#Driver Retention
artisticdivasworld · 18 days
Top Trucking Industry Trends of 2024: Adapting to a New Era of Innovation and Challenges
The trucking industry is experiencing significant changes, driven by advancements in technology, economic pressures, and environmental concerns. One of the biggest trends is the adoption of electric trucks. Many companies are feeling the push to reduce carbon emissions and meet sustainability goals. Electric trucks, while expensive upfront, are being seen as long-term investments due to lower…
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Accelerating Up Retention: Techniques to Improve Truck Driver Retention
The trucking industry is the backbone of the global economy, facilitating the movement of goods and materials across vast distances. Within this industry, trucking companies play a crucial role in ensuring smooth and efficient transportation of goods. However, one of the significant challenges is the retention of their truck drivers.
Truck driver retention is a critical factor that directly impacts the success and profitability of trucking companies. High turnover rates only result in increased recruitment, training costs, and customer satisfaction. To overcome this challenge, trucking companies must implement effective strategies to improve driver retention.
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One strategy is to create a positive work environment that fosters driver satisfaction and engagement. Trucking companies can achieve this by promoting open communication channels, actively listening to driver feedback, and addressing concerns promptly. Establishing a culture of respect, trust, and transparency helps create a sense of belonging and loyalty among drivers, making them more likely to stay with the company for the long term.
Investing in driver training and development programs is another crucial aspect of improving retention. By offering continuous training options, trucking companies can enhance the skills and knowledge of their drivers, empowering them to perform their careers. Providing avenues for career advancement and recognizing driver achievements further motivates drivers to stay and grow within the company.
Work-life balance is a significant consideration for truck drivers, given the demanding nature of their jobs. Trucking companies can support their drivers by executing approaches that prioritize predictable programs, adequate rest periods, and home time. Flexibility in work arrangements, such as offering part-time or regional drive options, can also contribute to retention rates.
Creating a strong sense of community and camaraderie within the company can significantly impact driver retention. Trucking companies can organize regular driver appreciation events, team-building activities, and mentorship programs that promote a supportive network. It fosters a sense of belonging and connection among drivers, reducing feelings of isolation and increasing job satisfaction.
Moreover, offering competitive compensation and benefits is crucial in attracting and retaining skilled truck drivers. Trucking companies must provide fair and competitive wages that reflect the value of the work performed. Additionally, comprehensive benefits packages, including healthcare coverage, retirement savings plans, and performance-based bonuses, demonstrate the company's dedication to the financial security of its drivers.
Improving truck driver retention is necessary for trucking companies to operate in the dynamic trucking industry.
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rigonwheels · 4 months
More and more problems lie behind important services: the lack of qualified drivers and the struggle to retain them. Rig on Wheels is an Truck Driver Recruitment Agency at here we which deals with many issues related Driver Retention in Trucking Industry and follow the trends; For more contact us.
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vamptastic · 1 year
aughhh ougbhhj i need to move somewherw with a train system
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John Barnett had one of those bosses who seemed to spend most of his waking hours scheming to inflict humiliation upon him. He mocked him in weekly meetings whenever he dared contribute a thought, assigned a fellow manager to spy on him and spread rumors that he did not play nicely with others, and disciplined him for things like “using email to communicate” and pushing for flaws he found on planes to be fixed. “John is very knowledgeable almost to a fault, as it gets in the way at times when issues arise,” the boss wrote in one of his withering performance reviews, downgrading Barnett’s rating from a 40 all the way to a 15 in an assessment that cast the 26-year quality manager, who was known as “Swampy” for his easy Louisiana drawl, as an anal-retentive prick whose pedantry was antagonizing his colleagues. The truth, by contrast, was self-evident to anyone who spent five minutes in his presence: John Barnett, who raced cars in his spare time and seemed “high on life” according to one former colleague, was a “great, fun boss that loved Boeing and was willing to share his knowledge with everyone,” as one of his former quality technicians would later recall. But Swampy was mired in an institution that was in a perpetual state of unlearning all the lessons it had absorbed over a 90-year ascent to the pinnacle of global manufacturing. Like most neoliberal institutions, Boeing had come under the spell of a seductive new theory of “knowledge” that essentially reduced the whole concept to a combination of intellectual property, trade secrets, and data, discarding “thought” and “understanding” and “complex reasoning” possessed by a skilled and experienced workforce as essentially not worth the increased health care costs.
By now you know what became of Swampy: He was found dead a few weeks ago with a gunshot wound to his right temple, “apparently” self-inflicted, on what was meant to be the third day of a three-day deposition in his whistleblower case against his former employer; his amended complaint, which his lawyer released last week, is the basis for much of this story. It is worth noting here that Swampy’s former co-workers universally refuse to believe that their old colleague killed himself. One former co-worker who was terrified of speaking publicly went out of their way to tell me that they weren’t suicidal. “If I show up dead anytime soon, even if it’s a car accident or something, I’m a safe driver, please be on the lookout for foul play.” 
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mensfactory · 1 year
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The M1’s history is complicated, and its impact on the Bavarian marque’s reputation was far greater than the modest production run of just 453 examples would suggest. Certainly, the M1 was a Supercar in the context of late-1970s racing technology, and that it looks like one is due to its body having been styled by Giorgetto Giugiaro, founder of Italdesign.
The M1 was developed under the aegis of BMW Motorsport head Jochen Neerpasch to compete in Group 5 racing, primarily against Porsche’s nearly invincible 911. Homologation requirements called for 400 road-going examples, and without the capacity to build the car in house, BMW partnered with Lamborghini to develop the chassis, assemble prototypes, and manufacture the production run.
Yet Lamborghini’s financial woes of the era eventually caused BMW to bring the project back in house, though Dallara designed the mid-engined, tube-frame chassis. The project soldiered on, during the course of which subsequent changes in Group 5 rules relegated the M1 to Group 4 competition. If the wedge-shaped profile of the BMW M1 recalls the 1970s-era Giugiaro aesthetic, perhaps best expressed by the Lotus Esprit, it’s because wedges, like leisure suits, were all the rage at the time. But unlike leisure suits, wedges still look cool today. One concession to tradition in the design of the M1 was the retention of BMW’s classic twin-kidney grilles in the front fascia. (Note to BMW’s designers today: bigger isn’t always better.)
Behind the driver and passenger was BMW’s 3.5-liter, twin-cam inline-six engine with mechanical fuel injection and a five-speed transmission. Making 273 hp in street tune, the mill gave the car the ability to reach about 165 mph. Inside the cockpit, occupants would not be found guilty if either felt a little short-changed of luxury, though the fabric seat inserts seem au courant today.
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57sfinest · 1 year
something i’ve been thinking about is the intersection of racism & fascism with conspiracy theories/pseudoscience and the supernatural in disco elysium. it’s a well-documented phenomenon irl and i think the game is very good at easing you into the “levels” of how these things are inherently related.
on the surface you have the racist lorry driver, who literally has “racist” in his epithet and is the most out-and-proud racist-fascist you could possibly meet, and measurehead, another open racist and fascist whose nickname is given to him by his belief in phrenology. here we see these people as pretty much cartoonishly racist and very vocal about *why* they believe these things: it all comes down to pseudoscience. these are people who have been convinced that racism is just a fact, justified by science that others are just too “soft” to recognize. we all know about measurehead and his phrenology and such but the RLD also espouses pseudoscience to justify his racism:
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and, in addition to this “supporting” his racist beliefs, on top of this he believes in conspiracy theories like an immigrant *Invasion* and an anti-Occidental (anti-white) “cultural victory”, which sounds suspiciously like real-life “white eradication” conspiracy theories:
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okay, this is some obviously deeply racist and fascist shit. but it’s not just this. measurehead goes beyond this and believes in other conspiracy theories unrelated to race supremacy, like his thing with semen retention, which is also a real-life conspiracy thing:
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i’ll tie this all up at the end, so let’s move on to the next layer. gary is explicitly identified as a cryptofascist by his epithet. a cryptofascist, for those unfamiliar, is someone whose beliefs and ideals align with fascism but who doesn’t openly identify as such because they’re aware of the social unacceptability of it. if you play the fascist route, you’ll have to play as a cryptofascist in order to maintain positive relationships with NPCs and not take constant morale damage from saying fascist things. gary also says blatantly racist things, and here’s where it gets a little deeper than RLD and measurehead: the very basics of what he says are factually true-- that seol exports microtechnology, for example, which ties them to a lot of global governments-- but these actual facts have been spun by fear and *conspiracy theory* into a load of racist bullshit:
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and you can actually see in that half light line at the bottom how the fear leverages belief in this stuff! you can argue against gary this whole time and still, an appeal to *fear* can start to slip in through the cracks. gary opens with facts and logic, devolves into fear and conspiracy spinning, and we get another layer of how racist rhetoric and belief spreads. then, to add another layer to the fear angle, you have plaisance. it’s not fear of immigrants with her, though. she’s afraid of this curse-- the supernatural-- that she thinks will be responsible for ending her business, and in her fear she turned to racist caricature and stereotypes:
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it’s not the same as the direct “you’re seolite, fuck you” that RLD directs at kim or the “non-occidentals are inferior” he and measurehead parrot or “immigrants are trying to take over the world” that they and gary all buy into. it’s a far more insidious thing: this is something she takes as fact, so deeply that she doesn’t even *question* it. these nonwhite people are special mystical people with magic and that’s just how it is! while it’s not quite conspiracy theory, it’s supernatural, which functions the same as conspiracy when you talk about how racism is rooted in some fundamental disconnect from reality. and this brings us to our final subject, lena. lena comes in from the same angle, a belief in the supernatural (cryptozoology) that ultimately results in racism. (the juxtaposition of cryptozoology/cryptofascism with morell and gary was not an accident!) she seems like a regular sweet old lady who likes cryptids, until you’re randomly slapped across the face with this:
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she believes that seolites are a different *species*, and that’s just a fact to her. you point out the racism and she just doubles down-- no, she’s not trying to be offensive, it can be a good thing actually! that’s just nature, just like the cryptids she loves! it’s just fact! and we see this echoed by plaisance and even gary, where they’ll say something deeply racist and follow it up with “but [x group] is very intelligent/crafty/etc as well!” as though saying this somehow cancels out the racism (when in actuality, these “good traits” are part of what they use to fearmonger about these “other” groups they’re so afraid of).
in general this group of characters serves really well to demonstrate how people who are out of touch with reality in other ways (conspiracy, magic, the supernatural, and some extreme forms of spiritualism) are frequently deeply racist as well, and some of them aren’t even aware or doing it intentionally. it really just comes with the territory, and some people choose to lean into it while others aren’t even aware of it, which is why the process of recognition and unlearning is so important when considering the latter population.
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bisexualfemalemess · 1 year
Question; Is it already appropriate to stop putting a spoiler warning on my posts? lmao
Anyway, Let’s talk about 4x05 specifically, Ricky’s line “Last summer, I was terrified, when I realized i had real feelings for gina.”
Because maybe this will put the pw/rini fans down and help them accept that rina is and was supposed to be endgame no matter what happened with liv and josh. Also, I’ve literally never seen anyone talk about this and maybe i’m just exaggerating lmao.
I think Ricky could have just as easily said something along the lines of “when i realized i had feelings/ when i realized i developed real feelings for gina” but he didn’t. Because he knew he liked Gina from the moment she kissed his cheek in that orange bug after homecoming, we’ve seen them flirt and we’ve seen him shoot a shot several episodes after that and I don’t know about you but i don’t give a spin hug to my friends. He stopped pursuing Nini as soon as gina came into the picture and that’s a fact, they didn’t bring the rickyxnini couple storyline back until after Gina moved, he didn’t actively pursue nini until Gina told him to stop calling and even then he kept texting her and we see him distracted throughout the next episode, the almost kiss didn’t happen until after Gina had replied and told him they were leaving early, only once he knew gina was completely out of the picture, did he go back to nini. He said it himself, he reverted back to his old self because he didn’t have gina in his life anymore and when gina told him she wouldn’t quit on them if she wasn’t moving away he genuinely looked upset about it as well. In episode 1 of season 2 at Ashlyn’s new years even party, that boy did a Triple Take when gina went to get a root-beer, the feelings were still there, they were just buried because he didn’t think he would see Gina again when he made his confession to Nini so he held on to what he used to know and who he used to be, because we all know that ricky bowen is not good with change. Now, in episode three of the season, the iconic valentines episode, The way he looks at her, the way his voice softens while talking to her, his line “I think you’ll get yours too.” After gina told him that every girl likes a sweet gesture, THE NEXT SCENE BEING THE CHOCOLATES, the fact that ricky got messages from nini and gina only seconds apart but he only looked onto his face once gina’s message came on, all of these things hint towards ricky’s feelings, even in 2x04 when Nini came to surprise the group in the bomb shelter, Ricky and Gina looked like they just got caught cheating even though all they did was talk and laugh. Last point, Episode five and six, He was in awe of gina when she was dancing (gina porter effect) and only went to gina for advice on nini because she had helped him the previous two times when he hadn’t even actually asked for advice in 2x04 and 2x03, The boy probably thought she was trying to get over him. In the next episode even though she had already tried to break off contact with him, he still asked to partner up with her and smiled at her when she looked at him while saying she doesn’t know what her heart desires. Even during Ashlyn’s retention of home we see ricky look at gina when he comes back in. RICHARD BOWEN HAS ALWAYS HAD FEELINGS FOR GINA PORTER, THE SEASON 3 PLOT LINE WAS NOT RANDOM OR CAME OUT OF NOWHERE. Ricky just finally realized what he could’ve had if gina didn’t move away once he lost it. RINA WAS ALWAYS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN AND BE ENDGAME. THEY DIDNT COME OUT OF NOWHERE OR ONLY HAPPENED BECAUSE OLIVIA LEFT. Because, fact-check Season 2 was filmed before the drivers-license drama, they did not break them up because things between liv and josh got tense. Your ship was not supposed to be endgame.
(In tomorrows post i will rant about the people who say that rina copied rini and portwells scenes And that gina is the new nini because literally where?)
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artisticdivasworld · 22 days
The Cost of Ignoring Professional Advice in the Trucking Industry
Running a trucking business isn’t just about owning a bunch of trucks and hiring drivers. It’s a tough industry filled with rules, rising expenses, and new technologies popping up all the time. To keep up, you need more than just hard work—you need expert advice. Unfortunately, many trucking companies skip out on this, thinking they can handle it on their own. The truth is, that decision can cost…
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This day in history
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TODAY (July 14), I'm giving the closing keynote for the fifteenth HACKERS ON PLANET EARTH, in QUEENS, NY. Happy Bastille Day! NEXT SATURDAY (July 20), I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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#20yrsago ICANN emancipate domain owners from scummy registrars https://web.archive.org/web/20040722061910/http://www.byte.org/blog/_archives/2004/7/14/105552.html
#20yrsago Disney’s $80 million mistake: Fahrenheit 911 https://web.archive.org/web/20040804183640/https://www.technicianonline.com/story.php?id=009702
#20yrsago Druid busted for possession of a sword https://mg.co.za/article/2004-07-13-swordpacking-druid-appears-in-court/
#15yrsago Michael Jackson didn’t sell 750 million records https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB124760651612341407
#15yrsago Phones confiscated at preview screenings: whose hypothetical risk is more important? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2009/jul/14/mobile-phones-and-movie-security
#15yrsago Visa claims teen spent $23,148,855,308,184,500.00 on prepaid credit card https://web.archive.org/web/20090716125509/https://consumerist.com/5314246/unruly-teen-charges-23-quadrillion-at-drugstore
#10yrsago Freedom of info funnies: CIA cafeteria complaints https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2014/jul/14/doc-note-cia-cafeteria-complaints/
#10yrsago Economist examines empirical evidence of file-sharing on box-office revenue https://web.archive.org/web/20140816180401/http://conference.nber.org/confer/2014/SI2014/PRIT/Strumpf.pdf
#10yrsago Understanding #DRIP: new spy powers being rammed through UK Parliament https://web.archive.org/web/20140711071612/https://www.openrightsgroup.org/campaigns/no-emergency-stop-the-data-retention-stitch-up
#10yrsago Tesla’s “car-as-service” versus your right to see your data https://appliedabstractions.com/2014/07/14/elon-i-want-my-data/
#10yrsago Scalia may have opened path for Quakers to abstain from taxes https://www.salon.com/2014/07/14/scalias_major_screw_up_how_scotus_just_gave_liberals_a_huge_gift/
#10yrsago Unions considered helpful (economically) https://stumblingandmumbling.typepad.com/stumbling_and_mumbling/2014/07/unions-productivity-.html
#10yrsago Hearings into mass surveillance begin in UK https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/jul/14/court-gchq-surveillance-tempora-ipt-nsa-snowden
#10yrsago Everyone hates the NSA: survey https://web.archive.org/web/20140715012054/http://www.pewglobal.org/2014/07/14/nsa-opinion/table/country-citizens/
#10yrsago GCHQ’s black bag of dirty hacking tricks revealed https://web.archive.org/web/20140714190448/https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/07/14/manipulating-online-polls-ways-british-spies-seek-control-internet/
#10yrsago Snowden: #DRIP “defies belief,” could have been dreamed up by NSA https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/13/edward-snowden-condemns-britain-emergency-surveillance-bill-nsa
#5yrsago Florida DMV makes millions selling Floridians’ data…for pennies (and you can’t opt out) https://www.wxyz.com/news/national/florida-is-selling-drivers-personal-information-to-private-companies-and-marketing-firms
#5yrsago #TelegramGate: leaks show Puerto Rico’s appointed officials mocking the dead as hurricanes devastate the island https://web.archive.org/web/20190714004011/https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/puerto-rican-chief-financial-officer-resigns-chat-scandal-64318436
#1yrago Why they're smearing Lina Khan https://pluralistic.net/2023/07/14/making-good-trouble/#the-peoples-champion
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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rigonwheels · 1 year
Trucking Industry Offers Career Advancement Opportunities - Driver Retention
Driver Retention in the Trucking Industry is a critical challenge faced by companies operating in this highly competitive sector. The ability to retain experienced drivers is not only essential for maintaining operational efficiency and profitability but also for sustaining a positive reputation within the industry. To address this challenge, trucking companies need to implement effective strategies. Offering competitive compensation packages, including salaries, bonuses, health insurance, and retirement plans, is a fundamental step. Additionally, transparent communication channels to address driver concerns, ongoing training and development programs, and a strong commitment to safety are crucial. Embracing modern technology solutions such as route optimization and electronic logging systems can streamline operations and reduce stress for drivers. Promoting work-life balance, recognizing exceptional performance, fostering a sense of community among drivers, providing career advancement opportunities, and establishing a feedback loop for continuous improvement are key elements in achieving driver retention in the competitive landscape of the trucking industry. With these strategies in place, companies can not only retain their experienced drivers but also attract new talent, ensuring long-term success.
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drdemonprince · 10 months
im so type A and anal retentive that when i was zoonked out on general anesthesia i remained incredibly lucid-seeming and my only tell that I was Altered was my repeated attempts to micromanage my Lyft driver in getting us home (I cant drive)
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rideboomindia · 1 year
How RideBoom can dominate the market
To achieve market dominance, RideBoom would need to implement effective strategies and tactics. While I don't have access to RideBoom's specific plans or current market conditions, I can provide some general strategies that can contribute to market dominance:
Differentiation: RideBoom can differentiate itself from competitors by offering unique features, services, or benefits. This could include providing superior customer service, innovative technology solutions, or specialized offerings tailored to specific customer segments. By standing out from the competition, RideBoom can attract and retain a larger customer base.
Expansion and Market Penetration: RideBoom can focus on expanding its services and increasing market penetration. This can involve entering new geographical regions, launching in-demand services, or targeting underserved markets. By establishing a strong presence in multiple markets, RideBoom can gain a competitive advantage and increase its market share.
Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with strategic partners can help RideBoom enhance its offerings, reach a larger audience, and strengthen its market position. This could involve partnerships with local businesses, transportation companies, or technology providers that complement RideBoom's services. Strategic alliances can lead to increased brand visibility, customer acquisition, and overall market dominance.
Customer Acquisition and Retention: RideBoom can focus on effective customer acquisition and retention strategies. This could include targeted marketing campaigns, referral programs, personalized offerings, and loyalty rewards. By attracting new customers and ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction, RideBoom can build a loyal user base and outperform competitors.
Continuous Innovation: Staying ahead of the competition requires continuous innovation. RideBoom can invest in research and development to improve its technology, introduce new features, and stay up-to-date with emerging trends. By offering cutting-edge solutions and anticipating customer needs, RideBoom can solidify its market position and attract a larger customer base.
Competitive Pricing and Incentives: Pricing plays a crucial role in market dominance. RideBoom can adopt competitive pricing strategies, such as offering affordable fares, promotional discounts, or incentives for both riders and drivers. By providing value for money and attractive incentives, RideBoom can attract and retain a larger customer base, potentially leading to market dominance.
It's important to note that market dominance is influenced by various factors, including competition, market conditions, customer preferences, and regulatory environments. The specific strategies that RideBoom should employ may depend on a careful analysis of these factors and an understanding of their target market's dynamics.
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butchmartyr · 1 year
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sorry buddy the actual leftists aren’t gonna take you seriously if you ignore the reality of communists and socialists caring demonstrably about the environment and pointing to capital as the dominant driver of its destruction. like we don’t want the death machine to continue we want communism, we don’t want to continue extractive practices like green revolution farming we want to look to sustainable and resource retentative solutions. i am somewhat sorry but you can’t expect us to listen to you if you can’t go 5 minutes without getting on some “communism destroys the Beautiful and Pristine Untouched Traditional Wilderness” and then get surprised when you get called an eco fascist. and it doesn’t help your case that yall still treat the healthcare many disabled/chronically ill people as a joke!
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saturniandragon · 2 months
OC catchphrases: Adrastea (Saturn)
"This day better not suck."
*humming to the tune of Top Gun anthem*
"...the fuck did I eat for breakfast today?"
"I need to do [thing] today." -> proceeds to forget immediately
*randomly gets horny*
Winning: "Ez"
Struggling: "Oh piss off, mate."
Struggling (fun): "Oh you're gonna play like that? Alright."
Driving/preparing to drive:
Seeing his McLaren: "Morning/afternoon/evening, my lady."
"Where the fuck did I put my keys?"
Cut off by another driver: "Oh you're having a laugh, mate."
Getting horn-blasted by a driver behind him at a red light: "PISS OFF"
Shooting range:
"Did I put in 7 or 8 bullets in there?"
Accidentally dropping a mag: "Oh, fuck off."
*repeatedly doing retention reloads for no reason*
Forgetting to zero his scope: "Where the fuck did that bullet go?" / "Well that's... a problem."
At another shooter in the range: "STOP SLAPPING YOUR MAGS IN"
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kalikai · 2 months
Replaced the circle pad on a Nintendo 3DS XL.
Top had snapped off the old one. The remaining nubbin still functioned as a joystick but it just wasn't very nice to use.
Replacement part obtained from eBay for like 5 bucks or something.
Didn't take any photos of the process because I was so nervous and concentrating so hard on not fucking it up, but it was a success.
Here's the installed new one alongside the old broken one balanced on my finger:
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Last night I read through the iFixit guides and ALL of the comments for this process on both the regular and XL consoles, and then watched a video that one of the comments linked to about a better way to remove and reinstall the retention ring
(iFixit says to just forcibly yank it out and "don't worry about bending it it's totally fine" but the YouTube guy showed the actually correct way of doing it, where you wind it on like putting a key on a keyring)
And then this morning I girded my loins and just jumped into it before I could psych myself out.
Delicate procedure because of how teeny tiny all the components are, but at the end of the day it wasn't any more complicated than taking apart a laptop or whatever. Carefully remove the screws using a lot of pressure behind the driver so that you don't strip them, carefully unlatch ribbon cable retention clips so that you don't accidentally rip them, and then carefully put everything back together again so that you don't forget any steps of the process.
The iFixit guides have you completely and utterly disassembling the 3DS which is ludicrous overkill for this process. Don't need to remove the motherboard, don't need to remove any other components whatsoever beyond the joystick itself. As many people pointed out, you can skip from step 6 to step 21 with no issues whatsoever.
Whole thing only took about 20 minutes.
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