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PPR-edition / read me
えい梨 / eiri
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hunterfromtheabyss · 4 months
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my girlfailure trainer oc (44/100)
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gender-jargon · 10 months
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[Image ID: The Mascix flag created by coiner Gent of Gender-Jargon, 2023, based upon the Apathmascix created by user cybertroniancoining. The flag consists of three vertical stripes and one central, horizontal stripes. From left to right, the vertical stripes are dark blue, steel blue and sky blue. The central stripe is tan. /.End ID]
Mascix: Describing a Non-Male individual that finds a masculine gender attribution befitting and considers it an essential facet of their gender identity.
Based upon the term Apathmascix.
Mascix is derived from Apathmascix, created by removing the prefix Apath-, indicating apathy. The root, Mascix, has a unknown etymological origin. Apathmascix was coined by user Cybertroniancoining in December 2023. The term Mascix, coined by Gent of Gender-Jargon a few days after, is directly based upon user Cybertroniancoining's term as a related concept.
Mascix is a complex and potentially contradictory identity in which one's gender is not Male, but has masculine traits attributed to them nonetheless, and this attribution is not only considered to be fitting by the individual, but an integral part of their overall gender experience.
More simply, an Mascix individual:
Has a gender identity that they consider to be Non-Male.
Has traits of masculinity attributed to them by other individuals.
Considers having traits of masculinity attributed to their person to be agreeable and in a few, multiple or all manners at least part of the time.
Considers this attribution to be an intrinsic part of their experience of their gender as a whole.
Mascix differs from Apathmascix in that a Mascix individual is definitively not apathetic towards masculine traits being attributed to them, nor are they inherently beyond gender as a concept. In place of indifference, a Mascix individual enjoys, appreciates, entertains, welcomes or otherwise freely accepts masculine traits being attributed to their person. Furthermore, this attribution is a fundamental aspect of their gender experience.
The Mascix flag is based upon the Apathmascix flag created by the coiner of the term. The Apathmascix flag utilizes the color palette from the Inersgender flag created by user Stellette in 2014 alongside a tri-color blue scheme. The Mascix flag is color-picked from the tri-color blue scheme, shown across three vertical bars, with the darkest blue at the left progressing to the lightest blue to the right. In the middle, a horizontal, tan stripe was added to represent the quality of being a Mascix being a Non-Male. The Mascix flag was created by Gent of Gender-Jargon in 2023.
Note: Gender attribution is not necessarily based upon one's expression, but is more frequently an assumption made about an individual's gender identity without their input. Being an assumption, it is not always correct, good, wanted or warranted. Affirming attributions are congruent with one's perception of themselves. Incorrect and undesired attributions are incongruent with this perception and are often distressing. Mascix should not be used to describe anyone who does not like masculinity being attributed to them, as it would be misdenoting on multiple levels.
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fellphoenix · 16 days
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2 members of the darkness gang (better name coming eventually lol)
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starfeycomet · 11 months
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Eiri, the shady shopkeeper
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h0llyw0lly · 2 months
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Outfit change!
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drawbunii · 6 months
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Fun shapes and lines of ocs and my friends ocs
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fe1709 · 1 year
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Súbete a mi moto
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yoan-le-grall · 1 year
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cloudgirlsinfo · 1 year
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sunderedazem · 2 years
OC Interview for Eiri. What is your favorite activity to do with your nephew? How well do the two of you get along with each other?
When was the first time Vette and later Tau called you Riri?
(Post "Ossus Arc" - Eiri has defected back to Zakuul and the Alliance, Corrain has taken the Eternal Throne, and the Jedi are rebuilding on Ossus - but the Republic and Empire are not back at war in my timeline here, so...this is also sort of pre-relationship Eiri/Tau)
My nephew? Did you mean - the little shit with a cocky attitude and the most garbage sabacc face across the galaxy? The little priss sort-of-Jedi with anger management issues? The pint-size busybody idealist that I regularly have to bodily throw out of my combat instruction classes with the Odessen acolytes because he's trying to pretend he's not available to take a joint phone call from the Sith Empress and the Supreme Chancellor? (I mean, I'd hide too, but I'm also not the one leading an empire and an intergalactic alliance) That little brat?
We get along swimmingly, of course!
Well, he'd beg to differ, but I'm sure that's because he's losing the current prank war. Corrain, if you're reading this - the green hair dye comes out, I swear to Nahut you're not going to be a mint monstrosity forever. Take it as payback for conspiring with MY students to let a bantha shit on my desk, you little turd. How did you even get it in the base? How did you get it past your wife and husband? If the unspoken rule wasn't that I Don't Get You In Trouble With The Spouses and you Don't Get Me In Trouble With My Co-teacher, I'd have tattled on you SO fast.
Things you didn't know about one ex-Jedi Battlemaster and Emperor of Zakuul - he's a fucking nuisance. He's also got excellent taste in Zakuulan soap operas through - and by that I mean he bitches at ALL the correct points. No, we don't watch them together, kriff off.
And as for the Riri nickname- I dunno when Vette first came up with it. She was definitely using it fully in place of my name or any stupid Sith titles by the time Vitiate's weird cult of worshippers named me his "Wrath" but...maybe when I bought her sister's freedom for her? I think that might've done it. Quinn hated it, of course, but then I lent him to my ward-sister, Darth Anathemous, and I think he took the promotion to her inner circle quite well. Frankly I think Vette might've done it to annoy me at first, but honestly- she only thinks she's annoying, the little shit. It's mostly endearing now.
Tau's only started using it recently though. I think she picked it up when Vette came by while we were teaching the acolytes the scary end of the lightsaber from the safe one - some of these poor twerps are so incredibly nervous around weapons. it sounds softer coming from her than it does from Vette - like she's finally stopped seeing "ex-Sith" and has started seeing someone else. It's...it's odd, but not in a bad way, it's very...warm. Kind of cozy, really. Is that weird to say?
(fuck i hope she doesn't see this)
(Corrain if you show her they're never finding your body)
(for legal and Lana and Theron reasons, that's a joke)
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ashlan-doodles · 1 year
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A story I developed for future-CC (Cracked Constellation) following the humans who abandoned Earth after a catastrophic event. It follows a bunch of humans on the ISC (Intergalactic Space Colony) where a foreign entity breaks onto the ship unbeknownst to its denizens. They get through a whole lot of problems centered mostly around Raith themself and make attempts to aid their escape without alerting the security system.
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starlightoru-gojo · 1 year
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SaShiSu art by Takuya Niinuma, Chainsaw Man animator. 🤌🔥🔥
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lucienarcheron · 18 days
Healing Hearts [ Eris x Iris Fanart]
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"He watched her play, mesmerized, the notes seeming to rise off the piano and fill the space around them. He could almost see the music floating around the room, shimmering around them. He could feel it indenting itself into his bones. Whatever tension that was previously in his body seemed to drift out of him as Iris’s fingers made magic. Eris watched her, his eyes locked on her face as she played, her own eyes closed, a small smile gracing her lovely face. He swallowed as the melody washed over him, soothing without a salve."
When I saw the prompt Healing for day three, it immediately made me think of this scene in Chapter Six which inspired this art of Eris and his wife, Iris (my OC!) Our boy needs all the healing he can get and you can read all about them in Spirit Meets the Bone! This fanart was commissioned by me from the lovely @/the_megabee33 on Instagram 🥰 Emily (@toastyrobos ) captured my darlings perfectly and I was so happy to be able to share it for @erisweekofficial ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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h0llyw0lly · 7 months
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Idk I just like hugs, hugs are my favorite
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tacticiankate · 1 year
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i keep forgetting to upload stuff here lol. at any rate, my new sorcerer for a campaign where the pcs have all already died and are each from different time periods. her name is eirys :)
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