#Drax was having enough of it-
rottmnt-still-au · 1 year
Draxum: I spy with my little eye, someone who needs to shut the fuck up
Lou Jitsu, smirking: Is it me?
Draxum: It's always you.
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phantastragoria · 1 year
Watched B-Mask's video essays on the Sly games trilogy for the millionth time (you should watch them too btw) and I can't stop thinking of the similarities between Vol. 3 and Honor Among Thieves specifically in both dealing with the characters having to decide what comes next in their lives seperate from each other because they just can't do the same job forever, but what the Sly games do that the GotG films don't is build up to that being a main plot point from the second game up to the ending of the third. Vol. 3 really makes the odd choice to have that become a background plot point and then expects the audience to just be okay with them all suddenly deciding to part ways within ten minutes at the very end.
I can't stress this enough, but my problem isn't that everyone goes to do their own thing. My problem is that suddenly being the end goal of Vol. 3 after two films + a holiday special where that was never a possibility or a problem in the first place. The only reason everyone stopped progressing (and even then mainly just Rocket and Peter. You can say Mantis got held back but even she had character development to realize what she wanted during her time with them so she wasn't literally held back like she was with Ego) was because both of their lives only came to a screeching halt after what happened outside of the core films (IW+EG) But the film itself didn't even bother to address any of that stuff aside from only Peter being depressed about Gamora. So it comes off rather moot to me, personally.
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atlantahammy · 5 months
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Friends and Foes |
-collapses- Okay, This is a project I've been needing to finish because I noticed a number of the colors from @pluvionpc's color pallets were Season 1 exclusives, or were tinted by the scene color overlay and thus not the true bases. (No offense to you man, you did what you could and without them, this wouldn't exist) So my dumbass downloaded all the eps and went through them to find the neutral lighting shots to pull colors from. CJ's were hardest because I didn't have access to the movie at the time, so had to rely on screenshots and concept art. I was originally gonna add Karai to this, but decide I'd dragged ass enough on this. Note on Draxum's magic: That seems to be his main, but it does change color based on the spell? Like the portal to pull Karai out was gold.... Also, you would not believe how much it pissed me off to find out Drax's nose and lips were two different colors, just JFC. Font used originally was @phoebepheebsphibs's rise mimic font, but eventually, I found the Fido Regular font that @thelamebat pointed out and used that for Draxums.
———————————– My Commissions | .Carrd
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traveler-at-heart · 3 days
The Doctor's In - Part 5
Wanda Maximoff x Doctor!R
Summary: The evolution of your relationship with Wanda. Includes some smut.
Always late. You’ve learned the lesson, so you don’t even bother with the coffee, because it’s cold by the time you leave the house.
Of course, you didn’t have time to do groceries either so you’re stuck with an almost rotten banana.
As you leave the house, Wanda opens up the door of her own home, calling for the twins.
You smile, while she signals for you to walk over.
“Hey, beautiful” you say, admiring her outfit. You know she has a meeting with her editor. “All ready for today?”
“Yeah, it’s just the kids are late. Boys, come on” she turns back to you, smiling. “Here. I packed you lunch”
“How did you know I have nothing edible?” you swoon, taking the brown paper bag, and leaning to kiss her. She hums against your lips and you feel her little smile. “You’re out of this world, Miss Maximoff”
Wanda wants to prolong the contact, but hears the kids stomping down the stairs and you break apart. Yes, you’ve spent more time with them, basically whenever you’re off work. But there hasn’t been the awkward “what are we” talk and the subsequent chat of how to tell Billy and Tommy. If there’s anything to tell, that is.
“Hey, Y/N” Billy says, throwing his bagpack in the trunk of the car.
“Are you coming for dinner tonight? We just defeated Rypto!” Tommy says excitedly.
“I have to work for the next day and a half, but after that, sure”
The boys nod, disappointed and Wanda rolls her eyes.
“I’m a little jealous of how much they like you. Seems like I’m their second favorite person now” she says in a low voice, your eyes traveling to her lips.
“You are my favorite person, in case that helps” you admit, making her blush.
“Have a good day” Wanda says, and you nod, wanting nothing more than to kiss her.
“Text you later” you promise, squeezing her hand and walking to your own car, hoping your shift goes by soon, eager to have Wanda in your arms again.
The day starts normal enough. It’s more paperwork than consults or any emergency, but you still make your rounds and review the pending discharged patients.
For once, you get to have lunch at a decent time, eager to eat whatever it is Wanda made for you.
There’s a chicken sandwich, from yesterday’s leftovers of that heavenly paprikash dish she made, a couple of cookies and a note.
“Have a nice day. XOXO - W”
“Where’d you get those cookies?” Darcy says, approaching you. Holding the container close to your chest, you growl at her. “No, bad Cujo!”
In spite of your best efforts, she snatches one of the cookies.
“These are fantastic cookies”
“Wanda made them”
“Oh, did Mommy pack you lunch?” Darcy says in a fake baby voice and you glare.
“Keep that up and I’m not sharing any more cookies, Lewis”
“I was kidding. I love you, friend” she bats her eyelashes, sitting next to you. “So, is the sex better than the baked goods?”
���I don’t know. We haven’t done it yet” you admit, avoiding her eyes.
“Because the kids are always around or I’m too tired… I don’t know. We’re just spending time together and seeing where it goes”
“And how does that make you feel?” Darcy says, reaching for another cookie.
“It’s fine… but I guess it’s all new to me. I dated in college, but ever since I started working here all I do is be at the hospital… and be with people from the hospital”
“And now you’re in this potential relationship, where she has two kids. Talk about going from 0 to 100” Darcy pats your back and you nod. “It’s gonna be fine, Y/N. All you have to do is talk it out”
“Thanks, Darcy. Here, you earned half of the last cookie”
“Half? That was solid advice” she mumbles, chewing on it.
You laugh, promising you’ll share more cookies the next time Wanda makes some. She leaves to supervise a resident doing an appy, and you go back to the ER.
“Help! Someone!” you see a paramedic with blood all over his shirt.
“Drax, what’s wrong?”
“Peter was turning around the corner, after dropping someone off and a car crashed against the ambulance”
“Ok, let’s go. Bishop, you’re with me. Page Chief Fury” you ask a nurse, the young resident following you closely.
As soon as you turn around the block, you spot the ambulance and make out Quill’s body, hanging upside down.
“Bring stretchers for the other driver and his passenger” you tell Kate. With a sigh, you kneel next to the ambulance, crawling between broken glass. You notice a sharp pain in your elbow, but lean forward until you’re touching Quill’s neck, looking for a pulse.
As soon as you touch him, he jolts awake, screaming.
“Ah, Jesus, Quill” you curse, hitting your head against the dashboard.
“What happened?” he looks around, disoriented.
“Someone crashed into you. Do you feel anything strange?”
“I can’t feel my legs” he says, looking at you. You gulp, not knowing what to say.
Peter is your friend, even if you only see each other at work. He’s the guy that shares his snacks, that cracks a joke when you’re down just to make you laugh. A man that you’ve known for three years, and now you have to tell him he might not make it.
“What do we got?” Fury shows up on the other side.
“Just hanging” Quill jokes, but you can’t bring yourself to even smile. “I can’t breath, there’s pressure in my chest”
“Hold on tight, the firemen are on their way to get you out” Fury asks, signaling for you to meet him around the ambulance while Kate takes his vitals.
“What do you think?”
“It’s not good” you admit in a low voice. “He can’t feel his legs, but I also can’t see anything below his chest. I don’t know what will happen if we move him, Chief”
“But if we don’t…”
“He’s going to die”
“Let’s take care of the pressure on his chest first”
“Should we page cardio?”
“If you can handle it, go ahead. Quill works with you, he trusts you”
You nod, running back to the hospital to get everything you need to treat Quill’s cardiac tamponade. By the time you’re back, Kate is trying to keep him awake.
“He has low blood pressure”
“Come on, Quill, stay with me” you ask, preparing everything. You unbutton his shirt, gloved fingers trying to sense the exact spot to extract the liquid on his chest. It takes you a moment because he is upside down, but you get it and pull the syringe, filling up with dark fluid.
You and Kate sigh with relief as Quill gasps for air, opening his eyes.
“Did I die for a second?” he says, coughing. “Doc, I need you to tell something to Gamora”
“Quill, tell her yourself when you’re out of here” you try to ignore the request, avoiding the conversation.
“Just tell her to look on my old cassettes, please. She needs to know I did get a ring”
A ring. Fuck. You lock eyes and nod.
“Firemen are here” Kate says, waving at the men.
“Clint Barton” the man introduces himself, assessing the mess around Quill. “We’ll do everything we can to help him” he promises, and you nod.
As they begin to work, you go back next to Quill, trying to distract him.
“Got any music?”
“Sure” you pull out your phone, handing it over so he can play whatever he wants.
Come and get your love starts playing and you both sing. Three more songs pass before Barton lets you know they are ready to release him.
“Bishop and Drax, ready with the stretcher” you say, the other paramedic getting ready to drag Peter’s body out as soon as he can.
"Hold on. Promise me you'll tell her" Quill says again and you nod.
“3… 2…”
There’s a loud, metallic bang and then Quill’s body falls forward. It all happens in seconds and by the time you walk around the ambulance, Drax is wheeling him to the ER.
For a split second, you think he’s going to be fine because he’s consciouss, looking around.
And then his mouth is full of blood, choking sounds mixing with the noises of the hospital.
“Crash cart” you ask, starting CPR.
“Charge to 200” Fury asks, and you step aside when it’s time.
“I need a round of Epi” you say, urgency in your voice.
Charge, clear, another round.
You’re at it for ten minutes, and you can’t feel your arms, or hear anything else other than the continuous beep of the monitor. A bead of sweat rolls down your forehead, but you keep doing CPR.
Just five more minutes.
“That’s enough” Fury says, pushing you aside. “Call it”
“No, Sir”
“Doctor Y/L/N, step away from the patient” he says, his voice booming across the room. You shake your head no, and then turn to the monitor, hoping something changes.
“He was going to propose to his girlfriend. He has to make it. Come on, come on, come on” you mutter.
Fury stands next to you, a soft look on his face.
“He’s gone, Y/N. I’m sorry”
You break down, tears rolling down your face and mixing with the sweat.
Sitting on the hallway, you catch your breath, unaware of the blood dripping from your elbow until Darcy rushes to your side.
“Hey, let’s clean that up, ok?” she says, helping you up.
“What can I do?” Carol approaches, noticing how your eyes are unfocused.
“I think we should call Wanda” Darcy suggests.
“Her phone number should be on Billy’s record, I’ll go get it” Carol nods.
You don’t even react to Darcy as she cleans up the wound, or when she mentions you’ll need a few stitches. She could have done it without the anesthesia and you wouldn’t have noticed.
“Thanks” you say when she’s cleaning up, and the woman leans forward, squeezing your hand.
“Don’t mention it”
Wanda recognises the hospital’s number and picks up, expecting everything except Carol’s voice.
“Hello, Doctor Danvers” she says, trying to figure out what’s going on.
“Hi, Wanda. It’s about Y/N”
Carol didn’t have to tell her twice. Wanda drives from her editor’s office to the hospital in record time. She notices an ambulance and a fire truck; her heart beats faster at the sight of blood, hoping it’s not yours.
“Wanda?” a short brunette with glasses greets the woman. “Darcy Lewis, come with me”
“Is she hurt?” Wanda asks, getting more worried as Darcy leads her through the staff door.
“Only a cut in her arm. She’s just… shaken” Darcy stops at the door. “One of the paramedics died”
“I’m sorry to hear that”
“Chief Fury said she should go home, we just didn’t want her to be alone”
Darcy finally opens the door, Wanda’s heart breaking at the sight before her.
You’re sitting on the floor, head hanging in defeat between your hands. She can see your fingers threading through the loose hairs of your ponytail, something you do when you’re anxious.
“Y/N” she kneels slowly, and you look up, wiping your tears. “It’s ok. I’m here”
“I’m sorry” you say, and you’re not sure what is it you’re apologizing for.
“None of that, my love. Come on” she takes your hand, helping you up.
Before leaving the room, you take Darcy’s hand, smiling.
“Thank you, Darcy”
“Get some rest, pal” she says, as Wanda leads you back to her car.
“Let’s go home” Wanda says against your temple, kissing the spot softly.
You don’t say a word during the entire drive, looking out the window. Wanda’s car stops and with it, the radio. The silence finally snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Sorry for the trouble, I hope I didn’t interrupt your meeting”
“It’s fine. Do you…”
“Thanks for the ride” you say, exiting the car. You’re about to walk to your house when Wanda goes after you.
“You can come over. It’s ok”
“I need to shower” you notice how dirty you feel, blood staining parts of your arms and pants.
“Take a shower in my bathroom, and I’ll lend you some clothes”
“You sure?”
“Yes, darling. Now, come on”
You allow her to guide you upstairs, stepping foot in her room for the first time. Wanda leads you to the ensuite bathroom, handing you a towel.
“I’ll leave some clothes on the bed, ok?”
All you do is nod, and she wishes there was more she could do, but she just silently retreats, giving you space.
The pressure of the water is nice and you feel infinitely better when you step out of the shower, noticing the stitches on your arm with a frown.
“Everything good?” Wanda says as you go down the steps. You nod and she tries to smile. “Did you eat anything? I could prepare something…”
Her words are interrupted by your lips. It’s a short kiss, but you hope it can speak for itself.
“Thank you” you lean your forehead against hers, eyes closed. Allowing her scent to ground you, you breathe.
“What can I do?” Wanda asks, her hands over yours.
“Can we watch tv?”
“Come here” she smiles, taking your hand. She sits on the couch, motioning for you to lay your head on her lap. You’re not really paying attention to the show, but the way she runs her fingers through your hair relaxes you, and you drift off, fast asleep.
By the time you wake up, Wanda is on top of you, her head tucked in the crook of your neck. You smile, appreciating how peaceful she looks. She must sense you staring, because she stirrs awake, yawning.
“Hi” she says, looking around. You smile, your hands going to her lower back, and something shifts inside you. You’re not thinking at all, just acting on your feelings as you take her lips in yours, your tongue asking for permission. Wanda moans and you pull her closer, one of your hands holding her in place while you kiss down her neck, unbuttoning her blouse until her bra is exposed.
“Y/N” she stutters, and you hum against her neck. Wanda forgets what she was about to say when she feels you sucking on the skin, sure that you will leave a mark. When you place your leg between hers, creating friction she gets lost again, until you speed up.
“What’s wrong?” you say, when she stands up, fixing her hair.
“The kids… uh, I should…”
“Wanda” you plead, looking sadly at her. “Did I do something?”
“No, it’s not you, I…”
“Please talk to me”
Wanda breaths, hoping what she’s about to say won’t push you away.
“I can’t… I feel too much, Y/N. If we do this, if we sleep together, there’s no turning back. Because everyday, I fall in love with you even more. And I’m scared that you’re not going to feel the same”
It’s so stupid of her, to fall in love. You never spoke about the future or expectations. She doesn’t even know if you want kids or marriage, and she comes with two children who are wonderful, but a huge committment.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, please” she starts to ramble again, misinterpreting your silence. “Maybe we should…”
You lean forward, stopping her with a kiss.
“I love you” you say against her lips. As soon as she hears the words, her eyes open.  “Everything about you, everything about the boys you raised and who are so kind and wonderful because they’re like you, Wanda”
“You… I love you too” she laughs, a tear rolling down her cheek. She feels relief, happiness, amazement. You kiss the spot where the tear is, leaning your forehead against her temple.
“All these years I’ve been alone and I didn’t realise how lonely it felt until you. I should have told you sooner, I’m sorry”
“It’s ok. I love you” she repeats over and over again, her lips against yours. You smile into the kiss, happy that she feels the same.
After a few minutes of kissing and hugging, she pulls apart, sighing.
“We need to tell the kids” she says. Well, that’s certainly not your area of expertise.
“How do you want to do it?”
“Let’s take them out for pizza and just explain everything? They’ll get distracted with the food” Wanda laughs and you nod.
“Alright. That’s a plan” you kiss her again, but your eyes drift down, her blouse still undone.
“Behave” she warns, sitting up.
“Can you blame me?” you sigh, admiring how beautiful she looks.
“Come on, let’s get the boys from soccer practice” she offers her hand and you take it, smiling.
When you leave the house, the sight of your empty driveway reminds you your car is still in the hospital. You have a promise to keep about a certain ring.
“Everything ok?” Wanda says when you stay silent.
“Yeah, I just gotta do some stuff later”
The boys are ecstatic when they see you climb out of the car, running towards you.
“Mom, we have a match next Friday, can Y/N come?” Tommy says as they put their bags in the trunk.
“If she doesn’t have work, sure” Wanda smiles, taking a breath. Understanding that it’s time, you stand next to her, fidgeting with your hands. “Boys, there’s something we want to tell you. Y/N and I are… together”
“How is that?” Billy tilts his head. “Like a girlfriend?”
“Yes, that would be it” Wanda nods, not knowing what else to say. You step in, kneeling so you can look at Tommy and Billy.
“Hey, kiddos. I just want you to know I love you both very much and I love your mom as well. All I want is to take care of you and make her happy. But if you feel weird about it, or you have questions just tell us, ok? Your Mom’s priority will always be you two”
The boys take a second to think and then nod, laughing when you ruffle their hair. Wanda takes your hand, leaning forward to kiss your cheek.
“Are we going to have a new baby, then?”
“What?” you turn so fast you almost lose your footing.
“Sally said that’s how babies are made and you’re holding hands right now” Tommy explains.
“Oh, that’s not how babies are made” you laugh it off, in spite of Wanda’s warning glare.
“How are babies made, then?” Billy says and you go pale.
Yeap, walked right into that one. Wanda seems to be unwilling to help, as she tried to stop you.
“Who wants pizza?” you say, the kids forgetting about their question and running to the car. “That was the most stressful moment of my life and I’m a trauma surgeon”
You collapse in Wanda’s arms, breathing out.
“Come on, drama queen” she laughs, kissing your temple. “Let’s get some food, and maybe later you can show me how babies are made?”
“Mmhm” you nod, your brain turning to mush. “Tease”
“Are you going to the game tomorrow?” Wanda speaks and you’re half listening, as if her words are from a distant dream.
“Sure” you say against her skin, kissing and licking the column of her neck. She holds on to your shoulders as you go down, and you feel her shake in your lap.
“Wait. I’m asking for a reason”
“Ok” you nod, breaking apart.
“Would you like to do something after the game?” Wanda says and you wonder why she’s so nervous.
“Yeah, like take them to the movies?”
“No, the boys will be at a sleepover. I meant you and me”
“Oh” you say, heart beating faster at the implication. You’ll have the house to yourselves for the first time since you started dating.
“I can make dinner and we’ll stay in” Wanda offers.
“You’re always making dinner, baby”
“It’s just pasta, the easiest thing in the world”
“I wouldn’t know, I’m a terrible cook” you smile against her lips. “My offer for a dinner date somewhere nice stands”
“You can bring a fancy bottle of wine and dessert” she offers.
“I can think of a few things for dessert” you blurt out, eyes going down her body.
The way her eyes darken tells you she got the hint, so you change positions, you on top of her as she giggles.
“I love you” you kiss her, but your pager interrupts you. “And I have to go”
“You sure you have to go?” she asks, her legs around your waist. You’re questioning your choices when the pager goes off again. “Ok, never mind”
“Sorry, love” you kiss her before standing up, admiring how beautiful she looks with those kiss swollen lips.
As soon as you arrive at the hospital, you’re running around between patients and emergencies.
“Hey, pal. No lunch today?” Darcy says when you meet at the cafeteria.
“No, had to leave in a rush” you carry your tray to a nearby table, sitting with your friend.
“Did you tell Peter’s girlfriend?” she asks.
“At the funeral, yeah. Figured it might be better if she had her friends and sister around for support” you sigh, still shaken about what happened earlier in the week.
It was the worst feeling, being in the ER and seeing an ambulance arrive, thinking Quill might come down and tell you a joke or ask about your day, only to remember he was gone.
“Thank you for calling Wanda, by the way”
“Carol did” Darcy says and you choke on your soda, making her laugh. “Don’t worry, they were both playing nice”
“Right, well, I’ll thank her later”
“We want cookies, and by we, I mean me” she demands.
“I’ll see what I can do” you say, eating your burger with a smile. The minute Wanda knows Darcy loves her baked goods she’ll never stop sending her some, that’s how amazing she is.
After eating, Darcy and you find an on-call room to chill, each one in a bed.
Wanda: I’m at the mall.
Y/N: What are you getting, baby?
Wanda: Stuff
Wanda: Which one is better? Red or white?
You frown, not knowing if she’s refering to something in particular. And then she sends two pictures of lingerie sets, making you drop your phone in your face.
“Ew, are you sexting?” Darcy says, laughing as you rub the spot where your phone hit you.
“No. Gotta prep for surgery” you say, leaving in a hurry.
“Freak!” she shouts as you close the door.
Y/N: Both are… wow.
Y/N: But red. Definitely red.
You’re eager to get a reply, but you have a surgery to do.
While in the OR, you briefly forget about your conversation, teaching Kate how to do the procedure.
“Whose phone is ringing?” you say, after several notifications.
“That’s yours, Doc”
“Oh, sorry everyone” you laugh. “Kate, can you check what it is?”
The woman nods, reading from the previews in the lock screen.
“It says “Just got it”, a couple of pictures, and can’t wait for you to…”
“Aaah, that’s enough. Thank you, Doctor Bishop” you say, blushing. “Come back so you can watch the next part of the procedure”
When you finally get to see the photos she sent you’re about to call a crash cart for yourself.
You keep staring at the pictures revealing just a little bit of the top of the set on Wanda’s body.
This is the best day of your life.
You’re even tempted to just meet her at the soccer game and take her back to your car.
But, when the time comes, you behave, parking around the field and waving at the boys, who are warming up.
“Hey, you made it…” Wanda greets, looking adorable with a baseball cap and her hair lose. You don’t let her finish, crashing your lips against hers, hands on her waist.
“Tease” you say with a smile and she laughs.
“Come on, let’s sit over here”
She points to a bench that is under the shade of a tree. Most of the crowd in the field are other moms, cheering for their children.
“Wow, Tommy’s really fast” you say, watching as the kid sprints to get the ball. “Come on!”
You lift Wanda in the air as he scores a goal, yelling like he just won the World Cup.
“Did you see that? He was amazing! Two kids were after him and he managed to get past their defense” you say, standing up and approaching the edge of the field. Wanda laughs at how invested you become in the game, shouting your suggestions to the kids or cheering them on when they get the ball.
Coach Hill notices the new face among the crowd, appreciating the level of committment. Unlike other parents, you seem to know a thing or two about the sport.
As the game is about to end, one kid kicks the ball a little too hard, bouncing on another boy’s head. Everyone gasps and you run to the field.
“Hey, it’s ok” you calm him down as he touches the place where the ball hit him. “What’s your name?”
“Will, hi. I’m Y/N”
“Excuse me” a woman kneels next to you. “That’s my son”
“Can I check him? I’m a doctor” you say, trying to ease her nerves.
You nod, helping him up and walking to the bleachers. Kneeling to be at eye level, you check his pupils, and ask him to follow your finger.
“Will, what day is today?”
“Can you repeat after me? Today is a sunny day”
“Today is a sunny day” he says without difficulty.
“And what are you gonna ask your mom for dinner? Because I’m pretty sure she’ll get you anything you want right now”
You laugh, standing up and turning to his mother.
“He’s fine, just ice the place where he got hit. If he’s nauseous or dizzy, take him to the doctor as soon as possible”
“Thank you so much…”
“Y/N” you offer your hand, and she takes it, making the contact last a little longer.
“Y/N. Could I have your phone number? Just in case I have questions” she says, hand going to squeeze your forearm.
“Sharon, I’m so happy Will is ok” Wanda comes to the rescue, her hand around your arm. “Lucky for you my girlfriend was here”
You smile at the word girlfriend, feeling like a teenager.
“Oh, you two?” Sharon says, gaping. Wanda smiles, but there’s a dangerous glint in her eyes. “Right! I should take Will home, he needs to rest”
“Ok, you do that. Feel better, sweetheart” Wanda waves at the boy, and then turns to you. “I hate Sharon”
“Don’t be jealous”
“I’m not!” she says too quickly for your liking. You smile and she rolls her eyes. “I have to find the boys, don’t get into more trouble”
“I won’t” you promise, smiling because Wanda is in fact, very jealous. You’re watching her walk away -and admiring how good she looks in a pair of jeans- when someone speaks behind you.
“Very impressive. I’m Coach Hill” the woman introduces herself and you give her your name. “Nice to see some new faces here. Especially people who know the game”
“Oh, I just watch the Women’s World Cup, that’s all”
“It’s better than the men’s” Maria says and you laugh, agreeing. “Would you be interested in helping out? Most parents just want to bring food to fundraising events, but it would be nice to have an assistant coach who also knows first aid”
You blink a few times, watching as Wanda approaches, walking behind Maria.
“Oh, well…”
“We could talk it over dinner”
Too late. Wanda tilts her head in that way that makes her look so dangerous (and hot)
“Y/N works so many hours, I’m not sure she has the bandwith. I can barely get her to myself most days, right baby?” she kisses your cheek, making you blush.
“Yeah, long hours at the hospital”
“My offer stands” the coach says, not backing out from a challenge. You wait until she’s away to turn to Wanda.
“Babe, I didn’t do anything! I promise I was just standing here…”
“There’s something you should know about me” Wanda interrupts, whispering hotly against your ear. “I don’t like to share”
“I…” you stutter when she looks into your eyes. Wanda holds your chin with her thumb and index finger.
“Is that understood?”
“Good girl” she smiles, kissing you, her tongue swiping across your bottom lip.
You have a dumb expression as she walks to her car.
“See you at home” she says, making sure everyone in the parking lot hears her.
You blush as Sharon eyes you with a smirk, and you sprint to your car before anyone else gets any crazy ideas. 
When you get home, Wanda is helping the kids set up their overnight bags while they shower.
“Can you drive them to their friend’s house? I have to do a couple of things here. You can take my car”
“Sure. I’ll shower and come back”
To your surprise, they’re both excited about the sleepover. You vividly remember hating those and your mom had to pick you up in the middle of the night more than once.
“Be good, ok? I’ll come get you tomorrow” Wanda asks. You check your phone for the address, noticing it’s a short distance.
“Are you and mom having a sleepover too?” Billy says and you smile.
“Yeah, we’ll probably watch movies and eat lots of candy” you joke, trying not to think about Wanda in lingerie. Not while you’re driving her children and your brain can malfunction in the middle of the road.
“I hope she doesn’t get sad because we’re gone” Tommy says as you wait for their friend to open up the door.
“I’ll take care of her for you. You just worry about having fun”
“Ok” they both nod, and you raise your hands for a high five.
On the way back, you get the wine and some tiramisu from a nice bakery downtown, thinking Wanda might appreciate the time alone to finish her errands.
After stopping at the gas station to fill up her tank, you head back, parking in her driveway and taking the stuff you bought inside.
“I’m back” you say, but are met with silence as you close the door. “Wanda?”
Slightly worried, you go up the stairs, making sure she knows you’re coming.
“Go ahead” she says as you knock on her door.
“Hey, you ok?” you say, stopping as soon as you take in the view before you.
Wanda, sitting at the edge of her bed, wearing the lingerie set she showed you before. The bed has rose petals scattered, and there are some candles lighting up the room.
“Is this too much? I just wanted it to be special” she says, standing up. You take a step forward, and the only thing you can do is kneel, admiring every inch of skin on display.
Wanda gasps, anticipation building up as she watches you run your hands up and down her thighs.
“I knew I was gonna have the best meal of my life tonight” you say, kissing her legs. She holds your shoulders as her knees shake, squeezing harder when your nose nudges her center, eager to taste her.
“Bed” is her only command and you nod, lifting her up in your arms and carrying her the short distance. You try to set her down gently, but she pulls you roughly as soon as her back hits the mattress.
When Wanda moves further down, she groans.
“Ouch, ouch, my ass”
“Your ass is great, baby”
“No” she protests, and you don’t know if she’s laughing or crying. “I have a thorn in my butt. I guess I didn’t remove all of them from the roses”
“Turn around” you ask, inspecting every inch of her delicious behind. “Ah, here it is. This will hurt a bit”
“Son of a bitch” Wanda says as you pull it out. You hold back a laugh, but can’t help yourself when she screams into a pillow. Annoyed at your mood, she throws it blindly behind her, completely missing.
“Babe, it’s ok. Just lay on your stomach for a bit and the pain will pass soon”
“I wanted this to be romantic. There’s nothing romantic about a thorny butt”
“Well, I don’t mind the view” you admit, enjoying how the position is accentuating the curve of her lower back, and the skimpy underwear allows you to admire her ass.
“You’re just trying to make me feel better” she mumbles against the duvet.
“Is that such a bad thing?” you ask, hovering over her, kissing behind her ear, down her neck and the space between her shoulders.
“I suppose not” she admits, holding back a moan.
“Let me take care of you, baby” you say, kissing and licking your way down her body. As you go further down, you kiss the inside of her thighs, around her center and anywhere but the place she needs the most.
Wanda enjoys a little too much the anticipation, her position keeping her from watching your next move. She grabs another pillow, hoping to squeeze it hard enough to keep her from screaming.
“Don’t hold back” you tsk, pushing her underwear aside and moaning at the view in front of you. She’s so wet and ready and how you wished you had some of the toys you enjoy using so much, just to stretch her. But for now, all you need is to taste her, so you dart your tongue out, small licks flicking the bundle of nerves until Wanda whimpers, moving her hips against your face, begging for more.
You hold her hips in place, and give in to her silent request, going deeper and licking up and down, enjoying how erratic her movements get when she’s close to the edge.
“Don’t stop” she pleads when you crawl back up, kissing her back, leaving some of her juices glistening on her beautiful skin.
“Baby, I want to ask you something” you whisper in her ear. “Do you ever touch yourself?”
“I…” she tries to create some friction with her legs.
“Answer me”
“Do you use any toys?” you ask, one of your hands traveling to her center, rubbing gently.
“Yes” she says, this time a little out of breath.
“Want to use one right now?”
“I just want you” she pleads, burying her face between her arms, flushed and taken aback by her own desire.
“You’re doing so good for me. If it’s too much just tell me, promise?”
“Mhm” she nods, her breathing getting faster as she feels your hands pulling down her underwear, the cold air hitting her pussy.
“God, you’re so hot” you say, your thumb going down to gently tease her clit, suspecting Wanda was too sensitive.
After a few minutes of massaging her clit, she begins to sigh and moan, moving her hips. It doesn’t take long for her to ask exactly what she wants.
“More, please”
“Is this ok?” you say, teasing her entrance with one of your fingers. Wanda doesn’t answer, moaning and panting instead. “Lift your legs a little bit for me, can you do that?”
Wanda nods, spreading her legs and leaning on her knees so her ass is slightly elevated. You lay on your back, allowing her to straddle your face and leaving enough room to finger her.
“You taste amazing” you say, pulling her down so she’s almost sitting on your face. You hear Wanda moan, but you’re too focused on the slick that’s dripping down her cunt and all over your chin.
When you feel like she’s ready, you begin to massage her clit, while two of your fingers are swallowed by her pussy. She’s tight, but seems to enjoy it, moaning loudly when you move inside of her.
“Yes, fuck, please keep going” Wanda says, moving her hips faster.
“Look at you, so full and ready. Can’t wait to fuck you with my dick” you say, getting wet at the idea.
“I’m so close” she mumbles, and you feel her pussy clenching around your fingers, making it hard for you to move.
Wanda switches positions when she moves, making you go deeper and you know you’re hitting the right spot when she cries, holding on to the duvet and crying out as she comes around your fingers and your mouth.
You keep her in place, enjoying the feeling of her cunt pulsing around your fingers. Waiting until she relaxes, you pull out, smiling as she complains.
You climb back up, laying next to her. Wanda’s eyes are closed, her breathing erratic as she comes down from her high. Once she opens her eyes, you smile.
“Hey, gorgeous”
“That was…”
“Mhm” you nod, kissing her so she can taste herself. “Told you, just let me take care of you”
“Give me a second and I can… we can do it again. You haven’t come…”
“I’m fine” you shake your head. “That was extremely hot and your pleasure is mine. Just take your time”
“I love you” she says, kissing you once again, her mind still foggy from the orgasm.
“I love you too” you smile against her lips, eager to worship every inch of her body and show her how much more she can feel.
Light seeps through curtains and you open your eyes, looking around. Wanda’s scent is in the sheets, the pillows and the air around you.
Sadly, she’s missing from the bed and you stretch, ready to look for her and talk her into coming back.
Your button up shirt is nowhere to be found, so you take the tank top that was discared the night before and go down the stairs.
The sight that greets you is heavenly.
Wanda is humming along a Sinatra song, pouring some pancake mix in a pan. What makes it so special is how she’s wearing your shirt, that is obviously too big on her.
You’re not sure if she’s wearing panties underneath that, but you’re eager to find out.
“You scared me” she laughs when she feels you against her back.
“And you weren’t in bed when I woke up” you say, kissing her neck.
“I wanted to surprise you with breakfast”
“I am hungry” you mutter against her skin, moving her hair aside to get better access.
“Oh” she says, leaning against you. You make her walk back all the way to the kitchen counter, switching your bodies so she’s in front of you.
As you kiss her lips, your hand goes down her body, checking that she is in fact wearing underwear.
“Mmm, you’re overdressed” you say, pulling them down.
“What are you doing?” Wanda stutters, feeling your fingers teasing softly against her entrance.
“Want me to stop?”
“No. I just don’t want the pancakes to burn” she moans and stutters as you gather some of her slick in your digits.
“I better hurry, then” you say, kneeling before her.
Not wasting any time, you start eating her out like it’s your last meal, tongue flattening against her pussy. Wanda pulls your hair, riding your face and reaching back to hold herself steady against the counter.
“You’re just so fucking delicious” you say, desperate to feel more, placing one of her legs over your shoulder to get better access.  As you dive in again, Wanda holds on to your shoulders and pulls your hair, too lost in her pleasure. Your tongue moves in circles around her clit, and you let her ride your face as her orgasm approaches, until Wanda is moaning and panting, finishing with a whine.
“So good for me” you say, standing up and holding her in your arms as she leans against you, her legs unsteady after coming so hard. “All good, baby?”
“More than good” she says, her head lifting to look into your eyes, and you share a lazy kiss, Wanda moaning as she tastes herself. “I love you”
“Love you too” you say, kissing her nose.
“Still hungry?”
“I could definitely have some of those delicious pancakes”
“Coming right up” she says, walking back to the stove. You look at the sway of her hips and spank her, unable to help yourself.
“Amazing” you sigh after the first bite.
“Did you sleep ok?”
“Yeah, I can sleep anywhere and nothing will wake me up, except the sound of my pager. It’s like a Pavlovian response”
“Glad to hear that” she smiles, and you decide to tease her a little bit.
“Yeah, I guess it’s a good thing because you snore”
“I do not”
“Babe, you do” you laugh, and Wanda glares at you. “It’s ok, I think it’s adorable”
She rolls her eyes, and changes the subject. After breakfast, you both go to pick up the twins, and they’re telling you everything they did.
“I hope you didn’t stay up too late” Wanda says.
“We didn’t. But Adam was so loud, he snores. Like you do, Mama” Billy says and you have to hold back your laughter.
“See? I told you you snore” you say when she pinches your arm.
“How do you know my mom snores?” Tommy says, and you blush, the smug gring leaving your face.
“Yeah, Y/N, how do you know?” Wanda says, giggling when you look back at the twins, eager to change the subject.
“We should go to the movies today!”
“Yeah” they agree.
“Well played” Wanda nods, finally getting back home. “Hey, get your bags” she says as the kids try to sneak back home. “That’s more like it”
Billy plops dow on the couch while Tommy greets every piece of furniture. Wanda leans against the doorframe, enjoying the bit and you join her, kissing her temple.
“It’s nice to be home” he says, laying next to his brother.
“Yeah. It is” you agree, looking at Wanda with complete adoration.
You’re both home.
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countlessimagines · 1 year
New Guy Around [ Adam Warlock x Reader ]
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Summary: While helping rebuild Nowhere, you get to know the man who tried to kill your friends.
A/N: I’ve loved Will Poulter since I was 13 so of course I would fall in love with Adam Warlock <3 also my apologies for this kind of being small, my future imagines of him will definitely be longer! Enjoy for now though loves!!
It was a normal day for you when you began to talk to Adam; wake up to little raccoons climbing all over you, eating breakfast with Rocket and Groot, and helping Drax with the kids.
It usually consisted of Drax translating what they’re saying while you tried to get them settled into new homes with people willing to take them in.
And as usual, Adam would stroll around like a lost puppy trying to figure out what to do for the day. While he made himself useful by going person to person, today he looked more confused than ever.
You still weren’t on the best terms with him, despite the rest of the guardians giving him a second chance. It didn’t help that they told you what he was trying to do before they rescued him.
With a deep sigh, you let Drax deal with the children for the day and walked over to Adam.
“Do you need something to do?” You asked him and he seemed a bit startled that you were actually talking to him.
“Uh, yes?” Adam said and immediately began to follow behind you as you made your way to your small apartment. It had been destroyed pretty badly in the fight, and you could use all the help you could get into repairing it back to normal.
While your place was livable, it still needed something to make it more of a home.
You let Adam in and instructed him on fixing one of the walls with many holes in it. He got right to work and was pretty silent the whole time. Meanwhile, you straightened up your work desk littered with plants, pots, soil, and little figurines you built for the children.
“Can I ask you a question?” Adam said, taking you out from your little flow of organizing.
You hummed a yes and waited for whatever question he was going to say. You honestly weren’t in the mood for a conversation, though.
“For all those plants on your desk, you sure don’t decorate this place enough.”
You turned sharply to him, wondering why it was relevant to ask such a thing. “Maybe if the people you had been working for hadn’t ruined my place, I would be able to put things up by now. But no, I have to fix it first.”
“All I’m saying is a flower on your table would suffice.” Adam shrugged and began to work again.
You rolled your eyes and continued to replant some of the white flowers you knew Groot loved. “If you must know I gift these flowers to people I care about.”
Adam stood up from the ground and walked over to your desk. “Will I get one of them?” He was teasing you with a smile and a question you knew was a joke.
“Maybe one day if you don’t mess it up for yourself,” you said and glanced up at him. He was significantly taller than you, and it wasn’t until now that you noticed how close he was. “And maybe, just maybe if I forgive you for trying to kill my friends.”
Adam nodded and promptly began to work again. “I will win you over.”
Then it became normal for Adam to arrive every morning at your door to help repair the rest of your apartment.
While he worked, you would either tend to your plants or build figurines for the children. It kept both of you busy and eventually a comfortable silence would fall between the two of you. Well, besides Rocket blasting music over the speakers.
Adam would often go to your desk, do a little nod of approval at what you were creating, then go back to working. You would tend to sneak looks at him, thinking he didn’t notice but he always did.
You hated to admit that you found the golden man attractive, and fought against the thoughts that plagued your mind about him. You didn’t want to get close to him… yet.
Adam was very helpful and extremely nice to you, and you could tell he was trying to make up for his past transgressions. You felt bad for being an ass to him, and one day you tried to make up for it. You made him a figurine of his pet that always seemed to find its way to him.
You had left it at his apartment one night and thought nothing of it, expecting nothing in return.
It was the weekend now, and Adam tended to only help on weekdays, so you didn’t expect to wake up to him at your door. He was holding something behind his back, but you didn’t ask any questions.
“Oh, um, good morning?” You said sleepily, still in pajamas.
“I wanted to stop by to say thank you for my gift.” Adam smiled and you noticed he had placed it in the pocket of his shirt.
“Of course, it was my way of saying thank you for all the help.” You did a small smile in return.
Adam shifted on his feet and pulled out a small daisy from behind his back. “I, uh, picked this for you. I know it’s not much but you always gift flowers to people so I thought you deserved one yourself.”
You grinned happily and accepted the flower with a thank you. The tiny flower meant the world to you and Adam seemed ecstatic to give it to you.
“That’s the first ever gift I’ve given someone.” Adam looked so innocent and sad when he said that, almost as if his history did haunt him.
“It’s lovely.” You gave him a hug which took him by surprise but he gladly wrapped his arms around you.
“I was wondering if you’d like to…” Adam’s words trailed off in confusion, not finding the word he needed.
“Go on a date?” You helped him out, knowing exactly what he meant.
“Yes, that,” he said with his dorky smile and awaited your answer.
“I would love that.” You smiled brightly at him, delighted that Adam ended up being a sweet person beneath all the gold.
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"The amount of electricity generated by the UK’s gas and coal power plants fell by 20% last year, with consumption of fossil fuels at its lowest level since 1957.
Not since Harold Macmillan was the UK prime minister and the Beatles’ John Lennon and Paul McCartney met for the first time has the UK used less coal and gas.
The UK’s gas power plants last year generated 31% of the UK’s electricity, or 98 terawatt hours (TWh), according to a report by the industry journal Carbon Brief, while the UK’s last remaining coal plant produced enough electricity to meet just 1% of the UK’s power demand or 4TWh.
Fossil fuels were squeezed out of the electricity system by a surge in renewable energy generation combined with higher electricity imports from France and Norway and a long-term trend of falling demand.
Higher power imports last year were driven by an increase in nuclear power from France and hydropower from Norway in 2023. This marked a reversal from 2022 when a string of nuclear outages in France helped make the UK a net exporter of electricity for the first time.
Carbon Brief found that gas and coal power plants made up just over a third of the UK’s electricity supplies in 2023, while renewable energy provided the single largest source of power to the grid at a record 42%.
It was the third year this decade that renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, hydro and biomass power, outperformed fossil fuels [in the UK], according to the analysis. Renewables and Britain’s nuclear reactors, which generated 13% of electricity supplies last year, helped low-carbon electricity make up 55% of the UK’s electricity in 2023.
[Note: "Third year this decade" refers to the UK specifically, not global; there are several countries that already run on 100% renewable energy, and more above 90% renewable. Also, though, there have only been four years this decade so far! So three out of four is pretty good!]
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Dan McGrail, the chief executive of RenewableUK, said the data shows “the central role that wind, solar and other clean power sources are consistently playing in Britain’s energy transition”.
“We’re working closely with the government to accelerate the pace at which we build new projects and new supply chains in the face of intense global competition, as everyone is trying to replicate our success,” McGrail said.
Electricity from fossil fuels was two-thirds lower in 2023 compared with its peak in 2008, according to Carbon Brief. It found that coal has dropped by 97% and gas by 43% in the last 15 years.
Coal power is expected to fall further in 2024 after the planned shutdown of Britain’s last remaining coal plant in September. The Ratcliffe on Soar coal plant, owned by the German utility Uniper, is scheduled to shut before next winter after generating power for over 55 years.
Renewable energy has increased sixfold since 2008 as the UK has constructed more wind and solar farms, and the large Drax coal plant has converted some of its generating units to burn biomass pellets.
Electricity demand has tumbled by 22% since its peak in 2005, according to the data, as part of a long-term trend driven by more energy efficient homes and appliances as well as a decline in the UK’s manufacturing sector.
Demand for electricity is expected to double as the UK aims to cut emissions to net zero by 2050 because the plan relies heavily on replacing fossil fuel transport and heating with electric alternatives.
In recent weeks [aka at the end of 2023], offshore wind developers have given the green light to another four large windfarms in UK waters, including the world’s largest offshore windfarm at Hornsea 3, which will be built off the North Yorkshire coast by Denmark’s Ørsted."
-via The Guardian, January 2, 2024
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tizeline · 2 months
What do you think the tiz-turtles would think of their canon counterparts?
Ah man, pretty safe to say the The Drax Bros would feel quite put off by their canon counterparts, and vice versa XD The Mikeys especially I feel would have MAJOR beef lmaooo at least TSAU!Mikey wouldn't STAND canon!Mikey
Comperatively, the Donnies would obviously get along a lot better considering they're a lot more similar. They WOULD, however, diss each other's battleshells
Canon!Donnie: You made a battle shell that only covers half of your softshell?? How is that going to function as armour when it leaves most of you exposed?? TSAU!Donnie: What's the use of armour when I can simply dodge any attacks? But no wonder you're not dodging anything with that giant slab of metal weighing you down constantly!
Ironically enough, I feel like Canon!Donnie would get along way better with TSAU!Mikey than TSAU!Donnie does. Like yeah sure, the whole "hating humanity" thing is a bit off-putting, but unlike his AU counterpart, Canon!Donnie already has a softspot for Mikey and as such would be a lot more supportive in his evil endevours lol. Like, if this alternate version of his beloved baby brother wants to go apeshit and cause a little bit of destruction here and there, maybe he should be allowed to do so??? As a treat???
TSAU!Donnie would also be... uh... a BIT jealous of Canon!Donnie. Canon!Donnie gets to grow up with all of his brothers, they're all raised by Splinter, and they DON'T hate humanity? Why doesn't TSAU!Donnie get that?? Canon!Donnie gets to have his whole family while TSAU!Donnie is being forced to choose between the two separate parts of it. Not fair! >:,[
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lina-lovebug · 1 year
I Will Protect You
Adam Warlock x fem! Reader
Reader is Gamora and Nebula younger sister. Seems to be a trend with Thanos' daughters to fall for goofy men.
Warnings: ptsd, torture, cursing
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Adam did not know love.
He knows his mother loved him. That even though his sole purpose was to kill and work for the Sovereign, he could feel his mother's love for him.
But being in love?
He never thought about it. It was never a priority, especially as a killer who would have no business being intrigued by anything else other than what he was ordered.
"You are an idiot."
"But I must say I admire your technique. Staring is also how I got my wife to notice me. Although I did it for hours on end until she noticed."
Drax told Adam, who was staring longingly at (Y/N), the sister to Gamora and Nebula and their resident healer. Adam watched as a pink light emitted from her palms, healing a small injury on one of the children's knees.
"She's very pretty," Adam breathed out. Yes, he had seen specimens that were 'perfect', but you were something entirely different. Your laughter was genuine and kind, and your smile held no ill intentions behind it.
"Drax, I feel sick when I am around her. Like my stomach gets all fuzzy and weird, and-and I can't think straight. Did she poison me?" Adam asked, wondering truly if you despised him secretly.
After all, your first encounter was not a good one.
Adam recalled being beneath you as you held a blade to his throat, pressing it hard enough to draw blood and the rage in your eyes was something to remember.
He now held a small scar on his neck.
"Silly golden man," Drax patted his shoulder, "you love her."
"Love? Are you sure?" He glanced back to where you were but you disappeared.
"What should I do?"
Oh if only he should have known that Drax was the worst person to ask for advice.
"I'm sorry."
I turned around to see Gamora. Her arms were crossed, she was guarding herself, as she looked at me with sad eyes.
"You have nothing to-"
"You had someone who was openly loving and caring, and that's not me," I swallowed a lump in my throat. Gamora changed once she realized that Nebula and I just needed a sister, not a combat partner. I saw her make that effort, and she learned my love languages and learned who I was as a person.
When she died, I felt a part of myself die with her.
And when this new Gamora, or old Gamora, had shown up, I wanted that back. But she was just as cruel and as mean as when we first fought and she beat me.
"Wow, you don't think I know that?" I retorted, avoiding eye contact as I continued to polish my knives.
"From our first fight when Thanos pit us against each other, I knew you were only looking out for the best. That you needed to be the golden girl in order to survive, but did you know what he did?" I asked, finally looking at her.
"Yeah, Nebula-"
"No, not to Nebula," I interrupted, standing up.
"When I was eight and kept losing, he didn't just lock me in my room. He had Ebony Maw do things to me. . .he started slow by making incisions in my back to see how much I could scream, and then did this," I lifted up my shirt and her eyes widened.
"He started putting viles inside of me that he found on other planet's to see how my body would react to them. That's how I got my power to heal," I explained, "but every experiment, every needle - it left behind this."
My stomach and back held my memories. It was littered in scars that would never go away and ruined me.
"I-I didn't-"
"No one knew. Not even Nebula until a few years ago," I admitted.
"I get why you fought so hard but. . .I don't think I can forgive you."
Gamora looked like she had just seen what hell was like. A light mist formed over her eyes, realizing that whenever she won, someone else had paid the price.
"I know you'll never be her," I admitted, "but you could at least try to act like we were sisters."
"You are," She grasped my hands tightly in her own, "you've always been. I'm sorry I never saw it until now."
I removed myself from her, "I know you mean it, but I'm going to need you to go."
She hesitated but nodded, "ok."
Gamora shut the door behind her and wanted to scream. All of the "What ifs" plagued her mind, wondering what would have happened if only she had noticed sooner. But before any tears could escape, she heard a shuffle and spotted the golden boy lurking.
He looked just like she did.
Shocked and furious.
"If you do anything to hurt her, I will slit your throat in your sleep," Gamora told him before walking off, leaving him stunned.
The mere thought of someone making you cry made Adam furious beyond belief, but torturing you? Seeing how loud you could scream - how much pain you could take?
He didn't know understand love but that was not it.
Adam was initially going to go to your room and try to 'woo' you, as Drax said to do. But now, all he felt was rage. He knew Thanos was dead, along with everyone who worked for him, so he didn't know where to put this anger.
"Adam, now is not a good ti-" as I turned around to face him, all I saw was anger. Red flashed across his face, just like the first time we fought.
"Adam? Are you okay?" I questioned.
"I-I feel angry, and I don't know what to do. I want to kill him," Adam ranted.
"Kill him? Who?"
The name still left a mark on my mind and it made me want to vomit.
"He-he's dead, Adam," I said.
"I know. But he needs to pay for what he's done to you. It isn't fair. No one so kind, so generous and loving should ever experience that," He ranted, unknowingly confirming that Adam knew exactly what Thanos did to you.
"You heard. . ." This was my fear. I finally found someone who makes me smile and makes my heart race whenever we're together, and he knows.
He knows I'm fucked up. He knows I have ugly scars that'll never disappear. He knows I have a dark childhood. He knows I'm-
He shook me from my mind by placing his hands on my shoulders, "I want to protect you. From now on, no one will ever lay a hand on you again. I'll do whatever it takes, (Y/N), I promise."
"Drax says it's because I love you. I only knew my mother's love but I know that when I see you, I want to make you smile. I want you to be happy and always laughing and never upset."
Love? Shit, I didn't know the first thing about it. I always thought that the torture and the lectures were love because a father always wants you to do your best. But after the guardians, I felt lost. This friendship and trust, it was love, but how could I ever replicate that?
"Adam, are you. . .sure?"
He was caught off guard, "yes, I am. Do you not love me?"
"I do, but I don't know how to express that. You deserve someone who does," I told him.
"What do you do with someone you love?" He questioned.
"You hug them, you show that you're there for them no matter what, you learn what they like, you show it in physical ways. You kiss-"
"Then kiss me," His boldness made my whole body still and I felt like face become hot.
"If you love me, then kiss me," He stated, still as blunt as ever. My heart was running a mile, and my mind was screaming at me to stop.
But I couldn't.
I lifted my face to his and kissed him. I expected it to be a small peck, but my body wanted more. I yearned for his gentle touch and placed his hands on my waist as he gently kissed back, still unsure about his movements. His lips were soft against mine, following what I did. As I pulled away for air, he pulled me back in. It made me gasp as his hands held me firmly, his lips desperate for mine. I felt breathless as he held me closer, and my hands began to venture into his hair.
Peter's voice made me pull back, frightened that he had seen.
"Everyone but me!" He shouted as he walked away, and I was still firm against Adam's chest.
"I thought kissing was a private affair," Adam said, confused.
"Y-yeah, it is, but my door is open. Adam, you're sure you want this? With me?" I asked, still frazzled at the kiss.
"I only want you, and we can learn how to love each together, right?" He said, so innocent but so willing.
"Yes, we can," I smiled.
"I heard of this thing called cuddling and it sounds nice. Can we do that too?"
I gave him a soft kiss, "for however long you want."
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sashaisready · 4 months
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 12 - I love the passing of time
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None...I don't think
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“Wow…so he just accused you in front of everybody?” Peter Quill asked you in disbelief, sipping his coffee as you caught him up on the mess that was your life.
You nodded and stiffly sipped your own drink, “Mmm…he tried to come by later and apologise, but I wasn’t exactly open to a discussion”.
Peter nodded sympathetically, giving you an understanding smile, “Yeah…I can see why”.
You smiled back, well, more of a grimace really, doing your best to keep your mind from wandering to Bucky.
“Sooo…you’re unemployed,” he offered in a slightly playful tone, but tentatively as if he was still feeling out your sensitivity levels around this subject.
You laughed into your coffee cup, grateful for the levity, “sure am…now I just watch daytime TV and hang out at the supermarket all day like a bum”.
The two of you chuckled and you asked him how work was going at the plant. As he told you an anecdote about one of his workmate’s antics, Drax or somebody? You found yourself comfortable…relaxed. Being with Peter didn’t really need you to be ‘on’, you didn’t need to try and suss out what he was thinking or where you stood like you did with Bucky, it was just nice.
The two of you had been texting for a week or so, ever since that night you’d first messaged him after you’d (figuratively and literally) closed the door on Bucky. You’d quickly found a fun rhythm with him over text, a balance of jokes and getting to know each other with the occasional meme thrown in. After losing your job and your ‘situationship’, you were grateful for the distraction. It was also a nice thing to break up your work with back at the house.
Eventually, he’d asked you to go for coffee in town, and it was so lovely to go on an actual date rather than just to each other’s houses under the cover of night. Coffee was a great choice, it was low stakes and informal, it meant you could have a conversation and get to know each other better without the pressures of a fancy dinner or sitting in silence at the movies. Fun and relaxed, just like Peter himself.
Bucky had blown up your phone for the first few days, asking you to hear him out…asking you to just let him talk…you’d ignored him entirely. He even set a bouquet of flowers to your door, which you’d rolled your eyes at and given to your elderly neighbour. You’d also pocketed the cash and thrown out the note he’d slid under the door. You didn’t need a reminder of him at the house, too. He’d wormed his way into your thoughts often enough already, despite your best efforts to forget him entirely.
You hated him for what he’d done, but the fact was you held strong feelings for him (the strongest!) right before that happened, and you couldn’t magically switch them all off even if he did hurt you. A dormant part of you still felt something, as frustrating as that was. You wished you could press a button that would erase it all and allow you to hate him in peace, but you couldn’t. So, next best thing - you were going to give him a wide berth, get on with the house jobs and hang out with Peter until it was time to leave.
You sent Bucky a brief text asking him to leave you be and respect your wishes, and he finally did – the bare minimum, but he did. You hadn’t heard anything from him since. Long may it continue.
Steve had also sent you a very no-nonsense text apologising for ‘how your employment ended’ and said that the position was always open if you changed your mind. You politely declined and he sent you back a thumbs up emoji, which was a big deal for Steve who famously didn’t do emojis – it might as well have been a heart.
Nat, Parker and a few of the others had also reached out, expressing regret for how things went down and that you left. They were a sweet bunch underneath all that leather and scowling. Your heart panged a little at their words, you really did like being there with them, it was a shame it blew up so spectacularly.
Wanda and Vis had been there for you, enthusiastically inviting you along to their date nights and stuff with their other friends, not wanting you to spend your evenings rattling around in a dead woman’s home by yourself. It was appreciated, but you didn’t love playing third wheel at a romantic dinner.
Now you weren’t banging your evenings away with Bucky - the house was taking shape. You’d dropped off the cash donation to the shelter, plus moved out a whole bunch more stuff. You had a steady stream of strangers coming to collect old furniture and junk (‘treasures’ as Granny called them, which just thinking about made you feel guilty) from the ads you’d posted on various Facebrook groups and Craigslist. And you’d kept anything truly sentimental, of course. You still hadn’t done the damn fence, but the room painting was almost done. You just needed to do that, or pay someone else to, plus fix the slightly leaky faucet in the bathroom you’d always moaned to Bucky about.
“…and that’s when we realised it was Monday, not Tuesday, that the shipment was delivered”, laughed Peter as the end of his story snapped you back into the room.
You chuckled good-naturedly and took the last sip of your drink before Peter pointed at your empty cup, “Another? I’ve got a real hankering for a muffin or something…”
You smiled and nodded as he went to the register to get you both another round. As you were left by yourself, you mindlessly picked up your phone and began scrolling when a voice behind you called your name.
You turned, horrified to come face to face with…Tom.
Tom, who stood in front of you, his head lowered like a wounded puppy.
Tom, who had screwed you over and lost you your job.
Tom…who was sporting a painful looking black eye…and bruising all over his cheek.
“Tom, what the-”, you bristled.
“I’m sorry,” he interrupted, his voice panicked and urgent, “I’m so sorry. I was just passing and saw you in the window and had to…just…Fuck. It was so shitty. I never should’ve done it. I just…I needed the cash for my buddy and Bucky had already given me a couple’a loans and-”
Your initial wave of anger was quelled. He was just so…meek and lost. You just pitied him in that moment.
“I did it without really thinking”, he sighed, a little calmer now. “I knew that security camera was out. If I’d known they would’ve gone after you I never would’ve done it. I promise. I thought they’d just think they messed up the count, or assume I fucked up some orders. I’m so sorry”.
You sighed sadly. “What’s going on, Tom? Why did you need it for your buddy?”
He looked away, the guilt evident in his eyes. “I…sorta…I have a few issues with gambling. Alright?” he looked ashamed.  “And I actually felt so bad after, I came back. After all they’d done for me…and for me to do that to them…so I drove back to the bar, ready to return it all – but you’d left and they’d already figured it out after I got there…and they were so mad…”
You nodded with quiet understanding. He didn’t need a lecture from you, there was nothing you could tell him he hadn’t already told himself. And it looked like Bucky and Steve had told him too…
“It’s okay, Tom”, you told him, “What you did was fucked up…but it’s not your fault Bucky accused me, and that stuff turned out the way it did. That’s on him and only him”.
He nodded meekly, repeating that he was sorry as he awkwardly fiddled with his hands.
“I’m sorry…about your face,” you grimaced.
He shrugged. “It’s cool. Really. It wasn’t that bad. I stole, I deserved what I got. I was a traitor. But after Bucky calmed down…he listened. He sat down with me and told me to tell him everything. And I did…I admitted it all. What I did. My…uh…problem. And he and Steve are gonna get me straight, pay to get me some real help. Help me with my debts and support me to beat this thing once and for all”, his face looked hopeful.
You nodded encouragingly. You were mad at Bucky and Steve for hurting him, even though you knew that’s how things were duked out in their world. He was just a dumb kid who made a dumber mistake, who had gotten himself into a deep hole. But you couldn’t deny your surprise about getting him professional help. That was…surprisingly decent of them.
“Well…best of luck,” you smiled as you gave his hand a squeeze, “I hope you find what you need. And no hard feelings between us, okay?”
Tom grinned and nodded. He was alright, really.
“Hey I got you a biscotti…oh hey, sorry, who are-” said Peter, eyeing Tom as he walked back to the table with the tray of drinks in his hands.
“This is Tom, I used to work with him at the bar. See you, Tom”.
Tom nodded at Peter and gave you a wave as he left. You shared a small smile as he walked out of the coffee shop.
“All good?” asked Peter as he unloaded the cups and plates from the tray.
“All good,” you grinned. “And thank-you…I love biscotti. It’s like a fancy cookie”.
You both laughed, and just like that, Tom and Bucky and the bar and everything else floated away.
Some time later, after most likely too much caffeine and sugar, you were giggling with Peter as you walked out of the coffee shop and down the street.
“That was a lot of fun, thank you,” you said.
He smiled, “Yeah, I had fun too. Can I walk you back to your car?”
You nodded – pointing towards the street where you’d parked up.
As the two of you walked together, Peter very smoothly took his hand in yours. It gave you a burst of butterflies, and a twinge of melancholy that Bucky had never acknowledged your relationship publicly by doing something like that.
As you reached Sally you turned to Peter, “This is me”.
He smiled and very gently pulled you towards him. Before you knew it, he gently cupped your chin in his hand and pulled your lips towards his. The kiss was chaste, sweet. You kissed him back, unable to hide the smile that was trying to break out.
He pulled away and smiled as he looked down at you, opening your driver’s door for you. “Dinner, next time?”
You beamed, “Absolutely”.
Across the street, unseen by anyone else, a tall and blond figure watched the two of you with interest as he leaned against a shopfront window.
“Hm…” he muttered, pulling out his phone.
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oolongteaboba · 1 year
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info. rocket raccoon/f!reader smut. est. 3.2k words.
you and rocket share the same bunk, so you've been wearing nothing but a shirt to get his attention. and who knows? he might like you back.
a/n. hi hello first actual post on here! quick comment for the fingering part, just pretend rocket stole peter's nail clippers LMAO, i forgot to clarify that while writing whoops. also, you can alternatively read the fic here on ao3.
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In the past year you’ve spent with the guardians and living on the Milano, you began to appreciate each of them unconditionally; you were family, and they were yours.  Peter, a Terran like you, was a great conversationist, and you bonded over things you missed from Earth.  Gamora’s intimidating sometimes, but she acts like the sister you never had and has your best interests in mind.  You haven’t known Mantis for long, but she’s kind and gentle; plus, she’s starting to warm up to you.  Drax is some fun company, although most of your jokes fly over his head.  Groot clings onto you like a puppy, and the sprout insists on sitting between you and Rocket during dinnertime.  And well, Rocket is… Rocket.
Aboard the Milano, you shared a small bunk with Rocket and Groot.  Tonight, Groot was in Gamora’s bunk since she had Groot-bedtime-story-duty tonight, so you and Rocket had the already cramped bunk to yourselves.  Sharing a room with the two of them wasn’t entirely terrible, but you do have to deal with Rocket’s tech stuff being scattered all over the floor.
His bed wasn’t too far from yours, with the space between you only about two feet.  He’s working on a new set of blasters; you’re laying in bed on your back with your right leg over the left.  After being engrossed with his equipment for who knows how long, Rocket looks up from his machinery to glance at you.
“Christ, does it hurt to put on some pants for once?”  Rocket interjects, and you turn your head toward him.
“We share a room together.  You’ve seen me change before, and that never fazed you.  Besides, Groot isn’t even here.  It’s just us.”  He only replies with a huff and an eye roll.  “Besides, why do you care so much?”
Rocket scoffs, crossing his arms and furrowing his brows.  “I’m not the one walking around in a loose shirt and fuckin’ red lacy underwear.”
You avert your eyes from his as your cheeks grow hot, and you pull the hem of your shirt down mid-thigh to preserve your already damaged dignity.
“It’s all that was clean,” you mutter below your breath, just loud enough for him to hear, although from the look on his face, he doesn’t believe you.  “Plus, it’s hot in here, Rocket.  The air conditioning isn’t working correctly, we’re in space, and you haven’t fixed it yet,” you reply, uncrossing your legs.  He inhales sharply, returning to his blaster.
“I told you already, I don’t have the right parts yet,” he snaps at you.  “Go fix it yourself if you’re gonna be a bitch about it.”
“So the oh-so-great Rocket Raccoon can build bombs from scrap material but can’t fix the AC unit?”
“I ain’t a raccoon,” he snarls, and it takes every fiber in your body to resist the urge not to continue teasing him.  “And I told you this shit already: we don’t have the needed parts.”
“Y’know, maybe I’ll start walking around with pants on if the air conditioning is fixed.”
Rocket exhales and lets out a small pfft that almost sounds like a quiet laugh.  “You’re bein’ whinier than Quill right now, know that?”
“You’re so sweet to me, Rocket.  Have I mentioned you’re the kindest person on this ship?” You smile, albeit sarcastically, and the corners of his mouth instinctively curl up in response.  You catch his brief smile for a fleeting moment and make eye contact, but he promptly looks away in embarrassment.
(You might tease him about it later, though.  He’s smiling because of you.)
“Go to sleep, doll.”  Rocket absentmindedly shoves the machinery onto his makeshift nightstand with a slight grin still etched on his features.  His disposition has improved in the past year; he smiles a lot more, though he tries to hide it, and the guardians have noticed.  Not that he’d ever admit it, of course.
“What about you?  Aren’t you going to sleep?”  His eyes look into yours, albeit briefly, and they’re warm, brown, and pretty, and you internally berate yourself for not noticing them sooner.
“Nah.  You Terrans need more sleep than I do.  And you look terrible, by the way.”  You fail at attempting to stifle a giggle at his sudden change in demeanor, which Rocket barely notices.  
“Aw, thank you, Rocket.  Love you too.”  Your eyelids flutter, and you pull a blanket over your body.  “You might not be Terran, but you should sleep too, y’know.  You’re always reprimanding Groot for staying up late, you hypocrite.”
Rocket’s features soften; he shoots you a toothy grin, although there’s a thought nagging at you, telling you there’s more than just sarcasm in his eyes.  “Yeah, yeah.  G’night, doll.”
You shoot Rocket a smile that’s brighter than the damn sun before shutting your eyes.  Unfortunately, you’re asleep before you can say ‘good night’ back.
Three nights later, tonight is Drax’s turn for Groot-bedtime-story-duty.
The temperature in the Milano isn’t as nearly inhabitable as last time, all because of you and Quill’s endless pleas for the AC to be fixed.  Thankfully, Peter hates absurdly hot weather just as much as you do.  Either that or hatred of heat is a Terran thing.  Somehow, the broken air conditioning didn’t affect the other non-Terran guardians on the ship as much.
Al Green’s Let’s Stay Together plays faintly in the background; you’re lounging on your bunk, back against the mattress, as you read one of Quill’s childhood comic books when the door opens, and Rocket enters your shared bunk.
As soon as he walks in, Rocket scoffs and rolls his eyes.  “For the love of god, I fixed the AC as you asked.  Put some goddamn pants on.”
“Hello to you too, Rocket,” you give him a smile before continuing reading, too focused on Quill’s comic book to notice Rocket’s blatant gawking at your exposed legs.  Your leg props up on the other, leaving almost nothing to the imagination.  “And I said maybe I’ll wear pants.”
He jumps in bed, setting Quill’s helmet at the foot of his bunk.  After a job that included killing Abilisks, Peter reluctantly handed it over to Rocket for some significantly postponed repairs and upgrades.
“You’re lucky, know that?  You’re the only person on this ship besides Groot whose shit I tolerate.”
“I love you too, Rocket.  Although, I’m pretty sure you’d shoot Quill if he started walking around the Milano with no pants on,” you answer, eyes still glued to the comic book.
“The only difference is that Quill isn’t the one walking around in his underwear.”
“Rocket, I honestly can’t see why it’s a big deal.  It’s been days since you won’t shut up about it,” you reply, setting Quill’s comic on top of your nightstand.
Rocket looks at you before sighing defeatedly, with some feeling that you can’t put your finger on captured in his eye.  You swallow your spit, and Rocket returns to his bold, unapologetic self.
“Fine.  Fuckin’ hell, we get it, it’s your bunk, and you can do whatever the hell you want-”
He pauses.  Rocket’s eyes trail down from your face to your body, taking in every inch of your revealed skin.
However, it’s too late for you to realize what exactly Rocket’s ogling at.
“Are you… not wearing anything under that shirt?”
You blink, promptly closing your legs (undoubtedly knowing it won’t do or change anything).  The already small space between your bunk and Rocket’s seems even smaller.  Your heartbeat picks up in your chest; Rocket is still rendered speechless.  You’ll never hear the end of it, you swear.  His gaze meets yours, but you don’t answer.  What feels like an eternity passes before Rocket speaks up, breaking the silence.
“You dirty fuckin’ girl,” he swears, his tone both degrading and impressed.  Rocket steps down from his bunk and closer to yours, his eyes drinking you in.  From the look on his face, he looks as if he’s about to devour you whole.
Hesitantly, Rocket steps back, giving you space.  “Shit, sweetheart.  I’m sorry.  Tell me to leave, and I will.”  He’s reluctant, although the tent in his pants slowly grows, and he isn’t hiding it well.  “We can forget about this.”
“Wait,” you immediately protest before rationale can stop you, grabbing his wrist before he can pull away and leave.  “You can stay.”
From the look on his face, it doesn’t take him much convincing.  He knows what you’re thinking of (and knows what you want).  Rocket tenses; a few moments pass before he speaks up, unsure of what to do next.
“Can I touch you?”
You groan in response, both desperately and unashamedly.  Both your voice and body are tempting, practically inviting Rocket in.  He’s thought of you like this: both in daydreams and dreams, but he never would’ve imagined the moment (or you) to be more perfect.  “Please, Rocket.  I need you so damn badly.”
(Rocket’s definitely gonna bring this up later.  However, anything but him is entirely off your mind.)
He gladly complies, and his hands go underneath your shirt to meet your chest before massaging your breasts.  The sensation of his paws is foreign but welcome, one hand playing with your nipple as his tongue swirls around the other, gently nipping at your flesh.  He continues sucking, maintaining eye contact while your face burns from the intimacy.
The sound of Rocket’s mouth leaving your tits makes an explicit and wet pop sound, and drool pools in the corner of his mouth.
“Fuck, doll, I’ve been thinkin’ of doing this forever.  Couldn’t stop thinking about you since I got a look at that pair of that red, lacy underwear of yours and could barely keep my fuckin’ hands off.”
Rocket continues his ministrations on your chest, with one hand traveling down to your thigh, close to your puffy clit.  You elicit a formerly suppressed moan from your lips, much to Rocket’s inflated ego.  His pace is slow and teasing as if he’s waiting for you to break and beg for him to quicken his pace.
“Shit, you’re so pretty like this, all for me,” Rocket whispers in an intonation you can barely hear, almost impressed by how receptive and eager you are for his touch.  The ache between your thighs gradually amplifies from his praises, and you weaken at his attention.  Your breath quickens as his fingers trail up your thigh and languidly circles around your needy clit.  All words are stripped from your tongue, leaving you unable to speak.  Rocket’s fur almost tickles your skin as he marks love bites on you, hard enough to bruise.
“Fuh- fuck, Rocket, you feel so damn good,” you pant, air seemingly wrung out of your lungs.  “I need-”
You’re cut off by Rocket giving your cunt a firm spank, drawing out an embarrassingly vocal moan.  “Need what, dollface?”  He grins with a look of pride planted on his face as he gives your breasts and cunt much-needed attention, albeit slowly.
“I need you inside me,” you mewl, your cheeks feeling hot from the humiliation.  You know Rocket knows what you want; he’s eager to give it but wants to hear you beg for it first.
Somehow, his grin grows even more.  His slow circling on your clit stops, and you audibly groan, wordlessly begging for him to continue.  “I’ve barely touched ya, and you already want my cock inside?”
“Fuck you, Rocket,” you huff, heat building inside your lower abdomen and goosebumps growing on your skin.  “Please, I need you.”
He slips a paw inside your dripping cunt, and it takes a few seconds to get used to the new feeling.  “Gotta be patient, sweetheart.  You’re so pretty when you’re like that, know that?”
You nod, relishing the feeling of his fingers finding your G-spot, then slowly curling upwards.  Though his hands lack girth, he makes up for it with agility.
“Was this 'no panties' stunt all for me, dollface?”
“Yes. All for you, Rocket,” you answer absentmindedly, too focused on how good his fingers feel inside you.  Rocket’s fingers develop a languid rhythm, scissoring and stretching your walls to fit his cock.  You bite your lip to keep back a whimper but fail.  With every movement from Rocket, you feel yourself melting into the blankets and mattress, reduced to putty in Rocket’s hands.
“Keep going,” you mutter, surprised at your current capability to form words.  Rocket’s fingers gently press against your G-spot, eliciting a moan.  “G-go faster, Rocket.”
Instead of speeding up as you hoped, he completely stops, leaving you to writhe underneath him.  You tense up, missing the blissful sensation of his paws working inside you.  “What happened to you saying ‘please,’ huh?  You can do better than that, dollface.”
You tighten around his fingers, and you can practically feel the grin on his face as he waits for your pleas.  “God, fuck, Rocket, you know damn well what you’re doing to me,” you groan, heavy breaths interrupting almost every word.
“Try again, sweetheart,” he retorts, savoring the desperation all over your face.  Eager to feel more of him, you steadily move your hips, fucking yourself onto his fingers in response to his refusal.  “Beg me for it, and I’ll fuck you, just like you wanted.”
“Please, Rocket?  I need you to fuck me, please; I want your cock inside me so goddamn badly- please just fuck me already-”
Rocket, convinced by your pleas, complies and interrupts you by undoing his clothing and unzipping his pants while you whimper at the sudden removal of his now-soaked fingers.
He lines his hips up with yours, the look on his face ravenous; he finally pushes into you slowly.  You’re left to grip tightly on his shoulders, watching as his cock disappears into you.  He’s smaller than an average male human but relatively girthy, and you feel his tip brush against your G-spot.  You whimper from his entrance, feeling full as he completely bottoms you out, massaging your inner walls.
Rocket’s breath hitches as he slowly starts to work you open, his hands spreading your thighs apart for better access.  He groans, setting a languid pace as he ruts into your warm and inviting cunt.  You raise your hips a little higher in response, aching to feel more of him.  His current tempo is sloppier than before, now being guided by his pleasure instead of yours alone.  The wet sound of Rocket’s hips rolling into yours is pornographic and explicit; you can hear him fucking in and out of your cunt.  You’re sure that your wetness has gotten all over Rocket’s fur by now, but at the moment, he doesn’t mind.
One of his hands leaves your thigh to offer attention to your swollen clit, gently circling around it, while the other hand grips you harshly.  Rocket becomes noticeably more vocal as his pace quickens, albeit opting for low grunts and moans.  The pleasure builds up in your lower stomach, and your lower lip trembles as you grip the bunk’s bedsheets.
“Shit, Rocket, you feel so good,” you mewl, stumbling over your words while he erratically thrusts into you.  Rocket’s greedy for every moan that leaves your lips, hoping to wring every one of them out your mouth.  He grunts, pace unfaltering as your walls flutter around his cock, tightening around him like you don’t want him to let go.
“You’re doin’ so well for me, sweetheart,” Rocket huffs, his almost soft voice contradicting his frenzied rhythm.  You whimper and whine with each thrust, enjoying how Rocket fills you up with his cock, and how the curve hits your G-spot.  “Such a good fuckin’ girl for me.”
Tension builds in your stomach, and your toes curl from the sheer pleasure.  Despite Rocket’s unrelenting tempo, the feel of his hands and the look on his face is strangely soft and tender.  His fingers circle around your clit more quickly, and you feel heat spread under your skin.
“Rocket, I’m getting close,” you murmur, the burning coil within your abdomen intensifying with each second he pumps inside you.  With a moan, you let out a shaky breath as he rocks his hips into yours, feeling dangerously close to your climax.  From watching him loudly groan and how he haphazardly ruts into you, he’s also close to orgasm.
“Fuck, doll, you’re so beautiful like this,” Rocket praises, inhaling sharply as his cock twitches inside you.  “C’mon, sweetheart.  Cum on my cock.”
Without a second thought, you nod, succumbing to pleasure as Rocket pounds himself into you, his hand rubbing at your clit.  Tiny beads of sweat pool on your forehead as you begin to finish, and Rocket rolls a thumb over your nipple, almost encouraging you to cum.  Your walls spasm around his cock, begging him to do the same.  The feeling of him inside you, combined with the constant attention your clit receives, is overstimulating, and you’re barely able to hold back from coming.
“Inside me, Rocket,” you beg, trembling from sensitivity and euphoria.  “Please, cum inside me.”
Rocket only grins, a smug look forming on his face.  The white coil only amplifies, reducing you to a wordless, desperate mess underneath him until it finally snaps, and you come undone on his cock.  Eyes rolling back from the increased pleasure, you see stars in your blurred vision; you spasm around him, and with a few last strokes, Rocket cums inside you, emptying himself inside you.  His pace slows as you convulse around him, attempting to milk every drop of his cum, and your heartbeat slows from its high.
His last strokes are sloppy and frantic; Rocket huffs as he finally drains every bit of himself inside you.  Your muscles tense from aftershocks, and you hear Rocket silently swear.  With an embarrassingly wet squelch sound, Rocket pulls out his cock, leaving some of his cum to drip from your cunt, and onto your thighs.  Trying to regain your strength, you momentarily remain silent, basking in the afterglow, and he does the same.
Your breathing is labored, still coming down from your high.  “Sorry I got your fur wet,” you beam, your knees still weak from copulation, and Rocket lets out a low laugh.  You shift your body over to the far side of the bunk, offering Rocket space to sit next to you.  Without a word, he complies, his back laid against your front, and he sighs in contentment.
“I’ll shower in the mornin,’ doll,” he replies, fixing his messy hair, attempting to freshen up.  Rocket’s head rests on your neck; hesitantly, you put your arm around him, but he doesn’t mind it, although it takes him a second to adjust to the newfound affection.  You contentedly sigh, languidly running your fingers through his soft fur, and Rocket practically melts at the touch of your fingers.
“Y'know, I really like you, Rocket,” you quietly whisper, although just loud enough for him to hear.  Rocket doesn’t respond for a few seconds, leaving you in empty silence and a tiny bit of nervousness. 'Love' is a strong word; the word 'like' is weaker. However, right now, both don't fit right coming out of your mouth. It's too late to retract saying 'I really like you,' but before you can conjure a second thought, Rocket gathers his voice.
“Yeah.  I like you a whole lot too." Your face softens, and you wrap your arms around him, surprisingly being met with no protest from Rocket.  You softly kiss his forehead and doze off into slumber, Rocket huddled in your arms. Tomorrow morning, you’re certain Star-Lord would barge into your bunk to wake you up for the next contract, but for now, you’re happy to lay in bed and worry about it later.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
If your willing, general romantic hcs for rocket raccoon?
Yay first rocket rqqq ! Pls ask more I love this mf . For the record your a biologically enhanced animal experiment like rocket in all of my rocket x readers unless you guys state otherwise in your rqs. Light spoilers for gotg vol 3, if you know about his past anyways. Even then I don’t greatly spoil his past.
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- Dating rocket can be rather stressful. Though the girls of your little family of misfits are typically fine, quill and drax tend to tease the hell out of your boyfriend. While it can be annoying from time to time, it’s typically funny. Even groot has his own share of light teasing, but it’s really just him saying things outright and being a little too honest.
- also yknow. Getting constantly attacked by people your family happens to piss off also can be stressful at times.
- but all that shit aside, your boyfriend can be rather.. stressful to be with at first. And there’s a lot of shit you have to tolerate when it comes to him.
- you MUST be able to deal with his constant sarcasm and light insults towards you, to be perfectly honest I can’t imagine him with anyone easily hurt or too soft. You have to be a very strong motherfucker to be willing to deal with his shit.
- however, despite his personality he is a tiny bit softer around you and even if it’s not noticeable to you it certainly is to literally everyone else on your shared ship.
- rocket can be difficult to deal with, but so long as you’re patient enough with him he becomes less difficult to be around and a lot softer as time goes by.
- you’ll notice that he insults you a lot less, and they seem less like insults and more like light jokes to make you laugh. Light teasing. But the sarcasm doesn’t ever wither away. Though he’s not as sarcastic with you.
- rocket, over time, is very into physical affection but is not good at admitting it. It takes a very long time for him to become comfortable with you being affectionate physically with him, but once he grows used to it he loves it. He .. won’t ever tell you that but man if he doesn’t make it obvious.
- over time rocket with lightly, lowkey flirt with you, until it just kinda becomes straight up, shameless flirting the longer you are together.
- rocket also becomes bolder as time goes by, initiating or even asking for some affection if he’s feeling particularly needy.
- while he tends to not do this in front of the others, the longer you guys date the more accepting he becomes of pda.
- likes to cuddle a lot, also insists you sleep with him often. Claims it’s in case groot needs something while he’s sleeping so you’re also there but.. you know he just wants to sleep with you lol.
- lets you pet him :) sometimes he purrs when he’s really relaxed
- (will pet you too low key)
- rocket is overprotective often, and very jealous.
- he has many insecurities, so it’s only natural he gets jealous especially if he thinks anyone is into you (most likely not, but still).
- he’s also lost many people, the first friends he ever had, his entire family during the blip, he even lost groot when he first met that family. He’s protective for good reason.
- losing you is his worst fear
- he doesn’t know how to tell you how much you mean to him, so he shows it through making you things, fixing you things, and just… gift giving in general. If he notices you eyeing something for too long, he’s definitely getting it one way or another. Even if it means he has to steal it. Especially if it means he has to steal it.
- likes to listen to you talk while he tinkers with whatever the hell
- he kinda says a lot of offhanded shit that makes it sound like he’s not listening that much, but he’s hanging on your every word
- while shy with a lot of stuff in the beginning of your relationship as time goes by he is quite bold
- holds your hand a lot, likes to just feel your hands in his? It’s easy to drag you in case danger comes, it’s nice to feel your warmth and feel the comfort of you being there. It also helps that physical affection isn’t his go to all the time and it’s not like a huge amount of contact in comparison to hugs. (Not that he minds physical affection with you, though).
- he sucks at apologies, he just makes/tinkers your shit for you to make up for being a jackass. But he will apologize if you two had a serious fight.
- always willing to let go of his ego if it meant you’d forgive him after a serious altercation. But yknow, it would have to be REALLY bad.
- might even make you food as an apology lol very rare since he doesn’t make food for anybody
- likes to kiss you on the cheek a lot, sometimes on the lips but his go to is to kiss your cheek
- he will open up to you, but it takes a very long time. You are the one person he truly trusts and opens up to but it’s usually when he’s having a nightmare or something. He tends to not want to focus on his past, so he doesn’t talk about it. A part of him just wants to forget that was ever his life so as a result doesn’t talk about it to anybody unless he gets a nightmare that reminds him of his torture.
- it also makes it easy that you’re like him and know what he’s been through so, lol.
- hates seeing you cry, will actually beat the shit outta anyone that makes you cry and if he is ever the reason he feels like the biggest asshole in the galaxy
- while it does take him an extremely long time to open up to you, he will encourage you to open up to him. He’s very understanding if it takes you time too, but will be ultimately hurt if you tell the other guardians anything about yourself that he doesn’t know. (Unless you had some history with one of them prior to meeting him cause that would make more sense to him).
- bad at comforting but wants to be the one there for you
- surprise! Rocket actually likes hugging you but you guys never hug because he seems so against it anytime you hug him. He secretly is a big fan
- anytime you compliment him he’s just kinda like “yeah yeah”
- calls you nicknames btw :) “doll” is a favorite one of his. However he also likes classic ones like “babe, baby, hun, honey, sweetie” sometimes even “sweetheart” and likes if you do the same
- nuzzles his face in your neck/chest when he sleeps
- while rocket can be rather selfish at times, he always thinks of you first, or at least tries to. Which is a lot coming from him.
- if you guys had a hammock, he would actually just love lazing around with you two on a hammock
- when you two are sleeping together he’s very cuddly, if you have to get up for any reason at all he starts to growl and tells you not to move
- “rock I have to pee” “not my problem.” “It is going to be when I pee everywhere!” “Ok now you just made it weird.”
- I can imagine before you started dating the two of you were like the bestest of friends lol.
- gets nightmares often about losing you
- tends to.. show off from time to time.. when you first met he showed off how smart he was at making scraps of metal into literal bombs, or how good of a shooter he is, or how good of a pilot he is, etc. he LOVES to show off because he just loves the idea of impressing you
- this also comes from a place of insecurity and just thinking he’s not that great or competent
- yes, he does purr when he’s very relaxed typically when he’s asleep :)
- don’t tell him you heard him tho he will get mad at you for “invading his privacy” lol
- just the biggest softie for you if you give him time and have the patience of a saint
- he’s kinda aware he’s a lot to deal with, and is eternally grateful for your patience and for your love and kindness
- because honestly people being kind to him? Loving him for him? Not something he’s used to. And honestly something he’s scared of, because of how foreign it is to him.
- and also take the fact everyone that ever cared about him has died at some point (like other than nebula, honestly) you can imagine his fear of letting others into his life, especially when he cares about you so much.
- can I just say… boop his nose? He tries not to laugh every goddamn time
- rare moments where rocket is sentimental talking to Peter and is like “idk I just feel happy for some reason” and just looks at you with a lovesick smile and Peter is like… “hmm… wonder why..”
- speaking of Peter he teases the hell outta you two because he genuinely thinks you guys are adorable. Drax does the same. Mantis on occasion, but not as much lol.
- also thor ships you guys too btw <3 like hardcore he is so annoying about y’all LMFAO
- I can imagine y’all playing with eachother like… him just chasing you around on all fours for fun, trying to tackle you to the ground
- kinda reminds him of when he was little, the good times he had, anyway.
- also you taking care of any of his injury’s, no matter how big or small, is cathartic for him. He likes feeling like he doesn’t always have to take care of himself, or be alone. You have his back, you can take care of him for once, you can protect him too. (It certainly helps that the first act of kindness towards him was lyla easing his pain so LOL).
- if he ever has to take care of your injuries, he will. He’s willing to take care of any injury you get, though if he knows it’s not a huge deal he tries not to make it a huge thing. But he tends to.. overreact anyways and gets overprotective and tells you (more like yells at you) to be more careful.
- kinda steals your stuff
- likes an s/o that finds him funny, but also isn’t afraid to call him out on his bullshit even if he finds it annoying in the moment, he grows as a person because of it
- when you guys stay in knowhere together, much more time for cuddles since you have your own space to relax
- also way more space for him to chase you around all over the place lol
- also low key being parents to all the little raccoons rocket now has with him… 😪
- he’s started to accept a lot of your kind gestures as you caring for him and being nice to him, instead of it being charity work or because you pity him for some reason, he still gets grumpy when he sees your gifts in his line of sight tho
- Would probably blame himself if you ever got hurt, but wouldn’t utter a word of it to anyone. Would probably end up telling you though because everytime he’d look at you the guilt would increase. Probably resulting in him not looking at you for awhile until you get him to spill.
- also if he ever thought you were dead (perhaps during the blip) again, blames himself hard and cries A LOT. Holds onto any possessions you may have had that were important to you. He makes it his goal to keep them safe for you. Would also wear your clothes quite a bit. Sometimes when he’s about to go to bed he just smells your clothes, and thinks about how much it smells like you and just cries.
- what a lovely guy to be with who loves you unconditionally, truly
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marvelfanfics1 · 1 year
hii if you’re still doing requests for the guardians could you do something with rocket and peter getting jealous when the other is getting attention from reader. they’ve argued in the past about who’s captain so i definitely think they’d argue over who the reader’s favourite is (ofc they love them both equally) and get jealous. also maybe reader gets overwhelmed with the bickering so drax, groot or gamora have to step in get them to stop and to calm reader down. <3
The Favorite
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Pairing: cg!guardians x little!reader
Warnings: Age Regression, jealousy, reader gets overwhelmed, protective!gamora, fluff
"Come to me baby!" Quill opened his arms wide for you.
"No, come to me little one" Rocket waved and you thought for a second.
Peter was smiling when it seemed you were walking towards him but it dropped when you rushed over to Rocket with a giggle.
"See, I told you! I'm her favorite." Rocket smirked, ruffling your hair a little and Peter was about to argue when he saw you nibbling on some candy.
"You cheated! We said no bribing!" he pointed out while you just made your way over to Drax.
"Not my fault you believed I was going to listen," Rocket said bluntly.
Drax shook his head at the two and advert his gaze down to you, seeing you enjoy your treat.
"What did he gave you?" he asked with a little smile and you smiled back.
"A lollipop!" you said and raised your arms.
"Up?" you asked and he nod, sitting down before helping you sit on his lap, your back to his chest and listening to Peter and Rocket's bickering.
"I am Groot."
"On which side are you?!" Peter crossed his arms frustrated.
"I am Groot."
"Quill, just accept that I'm her first choice." Rocket threw his head back laughing.
You sighed and got startled by Mantis grabbing your hand gently, her antennas glowing a little, they amazed you every time.
"She's overwhelmed." She frowned and Drax tensed a little.
"What causes it?"
Mantis pointed at Peter and the others who were still arguing. "It's them."
Gamora, who heard everything Mantis said had finally enough, walking over to you and picking you up, marching towards the two idiots.
She puts a hand over your ear and gently places your head on her shoulder before snapping. "Hey! Look at what you morons did. You're acting here like children even though she told us that she loves everyone equally," she turns to Peter. "multiple times."
Peter got a look of your face and he felt guilty. Then Gamora turned to Rocket so he could also see what he did.
"I don't wanna hear any of that again. Are-" she stopped mid-sentence when you pulled your head up.
"Please, no fighting" you pout. You hated it when they were arguing, sometimes it was all fun and games but it would escalate quickly and you can't stand it when people were shouting around you.
"I'm scolding them, love. What they did wasn't good, you understand?" she explained and you nod.
"Is okay now! I better." you wriggled out of Gamora's arms and danced your way to your room, already forgotten what just happened and wanting to play.
Gamora waited until you were out of earshot and smacked Rocket and Peter on the back of their heads.
"Knock it off you both." She said and walked away.
Peter rubbed his head and gave Rocket one last glare and whispered. "At least she will cuddle with me later." he was about to round the corner to your room and flipped Rocket off.
"You little-" Rocket stopped himself taking a breath. "It's not worth it. It's not just worth it."
"I am Groot."
"Sure buddy, you're above Quill."
Peter peaked inside your room and smiled when he saw you cuddling with gamora. She's by the end of a story she was telling you.
"And then your daddy came and saved me," she said and smiled a little, knowing that Peter is watching them. "But he's not very sneaky is he?"
You pulled your head up to look at Peter giggling. "No, he not."
"Yeah, I get it." he sighed and walked over to slip right next to your other side.
You snuggled more to him saying in a more serious tone. "Daddy."
"I love you all," you told him and placed your head on his shoulder, wrapping yourself a little more around him.
"We love you too, little star."
Little Bonus
Later that day you were sitting beside Rocket, watching him repair something shiny.
"You good? You have been really quiet," he states, not looking away from what he was doing.
"Mhm!" you nodded. "Rocket, you know I wuv you too right?"
Rocket stopped his movements, before smiling your way. "I love ya too kid," he said and leaned over to ruffle your hair.
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight
Crossed out are the ones I somehow can't tag!
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takenbypeter · 1 year
A New Form Of Intimacy
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Adam Warlock x reader
Words: 1946
Number 19: "you want to kiss me so bad."
Summary: First kiss with our favorite golden boy + bonus ending with Drax and Kraglin
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Adam knew better than to trust Drax with relationship business, especially after what happened the last time.
But Drax was the only one he knew that had had a long-lasting, loving relationship and if Adam was with you, that’s what he wanted too.
“You two have never kissed?” Drax asked, clearly surprised by the fact. The whole situation came to when Adam asked Drax about his favorite moments with his late wife Ovette. One of the stories Drax told was a tale about their first kiss.
“Wait, so this whole time you two have been together then, what have you been doing?”
Adam’s golden eyes looked around for a moment before his hands interlocked in his lap, “not that it’s really any of your business…but we cuddle.”
Drax’s lips quivered and Adam watched as he barely tried to contain his laughter as he bellowed out, “ahahahaha!” He shouted, causing Adam to glance at Kraglin confused before going back to Drax.
Adam would continue to explain how he would place his head on your chest every time and he’d hear your precious heartbeats, and although Adam believed this would prove how affectionate you two are, it really only proved Drax’s point further.
“The cuddling is actually quite tender,” Adam would finish as Drax’s fit would seem to be nearing its end. At least that’s what it seemed, but of course he immediately continued again.
Adam scrunched his brows as he turned his attention to Kraglin who was staring at Drax with an irritated expression before he shook his head and directed his attention to Adam.
“While cuddling is…sweet, Drax is right. Kissing is much more intimate and enjoyable for couples as the relationship continues on.”
Adam turned to Kraglin, now curious about the man, “so you’ve experienced it too?”
Kraglin looked a little taken back by the question as Drax now looked at him curiously waiting for an answer as well.
“Not recently…but you’d be surprised by my past. I was quite the ladies man”
Adam looked at Drax who just closed his eyes and shook his head. But Adam’s arms waved as he tried to regain focus to the main discussion, “okay so a kiss, what is it exactly?” Although he was made to be perfect he wasn’t really made for relationships, his sole purpose was to be a warlock, but that of course changed after all that had happened.
Drax answered his question this time, “it’s when your lips meet their lips.” Kraglin nodded before adding, “you gotta make sure the mood is right first.”
Drax scrunched his face in disgust, “mood? Forget mood, I say just go for it.”
Great now a new problem was added upon everything, should he create a mood or just go for it. While Adam sat there, pondering on all the information provided Kraglin added on one more rule, “oh but the most important thing is the other person has to want it too.”
Drax nodded at that, and Adam was content for a moment that they at least agreed on that, but still, what was he to do?
On the other side of Knowhere, you were pretty lax at the moment, having finished helping out for the day. It wasn’t everyday that you found nothing to do on the planet and no doubt something would come up soon enough. But for now you were going to curl up and relax at least that’s what you thought before a knock on your door interrupted.
Curious you peeked at the window to see who it could be and recognizing it to be your loving partner you head straight for the door. It was strange though you thought he was busy today, but you weren’t really complaining.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, opening the door allowing him to enter. Your tone was joyful but that meant nothing at the moment as Adam was fixed on his own thoughts.
“I’m sorry, are you busy right now? I can come later,” the sentence made your eyebrows come together as you recalled he would be the busy one, “no, I just thought you had plans all day.”
“Oh, right, of course! We took a little break, but we’re practically done anyway.”
“Awesome,” you replied. It was then that you’d noticed that he’d been standing in the center of your quarters. Typically when he arrived he would go straight for your bed, either sitting to reveal to you the details of his day, if not your bed he’d sit on your countertop. But instead he was just standing there.
While you had been expressing clear confusion, Adam on the other hand had suddenly begun to realize he was feeling that feeling again.
It was the feeling he felt when he was first around you, as well as the same feeling he felt when he first confessed to you.
He was anxious and his body was tense as he suddenly realized going with Drax’s, just do it plan, might not have been the best idea. There was always time to change his mind, but yet here he was already standing in your quarters.
“Why are you just standing there? Take a seat,” you chuckled pointing towards your bed. Adam shook his head with a hard shake.
You stared at the man for a moment before letting out an understandably perplexed “…okay.”
But with that you walked back over to him and stood across from him examining his face, “are you sure you’re okay? You’re acting strange.”
Adam stood there not even knowing how to even bring the topic up, he wondered if maybe he should set the mood like Kraglin suggested but then he shook his head getting rid of the idea again. He hated this feeling of being choked up, of course it only happens around you though.
You were beginning to get nervous now, whatever it was, clearly it was big if it had made him practically stuck in place. Whatever it was it seemed hard for him to express and you wanted to show him that you would be there for him no matter what. Because of that thought you raised a hand to cup his face, “hey whatever it is just tell me. It’ll be fine, you’ve got this.”
Adam leaned into your touch before releasing a breath that he had been holding. He decided he was just going to tell you everything.
“I talked to Drax and Kraglin and they believe kissing is essential in relationships and that we should be kissing.”
“Oh,” is what you let out, not expecting that at all.
Adam continued though, “they explained to me how intimate it is and now I feel like we should be kissing just as others do.”
“Oh,” you repeated, now curious about that idea.
“Is it true that Terran couples kiss?”
“It is.”
Adam’s golden eyes shifted to the floor while a crease formed between his eyebrows while he stood there.
He looked so troubled with the thought, this is why you haven’t brought it up. Frankly there have been moments where you wanted to grab his face and push your lips to his but you knew he came out of development earlier than he was supposed to, what if he wasn’t ready for this? You reached down, taking both his hands while gaining his focus with his expression shifting into a more relaxed one.
“But Adam we don’t have to listen to Drax or Kraglin, we don’t have to do it right now, every couple is different. We can take all the time you need.”
“Right of course.”
You two stayed there in the center of your room hand in hand gazing at each other. But Adam’s relaxed expression shifted once again, returning to an unsettled expression with his lips pressed together. His eyes dropped down to your hands as he squeezed them, his hands warm as he did so, and you noticed as his cheeks darkened.
You seemed to understand that notion.
“You want to kiss me so bad, don’t you?”
“So bad!” He breathed out, content that you knew him so well.
You let out a laugh, nodding your head, “okay then, if you’re ready so am I…you go.” You direct, feeling it only made sense since he was the one to bring it up. But Adam pointed to himself, his eyes widening, “me?”
“Yes you, who else?”
“Right of course,” he said shaking his head, his golden locks coming a little out of place.
You stood still waiting for the moment and Adam’s eyes gazed down to your lips, as if calculating how he was going to do this. After a moment of hesitation he leaned and as gentle as possible he connected to your lips.
You both stood there with no movement, just two lips pushed together. It was too short for you to react, because Adam quickly separated with an unsure expression on his face, “…Kraglin was right that is very intimate.”
“Yeah it is,” you added, plastering a smile that the golden boy quickly caught on to.
“What’s wrong?…Was it not good?”
His expressions ran hurt, as his eyes widened into that puppy dog look that he seemed to emulate so well.
“No. It was fine, it's just…here let me try something.”
Adam eyed you peculiarly as your hands reached up against his cheeks. Softly you brought his face down to yours and once again met his lips. As you did so your eyelids naturally closed and Adam followed. Your mouth interlocked with his perfectly and he followed your lead, moving his lips just as you were.
For a moment your hands briefly left his face as they went to land on his shoulders and began slowly trailing down them. You trailed his arms all the way to his hands that you considered quite delicate despite all the fighting that he’s done.
You guided his hands, placing them on your waist and then leaving them there to return back to his face. His hands held your waist so gently, as if you were fragile.
Together you stayed like that, matching each other's touch, not wanting the moment to end.
But of course it had to.
You gently pushed his chest separating from him and he looked at you curiously, “did I mess up again?”
You shook your head assuring he was fine, “no, you were perfect I just need some air,” you said, collecting your breaths.
It was at that moment that you realized that Adam could definitely hold his breath far longer than you could.
Adam watched until you collected yourself, before he leaned close again, only mere centimeters from your lips as if waiting for permission and all you could say while a smile appeared on your face again was, “what have I done?”
His golden lips captured yours for a moment before you split again, unable to stop that foolish grin that wouldn’t leave your face, “I’ve created a monster,” you added as he once again took your lips with his.
Adam is seen by Drax and Kraglin walking with his mind clearly in a daze as he passes with his steps light, practically bouncing with each step.
Kraglin turned to Drax, “we did that.”
Drax looked at Kraglin then turned around looking the complete opposite direction first before turning back, “did what?”
Kraglin motioned to where Adam was, “that! They’ve clearly kissed.”
Drax peered at Adam whose figure was in the distance now before turning back to Kraglin, “no, I don’t think so.”
“What? Are you kidding?! Did you see how happy he was?”
Drax shrugged, “I don’t think so.” He repeated leaving Kraglin flabbergasted.
Dialogue Prompts 2
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cavehunting · 5 months
rocket, my distrusting touch-starved raccoon, with f!reader
tags: post vol.3, reader’s from earth, reader comforting rocket, kinda fluffy but not really
It started with a comforting touch, much like how Drax had consoled Rocket after Groot sacrificed himself on Xandar
In your case, it was because of a nightmare
Though the High Evolutionary was gone, the team’s encounter with the egomaniac had been Rocket’s first run-in with him since he first escaped the Arête, and with it dredged up memories that had been kept locked away and only ever thought back on with a haze of blurriness
You had been keeping Peter company during his graveyard shift and was heading back to your quarters when you heard a distressed shout followed by a crash coming from Rocket’s bunk
Your steps faltered, debating whether or not to barge in and ask if he was okay
The two of you weren’t close—though you’d like to be—despite the three years you’ve spent together
After the war with Thanos, you had tagged along with Thor and stayed long after the god left, graciously accepting Peter’s invitation to join the family
The team had taken a quick liking to you. You were a good friend and an even better fighter. Nebula didn’t quite trust you at first; she didn’t really understand how you could do what you do and still retain some of that life that poured out of you. And Rocket…
Well, Rocket was respectful… sometimes… when he needed to be
Mostly, he ignored you. Other times, he was just a jerk
And depending on the day, you’d either let it roll off your shoulder or pretended that his words and the state of your relationship didn’t hurt you
Rocket yelling expletives was not a new thing, but in your head you saw him lying in the med-bay, tubes and wires attached, foaming at the mouth
The events with the High Evolutionary was only but a month ago. Rocket wasn’t fully over it—you weren’t sure if he ever would be. And you, you definitely weren’t over it. The footage from the OrgoCorp file, the sight of Rocket nearly dead
It scared you, it still scares you
So you knocked and entered his room, knowing well enough that Rocket would never have opened the door or even shouted, asking who was bothering him
You first noticed the overturned cup and the pool of water near his bedside. His blanket had been tossed haphazardly to the floor, soaking up some of the liquid
You then met Rocket’s gaze, mirroring his frown—though yours was one of concern
Your voice was high-pitched and unsure, causing you to inwardly cringe
Rocket looked away, very much wishing now that he could bury himself under the covers
You walked toward the bed, noting how his ear twitched at the sound of your footsteps, how his brows furrowed and his nose scrunched up
If it were a totally different situation, you very well could have blurted out how cute you found him to his face
“What are ya doing? Get out of my room.”
He spoke with a gruffness that only comes when you stop yourself from crying but your throat still feels thick
You didn’t answer him, not really knowing what to say without sounding awkward. Instead, you cleaned up his mess. You found an extra blanket and draped it over his lap before joining him on the bed, your back against the wall
You figured halfway through cleaning that it wasn’t necessary for the two of you to talk about it. For now, at least. For now, you just wanted to offer your presence. To be somebody who’s there without making Rocket feel embarrassed about needing somebody in the first place
Rocket had been silent. His arms might’ve been crossed and his brows still tightly knit, but he hadn’t told you to leave a second time
You thought of telling him something funny but found your supply of witty remarks running low. You opened and closed your mouth, trying to muster any kind of words that weren’t “Are you okay?” and “You wanna talk about it?”
“You want to watch one of those Terran movies you like?”
You stopped fiddling with the hem of your sweater, and a smile replaced your cautious expression.
Of all the things he could have said or done…
You didn’t hesitate, lest he take back the rare offer.
You didn’t do this often. Rations were low and trips to Earth were few and far between. But you wanted this to be special for him, so you grabbed Rocket by the hand, earning a grunt, and led him to your room.
Rocket had never stepped foot inside your quarters, let alone ten feet of it. He found it uniquely Terran, but even more uniquely you
Lamps and string lights you either brought with you from home or found in a junk shop, posters from favorite bands, television shows, and movies, plants—some more loved than others—and books you’ve read as a child
It was starkly different from Quill’s bunk, that’s for sure. Smelled better, too
You shifted some pillows and opened your laptop
“Make yourself comfortable. I’m just gonna grab some things. You can look for a movie in the meantime.”
You gave him a smile and was even bold enough to run a hand through his fur to the top of his spine. He was soft, and he didn’t flinch or bite at you.
You returned five minutes later with a bowl of popcorn, the last of your microwaveable packets, and found Rocket toying with a stuffed animal Drax had gifted you. It was quite ugly but the sentiment was there.
You nestled yourself close to the raccoon, pulled the covers up, placed the bowl between you two, and pressed play.
You woke up to heavy breathing. Next to you was Rocket’s form, his face twisted in anguish and his limbs twitching
You glimpsed your surroundings. A small desk lamp across the room was still on, your laptop and empty bowl were discarded on the floor, the covers had been kicked off by Rocket and covered only a portion of your legs now
You don’t remember falling asleep or even moving your things off the bed
You inched closer to him and rested your hand on his back, rubbing soothing circles. You felt the metal pieces embedded in his body
“Rocket. Rocket, you’re okay.”
Your voice was but a whisper, but his breath caught and his eyes opened to meet yours
“Hey. It’s still a little early. Peter’s still at the wheel, though he’s probably fallen asleep by now,” you chuckled. “It’s not your shift for a while. We should get some more sleep while we can.”
You didn’t want to bring up the nightmare or the fact that you both fell asleep together or the fact that you were touching him and he hadn’t shrugged you off yet
But you made sure to remind him of where he was, who he was with. The Arête’s no more. Rocket’s just on a ship, going who knows where with his friends, answering distress calls and saving the galaxy
He didn’t speak. His eyes darted from your face to your steadily rising and falling chest to the hand that rested on his back. With each second, his vision grew clearer and further away from his wretched memories
“Stay with me?”
You asked for his sake. Rocket nodded ever so slightly and shifted so that his back was to your chest, his head tucked under your chin.
You raised the covers and loosely draped your arm over his side. You didn’t want him to feel any more suffocated than he might’ve felt when dreaming.
“You’re alright.”
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paintedkinzy-88 · 5 months
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Have a big ol’ info dump about Spirits and Ghosts in the Flicker AU! To get my thoughts organized mostly. It’s super long because these two classes are the foundations of pretty much everything else ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Think of this like looking into a bit of Donnie’s research, cuz this would basically be most of what he learned from Drax or at the mystic library.
There are also a handful of other paranormal entities in this world… so if you want the full list, I’ll try getting that done as quickly as I can.
The spirit is the most common form of afterlife! They are souls that are fully satisfied with their life and don’t have any desire to stick around — they are ready to move on.
They are bound together by strong familial bonds, with or without blood relation. These bonds empower each other and create a space in the afterlife for souls to safely go to, but it also means they can still keep track of living family as well. If their bond is strong enough, like the Hamatos, they can also be summoned and visible in the living world!
On a few occasions, a spirit may come down to the mortal world on their own terms, though it takes a lot of energy. They usually have the backing of the other ancestors in the family.
Families with strong mystic connections are even more powerful, building with each generation as more ancestors are available to provide the living members that strength. (Despite the amount of mysticism in the world, this is fairly rare.) This also means the spirits can provide individual support by attaching themselves to a living person, similar to Karai’s bond with April.
Spirits in the living world are fully visible and, to a point, tangible as well. They can choose to hide themselves, or to only allow select people to perceive them, but it is fully in their control. Their appearance relies entirely on their sense of identity, manifesting into what they see as their truest self.
They can also fully see other entities, even if those entities cannot be seen by mortals.
While not totally common, if you are not a spirit after death, it’s most likely you would be a ghost instead. These are souls that are not satisfied with their life in some way, whether that be unfinished business, or just a reluctance to leave the mortal world. Some ghosts know exactly why they are still around, whereas others may never know.
Ghosts are fairly weak. They do not have their full soul, as most of it is still trying to move on. Because of this, not only are they left with an empty, unfinished feeling, but they are not at all visible to the naked eye. Only the ones with a connection to death can see them, such as mediums or other dead beings. Some yokai will have the ability to sense their presence, such as skeletons… but otherwise not know who or what it is.
Certain crystals or spells can also provide mortals the ability to see/hear the dead, though they are very hard to come by.
They also do not have much control over the physical world. Touching objects can take a lot of energy and practice, as trying too much can drain them to exhaustion. However, though a bit trickier to get a hold of, messing with electricity is far less tiring, meaning lights, appliances, computers, and anything of the sort are all much easier for a skilled ghost to interact with!
Similarly, ghosts can easily manipulate small flames. They are the easiest thing to interact with, though only to an extent. Blowing out candles was always a yokai’s first reliable sign of paranormal activity.
Other signs are as follows: cold spots, moving objects, flickering lights, air movement, knocking, or, eventually, staticky screens, appliances beeping/malfunctioning, music, and even messages/emails/notifications.
Due to their lack of soul, a visual form is also harder to control. Where spirits are seen as their truest self, a ghost can only appear as how they were in the moment of death. For many, that may not be much of an issue, having died unexpectedly in their sleep or from an inner sickness. For others, such as Leo, it is a far more gruesome look.
A ghost can move on to become a spirit, if their needs/wants have been satisfied. Most do. Some never will. Others will transition into a different class, such as phantoms, specters, banshees, or poltergeists.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: not every sign of paranormal activity is ACTUALLY a paranormal being. Some yokai have the ability to turn invisible. Some yokai are cruel and mischievous. You cannot always rely on physical means of confirmation, such as ghost hunting technology or Ouija boards. Mediums or spirits are the most recommended source, but spells and crystals can also do should you need visible proof.
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thegoldenshi-shi · 5 months
Hey there! It's been a while, but I'm the same anon that asked for advice redesigning the Aerialbots (still haven't gotten around to that...)! But I'm here to ask for some more advice, if that's okay...
I wanted to make a fanfic including Sunstreaker, but there's barely any canon content (specifically animated, which I watch the most) on him... any advice on writing him? You're the Sunny expert, after all... 💛
Hello Aerialbot Anon, nice to have you back hehe. I don't know about being the Sunny expert, all this just started with the brain-rot from @shyspider fanfics and fell into Lambo hell… But! I'm happy you sent in an ask and will do my best to help!
I've been thinking hard about how to answer your ask. Since I'm an artist, I spent a lot of time designing how he looked and worked his personality into his finished design. Writers don't have the luxury of just adding visual cues though, so I scratched around in my head and made up a quick list of the main points I kept in mind that might help you figure out what kind of Sunstreaker you want.
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When he manages to show up in canon, he's usually a narcissist and very difficult to get along with, so I made him very confident in his looks and very good at his job while being dismissive of people who don't outright impress him.
I wanted him to have more than one dimension, so I decided that he bases most of his worth around his appearance and competence. He's a little jaded and belittles those around him because he doesn't want attachments that can hurt him later. (Also, I made him sarcastic and difficult to get along with in contrast with Sideswipe as the "friendly" twin.)
He's used to, and dislikes, superficial relationships. Sunny is always getting surface-level compliments and so he's numb to them and actively avoids them. That scene in Guardians of the Galaxy where Drax said "beautiful people never know who to trust"? That's Sunny.
Looking at this list, my Sunstreaker is essentially a beautiful but aggressive shelter cat.
Of course, all of this is just for my interpretation of Sunstreaker. Yours might be a bright-eyed sparkling or a pretty-boy assassin, or a battle-hardened old coot with loads of scars. Who knows? With so little canon content for the mech, he's almost a blank slate, which can be a little daunting to work with.
If you can find a fanfiction with Sunny that you like, or even a similar character to get ideas from, that'll help too... I hope I went into enough detail and that this can help you out?
Feel free to drop by my inbox any time if you have any more questions or just want to chat~
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