#Email phishing
redbuddi · 3 months
This morning I woke up to this email
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Scary right? It looks as though all of a sudden I owe over a thousand dollars to some studio I've never heard of. This would be enough to make anyone jump to correct the situation. But if you get this email or ones like it, stay calm, do not call the number, and do not click ANY of the links.
This email is fake. I logged into paypal through normal means and there was no such invoice sent to me. While obviously I didn't call the number or click the links to check for sure, this is most likely a classic phishing scheme. Essentially if you click any of the links or call the number, you will be asked for your login information in a way that looks legitimate, but once they confirm your login they will disconnect you, change your password, and have complete access to your paypal.
tl;dr, If you get the email pictured above or anything similar, delete it immediately. Do NOT call the number it provides. Do NOT click on any of the links it contains.
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nixcraft · 8 months
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the-last-dillpickle · 11 months
Unpopular opinion (maybe?) but I think people make Garak OP when it comes to his tech and hacking skills
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fooltofancy · 9 months
semi-regular reminder that if you receive a message asking for help for someone's sick animal, please look back through that person's blog to make sure it's not a scam before passing it around.
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atomiccryptid · 8 months
tmagp / fnaf crossover where instead of jonah, the third text to speech voice in that windows nt 4.0 computer is william afton
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disdaidal · 5 months
Btw I got a call from Paypal this morning, which sounded a helluva lot like an automated message (a female voice spoke in English, but it sounded distant, almost robot-like). And this voice said something similar to "we have received a request to withdraw money/funds from your Paypal account" (the requested amount was around a hundred-something) and "if you want to cancel it, press 1".
I hung up immediately. The phone number on my screen showed (+359) and "Bulgaria". I'm Finnish.
After ending the call, I immediately googled the message that I had heard on the phone, and it seems like a lot of Paypal users have gotten similar emails from 'Paypal' (I'm no stranger to such scam emails myself), but none of them mentioned a phone call. So I searched for that number and couldn't find it—or at least nothing that suggests that it's 'potentially harmful'.
I thought about reporting it to PayPal (still might), but somehow I doubt that'll do anything. I also checked my Paypal account activity in case of any new suspicious activity and transferred my money to another bank account (not linked with PPL) just in case.
I'm sure it was just a phishing attempt and nothing serious happened because I didn't respond, but you really can't be too careful these days.
Anyway, if you use Paypal and get emails or phone calls like this, don't answer them. Don't give them any information. Just hang up and delete those emails and/or mark them as spam. If you're not sure if they're legit, go to the Paypal official website and contact their support. They should know.
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msburgundy · 4 months
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yeahiwasintheshit · 11 months
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hey guys, someone recorded me apparently lol
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natbplease · 4 months
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darael · 5 months
Something that will never not be funny to me:
Phishing emails claiming to be from my email service.
Either they'll claim that I've exceeded my quota and need to buy more, or that my password is about to expire.
Why is this so funny? Because it's my email service. I run the servers myself. There is no "[redacted].org Support Team", there is no "[redacted].is billing department", there's just me.
Anyway clearly my spamassassin needs some tweaking.
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puppycharmz · 1 year
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a little addispalmon treat for the addispalmon enjoyers
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mercurialsmile · 7 days
Can’t believe if I have to say it but… if someone you don’t know and have never interacted with sends you a link to a website you CANNOT verify as safe do NOT click the link.
People can spoof websites to make them look like popular and trusted sites. Then they can steal your data. And sell it.
Y’all need to learn basic internet safety I’m sorry.
Think of it like this… if someone you don’t know out of nowhere emails or texts you a link to donate money to them, no matter what story they attach, would you click on it? Or would you report it as junk mail or as a phishing email/text?
It’s the same online on a public platform.
Do NOT click links from people you DO NOT KNOW. It doesn’t matter if someone else vetted them supposedly or not. You don’t know that person either! The only person you can trust to keep you safe online is yourself!
Do not respond to possible phishing messages. Do not click on suspicious links to other websites. If you would mark it as spam or junk if it was a text message or email, treat it the same way on tumblr
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the-pirate-captain · 4 months
I can't fall for a phishing scam if l never check my email
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alliluyevas · 11 months
working at a large public university means i get phishing emails about every other day apparently
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sslinsights · 4 months
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kerizaret · 4 months
helo!! if ur still doing this, blorbo bingo for emu? :)
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Hey Emu pls. Pls talk about your unresolved grandpa grief. Emu please PLEASE
Also I really want to study her brain. The emuisms are so fascinating. I want to learn them
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