fitzsfool · 9 days
there’s actually no way robin hobb wrote “He swung his pale eyes to meet mine, the gold of them mirroring the firelight. Light ran up his cheekbones and dwindled as it merged with his hair. I gave my head a small shake. “In the space of a sundown, you show me the wide world from a horse’s back, and the soul of the world within my own walls.”” sat back, and went, ah perfect, my heterosexual fitz agenda lives another day
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fitzsfool · 15 days
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Drama queen <3
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fitzsfool · 15 days
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RotE dragons my beloved
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fitzsfool · 22 days
yeah yeah they found kelsingra Heeby returned flying blah blah BIRDKEEPER MARRIAGE PROPOSAL??? EREK AND DETOZI FINALLY MEETING?!?!
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fitzsfool · 22 days
Gay sex??? In my Robin Hobb book???? AND ITS NOT EVEN FITZ AND THE FOOL?!?!?!?!?!!!!
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fitzsfool · 22 days
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colour wheel section one done! I decided to draw Rapskal from the Rainwild Chronicles because I thought his scales would be fun to draw
suggest orange characters next!!
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fitzsfool · 22 days
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So about those nights in Kelsingra. . .
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fitzsfool · 22 days
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Me using my own fan art to argue with Robin Hobb about the inherent queerness of her characters
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fitzsfool · 27 days
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My dream was dead in my arms.
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fitzsfool · 27 days
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The Fitz/the Fool/Nighteyes cuddle sessions in assassin's quest are super important to me actually. This is a Fitz/the Fool/Nighteyes cuddle sessions appreciation post.
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fitzsfool · 27 days
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Been re-reading assassin's apprentice recently, so here's a whole bunch of character doodles✨
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fitzsfool · 27 days
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Damn i can't believe Fitz managed to fumble every single bad bitch in the Six Dutchies 😔
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fitzsfool · 27 days
i have so much personal beef with magali villeneuve, yet i cannot bring myself to truly hate her or her art because she gave us this
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fitzsfool · 28 days
Fitzloved doodles yayyy
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fitzsfool · 28 days
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That one part in royal assassin where molly talks about what fitz would look like as a girl
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fitzsfool · 1 month
Robin Hobb is sooooo funny and real for writing the sweetest, gentlest, most respectful, worships the ground his lady walks on love interest of all time and it's literally this guy
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fitzsfool · 1 month
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“- isn’t this what God felt when he pressed together the first Beloved: Everything. Fever. Vapor. Atman. Pulsus. Finally, a sin worth hurting for, a fervor, a sweet - You are mine.”
Natalie Diaz, “These Hands, If Not Gods” Postcolonial Love Poem
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