#Draco Malfoy is a Little
so-scarlett-maroon · 9 months
Hermione Granger and The Pub Quiz That Changed Her Life
Words: 5,602 Rated: Teen and Up No Archive Warnings Apply Ship: Dramione Tags: Draco Malfoy is a Little Shit, But Hermione Likes it Grand Gestures, Fluff, Humor, Plans Gone Awry, Pining Draco Malfoy, Pining Hermione Granger, Marriage Proposal, Developing Relationship, Falling In Love Tooth-Rotting, Fluff On AO3
Summary: When Harry invites Draco to their weekly Pub Quiz, Hermione is sure she's never going to be able to enjoy the event again. And her life is changed forever...but just not how she thought it would be.
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The Beginning:
The first time Hermione and Draco were at the same pub quiz night, it felt electric. She’d been purposely avoiding him. She was well aware he and Harry were Auror partners and had become friends. But, the first few times Harry mentioned he’d be joining, she’d found excuses not to go. She hated missing the weekly pub quiz, but the idea of seeing him in a social setting felt strange, wrong. She knew he wouldn’t call her a slur and he probably wouldn't insult her hair, but she just didn’t know what their new dynamic would be. Eventually, though, she gave in, she wouldn’t let him keep her from seeing her friends.
She walked into the Leaky Cauldron and found Harry, Ginny, and Neville at their team’s usual booth. She waved to them as she walked over and settled next to Harry at the wooden table.
“Thanks for the drinks mate,” Harry called out. Hermione followed his eyeline and spotted the poncy git himself walking over with the first round for the table. She wasn’t sure how she’d missed the shock of blond hair when she’d first walked in. Malfoy got to work handing out the drinks, Butterbeers for her and Ginny, Gin and Tonic for Harry, Fire whiskey for himself and Neville, and an ale for Ron, who seemed to be running late, as usual.
Draco shrugged, responding to Harry’s thanks. “It was my turn to buy, but you are up next,” he said looking at Hermione.
Draco’s eyes met hers now. She’d never noticed just how strikingly gray they were before. If he were any other man, she’d even say they were attractive. But he was him, so they weren't. “Why is it my turn to buy?” she asked incredulously.
He looked at her his eyes pitying, “She’s lost her brains since graduation then?” he asked the table.
Harry laughed openly, Ginny tried to hide her giggles and Neville just glanced away, trying to avoid conflict.
“I haven’t ‘lost my brains’ as you put it, I just don’t see why I should get moved up in the rotation when I haven't been here. I always buy after Ginny.”
“Yes and as you missed the last three weeks, you’ve not bought after anyone in far too long so you are up.” He sat down across from her. His long legs barely managed to fit under the table and his knees bumped up against hers. She waited for him to apologize or pull his legs back, but instead, he just smirked and bumped her knee again, on purpose. She was just about to pull out her wand and hex his knees off his stupid body when the quiz host walked to the front of the pub with an announcement.
“Hello, I am Chester Borgin, and welcome witches and wizards to the Thursday night Pub Quiz!” He’d cast a Sonorous on himself to amplify his voice over the crowd gathered for the quiz. “We have answer sheets and self-inking quills up at the front table. Send up the team captain to collect the materials and we will begin shortly!”
Draco stood at the same time as Hermione. Ginny looked at them, laughing as they both froze. She sighed, wiping her tears of laughter aside, and explained to Draco, “Normally Hermione is our team captain, and she gets the material and writes the answers,”. She turned to Hermione. “But in your absence, Draco had taken over,”
Hermione frowned.
Draco did not sit or retreat. “I’m closer to the host’s table,” he pointed out. “How about I just go and collect the materials then?” He had a fake smile plastered on his face.
Hermione sprung into action, scooting out from her side of the booth, her skirt annoyingly riding up her legs as she tried to squeeze past. “No, thank you,” she said in her most sickly sweet voice, walking towards the front. She could feel him racing right behind her, trying to beat her. But Hermione was small, she was able to slip through the crowd more easily. She reached the table just a moment before he did and felt his body crush against hers as the momentum carrying him forward propelled him into her. She ignored the slight pain from their collision and called to the host.
“Team We’re not Lion. There are six of us.”
“Actually, since I joined we go by team Dirty Lion Snakes,” Draco corrected from just behind her, his body still pressing against hers from chest to hips. “It’s the same pun, just more fun,” he explained, his breath fanning over her ear.
“Yes, I understood the wordplay, thank you,” she said, rolling her eyes, despite Draco being behind her and unable to see the gesture. She pushed forward trying to get him off of her back, but it just pushed her further into the table, her hips pressing into the wood, as she felt his strong chest warm and solid behind her.
Continued on AO3
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longdaytogo · 11 months
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taking your wizard boyfriend out on a muggle ride
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whos afraid of little old me? // mattheo riddle x fem hufflepuff reader
playlist: whos afraid of little old me - taylor swift
summary: mattheo riddle isnt scared of anything , but when you blew up at him for messing up your potion. he felt fear for the first time. fear of a usually bubbly hufflepuff.
y/n used , comedy, short , female rage x
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"WHAT THE FU-!" you screamed loudly as bright green liquid dripped down your face and onto your uniform , your mouth open in shock and your hands trying to wipe the liquid. mattheo beside you mirrored the same appearance , covered head to toe in the slime like thing.
"miss y/l/n i suggest you dont finish that sentence before you lose hufflepuff house points. wait here, i will go alert madame pomfrey." snape said monotonously as he walked out the room, uninterested as ever.
the whole classroom stayed in a stunned silence as you desperately wiped yourself down , mattheos laugh breaking the tension , "why did he leave to get madame pomfrey when its just a small mess-"
he was cut off by theodore , who stood on the other side of him gulping and staring at something behind mattheo in horror.
"i think i know what shes going to be needed for..." theodore said quietly as mattheo looked at him confused before following his eyes , his gaze landing on you as you looked down at the floor with clenched fist and a shaking body. you looked like you were going to explode just as the potion had.
"are you okay love-" mattheo started before being cut off by you jumping on him , legs wrapped around his torso and hands pulling fiercely on his hair as mattheo screamed.
"IM GOING TO KILL YOU MATTHEO RIDDLE , I TOLD YOU NOT TO PUT THE PHEONIX FEATHER IN YET YOU STUPID SHI-" you shouted loudly , rage boiling your blood as the boy spun around , desperately trying to push you off.
"someone get her off!" another slytherin girl said as lorenzo scoffed.
"im not quite sure i want to get involved in that-" enzo started bluntly before panicking when your legs and arms began hitting mattheo.
it had taken lorenzo , draco and blaise to get you off mattheo. the immense battle had ended with you held back at the arms , legs and waist by the three boys. mattheo falling to the floor dramatically.
"its broken! its broken!" mattheo screamed , kicking his arms and legs around like a toddler.
"whats broken...?" theodore asked in confusion.
"i-...." mattheos crying response was cut off once he realised that he was infact surrounded by his classmates, and he couldnt allow his cold demeanor to slip. eventhough his bad boy persona had been long forgotten the second a shrill scream left his mouth.
he simply stood up and pretended to brush himself off , ignoring the pain in the back of his leg , somewhere you had kicked successfully. mattheo looked at you , seeing you breathing heavily and eyes burning holes through him.
"i wish i could be mad but you look really cute when youre angry." mattheo said with a smirk , his words surprisingly genuine.
however you didn't like that one bit , wrestling the three boys who held you back and going to pounce on mattheo again- who had started running away in pure fear.
"SOMEONE GET MADAME POMFREY!" mattheo screamed as he ran out of the potions classroom, you hot on his case.
this is one of my fav one shots ive ever written LMAO
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ladylluan · 6 months
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I've been obsessed with the idea of Harry having a crush on Draco since the first year🥺🥺 (But of course, Harry doesn't know about this yet. For now, the little gentleman is just trying to impress Draco into becoming his friend💐✨)
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anzukero · 18 days
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everything good happens after 1am 🌙
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thekeythief · 9 months
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
Everyone: omg Harry is the heir of Slytherin. He just spoke Parseltongue which is a super rare hereditary skill in the Slytherin line and it looks like he set a snake on someone in front of witnesses.
Draco: nah he wouldn’t do that I know him
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lunarlivs · 25 days
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after leaving school harry starts journaling, here’s august -99
some closeups bc my handwriring is tiny sorry
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valoale · 11 months
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I needed to remind myself that this is a drarry blog
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hanneliza · 11 months
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been reading dramione fics and it’s doing something to my brain i fear
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handledwithgloves · 5 months
drarry x ratatouille au
where draco accidentally gets turned into a small furry creature and hides inside harry’s wizarding hat so that harry can pass potions class
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drarrargh · 1 year
normal things
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itsphantasmagoria · 5 months
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I want Draco's bedroom
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hephaestiions · 6 months
It stands to reason that Harry’s holding groceries when he runs into Draco Malfoy for the first time in twenty years.
Well— doesn’t run into, exactly. No, more like peers through a shop window like a right barmy bastard, bits of overspilling lettuce brushing his arm and passers-by on Diagon shooting him strange looks.
Of course Malfoy has to look up from the till— because, yes, Draco Malfoy is a shopkeeper on Diagon Alley apparently— and see him goggling. So, of course, Harry has to step inside, as though he meant to make a stop at— right, yeah, Narcissus Needlework Studio— all along, holding brown paper packages of vegetables.
Malfoy’s frowning when Harry makes his way over to the till.
“I don’t want any trouble,” he says. “I’ve registered the shop, everything’s perfectly within regulation—“
“Trouble?” Harry blinks. “Oh, no. I’m not an Auror. Anymore.”
“I know that,” Malfoy says unhappily. “The whole Wizarding World all over Europe knows that. Only you’ve never left well enough alone, have you, Potter?”
Harry’s forty next month. He’s lived twenty years seeing hide nor hair of Draco Malfoy, and he’s never gone looking. Well, except for that one time when he was twenty one and went to the Manor as a trainee Auror for a— well, it was a routine check, really. And that other time when he was twenty five and thought he saw a man at a club who looked just like Malfoy from the back and was convinced for four months Malfoy was back in London and must be up to something if no one knew about it. And that time when he was thirty two— and, oh, alright, Harry hasn’t ever left well enough alone, not when it comes to Malfoy, at least.
This time, though, Harry really didn’t go looking. And it’s definitely Malfoy.
“I just wanted some— thread,” Harry says. A needlework studio should have some of that, shouldn’t it?
“Thread,” says Malfoy. He looks down, deliberately, at Harry’s lettuce.
“For Molly,” Harry says. “As a, um, birthday present. New shop on Diagon, thought I’d pop by. Seemed the place, you know. Didn’t know it was yours.”
Molly’s birthday, Malfoy doesn’t need to know, is in December. It’s June.
Malfoy continues to stare at him, until Harry’s unsure whether to get indignant about it all or turn tail and flee.
“Well,” says Malfoy before he can make a choice. “Embroidery yarn for you, then, Potter. Come along.”
“I’ll see you again, I assume,” Malfoy says at the end of what transpires to be a surprisingly smooth purchase.
Harry nods.
He only realises after he leaves that there’s no reason for him to come back. He’s seen it for himself— what Draco Malfoy’s up to these days. Nothing nefarious or suspicious, just yarn and needles and tapestries on Diagon.
Except, well, he’s committed now, hasn’t he? And Harry Potter’s a man of his word. He said yes, when Malfoy asked— Malfoy asked!— so he’ll be back.
And really, if he has to invent Hermione’s sudden new and passionate interest in needlework— well. That’s between Harry and his lettuce.
written for @drarrymicrofic’s prompt “sewing”. i just personally think harry james potter could be seventy five and still rapidly become obsessed with draco malfoy at any given moment.
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pato-roldnart · 6 months
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"He pulls himself together for the exchange of rings, which is the most wonderful thing Harry’s done in his life."
In the Presence of My Enemy
Commission for @dodgerkedavra fic!!!!!
Thank you so much for commissioning! I'm happy I could draw drarry and design their clothes 🥰🥰, it's always my favourite part jejeje
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meemoop · 7 months
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Literature for Little Ones discusses Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
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