#EW game of thrones
minasvalentine · 3 months
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Dude… Give this giant baby a pacifier.
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eddieydewr · 1 year
twitter is such a cesspit bc why would you immediately assume noah has a pseudo-incestuous relationship with his twin sister and think she was being genuine when she said she was relieved about not having to compete for her brother’s attention if noah had a wife or girlfriend? worms for brains, you lot.
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ihaveastorminme · 5 months
Then he should have them. He does not need to steal them. He had only to ask.
😭 danyyyyyyyyyyyyu
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midmorningsong · 4 months
fuck meee I got some brainworms at work thinking about a trigun game of thrones au (when house targaryen is ruling westeros because dragons make story go brrr), and just opened a wee word document to throw up some bullet points for this 'WW being Vash's sworn shield in this politically uneasy time' short story, then I blink and it's been 2hrs, I'm dehydrated, there's 10 tabs open about various GOT lore and locations, the document has become two pages long with character backgrounds, motivations and storybeats. sending out a flare for help rn
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nereidprinc3ss · 6 months
toaster waffles
in which spencer is woken up by fem!reader and their young daughter after being away on a case
fluff warnings/tags: none really, a bit of suggestiveness between spencer and reader but nothing explicit, their daughter is a genius duh, i love dad!spence so fucking much holy shit a/n: i wrote this in like thirty minutes so good luck! just needed to write dad spencer it just needed to happen idk
“No—baby, we have to let daddy sleep in,” you chide your daughter, jogging to catch her as she races down the hallway on clumsy little legs. 
“No! I wanna see daddy!” She yells—and if Spencer wasn’t awake yet, he will be now. You give in, opening the bedroom door for Ada with a fond (exasperated) sigh. 
“Daddy! Daddy wake up!” 
He blinks sleepily several times, sitting up and grinning at his daughter as she attempts to climb up onto the bed. 
“Hi, princess,” he laughs, grunting dramatically as he pulls her up onto his lap. “Oh my gosh, did you get all grown up while I was gone?”
He catches your eye as you stop at the foot of the bed, arms folded and mouthing an amused ‘I’m sorry.’ Spencer smiles and almost imperceptibly shakes his head, eyes sparkling as Ada attempts to use him as playground equipment. No apology necessary. 
“I made you breakfast!” she remembers, grabbing onto his shoulders and springing up and down on the bed. His eyes go wide. 
“You did? Where is it?”
“Oh no!” she claps her hands to her cheeks and opens her mouth wide, Home Alone style. Spencer laughs. “I forgot it!”
Then she’s wriggling off the bed and running as fast as her little feet will carry her, presumably to the kitchen. 
“You like cold toaster waffles, right?” you tease, approaching the bed and filling the now empty seat that is Spencer’s lap. His hands find your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“I would go so far as to say I love them. Hi, baby.”
“Hi,” you murmur, resting your head on his shoulder. “I missed you. I forgot how hard it is when you’re gone.”
He hums, running his hand over your hair. 
“I know. Me too.” Spencer now only consults on cases, and very rarely is he actually obliged to travel with the BAU. It was never easy before, but now that you have a child, it takes more out of everyone. “Hey. Look at me.”
You do, lifting your head and meeting his soft gaze. He leans forward and captures your lips in a gentle kiss, brushing his thumb over your cheek before pulling away. “I love you. Thank you for taking care of the progeny while I was away. I know it’s not easy on your own.”
“Eh. She’s alright. She reads to me at bedtime.”
Spencer grins, eyes darting back to your lips. Several quick kisses are pressed there in succession, and it’s not exactly how he wanted to say good morning to you but that will have to wait until later. 
Ada is at the door again, waffle in hand, making a half-disgust half-delight face before prancing back to the bed and receiving another airlift from Spencer up onto the mattress. 
“What do you mean, ew?” he asks in mock offense as her legs swing in the air. “You’re next!”
You watch in unadulterated joy as he peppers little kisses all over her face and she pretends to hate it, squealing with glee.
“Is that for me?” he asks once she’s comfortably sharing his lap with you, pointing to the forgotten waffle. She holds it up, pressing the disk against his lips. Spencer takes a bite, makes an exaggerated yum sound, and kisses her forehead once more. “Thank you. That was delicious.”
“You have to eat all of it so you’ll grow up big and strong.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll do that. Why don’t you leave it on the nightstand and go find a book we can read together?”
“Game of Thrones!”
“No!” he laughs. “That book is way too grownup for you!”
“But I read the first three pages!”
“I know you did. And Auntie Penelope is still in big trouble for that. Go get Lord of the Rings.”
Full of energy despite the early hour, Ada skitters off again to find the book. 
“She’s too smart for her own good,” you sigh, listening to her making up a song as she picks through the book shelf in the next room. 
“Intelligence is generally more nurture than nature. If we act fast we could probably stunt her IQ to just two or three standard deviations above the average.”
You giggle, straddling him as he slips his hand under your shirt to rub your back. Then you try to school your features into a serious expression.
“Not funny.”
That big, lazy grin might never fade—and you’d be happy to look at it forever. 
“You’re right. Not funny at all.”
“Hey,” you remember, grabbing his biceps. He raises his eyebrows expectantly. “I was gonna make you real breakfast. What do you want?”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know I don’t. I want to. So tell me what you want.”
“Anything other than a toaster waffle.”
You snort, moving to slide off the bed. 
“We can probably make that happen.”
“Hey—" he catches your waist, pulling you closer. “Penelope is taking Ada to the park this afternoon. We’re gonna spend some time together, okay?”
After having an entire child together, you still get butterflies when he looks at you like that. 
“What if I have plans this afternoon?”
Spencer doesn’t even look mildly concerned—just tilts his head, brushes his thumb over your lips. 
“Then I’m asking you to cancel them, pretty girl. I owe you some undivided attention.”
You chew on your lip. It’s embarrassing how easily he can still fluster you. 
“Right now I have to go find out why our child is being so quiet.”
He laughs, letting you slip from his grasp for good. 
“She probably got into the Stephen King again.”
You pick up the waffle and gesture at him with it emphatically as you walk away.
“This is all your fault.”
“Mm… let’s call it a team effort.”
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floatyflowers · 3 months
Dark! House Of The Dragon x Game of Thrones! Reader Meme
Game of Thrones (Y/n) when her twin Joffrey tries to flirt with her: "Ew. What is that? Ew brother ew"
House of the dragon reincarnated (Y/n) when she gets married to her twin Jace: "Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth. They say in Heaven, love comes first
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lemonhemlock · 15 days
I did not get into Game of thrones when it first started airing. In fact, I waited until it was long past it's heyday (around s6 or 7) to check it out because the marketing and the conversation surrounding it misled me into thinking it was nothing more than "grimdark" bullshit. As one famous YouTuber sarcastically called it "hot fantasy that fucks." So, I avoided Martin's work for literal years due to the impression that I got from online reactors and show-only casuals who did as you and a few others have described as his work being fundamentally misinterpreted.
Fortunately, I overcame my hang-ups, purchased the books (even the supplementary material) and fell down an entire rabbit hole of ASOIAF which led me to recognizing that this world he spent decades creating is far more complex than what had been portrayed onscreen. Regardless of the possibility of the books remaining unfinished (which I am fine with, personally), what George has created is a genuine work of art that I imagine took a tremendous amount of time and energy. So, for so many people online to behave like children and throw tantrums because they feel entitled to him (ew) instead of ushering forth more reasonable conversations and legitimate debates about the nature of his situation frankly makes me look at this fandom with a heavy dose of skepticism.
It is truly baffling to hear even professional critics and see articles describing George as being "ungrateful" or "unprofessional" when it has been well-documented just how often authors get locked out of the adaptation process and left to the wayside as consultants. Look at what happened to Rick Riordan and Christopher Paolini! George R.R. Martin is not the only author to have qualms with how a multimillion dollar studio has mishandled his creative work, and to act like he should remain silent just because he's amassed a certain degree of wealth is quite frankly, ridiculous. He shouldn't have to settle down, be grateful, and stay quiet because the greedy corporate executives and their media drones will get offended by actual criticism that could alter the perception of the adaption being revealed as mediocre for having departed from the source material.
TLDR: authors should be allowed to speak up about their art being sacrificed for commercialization.
Thank you so much for this message, anon! This needs to be talked about more, because I don't think a lot of commentators truly understand the vulgar, late-capitalistic sheen that seems to set in and slowly poison any ASOIAF adaptation. It honestly baffles me how quick some members of this fandom are to rush to the defense of, what is essentially (let's not be kidding ourselves here), a cashgrab by a giant corporation to the detriment of the actual artist and the actual creative foundation behind it.
Why else would "MAX" (if that is even their name) make another (or several other) ASOIAF adaptations? Not to stay true to any philosophical aesthetic vision, as it has become more than apparent with Season 2, but to increase shareholder profits by appealing to the lowest common denominator. Even the basic premise has been shifted in order to address popular trends and satisfy the mindless consumer that doesn't want to engage with anything deeper than their favourite tropes, prettily packaged:
from a story about a doomed ouroborous family superimposed on the pitfalls of feudalism, with villainy and heroism to be found on both sides, it has been simplified and reduced to a narrative that exalts white feminism and disqualifies anyone who opposes its girlboss protagonist. This is Sheryl Sandberg's version of Fire and Blood.
Truly, I think Sara Hess did (unintentionally) outline it the best: "civilians don't matter in Game of Thrones". They don't matter in Game of Thrones, but they matter in A Song of Ice and Fire. The entire heart of the series is contained in Septon Maribald's speech. The writers "kind of", must have forgotten, though.
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whoopsitswincest · 7 months
For me, the thing i love about wincest is the love.
Okay. So. Back when i was young and naive and new to tumblr/fandoms, i was so confused about the concept of shipping just for hot, smutty sexual dynamics vs shipping for romantic/loving reasons. I remember exploring posts about Game of Thrones on tumblr and stumbling across the Ramsay Bolton/Theon Greyjoy ship (for the blissfully unaware, in canon the former brutally tortures the latter in cold blood). I was at a complete loss for how anyone could ship those two, because all I saw in their interactions was sociopathic cruelty and miserable trauma. I didn't realize that the BDSM vibes were sexy for some people. It was the first time in my life (I was like 22 lol) that I realized that you could ship characters just because you think the sex would be hot as fuck. And I get that. But for me, I've never been able to ship someone unless I can see the love in canon.
So. Bringing it back to our beloved brothers. At first I thought wincest was just one of those sexy ships, not romantic ships. Because both characters are tall and jacked and hot and badass and violent. And I used to be an anti because I was like "but they're brothers?? Ew??" But THEN you actually WATCH the show (or in my case, rewatch) and you see the way they interact with each other. They love each other so much. Like LOVE love. They will do anything for each other. They will die for each other, kill for each other and go to the ends of the earth for each other. Nothing matters more than each other.
I was talking to my wife about the crazy shit these brothers are willing to do for each other and she goes, "i mean, that's how i feel about you." And i'm like YES! EXACTLY! I have a younger brother. My wife has two older brothers. But neither of us feel about our brothers the way we feel about each other. She is my great love. She is my forever. She is my everything. And Dean and Sam's relationship looks way more like my relationship with my wife than my relationship with my brother.
Yes, they can be codependent and possessive and toxic. Yes, they've been through some fucked up shit and they've DONE some fucked up shit (to EACH OTHER) and yeah that could make for some really hot sex. But for me, the appeal of wincest is the deep, abiding care and devotion they have for each other. The LOVE!! It makes me crazy.
A caveat:
I also love the dynamic between sam and dean just as canon gencest or platonic soulmates (that's for another post, lol). And there's something to be said about society's prioritization of romantic/sexual relationships over all other and the lack of representation of healthy platonic relationships in media (especially among men).
But i'm allosexual and alloromantic. So for me, my love for my wife is very romantic and includes an important sexual aspect. So because Dean and Sam remind me of me and my wife, of course i'm gonna project a sexual relationship onto that.
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greenerteacups · 5 days
One of the biggest book crimes is Harry naming his son "Albus Severus". I feel like the Marauders were done so dirty and it makes no sense to me. I hope you right this wrong in Lionheart!
I've never seen any fandom come together so unanimously to reject a writing decision with the same vehemence that they have Albus Severus (save, like, the ending of Game of Thrones). Everyone looked at it and went "weird, no thank you." Beautiful moment of unity for the fandom.
It might be realistic for the first generation after a major war, but naming all the kids after their grandparents seemed cliché to me. Rose and Hugo and Scorpius were much better, and seemed more like real names that you might pick out because you liked them. Harry doing that to honor his parents specifically because they never got to have normal and long lives is a nice gesture, but it's then weird to use the name "Albus," who lived a very long and successful life, tragic as it was. (I've sometimes tossed around the idea that Harry gives Albus II that name because he wants one of his kids to have a proper "wizarding" name, i.e. something that ties them unimpeachably to the wizarding world, rather than the muggle names given to James II and Lily II — almost an effort to cement his family as being Magic.)
But I was never going to be the right audience for the Potterlets, anyway. I'm not a fan of timeskip epilogues — they work when it's a short jump, but years (or decades) stretches it too far. Either the characters feel like strangers, or they feel the same, which is almost weirder. Which is why I've been on EWE copium since I read the books.
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briarberrythornedhart · 2 months
Sitting in his lap Part 2
Can be read alone I think. Fluff with a happy ending
CW: cursing/strong language, angst, yelling, lustful thoughts, backwash in soda (ew)
You cocked your eyebrow at him.
Eddie didn't…couldn’t … SURELY MUSN’T know what he was offering - what it would feel like to you? Maybe he just didn’t want to move his ass out of the throne for one minute? That would be a new level of lazy for Mr. ants in the pants.
“I’m serious.” He said, “ Sit down in my lap and see what it’s like- the view from here. Being in charge.” Eddie scooted backward to give you the most lap to sit on, spread his knees armrest to armrest wide and rolled his shoulders back. “Be their benevolent ruler... their peace-loving goddess.”
Okay. As if ignoring Eddie was possible, especially if he was close. As if you hadn’t dreamt of being on his lap.
“C’mon - Pretend I’m like your…grand vizier. Whispering evil advice in your ear but you can ignore me all you like because clever-you always finds the peaceful solutions which are probably smarter or whatever…” he trailed off, which was good because he was starting to sound a little sullen for some reason.
Only — in your dreams the guys weren’t nearby fighting over pizza like rabid raccoons and in your dreams Eddie was near-to-full naked and in your dreams he was removing your clothes… anyway… here you were with your friendly DM who didn’t intend this as a prelude to seducing you.
You ached with unshed tears inside. Hidden from anyone’s view. No one could know how Eddie made you feel, that would make it worse.
You settled yourself down on his thighs. Resigned to torture. You could cope with torture.
He felt too good.
He spoke low in your ear and it sent a shiver up your spine “Imagine.” His voice a purr. “All their eyes on you, hanging on your every word. Waiting for your planned session to unfold.” He moved a lock of your hair over your ear gently and your breath caught - hopefully he didn’t notice. “Heady stuff.”
“I know why you enjoy it, but I don’t think I would. Also, kinda doubt I could command the respect you get. I can’t do the voices and accents you do and all you have to do is clear your throat and we all snap to attention - which you LOVE.”
Eddie chuckled, “I do love that. I could coach you... give you tips, I’m just saying try it once, like... pineapple on pizza. Might develop a taste for it and It can’t hurt you.”
“Unless you’re allergic to pineapple.” You added. Making him snort. You turned towards him and looked (unwisely) at his lips. Gawd his lips. Then his eyes, back again to his lips. You could just lean in and taste them and ruin everything.
“Princess,” he was serious now. His voice pitched even lower. Eddie had called you ‘princess’ 3 times since you met and it was always very serious.
1 - ‘Princess, Chance Peterson was about to knock your ass right over, I had to scoop you out of the way.”
2 - ‘You know if you keep arguing with me at my locker, Princess, you’ll be late to Mrs. Guise’s class and she gives out detentions like she’s got a quota.’
3- ‘I don’t care if you saw a pretty wildflower out there, that part of the woods by Lover’s lake is rife with poison oak, gawd!! Princess, just... I’ll find you a pretty-ass flower, okay, just get out of the bushes, please?? You’re gonna ruin our Hellfire trip to the lake by making us all drive you home covered in a rash!’
Oh no. It was probably ‘I feel you squirming in my lap and caught you looking at my mouth but it’s not doing anything for me - we are just friends.’ or something dreadful along those lines. Cause you felt heat and pressure under your bottom, but it was probably not him getting an erection - like - wouldn’t his face show some sign... wouldn’t he grip your thighs and grind up against you and say your name in your ear...
You were saved by (your favorite, your self-adopted baby brother) Dustin returning to the gaming table. “Hey guys!” Making you both jump up - you personally feeling oddly guilty. “…there’s not going to be enough pizza for you if you don’t get over there. I know Eddie did the pizza math but I don’t think he reckoned on the bottomless pit of Gareth the Great’s stomach.”
“You had 4 pieces yourself, dingus!!” Gareth yelled.
“Only after I saw you go back for seconds!” Dustin threw his arms out pleading for justice to Eddie.
Eddie moved behind you, stage whispering “Talk to them, they need your divine guidance with resolving petty conflicts nonviolently.”
“Cease bickering.” You demanded. “There’s plenty of pizza left. Eddie’s pizza math is infallible.”
“Okaaaay ‘Mom’ don’t go and ground us...” Gareth started out with heavy sass. But he looked over your shoulder at Eddie and suddenly buttoned his beak.
You continued. “Dustin, go make a plate for Eddie. Three slices of pepperoni. And bring over that bottle of Dr. Pepper to refill his chalice before all that’s left is backwash.” You knew Eddie’s favorites. Of course.
“Ew. Backwash?? Gross.” Dustin shuddered but complied.
“Gareth, go get her Majesty three pieces of plain cheese. And the pepper flakes and the Parmesan flakes and one of the red cups with RC Cola and mostly ice.” Eddie ordered. Maybe he just guessed at your very favorite pizza night choices??
Your attention was fully back on Eddie. He nudged you in the arm with his shoulder. “So... before we were so rudely interrupted... I was trying to suggest thaaa....”
“We are out of cups.” Gareth interrupted with a grimace, bringing back a plate for you..
“Whaddaya mean we are ‘out’? I bought two sleeves of them at the beginning of the year... There were only 6 of you until the gals joined us. There should be plenty!” Eddie was more upset than you thought he should be.
“Yeah - I dunno - but Jeff just took the last one.” Gareth shrugged
You took the plate and made a ‘calm down’ gesture. “It’s fine - Don’t throw Jeff under the bus - I’ll be just fine. I’m more hungry than thirsty - it’s cool. ‘We’re all fine here... now’” You did your best Han Solo to try and diffuse the tension. But - It was mediocre at best. Not like Eddie’s.
“We can share.” Eddie made this a challenge, handing you his hellfire goblet- it must be said - very theatrically. His right hand was wrapped around the bowl of the chalice instead of the stem - rather like you wished he’d wrap those fingers around your.... Well.... suffice it to say you both had watched a lot of fantasy movies of one type or another. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s not tainted by my lips touching it or something. Or are you worried about backwash or whatever.”
“I’m not .... worried... just give it here.” You took the jeweled cup and tried not to react to the feel of his hand and yours touching. Even the littlest things involving Eddie got you worked up. You took a long sip while he watched you with his dark eyes - and then you handed it back. “Thank you.”
“You are most welcome.” There was a touch of something.... Sarcasm? In his voice. “See we can share and nothing bad happens. You don’t sink down to my level or anything.”
That was out of left field... or some other sports metaphor you didn’t fully grok, “What?? are you even talking about??”
“I know I know, I’m beneath you and everything, but it wouldn’t diminish you to, like, spend time with me outside of Hellfire club. I wouldn’t endanger your reputation, we could keep it secret. Like, you know, your other ‘normie’ girl friends probably think I’m trash, but I’m just a guy, j-just a normal guy...we could plan a one-shot, or... hang out like watch a movie or something.”
“First off - if any of my gal-friends - who are not ‘normal’ by the way - said you were trash I’d tell them what for. Secondly - I’ve asked you to hang out multiple times and you’ve oh so politely declined.”
“You asked me if I wanted to hang out with you and Dustin and Lucas... to go thrift shopping and do errands. I told you you could borrow my van if you needed it.”
“I didn’t want to borrow your van. I wanted to hang out with you. And I thought with them along, you wouldn’t say no - like - it’d be casual and safe.”
“Because you didn’t want me to get ideas.” he spat.
“No - just because you might be afraid I’d try and jump your bones, if it was just us two.”
“Jump my....Why would I think you’d ... jump my bones, you can barely stand me! You always run outta here after Hellfire!”
“I go right home so I don’t have to hear about you and your perfect pretty runway model Chrissy!!”
“I’m NOT with Chrissy!! She just buys from me, goddamnit! You are the one who keeps going out with the bland guy of the week!!”
“I have no control over the only guys asking me out being BORING as SHIT! And I haven’t been on a date in TWO MONTHS actually!! I’d rather not date than be bored!!”
“Then ::fuck:: WHy are WE Yelling!??!”
“Because I ADORE you, You DUMBASS!!” You blurted out. “You can’t just pull me into your lap and make me fuckin melt and play with me like a puppet and wonder why I’m upset??! yOU CAN’T BE that oBLIVIOUS!!”
Shit. See this - this right here - is why you avoid conflict like the plague. You know you are one second away from truth bombs that will blow up your life and You DIDN’T need Eddie feeling Sorry for you!! Or all the boys feeling sorry for you - all their eyes were on you for a bad reason and - only Erica wasn’t giving you a look like you were a pitiable creature. She was absolutely about to laugh at your ass, though.
“I failed.” Eddie bit his lips together, he reached out to take your hand and wove his fingers with yours. “I totally failed to pick up on that. Wow. Just crit fail on that perception check that you might ever like me back... But... um... I’m crazy about you... so... forgive me??” He closed the distance between you. He pulled your hand up to his mouth to kiss the back of it.
You were quiet - processing - did he just say he was crazy about... you?? Detect trap?? Retreat to safety?? Join a convent and abjure forever the company of men??
He raised his eyebrows and cocked his head slightly, waiting.
“I’m not mad at you.” You whispered.
“Let’s do errands sometime, but just us two. And - uh - I prefer to be called ‘smartass’ than ‘dumbass’, you know, in general.” He grinned the grin you recognized from when he made a particularly good roll of the dice.
“Fuckin finally.” You heard Jeff mutter. “Mom and Dad can stop fighting.”
“Yeah - just get it over with and real quickly kiss and make up, ya idjits!” Erica demanded. “We want to get back to kicking ass in the GAME.”
Eddie leaned in to say deep and sweet in your ear. “The first time we kiss-- it isn’t gonna be over with quickly.”
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peaceloveandf1 · 1 year
Soft Launch pt.6
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
Final part girlies!!!! It’s been fun lol. Let me know if you want to see anything specific next🫶🏻
summary: It’s been a year since Austin; Lance and y/n are happier than ever before. They want to announce something the opposite way the did with their relationship. No more soft launch’s. This is a hard launch.
pairing: Lance Stroll x reader
rating: PG-13
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“Mommy! Dinner is all done” Brooks says while grabbing my hand and dragging me into the dining room.
“Oh it looks amazing B. Did you do this all yourself?” I inquire, winking at Lance who is setting the table.
“No mommy, Lance helped me!” he shouted
“Oh did he?” I giggled picking Brooks up and kissing him.
“He’s the chef. I just take orders from him” Lance says, placing the bowl of pasta in the middle of the table.
“Well you two did a wonderful job.” I say, giving Brooks another kiss and putting him down.
“We made your favorite just for you” the 4 year old shouted from his place across from me.
“Oh baby you know me sooo well” I giggle at him before Lance pulled me into a side hug.
Tomorrow was our last day all together before Brooks goes to Matt’s for the week and Lance goes to São Paulo and Lance insisted that he would cook for us tonight. It’s been two years since we started dating and it’s been bliss. I was nervous at first because we are both younger and I was recently divorced at only 25. But Lance didn’t care that I was divorced and had a 2 year old. He loved Brooks like his own from the very start. Now we are 27 and 28 living between Nashville and London and I couldn’t be happier. He’s the one that brings out the best in me, always and I do the same for him.
Lance’s voice shook me from my thoughts, “Lemme take your plate y/n”
“Oh thanks, let me do the dishes? You cooked it’s only fair” I plead. The dinner was delicious and he put so much effort into it, I wanted to try to do something to make it up to him.
“It’s okay, let me clean them up. Take Brooks to bed and I’ll be done when you come back down” he insists, shooting down my request.
“Okay, okay. Brooks, baby, let’s go get ready for bed. We have to get up early tomorrow to have breakfast with Chloe and Scotty” I call for the 4 year old.
“Night bud. Sleep well, I’ll see ya in the morning” Lance said, giving him a hug.
“Night night Lance” he says, giving the driver a hug before sprinting up the stairs.
“I’ll be down in a few Lance” I say, following him up the stairs.
After Brooks has finished his routine, I walk to my room and put on a clean pair of pajamas. I notice Lance’s clothes in the hamper, signaling to me he changed while I was putting Brooks to bed.
Sighing, I walk down the stairs and into the den to find Lance scrolling lazily through HBO.
“What do you wanna watch?” I ask when he continued flipping though the show options.
“The Conquest?” He jokingly suggests the show I made an appearance in during the first two seasons.
“Ew no” I laugh at his suggestion. I absolutely hate watching and hearing myself, especially an explicit show like The Conquest.
“Why not? You have some great scenes” he smirked at me, referencing the X-rated scenes that filled the “Game of Thrones” prequel.
“You act like you don’t see the real thing” I roll my eyes as he bursts out laughing.
“I’m only playing, We’ll watch SVU?” Lance settled, pulling me into his arms and turning on our favorite show. 
We watched 3 episodes before calling it a night and settling into our shared bed.
“Are you still okay with hosting Scotty and Chlo tomorrow?” He asks, face lit up by his phone.
“Yes, of course. It’ll be great. I’ll go and pick up the food at 8” I reassure him. I love having Chloe and Scotty at our house. Especially right before everyone leaves for a week.
“Okay babe. I just want everything to be great” he sighs.
“It will be, promise” I say, kissing him and turning out my light.
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“Hey!! Food looks amazing y/n!” Scotty shouts, barging into the kitchen with orange juice and champagne in his arms. “I brought what you requested” he said, putting it down and hugging me.
“Thanks Scotty” I say, hugging him back. “Lance and Brooks are setting up in the sunroom” stretching my hand out to point towards where they resided.
“Hi girl!! You look amazing” Chloe’s voice replaces Scotty’s.
“Hi honey” I say, hugging her. “Do you want a drink? The boys are out back.” I offer her a mimosa to start the day off.
“Oh yeah, I love how you make them” she giggled, popping the top off the champagne as I grabbed four flutes.
I made four mimosas for the adults and an orange juice for Brooks, before heading into the back yard. It was gorgeous out there. Lance had arranged the back yard to look like we were in paradise. Lights were up around the porch, the new backyard furniture was set up around a new table he had ordered and candles were lit up, despite it being 11 am.
After I set the drinks out we all went back to get the food we had ordered and prepared and arranged the table.
Our brunch was amazing. The love I have for Chloe and Scotty is unmatched. Watching Scotty chase Brooks around the yard while Lance, Chloe, and I talk future vacations fills me with so much joy. I can’t believe what I have gained in the past two years. Chloe has told me before that she’d never seen Lance like this before he met me….that sent me into tears. I just can’t imagine where I’d be without them.
“Mmh… If I may, I’d like to make a toast” Scotty’s voice rang through the yard and glancing over I see him. Standing at the head of the table, Brooks on his shoulders with orange juice to match Scotty’s mimosa.
“Eh let’s here it” Lance chimes up, his arms pull me down next to him.
“Not much but you guys are the fucking best. I-..”
“Scott”, Chloe chastised him.
“Oh shit sorry… hey Brooksy earmuffs man” he stumbles, Brooks doing as he says so as to not here the words that are most used in Scotty’s vocabulary.
“As I was saying….You guys are the fucking best. We absolutely love coming to visit you both here and I think Chloe agrees when I say you two are a fucking pair” he finished his toast but chugging the mimosa in his hand and tapping Brooks to signal his hands could come off his ears.
“Aww thanks Scotty, we love you guys too. I’m so so happy you guys travel to come see us whenever you can. Lance and I are so lucky to have you both.” I say, tears beginning to prick at my eyes. Yes I know I’m emotional…whatever.
I feel Lance’s hand release mine as he stands up. “Well since we’re on the topic of toasts… I’ll give it a go. Yeah?” He speaks, looking to everyone.
“Okay so obviously I want to thank Scotty and Chlo for stopping in Nashville for the day before going to São Paulo, it means a lot. To the both of us” he starts, motioning between us. “Uh.. next I want to thank Brooks for being the kindest and greatest kid I’ve ever met. You are such a good son, friend, and all around kid. And of course I’ve gotta thank you y/n. Before I met you I was a 26 year old that didn’t care about much. But since I met you I care about everything and more. You are such a good mom and a total badass all around. Everyday I see you use things you’ve learned before and put them into lessons for us to learn. You have such a fucking brillant mind and I love when I wake up in the middle of the night to find you playing the piano or writing a new song. You are and will always be everything I’ve ever wanted and needed. I told you a while back that you were my endgame….”
I thought my heart exploded during his toast but hearing the word “endgame” made it stop. I remember that night in Austin a year ago. He told me he wasn’t going to ask then but it was coming. Now I think it’s here.
“Will you marry me y/n?” He said, down on one knee ring shining up at me.
I’m frozen in my spot. I keep trying to talk and nothing is coming out. I already know the answer and I think he does too.
My voice finally returns to me. “Of course I will” I utter, the tears once pricking at my eyes fulling falling down my face.
yourusername and lance_stroll posted a photo
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liked by scottyjames31, republicrecords, h3h3productions, yourbestfriend and 9,082,572 others
yourusername and lance_stroll cheers eh?
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chloestroll: 🥂
scottyjames31: hell yeah
yourbestfriend: LOVE YOU GUYS
estebanocon: congrats guys ❤️
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enews posted a photo
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enews Y/n L/n got her “Love Story” after all. F1 Driver Lance Stroll has proposed to the actress and singer after two years of dating, sources close to the couple confirm. READ MORE BY CLICKING THE LINK IN OUR BIO
f1wags: so happy for them!!
ynxlance: I want what they have
ynscloset: happy she found her peace
^ynswifie: Hope Matt is crying in a corner tn
peaveandlove: best couple in the paddock
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tessarionbestgirl · 4 months
Alicent - Speculation
I was reading the Ew article, some stuff caught my attention. First we have Hess talking how they are not changing canon but also in this part of story Alicent just disappear from story. And Olivia add this.
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I think Alicent can disagree and act on her own so we can have her play the game of thrones, in the shadows, for what she thinks is right. We can make her character gain more angency and I do believe her brother will play some part of that. ( And we also so know Daeron could be connected with him so do what you want with that)
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What also makes me think the lake scene and this one maybe not a dream sequence.
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lavendersartistry · 6 months
My Queen
Space Riders AU - @onyxonline Eve Ewe - @lavendersartistry Gilded - @qxurugosk
This fic is for onyxonline's Space Riders AU, this time with a alternate reality in the mix! This fic is mainly centered around Quru's cultist OC Gilded and my OC, Eve Ewe! Please check Onyx and Quru out, their work is super cool!
Do note that this is non-canon to Eve's story in Space Riders, a "what-if" timeline! Want more context? Here!
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"If I go with you, I betray my family, my friends... my home.."
Eve shifted uncomfortably in her father's throne, her glare at the cultist softening as she looked down. They were correct, she was holding back what she was. But it was never her fault.
Gilded simply chuckled, stepping closer to the princess.
"Yes, I am afraid that is true. But would you rather waste away, not knowing what you could truly be? Never living the freedom you so desire?"
They stepped closer to the throne, more close to the princess. A tempting aura fills the room as they gently lift her chin for her to face their mask.
"I can give you that, your freedom. If only you would let me in, I will ensure that your home and your family would be safe."
Despite fearing the outcomes, Eve lightly blushed at the cultist's gesture. The Prototype is the enemy, this cultist is the enemy. She can't betray those she loves.
But... her freedom, the ability to be herself and still be a queen. No longer to be chained by the words and orders of that pathetic elderly council.
If she was going to play their game, she had to be smart.
"I will join you. But on one condition only. No red smoke, let me be a queen and follow your god as myself, not someone addicted to a gas that will make me lose my mind."
Gilded softly tuts, impressed by her. They let go of her face and step back. They bow before her.
"Consider it done, my queen."
"My queen? You seem upset. It's unlike you, for your beauty to wrinkle like this."
Eve, dressed in dark red, calmly turned with a sigh. She was lost in thought, lost in the memories of the past.
"Gilded... if I had said no to you, said no to my life... what would become of me?"
The cultist walked closer and draped a cloak over Eve.
"Well, you would rot away on that throne to be what that council wanted you to be. Along with that, your freedom and your choice would be forgotten."
Gilded tilted her head, just like they did in the past, looking down at Eve's ocean eyes.
"But I saved you, you're free now. And you're a gorgeous queen."
They softly touched Eve's hair, letting it fall from their hands. Eve watched closely, then looked back up at Gilded.
"You're right... I-I'm free, I'm myself now. How can I repay you after so long?"
Gilded simply chuckled and gently held her hand to their masked face, the white eye of their mask looking down at Eve's eyes.
"All you may do is allow me to call you my queen."
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shapeofallcosmos · 2 months
time to get stupid about the king again
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seeing this guy on my friend's brother's ps2 right before i moved out of my hometown at age 9 was insane, like it caused such a delayed reaction that took ten years to finally kick in. i'm desensitized now, but this changed 9 year old me in a way that i can only articulate now or something. not my favorite design, but its so classic. so original. so tastefully off putting to normal people. so...katamari. In my humble opinion, his tight clothing exudes subtle yet awesome confidance. no fear, nothing to hide, he wants all of it shown off. it's really cool. And his HEAD. I want a pillow with that pattern. Purple is by far my favorite color (and i think it's his too?) and its so soothing to look at. staring at him on my tv with my already fuzzy eyesight makes it downright hypnotic.
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He's stupid, your honor. EDIT:Forgot to mention they took away his chest hair. Let the man be hairy. ok ok, on to we love. (reroll version)
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oh yeah baby. oh YEAH. this is the stuff of dreams. so casual. so laid back. so lovely. he's comfy. at least physically. that stupid throne we only see again in touch my katamari. what's that lever for? sorry. tangent. the blue. the flowiness of it. his neck ruff not being sharp but instead soft and gentle. A more gentle King. I love it a lot. I actually bought some pants i saw in a thrift store because it reminded me of this king. It's such a good design. oh my god i love this king. He just looks so gentle. Like he's 20% more father now. Not "king", but "father. I don't know how to describe it. I want this fit so bad. The head is also soothing to look at too! Very nice, yet again a lot more gentle feeling, especially on the eyes. I'm probably just biased because this was the first game i started with. oh well. great design 10/10 i just wish they'd slow down on using it so much in other games (reused in forever as a model, and in touch as a model. im VERY pissed about how it was used in touch.)
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this was funny though. though it's kind of terrifying having him smiling when he's that close to you and when you're that small. please dont eat me.
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i deeply enjoy when they are shown happy together. this design kind of smells. i actually think it's worse than touch.
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I. LOVE. THIS. FIT. It's SO stupid. the stupidest fit he'll ever have. I just need to see how he even walks in it.
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as i have said before, this design looks very much like my bed i used to sleep in at my grandma's house. I wanna lay on him and fall asleep. Looks so comfy. i also generally love beautiful katamari and i love how he's written as sort of like a father-friend, at least in how he talks. It reminds me of how my mom talks to me. I know, that's bias, but whatever. Beautiful King is a good dad friend to me. I love him.
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man. man why'd they ruin you. i weep for this design. it's over the top in a way i dont really think fits him but it's still super pretty. I'm so mad they wrote him like that in forver. sometimes its funny but most of the time its just upsetting. he's mean yeah, but not THAT mean. (Some dialogue from RoboKing implies that when the King is off doing his own thing and that thing doesn't wind up going how he wanted it to, he'd come back and take his anger out on Robo. We never see it and again, it's just text and Robo could be lying for pity points but JESUS CHRIST. It upsets me so much! How could they do that to King?!
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why. why would they do this. I cant enjoy Forever's design when it's attached to that kind of writing. all i can think of is how much of a jerk he is. i hate it. it's so pretty. im mad. on to touch...
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I hate you and everything you stand for. And I am also sorry for what they did to you. You didn't deserve this. Or maybe you did.
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westeroswisdom · 18 days
Archie Barnes (Lord Oscar Tully) spoke with Zosha Millman at Polygon after S02E07.
[F]ew have stood as tall as Oscar Tully (Archie Barnes), who, even at his youthful age, towered over Daemon Targaryen in their latest showdown. It is the sort of leadership that House of the Dragon doesn’t often specialize in, at least not as deliciously virtuously: That of toned down, silent confidence. “I wanted to play that scene as subtle as I could,” says Barnes of filming the showdown between him and Daemon. “He has to be confident — he’s in front of all his rivermen. He’s taken on the role of a lord now. And I think he knows and understands that he can’t be this small little boy little more, as young as he is. He kind of has to step up and take this role, and take action.” It’s straightforward on its face; in his first taste of balancing power and its responsibilities, Oscar Tully masterfully sets Daemon up, taunts him, and forces his hand. But even for a Game of Thrones character, the glow-up is pretty drastic. [ ... ] Rhaenyra is as close as Dragon comes, and even she is, more often than not, unnerved and unsure of herself. This is by design; she’s a queen who’s being usurped, but also who wasn’t ready for this level of conflict this early. And yet, Oscar Tully was in a similar boat, as Barnes notes — and the young actor was able to find his own entry point into the mindset. “This is the first time I’ve played a role where I wasn’t just like, little scared boy,” Barnes said, describing a handful of past roles — like a frightened child whose father was killed in The Batman — as a host of “tiny, vulnerable, innocent” kids. “I wasn’t really comparing Oscar to any other characters or actors that I know, because I couldn’t really think of any similar.” [ ... ] Oscar’s ensnarement of Daemon in the scene packs a punch. On the one hand, it’s delicious watching him get the upper hand to a bully like Daemon Targaryen, who’s been behaving abominably all while wrestling his own demons. On the other, the bloodthirst — even when borne from a sense of justice — feels representative of how all power on this show compromises you, even when it doesn’t corrupt. And it’s Barnes who had to play the moment with sturdiness and heft, even if until now his character had been mushy and malleable. Putting on Oscar’s armor — with all its Tully scales and sheer heft — certainly helped get him into character, but ultimately the transition had to come from him. And so, without any clear analogues to draw from for comparison, Barnes did just that. “We discussed and talked about how over time, Oscar Tully understands what he has to do, and how he needs to take action into his own hands, and he kind of flips the switch from going from that vulnerable little boy into that kind of powerful figure.”
The closest equivalent to Oscar Tully in Game of Thrones was Lyanna Mormont. But the very first mention of Lyanna, when she sent a message to Stannis Baratheon at Castle Black, showed her already acting like a boss. With Oscar, we get to witness his successful adaptation to leadership.
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darklinaforever · 6 months
ASOIAF/F&B/HOTD/GOT: is a fantasy series
The author: this is a fantasy series.
TG/targaryen antis/show creators: ew magic and dragons and Targaryens!! They are bad and should not be apart of the series 😠
The funniest part is that if their faves were given magic/dragons then it’d be a whole different story, it’s just because the magic primarily belongs to the Targaryens - which is even more insane to me considering the series is called
A song of ice and FIRE (fire = dragons = Targaryens, who are the other half of the prophecy and the Targaryens are the ones from who the prophecy came from)
Fire and blood (history book about the Targaryens named after their house words)
House of the dragon (about the Targaryen dynasty, like they are literally the centre of this show, it is about them)
Game of thrones (the throne the Targaryens built)
Like everything references the Targaryens and yet antis still watch
………. Why tf do these people even watch or read or like it or create these shows then??? Like I don’t understand.
The Targaryens are literally the center of GRRM's story ! It will always make me laugh at people who think they are smart for hating them and claiming that they and their dragons are the great threat of history to be exterminated. But also the fact of pretending that magic is bad in a fantasy book series which clearly explains that the loss of magic with dragons was a bad thing... will be just as, if not more, astonishing. 😂
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