#Dreamcatcher paris
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eesomepictures · 1 year ago
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PanDami doodles 🐼✨
Yes I'm still mentally living here, where Dami put my Panda plushie gift in her head!
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viridescentelf · 6 months ago
In your debt - Part 3
Young Halsin x Reader
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Art belongs to @ozumii-fucking-wizard, I also used their Young Halsin headcanon list as a reference :) i love the idea of him being a bit hotheaded in his younger years hehe
Find Part 1 and Part 2 here.
Slow burn, sorry. But the next part will get spicy, I promise. >:D
Song in this fic:
Warning: Swearing
You awoke on a huge matt, covered in a thick quilt. Your eyes adjusted to the dim light as you scanned your surroundings. You were staring at a large tent peak above you, which swayed sleepily in the wind. You turned your head slightly, examining the area further. Smoldering embers cracked softly in the middle of the room, with various tiny cushions placed around it. A kettle peeped, hovering above the low fire, green steam escaping its mouth. Adorning the tent were many little trinkets: dreamcatchers, windchimes, wooden toys and engraved clay pots decorated the walls and small shelves. The ground looked slightly sandy next to you, furthering the softness of your position. The matt was far too big for you, so was the quilt. You looked like a little mouse had sneaked into the cat’s bed.
You noticed a stinging sensation and remembered what happened with the goblin.
Your hands drifted under the covers to your pulsating side. A thick piece of rough fabric met your fingers and as you pawed along carefully, you realized it was bandaging. The pain was dull, but made its evil presence known.
That’s right. You were with Halsin. In his village.
You had no idea what else the dreamy druid had done while you were knocked out. You must’ve looked like a corpse.
You noticed you were wearing different clothes. This long sleeve tunic wasn’t yours and neither were the wide pants you spied while lifting the covers.
Had he…had he changed you? You blushed at the thought.
Had he seen you naked???
You attempted to sit up, quickly, which turned out to be a mistake. Deciding to prop yourself up carefully, you hovered over your unwounded side, relying on the strength of your arm. You eyed the large mug of water close to you, bringing it hastily to your dry lips.
It tasted so clean. You realized how gross the water really was back in the city.
You finished the water in a few gulps and placed the mug back where you found it.
Just then, your ears picked up a distant conversation. The voices were agitated. You weren’t able to get up and walk towards the entrance, so you strained your ears to listen carefully.
You recognized Halsin’s voice, who sounded exceedingly frustrated.
“So, your solution is just to ignore the looming threat? How on earth can you be so thick?”, he growled at an unknown male speaker.
“That is no tone to take with me, novice. You’re in no position to question my decision”, the other man answered, his tone so low it made the hairs on your arm stand up. Who was this?
You heard repetitive, thudding footsteps. It sounded like someone angrily pacing.
Halsin spoke again, his intonation louder than before: “If they tried once, they will do so again. And with more devastation. More goblins! They want our children for some sick game and you would rather do nothing!”
“The only person making that claim is lying halfdead in your tent. You do not know them. I do not know them! I will not send a group towards certain death because a stranger made a groggy statement!”, the other man met Halsin’s tone, with warning etched within.
You felt your stomach drop. The terrified faces the children had made while Izick was fighting you flashed before you. You knew you were telling the truth, but how could they know that?
“Uncle, they are the reason our children are safely returned to us!” There was a slight pause and you heard him step towards the tent, perhaps pointing. “If they hadn’t intervened, the drow-“
“Silence!”, the man Halsin addressed as uncle bellowed, the echo reverberating through the area.
“I do not care what could or would have happened. I care about the facts of the situation. It was YOUR task to watch over them. And YOU left Zacharia alone so that you could feel like a hero. Zacharia’s death and the possible fate of your brothers’ and sisters’ is on your conscien-“
A mighty roar interrupted the uncle’s chastising. A second followed with thundering thuds and tremors. Slicing through the chaos, you heard an assertive, older woman’s command:
“ENOUGH! Halsin, Dafydd. Stop this nonsense!”
The vibration in the soil ceased slowly, with one still insisting on remaining.
“Halsin…!”, she threatened.
You felt the shaking of the earth stop, finally but reluctantly. With vicious pants from both of the arguing parties, you heard the woman speak once again:
“Halsin, go check on your patient. And you, Dafydd, go do something you deem important. We do not have time for pointless squabbles like this.”
A pause and finally a few grunts of agreement. You heard footsteps leaving and two sets walking towards your tent.
Why were you panicking? It was ok for you to be awake, right?
You hastily pulled the covers over half your face as you lay down a bit too bluntly.  You didn’t want them to know you were listening.
The tent flap slid open and you saw Halsin hold it open for the other person.
An older elf woman walked in, her long grey hair tied neatly in elaborate braids. She had exceedingly kind, hazel eyes that met yours with a soft twinkle. Her dark skin glistened with tiny drops of sweat. Her attire was rather casual, it looked like she spent a lot of time outside, judging by her sun kissed, wrinkly nose.
She smiled and you returned it carefully.
“Ah, so this is the savior”, her voice matched the one who had scolded the two men before. Halsin didn’t say anything, but grumpily stomped to the other side of the tent to grab a piece of wood. He started aggressively carving at it with a knife that looked too small for his hands.
The elf lady rolled her eyes and kneeled beside your head: “How are we feeling this morning, duckling?”
You cleared your throat, blinking a bit confused at the last word, but sat up slowly, while she helped you up: “Uh… I think… ok?”
Your words sounded unrecognizably hoarse.
The older elf conjured a gentle, yellow light from her palm and lay her hand on your shoulder. Closing her eyes, you felt a wonderous thrum from her touch.
“Mmh, yes. Healing slow but nicely”, she opened her eyes, winked at you and turned her head towards the tall druid, who was still chopping viciously at the tiny block of wood.  
“Good thinking with the ginkgo leaves, son. Their organs are healing quickly”, she kept her gaze fixed on him. He met her eyes briefly, let out a rough “Hm” as a response and continued shaving.
You looked at Halsin, too. His furious aura engulfed the entire tent. His brows were frowning so intensely that you could barely see his calming eyes. This was his mother? They looked nothing alike. And she was so much older.
The woman turned back to you, deciding to ignore the brewing giant in the corner.
“I’m Anwen, elder druid of the High Forest. I assume you know who the sulking moose over there is”, she gestured vaguely at Halsin, who grunted and continued whittling more aggressively.
You nodded, trying to stop yourself from laughing. The hissy fit was a bit comical coming from such a large man, but you understood where the anger came from.
“Y/N…” you lay a hand on your chest, indicating yourself. “Thank you for … uh…” you were looking down at the clean garb you were wearing.
Halsin blushed excessively in the corner of your eye, turning to face the tent wall.
Anwen grinned: “Well, well, now I know where my sleepwear went.”
You stared at her anxiously.
“Oh, don’t worry. You need it more than I do right now”, she placated.
Your eyes wandered to the back of Halsin’s head. You could see the blushing had increased. So, he had changed you…
“Duckling, I am beyond thankful that you came to my children’s aid. They all won’t stop talking about you and your rescue. I’m sure they’d be happy to meet you properly, once your strength allows”, Anwen tugged at your cover, pulling it over you more and forcing you to lie back down.
You obliged.
“Halsin tells me you overheard something from the goblins. Something about the children…”, she patted the cover close to your chest.
You explained what you had heard before you intervened. Elder Anwen listened intently, nodding along as you described the attire the goblins were wearing to the best of your ability. She thanked you kindly and exited the tent, addressing Halsin to join her in prayer at sundown. This left you alone with the handsome druid.
He finally placed his craft on the sideboard next to his carving knife, leaning against the board and letting out a deep, irked sigh. You didn’t know what to say, so you just watched him.
The silence lingered between you for a bit, when he finally turned to you and tried to smile.
“Sorry. I’m glad you’re doing better.” He approached the side of your matt and squatted down. “I should change your bandage…”
You nodded after realizing you had been staring at him for too long and pushed the cover off your upper half. Hesitating slightly, you lifted the tunic to reveal your nursed belly.
Halsin sat down on the sand and started taking the binding off carefully. You let out small hisses, as he pulled the adhesive off your wound. You saw leaves sticking to the side of the band that lay directly on the most sensitive area. These were presumably the ginkgo leaves Anwen had mentioned before. He grabbed the teapot from the fireplace and filled a goblet with steaming, green water.
You beheld his work in silence, as he dabbed a soaking cloth on your abdomen. He conjured more healing magic with his hands, which hovered over your belly for some time. The comforting humming of his incantation joined the low purring of the fire. The dull light of the tent danced across his face, which seemed absent and deep in thought.
“Thank you for…all of this...”, you cut through the quiet, realizing you hadn’t really thanked him for saving your life.
Your words seemed to snap him out of something. He blinked hard and turned his head towards you, as his hand floated above your stomach.
His smile grew warmer and your heart skipped a secret beat: “You needn’t thank me. It’s the least I can do.”
He returned his attention back to nursing you. Watching him work, you felt a gnawing in your throat that you couldn’t ignore any longer.
“… are you alright?”, You had been wanting to ask about the conversation you overheard since he walked in.
Halsin hesitated for a moment, his eyes flitting from your face to his hands.
“It’s nothing you should concern yourself with. You’ve done more than enough,” he murmured.
You thought about the words the other man, Dafydd, had chastised the young druid with. Halsin seemed to be struggling with immense guilt and a need to correct it.
You accepted his unsatisfying answer and let your eyes wander around the tent, as you heard Halsin sigh once more. You didn’t know each other. Why would he share his woes with you? You were just a useless bard that happened to stumble into an unfortunate situation.
You spent the next few days in his tent, having Anwen and Halsin visit you every hour to bring food, drink and give you healing sessions. You were feeling better every day, the throbbing pain slowly dissipating from your lower body. It got to the point, where you even forgot you were hurt to begin with.
Anwen told you stories about Halsin, whom she adopted as a young boy. Most of the stories were quite embarrassing and you enjoyed learning about his mischievous nature. He carried himself with immense grace whenever he was around you, but you secretly knew he had a massive fear of moths and used to hide in baskets or pots to avoid druid training. He grew more relaxed each passing day, as well, showing off his collection of wood carvings you’d been eyeing in the corner of the tent, realizing you were someone easy to speak to.
You left the tent from time to time, as well, and were allowed to join in meals and share stories with the rest of the villagers. The village had been damaged by the attack, but not by too much. The druids seemed organized enough to fix things swiftly. Everyone treated you kindly.
The children were enthralled with you. They had carved a new, albeit extremely creaky and sad-looking, lute for you as a thank you, which you accepted with warmth surrounding your heart. Their eyes stared up at you, adoringly, as you haphazardly played on your gifted “instrument”, the notes plunking out strained and harsh. Gods, it was ugly. But you loved it anyway.
You learned Dafydd was the archdruid of the High Forest and Anwen’s brother. He was a lanky, older, but tall elf with the same eyes as Anwen, yet lacking her kindness. He had an intense authoritative energy and barely smiled, only nodding to greet you when you joined the circle. The only person he truly listened to was his sister and he was extremely harsh with the rest of the novice druids whom he trained, especially Halsin.
The children begged you to join them in their barn one night, where you learned Halsin slept while you occupied his tent. They dragged you to the heaps of straw, showing off their own attempts at carvings. You spied a larger wooden object hiding under a thin, massive blanket. That was most likely where Halsin slept, judging by the size of the bedroll. You decided not to pry.
The kids requested you sing them to sleep, as the orange sunrays drifted through the small cracks in the wooden walls. They were all snuggled together, glittering eyes blinking expectedly up at you, as you sat on a large bundle of hay.
How could you say no to them?
You started humming softly, watching them curl up closer to each other and stare at you with their little faces. You thought back to a gentle lullaby you had thought of, while you were wandering through a small village, which had a tradition of burning old keepsakes, in order to release them to the spirit world. You had been writing it below the Oaktree you always visited in the High Forest.
You didn’t need an instrument to keep the rhythm going, as the music flowed from your lips naturally:
I smelt smoke
On the wheezing of the wind when I awoke
A pyre of memory
Some fly-tipped treasury
Out there burning slow
Dark soaked fields
And the snuffling wet noses at my heels
Suddenly hackles raise
At the crackling of the blaze
Out there burning slow
And sometimes I catch him
With his axe in
The shadow
So secretive and private,
But I’m breathing in his life when
He’s out there burning slow
You repeated the lines a few times, until you noticed every chest of the children moving slowly up and down in a sweet cadence.
You heard someone behind you and turned to see Halsin leaning against the open door, the dark night behind him, his arms crossed:
“Beautiful tune. Been long since I’ve heard it.”
You blinked at him in stunned silence. He had heard it before?
He chuckled, noticing your confusion: “I told you Thaniel is fond of you. He likes to sing me your songs. The children do, too. Now I’ve had the pleasure of hearing it from the origin’s mouth, as intended.”
“Oh, wow… I didn’t know a forest spirit liked music…”, you pondered that thought, wondering what this Thaniel being was. If he had been listening all this time, where had he been hiding himself while you played on the riverbank?
Halsin joined you, sitting down on the hay ball. The might of his body made your side move up a bit, leaving your legs to dangle. He watched the children sleep, with a permanent smile on his face.
“Aren’t they precious?”, he cooed and you nodded with a silent chuckle, as one ork boy snored gently.
“Oh wait, one moment!”, Halsin stood up and tiptoed to the large bedroll, pulling the woodwork from under the draping.
He hid it behind his back, which worked amazingly, since he was so wide.
“Close your eyes,” he grinned.
You complied and waited with a secret shortness of breath. He had made something for you?
“Open,” he purred, sweetly.
As you opened your eyes, you were met with a beautifully crafted lute. The wood had been engraved with lovely vines and flowers.
Your mouth dropped open.
Halsin hurriedly sat beside you again, the hay ball raising you once again, as he handed you the intricately constructed instrument. The feel of the soft oak gave you goosebumps and the redness in your face was impossible to hide.
The strings were firm and carefully strung into place. You plucked a few softly. It sounded heavenly.
“This- what- how- why-…” you couldn’t string a coherent sentence together. Halsin chuckled.
“The children told me you sacrificed your lute to save them. The one they made for you is ...cute... , but I thought you needed a proper one.”
You gaped at him. You had never gotten such a thoughtful gift in your entire life.
You felt tears bite your eyes, but you blinked them away.
“Gods…thank you Halsin…I- I don’t know what to say. It’s marvelous!”
His smiled widened: “It’s the least I can do, I’m in your debt, remember?”
You smiled back, gazing at the artwork.
Moments passed as you both watched the sleeping children quietly. Your heart was still racing from the tremendous gesture.
You felt Halsin’s shoulders tense up as his face collapsed into the thoughtful one you first encountered in the tent.
You gulped inaudibly and decided maybe now he would be more open to talking to you. You had this urge to soothe him, especially after receiving the lute.
“Are you still bothered by what the Archdruid said?”, the words just spilled out of you. You realized it would indicate you had overheard the conversation and your throat closed up. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry…” your hands fidgeted around the lute as you nervously babbled on.
Halsin let out a brief gust of air between his nostrils. He nodded a bit, unbothered by your question.
“It’s just…”, he stopped himself. You saw his hands tremor slightly, “Dafydd is such a…such a…”
Your brows furrowed in concern.
Halsin took another deep breath, calming his slight shaking: “I didn’t abandon Zacharia. He told me to go and help. He told me he would take the children to the thicket and hide. I didn’t know those damned goblins were tailing us.” The words tumbled out of him with quiet agony staining his intonation.
You sat up a bit straighter, put the lute down on the ground and turned more towards him, unsure what else to contribute, but offering your ear.
Halsin balled a fist, as he watched one of the girls turn over in her sleep.
“Dafydd won’t go after that filth that tried to steal them. Says it’s pointless and risky and hotheaded. But what if they come back? Perhaps with an army of drow instead of stupid goblins. What if they get their hands on them and…” You heard his knuckles crack as he flexed his fist more.
He realized what he was doing with his hand and released his grip.
“I have to do something. I can’t just sit by and hope for the best.” His eyes scanned the barn floor, then finally met your worried gaze. The jade hue sparkled in the moonlight. You buried the thought about how handsome he was, while you focused on his problem.
You let his words swirl in your mind for a while. You never had any contact with Lolth sworn drows, just the kind ones that had escaped that fanaticism to Baldur’s Gate. At least you assumed they were Lolth sworn, you didn’t know of any other drow group that would do such a thing.
You agreed with Halsin. It was a terrible threat and a danger for the children to have the sheer possibility of another kidnapping exist.
“The thought haunts me, too. So, I understand how you feel”, your voice was almost a whisper, in fear of waking the sleeping souls, “It’s a huge risk to let them conspire in the dark.”
Halsin nodded. He leaned forward, holding his weight on his legs with his elbows. 
He seemed to be at war with himself, unsure if he should tell you something. His eyes scanned you and you felt your body shake. A thought of what his lips tasted like invaded you, which you blinked away ashamedly.
You attempted to hide your racy thoughts with a stupidly fake cough.
Halsin sat up again and bit his lip. Then he grabbed your hands and held them within his own. A brush of heat sizzled up your spine. He was so close to you.
“I’m going after them. I need a few nights to prepare, but then I’ll track those miscreants down. Frelma and Danan have agreed to come with me. Three is better than one. I have no idea if we’ll survive such an assault, but it’s better than sitting here and waiting for the next attack. We’re still concocting a plan. The drow are too dangerous to let live.”
His eyes bore into yours, a shred of relief after finally telling someone clouding them: “Please. Do not tell anyone, especially not Dafydd.”
You stared into his forest eyes, that quivered with anticipation at your response. You tried your absolute most not to lean in and clasp your lips in his, although every sinew within you yearned for it. Why was he so Gods-damn fine?
“I’m coming with you.”
The phrase escaped from you. You couldn’t believe what you just said. Neither could the druid, who still held your hands gently.
He tilted his head, pacifyingly, his eyes softening sweetly: “You are braver than anyone I’ve ever met. But that would be quite foolish. No, you will stay here until you’re fully heale-.”
“I insist.”
Your insides were screaming at you, what the fuck were you thinking? What would you contribute? Battle music? You would only be in the way.
Halsin let out a soft laugh, lowering your hands but still holding onto them. He shook his head and gazed at you:
“You’re a fascinating person, truly. But I cannot allow you to-“
You released your hand from his grasp and held up a finger. An idea sparked within you. An extremely stupid idea.
“I know I can’t fight. But I can run.”
Halsin’s brow furrowed, waiting for an explanation.
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fillinforlater · 2 years ago
Monday of Appreciation: Part 101
Hello everyone, Smite here!
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2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Monday of Appreciation!
My first MoA post was posted on the 20th of September 2021, two years. Time really flies, huh? I don't want this to be just another MoA 100 post, but I really gotta thank you all, especially because Part 100 received so much love, God, it made me so happy <3 It was a kinda cathartic moment, the series had an epic peak... all thanks to you.
I definitely also want to thank all the writers, without whom this all wouldn't exist. My way of thanking you all is by... featuring a FUCKTON of stories below. Even if you are not featured (first of all, I'm sorry lol), I still appreciate your work and comradery in the bunker. Y'all are amazing <3
No. 1: @dnd-writes: Way of Water ft. Eunbi
Ah yes, Waterbomb Eunbi. The event that captured us all. The idea with the backup dancer is straight forward, nice, but the greatest thing about this is the watersports. Waterbomb, watersports... you get it? Just read it.
No.2: @leafostuff: No Names Needed ft. Sheon (Billlie)
Thanks to Leafo for spreading the good word of Sheon and her... goddamn midriff. No more reasons needed, appreciate this girl already, ugh.
No. 3: @iznsfw: The Devil's Telephone ft. Yujin
Everything IZ touches skips the part where it turns to gold. Fuck gold, IZ just creates diamondtic-masterpieces. I was thrilled to learn about this fic and when I read it... IZ did it again! This portrayal of Yujin is everything. What are we to your might!
No. 4: @idyllicidols: Cheat Day ft. Wonyoung
Wonyoung gangbang with her fans? I bet you all are already foaming at your mouth. Go on. Read it. Leave some love for this talented writer after getting your loads off the screen.
No. 5: @rvp32: Whisper of Uncontrollable Desire ft. Chaewon
Let me tell you, rvp is great! They don't hold back, they go all out, they try A/B/O, they like futa (please write futa!) and they have a Gaeul series. This one fucking sent me <3
No. 6: @existslikepristin: Not Summer Yet ft. Jeongyeon
Thx ELP for the nice message on Part 100! Thanks also for giving us these crazy pieces again and again (well, this one isn't too crazy for your standards, but you get me). This felt really intimate, liked it!
No. 7: @dreamcatchers-husband: The City of Love and Secrets ft. Sejeong
You better learn French for this fic. But fr, now I wanna go to Paris and marry a beautiful girl before :floshed: filling her up because she truly is mine now ahhhhh
No. 8: @capslocked: SERENDIPITY ft. Eunbi
Caps, Caps, Caps, Caps, Caps, what am I gonna do with you? Your fics are ALWAYS in my to read list and when I get to them... yeah, takes more than one attempt... more like five. Fuck you, I love you.
No. 9: @ggidolsmuts: Sin, Hormones and the Starlet's Boyfriend ft. Yunjin, Somi
HOLY FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, that was so FUCKING hot, I caaaaan't stop meeeeee, this is so good, I need more of this. Yeah, basically every ddeun fic makes me go like this. What a fucking legend, man.
No. 10: @smuttysabina: A Pervert Bred by Perverts only Breeds more Perverts ft. E:U (Everglow)
As you can see, the title is quite elaborate on what happens in this fic. A bunch of perverts, a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of cum to breed and in the end everyone is happy. You too, you filthy pervert?
No. 11: @writingsomesin-amber: Puppies' New Toy Part 3 ft. LSFM, Xiaoting
FUTA, the best kind of futa. The one with Alphas, with Kazuha (who always has a HUGE cock), with boundless sex that's just horny nonsense. This is what I want to read. Thank you for writing it!
This is a sequel to probably the best porn focused smut to ever exist. Thank you, c.o, for creating this, for making it a universe and for dropping another Jiheon smut. She hot, you hot <3
No. 13: @pfxhk: Staircase: Prepotent Pleasure ft. Yuqi
Kaaajin <3 finally another Yuqi fic and a very good one at that. I want her hot lips wrapped around me too now.
No. 14: @rosiesmuts: After Dark ft. Rose
Rose little fuck doll. Her pics lately have been mind-fucking or sth like that, I dunno, just sex. Oh, and I know a lot of good things happen late at night.
No. 15: @akkaweo-akkaweo: Treatment ft. Jinsoul
That's the treatment wr allll want from our dear Jinsoul. Her gorgeous visuals have really stunned me since she joined Modhaus. Now paint that pretty face.
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No. 16: @mode-lfy: Jinni (SMUT) ft. Jinni (ex-NMIXX)
Sooooo... when does Jinni unzip my pants, first thing in the morning finally come back?
No. 17: @worldsover: link in bio top 0.1% creator ft. Jiheon
This one is the follow-up to c.o's [PVV], so we got a whole-ass universe with pornstar!Jiheon now. What a blessing, and it leaves us with no doubt that Jihron would reach that 0.1% if she'd show her cute face and bubble butt on cam... when tho???
No. 18: @allthekingssmut: She's Rough And Coarse And Gets Everywhere ft. Heejin
Star Wars is already a win in my book, pair it with hotness everywhere (the sun, a mechanic, her face) and it only gets better and better. The release to all the fucking tension between those two is EPIC. Great fic!
No. 19: @writerpeach: Overindulgent ft. Wonyoung
To say I have over-indluged in this fic would be a massive understatement. When Peach let's loose and pours out tens of thousands of words of unpure smut, we know we got ourselves a massive hit, no matter the idol. To make it even better, Wonyoung.
No. 20: @okaylikesmomo: Kampfyre Part 1 - Vocals ft. Winter
Just one word: vocal training. Wait, that is two words! So Imma a need okay to write a second part to this, because Winter has not been trained enough (imo).
No. 21: @pupyuj: Magic Words ft. Wonyoung (fem!reader)
More love to female reader fics! Especially thise one, with this sweet and spicy Wony that makes girls' legs weak and mine too xD Thank you for this great story and hot smut!
No. 22: @usedpidemo: Parasailing ft. Yuri, Minju
This story feels so nostalgic, so oddly familiar. Like I was there throughout it all and feel entitled to the release at the end. This fic has me gliding, high on their two perfect bodies.
No. 23: @summersault31: Concerto Pt. 1 ft. IU
Blowjobs under the table while tempting another woman into your sinful lifestyle... this combines a clichee with a hook that has you begging: Summer, where is Part 2?
No. 24: @midnightdancingsol: I swear, the Bear Poked Me! ft. futa!Minji x Danielle
Now for the futa appreciation. I think Sol is perfect for this, especially because the mere thought of Minji fucking Dani with her... HUGE COCK... so big and... were was I? Oh yeah, Hanni is also in this.
No. 25: @maemisnippets: You're Mine, Cheeks ft. Chaehyun (fluff)
In between 29 smuts, there is this one short fluff by our dear Maems. Well deserved, I must say. Keep it up, qt, always fun bits to read.
No. 26: @mintwithchoco: [CYMX-461] ft. Choerry, Jinsoul
Monopoly can be so much fun, if you are willing to strike some questionable deals to further your chances of winning and everyone's chances to have a good time. Bathtub sex?
No. 27: @nichuuu: Where our blue is ft. Rei
A beautiful story, it truly made me fall in love with Rei, her strive and determination, her failure, her rise---and the insane, drawn-out fucking at the end. Where our blue is has it all and I have to congratulate @nichuuu: In between all these great writers, this story really stuck out to me!
No. 28: @svndaysaweek: Niche ft. Hanni
Cute little Hanni in need of her step-brother, because she is so deeply in love with him... this was so adorable and sweet at the start and then went into an excessive smut part that fried my brain.
No. 29: @sinswithpleasure: You Can Watch, But You Can't Touch [At Least, Not Yet] ft. Mina, Sana, Momo
I. Would. Not. Last. There is no shame in me saying this, but I just couldn't, with these three hotties right in front of me. Blast it all over their bodies, hng.
No. 30: @xiakato: Ella Baila Sola ft. Xiaoting
Hm, maybe Xiaoting should dance alone, I'm not really good at it though my Just Dance scores would beg to differ.
Hey, if you read all of that, you're fucking awesome. I appreciate you, and hope, you have a great week ahead. Until the next MoA, goodbye!
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lgcmanager · 1 month ago
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SCHEDULE TYPE: N/A RESTRICTIONS: only open to anyone who has 200 NOTORIETY and is an IDOL ( who debuted in a permanent group ), ACTOR, or MODEL.
as a reward for people’s dedication and hard work towards the rp, we have opened this for anyone who has met specific requirements. this new concept also allows for our members to plan their muses’ career outside of roleplay-sponsored events. more details about the notoriety tier can be located in THIS GUIDE created by ADMIN *! as a heads up, there HAVE been some changes to the guide, so please review through them before adding in your claims. if you do have any questions pertaining to the guide, feel free to message the main!
for Q1, we listed the muses that are eligible for this opportunity and the tier they belong in:
BAEK SEONA ( @lgcseona ) - tier 5
CHA SORI ( @lgcsori ) – tier 3
CHO MINKYU ( @lgcminkyu ) – tier 3
JEON HARU ( @lgcharu ) – tier 10
KIM NAYOUNG ( @lgcnayoung ) – tier 4
KUROSAWA AKIO ( @lgcakio ) – tier 2
KWON SENA ( @lgcsena ) – tier 4
LEE HYUNSOO ( @hyunsoolgc ) – tier 4
LEE YUSHIN ( @lgcyushin ) – tier 8
OH EUNHYE ( @lgceunhye ) – tier 10
PARK SEOJIN ( @lgcseojin ) – tier 3
SEO MINSEO ( @lgcminseo ) – tier 4
SEO NINA ( @lgcnina ) – tier 2
SHIN JIEUN ( @lgcjieun ) – tier 5
SON NABI ( @lgcnabi ) – tier 6
WATANABE MIYU ( @lgcmiyu ) – tier 5
YANG AERI ( @lgcaeri ) – tier 7
YOO HAEMIN ( @haeminlgc ) – tier 2
YU MILAN ( @lgcmilan ) – tier 5
for this cycle, most of the gigs will be scheduled for APRIL-JUNE depending on the claims submitted. please keep this in mind with the details mentioned below AND when deciding on the gigs ( if you want to do one that is time-sensitive ).
for DRAMAS, we will only be allowing TWO new dramas because these dramas will air sometime between Q2-Q3 2025 !
as for SONGWRITING/MUSICAL ARRANGEMENT claims, here are a list of songs that are claimable:
2 rings - dreamcatcher ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
always - niziu ( crystallis / b-side; needs at least 50 japanese for PARTIAL lyric writing credit, at least 75 japanese for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
bad girls r us - itzy ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
classic - ive ( crystallis / b-side; needs at least 50 japanese OR 50 english for PARTIAL lyric writing credit, but 50 japanese AND 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
dear. my darling - boynextdoor ( versus / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
devil by the window - txt ( versus / b-side; needs at least 50 english PARTIAL lyric writing credit, at least 75 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
fatal trouble - enhypen ( versus / b-side )
igloo - kiss of life ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english PARTIAL lyric writing credit, at least 75 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
lettuce - f5ve ( lgc girls japan / b-side; needs at least 25 japanese or 50 english for PARTIAL lyric writing credit, at least 50 japanese AND 75 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
not like you - stayc ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
on my bike - purple kiss ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
rain - seventeen ( versus / b-side )
red light sign, but we go - nmixx ( fabula / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
unknown - nct dream ( versus / b-side; needs at least 50 english for MAJOR lyric writing credit )
worst thriller - cravity ( versus / b-side )
for FASHION SHOWS, the ones claimable during this cycle are: PARIS FASHION WEEK - MENS ( JUNE 24-29 ), LONDON FASHION WEEK ( JUNE 12-15 ), and MILAN FASHION WEEK ( MEN / JUNE 20-24 ). as a note for all of the current muses with brand ambassadorships, they will all be required to attend any or both of the fashion show weeks if there are no conflicting group schedules as part of their contract with their respective brands ( this will not count for NOTORIETY TIERS but it’s simply a reminder).
for this cycle, we’ll be implementing a different way of submitting gig claims as a way to help everyone see what can be claimed.
first you will have to go to this DOCUMENT and check the “INTRODUCTION” tab to read the instructions. afterwards, you will go to your muse’s tab and fill out the “REQUEST FORM” section ( activity level, gig, other participants [ if applicable ], skill distribution, and notoriety ). the “ADMIN APPROBATION” column must be left blank and will be updated whenever one of the admins has reviewed and scheduled the gig. once you are done filling out the request form section, you will see a row that says “READY FOR ADMIN REVIEW?” and a drop down menu next to it. select “YES” when you are done. once everything has been reviewed by an admin, the drop down menu will change to “REVIEWED” and you can start writing the twitter posts for it. when we receive the twitter posts, that status will then change to “APPROVED” by the admins. you have until FEBRUARY 22, 2025 11:59PM EDT to fill out the request form.
to add to that, please double check the “notes” listed under the dates of certain dates for your gigs once it’s been processed! sometimes the notes will include pertinent information that may need to be added when writing the captions.
the twitter posts form is listed below and you have until MARCH 22, 2025, 11:59PM EST to fill out the form below and submit them to the lgcmedia blog:
MUSE NAME · Q1 NOTORIETY TIERS ACTIVITY ##: ( list the name of the gig ) IMAGE: ( insert 1-4 image links that you would want us to use ) CAPTION: ( write a short caption describing the gig and any relevant information about it. the caption must be between 100-280 characters long. if you want to double check if what you’ve written meets the character requirement, you can click the link over HERE. ) COMMENT #1: ( write a positive comment related to the gig/muse. please make sure that the comment focuses more on the muse and avoid mentioning other muses unless the gig is shared with other people. the comment must be between 100-280 characters long. please include a username associated with the comment as well. the username will not be added in the character count. ) COMMENT #2: ( write a neutral/negative comment related to the gig/muse. please make sure that the comment focuses more on the muse and avoid mentioning other muses unless the gig is shared with other people. the comment must be between 100-280 characters long. please include a username associated with the comment as well. the username will not be added in the character count. )
if you take more than one notoriety tier gig, please copy the section multiple times but make sure to submit all of the gigs in one submit to make it easier for us when processing them! once all of the gigs have been processed on both ends, we’ll make a note on NOTORIETY TIERS DOCUMENT. you can link the document in your points sheet as reference since we will have a new document for every NT cycle.
while it is optional to fill the section in the sheet, we recommend muses ( especially ones who have recently reached 200 notoriety in the past few months ) to fill that section in case you are planning on taking any gigs that may have some pre-reqs associated with it ( eg. being a temporary [ 1 month ] co-host in a music show, which would require having 75 KOREAN, 50 MCING/HOSTING and prior experience as a one-time co-host/host for a podcast, youtube show, or vlive show ). there’s no deadline with completing the section so you can do it past the deadlines if you wish.
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7-dreamers · 21 days ago
[Special Clip] Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 유현 'L’Amour, Les Baguettes, Paris' Cover
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kimyoohyeon · 1 year ago
[Special Clip] Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 유현 'L’Amour, Les Baguettes, Paris' Cover
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xfaithworld · 9 months ago
♡Welcome to Faith's blog♡
I am a 20 year old girl from Canada. I have completed my studies and am currently looking for a job. I am autistic and dysphasic. I am a very shy, curious, smiling and persevering but hypersensitive person. I like listening to music especially K-Pop, traveling, watching movies and series especially K-Dramas, taking care of my cat, reading, history, geography, video games... also eating and sleep hahaha! My three biggest passions are K-Pop, travel and history. I hate insects, especially spiders and mathematics.
I have always loved traveling. I really like flying! I visited Miami in Florida in the United States, Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Holguín in Cuba and Paris in France. I lived for some time in Port-au-Prince in Haiti, Dakar in Senegal, Freetown in Sierra Leone and Yerevan in Armenia. One of my dream destinations would be to go to Asia, particularly South Korea and Japan.
I've been listening to K-Pop since 2010. I'm a multistan♡
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My ults: BTS, Blackpink, Twice, Stray Kids, Girl's Generation, Bigbang, Kard, Suga, Jin, Jennie, IU, Taeyeon, Soojin, Chuu, Jihyo, Bang Chan, G- Dragon and BM.
Boygroups: Exo, Ateez, Txt, Seventeen, Enhypen, WayV, Astro, Zerobaseone, Nct 127 and SHINee.
Girlgroups: Red Velvet, Aespa, (G)I-dle, IVE, Everglow, Kiss Of Life, Got The Beat, 2NE1, Iz*One, Loona, Gfriend, Itzy, Stayc, Dreamcatcher, Le Sserafim, Kepler, Nmixx, Mamamoo, Newjeans, E17 Up, XG, Rolling Quartz.
Soloists: Chungha, Sunmi, Hyolyn, Alexa, Somi, Yooa, Eunbi, Yena, Jini, B.I and Jessi.
I created this blog to be able to talk about one of my three great passions, K-Pop! Mainly make gifs. And also sometimes talk about my life and my autism. I hope you like my content♡
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slurpi13 · 1 year ago
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
tagged by @thavron
They danced in the streets of Paris, swaying to an accordionist playing one of Aziraphale’s favorite arias in the evening breeze, leaning on each other and stealing kisses.
You caught me off my game. I'm still fiddling with Dreamcatching. Usually, it would've likely been something absolutely filthy, lol.
tagging @ineffablymanic if you want, of course.
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rlvaille · 1 year ago
Lucie !!!!! I just saw that it's your birthday!?!? Happy birthday! I hope you have a super awesome & fantastic day - you deserve it <3
hey !!! yes it is, and i'm going to see dreamcatcher in paris in the evening so it's bound to be a great day :)) thank you so much 😘💕
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herve-ramboz-photographie · 11 months ago
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turnips-creates · 2 years ago
10 Songs, 10 People
Tagged by @awritingcaitlin in an Uno Reverse, so enjoy 10 more songs from my liked songs on shuffle!
'Demons' -> Neoni
'Whatever I Want' -> Kat Meoz
'Boom Boom' -> 2WEI, Jon, Lady Bri
'Chase Me' -> Dreamcatcher
'1983' -> Weathers
'Light Switch - Cover' -> Rain Paris
'Gunshot' -> Kard
'Psycho' -> Mia Rodriguez
'Candy Store' -> Heathers: The Musical (World Premiere Cast Recording)
'Devil Ship' -> Among The Oak & Ash
Tagging: @aceofdivinechlorophyll @sentfromwolves @legiomiam @saphoblin @carrotblr @tananaphone and anyone else who wants to tag me with more music!!!
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wingedchampion · 1 year ago
Hey! If you get this, answer with your top 5 music artists and send it to the last 7 people in your notifications 💜
1. Ateez
2. Stray Kids
3. Noah Kahn
4. Paris Paloma
5. Dreamcatcher
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chained-sweater · 5 months ago
reblogging from a different blog bc the post i was tagged in is hella long.
thanks for the tag @nova-drawzz !
ok the post was getting way too long so i'm. just gonna start anew.
thank u so much @crazymadredfox for tagging me!! this is such a cute idea!! i stole ur meowth plush btw!! >:3
tagging; @roseofcards90 @sai-my-beloved @asagiri-fushimi-natsu @laveindrz @beddhead-red @megacarapa @bernkastel-ao3 @boy-yuri @icarianiscariot @trashcan-train and literally anyone who wants!!!
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7-dreamers · 24 days ago
[240405] official_dreamcatcher TikTok Update:
[Dreamcatcher's VLOG] 유현이의 무난한 하루 : 2024 유럽 투어 3편 | Paris in the rain🌧
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multitudecontainer420 · 4 months ago
the crow stigmata dark city disturbing behavior house of wax the cell carrie 2 feardotcom valentine cry_wolf the hole hellbent cabin fever hostel wolf creek hatchet the skulls strangeland faust (2000) silent hill the descent dead & breakfast dead end (2003) the haunting (1999) hellevator cube zero bulletproof monk the one queen of the damned resident evil ultraviolet spawn aeon flux the covenant the 13th floor dreamcatcher joy ride bone collector blade trinity seven panic room 3000 miles to graceland babylon ad jason x freddy vs jason final destination saw 2 gothika soul survivors butterfly effect the mist my bloody valentine (2009) when a stranger calls (2006) the hitcher (2007) the crazies (2010) rollerball (2002) death race (2008) three musketeers (2011) van helsing dracula 2000 underworld night watch blade 2 mimic event horizon alien resurrection alien vs predator bones identity pandorum house of the devil murder by numbers tomb raider romeo must die hansel & gretel witch hunters the collector scooby doo charlies angels doa dead or alive house of 1000 corpses ginger snaps back cradle of fear running scared the forsaken mindhunters splinter daybreakers gamer shoot em up smokin aces willard end of days the 6th day doomsday (2008) dog soldiers mortal kombat escape from la hard boiled nemesis (1992) death machine hackers cypher hellraiser inferno hellraiser deader hellraiser hellworld demonlover idle hands bride of chucky h20 little nicky american werewolf in paris house of the dead punisher war zone dredd constantine war of the worlds (2005) minority report vanilla sky stay 30 days of night from dusk till dawn tobe cursed dark ride youre next vacancy she creature (2001) they (2002) my little eye 2001 maniacs (2005) taking of pelham (2009) the mummy (1999) psycho (1998) teaching mrs tingle cherry falls sorority row all the boys love mandy lane cropsey laid to rest the watcher (2000) salems lot (2004) the grudge the ring 2 p2 the strangers rec let me in signs devils backbone the orphanage the butcher (2007) the loved ones titus andronicus dagon garrone drag me to hell evil dead boxing helena bound all about evil cure for wellness deathgasm the fanatic lords of chaos devils candy satanic panic masters of horror cube (2021) hellboy animated the amazing screw on head
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