#Double Chin Removal Wand
doublechinwand · 11 months
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Discover the ZTG Double Chin Removal Wand – your non-surgical Chin Fat Dissolver solution for chin fat reduction. Using cutting-edge far infrared technology, this safe and affordable at-home tool offers a hassle-free way to sculpt your jawline without surgery. Say goodbye to your double chin, and hello to confidence!
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iv. couch.
read on ao3
To Lena: r u busy??? U didnt answer my calls. Dinner later?
To Lena: my place.
To Lena: Or yours! Can totally go to urs. If u want.
To Lena: Lena????
To Lena: where are u??
To Lena: Answer my calls
To Lena: Pls?
Kara rounds the corner of her hallway, keys bitten, dangling from her lips, as she types with both hands. Her 67th text message of the day to an MIA Lena Luthor sent. She fails to notice the creature lurking around the front of her door; dark fur shining under the cheap LED lights of Kara’s corridor.
She’s still deeply absorbed in her phone with worry, in the middle of jamming her keys in with one hand, when something furry brushes against her legs and Kara yelps.
She pulls the knob clean out of the wood in shock, her phone dropping to the floor loudly, the cat doing a duet with her with a startled yowl of her own.
Heart hammering and adrenaline racing, Kara looks down and sees the cat for the first time.
“Oh! Oh!” she gasps, “I didn’t see you there, buddy. I’m sorry for startling you!! I didn’t mean it.”
The door knob clatters loudly to the ground as it falls out of her grasp. And Kara sheepishly feels guilty for the hole in her door. But the cat meows loudly, catching her attention, as if in response to her apology.
She crouches down low, and reaches out a hand to touch the furball. She snaps a quick pic, sends it to Lena and pockets her phone.
To Lena: KITTY!!
“Oh, oh come here,” she coos, “where’s your collar? How’d you get here huh?”
The cat reminds her of Streaky. The first stray who ever took to her kindly. Although upon closer inspection, Kara realizes this one has striking emeralds for eyes, Streaky’s eyes were a more softer blue.
The cat surprisingly seems friendly, immediately leaning into Kara’s touch. Nosing at the inside of Kara’s wrist and it’s such a familiar gesture but she can’t seem to remember why.
And...oh, a small rumbling echoes through Kara’s palm!
Oh, they’re purring!
Kara doesn’t know how long she stays there crouched low exactly, but eventually, she stands up, takes her hand away, and picks up the damaged doorknob.
“Well, time for you to go home now, buddy,” she tells them, giving their head one last pat before dusting off her hands on her jacket.
“Go on, shooo. Shoo. Go home. I’m sure your human is looking for you.”
But the cat remains unmoving. It looks like they’ve decided to sit firmly in front of Kara’s doorstep, casually licking a paw, as if waiting for Kara to open her door.
“Are you actually waiting for me to open my door?” Kara makes a mental note to thank Rao that none of her neighbors can see her trying to hold a proper conversation with a cat.
“Look, kitty,” she says firmly, “I’m not your human.”
The cat just blinks owlishly at her. Eyes too green, too intelligent and-
Kara makes up her mind.
She turns her face skywards, takes a deep breath (This will probably backfire, she already knows. But she's always had a soft spot for strays.) and then she pushes her door wide open.
The cat races inside, cutting through Kara’s legs and almost tripping her.
“Well, somebody’s excited,” Kara mutters under her breath, she watches the cat head for her living room couch; watches as they pause all of a sudden, changes course and jumps onto Kara’s coffee table instead.
Where the cat then proceeds to knock down everything in close vicinity, even the picture frame of her and Lena together.
“Hey! No! Bad kitty-”
But the cat is already hopping down from her pedestal, landing on the frame directly.
And then things get weird.
The cat proceeds to stomp all over it, meows loud, like really loud; insanely loud for a cat their size.
Her paw seems to be almost pointing? At the other person in the frame.
“I-” Kara seems taken aback by the bizarre behavior, sure she knows cats are vastly different from dogs, but this…
This is just weird.
The cat’s meowing only seems to get louder.
How you land yourselves in these situations, Kara. I really just don’t know, at this point. She can almost hear Alex say.
“What are you- Are you- are you pointing? That’s- That’s Lena, yeah. That’s my best friend.”
At that, the cat seems to vibrate. They start clawing at Kara’s pant leg, meowing and meowing and meowing—
And then it hits her.
"-but it turns out that she’s a witch. And apparently, so am I."
The green, green eyes.
A pink nose nuzzling against her wrist.
“Oh, Rao! Lena you’re a cat! What happened?! Oh, no, baby what did you do?”
Lena The Cat—and okay, so she’s still wrapping her head around that one—just stays silent. She’s sitting on her lap, looking regal than any cat has any right to be. A judgmental look in her eyes.
Lena’s a cat. Cat’s can’t speak. Can’t answer Kara’s questions.
“Right. Sorry. Only meow,” Kara murmurs, embarrassed. For some reason even in cat form Lena manages to be intimidating.
“Okay so, uh d-does that mean you still understand me? Two meows for yes. One meow for no.”
Kara gets two meows.
“Okay, cool, cool. Great. You can still understand me, that's good.” Kara runs a hand down her spine, “Gosh, your fur is just so soft.”
She hears Lena give a small growl, body tensing, “Right. Right. Sorry. Not the time for pets.” Kara retracts her hand away.
“Uhm, so next question then, I guess? D-did you become a cat this morning? Were you testing out your uhm...gift?”
Lena meows twice. Kara nods, clenching and unclenching her fist underneath her chin. Fingers itching to run themselves through Lena’s soft fur again. Lena seems to sense this, and nuzzles her face into Kara’s hand, bumps against her repeatedly.
“Really?” Kara double-checks, giddy. If she were human Kara bets Lena would be rolling her eyes like she always does when Kara does something particularly dorky, but she just pushes her head firmer against Kara’s hand and meows twice.
“So uhm,” she starts, cautiously, noting Lena’s increasing purr, “is there like a spellbook for this or something? Something that can help you transform back?
Lena meows yes.
“Is it in The Tower or back at your place?”
There are no responses.
“Sorry, sorry lemme rephrase, is it in The Tower?”
She gets two consecutive meows.
Okay, to The Tower it is.
“Are you going to tell me why you’re cradling a cat in your cape or??” Alex raises a brow at her, a hand on her hip, left foot tapping impatiently. Her sister was heading out for the day, it looks like. It was just tough luck that Supergirl landed one minute before the elevator took Alex.
Crap. Now they have to explain. They didn’t talk about this. Lena still hasn’t told her if it was okay to tell people about her gift.
“I-I rescued it,” Kara says.
Well, that isn’t so far from the truth, right? She stares at the bundle in her arms, Lena the traitor staying silent all the while—green eyes shining all innocent at Kara.
Alex’s stares intensifies.
“From a tree,” Kara flounders, and Lena The Cat has the audacity to yawn, squirm and jump away from her arms. She lands gracefully, tail swishing up in the air and heads straight for the lab.
Alex eyes the cat suspiciously before turning back to Kara. She jabs a finger to her chest. “It better not have any fleas. It better not touch my training mat.”
“She won’t.”
Alex just shakes her head, rolls her eyes, grabs her helmet and walks to the elevator.
Before she goes though, Alex says, “You know, this is gonna sound weird, but I swear I think I saw that same cat slinking out of The Tower earlier this morning.”
“Alex, she’s literally a black cat. There are hundreds of black cats in the city.”
“You're being weirdly defensive about this. Why are you being weird?”
“I’m not.”
Alex seems like she wants to say more, but the elevator dings, and she’s never been more grateful that Kelly makes Alex pick her up from work. Alex huffs out breath, before conceding and disappearing into the lift.
The camera flash is what gets Kara busted.
But is it really her fault if she walked in on a cute kitty, hunched over, meowing adorably, trying to flip over the pages of a thick spellbook, with her teeny-tiny bean paws?
Lena hisses at her, teeth-bared and fur puffy.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But you were just really, really, really cute okay?” She walks closer to the desk, carefully lifts a hand and scratches Lena behind the ear.
The hissing slowly devolves into purring, and Kara grins triumphantly. Lena lets herself be picked up after a few moments, Kara leafing through the pages for her.
“So, found anything yet?” She asks, cradling Lena close to her chest. A warm weight on Kara’s arms, and as much as she wants to get her real Lena back, she also isn’t too eager on giving up this version anytime soon. Then again, Kara thinks, it would be impossible for her to give up any version of Lena Luthor.
“Spell? Charm? Anything? Do you need to make a potion? Are we gonna get to make a potion? Oh, oh do you need a wand? Do you have a wa-”
Kara’s words get muffled as two black paws press against her lips. Lena’s green eyes narrowing at her. She meows at Kara. Loudly.
“Mkay, mkay. Shut up. Got it.”
Lena removes her paws, and Kara makes a gesture of zipping her lips together. This seems to appease Lena enough because the next second, a pink tongue darts out and she...licks Kara's nose.
“Did you- did you just lick me?” Kara gasps out.
Lena doesn’t even acknowledge her with a meow, just turns away and jumps out of her arms again. Before Kara can do anything about it though, her phone rings.
The screen lighting up with Andrea’s name.
“Danvers, I’ve got a story for you.”
“Alex, please, I’ll be quick. I promise. I’ll only be three hours at the most. Please just look after her,” she pleads, pouting and puppy eyes in full power.
It also helps that the cat burrito in her cape looks to be cooperating. Lena The Cat staring at Alex with wide round eyes.
Apparently, some governor was found dead downtown, and now Andrea wants her on the scene. She can’t just leave Lena all alone in The Tower. No matter how hard Lena’s been protesting, this is brand new territory for both of them. Nobody knows the extent of Lena’s powers.
Point is, Kara would feel a lot better if she were to leave Lena under the care of someone she trusts. Even if said someone, accuses Lena of being a stray with fleas. It's still better than leaving Lena all on her own.
“Ugh.” Alex groans and Kara knows she’s won. “If this cat causes trouble I will throw it out the window, Kara.”
“No!” Kara yells, distressed. “Don’t do that. She’ll behave. She promises.”
She puts her hand under Lena’s arms and raises her up to eye level—Simba style. “You promise to be good for Alex, don’t you?”
All she gets is a lot of squirming and screaming, there were also a lot of attempts at scratching Kara’s nose.
“See?” Kara says, chuckling nervously. “She’s telling you she’s good.”
Alex looks skeptical, her arms crossed against her chest.
Kara sets her down on the couch, and crouches down low.
She tries to pet her head, but Lena bites at her finger, she catches her teeth on the skin of her supersuit’s thumb slot. She bites deeper, her teeth accomplishing nothing but a few dents.
And oh, Rao she thinks she’s such a feral little cat but her pink adorable gummy snarl says otherwise.
“I’m sorry, I’ll be back. I promise,” she whispers, careful not to let Alex hear. “And then we’ll figure it out later, okay? The safest place for you right now is to be with Alex.”
She really doesn’t want to go, and based on Lena’s protests she doesn’t want Kara to go either. But well, Andrea had finally threatened to fire her if she disobeyed...which is...fair.
She’s aware she’s been doing a less than stellar job at being a journalist lately. Rao, what an understatement. This is basically her make it or break it.
“Look, I’ll be quick, promise. Be good to Alex,” Kara murmurs. She presses a kiss on Lena’s furry forehead. Lena finally unclenches her jaw and lets Kara go. The little whine she lets out, letting Kara know that she knows the battle’s lost.
“Both of you, be good,” Kara tells them sternly. “Alex, please don’t yeet my cat out of the window.”
Alex shrugs, staring at the cat with suspicion. “I make no promises.’
Lena is staring at Alex just as hostile. Great. They both deserve each other.
Kara sighs exasperatedly. Well, at least she tried.
She gets a very angry Alex Danvers on the line, right after she’s finished talking to some sources. It’s nighttime now, and when she checks her watch—yep, she’s left Lena in Alex’s care for more than six hours.
“Hey, Al—”
There is loud meowing, and then, “What the- Get off! Get off me right no-”
The line clicks dead.
Kara Danvers quickly changes into an alley, manages to break the sound barrier.
It’s Kelly who opens the door.
“Hey, Kara,” she greets her. Kara is impatiently rocking on her heels, trying to peer past Kelly’s shoulders.
The place was quiet; ridiculously quiet, and Kara feels fear swoop in her belly.
“Please, tell me my cat is still alive,” Kara bursts out, Kelly just gives her a pained smile and oh, no, oh no.
She muscles her way past Kelly to a brooding Alex on the couch.
Lena is nowhere to be seen.
“Alex, Alex where’s my cat? Where is she? Where did you put her?”
Alex finally looks up at her, Kara taking notice of the red marks on her arm.
Oh no, Lena, what did you do?
“Calm down, I didn’t throw the little demon away. She’s-" Alex sing-songs before finishing, "on time-out.”
“Time-out?” Kara asks, voice shaking. Rao, does she really want to know.
Alex takes too long to answer, taking a swig of her beer first before pointing to a corner in the living room.
And there, she spots it.
It, being a small pile of laundry on the floor, next to an upside down hamper. A big white hamper housing one Lena Luthor. There's a crude cardboard sign stuck on it; "Kitty Jail". Alex has also stacked a few encyclopedia on top of it, no doubt an attempt to keep Lena from escaping.
“Oh! Oh, Lena!”
Kara superspeeds her way and scoops Lena up, the cat meowing immediately and curling into Kara’s chest.
“You named the cat after Lena?!”
Kara turns around slowly, “Uhm yeah?”
Alex just shakes her head. “Unbelievable.”
“Her eyes reminded me of Lena, okay?!” Kara yells defensively, pressing tiny kisses onto Lena’s fur.
“I’m sorry that Alex has been such a meanie to you," she coos, "I know you didn’t deserve it, baby."
Alex seems to perk up at that, because she raises up from the couch. “That,” Alex jabs a finger in their direction, Kara cradles Lena protectively, “That baby ruined my couch and she so totally deserves all the mean! All the mean in the world, Kara!”
Lena hisses in her arms.
“No, no. That’s not true. Lena is baby and she’s perfect and you’re just a meanie.”
“She ruined my upholstery! She left hair all over the place and that’s not even to mention the scratching!”
“Because you were mean to her!”
Alex scoffs, eyes bulging wide in disbelief.
“Get out,” Alex says, her brows pinching comically, “Get out of my apartment before that little devil causes more damage.”
“Gladly,” Kara says, and Lena meows her assent. They make their way past Alex, Kara unaware that Lena has stuck out her little tongue at Alex over her shoulder.
“And she’s not a little devil!” Kara calls out.
Alex slams the door in her face.
That evening, Kara pores over a thick spellbook, eyes swimming with Latin symbols with a purring machine on her lap.
By midnight, Kara has managed to pass out on her couch, a black cat curled on her chest.
The spellbook lay open on her coffee table, forgotten.
The first sight that greets Kara when she wakes up are green eyes.
Green human eyes.
And then it hits her.
The spell had blessedly wore off by morning, and Kara’s never been more glad to see the sunlight lighting up Lena’s face.
For a moment, Kara’s assaulted with the mental image of laying in a pool of sunlight with a black cat stretching leisurely next to her.
“Good morning,” Lena purrs, and oh Rao, that sound is much, much better than her meowing.
“You’re back!” Kara gasps in awe.
“I’m back,” she whispers, she’s still draped fully over Kara on the couch. A blanket covering them both.
“Rao, I missed you.” A palm comes up to cup her cheeks, Lena automatically nuzzling into the inside of her wrist.
“Mm, I missed me, too,” Lena tells her, face breaking into a small smile. Kara traces her fingers up and down Lena’s spine. Oh, how she’s missed touching Lena’s skin.
Is she-
“Lena,” Kara begins, swallowing. Her nerves not going unnoticed.
Lena raises a brow at her. “Kara?”
“Are you- uhm- ah. Are you naked right now?”
Lena’s eyes light up like a cat’s and Kara knows she’s in trouble.
“Mm. It seems that I am,” Lena says, and all Kara can do is gulp.
“What are you gonna do about it?”
special shoutout to @mike-wachowski, @sexybread-png and @thebreakfastgod for their cat expertise without whom this silly little fic would not be written.
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fandom-puff · 4 years
All Day Long
Relationship: Remus x Sirius x Reader (marauders era)
Requested by: anon
‘RemusxReaderxSirius set during their time at hogwarts where they both tease her during the whole day until shes begging them to ruin her?’
Notes: this is only the second time I’ve written remus x reader x Sirius so hope you enjoy!
Warnings: threesome (in an established polyamorous relationship) teasing, edging, use of toys, choking, Dom/sub dynamic (including degradation), double penetration, swearing.
Smiling to yourself, you waited in the entrance hall for your boys, all bundled up and ready for hogsmeade, dressed in one of Sirius’s quidditch jerseys and Remus’s scarf. Once you caught sight of them, you hurried over, easily slotting yourself in the middle of them. “Ready to go?” You asked brightly, but Sirius grabbed hold over your elbow, leaning down.
“Before we get going, Remus and I have some rules for you, okay, pup?” You bit your lip, only just clicking onto the dark look in Sirius’s eyes, nodding quickly.
“You’re not to come until we say so, and that will be when we’re back at the castle,” Remus murmured and you nodded again. “Verbal answers, darling,”
“I’m okay with that,” you said softly, eyes flicking between them both.
“Good girl. We will of course, be making it a bit trickier for you, but I’m sure you’ll manage,” Sirius said, before clapping his hands together. “Right then my lovelies, I do believe we need to make a quick visit to Zonko’s,”
This was a bad idea. When Sirius said they’d make it ‘a bit trickier’, what he really meant was they’d make it ‘a lot trickier’- damn near impossible. It all started out relatively moderate, with Sirius just resting his hand on your bum while he looked at the displays, giving it the occasional squeeze or pat which went unnoticed by the bustling crowds.
Then Remus flicked his wand and muttered something under his breath and-
You gasped aloud, quickly covering your noise with a gasp. Remus had clearly been practicing his vanishing charms- a vibrator had appeared in your underwear, already in position with part of it inside you, the other part on your clit. He must’ve been hiding it in his pocket, waiting for the right moment. To your relief, the toy didn’t start buzzing straight away, but the knowledge that it was there (and completely out of your control) turned you on. Composing yourself, you waited for Sirius to pay, before the boys guided you to Honeydukes.
As you were browsing the newest range of sweets, remus flicked his wand again, and the toy began buzzing ever so gently, not nearly enough to stimulate you properly, but enough to get you considerably more riled up. You glared at him over your shoulder as you picked out your sweets, before taking them to the till. Just as the lady asked how your day had been, remus changed the setting of the vibe, to a strong pulsing sensation as you hurriedly gave your answer, your knees trembling. The woman talked and talked as she bagged your items and Remus only increased the settings more, smirking with Sirius as he watched you try to remain upright. When the woman finally handed you your purchases, you stumbled over to your boys, biting your lip hard.
“Please,” you whispered desperately. “I’m so close,”
Sirius grinned and steered you out of the shop, an arm around your waist as you stumbled. “That right, pup? Gonna cum from a toy in your knickers, eh?”
You nodded quickly, gripping his hand until... the vibe switched off completely. You looked up to remus now, who was smirking and tutting. “Remember thd rules darling?” He said, almost condescendingly, before leaning down to kiss your cheek. As he pulled away, he muttered “we will not allow you to cum in the middle of the street like a little slut,”
You squeaked in response and nodded before slipping each of your hands into one of theirs. “Do you want to go home, sweetheart?” Remus said gently after a brief bit of wondering- through which he and Sirius had took turns controlling the vibe, bringing you to the edge and dragging you away every few minutes.
“Yes please,” you mumbled, nodding eagerly and looking up at both of them pleasingly. “Please can we go back,”
“Awww, what’s wrong, pet, are you desperate for us? Desperate for us to completely ruin your sweet cunt?” You shivered at Sirius’s crass words but nodded nonetheless, and the three of you began a rather hurried walk back to the castle.
Door firmly locked to avoid any unwanted visitors (unlikely, as James, lily and Peter were still in honeydukes while you had been walking back), you were being showered in kisses, pinned against the wall by Sirius as remus transfigured his bed to be a little wider to fit all three of you. When he was finally, finally done, Sirius pulled you over, and you eagerly tossed your coat and scarf aside before remus came up behind you, pressed firmly against your back, grinding his stiff cock against your arse as he switched the vibe on. Sirius grinned, tossing your jumper aside and magicking your jeans away- it seemed he too was getting rather impatient. Remus smirked, unclasping and discarding your bra, until you were bare (save for your knickers as they were holding the toy in place) before them.
“Fuck, princess, you look so good,” remus breathed, kissing your shoulder as your hips rocked in thin air. You whimpered, grabbing at Sirius, who had been gently stroking and pinching your nipples. He smirked slightly.
“What’re you after pup?” He smirked and your eyelids fluttered.
“Your mouth, please, Sirius, on my tits, please,” you begged, pushing your chest out to him and your bum back into remus. Sirius happily complied, suckling gently on one nipple, continuing to fondle the other with his hand. Remus groaned lowly, feeling you squirm back against his cock, and he grunted, trailing his hand up to your throat. You whimpered softly, tipping your head back and resting it against remus’s shoulder. Just as he applied pressure, he flicked his wand, putting the toy on the maximum setting. You keened, the sound a little broken due to the hand around your throat, your eyes wide. “Please!” You whined. “Please, I’m so close, let me cum, remus, please Sirius, please!” You babbled, unable to stop your wriggling hips and trembling thighs.
Sirius released your nipple with a pop and looked over your shoulder at remus, smirking. “I don’t know... what D’you reckon, Moony?” He smirked, and you whimpered, whole body shaking with effort.
“Don’t be cruel, Pads,” remus grinned, holding you up. “I think our girl deserves to come, don’t you? She has behaved exceptionally well, given the circumstances,”
You moaned softly. Pair of utter bastards, dragging this out as long as they could. You dug your nails into Sirius’s arm, whimpering pathetically. Sirius hummed. “Fine. Cum for us, pup,”
He didn’t need to tell you twice. Shaking, screaming and writhing like mad, you came, your hips bucking wildly, hands scrambling to hold onto them both as Remus held you up from behind and Sirius held the toy in place in case you dislodged it.
Moaning lowly, you reached your hand down, the buzzing toy becoming too much. Sirius grinned and removed your knickers and the toy, holding it up to show you as remus pulled you into his lap, shushing you gently. “Look at that, Moons,” Sirius grinned. “Look how wet she made this. Look at the mess you left all over this, puppy,” you whined at his teasing and hid your face in remus’s shoulder. Sirius smiled and came closer.
“We’re both very proud of you, babygirl, you followed the rules so well,” you nodded in response, biting your lip hard. Despite having jusg come, you wanted more, much more, and wriggled your hips absentmindedly, grinding on remus’s cock, while staring at the considerable bulge in Sirius’s jeans.
“What’s up, darling?” Remus cooed. You mumbled into his neck but he lifted your chin. “Use your words,” he instructed and you gulped.
“I-I want your cocks,” you said, trying not to hide your face. “T-together. At the same time,”
Sirius and Remus locked eyes for a moment, both of them inhaling sharply as they felt something primal deep inside. “Do you want one of us in your sweet little cunt, princess?” Remus murmured in your ear.
“And the other in your tight little arse?” Sirius smirked, already reaching for his wand. You gulped and nodded quickly.
“Yes please,” you said eagerly, already scrambling to kneel up. Remus laughed gently.
“Steady on love. C’mere,” he beckoned you to lie on your side, crooking his finger at Sirius to lie facing you.
“Sirius is going to fuck your pussy, aren’t you, Sirius,”
“Hmm,” Sirius grinned, very thankful that magic made undressing so much quicker. You bit your lip hard and palmed his cock as you reached up for a gentle kiss. Sirius soon knocked your hand away, guiding his cock into your dripping cunt. You let out a long, low moan at the feeling of being adequately filled after a day of being on edge.
“There’s a Good pup,” Sirius grunted, grasping your thigh and slinging it over his hip, pulling you closer and fucking you deeper. You let out a whimper, burying your face in his chest as you rocked your hips.
Remus smirked at his two lovers trying (and failing) to hold back. He cleared his throat, pushing your hair out of the way so he could kiss the back of your neck. “I’m going to use a spell to prep your little arsehole, darling,” he murmured into your ear and you nodded eagerly, moaning ‘please’. Remus mumbled something and you squirmed, tensing up and making Sirius groan slightly. Your arse was sufficiently lubed up and, as remus rolled a condom on and pressed the blunt head of his cock to your hole, adequately stretched. He hissed as you clenched slightly, before pushing back against him, taking more and more of him until his was fully inside you.
Both of your boys stopped for a moment, letting you squirm and adjust and get comfortable once more, before you looked up at them frantically. “Please move!” You begged, trying to push back into Remus and forward into Sirius to urge them to move.
“You want us to fuck you, pup?” Sirius groaned. “Want us to pound your holes until you scream?” You nodded desperately, wriggling, squirming.
“Good girl,” remus groaned, grasping onto your hip as he began a slow steady pace. It was a heavy contrast from the brutal rate at which Sirius was fucking your pussy, and your head swam with the sensation. You were just so damn full and you were loving every second of it, a garbled, barely coherent mix of names and curses and praises spilling from your mouth.
Remus grunted and reached over you, pulling on Sirius’s hair, smirking as he growled. “Fucking hell,” Sirius groaned, his eyes rolling back. “So tight, puppy, can feel you squeezing mine and Remus’s cocks,” he praised you and you whined out.
“Please more, please, faster, please!” You whined, arching your back. Sirius and Remus nodded at one another before stopping briefly. You were about to complain, but they began thrusting into you, in sync. While previously they had alternated, reducing you to a whimpering mess, this change of pace had you screaming in ecstasy, the double penetration nigh on doubling your pleasure. “Gonna come!” You moaned out, every muscle in your body tensing before the band snapped and you shattered, coming with lustful cries of their names. Remus groaned, tipping his head back, cock twitching inside of you as he came, and Sirius followed soon after with a shout.
Limp, spent and almost asleep, you withered, trembling with the aftershocks. Groaning, Sirius kissed you hard, praising you, before remus tilted your head for an equally passionate kiss. “Was amazin’” you slurred, well and truly worn out. Remus laughed softly, using magic to clean you all off, summoning a goblet and filling it with water.
“Drink, both of you,” he ordered gently, and you were both happy to comply, as once you had finished, Sirius tugged the blanket over you all, snuggling under the covers with you. You turned to nuzzle into Remus’s chest as Sirius did the same to your back, his arms coming around your waist. You smiled softly as you all exchanged mumbled ‘I love you’s, slipping off into a much needed sleep.
Tags: @a-hopeless-fan @lotsoffandomrecs @rai-strangebr @zodiyack @haphazardhufflepuff @dumbfuckinslytherin @severuslovebot @darkthought15 @rabeccablake @sambucky8 @eleven-times-lively @talksoprettyjjx @extra-trash77 @rangerelik @Dracosbbygorl @wonderwoman292 @lilymurphy03 @fredweasleyisntdead @fredswh0re @rogertaylorismycar @meaganjm @fanficwriter5 @shadesofbarryallen @kiwi-sloan @bbeauttyybbx @inglourious-imagines @bonniesgoldengirl @trumpsgorillagrip @blisshemmings @little-bit-of-randomness @vsarzx @eunoia-kth @liliputbahn @thestunningspell @beiahadid @courtnytrash04 @ccosmic-illusion @purpleskymalfoy @marshxx @hogwartslut @thatslovelymoony @winchestergirl333 @sterwild
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vukovich · 3 years
vuk, hope you're doing brilliantly! for the prompts --- draco can only talk to harry if he says every word backwards --- thanks for doing these again!
O Palindrome, O Palindrome, How Lovely Are Your Sehcnarb!
"Disable without disarming, Potter!" Robards yelled from the side of the mat. "You can't Expelliarmus your way out of everything!"
Draco blew a raspberry and flicked a WhipDick Hex at Harry's crotch, but it hit him in the arse. He yelped, rubbed his bum, and glared at Draco.
"Dammit, Malfoy! Cheap-"
"Glacies Lingua!" Draco shouted.
Robards clapped. "Good! Disable!"
Harry dodged, rolled, sprang up and yelled, "Emordnilap Specificus!"
Draco blew another raspberry and smirked. "Doog tosh, Rettop."
Harry swallowed a giggle and waited for Draco to attempt a spell.
Draco pointed his wand at Harry's feet. "Shoolock!"
Nothing happened, except that Harry's smile grew into a grin, which led to a chuckle, which ended in him doubled over cackling until he had to wipe his eyes on his shirt.
"Excellent!" Robards said. "Good job, boys! Hit the showers! And Potter, take him down to the Hex Removal office!"
"Will do!" Harry shouted back.
Draco followed alongside Harry, mouth hanging open. "Kcuf ffo, Rettop."
"Maybe later. What time do you get off tonight?"
"Neves kcolc'o." Draco huffed and punched Harry in the shoulder. "Dog timmad, Rettop!"
Harry smothered a laugh in his shirt and opened the locker room door for Draco. Draco stepped through and stopped to stare at him. He poked Harry in the chest, fixed him with a stern glare, and said, "Racecar."
Harry shut the door behind them before he laughed again. "Figured it out, did you?"
"Da... Dammit-I'm-mad," Draco said, then looked at the ceiling for a long moment. He sighed and shook his head. "Boob."
"More of an arse man, myself."
"Dr..." Draco started, then stopped to chew on his lip. "Drawww... ward?" His eyes lit up. "Draw ward!" He pointed to the door behind Harry.
Harry raised an eyebrow. He rested his fingertips on the lock. "Yeah?"
Draco swept a hand out to emphasize the empty locker room. "Elite tile."
"Huh. You're not bad at this."
"I did, did I?"
Harry pulled his shirt off, and Draco followed suit until they were both naked. Draco bit his lip as he rested his hands on Harry's chest.
"Want to do it in the shower, or here?"
Draco leaned forward, lips against Harry's forehead. "In words, drown I."
Harry nipped at Draco's chin. "I might just leave you like this."
Draco pulled back and glared at him, nose to nose. "Red rum, Rettop. Red rum."
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
In the Prefect’s Bathroom Part 2 // Draco Malfoy
A/N: By popular demand, I’ve written part two! I plan to write a part 3 and it’ll likely become the FINAL part but who knows? Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Y/N can’t stop thinking about her time with Draco, but what happens when she sneaks out of Harry’s room to meet with him again?
Warning(s): SMUT!!! Unprotected sex, rough sex, dirty talk, oral sex (male and female) cheating
Word Count: 3.7k
Masterlist & Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
“Harry, stop,” Y/N whined as she lightly pushed her boyfriend away. They were walking back to their common room, and Harry had decided that it was the perfect time to kiss Y/N all over her face. And when she pleaded for him to stop, he didn’t heed her words; he only proceeded to plant smooches on her cheeks. “Harry!” Y/N giggled quietly. He smiled and pulled her close. “Want to come up to my room?” he whispered in her ear. Y/N felt a sudden twinge of guilt in her stomach. She knew her boyfriend, and she knew what those words implied. It’d only been a few days since she and Draco had...met up. Y/N wasn’t sure she could stomach a round of sex with Harry, but she knew it would look suspicious if she denied. “Sure,” she replied softly. Harry gripped her hand and picked up his pace, dragging Y/N with him.
As they climbed the stairs to Harry’s dorm, Y/N began to prepare herself for what was to come. Just act normal, she told herself. The couple stepped into the messy room, and Harry closed the door behind them, casting a locking charm on it. Then he began to strip his clothes, starting with his robes. Y/N inhaled shakily and started to do the same. When they were down to just their underwear, Harry took her hand and led her to the bed. She sat down and slid back so that she was pressed against the headboard. Harry climbed on top of her and kissed her sweetly.
All Y/N could think about was how his kisses were so soft compared to Draco’s. Stop. You love Harry, and you love his kisses. Stop thinking about Draco. Focus on Harry. Y/N kissed him back with force, causing Harry to pull away. “Eager, are we?” he chuckled. Y/N blushed and nodded curtly. “I need you,” she mumbled, trying to get him to speed up. It seemed to work; Harry curled his fingers in the waistband of Y/N’s black underwear and swiftly slid them down and off of her legs. He licked his fingers,  pressed them to her slit, and slowly dragged them up and down. Y/N closed her eyes and tried to focus on the moderately pleasing sensation, but all she could think about were Draco’s fingers. 
Soon enough, Harry slid two digits inside her and began to pump in and out. But Y/N couldn’t take it; she just couldn't. “Harry, please. I’m ready,” she lied. Harry looked up at her and cocked an eyebrow. “Are you sure?” Y/N nodded impatiently. “Yes, yes, I’m sure. Please, Harry,” she begged. And with that, he withdrew his fingers and took his dick out of his underwear. He stroked it softly before grabbing a condom from his drawer and slipping it on. Harry lined up his tip with Y/N’s pussy and hesitantly slid in. A sharp gasp left him when Y/N slammed her hips forward, shoving his cock all the way inside her. “Fuck, Y/N,” he moaned. “Move Harry,” she instructed. Harry obliged and began to thrust in and out of her at a consistent but slow pace. At that moment, Y/N was reminded that Harry very much liked slow, sensual sex. He was the complete opposite of Draco. 
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N,” Harry grunted as he upped his speed just a little. Y/N forced a moan to spill from her lips while she clenched her walls around him, making him gasp. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that,” he told her. Y/N reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close to her. She gazed into his eyes, and for a moment, felt the pain of guilt again, but she quickly pushed it away and kissed him passionately. Harry groaned into her mouth, his thrusts beginning to turn sloppy. Y/N knew he was close. Sure enough, a few moments later, he pulled away from the kiss and announced his climax. Y/N squeezed him tightly, pretending she was reaching her high as well. 
After Harry calmed down, he removed himself from Y/N’s hole and sat down on the bed, heaving heavily. “Did you…?” he asked. Y/N pushed herself up so that she was leaning back on her elbows. “Yeah, I did,” she lied. Harry blushed softly, feeling proud. Y/N, on the other hand, felt like utter shit. She was always honest with Harry whenever he failed to make her cum, but tonight, she lied. It didn’t sit well with her. She watched as her boyfriend slid off the bed and went to dispose of the used condom. Y/N let herself fall onto the soft mattress. She stared up at the ceiling, questioning what the hell she was doing. Soon enough, Harry returned to the bed and crawled underneath the covers, coaxing Y/N to put on a shirt before pulling her underneath as well. Within minutes, Harry was fast asleep, leaving Y/N alone in her thoughts. They all consisted of Draco. He was all she saw in her mind as she replayed his voice. 
“You’re so tight.”
“Tell me I’m better than him, Y/N.”
“I’ll sneak off to your common room, crawl into your bed, and fuck you until you see stars.”
“I’m gonna fuck you all the fucking time.”
Her thoughts were interrupted by Harry rolling over and letting her go. His back was now facing her. Y/N knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t stand being in that room any longer. So she carefully peeled back the bedsheets and slinked out of bed. But when her feet touched the floor, a loud creak sounded through the room. She grimaced, terrified Harry had heard it. Luckily, when she turned around, she only saw him softly snoring. Y/N breathed a sigh of relief, tiptoed over to her pile of clothes, and quickly threw them on. Once properly clothed, she pulled out her wand, unlocked the door, and walked out of it as quietly as possible. She double-checked that Harry was asleep and pushed the door so that it was almost closed, leaving it open just a crack, and rushed down the stairs. Y/N got to the bottom of the stairs and walked across the common room towards the girl’s dorms when she heard a door begin to open. Her feet froze, and Y/N prayed that it would be dark enough so that whoever was coming inside wouldn’t be able to see her. But what she was not anticipating was Draco Malfoy waltzing into the room as if he owned the place. He spotted her instantly.
“Draco! How the hell did you get in here?” Y/N whisper-yelled as she walked over to the Slytherin. Draco smirked. “Let’s just say, first-years are very easy to trick and even easier to frighten.” Y/N frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re a prick, you know that?” she asked condescendingly. “Shut your mouth before I do it for you,” he threatened. “Now, lead me to your dorm, why don’t you?” Draco asked, but it was quite obvious he didn’t mean it as a question. Y/N gulped and spun around. She led Draco up the stairway and all the way to her dormitory. Her roommate was rarely present, always spending the night in her girlfriend’s room, so Y/N didn’t have to worry about waking anyone up. She opened the door and hurried inside, Draco following after her. Once she closed the door behind them, Draco grabbed her shoulders and slammed her against the wall. Y/N’s heart began to race as the blonde leaned in close. “You smell of sex,” he stated. Y/N averted her eyes, unable to bring herself to look at him. This made Draco angry; he swiftly grabbed her chin and turned her head towards him, forcing her to make eye contact. 
“Who fucked you? I thought I told you you were mine,” he growled. Y/N was almost positive that he could feel the pounding in her chest. She looked at the floor, feeling like a child who’d just gotten caught stealing candy. “H-harry did. I couldn’t just say no, he’d think s-something was up, h-he’d get suspicious,” Y/N explained, trying to get Draco to understand. “Bad choice, princess, because now I get Saint Potter’s sloppy seconds. How do you think that makes me feel, huh?” Draco asked while pressing her further into the wall, her shoulder blades beginning to hurt. His eyes were glowing with anger. He’d never looked so terrifying to Y/N. But then again, he’d never looked so sexy. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t for very long, I swear,” said Y/N. Her hands were in the air, trying to prove to him she wasn’t fibbing. Draco smirked and leaned in closer. “Good, because you’re not sleeping tonight,” he snarled. He removed his hands from her shoulders, and they flew to her skirt, where they yanked it down, along with her panties. The cold air hit her hot pussy, causing her to squirm. Draco wasted no time; he had already changed into comfortable clothes, so all he had to do was pull down his sweatpants and take his already hard cock into his palm. He teased her slit with the tip of it, just like Harry had done, only better. And then, he pushed inside all the way to the hilt, making Y/N’s body jerk from the impact. 
“How does he fuck you, Y/N? Does he fuck you slow, like this?” Draco asked while he thrusted into her at a leisurely pace. Y/N nodded quickly, her eyes sewn shut. “Yes.” Draco chuckled. “And do you like that, Y/N? Or do you prefer being slammed into?” When Draco said “slammed,” he did just that, pulling his dick out then forcing it back inside Y/N’s pussy. A squeak escaped Y/N’s lips. “Please, please, please,” she begged, not really sure what she was begging for. “What princess? Do you like this? Do you like getting pounded?” Draco teased while thrusting into her, fast. Y/N nodded desperately, her eyes still closed tightly. Draco once again slowed his pace. Y/N whimpered and clenched her pussy walls around his cock, trying to urge him to fuck her faster. 
“Open your eyes, princess, look at me,” he demanded. Y/N’s eyes flickered open and landed on Draco’s grey ones. “Listen to me carefully. You’re going to suck my dick, ride me, and then, if you’re a good girl, I’ll eat you out. How does that sound, slut?” he asked, still sliding in and out of her. She scrambled to reply. “Y-yes, that sounds so good, please,” she whined. Draco laughed at her neediness and then pushed into her, making her yelp. “And one more thing, you can’t cum until I say so. Understand?” he questioned. Y/N felt her legs tremble and shake as she inhaled sharply. “Yes, I understand,” she muttered. “Stop mumbling; say it again,” he ordered her harshly. Y/N gulped and cleared her throat. “I understand. I won’t cum until you say so.” Draco smiled and thrusted into her one more time before pulling out. “That’s a good girl. Now get on your knees.”
Y/N did just that, nearly falling onto the floor as she knelt. When she regained her balance, she was met with Draco’s wet cock in her face. She hesitated momentarily but drew it into her mouth and began to suck softly, her hands rested on his hips. Draco’s head rolled back, and he moaned softly. This let Y/N know she was off to a good start. She hollowed her cheeks and leaned forward, pushing him farther down her throat. Draco jerked his dick forward, causing Y/N to gag slightly. He gazed down at her. “My little slut,” he mumbled. Y/N pressed her legs together, creating mild friction. She hesitantly pulled her lips backward so that she could place a hand on the base of his cock. Her slow rubbing caused Draco’s dick to twitch. 
Y/N sucked him for what felt like hours. Her jaw was growing sore, and she was almost about to tap out when suddenly, Draco grasped her hair with both hands and slammed his cock to the back of her throat. He fucked her mouth fast, refusing to give her a chance to breathe. Tears were now streaming down Y/N’s face as she was used like a toy. He thrusted in and out a few more times before shooting his load down her neck.
When he pulled out, Y/N gasped for air, coughing a little bit as well. Draco crouched down and took her face in his hands, studying her. “Look at you, little whore. You’re so pretty like this,” he whispered as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. Y/N said nothing as blush rushed to her face. Draco snickered and straightened his legs. He kicked off his pants and slippers and held out his hand. Y/N took it, and he helped her to her feet. Then, without warning, he hoisted her up into his arms and walked over to her bed. He dropped her onto it and spread her legs. Draco watched her squirm for a few seconds before he hopped on top of her and flipped them over so that she was now on top. “You know what to do.” Y/N glanced up at him and bit her lip. Slowly, she sat up and hovered over top of his cock, which had somehow already returned to full hardness. She glanced up at the Slytherin again. “Go on, don’t be shy.” And with that, Y/N lowered herself down onto him, moaning all the way. Draco smirked and watched his dick disappear inside her as she got seated. 
Once Y/N had adjusted, she began to bounce; Draco’s dick slid in and out of her as he simply watched with his arms crossed behind his head. “That’s it, keep fucking yourself on my cock,” Draco purred. Y/N’s thigh muscles tensed as she increased her pace. Her tits began to jiggle slightly as she dropped herself onto Draco. Her pussy touched his skin with every bounce; the slight rub of her clit against him drove her crazy. Suddenly, she grabbed his hips for more leverage and began to slam her hips downwards, desperately wanting to feel more, more, more. Draco couldn’t take it anymore; the sight in front of him was too good. In a flash, he slapped her hands off of him and placed his on her hips. He picked her up and brought her down onto his cock, hard. Y/N was unable to contain her screams as Draco began pounding her from below. Her breasts were bouncing violently as lewd, wet slapping noises filled the red and gold-colored dorm room. 
“Draco, can I cum? Please let me cum. I’m so close,” Y/N whispered, a strained squeal leaving her lips. Draco began to fuck her even faster. “Don’t you dare,” he grunted. Y/N cried out; she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it. “Please, I won’t be able to stop myself if you keep going,” she whimpered, feeling the coil in her abdomen grow. But then, Draco stopped. He dropped his hips and simply held Y/N down so that his cock was still buried inside her but unmoving. The blonde chuckled as he watched Y/N wriggle on top of him, trying to get him to move again. “No, no! Draco, please,” she whined, desperately wanting to reach her high. But before she knew it, the delicious feeling inside her had faded away. “Look at me, Y/N,” Draco commanded. She looked up at him; her face was scrunched up as if she were about to cry. Perhaps she was. “Convince me you’re a good girl, and I’ll make you cum.”
Y/N could hear her heartbeat pulsing in her ears. She knew she was panicking, but she also knew she needed to come, so she said the first thing that came to her mind. “I won’t let Harry fuck me ever again!” Almost immediately after she said it, her hand flew to her mouth in shock. Draco’s eyebrows shot up. “Is that so?” he asked. Y/N gulped but nodded, letting her hand fall. “Yes. You’ll be the only one… I promise,” she muttered. Draco sat up and took her face in his hand, pulling her chin down so that her mouth popped open. He stuck his thumb inside, and she instantly began to suckle on it. “You’re mine,” he growled as he latched his lips onto her neck, sucking hard. Y/N clenched around him and groaned as his teeth nipped her skin. “Fuck,” he muttered after pulling away. He then lifted her off of him and spun her around so that she was in his previous spot. He dropped her onto the bed, pressed his face in between her legs, and licked a long stripe up her slit. Y/N cried out in shock and pleasure. Draco’s tongue was relentless. He swirled it around her clit and then stuck it in her hole. He repeated this action multiple times, somewhat edging her. Her clit was throbbing and pulsing; she was already close again. 
“Don’t stop, please,” she pleaded. Draco chuckled, his breath fanning over her wet, hot pussy. She couldn’t help but squirm as his tongue returned. This time he sucked on her nub. Y/N screamed and felt tears fall from her eyes. “You can cum. Cum around my mouth, slut,” Draco purred. Y/N didn’t need anything else; she came immediately after receiving permission. Her orgasm came in waves. Y/N’s body jolted with each one. Draco continued sucking on her throughout her climax. When it was over, he still didn’t stop. The overstimulation was too much for Y/N, but he didn't budge when she tried to push him away. Within another thirty seconds, Y/N was cumming again. She shrieked as her world stopped spinning. Her vision clouded, and her body went numb. Eventually, Draco pulled away and ceased his torment. He laughed lightly upon seeing the look on Y/N’s face. She looked, to put it frankly, fucked out. 
“You alright there?” Draco asked while delivering a short slap to Y/N’s pussy. She groaned softly and opened her eyes. “Fuck you,” she breathed. Draco only smiled as he climbed out of bed. Y/N whimpered, not wanting him to go. “Hush, I’m only grabbing something to clean you up with,” he retorted. A few moments later, he walked back to her with a few tissues in hand. He gingerly wiped the soft material down her slit, causing her to whine from the sensitivity. But Draco was quick, and in no time, Y/N was all cleaned up. She sat up and rested her back against the headboard. Draco took the spot next to her and kissed the side of her head. God, he’s so confusing, Y/N thought to herself. And then it hit her.
She leaped out of bed with a gasp and scrambled for her clothes. “What’s wrong?” Draco asked, concern lacing his voice. “Harry. He’ll notice if I’m not there in the morning, I have to go," Y/N said. Draco frowned and watched as Y/N yanked her drawers open and searched for sleep clothes. He, too, got to his feet and began donning his discarded clothing. Y/N pulled a sweater over her head and headed for the door. But before she left, she turned to Draco. “What if he finds out?” she asked softly. Draco looked at her as he tied the drawstrings of his sweatpants. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” he said while walking towards her. She gazed up at him, fear in her eyes. Draco sighed and pressed a kiss to her temple before walking out the door. Y/N stood frozen in her doorway; Draco’s sudden tenderness confused her. He kissed her after they had sex, he cleaned her up, and he’d just kissed her again. His kind gestures made her feel warm and fuzzy when she should hate him. Unfortunately, Y/N had no time to ponder this; she needed to get back to Harry. 
She made no noise as she scampered down the steps into the common room. When she arrived, she saw the portrait closing behind Draco as he left the Gryffindor tower. Y/N stood still for a moment, then remembered what she was doing. Her feet carried her all the way back to Harry’s dorm. The door was still slightly open, just as she’d left it. Her shaky hand grasped the door handle and pushed it forward. Harry looked to be fast asleep. Y/N breathed a sigh of relief and gently walked over to the bed. She lifted the covers and slid underneath them. Her eyes found the ceiling, and she felt guilt return to her stomach. But again, she pushed it away and let her eyelids shut. Sleep took her shortly.
The sound of birds chirping woke Y/N. She opened her eyes to find she was in Harry’s bed. The memory of last night flooded back to her. Quickly, she turned to her left to see her boyfriend was gone. Y/N sat up and scanned the room. She jumped slightly when she saw Harry sitting by the window, his eyes glued to her. He looked...troubled. “Good morning, love. Did you sleep okay?” she asked.
“Where did you go last night?” Harry asked. His voice was heavy with anger, and Y/N felt herself begin to panic. Quickly, she conjured up a lie. “I went to go change into comfier clothes, that’s all.” Harry glared into her eyes and pointed to her neck. “What’s that then?” he asked. Y/N’s stomach dropped as she realized what Harry was gesturing to. “I know I didn’t give you that, so who did Y/N?” he asked condescendingly. Y/N remained quiet. She didn’t want to lie to Harry anymore, but also couldn’t bring herself to answer him.
“Who, Y/N? Who did you sneak out to see last night?” Harry interrogated. The jig was up; Y/N knew that. She felt tears fill her eyes as she whispered, “Draco.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Harry get to his feet. Y/N’s head snapped up, and she watched him storm towards the exit as her teardrops began to fall. “We’re done,” he said firmly as he ripped open the wooden door and slammed it behind him, leaving Y/N alone. She dropped her head into her hands and began to sob. What have I done?
Taglist: @beiahadid​ @pastelpuffbar
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solomonish · 3 years
say my name like it’s a bad word (solomon x reader)
sometimes, when Solomon hears others speak his name, it feels more like they're spewing curses than addressing him.
ao3 link: here!
Tumblr media
I. Anger
He could see the peak rising above the horizon much sooner than he could the day before. That pleased him - though he wouldn’t let those graciously lending him their powers know.
As he walked into his unfinished temple, he had to dodge a few of his flying demons who passive-aggressively swooped too close to his head. He enjoyed the noise the solid ground made beneath his feet, opposed to the soft earth outside the entrance. With a purposely blank expression, Solomon strode over to a corner of the temple, where one of his more outspoken pacts stomped down clay.
Asmodeus looked up at him as he approached, his brows furrowing. If he wasn’t already out of breath from the strenuous work Solomon had ordered him to do, he probably would have groaned loud enough to halt the progress around him. His hair, stuck to his brow with sweat, still managed to look perfect and keep its style. Keeping his voice level, Solomon said as much.
“Oh, thank you!” Asmodeus chirped, wiping away his frustration for a moment to flash a faux grin. “Honestly, for someone like me, it’s hardly a feat to maintain such exquisite looks, but I certainly appreciate you noticing!”
“Someone like you…..” Solomon responded, trailing off as he held his chin in thought. Asmodeus, bound by the command of his pact, kept stomping the clay beneath him, but his upper half seemed completely at ease. There was a sudden fluidity to his movements, one that always warned Solomon to up his guard and covertly cast some safeguards against Asmo’s charms.
“Yes, someone like me! The most bewitching creature in all the realms - but surely, you don’t need a reminder of that,” Adding a purr beneath his words, Asmo leaned forward. Something glinted in his eyes as they slowly bled into a fuchsia hue, and Solomon felt a faint tug at the spell he just cast. “You know, I wouldn’t mind reminding you in other ways. Surely, this has been a test to show how much energy I truly have?”
Solomon perked up, and he could see Asmodeus rejoice, certain his plan had worked. “Really? After all of this, you still have energy?”
“Of course!”
With a hum, Solomon let his hand fall from his chin and smiled sweetly at the demon before him. The pact mark on his hip tingled lightly, a side-effect of the new method of command he was testing out. “Very well. I’ll double your quota and, naturally, expect you to exceed my expectations in a day’s time.”
“What-” His eyes widened and jaw dropped for just a second, wondering both how his plan had been foiled so quickly and how Solomon managed to command him with zero authority in his voice. Against his will, Asmodeus’ stomping quickened, forcing him to lose his theatrics and focus his entire being on his task. “Solomon!” He shouted indignantly, the only word he could get out before his pact holder turned and walked away.
II. Formality
“Solomon,” the voice said, a stiffness around its edges. Stopping in his tracks, Solomon had to squint in the shadows to even see the sorcerer he was meeting. In his opinion, hiding in the shadows beside the comically large bookshelf was a bit overkill for their meeting. While technically a forbidden one, Solomon was confident that, if caught, he would be able to leave unscathed.
"Irin," Solomon returned, hoping his own casual tone would ease away that stifling formality in his acquaintence's voice. "You said you needed to meet with me?"
Tentatively, like a distrusting stray cat, Irin stepped out from the shadows while peering down both ends of the hallway. They were ever the cautious soul, though it stung to see that hesitancy aimed at himself. "Keep your voice down. We don't want to get caught."
Solomon raised an eyebrow. "Why could we not have met elsewhere, then?"
"I only just found it. I wanted to make sure I could hand it to you in person before I found out why you were banished."
The glare Irin leveled him in had his heart sinking. Perhaps hoping that word of his fallout had yet to spread - or that he would not be held in contempt for accusations he could never address or recover from - was too big an ambition, even for Solomon. But the shadowed leaders of the Sorcerer's Society were prone to gossip. That was,after all, part of what demanded such secrecy in this rendezvous.
Glancing down, Solomon saw Irin handing his wand over to him, his lips grimly pressed together in a thin line. Ah, so that's why I couldn’t find it. The drama of the past few weeks had been enough to scramble his mind, and in the chaos of his banishment, Solomon must have dropped his wand as he was forced out. That, or it was stolen and he was never meant to have it back in his possession. Ah, well. Why bother with the semantics of rules he was no longer bound by?
Without a word, Solomon took the wand and tucked it in his waistband,, hidden behind his cloak. To see such solemnity in the exchange of such a ridiculous thing would have been a humorous sight if the atmosphere were lighter. But the air around them hung heavy, heavy enough to have Solomon itching just beneath his skin and craving an exit. As much as the thought hurt when it struck, he realized that there was no call for niceties or a proper goodbye. The icy glare he was leveled in wouldn’t be remedied with an amicable goodbye.
As Solomon made his way down the hall, a second pair of footsteps that were far too light to be Irin’s approached from behind him. He didn’t bother to cast a glance behind him to see who it might be - whoever it was didn’t want to see him, and Solomon was quickly losing interest in the affairs of the society in their entirety.
III. Distrust
“But is that really a good idea?”
“Do you not agree?”
Two voices floated down the corridor as Solomon approached, one like a softly tinkling bell and the other deep and soothing. It seemed that his two companions had started the conversation without him. Either that, or he was hearing part of a conversation that was never meant for his ears.
“It isn’t that, it’s more…” The lighter voice trailed off for a moment. “Are we sure it’s best to throw a newborn lamb in with lions who know far more than they do? Even ignoring how they’d be your only true subject of this exchange program, wouldn’t they have more luck bonding with someone as familiar with this world as they were?”
“Two humans who have no idea what is going on wandering the Devildom? That isn’t the best idea I’ve heard,” Solomon interrupted as he rounded the corner. He had no interest in eavesdropping on a conversation for information he was owed, anyway. “Sorry I’m late.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Diavolo reassured, uncrossing his legs and leaning back in his chair. He gestured towards the assortment of small pastries and tea on the table between the three of them while Simeon picked up his own cup, if only to have something to focus on.
“Nice to see you, Solomon,” Simeon answered cheerily, masterfully hiding the suspicion Solomon knew should be biting at the greeting. Biting the inside of his cheek, Solomon held back any questions he had of Simeon trying to butt him out of the Diavolo’s project. Instead, he nodded in a silent ’nice to see you, too,’ and made himself comfortable on the unoccupied chair in the room.
“Now,” Diavolo started, ignoring the chill hovering in the air, “How are we feeling about this exchange program?”
IV. Annoyance
An indignant shriek filled the dorm as a menacing cloud of violet smoke rose from the pot. Luke watched it in horror, jumping back as the sparks started to fly out of the pan.
“What did you just do?” He yelled. Solomon merely watched in awe, impressed at the show he had created and completely shutting out Luke’s exasperated yapping. Perhaps such marvelling should have waited, because he couldn’t hear the panicked shouts as some of the sparks fell on the ends of his cloak. It took the brunt of Luke’s bodyweight as he pushed Solomon out of the line of literal fire and ran to get the fire extinguisher to snap him out of his daze.
Glancing at the bottom of his cloak, Solomon sighed and snapped his fingers, putting out the fire immediately. Begrudgingly removing the cloak of his shoulders, he lifted the hem to eye level and mourned his loss silently. Moments later, Luke came barreling in the room, letting loose with the fire extinguisher without even looking to see if there was still a flame.
When he was convinced that the fire was out, Luke held Solomon in his best attempt at an upset glare. He ended up looking more like a slightly upset puppy, but Solomon knew when to hold his tongue around the young angel. “Solomon, I told you to stay out of the kitchen! What part of that translated to you as ‘come add ingredients to the pot’?”
Before Solomon could make things worse in his attempt at a defense, Simeon walked in the room, looking like the most graceful being in the world. With his current company, though, it wasn’t such an accomplishment. “Now, now. I’m sure Solomon just wanted to help, right Luke?”
Luke didn’t look convinced, but the practiced smile on Simeon was a clear indication that he should agree. “Yeah, I guess.”
Gently guiding Luke out of the room, Simeon gave that same smile to Solomon. “And he will help by cleaning up this mess while we grab some more ingredients for dinner, right?”
With that, Simeon ushered Luke out of the room. When they stopped to grab their jackets, Solomon heard Luke whisper, “I thought you were watching him, Simeon.”
Unlike his roommates, Solomon had the wisdom to wait until he heard the door shut to sigh in displeasure.
V. Contempt
At this point, Solomon wasn’t sure whether his repeated showdowns with Lucifer were proving his tenacity and value or deepening the hatred that seemed to run between them.
Still, it was unusual for Lucifer to summon for Solomon in the middle of class, only to stare at him in silence as Solomon fought the instinctive urge to shift where he stood before him. The student council room was empty, save for the spread out papers on the table in front of Lucifer and the two of them. It wasn’t often that Solomon felt unnerved, and certainly not by Lucifer after he heard your tales of how he behaved at home, but that was the closest word he could think of to describe how he felt.
“I needn’t remind you of the perils the Devildom has to offer?” Lucifer asked, his voice cold as ice. “I am not pleased with the state in which you brought MC back the other day.”
What, in once piece? Solomon had to bite his tongue. Lucifer really thought he could lecture his way out of everything, didn’t he? “I apologize,” He lied. Then, more truthfully, “If I could have brought them back with no injuries, I would have.”
Lucifer narrowed his eyes, weaving his fingers together in thought and resting his elbows on the table. “If you are to be so irresponsible, perhaps I should put a stop to these outings?”
The indignation burning in Solomon’s gut made him grimace; he hated feeling like a child, but Lucifer had a way of belittling everyone that way. His protests all sounded like an upset teen arguing with their parents - They were only scrapes and bruises! It was an accident! You can’t dictate everything MC does with their time. You can’t dictate anything I do with mine! - but he held them all back. “I will make sure MC does not get hurt next time they are in my care.”
Lucifer’s eyes flashed red, and Solomon suddenly understood why the horror movies of his realm used that as an indication of evil. “Of course you will. But a little incentive wouldn’t hurt.”
With that, Lucifer stood from his seat, towering over Solomon by at least a foot. He wasn’t in his demon form - RAD rules to accommodate the exchange students - but he didn’t need to. Solomon could feel the threatening aura around him, promises of the harm that would come to him if he went against Lucifer’s wishes surrounding the two like the wind in a firestorm.
This was where Lucifer always lost Solomon’s interest. He wasn’t able to be threatened by promises Lucifer was always too busy to fulfill.
“You may not have much of a life to gamble, Solomon,” Lucifer hissed, and the only indication Solomon gave of his flinch was one quick blink, “but MC is not yours to toy with. Remember that.”
Unwilling to back down in their staring match, Solomon kept his mouth wired shut for a few moments. Lucifer, living up to his sin, also refused to back down, and Solomon realized it was a losing battle.
“I have to get back to class,” Solomon lied again, and they both knew it. But there were no more words to share between them, so Solomon left it at that.
VI. Affection
Hearing his name come from your mouth like that gave him the same sensation of watching someone put a piece of a cactus in their mouth.
You hadn’t even entered his room yet. The moment you entered the dorm, you called out his name, stretching out the last syllable in a sing-song voice. He could hear the rustle of plastic bags, the ingredients for his latest cooking lesson tucked inside. When you knocked on the doorframe to his room, he didn’t answer, and you peeked inside to see him staring directly at you with a dumbstruck expression on his face.
“Are...you okay?” You asked, not truly concerned. It was enough to quickly snap him back to reality, and he tried to play off his surprise with a smile. You stopped him from speaking before he even had a chance to tell you he was fine. “Don’t give me any crap. What was that look for?”
How could he express what he was thinking without sounding entirely unbecoming? “It’s...just weird to hear my name said like that.”
“What, to the tune of the Devildom’s next hit of the summer?” Your cheeky grin did nothing to hide your arrogance. Solomon only hummed, standing from his desk and stretching his arms above his head.
Realizing he wasn’t going to explain himself any further, you led him to the kitchen and explained the dinner you had planned. He listened halfheartedly, rummaging through the bag to eye the ingredients suspiciously. It all looked so...predictable. Boring. He was already connecting ideas to add his own pizzazz to the dish.
“Are you going to yell at me when I mess it up?” He asked in an attempt at jest. Something in his tone was off, though, and it sounded much more like a genuine question. Uncomfortably clearing his throat, Solomon avoided your confused gaze. “I mean-”
“Have Simeon and Luke been on your case about your cooking again?” You asked. He could practically hear your exasperation at their antics, and almost jumped to their defense. They were angels. Confronting people directly about their shortcomings wasn’t their strong suit. “I promise, I will not yell at you. Seriously. I will, however, whip you into shape with this spoon.”
To prove your point, you picked up a wooden spoon and hit him on the arm. Your own strength surprised you, however, and the sharp snap that sounded through the room made you freeze in your spot. “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry-”
With a grin that could only be described as shit-eating, Solomon burst into theatrics, bemoaning his injured arm and worrying over how dark the bruise would definitely be. In between your apologizes and insistences that you didn’t hit him that hard, you tried to place a gentle kiss where you hit him. He made sure to pull away, swearing he could never trust you again after you’ve hurt him so severely.
He decided then that hearing his name interrupted with your laugh was the best way to hear it.
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jilyss · 3 years
on the run
When the Order of the Phoenix falls, James Potter and Lily Evans are stuck in hiding together after not talking to each other since their 7th year. They're just kids, but sometimes, Lily feels like she's much, much older.
read on ao3
“What the fuck happened?”
Lily’s hands were on her hips as she gagged, trying to fight down the nausea that was threatening to overwhelm her.
“What the fuck happened?” James repeated, twisting around to face her. He spat on the ground and swiped at his mouth angrily. Her throat constricted and she quickly spun away, putting her hands on her knees. From behind her, James groaned as she heaved up the contents of her stomach. Thankfully, she had hardly eaten in the last twenty-four hours, and a few seconds later was able to straighten up, using the hem of her shirt to wipe her mouth.
There was a loud bang behind her, she spun back around, throwing up a shield instantly. A wave of heat washed over as she tried to get her bearings, fully expecting another attacker. Her stomach was still heaving, and the taste in her mouth made her want to gag again. Instead of an attacker, she saw James firing spell after spell into the forest surrounding them. His entire body was covered in sweat, and he was using his entire body to cast spells, grunting with the effort. She was too tired to stop him, knowing full well how stubborn he was, but the death eaters would find them soon if he kept it up.
Grabbing his hand tightly despite his protests, she twisted on her heel, apparating them to a beach, where a gust of wet wind greeted them. Dropping his hand, she twisted on her heel again and returned to the forest. The sucking sensation of the double apparation made her heave again, emptying out anything else that might have been in there. When she finally recovered, she restored the forest to its original state - dousing fires, transfiguring a boulder back into a bunny, and filling in a crater from a particularly strong ‘reducto’ spell. It took her a few minutes, but when she had done the best she could, she twisted on her heel again and arrived back at the beach.
James was sitting on a piece of driftwood a few meters away, but Lily didn’t move to join him. They were both in a state of shock, and she was in no mood to talk. Not even an hour ago, they had been talking to Peter about his upcoming birthday. There wasn’t much time to celebrate, but James had planned on throwing a small party with everyone who could make it. And then, not even ten minutes later, Peter had betrayed them. Death eaters had shown up at the Order of the Phoenix’s headquarters, Alice was dead, and the Order was finished.
Despite the temperature, Lily slipped her shoes off and rolled up her leggings enough to walk out into the ocean. The freezing water was biting, but it seemed to numb the pain and pull her out of her head, at least for a moment.
When the death eaters had arrived, Lily couldn’t believe her eyes. The order had various hideouts scattered about, and members knew about only a few at a time. The location of the headquarters was one of the more carefully kept secrets, and Lily had only been told about it three months ago. A few weeks later, Remus, James, Sirius, and Peter had all joined her. It wasn’t so much that they were all the Order’s best - they were young, and made lots of mistakes, but there were now fewer and fewer members.
Lily glanced down at her hands, finally noticing the various scraps she’d gotten. She took care of them in a few seconds, then glanced over at James. Earlier, she’d noticed a large cut above his eye, and now, she could see that he’d thrown a shabby patch over it. But it needed to be fixed, and James was shit at healing charms. Grudgingly, she made her way over to him.
He was seated in the same position, uncharacteristically still and staring at the ocean. Lily didn’t even say a word at him, jutting her chin towards his head and pulling out her wand. She removed his patch within a few seconds, and then slowly moved her wand over the wound as the skin stitched itself back together. When she was done, her hands dropped to her sides, and she moved a few steps away, sitting down heavily on the sand.
There was a gruff “thanks”, from behind her, but Lily didn’t even acknowledge it.
“The order is finished.” James’ voice was hollow and hoarse.
continue reading on ao3
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ilikemesometaetaes · 4 years
Little One (M)
Jung Hoseok Oneshot
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•••> Author: @ilikemesometaetaes​
•••> Summary: You find yourself in a position where you must choose between certainly addicting or below-average satisfaction for the rest of your life.
•••> Pairing(s): Hoseok/Reader
•••> Requested by Anon: “Hey I was wondering if you could possibly do a Hoseok smut oneshot and like hes a super dom? Love you 💜”
•••> Word Count: 6.41k
•••> Rating: 18+
•••> Tags: smut | ceo!au(?) | office!au | Hoseok!AU | Strangers to Lovers | Dominant!Hoseok | Submissive!Reader | 
•••> Warnings: smut, slight impreg!kink, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, mention(s) of masturbation, slight choking/strangulation, spanking, dirty talk, slight mention(s) of BDSM, dom/little one relationship, hobi is filthy, but he’s also respectful, cursing, pining, mild stalking?, alcohol use
Copyright © 2020 ilikemesometaetaes. All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for the request, anon! Sorry, it took me like a week to get it done, but here it is! I hope you enjoy :) I didn’t go back and edit it so please excuse any mistakes.
The light from the chandeliers of the ballroom dimmed as the night came undeniably closer to its end.
The event was organized by your company- a Friday evening to relax and celebrate the closing of another fiscal year. The flurries of snow that dusted the sidewalks outside the venue served as a reminder that the year, in itself, was coming to an end too.
Smooth, Christmas-themed jazz music acted as a factor in your sleepy demeanor, relaxing you into a comfortable glow of warmth despite failing your mission.
You were here strictly on business; there was no time to mess around and slack off. A handful of flutes of champagne and a double pour of whiskey- which you hardly ever drank- were enough to relax you and make you confident in the success of your duty to find a proper suitor to make you cum tonight.
In the past, you had tried flings with acquaintances and a few friends, but they had turned out to be absolutely disdainful in the fact that, despite them, you had only cum twice at the hands of another in the last year and a half. Instead, you wanted to give a one night stand a try- purely for research purposes, of course. Who knew? Maybe you were into the riskiness and detachment of it all.
As the hours passed, however, you found yourself slowly resorting to the quiet and dark corners of the room, sipping on another flute of champagne in hopeless surrender with your warm buzz fading pathetically.
Unbeknownst to you, a set of dark eyes had been tracking you for a good portion of the evening. On the prowl for its prey, the owner of those eyes weighed the options sat before him, but he needed to make sure you were alone before he could risk indulging too far.
There was no ring on your finger; no one bringing you a drink; no one you interacted with longer than a short greeting and the occasional hug.
It didn’t take him very long to realize that you were incredibly and unbelievably by your lonesome.
He couldn’t help the smirk from pulling up the corner of his lips while his friends spoke loudly around him. From his seat at the table, he had a perfect view of where you stood in the shadows, however, staring too hard could prove to be the downfall of his plan as he did not want to get caught. Instead, the glass of scotch in his hand held his gaze while he rolled the sphere of ice around it in thought. He would have to be patient.
He recognized the look of defeat when he saw one. He read the way your flawless lips had slowly formed a permanent scowl of self-pity as the minutes turned into hours.
What a pitiful look on such a gorgeous little thing. He mused in thought.
By the time your phone read 12:45 am, you accepted defeat in its ugliest form. Shoulders no longer held back with your chest out and back no longer purposely arched to attract anyone, you allowed yourself to slouch.
Fuck it. You thought. Guess it’s just another date night with my magic wand.
Sourly, you left the large room to retrieve your dress coat from the coat check counter, pulling out your phone to order your Uber once you gave the desk man your ticket.
In your hunt for a ride and the slight tipsiness of alcohol still in your system, you failed to notice the presence of someone behind you.
“Excuse me, Miss.“ You jumped, knees slightly buckling in the process, and turned to find a slightly familiar man dressed in a finely-tailored Armani suit standing behind you.
“Jesus.” You mumbled before speaking up. “You scared me.”
“I apologize for the intrusion.” He laughed, sending an unexpected rush of flutters through your chest and straight to your lower belly. “I just couldn’t help myself in worrying if you were going to get home safe.”
You studied him for a moment, trying to remember who he was. His undercut, despite being a more unpopular haircut around the office, exhumed modern professionalism. A few of his black hairs that were gelled back had fallen over his forehead after several hours of holding its form throughout the night. Milky brown eyes and a narrow nose sat upon his lightly tanned but beautifully contoured face with a dark pink set of lips to grace his regal-like look.
You couldn’t help the sense of familiarity as you gazed at him. Instead of addressing his statement, you blurted out your thoughts, curiosity getting the best of you.
“I’m sorry, but… do I know you? You look so familiar to me.” He was about to respond when the desk man came back to the front with your coat in hand. Before you could reach out to grab it from him, your mystery man was taking it from his grasp.
“I’m Jung Hoseok.” He smiled, holding your coat out for you to place your arm in. So he’s a Jung, huh? Maybe he’s related to the chairman. Would be a nice snag for the night.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hoseok. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” You held your hand out to shake his once you successfully slid both arms into the coat. With a smoothness uncanny to any man’s hands you’ve ever felt, he took your fingers in his grasp and leaned down to touch his lips to your knuckles.
“Believe me, Ms. Y/N.” His eyes lifted to meet yours as the warm surface of his lips met your skin followed by the warm teasing exhale of his breath. You suppressed a whimper from growing in your throat. “The pleasure is all mine.”
He stood straight abruptly, shocking you out of your stupor. “So is Uber your way of getting home tonight?”
“Ah, yes. I’ve had a few drinks and I was planning on it, so I didn’t drive here.” You replied to him, hoping he would fall for the action and jump in. He nodded his head in understanding whilst you falsely resumed the task of securing a ride from a few moments ago. Please ask to take me home. Please don’t be nonchalant.
“Are you returning home alone?” Hook, line and sinker.
“Yes, I am. I do have a cat to welcome me though, so no need to worry.” You joked, hoping to push him along and give him the hint that you were very single and very available at the moment.
Deciding that your conversation should be taken outside and away from the prying eyes of your associates, you made your way out the door and into the crisp night as you spoke. The small flurries of snow began lightly pelleting your face, catching on your eyelashes. Hoseok followed close behind you, intent on listening to what you had to say.
You came to a stop on the sidewalk and faced him, shivering slightly.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to interrupt your homecoming with your cat. I’m sure he misses you dearly.” He smiled smugly, his breath forming visibly in front of him. Wow. So he’s an intellectual. He knows the game.
Fine. I’ll play.
“The homecoming won’t be too glorious. He doesn’t even greet me at the door.” You faked a pout.
Hoseok took a step closer, eliminating some of the distance between the two of you and effectively removing acquaintanceship from the air between you as he spoke. His previous polite behavior wavered slightly, transitioning your small talk “Oh? Is that so? Why?”
“I’m pretty sure he hates me even though I feed him and give him a roof over his head every day.” You chuckled with an air of breathlessness. “He’s a brat.”
“And are you?” He took another step and circled his arm around you to place his hand on your lower back, chest lightly brushing against yours. He was radiating an incredible amount of heat through the layers of his suit. You almost missed the random question with the way your vaginal floor tightened in anticipation.
“A-am I what?” You stuttered, looking up into his eyes and quickly crumbling. You hoped that he would catch you past the heady sensation of lust that crowded your veins.
“A brat.” He graveled, lifting his hand to pinch your chin between his thumb and index finger. You gasped and couldn’t help bringing your lower lip between your teeth as you were rendered silent, biting down in an attempt to use the pain as a distraction from the pooling of desire in your belly and panties. Good god, he just went right in.
Hoseok’s thumb brushed over your trapped lip, dragging it out and pinning it below his nail before he leaned in. His lips, inches from yours, held your attention and his eyes, locked on your own lips, grew dark with arousal. You thought he was going to kiss you but, instead, he only tutted and answered his own question for you. “So you are.”
The taste of his breath on your tongue was sinful with the tangible scent of his scotch overpowering the aftertaste of your whiskey and champagne. His cologne surrounded you, turning your body into a live wire as your olfactory senses were ambushed with his masculine musk.
“I’m going to need an actual answer when I ask you this, little one.” He whispered, lips mere millimeters from brushing yours. All you could do was gulp and nod in suspense of his question- but he wasn’t having it. He squeezed your chin sternly. “Verbalize.”
“O-okay.” You croaked through the lump in your throat. Hoseok smiled and released your chin from his grip, sliding his hand to your cheek to caress it instead.
“Good enough… for now.” He drew his own lip between his teeth as he slightly pulled away to scan your body in his grasp. His eyes locked on yours again, the closeness of his face scrambling your thoughts completely.
“May I be the one to take you home tonight, Ms. Y/N?” He asked genuinely.
With almost no hesitation, your desperation rose to the surface once more. “Yes. Yes, you may.”
It took mere seconds for Hoseok to back away and wave his hand in the air before a black SUV pulled up in front of the two of you. Grabbing onto your hand, he tugged you towards the vehicle.
“Mine or yours?” You asked as he opened the door for you to slide yourself across the leather seats to settle towards the far window. Following suit and settling behind the passenger seat, he spoke.
“Hm… Are you alright with coming to mine?” He asked, crowding himself on you as he shut the door behind him. His closeness was suffocating- in a good way. The way you felt the heat from his face on yours reminded you of just how close the two of you were about to get.
“I’m alright with anything, Hoseok.” You breathed, eyelashes fluttering in pure bliss. Your panties were clinging to your heat uncomfortably, begging to be removed.
“Be careful of what you say, darling. I might get a little excited.” He laughed lowly. Turning to his driver, he quickly ordered him to take him home. For a brief moment, you wondered what his place looked like and where it was.
Hoseok’s beauty was uncanny; even in the dark, you marveled at his features as the shadows of the street lights passed over them. His hands were constantly attached to you yet no kiss had been shared, causing your nerves to run rampant with tension and excitement.
After a short fifteen-minute ride, the vehicle pulled up in front of large gates and you gazed in wonder at the house that stood behind them. Situated up a small hill past a large courtyard with a giant fountain in the middle was a mansion. The mansion, from what you could see in the night, was dark brown in color due to the bricks it was built by. The fountain lit the front of it in a soft multicolored glow as it transitioned between colors.
“Wow.” You breathed, eyes locked on it as the gate opened and you were dropped off at the front steps into the cold of the night.
“Gorgeous, isn’t it?” He asked from behind you, his body heat immediately returning to your cold form.
“Absolutely.” You turned to him as you whispered, noticing the snowflakes gathering in his hair. Even as your bones chattered from how little your dress and coat properly covered your body, you still felt the heat of want flooding your veins and warming your blood deliciously. Looking into his eyes felt like the call of the wild, the sun, and anything and everything that could cause the bout of excitement and pure joy in your heart.
You just hoped he was able to make you cum tonight. At this point, with his beauty and smooth game, getting you to cum was just a plus.
“Y/N.” He muttered, taking a step to you while pushing you against the large front door to his manor.
“Yes?” You answered nervously, heart racing in your chest. Could he hear it?
“May I open my door?” He chuckled. You quickly looked behind you and realized that you were blocking the slot for his key, quickly moving to the side and rushing an apology with a blush on your cheeks. Looking at the ground, you waited until he opened the door behind you to look back up.
He was pulling you by the waist into his foyer before you could fully look at him again. “C’mere.”
Shutting the door behind you, he pressed you against the wall and pressed a kiss to your lips unexpectedly. Finally. Oh, good god he tastes so good.
His lips moved tentatively at first, smoothly molding yours to his will and pressing against your body with his. Hoseok placed his hands on your hips, sliding them delicately up your sides to your shoulders and under your coat, sliding it off with ease. He was pulling away before you could fully kiss him back, your lips chasing after his in dislike of the loss of contact.
“I’m sorry,” He heaved. “I couldn’t control myself for a moment.”
“No, Hoseok,” You whispered, sliding your hand to the back of his neck and bringing his face back to yours. “It’s okay. I want you to.” He pulled you tightly to his body with a hissed breath between his teeth.
“What? What do you want me to do, Y/N?” He picked you up by the backs of your thighs and you squealed in surprise. Automatically, you locked your ankles around him, cocktail dress making it easy to spread your legs. Hoseok continued to speak before you could reply, carrying you up the stairs as you stared intently at him. “Do you want me to nail your pussy into the bed? Do you want me to rail you until you lose your voice? Do you want me to spank you until you get welts? What? What do you want me to do?”
Again, he made you speechless. The way his change of pace had victoriously shut you the fuck up for the second time was shocking. 
Hoseok shoving you against the wall next to a door and grinding his hips into your own pulled you from the silence-rendering shock.
“Fucking speak, Y/N. What do you want?” He said sharply.
“I want it all- all of it. Please.” You were quick to reply as his domineering tone sunk into the pores of your skin whilst you whimpered from the friction. He only smiled and took one hand out from under your leg to open the door.
“As you wish, little one.” He smirked. Swiftly, he brought you into the dark room. How he found his way to the bed, you were unsure, for even a person living in a room for years has a difficult time finding their way under such circumstances- and he was carrying you. Regardless of your wonder, you still felt the cool sheets of his bed below you as he threw you onto it with a grunt.
You laid there in the dark, confusion following when he did not follow you.
“What are you doing?” You asked, eyes attempting to adjust themselves. Hoseok chuckled, the sound ensuring you that he did not move from his spot in front of you.
“I must undress first before I can fuck you.” He laughed lowly. You blushed again, realizing that the removal of clothes was definitely a necessity. You moved to strip off your dress when he abruptly stopped you. “No. Don’t. I will undress you.”
You laid back in wait, listening to the ruffling of his clothes as you heard the articles hit the ground one by one. The sound of his belt unbuckling reawakened the jitters in your limbs, excitement reappearing in the form of more of your juices in your panties.
A deep ache sat itself on your clit, pulsing away with your heartbeat in an almost painful sensation. Trembling, you reached a hand down to relieve some of the pressure that built up over the past hour, emitting a quiet sigh from your lips once you lightly cupped your heat.
Briefly, you felt the mattress dip in front of you before his body covered yours. Tearing your hand away from your pulsing heat quickly, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to allow him to slot himself onto your body. The warm, smooth skin of his arms underneath yours felt heavenly yet extremely intimate.
“What do you think you’re doing, little one?” He muttered onto the exposed skin of your neck, grinding himself into you and eliciting a mewl from your throat. He cracked a hand down on the side of your thigh, the hot lick of pain doing wonders to your clenched core.
“I’m sorry,” You whined as he slowly rocked against you again. “It was just hurting so bad.”
“Don’t touch yourself.” He said, pulling away to glide his hands over your calves and thighs. “That’s my job.”
In the darkness, you were beginning to make out Hoseok’s figure; a dark and foreboding form that covered your own- and he was moving downward.
“I was watching you all night.” He pressed his nose to the skin of your inner thigh, inhaling deeply. “And I just can’t find it in myself to believe that someone let you go to that thing alone.”
It was hard to think with Hoseok so close to where you needed him, but it didn’t stop the words from slipping past your lips. “Well, you obviously came alone too. How did someone let you go alone?”
Hoseok chuckled in response, tracing his nose up to your hamstrings before moving further, passing your hip bone to trail over your underwear.
“I have a very particular taste in women and you happen to be the one I was looking for.” You froze for a moment as you felt his teeth on your skin, goosebumps littering your skin again. “You smell so damn good.”
He passed his nose and mouth over your abdomen before you felt his mouth latch onto your panties and bring them down. Your heart rate picked up once more.
“Hoseok.” You breathed, watching his figure as he pulled your underwear to your knees before grabbing them with his hands and sliding them the rest of the way off.
“Y/N.” He whispered in response. “I’m going to ruin you.”
Hoseok slid his hands back up your legs, sliding under your dress and grabbing it to pull it off you.
Once your dress hit the floor, you expected him to go for your heals, but all he did was sit back and stare.
“Y/N, before we start, I must insist that you choose your safeword.” His large hand made itself present on your naked waist, gripping it lightly.
Shock filled your veins and caused a mild sense of panic within you. “S-safeword?” You stuttered. He was one of those people? Fuck. I’ve never done anything like that before.
“I assure you that I will not bring you harm and that we won’t do anything like that… yet.” You quivered under the word. “Things like that require a contract so that I have your explicit consent. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”
“That’s…” You trailed off. “Actually amazing.”
“What, that there’s a contract?” He asked, scooping his arms under you to pick up your body and move you to the headboard.
“No, that you’re actually asking.” You replied, staring at the contours of his body that was now punctuated by the small amount of moonlight streaming in through his window.
“I can promise you that I never do anything like that without asking.” His voice, volume a mere breath, feathered deliciously over the skin of your chest as he looked down at you. “It’s why I am asking you to tell me what you want me to do. I don’t want to become a danger to you.”
You raised your handle to cradle his cheek, wondering how in the world someone who looked like this could be a danger to you, however, you knew that there were much more dangerous games to play than the one you had played with him earlier.
Hoseok leaned into your touch as you spoke with a newfound sense of confidence in his words, an unfamiliar sense of reassurance filling you. “My safeword will be consent, then. And Hoseok? Ask me what I want and I will answer you.”
“Y/N.” He hovered over you to ghost his lips over yours. “What do you want me to do?”
You moved your hand from his cheek to tangle in his hair. “I want you to touch me.”
“Thank god.” Hoseok delivered a soft smack straight to your heat as he smothered you with his lips, the quick contact forcing a whimper to burst from you into his mouth. He was quick to smooth it with a caress of his fingers straight to your clit, shock subsiding into pleasure.
At this point, you’re drenched. Constantly flexing your walls around nothing had created an accumulation of your wetness between the lips of your pussy. Hoseok groaned when he began spreading it around your bundle of nerves.
“May I eat you out? Please?” He pulled his lips from yours and pressed his thumb to you, softly rubbing circles. Your thighs spasmed every so often.
“Yes, Hoseok, yes.” You wobbled. His lips and eyes, now visible, pulled into a grin as he lowered himself down your body.
Without warning, he pressed his face into you, tongue out and lips agape. Immediately, you brought your hands to his hair with a low, breathy groan building in your chest. He started with zero hesitation.
Hands holding you by your thighs, he licked once, then twice, and then shoved his tongue past your folds to slightly enter you. You couldn’t help the groan as it escaped you, tossing your head back and widening your legs for him. He removed one of his hands from your leg, realizing he didn’t need to do much to keep you pliant, and used it to spread your lips further apart.
Blissed out and not paying attention, you didn’t feel his eyes on you as he surveyed your body, growing dangerously hard as he watched you slowly rock yourself into him. Your breasts swayed just slightly with the movement and his hungry eyes struggled to capture your entire body all at once. Experimentally, he slid a finger into your heat, loving how one of your hands that was tangled in his hair yanked back to tangle into your own.
He dropped his tongue back to your clit as he watched your body, a beautiful instrument that he was playing to produce the most beautiful sounds he ever heard.
You were in complete bliss. Hoseok laved his tongue over you in rhythm with his finger as he began pumping you. You couldn’t think straight anymore. The texture of his tongue was slightly rougher than the fragile skin of your folds, sending you into a quivering mess as you felt it attack you with fervor.
It wasn’t long before you were approaching your first orgasm that Hoseok added a second finger, the feel of the stretch paired with his tongue truly exquisite. You were losing your mind if your wails of pleasure were any sign of that.
The knot that began forming in your lower belly had begun to pull your legs closed as it was pulled tighter with each stroke of Hoseok’s tongue and fingers.
“Hoseok-“ You moaned past your labored breaths, gasping aloud. “I think I’m-“
“Then cum on my face, little one. Give it to me.” He moaned with you, pumping his fingers into you with the pads dipping against that specific spongy spot within you.
To say your orgasm was glorious was a heavy understatement. Your legs clapped against the sides of his head, trapping his face against you as he pulled his fingers out, tongue pushing past your folds into your pussy to welcome the juices that rushed out of your tremoring walls. His lips sloppily locked with you as if in a heated french kiss, driving you to a babbling mess whilst you let your climax riddle your body into a trembling heap. Breathless and high with ecstasy, you felt the strokes of his tongue lick you up and assist your spasms of sensitivity.
“Fuck.” You croaked, staring up at the ceiling which you then noticed was graced with a large chandelier, the crystals twinkling in the moonlit room like stars. Hoseok moved over you again, obstructing your view with his face that glistened with your release.
“Y/N,” He whispered, voice almost straining. “What else do you want me to do?”
You took a moment to look down, noticing his considerable, weeping erection mere inches from touching your skin with a pearly bead of cum at the tip glinting at you teasingly. Your mouth watered despite your post-orgasm stupor. He’s fucking huge.
Your response was almost automatic and robotic as you lifted your eyes back to his.
“I want you to fuck me. Now.”
Hoseok was quick to kiss you again, groaning with relief while he lowered his body to yours. The sheen of sweat that covered your skin caused his to slightly stick to yours. The weight of his cock on your stomach and the taste of yourself on his lips only made you press your shaking body up to his in anticipation, locking your ankles around his back.
“Y/N,” He muttered in between his kisses. “You may call me Hobi if you’d like. My full name is a little difficult to scream coherently.”
“Hobi?” You tested the name on your tongue, distracted, before smiling at him. “I like it.”
“Very good. Use it as much as you’d like.” He smirked, reaching for his cock to rub it into your pussy lips, spreading them slightly so that it massaged your clit and folds. The halted groan that Hoseok choked down proved that the feel of you on his dick affected him just as much as the feel of his dick affected you. “You’re wet as fuck.”
“Only for you.” You moaned, widening your legs to allow him more room. You held your breath as he gripped himself and positioned.
Slowly, Hoseok entered you. You were wet and prepared enough that the stretch of his girth was only mildly uncomfortable- not painful. The hiss drawn in between his clenched and bared teeth made you bristle with pride as you were able to make him feel good.
You watched the way your bodies slid together, inch by magnificent inch. The sight overpowered any previous exhaustion you felt from the first orgasm. You became completely hyperaware from the way he had seemed to reach the end of you, stuffing you full, with a bit more of him still unsheathed. Dammit. You want to fit him all.
“Shit.” He spluttered and hiccuped, causing you to realize that he was holding his breath. “You’re tight.”
Gathering your legs up into his arms, he began fucking you just as you wished.
He began his pace brutally, hips snapping into yours with abandon and stunning precision. Despite wanting to watch him, your eyes couldn’t focus, constantly fighting the urge to roll to the back of your head. Your mouth dropped open in a silent scream as he leaned over and spread you wide.
“H-Hobi.” You sobbed. The sounds of your pussy slurping on Hoseok’s dick was ungodly, yet you couldn’t help but love the sound of him invading your depths with your body greedily taking him in.
You felt his cock deep within you as if he was pushing into your lungs with each surge of his body into yours. Could you breathe? You quickly determined that yes, you could breathe, because of the loud sounds that you made that were a mix of gasps and screams.
Sweat began dribbling down Hoseok’s forehead, gelled hair now damp and falling over his face into his eyes with a look of determined ecstasy plastered across his features. His eyes, accompanied by his drawn up eyebrows, focused in concentration on where your bodies met before scaling up the expanse of your bodies, locking on your breasts bouncing with the hammering force. Hoseok brought his hand down to rub circles into your clit so that he could watch you squirm even more.
Still sensitive from your first orgasm, the second came to you much quicker. With Hoseok grunting over you, his dick railing into your heat like a jackhammer, and the feel of just him, you were coming undone quickly. Grasping onto his neck with one hand and using the other to dig your nails into his back, you began caving in on yourself, unable to leave any muscle relaxed whilst your climax approached. Your legs tensed, heels digging into the globes of his ass to bring him on top of you.
“You really want my cum, don’t you?” He chuckled darkly, to which you only managed to nod and release a quick mhm. Hoseok’s growl in your ear only brought you closer. “I’m going to pump you full of my kids, little one. Just be patient.”
But being patient was impossible with the way he was in your guts and the fact that he had slowed his rhythm in exchange for more depth. Stroke after punishing stroke, you could feel his tip battering your cervix, the slight pain making for a dizzying sensation as it mixed with the onslaught of his thumb on your swollen nub. The concern that he could possibly get you pregnant was only an after thought as you were on the pill, but you had to admit that thinking about taking Hoseok’s seed straight into your womb was a sinfully pleasing idea.
He was much too deep; too far into the pits of your stomach for you to fathom how you had never been fucked this thoroughly before. You were going to fucking die. You were going to be killed if you didn’t stop it now. There was no way you wouldn’t come back begging for more if you didn’t stop now. He would own you because you would be obsessed- but he would want nothing to do with you come morning.
You desperately tried to escape him, legs digging into the mattress to push yourself away in order to gain some sense of mind, but you only crowded yourself further into the headboard with Hoseok following you, wrapped around you, on you, in you- everywhere. Hoseok delivered a solid smack straight to the underside of your ass, the ‘clap’ resonating through the room and mixing with the slurping sounds of your body eagerly pulling him in.
“Don’t you run from me, baby. Take it like a big girl.” He smiled devilishly whilst wrapping a hand around your neck, forcing your gaze to meet his. You sobbed loudly, clawing at his back in a fruitless attempt to detach him from your body. Hopelessly, you tried to press your hand to his stomach in an effort to push him away.
His grip tightened slightly on the sides of your neck, effectively leaving your airway unbothered yet the blood flow to your head stinted. “Move-” He thrust into you roughly, triggering a cry from your lips through the lightheaded feeling of being mildly strangled. “Your fucking hand.”
What was the damned safeword? Your thoughts were jumbled as you tried to remember it, yet you found yourself wondering why you were trying to remember when he wasn’t hurting you in the slightest. The ache in your cervix was an unholy and iniquitous sensation that you found yourself literally drooling out the side of your mouth for. You were fucking addicted to it.
“Hobi!” You cried, tears welling up in your eyes as you called for him. You couldn’t wait any longer. You were about to cum and nothing could stop it. “Hobi!”
“Cum on my dick, Y/N. That’s it. Swallow me up.” He muttered softly, aggression in his tone completely gone as he softened his hold on you in order to focus on ravishing your heat.
You brought him in one last time, body seizing and clawing for him as if you wanted to completely absorb him into yourself, before your orgasm exploded on you in the form of your juices rushing from your snatch around his girth. Mere moments after, before your orgasm was done climaxing, Hoseok came with a curse, pressing himself entirely inside you to spill his cum onto your abused cervix.
In the decrescendo of your orgasm, you found your mind and body unreservedly satisfied.
This man, Jung Hoseok, was a god- in the purest human form. Your entire world was shaken as he panted over you, sweat dripping down both of your bodies. It was no use trying to reason any other way that he had ruined you for any other man on the planet. You had gone through such a dry spell only to be welcomed back by him? You were going to be one spoiled brat if you ever hoped to bed another man again; you knew that, even as a one-night stand, there was no other like him.
With a sore, pulsing body and a slowly calming heart, you watched him as he removed himself from the bed. “Hold onto yourself for a second, will you?” He asked, bringing your hand down to stop his cum from leaking out of your depths. The touch of your fingers on your heat warranted a gasp of oversensitivity, causing him to smirk at you while he got up. He seemed to smile to himself as he mused, “Maybe next time.”
You watched him as he approached a set of doors in the dark, contemplating his words. Next time? My god, yes, please.
Reaching for a towel, you got a divine view of him from the back, perfectly muscular, and plump in the right areas. He looked as if he was sculpted by the Greeks themselves.
You tried to speak but your voice cracked into silence, making you clear your throat to try again. “There’s a next time?”
He turned around quickly with the dark towel in hand, stalking towards you. “If you desire one, that is.”
“Oh! I do very much…” You trailed off as you realized how fast you were to respond to his statement. You grew quiet in embarrassment. “… desire a… next time.” All Hoseok did was grin down at you, eyes flickering to your hold on your core. He was quick to help you clean his essence from your body while he chuckled.
“I guess I made a good impression on you?” He laughed lightly as you laid there, vulnerable and spread out before him in the glow of his aftercare.
“You could say that…” You blushed, turning to look out the window into the night, grateful that it was too dark for him to see the embarrassing flush.
“I hope I satisfied your needs, Y/N. Please tell me if I didn’t.” Hoseok turned serious, lightly placing his fingers on your arm in a feather-light caress so that you would look at him.
“No! No.” You were quick to jump in and assure him. “You were… amazing. The best I’ve ever had, in fact.”
“Really?” He asked whilst tossing the soiled towel to the floor. “And why do you say that?”
You shrunk under his gaze as he laid back in the bed with you, circling his arms around you to roll the two of you over to the side that wasn’t wet with your cum in the sheets. He wasn’t going to kick you out? No. Don’t jump to conclusions. He’s probably just trying to be nice. “Let’s just say that my past escapades were a little less than satisfactory.”
Hoseok sat with his elbow propping him up so that he could look down at you.
“Y/N,” His eyes turned concerned. “When was the last time you had a proper orgasm?”
Stupidly, you replied almost monotonously. “Uh… a few nights ago with my vibra-“
“No. No.” He chuckled, cutting you off. “I meant when was the last time someone else gave you a proper orgasm?”
“Oh, god.” You laughed. You raised your hands to cover your face. “Probably about… ten months ago? Give or take.”
“That explains the brattiness earlier.” He snickered. You only looked at him in confusion. 
He looked back at you, waiting for you to understand, but you were only drawing a blank. Hoseok looked down and grimaced in disdain, shaking his head slightly. With his free hand, he placed it on the side of your neck, thumb brushing your cheek delicately. “You haven’t been taken care of, little one. Would you like me to properly take care of you?”
Hoseok began to lightly trace patterns with his thumb while his eyes searched yours for an answer. Gulping, you nodded and breathed the word ‘yes.’ Are we about to go again?
“Good.” He said lowly, ghosting his lips over yours. Oh fuck, we’re going again. Your heartbeat skipped back into the race, accelerating in speed.
As quickly as he leaned into you, he pulled away and stood up. “We’ll start by getting something to eat because I’m hungry as fuck and I didn’t see you eat anything at the ball. What’re we feeling, McDonald’s?”
And good lord. If you weren’t addicted and stupidly in love then, you were now.
If you’d like to read more of my work, feel free to check out my Series Masterlist! If you’d like to read my first fic, check out the DHYB Masterlist!
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Break Up Sex//Draco Malfoy x Reader sad smut
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A/N: Hi Lovelies! Look who promised to post then had a break down (it me!) Anyway, here’s a super sad smut for you while I perfect Worthy part two!
Word count: 1,805
Set: Post War
Warnings: Unprotected sex 
Y/N Y/L/N lay on top of the emerald green sheets of the grand double bed that lay in the centre of the grand bedroom of Malfoy Manor, on her side, eyes pinned to the bed side table. Upon it lay a photo album, that she was stuck staring at as if in a trance, reluctant to pick it up. Her arms darted forward to grab the large, leather bound book as she lay it on the bed beside her, still not opening it as if she were afraid to look. The room was dark, joyless and cold, the hairs on her arms standing to attention, the blackness of the room only defeated by the small, orange candle stick that glowed from the same bed side table the book had previously resided on. The girl sighed deeply, turning to caress the silver writing that indented the green leather of the album, tracing the large note on the cover. 
“To my darling, love Draco.”
She shivered in the cold, wrapping the thin, silk night gown tighter around her body. Tracing the cover once more, noting the curves of the silver snake wound around the message, Y/N slipped her fingers into the album, flipping over the cover to reveal the first page. The unwavering frown that painted her face upturned slightly as she watched the moving picture sitting in her hands. Herself and Draco’s smiling faces beamed back up at her, the eleven year old versions of themselves waving around their Slytherin scarves on the front steps of Hogwarts- the first time they met. She flipped the page over to reveal two photographs of them, this time at the very manor she was laid in at the moment. The top one was of them larking around in the study, taken by Dobby, the bottom of them laying in the thick grass of the gardens, taken by Narcissa. Her fingers stroked their innocent faces as they lay together, hands ghosting eachother. On the page opposite was Y/N and Draco before the Yule Ball, her emerald green dress sparkling through the photo, the picture below depicting their first kiss. Draco had written in his neat, cursive writing next to this one: “when you became mine” the green ink swirling gently next to the picture. Y/N smiled a little more at that, dreaming of how simple everything seemed. The next few pages were littered with them at parties, in matching couples Halloween costumes, their first official Christmas and the many famous Malfoy Balls. The album became a little empty after that, Y/N’s face creasing at the thought of the war. But after that came the pictures of their engagement, causing the small smile lines in her face to return. The most recent picture in the book though, was the two of them toasting champagne to Draco’s new job as relationship liason at the Ministry and her face fell. She could never admit to him that she wasn’t happy with his job, to her that would never be fair, but Draco’s job consisted of partying and networking- essentially getting drunk and buttering people up. It bothered Y/N and it wasn’t like he didn’t know it. She thought about the fact that in the last six months they hadn’t really talked at all and if they had, it would be an argument. Their was nothing particularly great about them anymore, it was clear to even the most distant onlooker that the things they had in common where starting to disappear and Y/N wished that it upset her more. But if she was honest, the whole thing had been slowly losing it’s sparkle for months. 
Closing the album and slipping it back onto the side table, Y/N pulled the covers over her body, unsurprised at how they failed to help her feel warm. As she rolled over to face the other side of the room, away from the door, she fiddled with the Malfoy family ring on her finger, staring at it sympathetically. With one last look at the ring, she closed her eyes and went to sleep. 
A few hours later, around four in the morning, Y/N was awoken by a gruff noise and the thud of shoes being taken off- he was finally home. Draco rid himself of the rest of his suit, leaving him in his underwear and heaved himself into bed. Y/N lay still, hoping he wouldn’t pester her and assume she was asleep. He looked over in her direction for a moment before leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. 
“I love you.” He whispered in her ear, before rolling over onto the other side of the bed, leaving distance in between them again. Y/N lay for a moment, contemplating her choices, deciding to roll the same way as him so his back was touching her front. 
“Do you?” She asked frankly, noticing his face twist into slight shock that she was indeed, awake. Draco shuffled awkwardly, still failing to meet her gaze. “Well, do you?” 
“Of course I do babe.” His answer was certain, but he was still unable to properly turn to meet her gaze, too anxious to find out what he’d find if he did. “I’m sorry I’m not here for you enough.” Y/N sighed a little, grabbing onto his shoulders and twisting him to face her. 
“I can’t do this Dray, not like this.” He knew she meant it seriously, but he decided that if he pretended it wasn’t happening, it wouldn’t. 
“I know.” Draco’s response was blunt but she understood. “I love you though, don’t ask me that ever again.” She felt like rolling her eyes but decided against it, instead moving closer to him so that their faces were basically touching. 
“Prove it.” Y/N whispered, her breath fanning his face slightly. Draco looked from her lips to her eyes, wanting to delve into her brain to find out what she was thinking, but he wouldn’t do that to her, not ever. Instead, he closed the gap and placed his lips onto his fiance’s, gripping the back of her neck with his palm tightly, pulling her closer and closer into him. His tongue entered her mouth and began to slip over hers in perfect harmony, her hands gliding from his chest to his waist band so gently he barely noticed. His own pale hands were stroking her lower back, causing her to squirm beneath him. Y/N’s hands went for his waistband but he waved them off, moving her back onto the pillows with his body squished inbetween her legs instead. She watched him, her head laid upon the pillows and her legs spread ever so slightly as he grazed his hands over her body, before curling his fingers around the top of her green panties and pulling them down over her hips and thighs. He watched her intensely as he ghosted his fingers over her area, mindful not to place any preassure anywhere where she would feel it. His hot breath was fanning her inner thighs, making her go jelly-like underneath him. Without any warning, Draco buried his face into her pussy, using his tongue to dart in and out of her folds, her juices painting his chin and lips gracefully. His hand shot to her clit so that two of his large fingers could rub it roughly, causing his name and a string of curse words to fall of of her lips like a spell. 
“So good for me, so so good.” He whispered, the vibrations of his voice rumbling through her body. Y/N let out a broken moan as Draco continued to use both his mouth and fingers to pleasure her, his free hand massaging and flicking her nipples between his fingers.
“Oh Draco, I’m going to...” She moaned, her eyes screwed shut and face titled towards the heavens. Draco watched her mesmerised, enjoying the view of her in so much pleasure. 
“Do it angel, do it.” He coaxed, not once removing his fingers from her clit, still using his tongue to make her legs jiggle. He could feel her tightening on his tongue, and he didn’t stop once her cum was dripping from his mouth, her enjoyment turning him on even more. Eventually he did remove himself from her pussy, pulling away slowly and revelling in her whimpers at the loss of contact. Draco pushed himself up with his hands after she’d recovered, positioning himself over her so that they were face to face again. “Taste yourself.” He whispered, pressing his lips to hers again, her tongue darting in and out of his mouth.
“Fuck” Y/N whimpered, the taste of herself so prominent on his lips that she felt herself begin to drip with her own wetness again. She had little time to prepare though, as before she knew it, Draco was lined up with her entrance and pushing himself in, causing her to grab onto his back as he thrust in and out of her pussy. Her moans began to echo from wall to wall again, and she wrapped her legs around his middle so that he was constantly hitting the perfect spot. Draco’s moans had become growls as his thrusts quickened, his grip on her waist tightening with every thrust he took, causing nail marks to appear in her side. Neither cared for the marks that were forming or the noise they were causing, their bodies were just totally devoted to each other, wrapped into one. Draco’s thrusts had began to become sloppy, and Y/N could feel his dick begin to twitch inside of her. With one last throaty growl ripping through him, he came in her, his cum dripping from her pussy as soon as he removed his cock. 
They didn’t speak after, Draco simply turned around and settled himself to sleep, feeling exhausted. Y/N sighed once more, before leaning over his body to study his face. Once she was certain that he was one hundred percent asleep, she slithered out of bed and over to the wardrobe on the other side of the room. She quietly opened the doors, slipping out the bag she’d packed a few nights ago, filled with her clothes and toiletries. She crept towards the bedside table quietly before placing the last few things she owned into the bag, including the photo album. After doing this, she flicked her wand over her body, wrapping herself in some of her warmest clothes. Slinging the bag over her shoulder, she turned. Spinning back on her heal, she looked down at her hand, to the ring. Looking over at the sleeping man she loved, she slipped the Malfoy ring from her finger and laid it carefully onto the bed side table. Then hoisting up the bag, she waved her wand and disapperated from Draco’s bedroom in Malfoy Manor, hoping to arrive somewhere far, far away. 
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lipomawand · 5 years
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doublechinwand · 11 months
Best Chin Fat Dissolver
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kenganparadise · 3 years
As much as I love Ohma I also adore and love cosmo so may I humbly request a cosmo x adorable fem reader smut/nsfw where he’s her best friend and he’s trying to teach her the basics of sex and stuff since she’s a virgin and new to sex and she gets frustrated and just asks him to be her first time since she trusts him and I picture him to be a switch but for the sake of this can he be a soft dom with a size kink and likes to praise her for doing so well and In the heat of the moment they confess they love each other and have a blissful filled night ꈍ .̮ ꈍ
UGH ANON. I normally don’t feel much writing for the mushroom boy but this!! THIS! THIS!!!!
Cosmo didn’t know how to feel about his situation, he feels awkward with his best friend- and longtime crush asking him all these questions. Though you didn’t know what was coursing though his mind. You looked at the medical diagram again. “So the penis gets hard and gets bigger?” You scratch your chin. “Just how much bigger are we talking about?” You ask him, cocking your head to the side. God you looked so cute asking such a strange question. “I- I don’t know it’s different for every guy!” Cosmo says, he’s frustrated beyond content. He’s been trying to give you the birds and bees talk for over an hour now and you’re still not grasping it. “How does it feel exactly?” You ask another question with those cute owl eyes of yours. “Ah! I can’t exactly answer that, you’re an adult! Go to a novelty store, buy some toy that can answer that question!!” He says scratching at his hair. You sigh deeply, then get lost in thought. Cosmo takes a deep breath. “Cosmo.” Calling his attention towards you, he can see that your cheeks are flushed red. “Can you show me?” You ask innocently. “H-huh?!” He blinks at you. “What... did you just say?” You sigh deeply. “Well I mean. You’ve been my bestie for a long time. I trust you! And what if you were the one who took my virginity!” You say, you’re eyes locked in his. Cosmo’s heart leaps in his chest. He sputters then tries to regain composure. “I- just! Let me gather a couple things! Meet me at my place tonight at 7!” He says as he picks up his bag. “Huh? O-okay!” You wave him goodbye as he leaves your house.
Cosmo goes to his local adult novelty store. He goes trough the isles picking out things he’ll need for your night together. Condoms and plenty lube- but wait? What are your allergies? What if he picks out something you’re allergic to?! He picks up every type of lube and makes sure to buy latex free condoms. He passes the vibrator isle and picks up a nice wand. He prepares for your night together. He’s lucky he just fought a match just last week, because he spent the wad on lube alone. He runs back to his house full speed- not before stopping to buy a nice scented candle. Once home he begins frantically cleaning his whole room. He changes the sheets on his bed, and double checks to make sure nothing is out of place. He lights the candle then jumps in the shower. He uses the most potent manliest smelling soap to scrub himself head to toe. Every inch of his body is scrubbed raw. He studies his pubes in the mirror, he’s never manscaped before. He trims it till it looks nice and well kept. He spends ample time in his closet, studying each pair of his underwear, no stains, no tears, they have to be prefect. Cosmo throws on his nicest, cleanest smelling clothes just as you ring the doorbell.
“Hey, Y/N!” He greets you, trying to sound like he didn’t just run to hell and back. You smile and greet him back, but you could barely hide the nervousness that filled your gut. Your stomach felt heavy almost. “Well... uh are you ready or do you wanna order food? Or watch a movie?” He scratches the back of his neck. “Let’s do it now.” You say with a determined look on your face. He nods. Excitement and nervousness filled both of your guts as you climb the stairs to Cosmo’s room. He opens the door for you- what a gentleman. Right when you step inside you can’t help but snort out a laugh. “W-what?! What’s so funny?” Cosmo panics. “N-no it’s just- I don’t think your room has ever been this clean before!” You laugh, a smile creeps on Cosmo’s face as well. He chuckles with you. He goes and sits on the bed, he pats a place next to him. You join him as he picks up a bag or two. He dumps them out on the bed. There were maybe 15 different types of lube and condoms before you. “I... didn’t know... your allergies.” He timidly says. You two bust out laughing again. It takes a while before the two of you calm down enough to pick out a bottle. “Here... this one. The packaging looks promising.” You say, picking up a bottle of lube. Cosmo nods. A comfortable silence fills the air. Cosmo breaks the silence “Um right then I guess we should start.” He lifts his shirt over his head, his muscular body is presented before you. Cosmo grabs the hem of your shirt, tugging on it, asking for permission. You nod and lift your hands up, letting him remove your clothing. Finally you’re naked before him, he removes his pants and the boxers he took so long to pick out.
“I think it would be best if you laid on your back.” He orders. You do just that, you feel shy being nude next to him, he fumbles around in one of his bags. “Can you... spread your legs for me?” He asks blushing. You’re shy as you do. Your blushing as he looks over your body. “Beautiful.” He whispers just under his breath. You just barely catch it, but it makes you feel a lot better. Out of the bag he pulls out the little vibrator he bought. “Remember if you wanna stop at any time let me know, and we’ll stop, no questions asked.” He stares directly into your eyes, you nod. His attention is turned back to between your legs. “Alight, can you spread them a little further?” He asks. You do, giving him a good view. He placed the round end on your clit. He switches it on to the lowest setting, you gasp audibly as he does. “You okay?” He asks, you nod quickly. He pushed the vibrator down further onto your clit. You squeeze your eyes shut. Your pussy, your pelvis, even your tummy is eloped with waves of pleasure. You gasp again as he turn it up a notch. He grips his cock in his hand, the sight of you in pleasure has gotten him riled up, he pumps himself gently. “Y/N... you look really beautiful like this.” He says with half lidded eyes. “Cosmo!! This feels so good! Mmh!!” You cry. You grip the sheets below you. He jerks himself off quicker now. He turns the vibrator up again, Causing you to whine loudly. Your legs begin shaking. You see Cosmo stroking himself, the lust is clouded in his eyes. He licks his lips. You wrap your fingers around his dick, you mimic him, giving it gentle slow strokes. His breath catches in his throat seeing your pretty hand wrapped around his dick. His hand goes to your pussy, he prods a finger in, making you gasp once again. In and out he pushes his finger, till your nice and slick, he adds another. Two fingers curl inside you, along with the vibrator was a sensory overload. You feel something deep within your pelvis, a pressure is building, you don’t know exactly what is is you’ve never felt anything like this before. You let go of Cosmo’s dick. The muscles in your gut tighten more and more, becoming compacted and knotted up. The pressure built more and more until- you throw your head back and scream as you experience your first earth-shattering orgasm. Your legs are tense as they shake uncontrollably, your pussy convulses, Cosmo does his best to help you ride it out. You back arches off the bed. Slowly you come down from your high, you still try to buck your hips. That felt so fucking good, you’ve never experienced a feeling like that. You catch your breath and try to rack your brain around the euphoric experience you just had. Cosmo tucks the vibrator away. “Cosmo-“ “Take as long as you need you-“ “I want you! I want you now please!” You beg. He nods frantically, scrambling to find a condom and the lube you picked out. He coats himself, then he lines his hips up with yours. Cosmo holds his breath as he pushes himself inside. You wince feeling a new stretch. He chokes feeling how warm and tight your are. You wrap your legs around his hips, Cosmo leans down and hugs you, nesting his face in your neck. Your hands rest on his back. His hips begin moving slowly in slow but deep thrusts. You moan, feeling movement inside you. His hips slowly pick up speed. “Hah- you feel so nice, Y/N.” He grunts. You smile into his neck. In and out he pumps his cock, sweat has built up by now, Cosmo begins groaning and grunting in your ear, you claw at his back. “Ugh-you’re doing so well- Ah- Y/N!” He moans. You stifle back a whimper. “F-faster!” Is all you can say. He obeys you, pulling his cock into your sopping pussy. Your toes curl in the air. He won’t last much longer. He’s dreamt of this moment for so long, you have no idea how many times he’s masturbated to the thought of you. His hand travels down your belly to rub at your clit. You moan loudly as he does, he’s rough when massaging it. You feel that tightening pressure in your pelvis again. “Yes! Yes! Cosmo! Like that don’t stop!” You sob. That wonderful
feeling is coming back. The tightening and pulsating. Cosmo focuses all his energy on making you cum again. “Cosmo! Ugh! I love you!” You cry out as that knot snaps and your brought to a shaking moaning mess. Cosmo presses his lips sloppily to yours, he swallows all of your cries and moans. The tightening and convulsing of your walls around his dick milk out his own orgasm. He groans loudly, dick twitching inside you. Slowly the two of you come down from your releases, Cosmo rolls over. He pulls off the condom, tying it and throwing it away. The two of your are a sweaty heaving mess. Cosmo cocks his head towards you, “Did... you mean it? Or.. did you just say that in the heat of the moment?” He asks, he has to know the answer. “H-huh? Oh... yeah... I meant it.” You know exactly what he’s referring to. “I love you too, Y/N. More than anything.” He’s got stars in his eyes, you laugh. He puts his arms around you, pulling you to his chest. His lips press to your sweaty forehead. The two of you enjoy each others company for a little while longer before a nice hot bath.
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lonelyyinchicago · 3 years
bed - moonbucks
it was dark when james woke up. like the middle of the night kind of dark. a pale stream of light from the waning moon broke through the gap in the curtains around his four-poster bed. he sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes as they adjusted to the dimly lit dorm. his body lurched forward suddenly, a wave of sick landing at the foot of his bed. he looked around nervously, afraid he’d woken anyone up. he sat in the silence, rocking back and forth, his head on his knees.
he moved across the room slowly, avoiding the one loose floorboard on the way to the bathroom. an arm was flung out as he made his way back to his bed with tissue and his wand.
remus sat up, brushing his curls away from his eyes.
“hey, just come and lie here, okay? we’ll sort it out in the morning.”
james looked from remus to his bed and back again. he felt the fluff of remus’ socks brush against his ankles as he slid onto the mattress next to him.
“you okay?” remus whispered above james’ ear.
james nodded, afraid to open his mouth again. remus’ arm fell gently around james’ neck, his fingers carefully running through james’ dark hair.
james groaned as remus rolled over, pulling the duvet away from him. the moon had been replaced with bright sunlight and james squinted, finding it hard to ignore the little flecks of gold in remus’ eyes.
“hey. you feeling any better?”
james’ head didn’t leave the pillow as remus crossed the room to clear the mess from the night before.
“remus?” james croaked, sitting up slightly straighter.
“do you have a drink?”
remus smiled as he handed a glass of water to the shaking james.
“what do we have first?”
“well you have bedrest, followed by bedrest, followed by double bedrest in the afternoon.”
james rolled his eyes at remus’ sarcasm as he swung his legs out from under the covers to start getting dressed. before his feet touched the wood another round of sick erupted from his stomach.
“just stay there, okay?” remus told him, the smallest trace of ‘i told you so’ detectable in his voice.
james nodded defeatedly, shimmying back down the mattress.
“i’ll come back and see you at lunch” remus said, planting a small kiss on james’ forehead. “okay?”
james smiled somewhat sheepishly as remus closed the dormitory door quietly behind him. as the sun hit its peak at just after midday, james woke up, his head pounding. he made his way to the bathroom careful to save any remaining sick until he was within a metre of the toilet. as none emerged, james ran hot water for his shower, the steam helping clear his head.
he gave up fiddling with his hair and pulled his quidditch jumper out from his trunk. he retrieved his broom from under his bed, shoving it behind his back as discreetly as possible as the door creaked open.
“you going somewhere?” remus asked with his eyebrow raised.
“i-ummm . . they’re practicing without me, remus. a practice that i arranged!”
after removing the iron-clad grip james had on his broom, remus led him back to bed, still balancing a bowl of soup in his spare hand.
“the more you rest now, the sooner you can go out and play again” remus told him, holding out the dish.
james dragged the spoon through the soup idly, his head resting against the frame of remus’ bed. he couldn’t help the slight blush that burned his cheeks as remus laid out the additional copies of notes he’d made.
“you okay?” remus asked, looking up.
“yeah - just not really hungry.”
remus scooched up the mattress, his eyes not leaving james’ brown ones. he removed the bowl from james’ hand and placed it gently on the bedside table.
“do you have a spare blanket?”
remus nodded, as he left the bed to rummage through his trunk.
“oh don’t worry if it’s not easily accessible. i’ll be okay.”
“it’s fine - it’s here.”
remus draped the blanket around james’ shoulders, the fluff tickling under his chin. a bell rang quietly, barely heard up in the gryffindor tower.
“are you going?” james asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice.
“do you want me to stay? james? i can stay if you want.”
“would you? really?”
“sure” remus said with a grin, lying down opposite james. “it’s not everyday you get to see james potter all sick and sniffl-y.”
“i’m not ill” james said defiantly. “i’m jus-”
james interrupted himself with a loud sneeze. remus giggled from across the pillow; james turned to face him, suppressing a smile.
“thank you for the soup.”
“you’re welcome.”
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missjosie27 · 4 years
Merry Christmas, My Love
Hey, everyone! It’s that time of year again and here is my gift that I wish to bestow. Merry Christmas, @lins-hogwarts-mystery I hope I did your MC justice.
A big thank you to @hphmsecretsanta2020 for organizing this again. I will always participate! Without further ado!
Clara Lin loved snow. The white powder of frozen ice crystals always held a special place in her heart since she was little playing in the fields of Oxford. At Hogwarts, Christmas time became that much more special. Even with the underlying horror cursed vaults, there was always time to celebrate the holidays in a merry fashion. This year in particular she and her friends agreed to stay behind and spend time together over the course of winter break.
And what better way to celebrate that than a snowball fight on Christmas Eve?
“I got you! HAHA-” WHAM!
Charlie Weasley’s momentary triumph was silenced by Tulip’s double decker snowball smashing him in the side of the face, causing everyone else to laugh.
Staying behind were also Rowan, Penny, Barnaby, and Tonks who were all participating in the battle of winter circa 1989. Even Merula had skipped out on going home and though she and Clara would never be best friends, the two were amicable enough to have a snowball fight without getting too intense...mostly. They were on different teams after all.
The contest played out within the training grounds, so there wasn’t much cover to be had as far as trees or underbrush but then again magic could make up for lack of natural cover. On one side was something akin to a medieval castle, complete with five foot high walls, a drawbridge, and a flag. The other was a giant circular wall, good for combating attacks from all sides but vulnerable to a possible sir attack. In any case, standing up even for the slightest moment was unwise as Charlie found out first hand.
“She’s got good aim,” he muttered rubbing his cheek while dodging another projectile.
Clara couldn’t help but giggle. Even the person with the best reflexes amongst their Gryffindor brethren could be sniped by the cleverest Ravenclaw.
“Bombs away!” Penny yelled out hucking up a snowball into the cloudy winds of nowhere.
“Best to aim a bit first,” Rowan chided kindly as she adjusted her glasses while gathering more snow in her vicinity for the purpose of more ammunition.
“Merula’s team is eating our lunch,” Charlie lamented. “We need a new strategy.”
“Ooo!! I can help!” squealed out the tiny voice of Clara’s little sister, Emily, otherwise known as ‘Em’. She was five years younger but often associated herself with her big sister’s friends and refused to not be included in the festivities. A first year Hufflepuff, she was eager to help but lacked imagination.
“Keep firing as many snowballs as you can,” Rowan assured her again in an understanding tone that placated the little girl. “I think I have an idea.”
The teams were equally divided- Clara, Charlie, Penny, and Rowan on side while Merula, Tulip, Tonks, and Barnaby were on the other. Em was considered young enough (and insignificant enough to the female Slytherin) that her presence was not decisive enough to affect the outcome. But any competition featuring Merula Snyde guaranteed to be intense. After all a rivalry did not subside just because the two girls had formally agreed to work together in finding the cursed vaults.
“What would that be? Now would actually be a good time,” Clara observed as more snowballs skimmed the top of their fort. Charlie had to chuck a few more of his own to prevent Tonks from getting any closer.
“Simple. We use a freezing charm to turn one of our snowballs into a giant ice ball. I’ll use a propulsion charm to send it forward. With any luck their castle should come crumbling down and victory ours!”
“What the heck? I’m in!” Penny said excitedly over the noise, her rosy cheeks becoming apparent in the winter weather which was fast becoming colder in the later afternoon. Pink contrasted her light blue outfit (she was also the only one still wearing a skirt). Charlie’s Quidditch reflexes served him well but even he couldn’t overcome the odds of beating four other teengers surrounded by a full blown fort.
“I thought we weren’t allowed to use magic. Wouldn’t that be cheating?” Em asked, naive to the fact that no one adhered to that rule during a wizard snowball fight.
“Em, they’re using magic already,” Clara said bluntly, her practical nature coming into play already. She adjusted her glasses (being practically blind without them) and peeked out over the top and sure enough, saw the evidence needed to prove her accusation.
“Merula...I knew it,” she breathed out, frost emanating from her lips. “A banishing charm.”
“So that’s why those snowballs keep coming in so hot,” Rowan said, rubbing a gloved hand underneath her chin.
“And Tonks is using her metamorphagus ability to turn her nose into a trunk!” Charlie added, tossing another snowball back the other way and ducking down. “Bloody, cheater.”
“Then I say we hold nothing back,” Clara suggested.
“Sure that won’t be a problem with Barnaby?” Penny teased.
“He’s six foot three and can eat three turkeys in one setting, he’ll be fine,” the Gryffindor girl responded with a small blush trying to ignore feeling the pang of guilt at the idea of pelting him with snowballs. But there was no time to waste and when it came to December battles amongst the powdery, ice cream hills of Hogwarts all bets were off.
“Let’s do this,” Rowan remarked. Taking out her wand and removing one of her gloves, she summoned one of the snowballs while the rest their magic to summon snow from the ground to steadily grow it to the size of a grapefruit, spinning like the back wheel of a car, glistening in the glowing pink light of the evening sky.
“Now it’s really time for bombs away,” Penny giggled fond of muggle sayings.
“Oh I’d say so,” Rowan grinned mischievously. “Once that thing blows open their fort wall, Clara you and Charlie charge forth and win the battle.”
“What should I do?” little Em asked, still eager to help.
“Just keep throwing snowballs with Penny and Rowan, okay?” Clara ordered. She was quite protective of her sister even in light hearted situations such as these. Besides, despite being the most practical of the group the sixteen year old carried a competitive streak of her own.
At Clara’s command, Rowan muttered the necessary incantation and sent the massive ice ball at top speed towards their adversaries. Such was the speed, it had no trouble bursting through their castle with such force that it did exactly as Rowan foretold.
“CHARGE!” Charlie howled above the din as he and Clara rushed forward dodging strikes issued by their opponents, weaving and somersaulting in and out before performing an attack of their own.
“Eat snow! Take this!” Clara laughed as she struck Tulip and then fired another shot at Merula which caught her straight in the face (she never tired of one upping the Slytherin girl). But when wheeling around to do the same to Barnaby she came upon a strange sight. Her boyfriend didn’t seem to have his heart in the friendly competition at all. On the contrary, handsome, chiseled features were flat and carried a degree of melancholy unusual especially on Christmas.
My love, what’s the matter?
But before Clara could drop her snowballs and inquire further, someone beat her to the punch as a powerful burst of white exploded in the face of the burly Slytherin.
“Yes!” Charlie Weasley yelled out triumphantly. But Clara was not out of danger just yet, in her hesitation a projectile just missed the back of her head and only because Barnaby moved her out of the way just in time.
“Merula!” he said crossly. “Come on, don’t cheat.”
“Speak for yourself,” the Slytherin witch said with equal disdain. “We said no magic and yet here we are.”
“You broke the rule first,” Charlie argued.
“Right like you wouldn’t have done the same.”
“Enough,” Clara cut across the cacophony of argument which was reaching a boiling point. “It’s getting dark. Let’s go back inside.”
Her insistence, as well as her leadership qualities over the group won over as the magically flying snowballs ceased and even Merula despite her snarling, gave in to logic though it was apparent from the look on her face she would have continued given the opportunity.
“Fine, Lin,” she said with a shrug that failed to hide its competitiveness.
Whistling over, Clara signaled to Rowan, Penny, and her sister that the fight was over but that was not the end of the drama. Looking back towards Barnaby, the sadness etched on his face had not dissipated in the slightest.
“Are you okay?” she asked kindly, mittened hands interjoing for a brief moment before Barnaby pulled away.
“I’m fine.”
“You sure don’t look fine.”
Barnaby was much better at hiding his emotions than a certain other Slytherin and gave a smile that would have seemed natural were it not for the previous circumstances.
“Don’t worry about me, Clara. We have a whole Christmas ahead of us. And pudding!” he added excitedly.
The childlike enthusiasm that normally enraptured her would have normally worked, but being the sensible Gryffindor she was (a rarity in the house of the brave) could tell this was not the entire story. Nevertheless, she did not press further...for now.
She was given an affectionate kiss before the group trudged back to the castle as the light decreased and the day drew to a close. Even holding hands walking to the entrance felt oddly out of place.
“Good match, Clara Lin,” Tulip said with a wink. “See ya tomorrow for the feast.”
“Bye, Clara!” Penny waved cheerfully as she descended towards the basement and thereby the kitchens.
With the exception of her housemates and sister with whom she shared a common room, everyone waved a hearty goodbye but her boyfriend did not say anything other than giving a quick kiss on the forehead before lumbering off quickly behind Merula. How ironic it should be that the youngest among them should voice aloud her suspicions.
“Barnaby seemed sad,” Em mentioned as they approached the fat lady.
“Hm?” Clara asked, not expecting such a comment from her eleven year old sister.
“He kissed you but not the usual way,” came the innocent response. “Maybe he’s homesick.”
“Barnaby’s fine, I’m sure of it. If he says so, I believe him.”
“Do you believe everything I’ve told you.”
Clara rolled her eyes at her little sister.
“It’s different with siblings, Em. You’re just lucky mum told me to let you tag along.”
“I didn’t need to tag along to know your boyfriend didn’t wanna throw snowballs.”
At this conjecture, Rowan gave the password (Festum Maximus) but not before the remark caused Clara to pause for a brief second before continuing into the common room. She knew Barnaby and would be aware of any personal problem or grief he had within his psyche.
Clara briefly forgot about the snowball fight after sharing some hot cocoa with Charlie and then some brief but good natured gossip with Rowan. The two girls discussed all manner of things as they usually did- presents, family, relationships, and what they would wear to the feast the next day however fancy or casual. But soon the warm and coziness of their dormitory overtook them and without fuss or fanfare fell asleep into the soft snows into the night, falling down silently within the December darkness.
By morning, however, the same excitement came upon them both as light permeated through the stained glass windows. The snow had since ceased, but a fresh layer of powder brought more excitement to an otherwise extremely white Christmas. And presents were waiting.
“Race you down!” Rowan said with a laugh as she bounded out of her bed, blue robe flying behind her.
“No you don’t!” Clara shouted back.
It wasn’t long until they were opening presents of which there were many laying under the tree. Charlie was already one step ahead of them, a blue Weasley sweater with a large ‘W’ inscribed on the front courtesy of the kindly Mrs. Weasley whom Clara had acquainted with by now.
“Happy Christmas, Clara!” the redhead said cheerfully.
“Happy Christmas to you too, Charlie.”
“You two seem to have quite a few gifts. Don’t hold back on my account,” Charlie said with a good natured chuckle and waggle of the eyebrows.
Neither of the girls did. Trying to be sensitive to the fact that her best male friend (aside from her boyfriend) did not come from wealth, Clara and Rowan opened their presents slowly and with a degree of caution. The latter came from a naturally wealthy family due to the success of their tree farm while the former, not rich by any stretch of the imagination, still accrued enough gifts to acquire a sizeable load- treacle fudge from Hagrid, a Gryffindor Quidditch scarf from Charlie, a cookbook from Em (‘haha’ she thought sardonically given her lack of skill in making cuisine of any type), a red dress from Penny hand stitched, a new mug from Rowan, further sweets from Mrs. Weasley, and a book on Chinese Mandarin from her parents, no doubt to further education as a potential ambassador like they wanted. Annoying, but even so Clara knew her parents loved her all the same despite their flaws.
After an hour or so she thought that all of her presents had been opened until Rowan flipped her one last gift, missed originally from the large pile.
“It’s from Barnaby,” she explained.
Of course! How could I have forgotten?
Clara hoped he had enjoyed his gift down in the dungeons (Newt Scamander’s latest book on creatures) but had not yet detected his own token of gratitude. It was actually quite small- a little rectangular box no bigger than ten centimeters wrapped in red and green paper with sparkles topped with a golden bow. All in all the decoration by itself was impressive.
Opening up, her jaw almost dropped.
It was a moving photo of Clara and her family before Jacob disappeared. Everyone appeared radiantly happy but there was reason for it. Right away she discerned that this was the photo she’d given Barnaby three years at the end of their third year before parting ways. A wave of nostalgia hit her as she witnessed her parents smiling and waving, Jacob’s tepid nervousness at what he was about to face, his younger sister giving a gigantic hug, while little Emily sucked on a pacifier, blissfully content in doing so. The meaning was not lost on the sixth year Gryffindor: a time when her family had been happy and unspoiled by the loss of a child. The photo was framed in silver and carried a heartfelt note.
May your family always guide you even in the darkest of times.
-Love, Barnaby
Wiping her eyes, Clara looked up towards Rowan and Charlie who had also noticed the scene.
“This was so beautiful,” she spoke quietly.
“Aw, hun,” Rowan comforted sitting beside her, embracing the fireside. “You know he’d do anything for you.”
“I’m wondering...maybe Em wasn’t so crazy. What if he really was struggling with something and I ignored him?”
“You’ll see him at the feast,” Charlie reasoned, playing with a dragon toy Bill had given him from Gringotts. “And I’m sure he’ll love how much you appreciated the gift.”
Clara supposed that might be true but she couldn’t help but feel something was amiss. Either way, her cursebreaker instincts would be put to the test in finding out the truth. Barnaby never held back from her. He was always jolly and upbeat, why should this holiday season be any different?
I just hope I’m not too late….
The Hogwarts feast was as grand as it always was- twelve enormous fir trees decorated with an array of colorful ornaments decked the halls, wreaths, mistletoe, and holly hung from the ceiling in a wide array of patterns. Along the tables belonging to each house lay a smorgasbord of dishes- roast turkey, mashed potatoes, sprouts, chicken, green beans, pudding, treacle tart, and so much more. The kitchen pulled out all the stops and Professor Dumbledore sitting at the head of the staff table gave his stamp approval, his blue eyes twinkling with holiday joy.
“To the many few who opted to stay behind for our voluptuous feast I say- tuck in.”
Charlie roared with approval as he ravenously delved into the goodies with Clara and Rowan not far behind. It didn’t take long for the rest of the group to show up- Penny, Tulip, Tonks, etc. They were the only one among the sixth years that had stayed behind with a mere handful of younger students hanging around awkwardly by themselves. The teenage Gryffindor would have given more thought to them were it not for the fact that she was anticipating a certain someone.
“Have you seen, Barnaby?” she would ask every time a new guest sat down at the Gryffindor table (it didn’t matter who sat where at this point). No one knew. Her sister remained blissfully unaware of course by the time she arrived, bragging about how many presents received that year.
Though trying to enjoy the scrumptious feast at hand, Clara couldn’t but look up every so often or so for her boyfriend...which by Rowan’s calculations was every five minutes.
“You’re not even eating,” came her best friend’s admonishment. “Relax, he’ll be here.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“He can eat more than the rest of us combined. Why would he miss the opportunity?” Charlie reasoned.
“The feast is his favorite part of Christmas,” Penny said, reaching across and squeezing Clara’s hand.
Despite the kindly reassuring of her friends, it wasn’t until Clara caught a flash of green that she truly began to seek out answers. Unfortunately, the green sweater did not belong to a burly man of about 190 centimeters but of a Slytherin girl recognized as her greatest rival (and pest at times). Merula joined their table without fanfare but right away everyone could tell there was something amiss. Far from being a ‘friendly’ person you could always count on a sarcastic or snarky remark from Merula Snyde. Not so this time around.
“Lin. I think you need to go see Barnaby,” she stated bluntly, getting straight to the point.
The table immediately ceased eating at this development, not that Clara had consumed much beforehand.
“What?” she asked, dumbfounded.
“Are you deaf, Lin? The bighead isn’t even interested in eating and that’s saying something…” she huffed in frustration knowing sensitivity wasn’t her strong suit and tried to deliver the news more amicably. “Just see him, okay? He doesn’t want to talk to anyone else.”
Were this their first year, the amount of trust in Merula would have been below that of a snake. But five years later, she would not have informed Clara of something that delicate were it not of serious importance. They were collaborative rivals after all...not bitter enemies. At least not anymore.
“Where is he?” came the simple question.
“In the courtyard freezing his arse off. Just...don’t let him do anything stupid. More than he already does.”
Clara wasted no time in getting up from the table. She didn’t even bother to look back at the reactions her friends may or may not have had. The hunch of the previous day had been right...but she’d fail to recognize it. For Merlin’s sake even little Em could tell. What was so deficient within herself that her own boyfriend stood out on Christmas alone in the cold?”
“Sis?” Em called out but it was no use. She was out of the Great Hall before anyone could say so much as ‘Doris Crockford.’
It didn’t take long for Clara to reach the desired destination. So frantic was her pace, there was barely time to button up her jacket, pull on her black knit gloves and hat, while also adjusting her hair into its usual long ponytail. But none of that mattered. Personal comfort could be foregone in the face of a significant other suffering needlessly. Numerous anxious thoughts raced through the brain upon the approach, seeing that he was dressed in a dark brown jacket, jeans, a blue and red hat with a puffball on top complete with calf level brown boots.
Something was wrong...something was wrong and I didn’t bother to ask. I just assumed. What if I made him upset? What if he wants to break up?
“Calm yourself, Clara,” she admonished herself. “Barnaby wouldn’t hold back anything from you.”
Despite that attempt at reassurance, it didn’t do much for her nerves. That being said, a Gryffindor did what was necessary in spite of fear. For better or worse, this Christmas conversation had to occur. For Merlin’s sake, even Merula knew when something was off. But the analytical mind wouldn’t let the issue go until she found out what plagued him so.
“Barnaby!” the cursebreaker said in a tone that fully betrayed her anxiety. “Merula told me you were out here. Is everything okay?”
“Did you like your present?”
The simple reply, a question to a question. In fact she was so taken aback by it, words failed her for a brief moment.
“I-uh….yes. Of course I did, but that’s not the reason I came out here.”
She took both his hands in hers, noting just how much taller he was in situations like these. It took quite the effort to kiss him but the primary concern lay with the heart- underneath the archway of the west aqueduct in the courtyard, twinkling white crystals winking in the late early morning sun. Both of their breaths resonated but only one had trouble looking the other in the eye.
“Was my present not what you wanted? I know you’re interested in being a Magizoolist but if there was something else I could get you instead…”
A finger pressed against her rosy, red lips.
“But did you like mine?”
The question, being repeated twice became a source of puzzlement now.
“Barnaby I already told you I loved it. It’s not often I get to see a picture of my family whole like that…” she paused, narrowing her eyes but not unkindly. “Why?”
“If you’re happy that’s all I care about on this special day.”
“But if you’re not, how can this day be special?” Clara countered. “Please...don’t keep me out. What’s wrong. Merula sees it and so can I.”
There could be so many explanations as to why her boyfriend was upset. But this wasn’t a cursed vault where a keen, undiluted mind could be put to the task in finding it. It didn’t require analytics, but empathy.
Barnaby stuffed mittened hands into the pockets of his jeans, turning his head to the side.
“I...I thought if you could realize how important your family is to you maybe it might help...with mine,” he breathed out.
“What do you-oh…” Clara said, letting out a soft sigh of realization. “Your dad.”
“He yelled at you again in a letter.”
“He disowned you?”
“He said something-”
“Clara,” the sixteen year old Slytherin said sharply though the aim of his emotions was not directed towards her. “He didn’t send me anything this year. Nothing.”
It took a second for the Gryffindor to sink that in her brain.
“Our relationship has been bad for awhile. But at least he sent me presents. Heck, he liked that I was good at fighting and eating. I love both those things.”
“You’re more than just a fighter and an eater,” she soothed in a soft tone, rubbing his arm. “You know that.”
“I do,” he said, still not looking directly at her. “But with me constantly disobeying his wishes and taking my own path in life...it makes me realize my family has always been rubbish. Those presents were only under the three if I did what he said...and the wrapping paper was always lousy!” he added.
Clara had an inkling of what her boyfriend’s life was like but not much beyond a few short stories and traumatizing incidents he never liked to discuss. But to be cut off completely well that was news to her. And it wasn’t fair.
“Sweetie, listen,” she told him, wrapping her arms around his strong neck. “It’s not your fault.”
“But it is. If I had just…” his voice cut off now unable to say anything more beyond potential crying and Clara could see tears welling up in his eyes. “I-If I can’t have my family, you should at least appreciate how amazing yours is.”
“Shhh,” she said, rocking him in a tone she used whenever he became upset. Being a member of the frog choir and an excellent singer, it helped calm her boyfriend. And now was the perfect time.
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
The muggle tune was one she knew growing up and read from one of her mother’s books at university. Given that it was Christmas time, the moment felt quite appropriate. Slowly, she grabbed his left hand and led him around the courtyard as if they were dancing, feet crunching in the snow in a soft ballad until they stopped below a string of mistletoe that hung in one of the archways.
Sleep in heavenly peace
Upon the ending of the song, she wiped the stream of tears from his cheeks.
“You always have a family in me,” Clara said, adjusting his scruffy, brown hair underneath his hat. “And you’re the greatest gift a girl could ask for.”
Slowly and with such tenderness that the loving couple melted into each other like a marshmallow into a cup of hot chocolate, they kissed.
“Merry Christmas, Barnaby Lee.”
The Slytherin grinned back, picking her up by her waist and swinging around and dipping her forward as if she were a princess. All tears were gone and regret washed away by the spirit of the season.
“Merry Christmas, Clara Lin.”
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blushnote · 5 years
hi! i realised there isn’t any seungkwan smut yet in ur masterlist, so i wld like to request! how about a sugar daddy!au where after u were acting out and teasing him so much at this prestigious gala thing, he brings you home and punishes you by using a vibe and saying you won’t get to cum until he says so? there wld be lots of overstim,,, handjdgndj thank u!!
↳ requested | 2.6k words
↳ sugar daddy!seungkwan smut
a/n: there isn’t any warnings for this apart from a very small instance of degradation! i’ve never written a sugar daddy!au so this was quite fun!
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it’s uncomfortable at first.
this isn’t something you usually do, and you find that it’s an irritating chore to religiously pull down the edges of the garnet skirt. there are people everywhere, not to mention the occasional media, and at some moments you truly do regret attending the gala with no damn underwear. you think you’ll feel better after ingesting some of the champagne that’s constantly offered.
seungkwan is beside you, his arm around your waist, leading you through the different swathes of people that sparkle in their own jewels and couture clothing. he’s attempting to locate a specific group, though he’s often stopped by reporters looking to extract information on his relationship with you. seungkwan seems impatient, and he brushes them off with little warmth.
you just can’t stop thinking about the fact you have no underwear on. seungkwan is oblivious, which was your goal from the start. you love to tease him, especially whenever you attend prestigious events, just to see how far you can push his buttons until he’s dragging you home with a tent in his pants. he can never resist you, his precious sugarbaby, who he always spoils.
“do you want some champagne, baby?” seungkwan asks as you pass by one of the catering tables.
“yes please.” you perk up immediately, and eagerly consume the pink, sparkling froth the second he places the glass in your hand. obviously, you need to loosen up first.
seungkwan finds the group he’s looking for – his friends, which he spends ample time reuniting with. he doesn’t miss the opportunity to introduce you, and a flame splits through your entire body as you feel the group gauge you from head to toe. however, seungkwan keeps his hand planted firmly against your hip, a simple reminder that they shouldn’t examine you too fondly.
you have a few more drinks as the time passes. there’s a little edge of dizziness to the room, and you stumble occasionally, though you’re mostly aware and in control. seungkwan is invested in a conversation with his friend, seokmin, when you suddenly walk up to him and wrap your arms around his neck. seungkwan grabs your waist, and seokmin looks away.
“i wanna dance,” you pout and wriggle your hips slightly.
seungkwan raises an eyebrow. “now?” he questions.
“yeah,” you reply, and press yourself closer against him, almost hoping he can feel your vivacious heartbeat.
seokmin scratches the nape of his neck, a soft blush spreading across his face.
“you two go ahead,” seokmin encourages, “i’m gonna look for soonyoung.”
seungkwan interlaces his fingers with yours and leads you into the centre of the ballroom floor. you’re giggling as his hands grasp your hips, pulling you in close to him while your arms lounge around his shoulders. there’s a distinct breeze that travels between your legs, and it only reminds you of the dangerous game you’re playing, though it excites you more than anything.
“what’s so funny?” seungkwan hums, looking at you curiously.
“i don’t know,” you chuckle while burying your face against his neck, slowly breathing in the scent of his expensive cologne, “i did something bad, sir.”
seungkwan stiffens as he feels your words whispered lasciviously against his skin. he stops swaying, and reaches for your face, running his thumb along your cheek.
“baby,” his voice is slightly cautious, “you know this isn’t a good time to play around.”
you bite your lip and quickly look around the open room. there are crowds everywhere, mostly covering you from the reporters and media. no one seems to be looking in your general direction. taking seungkwan’s hand, you guide it beneath your skirt, where you have him press his fingers against your core. his cold rings make you shiver, and your heartbeat triples.
it’s evident seungkwan wants to touch you more; his fingertips linger on the soft, warm skin for a moment longer, feeling your wetness build and seep. however, seungkwan appears to suddenly remember where he is. he removes his hand from beneath the material, though he doesn’t even bother scanning the room to see if anyone noticed.
“what the hell do you think you’re doing,” seungkwan admonishes, “wearing no underwear to place like this, it’s insane.”
“i did it for you, sir.” an innocent twinkle reflects in your eyes, and you can feel how the alcohol makes you increasingly giddy and flirtatious.
your hands reach for his belt. while you fiddle with the leather, you press your lips against his ear and sweetly whisper, “don’t you want to touch me? make me cum while i cry for you?”
seungkwan swallows thickly. he pushes your hands from his belt, instead taking your chin between his index finger and thumb.
“listen to me, baby,” he speaks sternly, “we’re not doing this now. do you understand?”
seungkwan cuts you off. “do you understand?” he repeats, looking directly into your eyes.
“yes sir,” you eventually oblige with a deep sigh, “i’ll behave.”
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well, you certainly didn’t behave, and seungkwan was quick to tear you away from the gala despite the fact it was open all night. he snapped the moment you decided to sit on his lap at the dinner table, in which you took his hand and yet again guided it beneath your skirt, allowing him to feel just how wet you’d gotten over the hour. luckily, the table cloth hid everything.
and now you’re paying the price.
seungkwan shoves you onto the hotel bed. he hastily discards his black suit jacket, throwing it over the back of a desk chair. he doesn’t necessarily look angry, just impatient and strict. you feel the butterflies in your core as seungkwan loosens his tie and walks around the side of the bed, demanding to see your wrists. in mere minutes, your arms are tied above your head.
the fabric is tight, and leaves little room for wriggling. you can hardly move your wrists away from the headboard that the tie’s connected to. your body squirms against the sheets, and you huff in frustration upon realizing that seungkwan isn’t going to let you off so easily.
“are you proud of yourself, baby?” seungkwan asks while taking a seat on the bed. his hand falls on your knee, and he begins to glide it up your thigh.
“i just wanted you to touch me, sir.” you tell him honestly.
seungkwan shifts his hand beneath the garnet-coloured skirt. excitedly, you spread your legs apart, a silent invitation for him to touch you further. his fingers merely brush the inner skin of your thighs, so close to your aching, dripping core, but refusing to indulge you.
“look at you,” seungkwan croons, “spreading your legs for me already. you know i’ll always touch you, baby. but if you misbehave, i can’t give you what you want.”
a pit suddenly forms in your chest and you wrestle your wrists against the headboard. you knew seungkwan would be harsh with your punishment, but he’d at least touch you at this point. instead, his fingers draw tiny circles against the sensitive, inner flesh of your thigh, occasionally drifting closer to your core, only to jump to the other leg and leave you completely aching.
you start whining, “please, sir. i promise i’ll never do anything like this again, i’m sorry— i just, i need you to touch me sir, please.”
for a moment, seungkwan’s expression softens and becomes endearing. to hear the desperation in your sweet mewls and pleas – it truly does weaken him. a seed of hope engulfs your whole body as he grabs the hem of the skirt and begins folding it up, revealing to him your most sensitive region. you’re breathing heavily as seungkwan strokes your hip with his thumb.
“you’re so pretty, baby,” seungkwan compliments you while staring intensely at the glisten between your thighs, “the way you’re dripping all over the bed… fuck, i’d love to taste you.”
a thick wave of heat travels from your abdomen and burns the rest of your skin. you’re probably pulsing with how badly you need him to touch you. seungkwan leans down, and you bite your bottom lip hard, expecting him to lick at your core; however, his lips press a kiss to your stomach instead. he softly kisses your hipbones, your mound, your inner thighs.
everywhere but where you need him most.
as soon as you open your mouth, a petulant whine ready to fire from your tongue, seungkwan shoots you a dark glare.
“don’t whine.” he warns. “you did this to yourself. in fact—”
seungkwan rises from the bed and approaches the nightstand. after reaching deep into the compartment, he unearths a light pink, silicon wand that has your wrists immediately pulling at the headboard. it’s his favourite vibrator to tease you with, because it has such a wide range of settings. tiny gems of sweat are already collecting flush to your forehead.
“you recognize this, don’t you?” seungkwan purrs.
he double-presses a small button near the base, and the vibrator turns on, rumbling gently in his hand. a sadistic smirk decorates seungkwan’s face. you nod, feeling your toes curl in anticipation. seungkwan has you bend your legs and open them wide, allowing him much room to drag the toy up each thigh, watching your body shiver and jolt at the sensations.
just before seungkwan brings the vibrator to your core, he uses his other hand to spread your lips apart, ensuring that he has as much access as possible to pleasure you. then, the head of the pink toy is being dragged slowly up your slit. the second the vibrations touch your clit, you throw your head back and clench your jaw, your hips jutting slightly off the mattress.
“ff-fuck!” you moan loudly, sensing seungkwan massage the toy in small circles.
trails of your arousal pool from between your thighs. you can feel the wet spot beneath you on the white sheets. seungkwan chuckles as he observes your wrists fight against the tightly-woven tie. you want to grab something, yet your fingers only grasp the empty air. he clicks another button on the device, prompting the vibration to deepen and become more intense.
your chest arches slightly, and you attempt to thrust against the wand.
“aw, you think that’ll help, sweetheart?” seungkwan coos, almost in a way that’s taunting rather than sincere. “you think you’ll be able to cum whenever you want, hm?”
you’ve been so needy the entire night, it won’t take much to push you over the edge. as the vibrations continue against your clit, there’s a tantalizing pressure that gets closer to bursting. seungkwan strokes one of your thighs while he rubs the wand to your flesh, pressing it firmer and firmer against that sensitive bud, watching your bottom lip tremble and brow furrow.
just as you’re about to relish in a long-awaited, sweet release, seungkwan hastily removes the vibrator and that high is ripped away from you. your hips lower and a frustrated whine echoes throughout the hotel room. your entire core feels swollen. it almost hurts with how desperately you await your release. seungkwan simply tuts at you, shushing your indignant cries.
“what did you expect, sweetheart? after you behaved like such a little slut at the gala, did you really think you’d have it easy?”
“i-i said i was sorry…” you sniffled, feeling the fire still thrum at the apex of your thighs.
“i know you did, baby, but i’m not satisfied yet. you’re not cumming until i say so.”
seungkwan knows it’s cruel. he’s here to spoil you, supply you with whatever you need, whenever you need it. no matter what, he still has his rules and regulations. to satisfy you materialistically is much different than sexually. seungkwan drifts his hand between your legs and parts them again, the pink vibrator returning to your clit.
however, seungkwan must have some droplet of sympathy for you.  
as he focuses the toy against your rosebud, his manages to slip two fingers inside of you. the sensation is a pleasurable surprise, and you moan wantonly upon the delectable stretch. seungkwan notes you’re so damn wet that he could fit in another finger. he starts thrusting them in and out, creating a sloppy, slick noise to accompany the vibrator’s soft humming.
“o-oh god…” your head slumps back into the pillow, “ff-fuck, f-feels so good—m’gonna c-cum, sir, i-i have to…”
“hold it.” seungkwan snaps, and yet he clicks the vibrator onto a higher, more powerful setting, one that has your hips canting immediately off the bed.
he pushes his three fingers in as far as they’ll go, until his knuckles are right against your glossy opening. then, seungkwan begins slamming them into you, his fingertips curled up so they continuously tick that one sweet spot. you truly don’t know if your body can handle such stimulation. your tears are hot and blurry, though seungkwan still won’t let you cum.
“i-i can’t sir!” you twist against your restraints and helplessly cry out to him, “i nn-need it ss-so bad! pl-please, please, just le-let me cum!”
“not yet,” seungkwan growls while massaging the vibrator against your swollen clit, “don’t you dare cum. you haven’t learned your lesson yet, have you, baby?”
‘i-i have!” you begin to sob, pressing your head back further into the pillow. “i promise sir, i-i’ve learned!”
but seungkwan doesn’t accept your supposed falsities. “if you’ve really learned,” he says, “then you’ll shut your mouth and take what i give you.”
your body is losing this fight. every fibre inside you is shaking. seungkwan behaves mercilessly and manages to squeeze in a fourth finger, the pink toy continuing to stimulate your clit until you feel yourself start to slip. the entire room is a myriad of fuzzy colours. seungkwan makes you hold it for just a moment longer. the second you let go, everything spots black and white.
seungkwan feels how tightly you contract around his fingers, so tightly in fact, that he can hardly move them inside of you. there isn’t much you can process at the moment, apart from the unbridled withering that takes control of your body as it struggles to withstand the power of your orgasm. seungkwan sees the juices leak down his hand and drip onto the bed sheets.
“that’s it, baby,” he purrs while gently rubbing the vibrator against your clit, “scream for me, sweetheart. let yourself cum all over my fingers, just like that.”
your throat is raw, dry. you can only manage a few feeble whimpers in the intense afterglow. the room seems dimmer, and your wrists are rather limp against their restraint. you just need to take deep breaths. ever so carefully, seungkwan withdraws his fingers from your pussy. they’re absolutely drenched in your slick, sticky and glistening. he silences the vibrator too.
however, seungkwan isn’t quite finished with you.
after suckling his fingers clean of your arousal, he lowers himself to the bed and spreads your thighs apart. you’re too exhausted to resist him, though you draw in a sharp breath as his tongue darts out and slowly licks up your core. everything is still sensitive and hazy. your body automatically responds to the stimulation, and your hips attempt to twist away.
seungkwan holds you down and smirks. “not so fast, baby. you don’t think i’ve been waiting to taste your sweet, pretty pussy all night? after you teased me again and again?”
he licks a broad, slow strip up your entire core, and the electricity crackles in your veins.
“you’re going to lay here and let me taste you for as long as i want. do you understand, baby?”
you heave in a shaky breath. the night is still young, and seungkwan doesn’t seem to be interested in letting you catch a break anytime soon.
“y-yes sir.” you croak in response.
seungkwan grins. he presses a comforting kiss to each of your hip bones.
“thank you, baby. now don’t try to close your legs, alright? or else i’ll have to tie you down.”
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amelialincoln · 4 years
Prompt: Amelia gets injured by a patient
Lost in my mind
“Hey,” A voice pulled Amelia from her train of thought. “Feeling better?” She nodded, looking up and studying Link’s concerned expression. They both had awoken to Amelia leaping out of bed and barely making it to the bathroom before throwing up. She was thankful they’d spent the night at Link’s with his en suite as she couldn’t imagine being able to make it to the bathroom down the hall at Meredith’s. She hadn’t gotten a whole lot of time to recover before she and Link we’re paged to an incoming trauma and had to leave the house in a hurry. Koracick had ended up covering it anyways which left her trying to pass time in her office. “I brought you a snack.” She wrinkled her nose at the sandwich he was holding but accepted the water bottle he passed her. “Have you had breakfast?”
“I’m not that hungry,” she responded with a shrug.
“Well you probably should try and have something anyway,” he pressed.
“I’ll go see if Bailey has any leftover bagels from the conference meeting this morning,” Amelia promised.
“Okay...” he sunk into her couch. “I wish I had my own office,” he whined.
“Only took me a couple years,” she teased. “And plenty of groundbreaking surgeries including saving the woman who owns this hospital’s life.
“I have groundbreaking surgeries,” Link mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting out his lower lip.
“Babe, brain surgery is a little more high risk than operating on someone’s toe.” Link scoffed, trying to ignore how much she was clearly enjoying this conversation.
“Oh, so you’re saying that you are more valued to this hospital than me?” He faked a hurt expression as he moved to wrap his arms around her waist. “But if I wasn’t around who would be here to seduce the breathtaking chief of neurosurgery?” He asked as he placed a trail of kisses down her neck. His hands trailed down to cradle the small bump that had formed on her midsection this past week.
“Link...” Amelia sighed, “babe, not right now.”
“You’re going to tell me now that it’s inappropriate to have sex on the desk that our child was conceived on? Because you didn’t seem to have a problem with it before—”
“Link!” Amelia’s cheeks had turned a bright shade of pink. He was fiddling with the hem of her scrub top as her pager began to vibrate in her pocket. “Sorry!” She laughed. “Duty calls. Tonight?”
“Tonight,” he sighed.
Amelia entered trauma room number three with a smile on her face. It had been at least a week since she’d had a case remotely interesting to work on. She was surprised, as the sliding doors opened, to be met with two police officers and a patient in handcuffs.
“Hey, Shepherd,” Hunt greeted her, looking up briefly.
“What’s going on?”
“Uh...” Owen glanced up at the officers.
“This is Shawn Webster, we’re from Seattle State Penitentiary. Shawn got in a brawl with one of the other inmates—”
“Trauma two,” Owen interrupted. Amelia nodded.
“—he’s known to get aggressive.” The officer finished. “He hit his head pretty hard on one of the cells but it’s probably just a concussion or whatever.” Amelia frowned, Shawn was only a teenager and didn’t look like the type to “get aggressive”. She examined the bloody gash on the back of his head and shone the penlight in his eyes, which he lazily followed.
“He came in with a makeshift knife in his thigh,” Owen noted. “He’s on some pretty heavy painkillers.” Amelia nodded. “Are you okay here? I need to go check out the other guy.”
“For sure.” Her eyes fell to the handcuffs that were beginning to dig into Shawn’s wrists. The boy stared blankly back at her. “Do you think you guys could remove the handcuffs? I need to do a full exam.”
“Okay, but not for long,” one of the officers hesitated before removing the metal cuffs. The boy didn’t flinch but continued to stare emotionlessly at Amelia. She began to wonder if Owen had messed up the dosage. Suddenly, there was a loud thump and Amelia’s eyes flew to the glass wall beside her as the outline of someone being thrown against the glass appeared. Shouting followed and the two officers raced out of her trauma room and into the one beside them. As the doors opened the shouting intensified and she could hear Owen’s voice before the sound of medical instruments falling to the floor rang through the ER. She turned to Shawn, who no longer had a blank, sedated expression stretched upon his face, before her vision went blurry and then black.
“Doctor Shepherd!” She awoke to a blinding pain radiating through her body. Her vision was blurred as she tried to scan the room, ears ringing. She recognized Teddy Altman standing over her through the blurriness. “Page Doctor Lincoln,” she ordered to undoubtedly a resident or intern who seemed to be standing in the corner of the room.
“What...” Amelia croaked, bile building up in her throat. “...happened.”
“Amelia.” She heard Meredith’s voice enter the room. “What’s going on?” She ordered.
“Shepherd was with one of the inmates,” Teddy responded. “It seems like she’d got a couple of broken ribs and a pretty severe concussion. She shouldn’t have been left alone with that patient. I don’t know what they were thinking.”
“Did you page—” Meredith started before being interrupted by the sound of the sliding doors opening.
“Oh my god, Amelia!” Link’s voice rang through her ears.
“I’m okay.” She tried to sit up but the pain in her ribs caused her to heave and Teddy slid a emesis basin under her chin just in time. She felt Link race to her side, taking her hair in his hands, something he’d been doing often.
“Is the baby okay?” He asked them. Amelia’s hands went to her stomach as the two surgeons gave them a look of confusion. “She’s pregnant.”
“Page OB,” Meredith said immediately to her intern who fumbled with her pager, her eyes full of concern. Her eyes fell to Amelia’s midsection which was swollen and bruised, she bit her lip. “Oh, Amelia.”
“I’ll see if Carina is in the ER,” Teddy quickly added, leaving the room. Amelia squeezed her eyes close as another wave of pain hit her and the room spun.
“Amelia, we’re going to have you put you on some pain meds. I don’t think your ribs need surgery but we’ve got to keep you from doubling over so that you can heal,” Meredith told her.
“No,” Amelia protested. “I’ll stay still,” she added as a moan escaped her lips. She tried to push away the, all too familiar, thought of painkillers running through her body. Carina entered the room, tearing Amelia away from her thoughts. Link moved to offer Carina the chair that he was sitting in beside Amelia but she shook her head.
“I’ll stand.” She examined Amelia’s stomach carefully, biting the inside of her cheek as she worked her way down from the bruising. “Any pain here?”
“None.” Amelia gritted her teeth. “Though it’s hard to tell.” Carina noticed Link’s obvious discomfort by Amelia’s bruising and when she met his eyes, she found them full of tears.
“I’ll go get the ultrasound machine?” He offered, trying to ignore her gaze.
“Sure,” Carina answered, but Link was already out the door.
“What a softie.” Amelia tried to smile. Carina nodded and returned to prodding Amelia’s stomach, trying to hide her worry. Link returned shortly with the machine and Carina had him spread the gel cautiously over Amelia’s stomach as she turned it on.
“Link,” Amelia gasped as his fingers traced over a tender spot.
He winced as if he was in pain, “I’m sorry.” Carina guided the wand over Amelia’s uterus and the room filled with the sound of a heartbeat. Amelia breathed a sigh of relief.
“è un po 'veloce,” Carina muttered. “It is quick.”
“His heartbeat?” Link asked. Carina nodded.
“It should be okay. We just need Amelia to take her time getting better. I’m tired of recommending bedrest and no one taking it seriously,” she complained, referring to the past couple of pregnant co workers she had treated.
“Doctors make the worst patients,” Amelia shrugged.
“Not in this case. If you want your baby to be healthy please listen to my recommendations. The concussion shouldn’t take more than ten days and the ribs will heal slow but you can work around it. However, if you want to come back to work it’s going to be two weeks of bed rest.”
“And actual bedrest. You shouldn’t be leaving your bedroom. We can work up from there. We’ll schedule a check up in two weeks and if I see you here in the next two weeks, mi farà impazzire.”
Amelia was in and out of consciousness for the next couple of hours. The baby news had seemed to spread its way quickly around the hospital and Link had been turning away visitors for what seemed like every fifteen minutes. He removed his hand from its place in her hair and kissed the spot between her eyebrows.
“God, Amelia.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I spend so much time worrying if you’re okay or if you’ve eaten or if you’d gotten in an accident on your way to work. And today I was so caught up in work and knowing that you were safe at the hospital I wasn’t even worried. And this is all just a reminder that anything can happen to you anywhere. I’m so scared of losing you, Amelia, I...” he trailed off dropping his head in his hands.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Amelia croaked softly, awoken by the absence of Link’s hand in her hair. “I’m okay, Link.” She rested a hand on his cheek before he turned away from her, rubbing his eyes.
“Yeah, I know.” He shrugged, trying to hide the tears in his eyes. “It’s fine, you’re fine.”
“Oh babe, come here,” Amelia laughed softly at his attempts to hide the fact that anything was wrong. Without hesitating Link carefully climbed into the bed beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and placing a hand on her stomach.
“You scared Daddy today,” he mumbled with the grin that he can’t help from taking over his face when he talks about the baby.
“Really?” Amelia added sarcastically. “It was a pretty average day.” To which Link shook his head.
“Anything but average, my love.” He sighed, breathing in her lavender scented shampoo. “So lots of bedrest, huh? Any specific requests for those two weeks?”
“Link.” Amelia rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a smile.
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