorey realizes that everything can’t have the tails (裏) without the heads (表). If Heldalf is the minus (負) of this world, so to speak, then in some ways he intuits that he needs to be the plus (正). That’s just how the world operates—it will yield to the balance, as he gets it.
(By the way, this whole duality of everything also applies to life and death in Daoism, and Zestiria, as a whole, touches upon both life and death in its narrative.)
Death and life are ordained, just as we have the constant succession of night and day.
That I found it good to live is the very reason why I find it good to die.
(For a person to value life but resist death would be a perversion of our very nature, as life and death are natural stages of being, if we value a person’s life, we should likewise value their death.)
反者道之動 弱者道之用 天下萬物生於有 有生於無
Returning is the movement of Dao. Yielding is the manner of Dao. The ten thousand creatures of the world are created from being; Being is created from non-being.
—Dao De Jing (道德經) verse 40
道生一 一生二 二生三 三生萬物 萬物負陰而抱陽 沖氣以為和
Dao creates one. One creates two. Two creates three. Three creates the ten thousand creatures. The ten thousand creatures carry Yin and embrace Yang, Pouring their Qi together, thus becoming harmonious.
—Dao De Jing (道德經) verse 42
In Daoist philosophy, the yin-yang becomes sensible from an initial, quiescent nothingness or non-being (無), and continues moving on until that quiescence is achieved again.
And I’d like to emphasize this: at the center of Daoist philosophy is that nothingness (無). Everything emerges from that 無, and will come back to that  無 as well; that’s how the world will settle itself naturally, and that’s how we live with Dao (道), or, put simply, the underlying principles of the universe (this is a very gross simplification, by the way).
One of the important concepts in Daoism is wu wei (無為).
道常無為 而無不為
Dao ever-constantly practices actionless action, Yet nothing is left undone.
—Dao De Jing (道德經) verse 37
The term basically gets translated as a lot of things (actionless action, non-action, etc.), but wu wei refers to an action that you do without needing to act on it; an action that is so natural to you that you don’t have to consciously think about how, what, why, when to do it. (Think of how when you learn how to drive, you are conscious about many things, yet when you’re already adept, it’s almost second nature to you.)
Without forcing it. Yes, perhaps that is the right word.
將欲取天下而為之 吾見其不得已
[夫]天下神器 不可為也 為者敗之 執者失之
故物 或行或隨 或(歔)或吹 或強或羸 或挫或隳
是以聖人 去甚 去奢 去泰
Would you take hold of the world and control it? I see you have no choice.
Now: the world is a divine vessel, You can not control it (indeed!). He who acts, ruins it; He who grasps, loses it.
So, among all things, Some lead and some follow, Some sigh and some pant, Some are strong and some are weak, Some overcome and some succumb.
Therefore the sage avoids extremity, excess, and extravagance.
—Dao De Jing (道德經) verse 29
There is an order to life, and we play our parts in it. That’s fine, and it grants us enough liberty to explore our capacities and take delight in them. But if we try to overstep our boundaries, extend beyond our capacities, we will fail miserably and painfully.
There is no satisfaction in pretense, if allowed to guide our lives. We need to be what we are, not what we would like to be.
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ROSE: Sorey. If a heart set on justice starts generating malevolence, how do you think it should be stopped? ROSE: That’s what her angle is. She thinks her own personal justice and a universal sense of justice are one and the same.
I hope it’s obvious enough why Cardinal Forton is different from Sorey, despite both having strong enough desires/dreams of their own.
(There’s also duality at play here—Sorey gives life, Rose takes life.)
「.......どうして、言い切れるんだ? どうしても叶えたい夢がある——その点では、オレとフォートン枢機卿の気持ちは一緒じゃないか。それで、あの人は穢れを生み出していた」
“When I was in Elysia, I was aware that malevolence was a dangerous thing, but now that I’m out in the world of humans, I come to realize that it’s not that simple. Human society and malevolence are inseparable, even if we try to separate them. Living in such a world means that everyone has the potential to be tainted.”
Sorey looked over the town. Although Forton’s influence is gone, malevolence still remains. The people of this town were giving birth to malevolence without them realizing it.
“I might give birth to malevolence too.”
“You won’t.”
Without a moment’s delay, Mikleo answered. Sorey frowned.
“…How can you be so sure about that? I have a dream that I really want to fulfill——and in that respect, aren’t my feelings the same as Cardinal Forton’s? She was giving birth to malevolence because of that.”
“You’re different from her. You’re not alone.”
Mikleo made it very clear.
“An unwavering will is needed to make dreams come true. But because of how strong it is, our vision narrows and our hearts become numb to the pain of others——but that’s only because we are alone. Because we try to fulfill our dreams alone, we lose sight of the world around us.”
Mikleo said, grabbing both of Sorey’s shoulders, as if to remind him.
“Your dream is also my dream. If you are about to go out of control, I’ll punch you to wake you up. Or you can’t trust me?”
(Emphasis, again, mine.)
The Daoist sage is the paradigm of proper responsiveness. He has perfect sensitivity and responsiveness both to things in the world and to other people; to his surroundings. He’s open to the dynamic of relationship self-other, to the relativity and mutual involvement of self and other. In contrast with an average human being, the sage, whose heart-mind (心) is free from any residue, displays an “unbiased receptivity to things.” His empty heart-mind “takes no distortive action” and so “what is can be as it is, with no disfigurement.” Thus, it is possible for the sage to “appreciate things as they really are” and also to perceive and embrace a person as they are. The uncluttered heart-mind makes the sage well-equipped for correctly evaluating the actions of others and responding appropriately.
(I would like to mention that Zestiria tackled a bit of this whole “you’re not alone” bit earlier with a Daoist parable: the snake, the frog, and the centipede.)
Yes, it is in the heart-mind (心) that is empty; that has nothing in it. Think of it like a mirror, or a glass, that gets obscured when it is tainted, and so you can’t see clearly what’s on or through it. In Zestiria, I think this is the virtue of purity really stands for.
穢れ――自らの思うまま生きることを阻む世界の皮肉に圧し潰された、人の心の悲鳴。 その悲鳴を感じ寄り添い、本当の形の心とともに再出発する背中を押すのがスレイの救いの力(感じる力・霊応力)。 浄化の炎を振るうだけでは救いとは言えず、逆に炎がなくとも人や天族を穢れから救う事はできる。
Malevolence――The screams of the human heart-mind that is crushed by the irony of the world that prevents them from living as they wish.
To feel those screams of the heart-mind and get close to it, and push them to start over with the heart-mind in its true form is Sorey’s powers of salvation (his power to feel and his resonance).
Wielding Flame of Purification alone is not enough to save; on the contrary, it is possible to save humans and seraphim from malevolence even without it.
In Daoism, at the core of the heart-mind (心) of every human being there is an authentic self. The authentic self is intimately connected with virtue (德), which is a gift people receive at birth. But the heart-mind is also the seat of all mental activities; it is the “location of consciousness.” With time and via the contact with the outside world (learning a language, learning social norms, going through traumatic experiences, etc.), the heart-mind becomes filled—like a container—with “knowing consciousness” (知). Not knowing how to use this knowing consciousness selectively—turn it on when necessary, but also turn it off at other times—a human being comes to depend on this consciousness and identify with it completely. When unstopped in its growth, this consciousness continues to produce multiple, derivative intellectual layers atop the true self. All actions that are motivated by these inauthentic layers oppress and harm one's spiritual core.
The thoughts, actions, and speech of a person are no longer the reflection of their true self.
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EDNA: Don’t let her see you frowning like that. You don’t want Rose’s feelings to go to waste, do you? SOREY: I don’t. But I just... I feel so bummed.
Now, the question of emotions. Having an empty heart-mind which is free from emotions implies being emotionless. However, it is not really the case that a Daoist sage is emotionless; rather that he does not add anything (i.e., a word, a thought, an action) to make a given emotion amplify and, thus, exceed its natural boundaries. Being free of these excessive emotion means not allowing likes or dislikes to damage you internally, instead making it your constant practice to follow along with the way each thing is of itself, without trying to add anything to the process of life.
The sage consciously restrains himself from making any such additions that would lead to prolonging the life span of an emotion. As a result, emotions remain spontaneous, genuine, and harmless—they come and go freely, like changes in the weather or the seasons of the year, and they never transform into anything excessive or harmful. Thus, emotions are never artificially solidified into a fixed identity. The sage is free from emotions in the sense that they leave no residue in his heart-mind, they do not take up the space within, and thus they do not block the sage's unity with Dao. By cultivating the void (無) of the heart-mind, the sage ensures that he is never harmed by emotions.
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SOREY: You mean to live is to obey the laws of nature? HELDALF: What else would it be? SOREY: You’re wrong! All that is, is not being dead.
Daoism is a philosophy that stresses living simply and honestly while in harmony with nature. Letting things follow their natural course. Wu wei (無為), no wasted action, is the principle.
However, one thing that many people get wrong when hearing about this concept is that it means total surrender. Yes, wu wei implies giving up on forcing things. But never giving up altogether.
For instance, when you’re experiencing injustices, wu wei doesn’t suggest resignation. It’s quite the opposite. Wu wei suggests a persistent amount of pressure. This pressure isn’t a metaphorical jackhammer or wrecking ball. It’s a soft strike in the right spot. It’s like water quietly working through the toughest cliffs and rocks.
Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves… Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
Passivity is often looked down upon. In the case of Zestiria and Sorey, (especially in the early reviews where people started playing Zestiria in bad faith because of the infamy surrounding the game), people often criticize how Sorey is not the ideal male Tales protagonist; he is often called “radio-controlled” (ラジコン) in the sense that Rose (along with the others, especially Lailah) is seen as the one controlling and driving his character around, thus, Rose is, to the eyes of these people, the “real” protagonist of Zestiria because she is the more “assertive” one. And she is assertive, by the way, but I think people look at Sorey’s character the wrong way.
Yielding and passivity are virtues traditionally associated with the feminine in the Daoist point of view, and I know this might have caused some knee-jerk reaction in some people, but in Dao De Jing, even though the intended audience would've been men, students are encourage to embrace and nurture the feminine elements of their nature. These feminine virtues are seen as positive traits to have, not inferior to their more assertive masculine counterpart.
The “feminine” is the earth. The inborn nature of its body is stable. Women are patterned on it. If a man wishes to congeal his essence, he should mentally pattern himself on earth and be like a woman.
And it is, intended as part of his character.
山本  そういう意味ではおとなしい主人公に見えるかもしれませんが、熱い思いはちゃんと持っていて、叫んだりノリや勢いだけで解決しようとはしないキャラクターにしたんです。代わりに、ミクリオをストレートに感情表現するキャラクターにして、2人で1人の主人公のような言動をとるように工夫しました。
YAMAMOTO: In that sense, [Sorey] may seem like a calm protagonist, but he has passionate feelings, yet does not try to solve problems by shouting or just going with his spirit or momentum. Instead, we made Mikleo a character who expresses his emotions in a straightforward manner, so that the two of them act and speak as if they are one protagonist.
馬場 彼が世界を動かそうとしたんじゃなくて、彼の行動の結果が世界を動かしていく、変えていく。
BABA: He didn’t try to move the world, but the results of his actions moved and changed the world.
Sorey is like a blank canvas, unstained, yet with a strong, pure core. With this heart-mind of his that is empty in the Daoist sense, he acts just as he does, just as he is, staying true to himself. He never forces his way through, he knows that he has to be in harmony with nature (as symbolized by the seraphim, who are described as the very world the humans live in itself), and he then learns that everything in the nature has two sides to it—this includes reconciling not just life but also death. To respect life, you have to respect death. To respect death, you have to respect life. But to yield also means to still be alive; being alive is not the same as not being dead, after all. He has learned to be in check with himself, and with his surroundings.
Sorey is really the perfect character that embodies the values that Maotelus’ Void represents. Empty of malevolence.
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One thousand years apart, and he manages to inherit that will. Legends (伝承) are not just told (伝), but also needs at least someone willing to listen to them (承); it’s why they’re called that way.
“Legends” will someday become “hope.”
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mrszeoxin · 1 year
Revisiting Mystic Messenger (Zen, Yoosung, and Jaehee)
Full transparency, I played these three routes around April and May this year so they aren’t as fresh in my brain. It was super fun to do, I was totally obsessed with this game in high school. However, out of the three options for the Casual Story I had only played Yoosung’s route before, because he was the only one I wanted to date out of them and he was closest to me in age. So Zen and Jaehee’s stories were totally new to me.
Zen’s Route
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Truth be told, I used to low-key hate Zen as a teenager. (Please do not hate me, we all have our preferences, and I married Shane in Stardew Valley so clearly people do not always like my favorites either.)
I just have never been super into the silver/white haired anime guys, plus he does come off a little self centered when you don’t play his route, and he hates cats (which as a extreme cat lover is a actual dealbreaker for me irl). So, I never really gave him the time of day.
So is Zen my type? No, probably not. HOWEVER, I did finally play his route, and I will say after that I do like him a lot more than I used to. Is he my favorite? No. But I actually like him now, and feel bad being mean to him, which never used to be a problem for me before.
I love the development of his and Jumin’s relationship, honestly wish this would happen to them in every route because I love it when we can all be open and get along.
Also his voice actor absolutely amazing. 10/10 great voice. He did an amazing job, I actually looked forward to calling/being called by Zen because he did so great.
Overall, super fun, and I enjoyed it so much more than I ever thought I would. I thought getting through it would suck, and while it was a little cringey to get the good ending, it was overall just such a fun route. So Zen May not be for me, but I see what y’all see in him!
Yoosung’s Route
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My baby boy Yoosung. I loved Yoosung in high school and I still love him now. It’s kind of sad that I’m older than him now, but I still love him and his route so freaking much!
Reasons why I’m drawn to/love Yoosung; he’s adorable and I love cute guys, he’s a gamer, he’s more emotional, and he’s overall super relatable. Side note: but those reasons also apply to my husband, so it really is stuff I find attractive in a man.
As a teenager I hadn’t really played World of Warcraft or League of Legends, although I knew of both of them. But since then, I actually have played both which has made Yoosung’s addiction to LOLOL so much more funny and relatable to me, I adore it. I also didn’t notice how much of a masochist and sub Yoosung was when I played as a teen, but as an adult it really smacked me in the face and I found it so amusing whenever it was mentioned so casually in all the routes.
His voice actor also did so good. So many of his calls warmed my heart or made me laugh, even outside his route. I know his voice actor said he was very embarrassed by most of Yoosung’s lines, and I can see why, but I still absolutely adored how he did Yoosung’s voice.
So far with my re-play Yoosung has been my favorite, because I just love him so much and I love his story and development as a character.
Jaehee’s Route
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Once again, I did not play her route in high school, simply because I’m not romantically attracted to other women so I didn’t feel like it. Plus, why play that when I could go straight to 707 and Jumin (who I was hardcore crushing on). I knew her route was “platonic”, but again I was a teen and only played a route if I was crushing on the character, so I never played her’s.
This route was honestly the most different from all the ones I’ve played, which makes since as Jaehee is a woman. I honestly didn’t hate this route, I’m glad Jaehee got her freedom and found her own passions. I love that she could embrace her femininity again. Plus it was a little funny watching Jumin self-destruct (I laughed so hard about 707’s car and Jumin).
However, as a Jumin lover, Yoosung lover, 707 lover, cat lover, and “Zen’s okay”-er, I don’t think this route was for me. Mainly because, while I love Jaehee and loved her progress, I don’t feel like we would get along irl. Not because she’s bad, just I don’t think our humor and interests would actually align all that much. I don’t like that she sees Yoosung’s hobby as childish or doesn’t appreciate 707’s jokes, and she also hates cats. So, I just didn’t really vibe with it.
I feel like if you love Zen and/or women, and you maybe don’t like Jumin that much, this route would be perfect for you, but that is not me.
The voice actress was awesome, as they all are. She had a very nice voice that I found strangely calming, and I did actually enjoy the calls a lot. So she did an amazing job.
I love Jaehee, but her route was not meant for me.
Overall Thoughts
I’m sure anyone who reads this has already played of or heard of Mystic Messenger. It came out when I was in high school so it’s not exactly a new game anymore. However, I’ve loved getting to revisit it as an adult. Out of Casual Story Yoosung is still the best for me, but I’m sure he’s not the best of the three for everyone and that’s fine. Just wanted to share some of my thoughts since I replayed it. I’ll be doing the Deep Story route probably in September and October, so I’ll post my revisiting those routes then.
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The Enduring Influence of Japanese Culture on the World
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Japanese culture has captivated the world with its unique traditions, aesthetics, and way of life. From its rich history to its modern innovations, Japan's cultural impact has transcended borders and influenced various aspects of global society. In this article, we will explore the profound influence of Japanese culture on the world and how it has left an indelible mark in areas such as art, cuisine, technology, fashion, and popular culture. Artistic Heritage: Japanese art forms such as traditional painting, calligraphy, and woodblock prints have fascinated artists worldwide. The delicate brushwork, attention to detail, and appreciation for nature have inspired countless artists and art movements. From Impressionism to Anime, Japanese art continues to influence and shape the artistic landscape globally. Culinary Delights: Japanese cuisine, with its emphasis on fresh ingredients, precision, and aesthetic presentation, has garnered immense popularity worldwide. Sushi, ramen, tempura, and other Japanese dishes have become beloved staples in many countries, with Japanese culinary techniques and flavors influencing chefs and food enthusiasts around the globe. Technological Innovations: Japan's advancements in technology have had a profound impact on the world. From electronics and robotics to high-speed trains and video games, Japanese innovations have reshaped industries and transformed our daily lives. The meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail that are synonymous with Japanese products have set new standards globally. Fashion and Design: Japanese fashion has made a significant impact on the global fashion scene. Designers like Yohji Yamamoto, Rei Kawakubo, and Issey Miyake have challenged conventional fashion norms with their avant-garde designs and minimalistic aesthetics. Japanese street fashion, characterized by its creativity and individuality, has also influenced global youth culture. Pop Culture Phenomena: Japan's pop culture, including anime, manga, J-pop music, and video games, has gained a massive following worldwide. Anime series like "Dragon Ball," "Naruto," and "One Piece" have captured the imagination of audiences globally, while video game franchises like Pokémon and Super Mario have become iconic symbols of Japanese pop culture. Zen Philosophy: The principles of Zen Buddhism, deeply rooted in Japanese culture, have permeated various aspects of life around the world. The emphasis on mindfulness, simplicity, and the pursuit of inner peace has influenced practices such as meditation, mindfulness techniques, and minimalist lifestyles adopted by many individuals seeking balance in a fast-paced world. Traditional Customs: Japanese customs and traditions have fascinated people globally. The tea ceremony, martial arts like karate and judo, and the beauty of cherry blossom viewing (hanami) have all become synonymous with Japan. These cultural practices have been embraced and celebrated in many countries, showcasing Japan's enduring influence. Literature and Film: Japanese literature, including works by renowned authors like Haruki Murakami and Yukio Mishima, has gained international acclaim and provided a glimpse into Japanese society and its unique perspectives. Japanese cinema, with iconic filmmakers like Akira Kurosawa and Hayao Miyazaki, has captivated audiences worldwide, contributing to the global appreciation of Japanese storytelling and visual aesthetics. Architectural Marvels: Japan's architectural achievements, from ancient temples and castles to modern skyscrapers and innovative urban planning, have inspired architects and designers globally. The blending of traditional Japanese architecture with modern elements has resulted in breathtaking structures that showcase Japan's cultural identity. The influence of Japanese culture on the world is undeniable. From its artistic heritage to its technological innovations, culinary delights to pop culture phenomena, Japan's impact can be felt across continents. As the world continues to appreciate and embrace the allure of Japanese traditions, aesthetics, and values, it is clear that the enduring influence of Japanese culture will continue to shape and enrich our global society. Read the full article
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theclubhero-blog · 19 hours
Embracer cancela vendas de dois estúdios e parabeniza Saber Interactive
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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4A Games e Zen Studios não serão incluídos em acordo pela divisão
O Embracer Group anunciou que as vendas propostas dos estúdios 4A Games e Zen Studios foram canceladas. Ambas as empresas haviam sido incluídas como opção na venda de US$ 247 milhões da divisão Saber Interactive, mas o acordo foi finalizado sem suas inclusões, conforme confirmado pelo diretor executivo da companhia.
Os estúdios permanecerão sob a propriedade da Embracer. O CEO Lars Wingefors expressou satisfação com o desfecho, destacando que 4A Games e Zen Studios continuam sendo “blocos importantes” na trajetória da empresa, com projetos futuros em andamento.
Wingefors também mencionou que o 4A Games tem dois títulos de grande porte em desenvolvimento, aguardados ansiosamente para anúncio. Ele ressaltou a relevância do estúdio dentro da estratégia do conglomerado, especialmente após a conclusão do acordo de venda com investidores privados.
O diretor executivo do Embracer Group falou sobre o atual momento da indústria e citou os possíveis culpados em seu ponto de vista. Surpreendentemente, ele creditou os consoles e PCs por essa “volatilidade” no setor.
Além disso, o CEO aproveitou a ocasião para agradecer Matthew Karch, fundador da Saber, por suas contribuições ao longo dos anos. Ele também parabenizou a equipe pela bem-sucedida estreia de Warhammer 40.000: Space Marine 2 em sua nova estrutura corporativa: “será um grande começo para a nova estrutura deles”.
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pc7ooo · 7 days
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Авторы Metro останутся в Embracer — Beacon передумала выкупать студию
Когда Embracer Group продавала часть Saber Interactive компании Beacon Interactive, то оставила той возможность выкупить ещё и Zen Studios с авторами серии Metro из 4A Games. Джейсон Шрайер (Jason Schreier) тогда заявил, что Beacon воспользуется этой опцией, однако теперь стало известно, что сделка не состоится.… […]
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/13/841-avtory-metro-ostanutsya-v-embracer-beacon-peredumala-vykupat-studiyu-grss-340814119.html
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I really wanna play with the twins' and Jumin and Vandy' hair. The twins look like their hair is curly but super soft, Jumin's looks really silky, and Vanderwood? I wanna Plat with it and braid it.
Part of it comes from my trichotilliomania probably, as I don't so much as pull my head hair out but comb it with my fingers/play with it. (Eyelashes, eyebrows, and other hair? Fair game)
Anyways, I also think that all versions of Saeran have hair that smells like cotton candy or a bit like strawberry shortcake (I have this hair mousse that smells like that for some reason-). I dunno if it's the white color with pinkish tips or what, but his hair looks like it smells sweet.
TLDR, I wanna play with Jumin, Vandy, and the Choi bois hair. And probably Zen's.
That's close to what I imagined! I figured GE Saeran uses something with strawberry and/or vanilla. He is the kind of person that would do something for his hair that wouldn't overwhelm him scent wise but is nice enough to make him feel good when he steps out of the shower. I didn't consider cotton candy but that's a good guess, too! I'm sure it would bring a smile to his face if you wanted to play with his hair. The bleach and botched dye jobs didn't do him much good.
He's nervous that you might not like the texture or feel of his hair because of it. It's got a long way to go before it heals properly, so knowing that you don't mind that... and that you want to help him without fail... well, it makes him feel a lot better about it. He will melt into your embrace... he will sigh and fall asleep at the edge of the tub if you start playing with his hair when he's in the bath.
I would argue that each of them has a different scent, though. Ray using something overwhelmingly floral and earthy. Suit Saeran using something that has to be akin to Axe or the strongest musky smell in existence that makes you gag. Unknown has a scent that's almost... well, unsettling clean, like a hospital with a metallic tint. SE Saeran is something sweet, so cotton candy might pass here!
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worthplaying · 8 days
Embracer Group Completes Saber Interactive Sale, Retains 4A Games And Zen Studios
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tesla-properties · 1 month
FLOAREA VISTA in Discovery Gardens by Mashriq Elite Developments – Tesla Properties
Dubai, a city synonymous with wealth and innovation, continues to set the benchmark in luxury living and REAL ESTATE. Amidst its ever-evolving skyline and bustling neighborhoods, one name that stands out is Tesla Properties— for leading  Real Estate Investment Dubai dedicated to offering prime Properties For Rent And Sale across the city's most coveted locations. Tesla Properties is not just a Real Estate Agency; it's a gateway to some of Dubai's finest living experiences, including exclusive off-plan properties like the exquisite FLOAREA VISTA.
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Nestled in the vibrant community of Discovery Gardens, Dubai, FLOAREA VISTA is a testament to architectural elegance and modern luxury. Developed by the esteemed Mashriq Elite Developments, this 10-floor marvel is set to redefine upscale living in one of Dubai’s most dynamic neighborhoods.
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A New Standard in Residential Excellence
FLOAREA VISTA boasts 158 meticulously designed residential units, offering a variety of living spaces that cater to diverse needs and lifestyles. Whether you are seeking a cozy studio or a more spacious 2-bedroom apartment, this development has something for everyone. This residence range in size from 403 to 1,869 Sq. Ft. with prices starting at AED 595,000 making luxury living more accessible than ever.
The project is designed with an eye for detail and a commitment to quality, promising a refined living experience for all its residents. Scheduled for handover in Q4 2026, FLOAREA VISTA is a forward-thinking Real Estate Investment Opportunity that combines elegance with convenience.
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An Array of Premium Amenities
What truly sets FLOAREA VISTA apart is its comprehensive suite of amenities. The developers have curated a range of facilities designed to enhance the quality of life and provide residents with an unparalleled living experience. Here’s a glimpse into what you can expect:
Swimming Pool: Dive into relaxation with a state-of-the-art swimming pool that promises a refreshing retreat from the city's hustle and bustle.
BBQ Area: Host memorable gatherings with friends and family at the well-appointed BBQ area, perfect for socializing and enjoying the outdoors.
Lounge & Meditation Area: Find calm and peace in the dedicated lounge and meditation spaces, designed for relaxation and reflection.
Parking: Convenience is paramount, with ample parking space available for residents and guests.
Balcony: Each unit features a private balcony, offering stunning views and a personal outdoor escape.
Gym & Sports Courts: Stay fit and active with a fully equipped gym and sports courts, catering to all your fitness needs.
EV Charging Station: Embrace the future of sustainable living with an EV charging station, ensuring your electric vehicle is always ready for the road.
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Mini Golf & Sun Deck: Enjoy recreational activities with a mini golf course and sun deck, adding fun and relaxation to your daily routine.
Zen Garden & Kids Play Area: The Zen Garden provides a serene environment for unwinding, while the Kids Play Area ensures that younger residents have their own space to play and explore.
Running Tracks & Pool Seating Lounge: Stay active with running tracks and unwind by the pool seating lounge, designed for ultimate relaxation.
Jacuzzi & Board Games Corner: Indulge in luxury with a Jacuzzi and engage in friendly competition at the board games corner.
Reading Corner & Kids Pool: Embrace quiet moments with a dedicated reading corner and let children enjoy the safety and fun of their own pool.
Roof Garden & Splash Pad: The roof garden offers a lush retreat, while the splash pad adds an element of fun for all ages.
Sky Lounge: Elevate your social experiences with the sophisticated Sky Lounge, perfect for entertaining and enjoying panoramic views.
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Why Invest in FLOAREA VISTA?
Investing in FLOAREA VISTA is more than just purchasing a property; it’s about securing a lifestyle. As part of the Discovery Gardens community, residents will enjoy a vibrant and well-connected neighbourhood with access to a host of amenities and services.
With its strategic location, high-quality construction, and an impressive array of amenities, FLOAREA VISTA represents a sound Investment Opportunity in Dubai’s competitive Real Estate Market. The blend of luxury, convenience, and affordability makes it an attractive option for both investors and homeowners.
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Why Tesla Properties?
Tesla Properties is your gateway to the Best Real Estate Opportunities In Dubai. With a portfolio that includes prime residential and commercial properties, Tesla Properties stands out for its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Their team of experts provides personalized service, ensuring that every client finds the perfect property to meet their needs.
Whether you’re interested in Top Residential Projects In Dubai or looking for Real Estate Investment In Dubai, Tesla Properties is dedicated to helping you make informed and rewarding investment decisions.
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As Dubai continues to flourish as a global metropolis, FLOAREA VISTA by Mashriq Elite Developments, showcased by Tesla Properties, epitomizes the future of luxury living. With its exceptional design, comprehensive amenities, and prime location, FLOAREA VISTA is more than just a property; it’s a lifestyle statement. For those looking to invest in Dubai’s thriving real estate market, Tesla Properties offers unparalleled opportunities to own a piece of this dynamic city. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this remarkable development and experience the epitome of contemporary urban living.
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