#Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve
Enhancing Learning Retention: Utilizing Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve
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We’ve all experienced it: the frustration of forgetting newly acquired information much sooner than we anticipated. Despite our best efforts to consciously remember what we learned, retention often proves to be a tricky challenge. This phenomenon is not a personal failing but a natural aspect of how human memory works. Forgetting can occur rapidly, sometimes within minutes of learning something new. To tackle this issue, it’s crucial to design training programs that enhance memory retention effectively. One powerful tool in this endeavor is Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve, which provides a valuable framework for understanding and mitigating the natural decline of memory over time.
Understanding Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve
Hermann Ebbinghaus, a pioneering psychologist, conducted groundbreaking research on memory in the late 19th century. His experiments led to the formulation of the Forgetting Curve, which illustrates the rate at which information is lost over time when no attempt is made to retain it. According to Ebbinghaus, memory retention declines exponentially after learning, meaning that the most substantial drop in retention happens soon after the initial learning event. Without reinforcement, a significant portion of newly acquired information can be forgotten within hours or days.
The Implications for Training Design
Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve highlights the necessity of strategic reinforcement in training programs to combat rapid memory loss. By understanding the curve, educators and trainers can implement methods to help learners retain information more effectively. Here are some key strategies to make learning ‘stick’:
1. Spaced Repetition
Spaced repetition involves reviewing information at increasing intervals over time. This technique counters the rapid decline in memory retention by refreshing the material just as the learner is about to forget it. For instance, reviewing new content after one day, then three days, then one week, and so on, helps solidify the memory. This method leverages the spacing effect, where information is better remembered when it is studied multiple times spaced out over a longer period.
2. Active Recall
Active recall is a powerful learning strategy that involves actively stimulating memory during the learning process. Instead of passively re-reading or listening to information, learners actively retrieve it from memory. This can be done through quizzes, flashcards, or practice tests. The process of recalling information strengthens neural connections, making the memory more durable.
3. Microlearning
Microlearning delivers content in small, manageable chunks, making it easier for learners to absorb and retain information. This approach aligns well with the principles of spaced repetition and active recall. By breaking down complex information into bite-sized pieces and reinforcing it regularly, microlearning helps combat the forgetting curve effectively.
4. Interleaved Practice
Interleaved practice involves mixing different topics or types of problems within a single study session. This contrasts with blocked practice, where learners focus on one topic at a time. Interleaving helps learners to develop better problem-solving skills and improves long-term retention by encouraging them to constantly retrieve and apply knowledge in varying contexts.
5. Feedback and Reflection
Providing timely feedback is crucial for reinforcing learning. Constructive feedback helps learners understand what they know and where they need improvement, facilitating better memory retention. Encouraging reflection on what has been learned also helps solidify knowledge. Reflection can involve summarizing key points, discussing insights with peers, or writing about the learning experience.
Applying These Strategies in Training Programs
To effectively implement these strategies, trainers and instructional designers need to create a structured plan that incorporates regular reviews and interactive learning activities. Here are some practical steps to integrate these retention techniques into training programs:
Design Modular Content: Break down training material into modules that can be revisited over time. Each module should focus on a specific topic or skill, making it easier for learners to digest and retain information.
Schedule Regular Reviews: Plan a review schedule that follows the principles of spaced repetition. Use calendars, reminders, or automated systems to prompt learners to review material at optimal intervals.
Incorporate Quizzes and Tests: Regular quizzes and tests encourage active recall. Use a mix of multiple-choice questions, short answer prompts, and practical exercises to reinforce learning.
Utilize Technology: Leverage learning management systems (LMS) and mobile apps to deliver microlearning content and track learner progress. These tools can automate spaced repetition schedules and provide instant feedback.
Foster a Collaborative Learning Environment: Encourage learners to engage in discussions, group activities, and peer teaching. Social interactions enhance memory retention by allowing learners to explain concepts and receive diverse perspectives.
Provide Timely Feedback: Ensure that learners receive immediate and constructive feedback on their performance. Highlight strengths and areas for improvement to guide their learning journey.
Encourage Reflection: Incorporate reflective activities such as journaling, group discussions, or presentations. Reflection helps learners consolidate their knowledge and identify connections between different concepts.
Measuring the Effectiveness of Retention Strategies
To ensure that the implemented strategies are effective, it’s important to measure and analyze their impact on learning retention. Here are some methods to evaluate the success of your training programs:
Pre- and Post-Training Assessments: Conduct assessments before and after the training program to measure knowledge gain and retention. Compare the results to identify areas where retention strategies are working or need improvement.
Longitudinal Tracking: Track learner performance over an extended period to observe how well they retain information. Use periodic assessments and quizzes to gauge long-term retention.
Feedback Surveys: Gather feedback from learners about their experiences with the training program. Ask about the usefulness of review sessions, quizzes, and other retention activities. Use this feedback to refine your approach.
Performance Metrics: Analyze job performance metrics to see if there’s a correlation between training participation and improved job performance. This can provide insights into the practical impact of your retention strategies.
Memory retention is a significant challenge in the realm of learning and development. However, by leveraging the insights provided by Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve, trainers can design more effective training programs that help learners retain information over the long term. Strategies such as spaced repetition, active recall, microlearning, interleaved practice, and timely feedback are essential tools in combating the natural decline of memory. By thoughtfully integrating these techniques into training programs, organizations can enhance learning outcomes, boost employee performance, and ultimately achieve their development goals.
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mealbits · 1 year
i think what i love the most abt ur art is that ur always drawing things you clearly enjoy and u can tell bc of the way ur works all look like they were made with love and i guess what im trying to say is how do i do that lol
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I GET HOW U FEEL SO MUCH. truth is back in liiike 2020 i was exclusively creating art for this blog in a 'What Does My Audience Want?' mindset, and if you do want to get into fields that center around Art/Design for An Audience theres no harm in doing that in moderation(but back in 2020 it felt like all i did was make art for other people lmao). one major thing that helped me make this blog more about My Art for Me and less My Art for Someone Else was rethinking how and why i made art. my art was 'the thing i have to put on my blog today' but nowadays its more 'this project im doing to learn XYZ while also drawing what i want to draw' (i also have more projects and ideas overall because of it!!!! thats also something i noticed just now lol) that shadow gijinka i just posted used 2 be a ditched sketch from. last week? i forgot abt until i lined, colored, and rendered it just for fun (and to do some more paint-adjacent rendering cuz thats my jam) since i do plan to get into commission work this year i am aware i gotta prioritize more Art Studies and 'Learning how to draw for other people, figure out what they want, etc.' or whatever. uhhh tldr i wanted to get better at art without hating art so i do studies with shadow the hedgehog and anime girls.
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financialninja · 2 months
Hey guys checkout above video.
In 1885 German psychologist Hermann ebbinghaus published experimental study on memory. His important findings were in areas of forgetting and learning curves. Forgetting curve shows how a memory of new information get forgotten in brain with fastest drop occurring after 20mins & the curve levelling off after a day when there's no attempt to retain them. That's where spaced repetition comes into effect. Spaced repetition reduces the effects of forgetting curves by increasing the interval of time between the subsequent reviews of previously learned topic. Our brain needs time to form synaptic structure and connection surrounding new information before it's cemented into long term memory. According to ebbinghaus hypothesis of forgetting curves 90% of information or knowledge learned will be forgotten within 3days.Every times you recall or review the learning materials, you will forget less over time. For this reason it's important to review new information or knowledge within 24 hours of initial consumption. Students who do that will be able to retain approximately 80% of information. However there's still chance of forgetting this information at slower rate. But you do another review within 2days of initial studying, you will remember approximately 85% of information. Do another review within 3days of initial learning you will remember almost all of this information. This supports that after recalling or reviewing the learning materials 03 or more times, your brain forgets at slower rate. This is called the spaced repetition. Everytime you review and recall information, that information will become solidified into your long-term memory. 
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s34d0g · 7 months
Friedrich Ebbinghaus Thoughts ! (From a Psych Student)
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OKAY!! Like the title says I am a psych student. This is one of the reasons I love Sigmund so much. He's a psychologist (who seems like based on subtext, specializes in cognition. imo.) which is fucking sick.
THAT BEING SAID. I love Sigmund's pseudonym so much. Lemme explain lemme explain.
I know for a fact the last name is from Hermann Ebbinghaus. Bc who else. And guess what baby Ebbinghaus was known for his research in MEMORY. THE FORGETTING CURVE. The Forgetting Curve suggests that people tend to continually halve their memory of newly learned knowledge in a matter of days or weeks unless they actively review the learned material. beautiful love to see it. And the testing for that was super interesting blah blah blah I'm not gonna get into it.
However, I was trying to think where Friedrich comes from. I initially thought of Friedrich Nietzsche. But that didn't make sense in my head all the way. THEN I REMEMBERED FRIEDRICH PERLS BITCH !!!! He coined "Gestalt Therapy" Which is a form of psychotherapy that's centered on increasing a person's awareness, freedom, and self-direction. Alleviating unresolved negative feelings like anger, pain, anxiety, resentment, and all that good stuff !!!! AND THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE WITH HIS PERSONALITY AND THE STUFF HE WRITES IT'S INSANE.
Now okay I know these are just theories but oh my god. It's so fun to think about and it DEFINITELY feels intentional. God bless. I am Sigmund's target audience.
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fyeahcindie · 8 months
Another good band to check out is 遺忘曲線 Forgetting Curve from Guangzhou. =D
I have so little info on this unit, not even a weibo site. And I only just saw them featured this week on Zoo Chronicle 動樂記 channel. (very good channel for promoting mainland bands on YT)
I found these members: 何嘉棋 MusicK-Voc/Gtr, 雷子-Lead Gtr, 小北-Bass, Gihong-Drums.
The name 遺忘曲線 Forgetting Curve is a problem for people looking for the band, because it's a scientific/psychological term. The name comes from Hermann Ebbinghaus' The forgetting curve, which hypothesizes the decline of memory retention in time. (wikipedia links).
There is also a British band by that name.  If anybody has some links for 遺忘曲線 Forgetting Curve, please let me know. =)
Links:  Spotify
There is/was another Guangzhou band we featured called Yu Fei Men 與非門 (weibo), searching for their name led to the computer term 与非门 NAND gate. (chinese wiki link)
I loved this band, this song is from 2003:
The English wiki page has some good info, including releases and members. Jiang Fan 蒋凡-voc, Atsing 阿庆; A Qing, prog/gtr, San Shao (三少) songwriter/DJ
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spacedrepetition · 5 months
Harnessing Microlearning: Combatting the Challenge of 'Forgetting' Training Inputs
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In the realm of education and training, the struggle to retain information after learning sessions is a persistent challenge. Traditional methods often fall short in addressing this issue, leaving learners grappling with the rapid decline of knowledge retention. However, microlearning emerges as a game-changer in this regard, offering a potent solution to combat the problem of 'forgetting' training inputs. Let's explore how microlearning effectively battles this common obstacle.
Understanding the Forgetting Curve:
The forgetting curve, as elucidated by psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, illustrates the exponential loss of information over time without reinforcement. Research indicates that learners can forget up to 70% of what they've learned within 24 hours. This curve underscores the critical need for training methods that counteract this rapid decline in retention.
Bite-Sized Learning: The Core of Microlearning:
At the heart of microlearning lies the principle of delivering content in small, easily digestible modules. These bite-sized chunks are tailored to suit the modern learner's shorter attention span and preference for quick, focused information. By breaking down complex topics into manageable portions, microlearning facilitates better comprehension and retention.
Spaced Repetition: Reinforcing Learning Over Time:
Microlearning employs spaced repetition as a key strategy to combat the forgetting curve. Instead of bombarding learners with information in a single session, microlearning spaces out the delivery of content over time. This approach reinforces learning and prevents information from fading into oblivion.
Active Engagement: Interactive Learning for Lasting Impact:
Microlearning emphasizes active engagement through interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations, and scenario-based learning. By immersing learners in hands-on activities, microlearning fosters deeper understanding and retention of concepts. This active participation ensures that knowledge is not passively consumed but actively absorbed and applied.
Personalization and Adaptability:
Microlearning offers the flexibility to customize learning experiences to individual preferences and learning styles. Learners can engage with content at their own pace and revisit topics as needed. This personalization enhances engagement and motivation, leading to better retention of training inputs.
Microlearning stands as a beacon of hope in the quest to overcome the forgetting curve and maximize knowledge retention. By delivering bite-sized content, leveraging spaced repetition, encouraging active engagement, and offering personalization, microlearning effectively battles the problem of 'forgetting' training inputs. As organizations embrace this innovative approach, they empower their learners to retain knowledge effectively and apply it with confidence in real-world scenarios.
In the dynamic landscape of learning and development, microlearning emerges as a transformative force, revolutionizing the way we approach training and education. By harnessing the power of microlearning, organizations can equip their workforce with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world.
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mypotsotoso · 7 months
cognitive stuff
Cognition refers to mental activities like thinking, remembering, memory, learning, comprehension, perception, motivation, and language acquisition.
suy nghĩ, ghi nhớ, trí nhớ, học tập, sự hiểu, tri giác, động lực, tiếp thu ngôn ngữ.
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Jean Piaget proposed that people developed basic mental abilities throughout their lives, each stage characterized by a different cognitive ability.
Ulric Neisser emphasized an information-processing approach.
Cognitive psychology had cemented itself as the dominant psychology perspective.
Internal mental processes – using information – problem solving – making decisions – models of memory.
How mental processes affect out emotions and behavior.
- Understanding of information processing models and Cognitive neuroscience.
- using experiments and case studies to study mental processes in individuals or groups
Mental processes:
1 Perception: how we interpret sensory information from the real world around us. How we see things visually and hear, smell, taste, and feel them.
2 Attention: how we focus our cognitive resources on particular stimuli while ignoring others. How we process selectively the most critical information at any moment.
3 Memory: how we encode, store, and retrieve information. Short-term memory holds information for a limited time. Long-term memory stores it for much longer. Working memory helps us search for stored information that we need.
4 Language: how we use symbols, such as words and numbers, to communicate with others. Understanding spoken and written language as well as being able to produce it. While Wernicke’s area (comprehension of speech) controls the ability to understand the meaning of words, Broca’s area (producing speech), in conjunction with the motor cortex, controls the ability to speak those words. (my Broca’s are is deactivated)
5 Problem-solving: cognitive processing to find solutions to problems.
6 Decision-making: metal process to choose between options.
COGNITIVE CONSTRUCTION: we actively engage with information around us, make sense of it using our cognitive processes.
MetaCognition: The awareness of the brain’s thoughts and thought processes. By manipulating the internal and external factors affecting our thinking, we can improve our understanding of ourselves and others.
Lev Vygotsky – Sociocultural theory – the role of cultural and society in cognitive development.
Jerome Bruner – Cognitive development theory – modes of representation like image, language, and action.
Comprehension: understanding why you’re learning it
Memory: connecting new to prior knowledge
Application: put it in practice, transforming what you learn into real-world expertise.
PRACTICE RETRIEVAL - Recall information from memory.
INTERLEAVE TOPICS - Switch between topics, force the brain to constantly retrieve information from working memory
SPACE OUT YOUR PRACTICE - Ebbinghaus forgetting curve. Learn and review it after 1 day, 3 days and 6 days. Spaced repetition.
ELABORATE ON THE MATERIAL - Express new knowledge in your own words
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education30and40blog · 8 months
The Fast and Curious: Use this Teaching Strategy for 4X Retention!
See on Scoop.it - Education 2.0 & 3.0
Most teachers have never heard of the forgetting curve, first researched in the late 1800s by Frederic Ebbinghaus. All teachers know that kids "lose" their academic skills over time (the summer slide?). Jon Corippo has been riding the Ebbinghaus effect with spectacular success since 2001...scores go up 20 points daily, and retention is through the roof in his classes. If you teach humans of any age in any subject, you need to know this pedagogy!
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lavnikgp · 2 years
Conversation with ChatGPT
22nd February 2023
I wanted to take a moment to share my recent experience with ChatGPT, a remarkable tool that has become the talk of the town in the tech-world. As I'm balancing my busy schedule and trying to manage my website, I couldn't help but feel intrigued by the possibilities of ChatGPT's natural language processing capabilities.
So, I decided to give it a try and was pleasantly surprised by the results. Not only did it provide me with comprehensive and consolidated information, but it also answered all of my questions with impressive accuracy. When I asked about the kind of data we could collect from charging stations, ChatGPT provided me with a comprehensive list of possibilities that left me in awe.
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But as I continued to use ChatGPT, I couldn't help but notice a potential drawback. While the tool gave me quick access to information, I found it challenging to retain all the information I was receiving. This realization reminded me of the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve, which suggests that humans only retain a portion of the information they learn. If I truly want to master a subject, I would have to review the information multiple times, approximately 50-60 times more according to the theory.
Despite this, I'm still impressed by ChatGPT's capabilities and have found it to be a valuable tool in my personal and professional life. As someone who is always seeking to learn and improve, I am excited to see what new possibilities technology will bring to the table in the future.
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digiproctorsoftware · 2 years
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As per the 'Forgetting Curve' of German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, 70% of learning is forgotten within 24 hours of training and 90% is lost within a week. DigiProctor ensures that the continuous testing is done smoothly so the students are not expected to cram everything at the end of the course.
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joelbrandall1 · 2 years
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Teach a man to fish, and he’ll immediately forget what you taught him. But teach a man to fish, take notes, and review them at key after-fishing intervals, and you feed him for a lifetime.
I talk about the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve in Tip 52 of my college guidebook: https://amzn.to/3D7oi3a
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Bridging Cognitive Theory and Microlearning: Applying Bruner’s Framework to MaxLearn
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Jerome Bruner, an influential cognitive psychologist, played a crucial role in shaping modern educational theories, particularly in how learners absorb and process information. His Cognitive Learning Theory, often called the Constructivist Theory, posits that learning is an active process where individuals construct new ideas and concepts based on their current or past knowledge. Bruner’s framework emphasizes discovery learning, scaffolding, and the spiral curriculum, all of which foster deeper understanding and long-term retention.
Incorporating Bruner’s cognitive principles into MaxLearn’s microlearning platform ensures that learners are not just passively receiving information but actively engaging with it to form meaningful connections. This helps mitigate the problems of the Forgetting Curve and increases the overall effectiveness of training. Let’s explore how MaxLearn applies Bruner’s cognitive framework to create a rich, impactful learning experience.
Bruner’s Cognitive Learning Theory: Key Elements
Before delving into MaxLearn’s microlearning practices, it’s essential to understand the core components of Bruner’s theory:
Discovery Learning: Bruner argued that learners should engage in problem-solving and discovery rather than rote memorization. This active involvement helps build a deeper understanding of the material, as learners are encouraged to explore, question, and find solutions.
Spiral Curriculum: According to Bruner, any subject can be taught effectively at any stage of development if presented in a structured and scaffolded way. The idea of the spiral curriculum suggests revisiting topics periodically, allowing learners to build on prior knowledge, expand their understanding, and apply it in new contexts.
Scaffolding: This refers to the support provided by instructors or tools to help learners bridge the gap between what they currently know and what they need to learn. As learners gain more competence, this scaffolding is gradually removed.
Structure of Knowledge: Bruner emphasized organizing knowledge hierarchically, from basic concepts to more complex ideas. This organization allows learners to integrate new information with their existing mental models.
Applying Bruner’s Framework to Microlearning: A Perfect Fit
Bruner’s cognitive framework aligns perfectly with microlearning, especially with a platform like MaxLearn, which focuses on bite-sized, targeted lessons designed to optimize retention. Here’s how MaxLearn applies the key elements of Bruner’s theory to create a powerful microlearning experience:
1. Discovery Learning in MaxLearn
One of Bruner’s most prominent ideas was that learning should involve discovery. MaxLearn’s microlearning platform promotes discovery learning by encouraging active engagement and problem-solving within short lessons. Learners are not merely presented with information; instead, they are given challenges or scenarios that require them to think critically and apply their knowledge.
For example, MaxLearn integrates interactive quizzes, simulations, and decision-making scenarios into its lessons. These activities push learners to use their existing knowledge to find solutions, leading to deeper cognitive processing. Rather than memorizing isolated facts, learners are exploring how the concepts they’re learning relate to one another and how they can apply them in real-world situations.
This problem-solving approach makes the learning process more engaging and ensures that learners are building long-term, actionable skills rather than simply recalling information temporarily.
2. Spiral Curriculum in Microlearning
Microlearning is inherently designed to deliver content in manageable, digestible pieces, which perfectly complements Bruner’s concept of the spiral curriculum. In microlearning, learners revisit topics multiple times, each time gaining a deeper understanding and refining their skills.
MaxLearn’s platform leverages the spiral curriculum by structuring lessons in a progressive manner. Initially, learners are introduced to foundational concepts, but over time, these concepts are revisited in different contexts, with increasing complexity. This ensures that learners not only retain the material but also develop the ability to apply it in various scenarios.
For example, a learner in a compliance training course may start with basic regulations, then gradually advance to applying those rules in different work-related situations. By revisiting and expanding on previously learned material, learners strengthen their knowledge base and improve their problem-solving skills.
The spiral curriculum also integrates well with spaced repetition, a core feature of MaxLearn, which is designed to combat the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve. By revisiting key points at spaced intervals, MaxLearn ensures that learners retain their knowledge over the long term.
3. Scaffolding in MaxLearn’s Microlearning
Scaffolding is an instructional technique that plays a significant role in helping learners transition from what they know to what they need to know. In microlearning, scaffolding is especially effective because lessons are short, targeted, and contextual.
MaxLearn incorporates personalized scaffolding through features like adaptive learning paths and targeted feedback. As learners engage with content, the platform assesses their current knowledge and adjusts future lessons to challenge them just enough to promote learning without overwhelming them. This allows learners to progress at their own pace, with the right level of support provided at each stage.
For example, after completing an interactive quiz, learners may receive detailed feedback on their performance, with additional resources or micro-tasks that help them address their weak areas. This adaptive scaffolding ensures that learners receive the guidance they need without being spoon-fed the information, which helps them build autonomy and confidence in their learning journey.
Over time, as learners become more competent, this scaffolding is gradually removed, allowing them to take greater ownership of their learning process.
4. Structure of Knowledge in MaxLearn
Bruner stressed the importance of organizing knowledge in a hierarchical structure, starting from basic concepts and building towards more complex ideas. This structure allows learners to develop a strong foundation before tackling more advanced topics.
MaxLearn applies this principle by ensuring that its lessons are organized in a logical, progressive sequence. Each lesson builds on the previous one, with content that is clear, concise, and cumulative. This hierarchical organization enables learners to understand how different concepts relate to each other, forming a coherent mental map of the subject matter.
For instance, in a sales training module, learners might start with fundamental concepts like customer engagement and rapport building. Once those basics are mastered, they can move on to more complex topics such as handling objections or closing sales. This approach ensures that learners can connect the dots between various aspects of the training and see the big picture.
MaxLearn’s Microlearning: A Cognitive-Friendly Approach
MaxLearn's microlearning platform leverages Bruner’s cognitive principles to enhance learning retention, engagement, and applicability. Let’s take a closer look at the specific features of MaxLearn that align with Bruner’s framework:
Bite-Sized Learning: MaxLearn breaks down complex topics into bite-sized lessons that fit into learners' busy schedules. This makes it easier for learners to process, retain, and apply new information.
Interactive Elements: With quizzes, simulations, and gamification, MaxLearn fosters active learning, aligning with Bruner’s discovery-based approach.
Adaptive Learning: MaxLearn uses AI and analytics to offer personalized learning experiences, ensuring that each learner receives the right level of scaffolding based on their individual progress.
Spaced Repetition: As part of the spiral curriculum, MaxLearn integrates spaced repetition to reinforce knowledge over time, which helps combat memory decay.
Knowledge Checks and Immediate Feedback: Learners receive immediate feedback on their performance, ensuring that they understand where they need to improve and how they can apply their new skills.
Conclusion: Transforming Theory into Practice
Bruner’s cognitive framework offers a rich, thoughtful approach to learning that focuses on engagement, scaffolding, and structured progression. When these principles are applied to microlearning platforms like MaxLearn, the result is an educational experience that goes beyond rote memorization, offering learners the tools they need to truly master concepts and apply them in the real world.
By leveraging Bruner’s insights on discovery learning, the spiral curriculum, and scaffolding, MaxLearn has created a dynamic, adaptive platform that helps learners not only retain information but also build long-lasting knowledge that contributes to their professional development. In a world where knowledge retention is critical for organizational success, combining cognitive theory with cutting-edge microlearning technology ensures that learners are equipped for both the present and the future.
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abigail-2002 · 2 years
The Goldfish (A Story between Victor and I )
(Before you read the story,there is something that you should know.Because Victor‘s Chinese last name is Li, I chose to use the first name of Victor. As for the name of the company of Victor, I am so sorry for that because it is very hard for me to translate the name, so to make it simple, I use the original Chinese name. Huarui)

I am a proud person to the bone.
Excellent grades, a substantial income, a stable family of origin, and a lean body that meets aesthetic standards. I know I'm beautiful, no pun intended: the compliments I get from others, real or fake, the preferential treatment I always get as an exception, the confessions I received as a student ......
I was standing right in the middle of the stage, shining.
Sounds pretty Mary Sue, right? But my story is nothing like the Mary Sue heroines of bad romance novels where the flowers bloom to the sun and the natural beauty is hard to give up.
I have a set of standards in my life.
I do not have a naturally thin body type, in order to keep in shape, I carefully calculate the calories at each meal, or a devil diet during the week, only eat a cucumber and a glass of yogurt every day.
I have a pear-shaped body, and in order to get rid of my thick thighs, I can stick to three sets of leg-slimming tutorials a day, and often after the last tutorial is finished, my legs barely have the strength to support me to stand.
I do not have a natural extraordinary memory, the course content can only be repeated over and over again. Read, memorize, watch, memorize again, then Ebbinghaus forgetting curve type review, boring and boring, but with fantastic results.
If I had to be given a title, I think it would be King of the Volume.
I have a high probability of being one of the originators of the volumes in certain fields.
Inner rolls do not bring joy, but not comfort can.
The discomfort I endure physically makes me feel very satisfied whenever I'm about to stop. For example, hunger, acidity in the stomach, but a strange sense of satisfaction in being extra awake. The thrill of being on the verge of reaching my weight limit tends to overwhelm me.
I was like a goldfish, spitting barren, boring blisters, but happy to do so.
It's like, little by little, conquering myself again. But I'm not quite sure exactly what part of myself I'm overcoming.
When I met Li Zeyan, I was a lawyer.
The intense work of a lawyer gives me an uncomfortable sense of satisfaction, and I feel like I'm reaching the mark.
I took a case at the law firm, and the client was Sinovel.
I was busy for a week and proved that Sinovel's so-called "Sinovel tax fraud" was a false and malicious competition tactic and claimed compensation from the other party, plus Sinovel's reasonable compensation, and the case was settled in court.
It was an easy case, not challenging. I chose to take it just because the client is Sinovel, the commission is high.
In the next month, I received two more cases from Sinovel, about the illegal operation of similar business and misappropriation of funds by the controlling director within the company.
Happy to take the commission of the capital, I suddenly have a little sympathy for the recent affairs of China Rui, but only a little, after all, my source of income or the case, the wind and waves of China Rui can not give me so much commission. Still can not get over with money, can grip capitalist wool to start grip.
Later I learned that that month, Sinovel disaster is a test of internal bloodletting, is a good show to make an example of the chicken.
As for the source of the news, from one of my clients, Mr. Victor Li.
My next client is Victor Li.
There are allegations of misappropriation and misappropriation of funds by Victor Li.
I couldn't help but have a black face when I received the case: Victor Li as the president of Sinovel, there is really no need for any misappropriation of office. As for the misappropriation of funds, who accounts for the majority of shares will be misappropriated funds.
This person is really quite creative.
I am sure that Sinovel recently internal disagreement to split.
I still took the case, after all, the commission is considerable.
I went to see my client at Sinovel in the afternoon.
Victor Li was as warm as on the news. We exchanged contact information for work.
Victor Li was a polite and sober client, and we kept up the superficial courtesy of exchanging information and the process was overall comfortable.
After confirming Victor Li’s situation, I excused myself and went back to the law firm to organize the information.
A savvy client is what I labeled Victor Li.
Over the next few days, I ran back and forth between Sinovel and the law firm.
From the available information, it seems that the plaintiff party should have made false accounts.
I checked the accounts at Sinovel for a long time, and my assistant Wei Qian lent me his desk after work. The reason was that it was closer to the president's office, so it was convenient to communicate.
At twenty o'clock, I finished organizing the information. With me into the elevator with the lights off and Victor Li.
"Mr. Li." I greeted briefly.
"En." He replied briefly as well.
The president's office was on the eleventh floor, and from the eleventh to the eighth floor we had no words for each other.
When the elevator was going down from the eighth floor, Victor Li suddenly spoke, "Why are you working so late?"
...... Well, the father of the A party to push the work.
"There are some account issues that still need to be verified." I turned over the information in my hand to show the results of my work.
"If there are problems feel free to contact me." Li swept a glance at the information in my hand and spoke in an unsalty manner.
"Then I'll trouble you." I was polite.
After walking out of the Huarui gate and waiting for a cab to no avail, I planned to walk back on my own.
"Get in, I'll give you a ride." Li's car was parked at the curb, a few steps away from me.
I sat on the passenger side, the lights of the city of love and the city came straight down from the windows, and the balsam fir on the roadside went one after another.
The car was put in the Bach, very Li style.
After the exchange of cases, I briefly explained the court process and notes.
The navigation beep sounded, and I realized I had arrived home.
I invited Victor Li upstairs to sit down, as there was still a small part of the account situation I needed to verify.
Li agreed.
Go inside and turn on the lights and sort out the information on the coffee table.
I went into the kitchen and brought a glass of water, "I'm really sorry, there's nothing else to drink at home."
Li nodded: "It's okay, let's start."
Another half hour.
After almost finished, I went inside to print the information. After coming out of the room, I found Li Zeyan staring at a cupcake on the coffee table in the living room.
"My birthday, dinner today." I explained to him.
"That's all you're eating?" Li frowned.
"Because I have to work overtime," I nodded "Do you want to eat some too?" Thinking that Li was also working late tonight, I felt a little sorry for taking up another hour of his time: "I can't finish it myself, so I'll have to eat the rest in the morning." I added, hoping he wouldn't refuse.
Two plates were taken and the cupcakes were cut from them, one half for each of us.
"Do you usually eat like this?" Li held the plates and waited for me to find a spoon in the kitchen.
"No, sometimes I come back a little early and put down noodles." I flipped out two small spoons.
"What if you come back late?" Li watched me dig into the corner of the cake.
"Just don't eat it, hurry up and go to bed, lower your blood fat and lose weight." I sent a spoonful of cake into my mouth.
Li frowned again, but did not say anything, also picked up the spoon to dig the cake.
After sending Li away, I took a little time to wash up and get ready for bed.
The WeChat alert sounded abruptly.
Li’s dialog box was marked with a red dot at the top.
"Eat and sleep on time and stay in top shape."
"My lawyer can't afford to make mistakes at critical times."
...... Is this the concern of A's father?
Before I could finish feeling the paternalistic flavor of Li Zeyin's wording, another message came over from Li.
"Go to bed early."
The trial went well and the commission was quickly obtained.
Li’s WeChat is still hanging in my contact bar.
Usually the commissions are deleted after handling the case, but for Li, I didn't mean to delete it.
In case Huarui has a case later, it would be a pity to delete it. I silently gave myself a reasonable excuse.
On the weekend, I ran into Li at the city library.
I said a brief hello and found a seat at random
Li also found a seat at random, opposite me.
The air conditioning in the library was cool.
The screen of the phone with vibration mode on lit up
Li asked if there was time for lunch today
Ghostly replied there, and then I came to souvenir
The sirloin steak, crème brûlée, and cream of mushroom soup all tasted great, but I had to control my appetite.
"Why don't you eat?" Li took over the cutting of the steak on my plate, looked at my seemingly sickly appetite, frowned and spoke.
"Not really hungry." I spoke against my will.
How can I not be too hungry. The feeling of being hungry was too real, making me feel like my existence was real and eating was illusory instead.
I symbolically ate two bites, packed the rest and insisted on AA meal with Li.
Li and I walked around the lake as an after-dinner snack.
It looks like today's exercise is guaranteed again.
We talked from Bach to Quentin, from Hollywood to Love in the Series.
I said it would be nice to one day be able to follow the road all by myself.
Li asked me why.
I told him that it was freeing to be alone on the road and read other people's stories.
Because any story, would not include me.
I say, you know, I'm like a goldfish, forever spitting bubbles.
He didn't say anything and walked quietly on one side of me.
You see, I'm spitting bubbles right now. I kicked the stones away from my feet
I can hear him, he says
Li and I started to contact each other regularly.
Work life, literature and art, a lot of topics.
On Thursday, I finished my shower and prepared to blow-dry my hair.
Li’s dialog box flashed, clicked on it and found that he asked me why it was a goldfish.
Nothing, just spitting bubbles all the time. I replied.
I said, I can hear you. The white bubble belonging to him lit up again.
I don't like to share my emotions with others because no one really cares and it's unfair to find someone to be a trash can.
But Li’s words made my emotions inexplicably rise, gurgling and bubbling with acidity in my heart.
I asked him if I could turn on my speaker.
I talked to him a lot and ended up with a whimper in my voice.
Thank you for listening to me for so long oh. I tried to smile to prove that I had no problem.
Li did not say anything.
Get some rest early. I said to him, attempting to hang up the call.
He asked if I was home.
After receiving an affirmative answer, he told me to wait.
I hung up the phone and felt really pretentious, I couldn't even control my emotions, it was so bad.
There was a knock on the door.
It was Li.
I opened the door with swollen eyes.
I'm fine. I said.
Can I come in, Li asked.
I nodded.
Probably tired of crying, just sitting fixedly, watching Li pour me water.
Tomorrow is not a day of rest, go back early and rest. I took the glass of water.
There is nothing to say? He looked at me.
It would be too annoying if there was. I took two sips of water.
Li Zeyin didn't say anything, just looked at me.
I wanted to cry again all of a sudden.
Pretentious dead. I scolded myself in my heart.
It was obvious that I was not strong enough.
I shouldn't be crying, I can't cry in front of others.
My pride won't allow me to cry.
I should be strong.
I have a headache, but I'll get over it.
I hate myself for crying.
I try to keep myself emotionless and try to be as objective as I can be.
Because that's the only way to hold up my pride.
After that night, I did not contact Li again.
A little emotion and cry, I should be a very weak person in his heart, right?
A month later, the firm received an invitation to the Sinovel dinner. I wanted to excuse myself, but I was asked by the firm to attend because I had solved a case for Sinovel.
The banquet hall was large and the party started early.
After the necessary courtesies and pleasantries, I looked for a corner with a lot of people.
Li stood in the center of the venue, surrounded by people.
The banquet continued and Li left the circle at the center of the dinner, presumably to go to the lounge.
I gradually relaxed and sat in my chair with my fingers gently tapping along with the sound of the music.
"Why didn't you return my message?" Li’s voice suddenly came from behind.
I turned around and was confronted with those brimming purple eyes.
"I've been a little busy lately." I simply responded, mentally calculating an excuse to leave.
"It doesn't seem too busy right now." Li continued with my words, "The venue is too noisy, you can go to the rooftop to blow off steam."
I was standing on the rooftop with Victor Li.
The midsummer breeze smelled good.
I was like a goldfish, quiet and peaceful, holding back the bubbles I wanted to spit out.
"The rooftop is comfortable." I straightened my gown.
Li looked at me, and I selectively ignored his gaze.
" I was hoping you could talk to me," he spoke abruptly, "like about the movie."
"Talk about what?" I pretended not to know.
"Warui recently considered getting into an ornamental fish farming project?" I snorted.
"Indeed, I recently wanted to raise a goldfish that spits bubbles." Li smiled and nodded.
I cried again, not knowing why.
I said, "You're mistaken. Goldfish that spit bubbles are annoying. Goldfish are selfish and vain, and the bubbles they spit out are always gray.
Li said that the goldfish in his eyes are brave and independent.
I always thought that I would face my whole life alone.
I aspire to be an independent, strong woman.
I don't care about the so-called romantic relationships, thinking that after the hormones have receded, there is always a place of chicken and rice left behind.
My pride is my protective layer.
However, everything fell apart when I met Victor Li.
I could call him Victor now.
Habits are not easy to break.
I still forget dinner on purpose and work desperately overtime.
Victor began to regularize my work and rest and arrange my recipes.
I woke up early to run with him, prepared breakfast together and packed lunches.
You can hug him when you are sad
A few years later, one summer night
We were on the rooftop and the building across the street was brightly lit.
The sound of cicadas mixed with the sound of traffic passing by rushed into our ears.
With the noise of the cicadas and traffic, Victor’s voice came in.
He said
I have always been his pride and joy
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gcsolutions · 4 years
4 Reasons to Implement Microlearning Strategy
According to Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve, a person forgets 80% of what he or she has learned in the last 30 days. An effective solution to this is consuming knowledge in thematic, short modules. With bite-sized learning, the forgetting curve is converted into a retention curve by chunking content and personalizing the learning experience. Microlearning services become an effective strategy to increase learner engagement and knowledge retention. It’s also a great way to deliver just-in-time training and bridge performance gaps. 
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Source Url:- https://www.gc-solutions.net/blog/4-reasons-to-implement-microlearning-strategy
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frankie-say-relax · 5 years
If there’s any takeaway from how today’s test went, it would be represented by Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve.
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kiannac123-blog · 5 years
Hermann Ebbinghaus
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Hermann Ebbinghaus was best known for pioneering the study of memory. He discovered the forgetting curve and the space effect. His most famous method of studying memory was the “nonsense syllables” method. Ebbinghaus would write down hundreds of random consonants and spend his time trying to memorize thousands of nonsense syllables he made up.
Introduction: Hermann Ebbinghaus was the first psychologist to research learning and memory. By using John Locke and David Hume’s theory on the relationship between association and memory, he conducted an experiment on himself. Ebbinghaus’s experiment included memorizing a list of words, avoiding association by implementing “nonsense syllables”: consonant-vowel-consonant. His method was to memorize the list of syllables, pause for 15 seconds, and recite them at a constant speed. 
As a result, he found that the more time spent on memorizing, the less quickly it was forgotten and that remembrance is more effective right after studying the information. Ebbinghaus also found that knowledge is quickly lost within the first hour, then moderately 60% in 9 hours, and two-thirds in 24 hours. This is called the forgetting curve. His discovery has influenced scientific discipline and his memory methods have become the “basis of psychological experimentation”.
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Ebbinghaus’s Contributions To Science: He was born in Germany to a Lutheran family. At age 17, he began studies of philosophy at Bonn University, but his education was paused due to the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Once he completed his studies he relocated to Berlin, France, and England where he continued to research the power of his own memory, starting in 1879. Hermann Ebbinghaus is best known for pioneering the study of memory. He engineered the learning curve and the space effect, using his “nonsense syllables” method. Ebbinghaus would write down hundreds of random consonants and vowels while spending time trying to memorize them. He did experiments like this his whole life, creating and memorizing thousands of nonsense words he made up. This experiment was published in 1885 and was only the start of his career.
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Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCsQHe-NpaM
Who was the test subject in Hermann Ebbinghaus experiment on memory?
When was the Franco-Prussian war?
How did Ebbinghaus avoid word association in this experiment? What method did he come up with?
Why was this experiment so important? Why do we still care today?
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