#Dream Kingdom and 100 Sleeping Princes
oneesanmarket · 8 months
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Dream Kingdom and 100 Sleeping Princes: Inui & Hanare - Pita! Deformed Can Badge
Size: 6 cm
Price3€/7 USD
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Units Available:1
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hellcatinnc · 1 year
"Konnichiwa! Hajimemashite, watashi wa Danyale de desu yoroshiku"
Hi welcome to my Tumblr, my name is Danyale and this is a little about me and my blog. I have been into anime mostly shoujo for the last year as well as into otome games. I will share my reviews of love interests and games that are otome, shoujo, dating sim, and more. I also post some NSFW, Smut, Adult Fanfic, & Spoilers because I make fandom videos so be warned now but all things are tagged. Anyways hope you enjoy your stay and feel free to say hello I have many interests below if you see we have something in common say hi!
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bambinano33 · 11 months
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starlitmothspectra · 5 months
I think one of my favorite things to come out of games with lots of characters is "that one colorful group of 3 different flavors of idiot"
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Also, both groups know Hibiki Wataru lol
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hanxanth · 7 months
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Riel's story is done! I won't belabor you with any notes, he's just a sweet innocent boy who is kinda scary when he gets mad! Enjoy~ https://hanxanthtranslations.com/5-star/riel/
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DONATE : HERE. If you’d like to help us out! Would be much appreciated & will help us keep banging out content faster! 
(please like or reblog posts to support the work we do! :D keep in mind that the two of us on this blog don't speak japanese nor are we professionals. these translations aren't going to be perfect. but we are trying our best to portray the chars accurately & get the story across so that english-speakers can enjoy it <3 ) 
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beast-of-babylon · 4 months
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So, I saw that you had no propaganda for the Iron Duke himself and thought that should be corrected, because I cannot let this man go unloved.
He is the ultimate sexyman. I don't really get that title or the requirements but I do know this man and he is the ultimate in Regency-era sexiness.
Field Marshal Sir Arthur Wellesley, First Duke of Wellington, whose full list of titles merits its own Wikipedia page, he had so many (including Prince of Waterloo of the Kingdom of the Netherlands), was so well known for his debonairness that he was often called "the Beau" or Beau Wellesley.
Our dear Duke with his eyes of "a brilliant light blue," is quite the underdog made good. The fourth son of an Anglo-Irish aristocratic family, he was a bit of a loner as a child, whose star was eclipsed by the academic success of his older and younger brothers. Yet he had a remarkable talent for the violin, which as we know from Mrs. Jefferson is quite a good quality for a man to have. As a young man he was considered extremely good humored and drew "much attention" from female society. The Napiers of Celbridge thought he was a "saucy stripling" and he was also considered quite mischievous. Yet he also had a rich inner life, reading and contemplating the great philosophers of the day.
Yes, we know about his military victories in the Peninsula (the position of Field Marshal of the British Army and the accompanying baton were created for him) and his success at Waterloo, but he was also both romantic and a ladies' man. (I could go on about the military success but that's not really what this is about, is it?)
Want the romantic side? He fell in love with Kitty Pakenham while a lowly aide-de-camp in Dublin but, with no real position or prospects, was laughed away by her brother when he sought to marry her. In a fit of pique he destroyed his violin and turned firmly toward progressing his career. Over a decade later, after he had made something of himself in India, he learned she hadn't married, supposedly because she was still pining for him. Reader, he married her, despite thinking she'd grown ugly, and got two children from her in less than two years. I'm not kidding, this man was virile. They married in April of 1806, their first son was born in February, 1807, and their second son was born in January 1808. Although he wasn't sexual faithful to her, Wellington wore an amulet she gave him for over twenty years, and was still wearing it when he sat with her on her deathbed. When she was surprised he still wore it, he told her if she'd just bothered to check in the last twenty years, she'd have found it. Despite surviving her by twenty years, the Duke never remarried.
Now, please don't think badly of him for the lack of sexual fidelity. It was the Georgian era. Sexual fidelity was not a part of marriage in high society. Men didn't sleep only with their wives and some wives could be quite happy with that (for one, it's much easier not to have one pregnancy after another when your husband is sleeping with someone else). Not that women weren't also sleeping around. Which brings me to one of Wellington's more... interesting conquests: Lady Caroline Lamb, wife of William Lamb (the future Second Viscount Melbourne and Prime Minister). Why do I know that name, you ask? The OG pixie manic dream girl, Caro's much more notably known for her affair with Lord Byron. After that particular bit of nonsense, she was in Brussels with the rest of the English aristocracy during the 100 Days/post Waterloo. She and the Duke supposedly slept together and she took his cloak away as a souvenir.
Who else did the Duke liaise with? Well, there were the usual flings with actresses and singers, such as La Grassini. As previously noted in another post on this tumblr, he was noted as a stronger, better lover than Napoleon by another of their mutual lovers. Wellington also was a client of Harriette Wilson. He visited her when she was in Paris after the Duke of Beaufort bought her off, though this was before Beaufort stopped paying her, prompting her to publish her memoirs. She canvassed her old lovers, including Wellington, to see if they'd pay her not to be in them. Wellington send her a note in return saying "Publish and be Damned." Something about his succinct dismissal of her is just so hot.
Oh, want a bit more of Wellington being a bad boy? In 1829, while Prime Minister, he got into a duel that still is commemorated almost two hundred years later. King's College, London, was set up while Wellington was also advocating for Catholic Emancipation and this led to Lord Winchilsea publicly insulting Wellington's honor to the point that the Duke (who'd never dueled before or supported dueling generally) called him out. They went to Battersea Fields and settled the matter with pistols. Wellington won and Winchelsea apologized. King's College celebrates "Duel Day" every March.
Even better, want to read about Elizabeth Bennet and the Duke being witty and falling in love? Complete with scenes of the Duke showing he knows what to do with his cannon? Then let me recommend the third variation of An Ever Fixed Mark, A Dalliance with the Duke. I dare you not to vote for him for all eternity with that portrayal in your head.
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anekogia · 10 months
Timeline of the war till when Lilia finds Silver (Spoliers from chapter 7)
This is based on most of the game's dialogue and scenes that played out. Might not be 100% accurate.
There was conflict/war between Briar Country (Land of Faes) and the Land of Sword (Human kingdom) because the Land of Swords were illegally gathering resources from Briar Country and destroying their lands.
While out scouting, Lilia and his men recieved news that King Henrich, King of the Land of Sword, is laying seige on Nobara Castle, where Princess Maleanor is currently living in and is taking care of her unhatched egg.
They quickly made their way there to warn the princess, where they King Henrich challenges Maleanor to a duel against his best warrior, the Knight of Dawn.
Lilia, Baul and their troops manage to make their way and warn Maleanor about the seige, but the princess tasks Lilia to look after her egg and escape Nobara Castle.
Maleanor makes her way out of her castle, where she battles against the Knight of Dawn and his men. The princess gains the upper hand, and buries the Knight into the ground.
The Knight of Dawn falls into a secret passage that Lilia and his men are using. It was then revealed that the Knight of Dawn is against fighting the fae and gave Lilia and his troops safe passage so that they can escape with Maleanor's egg.
Ultimately, Lilia manages to escape safely with the egg. However, Maleanor overblots and is slain by the Knight of Dawn..Nobara Castle is then taken over by the royals of the Land of Sword.
Some time after, King Henrich dies (good), and his younger sister, Princess Leah, becomes queen. She and the Knight of Dawn also marry and had a child.
However, the conflict between their kingdom and the fae is still happening, and the Knight of Dawn is killed during one of their battles.
Knowing that there is no hope for her kingdom, Queen Leah left her son to be protected by the three fairies in Nobara Castle.
Queen Leah dies soon afterwards. In an effort to save the young prince, the fairies cast a spell on him so that he would be placed under an eternal slumber until the war is over, and until somebody who could love him finds him.
About 200 to 300 years after the war, Prince Malleus is born, much to the delight of the fae kingdom now known as Briar Valley/Valley of Thorns.
More than 100 years after that, Lilia is visiting the ruins of Nobara Castle, where he hears something coming out from the castle. He finds a baby in the throne room and quickly realizes he is the child of the Knight of Dawn (from his hair colour and his necklace).
Having not forgotten what the Knight of Dawn did for him, Lilia adopts the child and gives him the "blessing of the night", resulting in the baby's hair colour changing from gold to silver.
Lilia names the child Silver and started raising him in a cottage in the woods. Malleus drops by time after time, thinking that Silver was just some orphan Lilia found in the woods.
Notes: I wouldn't be surprised if the Knight of Dawn's name is "Stefan/Stephan" since Silver's mom's name is Leah, which is also the name of Aurora's mother in Sleeping Beauty.
Also, knowing that Malleus is probably watching over everyone's dreams, I am 100% sure that this is how he is going to find out about Silver's true heritage. And he is not going to be happy.
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mintoxhitsuji · 24 days
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Meýmu is the god of lucid dreaming. No one knows how old he is, but it is said he is as old as the dreams of the people. He goes by he/him, is 175 cm tall and is unsure about his sexuality, but would refer to himself as bisexual.
As a god, Meýmu is seen as holy, especially by the royal family of the celestite kingdom. However, since the family suspected him to have laid a curse on their youngest son, they stopped worshipping him. His immense powers thus weakened.
Meýmu is a very gentle but also overly naive soul. He struggles to interact with others, since he is quite anxious. But as soon as he warmed up, he is a very sincere and lovely person to be around. Due to his hyperacusis he is very easily overstimulated and scared.
This god ran away from his pantheon, since he got banished from his father, the god of sleep. He was the unloved child of four brothers. After being banished, he fled to the ground of worship that the people built for him. There he stayed for over 100 years and from one day to another, people stopped showing up. After 10 years of loneliness, the older prince of the family he gave their powers to showed up. Meýmu felt quite strong feelings for him when he arrived, but was too anxious to show himself. One day, however, Phobetor ran after him.
Meýmu often engages with animals, he seems to be able to speak to them.
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oneesanmarket · 11 months
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Dream Kingdom and 100 Sleeping Princes - Can Badge & Acrylic Stand 
Price: ALL:12€/17USD
      EACH: Badge: 3€/8 USD
Acrylic Stand: 12€/17 USD
Units Available: 1 of each
(Send us a message or comment if you’re interested!!)
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hellcatinnc · 3 months
Happy Birthday Guys :)
Lets wish these beautiful boys a wonderful birthday and hope for a good year...
Kyosuke Tsuduki - Stand My Heroes
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Scarecrow - Bustafellows
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Avi - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
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elf-kid2 · 1 year
Fantasy Writing Prompts!
The Prince on his Noble Steed, on his way to rescue the Princess, ignores the old beggar at the crossroads. His servant, following behind with a donkey (and the tent, the food, the bandages, etc), takes a moment to share some food and kind words with the beggar. This changes the outcome of the quest in a way that certain Royals are NOT happy about!
The Royal Advisor has rescued the missing Princess ...but some are claiming that he was behind her disappearance in the first place! Is this all part of a plot for the Royal Advisor to take the throne? ...Or is the Princess using the peasant-born Advisor as a scapegoat to cover up her own rebellious decision to run away from home?
The Queen knows that her Step-Daughter is dead. This creature who came out of the woods, pale skinned and crimson-lipped, claiming the late Princess's name... This is Something Else. Though she may not be able to defeat the “Princess” or her seven little bodyguards through direct force, the Queen hopes that, through poison or trickery or anything else she can put together... she’ll be the one to make it out of this alive.
Sleeping Beauty slept for 100 years before the Prince broke the spell-- and her Castle slept with her, guarded by thorns. Now there’s a Royal Wedding to plan, and a young(?) Court Mage who spent the past century studying & practicing Dream-Walking and Dream-Magic wonders what’s next... and if they were right, when they called him mad.
In order to prevent war, the Princess was engaged to marry the Dark King of the neighboring kingdom. When the Princess disappears en route to the wedding, leaving behind a note about eloping with her “True Love,” her entourage has NO CHOICE but to find somebody among their numbers to take the Princess’s place... and, for the sake of peace, hope that the King never finds out about their deception.
The Knight is off to Slay the Dragon and Win the Princess's hand in marriage! This decision is COMPLETELY unrelated to the fact that his (Ex?) Lover, the Enchantress, just kicked him out!
The Prince's fiance has been captured by the Wicked Sorcerer! Unfortunately, it seems the Prince is refusing to go on a Quest to rescue her. [Fiance]’s Handmaiden DEMANDS an explanation!
The Woods are full of bears, wolves, witches, monsters, and all kinds of dangerous creatures who love to eat foolish and disobedient children for dinner! Two siblings debate whether they should stay under the “safety” of their family’s roof, or if it would be wiser to take their chances with the Woods.
The Troll King is dead! Time for an ELECTION to vote for the new Troll King! I’m sure at least ONE of the candidates from the North, East, South, and West will be chill, sane, and level-headed... right?
A Lord and a Siren have fallen in love! ...For some reason, they want to hire a Pirate Crew to facilitate their elopement. This would be easier if the happy couple could agree on if they’d be living on land, or in the sea, once the proper magic items had been acquired...
These prompts are free for whoever wants to use them! Please tag me, if a story should come of it!
@magic-and-moonlit-wings @abutterflyscribbles @writing-on-the-wahl @watercolorfreckles @thepenultimateword @caffeinewitchcraft @displacerghost​ @amethystpath-writes​ @puddleslimewrites​ @snowshower @helathorloki @ladyspock7 @nientedal
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starlitmothspectra · 7 months
I just think these two would be friends.
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But instead we got Keito dressed as Keith.
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Just Spec rambling about a years old event lmao
I'll expand on this later, there's 9 princes of the Jewel kingdom and 9 members of Dramatica, something needs to be done.
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hanxanth · 8 months
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I live! And so does Rufus! I've been wanting to translate this hot mess of a guy for a while and I finally finished. There were definitely some words and phrases that were tricky for me to translate as I'd never come across them before, and I tried to properly convey Rufus' attitude while I translated. Also, I fully 100% agree that this man is a sexy designation in the game.
Be warned that in Moon Route, he really lets the madness take over a bit and threatens to force himself on the protagonist. Nothing bad happens, but just a warning. I wasn't sure if that needed a trigger warning in the story; I'm not sure what it would be. Feel free to suggest if it needs a certain warning and I'll add it to my website :)
Anyway, enjoy! https://hanxanthtranslations.com/5-star/rufus/
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Following Jet through one of the corridors of the castle, I couldn't help but look around in awe. The walls were adorned with various trophies and medals related to movies. 
(Wow... the sheer number of trophies is staggering. I couldn't even begin to count them all.)
According to Jet, Bodible is associated with an organization called Bioscope, renowned for producing exceptional films worldwide.
JET : The royalty of the countries affiliated with Bioscope are all involved with the movies in some way. Most of my family are, you know...Famous actors. 
EMMA : I see...
As I let out a sigh, taking in the meticulously arranged display of trophies...
??? : Oh my~ Are you one of Jet's friends?
Just then, three tall and beautiful women approached us. 
(They exude such elegance... could they be actresses?)
JET : Oh! My sisters are here. 
EMMA : Y-Your sisters!?
The beautiful woman all flocked around Jet and I, offering eager smiles and looking us up and down. Seeing them up close, their beauty was imposing.
EMMA : H-Hello.
JET'S SISTER 1 : Hello there~ You're such a lovely young lady. 
JET'S SISTER 2 : It's rare for Jet to bring home friends. And a girl, no less.
JET'S SISTER 3 : Perhaps she is his girlfriend! 
JET : ....She's not.
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Jet let out a deep sigh and rolled his eyes to the side. He looked genuinely troubled. 
JET'S SISTER 1 : Anyway, I heard you turned down yet ANOTHER audition!?
One of his sisters gave Jet a threatening look.
JET'S SISTER 1 : You have talent too, you know. It's about time you stop obsessing over these silly little stunts and focus on acting. Mom and dad are expecting great things from you. 
JET : ...........
With those words, Jet's expression darkened. 
JET : Can you lay off? Especially with guests around...I'm sick of this conversation. 
JET'S SISTER 2 : Jet, there is no need to speak to your older sister like that! 
(What should I do...?)
As the atmosphere grew increasingly tense, I...
EMMA : Um...Should I step out for a bit and let you talk?
JET : Wha!? No! They're just being nags! 
JET'S SISTER 3 : That's because━
JET : Enough! Let's get outta here.
EMMA : Huh!?
Cutting off the conversation with his sisters, Jet grabbed my arm and dragged me through the corridor. The force of his grip was so strong it almost hurt...
When we were finally out of sight of his sisters, Jet released my arm and scratched awkwardly at the back of his head. 
JET : Sorry about that...There's a lot going on at home right now...But, Bodible's got its good sides too. So I really hope you enjoy your time here!
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With that, Jet flashed a smile at me. Yet, there was an unmistakable hint of tension in his expression...
EMMA : Sure...
I accepted his words, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something lingering behind that smile of his...
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