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dogbounds-reblogs · 2 days ago
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He's so
creature in fiction: *is portrayed as bad and mean*
8 year old me: but what if there was a good and nice one :0
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letraspal · 1 year ago
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Ebb’s the nicest person at Watford. Younger than the teachers and surprisingly powerful for somebody who decided to spend her life taking care of goats.
“What does being powerful have to with anything?” Ebb’ll say. […] “I’m not a soldier. Don’t see why I should have to fight for living just because I can throw a punch”
Ebb Petty. | Women of the Simon Snow Trilogy.
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thegentleintellectual · 2 months ago
I want to eat my grief and my god will not allow it. A lesson in suffering — O! but Lord — I have suffered, I confess, I am selfish, self- absorbed — I consume.
— Leila Chatti, from “Ramadan Lament,” Ebb
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bellamyblakepositivity · 1 year ago
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Endless Bellamy Blake (158/?)
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nebquerna · 2 months ago
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c0derra4lyfe · 4 months ago
cody asked me to hang out... disappointed???
so,,,, cody asked me to hangout and I was expecting a FANCY DINNER BY CANDLELIGHT.. sigh... romance is dead. i expect b better from you my sweet pookiebear.. next time don't ask me to come over and play the wind wanker ZELBA GAME on ur vintage game square box. lowkey was such a turn off... at least play one of the hot zedla games ;-; or Mario. if u do this again I fink I might turn lesbiane.
p.s. codykins i KNOW you havre extremely inappropriate yaoi hidden in your underwear drawer WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME. see me IMMEDIATELY at lunch after u read this. WHY DID HIDE SUCH A WONDERFUL THING FROM MEH ;-; codey.. ur better than this ;----;
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accidental-mother-series · 10 months ago
I literally just find posts with either
Accidental references (Like a "I love this post" "This post loves you too" could be an accidental reference to the debug sign that says "This sign loves you!")
Accidental Vibes (That one gothic leftover pizza post.)
And I tag them with the respective game
I won't do Mother Encore, CogDis, or Oddity since I don't consider those canon at all.
The only AUs I'm doing are Mayhem AU because that's my AU and it's really close to canon anyway
Feel free to tag me if you think a post is worthy, i'd prefer if you give me a reason but I can figure it out most of the time.
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very-odd-resistance · 2 years ago
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I'm sorry for being inactive but I assure you I'll answer the asks in the near future when I'll figure my mess out, but for now I'd like to show you the thing I made a while ago but wasn't showing to much people due to different concerns.
I am a big fan of virtual worlds concept for different reasons - starting from the endless possibilities of exploring the forgotten realms and ending at literally bringing your characters to life! So I decided oneday that I want to bring Ebb into Second Life (not VRchat because I don't quite like the fact that threre's no in-game editor).
So uh, I made it.
Yes, he is anthro because I need dem hands to throw around (and also because I am an irredimable furry). But here he is, the pre-fall-from-grace version, a bit grumpy and tired as well, but can you blame the guy for ending up in the most heavy duty guild?
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troubledeafhaven · 5 months ago
Idk if you follow woso but an interview about what you said just came out.
Jill Roord is a very well known Manchester City player who broke her ACL in January, she came back to play last weekend.
While she's older than Nika she says in an interview that being a pro for so many years as she has been means game, recovery, training etc then summer tournament then season and repeat. She said you become used to it.
In what world professional athletes need to get used to spend 20 years of their life almost entirely on their sport? I mean they can go non stop for fucking years, this is nuts!
The strain being put on athlete’s bodies has been a hot topic of conversation recently for example with Tua and his most recent concussion.
Athletes are known for their physical ability as well as the expectation that they will endure any injury or pain that comes with their sport. There’s also a sense of pride athletes have in being able to get to that point. But, I agree it is nuts. That’s partially why professional athletes get paid so much. They get paid for the attention they garner and the revenue they help gain but also to compensate for the fact that their job is to put their bodies on the line. The frustrating part here is that female athletes do the same thing male athletes do but are compensated much much less, especially the WNBA, which is why they have to go overseas and work even more in the first place. I acknowledge that some of them do it to gain experience during the off-season but other athletes would also rather go in the gym and work in a controlled environment rather than more months of high adrenaline and stress on their joints.
ACL tears are also more common in women because of our bodies. And being friends with some female athletes in college, it’s their worst fear but they expect it to happen at some point which is scary to think about.
It puts into perspective that their job is literally to push their bodies to the limit and overcome injury while the rest of us have the option to watch them for entertainment. Not to mention that this is just talking about sports. They also have lives outside of basketball or soccer and whatever physical harm they endure will translate to their personal lives and mental wellbeing as well.
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derangedrhythms · 2 years ago
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Edna St. Vincent Millay, Second April: Ebb
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renabe4life · 4 months ago
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thegentleintellectual · 2 months ago
You ever think you could cry so hard that there’d be nothing left in you, like how the wind shakes a tree in a storm until every part of it is run through with wind? I live in the low parts now, most days a little hazy with fever and waiting for the water to stop shivering out of the body. Funny thing about grief, its hold is so bright and determined like a flame, like something almost worth living for.
—"After the Fire" by Ada Limón
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bellamyblakepositivity · 1 year ago
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Endless Bellamy Blake (157/?)
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ruth-t · 10 months ago
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Like the ocean’s dance, our thoughts ebb and flow; unseen currents shaping the shores of our soul.
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laura-art77 · 1 year ago
COC day 05: Fight
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0rangejulius · 1 month ago
*A woman in an orange spacesuit sits next to Ebb*
Intel: What would make you feel happy and loved?
What would make you feel free and safe?
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"Uhm... hello to you too?"
[He scoots away from the lady in orange]
"Not being in this hellhole, that's for sure. Feelin' the sun on my skin, breeze in my hair. Eating something other than slop and granola bars."
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