#E3 exhibit
nonfeelings · 18 days
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Playstation exhibit by Mauk Design
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hatosaur · 11 months
I just wanted to hear your opinion on the way the tlou fandom portrays Ellie, I have a feeling like everyone mischaracterises her (especially on tumbrl and tik tok) and makes her some kind of a fuckboy (literally Dina and Cat had to make first moves cuz she was nervous)
oh yeah they do, and i think it's kinda of a projection of how they find her hot because of her being aggressive and kill-hungry in tlou2. aggression/female rage + masc lesbian = hawt, is the logic, and i kinda get it. i can't lie, i've written her with the same motivation sometimes because it's a power fantasy.
but still it feels disingenuous to her character to just portray her as an emotionless fuckboi because it's purely based on that character arc. she's attractive, masculine, and can exhibit "alpha" behavior (weed den), sure, but she's also shy, introverted, and soft-spoken. she writes poetry and songs and frets over her crushes! i like when ellie's soft side is shown alongside her more survivalist side because it's what makes her character interesting; that she can be the type to averting her eyes from her gf shyly and moments later, focus in on bodying infected and stealthing around. that balance is where the intrigue lies.
like that one e3 teaser exemplifies this so well! ellie doubting that dina could ever like her and stating that she's not a threat to anyone else who wants her, she gets kissed, and it transitions into how dangerous of a person she is, then back again to her smiling over dina's feelings being mutual.
not only this but the games are 100% deadset on showing you how vulnerable she can be despite her rough side. like she's not an impenetrable force, she's a 19 y/o girl who just lost her dad-figure and spirals because of the mistakes she made.
to me, THAT'S ellie and THAT'S what makes her cool and interesting, not one side of her or the other.
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compneuropapers · 7 months
Interesting Papers for Week 8, 2024
Sensory prediction error drives subconscious motor learning outside of the laboratory. Albert, S. T., Blaum, E. C., & Blustein, D. H. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(2), 427–435.
Working memory load impairs transfer learning in human adults. Balter, L. J. T., & Raymond, J. E. (2023). Psychological Research, 87(7), 2138–2145.
Objects sharpen visual scene representations: evidence from MEG decoding. Brandman, T., & Peelen, M. V. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(16), 9524–9531.
Specific patterns of neural activity in the hippocampus after massed or distributed spatial training. Centofante, E., Fralleoni, L., Lupascu, C. A., Migliore, M., Rinaldi, A., & Mele, A. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 13357.
Hormonal coordination of motor output and internal prediction of sensory consequences in an electric fish. Fukutomi, M., & Carlson, B. A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3350-3359.e4.
Subcortico-amygdala pathway processes innate and learned threats. Khalil, V., Faress, I., Mermet-Joret, N., Kerwin, P., Yonehara, K., & Nabavi, S. (2023). eLife, 12, e85459.
Neural mechanisms underlying uninstructed orofacial movements during reward-based learning behaviors. Li, W.-R., Nakano, T., Mizutani, K., Matsubara, T., Kawatani, M., Mukai, Y., … Yamashita, T. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3436-3451.e7.
Monkeys exhibit human-like gaze biases in economic decisions. Lupkin, S. M., & McGinty, V. B. (2023). eLife, 12, e78205.
Widespread coding of navigational variables in prefrontal cortex. Maisson, D. J.-N., Cervera, R. L., Voloh, B., Conover, I., Zambre, M., Zimmermann, J., & Hayden, B. Y. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3478-3488.e3.
Synaptic variance and action potential firing of cerebellar output neurons during motor learning in larval zebrafish. Najac, M., McLean, D. L., & Raman, I. M. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3299-3311.e3.
Novelty and uncertainty differentially drive exploration across development. Nussenbaum, K., Martin, R. E., Maulhardt, S., Yang, Y. (Jen), Bizzell-Hatcher, G., Bhatt, N. S., … Hartley, C. A. (2023). eLife, 12, e84260.
Ants combine object affordance with latent learning to make efficient foraging decisions. Poissonnier, L.-A., Hartmann, Y., & Czaczkes, T. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(35), e2302654120.
VIP interneurons in sensory cortex encode sensory and action signals but not direct reward signals. Ramamurthy, D. L., Chen, A., Zhou, J., Park, C., Huang, P. C., Bharghavan, P., … Feldman, D. E. (2023). Current Biology, 33(16), 3398-3408.e7.
A stochastic model of hippocampal synaptic plasticity with geometrical readout of enzyme dynamics. Rodrigues, Y. E., Tigaret, C. M., Marie, H., O’Donnell, C., & Veltz, R. (2023). eLife, 12, e80152.
Sequence anticipation and spike-timing-dependent plasticity emerge from a predictive learning rule. Saponati, M., & Vinck, M. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 4985.
Statistical inference on representational geometries. Schütt, H. H., Kipnis, A. D., Diedrichsen, J., & Kriegeskorte, N. (2023). eLife, 12, e82566.
High-resolution volumetric imaging constrains compartmental models to explore synaptic integration and temporal processing by cochlear nucleus globular bushy cells. Spirou, G. A., Kersting, M., Carr, S., Razzaq, B., Yamamoto Alves Pinto, C., Dawson, M., … Manis, P. B. (2023). eLife, 12, e83393.
Using occipital ⍺-bursts to modulate behavior in real-time. Vigué-Guix, I., & Soto-Faraco, S. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(16), 9465–9477.
Octave illusion: stimulation frequencies can modulate perception. Whittom, A., Couture, F., Chauvette, L., & Sharp, A. (2023). Psychological Research, 87(7), 2183–2191.
Completeness out of incompleteness: Inferences from regularities in imperfect information ensembles. Zhu, J., Xu, H., Shi, B., Lu, Y., Chen, H., Shen, M., & Zhou, J. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(9), 1203–1220.
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elle-p · 5 months
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No, it doesn't say Harf in the final version.
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m1m05a · 1 year
根本敬 presents 蛭子能収「最後の展覧会」 - 今後の展覧会 | AKIO NAGASAWA
しかし、蛭⼦さんと私が師とあおぐ湯村輝彦(aka テリージョンソン)さんが「⼩学⽣みたいに⾒えても絶対におじさんにしか描けない絵」と前向きに評したのでした。
− 根本 敬(特殊漫画家)"
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looking at the natm tag on pixiv fills my heart with joy. we’re kindred spirits in foaming at the mouth for these exhibits and their guard. our brethren in wanting jedtavius to smooch. to the pixiv-exclusive artists and writers: i love you
go check it out: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E3%83%8A%E3%82%A4%E3%83%88%E3%83%9F%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8%E3%82%A2%E3%83%A0
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authortobenamedlater · 7 months
Predictions, questions, good/bad/neutral about E3.
Why does this show make me so long-winded.
As I already mentioned, Jacob Keyes is not going to survive Reach. I don’t want this to happen, because death seems like too easy an out for him and the Spartans need their Dadmiral, but it’s close enough to canon. He can live on in my AUs.
Kai leads the Spartan-IIIs on Reach. In a couple of trailers we see her in a drop ship with what I’m now certain are SPI helmets behind her. Then she goes to Onyx and steps into the Kurt role. Or maybe she takes over for him. It’s probably too much to hope that we might see them working together. I’ll save that for headcanons and fanfic.
…Does this mean Kai will go out like Kurt at some point? Getting ahead of things.
Miranda is on Onyx doing artifact research and/or working on the science side of the S-IIIs. She did finally show up for two seconds in the “this season on” trailer.
The Covenant forces Cortana to reveal the location of Earth, which is why John is standing on a drop ship with Jupiter in the foreground in one of the trailers.
We will meet Noble Team in some form, especially if Kai is leading the S-IIIs into battle.
Reach is going down. There. At least one of these predictions is guaranteed.
WHO is that S-III who looks an awful lot like Corporal Perez? Just a coincidental lookalike? If not Talia, maybe Kat or Lucy? I would love to see Tom and Lucy on screen.
Silver Team is, officially or otherwise, getting separated. Kai and Riz are both justifiably POed at John and Vannak isn’t too happy either, I imagine. Kai got pulled to the S-IIIs and Riz is wondering about “life without all this Spartan $#*!.” Are we going to see John as the one-man army we get in every Halo game except 5, and Silver will become recurring characters? Or, are we making room for John to get a new team? Maybe a team we know already? Like…Blue Team?
I am very curious what the Spartan-IIIs look like in this world. I get the impression they haven’t been around that long, but most of this is fan brain conjecture from trailers. Exhibit A: In one trailer Kai steps out in front of a formation of IIIs and we hear Ackerson saying “make them Spartans.” The IIIs already ARE Spartans. They’ve been around for 20 years by this point.
UNLESS. They’ve basically made the IIIs into the IVs. That could explain a Talia sighting and why Kai is getting tapped to train them. Maybe Reach is their first deployment.
If these are the IIIs who are more like IVs, maybe the Talia Perez lookalike is Sarah Palmer? I hope not, because Frankie Adams of The Expanse fame is live action Palmer in my mind’s eye and I want to keep that illusion as long as possible.
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The suits look pretty similar.
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Once again getting WAY ahead of myself.
How are they going to resolve the Cortana situation? In one trailer it looks like a Sangheili is putting her on a chip or disk of some kind. Is she going back in John’s head at some point? Who’s going to do this? If she stays on a chip do they have to retrofit his helmet and every other piece of UNSC tech?
Who’s this Var ‘Gatanai Talia names in the last scene? Did the show make an entirely new Arbiter? Is Var going to die and make room for Thel? Is Thel still leading the fleet and Var is on the ground? Does Thel not exist here? Last time we saw Makee she was about to touch the larger artifact. Did she ever touch it?What happened? Are we going to see her during the battle? Will she die again? Will she stay dead?
Good, bad, general commentary:
You all know what I want. I’m here for The Chief and Cortana Show. I want my Chief and Cortana Show. This is not the Chief and Cortana show. I want them back together.
I like how the show is giving us a peek into how the UNSC / ONI bureaucracy and agenda is as big an adversary as the Covenant. A good example of the show telling stories the games can’t. Not that shooting your way through ONI red tape wouldn’t be kind of a hilarious video game.
I currently don’t like how they just wiped Madrigal out of the picture, but I am reserving judgment for now to see how this plays out.
I love Ackerson. I hate Ackerson.
Kind of mad Cobalt Team turned up dead. They deserved better.
I still live in hope of one day meeting Avery Johnson.
Ackerson talks about John “interact[ing] with the Covenant agent” and says he read the report. So all that is common knowledge? And John is just walking around like nothing happened? Weird.
Laera being a boss lady and mama bear is awesome. She is truly the only woman for Soren.
I am SCREAMING and FLAILING and GEEKING OUT over the overt Christian references this season. Making me want to write my “what if a Spartan got religion” story. Gahhhhhh
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lunawings · 6 months
Where is Rainbow Live exhibition? And how long it wilk be? I'm asking because i'm going to Japan this summer.
It was in Yurakacho Marui, but unfortunately it only ran from March 1st to March 17th. Sorry about that.
I have a very relevant post of mine you might wanna read, ahah...
But to summarize, basically little event collabs and cafes and shops like this pop up all the time, and unfortunately, they come and go so quickly it's impossible to plan a trip around them.
But, I found this website super helpful: collabo-cafe.com
You might have to search in Japanese to make sure you're finding everything, but it lists all sorts of these little events as they are announced. If anything Pretty Rhythm-related comes up, it should be added to the page below (I searched for プリティーリズム).
This kinda stuff isn't going to be announced until a month or two before so keep checking. Good luck!
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (9-15 Jul 2023)
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🥰 The Man Behind the Curtain (seitentaisei) - 71K, SuperBat getting together fic - "A character study of Bruce Wayne, the Batman, as told by Clark Kent as he sorts through the stories, the acting, and the news to find the real man behind the masks. What exactly can Clark do if he maybe finds himself falling in love along the way?"
😍 Casual Encounters (MoreThanSlightly (cadignan)) - 66K, modern no-powers shrinkyclinks - always forget just how incredible this fic is! the pining and angst are truly exquisite while we know they're being two dumbasses standing in a pine forest. plus the descriptions of steve's painting are incredible.
😊 Dear Enemy (GingerTodgers) - 69K, drarry - breezy & lighthearted epistolary fic, some voices maybe a trifle OOC but entertaining
💖💖 +147K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
king (nerd) steve harrington (sky_of_starflowers) - Stranger Things: steddie, 3K - steve accidentally reveals his nerdy side and eddie *really* likes it
Dustin Henderson and the Lovebirds (pukner) - Stranger Things: steddie, 9K - "five times Dustin Henderson was subjected to Eddie Munson being gross and sappy and in love with Steve Harrington, and one time Steve didn't even have to be there" - short but absolutely hilarious with excellent podfic (I read the fic and then listened to the podfic the next day, so great both times!)
“Never So Young As That”: 20 Years of the Boy with a Bat (greatunironic) - Stranger Things: steddie, 6K - lovely new vingette in this universe
Patterns of Intention (drunktuesdays) - TW: sterek, 17K - canon-divergent post s3?, stiles and derek decide to take lessons from deaton and then feelings [technically a reread but it's been at least 5 years]
serpentine serenade (thiccbuckybarnes) - MCU: stucky, 3K - antastic & filthy pwp with naga!steve and modern (but still former WS) bucky [reread]
Beyond the Yellow Book Road (crinklefries) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 30K - wonderful and tender shrunkyclunks where steve discovers 1 thing from his past that's still around -- a beloved bookstore now run by bucky [reread]
D20: A Crown of Candy - "Keep Sharp" (s5, e3)
D20: Adventuring Party - s1, e1
D20: Adventuring Party - s1, e2
D20: Adventuring Party - s1, e3
D20: Dungeons and Drag Queens - "The Time Has Come" (s18, e3)
D20: Adventuring Party - "The Dice Tell The Story" (s13, e3)
D20: A Crown of Candy - "The Grand Tournament" (s5, e4)
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: So Excited and Breaking Out
Rivals: Music's Greatest Feuds - Suspicious Minds: Elvis Presley vs. Jerry Lee Lewis
50 Years of Hip-Hop - Hip-Hop's Origins
⭐ 50 Years of Hip-Hop - Scratching and the Art of DJing
50 MPH - 4 MPH / Paramount Hits the Brakes
The Soundtrack Show - Great Melodies Tell Great Stories
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1975: "Let's Take It to the Stage" by Funkadelic
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Gunnar Schonbeck Exhibit
Rachel Maddow Presents: Déjà News - Episode 4: “It’s a Very Short Path”
The Sporkful - 2 Chefs And A Lie: Name That Mustard Edition
50 MPH - 5 MPH / New Life at a New Fox
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1977: Grand Wizzard Theodore and the Invention of Scratching
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1979: "Rapper's Delight" by Sugarhill Gang
50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1980: "The Breaks" by Kurtis Blow
Into It - Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Sex Onscreen
⭐ Shedunnit - Editing Agatha Christie
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - A Friendly Town With An Ax To Grind
Stuff The British Stole - The Unfinished Prince
Switched on Pop - Speak Now (about Taylor's versions)
Vibe Check - Life Has Been Lifing Lately
ICYMI Plus - Has Black Twitter Found A New Home?
⭐ Ologies with Alie Ward - Curiology (EMOJI) Part 2 with Various Emoji Experts
Simply Reflecting - You Mean I Have To Advocate For Myself?
Decoder Ring Plus - The Great Parmesan Cheese Debate
Our Opinions Are Correct - The State of the Galaxy
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Complaint Tablet of Ea-Nasir
99% Invisible #544 - Chick Tracts
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Man’s Best (Stiff) Friends
⭐ 50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1983: The Wu-Tang Clan and Asian Influences in Hip-Hop
⭐ 50 Years of Hip-Hop - 1985: "I Can't Live Without My Radio" by LL Cool J
What Next: TBD Plus - Will UPS Workers Join "Hot Strike Summer?"
Re: Dracula - Bonus 5: Producing The Wright Way
Into It - What Happens When All of Hollywood’s on Strike?
Dear Prudence Plus - My Friends Got Me a Terrible Birthday Gift. Help!
Strong Songs - "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears For Fears
Off Menu - Ep 196: Toheeb Jimoh
ICYMI Plus - Did Fancams Determine This Year’s Emmy Nominations?
⭐ Hot and Bothered - Live from Pemberley: Fire Island (with Joel Kim Booster)
Under The Covers Vol. 1 [Matthew Sweet & Susanna Hoffs] {2006}
Under The Covers Vol. 2 [Matthew Sweet & Susanna Hoffs] {2009} 
Under The Covers Vol. 3 [Matthew Sweet & Susanna Hoffs] {2013} 
AC/DC Radio • 2000s
Electronic Radio • 1970s
The Pointer Sisters Radio • Popular
The Age of Pleasure [Janelle Monáe] {2023} 
The English Beat Radio • Familiar
"I Love A Rainy Night" [Eddie Rabbitt] Radio • Popular
Classic Sunny Afternoon
Classic Easy Rock
Lord of The Lost Radio • Familiar
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Over the years, multiple Frankie costumes have been created for official use. The costume in the top left was used for E3, an annual video game exhibition. The costume in the top right was used for meet-and-greet events, such as congratulating JumpStart contest winners. The costume at the bottom was used for music videos featured in JumpStart Sing-Along Time.
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doopcafe · 2 years
By Request: TV Recap! (Part 1) 
No Spoilers!
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Andor: E1–3
This show is fantastic. There’s a nice drip-feed of information and a slow build-up of story that pulls you along. The rising tension in E3 was particularly well done. I’m also really enjoying the dialogue: there’s very little exposition and most of it exhibits the hallmarks of good writing (world building, plot advancement, character development). I’m getting through it very slowly because it deserves to be watched with 50 minutes of guaranteed uninterrupted time to really appreciate it. I'll post full "reviews" of each episode as I watch them.
My enjoyment: 5/5 
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Amazon’s Rings of Power: S1
My goodness was this trash. Morally questionable characters, atrociously bad dialogue, and Galadriel... my god, could you possibly make a more loathsome character? I was—not joking—actually rooting for Sauron by the end of this shitshow. I honestly hope his orc friends are happy in their new land (Mordor). That alone gives an idea of just how badly Amazon fucked up with this one. 
My enjoyment: 1/5 
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Velma: E1 and E2
You ask: Is this show awful? Absolutely. It is mean-spirited, poorly written, and unfunny garbage. But is it as bad as everyone says? Yes. However, if I’m to say one positive... I can't. Should you watch it? No. By way of comparison, Rings of Power is awful, but it’s awful in a “let’s poke fun” sorta way. Velma is awful in a “please make it stop” sorta way. I have never said it before, but I'll say it for this show: This should never have been made.
My enjoyment: 0/5 
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Wednesday: E1 and E2
I’ve got a soft spot for Addams Family content (and especially Wednesday as a character), so this was on my radar since news of it was first released. But it was ultimately disappointing. I appreciate the creative choice to stick closer to the original source material (Charles Addams’ comics), but beyond that, this was pretty bland and confused. The actress that plays Wednesday was the highlight, and I only powered through a second episode to see more of her character. By the way, I have no plans of finishing this, but I hope Wednesday and her roommate fuck because, my god Netflix, the sexual tension between those two girls...
My enjoyment: 2/5 
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Arcane: E1–3
It’s very easy for me to watch garbage TV because there’s no investment and few constraints on consuming it beyond “are X number of minutes available?” But when it comes to high-quality TV, I get so damned invested that it’s a challenge for me to continue, because watching each episode takes so much out of me. This show is so damned good that it's been three weeks and I still can't bring myself to watch another episode. It's got well-written dialogue delivered by quality voice actors and a plot and story that are extremely interesting and make sense and have me invested. Now if only I could bring myself to watch more of it. Good shit.
My enjoyment: 5/5 
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So MUTAN is gonna be at the Tokyo Game Show (which is a gaming exhibition and convention much like E3 was (RIP E3, I had a feeling COVID would be something you wouldn't get over TwT)), and I probably have a feeling Goonya Monster content might be shown off, or probably even a new and completely different game altogether by them, but we won't know for sure until the 28th and 29th
(Really hoping more Goonya Monster spinoffs are announced...)
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bizenwakakusa · 4 months
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第67回日本伝統工芸中国展 伊勢﨑創さんの「備前花器」が特別賞の金重陶陽賞を受賞されました
  第67回 日本伝統工芸中国展
会場:天満屋岡山店 6階 葦川会館
会場:鳥取県立博物館 第3展示室
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co-iki · 4 months
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Exhibition Outline: https://resartis.org/polytopia-re%E3%83%BBbirth
Exhibition Materials / Installation View for Our Remote Supporters
POLYTOPIA Intro on Youtube 
(at the entrance foyer space of the gallery)
Exhibition Room Captions & Work Description
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Installation View , Opening Reception , Talk Session
Olia Fedorova & Ryoichi Wago Correspondence Work
Exhibition Walk-through with Participating Artists
"Shaping our Support System in Polytopia"—a discussion for the 'POLYTOPIA – re . birth' exhibition
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govindhtech · 5 months
Micron SSD: Gen5 NVMe SSDs for Dell PowerEdge Servers
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Micron SSDs
Gen5 NVMe SSDs
Micron presented its industry-leading research on AI training model offload to NVMe, collaborating with teams at Dell and NVIDIA. In a Dell PowerEdge R7625 server equipped with Micron’s upcoming high-performance Gen5 E3.S NVMe SSD, the Data Centre Workload Engineering team at Micron tested Big Accelerator Memory (BaM) with GPU-initiated direct storage (GIDS) on the NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPU with assistance from Dell’s Technical Marketing Lab and NVIDIA’s storage software development team.
More Memory using NVMe?
The standard procedure for training huge models whose sizes are increasing quickly is to use as much HBM as possible on the GPU, followed by as much system DRAM. If a model cannot fit in HBM + DRAM, it is then parallelized over many NVIDIA GPU systems.
The cost of parallelizing training over numerous servers is high since data must travel over system and network links, which can quickly become bottlenecks. This is especially true for GPU utilisation and efficiency.
What if NVMe could be used as a third tier of “slow” memory by Micron to avoid having to divide an AI training job across many GPU systems? Exactly that is what BaM with GIDS accomplishes. It transfers the data and control routes to the GPU by replacing and streamlining the Gen5 NVMe SSD driver. How does that perform then?
Results of Baseline Performance
The open-source BaM implementation mentioned above includes the BaM Graph Neural Network (GNN) benchmark, which was used to execute all of the test results displayed.
This initial test illustrates the results with and without BaM when GIDS is turned on. As a test example without particular storage software, a common implementation of Linux mmap was used to fault memory accesses through the CPU to storage.Image Credit to Micron
Using a Micron 9400 Gen4 NVMe SSD and an NVIDIA A100 80GB Tensor Core GPU, the mmap test took 19 minutes. It took 42 seconds with BaM and GIDS deployed, a 26x increase in performance. The benchmark’s feature aggregation component, which depends on storage performance, shows that performance improvement.
Dell Laboratories’ Gen5 Performance
Micron aimed to demonstrate at GTC how successfully their future Gen5 NVMe SSD performed AI model offload. In order to obtain access to a Dell PowerEdge R7625 server with an NVIDIA H100 80GB PCIe GPU (Gen5x16), Micron teamed up with Dell’s Technical Marketing Labs. With their outstanding help, Micron successfully completed testing.
SSD performance affects feature aggregation. Its execution duration accounts for 80% of the whole runtime, and it improves by twice between Gen4 and Gen5 NVMe SSD. Training and sampling are dependent on the GPU; an NVIDIA A100 to an H100 Tensor Core GPU can enhance training performance five times. For this use case, high-performance Gen5 NVMe SSDs are necessary, and a pre-production sample of Micron SSD i.e. Gen5 NVMe SSD exhibits roughly double the performance of Gen4.GNN WORKLOAD PERFORMANCEMICRON GEN5 H100MICRON GEN4 A100GEN5 VS GEN4 PERFORMANCEFeature Aggregation (NVMe)18s25s2xTraining (GPU)0.73s3.6s5xSampling3s4.6s1.5xEnd-to-End time (Total of Feature Aggregation + Training + Sampling)22.4s43.2s2xGIDS + BaM Accesses/s2.87M1.5M2x
What Is Micron SSD Being Affected by BaM With GIDS?
The typical Linux tools to view the IO metrics (IOPs, latency, etc.) are inoperable since BaM with GIDS substitutes the Gen5 NVMe SSD driver. After tracing the BaM using GIDS GNN training workload, Micron discovered some astonishing findings.
BaM with GIDS operates at almost the drive’s maximum input/output speed.
For GNN training, the IO profile is 99% tiny block reads.
The SSD queue depth is 10-100 times greater than what Micron anticipates from a “typical” data centre CPU demand.
This is a new workload designed to maximise Gen5 NVMe SSD performance. Multiple streams can be managed by a GPU in parallel, and the BaM with GIDS software will optimise and manage latency, resulting in a workload profile that might not even be feasible to execute on a CPU.
In summary
As the AI sector develops, clever solutions for GPU system efficiency and utilisation become increasingly crucial. Larger AI issue sets can be solved more effectively with the help of software like BaM with GIDS, which will increase the efficiency of AI system resources. Extending model storage to Gen5 NVMe SSD will have an impact on training times, but this trade-off will enable larger, less time-sensitive training jobs to be completed on fewer GPU systems, hence increasing the effectiveness and total cost of ownership (TCO) of deployed AI gear.
Specifics of the Hardware and Software:
Workload: Complete Training for IGBH and GIDS.
The Data Centre Workload Engineering team at Micron measured the Gen5 NVMe SSD performance, whereas the NVIDIA storage software team measured the baseline (mmap) performance on a system that was comparable.
Systems being evaluated:
Gen4: NVIDIA A100-80GB GPU, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (5.4.0-144), NVIDIA Driver 535.129.03, CUDA 12.3, DGL 2.0.0, Dual AMD EPYC 7713 64-core, 1TB DDR4, Micron 9400 PRO 8TB
GL 2.0.0, CUDA 12.3, NVIDIA H100-80GB GPU, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (5.4.0-144), NVIDIA Driver 535.129.03, Dell R7625, 2x AMD EPYC 9274F, 24-core, 1TB DDR5, Micron Gen5 NVMe SSD
Work based on the publication “Introduction of GPU-Initiated High-Throughput Storage Access in the BaM System Architecture”
Read more on govindgtech.com
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splitterselbst · 5 months
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ながれひろし カキクケコ
神戸・新長田の city gallery 2320
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2024.4.15 (月) ~ 4.30 (火)
神戸・元町の GALLERY 301
12:00 – 18:00 ​( 水曜・木曜休廊、最終日は 12:00 – 17:00 )
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栗田紘一郎 BEYOND SPHERES -もしソローが写真家だったら-
11:00-18:00 (最終日は16:00まで、5.1(水)休廊)
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MASA Kato 物の物語 The story of objects
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13:00−18:00(休廊 5.1, 2, 8, 9)
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第2部「69」5月12日(日) – 5月23日(木)
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2024.5.4(土) ~ 5.17(金)
11:00 – 18:00(5.10(金)休廊)
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