#Draco Harry potter
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He is so lovey-dovey with you in private oml
Not really into PDA so wait to be alone with him for affection
Gives you occasional hugs and kisses when nobody's looking + holds your hand as you walk down the halls
You do your homeworks together and he helps you out if you don't understand something
His kisses are the best, passionate and slow
Also he is a huge biter
He bites you literally everywhere: lips, earlobe, neck, shoulder... he is like a damn vampire
His lips taste like fresh mint and a tad like pines
Sneaks out of his dorm to spend quality time with you when the castle is completely silent
His favorite place to hang out is in the astronomia tower or under a tree by the Black Lake
When you go to Hogsmead it became a habit for him to buy you your favorite candies at Honeydukes
Likes to lay his head on your lap while you play with his white locks
When you are on the Hogwarts Express, he insists to spend the whole ride with you
Actually gets really sad when you have to leave for summer but manages to find a way to see you, probably by begging Narcissa to invite you over
Offers you gifts out of nowhere, most of them are jewelry or books
For your 1 year anniversary he got you matching rings with emerald stones
Show off his Quidditch skills to you every time he can because he likes the way you look at him
Loves to see you blush
He gets very jealous when another guy try to hit on you and next thing you know he mocks the guy with all his friends
You do not really like it when he is mean to other people but you have to admit that it makes you feel special
He absolutely hates when you give him the silent treatment
Will whine and follow you around like a puppy until you forgive him
Mostly calls you by your name
But sometimes he uses petnames like 'love' or 'baby'
When he's sad, he spend hours in your arms, clinging to you like a koala
Scolds you when you steal his shirt or hoodie but let you keep it anyway
He puts messages in your notebooks with something sweet written inside so you would have a little surprise every time you go to class
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violette-hue · 2 years
Summary: The jig is up. Pansy is convinced you smelled Draco in the Amortentia potion and confronts you.
Trigger Warning(s): Pansy being Pansy, arguing, forcing to reveal a secret
Word Count: 589
A/N: Sorry this took so long! It's been very hectic in my personal life... But all is well for now 😊
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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You had never wanted to use a forbidden spell before, had never wanted to use a curse so bad before. Until now. Pansy had crossed the line. You were never truly friends, but even so there was a fine line that was never to be crossed. This was that line. Your hands curled into fists by your side and the corners of your vision clouded. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Pansy, I don’t even talk to him,” you responded through clenched teeth. 
Pansy’s eyes narrowed at you as she stood. You stood your ground as she sauntered over and lifted a skinny, crooked finger at you. 
“Don’t play stupid. Who did you smell in the amortentia potion?”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your hands over your chest. “This again?” You moved to take a seat at the couch, keenly aware of the eyes that followed. “Pansy, I—”
“Answer. The. Question.”
There was no point trying to brush this off and reason with her. She’d never let it go, not when it came to Draco. 
You sighed deeply, your eyes fluttering close. Here you were, practically backed against the wall to reveal something you barely gave a second thought. You leaned against the back of the couch and tried to stay calm. You wouldn’t outright tell her you smelled Draco.
“I’m not sure, Pansy,” you uttered, licking your lips nervously. “Apples. Leather.” You hesitated, knowing the final smell would be a nail in the coffin if Pansy knew what Draco smelled like. “Galleons.”
Pansy looked devastated, and a small, slightly bigger part of you than you’d like twisted with jealousy. Of course Pansy would know what Draco smelled like, she was always around him. But the fact that she knew exactly what he smelled like, down to the leather… You chewed on the inside of your cheek to contain your words. Maybe you had always known you’d have a crush on Draco. Afterall, it was inevitable. Years of growing up together would do that to at least one of the parties. And, maybe you had a crush on him for much longer than you’d hope to realize. 
“You’re a filthy traitor. No better than a mudblood—you don’t deserve—” Her face was red, as red as a tomato. You thought she’d lunge at you any second now. But her eyes were fixated on something behind you. 
Chills ran down your spine and dread loomed overhead. It wasn’t something. It was someone. You turned your head slightly, enough to see platinum blonde hair from your peripherals.
“Draco,” Pansy whispered. “Oh, Draco.” She moved past you to Draco and wrapped her arms around him.
Draco snaked his way out of her grasp, fixing his robe. “Why’s everyone standing about staring?” he asked. His eyes scanned the room and stopped at you. His eyes seemed to soften a bit, and you doubt anyone noticed. Well, maybe Pansy. 
“It’s nothing important,” you said before anyone else could. “Just Pansy being…Pansy.”
Draco nodded as if he understood well enough. He walked forward in the direction of the boys’ common rooms. Pansy took hold of his wrist tightly, pulling him back. 
“It’s not nothing, Draco! She’s trying to steal you away from me!”
“Enough Pansy,” Draco hissed. He pulled away from her grasp. “You’re embarrassing me.” 
He sauntered away, head held high despite all the stares. His eyes met yours briefly, and you understood. After years of growing up together, you knew him enough to know when he wanted to speak with you in private. 
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qtssvnwoo · 1 year
Hi! Could you write an angsty post!war Draco Malfoy fic with reader where Draco wakes up from a nightmare and cries ;-; (Pls and thank you sm, you can ignore if u want)
This has got to be in the top five favorite things I've written, thank you so much for requesting!!
Prompt list- For if you want to request!!
Masterlist- All my fics in one place for you <3
Comfort-Draco Malfoy
A/n: I'm honestly having so much fun bringing your requests to life, I love ya'll <3 Italicized is the nightmare!!!
Word Count: 1.0k
Warnings: Mentions of near-death experience, body wounds and graphic imagery, mild swearing.
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It started in a black room. Draco didn’t know what was going on but before he knew it, he was back at Hogwarts, people running, crying, and screaming. He saw familiar faces running and some chasing. He didn’t know where to look, but he felt the sudden sense of dread that he felt that day. 
That was when he heard you. You were screaming his name, the dreaded sound of your raw and pitiful screams hit his ears and he had an immediate sense of fear wash over him. Draco ran through the crowds of people, tripping over the rubble from the building trying to get to you, and when he did he felt his heart drop to his chest. 
He saw a death eater on top of you, smiling like a psychopath, a smile that made his bones shake within him. He tried to move but he couldn’t. He watched as the death eater bit the side of your neck, the blood running down your body like a stream of water. He watched as you screamed in pain, and as he heard the word “Cruicio” again and again coming from the death eater. 
He screamed, or at least tried to, but nothing came out. It’s like his voice was stolen from him. All he could do was watch. 
Finally, the death eater stopped, and Draco felt his whole body tense as he saw you look over at him, and mouth his name before he physically saw your color drain from your face and the soul leave your body. The death eater liked their fingers, and looked over at Draco, smiling before disappearing in a cloud of dust. 
Draco could move now, and he ran to you. He grabbed your lifeless body and he shook you, begging for you to wake up. He felt himself crying and as the hot tears poured down his face he repeated the healing curse over and over again as an attempt to bring you back to live. But your wounds were too severe, your pain had sent you into overstimulation and caused your brain to just stop. 
He gripped your body close to his and he screamed your name over, and over, and over again until he just couldn’t anymore. He felt the eyes of your family, and Harry on him as he pulled you closer to his chest. 
Draco felt his heart shatter, the different pieces falling apart like an unglued puzzle. He screamed for you to wake up. Until he was hyperventilating. In Between the breathes he begged for you to come back, he begged whatever gods were up there to bring you back to him, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. 
“Draco. She’s…she’s gone son.” His mother said softly, as to not break the remaining pieces of her son's heart. Draco stared up at his mom, he looked at her and saw the tears welding up in her eyes. He gripped onto your body tighter, your head falling limp in his arms as he shook his head vigorously. 
“She’s not dead. She’s just tired mom. She’s been studying so well to go to that school in America. She’s been staying up late too even though I told her to sleep. She’s just sleeping mom.” He cried to himself as he hugged your body. 
Draco was tossing and turning in his sleep. Repeatedly saying your name in a hushed tone. You were concerned when you woke up and saw Draco in cold sweats, tossing and turning. You lightly shook him, trying to wake him. 
He woke up suddenly, jerking up from his sleeping position and letting out a horrid scream. His breaths were short, and he continued to say your name over and over.
Not wanting to scare him more, you lightly took his hand in yours as you pulled his face towards you. 
“Daco, I’m here, I’m right here.” 
Draco’s breaths were still heavy, he looked at you with wide eyes and tear stained cheeks. He grabbed your face harshly, he turned your neck from side to side, checking for the scar left by the death eater. He checked your wrists, he checked your face, and he did this over and over again. 
“I-I, you were, I didn’t, I couldn’t-”
“Draco, my love, take a deep breath. You’re okay.” You pulled his hand to your chest as you breathed deeply, trying to get him to breathe with you. His breathing slowed down and you softly smiled at him. 
“I’m here my love. I’m okay.” Draco nodded and pulled his hand away. He laid back down on his back and looked at the ceiling. You laid down on his chest, scotting yourself closer to him to lay on top of him. He wrapped an arm around you and turned himself over so that your head was in his chest. He kissed the top of your head and pulled you closer into him and sighed deeply. 
“Do you wanna tell me what the dream was about?” You asked. You heard Draco suck in a shaky breath before he said anything. 
“It was back during the war. When we had to split up. It was when I found you underneath the death eater. But, this time I couldn’t repel them off of you, this time, I couldn’t…I…You were dead.” You sighed as you remembered the contents from that day. All you could do was let Draco hold you, let him feel the beating of your heart and your steady breaths as you stroke his back. 
“I’m here Draco. You saved me, remember?” Draco smiled at you as he pulled you in closer to his body. 
“What if…Y/n what if I hadn’t saved you?” He asked. You felt the slight shiver in his voice and you knew how scared he was, even to think about it. But you just pulled yourself away, letting him look into your eyes as you smiled at him. 
“Draco. I know you. Never in a million years would you ever not save me. You always have and you always will.” 
“What if a day comes where I can’t get to you?  Where I’m don’t make it in time?” 
“Draco Lucius Malfoy. You always manage to make it just in time. Even so, I can hold my own until you come.” 
Draco laughed and kissed you before pulling you back into his chest. 
“And that you would Darling.” 
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The Winner of the Most Wayward Soul Silmaril 2023!
Winner of the Most Wayward Soul character from #fantasybooks! #bookcharacters #gollum #tolkien #Draco #Moash #Dustfinger #lotr #Athelas #citybetween #Kylegreenember #Silmawards2023 #harrypotter #inkheart #stormlightarchives #brandonsanderson
Gollum made his way along the gloomy cobblestone street of London, the smog dimming the late afternoon light nicely around him. You’d almost think it was night. Yes, precious, how lovely! But, ugh, precious–it was difficult to breathe in this place! He half coughed, half gagged to clear his airway. Why was he doing this, again? Coming all this way to such a foreign land to hand over some…
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l0velysmut · 6 months
family: “why are you just sitting in ur room smiling at ur phone?”
me who’s been reading smut about fictional characters for the past 6 hours:
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silverwingxox · 1 month
born to marry him, forced to read fanfics about him
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goldmanrustic · 1 month
long awaited drarry
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yeah this drawing killed me in so many ways but it's finally done!! i've had this idea for sooo long but i only found a relevant reference just recently
they're everything to me<3
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slytherinslut0 · 10 months
jealousy. | slytherin boy headcanons
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author’s note: im completely unhinged, as always. no surprise there. love me some angry snake men🥵 please enjoy.
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-your boyfriend sees another guy flirting with you in the hall.
Draco Malfoy.
Sees you from down the hall as he’s walking with his friends.
“You know what, guys, I’ll catch up with you after.”
Would literally ditch his friends to make his way over, collecting himself as saunters up to you and mystery man.
Would instantly grab your ass, no hesitation, grip firm enough to bruise. When you gasp, caught off guard, he’d shift his arm up and around your shoulder, pulling you against him.
“What’re we talking about?” He’d sneer.
His voice would be laced with feign interest, smirking down at you with blaring eyes before shooting daggers at the boy.
He’d simply chuckle at you when you tell him nothing, just school stuff, leaning down to place a possessive kiss on your cheek as he grabbed your hand.
“Wonderful. let’s head to class, yeah?”
He’d pull you away from that dude, shooting him another look meant to kill, a silent warning not to fuck with him.
Finally gets you alone in an empty corridor or bathroom; would waste literally no time at all before pushing you against the wall and grabbing your neck/jaw.
“Who the fuck was that, hm?”, “he was practically eye-fucking you…give me five good reasons why i shouldn’t have him expelled or hexed into bloody Azkaban.”
He’d be furious, but he’d also know that you’d never choose some other guy over him, so he’d soften once he hears the innocence in your tone.
“You’re mine, princess,” he’d loosen his grip, kissing you softly. “Say it.”
Blaise Zabini.
Was listening to music while walking down the hall, instantly rips out his headphones the second he sees you laughing a little too hard with some dude he doesn’t know.
He doesn’t necessarily stop walking, but he’d definitely slow his pace, kind of just watching, not wanting to interfere but also not wanting to look creepy stalking you from a distance.
When the guy doesn’t leave, he’d tired of waiting, saying “fuck it”, before marching over naturally.
This man is so fucking cool calm and collected he’d just saunter right up and join in, making himself at home.
He’d practically take over the conversation because he’s literally just that chill in every situation, seamlessly fitting right in, so fucking charming and loved by everyone.
You’d kind of just end up staring at him, smiling in silent awe, knowing that this was his way of asserting his place, letting the guy know what the fuck was up.
After the dude leaves he’d just causally look at you, smirking that charming smirk, wetting his lips as he hooked an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close, leaning down for a kiss.
“Ain’t no one getting you without getting me too, babygirl.” He’d murmur against your lips. “let that be known, right now, forever, always.”
Lorenzo Berkshire.
Would literally stop everything. The second he’d see you laughing and smiling he’d be completely unable to focus on anything else and would completely zone out of any conversations with his friends.
Would get like super anxious and flustered pretty much immediately.
Wouldn’t want to intrude so he’d just kind of hang back, wait for you against the wall and try not to stare too much.
His adorable little cheeks would flush, and he’d know he seemed utterly ridiculous so he’d try to busy himself with his shoelace or something while he waits.
You’d quickly cut off the conversation and move over to him, instantly being able to tell that he’s overthinking.
He’d smile at you, though you could still see the concern on his features.
“Who was that guy, darling?”
You’d tell him he was just a friend from class, no one special at all, pulling him in for a hug and giving him a quick smoochie on the cheek.
“Don’t worry enz, no one could ever take your place.”
He’d blush, trying to play it off. “Sorry love, I know you’re my girl.”
You’d take his hand, squeezing him hard, never wanting him to doubt that for a second. “Only yours baby, forever.”
Mattheo Riddle.
“Who the fuck-“
Would literally whip his bag at Theo, hastily shoving through the crowded hallway with blazing eyes, tunnel visioned as he tried to figure out where the fuck this dude found the audacity.
You wouldn’t even have to turn around to know he’s there, you’d be able to literally feel the anger radiating off of him.
You’d already know exactly where this was heading, but you’d also know there was no attempting to stop him because it’s pointless. Everyone in the school knows that.
Matty does what Matty wants, and right now, he wants to fuck up this guys face for even thinking about flirting with you.
You’d simply look up at him, noting his tensed jaw and his dark eyes as he glances between you and the dude, before fixing back on you, wetting his lips before he says,
“Is this fucker bothering you?”
Unable to help it, you’d smirk, shaking your head as you calmly attempted to talk him down.
“No Matty, he just asked if he could borrow my study notes-“
He’d heard more than enough.
“Study notes? Yeah, I don’t fucking think so,”
Without giving the guy a chance to react, he’d reach for his collar, shoving his back against the wall, teeth barred and face contorted in a snarl as he’d hiss:
“Bother my fucking girlfriend again and the only study notes you’ll need are the ones on how to drink out of a fucking straw, understand?”
Not interested in the response, he’d shove the guy away, eyes softening instantly as he moved back over to you, thrusting a hand through your hair as he kissed you like it’d been a hundred years, right in the middle of the hall for everyone to see.
And judging by the intensity in his grip, you’d already know, later that night, he’d be extra fucking sure to ask you who the fuck you belong to while he’s fucking you.
When he finally pulled back, he’d smirk at you. “Some bloody nerve on that guy, huh?”
You’d just shake your head and laugh, taking his hand as the two of you headed for class.
Theodore Nott.
He’d spot you from down the hall, his eyes instantly narrowing, gaze darting around as though he was missing something, as though this was some sort of sick joke.
Surely, this dude is mentally unwell, right? There’s no fucking way that he’s-
Doesn’t bother to think about it for even another fucking second, instantly shoving through the crowd to make his way over.
Proceeds to wrap his arm around your waist, other hand finding your jaw and pulling your lips to his before you could even process it.
Would proceed to full-on make out with you in front of the dude, and I mean tongue and all, his grip on your jaw so tight you’d know exactly what he was trying to do.
His hand around your waist might even slip lower, grazing over your ass, and then that’s when you’d attempt to gather yourself and push him back, completely embarrassed.
He’d just shrug, smirking down at you before he’d finally acknowledge the guys’ presence with literally nothing more than a glare meant to kill.
“Move along,” he’d say to the guy while pulling you away, grip tighter than ever. “This one’s fucking taken.”
As soon as he got you alone he’d be damn sure to remind you that you’re his, and only his, making you beg and whine his name before he fucked you like you deserved the pain.
Tom Riddle.
Lowkey kidding but not really.
No one would even dare because that man would make it clear as fucking day what would happen if they tried.
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nottsangel · 2 months
— hp porn links ੈ♡˳ 16k celebration.
warning: 18+ only. these are twitter links that contain porn videos. these are not fics.
includes: theodore nott, mattheo riddle, draco malfoy, tom riddle, lorenzo berkshire, pansy parkinson, fred weasley, george weasley, ron weasley and harry potter.
nav . m.list . drabbles m.list
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brother’s bsf!theo fucking you in your room
sex with toxic!theo after a fight
dealer!theo fucking you in his car
bf!theo using you as a stress reliever
roommate!mattheo fucking you while everyone’s asleep
missionary with mattheo in his dorm room
bsf!mattheo helping you relax after a long day
classmate!mattheo fucking you against his desk
enemy!draco fingering you in the bathroom
draco pounding into you from behind
dom!draco spanking you when you misbehave
draco sneaking into your dorm room late at night
dom!tom fucking your throat
rough sex with tom after you’ve been needy all day long
bf!tom fingering you
tom waking you up in the middle of the night
roommate!enzo fucking you in your room
makeup sex with bf!enzo after an argument
dom!enzo fingering you
reverse cowgirl with bsf!enzo
making out with bsf!pansy
gf!pansy eating you out
pansy fingering you in the bathroom between classes
sleepovers with bsf!pansy
bsf!fred eating you out
morning sex with roommate!fred
bf!fred fucking you after you flirt with someone else
riding fred’s face after a stressful day
bf!george breeding you full
baking with bsf!george
morning sex with roommate!george
george fucking you raw after you pull the condom off
jerking off sub!ron
riding classmate!ron after class
ron fucking you against the wall
sleepy sex with bf!ron
needy harry fucking your thighs
missionary with harry
dom!harry fingering you from behind
shower sex with bf!harry
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colmiilllo · 15 days
me acting like I just didn't read the most filthy nasty hot smut fic of my life
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me, reading my own incomplete writing : *gasp* and then what happened?
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Draco is the type who get all mushy over you when you are in private. Forget about the arrogant and mocking brat that he usually is, he is like a new man.
He will constantly try to steal you a kiss or hug you when there is nobody around you. His hands are roaming your body as he nuzzles his face into your neck.
"Mhm... why do you smell so good?"
The white-haired boy looks up at you and let out a content sigh. He honestly thinks you are the best thing that could ever happen to him. Please, mess with his hair. Draco absolutely loves when your hands are softly massaging his scalp, making him forget about everything.
He makes 4123539875 comments about how gorgeous you are in that ball dress or how he loves your hairstyle (who took you 1 minute to make because you woke up late for school). He's going to try everything to make you blush and you just need to see the cheeky smile that stretch his lips as he manages to make your cheeks turn red.
He is also surprisingly supportive, helping you with your homeworks without mocking you and trying to calm you down before the exams. Draco will usually grab your chin and make you look up at him before kissing your forehead, muttering something about how amazing you are and how you should stop doubting yourself.
If there is only one thing Draco isn't good for, it is to know how to act when you have your period. Poor boy always manage to make you mad by being too clingy and when it's your turn to reclaim affection, he tries to stay away from you, still scared from your last outburst.
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intotheswollenriver · 2 months
A truce?
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qtssvnwoo · 1 year
hiiii can i plz request a draco x reader set right after the triwizard tournament where the reader is Cedric’s younger sibling and draco is like helping them cope or something? maybe headcanons form? lmk if this is too much <33
This was so comforting to write!! Thank you for requesting!
Prompt list-For if you want to request!!
Master List-All my Fics in one place for you <3
Draco Malfoy Headcanons for Comforting you after Cedric's death.
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(How would Draco Comfort you after Cedric's death?)
A/n: Keep requesting guys, I love it
Warnings: Mentions of death, imagery of death
You were sitting next to Draco when it happened. You were all smiling and happy, and then when Harry popped back into the game you were so excited
You saw Cedric laying underneath Harry and wondered why he wasn't moving
Draco was the first to notice. He noticed Harrys soft cries. and soon enough you heard your father screaming
You screamed a scream that could only be described as blood-curdling, and it shook the stands as people sympathized with you.
Draco pulled you close to him and he let you cry into his chest.
The next few days were the worst
Draco had never seen you so down and out of it before, so he tried his best to comfort you.
He took you to Hogsmeade every weekend and would get you a hot butterbeer and your favorite candy.
He took you to the spots that reminded you of Cedric, he knew that if he took you here, it would put a smile one your face again.
He smiled as you told stories of the adventures you and Cedric used to have together at these spots, and he was just happy to see you smile again.
Some days were better than others, on the good days Draco would sit and listen to your stories about how Cedric was as a kid, and how much you loved and missed him.
But, sometimes at night you got nightmares. You saw Cedric's cold body, his lifeless form, and how his eyes had lost their kiddish spark
Draco's one to always stay up late, and now more recently, he would stay up even later at the event that you came down from your room.
Once you got downstairs, Draco would turn to you and motion you over, with a soft, but knowing smile on his face
He would hold you as you cried and would try and help you calm down, even if it didn't always work.
He would reassure you that it wasn't your fault, and that everything would be okay.
If you couldn't sleep he would bring you tea, and hold you until you fell asleep in his arms.
Draco knew that mourning would be a long process for you, and he was willing to be there for every second of it.
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The nominations are in! Cast your final vote for Most Wayward Soul 2023!
The nominees are in! Cast your final vote for favorite book characters! #SilmAwards2023 #bestfantasybooks #sffbooks #bookcharacters #booklove #tolkien #moash #dustfinger #Draco #harrypotter #athelas #kylegreenember #brandonsanderson #inkheart #stormlight
Which character will win this brand new Most Wayward Soul Silmaril Award? And what of the other Silmaril award categories, such as Most Epic Heroine, and Most Majestic Ruler, and much more? The top 5 nominees for each of the award categories have been gathered, and now await your final decision! Follow the link to the voting form here to make your choice: https://www.silmarilawards.com/vote/ The…
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aeshsar · 3 months
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Bagged the Savior, scurry off now
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