#Donna pinciotti what if
once-upon-a-fanfic · 2 years
What if...
Donna had actually left to go to college?
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thatseventiesbitch · 6 months
Chapter 7 of What If: Eric And Donna Were Friends With Benefits? is here! You love him, you hate him, you love to hate him: prepare for the return of Casey Kelso. 😉
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Chapter 7: Donna Dates A Kelso
Read it on: A03 I FF.net
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winnie-the-monster · 29 days
I’m sorry but Kitty excusing Donna of trying to control everything she does, is such a hypocrite moment. Since that’s what she literally always does, when it comes to something she wants.
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The wheels are kicking in and I fully plan to finish this Infinity War/T70S fic once and for all. I finally have time and a creative push inside my mind, so why not throw myself into writing again? 😁 I won’t post until I’m completely finished though. I’m thinking 4-6 chapters?
To everyone that has patiently waited, left comments on my one-shot: thank you and this little sneak peek is for you 💜
Hyde stirred his spoon in his cold cup of coffee. They had all come back to the Forman’s house, with 3 people less than they had originally started with. Red was currently pacing in the living room while the news played in the background. There was an eerie silence that Hyde couldn’t shake. His Zen was useless at this point after what he witnessed in the creek. His words, and her words played over and over again. How the hell was he supposed to know this was going to happen? That there were some form of fucking super heroes out there fighting a big space alien. It almost felt like someone slipped something in his drink at the fair, and it was all one big hallucination, maybe a government experiment. Yeah that had to be it, and next thing you know, Mrs.Forman, Randy and Jackie will be walking through that door yelling at us for leaving them.
“Maybe Black Widow can come and fight Fez next” said Fez perversely. Hyde, Red and Donna look at him in a surprised but also disgusted manner, considering no one has said a word since they got home an hour ago. But of course, if someone was going to break that silence, and with a perverted comment, it would definitely be Fez.
Jackie would probably complain about her dirty clothes and hair.
“What are we going to do? This isn’t normal, and the news isn’t saying much besides the big fight. I mean, we can’t lose them forever right? The government will do something and somehow get them back, right Red?” Donna said with a quiver. She suddenly gasped and looked at everyone.
“What about Eric? We don’t even know if he’s okay! I need to call him” Donna said, running to the phone. Normally Red would be upset about long distance calls, but he too also wanted to know about his son's whereabouts. With Kitty gone, he felt empty and alone, although thankful to have Steven. That was his son too, even if he’d never say it out loud.
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nikkiruncks · 11 months
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My favorite Jackie & Hyde moments #7
The fact that Hyde was bold enough to suggest that 😂
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zenmasterlover · 4 months
The gang’s easy go to drink at the liquor store:
Eric: white claws (specifically the watermelon ones, he hates beer and Hyde won’t let him live it down)
Hyde: any cheap bourbon on the rocks (he’s very specific about his ice)
Kelso: modelo and a Cuban cigar (wants to feel like a “mature dad”)
Donna: any IPA the store sells (not picky just wants something strong)
Jackie: angry orchards (the light ones, Hyde cuts her off after a few) (another side note: these are really good)
Fez: mikes hard lemonade (he adds more sugar in it once it’s open, also hates beer)
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einsteinsugly · 2 months
The Gang, as Parents. Lunchables and Dunkaroos.
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Buys them: Jackie and Eric. Jackie openly buys them, despite Hyde's protests. Eric sneaks around, and gives them to the kids as a treat. Or if he's making lunch for school.
Won't buy them: Hyde and Donna. Something, something. They're too expensive, we have cheese and crackers at home.
Not only buys them, but eats them, too: Kelso and Fez. Eric tries them, once.
Red: Would be in the "won't buy them" category as a parent, but as a grandparent? Hell, he'll buy them, sometimes.
Kitty: If they're out and about, she'll buy them. But at home, she makes them herself.
Brooke: Is in the "won't buy them" category.
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kissandships · 1 year
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She’s so pretty 🤩🤩🤩
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bluebirdofbluebells · 3 months
What I would change on That '90s Show:
First, I just want to say that I think the writers wasted a lot of potential and the show could've been a successful spin-off like Frasier was to Cheers.
I strongly disagree with the decision to name Eric and Donna's daughter Leia. Donna would never allow Eric to name their child after a Star Wars character he had sexual fantasies about. Naming their son Luke would have been more believable. Instead, their daughter should have been named Stevie, after Steven Hyde, with a backstory explaining that Hyde died in an accident a few months before she was born. This would address Hyde's absence and honor his character, not the actor. I can separate actors from characters, and Hyde remains my favorite despite the actor's poor life choices.
For casting, a talented actress resembling Topher Grace and Laura Prepon would be ideal for playing their daughter. She should be tall with red hair. Stevie would be the same age as Leia but would be sent by Donna and Eric to stay with Red and Kitty in Point Place due to her rebellious behavior in Chicago. Eric is a professor and Donna is a writer, just as in the show, but Eric's teaching has nothing to do with Star Wars. Donna and Eric are happily married and good parents to their daughter; they're just at their wit's end when it comes to her recent behavior.
Stevie would resemble her mother but dress in all black, embodying the quintessential cynical, snarky '90s alt-girl similar to Daria or Darlene Conner. She would possess an emotionless, acerbic attitude, be highly intelligent, well-read, and a nonconformist, making her parents struggle to understand her. I envision Red and Stevie forming a bond over their shared sense of humor, cynicism, and tendency toward misanthropy, though Red would still be stern with her when necessary. Kitty, being the nurturing one, would have a hard time getting Stevie to open up but wouldn't be judgmental of her, reflecting her open-mindedness from "That '70s Show."
Kelso and Brooke's daughter Betsy should also be a main character and Stevie's friend. Betsy would be bubbly and free-spirited, dragging Stevie along on adventures. Intelligent and well-read due to her librarian mother, Betsy has more fun with her goofball father Kelso, who became a sergeant in the Point Place police department. Betsy and Stevie would become instant best friends, balancing each other out and finding common ground. Betsy would introduce Stevie to her friends, including a boy-next-door romance living in the Pinciotti's old house. Stevie wouldn't have a large group of friends (like Leia or Eric) she'd have Betsy, her neighbor, and maybe one or two of Betsy's friends.
Jackie would distance herself from the gang after losing Hyde and moved away. She'd have a job that requires constant traveling and even get married a few times. Donna is the only one Jackie had kept in touch with.
As for Fez, he can continue with whatever he's doing. I don't care.
Hyde's death would affect everyone to this day and be a major catalyst for why Donna and Eric are so over-protective of Stevie and afraid that her troublemaking could lead her down a tragic path.
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agaypanic · 8 months
I feel like you’re the only active account that writes for most of the characters that u do so ty for ur services 🫡
I had an Eric Forman x male!reader request where reader is good friends with the group, but has had growing crush on Eric. They haven’t made any obvious advances towards him because, well, it’s the 70s, but also because Eric actively goes after Donna. One day Hyde somehow finds out and doesn’t necessarily out reader, but becomes cold and kind of rude towards reader. When Hyde and reader are alone in the basement reader asks him whats wrong and Hyde basically tells him that he isn’t welcome are them anymore and reader runs off home upset, long explanation short; reader isolates himself with the group, Eric doesn’t know why, Hyde tells Eric, Eric gets upset with Hyde, Eric goes to reader’s house to fix the situation, they both confess, and they kiss 😈
Boys Like Boys (Eric Forman X Male!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Hyde finds out about your secret but growing feelings for his best friend and makes it clear he’s not a fan of that. When you start to distance yourself from the gang because of it, Eric starts asking questions.
A/N: au where eric and donna never got together, she likes him and everyone thinks he likes her back. warning for homophobic hyde, calling reader a fruit. slight comphet eric. kinda inspired by girls like girls by hayley kiyoko except the opposite bc they’re boys lol
“Hey, L/n, I wanna talk to you,” Hyde says, scratching at his face as he looked at the table that was littered with his paraphernalia. Your friends were coming to the basement soon, and he figured it’d be good to prepare for the start of their regular circle time.
“Oh yeah?” You asked, leaning back in your seat on the couch. “What about?”
“What do you think about Forman?” The question seemed innocent, but the mention of Eric made you stiffen slightly. You spared Hyde a glance, and he just continued rolling his little paper.
“He’s okay, I guess.” You answered, trying to seem nonchalant. “I mean, it’s Eric.”
Hyde simply nodded, but that just made you more nervous. You hoped that he would drop the subject or that your friends would come bounding down the stairs and the room would soon fill with smoke. Then you’d forget your nerves. 
“Do you like him?” There was a certain hint of venom in Hyde’s tone, and you couldn’t help but lean forward, resting your elbows on your knees as you looked at him in curiosity.
“Of course I like him, he’s my friend.” You laughed.
“What about him and Donna?” He asked. Done with the joint, Hyde leaned back in his chair and looked at you, crossing his arms.
“What do you mean?” You asked, trying not to show that that was a bit of a sore subject with you. 
In the few years you’ve known Eric Forman, he had always set his sights on Donna Pinciotti, his next-door neighbor. You and your friends always teased him for how he was head over heels for the redhead. Always asking him when he was gonna grow a pair and ask her out because she totally liked him back, and him always saying that he didn’t wanna make a fool of himself.
In the few years you’ve known Eric Forman, you’ve had your sights on him. You’ve done your best to never let it show because boys liking boys was a bit frowned upon, especially in a town like Point Place, Wisconsin. 
But apparently, you haven’t done as good of a job as you thought.
“Do you think they’re gonna get together anytime soon?” Hyde asked with a tilt of his head.
“Probably.” You kicked at the rug in front of you, the conversation making you grow more uneasy by the second. “I mean, it’s only a matter of time. Eric just needs to man up and ask her.”
“I bet you hope that day never comes.” You made a slight noise of confusion at the statement, but didn’t speak. Hyde continued, leaning forward in his seat. You felt lucky that he was wearing his sunglasses like he usually did, because it diluted the intensity of his stare a bit. “I know you have a thing for him, L/n.”
“What?” You laughed nervously, subtly shifting as far away from Hyde as possible. “Ew. You must be high already.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at him, Y/n.” You knew it was serious when Hyde used first names. “At first, I thought you and Forman were just really good friends, but you look at him the way he looks at Donna. It’s weird.”
You gulped, trying to formulate a sentence.
“What are you saying?” Your voice came out shaky, making you cringe. Hyde laughed unamused.
“I’m saying that we don’t wanna hang out with a fruit. Fez is bad enough, especially with the way he acts with Kelso, and he’s straight.” Hyde shook his head at the thought. “After tonight, you shouldn’t come back. Or you can leave now; that’d be even better, because we don’t want… that here.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. For someone who was generally aloof, you were starting to realize that Steven Hyde was a real dick.
“Fine.” You whispered, blinking back tears. You couldn’t let Hyde see you cry; that would probably just make everything worse. “I’ll leave.”
While getting up, you heard people bounding down the stairs, and you groaned at the thought of facing your friends. You powered through the pain and embarrassment, grabbing your things and going to the coat rack to get your jacket.
“Hey, Y/n!” Your heart, which felt like it had fallen into your stomach, fluttered at the sound of Eric’s voice. He gave Hyde a wave and was suddenly by your side, touching your shoulder. “Did you just get here?”
“He was just leaving, actually,” Hyde answered for you, staring at the two of you. Eric looked back at Hyde for a second before facing you again.
“What, why?” He seemed disappointed, and it made you wanna stay. But you could feel Hyde’s glare and knew it would be a bad idea.
“Uhh, homework!” It was hard to come up with an excuse when Eric looked at you the way he was. You gave Hyde a quick glance, and decided it was time to leave. “Yeah, I have homework.”
You didn’t even say goodbye, not to Eric or any of your other friends. You opened the door, raced up the stairs, and out of the Formans’ backyard. You tugged your jacket on, wrapping it tighter around you as a cold gust of wind hit you.
“Want me to take you home?!” Eric’s voice startled you, and you turned back to see him standing in the backyard, slowly opening the gate. “I can take you home.” His voice was softer now, but you could hear it from the end of the driveway.
You took a deep breath. You wanted to say yes; being in the Vista Cruiser was way warmer than out here, and Eric wouldn’t have come out here to ask you if he didn’t want to.
But then you remembered what Hyde said to you.
‘You look at him the way he looks at Donna. It’s weird.’
‘We don’t wanna hang out with a fruit.’
‘We don’t want… that here.’
“I can walk.” You finally respond, turning around and walking away, missing the frown on Eric’s face. It was better this way, you knew that. But that didn’t make it hurt any less.
It had been two weeks since you’d been with the gang, and you’d never felt worse. It kind of felt like going through withdrawals. Of course, there was the actual withdrawal. Hyde was your only source of weed, and you didn’t even have the opportunity to smoke before he told you to leave. But the feeling of being without your friends was even worse.
Mainly Eric. Although you had been avoiding him, your feelings for him didn’t seem to go away. Sometimes, you’d pass him in the hallways, and it seemed like he wanted to say something, but he’d end up just watching you leave.
Unknown to you, Eric was feeling like absolute crap. He had been wracking his brain, wondering why you were suddenly avoiding him and your friends like the plague. Whenever he caught sight of you, he wanted to say something, anything. But he could never find words, so he resorted to watching you in silence.
He sat in the basement one day, playing with the keychain that you gave him for his birthday one year. You had gotten it at a Pink Floyd concert that you and the boys went to, and when you gave it to him, it was immediately hooked onto his key ring. He never took it off, even when it felt a bit too bulky in his pocket. 
“Hey, Forman.” Hyde greeted tiredly as he walked out of his room and sat in his usual chair. Eric muttered a greeting, not looking up from the keychain. He had half a mind to drive over and see you right now, interrogate you on why you were being so avoidant. But the other half argued that it must’ve been for a good reason, you suddenly acting like he never existed. “What’s up with you?”
“What’s up with me?” Eric asked in disbelief. “The real question is, what’s up with Y/n? I mean, it’s been two weeks, and he’s not even talking to us anymore.”
“Maybe he’s busy.” Hyde shrugged, picking up a magazine to flip through.
“Did we do something wrong? Did I do something wrong? He’s never done this before.” Eric stood up, walking around the basement as he thought.
“He probably just came to his senses and decided he shouldn’t come around anymore.”
“That’s ridiculous! Why would he-” Eric paused, looking at Hyde in curiosity. The way he was acting, like he didn’t care about you and your absence, made Eric suspicious. “What did you do?”
“What?” Hyde looked up from his magazine, seemingly confused. But Eric wasn’t having it.
“You and Y/n were here alone for who knows how long, and when we came down, Y/n suddenly needed to leave. He didn’t even want me to drive him home, and it was freezing outside.” Eric and Hyde stared at each other in silence, the tension growing thick. Hyde didn’t seem to want to answer. “Hyde! Come on, man!”
The curly-headed boy sighed, dropping the magazine on the table.
“We don’t want that fruit around, Forman. Trust me.” He said. Eric was slowly starting to see red with how Hyde referred to you. “Making goo-goo eyes at you and crap, it’s disgusting. It’s like he’s in love with you or something.”
“What?” Eric’s voice was small as he slowly stood up, taking in what Hyde was saying. “You made Y/n leave? Because, what, because he’s gay?”
“I did you a favor.”
“You’re an asshole, Hyde!” Eric couldn’t help but yell. He squeezed his keychain and looked at it as if he suddenly remembered that he was still holding it. 
Without another word, he left. Eric ran out of the basement and to the garage, jumping into the Vista Cruiser. He needed to see you, whether you would try to avoid him or not.
One of the sucky things about not hanging out with Eric anymore was you no longer had a free ride. But you didn’t like the bus, so you braved the chilly air as you walked home. 
Finally getting home, you fished around in your pocket for your house key when you heard someone pulling into your driveway. This confused you because your parents still should’ve been at work. Opening the door, you looked to the side to see Eric’s Vista Cruiser and him getting out of it and slamming the door.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, breaking the two-week no-contact streak with Eric.
“Y/n, I need to talk to you.” He said, walking up to your porch.
“I dunno…”
“Please.” Staying at the bottom step of your porch, in case you made him leave, Eric looked up at you with pleading eyes. You missed the way he looked at you.
Your eyes darted between him and your front door. Hyde told you to stop hanging around Eric and the rest of the gang. But here was Eric, standing right in front of you, practically begging for you to not ignore him.
You sighed and stepped inside, leaving the door open.
Eric raced inside before you could change your mind, closing the door behind him to keep the cold air out. He watched you drop your backpack by the coat rack and hang up your jacket.
“I know what Hyde said to you.” You froze at the mention of Hyde. “You didn’t deserve that; he was a dick for telling you to leave.”
“It’s fine.” You both knew it wasn’t, but you didn’t know what else to say. You moved to the kitchen, Eric following close behind. “You thirsty?”
“I’ll have whatever you have.” He said, watching you heat your kettle on the stove. Then he remembered why he was here in the first place. “And it’s not fine. Whether you’re gay or not, you don’t deserve to be treated that way.” Eric leaned on the counter, looking at you softly. “...No one does.”
“Eric, I don’t really think he acted like that because I’m gay.” It felt strange to say it out loud, especially so casually. But you felt better about it when you saw that Eric’s expression didn’t change. You confirming it didn’t affect him, he just kept looking at you with the interest of what you had to say and how to fix what Hyde ruined. “I think that Hyde had more of a problem with me…”
That part was more scary to say out loud, mainly because the object of your affection was hanging on to every word you were saying.
The hot kettle screeching pulled you out of your thoughts, and you took it off the hot burner. You quickly grabbed mugs and hot chocolate powder, looking forward to having something that would warm you up.
You grabbed Eric’s mug and turned around, just to jump in surprise. He moved away from the counter, now a few steps from you in the kitchen. The two of you laughed awkwardly, and you gave him the cup. As you both drank, you hoped that he’d forget about what you were about to say. 
“Are you saying he had a problem with you giving me… goo-goo eyes?” You snorted in spite of yourself. 
“Goo-goo eyes?” You repeated, taking another sip. Eric’s grin at your reaction was hidden behind his mug. “I don’t know if I would say that, but.. Yeah, basically.”
Eric nodded, trying to keep calm from your confession. He set his mug down on the counter, stepping closer to you. You set your mug down as well, watching Eric put a hesitant hand on your arm.
“Can I…” He trailed off, trying to gain the courage to ask for what he wanted. “Can I…” He tried again, but was seemingly too nervous. But you saw how his eyes darted down to your lips, staring for a good few seconds before looking back into your eyes.
You gave him a nod, and suddenly, Eric Forman was kissing you.
His hands gripped your shoulders, keeping you close. Not that you wanted to move away. You cupped the back of his neck, feeling his soft hair brush against your fingers. His lips were soft and warm as they moved against yours.
“Wait.” You pulled away from him, and the look he gave you made you want to go back in for another kiss. “What about Donna?”
“What about her?” Eric seemed confused, like he didn’t know why you were bringing up his crush after just kissing him.
“You like her, Eric.” You reminded him. “For, like, years.”
“Oh.” It seemed like he had suddenly remembered something that you didn’t know. “I don’t like Donna like that.”
“We’re just friends.” You tried to focus on what he was saying, but one of Eric’s hands trailed down to rest on your lower back, fingers gripping your shirt and tapping on your skin. “I kind of made the whole crush thing up because… I didn’t want you to know that I liked you. Donna just seemed like... The safe option, I guess. That’s why I’ve never asked her out, I never liked her like that in the first place.”
You were stunned. All this time, you thought you had a hopeless crush on Eric and would have to watch him fawn over Donna forever. But no. The only reason you watched him fawning over Donna was so you wouldn’t catch him fawning over you.
“So we’ve liked each other this whole time?” You asked.
“Basically,” Eric said, and the two of you laughed at the absurdity of it all. When it died down, he looked at you and sighed. “I really wanna kiss you again.” He sounded shy, like saying it any louder would pop the bubble the two of you were in, as if this was a dream and you were about to be pulled into a harsh reality.
“Well, I’m not gonna stop you, Eric.” You said, and he grinned before connecting his lips with yours again.
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
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Pilot ➡ Finale ➡ That '90s Show
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winnie-the-monster · 2 years
“Why does she always come to me?”
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Ok I got too impatient and uploaded the first new chapter. I’m not quite done with the rest, like maybe 60% of it? I had an original idea of how to go about it, and then suddenly inspiration says, yeah no, your pot addled brain will just guide you through it all like a rollercoaster. I’m a visual person. Anyways, I’m rambling. I’ll be uploading weekly, probably on Mondays.
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nikkiruncks · 3 months
Donna: makes a mean remark about Eric’s shirt
Eric: *retaliates*
Donna: WHaT iS ErIC’s PrOblem?!?!
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siriuslygay1981 · 10 months
Introduction post!!
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
You can call me Star/Basra/Bea, I go by them all :).
They/them! And he/she sparingly
Queer(not really labeled.) Poly!
I like cosmology/astronomy, writing, music and reading! I'm a writer, an artist, I love learning new things and I am always looking for friends! I have too many hobbies to list but I'm open to discussing them more if asked!
` * 🔭🐇
Things I'll post Abt/Fandoms I'm in:
Marauders era, Harry Potter, Stranger things, Good omens,Marvel, DC (specifically batman-robin-redhood stuff),Anime, Artrick, dune, that 70s show, Dexter, Bojack hm, twd, Alice in borderland, killing Eve, lupin, and Cobra Kai. Writing and in general probably random rants about whatever thing I've watched/read recently. I will reblog the most random post that I relate to or just want to reblog too ofc. I might post art sometimes ! My writing too ofc!!
Fav Characters; Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz, regulus black, James Potter, Peter parker, Wade Wilson (dp), iron man, black widow, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Paul atreudies, hawk/Eli, Jason Todd, Tim drake, dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Alfred, Evan rosier, 10th Dr, art donaldson, tashi Duncan, izuku midoriya, bakugou katsuki, denki kaminari, Ken kaneki, oikawa tooru, Satori tendou, Harley Quinn, blaise zambini, Sirius black, Bellatrix black, narcissa black, lily Evans, marlene McKinnon, remus lupin, grover, matt murdock, jumin han, 707, Eric forman, Steven hyde, Donna pinciotti, Clarke griffin, Octavia Blake, finn the human,Lexi grey, Penelope featherington, Colin BRIDGERTON, Benedict bridgerton, Kate BRIDGERTON, Daphne BRIDGERTON, Eloise BRIDGERTON, Oliver marks, James Farrow, Neil josten, Andrew minyard, Neil perry, raven, beast boy, mon-el, (Names every character ever)
。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。
hate comments
Slurs/racism/homophobia etc etc
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My spotify-
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I give permission to use any idea I've written/talked about as long as it's credited and I'm tagged (I'd love to see it :) ) Unless I've mentioned otherwise
Beta reader applications are open! If you wish to be a beta reader for any WIP (published or not) let me know!
My Pfp- cuckooboo_ on Instagram!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Request info-
I won't do inc3st, I won't do illegal, I won't force myself to write what I don't vibe with and I'll tell you that.
I'll do NSfw, I'll do any ship, any scenario! I might even do x reader. I'll link my stories from my Tumblr on my pinned post too. You can request in Asks or messages.
I'll be posting my own stuff that I want to post until someone asks for SMTHN specific!
Black brothers angst- Angsty, sad, Regulus' hopes and dreams squashed.
Regulus Dying- Regulus' last moments
Dorlene word prompt- Dorcas being a simp
Rosekiller quote prompt- Silly little guys, short interaction.
Jegulus- Fluff mostly. Right before Regulus leaves for the cave.
Rosekiller quote prompt thing - Miscommunication, slight angst
Wolfstar Short - Small crack one shot
PANDALILY domestic - Lily's pov of her day to day with Pandora
Rosekiller prompt Part 2 - slight angst, comfort, hea
Rosekiller mircrofic- Word prompt, may 24th. Word:Favorite
JEGULUS mircrofic- Microfic based off of a fanart!
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
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2004. Eric's Questionable Music Taste.
The group of four is about to depart for a night on the town, if only to escape the troubling thoughts meandering in their minds, until the leader of the band loudly clears his throat.
Jackie catches a glimpse of the jewel case, containing questionable John Mayer cover art within, motioning to Hyde and Donna. In turn, they collectively groan, and Jackie dramatically sighs.
"No, no." Eric happily presses play, motioning for them to uncomfortably halt, and they reluctantly oblige. "Sit down."
Fathers be good to your daughters Daughters will love like you do
"John Mayer sucks, Forman," Hyde declares, uncomfortably settling on the sofa.
Jackie and Donna collectively nod in agreement, and Jackie loudly scoffs. "I thought Air Supply was bad."
"This song speaks to me, okay?" Eric dramatically muses, hands waving like a scrawny cornstalk in the breeze, and Donna inevitably chuckles, "It should speak to you, too."
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers So mothers be good to your daughters too...
In turn, Jackie is notably dismissive, and particularly passive-aggressive. "Even Five for Fighting is better than this."
But Donna is blunt, without the lingering ire. "And Styx."
The music continues to uncomfortably strum, and Eric finally gets the hint, and promptly halts the miserable tune. "I think it's time to sail away, is it not?"
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