#Dust Haze
anumetservice · 7 months
Navigating the Sahara Dust Season: Health Impacts, Ecological Concerns and Hidden Benefits
By Dale C. S. Destin – Published 22 February, 2024 | The dust season has officially started. Dust traverses the Atlantic, on the trade winds, and reaches the Caribbean continuously from the Sahara Desert, all year round. However, this dust tends to be more evident and impactful from mid-February to mid-October, annually. The Dust has wide-reaching implications for health, as it is very much a…
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hazerun3 · 6 months
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Tinkering with murder trio designs, nightmare would get them out of those ratty hoodies!!!! (Except dust, he needs the hoodie and scarf as emotional support items)
Bonus swapdream but what I think they’d look like if they hatched out of their bones back into the spirit energy forms now that they’ve consumed the apples
Biblically accurate star
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dumbnotstupidfuck · 5 months
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angel after husk left him a drink in episode 5, completely unaware that husk is currently being threatened by alastor
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zarvasace · 6 months
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They’re a good team :)
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yuri-is-online · 7 months
Manipulating the Buyers (Rollo Flamm x Yuu)
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notes: they/them used for Yuu, pre-established relationship, Rollo is downbad horrendous and a freak. Not related to my previous Rollo fic, GloMas suggested but not explicitly mentioned; introducing the boyfriend to the family (Crewel) and watching him get hazed by the older brothers (Leona and Vil), and persists in enjoying domestic fluff despite the horrors (magic). More fic can be found on my masterlist here.
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"ENOUGH." Crewel shouts loud enough to silence your upperclassmen and send you halfway out of your skin. "Yuu and Grim are being kind enough to let you use there space even after the Headmage was rude enough to refuse to ask them for it. I'm sure all of you are more than competent enough of doing your tasks on your own."
"Won't the prefect be a bit bored if they have to just stand around and just watch?" Asks Trey, completely aware of your ability to entertain yourself. You should be annoyed, but your attention is firmly captured by the buzz of your phone in your uniform pocket.
"Grim and I can take tickets." You smile as the familiar contact asks if you are out of classes yet, and available to talk.
[you] something came up sorry ….. ( 〃..)ノ [you] nothing bad! i'll text you when it's over ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
"Oh that would be so cute!" Cater cheers immediately turning towards an equally as excited Idia. "We should totally dress him up, oh do you want to be samsies Yuu? Or should we make your outfit unique?"
[my flamme] Good to hear that there's nothing wrong. Please take your time, I suspect your "something" might be related to something I want to talk to you about. [my flamme] Also nothing bad.
"Hmmm I don't mind leaving that up to you guys!" You tuck your phone against your chest and try to to appear too eager to get away. Vil's raised eyebrow suggests he doesn't completely believe you. "I mean, you guys have a theme you're going with right? If you really want me to pick stuff out I'll need guidelines."
"There won't be any need for that," you're really glad Epel isn't here right now to get any schadenfreude from Vil's strict smile being aimed at someone who isn't him "why we can just decide on your outfit right now can't we? Your classes are over for the day so you have no where to go. Isn't that right?"
"And then he made me try on every single suit Crewel owns." Your voice is muffled by your pillows in a position Rollo thinks looks comfortable, but prevents him from fully seeing your face. Thankfully you have mercy on him and turn towards him, adjusting your phone with a smile that makes his heart flutter slowly away from his previous aggravations towards something practically domestic. "And didn't pick out a single one! Can you believe it, I haven't told anyone anything but I swear he knows. Vil's worse than Rook sometimes I swear."
"Did you like any of them?" He's wondered about what you would look like in things other than the uniform Crowley provided you, (ashamedly Noble Bell's uniform had been at the forefront of his mind) the worn gym clothes you used as pajamas didn't give him much insight into your personal sense of style. You close your eyes in thought and Rollo moves you closer to his chest, he wishes he was as relaxed with this as you. He wished he had the strength to lay with his phone next to him in his bed and pretend you were there with him, but even sitting next to the fireplace in the Student Council Room is almost too much for him.
"They were a bit stuffy. And stupid formal." You sound so tired, Rollo almost feels bad for keeping you awake.
"I bet they looked nice."
"Yeah Vil didn't let me take any pictures sorry." Rollo almost chokes at the implication of his asking and you laugh as he coughs and decides to change the subject.
"Oh that's fine." He had been so caught up in asking about your day he had almost forgotten what it was he wanted to speak with you about. That should annoy him, this maddening peace you inspire in him is dangerous, he is at risk of being well and truly content with his place in the world. "I'll get a chance to see anyway." He is rewarded for his patience with a smile so radiant he loses his ability to breath.
"You're coming to the Culture Fair?" You sound so excited.
"Your Headmage specifically invited our student council." Rollo had technically known about this for months, he had suspected that would prove longer than you had known about it but for you to have just learned today angered him intensely. Worry knits its way across your face and that anger softens, he thinks he knows you well enough to make some assumptions. "You don't need to worry about leaving your duties to spend time with me, I fully intended to plan things around your schedule." He whispers softly and you relax slightly. "I'm more than capable of entertaining myself when you aren't around."
"That's not really what I'm worried about..." It was certainly part of it though. The thought of having your boyfriend come all the way from the Shaftlands to Sage's Island and not getting to see him once drove you mad and you didn't have nearly the same amount of faith in Crowley's scheduling that Rollo seems to. "I don't want to have to break up any fights."
"...allow me to rephrase my statement, I am more than capable of behaving myself." Rollo says firmly, and you sigh to yourself. It's not him you are worried about, at least not primarily. No matter how reasonable he thinks he is, Rollo is just as capable of being problematic as your classmates. "And as nice as I'm sure Night Raven College is-" It's a school filled with mages so he doubts it is all that nice, but it's the only home you have known here and Rollo has no desire to be impolite. "I would like to spend some time with you alone and I could see that being... difficult on campus." He isn't wrong.
"Do you know where you're staying? I haven't spent a ton of time off campus so I won't be the best tour guide." You move towards your desk to jot down what Rollo has to say and feel yourself warm when you see his affectionate smile.
"That's fine. I've been thinking about how nice it would be to explore a new place with you. And now I get to do it much sooner that I expected." How this man doesn't think he's romantic is beyond you.
Craneport is nothing like the City of Flowers but Rollo thinks it has a certain charm to it. For a city so close to a school for mages there are a lot of normal people here, different in attitude than his home but still charming; Rollo likes it here. Exploring this place with you will be worth it, all he has to do is make through today.
"Ah! Mr. Flamm! So good of you to have accepted my most generous invitation-" The headmage badgers on as Rollo takes a deep breath of his handkerchief, the man is somehow more insufferable in person than over the phone or through your stories, a truly impressive feat if nothing else. Rollo barely manages to extract himself from the Headmage's blubbering to explore the cultural fair. It isn't... unimpressive he supposes. There is a disgusting amount of magic on display, but he manages to find small shows of genuine craftsmanship too. He finds himself pleasantly surprised at the student Cafe, the school's botanical gardens provide a feel unlike the cafe's back at home and provide a pleasant degree of privacy from the rest of the school. The snacks on offer are different too, there are no croissants or cheeses, instead the students are offering different types of cake and a few buns. You did say you were only taking tickets, surely your professors wouldn't mind if you took a brief break to eat something? Or maybe they would allow him to bring something to you, he forgets if you mentioned anything about whether or not you had explained who he was to anyone other than Trein. Not that he's nervous about speaking to any of your other professors, he's certain he can make a good argument to any mage for why-
"Roi du Mouchior!" It's all Rollo can do to not snatch up his handkerchief and give Hunt the satisfaction of seeing him live up to that abominable nickname, opting instead to press his nails into his palm. "How splendid! I had wondered if we would see you here, our prefect's improved mood makes much more sense now, no?" The irritating git turns towards a tall, well presented man who is making a great deal of use of the extra height his heels give to look down in judgement on Rollo with in a keen appraisal that would cause lesser men to keel.
"Oh?" The voice, not the appearance is what triggers Rollo's memory, he can't say he doesn't know who Vil Schoenheit is, he's not wholly unaware of current cultural trends, and he remembers your anecdotes that suggest friendship, he just wasn't expecting to actually meet the man. He hadn't really wanted to meet with anyone other than you. "I was aware Yuu was looking forward to something... but I was under the impression it was exciting and not antique."
"... I don't believe we have been introduced." Rollo does take a breath of his kerchief's potpourri at that comment, Hunt is already abominably difficult to read, but he doesn't suppose he had told Schoenheit the truth, not when Draconia had been the one to suggest the cover up. There were more clever ways to call someone an attempted murderer anyway and he supposes that comment was likely aimed at his uniform. "I am Rollo Flamme, the Noble Bell College Student Council President. I am also Yuu's partner." Schoenheit raises an eyebrow.
"I see." He says. "Vil Schoenheit, Dorm Leader of Pomefiore among other things." And that is all as Vil excuses himself and Rook back towards where Rollo doesn't know but supposes he will soon enough. Briefly, shamefully, his heart stutters as he thinks over the interaction. He hasn't been... forthcoming about your relationship with his peers, it simply is none of their business, but he never said anything to discourage you from doing so. But he also hadn't asked if you had... or wanted to do so, Rollo certainly hopes he hasn't crossed a line even if he finds himself strangely exhilarated to stand and just be honest about how he feels. His eyes dart back to the display before him as softer thoughts soothe the flames of disgust.
Shortcake is always a safe bet he thinks. These ones are exceptionally portable and come in convenient pairs.
"Thanks for coming, please enjoy the show!" You give your best scary monster claws alongside Grim and smile wide as the guests giggle at your cuteness and shuffle along to their doom, holding the pose till they leave and letting it collapse in a sigh of relief.
"Man this is annoyin'." Huffs Grim. "Why do ya think they keep squealing whenever I hit em with my monster moves?! s' not like I'm cute, I'm really scary!"
"It's a real mystery." You say with the cadence of someone really pushing for that Oscar nomination. Only to be interrupted someone with the tact of an oncoming freight train.
"It's cause it's not good." Leona slams himself into your chair before you can sit back down, blatantly ignoring both your and Grim protests in favor of continuing to insult your companion. "No one in their right name would be afraid of a puff ball."
"I ain't a puffball!" Puffs Grim. "And you're supposed to be in the Grave Yard! Whatdya think Vil is gonna say if he finds out you're here!" Leona shrugs.
"Probably something about how ugly Yuu's boyfriend is." Leona's signature smug smile comes out as soon as he sees the tell tale signs of your embarrassment fluttering through your body language. "Oh? Here I thought he was joking, don't tell me some bullshit about how you think he's attractive everyone says that."
"But I do?" You protest on instinct noticing much too late the sound of approaching footsteps behind you and simply choose bringing consequences you simply choose not to turn around and face. "I'm not going to say I don't I like him!"
"I'm more concerned you didn't say anything at all." A very not mad just disappointed and this is so much worse looking Crewel stands, fiddling with his riding crop in a way that makes you break just a bit of a sweat. "Was there a specific reason you didn't think to mention you had a boyfriend?" You didn't think Crewel's voice could crack and yet here it is in full view of you (who is terrified) and Leona (having the time of his life.)
"Yuu didn't think it was none of your business." Huffs Grim, sealing your fate somewhere six feet under. "I mean whatdya gonna do? Nothin good!"
"What I mean is-" you try.
"Nah I think it's pretty clear what ya mean." Cackles Leona. "I'm impressed, didn't think ya had it in you to hide something this big." Of all the times for the big cat to decide to have a bit of energy, why's he wasting it on teasing you? "Would have assumed you'd wanna blabber your little feelings all over the place."
"I would have hoped," it might just be you but Crewel sounds almost... sad, it's making you feel sort of bad "that you felt comfortable enough to talk about your feelings. With someone anyway."
"I mentioned it to Ace and Deuce." You say quietly and a little of his typical confidence returns to Crewel.
"Good." He says without a hint of irony. "So long as someone is there for you in case something goes wrong." You wonder if it would be wise to mention that to your friends or if it would make them too insufferable.
"You hear that?" Leona smiles. "You're on notice herbivore." A cough makes you realize he wasn't talking to you
Rollo says nothing, a little box you recognize as being from the Science Club's pop up cafe. What you do not recognize is your boyfriend, he isn't wearing his Noble Bell Uniform, though you think you recognize a similar style to the button up underneath his sweater, his giant uniform hat is missing too. He ignores Leona and simply gives you a reassuring smile before turning to Crewel with the more familiar serious look on his face.
"I'm sorry for causing worry, Yuu speaks very highly of you and I would never encourage them to keep a secret from you." His smooth manner of speaking bores Leona, but doesn't fully impress Crewel.
"I am glad to hear that." He says in complete monotone.
"You here to visit your other herbivore?" Leona asks, still here and not in his place for some reason. "We're using Ramshackle Dorm so sorry you aren't gonna get to be alone." Your search for a suitably blunt object to smack him with is interrupted by Rollo asking a very simple question.
"That's your dorm?" Everything stops. You swear you can hear the screams and faint music from the inside as Leona, Crewel, and even Grim seem to have forgotten how to breathe. Rollo's eyes narrow on the shape of the house, scanning the windows and dipping into the carved stone accents with a severity you think could scorch, yet not once does he move to settle himself or take a deep breath. "It has a certain charm to it I suppose... those tombstones are a very impressive bit of prop work."
"Um do you mind if I take my break now?" You don't wait for an answer and seize Rollo's hand and Grim's paw and book it for the hills behind Ramshackle.
"Just so we're clear I still intend to take you on a proper date while I'm here." Rollo sits stiff, not wanting to put the brunt of his back against the trees around you but still clearly enjoying the quiet. "And I do want to see the inside of your dorm... preferably after hours." You wiggle your eyebrows at him and he boops your nose affectionately, surprisingly non pulsed at your silent suggestions. "I have no real interest in gauging the special effects skills of your magical classmates, I am interested in where they are trying to house you."
"I mean I think it's nice?" You certainly like the vibe of it, and the ghosts take good care of you where they can.
"It could be better I guess." Grim sounds happy as he says that, probably because Rollo remembered to bring him food as well (even if he had claimed it was just to shut him up.) "But it's ours y'know? I get to set all the rules and we get to pick the decor! None of the other guys get to do that."
"Would you decorate your house like your dorm?" Rollo reaches out for your hand and pulls you closer, finally leaning back against the tree content with how you lean onto his shoulder. "Hopefully without the tombstones in the yard... assuming they are as real as your reactions suggests."
"I don't know..." Both the answer to that question and the reasons for the grave in your current front yard. "W-why do you ask?"
"For now? I just want to know what sort of things you like because I enjoy hearing about them." And yet Rollo says no more, taking out his phone and moving the conversation to Craneport and the various shops he saw on his way to the school. For now it's an easy enough phrase to ignore, but then Rollo has always been one for implications. For the future, he wants to know what sort of place you would want to buy. He thinks it would be nice to leave the decision to you.
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Taglist: @nothingfuninthislife
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robo-dino-puppy · 6 months
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horizon forbidden west | aloy 115/?
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non-illustrary · 7 months
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Drew @worldofvaldis @bonesofvaldis Loess again during stressful times.
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clowncorpze · 7 months
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₊˚♬ ゚.Introducing DJ D3MON!. ♫⋆。♪
& yes, it's pronounced d-three-mon >;D
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prince-liest · 6 months
Well consider me intrigued at the idea of a Heathers au. Are there any particular vibes you have regarding the idea? (Accepting, of course, that this is not like a thought out and planned fic)
It's never a planned fic, haha, I'm just always a baseline level of obsessed with Heathers, especially the musical. I often forget that it exists and then someone accidentally links me a video using a sound clip from Meant To Be Yours or something and I lose my entire goddamn mind all over again...
I did have lofty wishes for a DabiHawks Heathers AU that I outlined and generally daydreamed about back in 2020 when I was in my full My Hero Academia phase!
For Hazbin Hotel, the Vees are the easy reach to fit the general layout of the Heathers, and I think Charlie and Alastor would do well as Veronica and J.D., with Vaggie as Betty. Not as direct parallels, lol (and neither was my MHA version), but in terms of the themes of, like... getting suckered in by someone who you thought was on your side and accidentally going way too far as a result before you finally have to put your foot down and turn on them. A nice Hazbin Hotel twist on it would be Charlie dragging him into a genuine redemption, since there's no way he'd pull what J.D. does at the end of Heathers.
That said, I do think that Heathers as an AU concept works best for media where all the characters are on the younger side, so it doesn't actually mesh as well with Hazbin Hotel as I'd like for it to, especially since Alastor is the character that should probably be in J.D.'s role but doesn't have the same manic obsessiveness (romantic or platonic). For me, a Heathers AU is a way to explore toxic codependency and feeling like you're isolated as the only one in the world who is in this horrible situation and nobody understands.
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hazeerror · 1 year
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"You look lonely."
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"I can fix that."
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hazyaltcare · 5 months
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A make-up look for Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) that includes matte and shimmer styles.
Lip Liner - $7
Duo Cream Blush - $5.99
Transluscent Setting Powder - $18
Eyeshadow Palette - $10
Beauty Stencil (5 pc.) - $12.87
Lipstick - $16.49
Makeup Brush Kit (24 pc.) - $45 $15
Makeup Brush Cleaner - $7.36 $1.49
Eyeliner - $7.99 $6.99
Mod Haze (❤️Alice❤️)
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Forgive me. I've spent too many rotations on this planet. My mind is beginning to slip.
Dathomir, shrouded in darkness. Jedi: Fallen Order.
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hazerun3 · 3 months
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Apparently it’s kist day so
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zarvasace · 2 years
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The quality of this dropped thanks to exporting, oops. This was my first time doing a comic thingy so I kept it simple (one background, no camera angle changes, simpler style.) I think it turned out pretty well!!
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oh no
@zarvasace I may have tried to predict what your Half-Fours would be like and created my own entire headcanons about it? and the colors?
enjoy I guess? maybe? I got hyperfixated on it so fast
The Colors’ Personalities:
Four (Iris):
-He/They, any
-nickname created and used by the minish/picori
-passionate about his opinions
-blacksmithing is a job and hobby for them
-capable of socializing but doesn’t require it
-loves to read
-levelheaded both in battle and in (relative) peace
-splitting either results in a negative or purely confused reaction from people so they tend to keep silent about it
Green (Jade/Sage/Forrest):
-They/Them, always
-genderfluid; changes names but not pronouns with gender
-the most balanced emotionally and logically
-focuses on the big picture rather than the details, but can acknowledge they exist
Vio (Topaz):
-He/Him, always
-nickname chosen lovingly by Shadow; only used by them
-intellectually focused; shows outwardly
-takes misinformation very seriously; easily sidetracked by this
Blue (Cypress/Lana):
-She/Him, swaps
-occasionally uses other names when feeling dysphoric but doesn’t have specifically labeled genders
-intense feelings; most often some form of anger
-honest to a fault sometimes
-fast to accusations and assumptions
Red (Ruby, Nova, Ivy, Rose):
-They/She/He, any
-has many loving nicknames from the other colors due to how much they love it; Dot uses these as well, though is the only one using rose
-outwardly emotional in general; appears more sensitive due to it
-can forget the big picture if there are lots of feelings involved
Colorwheel Personalities:
(Green-Blue) *Mars/Aqua:
-He/They, rolling
-second in command energy
-apologies after outbursts
-very protective over others
-becomes quickly defensive
-dyslexic and pissed about it
(Red-Vio) Berry/Cerise:
-They/Them, always
-manipulative, for better or worse
-tries to fix emotional and relationship issues- sometimes without asking first; they’re working on it
-very emotionally intelligent until they get overwhelmed or worried
-great at gifting
-passionate about books
(Blue-Red) Pela/Mauve:
-He/She, rolling
-lashes out when overwhelmed
-self esteem issues due to behavior not matching their expectations/desires for self
-shows affection but pretends it’s not actually that
-uses the most nicknames for the others
(Green-Vio) Ant/Maline:
-They/Them, always
-manipulative, for better or worse
-inflated ego they try to hide
-leader qualities but doesn’t want to be one if possible
-socializing is easy for them, but they aren’t extroverted
-dyslexic and pissed about it
(Red-Green) Nela/Maly:
-She/Her, always
-is red-green colorblind but it doesn’t affect her too much
-very focused on the larger picture when people’s happiness or rights are at stake; struggles to notice details alone
-almost leader material; would be a good backup leader assuming a second in command is not fit for the role
-very protective over others
-loves reading aloud a lot
-loves to socialize but needs time to recharge alone
(Blue-Vio) Tanza/Indigo:
-She/They/He, rolling
-superiority complex
-will apologize if perceived as mean or rude by someone they think deserves one
-thinks before speaking but just doesn’t care about the consequences sometimes
-most likely to cope with sword practice or sparring
-if has a breakdown there’s a chance many pots are broken before hand
-sometimes they disappear into a book until they feel like they won’t go berserk or be an asshole; this happens most just after waking up
#keep in mind:#the original half fours are amazing and love them#also this is my first time going more in-depth for Four so like#as long as y’all are nice I’m okay with my headcanons/guesses being objectively wrong#I didnt mean for this to happen my brain just saw color-coded heroes multiplied by four and foamed at the mouth#lu half fours#lu colorwheel#I suggest that as an alternative/additional name btw#colorwheel would be a cool name to include any of the half pairs#warning btw I ship Vio/Shadow and that does get mentioned once#also please ask questions about this I spent so long on it in comparison to what I probably should have#TO HELP CLARIFY A BIT#Spark - Nela#Storm - Mars#Dust - Ant#Haze - Pela#Mire - Tanza#Magma - Berry#Zarvasace’s are first and mine are second#are they just names or are they actual versions of these new characters?#I don’t know which#I’d love to work with you Zarvasace!#If not that’s fine too#I can also just leave this here and not do any more if you aren’t comfortable with it#or I can delete it and only work on it in my private life rather than for any public consumption#I was inspired by you so#I think you have a say in if I can do anything with this#Also to make sure I didn’t like blatantly just take your ideas I didn’t look at all your work on them in detail until after so I could#make the names clear between your posts and mine#I left my ideas about their personalities and such even after seeing your interpretation of it because both are valid in my opinion
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summerinthesunrise · 2 years
no one can compare to him
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