#Draco wants his scars covered up
hephaestiions · 6 months
“What the fuck is this?”
Potter, in a fit of rage, is quite the sight to behold. Magic sizzles around him, errant curls escape his lazy bun, spectacles sit a touch too crooked on his nose.
Draco sips his tea. “A transfer request.”
“For Merlin’s sake—“ Potter rubs the bridge of his nose, a tell Draco’s learnt to mean he’s confused and scattered, and entirely unwilling to admit it. “I can read, Malfoy. Why?”
“Article 9, Section 3 of the Auror Code of Conduct—“
“No,” Potter cuts him off. “Absolutely not.”
Draco puts his tea down.
“I wouldn’t have thought,” he begins, slow and careful, “that you’d have already forgotten— what we did. Right in this office, in fact.”
“I haven’t forgotten anything,” Potter says. The transfer request is crumpling in his fist.
“Then you also remember it’s against the rules for us to remain partners—“
Potter stalks closer, until he’s towering over Draco’s desk. Draco’s mouth is desert-dry.
“Fuck the rules,” he says. This close, his scar always takes Draco by surprise, stark and ridged and white, cutting across his forehead and the top of his cheekbone. This close, now and every other time, he’s a riot of messy intensity. Draco can’t look away. “Merlin, Draco, when have I given a fuck about the rules? You leave me, I leave the MLE, there’s no point—”
“Potter,” Draco says. He’s weak and has never resisted temptation well. It’s no surprise this is all it takes for him to reach and cup Harry’s jaw, jittery thumb catching on the stubble shadowing his cheek. “Harry, I’m not that special.”
“Tell me you’re doing this because you think you have to,” Harry says, quiet and low. “Tell me you felt like you must, and not because you— because you want to get away from me. If it’s that, then I won’t stand in—“
“Don’t be silly.” It comes out sharp and affectionate, and Harry’s shoulders relax a little. “Nobody—“ he swallows, “—nobody else I’d trust to get my coffee order right, is there?” A flicker of a smile. Draco’s spirit sings. “Or—“ he says, huge and irrevocable and far too honest, “have my back in a fight. Only. It’s only you, isn’t it?”
Harry’s hand comes up, covers Draco’s where it still rests, trembling and uncertain on his cheek. He pulls it away, and for a split second Draco almost panics, until he realises Harry is lacing their fingers together, grip tight.
“It wasn’t a mistake,” Harry says. “The— us.” His mouth ghosts over Draco’s knuckles, warm and soft and plaintive. “I wanted it so long, Draco.”
“It wasn’t a mistake,” Draco acquiesces.
They stare at each other, long, silent moments, breaths heavy.
“I’ll stay,” Draco nods eventually. “Of course I’ll stay, all you had to do was ask, just, say something Potter. Don’t you know that?”
Harry lights up with a grin so broad Draco wants to taste it, dip his tongue into it, merge his mouth with—
But Harry’s stepping back, towards the dustbin in the corner. Draco has a moment of confusion before Harry straightens out the transfer request still bunched in his grip and rips it to pieces. The parchment flutters, confetti-like, to the floor.
“You’re stuck with me,” Harry says, serious and determined, even though the smile hasn’t quite left his mouth. “Right here.”
“Where else—“ Draco clears his throat when the words come out raspy and tangled, “Harry. Where else would I possibly want to be?”
for the @drarrymicrofic prompt “pieces”. dipping my toes back in here after years and i could not stop thinking about messy auror partners!
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sodamnradd · 1 month
(slightly nsfw)
Yards away from the ramshackle cottage filled with people who don’t like him, Draco lets his himself cry. Snape dumped him here an hour ago and left after a private meeting with The Order.
Footsteps approach. Draco wipes his tears.
It’s Granger, carrying a bowl of lumpy pasta.
“I was saving the box for a rainy day but figured you could use it more than me.”
He stares at the offering, and scrunches his nose. “That’s revolting.”
She says, “I’m sorry about your father.”
Draco’s eyes sting. Then, since she still hasn’t left, he tries the lumpy pasta and finds it offensively delicious.
Two weeks later he’s playing Wizard’s Chess with Weasley when Granger appears, a bag strapped across her shoulder.
Weasley hugs her so fiercely, her feet lift off the floor.
“There are only two rooms,” says Weasley, welcoming her inside. “But you can share mine.”
She shakes her head. “The sofa’s fine.”
Weasley hurls a howling werewolf against a tree.
Draco stuns two more, searching the field frantically for Granger.
A scream pierces the air.
He doesn’t think before he launches himself between her and the feral wolf. Something sharp slashes his shoulder. Gritting his teeth, Draco takes Granger’s hand and touches the port-key in his pocket.
They land in a heap, gasping atop each other.
She’s bleeding profusely. Her forehead, her cheek, her chin.
It’s not until he’s cleaned her up, using magic to sew the scar on her temple back together, that she discovers his shirt is drenched in blood.
She makes a fuss when he removes his shirt. “This is worse than my scar. You should’ve said something!”
“We’re not keeping tabs, Granger.” Truthfully, he’d forgotten all about it when he’d seen her hurt.
Her hands are gentle as she cleans his wound.
They receive word from The Order that the battle was successful, but Ron has been reassigned to a different safe house.
“I won’t have to sleep on the sofa anymore.” She jokes, her breath warm on his spine.
It’s the oddest thing, but his cock stirs. Just the idea of Granger in a bed makes him feel too tight in his skin.
They play house for a few days.
Draco enters the kitchen one morning and falters when he sees her in his jumper.
“It was on the chair,” she says apologetically. “I was cold.”
“It’s fine.”
Seeing Granger in his clothes has a deeper effect than he thought. He’s hard again. Admittedly, he’s hard a lot these days.
They’re playing chess when Granger poses casually, “Who’s the last person you kissed?”
Draco says, “Pansy.” Without having to think about it. He meets her eye. “You?”
“Ron,” she says.
He tries not to wince, wondering if it was while they all lived together.
“Did you sleep with Pansy?”
His cock stirs again. He exhales. “Yeah,” he says, unable to ask the same question. He doesn’t want to think of Granger naked with another bloke. 
“Do you miss it?” she asks. “Sex?”
He gives her a telling look.
She makes the next move on the chessboard, cheeks aflame.
He shoves his chair back and, when she looks up, he pats his lap. “Come here.”
He thinks she’ll say no. That she’s merely curious and that her questions didn’t mean anything. But she doesn’t do any of that.
He watches, fascinated, as she rises from her seat. And when she straddles him, he’s pretty sure his heart explodes.
Sex with Granger makes war tolerable. He’s addicted after one taste. More. It’s all he ever wants. More and more and more.
On the sofa, on the counter, in his bed, in the shower, against his bedroom door.
Her body is lush and responsive. Her skin is gorgeous covered in his love bites. When she moans his name, Draco aches.
She’s doing exactly that, riding him furiously on the sofa with her hair tangled between his fingers, when the door swings open and Snape enters.
Granger gasps, ducking away.
Draco curses, plucking his shorts from the ground.
Snape turns around, giving them a few seconds to become decent. He’s ramrod straight and possibly not breathing.
“I’m so sorry professor,” Granger apologizes profusely. Her voice a little raspy. “We weren’t expecting you.”
“I would hope not,” snarls Snape, peeking cautiously over his shoulder. “I dare say, when we thought you two were occupied, this isn’t what we had in mind.”
Draco bites his lip so not to laugh. He’s not sure who’s more humiliated. Granger or Snape.
“Where’s the research?”
“One moment.” Granger dashes upstairs wearing Draco’s jumper inside out and backwards.
Snape says, “What are you smirking about?”
Draco shrugs, untroubled. “Nothing.”
“Attachment only causes distraction, Malfoy.”
“Or something to fight for,” he rebuts.
“And if she dies?” He sneers. “If you fall in love with that girl and something happens to her, you won’t survive. I know you.”
“I’m not going to let anything happen to her,” he says firmly.
Snape narrows his eyes, realizing it’s too late for words of caution. “You fool.”
Draco says, “Don’t tell the others about this.” Because he knows they’ll separate them if they find out. “Please.”
Granger returns wearing trousers. She passes a ribboned scroll to Snape.
Snape stares in disdain, taking it after a beat too long. He glowers at Draco, his mouth forming a straight line. He says, “If you wish to survive, you’ll stop this.” Draco is about to protest, but Snape holds up his hand. “But as far as I’m concerned, I was never here. Good riddance.”
He slams the door on his way out.
Draco remembers the devastation of losing his father. Snape’s right. They probably shouldn’t.
And yet.
When Granger locks her arms around his neck and bursts into a fit of giggles, he melts.
To hell with it all. He’ll fight for them until the bloody end.
(976 words. Prompt: secret safe house relationship discovered by Snape from X).
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ellecdc · 7 months
What about the kids (CBBH) seeing the ‘mudblood’ scar on Vix arm for the first time, and then the kids, specially Draco, trying to comfort her.
James and Sirius feeling guilty again because (James) “abandoned” her (no he didn’t) and (Sirius) cause he couldn’t protect her
Thank you so much, feel free to ignore it if you want to, but thank you anyway
Take care and don’t forget to drink water❤️
Ps: I love everything you write, thank you so much for providing us those precious chapters
*Takes a big ol' sip of water* *Cracks knuckles* *types furiously*
I LOVE these kinds of requests...I love diving deeper into the relationships and the histories further than what CBBH covered, so thank you for giving me the opportunity to write this! 🫶
CBBH Sirius Black x Vix!reader CW: hurt/comfort, discussions of war, PTSD, trauma, guilt, reference to death of a loved one, children, spoiler alerts if you haven't finished CBBH
The Mind Forgets but the Heart Doesn't
It had been a really trying week. 
Percy and the Twins had gotten into it during class one day this week at Potter Manor, and though James and Molly did what they could to placate the situation when it happened, it seemed to bleed out into the other kids as well.
Harry and Draco didn’t seem to be able to agree on anything at all anymore, Jasmine felt the need to play mediator to their squabbles which just aggravated everyone further, and Aurora was far too sensitive for her own good and took everything anyone said personally.
The adults didn’t seem to be fairing much better either.
You and Lily were expecting at the same time. It was very funny when Lily & James went to announce that they were expecting only to have Y/N & Sirius laugh and say ‘same’. Remus never stopped joking that the family would finally have a ‘set of twins’. 
Lily stopped taking the jokes so well as her pregnancy progressed, however.
“This is absolutely, without a doubt, the last one Potter!” She screeched as she excused herself from the dinner table for the sixth time to pee.
You were such a trooper, but Sirius knew that this pregnancy was taking far more out of you both emotionally and physically than your last one had.
The part that hurt (everyone) the most, was that your brain still associated pain and discomfort with your trauma from the war, and the wounds felt far more fresh lately than they had in a long time.
This left both James and Sirius feeling horribly guilty – James for having left you on the battlefield, and Sirius both for being the cause of your current discomfort and for the months during the war that he spent wallowing when he should have been fighting for you.
Sirius would wake up in the middle of the night and reach for you to find the bed empty. He’d go to check both Aurora and Draco’s room’s first before moving on to the rest of the house.
One particularly upsetting night he found you hiding in the shower after you had a distressing and disturbingly realistic nightmare.
But usually, he found you in the kitchens.
“What are you doing up, my love?” He spoke quietly into the room.
You must have heard him coming because you never even turned your head from where you were sitting; you just offered him a quiet hum in response as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and nuzzled his face into your neck.
His hands would migrate lower to what was usually the reason for your midnight wanders.
“Little one hungry?”
You were quiet for a moment, clearly far away from Potter Manor, before you responded.
“There were times I was only ever able to eat at night... when someone could sneak something to me or I could sneak to the kitchens. But sometimes, now, I wake up a little hungry – and my heart tells me that this is going to be my only chance, and I have to make it count. I tell myself it’s not true but... the anxiety doesn’t go away until I do something about it.”
Sure enough, in front of you on the table was a half-eaten granola bar; evidence of your late-night forage for food.
“What was it that Lily said about those muggle dementia patients?” Sirius asked you as he rubbed up and down your arms.
“The mind forgets but the heart doesn’t.” You responded quietly.
Sirius hummed into your hair as he pressed his lips to the top of your head.
“You’ve done so much work, love. But I don’t think you’ll ever be able to convince your heart to let it go – not fully.”
You sighed miserably, suddenly sounding very close to tears.
“Please be patient with yourself.” He pleaded.
“I’m trying.” You whispered wetly.
“I know, baby. I know.”
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This was why the following morning at the breakfast table when Harry – seemingly out of nowhere – asked what a “mudblood” was, the room fell painfully silent.
The adults all seemed to share horrified glances before Regulus spoke up.
“Where did you hear that word, Harry?”
Harry, slightly ashamed now that he seemed to have sucked the air out of the room, looked at you and motioned towards your arm.
Sure enough, as you had reached across the table to pass Remus the plate of bacon, your sleeve had ridden up and your scar was on full display.
Why’d we teach these ankle biters to read? Sirius wondered to himself.
To Sirius’ absolute horror, you seemed to completely shut down. You hastily pulled your sleeve down and moved your arms into your lap, and your eyes turned foggy. 
“Please don’t occlude baby, stay with us.” Sirius begged quietly as he began to rub your arm.
“Haz, when you and Draco were very little, there was a war – do you remember me and daddy telling you about it?” Lily started cautiously.
“Uh huh, when the bad guy hated people who were different and stole Auntie Vix?”
James grimaced before confirming. “Yes, and how Uncle Reggie and Draco’s mummy Narcissa helped her escape and then defeat the bad guy.” 
“Well, the bad guy and his friends did hate people who were different than them. Mostly, they hated non-magical people,” Lily continued.
“Called muggles.” Harry interjected proudly.
“Right, he hated muggles. And he hated muggle-born witches and wizards as well.” James finished.
“But...mummy and Aunt Lily are muggle-born...” Draco added quietly from his place.
James nodded. “That’s right. And because they hated them, they made up a bad word to call muggle-born’s.”
“That’s what mudblood is, Harry. It’s a bad word to call a muggle-born witch or wizard.” Regulus spoke softly.
Jasmine gasped. “Mum! Did Harry say a bad word!?”
“I was only asking a question!” Harry screeched in his own defence.
“But... why is the bad word on your arm?” Draco asked quietly, looking at you.
Your son addressing you directly seemed to pull you out of yourself a little as you offered him a sad smile. “Well, when the bad guy stole me, I wouldn’t tell him what they wanted to know.”
“What did the bad guy want to know?” Jasmine asked curiously. 
Harry elbowed his sister for interrupting, which earned him a whack on the head in return, which caused Remus to switch seats with his niece in an effort to keep the peace.
“They wanted to know where your mummy and daddy and Harry were. They also wanted to know where Pads and Moony and everyone else in the Order were.” 
“Like the Weasley’s!?” Harry asked in horror, as news of your best friend potentially being on some maniac’s hitlist would do to an almost nine-year-old, even though said maniac was already after him and his entire family.
“But you wouldn’t tell them.” Jasmine stated solemnly.
You nodded at your niece. “That’s right.”
“But why was my mum and Uncle Reggie there?” Draco asked. 
You and Sirius both grimaced as you looked to Regulus, whose jaw seemed more tense than usual. 
“Our family comes from a long line of very bad people, Draco. The Black’s...mine and your dad’s family, as well as your mums, were not kind to people who were different from them. They supported the bad guy during the war, I-”
“But dad didn’t support the bad guy...and he’s a Black.” Draco interrupted as he turned to look at his father pleadingly.
Sirius smiled softly at the boy. “Yes, but you see, Draco, I had friends like Uncle Prongs and Uncle Moony, and your mum here, who taught me that it was okay to be different. And Uncle Prongs’ family also gave me a place to go when I no longer agreed or felt safe with my family. Uncle Reggie didn’t have the same kind of friends.” 
“Your friends were bad guys?” Harry asked plainly.
“Yes.” Regulus answered just as plainly. 
“So...my family was...bad?” Draco asked quietly, looking between you, Sirius, and Regulus.
“Not all of them baby, not Uncle Reggie, and not your mum.” You tried to placate, but Draco didn’t bite.
“But they were there! Supporting the bad guy! That makes them bad!” He insisted.
“No, it made us cowards.” Regulus corrected the boy. “I was too afraid to ask your dad or his friends for help, even though I knew that Sirius would take me in if I asked him to. And your mum did what was expected of her, Draco. Your mum believed marrying your dad and having you was the right thing to do.”
“Draco,” you said quietly as the boy tried to fight back tears. “If your mum and Uncle Reggie hadn’t been there, I would not be alive today. And quite frankly, I think that could be the same for a lot of us in this room. They saved us, baby. Your mummy saved you. There’s nothing bad about that.”
Draco still seemed perturbed by this but looked back down to your now hidden scar.
“But someone...hurt you? With that word? Was it my family?”
You shared a look with Sirius who offered you a small nod before you answered. “It was. It was your aunt...your mum’s sister.”
Draco seemed distraught at the news; his mouth turned down miserably and his eyes filled with tears. “My family was bad.”
“Dad, was my family bad!?” Harry asked severely. 
“Haz, hang on, okay bubs?” James asked quietly. 
“That’s right Draco, your family was bad.” You said.
Every head – child and adult alike – whipped to face you.
“They were bad people...but they’re not anymore. Your family is the people in this room, and your mum who died protecting you. You have Uncle Reggie, who was so brave to save me and to turn against the bad guy he was supposed to be loyal to. You have Uncle Moony, who despite doing very hard things every month, doesn’t ask anything of anyone and gives so much of himself to the people he loves. And you have Uncle Prongs and Aunt Lily, who helped us raise you when daddy and I had no idea what we were doing. And you have Haz, and Jazzy, and Rory and two new siblings coming soon. That’s your family, Draco, and they’re not bad at all.”
Draco scanned the room of all the people he loved the most as a few tears fell, and Sirius was quick to catch them with his finger from his place beside him. 
“I’m sorry the bad guys hurt you, mummy. I wish they hadn’t.” He offered finally.
“Oh! I know!” Aurora piped up out of nowhere (Sirius actually sort of forgot his own daughter was present at the breakfast table) and quickly stood from her seat to hurry away. 
Before the adults had time to ponder where the child had gone, she reappeared beside her mum with the first aid kit from one of the loos and her toy Mediwitch Kit. 
“Okay, mummy. Show Healer Ro where it hurts.” She demanded you in her most authoritative tone, which still sounded far too much like Alvin the Chipmunk to be taken at all seriously.
Sirius grinned down at his girl and pulled her up into his lap (for better access, of course) as you pulled your sleeve up on your arm to expose your scar.
Aurora tapped a fake wand to the injury and held a stethoscope to her ear. “It sounds good mummy; means you’ll be fine.”
“Oh, good.” You sighed in faux relief, failing to bite back the proud smile adorning your face.
“Yup, now just needs plasters. I have some golden snitches, unicorns, or bowtruckles, mummy. Which would you like?”
“I think she ought to have some of each, Ro.” Harry interjected from across the room.
“Quite right, Haz. Healer Ro, could you use some assistance with the plasters?” Sirius asked like a spokesman on a game show.
“Yes sir!” She answered, and each kid took turns applying plasters to your scar and kissing it better.
“Looks better already!” Jasmine cheered after their work was complete.
“Hmmmm...I don’t know...” Sirius said skeptically. “Could use a few more kisses I think.” Before he attacked you with kisses, and the kids followed in suit shortly after.
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eleadore · 10 days
top five scenes/lines/moments from drarry fic
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rookie moves by peu_a_peu - not gonna lie, every single scene. but you put a gun to my head and make me pick just one, i'll pick two -
“You should’ve died, Draco,” Nott snarled. “If you had a shred of honor you’d have died.” “Well guess what, Theodore?” Malfoy said, with a horrible, mocking smile. “I don’t, and I lived.” Nott stared daggers into Malfoy. His hands went behind the armchair. Harry knew instantly: he was about to do something stupid. There was no time to do anything but give Malfoy a hard shove just as Nott cried, “Avada Kedavra!” A jet of green lightning cracked through the spot where Malfoy had just been standing, charging the air, hitting the wall with a terrible explosion. “What are you doing, Theodore?!” Malfoy wailed as he ducked for cover behind the couch. “We’re throwing AKs at ten in the morning?!”
jesus i've read it 800 times and i am as we speak gasping for air
McGonagall turned, and absorbed the other half of we. “Mr. Malfoy,” she said, quelling unsuccessfully what sounded like considerable shock. “Auror Malfoy,” Malfoy corrected her. “Professor.” “Well.” She blinked a number of times before speaking diplomatically. “I can’t say it’s the career I’d have predicted for you. But one’s former students do turn up in surprising fields.” Malfoy smiled the shit-eating smile of someone who couldn’t be given detention. Who was, in fact, medically calm. “It’s a calling.”
running on air by eleventy7 - you already know
Do you remember when we were eleven? Let's go back to that. I'll throw Remembralls into the sky and you can try to catch them. Sometimes I think you can just keep my wand. I think of all the Dark spells I performed, all the Unforgiveables I tried to cast with it.  But then I remember when I was eleven years old, learning Lumos and casting mending charms, and it's hard to let go of that. So give me my wand, or give me a timeturner.
trouble, my old friend by tepre - the one with the fucking buttons
He says, “Tell me,” and Harry – running low on sleep, confused and aroused and altogether unfamiliar to this new world of desire – can’t quite keep himself in check. He wants, for a moment, simply wants, knows not what to do with it, where to direct it, and the feeling bubbles like wild magic. He realises a fraction too late that no, not like, but magic – staring at the spot where Malfoy’s scar disappears below the high collar of his shirt. The stiff hem of the doublet, buttoned shut over his Adam’s apple. With a small sound, the top button of the doublet pops open. Then the second, the third. Malfoy sucks in a breath.
ain't no friend of mine by lettered - when harry's being a little bitch and dog!draco simply will not stand for it
Potter slammed open the door. For a moment he just stared down at Draco with that annoying face of his, with the insane hair, and the disfigured scar. Then he yanked the slobbery scarf out of Draco's mouth, and said, low and tight, "Leave me the fuck alone, why don't you; don't you see I don't bloody care; I don't want anyone near me; I DON'T WANT YOU; I NEVER WANTED YOU; GO AWAY!" And Draco all the sudden remembered why he'd joined the Inquisition Squad. Potter in fifth year had been exactly like this and it was really annoying.
draco malfoy's substitute murder service by oknowkiss - the one where draco hands harry his business card
Harry reads the card again. Flips it over. Looks at Draco, watches him sip his tea. Notices one of his bra straps is showing. Reads the card a third time. Fails to make sense of anything at all. “Have you lost your goddamn fucking mind?” Harry snaps, throwing the card back at Draco. “What in the absolute shit is this?” “Did you read the card?” Draco asks. He tucks it back into his bra. “I feel like you’re asking questions that have all been answered by the card.”
bonus 1: if an injury is to be inflicted by shealwaysreads - when draco meets ron and hermione The Morning After
Draco’s smile threatened to bloom into genuine delight at the look on her face. He had dressed deliberately casually, forgoing his usual high-collared robes for a pair of charcoal grey trousers and a pale grey shirt; open at the collar to expose the mess Potter made of his neck and collarbones. She opened and shut her mouth twice, before Weasley broke the silence and stepped towards Draco, towing Granger along with him.
bonus 2: owl was well by fencer_x - when draco flies to the burrow bc he's "bored" and gets beat up by crookshanks
“Er,” Potter said, giving Draco a comfortable berth of several steps. “That was Crookshanks. Hermione’s cat. We’re gonna watch him while she and her folks are in Germany for the holiday to visit family in Dusseldorf.” He frowned to himself, brows knitting in confusion. “I thought he could see through Animagus transformations, though. I’m not sure why he’d attack—oh. Guess he recognised you.” Oh, indeed. Draco ran his fingers through his hair—he probably looked a fright now. “I suppose it’s going to hold a grudge against me for all nine of its lives, then.”
ask me top 5/10 anything
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severus-snaps · 2 months
Densaugeo and Hermione and Snape
So, once again I find myself reading through Snape reddit threads but I don't really use reddit and they're years old so I'm importing it here. I'm tripping into Snape apologism territory here but also sort of not - yes, a teacher insulting a 14yo girl's appearance would be devastating and inexcusable irl but it's not irl - and it's these potential theories I'm interested in :P
Is it out of character for Snape, who never anywhere else in the books touches on people's appearances, to insult Hermione's appearance?
How likely is it that it's a misunderstanding or deliberate double entendre (aka he appears to be insulting Hermione's appearance but is actually saying to Harry/Ron, you just did the same thing to Goyle)?
And do we think it was part of his cover to be more cruel than usual in front of Draco, either by deliberately choosing a sentence to be interpreted either way, or intending it to sound mean?
I've covered some of my workings below the cut, but I don't reach any conclusions other than he probably was being more cruel for practical reasons, rather than for his own amusement, in this scene. As always, I just like talking to people about these things so if anyone wants to drop a comment then I'm here for it :P
I started with Snape is really at his worst in GOF but touched on a few others, too. Some of the arguments I've seen that interested me were these:
Snape has only once in seven books made a remark about anyone's appearance, which was following the teeth hex with Hermione
Snape was mocked in school for his own appearance - and mocked again in PoA by the Marauders Map for being an ugly, abnormally large-nosed slimeball etc, and mocked at home for being weird-looking (e.g. by Petunia). Harry/Sirius/others fairly regularly comment on Snape's unpleasant appearance, from his hair to his teeth to his skin. In short, he's not really set up to be in a position to be commenting on other people's appearances - and indeed, he generally doesn't
Snape tends to show his enjoyment when he enjoys an insult - he smirks, smiles, etc, when he's insulting Harry sometimes, or James, and even Umbridge for example you get the idea he's having a good time with the ironic bow - but he didn't here. He's described as looking at her 'coldly'. Usually he just ignores her until she speaks out of turn in class
It was potentially a misunderstanding? He's saying "I see no difference" to Ron's insistence that Draco did something wrong, when Goyle's just been sent to the hospital wing looking like something out of a book on poisonous fungi. Neither Slytherin nor Gryffindor get points docked until Ron and Harry start shouting (probably swear words) at him.
This post (or one of the comments in it) also argued that it's out of character; Snape insults Harry's character several times, but usually he's insulting people's abilities, intelligence, or behaviour, not their appearance (since he values those things, but not necessarily his/others' appearance)
Karkaroff says "It’s [the Dark Mark] been getting clearer and clearer for months" at the Yule Ball, and so is Snape's "Karkaroff’s Mark is becoming darker too" [emphasis mine]
Densaugeo-gate happens in mid-November, so Snape knows Voldemort is likely to return by this point, with several months' warning
The teeth incident happens in front of a few children of known DEs, most notably Draco Malfoy, whose father will hear about this - probably several times:
PS: “But this is servant stuff, it’s not for students to do. I thought we’d be copying lines or something, if my father knew I was doing this, he’d—” CoS: "… everyone thinks he’s so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick — ” “You have told me this at least a dozen times already,” said Mr. Malfoy, with a quelling look at his son. ... “The teachers all have favorites, that Hermione Granger — ” “I would have thought you’d be ashamed that a girl of no wizard family beat you in every exam,” snapped Mr. Malfoy. "I expect you’d have Father’s vote, sir, if you wanted to apply for the job - I’ll tell Father you’re the best teacher here, sir" POA: “God, this place is going to the dogs,” said Malfoy loudly. “That oaf teaching classes, my father’ll have a fit when I tell him —” GoF: Malfoy, whose pale eyes were still watering with pain and humiliation, looked malevolently up at Moody and muttered something in which the words “my father” were distinguishable.
Everything - from Hermione's grades to Harry's antics, up to and including the teachers' behaviour, punishments, and classes - is reported back to Lucius Malfoy, especially as it relates to Harry. A scenario in which Draco and Harry duel one another in the corridor and that isn't met by sufficient retaliation from Snape will make it back to Lucius, whether he cares to hear about it a dozen times or not. Lucius already knowing about all of Hermione's exam grades is interesting - how did Draco know? Did Snape tell Lucius directly when asked? I can't see Draco asking Hermione; I can see Hermione bragging talking about it. I'd love to know.
So what does it matter if Lucius hears about this incident? Well, he's widely known by Arthur Weasley and his kids, and therefore probably plenty of other people, as being in Voldemort's 'inner circle' as early as CoS:
“And when You-Know-Who disappeared,” said Fred, craning around to look at Harry, “Lucius Malfoy came back saying he’d never meant any of it. Load of dung — Dad reckons he was right in You-Know- Who’s inner circle.” (Fred, CoS)
Snape obviously knows; Lucius was probably the one who got him involved. Lucius probably had some level of influence or control over Snape even back when Snape was in school, or in his early DE days:
OotP: “Tell me, how is Lucius Malfoy these days? I expect he’s delighted his lapdog’s working at Hogwarts, isn’t he?” (Sirius)
lapdog: a small pampered pet dog | a person or organization that is influenced or controlled by another
Snape as a pampered pet:
I've seen some metas discussing this in terms of Ancient Roman society and patrons, in terms of 'fagging', and in terms of Lucius shaping Snape from a poor, jerky, twitching teen to a poor, jerky, twitching man who tried to hide it beneath a soft-spoken, well-spoken, cool air - modelling himself after Lucius. Snape was almost literally taken under the wing of Prefect Lucius Malfoy the moment he was Sorted. He probably learnt from his "old friend" to affect membership in the Pureblood/upper class - and did so well enough to shock Bellatrix when she first saw Spinner's End (and she never insults him for being half-blood, which she does to Harry, despite hating Snape).
In any case, Snape probably owed a lot to Lucius. He likely had a level of control over Snape, both through his existing personal relationship with him as a mentor-mentee ("old friend" at best) or abusive ("lapdog" at worst; see 'fagging') relationship. Until the end of CoS, Lucius had a hand in running the school on the Board of Governors, and had enough power/fear with the rest of the Board to remove Dumbledore, never mind mere mortals like Snape if he stuck a toe out of line. And even when Lucius was gone from Hogwarts, he retained strong ties in the Ministry, sharing a Quidditch box with Fudge, and evidently having at least a few conversations with Umbridge:
"I expected better, Lucius Malfoy always speaks most highly of you!"
So we can infer that Lucius thinks Snape is as dedicated to The Cause as he is. Even Draco remains convinced of this in later books, before Snape has cemented his position by killing Dumbledore, but even after Snape has usurped Lucius' position as Voldemort's right-hand man:
"[Snape's] a double agent, you stupid old man [Dumbledore], he isn’t working for you, you just think he is!"
[Draco likes/trusts Snape] “much less since his father has lost favour. Draco blames me, he thinks I have usurped Lucius’s position.”
Prior to Lucius' demotion/imprisonment era, Lucius clearly outranks Snape. Lucius is one of the most trusted DEs during VW1; only Lucius and Bellatrix are trusted enough to keep his Horcruxes safe (Lucius the diary, and Bellatrix the cup). Lucius was also supposed to be in charge of the battle for the department of mysteries, Voldemort's year-in-the-making plan, but obviously... that didn't go to plan, in the end.
But there's quite a rushed trajectory of Lucius' fall and Snape's ascent. The battle happens in late June 1996, Lucius is imprisoned, and not released for another year - during which time, Snape is rising, until he ultimately kills Dumbledore and is at the top. Still, he's not trusted with too much information; despite being at Hogwarts, he doesn't know the location or existence of the Horcruxes (unlike Lucius and Bellatrix, even if they didn't know what they were), and Voldemort doesn't allow Snape to see him enter Dumbledore's tomb.
Anyway, what with Bellatrix and other DEs not trusting Snape:
"Where were you when the Dark Lord fell? Why did you never make any attempt to find him when he vanished? What have you been doing all these years that you’ve lived in Dumbledore’s pocket? Why did you stop the Dark Lord procuring the Sorcerer’s Stone? Why did you not return at once when the Dark Lord was reborn? Where were you a few weeks ago when we battled to retrieve the prophecy for the Dark Lord? And why, Snape, is Harry Potter still alive, when you have had him at your mercy for five years?" ... "You can carry my words back to the others who whisper behind my back, and carry false tales of my treachery to the Dark Lord!"
What has Snape been doing all these years that he's lived in Dumbledore’s pocket?
Well, tormenting Gryffindors, for one. Tormenting Harry Potter and to a slightly lesser extent, his friends. Not all of it was tied to his cover - Snape was just a bitch with a bad classroom manner, no love of children, high expectations, and a short fuse. But if it helped, in the early months of his Mark darkening again, to become a bit more cruel to Muggleborns and Harry, then why wouldn't he - especially in front of Draco? He knew that soon - whether it be in a few months, a few days, or even a few hours, he was going to have to walk back into Voldemort's fold and pray to god he wasn't killed on sight for abandoning the cause. With others whispering behind his back - bold of them, since the ones left to whisper are largely people who escaped Azkaban, but it's a crab bucket being a Death Eater - he'd need a benefactor. A trusted servant, like Lucius, to back him up. "No, no, Snape's been tormenting Potter for years - Draco says so. He'll tell anyone on the Board who stands still for long enough how useless Potter is. Oh, he says he's Dumbledore's man, but when the old coot's back is turned, he insults that Mudblood Granger."
It wouldn't be much use to Snape if his Occlumency said one thing (I'm still a loyal Death Eater) but his actions said another (he's perfectly jovial to all students), especially as Snape is just not...a jovial person to begin with. He's got a nasty streak as a teen that Voldemort probably would've encouraged in the Dark Arts. Half of the Order were Gryffindors and half (or more than half) of the Death Eaters were Slytherins.
Also Lorrie Kim's books has some really nice observations about how his behaviour (in terms of his personality, loyalties, how he appears) really starts to contradict his core values in GoF especially.
Anyway, once again I don't have a conclusion, I just had thoughts, based around these again:
Is it out of character for Snape, who never anywhere else in the books touches on people's appearances, to insult Hermione's appearance?
How likely is it that it's a misunderstanding or deliberate double entendre (aka he appears to be insulting Hermione's appearance but is actually saying to Harry/Ron, you just did the same thing to Goyle)?
And do we think it was part of his cover to be more cruel than usual in front of Draco, either by deliberately choosing a sentence to be interpreted either way, or intending it to sound mean?
i feel like i've set anyone who read this far along homework :P one foot of parchment, on my desk by Friday
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dracowars · 2 years
omg plz do a pt. 2 for the sectumsempra post!!! it can be the reader and Draco in the hospital (they're best friends to lovers) and he's comforting her cuz she really hates the scars that were left and it ends up being angst to fluff! you can also add something that has to do with Draco getting revenge
sectumsempra² | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 1,1k
summary: where y/n feels insecure about her scars and draco is out for revenge
a/n: again, sorry for taking so long, there are a lot of things happening in rl right now :( second part of sectumsempra!
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of injuries, mentions of scars
universe: harry potter
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“You have gotten quite a hit there, dear. You are really lucky you weren’t subject to the curse for any longer”, Madam Pomfrey casually mentions while examining the small puncture marks left all over your body. “I don’t know what lasting damage it would have done to you otherwise.”
Forcing a smile at her words, you really do not feel like thinking back to what happened. Even though you can hardly remember what happened, you do know that you wanted to help Draco so badly and suddenly you were faced with a pain that was unbearable. All of this resulted in your entire body being disfigured now, the wounds have left scars all over your skin as if you had been pierced by a dagger or sword thousands of times, each time in a different spot. When Madam Pomfrey asks you to change into a new white shirt to cover yourself, you quickly do so.
These scars make you feel extremely vulnerable and when Draco, who has been by your side the whole time after bringing you here, holding your hand tightly in his throughout the treatment, gives you a pitying look, you feel even more insecure about yourself and your body.
You do not want him to see you like this, with all these horrible scars on your skin.
“You should apply this ointment on the wound residue every day until it eventually fades. Unfortunately, there will always be some traces of what you have been through left behind”, the nurse explains before she hands you a tube of the appropriate ointment, which you accept with a quiet thanks. Saying goodbye to her, you make your way out of the hospital wing and into the silent corridors of Hogwarts, which are now lit up by torches on the walls since it has become dark outside in the meantime.
On your way you pursue no real goal, but only silently walk down the corridors hand in hand, simply enjoying each other’s company. Laying your head on Draco’s shoulder and hugging his arm tightly, his stride eventually slows, and you sense that something is wrong immediately, that the silence has made him think.
Tenderly taking your face in his hands, as if you could crumble to dust at the slightest touch beneath his fingers, he looks deep into your eyes, his pupils reflecting not only affection but also fear and anger.
“Don’t ever do that again, do you hear me?”, he finally says firmly, rubbing one of his thumbs along your cheekbone. It almost sounds like he blames himself for you getting hurt when in the end it was solely your own decision to join the fight and help him, protect him. Though you have to admit that you did not plan on almost dying.
“I would do it again every single time. For you”, you softly but sadly smile because you know that your words are true. No matter how awful and unbearable the pain that unknown curse caused you, you will let it hit you every time if it means that Draco would be spared.
“I know, and I hate and love you for it at the same time”, Draco giggles, shaking his head in defeat while realizing that there is no point in arguing with you because, ultimately, he would be doing it the other way around as well. In the future, he will do everything in his might to ensure that you are never harmed again. Not when he can prevent it. Seeing you like this was the worst thing Draco has ever experience and he never ever wants to feel this fear again that he might lose you.
And all this because of Harry Potter.
Just the thought of that bastard infuriates Draco, which is why he quickly lets go of your face in order to clench his fists at his sides, bowing his head to the side at the same time. Immediately reading the change of emotions in Draco’s face, you take a cautious step towards him. He does not even have to say anything for you to understand what he is thinking about at that moment. You just know it and that is why you enclose one of his fists with your two hands, opening it hesitantly.
“He is not worth it.”
“He almost killed you, Y/N! He nearly took you away from me and fled like the fucking coward he is”, Draco suddenly bursts out, but you do not even flinch when he raises his voice and looks at you furiously, but also desperately. “He deserves the worst of the worst. The next time he crosses my path, I swear to Merlin I will-”
“Don’t”, you interrupt him and put pressure on his clasped hand. “You are so much better than him, Draco. So much better.”
Slowly snuggling closer to his chest, you can feel his rapid heartbeat pounding against your cheek. Carefully, you place one of your hands on the spot right above his painfully beating heart and gently stroke over it. For a moment you ignore the scars that smile at you from the skin of your hand.
“You are so much better than him, you need to see that”, you repeat to make sure that Draco really gets what you are saying. Eventually your words seems to have an effect as Draco’s body slowly relaxes beneath you and he wraps one of his arms around your waist, squeezing you even closer so he can fully enjoy your proximity. Especially now that he was not sure if he could ever feel you again.
He knows you are right. However, he can’t promise that he will remember your words the next time Harry Potter crosses his path.
“And you are stunningly beautiful”, Draco whispers softly, running his free hand up your back to your head, which he then guides towards your face. Gently placing his lips on yours, the feeling almost overwhelms him. He does not see how he could ever live without you, or your kisses.
Breaking the kiss for a moment, he takes your hands in his and kisses your knuckles and the back of your hand like a true gentleman, leaving a soft kiss on any scar he finds. While you noticed that something was going on in his mind, he also noticed that something was wrong with you. It took him a moment to realize that you were feeling insecure about the scars that are now covering your beautiful body.
“Never let anyone tell you otherwise, okay? You are beautiful, inside and outside”, Draco admits honestly, a slight smile on his lips as he speaks against yours. “These scars are just proof of how brave and courageous you are. Proof that you will always get back up, no matter what.”
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fw00shy · 1 year
Slow Days, Bad Habits
When Draco told Pansy he was moving to Los Angeles, Pansy said, "Fuck off, you're not." It was a Thursday and the afternoon sun stretched over Pansy's fire escape patio like a lazy cat. Draco fished out the olive from his glass and ate it, saying, "No, I really am," when he really wasn't — lying was a bad habit of his, and he was five martinis deep — but the next day he woke up thinking: Why not?
Doing what he wasn't supposed to do was a relatively new bad habit of his (sure he used to break rules, but he never broke Father's rules) but it was by far his favourite. Doing the unexpected. Turning heads. Like when he wore the shirt the Muggle orphanage gave him for painting walls to one of his mum's "Sorry We Lost the War" benefits and Daphne said, "You? Volunteering? No way, I bet a thousand Galleons you bought that from a thrift store."
Los Angeles was everything London wasn't and everything Draco wanted to be. Cars built to go 300kph putting bumper-to-bumper down wide, yawning freeways. Plastic surgery to cover up whatever you didn't like about yourself. Every day Draco looked in the mirror and changed something different. What if he had a different nose? A larger mouth? Would his life change for the better? Some days he wished he had more time to figure out how to turn his life around. Other days it was a lot easier to let his eyes droop until every second stretched long and he lost track of it, another day lost in the waste of his life. 
When Draco saw Harry at the farmer's market he knew Harry had moved to Los Angeles to disappear. He knew this because Harry wore dark glasses and a cap pulled low over his scar. He knew this because the papers had reported Harry missing four years ago, and had never found him since. He knew this because he had moved to Los Angeles to disappear, too. Draco bought his oat milk and his strawberries and walked back home with them tucked under his arm, like his little secret. That was another bad habit of his now: secrets. Anything could be a secret if he wanted it to be. His favourite bench at the park. The line from an Ada Limon that made him cry. Waves crashing against the pier. The scent of jasmine in his mother's garden. And now, Harry, in LA. All his secrets. All just for him.
Draco saw Harry at the farmer's market again the following week, around 1pm when the stalls were packing up and the baskets of strawberries numbered in the ones and twos. Draco came to the farmer's market every week and some weeks they ran out of what he liked, but he was fine with that; this was the time best suited for him.
Draco watched Harry meander past the stalls, his hands behind his back, like he was browsing with no intent to purchase. But why? Maybe he was a ghost. Draco chuckled at the thought, and then he saw Harry walking toward him.
"I won't tell," Draco said. "So don't Obliviate me, please. I like my memories. Or the recent ones, anyway. I mean, they're nothing special. Just things like, eating a good peach. The sun sinking into the sea. Waking up and not being too hot or too cold. Normal things." (Running his mouth: maybe the original bad habit?)
Harry blinked slowly, his mouth slightly agape. He didn't look like he was going to attack Draco. He wasn't even carrying a wand. 
"So," Draco said, smiling, a little more confident now. "I won't tell if you won't tell?"
"You live here too?"
"Sure do," Draco said. "Do you want to come over?"
So it was their secret now.
Which was fine. More than fine, even. Draco didn't normally like to share, but he sure did like breaking rules. Especially his own.
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zeebee3 · 23 days
Dramione Month is upon us and I hope to write a few pieces for it (some impromptu drabbles, a pre-written fic or two). Here’s the first!
Day 3: finite incantatem
Rated E
❗️major character death, brief gore, dead dove, wartime, secret relationship❗️
This is an idea that has haunted me for a while and it was time to get it out. Sorry in advance! 🫂 please mind the warnings.
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“Look what I found!” Fawley announced.
Draco turned to the entrance of the parlor, watching as the Death Eater dragged a struggling form across the room to where he and Dolohov were standing beside the fireplace, a map of Order safehouses spread out on the table before them.
“We’re busy,” Dolohov snapped. “Go show your rat to Wormtail.”
“You’ll want to see this one, Dolo,” Fawley jeered. “Caught this pet just for you.”
As the pair came closer, the light of the fire illuminated the scarred, smug face of Fawley and the terrified face of Hermione Granger. It was tricky to restrain his reaction, but Draco just barely managed it.
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck.
“Found her crawling around in the bushes. Covered in the mud and muck like a fuckin’ animal.”
With a shove, she was sent sprawling over the stones, the momentum taking her almost to Draco’s boots.
No. Her soft skin, scraped over stone. He bit the inside of his lip, hard enough to keep from dropping to his knees to help her up.
His heart was pounding, mind racing as he tried to figure out what to do. What was she doing here? She was reckless to a fault but if he knew her at all – and after a year of covert rendezvous, he thought he rather did – then lying in wait outside of a known Death Eater stronghold would have been too foolish even for her. What the fuck was she doing?
Dolohov tilted his head, inspecting her. “Is it? Looks nothing like the brat I know of.”
He was right. Hermione’s normally soft, bouncy curls were coarse and matted, her jaw swollen and disfigured. But it was the flatness in her eyes which sent a dizzying burst of relief through Draco. Even in the worst of moments, her eyes held unquenchable fire.
She blinked, taking in her surroundings like a wild animal, and when her eyes met his, he was sure.
He scoffed. “It’s not her.”
“Of course it is,” insisted Fawley. “I know Potter’s Mudblood when I see her.”
Draco pointed down at her. “This is obviously not Hermione Granger, you fucking idiot.”
“Yes it fucking is,” Fawley insisted.
Be it on his head, then. Draco waved his hand dismissively, his relief making him flippant. “Fine. Take her to the Dark Lord, then. See what he thinks of being tricked.”
Fawley glared but reached down to get a fistful of the creatures hair, hauling her up to her knees. The flat brown eyes met Draco's icy grey, panic flaring in them.
“No, don’t take me there. Draco, please. It’s me. Don’t let him take me to him.”
It was her voice, though scratchy and hoarse, but they were not her words. She only ever breathed his given name into the crook of his neck, sweet and secretly, on those nights where their last names were left at the door. To use it here, so publicly — he knew it wasn’t her. She would never betray him like that.
Anyone who’d dare impersonate her would know better than to assume they were on a first name basis. To the world, they were enemies.
Which meant that someone had her. Had her, and had managed to claw their secret from her so that he might trust this shell; might try to protect it and bring it into the center of the Death Eater nest. His name wouldn’t have come easily from her lips – she’d have fought with every bit of herself to keep their relationship hidden, to keep him safe.
Dolohov was here and not gloating, which meant it hadn’t been him to torture it out of her. Avery? McNair?
The bead of relief that she wasn’t actually here was a drop in the ocean of his unfettered rage at knowing she was out there, being harmed.
In his head, Draco began making lists.
Out loud, he lifted his chin, curling his lip at the pathetic creature at his feet.
“Imposter,” he said coldly.
Dolohov sighed. “A shame. I’d have liked to have another go at the Mudblood. Though I suppose I still could pretend…”
His hand rose but Draco caught his wrist in a tight grip, not looking away from the pitiful thing wearing her face. Daring to use her against him. Daring to expose the only part of himself he actually liked; the part she'd found within him.
Magic was coiling hotly in his wandhand, crackling with an urgent ferocity to be unleashed. With a slow inhale, he set it free, brutal energy cascading out him, channeled through blood and sinew and unicorn hair.
A burst of green light, and then the whimpering mass was inert.
Fawley swore, stepping back and letting the corpse fall flat on its face, the sound like a vase slipping from a sideboard; a sodden, wet crunch. Draco swallowed reflexively against the bile brought up from using the killing curse, a familiar taste in the back of his throat. Chest heaving, he raised his wand again. Time to see who had dared impersonate her, and therefore discover a clue as to who might have known about them.
“Finite incantatem.”
Apart from a burst of blue light from his wand, nothing happened.
Had the spell been miscast? He tried again – and then a third time. Nothing. For a moment, it didn’t register.
And then Dolohov whooped.
“Fucking Salazar, it was the filthy Mudblood! Wait until the Dark Lord hears about this, Malfoy. You’ll be in deep shit for stealing his prize away.”
Fear was as familiar to him as the taste of the killing curse. Thick at the back of his throat; saline and sour and suffocating. He wanted to gag – to choke on what he’d done – but even breathing felt impossible. His gloves creaked as his fist squeezed around traitorous hawthorne, jaw aching with how hard he was clenching his teeth.
Hermione, face down at his feet. Never to get up.
He fell to his knees then, breath leaving him in a rush, gasping, his entire body trembling
What had he done? What had he done whathadhedone–
Like falling into a cool lake, he bowed his head and dropped behind his Occlumency walls.
It hadn’t been him to cast it.
It couldn’t have.
There wasn’t a single cell within him that wished death on her – it should have been impossible to cast it on her. But it was her – and the magic had completed its evil purpose, which meant it couldn’t have been him to cast it.
The concept was impossible.
As impossible as casting a killing curse on oneself.
That had to be impossible, hadn’t it?
Which meant that there was no way he was himself. There was only one way to prove it.
Deep in the quiet of his mind, he turned his wand on himself.
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dreamingonfilm · 2 years
✧˖*°࿐ Pretending | D.M
Draco Malfoy x reader, angst
Summary: In which you watch as Draco slowly falls out of love with you, knowing there’s nothing you can do about it.
W/C: 782
a/n: this silly little blurb was inspired by Washing Machine Heart by Mitski!
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You could tell by the way that he looked at you, that he was not yours anymore. 
With every passing day, you found yourself alone in a corridor waiting for him to surprise you, to give you a kiss good-morning as you two would walk to get breakfast as you usually do. At first it was slow, he’d be five minutes late, then ten, thirty, but now – here you were. Alone in a corridor with nothing left but the memories of the boy who once loved you.
On the days that he used to take you to breakfast, he would make your tea just how you liked it. You’d drink it and smile, each morning, this small act of endearment was just enough. Enough for you to continue the day basking in the love that you and Draco had for each other. 
The later he was to pick you up in the corridor, the more you’d have to remind him about how you liked your tea. He’d forget the sugar, he’d serve it without honey, and soon enough – just like the empty halls – you’d find yourself staring at an empty porcelain cup. Aching to fill it up with his love, but knowing that he wasn’t there anymore.
Whenever you’d have the privilege of running into him, he’d offer you a small smile. You’d run up to the platinum-haired boy, expecting him to give you a kiss on the nose like how he used to, but all he would do is stare. His eyes no longer full of the adoration they once had, but now empty and confused – as if you were a mere stranger.
But how were you to tell him that you know him? The way he’d look whenever he starts to fall asleep on the common room couch, the way his heart beats whenever you’d find yourself entangled in his arms underneath a willow tree, the way that his voice sounds like on rainy spring mornings. He was well too intertwined with you. 
So you would scream it out. Your lungs burning as you yelled – all your anger coming out all at once. Your head pounding as you got louder and louder. Your fist ached as you collided with them into his chest. All he could do was stare. This was you shouting into the void, shouting “I love you,” and begging, “Take all of me; I give myself to you,” a testimony of love that would be cut off by his voice echoing all throughout your body.
“This isn’t you.” 
And maybe he was right. 
But you would try again, and again, and again, until you would get it right. Until you turned into something that he could look at without having to glance the other way. Until your tea becomes easier for him to memorize. Until the halls would be filled with the sound of his footsteps clashing with your own. You would trace his scars and make them yours, how was this not you? Your love was his to keep.
It took time, but soon enough you were there in his room again. His heavy breathing in the nape of your neck as you brushed your hands through his hair. You’d run your fingers through the knots, and would laugh when he’d complain. His hands softly rubbing circles onto your bare stomach as he would mumble incoherent words onto your skin.
He would whisper that he loves you and glare into your eyes. A lazy smile appearing on his face, but he was not looking at you. 
And so you would cry into his bedsheets, you’d swear to yourself that you’d curse her name until the day you’d die, the scent of his pillow now drowning you as you make out her perfume. How could you have been so blind?
“It’s not me you want, is it?”
And he would nod.
You’d stare at your reflection in his eyes, but it wasn’t you anymore. Your face shifting into the image of her, your nose changing shape as your hair grew into the long cascading ray that fell upon her shoulders. Yes, he was looking into your eyes, kissing your shoulder blades, holding you tightly underneath the covers, but you weren’t what he was seeing.
A string of apologies would flow from out of his mouth, but it was not his fault. Here you were on a ledge, begging for him to help you, but all he could do was whisper her name into the piercing cold air. It brushes past your cheek as you let go. 
And you’d fall into the water, holding onto the idea that maybe one day he could be yours again. 
thank you for reading! check out my masterlist here
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madhatterbri · 10 months
Friends | T.N.
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Summary: You and Theo spend a lot of time together as 'friends'. Spicyish?
Theo took in the naked form under him. He had the same reaction he always did when he saw you in his bed. His eyes filled with longing and lust. He took one last drag of his cigarette before placing it in the ash tray.
His lips locked on to yours. He could practically melt from the sensation. Each thrust from his hips caused those beautiful sounds of yours to sing in his ears. All this week he thought about you in this exact situation. The way you seemed to glow in his dimly lit room. Your soft touches all over his scarred body. He could still feel your lips dance on his skin.
He placed his forehead to yours. Your chest heaved after your second orgasm of the night. Your eyes half closed with your lips barely parted; he loved completely ruining you. His lips met yours for one last time for the night.
He leaned his back against the headboard and took one last drag of the cigarette. He eyed you with amusement. You fought sleep wanting to enjoy being with him a little longer. He watched your lose the battle against sleep and covered you with a thin white sheet. You looked so angelic. Within moments he was asleep next to you.
Theo woke up to the sunlight hitting his face. He rolled over trying to fall asleep again. He reached out to the other side and felt the familiar cold sheets. You must have been getting dressed.
He saw you standing in front of a full length mirror. Your fingers working to button up your shirt quickly. Theo grabbed the boxers you tore from his body last night.
"Just to be clear we're-" he began while placing his boxers over his body.
"Still friends," you finished like you had so many times before.
"Okay, excellent. Draco is my best friend. I can't have him finding out I'm sleeping with his wife,"
"Yes," you sighed while sliding your wedding ring on your finger. "That wouldn't fair well for either of us,"
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jocentric · 2 years
Sober Thoughts | Theo Nott x reader
The party sounded loudly around you, another win for the Slytherin Quidditch team being the cause of it. Despite Harry’s strong efforts to catch the golden snitch, Draco had beaten him to it and didn’t fail to gloat about it all the way back to the castle.
Theo complained about the loud noise as soon as the music started, making a mental note to tell Draco to keep his ego down the next time he saw him. But you convinced him to ignore his friend’s stupidity, and enjoy the party. It wasn’t long before you were a bit past tipsy, and he was trying to get you away from the crowd before you did something stupid.
You managed to trip up the steps, but you giggled and carried on making your way to your dorm. Theo rolled his eyes and sighed, closing the door behind him in an attempt to block out at least some of the noise.
“Theo!” you practically yelled, forgetting that he was following you. “Hi, Theo!” you threw your arms around him, him catching you before you fell. “Hello, darling. I hate to break it to you, but I’ve been here the whole time.” he laughed.
“No, you haven’t. You weren’t there, and then I turned around, and boom! You were there.” you laughed, backing away from him, and falling onto the bed when your knees hit it. He shook his head, smiling at his feet. “Alright, you caught me. I teleported.” your eyes widened and he laughed. “I knew it!”
He walked over to the dresser, and you watched as he opened one of the drawers to find a change of clothes for you. “You want this one?” he asked, pulling out a pair of shorts. You nodded frantically, chewing on your fingernails. “Okay, how about this shirt?”
“Nuh uh.”
“Okay, how about this one?”
You shook your head, and he sighed. “Alright, which one do you want?”
You giggled and pointed to him. “My sweater? You’ll be too hot.”
“But it’s pretty. I want that one, ” you said, doing your best to stand off the bed. He sighed, holding in a laugh as fell back over onto the bed. “Please, ” you whined.
“Fine. But only because you’re my best friend and I don’t want to fight with you.”
You smiled giddily, thanking him loudly. “Yeah, yeah, ” he responded. You watched as he pulled the hoodie off him, throwing it at you before fixing his shirt.
You tried your best to pull off your own shirt but gave up as your arm somehow got stuck. “Help, please?” you asked. Theo smiled, helping you pull the shirt off, and helping you put the hoodie on. “Smells like you,” you said.
“Well, I’d imagine so, considering I took it off to give it to you, and it’s mine,” he said teasingly, helping you put the shorts he picked out on.
Soft moments like this weren’t rare between you, and you found yourself hoping they lasted longer. You knew him like the back of your hand. From the way he talked, to the route he took to each class, to the little scar on his hand from when he and Draco got into a fight in the first year. And for everything you knew about him, he knew a thing about you.
“Is that better, peanut?” Theo asked. You nodded, moving to get under the blankets. “Here.” he lifted the blanket, letting you lay under them, before throwing them over you. “Is that good?” you nodded.
There was a certain level of trust between you both, and it was one you wished would never go away. It was calming, a sense of relief washed over you at the realization that he trusted you just as much as you trusted him. A thought resurfacing, threatening to escape your lips, but you were just aware enough to catch it before it did.
“Stay with me, please?” you asked as he got up. He turned, eyeing you for a moment, before nodding. “Okay, ” he replied, laying next to you and pulling the covers over himself. “Comfy?” he asked. You moved closer to him, laying your head on his chest, leg thrown over his. He instinctively wrapped his arms around you, drawing you closer. “Now I am.”
He gave a low laugh. “I really worry about you, you know?”
“And why is that?”
“You’re always doing things that could get you in trouble, or that could get you hurt. How much did you drink tonight?”
“I wasn’t keeping track, who does that? Not me, is who!”
He laughed again, pulling you closer, holding onto the feeling of you in his arms. “I know.”
“You seem to really care about me. I can’t blame you, I’m awesome.”
“That I do, and that you are. Pretty little minx, aren’t you?” he began to tickle you, you jumped, trying to squirm away as you laughed. “Mercy! Have mercy!” you yelled. He sighed and stopped, pulling you back into his arms.
There were few beats of silence before, “I love you, ” you blurted out. “In case you haven’t figured it out already, I love you.”
He tensed for a moment, but relaxed again. He pulled away slightly, you tilting your head up to see him better. “Really? Cause last time I checked, I was the one in love with you.”
Your smile only got brighter, hiding your face in his chest. “I have been for a while, ” you said. “Yeah?” he asked.
You hummed in agreement. “I love you, Theo.”
He chuckled. “I love you too.”
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dramioneasks · 7 months
Novel Length Fics (> 200,000 words) (Part 8)
Title: Unsinkable Author: Gingersoup  Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Angst Chapters: 38 Word Count: 250,812 Summary: After a fight gone wrong in the Department of Mysteries, sworn enemies Draco and Hermione are thrown into a mysterious pensive-like portal and come out the other side onto the RMS Titanic. In a race against time and without their wands, the unlikely duo will have to fight against the binds of their new identities as well as their animosity toward each other in order to survive.
Title: Anchor and Rose. Author: sixth_senses Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Angst Chapters: 38 Word Count: 200,220 Summary: "Is it really a good idea to run away from war with the person you despise the most?"A hotel, A boathouse, Narcissa Malfoy's safe-house, and the world's most powerful wand left behind by Regulus Black. What else could Hermione add to the list to make her absolutely insane?Ah yes, Draco fucking Malfoy.ALSO AVAILABLE ON MY WATTPAD (sixth_senses)
Title: selfxconclusion Author: spicyxpisces Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Angst Chapters: 40 Word Count: 424,687 Summary: One year after the death of her husband, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger is trying to navigate her way through her loss. While trying to discover who she is without her husband, her friends move through their own forms of grief within their relationships.
Title: The Stars Above Us Author: embersofapril Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Fluff, Angst Chapters: 40 Word Count: 200,988 Summary: He remains silent at first, clearly unsure of what to say next. The temperature feels hot, he thinks, especially for the dungeon's standards. He feels as if he can see the air particles between them, perhaps even count how many separate them from one another.It feels odd for him to be alone with Granger in the potions lab after all this time.He catches the faint scent of strawberries and honey, reminding him to order the ingredients for his lesson on Amortentia for his NEWT classes next week.-A slow-burn, flashback-filled dramione fanfiction with a side of wolfstar.
Title: A Game of High Stakes Author: in_dreams Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 51 Word Count: 263,110 Summary: In theory, the task is simple: kill Draco Malfoy. In practice, putting a curse through the Dark Lord's favoured lieutenant will take everything Hermione has―especially since he's trying to kill her, too. Even more so when the lines between them start to blur. Sometimes, the only way out is through.
Title: Who We Are Now Author: LiloLilyAnn Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 60 Word Count: 398,717 Summary: She lived through the war, but did she actually survive it? She didn't recognize the girl who looked back at her in the mirror, sunken eyes and protruding ribs, covered in scars. This wasn’t Hermione Granger. She died alongside Lavender, Fred, Sirius, Remus... Her name wasn’t up on any walls in memoriam, but she felt like a casualty nonetheless.*****When Hermione can't seem to get past the trauma of the war and all that happened to her, she's convinced to get help for her mental health issues. Unfortunately, the Wizarding World has none... yet.
Title: Redemption/Atonement Author: LordoftheManor Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Angst, Drama Chapters: 75 Word Count: 448,946 Summary: Draco Malfoy has had a crush on Granger for years. When Blaise tells him he's heard Granger has a crush on him--Draco decides to seize the opportunity. The only problem is, Granger wants to keep things quiet. Oh and he's a Death Eater working for Lord Voldemort. Hermione Granger has been secretly pining after Draco for years, telling no one. When he suddenly confronts her after class her world turns upside down. This is a 7th year fic as if Dumbledore hadn’t been killed and Voldemort hadn’t taken over the ministry yet. Draco redemption arc. This will cover books 6 & 7.Really just an excuse to write smut about a curly haired witch and her platinum haired beau. There will be dark themes, I’ll try not to stray too far from the books with that though. Explicit sexual content.
Title: A Dangerous Collection Author: Lia_Redrose Rating: E Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 34 Word Count: 208,277 Summary: Eight years after Voldemort's defeat, Draco Malfoy has left England for good. He has become a potioneer and works in a Potion Shop in Florence. He thinks he has done with the past, until one day a famous girl with messy curls and curious eyes storms inside and asks for a cure.The words and the newborn smile died as the woman turned to face him. Her mouth opened and her facial features became confused and astonished. “Malfoy?” There were surely some deities - three at least - that hated him and conjured for that to happen, because there was no other explanation to what was happening to him. It was a catastrophe. A catastrophe Draco couldn’t escape unless he bolted out of the shop to never come back again, which was something he couldn’t do. That’s why he cleared his throat and proceeded to greet his customer with a simple and clear “Granger.”
Title: Redemption Author: gnrkrystle  Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 45 Word Count: 237,960 Summary: As an Unspeakable, Hermione has been tasked with a very complicated case. All the Marked Death Eaters in Azkaban are falling ill - Draco Malfoy and Theo Nott the worst among them. She has to find out why and cure them.
Title: Finding Hermione Author: ebookdragon Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 51 Word Count: 217,753 Summary: Fifteen years after the end of the Second Wizarding War, former Hogwarts' students are sending their own children off to school for the first time. As the train leaves, Hermione makes a startling discovery about her husband and the secret life he's been living. Draco witnesses Hermione's world shatter and comes to her rescue, helping her pick up the pieces and find herself again.
Title: The Education of a Lady Author: thewanderers'wanderingdaughter  Rating: M Genre(s): Drama, Horror Chapters: 34 Word Count: 365,605 Summary: Fourth and final (for real this time) part in the His Little Bird series. The story of survival, betrayal, and tragedy. A monster took everything from her. Now she's expected to be a willing participant in the world he's built for them. They want her to become one of them. She only wants vengeance, and now that she has her power back, she can make that a reality.
Title: Snow Angel Author: SunflowersXx Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 31 Word Count: 353,142 Summary: ‘To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves’- Federico Garcia Lorca. Hermione hated secrets, she hated the idea that their lives were already decided in the stars; but mostly, she hated that she had to break Draco Malfoy’s heart.Draco didn’t think he would ever know what love felt like, he didn’t think he would find it in the sun, in whiskey and in that one curl. He certainly didn’t think he would loose it just as he had it in his grasp.
Title: The Hardest of Hearts Author: WillowingScribe1709 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Humour Chapters: 34 Word Count: 219,508 Summary: Hermione, driven to become Minister of Magic, reluctantly joins a matchmaking agency, only to discover Draco Malfoy as her top match.Initially scoffing at the idea of marrying her old nemesis, Hermione is forced to reconsider when their paths intertwine, unraveling not just their past but also new layers of deceit. Among these Draco's connection to the Seven Devils, a group wrapped in secrecy and rumoured to have been founded by his father, Lucius.What starts out as a simple match of convenience soon blossoms into a profound connection that catches Hermione completely off guard. With a menacing new threat casting a shadow over their future, their growing bond becomes the crux upon which destiny hinges.---------“It’s not that simple,” he said, and his eyes flashed with something dark that curled around her airways and choked the breath out of her. “Even if we never consummate our marriage, I need to know that I can touch you in public without you flinching. That you can touch me in return without looking green in the face.”“Of course I can,” she said with more bravado than she felt.“Is that so?” Malfoy asked, more darkness swirling in his eyes. “Care to demonstrate?”
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soliblomst · 8 months
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Art by the fantastic @upthehillart
The Boy from the Piano Shop
He and Draco had made love again in the same small bedroom with its squeaky wooden floor and old windows that let in the wind. Without Harry asking, Draco had immediately tied the scarf back around his eyes, and when Harry had noticed, he had told him he didn't have to.
"But I want to, and I will for as long as you need me to."
Harry had cried. He couldn't explain exactly why—perhaps because he was moved by Draco's gesture, or perhaps because he too wished he was only blind when he covered his eyes with a scarf.
There were many tears during their nights of mutual exploration. Tears, awkwardness, and tentative steps turned into laughter as they came to trust each other enough to let go. Draco was Harry's first time with a man; Harry was Draco's first time, and in a way that was important to both of them.
There were also words—lots of words. There were nights when they did nothing. They would lie naked, both blind, and talk. Harry would ask him about his scars, and Draco would explain how he had cut himself a few months after moving to Slovakia with his parents because he couldn't stand the sight of his dark mark. Draco would ask him about his scars, and Harry would end up telling him about the night Ron had found him in the bathroom. They talked about friendship, loneliness, and the emptiness of adulthood; sometimes they spoke of love, but they never dwelt too long on the subject. The scarf had become their safe place, a way for them to feel comfortable enough to share more about themselves and let each other explore not only their bodies but also their vulnerabilities.
Harry's favourite part of sex was afterwards, when they held each other, skin to skin, warmer, more tired, their muscles relaxing, and their heartbeats slowing. He waited for sleep to take him, lulled by Draco's slow breathing, knowing he wouldn't have any nightmares because he never did when he slept with Draco.
-- Quote from Ch12
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thedrarrylibrarian · 1 year
Hey!Can you please recommend me some fanfictions where harry sees draco's sectumsempra scars and feels absolutley guilty?
It need not be the main focus of the story,but one good scene about it would do!
Hello, hello! Your holds have arrived!
I loved your ask, and appreciated the openness of it, as I think not being limited to completely Sectumsempra focused fics allowed me to pick some extra great fics! In general, for this list, the shorter the fic, the more focused on the Sectumsempra scene/scars it is. Hope you enjoy!
Sectumsempra Scars
That Won't Erase It by @triggerlil (539 words, rated M)
Two men, a multitude of scars, one intimate moment.
I'm Sorry (it doesn't matter) by @carpemermaidtales (words 637, rated M)
Harry trailed off and pressed a kiss to Malfoy’s temple. “I’m still sorry, all the same. I wish that hadn’t happened. I wish you weren’t scarred from it. I guess now I know why you always insist on showering at home instead of in the training centre.”
“Well, that, and the facilities are appalling,” Malfoy muttered acidly.
Harry froze. He hadn’t realised Malfoy was awake.
Sectumsempra Scars by @drarrily-we-row-along (1,055 words, rated T)
Harry woke up first the following morning. He’d shifted, rolling toward Draco and opening his eyes; he wasn’t prepared for the sight that met him.
The normally flawless skin of Draco’s chest and abdomen was covered with raised scars, scars that intersected and crossed all the way up to his neck, one trailing as high as his cheek.
And for a minute, Harry tried to piece together what could have happened in his bed overnight.
life's like an hourglass glued to the table by @phoebe-delia (1,455 words, rated T)
I really don't know how it got like this.
That's not true, yes I do. Of course, I do. I was there, near the middle of it all; not the epicenter, not the periphery, but somewhere within the nebulous part in-between. I was close enough to be scathed, to be one of the supporting characters—though I'm fairly certain my support was the problem—but I was neither protagonist nor antagonist.
Phoenix in the Fire by @fw00shy (1,466 words, rated E)
Their first time was an accident. "Sex pollen," Draco claims, though everyone knows it was too much Ogden's after Puddlemere beat the Tornados 240-230.
"He's like a vengeful sex demon after he's lost," Harry confesses in the privacy of Hermione's kitchen. "A lustful, bitter jackhammer."
Sun Stroke by @peachpety (3,854 words, rated E)
Draco, Harry, and a handful of friends take a summer holiday at the beach. With the help of a sultry sea setting, encouraging friends, and a fisherman’s jumper, Harry and Draco's mutual attraction swells and things get hot on a salty summer night.
Erase the Shame by @fleetofshippyships-archive (6,763 words, rated E)
An Inter-House unity party is the last thing Draco wants to go to. It's not long into a game of Truth or Dare when he is reminded why.
But maybe his dare is worth it after all.
In The Company of Serpents by @corvuscrowned (24,954 words, rated E)
There’s something wrong with the serpents at the Greengrass Ophidiarium. Luckily, a certain Parselmouth just might be able to help.
Oh, Sinnerman by @lou-isfake (40,068 words, rated E)
“I’m serious, Potter,” Malfoy said quietly. “That was some real bad luck you had, being there last night. They will come after you, and they will kill you—after torturing you for information on my whereabouts.” He pocketed Harry’s wand, but held on to his knife, twirling it between his fingers. Harry was distracted by its movement, the reflections of the bright, dawning sun on polished silver. “I’m not happy about it, either, but you’re stuck with me for the foreseeable future.”
He watched Malfoy’s face for a long time, in a staring contest he wasn’t sure he’d signed up for. Stuck with Malfoy, for the foreseeable future, on the run from a massive crime syndicate that had infiltrated the Ministry and was out for their blood.
It was all very familiar, except for the Malfoy part.
Everything is Relative to You by @thehoneybeet (43,111 words, rated E)
Potter was supposed to have lived. Draco is certain of this. That Potter would no longer walk the earth was tantamount to the sun moving west to east across the sky. If only he could have stopped this from happening, if he’d have known…
It comes to him as ideas often did: too late.
Or, Harry dreams of his past lives, and Draco is in every one.
Not From Kindred Stock by @p1013 (45,779 words, rated E)
"Potter!" Draco calls again, but this time he pauses at the sound of his voice. "Potter?"
Something is very wrong.
Because now that he's gained a little of his equilibrium back and the room is no longer spinning, Draco has a sinking realisation that his voice doesn't sound rough or gravelly, but rather different. Different like his vision and the feel of his body around his bones and the bloody goddammned fucking clothes on his—shagging Salazar, God fuck, this isn't his body.
Among Ancient Pines by @graymatters (73,981 words, rated M)
Every day, Draco Malfoy tries. With every fiber of his being he tries. But he doesn’t much think about what he’s trying for.
In his final term of Healer training, Draco is unfortunate enough to find himself on a plane, the only means of traveling to a small, magical town in rural Alaska. Years of hard work have culminated in an opportunity to work with an experimental wandmaker to study the intersection of Healing and wand theory. When Draco arrives, he doesn't find the wandmaker, but does find his apprentice, who happens to have ridiculously messy hair, a lightning bolt scar, and a definitely-not-charming smile. But Draco isn’t going to let Harry Potter get in the way of him becoming a successful medical researcher, even if Potter is stubborn, hot-tempered, reckless, surprisingly gentle, has bizarre taste in music, and likes to leave his shirts unbuttoned. How hard could the next few months be?
A fic about challenging assumptions, discovering self-worth, the silver lining in failing to meet expectations, and finding friendship, love, and purpose in a small Alaskan town that’s steeped in magic.
in the dark by @toxik-angel (81,213 words, rated M)
Draco Malfoy may not have a Manor or money or status or a family or friends, but he has his looks, and goes into the glamorous modeling field.
And listen. Listen. No one can blame Harry for being obsessed with him all over again.
Bolts by @lqtraintracks (114,500 words, rated E)
Harry joins the Hogwarts staff as the new History of Magic Professor, while Draco has already been teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts for the past year. When Samantha, a first year, is being bullied one day and throws a made-up Truth curse at her harasser, only to accidentally hit Harry instead, Harry becomes cursed to tell the truth, and not only that, he has to regularly tell it to Draco Malfoy. Samantha is clearly gifted, maybe the most powerful witch or wizard to ever come through Hogwarts, and yet she has no idea how to take the curse off. As they work to remove it—and also teach Samantha how to control a power that's becoming more dangerous by the day—will Harry's truths become too much to handle? And will whatever’s going on with Draco just make everything exponentially worse?
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
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hp-fanfic-archive · 8 months
A-Z AU Rec List
Saw this A-Z list of AU writing prompts and decided to make a rec list based on it! This has a little bit of everything, pairings wise, so hopefully there’s something for everyone.
A: Apocalypse AU Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse by rizzlewrites [dramione, E, 356k] After Voldemort, there was this. The clock is ticking to create a cure to the unimaginable horror that currently grips the world. Hermione finds herself unwillingly allied with the most hated man in Wizarding Britain. (also available as a podfic)
B: Bounty Hunter AU Bounty Hunter by SnippyandSnarky [drarry, M, 32k] Set after the 7th book. Voldemort is nearly defeated. A familiar bounty hunter is picking off Death Eaters one by one. (also available as a pdf or e-book file)
C: College AU Wannabe Your Lover by Maraudererasmut & shadow_prince [wolfstar, M, 15k] Somewhere in America, Fall of 1997 - Returning to University, James refused to room with Sirius in the wake of The Great Cheez-it Battle of '96. They must adjust to living with someone new, Mr. Potter worried they'd both get scurvy, James unsuccessfully continued trying to court one Lily Evans, Snape got what was coming to him, and Sirius was the most confused of them all.
D: Do-Over (Second Chance) AU Do It All Over Again (Series) by DracoWillHearAboutThis [drarry, E, 468k] All he wanted was a way out. A way to do it all over again, and to erase his mistakes. He stared at the crackling blue flames so hard they imprinted in his vision. At age eleven, Draco receives a letter from the future, which will make him change the path he has set out upon and lead him into a life he'd never dared to imagine. (also available as a podfic)
E: Emergency Responders AU Oh, We Lost Magic by nerakrose [wolfstar, jily, G, 4k] The year is 1985 and Sirius, Remus, James and Lily are working as paramedics in muggle London, living seemingly normal lives…except there's really an awful lot of weird things going on.
F: Fake Dating AU Distractions by morningsound15 [hermione/ginny, T, 86k] Ginny sighed and slumped back in her seat. “You’re letting him win. He’s winning the breakup!” “Everything you’re saying is ridiculous! You can’t win a breakup.” “Obviously you can, and Ron is doing it!” “You’re being childish. Not everything is about winning and losing.”
G: Ghost AU Another Day in the Sun by REwrites [wolfstar, T, 19k] Is it haunted? I suppose that depends on who is telling the story.
H: Historical Fiction AU Blood and Brimestone by calanthe_fic [drarry, E, 42k] The Inquisition claims it reforms and cleanses Prodigals of their demonic heritage, but Captain Harry Potter learns that the Church has lost its way and is worse by far than the devils in Hells Below. (also available as a pdf or e-book file)
I: Investigation AU Caught by Phiso [wolfstar, G, 4k] Sirius Black was the thief no one could catch – at least, not until he met his match in Detective Inspector Remus Lupin.
J: Jazz Club AU A Specter of The Night [+Podfic] by writer-or-whatever [wolfstar, T, 1k] Roaring 20s Wolfstar AU OR The one where Sirius turns up out of the blue as a Jazz singer and Remus is confused and still very much in love.
K: Knitting AU Charmed Wool by winnett [drarry, E, 11k] Draco works for the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Department (MMAD). Tracking down an illegal knitter of charmed jumpers takes him to County Cork where he never expected to find the missing Chosen One. (also available as a pdf or e-book file)
L: Lycanthropy AU seventeen moons by we_built_the_shadows_here [snily, G, 6k] “The scar is small, at least,” Pomfrey says, pulling the bandage snug around the cleaned wound. There’s a pity in her voice that makes Severus want to throw up again. “It will be easily covered.” Dumbledore catches him inspecting it, as if mesmerized. “You are lucky to have survived at all,” the Headmaster says. Severus does not say I don’t feel very lucky because it is stupid and obvious. Instead, he says unsteadily, “I want to press charges, sir.” Pomfrey stills, tightening the bandage to the point of discomfort. “Remus Lupin would be executed,” Dumbledore says. “The Ministry takes a dim view of werewolves who infect other wizards.”
M: Musician AU Bubblegum Blues by reachthetree [wolfstar, M, 5k] Remus actually looks down as she smiles, like a shy teenager in a first kiss scenario, and it gives Sirius deja vu. She’s lived this exact moment before. Only in another life. When Remus lifts the bass, Sirius sees a tattoo on the back of her upper arm, and drops her little notebook on the sticky floor. She’s only known one other person with a tattoo like that. But it can’t be… Can it?
N: No Voldemort AU Sing Me a (Christmas) Love Song by andromedablacc [James/Sirius, G, 1k] James is a famous Quidditch player, and once upon a time Sirius was famous in his own right.
O: Office AU Of Tinsel and Nice Starts by nerakrose [wolfstar, G, 2k] Mysterious clouds and strange coffee abounds. Office romance.
P: Photographer AU Rule of Thirds by bluepeony [wolfstar, G, 2k] Modern AU: Sirius Black, star of the university's football team, only wants one thing: a teensy-weensy, harmless little kiss.
Q: Quidditch Player AU our kiss is as the moon to draw by blackkat [lily/narcissa, T, 1k] “Problems, cousin?” Narcissa calls to Sirius, cool and sugar-sweet. She’s smirking, braid of pale hair coming loose, and Lily should absolutely be cheering for Gryffindor, but she can't help herself. As Narcissa turns into a sharp dive, snatching the Quaffle right out of James's hands as she passes, she whoops, clapping her hands together. “I think this is the part where I'm supposed to call you a traitor,” Remus observes from the seat beside her, as dry as dust, though he hasn’t even lifted his gaze from his book.
R: Receptionist AU They don't love you like I love you by moonlightgalleon [wolfstar, G, 5k] Hospital receptionist Remus Lupin usually invites superheroes as guests for the kids. That is, until he gets the unusual request of inviting villain The Canis.
S: Soulmate AU Amare Series by ABlackRaven [harry/cedric, T, 173k] Cedric feels drawn to protect Harry Potter. Whether this be from Dementors on a Quidditch pitch or the tasks of a life-threatening tournament, he's determined to help him. He can't help but worry about the younger boy. Eventually friendship takes root and potentially…something more? Harry feels drawn to Cedric, safe when he is near. He certainly has no shortage of dangers in his life, from an abusive home life to the growing threat of Voldemort. He cant help the guilt that he puts Cedric in danger by proximity. Eventually friendship takes root and potentially…could he hope for something more? And when the end of the third task goes horribly wrong, will either of them survive? A rewrite of Book 4 revolving around Harry and Cedric.
T: Time Travel AU Escaping the Paradox by Meri [snarry, E, 35k] After Harry is thrown back in time to 1971, he has several choices to make. (also available as a podfic)
U: Undercover AU The Chosen One & The Halfblood Prince by waitingondaisies [Harry & Severus, T, 93k] Severus Snape was discovered as a spy mere days before the start of the school year. Thankfully, Albus had been working on a vague contingency plan for this possibility. It had been inspired by the question, “What would it take for Severus Snape to see that he was wrong about Harry Potter?” The answer? Force Severus to go undercover as Alfonse “Eli” Hopkirk, a sixth year Gryffindor.
V: Vampire AU Immortal Claim by ladyofsilverdawn [snarry, E, 16k] Harry needs Snape's cooperation to solve a case, but navigating vampiric culture and Snape's powerful allure proves more challenging than he anticipates.
W: Western AU Hell and High Water by Krethes [susan bones/pansy parkinson, T, 7k] Pansy is the daughter of the leader of a notorious band of outlaws that's been running this dusty old town for as long as she can recall. Then one day a new sheriff rides into town with her pretty little niece at her side who keeps making pretty little eyes at Pansy and -- aw, hell. (also available as a podfic)
X: N/A
Y: Youtube AU real life has no appeal by orphan_account [wolfstar, G, 7k] In which Remus is Lily's roommate and Sirius, James and Peter break into places.
Z: Zombie AU Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse by rizzlewrites [dramione, E, 356k] After Voldemort, there was this. The clock is ticking to create a cure to the unimaginable horror that currently grips the world. Hermione finds herself unwillingly allied with the most hated man in Wizarding Britain. (also available as a podfic)
Yes, yes, I know. The first and last list items are the same, but there are only so many zombie and/or apocalypse AUs.
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sodamnradd · 1 year
(slightly nsfw)
“Would you quit it?” Hermione covered the lens with her palm, meeting Draco’s gaze over the viewfinder. “We’re meant to be discreet.”
“The light is hitting you perfectly right now.” He feigned dejection, all pouty lips and liquid grey eyes. “Just lie down like before.”
Rolling her eyes, Hermione dropped onto the mattress, dragging the covers up to her chin.
“You’re impossible.” He tugged the thin sheet back down, exposing her breasts. His knuckles swept between them reverently. “I want to see you.”
“I’m cold,” she grumbled, fidgeting.
“I know. Your tits look insane right now.” Her father’s old Minolta was in front of his face again, toying with the focus. “Zhuzh your hair.”
“My hair is permanently zhuzhed,” she protested, dragging her fingers through her thick curls anyway, plumping them up.
“Gods, look at you. Glance down slightly. Too much. Imagine I’m lying over you.”
“You are lying over me.”
“Like I’m between your legs, about to run my tongue—don't move. You're perfect.”
Shadow and light splashed on the crests and dips of Hermione’s body and spilled onto the white rumpled sheets, painting her in a golden shine. His finger hovered over the shutter button.
“What are you waiting for?” she asked, impatient. Click. The shutter went off, capturing her mid-speech.
“Now let me take a picture.” She sat up, smirking.
“Thought we were being discreet.” Draco clutched the camera possessively. Rude. Granted, she had gifted it to him a week ago, but it was still a Granger family heirloom.
“You’re not developing that film until we go public.” She lifted the strap over his head, uncovering a tender love bite above his shoulder. He dipped forward, capturing her lips in a quick kiss.
Heat bloomed across her cheeks.
“On your back, Malfoy.” She advanced the film with her thumb.
He flopped backwards, crossing his arms over his chest and shooting her a glower. Eyebrows slanted petulantly. “Like this?”
“Hey!” He shot up onto his elbows. “You’re wasting film.”
Hermione’s lips stretched, watching him snap back into his natural self. His broad chest expanded, sitting up like that, gloriously naked. The plants on the windowsill cast long shadows over his Quidditch-hardened body, darkness intersecting sunlit scars. His pale hair fell slightly too long over his eyes. A pretty shade of celestial blue at the outer rings of his irises. Proof to nonbelievers that Draco bore colour in him.
“My grump.” She giggled at his indignant expression, crawling over to straddle his lap.
Draco’s eyes grew hooded. He reached out his hand, caressing her thigh brazenly.
“Don’t move,” she whispered, pivoting him into focus.
Hermione honed in on Draco's stare in the lens, eyeing the camera the same way he looked at her sometimes, like he wished to peer inside and study all the mysteries hidden beneath.
Her heartbeat pounded against her eardrums. “What do you say we go to Diagon tonight," she suggested tentatively, "maybe grab dinner?”
His face lit up.
(495 words, prompt: let me take a picture, also @ivmaruva drew nsfw art inspired by this drabble on twitter! 😍)
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