#E-Vehicle Policy
e-rickshawpatnainfo · 26 days
Growth Key Factors of E-Rickshaw Manufacturing in Bihar
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In recent years, the e-rickshaw manufacturer in Bihar has experienced remarkable growth, driven by several key factors that have reshaped the transportation landscape in the state. This surge is not only transforming how people commute but also creating opportunities for local manufacturers. Let’s delve into the factors propelling the growth of e-rickshaw manufacturing in Bihar.
1. Government Incentives and Policies
The Bihar government has been instrumental in fostering the growth of the e-rickshaw manufacturing sector. By introducing a range of incentives and subsidies, including financial support for purchasing e-rickshaws and exemptions from registration fees and road taxes, the state has made it easier for both manufacturers and buyers to invest in electric vehicles. These policies have significantly reduced the financial barriers to entry, encouraging more local businesses to enter the e-rickshaw manufacturing company in Bihar.
2. Economic Advantages for Local Manufacturers
E-rickshaws offer economic benefits that extend beyond just operational cost savings for drivers. For manufacturers in Bihar, producing e-rickshaws provides a lucrative opportunity. With lower production costs compared to traditional vehicles and growing demand, local manufacturers are finding it profitable to invest in this sector. Additionally, the reduced costs associated with raw materials and production in Bihar contribute to competitive pricing, making locally manufactured e-rickshaws an attractive option for dealership.
3. Environmental Sustainability
The push towards environmental sustainability is a significant driver behind the rise of e-rickshaw manufacturing in Bihar. As awareness of air pollution and climate change grows, there is a clear demand for cleaner transportation solutions. E-rickshaws, being emission-free, align with both state and national environmental goals. Local manufacturers are capitalizing on this trend by producing vehicles that not only meet regulatory standards but also contribute to a greener future.
4. Urbanization and Transportation Demand
Bihar’s expanding urban areas and increasing population are creating a substantial demand for efficient and cost-effective transportation solutions. E-rickshaws, with their ability to navigate congested urban environments and provide affordable transportation, are ideally suited for these needs. Local e rickshaw manufacturers in Bihar are responding to this demand by ramping up production to meet the growing requirements of urban commuters and businesses.
5. Technological Innovations
Advancements in battery technology and electric vehicle design are the success of e-rickshaw company of Bihar. Bihar-based manufacturers are embracing these innovations to improve the performance and reliability of their products. Enhanced battery life, faster charging capabilities, and robust designs are helping local manufacturers offer high-quality e-rickshaws that meet market expectations and compete effectively with national and international players.
6. Local Manufacturing Advantages
Bihar’s growing e-rickshaw manufacturing sector benefits from several local advantages. The presence of skilled labor, reduced logistical costs, and proximity to raw materials contribute to the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of local production. Additionally, manufacturers of e rickshaw are able to provide tailored solutions and localized support, further enhancing their appeal to buyers within the state and beyond.
7. Rising Public Acceptance
Increased public awareness about the benefits of e-rickshaws has led to greater acceptance of these vehicles, which in turn drives demand for electric rickshaw manufacturer in Bihar. Educational campaigns and successful demonstrations by manufacturers have played a crucial role in changing perceptions and encouraging adoption. As more people recognize the advantages of e-rickshaws, including their cost-effectiveness and environmental benefits, local manufacturers are poised to capitalize on this growing market.
The exploring the growth of e-rickshaw manufacturing in Bihar is driven by a combination of supportive government policies, economic benefits, environmental considerations, urbanization needs, technological advancements, local production advantages, and rising public acceptance. As these factors continue to evolve, Bihar’s e-rickshaw manufacturers are well-positioned to play a significant role in shaping the future of transportation in the state. This dynamic sector not only promises economic opportunities but also contributes to a more sustainable and efficient urban transport system.
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townpostin · 2 months
Jharkhand Mandates Uniforms for Auto and E-Rickshaw Drivers
New dress code aims to enhance passenger security and driver identification Jharkhand Transport Department approves new dress code for auto and e-rickshaw drivers to improve passenger security. JAMSHEDPUR – The Jharkhand Transport Department has implemented a new dress code for auto and e-rickshaw drivers, mandating khaki uniforms for auto drivers and blue for e-rickshaw operators. Drivers…
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techdriveplay · 4 months
What is the Average EV Range in 2024?
Electric vehicles (EVs) have seen remarkable advancements over the past few years, making them more viable for everyday use. As of 2024, the average EV range has become a critical factor for consumers considering the shift from traditional combustion engines to electric power. In 2024, the average EV range is approximately 300 miles (483 kilometers) on a single charge. This is a significant…
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"India’s announcement that it aims to reach net zero emissions by 2070 and to meet fifty percent of its electricity requirements from renewable energy sources by 2030 is a hugely significant moment for the global fight against climate change. India is pioneering a new model of economic development that could avoid the carbon-intensive approaches that many countries have pursued in the past – and provide a blueprint for other developing economies.
The scale of transformation in India is stunning. Its economic growth has been among the highest in the world over the past two decades, lifting of millions of people out of poverty. Every year, India adds a city the size of London to its urban population, involving vast construction of new buildings, factories and transportation networks. Coal and oil have so far served as bedrocks of India’s industrial growth and modernisation, giving a rising number of Indian people access to modern energy services. This includes adding new electricity connections for 50 million citizens each year over the past decade. 
The rapid growth in fossil energy consumption has also meant India’s annual CO2 emissions have risen to become the third highest in the world. However, India’s CO2 emissions per person put it near the bottom of the world’s emitters, and they are lower still if you consider historical emissions per person. The same is true of energy consumption: the average household in India consumes a tenth as much electricity as the average household in the United States.  
India’s sheer size and its huge scope for growth means that its energy demand is set to grow by more than that of any other country in the coming decades. In a pathway to net zero emissions by 2070, we estimate that most of the growth in energy demand this decade would already have to be met with low-carbon energy sources. It therefore makes sense that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced more ambitious targets for 2030, including installing 500 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity, reducing the emissions intensity of its economy by 45%, and reducing a billion tonnes of CO2. 
These targets are formidable, but the good news is that the clean energy transition in India is already well underway. It has overachieved its commitment made at COP 21- Paris Summit [a.k.a. 2015, at the same conference that produced the Paris Agreement] by already meeting 40% of its power capacity from non-fossil fuels- almost nine years ahead of its commitment, and the share of solar and wind in India’s energy mix have grown phenomenally. Owing to technological developments, steady policy support, and a vibrant private sector, solar power plants are cheaper to build than coal ones. Renewable electricity is growing at a faster rate in India than any other major economy, with new capacity additions on track to double by 2026...
Subsidies for petrol and diesel were removed in the early 2010s, and subsidies for electric vehicles were introduced in 2019. India’s robust energy efficiency programme has been successful in reducing energy use and emissions from buildings, transport and major industries. Government efforts to provide millions of households with fuel gas for cooking and heating are enabling a steady transition away from the use of traditional biomass such as burning wood. India is also laying the groundwork to scale up important emerging technologies such as hydrogen, battery storage, and low-carbon steel, cement and fertilisers..."
-via IEA (International Energy Agency), January 10, 2022
Note: And since that's a little old, here's an update to show that progress is still going strong:
-via Economic Times: EnergyWorld, March 10, 2023
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hathorik · 10 months
The goal of this post is to keep track of all the war crimes as recognized by the UN's Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect committed by Israeli authority and military against the Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese people, and which remain unpunished by international authorities.
The ICC is not doing its job. It has failed its mission. It's up to us to push for Israel to be held accountable.
Feel free to comment, I'll feel free to delete the Zionist propaganda. I can't help it, I'm allergic to Nazis. Don't ask for "reliable" western media sources either; you can just open your eyes. I promise you it's better to see things as they are.
Everything under the cut is the material present on the UN's Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect website as of 12/11th. Just go check it yourself if you need. Crimes in bold and red are those identified as committed. I'd love to keep tracks of numbers but... they are overwhelming. I can't. I don't think anyone can.
Paragraphs 2.c, 2.d, 2.e, 2.f and 3 are repeats of the previous but applicable to "armed conflicts not of an international character" and details to take into account in such cases. For the sake of brevity, they will be skipped and instances applicable will be reported in the previous instances of said crimes.
If you find other crimes (or victims) that need to be accounted for, please send a screenshot or a link to the source material along with the paragraph number (X.Y.Z.) and I'll be happy to oblige. You can also just bring up cases applying to a certain paragraph the same way; I don't mind a comment section filled with proof.
This post will be reblogged every 12 hours and updated when I'm able to do so.
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Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Article 8 War Crimes
1. The Court shall have jurisdiction in respect of war crimes in particular when committed as part of a plan or policy or as part of a large-scale commission of such crimes.
2. For the purpose of this Statute, ‘war crimes’ means:
2.a. Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, namely, any of the following acts against persons or property protected under the provisions of the relevant Geneva Convention:
2.a.i. Wilful killing;
2.a.ii. Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments;
2.a.iii. Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health;
2.a.iv. Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly;
2.a.v. Compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power;
2.a.vi. Wilfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial;
2.a.vii. Unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement;
2.a.viii. Taking of hostages.
2.b. Other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict, within the established framework of international law, namely, any of the following acts:
2.b.i. Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities;
2.b.ii. Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives;
2.b.iii. Intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict;
2.b.iv. Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated;
2.b.v. Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives;
2.b.vi. Killing or wounding a combatant who, having laid down his arms or having no longer means of defence, has surrendered at discretion;
2.b.vii. Making improper use of a flag of truce, of the flag or of the military insignia and uniform of the enemy or of the United Nations, as well as of the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions, resulting in death or serious personal injury;
2.b.viii. The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory;
2.b.ix. Intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected, provided they are not military objectives;
2.b.x. Subjecting persons who are in the power of an adverse party to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind which are neither justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the person concerned nor carried out in his or her interest, and which cause death to or seriously endanger the health of such person or persons;
2.b.xi. Killing or wounding treacherously individuals belonging to the hostile nation or army;
2.b.xii. Declaring that no quarter will be given;
2.b.xiii. Destroying or seizing the enemy's property unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war;
2.b.xiv. Declaring abolished, suspended or inadmissible in a court of law the rights and actions of the nationals of the hostile party;
2.b.xv. Compelling the nationals of the hostile party to take part in the operations of war directed against their own country, even if they were in the belligerent's service before the commencement of the war;
2.b.xvi. Pillaging a town or place, even when taken by assault;
2.b.xvii. Employing poison or poisoned weapons;
2.b.xviii. Employing asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices;
2.b.xix. Employing bullets which expand or flatten easily in the human body, such as bullets with a hard envelope which does not entirely cover the core or is pierced with incisions;
2.b.xx. Employing weapons, projectiles and material and methods of warfare which are of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering or which are inherently indiscriminate in violation of the international law of armed conflict, provided that such weapons, projectiles and material and methods of warfare are the subject of a comprehensive prohibition and are included in an annex to this Statute, by an amendment in accordance with the relevant provisions set forth in articles 121 and 123;
2.b.xxi. Committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment;
2.b.xxii. Committing rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, as defined in article 7, paragraph 2 (f), enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence also constituting a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions;
2.b.xxiii. Utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;
2.b.xxiv. Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport, and personnel using the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions in conformity with international law;
2.b.xxv. Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions;
2.b.xxvi. Conscripting or enlisting children under the age of fifteen years into the national armed forces or using them to participate actively in hostilities.
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amalgamasreal · 2 years
So I don't know how people on this app feel about the shit-house that is TikTok but in the US right now the ban they're trying to implement on it is a complete red herring and it needs to be stopped.
They are quite literally trying to implement Patriot Act 2.0 with the RESTRICT Act and using TikTok and China to scare the American public into buying into it wholesale when this shit will change the face of the internet. Here are some excerpts from what the bill would cover on the Infrastructure side:
SEC. 5. Considerations.
(a) Priority information and communications technology areas.—In carrying out sections 3 and 4, the Secretary shall prioritize evaluation of— (1) information and communications technology products or services used by a party to a covered transaction in a sector designated as critical infrastructure in Policy Directive 21 (February 12, 2013; relating to critical infrastructure security and resilience);
(2) software, hardware, or any other product or service integral to telecommunications products and services, including— (A) wireless local area networks;
(B) mobile networks;
(C) satellite payloads;
(D) satellite operations and control;
(E) cable access points;
(F) wireline access points;
(G) core networking systems;
(H) long-, short-, and back-haul networks; or
(I) edge computer platforms;
(3) any software, hardware, or any other product or service integral to data hosting or computing service that uses, processes, or retains, or is expected to use, process, or retain, sensitive personal data with respect to greater than 1,000,000 persons in the United States at any point during the year period preceding the date on which the covered transaction is referred to the Secretary for review or the Secretary initiates review of the covered transaction, including— (A) internet hosting services;
(B) cloud-based or distributed computing and data storage;
(C) machine learning, predictive analytics, and data science products and services, including those involving the provision of services to assist a party utilize, manage, or maintain open-source software;
(D) managed services; and
(E) content delivery services;
(4) internet- or network-enabled sensors, webcams, end-point surveillance or monitoring devices, modems and home networking devices if greater than 1,000,000 units have been sold to persons in the United States at any point during the year period preceding the date on which the covered transaction is referred to the Secretary for review or the Secretary initiates review of the covered transaction;
(5) unmanned vehicles, including drones and other aerials systems, autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicles, or any other product or service integral to the provision, maintenance, or management of such products or services;
(6) software designed or used primarily for connecting with and communicating via the internet that is in use by greater than 1,000,000 persons in the United States at any point during the year period preceding the date on which the covered transaction is referred to the Secretary for review or the Secretary initiates review of the covered transaction, including— (A) desktop applications;
(B) mobile applications;
(C) gaming applications;
(D) payment applications; or
(E) web-based applications; or
(7) information and communications technology products and services integral to— (A) artificial intelligence and machine learning;
(B) quantum key distribution;
(C) quantum communications;
(D) quantum computing;
(E) post-quantum cryptography;
(F) autonomous systems;
(G) advanced robotics;
(H) biotechnology;
(I) synthetic biology;
(J) computational biology; and
(K) e-commerce technology and services, including any electronic techniques for accomplishing business transactions, online retail, internet-enabled logistics, internet-enabled payment technology, and online marketplaces.
(b) Considerations relating to undue and unacceptable risks.—In determining whether a covered transaction poses an undue or unacceptable risk under section 3(a) or 4(a), the Secretary— (1) shall, as the Secretary determines appropriate and in consultation with appropriate agency heads, consider, where available— (A) any removal or exclusion order issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of Defense, or the Director of National Intelligence pursuant to recommendations of the Federal Acquisition Security Council pursuant to section 1323 of title 41, United States Code;
(B) any order or license revocation issued by the Federal Communications Commission with respect to a transacting party, or any consent decree imposed by the Federal Trade Commission with respect to a transacting party;
(C) any relevant provision of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation and the Federal Acquisition Regulation, and the respective supplements to those regulations;
(D) any actual or potential threats to the execution of a national critical function identified by the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency;
(E) the nature, degree, and likelihood of consequence to the public and private sectors of the United States that would occur if vulnerabilities of the information and communications technologies services supply chain were to be exploited; and
(F) any other source of information that the Secretary determines appropriate; and
(2) may consider, where available, any relevant threat assessment or report prepared by the Director of National Intelligence completed or conducted at the request of the Secretary.
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Look at that, does that look like it just covers the one app? NO! This would cover EVERYTHING that so much as LOOKS at the internet from the point this bill goes live.
It gets worse though, you wanna see what the penalties are?
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(b) Civil penalties.—The Secretary may impose the following civil penalties on a person for each violation by that person of this Act or any regulation, order, direction, mitigation measure, prohibition, or other authorization issued under this Act: (1) A fine of not more than $250,000 or an amount that is twice the value of the transaction that is the basis of the violation with respect to which the penalty is imposed, whichever is greater. (2) Revocation of any mitigation measure or authorization issued under this Act to the person. (c) Criminal penalties.— (1) IN GENERAL.—A person who willfully commits, willfully attempts to commit, or willfully conspires to commit, or aids or abets in the commission of an unlawful act described in subsection (a) shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $1,000,000, or if a natural person, may be imprisoned for not more than 20 years, or both. (2) CIVIL FORFEITURE.— (A) FORFEITURE.— (i) IN GENERAL.—Any property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, used or intended to be used, in any manner, to commit or facilitate a violation or attempted violation described in paragraph (1) shall be subject to forfeiture to the United States. (ii) PROCEEDS.—Any property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, constituting or traceable to the gross proceeds taken, obtained, or retained, in connection with or as a result of a violation or attempted violation described in paragraph (1) shall be subject to forfeiture to the United States. (B) PROCEDURE.—Seizures and forfeitures under this subsection shall be governed by the provisions of chapter 46 of title 18, United States Code, relating to civil forfeitures, except that such duties as are imposed on the Secretary of Treasury under the customs laws described in section 981(d) of title 18, United States Code, shall be performed by such officers, agents, and other persons as may be designated for that purpose by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General. (3) CRIMINAL FORFEITURE.— (A) FORFEITURE.—Any person who is convicted under paragraph (1) shall, in addition to any other penalty, forfeit to the United States— (i) any property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, used or intended to be used, in any manner, to commit or facilitate the violation or attempted violation of paragraph (1); and (ii) any property, real or personal, tangible or intangible, constituting or traceable to the gross proceeds taken, obtained, or retained, in connection with or as a result of the violation. (B) PROCEDURE.—The criminal forfeiture of property under this paragraph, including any seizure and disposition of the property, and any related judicial proceeding, shall be governed by the provisions of section 413 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 853), except subsections (a) and (d) of that section.
You read that right, you could be fined up to A MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS for knowingly violating the restrict act, so all those people telling you to "just use a VPN" to keep using TikTok? Guess what? That falls under the criminal guidelines of this bill and they're giving you some horrible fucking advice.
Also, VPN's as a whole, if this bill passes, will take a goddamn nose dive in this country because they are another thing that will be covered in this bill.
They chose the perfect name for it, RESTRICT, because that's what it's going to do to our freedoms in this so called "land of the free".
Please, if you are a United States citizen of voting age reach out to your legislature and tell them you do not want this to pass and you will vote against them in the next primary if it does. This is a make or break moment for you if you're younger. Do not allow your generation to suffer a second Patriot Act like those of us that unfortunately allowed for the first one to happen.
And if you support this, I can only assume you're delusional or a paid shill, either way I hope you rot in whatever hell you believe in.
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djuvlipen · 7 months
A 6yo girl died of electrocution in a Romani camp in Italy last month. this is what racialized poverty looks like; children are always among the first victims. may she rest in peace
04 March 2024
The Saturday before she was due to start school, six-year-old Michelle died by electrocution in the Roma camp in Via Carrafiello di Giugliano in Naples. Despite desperate attempts to resuscitate the girl, who had brushed against exposed electrical cables, she was pronounced dead at about three p.m. on the 13 January 2024. 
Allegedly, distressed family members caused a disturbance at the hospital and were accused of attacking health care personnel and police. This ‘chaos’ quickly became the focus of local media attention, and coverage of the tragic death of a child quickly morphed into an issue of public order and security.   
Deputy Francesco Emilio Borrelli of the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, weighed in by describing the Giugliano camp “populated by violent people whose lifestyle is many times beyond the law” as one of many “outlaw settlements where children are abandoned to degradation”; and declaring his solidarity with the emergency room doctors and the police. 
After a meeting of the committee for public order and safety, the prefect of Naples, Michele Di Bari, set the objectives for the local administration “Clean the camp from waste in the next few weeks and start the transfer of a Roma family of around 40 people, to an asset confiscated from organized crime.” 
The authorities responded with a blitz on the camp coordinated by local police, and supported by Carabinieri, military personnel and employees of the water company. Waste was removed, electrical cables made safe, vehicles seized, and the water supply was disconnected, leaving about 450 Romani people without access to water by 25 January. Behind the expressions of concern about the safety of children, the official stance is – to borrow a phrase from Matteo Salvini – one of “Legalità, ordine e rispetto prima di tutto!” (Legality, order and respect before all).
The reporter from Avvenire tells a different story, of bereaved families, wrongly accused of affray at the hospital, routinely scapegoated and repeatedly evicted. After the seventh eviction they ended up on this long-abandoned industrial site, amongst the rubble and mud, without water or electricity, except for illegal connections – an ‘informal settlement’ in officialese. In reality, a squalid and precarious site, where 200 Romani children subsist in conditions that do nothing to nurture “an atmosphere of happiness” for the “full and harmonious development of his or her personality”, envisaged in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
In a submission to the UN Human Rights Council back in 2014, ERRC research revealed that Romani children raised in camps across Italy were prone to a number of severe and debilitating conditions: they suffered from high levels of anxiety, were more frequently born underweight, and became ill with respiratory disease in greater numbers. They suffered more often from poisoning, burns and accidents at home. There was a greater incidence of “diseases of poverty”, such as tuberculosis, scabies, and lice.
The roots of the crisis can be traced back to official policies in the 1990s which placed Roma in segregated ‘nomad camps’. Things worsened with Berlusconi’s illegal declaration of a State of Emergency to combat the so-called ‘Roma menace’ in 2008. This overtly racist demonisation of Romani people heralded a prolonged period of mass evictions and destruction of camps, harassment, expulsions, mob violence and pogroms against Roma communities. Up to this day, the legacy of this illegal state of exception still afflicts Roma, as successive governments have failed, or simply refused to honour the commitment to ‘get beyond the system of camps.’ 
For its part, the European Commission chose to remain silent in the face of mounting and overwhelming evidence of systemic anti-Roma discrimination, forced evictions and camp segregation. On 6 April 2017, The Financial Times reported that the European Commission had repeatedly blocked publication of a report which recommended sanctions against Italy for mistreatment of its Roma minority, in an attempt to avoid a damaging public row. Seven years later, little has changed in Brussels, and the Commission has consistently kept schtum on this issue.
On 20 May 2019, in response to an emergency case was brought before the court by Associazione 21 luglio and the ERRC, the European Court of Human Rights ordered the Italian Government to provide suitable accommodation for the 73 Romani families who were forcibly evicted from Giugliano the previous week. The court recognised the right to family unity and the need to provide adequate housing to the 450 Roma who had been evicted, and were camped in an area with no shelter, and were forced to sleep inside cars or outdoors, despite the difficult weather conditions, without access to electricity, clean water or toilets. And this is where Michelle and her friends spent the next four years.
Despite the availability of EU funds, the precarious living conditions endured by the Roma remained unresolved. On 12 January 2021, the Campania Regional Council approved the "Abramo" project worth €846,000 for a path of housing, work and social integration of the Roma populations of Giugliano in Campania. As is all too painfully evident, no tangible progress had been made on housing, and as Avvenire noted, in the aftermath of this latest tragedy “now the focus is on the reuse of houses confiscated from the Camorra.” As part of the education path of the Abramo project, “Interventions on school integration have started and yesterday Michelle would have gone to school with the apron and backpack given to her.” Instead, on that first day at school for the cohort of Romani kids, one desk remained empty.
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Ilana Berger at MMFA:
The Biden administration is cutting car pollution and incentivizing automakers to produce electric vehicles. Right-wing media repeatedly misconstrued these efforts, falsely claiming they were attempting to take away voters’ gas-powered cars or forcing them to buy electric vehicles. No such federal mandate exists. Yet now the Trump-Vance campaign has adopted this false claim.
Harris has supported efforts to expand access to electric vehicles during her time as vice president, but that did not include a federal mandate
The EPA finalized a tailpipe emissions rule in March, but it was not a mandate. In March, the EPA established tailpipe emissions standards for the auto industry in a bid to slash greenhouse gas emissions. According to NPR, “The EPA rules are not written as an EV mandate or a ban on the sale of gas cars. … Instead, the EPA sets standards that apply across an entire fleet – meaning an automaker still can make vehicles with higher emissions, as long as they also make enough very low or zero-emission vehicles that it averages out.” [NPR, 3/20/24]
E&E News clarified that “there is no EV ‘mandate’ from the administration, although President Joe Biden and Vice President Harris have backed a series of climate policies that seek to incentivize the production and purchasing of EVs.” [ E&E News, 9/3/24]  
The New York Times also wrote of the EPA rule that it “does not mandate sales of electric vehicles, and consumers can still buy and drive gas-powered cars.” [The New York Times, 3/20/24]
The Inflation Reduction Act allocated billions toward supporting the adoption of EVs through tax credits, loans, and funding for charging networks, critical minerals, and battery manufacturing. Harris cast the tie-breaking vote that passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which created $47 billion in EV investment on top of tax credits and loans. [Atlas EV Hub, 9/2/22; accessed 9/6/22; Twitter/X, 8/7/24]  
Harris also oversaw parts of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that distributed funding to school districts for electric buses and to states for EV charging stations.The act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, provided $7.5 billion to build a network of charging stations, and $900 million of that went to the electric school bus initiative. [AP News, 12/13/21; Spectrum News, 5/29/24]
Donald Trump’s campaign has echoed right-wing media lies about electric vehicles, such as falsely insinuating that Kamala Harris and the Democrats want to eliminate gas-powered cars and that they have issued an EV mandate (when no such thing exists).
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whumpster-fire · 10 months
25 Exciting Phrases to Spice Up Your Next Business e-Mail
1: "Dear Motherfucker,"
2: "To whom it may concern, as well as the entire company directory who I am cc'ing because none of you care about my time so I don't care about yours,"
3: If you'd like to know why I am sending this e-mail, please consider reading it for fucking once."
4: "If I do not see conclusive evidence of your head being out of your ass in the next 3-5 business days, I will remove it from your shoulders."
5: "Please attach a current headshot and resume: the latter so I can laugh at your alleged qualifications, the former so I can print it out and put it on a dartboard as advised by HR's Anger Management Seminar"
6: "Due to the considerable destructive forces at my command,"
7: "Cc'ing The Pope on this one to keep him in the loop since the magnitude of this clusterfuck is nothing short of Biblical,"
8: "This is the fourth e-mail I have sent asking you to do your goddamn job. The fifth will be attached to a brick hurled through your office window. You do not want to know what the sixth will be, so get your shit together ASAP please."
9: "Please keep in mind that refraining from inappropriate use of the Reply All button is the only thing separating us from descending into complete Lord Of the Flies anarchy."
10: "All, please review the selection of Dilbert cartoons attached below and reflect on how they might be relevant to the current situation and your role in it."
11: "The Carpool Committee has unanimously voted to play exclusively Alvin And the Chipmunks songs in any vehicle you are a passenger in for a month the next time you schedule a mandatory meeting before 8 AM."
12: "The potted Ficus tree by the 4th Floor break room will be taking the lead on this project from this point on since it is more qualified than any of you."
13: "I didn't think I needed to inform everyone that 'accidentally' stapling your balls to get out of Company Spirit Meetings early is against company policy. However,"
14: "Due to recent events, any personal office supplies brought from home, e.g. paperweights, must now be checked with a Geiger counter."
15: "Please be advised that if you reply with a question that indicates you have not read and understood the list of action items below in its entirety, I will kick you in the teeth so hard you will chew with your appendix in the future."
16: "We regret to announce that Sean is now an outlaw and no longer protected by our Workplace Violence Policy. This decision was not made lightly, but the current situation re: the break room microwaves has forced our hand. Cc'ing Sean to keep him in the loop."
17: "Please keep in mind that you are neither the most profitable nor the most important of our clients, and your disproportionate share of billable hours is due primarily to your whininess, entitled attitude, and inability to give a straight answer."
18: "If you feel the need to contact me outside my scheduled hours, please write your issue on a piece of letter sized paper, then roll it up, seal it inside a glass bottle, and cast it into the ocean. This will get a faster response than emailing, calling, or texting me at 1 in the fucking morning."
19: "Team, As a result of employees being bombarded with hundreds of e-mails after inadvertently hitting reply all, we are now instituting the following change to our e-mail communication policy: to help prevent duplicate corrections, when admonishing a coworker who you feel has used Reply All inappropriately, please make sure to use Reply All as well so the other recipients can see that the responsible party has already been notified of their mistake."
20: "Cc'ing you on every e-mail about this issue due to your record of not giving a shit about a problem unless your time is being wasted."
21: "Please do not disturb the protective circle of salt around the 2nd fridge from the left in the break room, and do not under any circumstances open it without appropriate PPE and an escort from an old priest and a young priest."
22: "After consulting with Legal and HR, we have determined that the ficus tree by the 4th floor break room dispersing pollen into the office environment does not constitute a violation of our sexual harassment policy. Also, please be advised that the ficus tree is female and is not the source of your pollen allergies. No disciplinary action will be taken against it. However, your repeated complaints targeted at the ficus tree based on its status as a plant may constitute a hostile work environment. Please meet with HR ASAP to discuss this further."
23: "Team, Placing an 'Elf On the Shelf' in any location on company premises or within your home office where it may be able to see, overhear, or access proprietary information will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Company proprietary data may not be divulged to any unauthorized third parties, and that includes Santa Claus."
24: "Cc'ing Santa Claus to keep him in the loop on this one."
25: "Sincerely, The Only Guy Who Does His Goddamn Job Around Here."
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thedgeofreality · 1 year
His good girl
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a/n: I kept thinking about officer Elvis and decided I had to write a smut story about it, so here it is!! Let me know if you want a part 2 because I have a few ideas.
summary: You get pulled over by Elvis. He searches you and takes you to the station, but you never arrive as the car ride gets a little wild.
pairing: reader x police officer Elvis
warnings: 18+ smut!!! Big age gap. P in V, oral (m receiving), cuffs involved obviously, married E.
wc: 2.7K
You had finally gotten your own car. So you went out for a drive late at night. Everything was going swell until you saw the red and blue lights behind you. Police, of course, you had to get pulled over on your first drive. Yes, you were going a little fast but why wouldn't you? I'm sure the officer would understand, right?
He got out of the car, in full police uniform and colored sunglasses. You watched him approach you through the mirror, you quickly rolled down your window. "Good evening officer." You said as he stood by your window.
"Good evening ma'am, do you have any idea how fast you were going?" He asked looking down at you. You were taught to always deny everything they were saying so you did. "Hmm no officer, no idea." You said looking up at him.
He sighed. "Well, I’m gonna need you to show me your license and registration please."
Fuck. you didn't have your license on you. "Uhm yes of course." You said and handed him the registration. He took his sunglasses off and you could finally look in his eyes. He looked at the registration carefully and you stared at his face. Shit, he's handsome. Are they all this attractive? Maybe you should speed more often you thought and smiled.
He handed the registration back and leaned down getting closer to you. "Have you been drinking or smoking tonight?" He asked and scanned your face. You shook your head. "No officer."
He nodded. "That's good. So you really didn't have any drink?" He asked, still not fully believing you.
"Well, I may have had one glass of wine." You said truthfully and he chuckled. "Okay, well that’s not enough to get you drunk but just remember that having too much alcohol can cause problems later on down the road. How old are you?" He asked.
"I'm 22, officer." He nodded and stood straight up again, backing away a little. "Mind stepping out of the vehicle for me."
You nodded and got out of the car, standing in front of him. "Good. turn around and face away from me." You faced away from him. "Hands on the car please." He said and you placed your hands on the car. You were getting nervous even though you knew he wasn't gonna find anything. You truly didn't have anything on you. "Good girl. I'm just going to pat you down quickly." He said and you nodded. "O-okay officer."
He chuckled. "No worries, I’ll make sure to be gentle with you. Just relax and let me take care of things."
"Alright." You said and breathed slowly in hopes to calm your nerves. "Good job, sweetie. Now this may feel kind of funny but bear with me okay?" You nod.
You stop breathing for a split second as you feel him start to search you. You were frozen as soon as you felt his touch. His touch was warm and gentle. You felt butterflies rise as he touched your waist and felt your legs. "Nothing yet huh?" He said slowly as he felt one last time.
You chuckled as he stopped and you turned to face him again. You hoped he couldn't notice the blush on your cheeks. "Nope, I told you I'm a good girl, officer." You say smiling at him.
He sighed staring into your eyes. "Well, you know what they say, “Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, thrice is a pattern”. So maybe it’s time to give up."
"Wait what?" You asked. "Have I done something wrong officer?"
He nodded. "Yes. You lied to me. Twice actually." You looked at him confused. "What when?"
"When you said you were a good girl and when you said you didn't drink anything." He stated and you nodded. "So?"
"It’s against policy for us to accept false confessions so...I think I’m going to need to ask you to come along with me to headquarters." He said and you felt your heart drop. That was not happening.
"I'm not coming with you." You said and he chuckled. "Well, then I'll have to handcuff you." You sighed.
"Here, let's get this over with quickly." He takes out his handcuffs and puts them around your wrists.
"Do you really have to put them on?" You ask already feeling it burn in your wrists. "Yeah, sorry about that. They're standard issue." He replies and you sigh. "Fine."
"Come along, get in." He said opening the back door for you. "Can you lock my car for me?" You ask and get in the back seat. He nods and walks back to your car to lock it. He gets in the front seat and starts the engine.
"There ya go. We'll be at headquarters in an hour. Just try not to struggle too much okay?" He said and you nodded. "Sure. So you always work alone at this hour?" You ask.
He nodded. "Usually yeah. I only work with someone else during the day." He replied. He looked straight ahead at the road.
"That's exciting." You say, smiling at him. Though he wouldn't see anyway. "What is?"
"Just this, us alone." You reply and he gave a slight nod "Oh well sure. But we can't exactly hang out together all day. Besides, you got a lot of explaining to do."
You sigh at him. "I did nothing wrong officer, I told you." He chuckled. "That may be true but I'd rather hear more at the station before I decide whether or not to charge you."
"Hmm... Fine. Can I ask you something?" You say, staring at him through the rearview mirror. "Sure."
You stared at his hands and smiled to yourself. "Do you have a girl?"
"Why do you ask?" He furrowed his brows, looking at you through the mirror. "Well, you're not wearing a ring." You reply and flashed him a smile.
"Well no, not right now anyway."
"So you're single?" You ask and he shakes his head. "No, why?"
"Can't I be interested in the handsome officer that pulled me over?" You say smirking a bit. He chuckles at your response. "You're very forward aren't you?"
"Well yeah, maybe a little." You chuckled. "So what's your name by the way?" He asked.
"Y/N, I would shake your hand, but you cuffed me up, officer." You replied. "Don't worry about that."
"It's okay, I like it." You said smirking and you saw him raise his eyebrow a bit. "Really?" You nodded and hummed. "Well, good for you then." He said.
"Hmm yeah. Too bad I'm sitting in the back seat." You sighed. "Must suck huh?"
You nodded. "Yeah, why don't I get a good treatment?" You asked softly and you heard him chuckle again. "Maybe because you've been caught speeding and driving without a license." You scoffed. "Yeah well... can't I change your mind on this?" You asked and he shook his head. "No dear, you'll have to deal with the consequences."
You then thought of an idea. Of course, you can change his mind. There's no way he can resist and even if he does you at least tried.
You leaned in closer to his ear. "I can be your good girl you know." You whispered seductively in his ear.
"I appreciate the offer but I'm married actually." He replied and you mentally punched yourself. "Then where is your ring?" You ask. "Had to take it off for work." He replied and you hummed.
"Hmm, so you've never thought of seeing someone else? Someone new and younger?" You asked and he shook his head a little. "Nope never felt that way towards anyone."
You got closer to his ear again and whispered "Maybe I can change your mind officer." You leaned closer and gently kissed him behind his ear.
He shuddered slightly as you kiss him. "What if we get caught?" He asked and you smiled, thinking you had finally convinced him. "No one will find out, I promise." You say and gently run a finger over his cheek. "But what if they do?" He asked. "They won't, officer."
He shook his head trying to convince himself this wasn't right. "That's too bad, 'cause I love my wife."
"Oh yeah? So I don't excite you?" You ask and smirk. You could tell he was excited as the tent in his pants was very, very obvious. "Of course not! Why would you say such a thing?" He said with a shaky voice and you chuckled. "I can tell you're lying." You said and kissed the back of his neck. "Fine, fine. Yes, I am lying." He said and you smiled.
"Mm, so why don't you let me treat you well?" You whisper and bite his earlobe gently, playfully. "Okay, okay. Just stop teasing." He said.
"Okay, I'm getting in the passenger seat then." You say and smile. "Good choice." He says and you nodded. You carefully jumped over to get in the passenger seat, making sure not to hit him.  "Hey there." You say smiling and kissing his cheek. "Gonna treat you so well, officer."
"Thank you, I guess." He says and chuckles. "Ah ah don't give me an attitude officer." You say and slide both your hands up his thigh as you were still cuffed. "O-okay." He says and you smirk. You slowly unbutton and unzip his pants, smiling when you see he wasn't wearing boxers. "So excited for me aren't you officer?" You say and grab his hardened cock gently, slowly stroking him. "N-no what are you doing?" He says panicking slightly. Looking down at his cock in your hands for a second before looking back at the road. "Treating you well, come on just give in." You say smirking and stroking him a little faster.
"N-no." He says gripping the wheel tightly. "You are enjoying this I can tell. You're stuttering and blushing." You smirk at him and he sighs. "Uh huh, but please be gentle." He says whimpering slightly as you speed up. "You ready officer?"
"Yeah, just hurry up." He says his voice sounding breathy due to the arousal. You lean down closer to his crotch and kitten lick the tip of his cock teasingly. "Don't rush me, sir." You say. "Mmmhh.. okay sorry." He says moaning softly.
"Good boy." You say, licking his shaft a few times before taking him in your mouth. "Ahh." He moans softly trying to keep his eyes on the road. You slowly start bobbing your head and trace his veins with your tongue. He lets out a groan and his hips buck slightly. You feel his cock hit the back of your throat for a split second, you moan around him. He grips the steering wheel tighter, trying not to make any sudden movements. "Oh god damn." He moans softly. "Doing so well darlin'." He says. You try to take him in as deep as possible and he whines a little. "Christ. Do that again and I'll cum, honey." He says softly and so you take his in as deep as possible again, trying not to gag. You feel his tip hit the back of your throat and then you feel the warm hot liquid shoot in your mouth. He groans loudly as he lets go. You swallow his cum.
You pull his cock out of your mouth and sit back in the seat. "Mm, that was nice, huh?" You say smirking at him. "You're crazy." He says, his voice deep and husky. "How was that?" You asked.
"Fine." He simply said, staring at the road. You sighed. "You can admit I was good."
"Hmm alright, you were good." He says and you nodded. "Thank you, I bet that was the best head you ever had." You say teasingly and he chuckles. "It might just be." He said softly and you smiled. He just admitted you were better than his wife.
"So how old are you?" You asked. He knew you were 22 but he never told you his age. You were sure he was much older and that was good. You liked older men anyway. "I'm 39." He said. Perfect. Exactly what you were hoping he would say.
"Good, I like older men." You say softly and he hummed. "Older men huh? Must have some bad experiences with them." He says and you nodded. "Yeah, but they knew how to please me." You replied and he chuckled. "Interesting."
You were still feeling pretty aroused from giving him a blowjob and you needed relief so without thinking you slipped your hand down your skirt. Resting the other hand on your thigh, the cuffs digging into your skin. He looked at you for a second before looking back in front of him. "What are you doing?"
"Don't worry about it, just keep driving." You say and moan softly as you start rubbing your clit gently. "But..." He said in a whisper. "What?"
"I'm just curious." He said biting his bottom lip. You insert one finger inside your hole and moaned softly. "Just need relief."
He stays silent for a second. "Do you want my help?" He asks and you smirk. "Mm, yes definitely."
He nods and quickly pulls the car over, turning the engine off and looking at you. "Keep going." He said, looking at you touching yourself. You insert another finger and start pumping faster. You moan softly. He leans in closer to you. "Tell me when you're close." He says smirking while watching you more intently. "Mm, I'm getting close." You say and he nods. "That's good, keep going." He said and he felt his cock growing harder again as you continued to touch yourself.
"Good girl." He says softly and put his hand on your thigh. You moaned as you got closer to cumming. He grabs your wrists and moves your hands away from your pussy. He sucks your fingers clean and looks into your eyes. You moan softly at the sight. "Want more?" He asks smirking, letting go of your hand. You nodded eagerly "Yes please."
He leans back in his seat and spreads his legs, patting his lap. "Come here and ride me." You crawl on his lap and take your panties off. Lining him up with your entrance. "You ready?" He asks and you nod. "Then go ahead, honey." He says as he thrusts his hips upward a bit. You slowly sink down on him and moan. "You like that don't you?" He says smirking as he looks into your eyes. "Yeah so much." He grabs your hips tightly. You moan softly as you start moving on his cock slowly. "Oh god." You moan softly and feel yourself get weak, unable to move. He chuckles as you lean against his chest and he lifts your hips a bit. "Mm there, good girl." He groans softly as he starts thrusting up in you. You moan loudly.
"Oh yeah, let it out, honey." He says as he starts thrusting harder and deeper. You close your eyes and hold on to him tightly as you get lost in the moment, focusing on the way he feels inside of you. You grab his shoulder, the cuffs around your wrists making you even more aroused. "So tight, squeezing my cock so bad." He said and you moaned in response. "Keep moaning like that and I won't last." He says sounding breathy once again as he thrusts into you at a fast and hard pace.
You kiss him passionately and he makes sure to return the kiss. His hands tighten on your hips as his hips begin to stutter. You pulled back from the kiss to announce you were going to cum. "Me too darlin'." He says softly.
His thrusts became sloppy and you came on his moaning loudly as you gripped harder at his shoulder. Your orgasm hit you hard and seeing you cum was enough to push him over the edge. He keeps thrusting for a while and cums inside you. You ride your orgasms out before he pulls you off him and sets you back on the seat.
"So am I still in trouble?" You ask and he laughs. "No honey, not anymore." He says and kissed your forehead. He zips his pants back up and turns the engine back on. He turns the car around and brings you back to your car. "Am I gonna see you again?" He asks while finally uncuffing you. And you nod. "Yes officer, just give me a call." You say and hand him your number.
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upismediacenter · 5 months
OPINION: STOP THE E-JEEP! #NoToJeepneyPhaseout
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Commuter or not, every Filipino is familiar with jeepneys. Once dubbed “King of the Roads”, jeepneys are a symbol of Philippine culture and resourcefulness, as they were made from converted jeeps left by American troops after World War II. As the most popular public transport vehicle in our country for decades, these jeepneys are now at risk of disappearing, causing public uproar.
The controversy surrounding the phasing out of jeepneys first sparked in 2017 when the government launched the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP). The program’s goal is to replace the old model jeepneys with modern electronic jeepneys (e-jeeps) that are claimed to guarantee cleaner emissions and improved safety. This has been met with several worries that could adversely affect the Filipino populace.
Public unrest over the jeepney phaseout has been going on for years. The consolidation deadline for Public Utility Vehicles (PUVs) which included jeepneys, UV Expresses, and Filcab units was extended three times. The first was due to the COVID-19 pandemic and multiple protests from transport groups, which affected the government’s original plan to consolidate PUVs in March 2020. As a result, it was rescheduled at the end of last year, December 31, 2023. The second extension was on January 31, 2024, to allow unconsolidated PUVs to ply their routes with the stipulation of being barred from joining cooperatives and corporations. The third and “final” deadline was on April 30, 2024—three months after the last deadline—to allow driver-operators one last time to consolidate, or else they would not be allowed to ply their routes. Amid these several deadlines, protests and strikes are unwavering as dissents push for the PUVMP to be suspended, arguing that imposing deadline extensions does not address the structural problems of the modernization program.
One day before the “final” deadline, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) declared that unconsolidated jeepneys have a 15-day leeway to continue their usual routes before they are impounded. Again, this is another smokescreen from the systemic issues brought by the modernization program. The PUVMP must be suspended, as it ostensibly presents more problems than solutions. If the PUVMP truly is for the people, why is there a persistent and contentious pushback by the public?
Enforcing deadlines and giving grace periods for jeepney drivers only delays—the government must suspend the PUVMP and reevaluate its effectiveness. Displacing and disenfranchising jeepney drivers from their livelihoods defeats the purpose of an inclusive and sustainable program as the PUVMP endorses itself to be.
Who are those affected?
Jeepney drivers are most affected by the modernization program. If they choose not to consolidate with cooperatives and corporations or cannot afford an e-jeep alone, their vehicles will be impounded, taking away their only source of income. Additionally, commuters, UP Diliman constituents, and other sectors also have to bear the cost of the PUVMP due to the policies and funds allocated to this program.
The transport group for jeepney drivers, Pagkakaisa ng mga Samahan ng Tsuper at Opereytor Nationwide, more commonly known as PISTON, is the leading opposition group against the PUVMP. First established in 1981, PISTON serves as an organization that aims to promote the welfare and democratic rights of jeepney drivers. In 2013, they launched a campaign against the oil price hike, directed at the country’s main petroleum companies, namely Petron, Shell, and Chevron. Since the government has revealed plans to phase out jeepneys over 15 years old, they have been organizing protests against the PUVMP, criticizing its anti-poor policies and prioritizing for-profit corporate consolidation.
The PUVMP pressures jeepney drivers to switch to e-jeeps or new combustion engine vehicles that meet Euro IV emission standards which only permit carbon monoxide (CO) emissions of 1.0g/km for gasoline and 0.5g/km for diesel vehicles. Units and parts that make up the e-jeep are imported from other countries, which is why they are priced as high as PHP 3 million. While the modernization program offers subsidies of PHP 160 thousand through loan programs by the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) and the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) to help offset the costs, this amount is only 5.7% of the total cost of a modern jeepney. Jeepney drivers state that they will need to make around PHP 3.5 thousand each day to pay off the debt from switching to an e-jeep, but at the moment, they only make around PHP 2 thousand a day.
The large amount of money that needs to be spent transitioning to modern e-jeeps is the main concern of dissent to this program. Replacing a huge fleet of jeepneys requires massive resources, taking away from vital sectors such as education and healthcare. Additionally, the PUVMP disproportionately affects low-income citizens—specifically, jeepney drivers who mostly come from low-income families and struggle to meet the high e-jeep cost. The debt burden forces them to work longer hours just to break even, negatively impacting their livelihood. Jeepney drivers worry that the transition to e-jeeps or new combustion engine vehicles will exacerbate their financial burdens and force them to work longer hours just to break even.
Furthermore, units from local manufacturing companies such as eFrancisco Motor Corporation and Sarao Jeepneys are still priced at around PHP 2.5 million, further putting jeepney drivers at odds with the financial burden of the PUVMP. With large corporations dominating the market and the PUVMP’s policy to consolidate driver-operators to cooperative-led fleets, this raises concerns of corporate takeover and the economic marginalization of jeepney drivers. Since large companies are the ones who have the capacity to fully adhere to the program, jeepney drivers are left disenfranchised because of their financial disadvantage.
Commuters are also affected heavily by this program. Modern jeeps usually charge higher fares because, aside from the initial cost of modernization, their maintenance and repair costs are higher than the traditional jeepneys’. This adds more financial problems to Filipinos already facing higher living expenses as a result of inflation rates. Moreover, unfamiliar technology could present a significant challenge for traditional drivers transitioning to modern jeepneys, leading to potential operational difficulties and increased maintenance expenses.
Constituents of UP Diliman (UPD) share similar concerns. The UP Transport Group (UPTG), which consists of jeepney drivers from all routes around the campus such as Ikot, Toki, UP-Pantranco, UP-Philcoa, and UP-Katipunan, organized a silent strike on December 13, 2023, in protest of the earlier December 31 deadline. Based on interviews with the UPD Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs Roehl Jamon, UP jeepney drivers may have to comply with the modernization. According to Jamon, the only two options they have are for the university to pay for the units themselves, which cost about PHP 1.4 to 3 million each, or for the university to partner with transport cooperatives that already own modernized units and invite them to service the campus, which is the less expensive option between the two. Although the latter is cheaper, this still gives way for corporations to take advantage of the modernization program.
Jeepneys are extensively used by UP college students and students of UP Integrated School (UPIS) for commuting to and from the university campus because they charge less than other PUVs. However, these fares could be completely changed by the PUVMP’s effect on jeepney availability and rates, possibly altering their daily commutes by making them spend more on transport alternatives or by forcing them to look for different routes. This might put additional financial burden as well as longer hours of travel in their everyday life, affecting not only their academic performance but also their general welfare.
Moreover, the PUVMP is taking attention and funding from other sectors that have more pressing needs. In particular, the Department of Education (DepEd) is significantly impacted by lack of funding. Classroom and teacher shortages have been notable areas of concern with an estimated 165,444 classrooms and nearly 90,000 teachers needed. According to DepEd, PHP 105 billion would be needed each year up until 2030 to address the classroom shortage, while PHP 5.6 billion would be needed to hire 20,000 teachers in the upcoming school year, as discussed in the Senate plenary deliberations on the proposed 2024 national budget. Aside from the education sector, the Department of Health (DOH) has been grappling with vaccine shortages, namely pertussis, which has led to 54 infant deaths since the beginning of the year. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), in 2022, the Philippines was among the top 5 contributors to the 18 million zero-dose children in the world. Despite this and multiple warnings from health authorities, the Philippines still hasn’t fully addressed this vaccine gap, leaving one million unvaccinated Filipino children vulnerable and susceptible to life-threatening diseases such as polio, measles, and tuberculosis. In light of these issues, resources should be prioritized in these matters instead of the PUVMP. Action must be taken immediately to address these pressing concerns and ensure the well-being of the Filipino people.
Are E-jeeps really the “better option”?
According to a study by the Center for Energy, Ecology, and Development (CEED), jeepneys only make up about 2% of the total registered vehicles in the nation and PUVs only contribute about 15% of the total particulate matter emissions in Metro Manila. If the PUVMP aims to transform our public transportation into becoming more sustainable and environmentally friendly, this number does not justify the relentless pressure on jeepney drivers to consolidate. The PUVMP will only contribute 2% to the country’s vehicles that cause pollution. This raises the question of the significance of its impact on saving the environment and reducing emissions in the long run. Additionally, modern jeepneys still run on fossil fuels, such as petroleum oil, defeating the purpose of the program’s goal of creating a more environmentally friendly public transport system. In the same study by CEED, it was argued that solely focusing modernization efforts on jeepneys to reduce air pollution would be negligible. Taking this into account, the government should instead consider upgrading traditional jeepneys to meet the proposed emission standards which would be cheaper for the program.
Furthermore, as said in a paper by the UP Center for Integrative and Developmental Studies, drawing from the current rate of assembly of modern jeepneys, it will take an estimated 270 years before all traditional jeepneys in the country are replaced. This begs the question of why the government keeps enforcing deadlines when it will take almost three centuries before all jeepneys are replaced with e-jeeps.
The PUVMP, while well-intentioned, presents a flawed solution. The environmental costs being too high, the unjust burden on the poor, and the uncertain consequences of such a drastic transition are strong arguments for reconsideration. The government should consider other options like rehabilitating existing jeepneys and using cleaner-burning fuels. One example that can be improved with the government’s help is the rehabilitated jeepney proposed by the Libmanan Transport Service Cooperative (LIBTRASCO). This model includes all government-specified features of the modernized jeepney—such as a side door, a higher ceiling, bigger windows, and even stabilizers to account for the increased height. Compared to e-jeeps, these rehabilitated models only cost around PHP 400 thousand to PHP 500 thousand, making them more affordable for jeepney drivers. Though the rehabilitated jeepney still uses the jeepney’s diesel engine, it can still be adapted to use a Euro 4 engine and even include air conditioning. If the government chooses to work with LIBTRASCO and retrofit the rehabilitated jeepney as an alternative, the Philippines can then improve its transport system while keeping its traditional jeepneys and people’s livelihoods by prioritizing affordability, inclusiveness, and a sustainable future.
Modernization shouldn’t be at the expense of the workers. The primary reason why many are aggressively opposing the program is that the welfare of jeepney drivers was not carefully considered when they should be the center of the solution. For the past years that the modernization program has been implemented, instead of listening to the pleas and concerns of jeepney drivers, commuters, and other constituents, the government has kept imposing the jeepney consolidation and resisting any demands by the public.
Taking all of this into account, we must request the government to prioritize policies that consider the money and power of all citizens, especially those from poor backgrounds. This includes subsidizing the move towards modern vehicles or examining other options that do not oppress marginalized communities. Instead of pushing jeepney drivers to consolidate and buy e-jeeps, the government should consider exploring and supporting initiatives that use cleaner-burning fuels and retrofitting existing jeepneys to meet emission standards to help maintain the environment in its sustainable state without overhauling the iconic jeepney fleet.
Above all else, this transition must be led by the workers—jeepney drivers whom the public has relied on for decades. Development must be made with the public in mind, not without.
// by Kela Alcantara & Xia Mentes
Abarca, C. (2024, March 21). Calabarzon, Metro Manila top classroom shortage list – DepEd. INQUIRER.net. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1921036/fwd-on-public-classroom-shortage#:~:text=The%20estimated%20total%20number%20of,country’s%20classroom%20shortage%20by%202030
Ansis, JC (December 14, 2015). "Piston: Continuing to fight for the transport sector". CNN Philippines. https://web.archive.org/web/20190131083905/http://cnnphilippines.com/news/2015/12/14/piston-protests-continuing-to-fight-for-transport-sector.html
Bautista, P., Moya, R. (2023, September 3). Jeepney modernization program: Drivers have a steep price to pay. Philstar.com. https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2023/09/03/2293549/jeepney-modernization-program-drivers-have-steep-price-pay
CEED Office. (2018, November). Just Transition in the Philippines. CEED. https://ceedphilippines.com/just-transition-in-the-philippines/
Conde, M. (2019, November 16). Transport coop makes pitch for ‘affordable, safe’ rehabilitated jeepney. RAPPLER. https://www.rappler.com/nation/244909-camarines-sur-transport-cooperative-rehabilitated-jeepney/
Dimalanta, R. Atienza, J. Samonte E. (2023). Putting Transport Workers and Commuters First: The Route to Just Transition in Public Transport Modernization. UP CIDS Policy Brief. ISSN 2619-7286.
Gatarin, G. (2024), Modernising the ‘king of the road’: Pathways for just transitions for the Filipino jeepney. Urban Governance. 4(1). 37-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ugj.2023.11.002
Golez, P. (2024, January 24). Marcos extends jeepney consolidation deadline til April 30. POLITIKO. https://politiko.com.ph/2024/01/24/marcos-extends-jeepney-consolidation-deadline-til-april-30/daily-feed/
Latoza, G. (2023, December 15). What are UP’s plans for commuters amid PUVMP? Tinig ng Plaridel. https://www.tinigngplaridel.net/up-transport-puvmp/
Magramo, K. (2024, January 16). Philippines jeepneys: Will the loud, colorful vehicles soon disappear from the roads?. CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/16/asia/philippines-jeepney-phase-out-strikes-intl-hnk/index.html
Mendoza, T. C. (2021, February). Addressing the “blind side” of the government’s jeepney “modernization” program. University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Developmental Studies. 1-69. ISSN 2619-7456.
Mondoñedo-Ynot, L. (2024, April 10). April 30 is final deadline for Puv Consolidation. SunStar Publishing Inc. https://www.sunstar.com.ph/manila/april-30-is-final-deadline-for-puv-consolidation
Ombay, G. (2023, November 9). DepEd lacks nearly 90,000 teachers - Pia Cayetano. GMA News Online. https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/topstories/nation/887851/deped-lacks-nearly-90-000-teachers-pia-cayetano/story/
Pabustan, D. (2017, September 21). Euro 4, what does it mean and why do we need it?. AutoDeal.https://www.autodeal.com.ph/articles/car-features/euro-4-what-does-it-mean-and-why-do-we-need-it
Philippine Daily Inquirer. (2024, April 14). DOH’s Lack of Vaccine Urgency. INQUIRER.net. https://opinion.inquirer.net/172935/dohs-lack-of-vaccine-urgency
Presidential Communications Office. (2024, January 24). PBBM approves three-month extension of PUV Consolidation. https://pco.gov.ph/news_releases/pbbm-approves-three-month-extension-of-puv-consolidation/
RAC. (n.d.). Euro 1 to Euro 6 guide – find out your vehicle’s emissions standard. https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/advice/emissions/euro-emissions-standards/
Relativo, J. (2023, December 28). Unconsolidated jeepneys, UV Express “allowed to operate” until Jan. 31, 2024. Philstar.com. https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2023/12/28/2321963/unconsolidated-jeepneys-uv-express-allowed-operate-until-jan-31-2024
Relativo, J. (2024, April 30). Unconsolidated jeepneys given “15-day leeway” after consolidation deadline. Philstar.com. https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2024/04/30/2351543/unconsolidated-jeepneys-given-15-day-leeway-after-consolidation-deadline
Reyes, R. O. (2024, January 29). Jeepney drivers rejoice “partial victory” for phaseout extension. SunStar Publishing Inc. https://www.sunstar.com.ph/tacloban/jeepney-drivers-rejoice-partial-victory-for-phaseout-extension#:~:text=approved%20the%20extension%20for%20franchise
Rivas, R. (2023, March 7). In numbers: Why jeepney phaseout is anti-poor, will do little for environment. RAPPLER. https://www.rappler.com/business/numbers-why-government-phaseout-jeepneys-anti-poor-do-little-environment/
Santos, J. (2024, February 7). Consolidation extension is not what the protest demands. Philippine Collegian.https://phkule.org/article/1106/consolidation-extension-is-not-what-the-protest-demands
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beardedmrbean · 30 days
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RIGA - The Saeima today supported in principle amendments to the Road Traffic Law, which provide for the ban of vehicles registered in Belarus in Latvia.
The bill will be processed in a fast track procedure. It stipulates that vehicles registered in Belarus that are currently in Latvian territory must be removed or registered for road traffic in Latvia by October 31.
After the deadline, Belarusian vehicles will only be able to enter Latvia for one transit crossing of the Latvian territory, by applying in advance in the e-services provided by the Road Traffic Safety Directorate.
The Justice Ministry proposes to include two exceptions. The bill would not apply to persons with reduced mobility driving a vehicle registered in Belarus and entering to visit relatives in Latvia. In line with the recommendation of the Foreign Ministry, vehicles registered in Belarus will also be allowed to enter Latvia in special security cases. In these cases, persons will have to ask the Financial Intelligence Service for permission to enter the territory of Latvia.
Janis Vitenbergs (National Alliance), a member of the Saeima national economy, rural, environment and regional policy committee, stressed earlier in the session that such exceptions do not exist in the regulation on vehicles registered in Russia, which are already banned from entering Latvia.
Dace Melbarde (New Unity), Parliamentary Secretary of the Foreign Ministry, said that the Belarusian diaspora is very different from the Russian diaspora, noting that Belarusian opposition representatives had earlier called for the initial version of the draft law not to be supported. "That is why we are ready to be flexible if the political situation in Belarus changes," she said.
The plan is that in case of non-compliance with the new regulation, Latvia will be able to confiscate vehicles registered in Belarus in favor of Ukraine, supporting Ukrainians in their fight for independence.
The planned changes to the legislation will oblige owners of vehicles with Belarusian registration plates entering Latvia to re-register these vehicles in Latvia within a certain period of time, as well as to determine the consequences and liability of persons who fail to comply with these obligations.
It will also prevent the owners of these vehicles from evading responsibility for non-compliance with road traffic rules, explained the Transport Ministry.
A similar draft law was submitted by the opposition National Alliance, but was rejected by both the responsible committee and the Saeima at the end of June, saying that the Justice Ministry was already preparing a regulation.
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foxnangelseo · 4 months
Navigating the Indian Investment Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for International Investors
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India, with its vibrant economy, diverse market opportunities, and favorable regulatory environment, has emerged as an attractive destination for international investors seeking high returns and long-term growth prospects. From burgeoning sectors like technology and e-commerce to traditional industries such as manufacturing and agriculture, India offers a wealth of investment opportunities for savvy investors. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the Indian investment landscape, highlighting key sectors, regulatory considerations, investment strategies, and tips for international investors looking to capitalize on India's growth story.
Understanding the Indian Investment Landscape:
1. Economic Overview: India is the world's sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and one of the fastest-growing major economies globally. With a young and dynamic population, a burgeoning middle class, and increasing urbanization, India offers a vast consumer market and a favorable demographic dividend for investors.
2. Key Investment Sector: India's economy is diverse and offers investment opportunities across various sectors. Some of the key sectors attracting international investors include:
- Information Technology (IT) and Software Services
- E-commerce and Digital Payments
- Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
- Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
- Infrastructure and Real Estate
- Manufacturing and Automotive
- Agriculture and Agribusiness
3. Regulatory Environment: India has implemented several reforms to streamline its regulatory environment and improve the ease of doing business for investors. The government has introduced initiatives such as Make in India, Startup India, and Digital India to encourage investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) policies have been liberalized across various sectors, allowing greater foreign participation in the Indian economy.
4. Taxation and Legal Considerations: International investors should familiarize themselves with India's tax laws, regulations, and legal frameworks before making investment decisions. India has a progressive tax regime with corporate tax rates varying based on business structure, industry, and income levels. It's advisable to consult with tax advisors and legal experts to navigate the complexities of India's taxation and legal landscape.
Investment Strategies for International Investors:
1. Market Research and Due Diligence: Conduct thorough market research and due diligence to identify investment opportunities aligned with your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and sector preferences. Evaluate market trends, competitive dynamics, regulatory changes, and macroeconomic indicators to make informed investment decisions.
2. Diversification: Diversify your investment portfolio across different asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions to mitigate risks and maximize returns. Consider allocating capital to both high-growth sectors such as technology and healthcare, as well as stable sectors like infrastructure and consumer goods.
3. Long-Term Perspective: Adopt a long-term investment perspective when investing in India. While short-term market volatility and regulatory changes may occur, India's economic fundamentals remain strong, offering attractive growth prospects over the medium to long term. Patient investors can capitalize on India's demographic dividend and structural reforms to generate significant returns.
4. Partnering with Local Experts: Partnering with local investment advisors, financial institutions, and legal experts can provide valuable insights and guidance on navigating the Indian investment landscape. Local expertise can help international investors navigate regulatory hurdles, identify investment opportunities, and mitigate operational risks effectively.
5. Investment Vehicles: Evaluate different investment vehicles available for investing in India, including direct investments, private equity funds, venture capital funds, and mutual funds. Each investment vehicle offers unique benefits and risks, so it's essential to assess their suitability based on your investment goals and risk appetite.
Tips for International Investors:
1. Stay Informed: Stay updated on market developments, regulatory changes, and economic trends affecting the Indian investment landscape. Follow reputable financial news sources, attend industry conferences, and engage with local experts to stay informed and make timely investment decisions.
2. Network and Build Relationships: Networking with industry professionals, government officials, and fellow investors can provide valuable insights and access to investment opportunities in India. Join industry associations, attend networking events, and leverage social media platforms to expand your network and build relationships in the Indian business community.
3. Be Patient and Persistent: Investing in India requires patience, persistence, and a long-term commitment. Building relationships, navigating regulatory hurdles, and achieving investment success take time and effort. Stay focused on your investment goals, adapt to changing market conditions, and remain resilient in the face of challenges.
4. Seek Professional Advice: Consult with financial advisors, tax consultants, and legal experts specializing in India to seek professional advice tailored to your specific investment needs. Expert guidance can help you navigate regulatory complexities, optimize tax efficiency, and maximize returns on your investments in India.
5. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize and respect cultural differences when conducting business in India. Building strong relationships and trust with local partners and stakeholders requires understanding and appreciating Indian customs, traditions, and business etiquette.
6. Risk Management: Assess and manage risks effectively by diversifying your investment portfolio, conducting thorough due diligence, and implementing risk mitigation strategies. Consider geopolitical risks, currency fluctuations, regulatory changes, and market volatility when making investment decisions.
7. Sustainability and ESG Factors: Consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when evaluating investment opportunities in India. Increasingly, investors are prioritizing sustainability and responsible investing practices to mitigate risks, enhance long-term value, and align investments with their values and principles.
8. Stay Flexible and Agile: Remain flexible and agile in adapting to changing market conditions, regulatory requirements, and investor preferences. India's business environment is dynamic and evolving, requiring investors to stay nimble and responsive to emerging opportunities and challenges.
India offers a wealth of investment opportunities for international investors seeking high growth potential and diversification benefits. With its robust economy, favorable demographic trends, and supportive regulatory environment, India continues to attract capital inflows across various sectors. By understanding the Indian investment landscape, adopting sound investment strategies, and leveraging local expertise, international investors can capitalize on India's growth story and unlock significant value for their investment portfolios. As India continues on its path of economic development and reform, it remains a compelling destination for investors looking to participate in one of the world's most dynamic and promising markets.
In conclusion, navigating the “Invest in India” landscape requires careful planning, strategic decision-making, and a long-term perspective. By understanding the key sectors, regulatory considerations, investment strategies, and tips outlined in this guide, international investors can position themselves to capitalize on the vast opportunities offered by India's vibrant economy and emerging market dynamics. With the right approach and guidance, investing in India can yield attractive returns and contribute to portfolio diversification and long-term wealth creation for investors around the globe.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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apcseo · 2 months
Mahindra & Mahindra’s EV Unit Seeks Investment Opportunities in India to Accelerate Growth
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Mahindra & Mahindra, a prominent sports utility vehicle manufacturer, is reportedly in advanced discussions with British International Investment (BII) and other global investors to secure a substantial investment of up to ₹5,000 crore for its electric vehicles (EV) subsidiary. This new funding round is expected to value the EV unit at a higher valuation than the previous round, reflecting the growing interest in the Indian electric vehicle market. The investment aims to support Mahindra’s ambitious plans for expansion and the development of sustainable mobility solutions.
India’s electric vehicle market has been witnessing significant growth in recent years, driven by increasing environmental concerns, government initiatives, and evolving consumer preferences. As a result, established automakers like Mahindra & Mahindra are actively seeking investment opportunities in India to capitalise on this emerging market and accelerate their growth in the EV segment.
India has set an ambitious target to transition to electric mobility, aiming for 30% electric vehicle penetration in the country by 2030. The government has implemented various policies and incentives to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles, including subsidies, tax benefits, and the establishment of charging infrastructure. These measures have created a favourable environment for investors and manufacturers to participate in the Indian electric vehicle ecosystem.
To align with India’s electric mobility vision, Mahindra & Mahindra’s EV unit has outlined an aggressive expansion strategy. The company intends to launch five new electric vehicle models between April and October 2025, demonstrating its commitment to providing sustainable transportation solutions to Indian consumers.
By incorporating electric SUVs into its product portfolio, Mahindra aims to capture a significant market share in the fast-growing electric SUV segment. It anticipates that e-SUVs will account for 20-30% of its overall SUV sales, with sales volumes projected to reach around 200,000 units. This focus on electric SUVs aligns with the evolving preferences of Indian consumers, who seek both sustainability and performance in their vehicles.
Investment opportunities in the Indian electric vehicle market hold immense potential for both domestic and international investors. The sector offers an attractive landscape for investment due to the following factors:
Growth Potential: With the Indian government’s strong commitment to electric mobility, the EV market is poised for substantial growth. Increasing consumer demand, supportive policies, and infrastructure development create a favourable investment climate.
Technological Advancements: Investment in electric vehicles drives innovation in battery technology, charging infrastructure, and connected features. These advancements contribute to the overall development of the sector and create opportunities for investors to benefit from emerging technologies.
Environmental Considerations: Electric vehicles play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating air pollution. Investing in electric mobility aligns with global sustainability goals, making it an appealing choice for socially responsible investors.
Job Creation and Economic Growth: The growth of the electric vehicle industry stimulates employment opportunities across the value chain, including manufacturing, R&D, charging infrastructure, and support services. This fosters economic development and contributes to the overall growth of the Indian economy.
Mahindra & Mahindra’s pursuit of significant investment for its EV unit reflects the immense potential and investment opportunities in India’s electric vehicle market. As the demand for sustainable transportation solutions continues to rise, the sector offers a promising landscape for investors seeking long-term growth and environmental impact. With government support, technological advancements, and changing consumer preferences, investing in electric mobility can contribute to both economic development and a greener future for India.
This post was originally published on: Apppl Combine
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mariacallous · 8 months
MIRAN SHAH, Pakistan—Mohsin Dawar’s campaign for re-election to Pakistan’s parliament was almost cut short before it began in early January when his convoy was ambushed in a village just a few minutes’ drive from his home in Miran Shah in Pakistan’s North Waziristan district, near the lawless borderlands with Afghanistan. As his car came under attack from militants armed with automatic weapons, sniper rifles, and rocket-propelled grenades, he and his team were lured into a compound by residents who promised them safety.
It was a trap. Once the gates closed behind Dawar, the attack intensified. For almost an hour, he said, they were pinned down. Police and Pakistan Army backup finally arrived but not before two of Dawar’s team had been shot and injured. The vehicle took more than 80 bullets, and the windows show just how accurate the attackers’ aim was: Either one of the shots to the windshield or passenger window would have struck and likely killed him if he hadn’t been protected by bulletproof glass.
The Jan. 3 attack on a popular, outspoken, liberal leader in one of the most vulnerable regions of a country fighting a growing insurgency by extremist militants hardly registered in Pakistan, where most believe the military attempted—and failed—to manipulate the Feb. 8 election in an effort to install Nawaz Sharif as prime minister for a fourth time and where media operate under tight government control.
The election wasn’t quite the foregone conclusion that had been expected, with candidates aligned with the jailed cricket star-turned-populist leader Imran Khan winning more votes than each of the major parties—the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and the Pakistan Peoples Party—forcing them into a coalition to get the majority needed to form a government. PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif nominated his brother, Shehbaz Sharif, to become prime minister and his daughter Maryam Nawaz as chief minister of Punjab province, ensuring the dynastic line continues.
Candidates across the country, not only those loyal to Khan, alleged that the results had been rigged against them and in favor of military-backed candidates. Two days after the election, with his seat still undeclared amid growing concerns nationwide about vote rigging, Dawar and about a dozen of his supporters were injured when security forces opened fire on them as they gathered outside the official counting room.
At least three people died of their injuries; What Dawar had believed was an unassailable lead, according to polling by his secular National Democratic Movement party, had disappeared. In the count that was listed as final by Pakistan’s Election Commission, the seat went to Misbah Uddin of the Taliban-aligned Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam-Fazl party. Dawar is still recovering from a serious leg wound.
Dawar’s hometown is, once again, the battleground of what he calls “Project Taliban”—a war against the Pakistani state.
The Taliban’s transnational ambitions are threatening security beyond the borders of Afghanistan, and nowhere is this more evident than in Pakistan’s northwest, where the militant presence has been growing since the terrorist-led group came back to power in August 2021. Attacks on civilians, soldiers, and police have soared. The region bristles with checkpoints and hilltop outposts and is heavily patrolled on the ground and in the air by the Pakistan Army and armed border police. That’s during daylight hours, Dawar told Foreign Policy. Once night falls, it’s a different story.
“The Army checkposts you will only see during the daytime. Before sunset, they go to their barracks, and the people of Waziristan are at the disposal of the militants. Everyone has to secure himself or herself for their own protection,” he said. “It is militarized, and I believe it is a continuation of a proxy war that was started long ago. ‘Project Taliban’ is still continuing.”
The roots of militancy and terrorism in Waziristan go back to colonial times, when the mostly Pashtun people here were characterized as fearless fighters and pressed into service for the British. The stereotype stuck; the region became a center of recruitment and training for young men to fight the Soviets after Moscow’s 1979 invasion of Afghanistan.
After the United States led an invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 in retaliation for the 9/11 attacks, leaders of the Taliban and al Qaeda moved over the border and for the following 20 years enjoyed the protection of the Pakistani military’s intelligence wing, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency.
The ISI wanted a tame Taliban-led Afghanistan to thwart the ambitions of archrival India to become the dominant regional power. The Taliban had different ideas. The group’s return to power has inspired affiliated and like-minded groups worldwide, as the extremist regime provides safe haven for dozens of militant groups, according to the U.N. Security Council. They now openly use Afghanistan as a base to train fighters seeking to overthrow governments from China and Tajikistan to Iran and Israel. Among them is Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which, Afrasiab Khattak, a former Pakistani lawmaker and now a political analyst, said, is “just Taliban, there is no difference.”
Earlier this month, the Taliban reiterated the group’s stance on the international border between Afghanistan and Pakistan when the acting foreign minister, Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, said the government doesn’t recognize the Durand Line that has delineated the two countries since 1893. The line runs through the tribal regions, dividing ethnic Pashtun and Baloch tribespeople. Recent bilateral tensions have often focused on the border, with tit-for-tat closures impacting cross-border trade.
In comments that Pakistan’s foreign ministry later called “fanciful” and “self-serving”—and which underlined the simmering hostility between Pakistan and the Taliban it helped put in power—Stanikzai said: “We have never recognized Durand and will never recognize it; today half of Afghanistan is separated and is on the other side of the Durand Line. Durand is the line which was drawn by the English on the heart of Afghans.”
The Security Council said in 2022 that the TTP had up to 5,500 fighters in Afghanistan. That number has likely risen, Dawar said, as neither country, mired in economic mismanagement and crisis, can offer its youthful population an alternative livelihood. Victory brought strength, Dawar said, and the Taliban “can attract the youth because money and power is what attracts youth the most.”
The simmering conflict threatens to return Pakistan’s northwest to the wasteland of less than decade ago, when the TTP controlled the region: Dissenters were routinely killed. Terrorists turned the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), now part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province after an administrative merger in 2018, into a death zone. Millions of people were displaced as those who could leave fled to peace and safety.
Those who stayed lived in fear and poverty until the Army finally took action in 2016 and ended the TTP’s 10-year reign by simply killing them, often in attacks that also killed civilians, or pushing them over the porous border into Afghanistan, where they joined Taliban forces fighting the U.S.-supported republic until it collapsed in 2021.
The TTP wants an independent state in these border regions. It broke a cease-fire with the government in November 2022 and has demanded that the merger of the FATA with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa be reversed. Attacks on the military and police have escalated alarmingly, presenting what a senior government official, who spoke anonymously, called “not only an existential threat to the state but also to the common man”—a recognition that what Dawar calls “Project Taliban” not only threatens to engulf the northwest but, if not contained, poses a potential threat to a fragile and barely stable state.
Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar disagreed, telling reporters before the Feb. 8 vote that the military had the upper hand in the region, by virtue of numbers alone. “I don’t see that they pose an existential threat to the state of Pakistan,” he said, while nevertheless conceding it was a “big challenge” that could take years to dislodge.
He could be right. After the failure of peace talks, ironically brokered by the Taliban’s acting interior minister, U.N.-listed terrorist Sirajuddin Haqqani, Pakistan stepped up pressure on the TTP. Asfandyar Mir, an expert on South Asian political and security issues, said this appeared to have made a “marginal” difference.
“For instance, we haven’t seen a complex or suicide bombing attack by the TTP or one of its fronts for a couple of months now,” he said. “In that sense, it appears the Taliban is sensitive to pressure,” though “smaller-scale attacks and the erosion of Pakistani state authority in parts of the northwest continue.” Things could change, he said, once a new government is installed and, perhaps, brings some stability to the political landscape.
For the people of Waziristan, struggling to survive unemployment, a lack of development, and government neglect of basic services such as roads, electricity, clean water, and education—coupled with a downturn in vital cross-border trade with Afghanistan—priorities have again switched to peace. “The local people have learned through their own bitter experience of devastating war” what a Taliban resurgence means, said Khattak, the political analyst. The security establishment is playing a dangerous game, indulging the TTP so that “local people become so desperate they want the military to come in and help them,” he said.
Hundreds of thousands of people have marched through the streets and bazaars of North and South Waziristan over the past year, demanding action against terrorism and an end to state violence. Yet it continues. “No one is safe. Everyone is a target,” said a man in his 30s as he rolled off a list of potential victims: politicians, business people, teachers, doctors, journalists, civic activists, women’s rights advocates, anyone deemed “un-Islamic.” Even barbers are not immune from extremists who ban men from shaving: The day before the Jan. 3 attack on Dawar’s convoy, the bodies of six young hairdressers were found in the nearby town of Mir Ali.
Another local resident pointed to a “Taliban checkpoint” on the road between Miran Shah and the bustling town of Bannu. The long-haired, kohl-eyed, gun-toting youths in sequined caps stand outside their roadside hut in the shadow of an Army post on the hill above. Around the clock, the resident said, they randomly stop vehicles to shake down the drivers. “It’s just for money,” he said. “Money and power.”
But it’s killing, too, “on a daily basis,” said a government worker who left Miran Shah with his family at the height of the TTP terror and visited in early February from Peshawar so he and his wife could vote for Dawar. The aim, he said, is “to create an atmosphere of fear so that people leave and what is here is theirs.”
Dawar said the turning of the Taliban tables on Pakistan “was predictable.” The Taliban “are now a threat to Central Asia. They are now a threat to Iran, to Pakistan, and to even China. All of them thought we will control the Taliban after the takeover. The problem is it didn’t happen,” he said.
In 2011, then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Pakistan’s leaders that they couldn’t keep “snakes,” as she called the Taliban, in their own backyard and “expect them only to bite your neighbors.”
“There used to be a time when people were sent from here to Afghanistan. Now they are coming around, they are biting,” Dawar said.
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Info for Faith In The Future World Tour MILWAUKEE, WI - JUN 13 2023
With special guests THE ACADEMIC & SNARLS!
Important Times:
4:00 PM - Venue parking opens
6:00 PM - Doors Open (enter thru South Gate)
7:00 PM - Snarls
8:00 PM - The Academic
9:00 PM - Louis Tomlinson
Times are all approximate and subject to change.
General admission (pit tickets):
GA in the back of the venue
Rain expected - prepare accordingly!
Guests with General Admission Standing Room Only can begin lining up no earlier than 9am on 6/13.
Sequentially numbered wristbands will be given out on a first-come first served basis. All guests must be present to receive wristbands.
Any guest camping overnight or arriving before 9 am will not be given wristbands and be sent to the back of the line.
Guests are encouraged to return at 3pm for Standing Room Only entry.
If you have seats there's no need to line up!
Subject to change. Check the venue’s socials for updates!
Hydrate before the show, while waiting in line and during the show
For optimal hydration drink something with electrolytes such as Gatorade or LiquidIV
Rain expected - prepare accordingly!
Eat well!
Here are important policies:
The venue is CASHLESS! Pay with a card!
Parking: Parking is first come, first serve. Reserve in advance here ($25). SpotHero for nearby parking here ($5-20).
ADA info here
Cameras: No cameras or recording devices of any type are allowed into the venue. 
Water: Patrons may bring in an empty, clear plastic water bottle, one liter or smaller. 
Concession food options info here
NO food - exception made for patrons with a medical necessity and/or special dietary requirements. 
NO alcohol
NO Animals (except service animals)
NO smoking or vaping. Designated smoking areas will be available outside the venue. 
NO Marijuana or any cannabis products
NO drugs
NO Aerosol sunscreen/bug spray (except spray sunscreens 6oz or less, 1 per patron)
NO Coolers, umbrellas, strollers
NO Glass, Metal, or Hard Plastic Containers
NO knives, firearms, Brass knuckles, Tasers & mace/pepper spray or weapons of any kind
NO Foot powered or electric scooters, Bicycles, tricycles or unicycles, Wagons, Skateboards, roller skates, inline skates or hoverboards
NO Kites, Hula-hoops, Frisbees, or beach balls
NO Booster seats or Car seats
NO Fireworks
NO Laptops
NO Lawn chairs
NO Selfie sticks
NO Laser Pointers
There is NO RE-ENTRY!
*This list is not exhaustive. Items not appearing on the list may still be prohibited at the discretion of MWF Security if the items pose a potential threat to safety of our guests or due to event restrictions.
For more details click here 
Bag Policy:
No backpacks at all or bags larger than 9x10x12 
All bags larger than 9X10X12 will need to be returned to a vehicle or home before entering the Park.
All bags are subject to inspection prior to entering the grounds.
Any prohibited items will be confiscated by security and will not be returned.
Banners, signs and flag policy:
Signs are allowed but cannot be on poles
NO Banners or flags on poles
For additional questions please call the venue at 414-273-2680. You can also access their website. Email:[email protected] Message them here. Check their twitter here and IG here for updates. Address: Milwaukee World Festival, Inc, 639 E. Summerfest Place, Milwaukee, WI 53202 USA
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