#Eeeeee :D :D :D
elitadream · 9 hours
Hey, glad to see you back, dude.
I totally get where you're coming from with wanting to branch out beyond Mario when it comes to the focus of your blog. Go for it. Even though I've been in such a Mario rabbit hole for the past year, I have quite a few other special interests that I cycle back to to keep from going insane. Switching gears is one of the best things to do to prevent burnout, if you ask me.
Long story short, you're gonna do great, and it'll be fun to see you branch out, discover new things, and share what else you vibe with.
Hey there!
Yeah, change had very much become a necessity for me. 🤒 Not because I no longer enjoyed the franchise or making art of the characters, but because I was going about it the wrong way. Pushing myself to "produce content" instead of spontaneously creating just for fun, basically. It's unsettling how subtly that shift can occur over time, and in an even more troubling way, it can also be quite difficult to undo. 😣
Ultimately, the big switch for me was not so much in terms of fandom, but moreso in the way I view my work and approach things online. I can now create concepts without rush or feeling the urge to make them known, and it's a very soothing feeling. The best thing I've felt in a long time as an artist to be honest. 💫
I'm so grateful for you guys' support, biggest thanks to all of you for the kindness and enthusiasm you've shown towards me since my return. 🥹💖 I'll be very happy to discuss these new things with whoever is also interested in them. ^o^
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mugiwara--ya · 6 months
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don’t repost // support me on ko-fi
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daggerhobbit · 8 days
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agent-gladhand · 22 days
Mini Shop Update
I'll be closing the shop for a bit on Friday 9/6 while I'm working on the next set of things! Next time I open for shop goodies should hopefully be around the end of September/mid October!
Preorders for the standees and pudding charms are in production, and the lanyard remakes should be shipping to me this week. I'll hopefully be able to send out the lanyard preorders once those arrive, sorry again for the delay!
Also still accepting responses on the general Interest Check and Sticker Club Test Run, check those out if you're interested!
Thank you all so much, see ya soon when the leaves fall and the only correct season is upon us!
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mothxart · 7 months
|| ajdhaldjakbd take this take this, Mark wants to give Willow a plushii
To cheer him up a little when he feels lonely, Will he like it¿ Lwbdlsbflsbflqbflqbd *k-boOm*
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Willow loves it (。・‧̫・。).**♡
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badboysupr · 8 months
@ourdyingwords || plotted starter for eden!(ꉺ౪ꉺ)
Usually when Leo was doing something unimportant (okay, before Chiron had a chance to somehow read his mind and get mad: less important than what he could be doing), it was his own choice. Or something like that: purposefully avoiding responsibility or managing to get distracted for an entire day, give or take. In this case, he felt he had a right to be pretty peeved by the “less important” task put on his shoulders. Because he was supposed to be working on the Argo II. He was supposed to be preparing for some mighty and heroic quest or whatever.
He didn’t really have time to be cleaning the stables. But you accidentally blow up half of the Arts and Crafts Center, and for some reason you deserve a timeout.
To him, that was arts and crafts.
Overwhelming disagreement, however, led him to wielding a broom instead of a hammer, sweeping hay instead of welding metal, and soon discovering there were worse things to smell like than grease—especially in the company of a child of Aphrodite. Oh, yeah; he forgot to mention. The strange kid who must have been incorrectly claimed (right? She had to be) by the love goddess was his partner in crime today. A crime… lesser known than his own, but she had to have done something to not only be a) exiled to the stables, but b) left alone with him.
“Soooo…” They had been quiet initially. He grew tired of the rhythmic sound of brooms across the floor, like the two of them were creating a really dumb musical about sweeping. “What are you in for?” Leo paused to lean on his instrument, stoked he managed to do so without falling over. “Unless you chose to be here or something. This gig’s super hard to resist; I know.”
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I was going to say “I’m good!!” but then I realized. that would not be exactly truthful ajsgajsgkagsjsg
As far as my actual Life goes, things have been pretty wonderful!! I got to see my irl friends recently—it’d been months since I’d last seen them 😭 it was SO NICE being able to actually talk to them in-person again!! One of them gave me a necklace that matches the one I gave him for his birthday several months ago and LET ME TELL YOU. MY HEART BURSTED. IT WAS SUCH A SWEET KIND CARING THING FOR HIM TO DO AND I’M STILL NOT OVER IT AAAAAAAAAAAAA
I’m also in the midst of Job Applications!! Which is fun but also mildly terrifying lol. Dear goodness I am so ready to Do something with my life I have been so dreadfully bored & dull these last few months. Unemployment’s reign of terror shall soon be at its end (hopefully) ✊💥💥
However, despite the Really good things, mentally I have not been feeling the best :( Especially this past week or so. My head’s been loud in all the bad ways, and it’s made life feel very overwhelming (even though I know logically that everything is alright).
Sighhh. So that’s been… life, I suppose! Good things happening around me, not-so-good things happening inside me 😅
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heroic-hope · 1 month
Update on my missing plushie...
I found Glitch curled up in the corner with with my favorite cat plushie? I think something's wrong... she's not talking to me. I bet that bitch Slone did something again.
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blackjackkent · 10 months
Wellp, we made it, more or less.
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The place is absolutely barricaded on all sides by the strange shadowy energy of this place. But with everyone bearing a torch we're able to get through it well enough, and properly enter.
The Harpers briefly stop Hector at the gate, but one who was in the fight with the drider vouches for him, so they walk him inside and call for their leader.
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Damn, she looks great! Another W for elven aging.
She walks over to Hector, looks him over, and silences one of the other Harpers with a single glare when they try to interrupt the moment.
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Then, she twists one fist in the air and slams it towards the ground, and with a burst of green light, a wave of entangling vines lifts out of the dirt, wrapping around Hector's legs up to the knee, trapping him in place.
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All of Hector's dialogue options here are pretty good.
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But we'll go with the [MONK] one.
He straightens as best he can with his legs bound, draws a breath, lets it out in a quick grounding ritual. (The most grounded he's ever been in his life, under the circumstances, he reflects with a flash of amusement.) The calm comes more quickly than it did out in the darkness; this is a place of refuge and that knowledge is warm and comforting.
He meets the Harper woman's eyes squarely. "If this is supposed to scare me, it won't work," he says firmly. "Monks are not so easily cowed."
Not by such as you, at least. There are many monsters out there in the dark from which I would gladly run if I could. But I think maybe you are not one of them. You are a force of the world I still know and understand.
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The woman's eyebrows quirks up and she lets out a soft laugh. He can see, muted in the shift of expression, a thousand memories tied up in her reaction to his words, but all of them are shoved aside in favor of the immediate necessities of the situation. "Hah," she says dryly. "A level head. Let us see if you will get to keep it."
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A few of the Harpers bring crossbows round to bear on him. Hector swallows, some of his bravado slipping somewhat. "Could you at least explain to me why you're doing this?" he asks, somewhat less stolidly and with a bit more anxiety. He thinks they have been vouched for, he thinks this woman probably does not want to kill him...
But he does not know anything, not for certain, and most assuredly not anything about his own safety.
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Jaheira's eyes narrow. "Absolutely," she says coolly.
Without releasing the spell, she reaches with her free hand into her pouch and pulls out a glass jar. Within it wriggles a small, altogether-too-familiar form -- a tadpole.
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"This is why we're here, you see," Jaheira continues, her voice even, each syllable sharp like a knife blade. "It is a curious creature that hides all manner of secrets. But if there's one thing that we know - it's that it knows its own kind."
With a single sharp movement, she lifts the jar, bringing it up to Hector's eye level. The worm at once begins to undulate within the glass with a harsh, eager sound like a squeal. And Hector lets out a cry as pain stabs through him yet again, his own parasite writhing in excitement at the contact.
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Then it passes. Jaheira draws the jar back and tucks it away into her pack again. Her point is made. Her hand, now free again, instead finds a deadly-looking blade and draws it from her belt. Her eyes burn into him.
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"You should never have come here, True Soul."
Hector's breath rasps raggedly in his chest as the pain begins to ease away again. It feels like a monumental bit of tragic irony that after all the threats he has faced from the forces of evil because he is not a True Soul, and survived, that he should die now because these people, good people, have every reason to believe that he is.
He could argue, try to convince them that he is not what they believe...but why should they think he is telling the truth?
[CLERIC OF SELUNE] Invoke the Silver Lady's name. Seek salvation.
The prayer slips from his lips almost without volition, a response to the sudden feeling of trapped hopelessness. He doesn't really expect it to move the Harper woman - but he also doesn't expect the flash of indignation that explodes onto her face, hearing the Selunite prayer. It is as if he has touched on some critical touchstone within her and attempted to despoil it.
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"A pathetic deception," she snarls, and the knife lifts in a sharp, angry motion. "I know who you really worship, True Soul!"
This accusation, really, is almost too much to bear, and Hector isn't sure what might have come out of his mouth next, except that they are both interrupted by a sudden cry from further back, towards the inn.
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It's a young child, a tiefling with a blindfold over one eye, breathing hard as if she has run a marathon. "What are you doing?" she yelps fiercely. "He's the one who saved us!"
Mol. He remembers her. The leader of the ragged band of children who prowled the refugee camp in the grove - he spoke with her only briefly but it was clear she knew almost everything that was going on in and around the camp, mistress of a little spy network of pint-sized informants.
His heart leaps. If she is here, did many of the other refugees make it too?
Jaheira squints at the young arrival in visible bewilderment. "He's the one who protected the Emerald Grove?"
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"Yup," Mol says, casually striding up to stand at an angle between them and folding her arms with an air of authority. "Didn't leave a goblin standing. Not so bad to hang around with, either. Saved one of my friends from a druid with a snake. Knows when to be discreet, too."
She glances at Hector and then grins crookedly. "I'd pretty much trust him with my life."
Hector hadn't realized quite the extent of the impression he'd made on the tieflings, particularly on this one. He finds himself lost for words, and just inclines his head in gratitude at the young girl.
Jaheira frowns, then slowly lowers her hand. Hector feels the numbing grip of the vines start to loosen around his legs. "A True Soul with a mind of his own?" the Harper says warily. "How is that possible?"
Hector hesitates, then reaches into his pocket. "Because of this artifact."
He pulls the Prism out, shows it to her, turning it so it flashes silver and gold in the torchlight.
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Jaheira stares at it for a moment in silence. Then she pulls the glass jar from her pocket again. As power pulses out from the Prism, the worm in the jar begins to writhe again - but with pain this time, rather than excitement. After a moment's straining, it bursts suddenly, spattering the inside of the container.
Jaheira raises one eyebrow, then slowly and deliberately replaces the jar in her pocket and looks at Hector with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "What in the hells is that thing?"
He's happy to tell her what he knows, but in truth it isn't much. When he's finished, she is once again silent for a long time before speaking. "Congratulations," she says brusquely. "You've earned yourself the benefit of the doubt." Louder, she turns and barks out a command. "Hear me, Harpers! All clear! At ease!"
As the Harpers relax and begin to stow their weapons, she looks back at Hector and frowns. "I'll not pretend to understand what that artifact is, but I'm old and wise enough to recognize a sliver of hope when it crawls out of the dark."
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Hector smiles hesitantly, and is relieved to see the slightest hint of the same expression in her eyes.
"Tell me," she says. "Why did you come here?"
It's a matter-of-fact question and he answers it in the same tone. "To destroy the Absolute in its lair: Moonrise Towers." Somewhere along the line, that became the goal - not simply to heal the parasitic infection in his head, but to stop this threat that has grown so much bigger than him or his companions.
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This time she really does smile, and it lightens her whole face, smoothing the sharp edges and showing something more comforting. "Then you've found an ally in me," she says, "for that is precisely why I am here."
She gestures behind her to the brightly-lit building standing at the edge of the dark forest around them. "There's food in the inn over there. Beds too, if you require rest." A pause, and then a spark of humor touches her smile. "Aloe oil in the cupboard, in case the vines gave you a rash." She chuckles softly. "Settle in, then come join me for a drink. You may just be the godsend we've been praying for."
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dr-demi-bee · 14 days
Yellow and goldenrod for the colours thing!
Everyone saying yellow is making me feel some type of waaaaay
Thank you friend 💙🥹
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crystalskyz · 2 months
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itsemmiy · 2 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! 🌷🌷🌷:>
Eeeeeeeeeee :D
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Tony, I want to give you a rat.
-rat giving anon
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Tony:Thank you!
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
almost half of the sanemi fic is done which is an update i feel like you should absolutely be subjected to 🫡
Finally answering asks whoop whoop!
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kjarkjeajkraekjrjkaejkrjej YESH! I feel honored and delighted by this update! Thank you for sharing, Rey- I can't wait to read it! :D (Take your time writing of course! May your inspiration be endless!)
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full---ofstarlight · 1 year
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Nitara Qyn, devotee of the Raven Queen
... and generally plucky, bright-eyed and bushytailed student at Archweave University
commissioned my D&D warlock from @milidraws!! Look how GORGEOUS SHE IS!!!! Thank you so much I adore how she came out!!
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