#Eli Cobb
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saryasy · 3 months ago
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911 gif meme: [2/6 Characters]: minor characters i love
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agentpeggycartering · 2 months ago
Thinking about how Chim probably keeps in regular contact with Eli again after spending all that time living with him in Boston, and how even if we didn’t see it on our screens he was probably at/invited to Chim’s wedding (and of course he came, he’s so happy Howie and Maddie worked things out, he misses Jee-Yun) and how he would be pleasantly surprised to run into Tommy there. He heard about the helicopter adventure, of course, and he’s not surprised that he was invited but he didn’t expect him to be there. Of course Tommy is dead on his feet so they don’t get to talk much, but he notices how Howie’s brother in law is doting on him, and extracts a promise from Tommy to grab a coffee before Eli has to go back to Boston. He notes how free Tommy seems, how much lighter he is. And he’s glad.
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oshaskell · 7 months ago
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a toast, to old friends
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xofemeraldstars · 7 months ago
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9-1-1 -> 2x12 ❝ chimney begins ❞
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breathe-2am · 8 months ago
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Hen runs a betting pool they know nothing about
Based on this post by @epiphainie
Tumblr ate the quality, so halftone closeups are under the cut
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Based on this classic art (also inspo for the halftone coloring)
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yes i changed beauty to hottie bc they fight fires and its hot idk man its my drawing i draw stupid shit
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screamlet · 1 month ago
118 daily drabble (day 72; pin)
notes: tommy and the old 118
When Eli brings new baby Alice to visit the firehouse, he pins Tommy with a glance. "Tommy. Hold the baby."
Tommy escapes past the other (laughing) guys. "She's a baby, you don't know what'll happen."
"You gonna slam her on the floor like you won the Super Bowl?"
"Then she's fine. Hold the baby. They're basically jello at this age, she'll bounce back."
"Oh that's not true." Tommy's cornered against the weight bench. "Come on, you—"
Suddenly week-old baby Alice is in his arms. "Oh," Tommy says quietly.
Eli asks dryly, "So, did it kill you?" 
Tommy shakes his head. Too bad this'll never be you, he hears in his own head. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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cinematicnomad · 11 months ago
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9-1-1 ▸ 2.12 chimney begins
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whollyjoly · 11 months ago
✨✨manifesting eli to come back for chim's bachelor party / at least for the wedding✨✨
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setmeatopthepyre · 4 months ago
[@118dailydrabble day 1] [part of my tommy begins snippets]
Tommy Kinard does not keep skeletons in closets, but he does keep their ghosts in the back of his sock drawer: his dog tags, a house key, an engraved lighter.
To this day, he doesn't know how Eli had managed it. Only remembers how he'd pressed its familiar weight into Tommy's hand as they'd stood side by side in their dress blues. How tracing the words had kept his hands from shaking.
B.E. to bad habits T.K.
He'd found the probie smoking on the roof after his first bad call. It became their thing for each one after.
Now, Tommy tries to remember only the friendly flame that lit their shared cigarettes, and not the inferno that had followed.
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scottishaccentsareawesome · 11 months ago
Eli(gets a phone call): - Howie! Ho's it goin'? Chimney(sighs): ...One of my firefighters - Maddie's brother, actually - just came out as bi, and he's dating a guy, and his best friend who is also a guy is clearly jealous over it but of course, he's not letting Maddie's brother see it - just the rest of us. Eli:...Tell Maddie to send me your funeral arrangements. If I can't make it, I will definitely send flowers. Chimney: I appreciate that.
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alkaysani · 11 months ago
all the love an appreciation for eli cobb. he was such an amazing mentor to chimney. the fact that he said all the right things to chimney that he kept it with him for years going forward
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triskel-samulet · 10 months ago
One thing I would have loved to see (but understand why they couldn’t do it) would have been Eli at the wedding.
Eli is one of the only (good) people at the 118 who knows Tommy pre coming out, but left before Gerard was booted. He never got to see *this* Tommy.
All the reactions we saw were either just for Buck or for both of them. But Eli’s would have just been for Tommy.
Also Eli is the reason Chimney was able to stay in Boston and wait for Maddie. He helped them reconnect. So even outside of the Tommy of it all, Eli should have been there.
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xofemeraldstars · 9 months ago
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9-1-1 -> 2x12 ❝ chimney begins ❞
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racerchix21 · 3 months ago
The OG118 Boys and the Husky Pups
An early birthday present for @rdng1230!
He’s just about to walk into the diner where he’s supposed to meet Sal, Howie and Tommy for a post shift dinner when he hears it. At first he thinks he’s hearing things until the whining grows a little louder and then he hears the clang of metal hitting the alleyway.
He lets go of the door and heads into the alley he pulls his flashlight out to investigate he hears another whine and a soft yip. Shining it around Eli finds himself looking into the eyes of 4 tiny little husky puppies. The biggest one stands up grumbling as soon as he spots Eli but calms considerably as Eli kneels down to be at level with him.
“It’s okay buddy I’m not gonna hurt you or your siblings,” Eli coos holding out his hand to allow all of them to sniff at him. He curses to himself when his phone rings and the pups all skitter backwards away from again.
“Dammit Deluca. What,” Eli asks answering Sal’s call glaring at the ground even though the other man can’t see it.
“Tommy said he saw your truck when he got here but you haven’t come in yet so I thought I’d call see if everything was okay.”
“I’m fine. I thought I heard something and figured I’d check. Why don’t you, Tommy and Howie come out to the alley and help me catch these puppies that running through here.”
“Puppies,” Eli hears Sal murmur and then Tommy’s excited repeat and the sound of chairs being pushed out.
“Come here little ones,” Eli coos again trying to get the little ones to head back to him. “That’s it, come on. Good job,” he praises as the smallest two toddle into his legs.
“Where are these puppies,” Tommy asks sounding like a kid on Christmas morning coming up behind him.
“There’s these two then a coupla black and light brown ones,” Eli answers gesturing to the snow white ones chewing on his fingers then farther down the alley where they can see little butts sticking out of a downed trash can.
Tommy chuckles as he sits down next to Eli and one of the pups climbs into his lap to chew on his hoodie strings. “I vote Sal and Howie have to go retrieve the other ones.”
“Now why do we have to go get them,” Howie grumbles already starting towards the trashcans dragging an equally irritated Sal after him.
“Because we’re busy,” Tommy hollers pulling another laugh out of Eli. “One of them is getting nipped. $20 says it’s Sal.”
“30 says he makes you kiss it better,” Eli says just as they hear Howie’s laughter and Sal’s muffled motherfucker as he’s nipped at several times. When he turns to look at Tommy the other man’s already holding out the money.
“Keep it and buy me coffee before next shift,” Eli says waving off the offered money. “Besides you’re gonna need all the money you can get since it looks like you and Sal juts became the proud parents of puppies.”
“I think you’re right,” Tommy chuckles staring lovingly at Sal as he and Howie come to stop in front of them holding the other two pups. “I think you’re right.”
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screamlet · 3 months ago
118 daily drabble (day 19; probie)
notes: tommy and the old 118
It was a ritual he knew too well from losing guys in the army: one guy during a freak accident in basic training, a handful when he was overseas. Bury them, then tell their stories. That's what Tom heard in the booth over his shoulder as he stood at the bar.
Eli stood next to him, didn't say a word. Looked at him and waited, but waited in silence.
"Tim and Tom, what dumb fucking nicknames," Tom finally said. 
"It was cute and you know it." Eli sighed and clasped his shoulder. "He's gone and that's tragic. Don't let him take you with him, probie."
He nodded, tears in his eyes, and asked, "Could you call me Tommy?"
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karenandhenwilson · 9 months ago
A little bit of Headcanon about Chimney
The way Tommy dismissed Chimney right after he joined the 118 has been discussed by certain people a lot. Somehow, no one ever seems to consider what we know about Chimney in that situation.
We learn in Chimney Begins that he was floundering a lot. He didn't know what to do with his life. It's mentioned that he only has the job at the bar because of Kevin. And then there is the fire in the bar. And the thing Chimney remembers the most about that evening even many, many years later is the glory it brought him. We know from the way this was told and shown, that Chimney didn't become a firefighter because in an emergency he learned that helping and managing the situation was his first instinct (though he did learn that, too); he became a firefighter because he wanted to be a hero again as he was on that day.
Chimney brags. A lot and of things he didn't even do, too. We learn that about him in season 1. What are the chances that he didn't brag at the academy about his heroism? That he didn't tell everyone who'd stop long enough to listen to all about how he found his calling because it felt so good to be celebrated for saving the day? I'd say: Zero. I'd also assume that the crew of the 118 knew all about that story before he ever set foot in that house.
So, that's how he started there. By everyone believing they had been settled with a glory hog. The kind of person you can't rely on in a difficult situation because they'll try to play hero. Or believe to know everything better than people who have been on the job for a long time. That's the man Tommy told he didn't want to get to know. And that's the man Eli said about later that trust needed to be earned in their line of work and he hadn't earned that yet.
And yes, of course there is racism heavily mixed in from Gerrard's side. But how much is there really from Tommy's or Eli's side? No one ever held it against Eli that he didn't atone enough for his treatment of Chimney. And we saw less about his changing relationship with anyone than from Tommy because Eli only ever showed up in Chimney Begins and then in Boston again out of the blue. (And both times he somehow turned into the person helping/rescuing Chimney which doesn't really sound that good all things considered, does it? But that would just open another point of discussion.)
I've kept these thoughts about Chimney's journey to becoming a firefighter to myself for a long time. Mostly because I don't want to deal with Chimney stans who I already know will accuse me of excusing the behavior of everyone at the 118 for pointing out that there is more to it than just racism. But I think I learned to ignore the worst of those people and I want to share in a second post some thoughts about Tommy during that time so I felt I needed to share how I see Chimney's start at the 118.
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