#Ellen Heck
rbolick · 2 years
Books On Books Collection - Ellen Heck
Books On Books Collection – Ellen Heck
A is for Bee (2022) A is for Bee: An Alphabet Book in Translation (2022)Ellen HeckCasebound, decorated doublures, sewn and glued book block. 40 unnumbered pages. Acquired from Amazon, 10 November 2022. Photos: Books On Books Collection. Permissions requested via online form at Pushkin Press 14 Dec 2022. Earlier animal abecedaries’ efforts to nudge us toward more multilingual awareness led with…
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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rubywolf0201 · 27 days
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More hangouts and raising of Trust Ranks!
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Another Piper spotting but this time someone tried to recruit her into going cram school only for Piper to reveal that despite her petite stature, she actually finished school lmao.
Still she appreciates the compliment of being called young.
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hugheses · 10 days
Jack Hughes devoured Canucks playoffs, surprised Quinn before Game 7
Luke Fox
His shoulder recently repaired by season-ending surgery and his arm in a sling, Jack Hughes plopped himself on the couch this past April and binge-watched the Stanley Cup playoffs.
The New Jersey Devils star would fire up two TVs at once so he could catch the end of the Eastern Conference tilts and not miss a second of older brother Quinn's shifts in Vancouver.
"I was mostly watching Canucks," Jack told Elliotte Friedman and Kyle Bukauskas Tuesday during a recording of their 32 Thoughts podcast.
"The playoffs are the best. That's why you want to get back to 'em. When you're on the couch watching, you feel like a loser. You want to be in the mix."
But after Quinn's Canucks knocked off the Nashville Predators in a low-scoring first round — "just lock-it-down playoff hockey," Jack enthuses — simply watching in 4K wasn't enough.
Jack never forgot Quinn's effort to fly to New York attend Jacks' playoff games against the Rangers in the 2023 post-season and wanted to return the favour. Show his support.
So, Jack and his fragile shoulder made plans to jet to YVR for games 1 and 2 of the Edmonton series and cheer on the Canucks in-person, a la Brady Tkachuk representing big bro Matthew.
Alas, there was a snag.
"Bro, I can't find my passport," Jack told Quinn over the phone, prior to Round 2.
A disappointed Quinn didn't want to make his brother feel guilty for forgetting his passport in New Jersey while he rehabbed in Michigan.
Plus, he had their mom in town to cheer him on.
Following the morning skate of Game 7 of the Canucks-Oilers series, Ellen Weinberg-Hughes asked Quinn to bring home some extra pasta for lunch.
Quinn found that strange. Mom had never requested pasta in the five years he'd been a Canuck.
When Quinn returned home with lunch and prepared for the most important game-day nap of his career, Ellen told him she had to go downstairs and fetch a coffee order.
She returned with Jack, who'd arranged to have his passport shipped in time for him to fly out for Game 7.
"I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. Obviously, the pasta was for him," Quinn chuckled. "I didn't want to go for my nap. I just wanted to stay up and shoot it."
Of course, the Canucks lost a 3-2 heartbreaker to the eventual Western Conference champions. But Quinn was grateful to have his brother there for him postgame.
Jack assures his shoulder is now fully recovered (enough to beat Quinn heads-up in the family golf contest), and both brothers expressed their hunger to return to the playoffs.
At the same time, for the first time.
Jack admits that his Devils took a "step back" from '23. Defensively, they were looser. Gave up too many chances.
"We weren't a hard team to play against," said Jack, encouraged by the Devils' off-season injection of talent and the arrival of coach Sheldon Keefe.
"You know, you get a taste of the playoffs, you win a series, and you think you're going to be in the playoffs every year. It doesn't work like that. It's hard to get back to the playoffs."
Heck, sometimes it's hard just to attend the playoffs.
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toasttt11 · 25 days
prompt- younger siblings harassing their older siblings
“Are we sure about this?” She whispered to her twin brother Luke, who looked just as hesitant as her. Quinn was standing by the family car with his drivers license in one hand and his keys in the other and was smiling for once.
“No.” Luke whispered back not thinking it was good idea for them to get in the car with Quinn.
Jack hurried down the front steps and jogged down the driveway where the rest of the family stood around the car, “Oh heck yeah i’ve got my own chauffeur now!” Jack cheered looking excited as he saw Quinn’s drivers license.
Quinn just rolled his eyes already knowing to expect Jack to ask for a ride everyday.
“Let’s go for a drive!” Jack cheered hopping into the passenger seat before either of the twins could.
The twins just shared an eye roll at Jack and both looked hesitant to get in the car with the idea Quinn was driving then but one stern look from their mom made them get into the car.
“Have fun.” Ellen smiled bittersweet watching her kids all get in the car and Jim and her not get in with them.
Ellen snickered softly seeing the look on her youngests kids and knew they were not trusting Quinn driving them yet.
“Oh god we are gonna die.” She mumbled squeezing Luke’s hand as Quinn started driving.
“You do realize i have to pass my test to get license right?” Quinn shook his head seeing his two youngest siblings looking freaked out as he drove them.
“That does not make us feel better.” Luke grumbled gripping onto the door and his sisters hand as Quinn turned onto a main road.
“When we die, mom can have all of our belongings.” She told Quinn and Jack squeezing her eyes shut as Quinn sped up, Luke nodding in agreement next to her.
“Wait i want some things!” Jack squawked turning his head around and looking at his younger siblings who were grimacing looking nauseous as Quinn drove.
“You don’t get anything.” The twins hissed in unison as this is Jack’s fault they are in the car.
And for the next thirty minutes as Quinn drove his siblings around, the twins acted like he was about to kill them the entire time.
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xero-jsketchbook · 2 months
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Victoria Housekeeping
Sketched Ellen awhile back, intending to draw Von Lycaon next, and eventually decided, heck with it, let's draw the entire company!
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goldfades · 1 year
my 100 follower celly!
he’s such a momma’s boy. i don’t care what anyone says, luke is ellen’s fav 😭😭 i have no backing whatsoever he just looks like he’s a momma’s boy. i feel like he’s sorta codependent on ellen for a bit until he moved out to umich, he finally learned how to his laundry. SHE SPOILS THE HECK OUT OF HIM but it’s okay, because who wouldn’t wanna spoil him??? 🥹 he’s also the baby of the family so naturally he’s everyone’s fav (i am the youngest kid LMAO)
he is not a picky eater. this man will literally eat anything that you put in front of him, he does not care. he also doesn’t care if he eats the same thing all month as long as it’s good. he’s a chicken and rice STAN as he should, but luke does not care at all he’s honestly kinda a fatass, BUT THATS OKAY😭😭😭
kinda going along with the last thing, this man can eat a whole 3 course 3,000 calorie meal and not gain A SINGLE POUND. he has the metabolism we all wish we had. you’re jealous of him, i’m jealous of him, we are all jealous of him.
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sprucestairs · 14 days
oops I have done it a third time.
more incorrect pjo quotes.
Malcolm: y'know, it's fine to admit you were wrong.
Nico, drinking coffee with salt in it: I just like the way that it tastes.
Castor: well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my actions.
Damien: swear words are illegal now. If you say one, you'll be fined.
Sherman: heck
Damien: you're on thin fucking ice.
Damien: oh no-
Connor: Annabeth likes to say "you can be part of the problem or part of the solution," but I happen to believe you can be both.
Annabeth: Christmas is cancelled.
Damien: you can't cancel a holiday.
Annabeth: keep it up, Damien, and you'll lose New Year's too.
Damien: what does that mean?
Annabeth: Will, take New Year's away from Damien.
*cut to Will scribbling furiously on a calendar*
Clovis: you know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles.
Pollux: seize the day, seize the night, what's the last one?
Clovis: seize the dick.
Percy: hey, Joe said he's coming over this afternoon.
Kayla: cool.
Percy: do you know who Joe is?
Kayla: JOE MAMA!
Austin, not even looking up from his phone: damn, that backfired.
Lou Ellen: that's a crazy idea. Insane. It doesn't make sense.
Clarisse: you'll do it?
Lou: of course.
Katie: unpopular opinion; not all dogs are good boys.
Drew: blocked.
Katie: sometimes, they're good girls!
Percy: sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way.
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lfghughes · 1 year
Meet the Parents ft Quinn
request: would love to see Quinn introduce his girlfriend to people. ( pt.1 is going to be family and pt. 2 is gonna be all the boys )
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Meeting the parents was always a stressful event and in this case it didn’t need to be or at least Quinn had assured you a thousand times of this. You weren’t worried that they were going to hate you or anything like that but you did want to impress them. It was also a big step in your relationship. A big sign that things were headed in the right direction and that part did make you happy.
Most of your fears and stress had washed away the minute you had entered the house. Quinns family spared you the awkward first time treatment and instead jumped straight into acting like they knew about you which according to Jack and Luke was very much the truth because all Quinn did was talk about you on the phone calls he would make to his family.
“Quinny, how the heck did you pull her?” Jack teased his brother, giving him a gentle playful push. “Shut it.” Quinn warned but the smile on his face let everyone know he was enjoying this brother moment. “You know, he gave us a long list of things he did not want us bringing up but I actually have a few great stories to tell.” Luke started and now Quinns attention was on his youngest brother. “Luke, I swear if you don’t shut up.”
“Boys, dinner is ready.” Ellen called them before Quinn could continue his threat. The food of course was amazing and you quickly found out from Ellen that she had called Quinn last week to figure out what all your favorite meals were so that way she could make sure to make something you would like. “After dinner I think we should be those embarrassing parents who show off baby pictures and home videos.” Jim told Ellen which only received a groan from Quinn.
“Why are you all being so embarrassing today.” Quinn grumbled and you couldn’t help but smile from his embarrassment. But when dinner ended you learned that it wasn’t a joke when Ellen brought out the baby pictures. There were a variety of photos of Quinn and his brothers throughout their childhoods and some were adorable and some were definitely more on the embarrassing side. “Okay, Q. You were the cutest kid ever.” You laughed as you poked at his side.
Before you knew it, it was the end of the night and you were getting ready to go. “Hey, are we still doing that thing with the boys at the lake next weekend?” Jack asked his brother and Quinn gave him a quick nod of the head. “You’re coming too, right?” This time Jack had turned the attention towards you and you nodded your head. Quinn had already talked about how he wanted to introduce you to some of his friends and how some of them would have their girlfriends around too that you could hang out with so you had agreed.
“It was so nice meeting you and I told Quinn already that anytime you two want to come and visit that the door is open.” Ellen insisted and you knew she genuinely meant it. You would definitely say that the night went smoothly and that you were really happy that Quinn had taken this step with you. Now you just had to mentally prepare for the chaos that next weekend would surely bring because you were sure that all those boys together that things would be getting a little rowdy.
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no-where-new-hero · 2 months
Chapter Three: A Hop Out of Kin
"He makes a better-looking corpse than I thought he would, what with being so wasted and all. He was always a pretty man, though too thin."
I'm so sorry, this is the FUNNIEST possible thing Ellen Greene could say to an 11 year old girl who just lost her father. Did she have an unrequited crush on her eccentric employer? Or is this just a way that Maud can tell us that Emily has staggeringly good genes, despite all the protestations that she's not pretty?
Emily, with an eloquent glance at Ellen's hands, went and got a dish-towel. "Your hands are fat and pudgy," she said. "The bones don't show at all."
Emily does the dishes at last!
"The fact is, Emily Starr, you're queer, and folks don't care for queer children. You talk queer--and you act queer--and at times you look queer."
It probably doesn't say much that Ellen Greene is the one to call Emily queer but hey! Here's the word!
"Why didn't you scrub the floor when Father was alive?" asked Emily. "He liked things to be clean. You hardly ever scrubbed it then. Why do you do it now?"
Emily begins to learn about the evils of doing things for the sake of societal appearances and not for the sake of personal wishes. And now the charms of Eden (the flowering apple tree, the daffodils, the Wind Woman) can't touch her. The fall has begun.
The introduction to all the Murrays is fantastically written--not only do we get searing portraits of them, but we also get a great portrait of Emily through her little rebellions. The fanciful and somewhat soppy child from the first two chapters is brimming over with spunk now, and here's where things start getting very interesting because we also get to hear thoughts from a new character: Aunt Elizabeth: "Though Elizabeth Murray would never have admitted it, she did not want to be snubbed as Wallace and Ruth had been." Though Aunt Ruth is clearly marked as a villainess and Aunt Laura and Cousin Jimmy jump out as sympathetic, Elizabeth remains ambiguous and presents a sliver of vulnerability that is the hallmark of all provocative characters. (I intend to pay a lot more attention to Aunt Elizabeth this go around.)
I remember very little of the 90s show, but I always hated this scene in it, when it shows Emily performing a ritual for her father or some shit when the Murrays arrive. Like?? What the heck is that supposed to be?? It loses Emily's vulnerability and subversiveness and makes her out to be weird without subtlety or pathos. Also Cousin Jimmy was very very poorly handled in that. It always amazed me how much the producers and writers of that fucked up the series because the book has such cinematic clarity from scene to scene, it shouldn't have been that hard. Anyway. Tangent.
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ami8666 · 16 days
Ok today we're gonna do a brainrot analysis of every single fucking goober (not every single just the 5 i love lying teehee 😈) from ihnmaims. Do not try at home. My brain is already rotted beyond repair plz spare urselves and here we go.
First of all Ellen. I love her sm she's so cool. But is she a skibidi alpha male? 🤨 let's see. Right so first of all she's like the only fucking useful person out of everyone. Like vro. She's gone thru sm and she's literally more caring and shi then any of the others. +10000 aura idgaf.
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Next we have this fucking stinker... Ted
He's geniunely such a fucking asshole i HATE HIM GRRRR. HE HAS ME SHAKING MY FISTS, GROWLING "WHY I OUTTA KICK YOUR BUTT YOU HECKING JERK 👿... HEH... IF MY EYES TURN RED... 𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓷 𝓮𝔂𝓮 𝓲𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷" typa shit. He geniunely only has like 50 points on this part cuz of h9w much of an asshole he is and also
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BOO! Did i scare you? I'm a bar of soap 🧼 just here to remind you to get ur ah in the 🚿 shower and go outside because the smell through the screen is not very pleasant, Over and Out 👋
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Next we got gorrister. He's such a complicated character i actually find him so interesting. I feel bad for both him and his wife. The fact that Edna ruined not only their relationship, but them as people is such a horrible thing, but great representation for people who might have experienced similar things. I can only imagine how hard Glynis' childhood must have been and how happy she must've felt with gorrister, only for it all to go downhill with their fights and stuff. It's clear that both of them weren't really the most stable people and it's geniunely such a sad and doomed relationship- AGH NO WAIT MY AURA IT'S TRANSFERRING I MUST STOP. SKIBIDI TOILET. AGH. MY LOBOTOMY. AAAAGHHHH WHAT THE SIGMA. I NEED MY MOGGERMELON. OH MY GOOOOOOD AAAAAAAAAAAA. (Anyways gorrister gets 80 points here)
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In total he has 166 ap. Not as sigma but he's getting there. 👅💦
Next up we got BENNNYYYY
HE'S SO SILLY. ....ignoring his past.... erm skibidi toilet! Omg do u think AM gives him an ipad just to like humiliate him further? "SKIBIDI RAP BATTLE, WHO WILL WIN 👅💦" He gets 80 points here, very happy that he redeemed himself in the end and at least he acknowledges his mistake just like gorrister and all of them tbh... Ted's still delusional omfg bro u r NOT HIM
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In total he's got 138 ap. More than Ted tee hee i am TOTALLY NOT BIAS WHAT LED U TO BELIEVE THAT???? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Next... Nimdok....
43 points here for being a nazi but he's redeeming himself so ig that's something. Omg do u think he keeps telling the others "back in my day 👽(he looks like the emoji)"???
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Hope you all enjoyed this review! Don't forget to smash that like button, share this video and SUBSCRIBE. Bye bye fellow alphas 👅💦
(I'm so unfunny someone kill me i beg)
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sgiandubh · 5 months
https://www.tumblr.com/bootsaucepunk/749452398271037441/so-cbs-issue-of-reserved-mag-made-into-a?source=share There are a lot of different weights and measures around here, but this one definitely rocks. The expensive and innocuous magazine is criticized even by C's stans, but now it becomes a fashionable item because it was donated to charity. Caitrìona didn't even have any direct involvement in this, for God's sake! This week we had very harsh criticism of the program led by Sam (who, by the way, effectively establishes relationships with the benefiting institutions) and a lot of mockery for the birthday fundraiser led by Tash...
Dear Weights and Measures Anon,
Ah, you mean the Barbour Idiot, who had no idea about Eastern Europe and felt too cool for school to ask or research, right? For the record, here: https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/740235847510654976/when-you-do-not-know-a-thing-about-the-issue-at. A prime example of intercontinental blindness: North Americans thinking they know better than the people who live there, just because they are North Americans. Don't get me wrong: I am a lover and keen connoisseur of Americana, but this particular mentality clique always gets on my nerves. It is idiotic and gratuitous, and even more so when disguised in empty, demagogic right-mindedness.
This particular blogger is one of the most vulgar, nasty and cruel people on Tumblr, ever. Also a liar and a superficial twat - is it so hard to double check the things you are posting, for factual accuracy, before hitting that post now button?
Let's see what the whole hysteria is about, now:
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First lie: the Reserved mag issue was 'made into a hardcover book for charity with her autograph'. It was not. Aside the cult and borderline obsessive following & interest she enjoys, courtesy of the OL fandom and (as far as obsessive stretches, all the way to Kamchatka and back) of her disturbed Stans, she is not that well known. Stop lying just to make her more important than she is, you are not helping her at all.
Turning a magazine into a yearly book format was Reserved's editorial team marketing choice, as I explained in my last post on that issue. It has nothing to do with Caitriona Mary Balfe and her 2020 photoshoot for Ellen von Unwerth, a slim part of that particular Reserved volume.
Here is the official statement, one last time, for the vulgar freak in the back:
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See? Nothing to do with her.
Second lie: CMB was directly involved in that charity event. She was not and never meant to. One more time, she has nothing to do with the event and just shared the story on her IG account, knowing full well it will stir ahem... interest. Yeah, interest is best, in this context.
One more time, for the idiot in the back:
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The copy was donated by the redhead Reserved editor-in-chief, Jules Wood. I explained it yesterday, Anon.
Pitching S against C is the clinical side of the Disgruntled Tumblrettes' pure hatred of that man who dared not to sleep with them. Sorry to be blunt: sometimes, a cat is a cat. The Gay Charade is just a sophisticated, Munchhausen-level theory for the parochial racists and homophobes of 'Murica, primarily.
Think I went too far? How about this post from the same nasty individual?
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The 'trans fucking weirdo' was an unneeded, yet revealing detail, for a weirdo is a weirdo, no matter their gender orientation.
What a Fascist clown.
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[Later edit]: what the heck ever happened to The Sparkly (Sparkling?) Lounge Manager? Dish it out, Anon, I am far from being ubiquitous. Thanks.
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helslastangel · 19 hours
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Scorpio Venus Celebrities
Some of these surprised me, I must say.
Aimee Garcia
Aisha Tyler (Lana Kane)
Alexis Bledel (Rory Gilmore)
Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy)
Alfred Enoch (Wes Gibbins)
Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes)
Anne-Marie Duff (Fiona Gallagher)
Anthony Mackie (The Falcon, Marvel)
Brie Larson (Carol Danvers)
Bruce Lee
Carly Rae Jepsen
Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister)
Chrissy Teigen
Christina Milian
Cicely Tyson
Dakota Johnson
Damon Wayans Jr.
Danielle Brooks
David Schwimmer (Ross Geller)
Denzel Washington
Eden Sher (Sue Heck)
Ella Mai
Ellie Goulding
Ellen Pompeo (Meredith Grey)
Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen)
Eugene Levy
Frank Ocean
Gerard Butler (Clyde Shelton)
Gordon Ramsey
Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth)
Hugh Jackman (Wolverine)
Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvatore)
Jamie Foxx
Janelle Monáe
Jason Derulo
Jeffree Star
Jim Caviezel
John Krasinski
John Legend
John Sanford (Sanford and Son)
Jonah Hill
Kaley Cuoco (Penny, Big Bang Theory)
Katherine Heigl (Izzie Stevens)
Kirk Douglas
Kit Harrington (Jon Snow)
Kris Jenner
Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister)
Louis Tomlinson
Luke Goss
Tyrese Gibson (Roman Pearce)
Matt Damon
Mayim Bialik (Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler)
Milla Jovovich
Nia Long
Penn Badgley (Dan Humphrey; Joe Goldberg)
Regina Hall
Russell Peters
Stefanie Scott (Lexi Reed)
Steven Yeun (Glenn Rhee)
Taraji P. Henson
Tyler James Williams (Everybody Hates Chris)
Tyson Beckford
Winona Ryder
Zac Efron
Zoë Kravitz
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saleintothe90s · 28 days
500. The 1984 Olympics Sports Illustrated Preview Issue (July 18, 1984) Part 1.
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I'm totally late, but aren't we all having a little bit of Olympic withdrawal? This was a big magazine for me as a kid, big. My mom got it for me at the thrift store in 1994 when I was 10 because at the time I collected old issues of Sports Illustrated for the figure skating articles. This issue was massive, about five hundred pages. Five hundred pages of ads and photos I still remember 30 years later.
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Like this Levi's ad! I still remember the lady in her maternity jeans, and how the kids couldn't wear riveted Levi's to school because they'd scratch up the desks.
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There were several extended profiles of athletes that were expected to win big in Los Angeles, such as Carl Lewis.
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Carl Lewis: mall lover.
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Embarrassing baby photos of the athletes were a common occurrence.
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I forgot to mention the Renault Fuego when I did that write up on Renault's short lived visit in the States.
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I thought the Chrysler Laser was a thing in Canada, and we in the U.S. had the Plymouth Laser. No! We had the Chrysler first for a couple of years and then we had the Plymouth for a few years? That Lee Iacocca made things so confusing. I've mentioned before that I grew up alongside my niece and when we were in high school, she bought a used green Laser, and I was so jealous.
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Autoweek went looking for one of the special 1984 Olympic edition GMC Jimmys, but couldn't find one.
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I love that its a heartwarming story about how Bill Toomey almost didn't win the 1968 decathlon, and then its just ...screwdrivers at Sears.
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I've spent thirty years trying to figure out what album German swimmer Michael Gross has against his stereo. Bap? Rap? I'm gonna eBay image search it. Okay, so it is a German album by Bap.
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1984 was definitely the first 'puter Olympics. Not the first internet Olympics like Atlanta or Nagano, but one where computers were definitely advertised. Looks like the closest Sears Business Systems Center to me was in Virginia Beach where a Shake Shack is today.
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When I was a kid looking at this ad, I thought that was the real Charlie Chaplin, and he was still alive in 1984 selling IBM PCJr computers with those awful keyboards. Clint from LGR called the space bar a "gooey celery stick".
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This was a sweet section about athletes reminiscing about their time during the first Olympics held in LA back in 1932. The hop step and jump is what we would call the triple jump today. The Sports Illustrated vault is absolute garbage now, but you can still read the text from the other athletes profiled. Ellen Preis the Frencer from Austria had a heck of a story:
When we arrived in the United States, we met the mayor of New York. I can't remember his name [it was Jimmy Walker], but I remember he made a lot of funny jokes. He took us to Sing Sing, which was both interesting and a great shock. We sat in the electric chair. It felt awful. Afterward we saw criminals on Death Row, and I felt very sorry for them. Then they took us to a laboratory, and we saw 42 jars containing the brains of criminals who had died in the chair. I was very young, and it made a strong impression.
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I still haven't forgotten this ad, Fisher. It totally worked.
Part 2 coming soon.
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
(day twelve) lit up like a kid on christmas , quinn hughes
note, this fic is part of my christmas series called taylor's very merry christmas series. check out this masterlist for the rest of the series. another note, this fic is part of "the hughes gang" series. check out this masterlist for more. another another note, i know the hughes' are jewish and therefore celebrate hanukkah, so i included a little something, but i am not jewish so if anything is wrong (and i know it probably will be) please correct this! pair, quinn hughes x reader summary, all the hughes come home for christmas, and christmas with the hughes family is always a blast. warnings, kids/children word count, 894 words
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(gif not mine)
"Do you think Santa got my letter?" Max asked tiredly as he watched you and Quinn collect all your bags by the front door.
"I think so, bud." You smiled, smoothing out his hair.
Right after the game, you rushed home and gathered all your bags. You were set to take a red-eye back home to visit Quinn's family in Michigan where Luke and Jack were going to be too.
By the time you boarded the plane, both kids were asleep and they slept through both flights. By the time you landed, both you and Quinn were ready to pass out.
Luckily grandma and grandpa were there at the airport, bright and early at 7 o'clock, to pick you up, so they were driver and entertainer while you and Quinn took a nap from the airport to their house.
When you got to their house, you and Quinn both crashed. You both fell asleep, which gave Grandpa Jim, Grandma Ellen, and Uncle Luke time to play with the littlest Hughes.
When you and Quinn came down for lunch after having slept the whole day, you were excited to see lunch and Jack sitting at the table, entertaining Charlotte.
After dinner, the menorah was lit. Max and Charlott were confused so whatever questions they had, you answered the best you could.
Christmas Eve was spent watching Christmas movies and eating more Christmas-themed snacks than one should have, especially hockey players.
The next morning, you and Quinn were both awoken by Max jumping onto your bed, Charlotte trying her best to follow her brother. She waddled her way in and tried to jump onto the bed but was ultimately too short.
"Mommy, daddy! It's Christmas!" He jumped up and down, his foot landing in some uncomfortable positions a few times before Quinn wrapped him in a hug and pulled him down to lay in between you both.
You picked Charlotte up and set her in your lap, "Did you sleep well, Lottie?" She nodded.
"Can we open presents?" She asked.
"Is everyone else awake?"
"Uncle Jacky is still asleep," Max answered.
"Do you want to go wake him up?" Max nodded his head, then jumped off your bed and ran down the hall to Jack's bedroom.
You hugged Lottie, slowly waking up, "Do you want to go downstairs?" She nodded, "Where's your lion? Where's Maurice?" Where the lion got the name Maurice was still a mystery to you and Quinn.
"I don't know." She shrugged.
"Let's go look for Maury." You set her on the ground and swung your feet off the bed and held her hand as you went on an adventure to find her lion.
You eventually all made it down to the kitchen and started eating breakfast, "Jack, stop eating Max's waffle. If you want more, go get more." You looked across the table to see Jack stealing a tiny cut-up waffle bite off your toddler's plate.
"What the heck, dude? Stealing from a kid?" You joked.
"It was here and I don't want to make my own." He defended.
"Get your own, Uncle Jacky." Max told off his uncle.
"Yeah, you get him, Maxy." Luke laughed.
After eating breakfast, Max and Charlotte ran into the living room, trying to find the gifts with their names on them, "Hey, hold it." You called out, and they both froze, hands hovering over the paper, "Wait for everyone to sit down and get their gifts."
They pouted but sat and waited for all the presents to be handed out, "All right, you can open them now." Charlotte and Max wasted no time in ripping the paper off their gifts.
You and Quinn both shared as you took in the pile of presents surrounding both children, "Mom, dad, you didn't have to get them all of this." Quinn looked over at his parents.
"It's what we're supposed to do, right? Spoil our grandbabies." Ellen shrugged, smiling brightly when Charlotte showed her the new toy she had gotten.
"What do you guys say?"
"Thank you." Both Charlotte and Max said at the same time.
"You are so welcome." Ellen and Jim both smiled.
After presents were opened, Max and Charlotte ran off to play with their uncles and all their new toys. You and Quinn sat together on the couch, just taking everything in slowly.
Everything in the past couple of days was moving much too fast, so it was nice to finally stop and take a breather, "Do you think Benny's having fun?"
You were sad when you realized that the airline didn't allow dogs on the airplane, so Benny was forced to stay in Vancouver with his Uncle Bo, Auntie Holly, and his favorite little friends (other than Max and Charlotte) Gunner, and Tulsa.
"I'm sure he is." Quinn nodded.
"I got him presents." You told him.
"Of course you did." Quinn laughed.
"They're under the tree next to all the gifts were got for Lottie and Max."
"They got a lot of presents this year." He sighed.
"I know." You nodded, "Just means we're gonna have to clean out some other toys."
"Daddy!" Both kids screamed at the same time.
You and Quinn shared a look, "Wouldn't be a Hughes Christmas without a little chaos." You sighed. Quinn got up then turned to you and grabbed your hands, pulling you off the couch.
when you're reading this, it will be christmas, so merry christmas to everyone who celebrates, and happy holidays to everyone else! i hope this year was filled with lots of love and so many fun memories. i love you all so much, and you all mean so much to me. so from all of us here at ilyasorokinn hq (literally just taylor) happy holidays! *muah*
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macabresymphonies · 2 months
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