#Downy O'Drake
desamatt · 12 days
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The Duck Family Tree according to DuckTales 2017!
Some notes:
The characters with gray names (HDL's dad, Daphne Duck, Goosetave Gander, Eider Duck, Lulubelle Loon, Humperdink Duck, and Gertrude Gadwall) aren't 100% confirmed to exist in the canon of DT17, but can be inferred to for various reasons.
The images of the ones I just mentioned plus Pothole McDuck, Silas McDuck, Sir "Black" Donald McDuck, Sir Puft McDuck, Malcolm "Matey" McDuck, and Sir Quackly McDuck aren't from DT17, these characters were never shown physically in the show but I still wanted there to be something to look at.
Grandma Duck is only mentioned in the comics, which didn't have involvement from the creators of the show, but I decided to include her anyway because they said the comics only aren't canon in cases where they contradict the show.
The McDuck ancestors (aka the ones under Scrooge's grandparents) are in order from left to right acccording to the "Solving Mysteries and Rewriting History!" book. The only exception is Countess Agnes McDuck since we have no information of when she was alive, so I made the choice to place her between Eider and Quackly considering her Countess title, how she doesn't seem to know Murdoch and Agnes in the episode she appears, and how Eider appears to be the oldest recorded McDuck.
I accidentally mistyped Dewey's name, it should be "Dewford" instead of "Dewbert."
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lettheladylead · 9 months
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forgot to share the single image of matilda and hortense in the new comic
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boingodigitalart · 3 months
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Happy Birthday 73rd to Don Rosa!!!
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ducklooney · 6 months
New poll, second part. The best Duck Female in the Disney Duckverse. Who do you think is the best female duck character from the Duckverse?
Since unfortunately not everyone could fit in the previous poll who is the best female Duckverse character from the Donald Duck franchise (comics and cartoons), I will add another poll with the best female characters from the Duckverse, so the best from this poll and the previous ones will go head to head in the final. And you should decide who you think is the best female character from the Duckverse. This is the second part and this is just for fun. The best passes at the end. Although it has passed, I certainly wish all women a happy women’s day! And this month has been declared the month of women! Yes, it is celebrated on March 8! There are certainly a lot of female characters from the Duckverse, and I will leave only the most important ones from various franchises (cartoons, comics) and you have the choice to choose who you think is the best female Duck character from the Duckverse in general. Happy Women’s Day once again and this is just a poll for fun and a little play!
The previous poll about female duck characters see here: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/post/745243822575042560/new-poll-the-best-duck-female-in-the-disney
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ducktoonsfanart · 10 months
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Duckmber - Don Rosa Tribute - McDuck Family (McDuck Clan) - Little Scrooge with his family - The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck
Yes, I drew related to Don Rosa comics and one of the best comic collection called The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck which I recommend everyone to read. And found inspiration in the comic "The Last of the Clan McDuck" by Don Rosa from 1992. This is a redraw of a photo of the McDuck family drawn by Don Rosa, and you can view it in a larger resolution here: https://www.deviantart.com/soercling-hemstaer/art/The-McDuck-Clan-Don-Rosa-101158407
In a photograph from 1877, that is, in my drawing, Scrooge is seen as a ten-year-old with his little sisters Matilda and Hortense (Hortense is a baby and a thumb sucker), with his father Fergus McDuck in the middle, his mother Downy McDuck (O'Drake), by his uncle Jake McDuck and second uncle Pothole Angus McDuck (that duck in the yellow jacket). And they all contributed to Scrooge's development as well as his change in life. Yes, that's when Scrooge was cleaning his shoes and got his first coin. And there are portraits of Scrooge's ancestors such as Sir Quackly McDuck (from the 11th century), Malcolm McDuck (from the 16th century) and Seafoam Hugh McDuck (from the 18th century), as the main representatives of the McDuck clan. Yes, I wanted to add others, but unfortunately not all of them would fit on one drawing. Sorry about that.
I hope you like this drawing and these characters and yes, this is just the beginning of Scrooge's career. Free like and reblog this.
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frc-ambaradan · 1 year
Well, Matilda's little flower on the hat now makes sense! 🌼
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Scrooge: And this is the botanical garden! Matilda: It's our mother's favourite place! She used to work here before Hortense was born! Erin: It's beautiful!
Le dragon de Glasgow (2022)
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thegoodduckfan · 11 days
As a Jewish Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge fan, I've decided that Downy O'Drake was Jewish. Why? Because that would that mean (based on my understanding) that Scrooge McDuck, Donald Duck, Huey, Dewey and Louie (plus all their siblings) are Jewish by the Halakha. Because as you can see by this picture of the family tree, if Downy is Jewish all the mothers would be Jewish too! Making everyone from Scrooge to HDL, Jewish.
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Now, this would play a bit into the antisemitic stereotype that Jews are obsessed with money (and may control the world), but I still want this to be true simply because I want to claim my favorite characters >:)
Anyways, I don't think Fergus would be Jewish, I think it makes more sense for the Clan McDuck to be Christian, especially because they have a history in the crusades. So that's why I decided that only Downy should be Jewish of the two.
Plus I think Scrooge would be an aethist in terms of his beliefs, it fits his character. He doesn't like to believe in things he can't prove and he would probably won't like the idea of a god at all.
Those are just my headcanons though, but I wanted to share them. Oh and btw, if I'm wrong about how this works, feel free to correct me.
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Wow i can't believe Frank transed Scrooge's gender
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kaderp · 3 years
Damn who knew I'd actually be able to flesh out Edan as a character gjenfndm
But long story short for context of this image, Goldie's happy bby looks like her and is showing Downy :)
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thefishimgllama · 3 years
This family tree is mine and Kight Maiden's version of the Donald Duck family tree
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Now let me explain somethings about our tree
Ok first off it dose have Sir Roast Sir swamphole Sir stuft seafoam malcolm "matey" Sir Quackly and Sir Eider McDuck and Bo'sn are in the tree but there timeline is a little confusing
And Quagmire is still Dirty Dingus Brother But there wasn't room and we might make a separate tree for the McDucks starting with Dirty Dingus and go back frome there
Second here's all the characters and there birth year (and explanation why we choose it)
Huey Dewey and Louie: 2006 cuz it's set in 2017 and 11 years before 2017 is 2006
Donald and Della: 1981 because they're 36
The boys dad: because why not make him a year older then della
Daisy: same reason with the boys's dad . Why make not make her a year younger
Hortenes: we made it to where downy had her after she was cursed so that's why she is a lot younger than Scrooge
Quackmore: mainly because I like him being young then Hortenes because you don't really see that alot
Matilda: we liked her being the youngest out of the siblings
Scrooge: since you seen him in a comic when he was a kid and the comic took place in 1877 we just went ahead and used that and made his birth year 1867 and said he was 10 in that comic
Goldie: we like the idea of Goldie being born in that year and how we make it to where she is technically immortal and she was cursed and encased in gold and after she freed herself from the gold the curse was never broken and and she got an amulet that made her stop aging completely (or whatever was the cause of her immortality in the show)
Dawson: when she was a baby she was encased in gold with her mom and after Goldie got out of the gold she couldn't get her daughter out of it so she had to leave her that's why she's technically was over 100 years old (obviously not her real name but we think it fits her)
Dickies dad: we just like it for him
Dickie: we just like that year for her because we wanted to make her technically an adult
Ludwig: the sole reason we made him born that year is because of what gyro said in the final episode
Daphne: we don't really have a reason besides wanting her and her brothers be close in age
Goostave: he just seemed like he would be older that them
Gladstone: we just wanted to make him a year younger than the twins because he seems like he would be
Eider: we wanted to make him and Quackmore Irish twins (which means they were within 12 months of each other)
Lulubelle: we just like the idea of her being two years younger than her husband
Abner/Whitewater: we may or may not wanted him to be an accident
Mary: we just like the idea of her being six years younger than Abner
Fethry: we just like the of him being the second youngest cousin
Dungan: we just thought it was a good year
Gloria: we just like her being older and Fethry would have had a crush on her when he was younger
Elvira: we just felt like it fit
Humperdinck: just felt like it fit
Casey: we liked him being 9 years older than his sister
Gretchen: we liked her being 5 years younger than her husband
Fanny: we just liked it
Luke: same as his wife
Gus:it just seemed right to make him the oldest out of the cousins
Cuthbert: we just like it
Kildare:we liked him being the youngest out of the cousins
Furgus/Old Scotty: we wanted him to be in between
Jake: we just wanted him to be the middle child also side note we wanted him to get called "high society Jack " as a nickname so he wouldn't be the only brother with out a nickname
Angus: he just seemed like he would be the oldest brother
Molly: we just felt like it was a good age specifically for the time she was in
Dirty Dingus: we just like the age for him
Downy O'Drake: we just liked her ages as the youngest of the O' Drake sisters
Rumpus: we wanted him to be older than Scrooge because he is the son of his dad and his mom's oldest sister
Missy: we just wanted her to be fairly older than Downy
Griseldis : we just felt it was a good age for her being the second oldest sister
Vera: we liked it was her being the second youngest sister but still being a little older then downy
Duckson: we like the age for him
Jenny/Jee: we like her age being this
Clinton: we like like being this age for him and we wanted to make him be a lot older than you would think because he was cursed by a treasure that he stumbled upon
Gertrude: we made her an Amazonian woman so we wanted to make it to where she lived a long time
Cornelius: we like it and we felt like it fit pretty well with the timeline
Erasmus: he is one of cornelius's brother in a few things we liked him and decided on him being the oldest brother
Johannes: we like him being the second oldest brother
Jeanne: we based her off Jeanne de clisson and we made her johannes' wife because he was technically murdered by pirates and we felt like that age fit her
Cornelia's Father: we just like the age
Cornelia: we wanted to make her a lot older than what she technically is in that one comic that she was shown in because we wanted to make her one of the first women to be considered a doctor but she worked in duckburg when it first was made
Long story short it's just a lot of we felt like it fit and immortality curses.
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Some of my favourite Don Rosa panels, in no particular order.
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck will probably always remain one of my favourite comics of all time - if not the favourite. It’s just such a good work, so detailed, so mature, so ingenious, so funny, so dramatic, tragic. All in all, it packs so many gut punches. 
I love it enough to buy the double volume collection in  English, although I already own it in Swedish. Why? Because I want to read it in its original iteration, and because I could never grasp the full meaning of the English version as a teen when my English was nowhere near as developed as it is now. 
(And it will forever bother my OCD brain that Scrooge is named Joakim von Anka in Swedish; aka ‘von Duck’. I get why but it still rubs me the wrong way, as does the translation using the paternal equivalent of uncle (farbror; father’s brother) rather than the maternal equivalent (morbror; mother’s brother).)
You may thing Donald Duck comics are not for you, but read Life and Times and you’ll either have your mind completely changed or nothing will ever sway you. Don Rosa’s Scrooge is my favourite Scrooge - and me loving vintage era stuff and history helps me appreciate the 50s setting of Don Rosa’s universe.
Thanks to this series - on top of every Barks comic I’d already read when introduced to Don Rosa - Scrooge McDuck is one of my favourite characters of all time.
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lettheladylead · 2 years
Can you please show the concept designs for downy and fergus if there are any? Thank you<3
There's not really concept art for them but here's this
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boingodigitalart · 1 year
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Scrooge week 2023: Scottish
Went with drawing Scrooge's family plus Goldie and Webby getting together for a family portrait.
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ducklooney · 3 years
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And now something about comics, I mean Duck comics. Since I haven't drawn Scrooge McDuck (Donald's uncle) for a long time, this time I wanted to draw something about his honor, that is, in honor of one of the best Duck artists and writers ever, of course after Carl Barks, since Barks is still king when it comes to Donald Duck comics and in general. Of course, it's Don Rosa, who turned 70 at the end of June this year, and I wanted to draw in that part regarding his best collection of comics, and it's The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. I wanted to draw this in July, related to Scrooge's birthday, which he celebrates in July (Scrooge, like Donald, has two birthdays, one is on December 26, and the other is on July 8). For some reason I finished the sketch myself that month and suddenly I paused yes so I didn’t do that recently. I’m done now, although it turned out a little bad and I apologize for that.
In this drawing is Scrooge McDuck in three stages of his life, when Scrooge was ten, when Scrooge was in the Klondike when he was digging for gold, and third, when Scrooge was in his old age, or as we know him. He is surrounded by his relatives and rivals with whom Scrooge was in contact during his life. I wanted to put more characters, but unfortunately I don't care and I apologize for that. There are around Scrooge McDuck, his parents (Fergus McDuck and Downy O'Drake), his sisters (Matilda and Hortense McDuck (later Hortense married Quackmore Duck and takes his last name)), Sir Quackly McDuck (Scrooge's ancestor and the spirit in the castle McDuck who was also his guide through the past of the Scottish clan McDuck), Blackheart Beagle (grandfather of the Beagle Boys and Scrooge's greatest rival during his life), Soapy Slick (Scrooge's opponent while Scrooge was in the Klondike), Goldie O'Gilt (Scrooge's rights) love), Flintheart Glomgold (the second richest duck in the world), Magica de Spell, Gyro Gearloose with Little Helper and Scrooge’s nephew Donald Duck with Donald’s nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck.
I posted this in three photos of my drawing, two colored and one unpainted. Sorry for some mistakes, I'm still practicing drawing and drawing motor skills. Also, I drew this as a redraw and blend of two Don Rosa’ artworks. Pictures related:
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And last but not least, thank you Don Rosa for The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck and although it's been a long time since I wish him a lot of good years and good health, and for Scrooge (one of my favorite ducks) too. Also this is my gift for @pick-and-shovel-laborer​. 
Of course, I drew in the style of Don Rosa, with most of these characters having their backs colored because I prefer when they have blue eyes with black pupils than white eyes behind black pupils, I mean the background of the eyes, for sure. Sorry once again that this turned out a little bad and thank you all. I hope that in the coming days, I will draw a little more about Duck comics.
Finally, the music related to that drawing and in that part:
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ducktoonsfanart · 11 months
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The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck - Tribute to Don Rosa
I wanted to post this back in July, but for some reason it happened that I finished it until recently. Yes, I drew one before that, which you can see here:
This is my redraw of it, but in a different way and I'm posting it for reasons considering the censorship of Don Rosa comics that has been going on lately. It just needed a warning message about it, not censoring and deleting comics for stupid reasons. Overall, yes I have read The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck by Don Rosa and I can tell you that it is one of the best comics I have read so far. You have online available to read and if you have time for it. It's just a shame we won't be getting an animated adaptation of this, as today's standards don't allow it. :(
All in all, I drew this again, but differently, through the life of Scrooge McDuck from childhood, through the Klondike period to the period of old age. And around him are people who helped him a lot in his life starting with his parents Fergus and Downy, then his sisters Matilda and Hortense, his ancestor Sir Quackly McDuck, Ratchet Gearloose (Gyro's grandfather), Casey Coot (son of Clinton Coot and brother of Grandma Duck), Goldie O'Gilt (his love from the Klondike days), Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose (with Little Helper) and Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck. I wanted to add more characters, but unfortunately not all of them would fit in one place. Yes, plus his first coin he ever earned.
I hope you like this drawing and I hope more people know about Don Rosa comics and read them. Also this is a tribute and related to Scrooge's 75th anniversary of his first appearance as well as his birthday which is in November. Yes, and also my gift for my friend @pick-and-shovel-laborer as well as other Scrooge McDuck fans and fans of Don Rosa comics. This is what this song is about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWwSVOo5K_k
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ooc-scroldie-server · 3 years
@incorrect-ducktales-quotes I still crack up
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