#Dr Kuseno
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gofancyninjaworld · 10 months ago
No one is born knowing how to communicate
A: And that's okay...
Dr Kuseno made it look so easy. He just swanned into Saitama's apartment, proferred him a gift of beef and the hero's hostility melted away.
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Fubuki felt positively foolish, and yet encouraged.
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Since then, however, she's found that the only thing meat bribes pull in are dogs. Literal dogs:
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And even dogs need more than meat to be loyal.
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What gives? Well, it's obvious that Fubuki mistook Dr Kuseno's gift for a bribe: more on that later. Probably. And yeah, it's funny, but it's more interesting than that.
Learning how to communicate is complex. There are a ludicrous number of unspoken conventions and rules in every human society, so much so that we don't fully learn how to smile socially until we're in our forties. Dr Kuseno carefully judged his gift: he had a legitimate reason to offer Saitama a gift in the first place, out of gratitude for Saitama going out of his way to mentor Genos. Then he chose a gift Saitama would be sure to appreciate and presented it at a time when Saitama would be thinking about dinner. The worst that could have happened is that Saitama took the gift but insisted on the doctor going home (and taking Genos with him) -- it would still have left the desired positive impression. And things went really well. Kuseno made it look effortless.
Fubuki is only in her early twenties and her experience to date has been far from typical. She's learned that either she can intimidate people or she can flatter them into doing what she wants. With Saitama (and later Bang, Bomb, and Kuseno), she has to learn how to talk to more powerful people whom she cannot overpower, over whom she has no leverage, and who are unimpressed by her looks, simpering, or flattery.
Fortunately, Fubuki is nothing if not astute. She's worked out that she needs to develop complementary skills if she's to make herself useful to the S-Class heroes she wants to hang with. How to talk to them to get the help and cooperation she desires? Ah, that's a work in progress.
B: ...Unless it's not
Let's move onto another miscommunication.
Something that I hadn't before was that, unlike the webcomic version where Saitama only thinks to himself that Genos seems depressed, in the manga, Saitama out and out asks him if this is the case. He wants to know.
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It mirrors King asking Saitama that very same question and getting Saitama to open up and be vulnerable for the first time (ever, in any version of the story). So it is very appropriate to see Saitama trying to do the same for Genos, particularly as he is openly fond of the guy.
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However, it goes wrong. Saitama feels himself under pressure to say something wise to make it better. So he puts on his best 'confident' face and inadvertently makes everything much worse. Oh dear. What makes this particularly painful in the manga is that Saitama is much more invested in trying to reach Genos, and it's made Genos think that Saitama saying that he doesn't see what he's doing must mean that earlier times when he's praised him must have been just Saitama being nice. For sure, Genos could have pushed back and made Saitama clarify what he meant, but he's even worse at communicating: and Saitama's glib remark about being bright struck him square in the insecurities.
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I'm going to come to something that I only realised once I started typing this up. Even though I've pointed out their abilities to communicate, neither King nor Kuseno have the perfect words to say. Kuseno started out by first committing a faux pas in bringing his great big outside boots into Saitama's flat, then nearly boring Saitama to death with a long-winded explanation. King started out by trying to guess what was bothering Saitama. Both, however, did the most important thing about effective communication: they picked up on their going wrong and changed tack.
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It's not about saying the right thing: it's about responding to the person you're talking to.
The thing that King did that Saitama was trying to do for Genos was to ask Saitama open questions, and shut up in the interim, letting Saitama talk to fill in the silence. He'd only speak to ask more open questions when Saitama ran out of things to say, and through that, gently started to challenge Saitama's thinking.
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But doing so means being comfortable with several seconds of silence. And that is excruciating. It is almost irresistible to jump in and say something, anything. And it would have been a longish wait, for Genos to slowly sit down and decide to start speaking, which might well have started being about something only tangentially related to his worry. King did that for Saitama: Saitama started out talking about what was bothering him on the surface -- being too strong -- before eventually coming to what was really bothering him, feeling lonely and profoundly isolated from everyone around him. Saitama does not yet know how to wait a person out.
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It's a problem in this case because it's introduced a big barrier between those two, not an insurmountable one for sure, but one that could easily compound later.
Ah well, no one is born a communicator. We just have to wait and see if they work out a way to open up and be honest with each other. So it goes! There's more ways to introduce conflicts than to have a monster trample Tokyo, after all!
And so help me, the struggle to learn how to communicate is 1000% worthwhile.
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rants-about-opm · 1 year ago
I'm just saying yall lucky as fuck that Genos is cute.
Do you even realize the Renaissance Man hiding in Kuseno's clothes?
There's no 10 dollar blueprint on pinterest for REBUILDING A HUMAN BODY FROM THE NECK DOWN.
This man crafts high functioning weaponry that conveniently stores down into an equally high functioning and flexible humanoid form without sacrificing the functionality of either. He sews heat resistant clothing embroidered with Genos' name so he can rep his own merch, he makes exact replicas of Genos' face that can move and express human emotion so that he remains recognizably himself, HE HAS TO CUT GENOS' HAIR DO YOU REALIZE THAT THERE ISNT A WIG THAT JUST COMES THAT WAY HE HAS TO IMPLANT THE FIBERS LIKE A DOLL REFURBISHER AND THEN FIX HIS FUCKING HAIR LIKE THE WORLD'S MOST OVERQUALIFIED BARBER???
And have you seen Kuseno's hair?? That's not a hat he's wearing!
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That's his fucking hair!
Bro can't even tame his own locks but he still got Genos TOP to BOTTOM with the drip.
Say your thanks to the reason y'all get to simp.
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potsweeta · 8 months ago
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Req from twt! tried different coloring for each piece 🧩
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badjohnspeakeasy · 2 years ago
Being a Mad Scientist sure is lonely.
I think it's thematically appropriate that Mosquito Girl survived, and that Genus repaired her. Mad Scientists in OPM are lonely, dependent people.
Kuseno has Genos.
Fukegao had his brother, Marugori/Beefcake.
Genus surrounded himself in clones, now he surrounds himself in his remodeled, reformed experiments.
Psykos started out with Fubuki and her stuffed cycloptic bear, then she leveled up to Orochi, a horde of monsters, and her little flying eye critters that she used to spy on people.
And WIIIIIILD Emperor (that name is such a sad but hilarious overcorrection) has his Underdog Men, and now that he's of the opinion that he can't trust anybody now (even his homie Zombieman), he's more isolated and insecure than ever.
I hope Isamu manages to let some positive influences in his life, or he'll end up like Metal Knight, the loneliest and most paranoid guy of all.
After losing Isamu as his assistant, all Bofoi has is his robot army, his action movie figurines, and a dark laboratory from which he broods and watches the outside world.
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theomnicode · 2 years ago
Saigenos imprints
Genos gauges how pleasurable sex act is to Saitama depending on how deep imprints Saitama leaves on his metal and he feels stupidly proud whenever it's a large dent. Saitama feels apologetic but Genos just tells him he analyzes what makes Saitama-sensei lose control of himself the most and endeavors to do just that and Saitama just leans into his fist on the side of his mouth, frustrated (and flushed) beyond belief. He just can't with Genos.
What will doctor Kuseno even think?
Genos points out he's been very understanding of the situation and Saitama explodes and wants to crawl somewhere and die from embarrassment.
Genos just smirks how he keeps close tabs on what he can do to bring the most pleasure to sensei and Saitama is not sure if he should be very aroused or very scared and mentally decides that it's probably both because Genos is very intense in everything he does.
Slowly Saitama starts to realize that yes, it includes sex as well and his imagination goes into overdrive and the redness on his face reaches the tips of his ears.
Saitama doesn't pay attention when Genos moves to sit next to him, but he definitely hears Genos' husky voice in his ear telling him that “sensei only needs to say a word. I will make certain it happen” and Saitama forgets to breathe for a moment.
“Oh fuck me,” Saitama says.
“If that is what you want sensei, then certainly,” Genos answers playfully.
“NO- I mean Yes, I mean- FUCK!”
Saitama takes a moment to calm down and then turns to Genos, pulls at his top and decides to wipe the smug smirk off his face with a kiss.
“No time like present I suppose. You're such a dang tease…” and guides Genos’ hand to the very prominent bulge on his sweatpants.
“Sensei…” Genos groans into the kiss, pawing at the noticeable hard-on Saitama sports.
It is Saitama's turn to smirk. “Make good on that promise of yours. Go crazy, make me go wild. And drop the sensei when we're doing it, would you?”
“Yes, sen- Saitama!”
The next day Genos goes back to Kuseno with more imprints than ever before. Kuseno is not amused.
“I see. Did you goad him to do this?”
“Yes Kuseno-hakase, it was entirely my fault.” A beat. “But I enjoyed it very much.”
Kuseno sighs and shakes his head. “Kids these days...”
Saitama is still snoozing back at their apartment blissfully because Genos didn't bother to wake him up, but when he finally wakes up at 10am he blinks sleepily. “Wow. I slept like a log. I guess Genos already left to Kuseno's place.” He stretches and pops a joint.
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no1monstersimp · 2 years ago
Cyborg Theories (Webcomic Spoilers)
I've been thinking about the latest chapters of the Webcomic and it had me thinking of something dark. What if the robots that are loose are Bofoi's, BUT he isn't the one controlling them. What if Bofoi is already dead? It wouldn't be far fetched the cyborgs who killed Kuseno would also kill Bofoi so he won't get in their way. I have a feeling Drive Knight is trying to get control over the association and Bofoi is in his way, because he's actually good but has a weird sense of justice. In the manga Drive Knight goes out of his way twice to harm people, Genos and Sekinger. Though Sekinger can be up in the air because we don't have proof he was lying about not being able to help. That cyborg's timing was way too convenient for him, G5 even says that himself.Now I just wonder what he wants with Blast, maybe he needs him out of his way aswell.
Something that catches my eye aswell is when Phoenix Man is talking about the hero association he puts Drive Knight in the "killer machines" category with Metal Knight(an actual robot) but excludes Genos from the category and doesnt talk of him at all. Sometimes I think Drive Knight is a machine similar to the Metal Knight and is being controlled by someone else, just like how G5 could have been aswell.
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Looking at the manga, there is a part where Genos brings Kuseno parts of the cyborg he destroyed and his reaction caught my eye. He starts to sweat and looks nervous. I feel like he knows more than he's letting on, he's probably not evil, but perhaps he made mistakes in the past.
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Im excited to see if we'll get more clues from Phoenix man about some things.
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opmshitposts · 2 years ago
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stellato-17 · 9 months ago
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Genoko: How can I deny the theme of love?
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gofancyninjaworld · 4 months ago
Murata to the OPM fandom.
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The good doctor is making the world a better place.
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gofancyninjaworld · 9 months ago
...I was going to post something sensible but this waylaid me instead. I can't remember if I posted this already (sorry if I did).
I know that Murata says, 'if it's not sexy, it's not Genos.' But does he think about what it says about the old man who designs these bodies?
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I bet that if I ask, Murata will be like, 'maybe...' and ONE will just smile enigmatically.
Anyway, in-universe, man... what is that old man's problem? Why is he all but pimping his boy out?
Kuseno: he likes it.
Me: Really? And the illuminated happy trail? Hey, come back here, we both know you don't have a bunsen burner that needs attention!
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rants-about-opm · 2 years ago
Depression, Coping Methods, and Genos
Right now, I feel like that one gif of Pedro Pascal laughing and then beginning to sob hysterically. Life is kicking my ass.
But speaking of depression, I wanted to do a little thinking about Genos, and his story.
His life has been pretty dark so far. Losing his childhood to the rampaging cyborg, becoming a cyborg himself.
But these aren't really the only big things that have happened to him. They're just the only events he's realized have had an effect on him.
Since then, he's become very closely involved with a man who has trouble reciprocating those emotions. He's been torn apart and rebuilt numerous times, losing bits of his humanity each times as he becomes more and more of a high tech murder machine.
His strength continues to fail him when he needs it most, meanwhile Saitama's time and attention becomes more and more divided on people he hardly sees as worthy of those things. Worst of all, no one seems to understand him, his goals, or his devotion to Saitama. He's often laughed off and ignored by people who are meant to be his peers, and even Saitama has no real interest in Genos' long winded stories.
That brings us around to his coping methods, one of the more prominent of which is his habit of long winded explanations of topics he finds important. His journey to Saitama, Saitama's time travel endeavor, etc. Aside from that, we have his obligatory journaling, his insistence on having a goal to work towards at any given time, and dependence on being able to respond to any given scenario with the calculated and emotionless precision of a machine.
That last one is arguably the most important, because of how it influences the above. Saitama is a very closed off person, and he expects Genos to respect that- which he does!
To his own detriment.
Genos is completely fine with their terms of agreement, but his overly compliant nature means his needs are ultimately ignored. The methods he's developed to express himself and interact with the world in a way that is comfortable for him are seen as nuisances in Saitama's lifestyle.
Ultimately, none of this seems to have much effect on Genos. At least, not in a traditional manner.
But Genos is not traditional, is he? And depression and anxiety can manifest in many forms.
I would argue that Genos' entire relationship with Saitama is one of the few visible effects of the internal havoc at play.
He seeks refuge and guidance under Saitama as an extension of his need to become strong enough to avenge his village. This leads to him suppressing his habits to conform. The problem is that he isn't Saitama, not even close. This is kind of where we see a devolution of Genos' ability to cope, as he descends into a manic state of endless self destructive behavior, enabled by Saitama's baseless encouragement and Kuseno's ability to fix whatever breaks.
Saitama is not a mentally healthy individual. As a result, any attempt to follow in his footsteps is not going to craft a mentally healthy individual. The problem is that both of these two are emotionally constipated. Saitama has lost connection with his emotions and had little desire to reconnect, and Genos works to shed all proof of his humanity.
We've already seen the end result of Saitama reaching his breaking point. I shudder to think of what will happen when Genos inevitably reaches his.
I feel like there's more to say, but this is getting long winded, and my brain is fried. If anybody has any additions or corrections to make though, I'd love to continue this line of thought, and maybe examine some other characters, since everyone in ONE'S work is mentally unstable in some way.
Thanks for reading!
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evanzzz3 · 2 years ago
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Hoping to run far away with you, and not acknowledging it was one of my deepest regrets
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 months ago
Who said that doctors can't dispense happiness?
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hatchiy · 7 months ago
Flashy : so, Dr. Kuseno is your step father right? And you see Saitama sometimes as a father figure...
Genos : yes, even Saitama-Sensei and i never really bonding like father and son, but sometimes i can see him as a father figure
Flashy : so they're like... You know, Gay?
Genos :...
Genos : Alright first of all you fucking Orphan!!-
(requested by my sister, she hate Genosai 😔, and see them more like father and son...)
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ladysunamireads · 4 months ago
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gofancyninjaworld · 7 months ago
I feel that if Saitama could go back four years in time, he could say this to Kuseno, word-for-word, and it be 100% justifiable:
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And when the future Genos protested, as he undoubtedly would, Saitama could tell him exactly what he told Child Emperor, that he's plenty strong on the inside.
The kid who became Genos needed someone who didn't have a vested interest in using him advising him. Ah well, it's too late for that!
And I too am curious about what happened back then.
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stab me it would hurt less | opm webcomic ch. 140
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