#Dr. Bofoi
mugiwara-shuenobi · 2 years
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
'I Don't Want To Cure Cancer' OPM Edition
With apologies to Spiderman.
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Let's go round and interview a few scientists in OPM, shall we?
Us: Dr. Bofoi, we can't help but notice the extraordinary speed with which you cleared City A and erected a new headquarters, all at a small fraction of the cost that would have been expected. Beyond that, we notice that your capacity to build at scale is unparalleled. With so many people losing their homes to monster attacks and other disasters, why don't you take the next step and cure homelessness?
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Dr. Bofoi: I don't want to cure homelessness. I want to bill the Hero Association for every Yen I can get. I assure you, it's going to a far more important cause. Actually, more importantly, how did you get in here?
Us: Dr. Kuseno, your endeavours in supporting the hero Demon Cyborg are truly extraordinary. Once people thought the dream of near-infinite clean energy from nuclear power to be a pipe dream, yet you appear to have solved this problem in an incredibly compact and robust way. Why don't you use your technology to cure energy shortage and usher in a new industrial revolution?
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Dr Kuseno: Lol, I fear you may have mistaken me for someone with lofty ideals. I don't aspire to anything as grand as a new industrial revolution. I don't mind doing the odd good deed, but my aims are far more simple: I want to develop a killer cyborg through whom I can pour out the fullness of my burning rage against my enemies.
Us: Dr. Genus, you have not only understood the rules of life far better than any person but have rewritten them entirely. With your army of you, there are few fields that you do not have a purview of. Perhaps the most amazing thing you could do would be to harness your ability to clone flesh indefinitely to cure world hunger and stop the depredation of the natural world to feed humanity. How about it?
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Dr. Genus: Starving is about all the unimproved mass of humanity deserves. I have no interest in curing world hunger. I just want somebody intelligent enough to talk to. Pause Which you most certainly aren't.
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no1monstersimp · 1 year
Cyborg Theories (Webcomic Spoilers)
I've been thinking about the latest chapters of the Webcomic and it had me thinking of something dark. What if the robots that are loose are Bofoi's, BUT he isn't the one controlling them. What if Bofoi is already dead? It wouldn't be far fetched the cyborgs who killed Kuseno would also kill Bofoi so he won't get in their way. I have a feeling Drive Knight is trying to get control over the association and Bofoi is in his way, because he's actually good but has a weird sense of justice. In the manga Drive Knight goes out of his way twice to harm people, Genos and Sekinger. Though Sekinger can be up in the air because we don't have proof he was lying about not being able to help. That cyborg's timing was way too convenient for him, G5 even says that himself.Now I just wonder what he wants with Blast, maybe he needs him out of his way aswell.
Something that catches my eye aswell is when Phoenix Man is talking about the hero association he puts Drive Knight in the "killer machines" category with Metal Knight(an actual robot) but excludes Genos from the category and doesnt talk of him at all. Sometimes I think Drive Knight is a machine similar to the Metal Knight and is being controlled by someone else, just like how G5 could have been aswell.
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Looking at the manga, there is a part where Genos brings Kuseno parts of the cyborg he destroyed and his reaction caught my eye. He starts to sweat and looks nervous. I feel like he knows more than he's letting on, he's probably not evil, but perhaps he made mistakes in the past.
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Im excited to see if we'll get more clues from Phoenix man about some things.
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theomnicode · 2 years
I swear to fucking god...
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If all these people are somehow related I swear-
Same hair, which is receding for Dr. Bofoi and short for him and Bang, same hairline for both Blast and Bang, same large nose for Kuseno, Bofoi and Bomb but the downward angularity and nose bridge is more prominent in Bang, Garou and Blast. Same mustache for Bang and Blast and same short bangs in the front (hehe geddit) and Bofoi, Bang, Garou and Blast all share the wild eyebrows while Kuseno and Bomb's eyebrows are less wild. Same high cheekbones are visible for Bofoi, Kuseno, Bomb and Bang and Blast and Bang share the same chin too. Bonus points for Bang having the same hair colour as Blast and Garou getting a similarly coloured hair as Blast once he got into spiral Garou form. Young Bomb also has the same goatee as Blast but managed to get different flowing hair, unlike everyone else's spiky hair.
Bonus image for more obvious hairdo comparison:
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Inb4 Blast is actually Bang's illegitimate grandson and this whole fight was a family feud type of deal. Bang's actual heir versus the person Bang wanted to make into his heir.
And that would make Garou Blue's cousin or something if Garou's parent is related to Blast.
Idk the family tree might be frikken wild. I'm gonna take a wild guess it's not all natural genetic relations. Bonus points if Genos is related to Genus and there's been a lot of gene manipulation thrown around.
I sense a certain arc is going to be a blast. If this family tree is gonna get super messy.
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Kaiju Flicks and Shrimp Chips by girlinstory
Saitama was expecting Godzilla.
He was expecting fuzzy science, epic kaiju, and a lot of municipal damage. He was expecting shrimp chips and Pocky. He was expecting a lighthearted movie night with his roommate.
He was not expecting Genos to cry his refuse-ducts dry on Saitama's seventh favorite hoodie.
Saitama sighed and started rummaging around in the pocket of his cargo shorts.
The kid sure cried a lot, but if anyone deserved to cry, it was probably Genos, so Saitama just started carrying hand towels instead of handkerchiefs. Today's towel was Doraemon.
He passed it to Genos, who started mopping up the oil that was streaming down his faceplates.
It looked a little like Genos was one of those girls in the TV Doramas Saitama surfed past sometimes, whose mascara had started to run because they were crying over their ex-girlfriend's twin's cousin's ghost or something. It looked a little pretty.
Saitama shook his head, as if it was an Etch A-Sketch and he could physically remove that thought.
"Is it 'cause they made Mechagodzilla a cyborg?" he asked.
Saitama had been surprised by that particular plot point as well. Mechagodzilla had been around since the Showa Era. When he was introduced in the 1974 film Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, it was as a robotic superweapon created by simian aliens to aid in their conquest of planet earth.
The newer stuff was… different. For one thing, Mechagodzilla had been given a name. Kiryu, short for Kikai Ryu or metal dragon. He was created by the Japanese military, using the skeletal remains of the first Godzilla, all that was left behind after the Oxygen Destroyer's detonation in 1954.
There was a scene where Kiryu had a freaking flashback to his own death.
Genos had stiffened beside him, and the kid was usually pretty stiff in the first place.
He hadn't spoken though, so Saitama didn't mention it either. Genos didn't speak- or start crying (probably)- until the credits rolled on Tokyo SOS.
Saitama had been planning to save the second movie for another night, or forget it altogether, since it was probably bringing up some bad memories, but Genos had immediately switched it in and hit play.
Saitama thought about saying something then, but still, Genos was silent. Like, unusually silent. Maybe that meant he didn't want to talk. Saitama could understand that. Some things were better processed with kaiju flicks and shrimp chips.
Apparently not this though.
Genos nodded minutely into Doraemon.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Mechagodzilla was not a functional weapon," Genos hiccupped.
"I underst- Wait." Saitama cleaned out his ear with a pinky. "What?"
"Mechagodzilla was not a functional weapon."
So he had heard him right. "That's… what's bothering you?"
"He malfunctioned because he was too traumatized. He kept having flashbacks and either going on a rampage or committing suicide."
Saitama tried to ignore the squirm in his intestines at that last word. He'd wondered sometimes about how Genos could talk near constantly without once mentioning his future after killing the Mad Cyborg.
"Genos, what are y-"
"It reminded me of something Metal Knight told me once," said Genos, in a rare interruption.
"The other cyborg?" Saitama had been trying to remember the names of all the S Class heroes because apparently the short one didn't like to be called that.
Genos was the only one he got right with any regularity.
"No, sensei, Metal Drive is the other cyborg. Metal Knight is Dr. Bofoi, who provides a significant amount of the Hero Association's weaponry in addition to his S Class duties."
"Oh, the one with all the body armor?"
"Correct, sensei," said Genos.
"Well, what'd he say?"
"That cyborgs are an inherently flawed idea, because anyone damaged enough to require substantial body modification is too damaged to be trusted with it."
After the minute or two it took him to figure out what that meant, Saitama immediately developed a very strong urge to give Dr. Bofoi at least a semi-serious punch.
He also felt himself flush with anger, which would usually bother him, because it always made people look at the top of his head, but Genos was too busy crying again.
"Yeah, well you're not damaged enough to say something like that," said Saitama. "I bet Dr. Bofoi wasn't hugged enough as a child. That explains all the armor. Intimacy issues."
Genos gave an oily laugh.
"Or maybe it's just because he looks like if Colonel Sanders was actually in the military."
That earned him a snort. Saitama vaguely wondered if Genos had boogers, and if they were made of oil too, but he wasn't damaged enough to ask.
"Forget Dr. Buffoon," Saitama said, casually switching over to an old magical girl anime he'd caught Genos glancing up from his notebooks to watch on more than one occasion.
Genos had enough nightmares as it was for Saitama to suggest rolling out their futons despite the late hour.
"Like he has room to talk," he went on, opening another box of Pocky. "You're a way better hero than he is. You'll outclass him in no time if the HA has any idea what they're doing."
Genos was steaming slightly. "Th- That is not true, sensei! It is you, who will- I'm not even-"
It was Saitama's turn to snort. "It's pretty hypocritical of you to be this bad at taking a compliment, Genos."
Genos steamed even harder, but at least he wasn't leaking anymore.
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gottahaveguts · 3 years
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wholesome? (not including the last message one year ago thing)
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the-nysh · 3 years
Saitama before (wc140) when asked to accompany Genos to infiltrate Metal Knight’s (Bofoi’s) facility right now:
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‘Ah...wait, no not right now; I have other duties and need time to adjust my schedule...’ 
Vs Saitama after (wc141) once he’s seen just how urgent and tragic the current situation really is:
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‘Alright, we’re doing this right now.’ No fuss, hesitation, or second guesses about rearranging time in his schedule anymore, because aside from his own plans, shifting focus on supporting Genos right now is what’s most important.
Not only is Saitama responsibly keeping his promise to the late Dr. Kuseno that he’ll ‘take care of Genos’ for him, but Saitama’s also faithfully keeping his own word to be there for Genos in his time of need:
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So good job and thank you, Saitama! For putting on the reliable, serious hero face and above all else, choosing to be there and prioritize fully supporting Genos in this. :’)
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que-yang · 2 years
We've seen villain!Genos, but what about a forced villain Genos AU?
Since his mind is his own, but his body is a complete machine, it could be easily manipulated by some hacker or technologic genius (seeing the webcomic, Dr Bofoi would fit pretty well this role)
So Genos loses control over his own body while still being completely conscious of his actions and with no choice but to watch the city fall and citizens die by his hands
wow... genius
It sounds will be a extremely pain to genos.
My brain keeps running after watched your prompt! Maybe I will try after my busy time ended!Xp
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 2 years
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gofancyninjaworld · 7 months
"It struggles but it still obeys" -- OPM webcomic chapter 150 review
The trap we've been waiting to see sprung has finally started to close. Everywhere we look, the triumphant Neo Heroes are stopping, stuttering, and freezing, their pupils fixed and dialated like a corpse's. Then, they move, reanimated to a new existence, one they have no control over. Only lucky individuals who've modified their suits in some way -- or had them broken -- have escaped. And as Accel, Puri Puri, and Amai Mask will testify, the new Neo Heroes attack former allies savagely on sight.
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Elsewhere, we see Genos encounter 'Boros's' brain-dead corpse. It has been kept functional on life support in the second of Metal Knight's labs. Noting that the creature is an incredibly powerful one that can't be allowed to rampage. Genos nevertheless feels for it: it's being kept alive to fight. Like him. While Google Translate isn't the best, the translation it comes up with, of Genos saying that at least one of them should have an easy escape when he moves to kill 'Boros', really hits hard.
We see how clearly Genos sees the situation he's in. The rampaging cyborg screwed him out of his past and any social context. Dr Kuseno screwed him out of a future. And now Saitama, the lackadaisical, uncaring Saitama, has been screwing him out of any chance to salvage anything of value out of his situation. Damn straight he's angry.* And in a hurry. There better be a kindly deity willing to pour cooling water on Dr Bofoi's soul, for unless there's a miracle of understanding to stay Genos's hand, that soul is about to be parted from its body with flames so hot it'll arrive in the afterlife still on fire.
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Speaking of the lackadaisical Saitama, he's been doing a good job of eliminating the robots wherever he's encountered them. Blue follows the trail of the storm of robot parts he's been flinging hither and thither and accidentally gets steam-rollered by Saitama. That's where the chapter ends.
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When we'll continue, your guess is as good as mine.
Insects. That's all that people are worth to The Organization. It's been nearly three years since I first pointed out the difference between the cyborgs we'd been seeing to date to what the Neo Heroes were doing. I brought up this harrowing reality of using insects as cyborgs and forcing them to move according to an operator's instructions:
"It struggles but it still obeys," is what the lead scientist says. In the story, we see human beings living this reality. Raiden must have incredible willpower: despite everything, he's able to stutter a few words to Puri Puri, begging the latter to save him from his torment even as he rains blows down on the hero.
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Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/1agdu1y/translation_of_raidens_muttering_webcomic_spoiler/
For luckless souls who fall into the tender mercies of Erimin and Destro and their 'recovery' capsules, there's an even crueler fate waiting. I'll save that for another day. We'll find our way back to what's happening at Neo Hero HQ in time.
Yes, we the readers have been sitting on high being fed the answers to the evil behind the Neo Hero facade. We may not know who is ultimately responsible, and we may not yet know why, but we know a lot and a lot looks 'obvious' to us. However, the characters in the story can only discover the reality based on the evidence they actually have access to and what they already know/think. ONE is very strict on rules of evidence. If it's taken various individuals until now to start to know, it's not because they're stupid. Never think that, oh person given the answers from the back of the book.
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The question is what are the individuals who have begun to understand what's happening going to do? They're all scattered in a deeply hostile and dangerous world -- and there isn't much time to do something before civilization is too broken and cowed to function.
That is, of course, the most urgent problem. Speaking of saving civilization, is the Hero Association going to be saved? But there are other urgent problems. Like, one cannot help but worry that Dr. Bofoi is the wrong target to eliminate. He surely deserves some karma but it may well be a gross miscarriage of justice. What's going to happen there? What's going to happen with 'Boros' (I'm not going to take away the quotations until the critter has a mind of his own again)? And really, who truly is behind all this and what do they want?
Tune in sometime in the future to find out.
*Yes, I have a lot more to say about this, but I need first to set the context to what I'm going to say. So look for additional meta. Nag me if I'm tardy!
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handlewcaare · 4 years
How S-Class respond to being followed by paparazzi:
• 🌪Tatsumaki🌪: She straight up ends up levitating the paparazzi upside down until he passed out from blood loss. She’s never been harassed since then
• 🌊Silverfang / Bang 🌊: really isn’t a popular guy to follow, though he’s rather clever in keeping astray from the paparazzi.
• ⚛️ Kamikaze Samurai⚛️ : the type of guy to go deadass slice a camera in several different pieces that is so clean, the surfaces stick together if you press hard enough. That’s just a nice way of giving you a warning.
• 🤖 Child Emperor 🤖 : He usually tries to blend in with a group of kids to keep the paparazzi away from him. He also knows how to crypt a camera with a little gizmo that essentially destroys the lenses.
• 💩 Bofoi 💩 : I wouldn’t want to follow him. He’d probably be the one to spy on the paparazzi and give threats about disclosing their dark secret
• 👾 King👾 : people are usually too intimidated to try and follow him. He’s also quite hard to find, considering the paparazzi will linger at gyms, high-prestige places filled with monsters for him to show up.
• 🧟‍♂️ Zombieman 🧟‍♂️: usually doesn’t care until they opt to be an ass, then he straight up pulls a Keanu Reeves and steals a paparazzi’s camera before bolting with it. Motherfucker ran for miles around the cities laughing like a mad man:
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• 👁 Drive Knight 👁 : DON’T.
• 🐷 Pig God 🐷: Probably just snatched that shit and devoured the camera right in front of them. Deadpan and all. He made sure to make it as obnoxious as possible so they heard their paycheck being crushed between his teeth. He probably did it out of spite when an adult was following CE—you know, a child?
• 🩲 Darkshine 🩲 : Too nice to destroy cameras, but he would politely request that they not follow him around. If they ignore him / tell him off, he’ll just pick them up by their collar and leave them in a tree before resuming what he was doing.
• 🐶 Watchdog man🐶 : honestly doesn’t care. Probably sits still atop of the little post he’s perched on and doesn’t answer questions.
• ⚡️ Flashy Flash⚡️: too quick to interview and even get a decent picture of. Don’t even bother to try and sneak up on him because he WILL destroy your camera.
• 🔥 Genos 🔥 : usually could give less of a shit. It’s only when they start getting obsessive / actively and physically harass Dr. Kuseno or Saitama—hell, even a civilian—that he will pull a Björk and throw your ass down into the concrete. Ever wondered what it was like being decked by a cyborg? Well, now you know:
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• 👊🏼 Saitama 👊🏼: Snatches that camera out of your damn hand and crushes it in the process “what the hell are you doing, stalking people like that?” You immediately resign from TMZ
• 😤 Metal Bat 😤 : WILL beat your ass. He doesn’t care if you’re with TMZ or a blog. He doesn’t even destroy your camera, he just gets ready to wreck your shop, especially if you’re taking pictures of Zenko. You better believe you’re gonna have to write a will before you try to take photos of him. You, also, immediately resign from TMZ
• 🎽 TTM 🎽 : Is probably the most diplomatic out of the class, though he won’t tolerate you actively harassing him for a picture. If his words of caution don’t get to you, his squad certainly will and they will barricade you with their tank top power to keep you away / leave their master alone—or Mumen Rider for that matter. It would exactly end in the same fate as that bully from Mob Psycho with the Body Improvement Club:
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• 👼 Puri Puri Prisoner 👼 : Not only will he take your camera, but you’re part of his prison harem now. No backsies. This is your bed and now you gotta lie in it.
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theomnicode · 2 years
So Saitama destroying Bofoi's robots happened two days after he got promoted, supposedly because Genos went to that meeting and spilled the beans. But I still think is strange that he was promoted just because of that, since no one actually believed his story, and HA always relies on some real evidence to promote people.
Genos is a reliable eye witness and multiple other people saw Saitama at the scene and then we have to take account the two s-rank heroes which Saitama and CE personally brought to Sekingar, which was apparently added in the volume release.
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It does appear that Saitama's participation against Garou is in the official records, as Genos gave evidence of such happening, but since they cannot accurately determine the credibility of what exactly happened from the sources (Garou and Saitama) because they lost their memories and all Genos has going for him is his infatuated ramblings which don't sell the story as evidence of what actually happened and how did Saitama fight against Garou exactly, they put it down as participation in the battle against Garou.
This seems consistent with HA's modus operanti where Hero association has given him increase in rank whenever there are credible eye witnesses to his actions, like meteor incident where Bang and Genos both could testify and then Sea king incident again with Genos, Mumen and all those civilians and video source too.
The question becomes though, will Genos become a less credible source of evidence for Saitama's feats if HA begins to see him as biased towards Saitama because he's infatuated and so they believe he cannot provide an accurate reports and instead would embellish whatever has happened.
This factoid might be important for the future if Genos is deemed as unreliable eye witness for Saitama's actions. That when Saitama is actually needed, the HA would not call for him because they don't have evidence of his capabilities, no matter how much Genos has tried to tell them.
Edit: One thing struck me just now.
If Saitama never gets to S-class, he won't be privy of any of these HA secret intelligence. He won't ever be privy of God.
He can't fight against God if he does not even know what he fights against, because HA keeps all this information tightly sealed. Genos could ofc tell him, but then he would get fired if it came to know what Genos blabbed to Saitama.
Then any possible S-rank secrets Saitama should know because if he's slated to become the defender of Earth because he's that strong, he would not be able to know.
Lack of information is always devastating when allocating resources. Saitama cannot assist in anything if he's kept out of the loop.
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flaresanimedump · 5 years
When Metal Knight, Bofoi, turns out to be Dr. Bofoi Kuseno, when that very same man is found to be behind the massacre of Genos' family, when his body turns out to be Dr. Kuseno's own personal laboratory for the creation of the best possible cyborg to unleash upon mankind, the best possible weapon against Saitama, Genos, at first, rages. He tears down the earth upon which Metal Knight has stood, has worked, has lived or existed long enough to leave a mark. He makes sure the memory of Metal knight is as desolate as he feels. And Saitama leaves him to it until there's nothing left but rubble, watching silently with a crease between his brows. But once it's done, once all that remains is the agony of having been so thoroughly betrayed and Genos himself, Saitama at last intervenes in his spiral of destruction.
"That's enough," is what he says, calmly, because even though it will never feel like it, it is. "You can stop now. Listen, all this...it's bad. But you've got lots to live for outside revenge." He holds out one gloved hand to Genos. "Let's go home."
"My home is gone." Genos snaps bitterly. The anger and hurt swirling in his chest have nowhere to go, nothing to do but scour him inside, and his words sound quiet under the mechanical hum of his overworked engines.
"What? Did Buff Boy wreck the apartment building or something?" Saitama asks. "Our home, Genos."
That's what it takes. Our home. Reality douses him in cold clarity, washing away the still-burning rage and leaving nothing but regret and longing. Saitama is watching him, serious but with something in his eyes that's trying to assure Genos it's all going to be ok.
"I...would like that, Saitama Sensei." Of course he doesn't understand. Saitama knows no fear anymore, and it would never occur to him what Genos knows he has to do. "But there's still one thing of Bofoi's left in this world. This body he gave me is dangerous. I can't guarantee he hasn't backed his own mind up somewhere inside me, or written protocols to override my brain in his absence. This, Bofoi's greatest weapon, must be destroyed."
"...Can you live without it?"
"No." There are other doctors, but Bofoi was decades ahead of them all in his research, and the only one who had as yet been able to connect directly to a human brain.  
Saitama crouches in front of him, and Genos finds every lost inch between them a comfort. "Then don't worry about it. If any of that bad stuff happens, I'll stop you."
"I can't ask you to kill me, Sensei. You're too kind for something like that."
"You're right, you can't. I'll just knock you around a little and find somebody who can fix you up. That little kid with the spider backpack seems clever."
"I could do something terrible, I could hurt you-"
"You can't hurt me."
Genos hadn't meant injure. There are other ways to hurt Saitama. Detonating his core in the heart of city Z after Saitama had promised to stop him was one. Bofoi was more cunning than Genos, he would have thought of dozens more and worse, and he can't let them come to pass.
"You're right," says Genos, activating his self-destruct protocol. "I can't hurt you, Sensei."
Saitama's widening eyes light up with the overheating glow from his core.
"Will you stay until the end?"
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rayadraws · 5 years
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A festive dr. Bofoi
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the-nysh · 4 years
There's so many things need to be unpacked from current webcomic arc, especially about Metal Knight's involvement in monster experiments. I also noticed Blue warned Genos about Metal Knight's suspicious activities, just like the way Drive Knight did back then post-Boros arc. Now that CE started to connect the dots (omg MANIPULATED CYBORG MONSTERS WHAT??!) and it has been revealed that Bofoi were spying on everyone made me go wee woo wee woo 🚨 Hilarious moments are Suiko being the fandom's voice of reason on calling out the Neo-Heroes mecha suit looked lame (thank you Suiko!) and when CE trying not to snap on Bofoi (very relatable and understandable I feel you CE). Also yes I agree with you regarding Metal Bat's fate, I'm so worried for this boy. We still haven't know what he's doing after the ambush and I started to get bad feeling about this.. Especially with heavily-hinted theme of "manipulation". Like, I know ONE hates to kill off his characters, but the chance of them getting "worse than death" situation is still high..
Hooo...you said it, anon! 👀;; Where to even begin...
So far Genos had been somewhat detached from knowing what’s up lately (considering cyborgs and possible Organization ties are right up his alley, keeping him in the dark about it all was pretty suspicious -on ONE’s part- too.) Thankfully Blue’s helped inform him somewhat, and now Genos and Child Emperor can pursue their own independent investigations into the matter.
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Blue honestly feels like he’s in the clear, since whoever’s pulling the strings looks to be far beyond him. Cause even being the Neo Hero ‘leader’ in name, Blue still can’t get authorized access to speak with or enter the HA, or knows anything about the suits or microchipped monsters himself. So he feels like he’s in the same boat as ‘us,’ so to speak, by wanting to help uncover the truth too.
Meanwhile Child Emperor starts dissecting the monster problem directly and...
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...yikes?! I don’t like the sound of that! D: Since ‘cyborg monsters’ starts blurring the lines for what’s possible, ahem, with regards to the fate of our heroes like say...Genos. 👀;;Then again, ‘monsterized cyborgs’ or cyborg-modified monsters also feels right up the alley towards Mad Cyborg territory, if any of this means we’re getting closer to solving that hanging mystery as well.
With everyone’s suspicions further converging on Metal Knight, aka Dr. Bofoi, as the ‘bad guy’ behind all this, it almost feels ~too obvious~ like an easy scapegoat or intentional misdirection, you know what I mean?
The guy is rightly mad paranoid about everyone and everything; he’s got spy cameras everywhere and knows something’s up but is too cautious to risk trusting anyone or leaking anything. Like he’s also trying to get to the bottom of it in his own way. He’s obviously and suspiciously up to something too of course, but considers the Neo Heroes his ‘enemy’ (or rather, not ‘allies’ he’s in cahoots with it seems)...and deems Child Emperor no threat no matter what he does or assumes of him, hmmm. (Also his comment on CE’s ‘big doll’ in production...does that mean a possible wc Brave Giant debut soon? 👀) Also check out everyone he’s got on his radar:
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From Neo leaders, executives and suits, to HA heroes, cyborgs, and monsters alike. Like Bofoi’s covering all his bases (seems the Neo side has most of his attention, in my opinion), considering who & what’s ‘most troublesome’ (as a threat to him? the world? personally getting in his way? unknown what goal in mind he doesn’t intend to ‘stop.’.) Drive Knight’s interestingly there by the way (as is Suiryu, without his ‘lame’ armor on anymore too, heh), but also interestingly who’s not there as well. (Which means with Bofoi’s spying ‘eyes’ everywhere, I can’t help but notice someone like Garou’s not on his radar either...) Excluding Genos (and Dr. Kuseno) from his suspicion, but also how some of the most odious Neo Hero guards, with suspected ties to the Organization for example, aka some of the top dogs who likely can’t be ‘manipulated,’ aren’t there either. Very hrmm what all of this could mean, and of course, worried and wary for any more potential victims of this sinister plot to pile up (like..ulp, Metal Bat, I sure hope not!) Whoever’s the dark horse or true culprit here, I’m sure excited to find out!
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e10 Live Blog
“Justice Under Siege”
ALRIGHT so despite the fact that it is the 1 week anniversary of my death, OPM has forcefully wrenched me from the underworld to come continue with the season. So here I am and I’ve already posted my guess for what this episode will entail so lets see how well I handle it! (see: how much I scream) As always, I’m watching as someone who is up to date on both the Manga and webcomic
lets try that again ok
AHA YES OMG we’re starting with this!! I was totally expecting to pick up exactly where we left off, with Destrochloridium at the HA but OK throw me for a loop! Mix it up! “ORA ORA ORA ORA” I love Saitamas VA, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I laffff oh my god it keeps going in the background as Kind talks I can’t
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This is the scariest Saitama face I have ever witnessed wtf??? Why does it look so creepy?? Also, they added quite a bit to this scene huh? I guess They have to amp up the jokes since shit is getting pretty serious otherwise at this point in the series. OH SHIT THE DING ‘NO OTHER WORDS CAME TO MIND” OK Excellently done that got me I cackled fffffffffffffffff
OH MY GOD KING THAT SICK BURN?!?! I dont remember that I guess they’re really making it a point to be like ‘HEY LOOK THIS IS GONNA BE USED!!! IT EXISTS!!!’ but like I dont care cause it was worth it for the joke hhhhhhhhhhhJUST
Yanno, I just realised I think I know where every sing scene in the whole opening comes from down to the omake. Also just realised we are definitely getting Genos/Bang/Bomb vs Centipede cause that joint attack Bang and Bomb use is in the opening. Huh why did that only just now click anD OH MY GOD BB GENOS IM DYING NO
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Ok now we’re where we left off and oh dear god I HATE that squish noise please stop no OK Gyoro’s weird Eye twitch was a cool touch. Oh wait Narinki is the highest ranking executive now? I thought he was just the top donor of funds or something? eh anyway- lol wow Gyoro puts on a convincing sob story voice this is so funny?? Cause its Complete BS and I wonder what my reaction would be if I didn’t already know that AHH OK BUT THAT ‘HEHIHIHIHIHI’ LAUGH THO OMG SO GOOD
WHEW ok but seriously just the MENTION of assembling all the heroes is raising my blood pressure asdfghjkl if I may have one thing in life PLEASE LET IT BE A THIRD SEASON PLEASE IM BE G G IN G
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ASDFGHHJKL Did Destrochloridium just shout Itadakimasu?? HULU y u no translate that??? DOI as he gets smooshed pfffffftttttttttttt omg the sound pls ohmigod everyone knows steel is no match for a hardened body i just fukken HEKK I love this show so much pls he sounds so concerned that destro DIDNT know that
“Better step up” OH MY GOD YES DO THE THING
OK WAIT This is actually badass and not just a joke?? Darkshine, er, Blackluster(??) stop u r 2 good I cant handle it rn
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oooohhhhHH OH OH OH OH PLS SHOW EVERYONE I WANT PLS THE MONSTER ASSOCIATION!!! PLS!! SHOW ME WIFE?? CADRES?? PLZ?? yo total side note but I LOVE Murata’s monster designs?? Every time I reread opm I just oogle at a new one I never noticed before they’re all so unique and good. Also At least 3 of them in this sequence look like pokemon i swear- lol the silence no applause, if that was a joke in the manga i totally missed it uuuuwaAAAAAAAAAAA SCREAMING SCREAMING I AM SCREAM CADRE YES YES ASDFGHJKL ARE YALL READY TO SEE T H  A T FACE FOR THE REST OF THE SERIES THUS FAR???? HUH????
ew oh wait I actually feel bad for Awakened Cockroach, and he twitches after getting eaten oh noooooonono ew oh no dude im sorry no AAAAAAAAA WIFE HELLO oh their voices are so sad when they’re terrified for their lives I dont like it :[ ITS OK UR SAFE 4 NOW ILY PLZ BE CAREFUL AND STAY AWAY FROM PRETTY MEN 
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMYCYBORG SON MY HEART I WEAK GENOS BB PLS BE CAREFUL ILY TOO hey heres a WACKY  and TOTALLY LoOnEy IdEa, what if,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT-IFF,,,,,,,,,,, everyone was HAPPY???? Crazy I knowww I just want the best for my sons and babies and children boys wives daughters loves and husband, is it so much to ask???
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Oh my god he looks so Sad here please no Genos everything will be ok please don’t be reckless do not be reckless listen to Dr. Kuseno you fool 
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CHILD EMPEROR MY SON I LOVE YOU TOO BOFOI UR AN ASS oh my god please can you even TRY to be a good mentor for the kid???? Thats it Zombieman adopt him pls remove shitty Bofoi influence replace with Best dad man influence. ANYWAY ok that was a tangent huh oops sorry. Ok but look at him. Child Emperor is genuinely adorable and a sweetheart poor kid don’t lose your faith in adults.
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Uh, the episode is running late still not to Garou yet either?? hmmmmmmmmm again I’m getting nervous are they gonna rush it?? lol the saitama throwaway OH OH FINALLY OMG MY HEART ISNT READY MY FAVORITE GAROU IN THE WHOLE SERIES OH MY GOD
im… im screaming… i love these two so much it hurts it does really. I was not prepared for how adorable it was possible to make Tareo either can I hug?? I must hugg?? And Garou’s voice is so calming and he’s being so sweet? I was really expecting to sound more… i dont know, whiney? Every time he shows up on the screen I love him more and more ffs
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This is such a good shot. Desktop wallpaper material right here.
Oh my god, this moment. And the music is just yanking my heart strings stop.
Oh yeah, they interrupt right. I like these heroes and all, but none of them are particular faves the fact that I think SO MANY OTHER FAVES were are RIGHT before them this ep just kinda overshadows their existence for me. I think this is the ONLY time in the series where Garou goes up against heroes and i cheer for him 110%, don’t even feel a little bad about who he’s beating the shit out of, and that’s kinda messed up of me but thats how impartial I am towards all these guys?
Back to Garou and I love him. hhhhh.
He smak the table
He laughs. Oh no his laugh. OPM forcefully dislocated me from the underworld to watch this episode and has thusly YEETED ME TO HEAVEN THAT LAUGH. I really need Garou to be happy.
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Do you see this man? Do you see him? I do and I’m crying thank you
Omg I got really caught up it watching them talk but the sparkles around death gatling whe Tareo was looking at them snapped me out of it. oi I cant handle this. Garou I want you to know that you have successfully turned the bad guy into the one everyone wants to win. You did it boy you did
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like I know how this goes but I’m so anxious anyway the hhhhhhhhhhhhh the fight choreography is a little clunky but I don’t care OH ok cool Glasses actually kept his little spotlight nice but Garou GAROU PLS B CAREFUL OK except WHAT THE FUCK IS HIS MOUTH DOING THAT LOOKS SO STUPID WHAT THE HELL?? HOLY SHIT IM GETTING DIZZY STOP wh- wh- wait no. NO IM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET COME BACK PLEASE I NEED MORE WAIT NO UHG this is my reaction at the end of every episode when will I learn?????????????? never. The answer is never.
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NO POST CREDITS STINGER and AS MUCH AS I LOVE GENOS’S FACE I already knew he would be in the episode next week. Yall I am so lost as to where the final episode will land. WTF.
This ep was a roller coaster oh my god. Non stop plot not that the tournament is done, and we saw like EVERY CHARACTER my feeble heart could not keep up. The ONLY thing that bothered me was part of the fight sequence at the end, like it was half drawn beautifully half animated so stiff and blocky ??? Threw me for a loop. But next week is only gonna get more intense??? I’m gonna guess we’ll get through the Elder Centipede fight??? But then what does that mean for the last episode??? I am full of SO MANY QUESTIONS??? I really don’t want the season to end yet, 12 eps is not enough. There’s only 2 more. Just. I’m not ready to let go of my bbs it feels like I only JUST got them… Well! Before I devolve into more of a blubbering mess, thanks yall so much for reading!!! As always, see yall next week!
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