#Either of them fit Isa really well
b1ackpaws · 2 months
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Isabeau but I hit him with my catification beam hehe
+ extra doodles below
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Bonnie is here too :3
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isatartdump · 4 months
You draw them all so cool!!! And awesome!! But is that top surgery scars on loop 👀 (sorry I’m also curious were you thinking about anything specific when you drew them in casual clothes cause they all fit the characters So Well) sorry for bothering you I love your art
YES! I think Siffrin, Loop and Isa have top scars (CAN!! Do a stretch and say Odile has them too but I am not ready to think about it, I think she'll get more butch lesbian than she already is)… Lemme talk about them and hope I don't accidentally spoil the game HA
Loop's are more like how people usually draw top surgery scars? Mostly because I draw them by joining stars up, so it KINDA looks like stars blowing up!
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I believe Isa left some really small scars just for the simbolism of finally being his authentic self or something… Since in vaugarde they transition (or honestly just find new ways to become themselves both physically and mentally) by using craft so I kinda headcanon it to be like… Treating your own body like it's made out of clay, people can just opt to have no scars whatsoever. Way easier than it is IRL, haha. I wish… Also I believe he'd put some tattoos on there to be stylish and handsome and pretty but I also don't know what kind of tattoo Isa would choose to get. If I do a modern AU I might think about it…
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And Siffrin I'm. I'm working on it… I don't draw them shirtless often enough to think about it… But I see them as little lines that end on a small explosion at the end. Simple but gets a point across- More so a thing to remind him of how far they've gone rather than a thing that will be seen by other people but to fair isn't this what top scars are for us sometimes? Little reminders that things get better and how far we've come?
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Now that the top scar ramble is over!!!!! Onto the thinking abotu something while drawing them casual... I was mostly thinking about clothes that would fit them in a sense of like. Fitting their body shape and just generally looked like they belong in their wardrobe. It's mostly about comfort and feeling like "Yeah they went to the store and bought that pair of pants". At least in my brain.
Making them look confident and comfortable in clothes that either fit their personality or what they usually wear kinda gets the overall feeling of "Yes of course Odile would wear that" methinks :) I'd say Loop is kinda the hardest one to dress in a way that... They would dress? Since they're. Nakey nakey the entire game but then you just work with what you think this sassy motherfucker (/aff) would wear. They have an absurd amount of personality that I think would be hard to not go into how they wear clothes
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Loop my beloved. Was gonna gatekeep this last one but you guys can have it :) Also you don't bother! Thank you so much for liking my little thingies <3
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isalisewrites · 4 months
A Deep Dive into JKR's Terrible, Amateur Writing - Reflective Interlude
Hello and welcome to my ballsy series where I will prove to you, dear reader, that J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series and resident Twitter TERF, is actually a very, very poor writer.
And when I say ‘poor writer,’ I’m talking about her prose, her sentence structure, and her scenes in the Harry Potter series. I am not going to discuss anything about the HP world nor the overall plot of the books. 
This is all about the nitty gritty in the craft of writing itself.
Part One Link.
Part Two Link.
Hiya! *waves* I’m Isa, the author of this… Actually, I dunno what to call this series anymore. Anyway, thus far, you’ve heard a very satirical tone from me in the previous two posts, but that’s not my normal tone. I’m a rather laid back kind of gal with a side of sarcasm and deluge of emoji usage.
I have used quite a confident, even bombastically obnoxious tone in the effort to be entertaining and engaging with these posts. It was meant to be playful and sarcastic. It’s the internet, so I’m aware everyone’s attention is… kind of like a commodity, unfortunately. Look at TikTok or YouTube. How long does a 30s video hold your attention before you’re scrolling to the next? It depends for me, I’ll admit. People don’t have the attention span for long style posts such as these and that’s fair. Sometimes, I don’t either.
Thus, I used repeated ‘catch phases’ to maintain a rhythm and a thematic style through the series with a controversial title meant to hook a reader. I repeat the opening, even in this post. I repeat ‘Class is in session’ to show the beginning of the major section of the post.
However, in this interlude, I’ve toned it all down because I wanted to give you a window into my heart, my purpose, and my intent in this series. It is a reflective post that ends with writing motivation to you, my dear reader, as well as links to writerly resources. 
I’ve had a lot to think about this week and I realized that many writers (and other creatives) have to battle against an enemy found within themselves. This enemy often torments many with cruel, destructive thoughts; they burrow their way into so many writers’ minds. It whispers: “Can you really do this? Are you really sure you’re any good? Aren’t you just fooling yourself? They’re going to find out you’re just a fraud. So… why bother?”
Whose voice is that?
Let’s talk about the destroyer of creation, Imposter Syndrome, why I refuse to let the bastard infect me anymore, and why my confident tone in previous posts has grated nerves.
Remember: take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.
(This means I write my posts with the honest acceptance and expectation that not everything will fit with your style, your vibes, or your personality. That’s okay.)
All right, let’s buckle up, my dear writing friends. Grab a snack. Hydrate. Let’s begin. And yes…
Class is in session on this little Tumblr post… should you wish to attend.
Having confidence or pride in one’s work seems to be taboo. Any brief moment in time where I tried to be proud about my writing or say, Hey, I’m a good writer, I was always told to be humble. “Don’t be prideful. Be humble.” It would often chip away at my self esteem. I could be a good writer, but I couldn’t allow myself to feel like a good writer.
But no more.
I have only given myself permission to be confident about my writing within the past month. This is why I started this series in the first place. I wanted to share knowledge and in an entertaining way. I make a bold claim that I’m a better writer than JKR; I analyze her writing to both improve my own understanding and to help others as well.
However, this does not mean I’ve ever been under the delusion I’m perfect. Absolutely not. God, that’s so fucking laughable! I am not perfect. I am not a perfect writer. I definitely don’t know everything. Someone once corrected me, informing me that snakes are venomous, not poisonous. Bless them, wasn’t aware of that. Immediately fixed that. One of the recent reblogs said geodes do not contain emeralds. God bless, I didn’t know that, though in the case of how it was used in TBG, I won’t be changing it since it’s within a character thought.
Sorry, Tom. I guess you need to take a geology class, too.
Ugh, and I have so many godforsaken typos. My soul withers when I catch a typo after I’ve posted a chapter. I miss things all the time. I repeat things because ‘that’s my thing’ and I don’t always catch them in my edits. I forget things all the time. Thank GOD for Dede, someone who loved TBG so much she spent countless hours archiving data from it, where she caught a number of inconsistencies and alerted me to them. I still haven’t been able to fix them yet, but I’m so grateful to her. I’ve noted them all down. Harry’s height often is incorrectly implied to be taller than it should be because my brain isn’t wired for imagery. My brain forgets TBG Harry is a short king at 5’4” while TBG Tom is 6’2” and I need to go back to fix all of those. 
I am not a perfect writer and I don’t claim to be.
My goals with this series are to study/learn for myself, teach/share knowledge with others, and learn some more from this experience. I love this kind of analysis. But there’s difference between my analysis of JKR’s writing and a number of those who have retaliated with an analysis of my writing. 
Instead of looking at my imperfections with the desire to learn from them, they were illuminated in the attempt to ‘take me down a notch.’ To those who put in the effort to make counterpoints, I do thank you for your contribution to this series. It is appreciated, even when given impolitely and with the intent to ‘put me in my place.’
Despite all of my errors and imperfections, I still stand by my statement: I am a better writer than J.K. Rowling.
Do you know who else is a better writer than her? I could list thousands of them. They’re fanfiction writers. They’re indie authors. They’re other traditional published authors. They are so many other writers that, yes, I do think are stronger writers than JKR. 
And you’re a better writer, too, so long as you wish it.
I sincerely want you to believe that.
Why? Because it’s clear within the Harry Potter series that JKR did not make attempts to grow as a writer. She just wrote. Perhaps she was under deadlines, but the lack of editing is pretty apparent to me. When you write a lot, you will inevitably get more skilled over time, but you have to actively be seeking improvement to see drastic change in your own skill. It is this lack of drive that I see within her work. She’s not making attempts to push the boundaries of her abilities and skills with each new book.
I’m not at the end of my journey of learning. I never will be. I love expanding my skills. I’m even learning during the process of writing these posts, too. I’m seeing more weaknesses in my own work and I’m now thinking on ways to strengthen my writing even further.
That’s the point of this series.
In the end, it’s not really about me. No, really, it’s not about me. I truly think it’s about the jealousy of seeing another writer be confident in their work. You see, I’m not supposed to be confident; I’m not supposed to act like I can help and teach others to write. How dare I. Posting anything about my work is an act of attention seeking. I’m supposed to be ‘humble.’ I’m supposed to be silent. I’m supposed to wave a shy, dismissive hand at compliments.
Why is being proud of one’s work and loving one’s own work such a controversial idea?
Imposter Syndrome often cripples creators. There’s already so much self doubt and anxiety in the world, but Imposter Syndrome can really wreck with a creator’s mind. It’s a poison. It stops you from creating what you love most. When you believe you aren’t good enough, then it becomes harder to try. Your belief becomes truth to you, whether or not it was true in reality in the first place. Perhaps, you sink into depression. You become anxious about sharing anything, for fear anyone might say even the slightest negative comment. The heart becomes fragile and brittle, and the muscle which builds skill atrophies over time. You see your work through a lens of self hate. You can only see flaws.
“I will never be good enough.”
When you’re in this state of mind, it’s hard to see the truth about your work.
But let me promise you something: your writing is far more beautiful than you realize.
In spirit, all creative writing is perfect to me with all of its typos and mistakes (yes, even all of the Harry Potter books!), but no single work is objectively perfect. There will always be room to improve your creation because you’re constantly growing. It’s why so many aspiring novelists fall into an endless cycle of editing their first few chapters. The more they write, the more they improve; thus, when they go back to their earlier chapters, they get stuck trying to update those chapters instead of pushing forward to the finish line.
Your work is valuable, no matter what. It’s beautiful. You’re allowed to love your work. You’re allowed to see the good in it and you’re allowed to have confidence in yourself. You’re allowed to say to yourself and to others, I’m a damn good writer.
You deserve to have love, for yourself and for your art.
I have often sincerely complimented other writers and, many times, after they respond with their thanks, it becomes clear to me they’re not confident in their work, yet they have still bravely shared it with us.
I’m so proud of them. Thank you for your bravery.
My heart breaks for them, too. They’re such good writers—such damn good writers. And I wish they knew and believed this.
I will always do everything in my power to encourage others.
How do you feel about your writing? Do you like your writing? You should. You really should because it is good. You created it, after all. There will always be space to grow and refine your craft, of course, but you are a good writer now. You’re going to be a better writer tomorrow and the next day, so long as you desire this growth in yourself. There’s no destination, though. There’s no magic level you have to reach before you’re allowed to have some confidence in yourself and your abilities. The only trap to avoid is remaining stagnant. Writing is a skill. Writing is a craft. This means it gets better through study and practice.
You can achieve that.
I know it’s hard, though. There are so many naysayers in life. There are so many people waiting to attack and bring others down, both on the internet and in our own families. How many precious fanfics have been lost because a writer received horrible, hateful comments? How many writers have disappeared from the internet because of this cruelty? We have lost many in all fandoms. That is unacceptable to me.
Uplift others. Spread love, not hate.
You’re allowed to be proud about your work, imperfect as it may be. Please, I beg you, don’t let the negative voices of others—including your own!—drag you down and steal the joy of creating. I know it’s so very, very hard to stand strong against such voices. Words have power, but you have more. Resist the naysayers.
What you have to offer the world is precious. Please lift your head and acknowledge that what you create is good. It’s great. It’s amazing. It’s fucking fantastic. You’re not an imposter nor a fraud. No one can offer what you can to the world. No one can write the stories you have in your head the way you can. Your style is unique to you. You’re allowed to love it as it is now and you’re allowed to love it whatever form it takes in the future.
Imposter Syndrome is a thief; toss it into jail and throw away the key.
My writing is not perfect and it never will be, but I’m a better writer today than I was ten years ago. I’m a seeker of my own growth. I’m often reading books on writing and watching YouTube videos on writing. I absorb it all because writing is my truest love and passion. My style has evolved from reading endless amount of novels and fanfics. I devour both. 
But I wasted a decade thinking I didn’t have what it takes.
And life is short. I can’t waste anymore time.
Don’t be like past Isa, please.
There’s a difference in refinement between an episodic fanfic posted over the course of years and a traditional novel published in whole, but I still stand by my work. I recognize my style will not be enjoyed by all those who read it. It’s okay if you don’t like my style. I’m eternally grateful for the many readers who do love my writing. I’m humbled and honored by the sheer volume of people who have commented, bookmarked, and have left kudos on my work. Thank you.
My style has evolved into what it is today due to a combination of two things.
I have ADHD. It’s why my style uses smaller paragraphs as a whole.
I have aphantasia. I lack a mind that can visualize pictures. I literally cannot see anything in my mind. When people say, “I can picture it in my mind,” that’s not me. I cannot at all. When there’s a lack of description in prose, it feels blank and empty to me. This is why I use vivid descriptions in the way I do because otherwise I feel nothing from my work.
It’s okay if this style doesn’t work for you. I love my style because it caters to what I need. I also love other styles that don’t use as much description; however, I can’t always follow what’s happening because of the wiring of my brain. I can get lost sometimes, but I still appreciate their style because I can’t effectively do what they can.
If you find no value in my style and what I offer in this series here, then that’s okay. I’m not offended. This series is for those who benefit from it. For you, there are so many other writers out there from whom you can learn and I’m more than happy to send you in the direction that benefits you the most.
Here’s a list of YouTubers you might find interesting.
ShaelinWrites has been working on many unpublished projects through the years and has lots of great discussion videos on writing.
Abbie Emmons is a self published author with solid writing advice in all of her videos. 
Alexa Donne is a traditionally published author with great insider information into the traditional publishing world. 
Ellen Brock is a professional editor. She knows her stuff.
I hesitantly suggest Jenna Moreci and her content on YouTube because I think she has some major weaknesses in her writing. Many others have seen this about her books. However, she is a successful indie author and her YouTube content has a lot of value.
Brandon Sanderson has an entire college course in a playlist on his channel. It’s a fabulous free resource if you vibe with his style of writing. Highly recommend. 
Here’s a list of writing books I recommend.
Elements of Fiction Writing, a five book series. My TOP recommendation is Elements of Fiction Writing - Beginnings, Middles & Ends.
Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wicked Good Prose
Let the Crazy Child Write!: Finding Your Creative Writing Voice
Novelist's Essential Guide to Crafting Scenes
All right then.
Thank you for sticking around. I hope you accept this post in the good faith it was given and was always given in the previous posts. Next post, I’ll be returning to my playful satirical tone. Hehe~!
Please do the world the greatest of favors and write. Create. Share your fanfiction. Become best selling authors, traditional or indie. I promise you’re far more capable and skilled than you realize.
Until next time.
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bookqueenrules · 11 months
And So It Begins.... Season 2..........
This article at screenrant with showrunner Zabel was published a couple of days ago..
The title is somewhat misleading....
In an interview with TVLine, Zabel addressed the possibility of a romance developing between Daryl and Isabelle in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season 2. Zabel acknowledges that the pair have formed a connection over the course of season 1, but that a relationship would take a lot of work. Check out his statement below:
That’s a good question. A deep connection has clearly formed between them over the course of the five episodes we’ve seen so far, and it continues to deepen in episode six. They have to deal with conflict about what [their relationship] means in the future for both of them, because they have different goals and ideas about what comes next. So it’s an interesting, kind of profound place they find themselves in at the end of the season. The idea was, from the beginning, to really form a mature bond between two people who are really different… and to follow that in a truthful way. And that includes following not only the story that we were telling but following the performances of Norman and Cleménce. We tried to be really nuanced in terms of how we developed that and what romance may be read into it or not by the audience. The actors feel what they feel, and the characters feel what they feel. We’re not trying to force anything. There’s this whole idea of a surrogate family forming. That may include romance, but a surrogate family was really the idea behind the premise. The big question for Daryl was, ‘What happens if in your effort to go home, you wind up forming a sort of home in the place where you are?’ That goes beyond just romance. That’s more about ‘How do you fit into the world, especially an apocalyptic world? In that scenario, what is your place? What is the place that you’re most needed, and what is the place you most want to be?’
However, it's unclear if a relationship between Daryl and Isabelle could work. Despite the pair growing close and becoming parental figures to Laurent (Louis Puech Scigliuzzi), their relationship has been strictly platonic. Isabelle is a nun and has shown no indication of wanting to break her vows. Additionally, she has shot down the idea of a romance with Daryl anytime it arises. There's a chance that he could still get a love story in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, even if it's not Isabelle. Perhaps Isabelle teaching him about family could inspire him to let someone else in finally.
That is the end of the article.
My thoughts:
My take on this is that the Isabelle/Laurent "family" tease is serving a few purposes:
It is supposed to create angst and interest in the France storyline.
It is yet another example that Daryl is now ready for a wife and child.
In Season 5, Daryl was, in many ways, less emotionally mature than Beth. I think of what happened in Still. Beth handled the loss of their "family" more maturely than Daryl. It's well known that childhood trauma often arrests emotional development.
As Daryl has slowly made some peace with his past, he has had a variety of relationships that have helped him understand husband/father dynamics. Leah and Connie have helped him understand attraction and developing, or not, that into a romance. Lydia, Judith, and RJ have all been surrogate children.
Isabelle and Laurent combine the mother figure and the child into a type of surrogate family. They are NOT the happy ending. They are another "therapy" step.
Additionally, I don't see either actor actually wanting to develop this into a full romance. It would negate Isabelle's claim that God and becoming a nun lead her to change from her former self.
Norman sorta of let it drop that Season 2 is the end of their time in France.{He jokingly said maybe Costa Rica should be next) Zabel said that there are 6 episodes planned for season 2 as well.
SO, that means either:
Isabelle and Laurent leave with Daryl and Carol. Can you see Isabelle giving up the idea that "Laurent is the Savior of France" in the next 6 episodes? Especially when much of those episodes have already been spoiled to be Genet's backstory, Carol's story, and more insight into walker experiments?
I don't think so.
Isabelle dies and Laurent leaves with Daryl, Carol, and possibly others. This would complete Isabelle's redemption arc. I will post something later on the "Land Rover of Love" scene in episode 6, but something no one is commenting on is how when Laurent is talking about "having to do terrible things" he looks at Isabelle and says, "Like what you did to my mother." Isabelle is shocked. We saw her do NOTHING terrible to her sister. I think we will find out about that next season. So, this could be a definite possibility.
Isabelle and Laurent stay in France and work with Fallou's group to rebuild after Genet is defeated. I think this the most likely senario.
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junjiie · 1 year
silly little game ignore if you want — assign each of your moots and idol and a song!
OMG AN IDOL AS WELL?!? we're ab to have sm fun.. Thank U 4 This. also ermmm to moots i hvnt interacted w much this is j based on ur silly vibes Soz.....
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@wave2love ( karma ). you dont even know how long ive been waiting to scream this for real. for an idol i'd say karma is either mingi from ateez or jisung from stray kids and for a song.. maybe 3005 by childish gambino?? bc ily bsf Wjnk 😉
@mins-fins ( isa ). ISA ISA ISAAA for an idol its hueningkai from txt FS. perhaps jeongin (skz) too though.. and for a song imo isa is really trix by slater!!! but also mayb take me home by pinkpantheress too!? isa isa isaaa ☹️
@so2uv ( sol ). SOL . sticking w my hongjoong (ateez) = sol agenda here IT MAKES SENSE TO ME!!!! but again the jaehyun (nct) is jumping out a little too. Here damn 😒 ANW FORA SONG im thinking massa by tyler, the creator or song about me by tv girl.. they j fit u in my head
@hyeoniez ( flori ). flori!!!!!! i think mayb jeonghan from svt for an idol?!!? Hmm idk. ur like a little bit silly and evil occasionally and that is so good for u bsf. Real. anw for a song its semantics by chloé silva 0 questions asked. ITS SO U IMO WHATTT
@jinkiseason ( elif ). oh erm Heyy.. for an idol sehun from exo (partly bc of the pfp and partly bc his ig feed (and him in general!?) is so unhinged and idgaf and crazy and silly and those r the vibes i get from them) and for a song wolf by exo (see unhinged idgaf crazy fun argument above). GUERAE WOLF NAEGA WOLF AWOOOO 🗣️
@samudan ( zai ). Hei . Ermm . purely vibes watch me do this in 0.2 seconds.. for an idol xiaojun (wayv/nct) and for song nemonade by p1harmony!!! i got some lemons 4 u 부숴 네 기준 기준....
@cinnajun ( cinna ). lowk scared asl but Hii 😓 UMMM for an idol let me blindfold myself and spin a wheel.. ten (wayv/nct)??!??? U SEEM RLY COOL IDK.. and for a song ermm sugar rush ride by txt (also a massive stab in the dark. Yasss! 👍)
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For the giftless grandkids (minus Antonio) au-
Luisa works as a construction worker? (Or something that has to do with building things.)
Isabela is a botanist and/or owns a flower/paint shop. It’s up to you. 
Dolores could possibly be a librarian. It’s simple, quiet, and doesn’t require much work. Unless you think she would be fit for something else.
Mirabel is learning how to be an embellisher. (reference to your HC). 
Camilo is a theater kid, always will be. Probably learning how to be an actor and make costumes and such.  
Camilo used to drag Mira into helping him finish up detailing his costumes and outfits. Or just ask her about what she would put here or there and do it himself instead. After a while he bothered her less and figured things out himself but they still hang out. 
(And sorry if this doesn’t align with your perception of Camilo but I HC that he likes making clothes. Especially outfits for his family and costumes for his plays. Yes, he’s lazy. He will give up if a project it’s a bit much too much. But if buddy can chase kids around all day in canon I do think he can have energy to make clothes in an au)
I’m not entirely sure what to do for angst. Do you think Alma would still pressure Isa into being perfect/marrying mariano?
I’m assuming we’re dropping the royalty idea then? Because obviously none of them would be working in that case. And I’m going to assume we’re in the canon setting as well for this.
Completely agree!
Luisa would definitely work in construction. She’s a huge construction nerd in canon, so getting to do that right off the bat? Amazing! She probably still helps out a lot around town, especially without a gift, I can imagine she still is a bit of a workaholic.
Mirabel, once old enough, would definitely be hired by a local seamstress as an embellisher. She wouldn’t be getting any of the credit, but I think she would rather it that way. She wouldn’t want to be swarmed by people or anything. Probably unintentionally lets herself be treated unfairly by her boss subsequently.
The other three? Not so much. People forget that this is a small, rural town, that hasn’t modernised beyond the 1890s:
Flower shops weren’t a thing in such areas yet. (Flower shops originated in 1875 and only got popular in later years). There may be a small market stand or two for bouquets in Encanto, but that would be about it. Most people would just pick flowers or grow their own in their gardens. Besides Isa would rather work with more interesting plants than flowers anyways
Though libraries have been around for thousands of years, the chances of Encanto having one are very slim. There would just be bookshops. And it would be very different from what we know in the present day. Bookshops were fairly small and just ran by the owner, there wasn’t a need for more employees
Encanto probably has a small, local theatre (that is probably used for other things in the “off season”), but it wouldn’t be active so frequently. Jobs would be few and far between, as it would only be used every so often. Costume designers wouldn’t really a thing as there would be much budget for it. Costumes and props were just collected from people’s own belongings, things rarely would have been specifically made
If Isabela were to have a vaguely nature related job, she’d most likely work as a fieldworker on another family’s farm. That would be the best source of pay and most in demand job. If we don’t force her into a nature related job at all, I could see her being a dance teacher for children. (As dance was a lot more common practice back then). She wouldn’t overly enjoy it the same way Luisa and Mira would enjoy theirs because teaching children isn’t something I think Isa cares about, but dance is something within her skill set.
Considering how musical she is, it is fair to say that Dolores would definitely pursue a music related career. Either joining a local band/orchestra or being part of a choir or playing the church organ, etc. There would be a lot of option. I can imagine that she takes one of the aforementioned jobs, but secretly would rather be out and composing her own music than doing this. Not that she dislikes it per se, but she would want to make something herself.
Camilo would probably still be an actor, but definitely would need a second job to keep himself going. Looking at his skill set and interests, working with children is something he’d really enjoy. It’s already canon. He probably still does a lot of babysitting; people are always going to have children, so he’d always be needed. He is the Mary Poppins of Encanto, if you will.
In question to Abuela marrying them off? I think she still would - more children may equal more gifts. But I don’t think she’d be as set on making it happen right now. I’m sure she’d be convinced to wait a few years before trying to marry Isabela (and later the others) off. Antonio would be the only one she’d want to make a truly spectacular marriage.
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malaismere · 2 years
I am the wildemount job's biggest stan but I think I'll ask for director's commentary on the wedding ceremony in ch 6 of Tower of Shattered Glass, either from "Lord Caleb Widogast, archmage of antiquity" to "Essek wishes that could give him comfort." or the passage right after that until "Best not to dwell on it. In unison, they both step forward, down the center aisle, the line of people trailing after them." Whatever you think is interesting!
honestly, probably for the best, im not sure how much commentary for the wildemount job I’d have beyond “i thought it was funny” (that’s only half a joke, I did put thought into that fic)
I’m doing both because I like rambling, and may as well cover the full wedding. Below the cut!
Lord Caleb Widogast, archmage of antiquity. He’s dressed in crimson red, the trademark of the Assembly, and his bright blue eyes stare back at Essek with a gaze that feels like it could set something on fire, make a lesser man crumble beneath it.
So, the biggest inspiration for this fic is Reputations (as is only fitting for an arranged marriage, volstrucker!caleb fic). In it, Caleb sets his hair on fire as a nervous tic, which everyone (especially husband to be Molly) thinks is intimidating/a sign of anger. Didn’t steal it exactly, but I think volstrucker!Caleb has real rating murder face.
And every time I describe him in the early chapters, I think it’s very important that he looks clean cut, imposing. This isn’t truly Caleb, after all - it’s closer to Bren. Although, he’s not usually in Assembly/blood red, it’s more a public appearance/formal thing. Read into that how much metaphor you want.
Essek matches it, unflinching, keeping the blank, congenial smile on his face.
Of course, resting murder face or not, Essek was raised in courts. I like to imagine that the dens are very much the great houses with all the ruthlessness and only somewhat less murder; you won’t last long in high echelon politics if you can’t handle yourself and your emotions, much less Shadowhand. Essek is very good at not letting anyone know what he’s feeling, especially to not seem intimidated.
The priest begins to read out the sermon - a generic, inoffensive thing, the wording of which had been argued over for hours. It speaks of the strength of unity, the power of alliances, alluding to both the marriage and the peace.
I did not want to write wedding vows.
Although I think it’s important that this isn’t actually vows; neither speak here, it isn’t really about them. This also emphasizes how political - and therefore - how dull - most of the planning was.
“Let Erathis bless this union, and all those that follow,” the priest finishes, and steps back, as the Dusk Captain moves forward to take the place, and, behind Widogast, the third archmage, Wulfric Kirchoff, pulls out the beacon from the case it had been held in.
Erathis chosen as the least offensive deity to the Dynasty and also patron of political marriages and treaties.
Eodwulf is holding the beacon. Our trio of archmages won’t let anyone else even see it without one of them present. Paranoid motherfuckers, aren’t they? Rightfully so, of course.
Wulfric Kirchoff is my excuse to have Caleb Widogast - Wulfric to keep Wulf, Kirchoff comes from Church for his worship of the Raven Queen. Astrid is Isolde Siegrun, for ‘Isa’/‘Asa’ and Siegrun meaning Rune of Victory. Caleb only refers to them by the nicknames when alone, so going forward I want to shift towards that to make it less confusing, but Essek/M9 only know the aliases....yeah this was maybe too much thought. What can I say. I like my canon compliance.
Kirchoff hands it over to Widogast, who holds it aloft, and Essek reaches up to grab the handles, grasping it between them.
This is the core ritual of the wedding and the peace. I wanted to parallel the iconic Caleb throne room scene. But he’s got more power, here, they’re equals - if anything, Essek’s got the lower status, because he’s being shoved into the game.
The last time he held this beacon, he had stolen it, whisked it away to enemy lands to experiment on it, sparked a bloody war, cost the lives of agents and soldiers and civilians on both sides.
Emphasizing that, even without Caleb, this is an Essek who made his heel-face turn.
“The Light shines upon you,” the Dusk Captain says, “as on us all - may it guide us from the dark, unto the truth.”
Counterpoint to the Erathis bit; one to the Empire, one to the Dynasty. They don’t need a king speech about peace and marriage - they don’t really do weddings, after all - they just need the beacon.
Also, to highlight that Quana - and everyone in the Dynasty - is completely unaware of Essek’s treason. It isn’t a jab at his lies. It feels like one anyways.
It would be the easiest thing in the world, to teleport away, right now. At the highest level, the chances of the Assembly counterspelling were low. He could run, run from it all, find some forgotten corner of the world to complete the research.
Essek may be a face, but it’s tempting. Nothing like willingly being handed the thing you conspired to steal. Of course, this plan would likely end in his execution, but realism can’t break the fantasy.
He hands the beacon over to Verin, to place in the case once more, and hopes whatever lapse, whatever hesitation, passes off as mere religious fervor.
A deliberate Eodwulf-Caleb-Essek-Verin chain/parallel here.
If Widogast notices - if he has any hesitation, watching the second, final beacon vanish from his grasp - he shows no signs of it. Essek wishes that could give him comfort.
This line is the core of the fic. I have thought about it, but really...I don’t think I can show Caleb’s POV, not for a while at least, because the question is...who is he? what are the blumentrio really up to? why turn on Ikithon, why hand over the beacon, why end the war? Goodness of their hearts, or another plan up their sleeves?
And, what Essek is most concerned with: do they know his role? Do they suspect? Or is Vess de Rohan the only one who still knows.
The priest steps back to the center, and, with only half a second delay, Essek raises his hands to meet Widogast’s, to hold them. The sensation of skin against his is like a shock - and he’s grateful that his exposure to the Mighty Nine has weaned him of that, that he has no reaction.
Essek is touch starved.
He keeps his eyes on Widogast, as the priest begins to read out the marriage requirements, hands resting over theirs clasped. It’s an inane, mostly symbolic list, but the most important, most binding one, comes last.
“-til death do you part?”
Exandrian vows probably aren’t the same as American. But there’s nothing more dramatic than swearing to the death.
They both have a very simple (well, simple, not easy) way out.
“I do,” Essek says, and it’s no small effort to force his voice to match the volume of the priests, to not catch in his throat.
He repeats the same for Widogast, who answers just as cleanly, an echoing, “I do.”
First words either say. Again, happening to them, not by them.
By force of will, Essek is making sure no one sees any signs he’s nervous or uncertain. Caleb is the same.
“Then, by the powers vested in me, by god, king, and country, I pronounce you - wed!”
Roman pietas was in my head for god/king/country.
Below, the crowds rise, not quite cheery excitement, but the sound of applause filling the chapel. He turns to the side, facing the crowd and looking out at them in full for the first time, bracing himself on the sight of the Mighty Nine, risen and whooping from the front row.
Standing on the dais, it’s just him, Caleb, Wulf, Verin, the priest, and the Dusk Captain. Enough to forget theirs a whole crowd - tight angle, this is just the two of them.
But they aren’t alone, it’s a show. And a successful one at that.
He’s still holding Caleb’s hand - no, Widogast is holding his hand - not gripping it, not tightly, but not letting go, either. It wasn’t one of the things brought up, in the highly detailed description of how the ceremony would take place - maybe a slip, the Empire forgetting that they didn’t do weddings, much less ones of this style - maybe a last-minute choice, trying to better signify unity before the crowds - maybe a personal decision, not wanting to let go for whatever reason.
Neither is quite ready to let go just yet. It’s easier to have someone to brace yourself against, even if you don’t trust them. Not wanting to admit it, Essek justifies. Clearly this is either a Dwendalian tradition they forgot to mention or Caleb making a political move.
Best not to dwell on it. In unison, they both step forward, down the center aisle, the line of people trailing after them.
Or, maybe not. But Essek isn’t going to let himself think about romance. He doesn’t need to like Caleb. He just needs to survive.
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kouros-herc · 10 months
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November 13 – #OOTD: Come up with five significant full outfits from your character’s wardrobe/life and describe them in detail
Herc's 'Elevated Wardrobe' courtesy of Ken's advice. All of these outfits are significant (to me) because they represent the fact he has tried to make more of an effort in the last 6 months or so, tried to pay more attention to what he looks like and not just resort to wearing his sports gear all day every day. Also because I am trying really hard guys I'm just not good at it.
'Smart and sophisticated' A simple black cotton shirt, in a lightweight twill fabric so he doesn't overheat too much. Grey trousers with some slight variation in the fabric to prevent the look being too 'waiter.' Styled with some brown chelsea boot style shoes that elevate the look and add a little warmth. Designed not to overwhelm with colour but to bring out the colour in his hair and his eyes.
'Casual colour' - A summertime look! A lightweight linen cream shirt with light blue stripes(because sometimes opting for a lighter neutral is as good as bright colour or patterns for making it stand out!). Paired with some more brightly coloured shorts in a blue or yellow, and either some casual trainers or (ideally) some casual loafers.
'Warm and rugged' - Cosy and warm, but slightly more upstyled than a hoody, this fleece is perfect for going for long autumnal hikes or days spent up at the stables, or throwing on over the top of some gym gear to get to/from work or training. It can also be paired with either some jeans, or chinos, and a pair of desert boots to make an outfit smart enough for a casual hangout with friends or grabbing a coffee!
'Business owner chic' - Again, Ken tried to insert some interest into Herc's wardrobe. He might be only slowly making progress on brighter colours and bolder patterns, he also gave the advice that sometimes sticking to simple and classic shapes and muted colours can make an outfit look stylish and smart. In this case, the relatively thin but very textured jumper is form flattering but understated. With jeans, or chinos, and some boots, it makes for a good business casual look that says 'I know what I am doing!'
'The Classic Herc' - Hercules' beloved fleece-lined denim jacket is one of his favourite items of clothing. Thrown over a simple well-fitted white t-shirt and some black jeans, he could be walking straight out of a bland Taylor Swift video.
'bonus gratuitous workout herc for Anya' He's hot! He's young! He goes jogging! The neighbourhood parents like to take a glance! He has been weaponised as a recruitment tactic for the running club! Real talk but he probably got gifted some workout gear by a brand who want to see him in influencer mode/sneaking into Isa's videos more
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isajynx · 2 years
Chapter 3 Part 1
My mind begins to wonder as we stroll around the mass gathering of people in the park. The silence is wonderous, no conversations are heard. No eye contact is made other than my strolling partner. Everyone within the parameter of this park is casually getting on with their day. Enjoying the warmness of the fire ball in the sky. The fireball is no longer so intense as it was in the beginning. My eyes are adjusting to the brightness. I am thoroughly enjoying the peace I feel when I am once again interrupted.
            “Hey, do you have another story, Isa?”
            Oh, yes, my apologies. It’s so peaceful here I was stolen away for a minute.
            “Peace can do that sometimes, still you away. But without the chaos of life, peace can steal you forever. But that is a story for another time. So, what happened next.”
            Let’s see… I graduated from high school, set free from my bonds if my will so determined it. At the ripe old age of seventeen, I had no want, much less or idea of where my life wanted to go from here. I was in a land of the true unknown. I did, however, receive two scholarships to two nearby colleges for my marching band talents. Playing music by ear had become an easy talent I did not know I had. I was enough to cover, room and board from each. One to a Private college, Howard Payne. The other was to a Junior college in Cisco. Cisco had an offer I could not pass up. They were invited to Macy’s Day in New York City that year, all expenses paid. How could I not choose that? Cisco Junior College here I come. My summer was cut short by the upcoming band camp however, I did not mind one bit. The sooner I could escape the better. Granny continued to make home life volatile in she obviously did not want me there anymore. Granny continually demonstrated behaviors to favor my brother, leaving me with a feeling of helplessness in the unforgiving future.  
            “Do you think it was because she still thought that your brother had no one?”
            Not sure, my granny was ruthless with her love, I know she meant well for me. But man, did she make me work for that love. My college adventures would take me an hour away from the Commune. With my bags packed, and every hope of making it in this world, I ventured out to find myself. Granny drove me to my dorm. She did not cling like the other parents; I think she was happy to have me gone. The dorm life is as many of them are, awkward teens trying to play it cool. My world begins to expand, what made me socially weird in high school, made me popular in college. Nerds ruled the world and I fit in like I was built for this world. I was easily liked by my like-minded individuals. My addiction to weed gave me an easy opening to loosen up to my new friends and we all believed it made our lives easier. My first semester would unfortunately be my last. My decisions to work on my weed and social game were placed above my classes I obvious failed so epically. My addictions cost me my scholarship and education. While I was out in New York, my dorm room was spot searched, and my stash was found. When I returned to Cisco, I was given two choices. Go to jail or drop out of college. I chose to take the drop out and leave with my tail between my legs, to save myself from what would have been a felony record. I called Granny and told her I had failed out. She did not need to know why I was really coming home. I needed to spare myself from her wrath and disappointment. Sparing her the truth did nothing for the disappointment, my return trip home was filled with belittlement, Granny was really upset with me to say the least. The conversation was extremely one sided,
            “You’re going to find a job, if you are not going to be in school.”
            Yes, ma’am.
            “Don’t ask me for a ride to town either. It’s time to grow up, time to figure out how to do shit on your own. I am done helping you.” I began thinking in my head: When have you helped me. You never helped me before, why should you start now. But I did not say these things, I sat silent instead, letting her get her anger out, respecting my elder as I was taught. When we finally made it home, that was the last place I wanted to be. I immediately dropped my things off in my room and set off to find my friends and get high again.
            “Do you think that not saying what you felt was the right thing to do?”
            No! Looking back, I know now that she would have been upset in the short game, but not forever. I should have told her, been honest with her.
            “If you could go back, would you have changed any of your actions?”
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the-heaminator · 2 years
Oh can you write ukfrain? I thought like a love triangle (real one) and they're all too dumb to notice they're in love with each other. I do like Frain being very close and lot of PDA dispite them not saying and England feeling jealous because he/she isn't between them.
Oh wait. It can be nyo if you want 👀
OH, OH ok apparentl;y this turned into the horniest thing ive ever written. maybe im just feeling gayer than usual. A lot of this went into describing what i like about women im so sorry
Y E S. These shits being oblivious and England being jealous and all being very gay
Names bc Nyos: Isabella (Spain) Francene (France) Elizabeth (England)
Dammit why was Isabella so pretty!
This was the simultaneous thought of more than one very gay women in the conference room as Spain flounced up to give her speech.
Spain in a suit could turn most women gay, let's be real here, but if they were already gay, that could be a small problem.
As she droned on about agriculture most people had tuned out and were busy doing various things, like being on their phones, irritating someone or staring at Isabella's hips, luckily for Isa, only 2 people were staring at her hips. But unluckily for her, it was Francene and Elizabeth, one was her best friend (and fuck buddy) and the other was her past rival (now occasional fuck buddy.) 
Now you could argue that  Francene and Isabella's relationship had long surpassed being just fuck buddies, looking after each other and cuddling in the rain, being there when the other was down, kissing eachther goodnight, while sleeping in the same bed.
Normal homie behaviour at its finest.
After that it was Francene, she gave an actually well delivered and structured speech about strikes and why they happen and how to prevent them to avoid major closures. Most people were listening and to some extent Isa and Elizabeth were too, but they were also getting occationally sidetracked by Francenes clothing choices. A very close fitting waistcoat that left little to imagination and even though the skirt reached the knee, it showed her stocking clad calves and if she stretched, parts of her thigh and it was really sending Elizabeth around the bend.
She knew that Francene was mostly occupied by Isabella, but she really wanted to be held dammit. Preferably by either or both of those 2.
When it was finally Elizabeth's turn to speak, she pointedly avoided looking at either of the two. After all she was not wearing anything exactly provocative and her bodily dimensions left a lot to be desired, so she wouldnt have to worry.
At least that's what she thought.
Her bin provocative clothing and her overall dimensions did nothing to stop the two romance nations imagining things that would have gotten them flogged in centuries past.
I mean Elizabeth has done it before, so why not again.
Elizabeth's presentation on urban and rural development was the end to the incredibly long meeting.
Most nations had agreed to go to the pub before going to their hotels and probably sleeping, though some noises occasionally said otherwise.
Elizabeth walked to the canteen, avoiding Isabella and Francene like the plague, even if that meant being around Julchen and Amelia, two women who had no idea what being quiet was.
Except today, they were mostly silent, only muttering to each other under their breaths.
After an infuriating 5 minutes she asked "What is wrong with you two, neither of you have said awesome or dude yet and you're being awfully quiet."
Julchen, being an absolute beast at covering up her tracks and 100% wanted to torture Elizabeth said "We were talking about how I'm pretty sure that Isa and Francene have a thing going on."
"Oh you think I dont know that? I hear ✨sounds✨" she said, quite disgruntled as you would imagine.
She looked over at the two who were being so sappy that she couldn't look away defo not imagining herself in some questionable positions .
Elizabeth stopped her beer while Julchen did as well, Amelia was being a pussy in the corner and drinking coke.
But a couple of beers later, everyone is understandably a bit tipsy and whilst Amelia was stuck with dragging a mooning Elizabeth and a very depressed Julchen out of the bar.
Amelia looked on in dismay as Elizabeth sort of walked (she wasn't stumbling but like still a bit wobbly) over to the very passionately making out duo in the back.
And her tongue being plied with a generous amount of liquid courage says "Can I join you?"
The two considered it and debated for all of a minute and said "Sure, but this commitment lasts the night, kay?"
Oh and indeed it did
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0ruguitas · 3 years
Encanto cast mario kart mains in no particular order:
Antonio: Yoshi
Dolores: Rosalina
Isa: pre-move she’d feel pressure to play as Daisy or Peach, but post-movie she likes playing as Dry Bones
Agustin: Tanooki Mario
Bruno: Baby Luigi or Toad
Julieta: Isabella
Pepa: Bowser
Felix: Metal Mario
Luisa: Koopa
Mirabel: Inkling
Camilo: Wario
Abuela: Villager
- Isabela playing Dry Bones or even Dry Bowser is super fitting. I feel like she'd be ruthless too.
- I think Luisa would actually prefer the princess characters. I think she'd prefer Daisy because the flower motif reminds her of Isa. She's not too good and bumps into obstacles often. She's just happy to be here.
- Mirabel would play any of the koopa kids, and depending on which one she picks she points to one of her siblings or cousins and is like "that's you". She's pretty good but will go easy depending on who's leading. If by some miracle Antonio or Agustín is leading she'll save her blue shell. If it's Isabela or Camilo; no mercy.
- I think Agustín would also like Toad or the any of the Koopa kids. He tries SO hard but ultimately almost always gets last place.
- Julieta absolutely plays Isabelle and no one expects her to be that good but she's actually the best at the game.
- Bruno is definitely attracted to cutesy characters so Baby Luigi or Toad fits p well with him. I can't see him being that good at the game but I also think he tends to throw just to let the kids place higher.
- Pepa plays Bowser and is extremely competitive. It frustrates her to no end how effortlessly good Julieta is at the game.
- Félix enjoys the ogs and would main Mario or Bowser. He'll go easy on Antonio and Antonio only, everyone else is getting every item he has thrown at them.
- Dolores would play Rosalina or Shy Guy. Whenever she wins literally no one sees it coming because she's always biding her time before she strikes and gets first in the last lap.
- Camilo for sure plays Wario, Waluigi or King Boo and is either really good or really bad. Whenever he does poorly he claims he was just going easy so Antonio wouldn't feel bad. He is a liar.
- Antonio would definitely play Yoshi, Cat Peach or Tanooki Mario with him being an animal guy and whatnot. He's not very good yet, but he's just happy whenever he doesn't get last place.
- Alma isn't very good and doesn't quite understand the controls, but she likes how cute the characters are and cycles through the ones that remind her of her family:
Luigi reminds her of Bruno
"Ay míralo, vestido de verde y todo tímido como mi Brunito"
Rosalina reminds her of Pepa
"Mira como la persigue la estrellita como tus nubes, Pepita"
Isabelle reminds her of Julieta,
"Quiero jugar como la perrita del moñito de Julieta"
Mario reminds her of Félix
"Me gusta porque es chaparrito y sonriente como Félix"
Waluigi reminds her of Agustín (Much to his dismay)
"Ese flaco con el bigote todo raro si que se parece a Agustín"
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tsukihimeyfan · 3 years
I really wish I had literally ANY drawing/animation skills because I desperately want to see an Encanto animatic about Bruno to the song "King" by Lauren Aquilina, but it doesn't exist yet and that's CRIMINAL.
I have such a clear mental image of how it all could look, and the song fits so perfectly, that I can hardly believe it hasn't been done but I need it, so I'm forcing all of you guys down with me.
I imagine it could start out with a mob of townspeople complaining to Abuela Alma, then we'd see a young Bruno, age ~12, hiding in a corner a short distance away, sitting down and crying with his hands covering his ears, wearing an expression kinda like this:
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Then, as "so what?" sounds in the background, we'd suddenly see a hand appear on his shoulder. It'd be Pepa, with Julieta close behind her, who'd then sit next to him and hold him close. He'd give them a tiny smile through his tears.
Next, at "glass half empty, glass half full", we'd see Isabela holding one of Bruno's visions, looking joyful and excited, while Bruno gazes upon her with pride (maybe like this)
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quickly followed by an image of Dolores in the same position, face shocked and with tears streaming down her eyes, as Bruno looks sadly towards the ground
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At "well, either way, you won't be going thirsty", we'd see Dolores, her eyes still misty, extend tiny hands towards her tio, and hug him around the waist; to show him she still loves him, despite the terrible vision he'd given her. He'd kneel to be eye-level with her then embrace her, holding her as tight as he could, as "count your blessings, not your flaws" can be heard.
At the first chorus, we'd see Bruno giving visions to townspeople in his vision cave, first happily (as a child), then a bit reluctantly (as a teen), then finally with a very pained look on his face (as an adult). Then we'd see his tower's staircase grow ever taller as he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him and trying to make himself seem smaller. His sisters then would step up to him, hold his face and smile encouragingly at him.
At "you don't get what all this is about", we'd see him being asked for the vision about the future of the Encanto after Mirabel's gift ceremony, then seeing the loss of the miracle in the future, realizing what it could mean for Mirabel, and destroying it.
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Then at the second chorus, there could be a sequence about him installing himself in his little crook in the wall while his family searches for him, talking to his rats, working on fixing the cracks and finally going back to his "room" to rest. He'd sit in front of The Plate, and hear his family saying "we don't talk about Bruno" angrily, leaving him heartbroken ("rid of the monsters inside your head"). He'd then curl himself into his chair, holding his rats for comfort.
Next, starting from "there's method in my madness", the animatic could loosely follow the events of the movie after Mirabel finds him in the wall. The following sequences could kinda go like this:
*Bruno initially refusing to ever have another vision -> "there's no logic in your sadness"
*Bruno being encouraged by Mirabel, who insists she won't think ill of him no matter what the vision holds because they're both the "family weirdos", then finally being convinced and holding her hands -> "you don't gain a single thing from misery, take it from me"
*Him starting the vision and saying “I have to stop” when it seems to still show the family's destruction -> "you’ve got it all, you’ve lost your mind in the sound"
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*Mira pointing out the butterfly, and them following it -> "there’s so much more, you can reclaim your crown"
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*Him holding the vision with Mira and Isa happily -> "you’re in control, rid of the monsters inside your head"
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*Him encouraging Mira to reconcile with her sister -> "Put all your faults to bed, you can be king"
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*Casita collapsing, him seeing Mira in the wreckage – "you’ve got it all, you’ve lost your mind in the sound"
*Him riding a horse to find Mira – "there’s so much more, you can reclaim your crown"
*Him standing up to Alma, then her hugging him – "you’re in control, rid of the monsters inside your head"
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It could end with all Mirabel extending her hand to him, pulling him into the light, as the rest of the family runs to embrace him, his sisters first of all ("put all your thoughts to bed, you can be king again")
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great, now I made myself emotional, again
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Encanto - Question about surnames
Hey. So. I’m curious. As we know from watching the movie and looking at source materials the Madrigals appear to be ‘The Madrigals’. All of them have the one surname, Madrigal. Except from what I’ve read about Spanish culture [and yes, it’s via Google. It’s the best I can do, the books I’ve managed to get my hands on about Colombian culture seem to not include information about the name side of it] they should have two names? The fathers first surname and the mothers first surname, I believe, is that right?
So - because this is how my brain works - I’ve tried to come up with a way that this might work and fit the facts. A few things to consider though:
1. There is no sauce material to support what I’m saying from Encanto itself. Except that the family are known as The Madrigals and on there portraits it says their first name and the surname Madrigal. No mention of another name.
2. It seems the Madrigals are in charge of their village so that may make a difference. [A theory on the ‘headscratchers’ page of TV Tropes is what with the Madrigals being extraordinary and all living together that might be why people focus on that part of the name?]
So. We’ll start with Pedro and Alma. We’ll assume that Pedro’s fathers surname was Madrigal and his mothers was Martinez. Alma we’ll assume that her first surname was ‘Gomez’ and her second ‘Serrano’. [It may be that Alma also has the name Madrigal, of course, but I’m not sure how common a name Madrigal is and I’m also not sure of that would then make them related?]
Alma does not change her name to Madrigal [because I’ve learned that that is not how it works in Spanish culture, please correct me if I’m wrong]
So Julieta, Pepa and Bruno have the surname ‘Madrigal’ from Pedro and the surname ‘Gomez’ from Alma. [Madrigal Gomez] Now, here’s where the theorising comes in, what with Pedro tragically dying it may be that Alma decided she needed to preserve his memory and promoting the Madrigal side of the name and somewhere along the lines the Madrigal triplets ended up being known as that. 
So cue Augustin and Felix. Now, it has been stated that the two men married into the family and assumed there names. Is that a thing in spanish culture? It seems from what I’ve read [again - via google. Information could be debated]  that it is not, in which case the focus might be on the theory that they knew they would be forever associated with the Madrigal name and powers and chose that life anyway. Either that or maybe they really did change there names to Madrigal, but it sounds like that might not even be possible? 
So, the 3rd gen. 
It looks like the traditional way that names work is the first surname from the father and first surname from the mother, if Alma’s surname doesn’t involve the name Madrigal [as is unlikely, I believe] then what the 3rd gen should have is Felix/Augustins first surname and Pepa/Julieta’s first surname, which is Madrigal. 
So Dolores, Camillo and Antonio despite being known as ‘Madrigals’ are actually the Martinez-Madrigals and Isabela, Luisa and Mirabel are ‘Hernandez-Madrigal’, but everyone focuses on the Madrigal names.
The issue now comes with the 3rd gen. As the headscratcher pointed out the name would die out with the 3rd gen, which if they stick to tradition makes sense. Take Doleres and Mariano for instance. We’ll assume his first surname is Guzman and that’s the one that ends up passed on. Dolores should pass on the name ‘Martinez’ which means any children they have should be ‘Guzman Martinez’.
This would presumably be the same for Camilo and Antonio as well as Isa, Luisa and Mirabel. [Not sure if Luisa actually ends up having children yet, still working that out. Leaning towards ‘no’ though]
So looks like the Madrigal name would die out with the 3rd gen? Unless - would it change if one of them entered a same-sex marriage? Not sure how that would affect things. 
Basically - is there a way for the Madrigal surname to carry on, or not?
[Another thing I’m considering is that maybe by marrying in Felix and Augustin agreed that the ‘Madrigal’ part of the name would carry on, somehow? I’m not sure how that would work though, because, as outlined above, it seems to go against expectation. However I can see Alma getting wound up about Pedro’s name not getting passed down and Julieta and Pepa getting upset about seeing there mother upset, and there devoted boyfriends [at the time] figuring out a way to make the Madrigal name thing work.
But yes, these are my ideas - they may well be wrong. If someone who has more of an idea as to how this would work could explain it, that would be great. Especially how the 4th gen’s surnames may work, as that would help enormously with my daydreaming. 
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hournites · 3 years
tbh i think cameron has a whole lot of potential but the writers are taking the slowburn route with his character and i really hope that he gets a proper storyline & isn't thrown in the back burner again,,, i was wondering if you have any thoughts on how you would like them to take his character further from here?!
btw, i absolutely adoree your blog + your metas & ficlets are truly amazing as well hehe <333
Hunter was cast as Cameron before Cameron was cast as Rick. They started all the S1 promo with Hunter and then his scenes were cut. Therefore, they clearly have a specific origin story and plans for him that is set apart from the origins of both the JSA and the ISA Unlimited team. So for season two I think they are slow-burning him on purpose and I'm okay with it.
I want to see him come to his own rationale about what is going on in Blue Valley. I prefer that he doesn't let himself get manipulated by Cindy, in some ways this makes him a stronger potential villain (or hero). I want to see Cameron maybe as an opposite of Beth in the sense he seems like this very nice, relaxed guy to everybody but deep down he actually has loads of problems and secret disdain for everyone but perhaps Courtney. I also think that there is a lot of potential for Cameron to join team JSA and realize he ..... doesn't fit in. He's an odd one out. The fifth wheel, regardless of whether or not he's Courtney's boyfriend. In this case, I think it would be fun to see him drop out of the group and do his own thing.
As it already goes Cameron has been pitted against Cindy, Yolanda and Rick so there's tension between him on both sides. It is interesting that Yolanda is so hostile towards him when Cameron showed an act of kindness to her in the beginning of season 1. I feel he has some relationship building to do on both sides and if he's smart, he'd do it without either side finding out, so that when he appears at a battle nobody knows exactly who he's going to team with (or why he's even actually there).
So glad that you like my blog! ❤️
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mitch-the-simp · 3 years
Desencanto (Encanto Dark AU)
(AKA Camilo smokes weed AU)
(This takes place in a more modern Encanto; around the early 2000s)
When a family is pushed beyond their emotional limits, sometimes they don't recur to the most healthy things to cope with the pressure and pain. But what if the Madrigal Family took to the worst ways to cope, only causing their situation to become worse and their family more dysfunctional.
Chapter One: Just Another Morning In La Casa Madrigal (Section One: Camilo)
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(Song to set the mood)
Camilo woke up in a strange room, his head was pounding. Where the hell was he?
He sat up as suddenly realized he'd passed out on the floor of a strange house. The first thing he thought of doing was to look for his phone. Thankfully, it was in his pocket.
"Ten missing calls from Dolores?! Damn... What the hell happened last night?" He said to himself as he rubbed his tired eyes. He reeked of weed and alcohol and the more he looked around he realized that he was in the middle of the aftermath of a house party.
He took a look at his clothes and sighed, they were stained with all types of mystery spots on his t-shirt. Some looked like neon powder (which was all over the floor and walls of the house), some smelled of nacho cheese and the rest... well he didn't really know. He got up with a struggle, and as he leaned on the nearby dresser, he looked into the mirror.
"What the hell!? My hair!" He complained as he looked at the curly mess that was on his head. He tried to fix it but failed miserably. "Oh my god- It this gum?!" He gulped picking at his hair.
He decided to let it be; he pulled his phone out of his pocket again and scrolled through his Instagram. His feed was full of videos and pictures of the house party he'd attended last night. Some were of people just recording themselves s to prove they attended, but the rest were of the wild things that happened. Apparently, he'd drank a bottle of tequila, tried to fit 30 marshmallows in his mouth, and smoked a few too many blunts...
Geez... Thankfully he'd blocked most of his family on there...
He looked for the main exit and once he found it he walked out like he owned the home. He got a few stares from those who'd seen the posts around town, but he still walked as nonchalantly as always.
Suddenly, his phone rang. He looked at the contact name.
Dolores... again.
He answered it.
"Hey...?" He spoke.
"Nothing, I was just having fun, geez! Plus, mom knew I was going to that party, so I'm not gonna get in trouble." He chuckled.
"No Camilo. Mom let you go to the party, not get drunk and high then choke on marshmallows! If she finds out her and Abuela are gonna get on your ass!" She whispers yelled.
"They won't find out, Dolores. Mom cried trying to save audio, she can't use social media for shit. Only thing she knows how to use is Facebook. Don't even get me started on Abuela, she can't even turn on her Ipad." Camilo argued.
"I can hear them talking about you, Camilo. They haven't found out yet, but if someone tells them, you're definitely fucking dead." She fussed.
"But they won't find out if you don't tell them. So you either keep your mouth shut about it, or I tell Isabela that you kissed her fiance~" Camilo teased.
"I wasn't planning on telling them- Damn! Stop trying to blackmail me. Anyway, I have things to prepare for. Isa and I are gonna go hang out at the mall later. If anything happens just call for me, k?" She spoke.
"K, bye," Camilo spoke.
"Bye," Dolores responded, then hung up.
"Welp, hopefully, Mirabel lets me in without causing a fuss..." He mumbled to himself.
He kept walking, eventually getting bored and pulling out a little box. In it, he had three little blunts neatly organized. He picked a random one and then pulled his lighter out of his other pocket.
He lit the blunt and took a puff, he seemed to be more relaxed after it, so he simply kept walking.
Finally, he arrived at the Madrigal house, he walked into the house and slowly tiptoed up the stairs.
"Oh, morning Camilo!" Mirabel greeted him.
Camilo jumped, "SHHHH! Someone could hear you..." He hissed, taking another hit from his blunt.
Holding the laundry basket she was holding, on her hips, Mirabel wafted the smoke away from her face and smiled guilty, "Oops, sorry. I just, did you actually manage to fit the thirty marshmallows into your mouth?" She asked softly but in an excited manner.
"Hell yeah, benefits of being a shapeshifter with a flexible face.~" He smirked.
Mirabel laughed, "I saw a few pictures of the party, it looked fun." She giggled.
"You should've come with me, it could have been even more fun with you, nursery buddy." He pouted playfully.
"Yeah, I know... but I had a lot of stuff to do. Abuela assigned me a lot of chores..." Mirabel chuckled sadly.
"Awww, that sucks... well, maybe next time?" Camilo shrugged as he went into his room.
"Yup, maybe next time!" Mirabel smiled, waving at him as he disappeared behind his door.
"Today is gonna be one hell of a day." Mirabel chuckled to herself as she walked off.
Thanks for the support guys! If this doesn't flop I'mma actually make this an entire series <3
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
chapter 34 (part II)
Fake Making-It
Social Media AU
part I
again, this isn’t proofread, because I literally wrote it all today, so sorry for any mistakes!
Lucas feels a little lost. He’s been looking around for what feels like hours, and he can’t find Sander. He hasn’t seen Robbe, either, or their friends Moyo and Aaron.
He isn’t sure if he’s looking for Jens.
He finds himself in the dimly lit bathrooms, and he sighs, lifting his beer to his lips and taking a gulp. He moves to the sinks and glances at himself in the mirror, brushing a hand through his curls. It’s a pointless attempt, trying to coerce them back into place. He gives up fairly quickly and takes another drink. His heart has sped up to the slightly uncomfortable rhythm of intoxicated.
For a moment he just stands there, bottle hanging by his side, and takes a few slow breaths. It doesn’t really do anything to steady his heartbeat, but it helps clear his head a little. This is when he finally takes notice of the humming.
He furrows his brows and spins around, eyeing the closed stall in the corner. Listening more intently, he realises the humming is a quiet singing, and he creeps closer to the stall and stares at the door. From here he can make out a few words, but he doesn’t have to to recognise the voice.
The singing stops.
Lucas waits, and after a moment, he hears the slide of the lock and the door swings open. It reveals Jens curled up in the cramped space, sitting on the closed toilet with his back to one wall and his feet pressed to the other. He has his own beer cradled in his lap, with his other hand still holding the door open, and he’s staring at Lucas.
Lucas purses his lips to stop them from turning up in a smile. “What are you doing?”
Jens is blushing slightly. He shrugs. “There’s more people now. They were staring at me.”
“So you’re hiding, by singing?”
“I didn’t think there was anyone in here,” he grumbles.
Lucas huffs a laugh, smile coming out in full. “Obviously.” He leans against the door of the stall as Jens rolls his eyes, and tilts his head consideringly. “Why didn’t you come get one of us?”
“Didn’t wanna bother you. Couldn’t find Robbe.”
Lucas hums. “I can’t find them either.”
“No Sander?”
“Nope, up and disappeared.”
Jens sniffs. “On Valentine’s Day?”
“It’s after midnight now, so…”
“Still. Shouldn’t have abandoned you.”
Lucas takes a long breath, quiet enough that Jens doesn’t notice, the musician having resorted to staring at the wall again. He doesn’t want to talk about this. He doesn’t want to think about it. Not when Jens is right here. Now when they’re supposed to be giving him a good night. He swallows down his protests and reassurances and instead says, “It’ll be really weird if someone finds you in here.”
“Yeah, but now you’re here.”
“I think that probably makes it weirder,” Lucas points out, smiling again. Jens doesn’t respond, and he sighs, knocking his fist on the stall door before turning on his heel. “Come on.”
He hears Jens scrambling after him with a small sound of protest. “What? I don’t wanna go back out there.”
“So we won’t. Well, we’ll just pass through.”
“Where are we going, then?”
Lucas looks around at him and raises his brows, pushing through the door back out to the bar. “Wherever you want.”
Slowly, Jens smiles.
They weave their way through the crowd, Jens sticking close behind him, so close that Lucas can feel his heat. He’s almost sure Jens actually has a hand curled in the back of his shirt, can feel the knuckles brushing against his spine. He ignores it and leads them to the room they’d left their coats, and Jens releases him to fish out his phone. He messages Robbe, to ask where the hell he is and to tell him they’re leaving. Before he has even hit send, there’s someone calling his name.
Lucas shoots a quick glance in that vague direction and doesn’t see any of their friends. He takes Jens by the wrist and draws him towards the front door, speeding up when more calls come and Jens begins urging him on. Lucas keeps a firm hold on him and gets them to the door. They’re almost running now, and they don’t stop as they burst through the door and start down the street. Beyond that, they’re laughing. Giggling like girls, downright giddy. Lucas is glad they had abandoned their beers in the bar, because by now he’s sure they’d have spilled them all over the street and themselves.
It’s only when they’ve made it onto a new street that they latch onto each other and stop, trying to catch their breath. Instead they catch each other’s eyes and break into laughter again.
Jens lets out an exaggerated ‘woo’ of relief, still clutching at Lucas’s collar. “Nice save,” he approves.
“Oh yeah,” Lucas snorts. He’s still holding onto both of Jens’s arms. “Very well thought out on my end.”
“My knight in shining armour,” Jens mocks, completing it with a small bow. He almost trips as he does so, and it sends them into another fit of giggles as he flounders for Lucas’s hand. Lucas waits until he’s steady, heart hammering, and then quickly lets go.
They take another moment to catch their breaths and look at where they’ve ended up, and then Lucas raises his brows at Jens.
Jens looks back at him and swallows. “There’s a swingset and stuff by the skatepark. It should be dead this late.”
Lucas tucks his hands into the pockets of his coats and nods, finding his lips drawing up in a smile again. “Lead the way.”
They’re quiet as they make their way through the dark streets, still sticking close but no longer touching. Jens scuffs his feet every few steps, and Lucas wonders if he wishes he was skating. It seems, even now, like his preferred method of transport. He picks up the pace, and Lucas does his best to keep up with the other’s longer legs.
They make it to a small park, set up with a kids climbing frame and slide and, as promised, a swingset. Jens makes a beeline directly for it and sits on one of them, tucking his arms around the chains and digging his feet into the ground to start pushing himself back and forth.
For a moment, Lucas simply watches, smiling. He had wondered if Jens was actually taking a day off, giving himself time to chill, but he hadn’t seemed at all relaxed in the bar. Now, however, he does, swinging gently back and forth with his eyes closed and a small smile on his lips, uncaring of Lucas watching him. Then he opens his eyes and meets Lucas’s, and beckons him over with a flick of his hand.
Lucas goes. It takes a moment to get settled comfortably in the swing, and he wishes he’d just worn his denim jacket instead of the long black coat he kept for more formal occasions. He’d watched Jens’s eyes sweep over him at the start of the night, however, and that had reassured him of his choice.
He wraps his hands around the chains and kicks himself into a swinging motion. “This is pretty much exactly like the one Isa used to love at home.”
“Isa?” Jens questions.
“One of my friends from school,” Lucas explains, smiling wider. “We still talk. For some reason she used to think a swingset was a great place for serious conversation.”
Jens huffs, pushing himself to match the speed and height of Lucas’s swings. “Okay. Serious conversation time, then.”
“Oh shit. Walked into that one.”
Jens huffs again, shooting him a grin. “When did you get into designing? Or how?”
“Oh.” This is a much safer topic than Lucas had expected. “I don’t know. I always kind of liked art, but even that, I kept it mostly private, just doodling and stuff where no one would see. I kind of dulled everything about myself down like that. My fashion sense was just as good as yours, which…”
“Hey,” Jens protests, though he’s fighting a smile.
Lucas grins, shrugging. “Then, I don’t know, it didn’t feel like me. So one day I just started fucking around with some of my clothes. I bought this like, multi-pack of kids fabric paint and just went for it. It was a fucking mess.”
Jens laughs, loud and surprised. “But it made you think, hey, I just wanna do this for the rest of my life?”
“God, no,” Lucas snorts, and Jens laughs louder. “But it still felt...good. I made the mess look purposeful and turned it into this paint-splatter, tie-dye, rainbow thing and I wore it the next day and Isa’s friend, Engel, kept asking where I got it and then begged me to make her something when I explained and, I don’t know. Since then I just kind of started, making stuff for my friends, and it spiraled from there.”
“And now here you are,” Jens muses.
“With the biggest celebrity in Antwerp.”
It’s teasing more than it is genuine, and Jens scoffs and twists his swing around to kick at Lucas, resulting in a rough tangle of legs. Jens yelps and grabs onto the chains with his hands when he’s almost tugged from the seat. Lucas tosses his head in a laugh and almost tips backwards. They’re both probably a little bit tipsy. Not drunk, definitely not, but both had clearly been on their way. Jens possibly more so than him.
“How are you?” Lucas thinks to ask. “After everything today. Was the stressing necessary?”
Jens starts swinging again and thinks before shaking his head. “No, probably not. I mean it when I say it’s not why I do it, you know, the whole publicity thing. I didn’t decide I wanted to be a celebrity, I just love making music and I thought how cool it would be if I managed to do it for a living. But then when people actually like it...it feels good, you know? It feels like I’m doing something but also like, I don’t know, I’m understood. Like people like me for what I have to say.”
“Or it could be because you’re hot.”
This startles another laugh out of Jens. “Okay, objectify me some more, why don’t you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Dumbass.” Jens grins.
“Hey, we’re having a serious conversation,” Lucas protests, kicking out at him this time, unable to help grinning back. Jens mimes zipping his lips and Lucas nods approvingly. “When did you realise this is what you wanted to do?”
Jens doesn’t hesitate. “Always. Music is the only thing I ever felt really passionate about, I guess. For the same reason as you. It’s just my version of art that makes me feel like myself.”
Lucas drags his feet against the grass underneath him until he stops swinging. Jens has already stilled, and he turns his head to look at Lucas. “You always do that,” Lucas says. “Say things like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you understand. You say it so confidently. Like you know me.”
“Don’t I?” Jens asks, brow furrowed and still smiling slightly. Before Lucas can answer, he says, “If I don’t, I want to.”
Lucas swallows. His question comes out as a whisper. “Why?”
“I don’t know,” Jens admits.
Lucas sways slightly, looking down at the ground even as he twists his body towards Jens, listening. Jens’s feet creep towards his own as he twists around, too.
“I just want to. I don’t know, I feel like you understand, too. I just like you. I want to know you and I want you to know me.”
It shocks Lucas into looking at him, and it also shocks him into silence.
Jens’s cheeks turn rosy, and Lucas guesses it isn’t from the cold. Jens laughs nervously and slides his feet, accidentally knocking into Lucas’s. “Sorry, that was probably weird. I’m just—I’m not used to getting to know people like you, Lucas, and it just, it feels good. I don’t think there even is anyone else like you.”
Lucas leans forward and kisses him.
It’s soft. Tentative. A drawn-out press of lips, frozen in a drawn-out second in time, all in the single breath caught in Lucas’s throat. Then Jens presses back, raises his hand to cup Lucas’s head, and time jerks back into motion.
Lucas instantly reaches up to grab his face, pulling him in, and Jens’s free hand comes to grip his wrist and hold him in place. Lucas’s heart batters at his ribs, grateful.
He’s not sixteen anymore. He’s had his fair share of kisses. It shouldn’t—usually doesn’t—make him nervous. But this, Jens, is something he doesn’t think he ever could have prepared himself for. Jens is careful and he isn’t. He’s experienced, knows what he’s doing, and yet he takes it easy, waits for Lucas to respond to every move before making another. His kiss is gentle and his grip is tight, lips warm and fingers cold. Lucas is less focused on the tongue in his mouth and more aware of the riot in his stomach, the beat of his pulse in his ears. Kissing Jens is nothing and everything like he expected, as surprising and beautiful as the man himself. Lucas can’t remember why he hasn’t done this before. He doesn’t know why he hasn’t been doing this, kissing Jens, forever. Or at least, since he first saw him.
Then Jens is shoving him away and Lucas almost topples off his swing, breath rushing out of him as his heart plummets.
Jens wipes his mouth and harshly says, “What the fuck?”
Lucas gapes. He tries to speak and only makes a wounded, croaky noise. He clears his throat and licks his lips before managing to ask, “What?”
“What the hell are you doing?”
Jens looks furious. Lucas doesn’t understand. “I—did you not want to? But you...you kissed me back.”
Jens laughs, and even that sounds angry. “So it’s my fault. No. Fuck that. Fuck you. Fuck.”
“Jens,” Lucas pleads.
“No, fuck, look. I don’t know, what’s going on with you and Sander but I—no. I won’t do this. Jesus, Lucas, why would you make me do that?”
Oh. Oh fuck. That’s why he’s never done this before.
“Oh, no, Jens, no. You’ve—it’s not what you think, I swear—“
“Whatever you have going on, figure it out, Lucas. But I can’t—I’m not that person. I’m not being that person. After I told you—fuck, I’m not a consolation prize.” Jens stands up abruptly, and Lucas follows, but Jens holds a hand out before he can step any closer. “Don’t,” he says sharply.
They stare at each other in a silent standoff, Lucas feeling his world crumble as he watches the same thing happen to Jens’s resolve. Jens’s hand falls back to his side, and he looks entirely sober now as he gazes at Lucas with glistening eyes.
“I thought we were actually friends,” Jens says, voice trembly. Lucas shakes his head, pleading. “But after everything I said, you’re just like everyone else.”
“Jens, please, just listen to me,” Lucas begs.
He steps closer and Jens steps back. “Why should I?” he demands. “What are you going to say? I don’t want your explanations or excuses, Lucas. I thought you were honest.”
Lucas feels like he’s openly wounded. Bleeding. Surely Jens can see that. Surely he knows that he’s wrong. But Lucas—Lucas can’t tell him. He’d promised. He’d promised his best friend.
“Well?” Jens pushes.
Lucas shakes his head helplessly, and Jens’s expression falls the rest of the way. “Just—can you let me take you home? You shouldn’t be out alone like this.”
Jens laughs, but it’s just a breath. Incredulous. He takes another few steps back, shaking his head. “Don’t. Just—just don’t.” Then he’s turning on his heel and walking away.
Lucas wants to go after him. He should. He knows he should. But he can’t. There’s no point.
There’s nothing he can say.
tag list: @allthewayornowayy @wedarkacademia @lockerfivethreefive @yellowballoon @gucciboner @nora-keinwitz @moonskam @painfully-oblivious @zoenneforever @akucecilia @hischbabe @evaksobbe @alittleemo @boring-side-effect @franboos @debussyatmidnight
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