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taazaofferss · 1 year
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earn-money-free · 2 years
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newsso · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide: How to Earn Money from Paytm in 2023
Do you want to know how to earn money from Paytm? You are in the right place to get all the tips and tricks for this earning method.  In the digital age, mobile wallets have changed the way we handle transactions and manage our finances. One such popular mobile wallet is Paytm, which not only simplifies payment processes but also offers numerous opportunities to earn money.  Whether you’re a…
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earnwithankit · 2 years
Top 3 best survey student earning apps
Top 3 best survey student earning appsHello guys if you are looking for best survey apps for online earning in 5 - 10 minutes daily work.
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Hello guys if you are looking for Paytm wallet survey earning app. In this app if you fill survey then after 7 - 10 days you get your earnings directly in paytm wallet. In this app a negative point is that it will notify by a message for each survey.
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pixeldistractions · 2 months
I said I wanted an adventure:
And oh boy, life delivered. Sadly, it won’t be the airplane adventure we were planning. That’s going to be postponed for a little while.
Warning: walls of text and real-life shit. (Serious wall of text, I’m not even joking.)
Long story short, hubby was laid off from the job that has kept us in a cushy living for the past fifteen years, the job that has given me the luxury of being 85% a stay-at-home mom to both of my kids in their younger years. We kind of saw it coming, and we’re not totally scared. He got a severance package and health insurance for six months. On my end, my books don’t make much money, but I’m telling you, I am a squirrel when it comes to money, mine and his, and I’m not bad at investing. We’ll be okay for a bit.
So, I’m not scared. Yet. But wow, how things can change in the blink of an eye.
For one, we’ll probably move. I don’t know where. The timing is kind of miraculous, with one child graduated and one not yet in kindergarten, we’re free to go wherever we please right now. It was never my dream to move to northern Virginia in the first place. It’s hot and muggy here, and the people are transient, snobby, and kind of boring. My vote is to move back home to Michigan, but when it comes to the bottom line, we gotta pay the bills, so we’ll go wherever he finds work next. He is talented and I know he’ll find work again, but where and what and for how much is up in the air. All I know is northern Virginia is expensive af and we can’t stay here for long if he’s not earning what he did before.
And I don’t really want him to take another corporate job? Not now, in our forties, having spent ALL of our fucks. I’m not sorry he did that kind of work before, because it was a good financial decision for our family, but it wasn’t always fun. He found it stressful and soulless. Unlimited vacation time, haha, as long as you keep your nose to the grindstone and keep your lips ready for the ass-kissing. Anyway.
So we could be elsewhere, and that would be totally okay by me. I don’t want to stay here. I want to move back home to Michigan. My heart sings for it. My whole family is there. The lakes, the forests, the arts, the farms. I’d cash out our investments to buy some land and a modest house in as much cash as we can. And I’ll have some chickens and goats and tomato plants (because it’s the only thing I could ever get to grow). It’s not out of the question. On the other hand, sometimes families in our situation try and try and are still out of work after a couple years, and that nest egg chips away and dwindles to nothing, especially now and especially in the tech field like he is with layoffs everywhere, especially after 6 months when health insurance premiums come due. Yay, America!
So, I don’t know anything about my future right now. Is that scary, or exciting? Both maybe? For now, for the next few months/year, I don’t think very much will change on my end except the timing. I was talking a couple weeks ago about feeling the call to get back to publication writing. I was planning to get serious about it soon, and very serious about it next school year when my youngest is in full-day kindergarten. (He has one more year of preschool first.) But, hey, I guess maybe now would be a better time to hustle some fiction for cash? Granted, I’m still mostly a full-time caregiver to a four-year-old with needs, and those short preschool days fly by. Also considering sick days and snow days, little kids aren’t actually in school very much at all. But I am itching to get back to work, I’m feeling that call, and now it’s also more of a necessity that I work smart (for money) with my little 10-15 hours a week of free time.
As for the state of my blogs and sims stories… Well, it was a pure luxury to be able to sit on my butt and work on Sims stories when my kid went to preschool for three hours a day, 3-5 days a week. It was a privilege—one that I have now lost. Life happens, and things change. It is what it is. And now it’s not really responsible for me to spend all of my free time writing stories of this scope for freebies.
Boxes and Squares is only halfway finished, and the second half is just as large as the first. It took me over a year to complete what I have so far. And where we’re at now, it’s such a special part of the story, an important turning point and the culmination of a lot of things. I was very much looking forward to it. But it’s also LONG. Simming the whole thing would take a lot of time that I don’t have to spend anymore. But I think I’ve come up with a way to not totally quit.
I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I always hoped to bring this story to books someday. I always wondered if it might be better suited to the general book fiction/literary market. It’s floundering here on Simblr. Five, dear, beloved people were reading it. I love you guys. But why did it never catch on in all this time? I could never really figure out why it was so invisible here. Maybe the pictures were ugly. Maybe the conflict was too tame. Not enough vampires? Not enough guns or murder? Never learned to use ReShade properly? Does my breath stink? Maybe I don’t really want to know the answer in the end.
It’s meant for other things, if anything at all. Maybe nothing at all, but who knows. Maybe it’ll find its niche someday elsewhere. I love this story (why, oh why do I love it so?), and I can’t quit it. I couldn’t quit if I tried. The story of these wandering misfits is so personal and interesting to me, and I need to see it through to the end.
I have to say, with certainty now, I’ll finish it out in books. I’ve already started tinkering with the first few chapters of a newly imagined beginning. And oh, it’s sparkling! It begins with a reimagined work field trip scene, with Jordan and Maria on a soggy farm in the cold rain. I don’t know if it’ll do well in the general book market, but I can say I have had fun drafting it here and I will have fun finishing it out in books. I always wanted to try a series format story in books. It’s looking like it’ll be about 8-9 novella/short-novel sized chunks. Anyone who was reading here will get free ebook copies, of course. Hell, if I ever meet you in person, I’d hand you a signed paperback, too. Shipping fees are a bitch, though, or else I’d mail them.
As I’ve been picking at these book drafts the past couple weeks, I’m quickly remembering how freeing it is to write in full text. Not having to compromise my vision according to what I might be able to do in game or with poses, not having to fight with game glitches and crashes and broken mods before I can even begin the work. The words do as I tell them to, and nothing is off limits if I have the words to describe it! Returning to that feels quite magical. I might be a little rusty at this after so many years away, but I remember how it goes. Muscle memory, decades of practice, so much trial and error under my belt already. I know what I’m doing here. It’s comfortable and it’s good.
But I was so excited to share book 5. I really, truly was. It contains some of my favorite scenes in the whole story! I’m sad to leave the story hanging where it is, even though, perhaps, if you look at it just right, chapter 4.5 did offer some resolution for the story to land on.
So, to the five of you who were reading my story and do care, thank you for reading this thing! Your likes and comments meant the world to me as I poured my heart and soul into this quiet little story. And I hope this compromise will work for everyone. And if it doesn’t, I’m sorry.
Which is not to say I’m going to abandon the sims entirely. I’ve been playing sims since 2003 and writing sims stories since 2008. I love seeing my characters and their world visually. In a way, it’s been an outlet for the sad reality that I’ll never be able to draw a graphic novel, lol!
So you’ll still see my sims from time to time. Updates won’t come as frequently as I was able to do before. It will look different, but I’d love to keep my timeline puttering along, if I can. You’ll see gameplay shenanigans and maybe some mini stories. Even B&S characters, you’ll still see them on here, going about their lives. I couldn’t stop it if I tried. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll still be playing my sims just as I have since I discovered Sims 1. And maybe in a couple years, when my youngest is in school full time and our financial situation will have hopefully settled, I might be able to do another hefty sims story again. But for now, things will be different. Life happens, and things change.
I’m still going to finish “Miserable Ghost Story,” too, which is a traditional stand-alone novel. And I have many more WIPs than that to finish. I have another old dear novel that I’ve been picking at for 20 years that I’d like to see the light of day sometime. I have a couple more spin-offs from the EWTF and F&B set, too. It’s in my best interest to buckle down and finish all the WIPs I can. I have so many of them, after all. Earn three bucks a copy, invest it and turn it into ten. That’s my game. I was a finance major in college for a hot minute before I became an English major. I can be artsy-fartsy and business-minded all at once.
All this to say, regretfully, stories will not return in mid-August as I had planned. But they will return eventually, in some shape or form, as soon as I can settle my brain from the spinning. And, I guess, update my game and mods for the new pack.
And if there’s any luck in the world, maybe next year I’ll be living on Lake Michigan, writing my stories, taking care of my kids and acres of property and maybe some goats. Goat cheese and romance novels, isn’t that the dream? Graciously accepting any prayers or well wishes, please and thank you!
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pudding-parade · 1 year
OK, so this isn't Sims-related, but I thought I'd show some pics from Planet Zoo, which I'm really enjoying. I'm still learning the game and learning how to build nice habitats, but I'm enjoying the process. I'll put it behind a cut so as not to take up your dash space if you're uninterested. :)
These are pics from my first "real" zoo. (As opposed to ones I started just to figure things out that didn't turn out so well. LOL) It's a franchise-mode zoo. For those who don't play the game, franchise mode is where you start with a small amount of money to get your zoo started and you have to build it up and have it make money so you can expand it and buy the more popular animals that will bring in more guests, which earns you more money, etc. You also have to have your staff do research to unlock more building items as well as to learn things to improve your animals' habitats and all that. And, of course, you have to build all the habitats and guest and staff buildings. So, they are constant works-in-progress. This is opposed to sandbox mode where, depending on the settings you choose, you can build your zoo with unlimited cash to buy whatever animals you want and with no research required so you can build your buildings and habitats with anything from the start and spend as much money as you want, etc.
Anyway, for my first franchise zoo, I chose to make a small, all-reptile zoo (plus some amphibians and arthropod exhibit animals) in a tropical biome. Why? Because I like reptiles, and it's hella easier to keep them outdoors in tropical environments. LOL
So here's its "entry gate" and a food-and-drink stall, the latter of which partly extends into one of the habitats:
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Here's my little Galapagos Tortoise family, parents and their three babies:
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(The babies are so cute, and the adult female is gravid again! *squeal*) This is the exhibit that's on the other side of the food and drinks. These were the second animal I added to this zoo.
Here are (some of) the Nile Monitors and a wider view of their habitat:
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The Nile monitors were the first animals I had in the zoo because they're cheap to buy and cheap to feed. LOL I started with a male and two females. (The male is in the middle of the first pic.) The game says they're difficult to breed, but both my females ended up gravid pretty much right away, and they had a total of 16 babies! Yikes! So now their habitat is slightly overcrowded. LOL But, I can trade away or release to the wild most of the babies once they're old enough.
And then there are my gharials, which are my favorite crocodilians, so I'm glad they're included in the game. :) Lookit this big boy:
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OK, so maybe he doesn't look so big in the pic, but here he is in comparison with a female:
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The female isn't that small herself. I think she's 7ft/2m long while the male is, obviously twice that. That's how it is with gharials.
And here's big boy checking out the guests:
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Not to worry, though. Though they are very large, gharials are exclusively fish-and-amphibian eaters, not large-mammal-eaters. That's what their long, skinny, and rather weak (as crocodilians go) jaws are adapted for. They're also the only crocodilians that are social, in the sense that a male will have a harem of females, and he will defend them and the babies from threats.
ANYWAY! I started with a male and two females, and I made a very large (and mostly water, since they are primarily aquatic, not land, animals) habitat so they could go wild with the babies. And they have. Both females had a clutch, so now I have nine babies, too. So CUUUUUUUTE! <3 Apparently, I haven't taken any baby pics, though. Need to fix that... But here's a bird's-eye view (including the game UI, oops!) of the gharial habitat as it stands now:
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It's still not done, but it's getting there. I'm having fun doing underwater decorating. :)
I also recently added Komodo dragons to this zoo, but I'm still working on building a basic habitat for them, so I haven't moved them into it yet. I tend to build a basic habitat, then let money accumulate a bit, then work on more fully "dressing up" each habitat. After the dragons, I think I will add American alligators. Hopefully I'll have the credits to get an albino one (since people are usually selling those for conservation credits rather than money on the market) because that will be cool to see/watch. I also need to do some more general decoration of the non-habitat parts of the zoo, because it's pretty plain. LOL I have the money banked up. I just need playing time to do it. And a plan. A plan would be good. LOL
Of course, I also recently started a sandbox zoo so that I could build freely and not have to worry about things like research or power and water filtration and other things, sooooooo.... LOL
Anyway yeah, really like this game. I like the management aspects, I like just sitting and watching the animals in their habitats, and I especially like the building in it, both of animal habitats as well as other things. I've been watching some YouTube videos made by far more experienced players than me, so I'm itching to try out some Techniques(TM). LOL
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mllemaenad · 5 months
The Magnus Protocol: Futures
Lena The world is full of opposing forces, some benevolent, most not. In order for the wheels to keep on turning, all these forces need to be monitored and balanced. That is where we come in. Gwen That doesn’t mean anything. Lena And yet it is the only explanation you’re going to get for now. Gwen So what? We’re the bad guys? Lena We are… managing the “bad guys”. – The Magnus Protocol: Futures
Do they now? Do they really? At least in The Magnus Archives it was more that the various forces just were balanced, whether you wanted them to be or not. Oh, sure, there was all the business with Robert Smirke and architecture, and the tunnels beneath The Magnus Institute – but that seemed to be more a matter of accurately observing a phenomenon than of creating one.
John/Jonah Magnus You see, the thing about the Fears is that they can never be truly separated from each other. When does the fear of sudden violence transition into the fear of hunted prey? When does the mask of the Stranger become the deception of the Spiral? Even those that seem to exist in direct opposition rely on each other for their definition as much as up relies on down. To try and create a world with only the Buried makes as much sense as trying to conceive a world with only down. – The Magnus Archives: The Eye Opens
You can't bring one entity into the world; it has to be all of them. If you kick one entity out of the world, the rest must follow. It isn't even entirely clear that they actually are separate beings.
Attempting to use the concept of "balance" to control and empower himself did not work out all that well for Robert Smirke. Frankly, even with all his extra knowledge and study, it did not work out all that well for Jonah Magnus either, in the long run.
But of course, this particular bit of dialogue is immediately followed by a case about the illusion of control. In a lot of ways, Darrien feels like the brother of the gambler from Rolling With It. There is a lot of similarity – except that the gambler had a better understanding of what was happening.
Chester/Statement Giver The thing is though I still don’t really know if they ever made me roll them. I mean, I did. A lot. And I knew that the risks probably outweighed the rewards but I don’t think I ever felt them like “calling” to me or anything y’know? It always felt like my choice. Even if it was a shitty choice. Besides, I've never gotten anything good in my life except by blind chance, so why should this be any different? – The Magnus Protocol: Rolling With It
He knew he was gambling. Yes, there was a "system" but he recognised that it was never going to be perfect. And over time, he got more caught up in the allure of being a mysterious agent of fate than in the benefits he got from actually rolling the dice. The gambler's mistake wasn't in failing to recognise the peril in the act of gambling, it was in underestimating the hold it had over him.
But Darrien – this poor idiot thinks he's in control.
Darrien I took my entire student loan out and got straight to shorting using your app. This was back when it had only just launched. I struggled through your first janky interface, your weird background checks, all those damn glitches but I stuck with it because unlimited Margins and Deposits was pretty sweet. Made some quick cash shorting failing startups then used that to broaden into Crypto, leveraged some EM ETFS, scraped up a few pennies then started to go long on a few obvious winners like Omni and Sparkhub for some hedging. Easy peasy. – The Magnus Protocol: Futures
Shorting is a very high-risk strategy, meaning that Darrien is effectively gambling just as much as the guy with the dice was. But he doesn't think of it like that: to him it's "the plan", and when it transitions to destroying his own life in order to "earn bank" it's "the loophole".
Except ... well, except. He's pretty obviously not gambling, or investing, or anything else within his control. Darrien is being lured. He has only ever invested using Zorrotrade, which had perks that drew him in ... and almost certainly ensured his success, and the eventual failures that led him to the Personal Projection Short Selling settings. He was set up, but is too arrogant to see it – right up to the end.
It's interesting. Looking back at The Magnus Archives, altruism, personal gain, or most often some combination of the two, were perfectly acceptable as entry points for most of the people who got tangled up with supernatural entities. John plied his questioning powers, largely in seasons three and four, to attempt to stop rituals. Oliver Banks attempted to warn people of their impending deaths. Trevor Herbert started out from the perfectly reasonable position of killing vampires who were eating people right in front of him.
That's logical. People in these stories may not be wholly moral but – "Hey, why don't you serve an eldritch god that will eat up your life and strip you of your humanity?" isn't exactly a winning argument. It makes sense that there's a reason. That a person could think doing this could, conceivably, be for the best.
But eventually, you are supposed to stop caring about helping others, or even your own wellbeing, and just give yourself over.
Jude Perry I know now they were simply guiding me upon the path to my true epiphany. All this time I was serving my god, but only for my own glory. But with each new gift, each renewal of the fire, I saw how lifeless and hollow it was, how grey and ashen my existence had become. It became clear that, where once I had destroyed to fuel my life, I now lived for the pain that I caused. And for Agnes. My sweet, hopeless Agnes. – The Magnus Archives: Twice as Bright
And here you have the gambler, who perhaps had the temperament for this business: the sense of drama, the deep addiction to the dice rolls – but ultimately not the stomach for it. And Darrien. Well, he's got the stomach for it: an amputated limb, a coma and a dozen other serious injuries and he's still not fazed. But he was never ever going to give up the self interest. He clung to the illusion of control, the idea that he could demand his "goddamn money" right up until something consumed him.
You can see hints here, of Sam and Gwen and even Celia. Sam the underachieving gifted kid, desperate to find something in The Magnus Institute to explain his circumstances; Gwen the rich woman in the crap job trying to get "in" on the big secret; Sam and Celia together, trying to take control of their odd relationship by putting all their cards on the table – but both clearly hiding a couple of doozies up their sleeves.
Mostly, though, it seems to be a commentary on Lena. She says that there are benevolent forces out there, and that balance is necessary. And sure, maybe. New universe, new rules. Anything's possible. But it would be a new thing, and there's been little evidence of it so far. If you tell yourself these things, though, you can feel like you're in control. So who is she kidding – Gwen, or herself?
And ye gods there is something very wrong with the tech in this world. The Magnus Archives had its haunted tape recorders, sure, but that was a single point of weirdness in a world where the technology largely behaved as expected. But here?
Someone or something seems to be able to listen through virtually any device that has a microphone
Making Adjustments involved streaming inking someone with a cursed tattoo to the world
Personal Screening had an obviously evil website, and closed with a cursed film
Needles and the threatening call to emergency services
Mr Bonzo, who is summoned by recordings of his theme song
... and now the cursed investment app
And Freddy, of course. Can't forget Freddy. It's not every case, but it's enough cases that I'm sure there's a pattern. I am more certain that The Magnus Protocol refers at least in part to network protocols – and that Colin has largely been kept quiet because he could say too many useful things. Colin is stressed, in part, because somebody wants an app.
Yeah. I don't think an app would improve anything about this situation.
Meanwhile, there is Alice's small tragedy. Of course, it was clear even from the trailer that she recommended Sam for the job. But this:
Sam I had a breakdown. Stress. There was an… incident at work. I… freaked out during a presentation. After that they “encouraged” me to move on and I did. Six unemployed months later and I took a job at the O.I.A.R. Celia (slightly cautious) Alice hooked you up? Sam (noticing) Yeah. Full disclosure, we dated at uni and stayed in contact after. I did my best to help her though her parents’ deaths, but… after that we pretty much dropped out of touch. According to her, she dropped me a line about the job after “the most pathetic vague-post she had ever seen.” – The Magnus Protocol: Futures
That Sam had a breakdown and Alice, unprompted, invited him into the OIAR. He didn't reach out to her. They didn't reconnect for other reasons and it just came up. She made that move. Alice who knows her workplace is sinister and advises everyone not to look to closely at the cases – and is suspicious of anyone who does. Alice who clearly still has feelings for Sam. She can chide Sam all she wants about his poking around The Magnus Institute, but she brought him here.
I keep thinking about Tim, and the way he blamed John for trapping him in the archives. John had his share of screw ups, of course, but that one always felt a bit unfair. There was no way John could have known the archives job was extra evil. But this time? If something does happen to Sam – whether that be physical danger or mental distress, or even a descent into evil – Alice can't say her hands are clean. Some of it will be her fault.
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glossary2 · 1 month
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tejasfinwrites · 2 months
How Stock Market Trading Becomes Easier with Practice: A Focus on Selling Options
Stock market trading often seems daunting to newcomers, with its complex charts, unpredictable movements, and a plethora of strategies. However, with consistent practice and the right approach, trading can become a much more manageable and even profitable venture. One effective strategy that simplifies the trading process is selling options.
Understanding Options Trading
Options are financial instruments that give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price before or at the expiry date. While buying options can be risky, selling options offers a more controlled and potentially profitable approach.
Why Selling Options is Beneficial
Income Generation: Selling options, especially covered calls and cash-secured puts, can generate consistent income. By selling these options, traders earn a premium, providing an immediate return on investment.
Lower Risk: Selling options can be less risky compared to buying them. With strategies like covered calls, the trader owns the underlying stock, which provides a cushion against adverse price movements.
Flexibility: Selling options offers flexibility in terms of strategy. Traders can use various techniques such as covered calls, cash-secured puts, and iron condors to adapt to different market conditions.
Improved Probability of Profit: When you sell options, especially out-of-the-money options, the probability of the options expiring worthless (which is beneficial for the seller) is higher. This increases the chance of earning a profit.
Practicing Options Selling
Just like any other skill, mastering options trading requires practice. Here are some steps to get started:
Education: Begin with a solid understanding of options trading. Numerous resources, courses, and tutorials are available online to help you grasp the basics and advanced concepts.
Paper Trading: Before risking real money, practice with paper trading. This allows you to test strategies in a simulated environment without any financial risk.
Start Small: When transitioning to live trading, start with small positions. This minimizes risk while allowing you to gain practical experience.
Track Your Performance: Maintain a trading journal to track your trades, strategies, and outcomes. Analyzing your performance helps in refining your approach and identifying what works best for you.
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Stock market trading doesn't have to be overwhelming. With consistent practice and the right strategies, such as selling options, you can simplify the process and enhance your profitability. Begin your trading journey with expert guidance from TradeWithGuru and secure your financial future with confidence.
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earn-money-free · 2 years
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headmistressdelecaille · 11 months
Headmistress Delecaille’s Letter
Slave Orientation & Rules
Master Orientation & Rules
Guard Rules
Master Room Assignments
Slave Roommate Assignments
Mandatory Courses
Island Map & Campus Map
Island Access Levels
Your New Phone
Island Rankings
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Every island resident, master and slave alike, is entered into the island rankings on arrival on Malvolio Island. A resident's place in the rankings is determined by points; all residents begin at zero, and may accumulate or lose points over time. The more points, the higher the rank, and the higher the rank, the more prestige and benefits you receive.
Any slave who graduates while ranked in the Top 5 slaves will receive a cash prize of $1,000,000 USD, or the equivalent in their desired currency.
Any master who graduates or departs their position on the island while ranked in the Top 5 masters may choose between two prizes. They may have a building on campus renamed and dedicated in their honor, or they may award master status to one slave of their choice.
Slaves may earn points in three ways: through the required review at the end of each rental, by pleasing Masters enough to be awarded points, and by performing certain actions.
Masters also earn points via the required review at the end of each rental; in addition, they may be awarded points by other masters who witness behavior fitting of their status, or by performing certain actions.
Masters may award points freely to slaves and fellow masters for any perceived good behavior.
While a resident's points automatically determine certain factors such as their access level and eligibility for participation in fraternities, residents may also choose from a selection of perks at each 100-point milestone. These perks will remain theirs until such time as their total points fall below the total at which they were earned.
Masters may deduct points from slaves for bad behavior. They may also deduct points from other masters; these deductions will be reviewed by the administration before acceptance.
Points will be deducted automatically from masters and slaves alike for any infraction that breaks school rules; see slave rules + master rules.
The following actions will automatically earn an individual points, without a master awarding them.
Reporting an infraction by another slave
Reporting an infraction by a master
Finishing a course with a grade of 90% or higher
Uploading photos or videos to Dragon's Den
Going six months without any deductions/infractions
Reporting an infraction by a slave
Reporting an infraction by another master
Publicly punishing a slave's infraction
Outstanding rental or claim rules
Highly satisfactory rental or claim rules
Acceptable rental or claim rules
Finishing a course with a grade of 90% or higher
The following actions will automatically lose an individual points, without a master deducting them.
Entering an out of bounds area
More than two (2) minutes in an out of bounds area
Finishing a course with a grade of 60% or lower
Denied rental or claim rules
Failure to punish claimed slave
Finishing a course with a grade of 60% or lower
At each 100-point milestone, residents are allowed to choose from a selection of perks. These perks will remain theirs until such time as their total points fall below the total at which they were earned.
Unlimited calls and emails home
One three-day weekend per semester in a master's suite
A new, top of the line laptop
An upgraded dorm-bunk mattress
One rental-veto per semester
Permission to keep one small pet in the cells, so long as it is properly cared for, does not become a nuisance to guards or other residents, and does not damage Institute property
Up to 15 free hours of studio time a week OR three free art lessons a month, courtesy of The Birdhouse
The Institute's administration will compensate local business owners who offer perks
Two week long rentals
Permission to take unclaimed slaves ranked within the top 15 off-island for up to three days
Access to Malvolio Island's luxurious sister island, Ruby Isle
One free wish room session per month, with master's choice of slave, courtesy of Dark Desires
The Institute's administration will compensate local business owners who offer perks
You may have seen point systems that rely on OOC factors like activity or completed threads--this is not one of those. Our point system is entirely in character, and how your character progresses in it depends on your wishes and their IC actions.
You have the freedom to choose where your character falls in the ranking levels based on how they behaved and what level you want to play them at.
To award or deduct points, simply send an IC ask to the character awarding or deducting points and for what reason. You do not need to include a specific point value unless you choose to do so.
Points deducted from Scarlett McKnight for disobedience and disrespect.
Points awarded to Sasha Bell for showing respect to her superiors.
I witnessed Qhuinn Fontenot coddling a defiant slave, points deducted
AUTOMATIC: Points awarded to Emmanuel Reyes for reporting an infraction by a slave
Points deducted from Nova Walker for going out of bounds
Points awarded to Emmanuel Reyes for his advice on how to manage mouthy slaves
Submitting a rental review form is required for both masters and slaves after a rental. Masters should submit TI-001A, Slaves TI-001B.
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balkanradfem · 1 year
I finished reading the Running Grave! If anyone has read the book or is reading it please send me opinions, takes, or hit me up to discuss it in private!
(spoilers and commentary about the ending, relationships, cult organization and the nature of the book itself)
Oh Strike, that was an awful way of confession. My ex figured I loved you. I would have walked away from that because that is pathetic. Your ex? You relay this info to me, by what your ex thought of it? It's her opinion that we're discussing? Your ex should have nothing to do with you confessing to a woman you love right now. Also you're putting so much pressure on her to now figure it all out, after you just unloaded that on her, in a situation that is nowhere near kind to her. Now she has to struggle with whether to compromise the agency, or break up with her boyfriend, and whatnot. I would literally never confess to someone while they're in a relationship with someone else, much less by the words of 'my ex said this' your ex can... oh never mind.
Speaking of Robin's relationship, Murphy and Matthew are basically the exact same boyfriend, if you replaced Murphy and Matthew you wouldn't need to change the behaviour at all. Both there in a moment where Robin needed comfort, but then utterly insensitive, jealous, posessive, unsupporting of her work, arguing about Strike, demanding, expecting, just the worst kind of pressure that Robin doesn't deserve. And the thing is, I doubt Strike would treat her any better either. He has gotten some kind of appreciation of her work ethic and her company but ultimately I don't think he would understnad her. I don't get why she likes him. I feel revulsion towards him. Poor Robin.
So, I was wrong about Daiyu, and her 'die, you' name lives up to its symbol. The book tricked me every single time, but I was suspicious about Abigail, her behaviour did not add up. I was very impressed with Flora and her talking about the cult's secrets, that was amazing! Way to show Strike to not judge trauma victims for their struggling to process what happened.
I was talking before about how cults ultimately exist to exploit women sexually and reproductively, and for m*n to profit off of psychologically-enslaved women. This book illustrates the same points, even if it doesn't go as far as to say 'this is why the cult exists', it illustrated various ways how it achieves exactly that. Women are told it's required of them to have sex with anyone who wants it, or they're shamed for 'materialism'. This allows m*n unlimited sexual access, as much rape as they could want. Women are forbidden from any kind of contraceptive, or even medicine. This enabled m*n to impregnate them as much as possible. Women are isolated and taught that any family relationships are 'materialist'. The newborn babies are taken from them at birth, and they believe this is normal. This produces indefinite new cult members and, superflous male babies, are sold for cash, earning the cult income off of exploited, indoctrinated, basically enslaved women. Women go so far as to pretend they're sick, pretend something is wrong with them or try to bond with the cult leader, in order to avoid this constant rape, because they can't leave the cult, not even for their own physical safety.
Later we find out that the cult leader also invents 'curative rape' where he rapes mentally ill women and children in order to 'cure' them, and it feels even more that the whole reason all this is happening is to enable as much rape, forced impregnation and exploitation of women as possible. Raping and profitting off of rape and forced pregnancies is what m*n form cults for.
It was very well illustrated, and I wonder if average reader can connect the dots with all of these points and figure out that this was the whole point of the cult, and not just a side-effect, not something that was just done in the background, because they could. It was designed to exploit women like this. I think jkr understood this, and formed the imagionary cult on that basis. All of the teachings were put together specifically to enable this exploitation. And women would get punished for stillbirths, pushing it even further to the point that they exist only to create 'merchandise' (living human beings) for sale.
This book is a horror book, and it brought a lot of fear and anxiety out of me while reading, that's one of the reasons I finished it in a few days, despite it being 964 pages long. You need a release from anxiety and you cannot get it until the cult is brought down. I wish we had gotten more of that. We get a general picture of 'everyone is freed, people are coming out with their stories, Robin takes down Mazu and Becca, Will and Lin are now happy at his parents fancy house, the farm is raided by the police, Daiyu's remains are unearthed', but I wanted to know more. I wanted to know about every single detail they found. I wanted to know about all of the diaries, and the lockers, and all personal things accumulated there as trash. I wanted to hear thoughts and recovery process of every woman trapped there. I wanted it to be pointed out clearly how much worse they had it than males in there (constant rape, forced pregnancies, trauma of babies being taken away, brutal punishments, vs forced labour and free access to women's bodies, whichever one you pick, children are free for the taking too, ability to father children). I now realize that all punishments we've had described in detail were enforced on women, the only male that was being tortured in there was Jacob, and he was just a sick kid, who they let die. The worst and most horrible shaming and humiliating and shunning, it was all done to women. I wanted to know more about how they crawled their way out of that, how they discovered nobody should ever do this to them.
I also wanted to hear Will apologize to Robin for punching her and for being generally awful to her when she literally saved his ass from a whole cult and got fucking tortured in the process. I also wanted to hear about how she got a mountain of money for that job because I don't think anyone in the world would do that job the way Robin did. I don't think any other detective would have gone and taken down a whole-ass cult, as a part of their job, that is not even specialization, she's an unique agent, one in the world, that could have made this happen. She should be filthy rich from this point on.
I forgot to mention this before, but the name "Rowena" reminded me of "Rowena Ravenclaw", and I thought it was fun, I liked that, wonder if it was on purpose. Robin really was amazing and carried this book on her own, Strike was annoying background noise to me. I don't even understand his thought process of realizing those polaroids were a proof of Abigail manipulating people, like in what universe would this occur to someone. I do, however, like a mystery where something is found and then you have to figure out just why was this here, who put it here, for what purpose? Like looking for the object's history. And it was satisfying to get a fitting conclusion to why those polaroids were in the biscuit tin, because Abigail just left them in there, as hidden blackmail material, should she ever need it. Forgotten, in a dusty tin, with the power to make multiple people end their own lives. It ultimately was used, in that way, just without that intention.
I hope the next book will have less trauma in it, this was an amazing, but very heavy read. I'd like a book with less attempts at Robin's life, less suicide, and more dumbass bullshit please.
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leipua · 1 year
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airbrickwall · 2 years
why use cash? If I have a $50 banknote in my pocket, go to a restaurant and pay for dinner with it. Then the restaurant owner uses the same bill to pay for the laundry. The laundry owner then uses the bill to pay the barber. The barber then uses the bill for shopping and so on. After an unlimited number of payments, it will still remain a $50 note! It has fulfilled its purpose for everyone who used it for payment. The bank ran dry from every cash payment made with this $50 note.- But if I go to the same restaurant and pay digitally (by card), the bank fee for my payment transaction is 3%, around $1.50. Then another $1.50 for the laundry owner and the barber and so on. After 30 transactions, the initial $50 will only be $5. The remaining $45 becomes the property of the bank...thanks to digital transactions and fees.Bottom line - USE CASH!Let's keep our hard-earned money to ourselves instead of giving it to the banks.
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