#Dream vs Quackity drama
samcal-official · 1 year
The thing with Tommy is the following: Depsite making hyperbolized jokes in a skit that was supposed to be an exaggerated portrait of reality, the Quackity vs Dream segment was literally on point from the perspective of Quackity’s solo stans.
Mind you that I don’t hate Tommy for this, but it made me anxious seeeing the skit because my gut told me, and I KNEW, that things were going to be shitty on twitter.
And that’s what happened. It’s not Tommy’s fault that after watching his video the toxic Quackity stans had all veen like “oh! Tommy knows it’s Dream’s fault and he is truly a piece of shit! If Tommy portrayed the situation this way then it must be true and we were right!”.
Many of these toxic pieces of poop on twitter took Tommy’s skit as face value and reinforcement to excuse their bad criminal actions, lashing once more against many dream stans and dream team stans by doxxing them, death-threatening and rape-threatening them all together.
Even when standing up for themselves, Eryn, who was portraying Dream in the skit, was apparently also making ableist movements and gestures from his non-verbal language in reference to Dream’s adhd. Not only that but he also publicly made fun of a victim of death and rape threats live on stream thinking it was funny.
The thing is that, it’s ok to feel upset by Tommy’s video and skit because it brought people back to a drama that was already moved past by, but of course, this was not the outcome he expected and regardless of the unpredictability of his actions, that is not an excuse to actually dismiss the victims of heinous internet behavior. He should’ve been smarter with how he portrayed things.
Also the skit’s portrayal is inaccurate so much because Quackity NEVER took accountability to make his community a welcoming place with everyone. Doesn’t help that he has been ignorant about the toxicity of it all and has not acknowledged how bad it has become and that people like this should not even be welcome to it. Yes, Quackity doesn’t have 100% of control over his fanbase, but he should have done what Dream has done MULTIPLE times at this point now and adress that he doesn’t condone toxic or inappropriate behavior from his part towards ANYONE and anyone who breaks this boundary is not welcome on his community. Simple as that. Quackity could’ve done this the same day he announced the French and Portuguese creators to the QSMP. Literally the perfect time to do it since qsmptwt was at its peak toxicity, but no. He decided to ignore the elephant in the room and now in the eyes of those who have suffered because of his toxic twitter stans, it just makes Q look like an ignorant, narcissistic moron.
Copied from my comment in r/dwt2.
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you-need-not-apply · 1 year
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scopop08 · 1 year
I hate weighing in on drama, and I hate Dream for a multitude of reasons, but the fact that he announced a 'multilingual' server just two weeks after Qsmp with literally no previous indication that he was interested in creators from other communities in different languages? And die hard dream fans are tearing the Qsmp apart because of the semantics of 'multi' vs 'bi' lingual?
These projects can't "coexist" when it's obvious one of them is attempting to ride the coattails of the other and overtake it.
It's so sad how Dream saw Quackity being praised for breaking barriers and uniting communities and instead of supporting another creator, only thought "hey, I can do that too."
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im-in-your-twitchchat · 2 months
i just wanna rant about the smp rq
i saw on a post by @give-grian-rights about their feelings for the dsmp video Tommy made, so I was kinda inspired to make this-
Story Time~ 💫
i joined the fandom after it ended. i know, i know, sorry guys, but it's true. I hated the dsmp. I thought it was dumb. I thought it was just another cringey thing online.
then again, I wasn't online that much in COVID. I have strict parents, so I basically spent all my time watching Ihascupquake in secret (yeah that's kinda goofy to look back on lmfao), but that was it. I didn't care, or know about the dsmp.
but then, in 2021-22, my best friend at the time, they loved it. and tried getting me into it. they would constantly text me when someone was streaming and how excited they were.
they would come to school with dsmp merch, and one day they even asked me to draw cc!ranboo. I was happy for them and I tried liking it, but it wasn't the same. I helped comfort them the day techno died (o7), I listened to them ramble about Karl's stream the night before, but I didn't get into it.
In 2023, after it ended, they began slowly drifting away from the fandom, and we slowly drifted away as friends. I joined a new friend group with my boyfriend at the time, and they started talking to some people the year above us.
we aren't friends anymore, but,
in 2023, that Halloween, I went trick or treating, and saw their older friends cosplaying as Techno, Sapnap(?), and Phil(?) (I think, all I know is that Techno was there).
I said their cosplays were great, cause I knew who they were.
which isn't really a lot to care about, but it was a little trailer for what was to come.
then a bunch of shit went down, and I broke up with my boyfriend and wasn't truly friends with anyone.
until, one night, I was watching YouTube on Spotify one night (strict parents 🔥), and there was no more Ryan Trahan to watch.
so, i clicked on a MrBeast video.
"$1 vs $100,000,000 House!"
and I found Karl.
so I continued watching MrBeast, before deciding to search up who Karl on Spotify to see what other videos he did.
and what I found?
his symbol. the little swirly thing.
and my life literally flashed before my eyes.
I remembered the symbol from my old friends sweater.
and I panicked. why? Idk, I overreacted.
I tried fighting the urge to get into the DSMP, but, I failed.
and I watched Quackity's video called:
"I Read The Worst Fanfictions With GeorgeNotFound"
I didn't know about the george drama at the time but,,
I just continued watching.
and I thank the dream smp.
after I got into the actual lore and stuff (thanks EvanMCGaming) I realized that it kinda saved me?
I know so many other people have had similar experiences with being saved by this wonderful creation.
but I have 1 regret
I regret I didn't get into it sooner. being able to watch a DSMP stream, or to talk to the fandom in real life.
looking back on my old friend,
I'm sorry for being too late.
but I am still glad I found the dsmp,, probably something I'll never let go :)
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comfymoth · 1 year
May I ask what's going on with dream and Q? I adore Q so I'm curious about the update of him ghosting Dream 👀 good for him tbh
sorry i’m getting to this so late lmao i only saw it after my final, but. okay. so. basically, to keep it as short as i can, this morning dream had a meltdown and wrote a NOVEL on twitter about how upset he is about the qsmp vs united smp drama (that he manufactured. btw. that he literally just created himself) and in it he complains that quackity has been ignoring his messages for months, apparently just refusing to respond to him or even speak to him through mutual friends despite dream admitting to literally begging lmao. he also mentions that apparently qsmp members were told not to participate in united smp? no clue how he knows this but it’s based as fuck if true. throughout all of it he keeps insisting he just wants to be friends with quackity and that they should support each other instead of just acknowledging the truth, which is that no one wants to work with him after he was outed as an abuser.
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the-crimson · 1 year
Ok ive read many takes on both sides and gathered my thoughts on the whole Dream vs Quackity war in reguards to his tweet.
Dream should not have made this tweet. The entire way he presented the tweet was intentionally written to stir up drama and anger within his fans. Adding a “don’t harass anyone uwu” at the end does nothing to placate the anger he deliberately stirred within his fans. He created this tweet to elicit a negative response from the fan base to force Quackity to respond. It’s immature and irresponsible considering how massive both of their fan bases are.
80% of his tweet was personal information that has zero purpose being in this tweet other than to stir emotion and rage. He cold have literally just said:
 “I’ve been trying to talk to Quackity about our SMPs so that they can coexist and be unique from each other but he hasn’t responded. I don’t want there to be any conflict between our two servers or fan bases and the sooner we work this out the better.��
And even then, he would still be using social pressure to get Quackity to respond - which is not how the situation should be handled - but it gets the exact same message across without all the emotional manipulation.
Quackity’s silence in regards to the USMP and the lack of leadership he’s shown with the QSMP is also making the situation worse. This drama has been building for literal weeks and Quackity has not addressed it or taken steps to prevent it.
First, his refusal to acknowledge the USMP at all caused his fans to lash out at Dream for being a copycat (i don’t have an opinion whether or not this is true, i don’t have enough information, but their reaction was completely inappropriate regardless) which caused a huge schism in the fandom over literally something that could have been prevented with a single tweet or retweet.
Then, Quackity does the bare minimum of removing a racist mod but doesn’t hold any of the cc’s accountable for how they interacted with the mod and doesn’t address the fact that the mod caused harm within his community. Many fans rally behind this silence and deny that the mod was racist at all which alienated even more people in the fandom. Quackity needed to address these fans and the growing toxicity within his fan base as the leader of this fandom he created but he didn’t
And now we are brought to the current storm. Dream fans and some neutral parties are whipped up by his intentionally pathos heavy tweet and pitted against fans who have blind loyalty to Quackity. Unstoppable force vs immovable object. And all the neutral parties in the middle being drowned in the drama.
This is an entirely avoidable situation and both Quackity and Dream played a part in making it worse. Both fandoms need to seriously go outside and touch some grass. Dram stans and Quackity stans are equally toxic and terrible and yall need a serious reality check.
You don’t know Quackity or Dream. They are not your friends. You are literal pawns in their personal conflict. Wake up.
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barbiegirldream · 1 year
you’re saying tommy was upset that dream didn’t invite him to his server even though the server doesn’t fucking exist so he decided to support Q who’s server has been up for nearly a year now and who still hasn’t invited him to the server so he switched the roles to make it look like dream is an entitled child who doesn’t know how to share his platform and quackity was the one being a sweetheart saying they can both coexist and have fun and sing kumbaya ?
I'm saying Tommy stood by Dream over years of cancelleations of varying severity. He stood by Dream in the wake of October and defended him for months over the Dream SMP Season 2 which never happened. And then argued with Phil over the USMP which never happened. So I think yeah it's a terrible look for Tommy and I'm reconsidering how sincere he is as a person. But yes I think after all that fumbling over the USMP vs QSMP drama is exactly what's happening
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the-final-sif · 1 year
I can't say I think it was a joke at all from Quackity. He has a long history of doing things like this. It's definitely not a joke, Quackity is a clout chaser who has dropped DTeam.
I really don't think Quackity, whose primary English Speakers on his server and current primary draws for the English crowd are Foolish, BBH + Philza + Wilbur is going to try to start a public feud with dteam.
Like, let's put aside any discussion of morals or anything like that, it literally just isn't even a good clout chaser move. He'd be driving a hard split in his audience for no reason, and there's a decent chance he'd drive off some of streamers on his own SMP. And he'd look awful while doing it.
Dream announcing the USMP was super open about Quackity being his inspiration and thinking QSMP was cool as fuck. Him doing that helps draw in the English speaking audience and links between the two SMPs can help significantly boost both servers. Quackity has everything to benefit from supporting USMP, and basically nothing to lose.
Him legitimately starting beef with Dream for some reason would be a terrible move for clout, because it drives people away from his fandom/the server, and based on how Dream was behaving kindly, it makes Quackity look terrible. He'd also face a huge risk from losing large sections of the English side of his fandom. Foolish and BBH are both very close friends with Dteam, and neither of them would stick around if Quackity did decide to be a dick. Philza and Wilbur would also probably be pretty hesitant to stick around, neither of them are down with that sort of behavior, and they'd probably rather just peace out. It'd be a huge blow to the entire server, and just a very dumb idea.
So, when weighing the odds that Quackity decided to suddenly make a really bad move, start needless drama, and possibly drive off parts of his audience/part of his SMP vs the odds he just thought it'd be funny and the joke just didn't land with people. I find the second more likely. The first is possible I guess, but I don't see it being the more likely option.
Idk, I think it was just a joke that didn't land well, and I think Quackity should step up and handle it. That's all that needs to be done there.
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fleflafiefie · 4 months
wait what even happened with tubbo?
To be honest, I’m not sure of all the details, but here we go.
During the usmp vs qsmp drama, George created the iconic slutsmp, which featured people who wanted to make fun of the drama betweeen fans. Tubbo was a member of that smp (we even joked that we “kept tubbo in the divorce”). But over time, he started making comments against Sapnap (kick related), and he stopped mentioning Dream (even after allegations were disproven). And we recently became very aware that a lot of the people he is connected with are very obviously Dteam-Antis… he’d speak up on drama/mistakes of the Dteam, but remained relatively quiet when it came to the Quackity drama.
Tubbo isn’t as bad as many of the other CC’s, but he sure never stood with the Dteam.
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dream-critical · 1 year
Idk just think it’s weird that Q hasn’t spoken out 🤷🏾‍♀️. People getting doxxed and mess (from what I’ve seen/ heard mainly Q’s “fandom” (sorry don’t know the right word to use)) for simply just for being excited for the USMP. Like he can’t just tweet “I don’t condone this” or whatever?
Even about the messaging thing. Haven’t MULTIPLE people tried and contact him with no response (besides Karl)? It is weird that a lot of people tried reaching out and not one response back just saying “I’m ok, just don’t wanna talk” or something.
But me personally (who hasn’t had the time to really look into this) I didn’t see it as “drama” I saw it as “hey this is what has been going on, and I’ve seen what has happened to the people in both communities”
Ok so I'm taking this at face value so if I'm interpreting anything you've said wrongly do feel free to correct me. And I'm sorry if my response seems all over the place I just wanted to reply as soon as possible.
I think in general it is unfair to expect quackity to reply. Is it the most emotionally mature thing to do? No absolutely not. And I'm sure he's aware of it as well. Do I think the whole situation is ridiculous? Yeah. Do I think it was the best move on Q's part? Probably not. Do I get why he did that? Also yes.
Anyway, I think that in a situation like this, where dream has said some pretty passive aggressive things about quackity, both on Twitter and on stream even when they were supposedly still friends, looked down on the things quackity has achieved, like with the streamer awards etc, Q actually does not owe dream a response. Replying to the other people who reached out would mean having to actually acknowledge what is going on and it would end with having to talk with dream as now others will have become deeply involved in this mess. And I genuinely do not think that dream is the kind of person that would actually listen to Q if they actually did sit down and talk but that's another conversation.
Dream also is known for ghosting people (like the way ccs on the dsmp couldn't do lore streams bc dream never replied to them etc) so the way he's reacting to this is just hypocritical to me and the way he has handled it is also very childish. He's basically forcing quackity to reply to him through peer pressure and by relying on his fans bothering Q about it it enough that he'll give up on keeping distance. Which also is not an emotionally mature reaction imo.
You're right the whole situation is a mess, I have even seen some people who claimed to be doxxed being proven false, and while I do feel very bad in case there are people that did actually get doxxed and hope they'll be able to move on from it soon, saying that the majority of the doxxers are Quackity stans is untrue as far as I know. Bc I've also seen lots of dream stans spreading misinfo, claiming everyone is suddenly from lktwt, claiming every person critisizing dream is racist.
Arguments about the usmp/qsmp are mainly rooted in the fact that some people get really vile about it and yes I'll admit some people who dislike dream do go a bit far. But at this point the majority of mcyt twt dislikes dream so it isn't just quackity stans.
I have seen people being straight up racist towards quackity bc of it. And perhaps you could argue I'm biased as someone who deeply dislikes dream but I think there's a lot more hostility coming from the usmp side of the argument.
Either way doxxing obviously isn't ok and I don't condone it and I hope everyone that got doxxers is safe and ok.
However I'd also like to add that the only reason this whole usmp Vs qsmp debate has been going on is bc dream couldn't stop mentioning quackity and the qsmp all the time so I'd say dream also has blame in this and I feel he should tweet something denouncing his stans harassing others instead of putting all the blame on someone else since he's so keen on putting pressure on Q.
Also would like to add that no matter what quackity does at this point, things will not change for the better as the situation has been escalated by dream like a lot.
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filthyjanuary · 1 year
ok so like here is my opinion even though absolutely no one asked and i am going to attempt to say the first part of this from an objective standpoint ignoring the dream situation of it all 
quackity ignoring this externally imo is not a big deal. it’s very nikita dragun school of ignoring controversy until it disappears which i think is generally a good strategy unless you’ve been accused of Literal Crimes like celebrities are not sitting on twitter writing up twitlongers to every single petty drama that they or their stans are involved in
that said, i do think (if this is all true) ignoring private messages is kind of immature and stupid on his part like at least internally sort this out. the ignore and cut off move was one of my standards in high school and then i grew up and stopped doing that because it’s not a very adult way of handling things. i don’t think anything else that he (allegedly) said or did was particularly wild or wrong though, like i can think of multiple reasons off the top of my head that he wouldn’t want people on both servers that have nothing to do with being malicious. i just think articulating things once internally would’ve probably been Smart. courteous even.
on dream’s part dear god dude when are you going to learn to shut up!!! just be quiet!!! talking about it just publicizes it MORE and is dumping kerosene on an already burning house. no one who was already sending death threats or doxxing is going to stop because you tweeted asking nicely lmfao please get a reality check. the people who are doing that are going to keep doing it because i promise everyone already knows that doing those things is wrong and they don’t care!!! they do not care!!!!!! you do not need to publicly answer to every fucking thing (except the thing you should probably actually answer to but i digress). and as a multimillionaire you actually have the resources to protect yourself and the people you care about. lots of people don’t. and if anything publicizing all of this after already having stirred the pot publicly for weeks is literally just going to make the vitriol worse so like congrats, go girl give us nothing.
basically imo they should’ve coordinated their responses to either be both of them put out a statement (think ned fulmer and the try guys) and then stopped talking about it or neither of them said anything because this one person says nothing and one person does not shut the fuck up does not look good for anyone. for the love of god GET PR PEOPLE I KEEP SAYING THIS I AM BANGING MY FISTS ON TABLES GET PR PEOPLE YOU CAN AFFORD IT
at present it’s very nikita dragun school of controversy vs jeffree star school of controversy sorry i keep comparing everything to beauty gurus i hung out in that corner of youtube for a very long time (#blockedbyjeffreeontwitter)
having said that taking the dream situation into context!! i actually don’t care even if i thought he’d done everything right in this situation i still wouldn’t care!! i am not going to sit around and tweet mournfully about a multimillionaire who takes advantage of his status to be weird to fans peace and love on planet earth
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clementinecalls · 1 year
i made a friend during lunch the other day bc of my quackity beanie and it was rlly funny bc the exact line of questions he asked me were: "Do you watch Quackity?" "Do you like the QSMP?" "What are your thoughts on the Dream vs Quackity drama"
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raccoonyam · 1 year
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Watching the dream vs quackity part of Tommy’s video, knowing what’s coming.
I have no stance on the DvsQ drama and I don’t have the right too have a opinion on the matter
But holy shit tom
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dteamain · 1 year
Dude, I feel really guilty because Quackity's recent behavior feels really out of left field for me.
Like, I started watching him on the DSMP and his desire to include people that were never really included by Wilbur made me happy and made me think he was cool. Sure, he could get carried away with characters and bits, but he was never malicious with them.
But now this whole thing with the mod and basically being in direct competition with Dream? It just feels weird and like it's not actually him and instead someone else telling him to do this. I know that sounds crazy, but it's the best way I can describe it.
okay wait let me be a little unserious for one second but i actually laughed out loud at this bc me and moth were in vc and as a joke started memeing about how mr beast is actually calling the shots for dtkq and how he told both quackity and dream to start the same project but didn't tell quackity that dream was doing the same thing as him to start drama and so all the usmp vs qsmp drama was orchestrated by mr beast as part of his experiment but quackitys reaction is genuine because he is pissed that mr beast played him like that and then it hit us that somehow our explanation makes way more sense than whatever is currently happen
and how the fuck is a mr beast conspiracy a better explanation than anything quackity has given us 😭💀
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ralexsol · 2 years
i hope that if/when the ccs drop dream, they redo the finale the way they want. ive been seeing posts about tubbo’s opinion on the ending, and of course tommy’s chat messages about how dream should not be defended vs. what happened in the “finale.” i genuinely think that dream made the executive decision to do lore as damage control and a way to just restart everything good as new.
i think that tubbo and tommy are really unsure of what to do right now. and who can fucking blame them? dream was a good friend of theirs, and the whole allegation situation is very confusing from an outside perspective. but if/when they do their research, i think they will drop him and hopefully, they give the dsmp the ending it deserves.
or maybe they’ll move on. but i hope they care about the community they’ve fostered enough to give the fans what they deserve instead of supporting dream. i think if they want to do a “dream smp vol. 2″, they should just kick dream out. you can even keep the name dream smp, it’s just a fucking name. or if dream tries to claim that he made the server what it is and that it’s dumb that he should get kicked out for “fake drama” (idk, that just sounds like smth he would do), make a cooler name.
people will support their favorite ccs if the ccs are passionate about something. the dream smp might have brought them into the fandom, but it’s people like tommy, tubbo, ranboo, quackity, wilbur, and everyone else who actually care about lore that keep them here
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the-crimson · 1 year
Oh god there’s drama over the qsmp vs the usmp
Why do people think Dream is copying Quackity? Didn’t he announce his server like months ago? Why are people like this it just looks like the antis going crazy as usual but like…. Multiple multilingual servers can and should exist… more can’t be a bad thing…
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