#eric forman x male!reader
agaypanic · 8 months
I feel like you’re the only active account that writes for most of the characters that u do so ty for ur services 🫡
I had an Eric Forman x male!reader request where reader is good friends with the group, but has had growing crush on Eric. They haven’t made any obvious advances towards him because, well, it’s the 70s, but also because Eric actively goes after Donna. One day Hyde somehow finds out and doesn’t necessarily out reader, but becomes cold and kind of rude towards reader. When Hyde and reader are alone in the basement reader asks him whats wrong and Hyde basically tells him that he isn’t welcome are them anymore and reader runs off home upset, long explanation short; reader isolates himself with the group, Eric doesn’t know why, Hyde tells Eric, Eric gets upset with Hyde, Eric goes to reader’s house to fix the situation, they both confess, and they kiss 😈
Boys Like Boys (Eric Forman X Male!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Hyde finds out about your secret but growing feelings for his best friend and makes it clear he’s not a fan of that. When you start to distance yourself from the gang because of it, Eric starts asking questions.
A/N: au where eric and donna never got together, she likes him and everyone thinks he likes her back. warning for homophobic hyde, calling reader a fruit. slight comphet eric. kinda inspired by girls like girls by hayley kiyoko except the opposite bc they’re boys lol
“Hey, L/n, I wanna talk to you,” Hyde says, scratching at his face as he looked at the table that was littered with his paraphernalia. Your friends were coming to the basement soon, and he figured it’d be good to prepare for the start of their regular circle time.
“Oh yeah?” You asked, leaning back in your seat on the couch. “What about?”
“What do you think about Forman?” The question seemed innocent, but the mention of Eric made you stiffen slightly. You spared Hyde a glance, and he just continued rolling his little paper.
“He’s okay, I guess.” You answered, trying to seem nonchalant. “I mean, it’s Eric.”
Hyde simply nodded, but that just made you more nervous. You hoped that he would drop the subject or that your friends would come bounding down the stairs and the room would soon fill with smoke. Then you’d forget your nerves. 
“Do you like him?” There was a certain hint of venom in Hyde’s tone, and you couldn’t help but lean forward, resting your elbows on your knees as you looked at him in curiosity.
“Of course I like him, he’s my friend.” You laughed.
“What about him and Donna?” He asked. Done with the joint, Hyde leaned back in his chair and looked at you, crossing his arms.
“What do you mean?” You asked, trying not to show that that was a bit of a sore subject with you. 
In the few years you’ve known Eric Forman, he had always set his sights on Donna Pinciotti, his next-door neighbor. You and your friends always teased him for how he was head over heels for the redhead. Always asking him when he was gonna grow a pair and ask her out because she totally liked him back, and him always saying that he didn’t wanna make a fool of himself.
In the few years you’ve known Eric Forman, you’ve had your sights on him. You’ve done your best to never let it show because boys liking boys was a bit frowned upon, especially in a town like Point Place, Wisconsin. 
But apparently, you haven’t done as good of a job as you thought.
“Do you think they’re gonna get together anytime soon?” Hyde asked with a tilt of his head.
“Probably.” You kicked at the rug in front of you, the conversation making you grow more uneasy by the second. “I mean, it’s only a matter of time. Eric just needs to man up and ask her.”
“I bet you hope that day never comes.” You made a slight noise of confusion at the statement, but didn’t speak. Hyde continued, leaning forward in his seat. You felt lucky that he was wearing his sunglasses like he usually did, because it diluted the intensity of his stare a bit. “I know you have a thing for him, L/n.”
“What?” You laughed nervously, subtly shifting as far away from Hyde as possible. “Ew. You must be high already.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at him, Y/n.” You knew it was serious when Hyde used first names. “At first, I thought you and Forman were just really good friends, but you look at him the way he looks at Donna. It’s weird.”
You gulped, trying to formulate a sentence.
“What are you saying?” Your voice came out shaky, making you cringe. Hyde laughed unamused.
“I’m saying that we don’t wanna hang out with a fruit. Fez is bad enough, especially with the way he acts with Kelso, and he’s straight.” Hyde shook his head at the thought. “After tonight, you shouldn’t come back. Or you can leave now; that’d be even better, because we don’t want… that here.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. For someone who was generally aloof, you were starting to realize that Steven Hyde was a real dick.
“Fine.” You whispered, blinking back tears. You couldn’t let Hyde see you cry; that would probably just make everything worse. “I’ll leave.”
While getting up, you heard people bounding down the stairs, and you groaned at the thought of facing your friends. You powered through the pain and embarrassment, grabbing your things and going to the coat rack to get your jacket.
“Hey, Y/n!” Your heart, which felt like it had fallen into your stomach, fluttered at the sound of Eric’s voice. He gave Hyde a wave and was suddenly by your side, touching your shoulder. “Did you just get here?”
“He was just leaving, actually,” Hyde answered for you, staring at the two of you. Eric looked back at Hyde for a second before facing you again.
“What, why?” He seemed disappointed, and it made you wanna stay. But you could feel Hyde’s glare and knew it would be a bad idea.
“Uhh, homework!” It was hard to come up with an excuse when Eric looked at you the way he was. You gave Hyde a quick glance, and decided it was time to leave. “Yeah, I have homework.”
You didn’t even say goodbye, not to Eric or any of your other friends. You opened the door, raced up the stairs, and out of the Formans’ backyard. You tugged your jacket on, wrapping it tighter around you as a cold gust of wind hit you.
“Want me to take you home?!” Eric’s voice startled you, and you turned back to see him standing in the backyard, slowly opening the gate. “I can take you home.” His voice was softer now, but you could hear it from the end of the driveway.
You took a deep breath. You wanted to say yes; being in the Vista Cruiser was way warmer than out here, and Eric wouldn’t have come out here to ask you if he didn’t want to.
But then you remembered what Hyde said to you.
‘You look at him the way he looks at Donna. It’s weird.’
‘We don’t wanna hang out with a fruit.’
‘We don’t want… that here.’
“I can walk.” You finally respond, turning around and walking away, missing the frown on Eric’s face. It was better this way, you knew that. But that didn’t make it hurt any less.
It had been two weeks since you’d been with the gang, and you’d never felt worse. It kind of felt like going through withdrawals. Of course, there was the actual withdrawal. Hyde was your only source of weed, and you didn’t even have the opportunity to smoke before he told you to leave. But the feeling of being without your friends was even worse.
Mainly Eric. Although you had been avoiding him, your feelings for him didn’t seem to go away. Sometimes, you’d pass him in the hallways, and it seemed like he wanted to say something, but he’d end up just watching you leave.
Unknown to you, Eric was feeling like absolute crap. He had been wracking his brain, wondering why you were suddenly avoiding him and your friends like the plague. Whenever he caught sight of you, he wanted to say something, anything. But he could never find words, so he resorted to watching you in silence.
He sat in the basement one day, playing with the keychain that you gave him for his birthday one year. You had gotten it at a Pink Floyd concert that you and the boys went to, and when you gave it to him, it was immediately hooked onto his key ring. He never took it off, even when it felt a bit too bulky in his pocket. 
“Hey, Forman.” Hyde greeted tiredly as he walked out of his room and sat in his usual chair. Eric muttered a greeting, not looking up from the keychain. He had half a mind to drive over and see you right now, interrogate you on why you were being so avoidant. But the other half argued that it must’ve been for a good reason, you suddenly acting like he never existed. “What’s up with you?”
“What’s up with me?” Eric asked in disbelief. “The real question is, what’s up with Y/n? I mean, it’s been two weeks, and he’s not even talking to us anymore.”
“Maybe he’s busy.” Hyde shrugged, picking up a magazine to flip through.
“Did we do something wrong? Did I do something wrong? He’s never done this before.” Eric stood up, walking around the basement as he thought.
“He probably just came to his senses and decided he shouldn’t come around anymore.”
“That’s ridiculous! Why would he-” Eric paused, looking at Hyde in curiosity. The way he was acting, like he didn’t care about you and your absence, made Eric suspicious. “What did you do?”
“What?” Hyde looked up from his magazine, seemingly confused. But Eric wasn’t having it.
“You and Y/n were here alone for who knows how long, and when we came down, Y/n suddenly needed to leave. He didn’t even want me to drive him home, and it was freezing outside.” Eric and Hyde stared at each other in silence, the tension growing thick. Hyde didn’t seem to want to answer. “Hyde! Come on, man!”
The curly-headed boy sighed, dropping the magazine on the table.
“We don’t want that fruit around, Forman. Trust me.” He said. Eric was slowly starting to see red with how Hyde referred to you. “Making goo-goo eyes at you and crap, it’s disgusting. It’s like he’s in love with you or something.”
“What?” Eric’s voice was small as he slowly stood up, taking in what Hyde was saying. “You made Y/n leave? Because, what, because he’s gay?”
“I did you a favor.”
“You’re an asshole, Hyde!” Eric couldn’t help but yell. He squeezed his keychain and looked at it as if he suddenly remembered that he was still holding it. 
Without another word, he left. Eric ran out of the basement and to the garage, jumping into the Vista Cruiser. He needed to see you, whether you would try to avoid him or not.
One of the sucky things about not hanging out with Eric anymore was you no longer had a free ride. But you didn’t like the bus, so you braved the chilly air as you walked home. 
Finally getting home, you fished around in your pocket for your house key when you heard someone pulling into your driveway. This confused you because your parents still should’ve been at work. Opening the door, you looked to the side to see Eric’s Vista Cruiser and him getting out of it and slamming the door.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, breaking the two-week no-contact streak with Eric.
“Y/n, I need to talk to you.” He said, walking up to your porch.
“I dunno…”
“Please.” Staying at the bottom step of your porch, in case you made him leave, Eric looked up at you with pleading eyes. You missed the way he looked at you.
Your eyes darted between him and your front door. Hyde told you to stop hanging around Eric and the rest of the gang. But here was Eric, standing right in front of you, practically begging for you to not ignore him.
You sighed and stepped inside, leaving the door open.
Eric raced inside before you could change your mind, closing the door behind him to keep the cold air out. He watched you drop your backpack by the coat rack and hang up your jacket.
“I know what Hyde said to you.” You froze at the mention of Hyde. “You didn’t deserve that; he was a dick for telling you to leave.”
“It’s fine.” You both knew it wasn’t, but you didn’t know what else to say. You moved to the kitchen, Eric following close behind. “You thirsty?”
“I’ll have whatever you have.” He said, watching you heat your kettle on the stove. Then he remembered why he was here in the first place. “And it’s not fine. Whether you’re gay or not, you don’t deserve to be treated that way.” Eric leaned on the counter, looking at you softly. “...No one does.”
“Eric, I don’t really think he acted like that because I’m gay.” It felt strange to say it out loud, especially so casually. But you felt better about it when you saw that Eric’s expression didn’t change. You confirming it didn’t affect him, he just kept looking at you with the interest of what you had to say and how to fix what Hyde ruined. “I think that Hyde had more of a problem with me…”
That part was more scary to say out loud, mainly because the object of your affection was hanging on to every word you were saying.
The hot kettle screeching pulled you out of your thoughts, and you took it off the hot burner. You quickly grabbed mugs and hot chocolate powder, looking forward to having something that would warm you up.
You grabbed Eric’s mug and turned around, just to jump in surprise. He moved away from the counter, now a few steps from you in the kitchen. The two of you laughed awkwardly, and you gave him the cup. As you both drank, you hoped that he’d forget about what you were about to say. 
“Are you saying he had a problem with you giving me… goo-goo eyes?” You snorted in spite of yourself. 
“Goo-goo eyes?” You repeated, taking another sip. Eric’s grin at your reaction was hidden behind his mug. “I don’t know if I would say that, but.. Yeah, basically.”
Eric nodded, trying to keep calm from your confession. He set his mug down on the counter, stepping closer to you. You set your mug down as well, watching Eric put a hesitant hand on your arm.
“Can I…” He trailed off, trying to gain the courage to ask for what he wanted. “Can I…” He tried again, but was seemingly too nervous. But you saw how his eyes darted down to your lips, staring for a good few seconds before looking back into your eyes.
You gave him a nod, and suddenly, Eric Forman was kissing you.
His hands gripped your shoulders, keeping you close. Not that you wanted to move away. You cupped the back of his neck, feeling his soft hair brush against your fingers. His lips were soft and warm as they moved against yours.
“Wait.” You pulled away from him, and the look he gave you made you want to go back in for another kiss. “What about Donna?”
“What about her?” Eric seemed confused, like he didn’t know why you were bringing up his crush after just kissing him.
“You like her, Eric.” You reminded him. “For, like, years.”
“Oh.” It seemed like he had suddenly remembered something that you didn’t know. “I don’t like Donna like that.”
“We’re just friends.” You tried to focus on what he was saying, but one of Eric’s hands trailed down to rest on your lower back, fingers gripping your shirt and tapping on your skin. “I kind of made the whole crush thing up because… I didn’t want you to know that I liked you. Donna just seemed like... The safe option, I guess. That’s why I’ve never asked her out, I never liked her like that in the first place.”
You were stunned. All this time, you thought you had a hopeless crush on Eric and would have to watch him fawn over Donna forever. But no. The only reason you watched him fawning over Donna was so you wouldn’t catch him fawning over you.
“So we’ve liked each other this whole time?” You asked.
“Basically,” Eric said, and the two of you laughed at the absurdity of it all. When it died down, he looked at you and sighed. “I really wanna kiss you again.” He sounded shy, like saying it any louder would pop the bubble the two of you were in, as if this was a dream and you were about to be pulled into a harsh reality.
“Well, I’m not gonna stop you, Eric.” You said, and he grinned before connecting his lips with yours again.
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sluttyhusband · 2 years
Back on the topic of That 70’s Show, while Hyde can do whatever he wants to me, I’d let that twink Eric dominate tf out of me.
“But slutty! That’s out of character for him!!”, SO???? I’ll teach him, like he can’t dominate while also be a total softie 🥱
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multimagicbabe · 2 years
Requested? Yes/No
Pairing: Eric Forman x F!reader
Rating: M
Warnings: smut, fluff
Add on: I hated not having something out and decided to upload this. It is not great, I am still new at writing smut so if you have any tips or advice, that would be great. Hope you enjoy! Also, if you request something and prefer a gender neutral or male reader, please tell me. I usually write female reader but can and will write others.
gif is not mine
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You sighed contentedly, lips encased in yours in a clumsy, but passionate kiss. The dim light of the moon caressed the soft cheek of his and made his eyes shine like the stars that danced in the sky. You wished to be in this moment forever, relishing in the happiness that enveloped you in a warm embrace much like the arms he had tightly wound around your back. The rut of his hips coaxing out a moan of pleasure when his hips grinded with yours that was now pressed heavily against the mattress with his right hand. Clothes and undergarments long forgotten, the softness of the skin shining with sweat from the heated actions almost sticking you two together. 
You wished for every moment to be like this, just the two of you underneath the ceiling of the Forman’s residence wrapped up in each others arm whispering sweet nothings. The tender kisses he laid upon your jaw and neck, nipping here and there leaving small traces of his saliva. Your breath hitched once his slightly chapped lips entrapped your nipple, sucking then tugging gently with his teeth. 
“Eric,” you managed to breathe out through the amorous actions you were engaged in. His thrusts were at a steady pace giving you time to wonder if he was feeling the same way as you were, relishing in this moment. “Faster, Eric.”
“I’m going to cum very soon if I do that. I don’t want to leave you hanging,” he replied in heavy pants but otherwise obliged in your request and picking up the pace of his thrusts. You attempted in keeping up with his thrusts by bucking your hips, grinding your clit once his hips met yours. Letting out another moan, you tried to be quiet as his family was only right outside his door and you didn’t want to give up this point in time because of your lack of keeping silent. It was hard, swallowing the moans that tried to escape your somewhat swollen lips as you felt the warmth spread like wildfire down south. He wouldn’t last long, but neither would you.
Eric noticed your oncoming orgasm, taking the hand that held your hip a minute ago and descending down your body to settle on your clit, rubbing his calloused fingers in the motion you enjoyed. He felt your walls clenching around him causing a small stutter in his rhythmic thrusting and his own orgasm was catching up. 
You moaned out his name, louder than intended and a hand clamped down onto your mouth. 
Together, you came apart, shuddering from the intensity of the orgasm that was pulled out of each other.
To you, this wasn’t just sex. To you, it meant something more meaningful than an action of pleasure. Lovemaking. Intimacy. He may not be your first and you may not be his, but you intended to be his last. No matter what it took.
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bveckerswife · 1 year
hiii i’m coco and i want to start writing again so send requests for any of these characters and i’ll try my best to write them
i’m also not really experienced writing a male reader however i’ll try my best to keep it gender neutral if asked
that 70s show
eric forman
micheal kelso
stranger things
steve harrington
robin buckley
(maybe???) eddie munson
criminal minds
these can be romantic or x daughter!reader
jennifer jareau
spencer reid
emily prentiss
aaron hotchner
ethan landry
chad meeks-martin
wes hicks
charlie walker
mindy meeks-martin
there’s also more characters i’m down to write, request whatever you want and if i know them i’ll write for them
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elianamarie-blog · 2 years
Steven Hyde x male reader? They’re making out in the basement and their friends walk in on them? You can decide their reactions. Thanks!
As you wish <3 I hope I did this justice. Let me know if there is anything I can tweak or change! I tried to make it as realistic as possible with the time this is set in, but still make it an enjoyable read. Like I said, if there's anything I can change, let me know. I hope you enjoy it as I am a little nervous that you won't. I'm not part of the LBGTQ community, but I did my best.
If Only...
The rain fell hard in the quaint town of Point Place, Wisconsin. The skies were a darkened gray as it seems to have cleansed the streets. A calming silence had settled itself over the sleepy little town in the summer of 1977.
Y/n Y/l/n found himself perched on his windowsill with his favorite book and a half-drunk cup of tea sat by his side. He was leaning back against the wall with his legs laid out relaxed in front of him, his book abandoned in his lap.
Every beat of his heart felt like shards of glass dig deeper, each time knocking his breath out of him. The rain drops fell down the window like tears, only for him to realize that his own had escaped. Y/n wasn't sure how long he had been crying, but by the tightness in his face and the headache coming on, he concluded maybe a while.
The scene that had kept playing over and over in his mind. During the day he could distract himself easily, but the nights weren't. It haunted his dreams, and he was stuck in this infinitive hell loophole.
He could never forget the way those steel blue eyes looked at him or what was said. How could he? Even the way the door sounded when he slammed it echoed in his mind. How loud the world had been in that moment to and then when it was over--quiet, like nothing had ever happened.
It had only happened two months ago, but to Y/n, it felt like yesterday. No one had ever made him hurt the way Steven Hyde did. Life was already hard for Y/n; finding out who he was and who he loved wasn't exactly welcomed or accepted in his little town. He knew one other boy like him, Buddy, but he had moved away a year prior to the recent events.
He thought he had not only found friendship within Steven, but love. True and genuine love. For the first time, he felt safe and not made out an outcast. His own parents barley accepted him for who he was, and he thought when he had met Steven, it was someone who finally would.
But, boy was he wrong. So, so wrong.
In this moment, he had never felt so alone, so isolated, and so heartbroken. The tears fell down his face as his heart bled through the cracks. Before he knew it, he was a blubbering mess; shoulders shaking and hiccupping.
He knew he would recover from this, but to say how long he didn't know. All he knew was he wanted the pain to stop. Just when he thought it would, a large, painful wave washed over him, sending him down the spiral once more.
This was one of those times.
Two Months Prior...
"Hey, did you get the notes from biology?" Y/n asked his friend, Jessica.
"Yeah, do you want to borrow them?" she asked, her long dark shoulder cascading over his shoulder.
"Please. My parents will kill me if I fail another test," he chuckled and graciously accepted the notebook. "Thanks. I'll have it back to you tomorrow."
"No worries," she replied. "Keep it as long as you need to."
"Oh, right because you're Miss 'I get straight A's without even trying.'"
"You want the notes or not?" she deadpanned.
Y/n laughed. "Yes, yes I would."
They started walking down the hall to head to the lunchroom.
"Did you hear about Eric Forman's party this Friday?" she asked as they reached their lockers first.
"Yeah," he sulked. "I don't know if I want to go though."
"Why not? You've been so bummed since Buddy moved away. I think you should go. You know, get out of the house."
"Buddy moved away a while ago and it has nothing to do with him," Y/n responded, opening his locker and shoving books inside. "It's just...I don't know. I don't feel like going."
"God, you're lame," Jessica exasperated. "Come to this thing with me. I don't wanna show up alone!"
Y/n eyed her as he finished unloading his backpack. He shut the locker door and stared at her for a minute. "Fine, I'll go. But only for one hour."
She squealed with excitement. "Oh, it's going to be so fun!"
"Yeah, fun. Sure."
"Trust me, you're not going to regret it."
But he did.
That night, Y/n wore his finest flannel shirt and blue jeans. He kept adjusting his hair, his clothes, his watch, but nothing could seem to sit just right.
A knock came to his door, but before he could even call out to it, it swung open, revealing Jessica.
"Hellllooo!" she announced. "Your favorite girl has arrived! She's hot, she's gorgeous, and she's on fire!" She sauntered in excitedly and hissed like steam as she touched her finger to her hip.
"And here's my number one man! He's hot, he's sweet, and he's...wearing that," she trailed off, looking him up and down. "Is that what you're wearing?"
He looked at her through the reflection of the mirror, seeing her in a sparkling dress and white go-go boots. He thought she looked like she was going to the disco.
"Yes," he said flatly. "What are you wearing?"
"Hey, I dress to impress," she replied and flipped her long hair over her shoulder. "I heard that Steven Hyde is going to be there and I really need him to notice me."
"Jess...do you really think that's a good idea?" Y/n asked as he adjusted his watch once more.
"Hey, he's cute, smart, and so foxy. I need a piece of that." She touched up her makeup in her compact mirror that she retrieved from her purse.
"You only want him because he's the only one in school who hasn't wanted you some way or another."
"Ouch," she said. "That's not true. What's gotten up your butt?"
"Sorry," he sighed. "I'm just...I'm just nervous."
"Why? It's not like anyone that matters to you is going to be there."
"I didn't say that."
"What do you mean by that...?" Her eyes widened. "No. Way. You like someone!"
"Do not!"
"Do too!" She screamed excitedly and rolled onto her back, squirming with excitement. "Who is it?!"
"Nobody because I don't like anyone."
"You're a terrible liar. Tell me who it is!"
"It doesn't matter, Jess. Can we just go?"
"Not until you tell me who it is!"
"Come on, I don't have time for th--"
She cut him off by blocking the door.
"Really?" he asked, annoyed.
"Really," she replied. "Tell me who it is now and then we can go, alright?"
He huffed annoyed. "I don't want to."
Her shoulders slumped slightly and her eyes softened. "Why? You don't trust me?"
"It's not that."
"Then what is it? You haven't liked anyone ever since you came out of the closet! This is exciting for you."
"I know, but Jess--"
"No, I'm supposed to be your best friend!" she whined. "Please tell me!"
"Jess, come on please. I'm not in the mood. I want to go so we can get this over with."
"We can once you tell me," she said stubbornly. "Come on, how many girls do you know that dated their best friend, only for him to come out gay, and still be your friend? Someone you can trust and who understands? Come on, you saw me naked and we can still be here without it being awkward!"
Y/n groaned. "I hate it when you do that."
"And I hate that I lost you to the boys, but here we are."
"If you weren't my best friend, I'd call you a bitch."
"And if you weren't mine, I'd tell you to get bent."
He groaned loudly, giving in. "Fine, you wanna know who it is?"
Her eyes lit up. "Yes!"
"You're not going to like it."
"Yeah, we'll see about that," she challenged.
"It's not someone you'd think."
"Come on, spit it out."
He placed his hands on his hips and stared down at the carpet. He looked up at her with guilty eyes. After a long few seconds, her eyes grew bigger.
At the party...
"You're sure you're okay with this?" Y/n asked Jess as they entered the house.
"Totally," she chirped and turned towards him. "Listen, you need to get out there. There are tons of men for me. And we live in Point Place so the pool for you is...well..." She made a motion with her hands to emphasize small.
"Gee, thanks, Jess," Y/n deadpanned.
"Come on, it'll be okay," she said, grabbing his hand. "You're cute, you're smart and kind, really funny, and totally doable."
He nodded, a smirk playing at his lips. "You're on a roll tonight."
"I know!" she sang-song and kissed his cheek. "Regardless of what happens tonight, I just want you to know that it's his loss, not yours."
For the first time that night, Y/n genuinely smiled at his best friend and brought her in for a hug. "I love you. You're the best."
"I know and I know," she giggled into his neck and pulled away. "Go get 'em tiger."
He huffed out a breath of anxiety before landing eyes on the infamous Steven Hyde. He was sitting around the washer and dryer, talking to Eric Forman while drinking a beer.
As he walked over to grab one himself, he noticed Steven staring at him.
"Hey," Eric said, making his way over to Y/n. "You're Y/n right?"
Y/n nodded wordlessly, too nervous to speak.
"Aren't you the kid from the debate team?"
"Uhm...yeah, I am."
"The one that got thrown in the dumpster last week by the quarterback?"
Y/n clicked his tongue and opened his can of beer. "Yep. That was me."
"Yeah, sorry that happened to you, man," he said and took a sip from his beer. "That wasn't right."
"You don't know the reason though," Y/n grumbled as he took a sip.
"I don't, but regardless it doesn't make it right," Eric defended. "Why don't you come hang with us?"
Y/n nodded, feeling a slight warmth of relief. "Sure. I'd like that."
Four hours and four kegs later, after the party had ended, Y/n found himself hanging out with Eric, Steven, Donna Pinciotti, Jackie Berkhart, Michael Kelso, and Fez. Jess had met some guy and went home with him, leaving Y/n alone.
"Wow, Eric, you really know how to throw a party," Y/n slurred.
"I know," he hiccupped. "I'm surprised I don't throw them more often."
"Well, you should," Y/n said. "This is one of the best times that I've had in a long time."
"Well, we're glad you came out," Eric replied, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "If you're into comics and Star Wars, you're more than welcome here.
"Yeah, you should definitely come around more," Donna said, slurring a little bit, but not as much as Y/n. "We could use a new person in our group."
"I could really use more friends," Y/n said, taking a sip of his beer. "I love Jess, but she's the only one. And most of the time, she's trying to find a new dude to smack on."
"Your friend, eh?" Fez asked. "Is she single?"
Y/n looked at him. "Most of the time. She's not really a relationship type gal. She'll just sleep with you and move onto the next guy. If you're cool with that, I can give you her number."
Fez stared at him. "What's her number?"
Y/n chuckled.
"So, Y/n, you got yourself a girl?" Eric asked.
"Yeah, you're a good looking guy," Jackie responded. "You gotta have someone."
"Wow, that's the nicest thing you can say," Donna said.
"Meh, I'm drunk," she replied, sprawled, leaning into Kelso.
"Uhm...well, Jess and I dated a while back, but I haven't really been with anyone else since then," Y/n responded, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans.
"What happened?" Donna asked.
"It's complicated," Y/n responded slowly. "We dated for about a year and a half...then we realized that...we were better off friends. After that, I realized that I'm not into that sort of thing."
"What? Dating?" Hyde snickered.
"No, girls," Y/n blurted not thinking twice.
"Oh..." the group said, going silent.
Y/n noticed how the room shifted, except for Hyde who looked like he couldn't care less.
"Okay, wasn't expecting that..." Kelso said.
"No, but it's okay," Eric said. "We support that kind of thing."
"That kind of thing?" Y/n questioned. "Come on, I know there's not a lot of gay guys here in Point Place, but I'm not an alien."
"No, no of course not!" Eric back peddled. "We just...don't know many guys who...like guys."
"Wow, could you make it anymore awkward?" Donna asked. "Look, Y/n, what my idiot boyfriend here meant is while we all have different interests, it doesn't make you any less different. We'd still love to have you be a part of the group. You're more than welcome to be here."
Y/n nodded, gratefully. "Thanks, Donna. I'm honored."
"Yeah, and I know it's going to be hard to resist me, but please don't come onto me," Kelso said smugly.
Y/n scoffed. "Don't worry, that won't be an issue."
Kelso nodded. "Good."
"Besides, you're not my type."
"Not your type?!" Kelso shouted causing Y/n to smirk. "Come on, man, I'm everyone's type!"
Y/n shrugged. "Not me. But it's okay, you still have Jackie. I'm sure she thinks you're handsome."
"Of course I do," Jackie said dreamily.
"Well, that doesn't matter!" Kelso said. "We all know that when you get hit on by a dude, you're hot! A girl telling me, albeit true, doesn't mean anything!"
"Wow," Y/n said, shocked by Kelso's outburst.
"I know," Hyde said. "Kelso said 'albeit' and used it correctly."
"Michael, you jerk!" Jackie shouted and kicked his shin.
"Damn, Jackie! I was just saying!"
"Shut up, Michael!"
Donna's stomach rumbled and checked her watch. "Hey, I'm starving. Do you guys wanna go get a burger or something? The Hub's open for another hour."
"Yeah, sure," they all mumbled, except for Hyde.
"Nah," he replied. "I'm okay with staying here. Besides, I can't really walk straight when the ground doesn't want to stay straight."
Donna chuckled. "Y/n? What about you?"
"Yeah, I'm good too," he replied. "I can't even think about food right now. I should get going though."
"Do you have a ride home?" Eric asked.
"Yeah, I have..." he thought, but then it hit him. "Jess. Damn it."
"That's okay, you can stay here the night and one of us can drive you home in the morning," Eric said.
"Yeah, I can," Hyde responded. "I have to go to the Photo Hut anyway."
"Thanks, man," Y/n said.
"Don't mention it."
"Alright, well, we'll back soon," Donna said. "Since we're walking, we'll be back in forty-five minutes instead of twenty."
"Have fun," Y/n chuckled as the walked out the basement, leaving just him and Hyde.
"So...I heard you live here?" Y/n asked awkwardly.
"Yeah. Ever since my parents split on me," Hyde said candidly. "But it's fine. So, what's your story? When did you realize you weren't into chicks?"
Y/n scratched his head. "It was while I was dating Jess. I thought she was the prettiest girl I laid eyes on and really liked her, but I couldn't really feel like I was super into her. But I thought that's just how relationships worked, ya know?"
Hyde nodded. "Sure."
"But, then after we slept together, I couldn't get into it like you're supposed or so I was told. I never felt attracted to her, but I thought it was normal...? I guess? I don't know, but all I know is that I saw Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry and I felt things I've never felt before. That man has the nicest butt in TV history."
Hyde laughed. "Yeah, that'll do it."
"Well, what about you? Do you have anyone?"
"Nah," Hyde replied. "Chicks are overrated anyways."
Y/n raised an eyebrow. "What does that mean?"
"They're crazy. Every single one of them."
Y/n laughed. "Yeah..."
"Well, glad to have you hear, man," Hyde said and sat down close to him. "It's going to be nice to hear new stories that don't include Star Wars, feminism, how horny Fez is, how Jackie is in love with herself, or Kelso's good looks."
Y/n snorted. "Kelso isn't that attractive. I mean, he's so full of himself and kind of a dumbass."
Hyde laughed cruelly. "I like you, man."
"Thanks, I like you too," Y/n said without thinking and stopped laughing immediately. "I mean in a friendly way, not in a...gay way..."
Hyde shrugged. "Would it be bad if it was?"
"Wait, what?"
"I mean," Hyde began and scooted closer to Y/n. "Why is being into men such a terrible thing?"
Y/n swallowed hard. "It...it's not."
"And you're so brave for coming out and being yourself." Hyde leaned forward, clapping a hand on Y/n's shoulder.
"Thank you. That means a lot."
"Yeah, man. In fact, it's admirable."
"How many beers have you had?" Y/n giggled.
"I only had two."
"Oh...are you always this touchy with your friends?"
"Not really, but I can make an exception."
Y/n's heart was beating so hard, he swore it was going to beat out of his chest. Hyde's face was merely inches from his, his breath fanning on his face. Hyde inched forward, brushing his lips against Y/n's.
"Hyde..." he breathed. "Are you...are you sure?"
"I've been watching you for a while, Y/n. I'm glad I'm not the only one in town who feels the same way."
Y/n couldn't hold back much longer and smashed his lips against Hyde's. "I've liked you for a while now," he said between breaths.
"I know, I'm a catch," Hyde said smugly.
Y/n snorted. "Shut up and kiss me."
Hyde laid his body weight on top of him, trapping him between his forearms.
"You're a really good kisser," Y/n said as Hyde trailed his lips down his jaw to his neck.
"I can say the same about you," Hyde chuckled and brought his lips back to Y/n's soft ones and kissed him gently.
Their lips moved together perfectly, as if they should've done this all along. Y/n moved his hands into Steven's hair and tugged ever so gently. It caused a moan to escape from Steven, making him entwine his tongue with Y/n's, deepening the kiss.
As the kisses became more passionate, the basement door swung open.
"Forgot my wallet--OH, MY GOD!" Eric shouted.
Y/n and Steven pulled apart immediately as Steven scrambled away from Y/n as if he was a disease.
"What the hell?!" Eric continued.
"Uh...I can explain!" Hyde panicked.
"What's going on?" Donna asked, trailing in behind Eric. "I heard yelling."
"I just walked in Y/n and Hyde making out!"
"What? No, you didn't. You just had too much beer," Donna said as everyone else filed in. "Your vision is overlapping."
"No! They were on top of each other, frenching!"
"What? Come on it's Hyde," Kelso said. "He's not into guys like that."
"You're right, I'm not," Hyde retorted and scooted farther away from Y/n. "I don't know who you think you are, man, but I don't swing that way."
"You were on top of him!" Eric continued to shout.
"Okay, so? He pulled me on top of him!" Hyde defended, chuckling nervously. "I'm drunk, I had a lot to drink tonight and I don't have my usual strength to fend him off."
"But, you just said that--" Y/n began but was cut off my Steven.
"Well, I'm not," Hyde said curtly. "I could never be into someone like you. I mean, I'm not gay. Besides, I'd appreciate if you didn't force yourself on me."
"What?" Y/n said, feeling like he'd just been punched in the gut.
"Wait, Hyde is gay?" Fez asked. "No, he's not! I've seen how he is with the ladies. He's one smooth talking S.O.B."
"No, Hyde's not gay, right?" Jackie asked. "I mean, you'd tell me first if you were. I'm the most trustworthy out of everyone here."
"I'm not gay! Will you lay off?" Hyde shouted and stood up from the couch.
"You just said there's nothing wrong with being gay and I thought...I thought you liked me," Y/n responded, fighting his voice not to break.
"No, I don't. Why would you think that?" Hyde's eyes stared coldly at Y/n.
"I can't believe you would take advantage of him like that," Eric said.
"What are you talking about? No, I didn't!" Y/n defended, feeling the familiar burn in his eyes.
"I think you should go," Eric said.
Another dagger into the heart. Y/n nodded, fighting back tears. "Yeah...okay."
As he got up to grab his coat, no one offered to take him home which meant he'd have to walk home alone at night. He quietly left the Forman household feeling heartbroken and humiliated. He knew that he could never go back. He wanted nothing more than for the earth to swallow him whole.
As he walked down the empty, dark street of Point Place, he realized just how alone he was in this small town. If only they hadn't walked in on them...if only he hadn't kissed him back...he wouldn't be embarrassed and hurting and walking home alone.
Present Time...
Y/n drew his knees to his chest and cradled his face in his hands. His shoulders shook and his breathing became shallow. The first guy he genuinely liked and he gets thrown to the side like nothing. He knew Steven wasn't easy to be with from all the stories he heard, but he know he had softer side than Hyde let anyone on. Y/n knew he was a good behind that tough exterior. But it didn't matter anymore.
"Y/n, honey?" his mom called from behind the door. "Are you okay?"
"Please, go away," Y/n said thickly.
His mom entered to only see her baby hunched in a ball. "Awe, baby what happened?"
"Nothing," he said.
She went and sat by him. "Did something happen between you and Jess?"
"No," he said shortly.
"Then what happened?"
"You're not going want to hear about it," he sniffed.
She was silent for a minute. "Is this about a boy?"
Y/n could feel his heart clench all over again as fresh tears ran down his face. "He acted like he didn't even care. Like I meant nothing."
"Well, I'm sure he didn't mean it."
"He said he could never like someone like me and tried to say I forced myself on him."
"What?!" she shouted, seeing red. "How dare he say that?! I oughtta go down there and tell him what's what."
"No, Mom, please dont," Y/n said. "I just don't ever want to see him ever again."
She caressed his hair comfortingly. "It's his loss. You're an amazing young man. You're caring, you're kind, you're sweet and funny and so smart. Anyone would be lucky to have you."
Y/n eyed his mother. "Why are you being this way? You weren't this way when I came out."
She tilted her head to the side with a sad look. "Regardless with how I feel, you're still my baby. And I still love you no matter what. And it hurts me to see you hurting."
"Well, thank you...I wish everyone else felt the same way."
Seeing her only son completely fall apart in front of her made her want to cry with him, so she wrapped him up in her arms and let him cry, and cry, and cry. He wrapped her up tightly in an embrace, finding some comfort while she whispered reassurance in his ear.
They stayed that way for a while, letting the rain of Point Place drown out his sorrows.
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actuallysaiyan · 10 months
Since U write for That '70s Show, do U write for: Eric Forman, Fez, Michael Kelso, &/or Steven Hyde? If Eric, could U do an Eric Forman X Male Reader, similar to this UTube clip: That 70s Show Eric kissed by Buddy lol , where the MR replaces Buddy in the car, Eric's reaction is the same,... but ending different... with after the MR says, "Okay, I'm gay." when Eric sort of has that thinking face for a moment, & says, "Okay..." Then lunging over to Kiss MR resulting in a Horny Frenzy in Backseat!
Hey there, thanks for sending in your ask, but I don't write for That 70s Show anymore. As much as I love that show, I'm mostly an anime/video game writing blog.
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woodandwaxwings · 2 years
I've decided to write a That 70s Show fic considering there are barely any 70s show fics let alone male reader ones and I wanted some input so here's the link for a quiz/poll I made
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sluttyhusband · 2 years
You can't make a softie a dom top 😭 they'd prolly just whimper and cry if they try
Eric has had his dom moments, he can bring that out!!!!
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sluttyhusband · 1 year
In a mood to dom Eric Forman…
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agaypanic · 1 year
Idk if this is like too specific but it doesn’t really have to be a big part of the story line because it’s just based of a character(and ofc you can change it around:))??
ANYWAY- so I wanted to request an Eric Forman x male!reader where it’s based of the episode where Eric meets that character Buddy Morgan after he’s assigned as a lab partner with Eric. They become good friends but Buddy ends up kissing Eric and then we like, never see him again. So that but instead of Buddy it’s reader, and Eric has a bit of an identity crisis and realizes he might like reader a little more than a friend.
Eric's Buddy (Eric Forman X Male!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Eric’s new lab partner makes him have an identity crisis.
A/N: we were absolutely robbed of Eric and Buddy
It all started with a teacher-assigned lab project. Eric had gotten paired with a guy he never really talked to before. At first, he wished that he was paired with Hyde or even Kelso. But then his partner decided to introduce himself.
Y/n L/n was actually a cool guy. He was funny, smart, and rich. Not that that really mattered to Eric. It just surprised him because the rich people he knew (Jackie, the only rich person he knew) were usually stuck up, and Y/n wasn’t like that at all.
The two were walking to the parking lot, talking about the possibilities of their lab project, when Y/n unlocked his car. It was a really nice car.
“This is yours?” Eric asked incredulously. Y/n nodded, throwing his backpack in the back seat. “Oh, so you’re the guy I hate.” Y/n laughed.
“Do you, uh, wanna go for a ride?”
“Really?” He nodded again. “Hell, yes.” Eric ran around the car and got into the passenger’s seat. Y/n laughed at his antics before sitting in the driver’s seat. When he turned the car on, Eric started playing with the window, constantly rolling it up and down. Y/n grinned as he watched; Eric looked like an excited child.
That was a week ago. The two had hung out every day. It was mainly for the lab project, but they finished it quickly and were now just hanging out for fun. They’d eat at the Hub, play arcade games, or hang out at one of their houses. Tonight, they decided to go see a movie.
“That was a good movie, wasn’t it?” Y/n asked as he and Eric left the theater, heading back to his car.
“Yeah, I mean, who thought working at a car wash would be so much fun?” They both got in the car, settling in.
“What do you wanna do now?” Y/n asked. Eric thought for a minute before hissing.
“Oh, crap.”
“It’s nothing. I, uh, I forgot to call Donna.”
“Oh.” Y/n looked out the window, somewhat bitter at the mention of the girl Eric seemed very hung up on. “So, is she, like, your girlfriend?” Eric sighed.
“I don’t know. It’s…” He sighed again. “I don’t know.”
“Hey, it’s okay to be confused, Eric.” Y/n reassured him.
“Yeah. You know, sometimes, I feel like, I don’t know. I feel like we’re in a movie, right? And I’m nervous around her, and I feel like I’m playing this part. But it’s not me-” As Eric talked, Y/n nodded along, leaning closer to his friend until he cut him off with a kiss. Eric didn’t react for a second, but when he did, Y/n pushed himself away from Eric. He started shouting “woah” over and over, his breath quickening.
“What?” Y/n asked, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. Clearly, he had made some kind of mistake. All he could do now was play it cool.
“You, you, you’re gay!”
Y/n laughed, albeit a bit nervously.
“No, I’m not.”
“But you just kissed me.” There was a pause. 
“Okay, I’m gay.” Y/n smiled, trying to ease the tension. By now, Eric’s breathing had evened, and he relaxed slightly.
“I think I’m ready to go home.”
Eric couldn’t stop thinking about Y/n and that kiss. It freaked him out; of course, it did. He wasn’t expecting his new best friend to kiss him. But when he thought about when it happened, he realized that there was this moment. Y/n had kissed him, and before he started thrashing around and freaking out, he was relaxed. That confused him. If Eric didn’t like Y/n like that, why would he be relaxed when Y/n was kissing him?
Eric decided to go down to the basement. The rest of the guys were there. One thing led to another, and they all sat in the circle.
“Where’s that Y/n guy, Forman?” Hyde asked as he breathed in the smoke before passing it to Fez.
“Yeah, I thought you two were best friends now.” Kelso teased.
“Oh, he, uh, he had stuff to do,” Eric muttered, staring at the table. He thought smoking would get Y/n off his mind, but he just couldn’t stop thinking about him.
It was normal to constantly think about a guy that kissed you when you were straight, right?
“What a shame. I know how much you liked riding in his car.” Hyde said.
“It wasn’t just about the car, Hyde. He’s a cool guy.”
“Hey, speaking of cars. There’s this car, and it-”
“Can I ask you guys something?” Eric cut Hyde off from his spiel that happened every time they had a circle session.
Eric had to word this carefully, which was hard because he was kind of out of his mind right now. He didn’t want his friends to know who exactly he was thinking so hard about.
“Okay, let’s say that you like someone.”
“Shut up, Hyde! Anyways, you think that you have this bond with this person, like you’re gonna spend the rest of your life with them. But then another person comes along, and you don’t know what to do because you think you’re supposed to be with this one person, but you can’t stop thinking about the other.” Eric’s friends were silent as they tried to process Eric’s ramble.
“Forman, man, are you thinking of juggling Donna and another chick?” Hyde asked. Eric groaned, but Kelso cheered.
“Eric, you totally should.”
“That’s not what I’m saying, guys.”
“Eric,” Fez said, grabbing his attention while Hyde and Kelso started arguing over whether or not Eric should date two girls. “Do you like this new girl?”
Eric wanted to tell Fez that he wasn’t talking about a girl at all. But he didn’t want his friends to freak out over him losing his mind over a guy. So he just nodded.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Do you like her more than Donna?”
That made Eric really start to think, which was difficult because the wall behind Fez wouldn’t stop moving. He had known Donna for years and Y/n for a little over a week. There was no way he could possibly like Y/n more than Donna.
But then again, Eric had bonded more with Y/n in that one week than he had with Donna in their decade of friendship.
Eric suddenly stumbled out of his chair, running to the door.
“Forman, where are you going?” Hyde yelled after him.
“I gotta go talk to him!” Then he slammed the door behind him and ran up the stairs. Hyde, Kelso, and Fez all looked at each other.
“Did he just say ‘him?’”
Y/n was moping around his house. He felt so stupid. Why did he kiss Eric? He finally had a good friendship with a guy and then ruined it by kissing him. Thank God it was the weekend because Y/n couldn’t face Eric right now.
“Calm down! I’m coming!” Y/n yelled as he raced down the stairs and to his front entrance, where some crazy person was banging on the door. He looked through the window beside the door and froze.
It was Eric, who was still begging for the door to open.
“Eric, uh…” Y/n took a deep breath, looking down at his shoes so he couldn’t look at the boy in front of him. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to talk to you.”
No shit.
“Uh, about what?” Y/n was so nervous, but he couldn’t show it.
“You kissed me yesterday.” Eric was probably even more nervous than Y/n, but Y/n couldn’t see that because he kept looking at the ground.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”
“I’m not gay.”
This felt like such a punch to the gut.
“Yeah, I know that now. I thought you were throwing me signals because of the whole ‘I have a part to play, but it’s not me’ thing.”
“But I think I like you.”
“What?” Y/n almost choked on his own spit. It felt like he got whiplash. “What do you mean?” Eric took a shaky breath.
“Basically, my whole life, I thought I was gonna end up with Donna.” Why did he have to bring up Donna? “But then you came along, and at first, I thought I just had a new friend. But then you kissed me. And I’ve always been pretty sure I don’t like dudes, but for some crazy reason, I like you.”
“So…” Eric thought that by now, he would have come to some conclusion that would solve everything. But he didn’t. “I don’t know. I still wanna hang out with you, though.”
“Really?” All the dread left Y/n’s body. 
“Yeah!” Eric gained a newfound confidence. “And if you wanna kiss and stuff when we hang out, I think I’m cool with that.”
“Could I, uh, maybe kiss you right now?” Eric took a deep breath.
“Yeah.” Y/n grinned, stepping closer to him. “Just to let you know, I don’t have much experience with kissing guys.” Y/n laughed, gripping Eric’s jacket.
“Don’t worry, it’s like kissing a girl, but I’m a dude.”
“Oh, perfect.” Eric put his hands on the sides of Y/n’s face and leaned in. This time, he didn’t freak out about kissing him. He felt calm. Somehow, he felt better than when he ever kissed Donna.
“Do you wanna come inside?” Y/n asked. Eric nodded and was led into Y/n’s house.
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agaypanic · 1 year
My Request Rules + Character List
My inbox is currently CLOSED for requests
Masterlist | AO3 | Ko-fi | Spotify | Character.ai
If you’d like to be notified about future works, you can send me an ask or comment saying what characters/fandoms you want to be notified for and I’ll add you to the tag list for it!
Please only request through my ask box! Requesting through my messages will be ignored/deleted
I only write x readers, no character x character
If there’s a character that I’ve written for that’s no longer on this list, please don’t request something with that character. The list is always up to date so if they’re not on the list anymore, I no longer write for them
If my inbox is closed for requests, do not send me a request. if i get a request while my inbox is closed, the request gets deleted without any notice. if you try to send the request again while i'm not accepting anything, you will be blocked
If not specified, the reader will be fem/afab! Exceptions are pronoun usage in the request (referring to reader as “they”, “he”, etc) and canon sexuality of the character the reader’s being paired with (if the character’s a gay guy, the reader will be male)
I have the right to not want to fulfill a request that makes me uncomfortable in any way (i rarely reject requests, but some people are weird)
throuples/threesomes that involve siblings
someone explicitly having an ED
someone dealing with SH
a scenario involving hospitalization or crazy/freak accidents
major character death (unless the character is an asshole/antagonist)
I'm not comfortable with writing about these topics, so any requests with them will be deleted without any notice and i will block you. (if you have an idea for a request but don't know if i'd accept it, ask me how i feel about the specific scenario. if im ok with it then you can send in the full request. if im not ok with it, ill add it to my will not write list)
the number next to a character's name indicates how many works i have for that character. red means it's a request, green means it's a non-requested work. these numbers are always up to date. pls be considerate of how many requests/works a character has before you request them
Total requests in inbox: 23
Malcolm in the Middle
Malcolm Wilkerson (2)
Reese Wilkerson (5)
That 70s Show
Steven Hyde
Eric Forman
Michael Kelso
Derry Girls
James Maguire
Clare Devlin
Michelle Mallon
My Babysitter’s A Vampire
Benny Weir (7) (1)
Rory Keaner (2) (1)
Ethan Morgan (1)
Ravi Chakrabarti
Liv Moore
Lab Rats
Chase Davenport (2)
Leo Dooley
Bree Davenport
Adam Davenport
Five Nights at Freddy's
Mike Schmidt
The Santa Clause
Bernard the Elf
Charlie Swan
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen (1)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Rodrick Heffley (1)
Felix Catton
Oliver Quick
Farleigh Start
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler (2)
Mean Girls
Regina George
Veronica Sawyer
Pitch Perfect
Bumper Allen
Beca Mitchell
The End of the F***ing World
Alyssa Foley
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