#Ducktales 17 critical
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sidecharactersdomatter · 7 days ago
Here are my collected thoughts on why I ship Fenro and not Fendra
@shychick-52 @rommaru
First, if the DT crew wanted to make Fendra canon, they should’ve actually had more episodes building up their relationship, instead of shoehorning all that development in just Beaks in the Shell. Just like georgiarose answered in their respective post.
It wouldn’t have been hard to have Gandra genuinely apologize to Fenton for being in cahoots with Mark Beaks and lying to him in the process, but the show never does that due to the Duck family’s main character syndrome and the show’s cast bloat. Then there are the episodes in Season 3 where Gandra doesn’t interact with Fenton until the final episodes of Season 3, and her redemption arc doesn’t get developed throughout the same season, only in Beaks in the Shell. Heck throughout their “date” in Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee, Gandra did criticize two of Fenton’s experiments for not being risky “What if you don’t like glazed doughnuts?” -Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee” and for conforming with Mcduck’s corporate checklist “So, Rich boss McDuck gets to gobble up all of the Earth’s precious gems for himself? What’s next, some kind of Gold magnet?” - Same episode, although I do agree with her anticapitalist belief, which is the one trait I’m tolerable of. During that whole lab session she also demonstrated her own tech, her Eyebuds and Nanites, WITHOUT Fenton’s permission, to show how good her free lance tech is (which honestly felt like a red flag to me)
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Exhibit A, Gandra testing her nanites on Fenton, without his permission
In the whole series, Fenton is a lawful good duck and Gandra’s obviously morally grey, and as you watch Gandra’s cover get blown during the climax of Dangerous chemistry of Gandra Dee you begin to become disappointed with her when she doesn’t apologize to Fenton for double crossing him, that very episode made me completely disappointed in the character herself.
Dialogue is also from The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee:
Fenton: So I’m the suit? You’re the one working for Beaks!
Gandra: I work for myself. I just …used him for funding and resources.
Fenton: For what? Was any of this real? What are you?
Gandra: A scientist, free of responsibility, and look …for what it’s worth, you’re a good scientist.
Fenton: And you’re a crook.
If you focus on Gandra’s lines, there is an underlying hypocrisy to her character, she is also responsible for creating the nanites to cause Mark Beaks to go berserk. The dialogue reaffirms that Gandra did not formally apologize to Fenton and took accountability for her actions at the end of her debut episode.
Reminder, I rage quit watching the Ducktales reboot after seeing spoilers for Beaks in the Shell. There was not a lot of compatibility and build up to Fenton and Gandra falling in love together near the end of the series. The reason they started their relationship is because of Huey and Webby forcing them to get together on a date, while completely disregarding Fenton’s boundaries in the process, and this is something you should never do IRL. Due to Gandra being a hypocrite claiming she’s a rebel scientist only to reveal she was forced to work for F.O.W.L. Through her sob inducing backstory (Playing the guilt card are we?) does sum up how her redemption arc or lack thereof, didn’t make it feel compelling to us at all. Since Gandra and Fenton only interacted in 3 episodes total, through Beaks in the Shell we learn that they’re in a secret relationship and run science experiments together in a virtual reality which also had so many plotholes. Beaks in the Shell made Fenton and Gandra’s relationship feel rushed and forced with no substance to it at all, they just made them canon to constantly enforce heteronormativity like Disney and pander to the Shippers.
And then you have Fenton’s relationship with Gyro who surprisingly interacted more with him than with Gandra in the entire series. Fenton may be lawfully good and friendly while Gyro is antisocial and focused on his inventions they actually have a solid dynamic and were able to play off of each other. Throughout season 1 and Astroboyd they had a gradual build up of care and respect and especially in Astroboyd Gyro ends up promoting Fenton to a doctor to show the respect he now has for him.
Dialogue is from near the end of AstroB.OY.D.
Yes, intern. I was once like you. Of course, I was a naive idiot back then. But if I had someone to actually listen to me, I might not have been so hopeless. So... you're hired full-time, Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera.
Fenro: That's not technically how doctorates work,and I don't care!
Gyro: Okay, everybody, the hugging is a "just for today" thing.
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Exhibit B, Fenton happily embracing Gyro after being promoted to a full time job as a Doctor. Also this hug was before Gyro protected Fenton before Boyd could attack him and managed to apologize and embrace Boyd for the mistake he made in the past. Guess which scientist is more committed to their responsibilities in the whole reboot? Also Gyro reconciling with Boyd and promoting Fenton was the best way to have his character arc go off on a high note and helped improve his relationship with Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera.
Fenton and Gyro helped fight off the main antagonists in all 3 season finales of the Ducktales reboot, they had great chemistry together whenever they’re on screen, they’re opposites attract, they’re both brilliant scientists, heck, that’s why I enjoyed watching scenes of them together, and why I ended up shipping them even thought they didn’t end up together. Fenton and Gyro were awesome characters that had the best designs in the reboot. You’ll also know it’s a problem in the episodes featuring Gandra, the writers had to completely change Fenton and Gyro’s dynamic in order to have Gandra and Fenton be more “compatible”. Due to realizing that they ended up realizing they gave Fenton and Gyro way more chemistry than they did with Gandra. Look these two whole posts aren’t hot takes these are just my opinions I’m sharing with you. Also I wasn’t trying to antagonize the Fendra shippers at all in this critical post. Tl;dr, Fenton and Gyro’s relationship got no homo’d out of existence near the end of the series, and Fendra ended up feeling very forced and obviously rushed with Gandra’s character feeling poorly handled by the DT17’s writers. Fun fact, Beaks in the Shell was one of the least watched episodes out of the series.
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ducktales-four-years · 4 months ago
Ducktales writing team: "we changed these characters because the originals were fatphobic caricatures"
Me: "So you made them better, right?"
Ducktales writing team: *makes one of them skinny*
Me: "So you made them better... right?"
Ducktales writing team: *twists the other one into an even worse stereotype*
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thelostexperiment · 2 years ago
As good as DuckTales 17 is, what is one thing you would change about it? I’ve noticed that its fanbase, while passionate, can be critical. Not overwhelmingly pretentiously critical like Star Wars fans, thank god. Critical out of love is more like it.
I'm actually one of the more forgiving fans of this show's flaws, because for what it was, it was a great reboot that exceeded my expectations when I first saw the promo art to it. It's a fun watch and got me hooked enough to make this blog.
That being said.
This may seem obvious but, the one thing I would change about the show is I would give it more seasons. As fun a ride as The Last Adventure was, it was obvious that there were still a lot of stories, character arks and adventures the show could have covered that it sadly didn't have the chance to because of its cancelation. I know that's not the show runners fault, more so the execs of the company that owns it.
It's not like the show isn't profitable or popular, or why else would there still be active fan discords of it, why have a DuckTales globe trotting event thrown in Epcot, why have the DT characters (specifically the 2017 version) be a prominent part of the chibiverse cast? (I have my own hangups about the chibiverse show)
There's still a market for the Duckverse otherwise the DarkWing Duck reboot wouldn't still be greenlit.
I'd at the very least like to get more DuckTales stories in comic or graphic novel form, there's still so much material and lore to explore.
I've already told some friends how much I'd love to see a graphic novel series on Isabella Finch's adventures. Have a narration from her published book play over the scenes or be written in the corners of the panels and show how things really happened in the scenes. Show more child Bradford, show us how Isabella really was. Give us an Interesting look at the characters and a great Indiana Jones or G rated Venture bros parody.
Give us more character growth arcs for some of the side characters that didn't get resolved in the show. Show us who Huey Dewey and Louie's Dad is and what happened to him. Show us how Scrooge and Webby handle the new biological father/daughter dynamic they both just found out about.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is, GIVE US MORE DUCKTALES, IGER!
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pick-and-shovel-laborer · 7 months ago
// TBH I'd say it's kind of in between. I think it's pretty much what you get when when you combine elements of comics with elements of DT87 and other Disney Afternoon series. I think DT87 had a bit better sense of the traditional comic book characterizations, but IMHO DT17 is still a fun, enjoyable series to watch overall as long as you can accept the differences.
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autisticshadowthehedgehog · 28 days ago
sometimes complaining about girlboss characters starts to feel like complaining about mary sues or manic pixie dream girls. theres a real criticism of the trend at some point but its gets quickly drowned out by a lot of misogyny. its okay for girls to do cool things
oh i'm fine for natural girlbosses. dot warner is still an icon above icons.
the problem is with "girlbossing," when someone looks at a feminine girl character and is like "now wait a minute. she can't be feminist if she is Nice and Romantic and Untrained At Combat. it's not like feminism is saying 'traditionally feminine things are not the problem, and they've been severely undervalued in favor of traditionally masculine traits.' no, it's the femmes who are wrong. we shall make them more masculine and in turn make them more feminist. but god forbid we make them actually butch. obviously we can't go that far" also somehow these characters usually end up as business owners because capitalism is good
ie: 90% of Cinderella adaptations in this day and age, Disney's reboot of Snow White, Mario Movie Peach (tho I haven't seen the movie myself so I'm just going based on what people told me).
Sometimes it's done WELL- like Webby in Ducktales'17 is textbook girlbossing, with her being more combat-oriented and less "cute." But that was clearly done as a way to explore more of her character rather than relegate her to "the character we pander to the Females with" and make her more proactive in the story they were telling, rather than as a way to make her "less girly." She's still into sleepovers and pink dresses and has female friends (who were added into the reboot), she just ALSO likes blood sports. Mario Movie Peach might be the same way, as I said I haven't seen the mov. or sometimes the girlbossing is Camp™, like & juliet. in which case it's fucking awesome
But the vast majority of the time, it's people thinking that a character being traditionally feminine is automatically antifeminist, without thinking "well, is this a character with a personality, wants, and agency"? Cinderella is constantly belittled for "doing nothing" but she's an abuse survivor in a situation she can't escape, who as soon as she's given a way out is active in trying to get her happy ending. 1950's Disney Cinderella literally is the one to run down the stairs screaming that she has the other slipper. Their 2015 girlboss Cinderella spins and dances in her room until the prince comes and gets her. And that's like. Their LEAST offensive reboot girlbossing.
Goddamnit I have to leave for work now. tl;dr the problem with girlbossing isn't "letting women do cool things", those things are sick and awesome. The problem is the writers implicitly saying "any girl that doesn't conform to masculine ideals of strength is clearly weak and needs to be fixed."
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the-robot-bracket · 2 years ago
Last Time! The Top 50 Robots Submitted
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1. Five Pebbles - Rain World (13 times)
2. Wheatley - Portal (11 times)
3. GLaDOS - Portal (10 times)
4. Data - Star Trek (9 times)
5. Zane - Ninjago (8 times)
6. Murderbot - The Murderbot Diaries (8 times)
7. WALL-E & EVE - WALL-E (8 times)
8. Gir - Invader Zim (8 times)
9. K1-B0 - Danganronpa (7 times)
10. Look To The Moon - Rain World (7 times)
11. Aegis - Persona (7 times)
12. Pixal - Ninjago (6 times)
13. CAR-11E - Hi-Fi Rush (6 times)
14. Fresh Cut Grass - Critical Role (6 times)
15. P03 - Inscryption (6 times)
16. Starscream - Transformers (6 times)
17. Emma Matthews - Hatchetfield (6 times)
18. Mettaton - Undertale (6 times)
19. Calculester Hewlett-Packard - Monster Prom (5 times)
20. Frobo - Amphibia (5 times)
21. R2D2 - Star Wars (5 times)
22. Robecca Steam - Monster High (5 times)
23. One-One - Infinity Train (5 times)
24. Marvin - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (5 times)
25. Echo - Ninjago (4 times)
26. Hatsune Miku - Vocaloid (4 times)
27. Baymax - Big Hero 6 (4 times)
28. Luna - Zero Escape (4 times)
29. AM - I have no mouth and I must scream (4 times)
30. V1 - Ultrakill (4 times)
31. Jenny - My Life as a Teenage Robot (4 times)
32. Wubbox - My Singing Monsters (3 times)
33. Boyd - Ducktales 2017 (3 times)
34. Drossel von Flügel - Fireball (3 times)
35. K9 - Doctor Who (3 times)
36. Hal 9000 - A Space Odyssey (3 times)
37. Karen - SpongeBob (3 times)
38. Connor - Detroit Become Human (3 times)
39. F.R.I.D.A. - Critical Role (3 times)
40. Goddard - The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius (3 times)
41. Hera - wolf359 (3 times)
42. Virgil - Portal Stories: Mel (3 times)
43. Astro Boy - Astro Boy (3 times)
44. C-3P0 - Star Wars (3 times)
45. Janet - The Good Place (3 times)
46. Lil' Hal - Homestuck (3 times)
47. Yes Man - Fallout (3 times)
48. Carl the Robot - Meet the Robinsons (3 times)
49. Cryptor - Ninjago (3 times)
50. Metal Sonic - Sonic the Hedgehog (3 times)
And the Top 20 Fandoms:
1. Portal - 103 times
2. Ninjago - 28 times
3. Rain World - 24 times
4. The Murderbot Diaries - 16 times
5. Star Wars - 16 times
6. Transformers - 14 times
7. Star Trek - 13 times
8. Invader Zim - 12 times
9. Danganronpa - 10 times
10. Ultrakill - 10 times
11. Doctor Who - 9 times
12. Detroit Become Human - 9 times
13. WALL-E - 8 times
14. Critical Role - 8 times
15. FNaF - 8 times
16. Persona - 8 times
17. Undertale - 7 times
18. Hi-Fi Rush - 7 times
19. Zero Escape - 7 times
20. Astro Boy - 7 times
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youngersiblingstournament · 2 years ago
Younger Siblings Tournament Bracket Reveal
A few things I want to mention before I reveal the bracket (and make the post really long because all the matchups will be listed in text):
Seeding of fictional characters in tumblr polls is inherently subjective. I did try to make it so that more popular characters/media would (most likely) face off against each other in later rounds, but I may be overestimating or underestimating the popularity of some characters/media, especially ones I'm not familiar with. There are some round 1 matchups that are probably a closer match but none of them are between the strongest candidates... I think.
The more niche characters will probably get obliterated in the first round as per Squimbus' Law. This is a tumblr poll and I do fully expect more popular characters to sweep, but that doesn't mean you can't encourage your friends to give your niche faves a fighting chance.
Also there are some matchups I literally just thought would be funny. Please don't take this too seriously.
I'm sorry BNHA fans.
(Preliminary Patch Notes 3/14: Swapped brackets 2 and 3, and brackets 19 and 21.)
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[Image description: A 64-person tournament bracket labeled "younger siblings tournament" with a smiley face. The top-left quarter is labeled "quarter A" and color-coded red, the bottom-left quarter is labeled "quarter B" and color-coded green, the top-right quarter is labeled "quarter C" and color-coded purple, and the bottom-right quarter is labeled "quarter D" and color-coded gold. The starting brackets are labeled 1-32 and are as listed below. End ID]
Quarter A:
Ritsu Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) vs. Ame (Wolf Children)
Malo (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) vs. Cat Valentine (Victorious)
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom) vs. Fern (Adventure Time)
Skeletor (Masters of the Universe) vs. Shuri (Marvel)
Ryotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider Den-O) vs. Princess Luna (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch) vs. Sir Agravain (Arthurian Legend)
Dewey Wilkerson (Malcolm in the Middle) vs. Siobhan "Shiv" Roy (Succession)
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) vs. Razputin Aquato (Psychonauts)
Quarter B:
(9) Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) vs. Louie Duck (DuckTales)
(10) Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi) vs. Saburo Yamada (Hypnosis Mic)
(11) Noelle Holiday (Deltarune) vs. Krel Tarron (Tales of Arcadia)
(12) Melinoë (Hades) vs. Han Yoohyun (The S-Classes That I Raised)
(13) Abel (The Bible) vs. Hiro Hamada (Big Hero 6)
(14) Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons) vs. Greg (Over the Garden Wall)
(15) Dante (Devil May Cry) vs. Alisaie Leveilleur (Final Fantasy XIV)
(16) Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) vs. Kofuku (Real Life)
Quarter C:
(17) Luigi (Super Mario) vs. Genji Shimada (Overwatch)
(18) Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist) vs. Saki Tenma (Project Sekai)
(19) Fleabag (Fleabag) vs. Emerald Haywood (Nope)
(20) Sam Winchester (Supernatural) vs. Jiang Cheng (The Untamed)
(21) Nico Di Angelo (Percy Jackson) vs. Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim)
(22) Manny Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) vs. Jimmy "Saul Goodman" McGill (Better Call Saul)
(23) Sunny Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs. Sunny (Omori)
(24) Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Mugman (Cuphead)
Quarter D:
(25) Michelangelo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs. The Knight (Hollow Knight)
(26) Vash the Stampede (Trigun) vs. Ruby Rose (RWBY)
(27) Sensei Wu (Lego Ninjago) vs. King Clawthorne (The Owl House)
(28) Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs. Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
(29) Jinx (Arcane) vs. Caduceus Clay (Critical Role)
(30) Damian Wayne (DC) vs. Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
(31) Hop (Pokémon Sword and Shield) vs. Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto)
(32) Rhyme Bito (The World Ends With You) vs. Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Round 1 is ongoing! Matchups are linked (or if you prefer to scroll through the matchup posts, go to the "younger siblings tournament" tag on my blog)
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mrgladstonegander · 9 months ago
I’m really glad you cleared up the deal with Frank Angones. Ever since DT 17 ended, I’ve been seeing an influx of annoying DT purists who think the reboot betrayed some things about the DT lore (guess what, I don’t think the original 80s show and a lot of the comics are that interesting anyway, so **bites thumb**), so it was vindicating to see someone say that Frank is a good writer, he just has annoying traits about his writing. DT 17 is in my top 5 favorite DTVA shows and I am insecure about my opinions, so I don’t want to think I watched a bad show I loved all this time and didn’t even know it.
im glad you liked that post. if anything i say sounds weird/questionable, im always up for elaborating on what i mean.
and dt17 is one of my favorite shows ever as well! obviously, because im running a sideblog-dedicated to it, but i do have a lot of criticism about it. so i'm sorry to you or anyone else if this blog has gotten too much negativity. my brain kind of stews on negative points, so i can write about them easier, while my bursts of appreciation are very sudden, so i don't think to write them out very often.
and anon, i'm sorry if this sounds rude, but those "annoying" people have the right to criticize the show. i think its important to criticize Ducktales 2017 as its own standalone show (because it can hold as a standalone show), but it is still fundamentally a reboot. people have the right to be miffed about how much their favorite character was changed, or criticize how the show views its predecessors. their concerns are equally as valid as the writers choosing to change characters to balance out the archetypes of the cast (like Gyro and Fenton; they can't really both be nice, excitable scientists)
and i am basically one of those "purists". i dont really like how they handled Gladstone at some parts (especially their mindset of him), and I agree with people that Scrooge's parents should have stayed dead (because having relatives die oversees, and parents that tell you to take the rest of the family to America, but they're too old to come is a really relatable immigrant situation!)
I'm glad that my opinions made you feel vindicated and better, but if criticism of the show makes you feel insecure about your own opinions (and you shouldn't feel insecure about them. i know it can be hard sometimes, but you need to develop that skill), then you really should start blocking the "#ducktales critical" and "#dt critical" tags, or heck, start blocking blogs. or even block me if you start thinking my opinions are annoying. because the way i show appreciation for things include criticism. so i dont really know why you're here
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zelda-cooper · 1 year ago
Thoughts, Headcanons and Comments on Drake Mallard /Darkwing Duck (My AU).
This here is more of a commentary blog and maybe a rant, it can also be considered as a headcanon blog and also for Negaduck fans (which I feel like the majority will curse me A LOT for not agreeing with either group, OG and DT 2017). For those who want to, they can read it as they wish, but I'm already advancing that it's LONG and will have some low-level words (I'll censor it, but it's still worth it). Feel free to leave comments about your opinions... And preferably, the comments should be healthy...
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Yeap... From the poll I did... You really want to see me talking about Scarletwing- DARKWING DUCK!... So, ok... The voice of the people is the voice of God. So get ready because today there will be a lot of complaints about Drake from DT 2017.
And finally the day has come to talk about him... Our beloved protagonist, the hero of St. Canarian who flies through the night, the one that many people love... Who is the majority of people who cause a lot of the problems just to get fame and ego and who often goes over his family and friends, and also ends up screwing up the villains more and having a completely self-destructive personality... (IT'S A JOKE, PEOPLE!!! IT'S A JOKE-)
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Ok, now let's get serious... By far, Darkwing Duck/Drake Mallard is a character that many people like as a protagonist and that is in some way loved by fans. Besides, even though he is very problematic, you can see that he is a good person deep down in his soul (which is difficult to see with so many bad things he has done...). I think a lot of people like him is because he's not exactly a hero, but rather an ANTI-HERO. This is very evident in his actions and personality, he may also do it for a noble reason, but it is because of his ego in the first place that he became a hero. Being recognized, a famous person... That's it... He's an artist... Against crime, but he's an artist... But that's it... There are people who like to exalt him TOO MUCH... It's the same situation as Negaduck and sometimes it mischaracterizes the character a little... I think it's largely due to his personality change in DT 17, where he it became more "sanitised" for political correctness. I'm going to comment a lot on this... Remember that this is MY opinion on the character, you have the complete right to disagree with me and want to give your opinion.
While we're talking about him, let's talk about the Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck version from DT 2017.
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Okay... Where to start? Maybe saying that his introduction was good and the idea too, but my problem is with the character himself. He is introduced as a fan of the old Darkwing Duck series (from the Ducktales Reboot reality) and is an apparently young actor (I guess 20-23 years old). He is presented as someone who is dreamy, a little slow (very slow, actually...), a little mellow and sentimental. He has certain traits of arrogance and self-centeredness, but they are not that alarming... And that's the problem for me! The original Darkwing Duck is supposed to be VERY selfish, arrogant and self-centered, that's the fun of the character. They softened Drake's personality A LOT, I don't know if it's due to political correctness (which I don't believe because there are some current protagonists who have these arrogant traits) or just so that when his Reboot comes, he'll be more relatable to children. I think it's pretty ridiculous...
But there are things I like about Drake from DT 2017. His look is simple, but interesting. The reason he's resistant is cool. His and LP's relationship is good. Gosalyn's too. The fact that he himself is friends with Fenton, but DOESN'T LIKE Gizmoduck is good (although I think he's too slow for not noticing the obvious-). The fact that he is a newcomer to fighting crime is good, it gives "justification" to his likely mistakes. Ducktales 2017 is good, but there are things that I strongly criticize...
Ok, we've already talked about Darkwing Duck from Ducktales Reboot... Let's talk about the classic Darkwing Duck, the one from the old series.
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I'm going to explain him in the simplest way possible and that shows the vision I have of him... He's an Anti hero who TRYS to be a real hero, but does it for the wrong reasons. Long story short... Drake may have good reasons to be a hero for the city, the problem is that he is also very egocentric and he was only doing it in the beginning for the fame. He has noble attitudes and you can see that, with the help of Gosalyn and Launchpad, he wants to do good for people. But at the same time he causes SO MUCH PROBLEM that you question whether he really is a hero or an almost villain. And this duality is something I love in characters... It ends up not being black or white, it's grey... Then you ask: "So he's perfect for you?", and my honest answer is... No... There are some moments that make me really angry with him and that I don't like... Moments when he's an @ssh0l& with to Gosalyn, LP, Morgana, Gizmoduck, and the other Justice Ducks. Besides, some villains he creates himself! Example... Liquidator. In fact... Here I'm going to highlight why it wasn't exactly his fault, especially because Bud ends up losing his balance and falling backwards... But the way Drake took his supposed "death" was, like... "GOD, HE DIED!... But we solved the case, so let's go home! - >-"... MAN, A PERSON LITERALLY DIED IN FRONT OF YOU!!! Another would technically be Bugmaster (although I don't remember their episode well so correct me if I'm wrong) and a few others...
Okay... Having said all that... So now it's time to talk about his version in my AU and what I'm going to keep from him.
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In my AU, I prefer to use a lot of the classic Darkwing Duck base, because he is this gray character. HOWEVER, the story itself I would base on DT 2017, because it really is interesting. The difference is to put more weight on the character's attitudes, to have real CONSEQUENCES for him. As for his "involution" at certain narrative points and moments when he's a jerk... I have a good justification... And for that, I take two base characters.
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Pink Diamond from Steven Universe and Blitzo from Helluva Boss...
For the haters of these characters, I'm sorry... But they are the best examples...
Ok, speaking of these characters... Pink Diamond was a spoiled and tantrum person, but most of all... SELF-DESTRUCTIVE! She hurt people without realizing it, even though she felt weak and defenseless compared to her diamond sisters. She hurt and left many people on the path she walked that she felt they could never change 100%. Blitz, on the other hand, is a completely problematic person because he is also self-destructive and has serious relationship problems. The majority he had always ended up with the person hating him forever and, over time, these ghosts from the past end up coming back to him.
Now combine these two aspects mentioned and put them in Drake... Now you must understand where I'm going and some of you may have heard me say it more than once, but... Drake has serious problems relating to other people , some end up being hurt emotionally or physically. He ends up being a completely self-destructive person and, even though he tries to change, he never feels like he's good or someone's equal. Not even about his family or friends... Which makes him always try to put himself as superior to others to try to hide these insecurities. But he always ends up coming back with problems and questions... And at some point, all of this will end up coming back.
My God, now that I see it, it's a bit depressing...:'³
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(Art for @anniesilveratl2 )
But seriously... I still think Drake is a good person, he's just lost. Again, this is my opinion and you have every right to disagree. But I think that's it... Thank you for reading the blog, if you liked it, consider reblogging and liking it. See you next time. BYEEE!!!!
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gamingstar26 · 1 year ago
I find it funny how I have an entire Ducktales 17 au that’s literally a giant criticism towards season 3 and 2, cause I thought it was wasted potential and also a shitty writing in the main overall plot. Cause I believe there was potential but it was lost in favor of Saturday morning cartoon nostalgia fest. And Della Duck being lost potential as well.
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Sometimes antis are so weird bc in their eyes any minor x adult (like any age gap at all. I suspect they'd even hate on ships w like a two or three year age gap that minor x adult applies to) is way more likely to be unethical if it were IRL (seeing as how they always act like fiction is just like if it happens irl),
but at the same time they ship a 10 year old and 15 year old character when that particular age gap would not be ethical if it happened irl... (Literally in the Ducktales 2017 fandom they ship Webby x Lena who are these ages then turn around and slander someone who supposedly makes nsfw of another character in the show who's under 18, as if what they're shipping wouldn't be harmful if it happened IRL lol..)
I've definitely seen antis moralize over age gaps as insignificant as 17/19, which wouldn't even be immoral irl let alone fiction. I've never heard of that specific Ducktales 2017 discourse, I'm not familiar with the show, but I've seen similar situations where antis just... don't follow their own rules. A lot of anti discourse is just shipping wars that they decided to put a moral hat on to make it sound more important and make themselves look smart and superior. There's also a trend of antis apparently genuinely thinking their critical thinking skills are unique and special so they can do what they want with fiction while seeing the rest of the population as inferior child-minds who need authority figures to decide what fiction their weak brains can handle. It doesn't occur to them (or they actively ignore) that their critical thinking skills that make them able to separate fiction from reality are shared by most of the population. They wouldn't be special then!
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titular-twins-tournament · 2 years ago
Ok I’m just going to send this out. Instead of overthinking on the inclusion of some contestants. Thank you again to all who submitted in characters!
Anyways I decided matchups will be done pretty much at random. There is a total of 64 contestants though, and am releasing just the line up for now so you guys know who’s going to be in it. I don’t have matchups done yet so again, this is just the line up of characters.
Also feel free to drop suggestions in asks for any picture(s) you’d like me to use for visuals in polls when those get released! Looking for stuff in the characters official media source(s) as I don’t want to accidentally take fanart without permission (unless ofc, if anyone wants to submit in their own fanart for characters- I will credit you if I end up using it)
Fandom - Characters
1. Gravity Falls- Dipper and Mabel Pines
2. The Owl House- Edric and Emira Blight
3. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Leo and Donnie Hamato
4. The Adventure Zone- Lup and Taako
5. Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina- Vex and Vax
6. Sanders Sides- Roman and Remus Sanders
7. The Locked Tomb- Ianthe and Coronabeth Tridentarius
8. Genshin Impact- Lumine and Aether
9. Star Wars- Luke and Leia
10. The Parent Trap- Annie and Hallie
11. Greek Mythology- Apollo and Artemis
12. Black Butler- Ciel and “Ciel” Phantomhive
13. Bob’s Burgers- Andy and Ollie Pesto
14. Ouran High School Club- Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin
15. Steven Universe- The Rutile twins
16. Danganronpa- Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba
17. Masters of the Universe- Adam and Adora
18. How To Train Your Dragon- Ruffnut and Tuffnut
19. Dungeons and Daddies- Lark and Sparrow Oak
20. Pokémon- Emmet and Ingo
21. Avatar the Last Airbender- Lo and Li
22. Twisted Wonderland- Jade and Floyd Leech
23. Final Fantasy XIV- Alphinaud and Alisaie Leveilleur
24. The Suite Life of Zack & Cody- Zack and Cody
25. Highschool Musical- Sharpay and Ryan Evans
26. Liv and Maddie- Liv and Maddie
27. Disney Fairies- Tinkerbell and Periwinkle
28. Archie Comics- Cheryl and Jason Blossom
29. Sky Children of the Light- The Valley Elders (aka Sah and Mek)
30. Lego Ninjago- Krux and Acronix (The Time Twins)
31. MCU- Wanda and Pietro Maximoff
32. IDOLiSH7- Nanase Riku and Kujo Tenn
33. Super Mario Bros- Mario and Luigi
34. Mother 3 (aka Earthbound)- Lucas and Claus
35. Devil May Cry- Dante and Vergil
36. Animal Crossing- Timmy and Tommy
37. Evillious Chronicles- Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche and Allen Avadonia
38. A Song of Ice and Fire- Jaime and Cersie Lannister
39. Honkai Impact 3rd- Liliya and Rozaliya Olenyeva
40. Red VS Blue- Agent North Dakota and Agent South Dakota
41. The Twelfth Night- Viola and Sebastian
42. The Simarillion- Amrod and Amras
43. Percy Jackson- Castor and Pollux
44. The Penumbra Podcast- Juno and Benzaiten Steel
45. Ace Attorney- Dahlia Hawthorne and Sister Iris
46. Dimension 20: A Crown if Candy- Jet and Ruby Rocks
47. Haikyuu- Osamu and Atsumu Miya
48. All For the Game- Andrew and Aaron Minyard
49. Trigun- Vash and Knives
50. Roman Mythology- Romulus and Remus
51. Blue Exorcist- Rin and Yukio Okumura
52. Transformers- Sunstreaker and Sideswipe
53. Legend of Korra- Eska and Desna
54. Mystic Messenger- 707 and Unknown (aka Saeyoung and Saeran Choi)
55. Ensemble Stars- Hinata and Yuta Aoi
56. Obey Me- Beelzebub and Belphegor
57. Happy Tree Friends- Shifty and Lifty
58. Rugrats- Phil and Lillian
59. Don’t Starve- Wendy and Abigail
60. Identity V- Joseph and Claude Desaulniers
61. Dragonlance- Caramon and Raistlin
62. Re: Zero- Rem and Ram
63. Cursed Princess Club- Gwen and Jamie
64. Ducktales (2017)- Della and Donald Duck
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genderenvyelimination · 2 years ago
First Round Masterlist
Zuko | Avatar: The Last Airbender vs. Red | Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Asmodeus | Obey Me! vs Garry | Ib
Spencer Reid | Criminal Minds vs. ENA | ENA
John Doe | Malevolent vs Lyfrassir Edda | The Bifrost Incident
Blackbeard | Our Flag Means Death vs. Percy Jackson | Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Otachi | Pacific Rim vs. Kurama | Naruto
Thanatos | Hades vs. Obito | Naruto
Lydia Deetz | Beetlejuice vs. John Mitchell | Being Human UK
Milo Thatch | Atlantis vs. Hiccup | How to Train Your Dragon
Loki | Norse Mythology vs. Kaworu | Neon Genesis Evangelion
Chat Noir | Miraculous Ladybug vs. Stevonnie | Steven Universe
Byleth | Fire Emblem vs. Fiver | Watership Down
Toruk Makto | Avatar: Way of Water vs. Aragorn | LOTR
Alma Winograd-Diaz | Undone vs. Jennifer Check | Jennifer's Body
Meta Knight | Kirby vs. Anakin Skywalker | Star Wars
Sylvester Ashling | Epithet Erased vs. Emmet | Pokemon
Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge | Strange Aeons vs. Wizard | wizardisananimal
Bears in Trees | Band vs. 4th Phase Ghouls | Ghost BC
Electra | Starlight Express vs. Gerard Way | MCR
Hare | Tales from EarthSea vs. Sonic | Sonic the Hedgehg
Hero Killer Stain vs. Hawks | BNHA
Ekko | Arcane vs. Papa Emeritus IV/Copia | Ghost Band
Will Wood | Will Wood and the Tapeworms vs. The Toy Soldier | The Mechanisms
Lewis Pepper | Mystery Skulls vs. The Curious | Creeped Out
Raine Whispers | The Owl House vs. El-Ahrairah | Watership Down
Kris Dreemur | Deltarune vs. Doug Eiffel | Wolf 359
Elias | Ancient Magnus Bride vs. Ash Crimson | King of Fighters
Testament | Guilty Gear vs. Megamind | Megamind
Undertaker | Black Butler vs. Cure Chocolat | Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
Young Tim Curry Characters | Clue vs. Rumi | Just Roll With It
Richard III | Requiem of the Rose King vs. Simon Petrikov |Adventure Time
Denji | Chainsaw Man vs. Sasori | Naruto
Hunter | Rain World vs. Sam Winchester | Supernatural
Eddie Munson | Stranger Things vs. Magnus Chase | Magnus Chase
Hiei | Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Kaname Date | Ai: the Somnium Files
Bold and Brash | Spongebob Squarepants vs. Lucienne | Sandman (THEY BOTH WON?)
E-boy Wojak | Meme culture vs. Cal Kestis | Jedi: Fallen Order
Team Rocket | Pokemon vs. Nico de Angelo | Percy Jackson/ Riordanverse
Ludwig Von Drake | Disney vs. Red Lizard | Rain World
Julian Devorak | Arcana vs. Professor Venomous | OKKO
Giovanni Potage | Epithet Erased vs. Ryuko | Kill La Kill
Mr. Fox | Fantastic Mr. Fox vs. Zim | Invader Zim
Dio Brando | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs. Sasuke Uchiha | Naruto
Yamato | One Piece vs. Roy Mustang | Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Lemon Grab | Adventure Time vs. Fujimoto | Ponyo
Mizuki | Project Sekai vs. Gomez Addams | Addams Family
Arven | Pokemon Scarlet and Violet vs. Reigen | Mob Psycho 100
Pure Vessel | Hollow Knight vs. Lord Shen | Kung Fu Panda 2
Trunks | Dragon Ball vs. Dr. Robotnik | Sonic
Five Pebbles | Rain World vs. The Goblin King | Labyrinth
Turrican OST | Turrican Game vs. Ganon's Corpse | Breath of the Wild 2
Edgar Allen Poe | Bungo Stray Dogs vs. Mollymauk Tealeaf | Critical Role
Dwight Enys | Poldark vs. Will Graham | Hannibal
Scrooge McDuck | Ducktales 2017 vs. Dr. Emmett Brown | Back to the Future
Rohan Kishibe | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs. Bilbo Baggins | Hobbit
Micheal Afton | Five Nights At Freddy's vs. Cecil Palmer | Welcome To Nightvale
Carla | Dumbing of Age vs. Larry | Pokemon
Tragedians | Pathologic vs. Zagreus | Hades
Alucard | Castlevania vs. Robin | One Piece
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best-bot-tournament-2023 · 2 years ago
Thanks so much for your patience while I finalised this breakdown. My real life is busier than you might expect and doesn't leave me as much time as I'd like to devote to this.
The challengers you'll see facing off against each other in ROUND ONE are as follows:
1) Alphonze (Just Roll With It) VS P03 (Inscription)
2) Baymax (Big Hero 6) VS Marvin (The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)
3) Bender (Futurama) VS BMO (Adventure Time)
4) Emily (She Ra and the Princesses of Power) VS S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
5) BOYD (Ducktales) VS Calculester (Monster Prom)
6) GLaDOS (Portal) VS Mettaton (Undertale)
7) Haiku Bot (Tumblr) VS Data (Star Trek)
8) Wheatley (Portal 2) VS Robecca Steam (Monster High)
9) Jenny / XJ-9 (My Life as a Teenage Robot) VS Hera (Wolf 359)
10) Fresh Cut Grass (Critical Role) VS Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
11) Zane (Lego Ninjago) VS WALL-E (WALL-E)
12) K1-B0 (Danganropa) VS C-3PO (Star Wars)
13) The Iron Giant (The Iron Giant) VS Queen (Deltarune)
14) Tik-Tok (The Oz series) VS Robot Jones (Whatever Happened To Robot Jones)
15) Raymond (OK K.O!) VS Rabbit (Steam Powered Giraffe)
16) Clank (Ratchet & Clark) VS Porn Bots (Tumblr)
17) A.M (I have no mouth and I must scream) VS WX-78 (Don’t Starve
18) One-One (Infinity Train) VS Sweet Cap’n Cakes (Deltarune)
19) Rodney Copperbottom (Robots) VS Gir (Invader Zim)
20) EVE (WALL-E) VS R2-D2 (Star Wars)
21) Rosie the Robot (The Jetsons) VS Mephone 4 (Inanimate Insanity)
22) Astro Boy (Astro Boy) VS Elle Eedee (Monster High)
23) Googleplier (Markiplier) VS Norm (Phineas and Ferb)
24) EDI (Mass Effect) VS Kryton (Red Dwarf)
25) T.O.M (Toonami) VS Edgar (Electric Dreams)
26) V1 (Ultra kill) VS Karen (Spongebob Squarepants)
27) Penny (RWBY) VS Laputian Robots (Castle in the Sky)
28) Sundry Sidney (Dimension 20: A Starstruck Odyssey) VS The Spine (Steam Powered Giraffe)
29) Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Starscream (Transformers)
30) Momo (Stray) VS Curiosity Mars Rover (NASA)
31) Ribbot (Animal Crossing) VS Frobo (Amphibia)
32) Yes Man (Fallout: New Vegas) VS Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
Thanks to everyone who helped narrow down this list by voting in the preliminary polls.
If all goes to plan I'll start posting the polls for the first round on SATURDAY 18/03/23.
Send me an ask/submission, tag me in your posts (@best-bot-tournament-2023) or tag your posts with #bestbotpropaganda for me to find and reblog!
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norman-ratri-truther · 1 year ago
pinned / about me post, u dont have to read to follow or anything but i thought id make one anyway bcz i havent had one in a while
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16 (17 soon)
my art blog is @polychromatiica , is mostly for fanart
i mostly just rb fandom stuff and then sometimes make my own posts , 99% of my brain is dedicated to gwen from torchwood. will go insane if I don't post about her every day. sorry.
my fandoms include (but aren't limited to)
Torchwood (main hyperfixation at the time of writing)
Doctor Who (specifically rtd era 1&2, as well as season 10 twelve & bill)
Five Nights at Freddy's (mostly afton family + movie continuity)
Supernatural (unfortunately)
LEGO Monkie Kid
The X-Files
Disney TVA Cartoons (owl house, gravity falls, amphibia, moon girl, ducktales etc)
Watcher/The Ghoul Boys
note: i do not support a lot of the creators, writers, actors etc that are involved with media listed above. I try to seperate art from the artist and consume it critically
generally I don't have a strict dni, I just block if any boundaries are crossed. the closest I have to a dni is obvious stuff like homophobes, transphobes, racists, ableists, aphobes etc etc i dont fuck with you guys
also im so so so tired of ship discourse but if it matters to anyone where i stand: im not in support of harrassing people over ships obviously BUT i still do think rpf shipping and "pro ship" ships are incredibly weird, gross and uncomfortable and i really dont like to see that shit so id rather you didnt follow if u enjoy and post that kind of content because i hate it a lot.
also i am a minor so obv dont follow me if you have a no minors rule on ur blog
also this is more of a silly one but gwenbashers dni kinda like i wont get angry if u follow but also. why would u want to follow me she is literally my favourite character ever lmao
sorry if i accidentally follow ppl who i break the dni of / break my dni , I try to check for these things but sometimes i miss them !!
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tfbsattic · 2 years ago
Huey, Dewey, Louie, and a Magyar PM’s Demise
While touring Budapest during the Balkan Explorer Tour via Expat Explore in 2023, the free day coincided with Philippine Independence Day – also MY 34th BIRTHDAY. Being a Disney fan myself, the city’s sights brought up DuckTales.
And I do mean the original 1987-1990 run.
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Photo taken 6/12/2023.
So what does a Disney animated series have to do with Budapest – or rather, the whole country of Hungary? Ask any resident who was between 3-12 years old and living in said country on December 12, 1993, and they’d likely tell you that something somber interrupted an episode of it.
Picture if you will being a kid watching Disney Sunday, the equivalent of America’s The Disney Afternoon in a post-Cold War Hungary (or a few other European countries) on that day. The theme song plays as normal.
“It will never leave,” said Doug Walker, the Nostalgia Critic. “it will never leave. It's like an addiction. You think you're over it. You think, “I only know a few lyrics of the song…’”
“Life is like a hurricane Here in Duckburg Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes It’s a Duck blur Might solve a mystery Or rewrite history." “DuckTales, woohoo! Every day that I've been making DuckTales, woohoo! Tales so daring, do-bad and good Luck tales.” “D-d-d-danger lurks behind you There’s a stranger out behind you Gonna find you What to do?” “JUST GRAB ONTO SOME DUCKTALES!” “WOOHOO!“
“I mean once you hear it once, it will never, ever go away. And you wanna know what the creepy thing is? I think this show stayed on the air strictly because of the theme song! I mean think about it, what do you actually remember about this show?”
Many a Magyar ‘90s kid’s disturbingly thorough answer came to a head during Uncle Scrooge’s breakfast conniption in the Catch as Cash Can story arc episode, “A Whale of a Bad Time.” He was dismayed and enraged when he lost half of his fortune via the boat containing it being eaten by a sea monster. As Huey, Dewey, and Louie restrained him, every TV screen in every Magyar household open to DuckTales desaturated, changed to static briefly, and went black for 15 minutes.
The Magyar Televízió logo appeared in a gloomy grayscale, accompanied by a track of the 3rd movement of Fredric Chopin’s Piano Sonata No. 2 in B♭ minor, Op. 35. It signified to Magyars of all ages – even and especially the perplexed ‘90s kids trying to make sense of whatever abruptly interrupted their DuckTales fix – that someone very important had died.
That someone very important was József Antall, the first democratically elected prime minister.
Shortly after his inauguration in May 1990, Antall was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. He underwent surgery that October, with him having an interview on the response to the taxi blockade in ihis sleepwear. His cancer recurred in May 1991.
Antall died in his sleep due to complications on December 12, 1993. Magyar adults and well-informed teens who knew and loved him were bereft of a strong leader in Hungary’s post-communist history, whereas befuddled kids wondered why the TV cared more of about a prime minister’s death over a Disney animated series.
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Those children who grew up back then were dubbed the “DuckTales Generation.”
“I wanted to switch channels to see if there was another cartoon,” recalled one Magyar adult, “but my parents wanted to watch M1 because – unlike me – they knew who PM Antall was and why the news of his death was important.”
“As a result of the shock, I rushed to the bathroom,” recalled another, “but I could barely tell what had happened all the way through. My mom cried to my dad, ‘Antall is dead!’ And then they looked at me, over my head. The children watching DuckTales at the time experienced a minor trauma as they were torn out of the safe world of Disney magic – and the unknown, incomprehensible blackness came.”
“Chopin's funeral march and the deep blackness cast a pall over the country for just a couple of minutes.”
“I called my parents, ‘Dad, I think (Antall) had died,’” recalled the owner of conservative blog Meanwhile in Budapest.
The death announcement of Antall wasn’t the only kids’ show interruption in history. On June 2, 2020, Viacom-owned TV channels (including Nickelodeon) around the world interrupted TV shows with an 8:46 PSA.
The white text, “I Can’t Breathe,” faded in and out to the cadence of a sound effect of a human breathing. The duration matched the one in which Derek Chauvin held his knee down on George Floyd’s neck till he suffocated. Either a Color of Change text number or the Amnesty International website (depending on country) appeared alongside it.
The PSA scared some kids, which lead some of their parents to rant about it on the Viacom channels’ social media accounts, some with some political rebukes.
But whichever their political views, most Magyar children who grew up when a death of a beloved dignitary interrupted a Disney TV show in the ‘90s knew that their moment was a blindingly brighter lightbulb memory. Even a traveling exhibit by Magyar artists on the childhood children in Hungary spent between the late ‘80s and noughties was APTLY named after that episode of which doleful breaking news interrupted it.
As Walt Disney said, “Life is composed of lights and shadows, and we would be untruthful, insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows. Most things are good, and they are the strongest things; but there are evil things too, and you are not doing a child a favor by trying to shield him from reality.”
Simply put, life HAS BEEN like a hurricane, anywhere in the world, whether kids and parents like it or not.
Especially in early ‘90s Hungary.
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Photo taken 6/12/2023.
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