#Dr. Ethan Ramsey
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alj4890 ¡ 8 months ago
Say It
(Ethan Ramsey x F!MC) in a Choices Open Heart One Shot
As requested by @hopelessromantic1352 with the quote: "Say it!"
A/N Alright my sweet friend. Here's your last request for Ethan and Chris. Once again, I'm going back to Book 1 for you so Tobias can't interfere LOL.
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"Chris?" Ethan stood there shocked at seeing her at his door. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?" She asked a touch hesitantly.
Without a word, he stepped back and allowed her inside.
He followed her into his kitchen, curious as to why she would bother to come see him of all people. After all, he was the one to disappear on her. After everything that happened between them and with his failure to cure Naveen, he'd hoped to never have to face her again.
How could he possibly stand to see the disappointment he'd caused in those expressive eyes of hers?
"Can I get you something to drink?" He offered, reaching past her for the half empty bottle of scotch he'd been nursing the night before.
"Yes." She snatched it out of his hand then searched his cabinets for a glass.
Ethan's eyebrows lifted. He didn't think he'd ever seen her nervous before. Yet with the way she was acting, he'd swear it was himself putting her on edge.
She poured a good three fingers of scotch in a Baccarat glass tumbler. Without looking his way, she lifted it to her lips and downed half of it.
"Easy there." He said with a great deal of surprise. "You're starting to drink like I do."
She reached for the bottle again after finishing the last dregs in her glass. Glancing at him, she poured another large amount.
"Hold on." He took the glass from her. "What's going on?"
"You honestly don't know?" She asked.
"What?" He drank a few gulps then handed it back to her. "About your upcoming hearing?"
Her nose wrinkled as she leaned against his counter to sip what remained. "Yes."
He sighed, running his hands down his face. "I heard about it when it happened."
Chris's head shot up.
"You knew?" She bit out. "You knew and didn't bother to call and check on me? You arsehole."
Ethan cursed. "What in the hell could I have possibly said to you?"
"Anything!" Chris snapped. "You could have said I'm sorry you're going through this! Or how about asking me if I needed anything? Hell, I'd have preferred a kiss my arse than silence!"
Ethan glared at her. Snatching the glass out of her hands he finished off her drink then refilled it.
"Welcome to a lifetime of disappointment, Chris." He mocked in a toast to her. "Because I'm not the man who can give you what you need."
Chris took the glass and bottle away from him. Before he had a chance to argue, she dumped the remains in his sink then whirled towards him.
"What is wrong with you?" She yelled at him. "My life is crumbling and you stand there as if you don't care!"
She gripped his collar and gave him a violent shake. "Are you the heartless bastard everyone claims?"
"You think I don't care?" He growled, tearing her hands off of him.
Stepping towards her, he pinned her between himself and the counter.
"You certainly act like you don't." She replied defiantly.
"Damnit Chris!" Ethan yelled back. "I begged Harper to let me testify in your hearing. I argued with her for over an hour when she refused."
She shoved him away from her. "I don't believe you."
Ethan released a string of expletives over her stubbornness and that quick temper she possessed.
"She knew I shouldn't testify. As soon as I got up there, everyone would see why I was fighting so hard for you, which is why I can't."
Chris's chest rose and fell with each furious breath. Her cheeks were flushed as her eyes darted over him.
"Everyone would see what?" She demanded.
"You know damn well what they would see." He snapped.
"No. I don't." She hissed, stepping forward once again. "Be a man and say it!"
When he remained silent, she gripped his shirt once more. Before she could stop herself, the words she'd held back for so long came rushing out.
"Say it, Ethan! Say you don't want me! Say that I mean nothing to you!" She ordered, voice cracking with emotion. "Say that you don't think about Miami every single night like I do!"
Her eyes drifted down his body.
"Say that you want me to walk away. Forget everything between us. Find someone new."
She lifted her eyes back to his.
"Say you want me to touch and kiss someone else the way I only touched and kissed you."
She gave him a hard shake.
"Say it so I can move on!"
He grabbed her, mouth slamming down on hers, and backed her against the counter once again.
Her hands slid up his chest, arms winding around his neck as he lifted her up onto the granite surface. She pulled him closer, locking her legs around him as the anger fueled kiss went on.
"I'll never say it." He swore against her lips.
His once cold blue eyes burned with desire. Hope, one that she'd never let die, began to flicker a little more strongly with his harshly spoken words.
"And you know why I won't."
"Then tell me you want me." She pleaded, needing him to finally admit it.
He softly groaned as he kissed her once more. She moved restlessly against him. The intensity of his next kiss made her yearn for what was always out of reach when it concerned him.
"God, I want you, Chris." He said a touch breathlessly. "I've always wanted you."
She cupped his heavily stubbled cheek and brushed the corner of his unforgiving lips with her thumb. A sad smile formed the longer she looked at him.
"Why do you still fight it?" She asked.
"Us?" He shrugged, turning to kiss her palm. "I have no idea."
"Then stop." She pressed her lips to his for a tender kiss then slowly moved them down his throat. "Stop for me."
His head dropped back, eyes closed with the feel of each caress. His hands slid into her silky red hair as she continued the achingly sweet touches his heart had yearned for so long.
"Chris." He moaned under her hands. "I think we should--"
"Unless your next words are to tell me to get into your bedroom, I don't want to hear it." She snapped.
A harsh laugh slipped from his lips. He loved how even that temper of hers could not only set him in his place but also make him want her even more.
"Get in there." He ordered, his tone laced heavy with desire.
Chris smiled through another kiss before sliding off the counter. As she walked into his room, she dropped one piece of clothing after another like a trail of bread crumbs so he'd be sure to follow.
Ethan did so without any hesitation whatsoever, ripping his own clothes off to join hers, eyes never leaving her body.
After all this time fighting against it, he was finally giving in to the inevitability of them.
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hopelessromantic1352 ¡ 9 months ago
This is based on OH 2. After I replayed it, I realized how I would’ve actually liked to see the book progress through the maitotoxin attack between Ethan and MC. I’m thinking I’ll try to post one or two more that follow the same storyline. Maybe a mini series? We’ll see. Also, hello Tumblr 😆 it’s been a minute.
Warnings: mentions death, poisoning, sickness
Word count: 2,068
Tags: @perriewinklenerdie @shelivesinthewoods @miss-indecisive-says @alj4890 @naffeesaa @hija-del-universo @confessionsofabrokegirl @usuallyamazinglyaverage @radlovedreamland-blog @lilyoffandoms @cordoniaqueensworld @carreraleigh @ethanplaysfavorites @amillionmoonsred @princess-geek @lapisreviewsstuff @aworldoffandoms @paisleylovergirl @llamasgrl @flyawayboo @timmagicktoad-blog @isabella-choices @ihclipse @sparklinglilac @whenyourheartskipsabeat @desmaranj
The drizzle out the window beats slower than her heart. Her breaths come in ragged gasps, the plastic rustles against the air vent it covers, and the only other faint sound is the steady beep of machines outside the quarantined room where she paces.
Beeps that remind her, Raf is still there.
The nausea has increased tenfold, but Casey refuses to sit down. The numb sensation in her feet and hands tingle with every second, but her stubbornness keeps her upright.
���Case, why don’t you rest for a second?”
The usual bravado in Bryce’s voice is gone, replaced with something she hasn’t heard before.
Still wearing the mask around his neck, and bloody scrubs, her eyes try to focus on his expression.
Was the fear because of Kyra or herself?
“You’re here. Does that mean..” The raspy whisper that leaves her mouth is unrecognizable.
The young surgeon looks at her with pure anguish. “She made it, everything went good and she’s resting now. Which is what you need to be doing. You can hardly stand, let alone pace around your room.”
As if on cue, her whole body sways and she grabs the foot of the bed, holding still for a moment before her head and eyes clear again.
Only seconds later, the rest of her friends and the diagnostics team arrive. Faces full of fear, pity, and some anger. She knew why they were angry, she was angry too.
“I can’t sit still, I feel like that’s giving up.” Casey tries to keep her voice as even as possible.
“Dr. Ramsey and I found Travis, he gave us a few more symptoms to go off of before he…” Sienna trails off, biting her lower lip as her eyes shine through the glass.
“He died.” Ethan walks in first, leading Baz and June behind him. “But thanks to Danny, we know what was in the canister and we’ve got people working on an antidote as we speak.”
Casey looks to Sienna, seeing her lips purse and eyes begin to water at the mention of the young nurse’s name. The red head’s heart clenches at her friend’s pain, pain she hoped she and Raf wouldn’t be adding to.
Swaying slightly without realizing it, Casey reaches out to Ethan. His arms encircle her, steadying her as June takes her vitals. The ocean blues behind the hazmat mask seem more dull than usual, or maybe it’s her eyesight, but they don’t break eye contact. Somehow, feeling his covered hands and arms around her soothes her. Just being near him calms her and seems to take away the pain for just a moment.
“Her blood pressure has dropped in the last hour, heart rate is elevated.” The no nonsense tone of June’s voice cuts into Casey’s welcomed distraction.
“Why wouldn’t my heart rate be elevated? I’m having the time of my life in here.” At the attempt of a laugh, coughs take over, wracking her frail body and causing Ethan to tighten his grip on her.
“I can’t stand here and watch this. Are we going to go find a cure for this?” Jackie’s fist rests against the window, her face contorted with anger as she watches her friend writhe in Ethan’s arms.
“Hell yes we are.”
Tobias Carrick’s voice carries down the hall as a group of footsteps echo behind him. With Aurora next to him, the Edenbrook doctors look upon the Mass Kenmore group cautiously.
When Casey’s coughing fit finally dies down, the silence doesn’t stretch long.
“Carrick, why are you—“ Ethan can’t hide the surprise in his tone, or on his face, but Tobias waves him off.
“This is bigger than our competition. No one is letting Valentine die.” Ethan’s old friend eyes Casey with sympathy, internally noting the way Ethan holds her gently and protectively.
“We brought all our best doctors with us, they’re at Edenbrook’s disposal.” Aurora walks to the glass, softly placing her palm on it and worrying over her friend and roommate.
“I can’t thank you all enough.” Shaking, Casey tries to stand on her own, but the arms holding her don’t budge.
Her group of friends all start talking at once, saying their goodbyes and words of encouragement. June and Baz excuse themselves as well, telling Casey to hang in there. But the one steady thing in her world at that moment stays put.
“Casey, I—”
At the despair written on her face, his words die on his lips.
“I’m scared, Ethan. I don’t know— I’m not—”
All the tears she held back since the attack, since Bobby, Danny, and Raf, they rush to the surface and flood down her pale, sunken cheeks.
“Shhh,” the suit crinkles loudly as Ethan pulls the frail woman into his arms. “I am beyond terrified too. The one person I care about more than anything in the world…”
Her sniffling pauses at the meaning hanging in the air, but he begins to move them towards the bed, momentarily distracting her.
“Ethan, please if I lay down I don’t know if I’ll get up.”
He grunts a response as he lays down first before gently guiding her down next to him. “You will get up. Some of the best doctors in the world are fighting for you and Rafael, Casey.”
She weakly nestles into his embrace, silence stretching between them as he stares pensively at the ceiling.
“What were you going to say?” Her quiet question makes his muscles tense next to her, and she worries. “If it’s something you're not telling me about this maitotoxin, it’s not easing my mind.”
“No, no, the reason I cut myself off is the fact of the matter is,” he repositions himself so he can look into her glistening brown eyes. His gloved hand reaches up to cup her cheek softly, urging her eyes to close. “Casey, please look at me.”
The yearning and warmth in his voice pulls at her heart, and with no hesitation, she does as he says.
“When I say you are the most important thing in this world to me, and I care for no one more than I care for you, I mean it.” Fresh warm tears pool in her eyes and her bottom lip trembles. “I love you and looking back at how I’ve treated you… us, it has made me realize how much of a fool I was for pushing you away. I have never been able to deny my feelings for you and I believe I fell for you a long time ago. I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to acknowledge what has been in my heart.”
Tears falling, she closes her eyes but her lips spread into a warm smile, dimming the paleness on her frail body for just a moment.
“I’ve waited so long to hear you say that and now I can’t even kiss you to make you feel how much I feel the same. I’ve loved you for a really long time, Ethan. I wasn’t sure you’d ever feel the same.”
With the hazmat suit between them, Ethan embraces her as tightly as he can without hurting her. Wanting to feel her body and wishing this was taking place in his bed, after a perfect evening together instead of a quarantined room after the harrowing events of the day.
“As soon as you’re healthy, I’m taking you in my arms and never letting go.” The finality to his voice, mixed with the adoration and warmth, it causes Casey to shiver at the intensity.
“I can’t wait to kiss you.” She nestles back into his arms, exhaustion beginning to take over as he simply smiles softly and holds her tight.
As she falls into a deep slumber, Ethan can’t help the mist in his eyes or the deep hope that she’ll wake up to a cure.
The next morning, Ethan is startled out of thought as Casey lurches awake and rolls on her side, crying out in agony.
“What is it? What’s wrong, Casey?” He’s on his feet, pushing his chair back, and takes a strong hold of her hand.
The bed shakes under her violent writhing, one of her arms wraps around her stomach as she cries tears of pure pain. “It hurts so bad.”
After what seems like eternity, the pain subsides and Casey is left panting and sweaty, still gripping Ethan’s hand.
“That was new.” Her voice is weaker and her body shakes from exerting so much energy.
She slowly takes her hand away and sits up, still shaking, but watches as Ethan paces away angrily.
“I absolutely hate not having any control over this. There’s nothing I can do to help you and seeing you suffer, it makes me—” He groans and runs his hand through his hair in frustration.
She isn’t looking at him, her eyes are shut and her fingers dig into the bed. “Ethan, I’m not sure how long I can do this.”
That sentence, just a whisper, is enough to break him out of his rant. Enough for him to realize how selfish he is. Enough for him to realize if they don’t find an antidote, he could lose her.
“No, no, no.” He hurries back to her side, holding both her hands in his, engulfing the coldness. “You need to keep fighting. Please.”
His forehead settles on the edge of her bed as he sits back down, his hands holding hers still as he closes his eyes and begins to pray silently. Desperation coursing through his veins.
“We’ve got it!” Tobias is sprinting down the hall with June and Baz, the rest of Casey’s friends following behind quickly. The sounds urge Ethan to stand.
“But Raf, he needs it more—” her whisper is cut off by a violent cough.
Within minutes, the other two members of the diagnostics team are in Casey’s room, donning hazmat suits and carrying a small syringe.
“Don’t worry, we’ve already given him his dose. So save your energy, you’re going to need it.” June grins triumphantly at her sick colleague and then looks to Ethan who’s red rimmed eyes show their utter surprise. “Would you like to do the honors?” She holds the syringe out towards him.
“Absolutely.” As soon as he has the antidote, he steps over to Casey’s bedside and holds her hand for a moment, gazing at her lovingly. “Are you ready?”
A simple nod is enough answer for him. Gently, he finds her vein and injects the liquid, removing the needle when the syringe is empty.
“Get up.”
Ethan strides into the quarantined room without a hazmat suit and leaves the door wide open behind him. He grins, and despite the exhaustion in his eyes, he looks happy and at ease.
“You mean…?” Carefully standing, but feeling near normal for the first time in the past 32 hours, Casey looks at him, her eyes trailing over every inch of him.
“Your last few blood tests have shown a slow decrease in the maitotoxin and the very last results showed nothing. It’s gone, so—”
His scientific rambling is cut off by Casey’s small body ramming into his. Her arms wrap around him tightly and she buries her face into his chest, breathing him in deeply. “So I can do this finally?”
A simple nod is his only answer, and when she pulls back to look at him, she understands why. His eyes are full and glisten with unshed tears. His large hand gently cups her cheek, his thumb traces her cheekbone.
“And this.” Before she can question what he means, his lips softly press to hers, his free hand slipping down to rest on her hip.
The silent embrace lasts for just a few seconds before he forces himself to pull away. His other hand slips up and cups her cheek so he’s holding her face. The piercing eyes roam over her face, as if he’s memorizing her.
“I didn’t know if I’d ever feel your lips again.” Her voice quivers and her bottom lip trembles when she sees his eyes glisten in the light.
In answer, he leans forward, pressing a firm kiss to her forehead before pulling her against his chest once again. “I love you.”
His voice is so quiet, she nearly misses the sweet phrase. Her voice is muffled, but she responds as her arms tighten around his waist. “I love you too, Ethan.”
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alwaysmychoices ¡ 1 year ago
Every Night
Synopsis: Now that Charlie and Ethan are back together, they spend the first night of their new lives together -- and Ethan has a question to ask.
Chapter 44 of the “with and without” series
Previous Series: “a weekend with dr. ramsey”
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x MC (Charlotte “Charlie” Greene)
Words: 2.9k
Rating: General Audience
Also available on AO3 & Wattpad (link in Masterlist)
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There was something so peaceful about Ethan’s apartment tonight. Had this apartment always been peaceful? No, it couldn’t have been. Only last night, it was a mausoleum dedicated to the loss of true love.
But tonight, it was impossible to imagine these halls echoing anything but affection and contentment. The air tasted sweeter, the space felt warmer, the laughs were louder. One night of Charlie’s presence exorcised the ghosts that haunted Ethan in the middle of the night.
The change was subtle, but Ethan felt it with every step he took.
She’s here, he thought as he towel-dried his hair. She’s here, he thought as he stepped into his pajamas. She’s here, he thought as he savored the smell of her shampoo lingering in the damp air. She’s here, he thought as he padded to the living room.
Boston stared back at him through the windows – all the tallest buildings winking their congratulations.
The dim-lit space left evidence of Charlie’s presence in every corner – her shoes by the door, the crumbled pillow by her favorite chair, and the assortment of hair ties that followed her every step. Ethan was greedy for more of it, his usual tidiness be damned.
Ethan poured himself a glass of water and tapped the keypad of his laptop, waking it so he could check the time. With Charlie, time seemed to stop, but just as he suspected, it had continued for the rest of the world. It was late, so late that they should have been in bed hours ago if Charlie wanted to be well-rested for work tomorrow. But Ethan didn’t regret a moment of their night, nor was he eager to go to sleep now.
Stifling a yawn, Ethan curiously opened his notifications, and he was startled by the staggering amount.
At the top of the screen were the expected messages. HR paperwork for his new position with the hospital. Confirmation emails for cancelled movers. Pleas from a devastated recruiter trying to convince him to leave Boston anyway.
Then, there were the text messages reacting to the news. The Edenbrook rumor mill worked quickly, and by the time Ethan picked up Charlie from work, there were already whispers about their illicit affair.
Harper’s message came first. She was happy to hear that Charlie and Ethan were together, but she chastised Ethan for keeping the secret in the first place, though she insisted she’d sensed it long ago. She demanded dinner with the two of them as an apology, and Ethan typed back his assent, apologizing for lying to his friend and promising to make dinner reservations as soon as possible.
When Ethan sent his reply, he was surprised to realize that he was looking forward to dinner with Charlie and Harper. It wasn’t the first time that the trio spent time together, but it would be the first dinner where Charlie and Ethan didn’t have to perform, stifling themselves to avoid drawing attention to their relationship. Ethan liked the idea of integrating Charlie fully into his life – acknowledging the long-held truth that she was the most important part of it.
Above Harper’s gracious congratulations, Tobias Carrick sent a string of texts. It was clear that he hadn’t paced himself or censored a single thought, resulting in a string of consciousness as Tobias unraveled the revelations.
TOBIAS: I KNEW IT! I can’t believe you got caught MAKING OUT with a RESIDENT before you told me!
TOBIAS: Though Charlie is wonderful.
TOBIAS: So why does she like you then? She knows you enough to know better. How did you convince her to date you?
TOBIAS: Someone just told me you’ve been dating for a year. That better be a lie.
TOBIAS: No, it’s not. You’ve been evasive all year. That’s why, isn’t it?
TOBIAS: Then again, you’re always evasive and awkward.
TOBIAS: My office is next to yours, and I swear I heard noises today.
TOBIAS: Just heard the news that you’re leaving. Don’t fret. I’ll be the leader the Diagnostics Team has always needed.
The last message came a few hours later, when Tobias had clearly processed the news and felt it necessary to give a more cohesive and gracious response.
TOBIAS: Seriously though, congratulations. I’m proud of you.
TOBIAS: But don’t screw it up.
Ethan didn’t really consider Tobias a friend – not after their antagonistic history and current conflicts. But this string of texts tugged on some part of Ethan’s heart that had once considered Tobias his best friend. Perhaps it was worth trying again, even if this was just evidence that Tobias was as insufferable as ever.
ETHAN: Thank you.
There wasn’t much else to say, so Ethan didn’t bother trying. And frankly, for him, it was quite a lot.
After Tobias’s messages, there were a few more. Some of Charlie’s friends reached out to say they were happy for them. Sienna tentatively endorsed the relationship, though she reserved the right to murder Ethan if he messed up again. Jackie’s threats against Ethan were far less veiled, and Bryce sent at least a dozen excited emojis.  Naveen wrote with glee, boasting that their reunion had all gone to plan. When Ethan questioned Naveen’s direct defiance, Naveen ignored the question and offered the happy couple a weekend at his lake house to celebrate. Gracious for the offer (and Naveen’s interference), Ethan didn’t push it.
Nor did he need to push it.
Because there she was – his darling, wonderful Charlotte.
With Jenner close on her heels, Charlie wandered into the kitchen. The familiar scent of coconut and vanilla followed her, enveloping Ethan’s senses long before she looped her arms around his waist and nuzzled into him.
“There you are,” Charlie murmured, resting her cheek on his bare back. His skin was warm and scented with the mixture of their respective body washes – each still sitting in Ethan’s shower as if no time had passed.
In some ways, that made Charlie sad. She didn’t like to picture Ethan ending each night, staring at her half-empty bodywash and refusing to throw it away, even when he’d lost hope of her ever coming home. But the grief for their lost time was only a momentary interruption. In its wake, gratitude emerged. Because she had come home, and the bodywash was still waiting for her.
 Ethan smiled softly, abandoning his laptop and twisting his body so that they were face-to-face.  He leaned down to kiss the crown of her head, and Charlie shifted, leaning further into his embrace.
“What are you up to?” Charlie asked, her voice still in a daze.
The day had been so perfect – their reunion, their afternoon, their time at home. They’d spent most of the evening tangled in Ethan’s sheets, but not a moment of it had been quiet. They’d consumed each other in every way possible, from touch to speech. No time had passed, yet there was so much to catch up on.
“Missing you,” Ethan confessed.
Charlie laughed, “It’s been ten minutes since I kicked you out of the shower so I could actually wash my hair without you distracting me.”
“Way too long.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Charlie rolled her eyes, but it was the blush creeping up her cheeks that made Ethan smile. He kissed the flush as it spread up her skin, and he smiled against her cheek as she laughed.
Had anyone else ever been so happy?
“But really,” Charlie playfully swatted Ethan’s shoulder, “What are you doing? If it’s work, I’ll be obligated to make fun of you.”
Ethan shook his head, shifting so they could both face the laptop, “You’ll enjoy this.”
With a few clicks, Ethan brought up Tobias’s text thread. Somehow, the messages were even funnier from Charlie’s perspective. He lit up as he watched her read the messages, laughing at things he hadn’t even noticed before. Then, he showed her the other congratulatory messages. He thought she would like to see the well-wishes, but really, it was a silent effort to show he embraced the promises he’d made to her. He wanted her to know that he wasn’t hiding her anymore.
And Charlie appreciated every bit of it.
She reveled in the idea of dinners with friends. She wanted to be Ethan’s “plus one” to every event, even she’d have to throw her own party to get the opportunity. She liked how easily they talked about it, how Ethan actively participated in their planning without any pressure.
It was night and day from the man she’d once stormed out on.
Her chest ached with pride.
When Ethan reached Naveen’s message, he almost seemed nervous. As if suggesting a weekend away might break their fragile perfection.
“What do you think?” Ethan asked, when Charlie had sufficient time to read the exchange, “A weekend at the lake?”
Ethan had a whole pitch planned out. He was ready to remind Charlie that spring had just reached the city, the sunshine melting the ice and promising new beginnings. They could get out of the city and reconnect in the place where they’d first fallen in love. It felt like the right place to start their new chapter.
But a pitch wasn’t necessary.
“Yeah,” Charlie smiled softly, “A weekend with Dr. Ramsey. Sounds perfect.”
“A weekend with Dr. Greene,” Ethan echoed, mirroring her soft smile as he rubbed a gentle pattern on her back.
Charlie leaned into Ethan’s side, exhaustion peaking through their blinding happiness. Both of them were tempted to evade sleep altogether and stay awake all night, trading their wasted hours of rest with the promise of tender whispers and sacred promises. But relaxation had already seeped into their bones and lowered their defenses. They were both fighting to stay awake.
It was Ethan who declared the first move.
Pressing a tender kiss to Charlie’s forehead, Ethan suggested, “We should go to bed.”
“No, no,” Charlie shook her head, “It’s too early.”
“You have to be at work in a few hours,” Ethan reminded her, though he lacked conviction. He was just as willing to stay up all night as she was, if not more so since he didn’t have a morning shift.
“I’m a resident. I can handle a sleepless night.”
“Come on,” Ethan nudged her gently, “You’re being stubborn.”
“So are you.”
Ethan shrugged, Fair point.
Charlie eyed him warily – ready for battle. Ready for their opposing wills to dominate their minds until they were forced to pick a winner. Ready to draw blood before admitting defeat.
But then a moment passed, and it was all silly.
Charlie was tired, and Ethan would still be here in the morning. He would be there the night after, and the day after, and every day they were willing to share.
So, Charlie said, “Fine. Let’s go to bed.”
Ethan appreciated the magnanimous resolution, and he peppered her cheeks with quiet praise. Though, admittedly, he was inclined to think that everything Charlotte did was perfect. After kissing Jenner goodnight, the pair went to Ethan’s bedroom, ignoring the alarm clock on Ethan’s bedside table that would surely ruin their morning.
It wasn’t Charlie’s first time in Ethan’s bed tonight, but when she climbed into her usual place on the right side of the bed, it felt monumental.
The rose-colored glasses of their reunion lifted, and the gravity of the situation forced them back to earth. Instead of feeling silly for their reverence, they felt absurd for not having more.
War is over. The end of days never came. Insurmountable grief faded away. All the terrible things didn’t matter anymore. The past was in black and white, and the future was painted in vivid color and neon welcome signs.
Charlie is home. Charlie is in our bed. Everything is right, Ethan thought.
Charlie and Ethan tried to act casual as they settled into the sheets, but they couldn’t help but stare at the other. Their eyes were wide with meaning, communicating what neither had the bravery to say. When Charlie’s eyes began to water, Ethan quietly stroked her cheek.
After what felt like a lifetime, Ethan whispered, “I really did miss you.”
As if something like that needed to be said. As if it didn’t carry through every conversation. As if it wasn’t part of his DNA. As if she didn’t feel it with every adoring kiss and smile.
“I missed you, too,” Charlie met his honesty with her own, though her voice lacked his strength. At the slightest hint of a crack, Ethan tucked Charlie into his embrace, and Charlie took the opportunity to breath him in.
Sandalwood. Cedar. Vanilla. A hint of mint.
The smell of home, she thought.
Nestled safely in Ethan’s arms, Charlie’s eyelids grew heavy. Weeks of sleepless nights caught up with her in an instant, rendering her half-asleep in mere moments. As Ethan peered down at her, his chest squeezed with affection.
And suddenly, he knew.
He knew with absolute certainty that Charlotte Greene was his future.
He was overcome with an urge to propose right then and there. It didn’t matter that he didn’t have a ring or a plan or even ambience. Ethan just wanted to marry her. Hell, given the option, he would have run to City Hall right then and there to seal the deal.
Ethan opened his mouth to speak, but something stopped him.
We need time, he realized. The wounds were too fresh and the peace too fragile. He didn’t want to rush into anything that would endanger their precious newfound happiness, nor did he need to rush.
So, despite his overwhelming urge to the contrary, Ethan decided to wait – and it was just waiting. Not refusing or dismissing the idea. He knew they would make it, and he was sure that she would say yes when it was time.
But stopping himself from proposing didn’t eradicate all Ethan’s impulses.
No, he wasn’t out of grand gestures or over-eager requests.
“Move in with me,” Ethan blurted out.
Charlie stirred, wiping at her eyes as she sleepily asked, “What?”
“Move in with me,” Ethan repeated, less confident this time.
“You’re serious?” Charlie’s eyes widened.
“I am,” Ethan nodded, though he didn’t seem very sure. Despite his obvious commitment to the idea she move in, he didn’t have his argument ready – a rarity in itself. Ethan had never made any big life decision without a reasoned argument.
“You’re always here anyway,” Ethan softened, eagerness belying every justification, “and I want you here. All the time. I want to come home to you and share our closet, and I want to add your books to our bookshelves. We’re living in the ‘in between’ – with you sometimes living here and sometimes not. I’m tired of that. I want to be with you fully. In every way I can. This isn’t home without you.”
Charlie hesitated.
She was startled to realize that she already knew the answer. Before he even started talking, she wanted to say yes. And there was no good reason to say no.
It seemed rushed, but was it really? They’d been together for over a year, and she’d spent more nights here than anywhere else. Did time apart fundamentally change that? Did they feel so fragile that sudden changes would shatter them? Or had it been the status quo that drove them apart in the first place?
And did any of it fucking matter?
Would waiting really make things better? Would a slow approach save them from future disaster? Hiding hadn’t done them any favors, nor had abundant caution kept them from starting their relationship in the first place.
Charlie wanted to come home to Ethan. She wanted to put a name to all the things they’d silently endorsed for months, including her continued presence in this apartment. She wanted to cover the space with evidence of their relationship until it was little more than a shrine.
So, perhaps she didn’t give the offer the careful consideration it deserved. Or maybe she gave it too much consideration when the answer would always be the same.
“Yes,” Charlie blurted out.
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” Charlie nodded, realization creeping across her features, “My answer is yes. I want to move in with you.”
Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, happily covering her face with kisses. Between excited kisses, he assured her that she could always keep her old apartment, and he would understand if she changed her mind.
Charlie stopped him, “You don’t need to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Try to form a back-up plan,” Charlie settled her gaze on his, “I’m confident we’ll work out.”
“You are?” Ethan repeated breathlessly. It was one thing for Ethan to be blind in love, but it was quite another to realize she was just as high off this feeling.
“Yeah,” Charlie rested her hand on his chest, feeling the jackhammer of his heart, “Aren’t you?”
And amazingly, he was.
Nodding his head, Ethan whispered, “Yeah, I am.”
“Good,” Charlie leaned her head against his chest, “I love you, Ethan.”
“I love you, too, Charlotte.”
That was how they fell asleep – holding onto each other with persistent desperation and adoring reverence. Like they were so lucky to even get the opportunity to fall asleep together. Like it was a gift from the universe that they were here with each other. But it was better than fate – it was deliberate choice. It was an active effort to stay.
And it was the beginning of everything.
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headoverheelsforramsey ¡ 2 years ago
Love Again
Book : Open Heart (Book 2)
Pairing : Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Meera Bose) || Feat. Tobias Carrick
Category : Angsty Fluff
Summary : He is watching his best friend fall in love for the second time and desperately praying that it doesn't lead to disastrous consequences like the first time. (Aka Open Heart Book 2 told from Tobias Carrick's point of view)
Warnings : Mentions of the maitotoxin attack
Rating : General
Word Count : 1569
Trope : Third person POV, People find out about them, Traumatic Event
A/N : This is my submission for @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week Day 3 : OH 2 and @aprilchallenge : Love is in the air. Some of the quotes have been taken directly from Pixelberry's Open Heart Book 2. Hope you guys enjoy it, happy reading! ❤️
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Chapter 6
Tobias Carrick didn’t expect to meet his long lost friend turned foe today, certainly not under the humongous roof of the third richest man in America, competing against him for the sake of saving his hospital. Yet, here he was, staring at Ethan Ramsey in flesh and blood. He looks like he hasn’t aged a day, though the beard and glasses make him look more matured than he acts to be.
Hirata and Mirani following Ramsey like puppies as usual. He recognises the other doctor, from their encounter at the deli a few days back. He did not learn her name, but was shocked to see her as a part of one of the most prestigious diagnostic team in the country. A resident in her second year missing out trivial diagnosis like cyanosis, did Edenbrook and Ethan Ramsey forget how to teach?
He was enjoying this little arrangement that Bloom came up with, never missing out on a chance to one-up Ethan Ramsey. But when his “friend” stormed out the heavy wooden doors he was not surprised but disappointed. He was rather shocked when his protege followed him without thinking twice.
Before following Mr. Bloom inside he could see Ramsey and Bose in a heated argument through the glass panels. He was surprised further because in all the years he had known Ethan Ramsey he had never seen an attending talk to him that way, much less a resident, had his “friend” changed that much? His surprise continued when Ramsey came back for a chance to crack this case, but he didn’t let his face show. Does this mere resident have special persuasion powers? He decided to put his head in the game instead, because he was playing to see his “friend” lose.
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Chapter 8
The sun shone brightly, the smell of hot dogs and beers engulfing the atmosphere this was one day in a year, Tobias pretends he followed his childhood dream of playing softball professionally. The doctors from both the hospitals mingled about, he had so many people to greet but in the sea of known and unknown people he certainly didn’t expect Ethan Ramsey to be there.
He has been going against Edenbrook for almost half a decade and never in all those years had he ever seen or ever expected the infamous Dr. Ramsey to grace them with his presence. What changed? He thought and almost immediately saw Meera Bose beside Ethan.
She was a decent player he thought, throwing the first pitch and being responsible for Tobias Carrick’s out was enough proof of that. But he couldn’t ignore the small smile at the corner of his “friend’s” lips whenever Bose threw a perfect pitch.
Old habit’s die hard and Tobias thought rubbing the case of Stephanie Hill while grabbing a water was the perfect plan. He raised an eyebrow when the young resident said “paitent care isn’t a game.” Good to know Ramsey passed down his virtues to his residents. But the fire he saw in Bose’s eyes on mentioning her friend’s betrayal mirrored the fire he had witnessed in his own “friend’s” eyes more than ten years ago due to a different betrayal.
The fight had grown heated but when Ethan took a protective stance in front of Meera giving Terrance a death threat Tobias was astounded. He had known this man for a very long time, was Ramsey falling for her? Because he hadn’t seen him this defensive since… before he could finish that thought, chaos broke free.
The final innings could have gone better, but one thing that always set Carrick apart from Ramsey was the ability to accept defeat. He watched as Bose ran towards the Edenbrook clan, her friends and colleague wrapping her up. As he turned to leave he watched Ethan join the crowd his eyes soft on Meera’s browns a playful smile on his lips, hands brushing lightly. Tobias’s earlier suspicion returned and as a diagnostician he thought he had an answer, but as one of Ethan Ramsey’s oldest “friend” he could do with some more evidence.
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Chapter 9
Logging into his tablet, Tobias looked suspiciously at the recent activity. Ethan Ramsey, at Kenmore? He didn’t have any ongoing research projects and Ethan is not the type of man who likes to take an afternoon walk around the neighborhood.
“Doctor, the patient is ready for you,” the nurse called. Tobias nodded, opening his new patient chart and getting to work, making a mental note of catching up with Ramsey before he leaves the premises.
Tobias stopped Dr. Simpson in the middle of his presentation, was that Meera Bose? He rushed out of the patient room following her still not believing his eyes. But when he saw Mirani with her he knew something was up. Three members of the Edenbrook diagnostic team cannot be behind enemy lines at the same time co-inccidently. Calling security Tobias makes a run for it.
The two doctors make a narrow escape and he comes out just in time to see his “friend” zoom away from under his nose.
“Well played Ramsey, we’ll get you next time.”
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Chapter 11
The news of Senator Ed and and his aide had spread like wildfire. Transfer patients from Edenbrook kept Tobias fairly busy, but he didn’t know why his thoughts drifted back to Meera.
“How was she doing?”
“Did they have any answers at all?”
“Is she not going to make it?”
“How was… how was Ethan doing?”
Tobias found himself choking on his own breath. In need of fresh air, he put down his tablet and took shelter in a supply closet. He doesn’t remember when was the last time he was here. More unpleasant thoughts circled his brain, Tobias punched the door out of frustration and helplessness. The door opened, and Aurora came in, the frustration and helplessness reflected on her face made Tobias decide that it was time to set aside all the age-old differences between him and Ethan and their respective hospitals.
Nothing less than a crowd was formed in front of the patient room. All of Meera’s friends, family and well-wishers stood by her side. All of them dejected and crestfallen. Ethan Ramsey stood at the forefront his heart burdened with melancholy, but too stubborn to show it in his face. Tobias had known his “friend” long enough to see right through the facade.
Tobias straightened his face, “and you won’t be alone.”
Ramsey’s face shifts from shock to thankful in a mili second and Tobias stops him right there. Everyone says their goodbye one by one and follows Baz and June into the lab. Tobias notices his “friend” not making a move.
“Shouldn’t we call Dr. Ramsey?” one of the doctors suggest.
“No. He should be there with her,” Tobias smiled. “This is where he will do the most good. Besides, I know what I am doing.” He flashes his signature smile only to receive an eye roll from Hirata.
Tobias monitored the sodium-potassium level, no this won’t work, he shaked his head. Facing another dead end, he decided its better to take a small break before getting back to work. He exited the lab and walked towards Meera’s room. The corridor lights had been dimmed, he felt like a ghost wandering the halls. He stopped in front of the window, only to see Ethan all suited up, holding Meera as close as he humanly could with the plastic barrier in between them.
He needed no more confirmations. He was sure his “friend” had fallen head over heels for Meera. It had been a long time since he had been this candid with someone, it had been so long since someone had broken all of his walls and reached for his heart and it had been so long since Ethan’s heart had shattered. Tobias was immature back then and partly responsible for what had happened but today he was not going to let that happen a second time. With renewed determination Tobias walked back towards the lab.
Just like Tobias had guessed, Ethan was still there in his hazmat suit helping Meera vomit into a basin when they returned the next morning. The child-like grin on his face on hearing about the antidote was unlike him. Tobias explained the chemistry behind their discovery, expecting atleast a couple questions from Ethan but the absence of that made him realize that he was a changed man. The sheer delight on Ethan Ramsey’s face as he administered the serum was one of a kind. He and Meera locked eyes, a silent understanding between them.
The waiting part was the worst, but once the latest lab results showed no trace of toxin in Bose’s bloodstream the entire team gathered around the patient room. Ethan sprinted through the doors, and Meera flew into his arms, tears breaking free. Ethan looked outside holding Tobias’ gaze for a little longer than necessary, while Tobias returned his signature smirk.
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Chapter 17
The rumor mill had a field day with the news that the great Ethan Ramsey had kissed a resident, Meera Bose in an atrium full of people. While the betting pool regarding how long they were dating and whether Meera slept her way to the top were the hottest topic in and around the hospital, Tobias Carrick was just content that his diagnostic skills remained undefeated and he still knew his "friend" through and through.
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Thank you so much if you have read till here, it means the world to me. Hope to see you go on other different adventures with me, Ethan and Meera, till then sending love and hugs your way! ❤️
Perma : @starrystarrytrouble @quixoticdreamer16 @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @tessa-liam @gryffindordaughterofathena @crazy-loca-blog @zahrachoices @bex-la-get @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @a-crepusculo @custaroonie @aishwarya26 @jamespotterthefirst
Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine
+ @choicesficwriterscreations , @openheartfanfics , @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week & @aprilchallenge
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. 💜
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hotchocolatelovesyou ¡ 6 months ago
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I have screenshots of literally every scene that involves him and Ethan does not perform a single surgery in three whole fucking books, so??????
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choicesfanaf ¡ 2 years ago
Looking After You
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Arundhati Kulkarni
Word Count: 706 words
Rating: General
Summary: Ethan looks after a sick Arundhati.
Category: Fluff
Tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations, @openheartfanfics
Perma: @jamespotterthefirst, @quixoticdreamer16
Ethan x Arundhati: @rookiemartin
"Such a pleasant day. Spring is quite beautiful. If I get done early, I'll spend some time in the garden with Ethan," Aru thought as she walked towards her office for a meeting with the diagnostic team.
When she reached her office, she felt her throat itch and a bit sore. Fortunately, she had a few lozenges in her bag, and she popped one in her mouth before the meeting, not thinking much of it.
The following morning, at 3:00 am, Aru woke up with a blocked nose, headache, and cough.
Ethan, a light sleeper, also woke up when he heard Aru groan while trying her best to get some rest but failing, as was evident by her constant turning.
He took a minute to realise what was happening and made a cup of tea to soothe her.
"Ethan, could you please sleep in the guest room? Or let me go there? I don't want to get you infected because of me," Aru said while sipping some warm tea. 
"No, honey. I'm not going to do that. I want to look after you, okay? I know how you are and that you won't look after yourself. So, let me take care of you", he replied while rummaging in their medicine kit for a Tylenol. Aru eagerly took the pill from Ethan when he found it, hoping to get some relief.
The next day, she woke up quite later than usual and panicked that she would get late for work. Just when she started to rush to get ready, Ethan chimed in, "Aru, I have requested a holiday for both of us cause you are sick and I don't want others to get infected, especially your patients. I'll stay at home for today to take care of you, my love."
"That’s very sweet of you, Ethan, but I will be fine in a day or two, I don't want you to ignore your work."
"I'm not ignoring my work by looking after you, Aru. In fact, I'm doing both."
"Okay, love, thanks a lot for taking care of me."
A while later, Aru sat down with her blanket in front of the TV while Ethan made her favourite tomato soup and watched her comfort movies, Welcome and Om Shanti Om.
After finishing her delicious soup, she went to gargle with warm salt water and a quick bath under instructions from Ethan while he made her favourite comfort food.
When she came back, Ethan gave her a cup of kadha, whose recipe he had procured from her mom on a visit.
Ethan then checked her temperature because he found her hands and forehead cold.
He realised she had a fever, so he got her some Tylenol and asked her to rest until lunch.
She protested, saying, "It's just a little fever, I'm fine. There's no need for medicine. Let my body fight it out."
"Aru, my love, you have a fever. I want you to get better as soon as possible, which won't happen if you don't take your medicine," he said.
"Okay....if you get well soon, we'll go out to eat some chaat," Ethan continued when he got no response from Aru.
"E, are you trying to bribe me? Because this is new stuff. I have only seen you do this to little kids when they don't listen."
"Well, I have to find a way for you to ingest your meds."
"You know it's nothing major, right? I'll be fine in a few hours even without the pill."
"I know that, honey. But I can't bear to see you like this, even if it is a minor thing."
"Ethan! This is nothing to worry about, and the doctor in you knows that."
"I know that very well, my darling."
"Then why are you worrying?"
"Because I hate to see you like this, in pain! I love you, Aru, and this is too much for me to bear."
On hearing this, she could barely contain his happiness and moved to kiss him, but she suddenly moved away.
"Ethan, I don't want to infect you."
"Sorry, Aru, I understand," he said, as planted a soft and assuring kiss on her forehead, "come on, let's eat Rajma Chawal."
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hopelessromantic1352 ¡ 2 years ago
LOVE THIS 😍 I love all the little details you added that made it so realistic and it’s just so cute because now this is their everyday reality they get to live, but they still have fun with each other.
One Shot - Ethan x f!mc
By request of the lovely @hatlley and thanks to the tireless work of @hopelessromantic1352 I present you with this one-shot based on this deliciousness:
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Keep reading
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coffeeheartaddict2 ¡ 8 months ago
A night at the Opera
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Casey Valentine
Category: Smut
Rating: Explicit 18+
Word count: 1303
Warnings: strong sexual content, language
Summary: It is their first date night after getting engaged and they attend the Opera and the opera that is playing is the one that they saw when they first went to the Opera together.
Disclaimer: characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: So I have done post opera from Casey and Ethan view point and well I felt it would be nice to come full circle and have some opera smut of Ethan and Casey together.
It had been a joyous two weeks, not only for Casey but for Ethan. Casey had finished her residency and had chosen to stay at Edenbrook and most importantly she had accepted Ethan’s marriage proposal. They had told their friends and family and their engagement party was in a few months but with everything that had been happening he felt it prudent that they gave a date to fully celebrate.
It had been awhile since Ethan had been to the opera and it had been longer since he had been with Casey so they decided that they would go to the opera together.
The opera that was playing was the opera they first saw together when Casey was an intern. It felt full circle moment for Ethan and he was looking forward to it. He had a later finish that night so he agreed to meet Casey there.
Casey too was looking forward to the opera. There was something freeing being out in the open and attending the opera as Ethan Ramsey’s fiancé. It was the first night of the new season so she bought a new dress. It was red, skinny straps and a high slit. Coupled with the heels she knew he liked well she knew it was going to be a good night.
She arrived at the opera house and made her way to the VIP area. She knew Ethan would not be too far away. She enjoyed her champagne and Ethan arrived.
His breath was taken away when he saw her in the red dress. She always looked stunning when they went anywhere formal but tonight she seemed to be pulling all the stops out. He joined her and kissed her and whispered in her ear “you look stunning.” Before he took a drink. They make their way to the box.
“This brings back memories” said Casey.
“I remember being so conflicted that night” admitted Ethan.
“There were so many parallels at the time with the story and our situation, also you narrating the story was doing things.” Said Casey.
“I remember the kiss and wishing it was not complicated. When I got home, all I thought about is what I wish I did and could have been doing to you after…”
“Me too, when I was at home the line between imagination and reality was blurry, which made the come down from the high so startling.”
He kisses her hungrily. I was unable to sleep, as was the cycle of guilt afterwards.
They settled in their seats. The lights dimmed and the opera started.
“Did you need me to narrate this time?” Whispered Ethan.
“No but I would like you too anyway” whispered Casey, giving him a kiss.
Ethan starts to narrate. Casey is transported back to the last time they saw this opera and the feelings she had and she felt the familiar sensation pooling at her core. Unlike last time though, Ethan had his hand resting on her thigh. She placed her hand on his and guided it to her centre.
“This is what your narration did to me last time” she whispered before kissing him on his cheek.
Ethan let out a small groan from the back of his throat as he started to run tight circles around her clit. Casey sat back in the chair allowing Ethan more access. Normally Ethan would have inserted his fingers by now but the fantasy of her succumbing to her climax at the mercy of his tongue and in time to the music came to the fore and in that moment he wanted to do only that. He knelt on the floor, spread Casey’s legs and kissed up the inside of her thigh. Casey was initially shocked with how bold Ethan was being but now she was trembling with anticipation. Finally his mouth reached her core and Casey let out a slight moan as his tongue circled her nub and went through her folds. She also bucked her hips at the contact. The music helped the sensation wash over her. Before long Casey could feel she was getting close but Ethan held her on the precipice and as the first act ended she succumbed, hoping that her clutch would muffle the scream. Ethan helped her ride it out and he had straightened himself up by the time the house lights came on for intermission. Casey was weak at the knees from that orgasm. So she held on to Ethan’s arm as they went for a drink.
“What else do you wish you had done to me that night?” Asked Casey quietly.
“I wish I had brought you back to mine, wishing I had taken you against multiple surfaces…”
Ethan’s voice trailed off as the mental image of Casey writhing in ecstasy overtook his mind. He took a sip of his scotch, hoping it would calm his thoughts but it did not happen.
“I know we have both looked forward to this night but let’s head home” he whispered huskily in his ear.
Casey was shocked and concerned and asked if he was ok.
He guided her to the exit and said
“I am perfectly fine Casey but what I want to do to you will not be done in my box.” He then kissed her hungrily.
“Let’s hope traffic is bearable then.”
They drove back to their apartment. Traffic thankfully was bearable. They head to the lift and as soon as they enter he kisses her hungrily. His hands seek purchase on all her curves. She could feel how hard he was and she knew this dress was ruined. Thankfully the lift only stop was Ethan’s floor. He continued kissing her all the way to the door. He opened the door and when they were both in he slammed it shut and took Casey up against it. He kissed her hard. He moved the straps of her dress off her shoulder. He eventually found the zip but he was so far in the throes of a list fueled haze that he lost patience and ripped the top of the dress down. This enabled the dress to fall down at her ankles. He kissed her again and Casey disrobed him. She ran her hand along his now throbbing cock. He hissed before turning her around. He unhooked her bra and ripped her thong. Casey tried to slip out of her shoes.
“The heels stay on” he said in her ear while he started to massage both her breasts. One hand trailed down to her centre, and he teased her nub.
“Ethan… please…” she moaned.
He lined himself up and thrust in.
“Fuck” she moaned as he thrust in hard. He set an arduous pace from the get go and the angle of taking her from behind whilst standing made her feel tighter than normal which he enjoyed immensely and so did Casey. It did not take Ethan long to get close and he had no idea how long he was going to hold it. He moved the hand that was on her waist to her centre and played with her clit.
“Fuck” Casey muttered again. She leant back to give Ethan a searing kiss. The change of angle triggered Ethan’s climax. He could feel Casey was close so he kept on going, ensuring that she too reached her climax. He held her up against the door, waiting for the high to dissipate before speaking. Casey was the first to speak.
“That was just…I still can not form words”
“It was fantastic wasn’t it.” Said Ethan before kissing her on the side of the head.
“Shall we go to the bedroom?”
“Yes we shall.”
He picked her up and carried her bridal style down the hall to the bedroom.
She kissed him passionately with a promise of more to come.
Authors note 2: And they went multiple rounds before falling asleep. And in case you were wondering what the dress looked like, picture is below.
Tagging: @cariantha @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @tessa-liam @bex-la-get @a-crepusculo @crazy-loca-blog @youlookappropriate @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985 @alj4890 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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stanathanxoox ¡ 4 months ago
We're Not Doing That
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"no, we're not doing that" - Dr Ethan Ramsey x reader 
You were sitting up on the rooftop, overlooking the city skyline thinking of how you had let down your patient and their family. You hadn’t been able to stop the spread of the toxin from reaching your patients vital organs and so it was now a matter of when she would die. She was surrounded by her family and some close friends, as you and the diagnostics team had done everything you could to make her comfortable in her last hours on earth. You feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist, for a split second you freeze before you relax into the embrace that you had come to rely upon.
“I heard about your patient, Tobias says her vitals are quickly fading. She doesn’t have much longer” Ethan says matter of factly and you nod, it’s all you can do as there is a massive knot in your throat. You turn and look up at him, teary green eyes meeting his bright blue ones
“No, Y/n, we’re not doing that. You are not blaming yourself. The toxin had been in her body for too long, and even if you had found it sooner the likelihood of you being able to save her and give her a proper chance of survival was incredibly slim. You know that” he says as he pulls you closer and you hide your face in his chest. This wasn’t the first time since the two of you had entered into a relationship that you had used his shirt as a tissue for your eyes and your nose, nor would it be the last.
“It’s alright Y/N, I’ve got you. Let it out darling” he whispers as he places a kiss on the top of your head.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​ @kmc1989 
Tag List for Pixelberry fics: @cordoniaqueensworld​, @aworldoffandoms​, @desiree—1986​
Tag List for Open Heart: @melissagoodwill​, @lady-kato​, @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​, @cxld-play
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zealouscanonindeer ¡ 1 year ago
Synopsis: Comfort goes both ways, even in the most unlikely times.
Category: Fluff.
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Ethan sat at his office desk, eyes trained on the desktop screen but tonight his attention was not on paperwork or administration details. That had long since disappeared, ever since he stepped down from his role as Chief. Now, he was back to doing what he loved, being a doctor.
With Aspen at the helm of the diagnostic team and leading it beautifully, he was content in sitting back and letting her continue. So he spent most of his time in the clinic and wards, scanning through as many patients as possible. He had also begun writing his second book, the object currently holding his attention. Though not for long..
"Dada! " The tiny voice was followed by a splatter of footsteps and laughter as someone zoomed past his office towards the living room.
He got up, slightly exasperated, he had finally achieved putting Tatum down only 10 minutes back. He had waited until her eyelids had pressed shut, her breathing even and her tiny hand slowly let go of his.
"Tate" He saw her on the sofa, standing against the backrest, her dark hair plopping up and down as she jumped. Her honey orbs started at him, challenging him to make her stop. Suddenly he was stunned by her uncanny resemblance to his wife.
"How in the world did you get out of the crib? " He mostly asked himself.
"I hold the bars and then get on the dresser and from there.. I do this. " She had by now climbed onto the backrest and flung herself off it. Ethan scrambled to catch her, his heart dropping when he realised he was too far away.
She landed on her feet and he sighed in relief, he himself wasn't so lucky. His fall was only half aided by the carpet. His hip hit the floor, causing a light groan to leave him.
His daughter stared at him from above as he lay on his back. Her lips let out giggles before she grabbed his arm.
"Silly dada. "
"Silly indeed. " Ethan muttered, smiling.
She pulled him, indicating she wanted to go somewhere. Ethan found his footing, the pain subsiding as she walked towards the master bedroom. She waited for Ethan by the door,her little legs dancing about, impatient to enter but the dark too scary to tread.
The moment Ethan switched on the light, she rushed in, grabbing handfuls of the duvet to launch herself onto the bed. Making herself comfortable under the covers, she patted the space next to her, looking at Ethan who stood leaning against the door, his features perked up watching his younger daughter's antics.
He sat down next to her and she immediately snuggled into him, his large arm wrapping around her entire body as she blissfully rested her weight against him.
"Why aren't you in bed, my gorgeous tater tot? " Her eyes brightened at the mention of tater tots.
"It's scary dada. "
"What is? "
"The storm. "
The weather had been terrible the past weekend, causing half of his family to remain in Florida, where they were visiting Aspen's family. He had stayed behind as Tatum had just recovered from quite a severe bout of flu and it was unadvisable that she be subjected to plane travel so soon.
"Did that wake you up? " She nodded vehemently.
"You know, it was really scary for me as well. I still find it very difficult to sleep during storms. "
"Does Mommy hold you too, when you're scared and read you your favorite bedtime story? "
"Something like that. " Ethan smirked.
"I miss Mommy. " Tatum sighed dramatically, throwing herself on the pillows and pouting.
"Me too." Ethan admitted.
"You don't need to worry, I gotcha. " She assured, her earnest promise evident in the seriousness of her eyes.
"I know you do. Thank you. " Ethan answered, the reassurance more profound than he expected.
"Let's continue our bedtime story, yeah. "
"Yeah! " Tatum ran across the hall before returning back silently. She stood by the door, fingers in her mouth and mumbled.
"It's dark. "
"Let's go together. " Ethan picked her up, gently removing her fingers out of her mouth and giving her a stern look. She rested her head in the crook of his neck, her tiny hand resting on his jaw absentmindedly.
Having gotten her book, Danny the Champion of the World, they settled in bed. Two chapters later, she was fast asleep. Ethan smiled, looking at his little girl, suddenly finding himself glad that he wasn't alone at home tonight. She gave him more courage than he could fathom possible.
His phone buzzed, vibrating against the bedside table. He picked it up to see his wife's image pop up. He quickly swiped up to see her smiling into the camera.
"Hey. How's it going there. I miss you."
"The storm's still crazy. God, I wish your plane left yesterday, I miss you too. "
"Hmm. You holding up fine? I know bad weather makes you restless. Try to get some sleep, okay? "
It was true, the storms always unnerved Ethan. He remembered Louise leaving before a particularly bad one. With Alan still adjusting to the new life and responsibility, Ethan had braved through one such night all on his own. Ever since then, nights like these brought back those memories with them. But tonight he felt strangely calm even in the midst of one.
" Don't worry one bit about me. " He said turning the camera towards their sleeping daughter.
"I have company. "
@liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @jerzwriter @cariantha @peonierose @rookiemartin @kyra75 @queencarb @genevievemd @tessa-liam @coffeeheartaddict2 @tveitertotwrites @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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youlightmeupriorson ¡ 2 years ago
I'm CRYING! This is so cute! 💘😮‍💨
How would Ethan react if your MC slapped his ass as she was passing him in the corridor?
Wrote this little ficlet in 30 minutes on a plane! Hope you enjoy ❤️
It Beats for You
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC
Word Count: 555
Warnings; Rating: Making-out; Teen+ (to be safe)
Premise: Serena slaps Ethan's ass as he walks by, but things take a sweet turn.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading 💖
She's hiding. In one of the many crooks in the place, feet tired and throbbing from wearing heels for too many hours; cheeks hurting from faking smiles and laughs with insipid people; mind at a standstill, desperately wanting a distraction.
As if the universe heard her, her favorite person walks past, unaware of her presence in the nook.
He's wearing a tux, custom-made of course, tailored to perfection. And boy, is he perfect.
The dark blue, nearly midnight, velvet material brings out his cerulean eyes, glowing ever brighter. The jacket fits snug around his chest and biceps, a hint of the gym honed physique peeking through; the pants are pressed to a tee, elongating his already tall frame, and cupping in all the right places.
Serena can't help the way her gaze drops low, tongue darting out to lick her lips, hand moving of its own accord, a resounding smack reverberating through the walkway.
Ethan stops dead in his tracks, taking a split second to register what just happened, before spinning on his heels and crowding into the hideout.
He invades her space, one forearm pressed against the wall above her head, the other arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her to him.
Dropping his head to her ear, he teases, "menace."
His cologne, mingled with his aftershave, is enough to make Serena weak in the knees. With the way his hot breath ghosts over the shell of her ear and how his eyes bore into her with unbridled passion, she stumbles.
Ethan's arm wraps unbelievably tighter around her, catching her, using his strong body as a net. His hand slinks down the silk material, giving her backside a squeeze.
"Two can play at this game," he whispers before taking her earlobe in his mouth.
Serena braces herself against him, both hands on his strong chest. As much as she wants to see where this game leads, she's suddenly overwhelmed with the pure adoration she has for the man whose arm's she's in.
Her hands draw up his body until they come to rest on either side of his face, gently pulling him to look at her.
Their eyes connect and her brown-green eyes search the depths of his. One hand slides down to rest over his heart and she feels it's strong rhythm beneath her fingers.
"How did I get so lucky?" She murmurs, not even aware she'd said it aloud.
The sudden change of the atmosphere surprises Ethan, but it's not unwelcome. He asks himself that exact question every single day about her.
His arm above her head lowers, the hand coming to rest atop hers, gently squeezing.
"It beats for you."
The sincerity in his words bring tears to Serena’s eyes and she swears her own heart could burst from the love she holds for him in it.
Ethan bends down, picking up her shoes that are haphazardly strewn on the ground before kissing her, sweetly, lovingly, devotedly.
He picks her up, bridal style, in one fell swoop, Serena shrieking into his mouth.
They break apart after a few languid strokes of their lips and tongues, foreheads together. "Let's go home, shall we?"
Serena nods and Ethan begins to walk out of the building.
"Can we get food first?" Serena asks, her legs swinging off the side of Ethan's arm.
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alj4890 ¡ 10 months ago
Processing and Developing
(Ethan x F!MC) (Tobias Carrick x F!MC) in a Choices Open Heart one shot.
Taken from Book 3, Ines's wedding reception.
This one's for you, @jerzwriter 😉 I haven't forgotten our need for more Tobias. It's not good, but I finally broke the writer's block, LOL!
A/N I finally wrote something! 🤣 This idea came about last night when replaying Book 3. I always opt to have my MC, Chris, take a photo of just her and Tobias at Ines's wedding reception. Originally, I hoped this scene would open up a romance option with Tobias. Sadly, PB didn't give it to me, LOL, so this is how I wish things had gone down canon wise.
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"You look like you could use this."
Chris turned around at the familiar voice. Her eyes darted over how handsome the man before her looked dressed to the nines in his blue suit. Humor lurked in the hazel depths of his eyes as he in turn noticed her taking every inch of him in.
Tobias exaggerated clearing his throat. He held up the two fruity cocktails in his hands and playfully shook one.
Chris smiled in response while reaching for the glass that had cherries and a pineapple spear sitting on the rim.
Tobias lifted it out of her reach.
He clucked his tongue in mock disapproval. "Hold on. You know what you have to do to earn this."
Chris's smile dimmed. She wasn't certain if it was the fact they were guests at Ines's romantic Hawaiian wedding or that her hopeful imagination was getting the better of her again. Something though was different between Tobias and herself. The pair had always bantered back and forth and enjoyed the sharp wit of the other. Somehow along the way, the teasing took on a slight sexual edge.
She couldn't help but think he was attractive. Even when she first deemed him the enemy the year before, she found him incredibly sexy. Now that she was coming to know the type of man he truly was, she knew she was falling hard for Tobias.
She wasn't the only one feeling this way.
Tobias had been playing the long game with Chris. He'd thought her cute the first time he'd seen her at Leland Bloom's home. Going head to head with her and Ethan had been one of more enjoyable aspects of his job. Each time he saw her after that, though she glared at him, made him want to know her even more.
After the attack, her attitude changed towards him. He found himself the recipient of her warm smiles and good natured teasing. Even while fighting for her life, she never lost her sense of humor.
He admired her spirit, her mind, and to no one who knew him's surprise, her body.
The moment he joined Edenbrook's diagnostic team, he was finally able to see if his brief impressions of Chris were accurate. The more time he spent with her, the more he saw why there were a few at Edenbrook with feelings for her. She made it easy to fall head over heels.
Normally, he'd have already made his move. Given their close work relationship and the fact he suspected Ethan and Chris had an interesting past, he held back. When it came to Chris, he didn't want any competition, whether it be a literal person or one of secret pining for said person.
If things were to work out like he thought, he'd want Chris's heart and mind for himself. There would be no other way he could be with her.
It's odd, he thought to himself. Normally I'd be all for having her without any expectations or even caring if she wanted someone else.
But now...
"What do I have to do?" Chris interrupted his thoughts.
A slight blush graced her cheeks from the way he was looking at her.
Tobias pointed towards the photo booth.
One look at his suspicious smile made Chris double over with laughter.
"You found the box of props, didn't you?" She asked between giggles.
"You bet I did." He chuckled. "What do you say we drag Ethan and Harper in there and get a team photo."
"You really think you can get Ethan to don a wig and clown nose?" She asked.
"Nope." He grinned at her. "Even I'm not that persuasive."
"I don't know," she teased. "From my experience, you have quite a way about you."
Her smile grew the longer she looked at him.
"You've already got me agreeing to not only get in that photo booth, but also help you convince our more serious team members to join us."
"Then my charm is finally being used for good." He handed her a cocktail with a wink. "Let's take a dose of liquid courage and make our attack."
"No." Ethan told them. "I prefer to keep my dignity intact."
"Dignity is overrated." Tobias teased.
Harper shook her head over that statement. "I'm all for a team photo, but I would like it to represent us in a more positive, respectful light."
Chris rolled her eyes. "Honestly, I think having such a picture would show our patients we're people too, ones with an excellent sense of humor."
"Our patients don't care about whether or not we have a sense of humor." Ethan argued. "They only want us to make them feel better. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Spoil sports." Tobias muttered. "Well Chris, it's up to me and you to show these two how to have fun."
Harper snorted in amusement. "I'll take my fun with getting another drink."
She waved goodbye on her way to the open bar.
Before he could engage the pair in a conversation, Ethan watched as Tobias grabbed Chris's hand and dragged her into the booth. His brow furrowed when he noticed they'd forgotten to grab props for their fun photo.
Curious about what they were doing behind the closed curtain, he went to watch the line of photos start to appear.
The first photo was of the two of them laughing. The second one had a more normal smile. The third one made him pause. The pair were looking at each other in a way he didn't want to contemplate. In fact, the image showed that Tobias was looking at the young lady beside him as if seeing her for the very first time.
Ethan's feelings for Chris had never died. If anything, they'd gotten stronger over time. He worked hard to keep things professional and continued to keep her at arm's length. It was difficult given how often they were together at work, but he knew it was for the best.
The fourth picture made his heart sink. The two in the booth were closer than before with heads tilted as if they were about to--
He spun away from his worst fears developing in the fifth picture. Harper eyed him for a few seconds before moving to see what held his attention.
Her eyes widened over the photograph of Tobias and Chris sharing a passionate kiss.
"Oh!" She exclaimed. "I had no idea they were together."
A muscle spasmed in Ethan's jaw.
"Excuse me." He bit out.
He left the reception with quick strides. The sound of the waves hitting the shore nor the warm breeze blowing did little to calm the emotions roiling within. He wished his curiosity had not gotten the better of him. Tonight could have ended with him simply dreaming about all the things he would have liked to have done with Chris if they'd been a couple.
Ethan briefly closed his eyes. He knew exactly how their night would have gone.
He would have been her date to the wedding. There would have been hints that one day they might like to have a destination wedding like Ines and Angie. They'd have spent the reception basking in the romantic atmosphere. Slow dances would have been shared. Flirting would have led to them slipping away shortly before the cake was cut.
Chris would have teased him that he better make it up to her for missing out on wedding cake. Ethan would have done so with a moon lit walk on the beach followed by retiring to their shared suite. He'd then have spent the entire night making love to her, proving that his heart was fully hers.
Ethan shook himself out of his pointless thoughts. He'd made his choice two years earlier. He could have had everything he wanted if he'd only considered that Chris was different from any other woman he'd known. Now he was left with longing for what might have been.
He eased into the shadows when he heard footsteps combined with Chris's laughter approaching.
"And just where are you taking me, Dr. Carrick?" Chris asked with a flirty lilt to her voice.
"Someplace where we can't be interrupted." Tobias paused to pull her back into his arms.
The two shared a deep kiss.
A moan, Ethan recalled all too well having once in his life caused, slipped out of Chris. That sound was embedded in his mind. He never imagined hearing another man cause it. It hurt worse than he could have imagined, knowing it wasn't because of his own lips touching hers.
"I think I know what's going to happen when we get behind a locked door." She said softly, all teasing gone. "But what happens when the sun rises?"
Ethan winced at the memory of Chris asking him that very question years ago. After a night proving how perfectly they fit together in every single fashion, he responded that they would go back to their lives as if nothing had happened between them.
He couldn't see his former best friend and roommate wanting anything more than a one night stand. Perhaps, Ethan could still hold on to what he longed for most in this world.
Tobias shocked him with his response.
"I will take you out for breakfast." He pressed a tender kiss to her lips. "That way we can talk about our new relationship."
Chris stilled.
"Relationship?" She asked hesitantly.
"I want more than tonight with you." Tobias held her close. "I want you to be mine, no one else's."
Ethan watched Chris's face fill with joy. With a slight gasp, she kissed Tobias with all the love she'd kept for the one who could give her what she wanted.
The new couple hurried into the hotel.
Ethan moved out of the shadows. He couldn't quite wrap his head around all that had occurred within the last hour.
Why didn't I ask Chris to dance earlier? Why didn't I agree to do the asinine picture? Would it have stopped her getting with Tobias?
He knew that Bryce had gone after Chris. Seeing them together hadn't hurt. Bryce was completely different from Ethan. Though they were both doctors, their studies didn't line up. He knew he'd never have Bryce's fun loving swagger. In his eyes, he knew it wasn't a competition between them for Chris's affection.
With Tobias, it was a huge blow to Ethan's ego. The two were too similar. Both were highly intelligent, loved the mystery diagnostics allowed them to pursue, and they had similar temperaments.
"Not anymore." Ethan muttered to himself.
Tobias had changed these last ten years. He still was driven with his love of a good mystery, but he no longer lost his temper as quickly as he once had. There was no need to one-up Ethan over every single thing.
Ethan realized that Tobias had become a man he would actually enjoy being close to again.
How could he now? The man was with the woman he desperately loved.
"There you are!" Harper jogged up the path.
"Looking for me?" Ethan asked.
"I was worried about you." She admitted.
"I'm fine." He replied.
"Ethan." She gently touched his cheek. "It's me. You know you can talk to me. I can see you're upset."
He blinked, stepping away from her.
"I'm not upset." He snapped.
Her eyes narrowed. "I saw you and I saw what happened in that photo booth."
Ethan stiffened after shoving his hands in his pockets. He tried to walk away from someone else confirming his heartache. Harper was having none of it.
She placed a hand on his chest and stepped directly into his path.
"I saw, Ethan." She repeated. "I've seen how you look at Chris. Does she know you're in love with her?"
Ethan averted his eyes. Shaking his head, he heaved a deep sigh.
Harper softened her tone. "Why didn't you tell her?"
"There were many reasons." He muttered. "Though, none of them seem important now."
"You could still tell her." Harper argued. "What we saw was probably nothing more than just two people giving in to the romance of the evening. Tomorrow you can--"
He shook his head, silencing her halfhearted attempt to cheer him up.
"It's too late." He swallowed. "I've uh, I've burned a lot of bridges between me and Chris."
He glanced up at the hotel, wondering which room she was in.
"Someone else came along and gave her what she wanted."
Harper wrapped her arms around him in a comforting hug.
He didn't return it. After a few seconds, he untangled himself from her embrace.
"Ethan? It will get easier."
"Perhaps." He conceded. "For right now, I need to be alone."
He began to walk inside of the hotel. He knew it would be a torturous night in his lonely suite. He anticipated having many miserable nights the next few months since he now possessed front row seats for Chris and Tobias's new relationship. He knew deep down that no matter how much time passed, his heart would never fully heal.
When it came to Chris, it would always hurt.
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hopelessromantic1352 ¡ 2 years ago
This one shot shows Casey is learning to deal with the history between Ethan and Harper. But, it’s not as easy as she thought it would be.
This came to my mind when I was replaying OH 3. I couldn’t believe how Harper and Ethan were acting around MC. I also couldn’t believe how they don’t really expand on that storyline unless you do the extra scene with Harper at the MRI machine. Then again, book three was just a little crazy overall 😂
Warnings: slight sexual actions
Ethan Tags: @perriewinklenerdie @shelivesinthewoods @silversparrow1112 @miss-indecisive-says @alj4890 @naffeesaa @hija-del-universo @usuallyamazinglyaverage @heyabby102 @lilyoffandoms @cordoniaqueensworld @carreraleigh @ethanplaysfavorites @amillionmoonsred @drcaseyvalentineramsey @claudevonstrukesblog @princess-geek @lapisreviewsstuff @aworldoffandoms @paisleylovergirl @llamasgrl @blainehellyes @flyawayboo @timmagicktoad-blog @sparklinglilac @whenyourheartskipsabeat @desmaranj @triple-shadow0 @tessa-liam please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the tags!
“Remember when Dr. Collins bet you wouldn’t chug that bottle of champagne?”
Casey watches as Ethan cringes at the thought, but Harper laughs and rests a hand on his forearm. Feeling her gut churn in jealousy, the redhead looks back to the file of their patient, wishing Baz was still a part of the team. At least he would acknowledge that she still exists.
“He swore I had the liquid escaping through my ears, which is anatomically impossible.”
Both of them laugh, Ethan looking as carefree as he has been for awhile.
“Look, if you two want to walk down memory lane, why don’t I go do my job.” She slaps the file down onto the table and forcefully pushes her chair back.
Without another look at either doctor, Casey strides out the doors. Before they shut behind her, she can just barely hear Ethan excuse himself and his footsteps hurrying behind her.
“Casey!” The loud whisper isn’t enough for her to even look back, but she picks up her pace, knowing his long strides will catch her easily. “Rookie, please.”
Confused anger clouds his raised tone, causing her to stop. Even though she doesn’t turn back around, she can hear his steps slow down and he takes in a deep breath before he steps in front of her. Her brown eyes focus on the tile spreading down the hall, her body tense with shame and her gut still filled with jealousy.
“Casey, what on earth is the matter?” Ethan’s large hand gently slips under her chin and lifts her face up.
He notices the guilt swimming in her eyes and everything clicks into place. “I apologize. Harper and I were being quite unprofessional.”
Silently, she closes her eyes and nuzzles into his hand before she shakes her head. “That’s not what bothered me.”
Not saying anything, he leads them into an empty patient room, shutting the door behind them. He watches her closely, analyzing her movements before she leans against the bed in the middle of the room. She crosses her arms and doesn’t look at him as her finger taps against her bicep.
“It’s your whole relationship, Ethan. We don’t have that and honestly, I don’t know if we ever will.”
Still utterly confused, he walks to her and lifts her chin again, trying to read her thoughts. “I don’t understand. What you and I have is nothing like the friendship I have with Harper. No offense intended, but I rather like it that way.”
Her eyes bore into his, the ice blue eyes hold their normal warmth she’s become accustomed to. His gentle touch is comforting her, not someone else. Right?
“But you two have history and that spark is still there, I can tell and I think Harper still feels it.” Rambling, she pushes off the bed and steps away from him, needing space to think and calm her racing thoughts.
Understanding dawns on him once again, this time he realizes exactly what is bothering her. He felt the same way during her intern year, seeing her with all those young, bright eyed men surrounding her at various times. The surgeon. The paramedic. Hell, he had even seen other attendings eye her. It was torture on him due to his own selfishness of not allowing them to become an item publicly.
“Casey, you and I are figuring this relationship out, but I can assure you, there is nothing between Harper and I.”
She settles in front of the window overlooking the parking lot, her eyes bouncing from the people to the cars peppering the asphalt.
When she doesn’t say anything, he continues, “She and I may have history, but that is all it is. I think of her as a colleague and a friend, nothing more. I know for a fact she feels the same way but I understand what you are feeling.” Slowly, he approaches her from behind, gently laying his hands on her shoulders. “If you remember correctly, I had a bout of jealousy that earned you a punishment in one of the vacant halls.”
Below his hands, the tense muscles loosen as she laughs quietly. “How did you take care of yourself after that anyway?”
Chuckling, Ethan turns her around and picks her up, allowing her legs to wrap around his waist. Stepping towards the wall, he presses her back against it, pinning her between it and his firm body. She can feel his hardness begin to grow as he presses his groin against hers. Both of them experience deja vu.
“You didn’t give me an opportunity to, so I suppose I had to imagine you as I took care of it myself.” His lips travel across her neck, his stubble tickling her soft skin deliciously. “Perhaps this time, we can take care of each other.”
Casey playfully grinds against the hard member straining against his slacks, tossing her head back against the wall at the sensation pooling in her core.
“Mmm, I think I’d like that.”
He breaks away from her neck and cups her cheek, brushing his thumb across her cheekbone. “Know that I have not been with anyone besides you since Miami.”
“Then why did it take so long for you to give in?” Her big eyes burn with curiosity.
Sighing, he looks down, “Because I could not bring myself to risk your career. At least that is what I told myself. Now, I know I told you and myself that so I could realize that taking a risk on you was not a risk at all.”
Ethan raises his eyes to meet hers again, cupping her face with both hands. “You are it for me, Casey.”
Their lips meet in an electric kiss, her hands delve into his thick curls and her legs tighten around his fit waist. A moan escapes her as his lips reach any skin he can find and as his hands reach under her scrubs, caressing her breasts through the sports bra.
“Ethan, mmm, I love you.”
He pulls away to meet her eyes and gives her a blinding smile, his hands holding her face. “I love you too, Dr. Valentine.”
This kiss they share is soft and gentle, exuding the love coursing between them. But the gasp at the door breaks the trance. The couple breaks apart, Ethan sets Casey down gently as she blushes furiously.
“Do you need something, Harper?” Ethan’s voice is steady, but his lips tremble with suppressed laughter at the shock on their colleague’s face.
Casey steps behind Ethan, hiding the silent laughter at her own embarrassment and Harper’s.
“I—uh—“ Without a coherent sentence, she turns and slams the door behind her, leaving the couple to dissolve into a mess of laughter.
As Ethan turns, he gathers the giggling redhead into his arms, holding in a tight hug. He allows himself to relax, resting his chin atop her head. “I suppose I should do some damage control.”
“Probably. At least this time you don’t have to do your own damage control.”
He releases her at that and smirks, “I would have suggested you take care of that.”
Casey leans forwards and kisses him softly, “Maybe we can arrange for some of that damage control tonight.”
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alwaysmychoices ¡ 1 year ago
Making a Run For it
Synopsis: Today's the day that Ethan makes a run for it. He's leaving Edenbrook and moving to California before Charlie can ruin her career by running away first. When Charlie discovers his plan, she has to ask herself whether she really wants to lose him -- and when she realizes she wants him back, she has to find a way to convince him to stay.
Chapter 41 of the “with and without” series
Previous Series: “a weekend with dr. ramsey”
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x MC (Charlotte “Charlie” Greene)
Words: 5.1k (sorry but also you're welcome)
Rating: Teen (language)
Also available on AO3 & Wattpad (link in Masterlist)
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It was hardly noon, but Charlie was already nursing her third cup of coffee. After texting with Ethan a few nights earlier, she’d barely slept. She was too aware of the absence in the other side of her bed, and no amount of coffee could make up for the sleepless nights she’d spent vacillating between making a run for it and showing up half-naked on his doorstep, begging for an ill-advised ceasefire.
Charlie thought it would help to focus on her new life waiting for her when she left Edenbrook and escaped this vicious back-and-forth. She searched for new apartments, scheduled flights, and sought someone to sublet her current place while she was away. But nothing could drive Ethan from her mind, nor could any amount of self-restraint stop her from drunk-purchasing new lingerie in Ethan’s favorite color just in case.
The longer she stood there, the more she lamented the lonely corner she’d backed herself into. But life crisis or not, Charlie had charts and paperwork to finish, and that required all the attention she could muster.
Charlie rubbed at her eyes, trying to focus on her charting, but the idea of a power nap in the call room was increasingly appealing. Just when Charlie was ready to cave, she was startled by a nervous-looking intern barreling towards her.
"Dr. Greene?” the intern – Amanda Stevens – called out to her, like she was afraid Charlie would escape before giving her advice. Admittedly, Charlie wished she had.
“Yeah?” Charlie raised her eyebrows, releasing the dream of a nap.
“I was wondering what I should do with the newest test results for the patient in Room 255.”
“255?” Charlie repeated. That was Ethan’s patient, and it said so on the chart. Charlie should know – she’d asked to be taken off the case last week to avoid any unnecessary interactions with Ethan.
Charlie was surprised to hear Stevens ask such an easy question. It was nearly the end of her first year of residency, and Stevens was known to be capable. Why was she still asking questions about where to send test results this late in the game?
Still, Charlie remembered how it felt to be a terrified first-year, so she tried to avoid sounding dismissive as she replied, “Dr. Ramsey’s the attending. Just send it his way if you’re unsure.”
“I know,” Dr. Stevens blushed, “I normally wouldn’t ask, but the system says Dr. Ramsey isn’t here for the next few days and to direct his patients to another doctor. But he was here this morning, and he didn’t say anything about leaving. Dr. Ramsey never goes anywhere. For the last few months, he’s spent more time here than at home. I was wondering if it was a glitch.”
Charlie frowned. It stung to be reminded that, since their breakup, Ethan had become a hermit in his office, but it wasn’t untrue. And anyways, Ethan never left without leaving detailed instructions on what to do in his absence. It was almost insulting how detailed his instructions would be – like he trusted no one but himself to care for his patients.
He wasn’t the type to leave without warning.
Or at least, leave without warning his coworkers. It wouldn’t be the first time he left without telling Charlie.
“Since you know him so well, I thought you might know what’s going on,” Stevens added, as if this would ease her odd request.
It didn’t.
Charlie didn’t know how to respond to that, so she didn’t. Instead, she pulled up the patient file to check for herself, and she saw the same notice – informing any reader that Dr. Ramsey was on vacation and to direct his patient materials to Dr. Carrick until he returned.
Vacation? Charlie’s face twisted. Ethan didn’t go on vacations.
“Give the results to Dr. Carrick and be prepared to present if necessary. If it’s a glitch, Carrick should be able to tell you,” Charlie stammered out, still staring at the screen.
Satisfied, Dr. Stevens hurried off to Dr. Carrick’s office, leaving a confused Charlie in her wake.
What the fuck is going on? Charlie thought. She knew Ethan was here – she saw him this morning doing rounds with the interns. Would he really go on vacation without telling her? Could he stomach leaving work without providing nauseatingly detailed instructions to the interns?
The mystery was too enticing to ignore. She knew it was dangerous to go to Ethan’s office – there was a 50/50 shot of having sex on his desk or screaming at him so loud the whole hospital heard. And they hadn’t been able to interact without exchanging longing glances in days. But Charlie had to know what was going on.
Closing out her paperwork, Charlie went to his office and knocked on the door. There was no way he’d already left. Even if he was going somewhere, he was probably just hiding out in his office. Yet no one answered the door.
She tried again – no response.
Charlie got out her phone and instinctively opened his contact, but she lost her nerve and texted Harper instead.
Charlie: Do you know where Ethan is? The system says he’s on vacation.
Harper: Did he not tell you?
Charlie: Tell me what?
The text turned to “read,” but instead of receiving a typically prompt reply, Harper hesitated. Three dots indicated she was typing, but they stopped without any message from Harper. Charlie’s stomach lurched, wondering what on earth could make Harper delay when she was famous for responding immediately.
“Charlie! Just who I was hoping to find,” Naveen interrupted Charlie’s anxious thoughts. He looked casual, but his gait was anything but. He was practically running towards her, carrying a small envelope with an unusually tight grip.
“Oh? Everything okay?” Charlie asked, trying to match his friendly demeanor. They were both faking it – and doing so poorly. The entire time, Charlie eyed her cell phone screen, frowning as Harper apparently started and abandoned a dozen text messages. What could be so bad that she didn’t want to tell her?
“Of course,” Naveen smiled warmly, but there was something strange about his expression. Unease. Concern. Panic, maybe?
Had something horrible happened to Ethan?
“I am under strict orders to give you this letter at 2 pm. Unfortunately, my afternoon is booked, so I’ll just have to defy orders and give you the letter now,” Naveen explained.
Technically, it wasn’t a lie. He did have a meeting at 2 pm – he quickly scheduled one as soon as Ethan walked into his office this morning and told him the plan. Naveen wanted to make sure he had a perfect alibi for defying his friend’s wishes. He loved Ethan, but this was undoubtedly the stupidest thing he’d ever done.
Naveen held out a small envelope for Charlie, and immediately, she recognized the impatient yet rigid handwriting on the front. It was Ethan’s handwriting, and the letter was addressed to her.
She accepted it, tracing her fingers over the imprint of her name. Charlie was desperate to open it, hoping it had some explanation for all the strangeness around her, but she was too embarrassed to tear it open when Naveen had just informed her of the intended delivery. If she wasn’t supposed to receive this letter for another two hours, was it fair to open it now?
Naveen watched expectantly, hoping she would tear that letter to shreds and stop the melodramatic catastrophe ahead. He frowned when she hesitated.
Finally, he pointedly said, “I’ll give you privacy so you can read your letter. I’ll be in my office when you have questions.”
“When I have questions?” Charlie repeated, but Naveen had already started walking away – eager to have that enveloped opened.
Charlie’s eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the small envelop once more. None of this made sense. Ethan was a creature of habit – but everything about this went against his usual behavior. He’d left work without warning. He’d written her a letter, which he’d never done before, and then cryptically given it to Naveen for delivery. Something was happening, and she didn’t like it.
Curiosity got the better of her, and within moments of being alone, she ripped the envelop to shreds, too curious to protect the paper. Her eyes flew over the words, too stunned to speak as she processed the contents.
“My darling Charlotte,
I don’t know if this letter is a relief or a betrayal. I don’t even know which I’d prefer.
I’m leaving Boston. By the time you read this letter, I will be on a flight to San Diego for an interview. If all goes according to plan, you’ll never have to see me again. I don’t trust myself to come back before starting the new job. I’m already so close to abandoning this grand gesture and selfishly demanding your forgiveness when I know you should never forgive me.
Charlie, you deserve Boston. You deserve Edenbrook. You deserve the illustrious career I know you’ll have. You deserve the dream I ruined.
I can’t stop you from leaving, but I can take away your reason for going. If you’re running away from me, there’s no need. I’m already gone.
Please stay. Be the amazing doctor I know you were meant to be. I’ll read every paper you ever publish. I’ll be proud of every discovery you make. And I’ll rest easy knowing that you needed to be free of me to achieve it all.
 Don’t let me be the reason you upend your life and career. I’m not worth it. But you, my brilliant Charlotte, are worth everything.
I love you, Rookie. Make me proud.
Charlie read the letter over and over again – as if repetition could cure the incurable and explain the unexplainable.
Anger and despair roared with each new word, resulting in shaking hands and a tear-stained page.
This… This… This asshole.
This self-important, self-sabotaging asshole! He had to get his way. He was so insufferably stubborn – almost as infuriating a match to her own tenacity. Somehow, Ethan managed to be the worst of them both, indulging in all of Charlie’s worst faults and adding more of his own. To do something like this – Charlie raged and mourned in equal measure.
He left before she could. And then he didn’t even tell her!
Because of him, the last time she’d be able to see him was this morning in the halls.
She hadn’t appreciated it. She hadn’t catalogued all the lines on his face or savored the scent of his cologne. Now that she tried to remember, she didn’t even know what color his tie was. Had he been wearing a tie?
She deserved a better memory. And fuck, the last time she saw him couldn’t be today. She was tired and disheveled. She wasn’t even sure if she’d remembered to put in deodorant this morning, and this was her final viewing?
There was so much she still needed to do. She needed to yell and scream at him. She needed to hold him and smell him and remember all the little details. She needed more time.
He didn’t get to leave like this.
Not without saying goodbye. Or giving her this ridiculous, infuriating, and heartfelt letter instead.
What a pathetic, ridiculous trade. She’d spent two years loving him and one year sharing his bed, and now she didn’t even get a proper goodbye.
It wasn’t even the first time he’d done this to her. He’d abruptly abandoned her in the name of self-sacrifice before, and she’d done the same to him. But it was different now. She knew how he liked his coffee. She knew the laundry detergent he preferred. She knew … him.
Charlie nursed her anger like a neglected seedling, hoping that fury could erase the deep sense of loss in her chest. But her wrath failed to take root. Every time she told herself she hated Ethan Ramsey, she remembered the last lines of the letter.
“I love you, Rookie.”
Ethan loved her.
Charlie loved him.
The rest of it was a petty race to see who could fuck up first.
The fights seemed so stupid now. The issues looked resolvable. She could spend the rest of her life with this man if they’d both just let the other stay.
And suddenly, it was so simple that Charlie felt ridiculous for not seeing it before. Charlie loved Ethan more than she loved her reasons keeping them apart, and she deserved the right to say that to his face.
She had to stop him. He hadn’t left yet – she had time.
The realization spurred Charlie to movement, and before she knew it, she was sprinting through the halls to Naveen’s office. She needed to find out which airport he’d gone to. She could track down the flight from there, and if she left quickly, she might make it in time. But she’d need to tell someone before she left. She couldn’t just abandon her patients without approval.
Everyone moved out of her way – some with confused expressions, others with a knowing sense of relief. Later, she would wonder how much her coworkers knew about Ethan’s secret plan to leave, but hopefully, she’d be safely tucked in Ethan’s arms by the time those thoughts reached her.
Naveen’s assistant wordlessly motioned Charlie into his office, despite the meetings Naveen said would consume his entire afternoon.
Breathlessly, Charlie heaved at the door and sputtered out a series of questions, “Where is he? When’s his flight? I need to go, I’m so sorry, but someone needs to cover my patients because-“
Naveen cut her off. Luckily, he’d prepared for all of those requests. Otherwise, he would have had to rely on her labored speech, and that would have been too time-consuming to decipher. How fast had she been running?
“Dr. Carrick has taken over your patients for the next hour, and Dr. Trinh offered to take the hour after that, if you need it. The list goes on, as you can imagine,” Naveen calmly shuffled through his papers, “Ethan is flying out of Logan Airport on a Delta flight scheduled for 1:55. The monitors will tell you his gate number. If you leave now, you’ll make it there before he gets through security, but just in case, I bought you a ticket.”
Naveen held out a piece of paper – an airline ticket to Nevada leaving at midnight. It was the cheapest same-day flight he could find.
“But how…?” Charlie trailed off, accepting the paper. It was too grand of a gesture, but she also couldn’t fathom giving it back.
“People who aren’t in love don’t have to run thousands of miles away to stay away from each other,” Naveen smiled softly, “I always knew you two would find your way back to each other. I just wished you hadn’t been so dramatic in getting there.”
“Naveen,” Charlie choked, rubbing her thumb along the ticket barcode. Charlie knew she’d never step foot in Nevada, but it was still the greatest gift she’d ever received, “Thank you so much. I can’t begin to tell you how much this means –“Charlie wiped at her eyes, momentarily forgetting the rush as she tried not to cry.
“Sweet Charlotte, you are one of my dearest friends. But you need to leave right now and stop Ethan from making a huge mistake.”
“Right, oh my God,” Charlie felt the anxiety creep back into her bones, making her practically bounce in place with the effort to stay still, “Thank you! I need to get a cab, fuck,” Charlie covered her mouth, offering an apology for her language as she rushed out of the office.
 Naveen smiled softly with relief.
One day, he would tell them that watching them fall in love was one of the most stressful experiences of his life, but today, he was satisfied that they were still in love.
Charlie bolted though Edenbrook with less care than should have been reserved for such a delicate place of healing. She weaved and ran through the halls, apologizing when necessary and promising to make up for the inconvenience. But she didn’t stop running.
Not even when she got out her phone to secure the fastest ride to the airport she could find, even if the cost made her wince.
Ethan was wrong. He was worth it. He was worth everything. Even an outrageous cab fare.
She imagined his face when she found him at the airport. What would she say? How would she convince him to stay? Would he even listen to her? For the first time, Charlie was thankful for the luxury of a long cab ride to compose her thoughts.
But then she didn’t need to imagine his face.
Because, when she reached the front door of Edenbrook, there he was.
He was standing outside, still putting his suitcase in the backseat of the cab. She didn’t need to race to the airport – he was still here.
Charlie couldn’t believe it, staring at him with a mix of awe and disbelief.
“You’re here,” Charlie breathed, amazed he heard her over the bustling city behind them. But of course, he did. It was Charlie. He always noticed her.
But she wasn’t supposed to be here.
“I am,” Ethan froze.
I almost didn’t go, he thought. His car was originally scheduled for 11:30 sharp. He’d technically been off the clock for an hour now, but he’d pushed back his car so many times that a bad stretch of traffic could ruin his entire itinerary. He’d lingered in his office for so long, finding every reason to procrastinate his exit. It was as if he’d hoped she’d sensed the danger and come running. When she didn’t magically come to stop him, he’d forced himself out of the hospital – only to wander the block for a while before finally getting in his cab.
He'd wanted to see her one last time. He wasn’t sure if he could leave without a proper send-off. But he also knew that seeing her would ruin his whole plan. There would never be enough “lasts” with Charlie. He would always want one more look, one more conversation, one more kiss. He’d spend his whole life chasing the perfect memory with her, and by then, it would be too late. He had to go before his mistakes were too engrained in her life to be undone.
But there she was – his beautiful Charlotte. He felt his resolve break before he could even admit it to himself. He’d always find a reason to stay for her.
And Charlie’s resolve broke a little bit too – just for different reasons. Her simple realization was muddied with hard truths and stinging betrayals – the most daunting of all was how much she loved him. She was so angry and hurt, but she was still so foolishly in love. She was his to hold and his to break, and they were both very good at breaking things.
It took a very large dose of courage to finally start talking.
And she began terribly.
“You are stubborn. And you think you’re always right. You’re so fucking afraid of ruining things that you try to ruin it. You should have let me make my own decisions, and you were wrong to try to fix everything because you disagreed with me,” Charlie puffed out. Her cheeks flushed with the effort of running after him and the frustration flowing through her words.
“Charlotte I’m so-“
“I’m not done,” Charlie cut him off. “You were an asshole to leave without saying goodbye – when you went to the Amazon and now.”
“How did you know I-?” Ethan began, but she silenced him with a look.
It wasn’t two yet. She wasn’t supposed to have the letter.
“But I did the same thing to you. We’re both…” Charlie paused, trying to find the perfect way to describe their cosmically misaligned faults. But all she could come up with was “Assholes. But I love you, and I’m not letting you get on that plane.”
Ethan’s hands itched to take hers – to abandon his grand gesture and run up to her. To hold her. To feel the warmth of her skin and feel the thump of her heartbeat. To promise to spend the rest of his life making up for his mistakes.
But at his core, Ethan didn’t believe he deserved her. He was too damaged. Too insecure and irrational. To self-righteous and overbearing. He’d done too much wrong to ever deserve something so right.
“I’ll ruin your life,” Ethan managed, despite the lump in his throat and the crippling sorrow that he’d never be enough for the woman he loved. He said it like a warning, like he was begging her to believe him. Even in protesting, he knew he couldn’t resist running back to her.
“No, you won’t,” Charlie said firmly. She didn’t know where she found such resolve when, in all likelihood, he would ruin her life. She’d never be the same after him. One misstep and she’d be destroyed. But she gave him the trust she wanted them both to earn.
Ethan shook his head, but he was already walking toward her. She was like a magnet, pulling him closer and closer to danger. He was close enough to smell her shampoo – coconut and vanilla – and it almost broke him. Tears welling in his eyes, Ethan’s fingertips grazed her cheek. When she leaned into his hand, he instinctively cupped her face, pushing a stray curl out of her eyes.
When he looked at her, it was with desperation.
Desperation that she believed him – that she understood the profound risk associated with loving him.
And desperation that she wouldn’t care. That he could hold her until they were nothing but bone and old memories.
“I couldn’t even tell anyone you were mine. Just like you said – I was so afraid of fucking everything up that I actually fucked it up,” Ethan was pleading with her to appreciate how horrible he’d been, “You deserve better.”
He didn’t even realize that, since approaching her, he’d bent his knees to even out their height difference. He didn’t feel the way he bent to her, still desperately concerned with being close to her. Something about that made her smile.
“Would you do that now?” she asked, hoping she already knew the answer.
He should have lied.
That would be the right thing to do.
But the idea of hiding her now was so outrageous that Ethan laughed. A weak, tear-stained, breathless laugh – but a laugh all the same.
“No,” he shook his head, “I’d scream it from the atrium. I’d be obnoxious about it. Probably even marry you and force you to take my last name like some asshole.”
Dr. Charlotte Ramsey.
It wasn’t terrible to either of their ears.
“I wouldn’t change my name,” Charlie countered, the smile still lingering on her lips.
“Good,” Ethan was laughing again. He traced the curve of her cheek, swallowing back a sob as he asked himself what the fuck he was doing.
He was supposed to be running away right now. Why was he holding her?
“I know we keep messing it up,” Charlie chewed on her lower lip, and it took every ounce of Ethan’s resolve not to free it, “But I love you. I don’t want to live without you, and I genuinely believe we can make it work. We just… need to be less dramatic, maybe. Talk it out instead of threatening to move to different states.”
That was funny, Ethan thought to himself, but he was too panic-stricken to laugh.
“What if I hurt you?” Ethan asked with such raw pain and fear that it took Charlie aback.
“You will,” she said quickly – too quickly to phrase it as delicately as the conversation deserved.
Of course, he would. Reminded of his ultimate mission, Ethan started to pull away – intent on getting the hell out of Massachusetts before he could harm her. Charlie stopped him, clamping her hands on his wrist desperately.
“I’m going to hurt you, too. That’s just what happens, Ethan. But I still love you, and if being in love with you means that we’re going to hurt each other sometimes, I still want you,” Charlie confessed, “I trust you, Ethan. Even if you don’t trust yourself.”
By now, they’d amassed a curious crowd of onlookers, but Ethan would have rather died than let her go and pretend like he didn’t love her for the sake of some strangers. Sensing them, too, Charlie started to untangle herself from their complicated embrace, but Ethan stopped her.
I don’t care if they see, he quietly implored. Her eyes widened, and to her own surprise, she did trust him.
“Stay with me in Boston,” Charlie begged.
“What if I ruin your career?”
“I don’t care.”
“What if I hurt you and we don’t work it out – and all of it could have been avoided if I’d just left today?”
“I’d still want you to stay.”
She’d want me to stay, Ethan mulled over that phrase until it was part of his soul.
This brilliant, wonderful, kind, and thoughtful woman. She’s everything he ever wanted but never thought he’d deserve. And she trusted him. She wanted him.
Maybe he just had to trust her, too.
His plans crumbled in his hands – self-sacrifice be damned. All he ever wanted was Charlie, and oh my God, he was actually going to let himself have it.
“I’m going to stay,” Ethan said, eyes dazed. Like he hadn’t really processed what that meant.
But Charlie had. She was grinning ear-to-ear, and in his stunned state, Ethan thought she looked the most beautiful she’d ever looked.
I’m staying, he thought, I’m going to live the rest of my life loving Charlotte Greene.
How the hell did he get so lucky?
Eyes still brimming with tears, Ethan’s face split into a smile, and he scooped her in his arms, forgetting about their height difference as he lifted her off the ground to hold her close. His darling, wonderful Charlotte.
“I love you so much I can’t sleep without you,” the words flowed out of his mouth so quickly that Charlie could hardly process them. Every compliment and moment of affection he’d held back poured from his lips, intermixed with kisses across her skin. “I love you,” he kissed her nose. “I love you, Rookie.” He kissed her cheek.
He would have carried on like that forever – finding some new way to say he loved her as he kissed every inch of her face.
But Charlie interrupted him, looping her arms around his neck and kissing his lips the way she’d wanted to for months. It was raw and unrefined, blending pure adoration with desperation and unbridled need. It was spliced with flowing tears and face-splitting smiles, and it was the best kiss she’d ever had.
“I love you, Ethan Ramsey,” Charlie breathed against him, so mind-numbingly happy that she momentarily forgot every sadness she’d ever felt.
“I love you, Charlotte Greene,” Ethan replied, matching her smile. Passively, he wondered how long he’d have to wait until he could tack on a ‘Ramsey’ to that last name. Given how he felt right now, he’d last an hour before he was on his knees begging her.
Then again, doing that would require releasing her from his arms – and he had no interest in doing that.
Charlie jumped, breaking apart just enough that Ethan could mourn the absence of her warmth, and he carefully put her down. They both looked to find the cab driver impatiently waiting for them. Admittedly, he’d been interested in their grand reunion, but he didn’t have all day to wait on a pair of lovebirds kissing on a sidewalk.
“Are we going to the airport or not?” he demanded.
“We are not,” Ethan grinned, reaching into his back pocket for his wallet. He pulled out two hundred dollar bills and offered them in conciliation for the wasted time. He looked back to Charlie, “We could still do a local fare. I have the rest of the day off.”
He hoped she’d suggest they just went home. He was eager to spend the entire day reclaiming every inch of that apartment with affection for Charlie, rather than the ghosts of her devastating absence. It was only a bonus if that day was mostly spent in bed.
But before she could say yes, her pager buzzed, informing her of an urgent patient update. Wasn’t Tobias supposed to take her calls?
“Shit, I need to check on this,” she frowned down at the device, cursing it and whoever sent the message, “But don’t go! I’ll find you right after. Just wait here.”
Charlie couldn’t fathom the idea of letting him go off in that car alone. She wasn’t convinced he wouldn’t still go to that stupid airport, so she lingered nervously.
“I promise I’m staying – in Boston and here while you check on the patient.” There was nothing that would take Ethan away now.
Charlie looked back at her pager, wondering how bad it would be if she just ignored it. But when confronted with all the horrific possibilities, beginning with a harmed patient and ending with the loss of her medical license, she immediately tucked the pager back in her pocket and rushed towards Ethan, giving him a quick kiss, “I’ll see you soon.”
“I know,” he kissed the tip of her nose.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too. Now go.”
Ethan watched Charlie rush back into the hospital, despite looking over her shoulder at least a dozen times. When she was out of sight, Ethan gave the cab driver another fifty-dollar bill just to celebrate his good mood, and he took his suitcase out of the back, allowing the man to get about his day.
When Ethan started walking into the hospital, he got a better look at their witnesses, and he recognized a few faces. They looked nervous, like witnessing Charlie and Ethan was too personal to be the hospital gossip they’d hoped for.
Ethan waved politely, unbothered by their presence.
“We won’t tell, Dr. Ramsey,” one of them spoke up – a nurse on the third floor who Ethan recognized as being particularly kind to the residents when she helped clean up their mistakes. It was fitting that she would try to clean this up, too. Even if she didn’t know the full extent of Bloom’s threat, she knew that professing his love for a resident would be a huge scandal for Dr. Ramsey.
“No need,” Ethan shook his head, “But thank you.”
The nurse eyed him, silently offering him another chance to save himself, but Ethan didn’t take it.
Ethan picked Charlie. Despite all the danger of heartbreak and personal ruin, he’d promised to stay. And he knew that he couldn’t do that if he maintained the secrecy that drove them apart in the first place. Something had to change, and that meant being open about who he loved and how much he loved her.
So, Ethan knew exactly what he needed to do – beginning with meeting with Leland Bloom.
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headoverheelsforramsey ¡ 2 years ago
Newborn Love
A/N : Thank you to @peonierose for these two prompts, that inspired this. Hope you guys like it.
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Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine @cariantha
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jamespotterthefirst ¡ 2 years ago
Rb if this is your MC with Ethan
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