#Don't fuck with me kid... A Joker never forgets
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the-muppet-joker · 3 months ago
my liege, one of my friends wants to “cosplay” you at an upcoming convention, but i worry they may not be able to live up to your visage [they are fat and afab and i do not think they would look anything like you] how do i discourage them from participating in blasphemy and instead push them towards a more favorable cosplay, ie. kermit
Come off of anon so I can piss the letters of your username onto your corpse after I kill you
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breadandblankets · 11 months ago
how i hc duke's relationships with the other (main) bats
bruce: mentor/friend/weird HS teacher u bond with kinda thing, i think bruce on his end still feels simmering guilt for not being there for duke when he needed him, duke feel simmering resentment towards bruce for being another adult that left him, this will boil over at some point but then they'll get over it, they will never be that dumb nuclear found family thing, i think doug and elaine would like bruce tho so maybe one of those friend of the family situations where u call someone ur not related to aunt/uncle
cass: very very good friends, would probably consider her a sister from another mister if u will, i would hesitate to call her a best friend *gestures at all of war* but i think she's up there, i really love the headcanon that there is some tension on duke's end because cass has the ability to be more efficient but she actively chooses not to, i think for a long time duke is going to be holding some unhealthy and unrealistic standards both for himself and also people around him, like everything else this causes tension then erupts before it gets resolved, cass i think would know about said tension the whole time but have no idea how to bring up the issue or how to even think about resolving it so it drags on
dick: i think duke holds a grudge for the robin war thing, and i think he fucking should iykyk, (the way he just leaves duke on a roof??? with cops????, i was shouting at my fucking comic) idk i think dick would probably make light of it for a while but duke would be real fucking clear that he remembers and won't be forgiving and forgetting any time soon, i think they're acquaintances at best but realistically, coworkers
damian: like cass Extremely good friends, found family if you will, honestly i think they got a lot of their interpersonal issues out of the way before duke becomes signal, so really its a matter of time before they actually become friends and not just acquaintances, they're old man young to me, i think they do old man things like feed birds in the park and play Go together, i think damian is probably one of the only people duke doesn't hold to his standards, he thinks damian deserves to be a kid, making damian be a kid is probably some of the only time that duke is forced to relax by proxy, therefore duke and damian's friendship is strongly encouraged by bruce who is out of his depth for what to do with both of them and throwing them at each other seems to be working (👍 parenting)
tim: i honestly don't think they know each other well, like i think they may have talked once??? so i don't have shit to base their relationship off, generally i think they're amicable if distant, like a coworker you say hi to at the coffee machine
babs: i Need them to interact, honestly it would be really funny if duke meets babs for the first time as oracle and he's just like??? you're my favorite librarian? and babs is like !! we missed you when you stopped volunteering!!! and duke has to be like yeah that was the joker, i think they would have a good relationship, they don't work together all that much cause oracle doesn't run duke's ops and duke isn't usually on the night shift but they know they can call each other in if they need. one of duke's few trusted AdultsTM
jason: i think rocky at the start, duke would definitely have some Memories of the red hood, that would probably be a hill to overcome, but i generally think that jason will eventually move into a more positive position in the city even with the shadows of all that stuff following him ofc. they are absolute Assholes to each other in a way that is clearly affection, jason will let duke get away with anything up to and including murder, duke will never let jason get away with anything, its like a typo in the group chat
steph: re same as tim, and babs practically nothing to base the relationship on BUT i think they would get on like a house on fire, like cass: sister from another mister energy, steph is giving duke the "you just found out ur dad is a supervillain" support he needs, they are the only bats successfully going to college they probably go to events on campus together, idk they have so much potential as the forgotten robins and all that, i think they should bully bruce together that would be so fun.
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thealexanderfiles · 1 year ago
DCU from a Marvel fans limited perspective
recently i've accidently been sucked into the DCU universe, mostly Bat family, if i'm being honest, and although i've never watched a single movie/episode, this is what i have gathered from purely reading the occasional fanfiction/lots of tumblr posts
SPOILERS i guess
There are A LOT of batkids
Bruce Wayne adopts these motherfuckers like they're some kind of limited edition pokemon set
no one is actually sure how many there are but if you have black hair and blue eyes and live in gotham, Batman doesn't care if you've got parents or not. you're coming home with him
There appears to be five Robins and Batman goes though these children like a chainsmoker with a pack of cigarettes
people die a lot
Thats okay though because people come back to life a concerning amount as well
Jason Todd died and came back to life by being dumped in a pit of magical water
Damien Wayne is the only biological child of Bruce and he mentions this a lot
Dick Greyson was the first Robin and the first adoption and i think he and Bruce got in a fight and he left to become Nightwing
Jason Todd stole the Batmobile's wheels and became the second Robin. after he came back to life he became Red Hood
Tim Drake was not an orphan, he just fit Bruce's target demographic and was conveniently close (I mean come on, it's like express shipping) He is also some kind of super-genius. He was the third Robin but became Red Robin/Drake
Stephanie brown(?) was the fourth robin(?), not sure for how long. People get upset when other people forget. I think she's called Spoiler or something
Damien Wayne is the final Robin. Hes this assassins son and im pretty sure Talia dropped him off at the Wayne Manor and said, "I had him through the terrible twos, you get the teen years'
Not entirely sure if Tim runs Wayne enterprises
Brucie wayne is the funniest fucking thing i swear
He's so stupid
not sure is Tim, Dick and Jason follow Bruce's lead and become absolute airheads as well
Alfred is a butler
Alfred has guns
There's someone called Duke and Cass knocking around
The Justice League think Batman works alone
someone in the JL is allergic to the colour yellow
there is a concerning amount of Danny Phantom x DC crossover fics
sames goes for Miraculous
Tim Drake is Bi and for some reason people don't like that
internet is divided on whether of not Batman is a bad dad
#OnlyInGotham is a thing?
Gotham is like an australian NYC
the Riddler is a not funny, less aggressive version of the Joker
apparently Alcatraz and Arkham are different prisons but thats on me
there's a whole group of superheroes out there, each have strong powers and they decide to leave the most dangerous city to the member that has no powers and dresses up as an anthropomorphic bat and runs around the city causing copious amounts of property damage with his children
there is a girl called barbra? Gordon
there is a criminally small amount of content for the girls
for some reason people ship the bat kids together, ike, anytime you have to remind yourself 'its TECHNICALLY not incest is Not Good'
Clark Kent is running round acting as if his reading glasses are the only thing standing between a normal life and CHAOS and the worst thing is that he is right
i am a MCU fan and i was SO sure that Deadpool was MCU but now i'm not so sure
Fandom likes to have this troupe that Bruce wayne doesn't believe batman exists when obviously the superior troupe is that Gotham is pretty sure they are exes
teen titans and young justice are a thing but i cant figure out which robin is who.
Damien Wayne has enough animals to open a zoo
who tf in the batfam are metas?????
Batman has definetely used the Tired Dad voice on villains and the Brucie Wayne voice on the JL
Bruce Wayne has contingency plans if someone discovers his contingency plans
it took 2 robins until batman realized that a small child running around in a vest top and speedos was not the greatest idea
Someone needs to tell me, like right now what's going on, where to start and what to read. bc rn im LIVING on chaotic fics
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ruthlessrps · 9 months ago
an assortment of starters taken from one of my character playlists. feel free to change pronouns/details as needed.
i never listened to my mother.
don't you know you can't trust a thief?
it's in my nature, i gotta curse.
if you don't like it, i really don't give a damn.
i see. so you're rather violent?
shh, i think somebody's coming.
so, is there any more questions?
have you ever been involved in, like, an armed robbery or a hold-up?
this is a robbery!
i feel like nobody is badder than me.
so you're not exactly a role model?
what's your real name?
no more questions.
don't compare me, i'm better off just left alone.
this motherfucker must have lost his mind.
we'd all much rather get along than fight you.
i'll hurt your pride, and you know i don't like to.
you'd bump this shit too.
we bump heads with any motherfucker that wants to.
what's the deal? where was all the tough talk?
how come you didn't say you had a problem then?
don't call it a comeback.
don't you dare stare.
you better move.
don't ever compare me to the rest.
i'm gonna knock you out.
i'm gonna take this itty-bitty world by storm.
what made you forget i was raw?
thank you, you're far too kind.
what the hell are you waiting for?
look what i made for you.
i'm tired of being what you want me to be.
i don't know what you're expecting of me.
if you don't shut your mouth, i'll shut it for you.
do you get the picture?
i never lose a fist fight.
if i'm gonna do it, then i'm gonna do it right.
today was a good day.
i was far too scared to hit him, but i'd hit him in a heartbeat now.
that's the thing with anger; it begs to stick around.
i spent my teens enraged.
i armed myself with a grin, 'cause i was always the fucking joker.
god, the kid looks so sad.
luck came and died 'round here.
before this, did you really know what life was?
you'll be doing us a really big favour.
i don't run from nothing.
tell them i ain't laying low.
everything in life's subject to change.
mark my word, i'll make my mark.
tell me you love me.
time is a valuable thing.
i love when you stare at me.
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artisticdemon · 1 month ago
Harley is not a victim
I woke up and chose violence today.
As someone who has been reading superhero comics and watched countless cartoons with this topic from a very young age, when cartoons were actually good 90's and early 2000's kids back me up on this, I can say that she is not a victim.
She knew exactly what she was doing when she walked into Arkham. She knew who the Joker was and what he was doing. Hell, 4 year old me could see right through his lies during his therapy sessions with Harley. If a 4 year old can see that then so can a trained psychiatrist!!! Fictional or not!
I hate that people are fighting so hard to portray her as a victim saying she was manipulated. Yeah to a point that's true because Joker is a VILLAIN and VILLAINS are BAD people and a trained doctor should have been aware of that! And don't get me started on the things she did to get his approval. DC truly expect us to forget all that with the New 52 and the whole circus of Harley Quinn stories that came afterwards? Hell no!!! You want me to believe that Harley was manipulated to the point that she agreed to kill Robin?! A child?! Just to please Joker?! FUCK OFF DC!!!
Heath Ledger's Joker had said in the Dark Knight that "Madness is like gravity and all it takes is one little push" he wasn't lying. And also the most famous Joker quote from the Killing Joke is that "All it takes is one bad day to drive someone crazy". Harley definitely had a darker side in her long before the Joker, he sensed it and unleash it. Now I don't know if that was his plan or he just wanted to mess with her for the laughs. You don't get attracted to these kinds of people just like that, something's wrong with you too.
Harley is a villain and as evil as the Joker.
I will never stop shipping Joker and Harley together, their dynamic is everything and deep down we all know he needs her as much as she needs him.
End of story!
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pekejscatbed · 1 year ago
Please Don't Leave (i need you more than you need me) | Jason Todd & Tim Drake
info/warnings: Tim Drake Angst, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Tim Drake Gets a Hug, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Protective Jason Todd, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Angst, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Crying, Men Crying, Panic Attacks, Hugs, Platonic Cuddling
batman masterlist
It's weird, Tim and Jason's relationship. 
When they'd first met, Tim had been looking up to him for years, long before ever taking up the mantle of Robin himself, but as the new Robin, Jason hated him. Jason saw Tim as nothing but his replacement, just some kid who took his place after he died- after Joker murdered him- and he was forgotten. So, Jason tried to kill him. Jason beat the kid to a bloody pulp and Tim's infatuation turned to hated as the trauma set in.
A few years have passed since then, and while the two aren't constantly at each other throats and can actually have a civil conversation and crack trauma jokes that would make anyone else uncomfortable, the scars are still there. Neither of them has forgotten their first encounter and Tim will never forget the pain.
So, this is definitely a surprise. 'This' being Tim, still in his Red Robin gear, curled up on the old, ratty couch in Jason's safe house when the latter gets back after a long night of anti-heroism.
"The fuck are you doing here, Tim?" Jason takes off his helmet and domino mask, setting them both on the small, wooden table in the center of the room. He isn't mad, not really. For all he knows, Tim could be injured, and the safe house could've been closer than the Batcave- it's happened before (it amazes Jason how the younger always gets in without setting off any of the multiple traps, and also worry's him- should he set more, should he blow this place up and start over?). "You hurt?"
Tim doesn't respond, not verbally, and Jason almost misses the small shake of his head. 
Okay, the kid doesn't wanna talk. That's fine. Jason thinks to himself as he takes off his boots, setting them next to the table. "I'm gonna go to bed, then."
(By bed, Jason really means the futon hidden away in the only room in this place other than the bathroom and the weapons vault, though that's hidden (everything else is just one big open space))
"No!" Tim jumps off the couch so fast, the movement startles Jason more than the kids broken down yelling. The kids' cowl is off, and his own domino mask is dropped to the floor when he stands, falling from his lap, and his eyes are rimmed red and wet with tears. Jason only now realizes that Tim is shaking, violent shudders wracking through his whole body. He's in front of the older in an instant, shaky hands gripping onto Jason's jacket, and he looks up at his adoptive brother with a desperate plea in his watery eyes.
Jason fights back the urge to shove Tim off of him, maybe flip him over his shoulder, the sudden touch activating his fight or flight response- he has to stop himself from leaving too, because the situation is awkward and Jason's never been all that good at comforting people, but his little brother (when had he started thinking of Tim as family?) needs him so he stays, slowly wrapping his arms around Tim. 
Tim slumps against Jason's body, who easily supports his weight, and sobs into his chest. Pleas of "don't leave me" and the like slip through Tim's sobs, but Jason gives no response, instead just holding his brother close and letting him cry himself out.
They stand there for a while until Tim's sobs die down and his body stops tremoring so violently, though he's still somewhat shaky, and he's taking deep breaths against Jason's chest. With Tim finally calming down, Jason starts to pull away, but Tim's grip on him tightens and his breathing quickens up; Jason holds him close once more, rubbing small circles into his back, and takes deep inhales, followed by slow exhales for Tim to match. 
As Tim copies Jason's breathing, Jason starts whispering, voice quiet as so not to startle the younger. "Are you okay?" He pauses. "Never mind. Wanna stay the night?"
Truthfully, Jason doesn't think Tim is in any state to go back to the manor and considering the whole "please don't leave me" thing, he probably doesn't want to. Not now, at least. A nod against Jason's chest proves him right.
"You gotta let go, Timmy, so we can get to the bedroom, okay?" Tim whines in response, making no move to let go. "Alright. Want me to carry you, then?"
A small nod, and Jason is telling Tim to jump, then he's picking up Tim like he weighs nothing, his hands under the others' legs, which are now wrapped around his waist. Slowly, Jason walks them both to the small room he calls a bedroom, filled with his futon, a small dresser/nightstand, and a radio plugged into the wall. 
When the older leans over to carefully drop Tim onto the futon, he's met with some resistance, though Tim (reluctantly) lets go when Jason promises he's just going to change them both out of their… 'work' uniforms and then Tim can cling onto him all he wants. 
The younger curls up on the bed as Jason peels off his armor and lets it fall to the floor, then grabs a pair of sweats and a tank to change into, grabbing another pair of sweats and a t-shirt for Tim. Speaking of, when Jason tells Tim to sit up so he can slip off his suit, Tim actually listens, making Jason's job here much, much easier. The older then shimmies the sweatpants up Tim's legs, holding back a snort at how loose they are on him, then pulls the shirt over Tim’s head, this time openly snorting at how small Tim looks in it compared to Jason himself; Tim gives him a half assed glare as he lies back down, though the glare is quickly forgotten as Jason tells him to scoot over, then lies down next to him.
Tim is immediately clinging to his older brother again, head on his chest and arm around his waist, and Jason wraps his arms around Tim's back in return. And really, the cuddling (Jason will deny it's cuddling) is making it easier for both men to actually fit on the small futon that definitely is not meant for a fully grown man and his nineteen-year-old brother.
Both of them fall asleep in the comfort of each other's arms, and Jason is happy to not have any nightmares plague his rest for once.
When Jason wakes up the next morning, Tim is gone, though the space next to him is still warm, and there's a note on his dresser/nightstand: invest in a bed for fucks sake.
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average-mako-enjoyer · 4 months ago
Oh for the character ask game after reading your Kaidan post I neeeed to hear your Joker opinions 👀👀
Oh, I have some Joker opinions! Thank you for the ask! From the character ask game. And I can do another Kaidan post, tbh. I literally can't shut up about him.
Favorite thing about them He's an amazing character, and I love how consistently he's written.
Yes, he's a brat, yes, he has a massive, MASSIVE ego, yes, most of the jokes are terrible, yes, he doesn't know where to stop and how to shut up, but it fits, it all fits his background, and there's no way you can't warm to him after a while.
And fucking hell, him unshackling EDI was badass. Least favorite thing about them My god, Jeff, you're so immature. I know that piloting warships is your whole life, but my dude, you have to grow up a little. That line about the asari having more dancers than commandos was... bad.
Honestly, the last scene between him and Shepard aboard the Normandy in ME3 (where this gif is from) is so great, because it finally shows us Joker behind all that edgy humor deflection thing he always does.
Favorite line "Great. See, this is how it all starts. When we're all just organic batteries, guess who they'll blame? 'This is all Joker's fault. What a tool he was. I have to spend all day computing pi because he plugged in the Overlord.'" + "You stole the Normandy, got blown up by the Collectors, and took us on a suicide mission into the galactic core and I haven't mutinied once!"
brOTP I've said it before and I'll say it again. He and Kaidan are bros. In my head, Joker finds him very, very funny and they tease each other for sport and Kaidan is one of three people who can give him A Look and he will shut up.
Joker and Ashley also make sense to me. I think he likes her outspokenness and also likes her dry wit, but I don't think he has the same level of connection with Ash as he does with Kaidan.
Him and Shepard, too. I think they have a pretty unique bond, and it's very important to Joker, and that's why he's always trying to show off in front of Shepard.
I really, really don't like it when people turn friendships into pseudo-familial relationships. Normandy is not a family with daddy, mommy, kids, aunts and uncles and estranged relatives. But what Shepard has with Joker, I think, is the closest thing to an older sibling/younger brother relationship. That's not to say that Shepard thinks of Joker as their younger brother. Because, no, that's completely unprofessional and fucking toxic, but their dynamic is kind of like that.
OTP Joker/EDI He wants to fuck that car so fucking bad...
Their romance is perfect, I love it for so many reasons.
nOTP Shoker. Shepard/Joker. This thing.
I have nothing against people who ship it, you guys are great, but to me, to my Shep, and to my understanding of Joker's character, this romantic relationship feels completely unrealistic and it kind of cheapens the unique bond between them. Not every strange and close relationship should be romantic or familial. There's a lot more to this life than that.
Random headcanon He has his own collection of model ships, and he was the one who suggested that Shepard start assembling them. He can sometimes get so deep into calculations that he forgets to eat or drink, and the only people who can pull him out of it are EDI, Shepard, Chackwas, or Kaidan.
Unpopular opinion He has an incredibly fragile ego and should be mocked for it.
Song i associate with them I Will Never Be the Same - Lost Gravity Favorite picture of them @makanidotdot draws him and EDI perfectly.
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abrakuxas · 5 months ago
I watched the Penguin and it's a cool crime drama and all that, it's just... Not about the penguin. And what sucks is that it's clearly intentional up to this point. Everything I hear from the guys behind it is how much they want to get away from the comic book aspects of this.... Comic book adaptation.
I don't know why the fuck it has become the norm that Batman should not follow the comic book at all?
New Batman cartoon? No batfamily, they are random kids with two lines in a single episode. Every character is either not the character you know or a very diluted version of them (I'll ignore Harley on this one since her creator is the one behind it and I'm not gonna argue with how he deals with his OC)
A series about the stylish Mafia Boss supervillain, famous for his monocle, tophat and umbrella? Well, we kept the Mafia part but everything else has to go INCLUDING HIS FUCKING NAME!! Not only the moniker but the ACTUAL name. He can't be called Cobblepot because that's too much for this adaptation of a supervillain. The most they could do is give him a limp and a purple car. Yay! Let's work now on a prestige tv series about darth vader except he is actually an astronaut and maybe he could hold a red pen at some point so we can show how much we pretend to love the character idk. Maybe if we're feeling bold we might make him breath funny in a scene.
What sucks is that the show is not bad. It is objectively well written, well directed, it is good television, it just never had to be about the fucking Penguin. Just write a show about crime with your oc. Can you imagine if The Bear was sold as an adaptation of Sponge Bob "just more realistic and with less cartoony stuf. We deal with the life of Bob Stevens (we thought 'Sponge' didn't sound too real) dealing with the dramas of working on a kitchen and his traumas after being abuse at the 5 star restaurant 'Krusty's'".
It would be stupid as fuck and it's stupid as fuck for Batman as well, but it has been done so much that we're literally going to watch the second part of a Joker origin story film where Harley Quinn is Lady Gaga. Which is so fucking funny to me because not only the best Joker stories define him as a guy with a very ambiguous past and origin but Harley is very specifically her psychiatrist turned insane by abuse. That's the story. What you are showing me isn't that, it's just a story about a random loser dressed as a clown. Telling me this is Gotham and name dropping people won't make it an actual adaptation. It's not adapting anything, it's an oc, you're just making ocs and telling an original story.
Every single Batman thing has the "Pokémon is just Ashe in a coma" vibe now and I hate it idk.
I loved The Batman it really worked for me as this promise, this big change in the status quo of crime. Things are getting crazier, the quirkiness are showing and now the old face of old crime is busted giving the chance for actual supervillains to show up and take the city giving Batman a need for new partners and shit like that. I really thought it was a story that wanted to jump from that year two, early batman vibe into actual batman vibe. But now with this first episode of Penguin and even knowing that Reeves is involved with Caped Crusader I just lost any hope of it being actual Batman and I guess we'll just get yet another realistic Batman universe with solo Batman dealing with "the Scarecrow", a regular drug dealer who works with "Poison Ivy" she is the one who plants their weed. Don't forget about "Clay Face", a very ugly henchman to "Oz Cobb", the new regular crime boss. Idk, unless this series changes into actual supervillain territory I very much lost any interest in this universe.
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nerves-nebula · 2 years ago
Wow yeah you sound autistic to me. Like, all that missing there is ✨the hell that is sensory issues ✨ (but I think u mentioned that PRIOR?)
,,,, on that topic I'm truama dumping in ur inbox again cuz it's cathartic.
I will never forget when my mom started trying to get me diagnosed and I had to hear my dad yell and scream and throw tantrums like a literal toddler that "MY KID IS NOT A FUCKING RETARD!!!" Definitely did great things for my selfesteem/sarcastic <currently diagnosed autistic and ADHD and rumoured bpd based off medication interactions. And maybe DID but I'm ignoring this bitchs in my head <3
I DO HAVE A LOTTA SENSORY ISSUES HAHA. and emotional shutdowns! its always hard to tell which is a PTSD thing and which is a neurodivergence thing as far as me being jumpy/twitchy around loud noises goes, but i don't think PTSD makes the sound of brooms sweeping concrete make me wanna collapse into a ball.
if I leave my house without earbuds I'll fucking explode and die. the sounds there are BAD and I'll get BORED and antsy and twitchy without my own controlled noises.
I know i have hyperfixations cause I've had a few really BAD ones that ended up hurting me. Like, senior year of high school I was so obsessed with the joker and batman that I hurt my hands scrolling comics/tumblr for art about them for HOURS. and i could NOT STOP. and i was supposed to be making PAINTINGS for COLLEGE APPLICATIONS so my hands really shouldn't have been getting FUCKEd at that time.
im not sure if im in a hyperfixation about the turtles rn or like, a healthy interest. I think it's petered out to a healthy interest but i am almost constantly thinking about them hah. maybe ive just gotten better at controlling myself so i dont hurt myself while fixating tho.
AS for your trauma: THAT sUCKS ASS. me and my siblings have ruminated and joked about being autistic for years, but our parents would NEVER get us tested. My mom basically said my grades were too good so why would i need to get tested for adhd/autism. and my dad is Nigerian so good luck trying to talk to him about mental health stuff !!
i tried to bring up my obvious sensory and emotional issues to my mom and she was like "you're not autistic you're just sensitive" and left me standing there like "but.. being sensitive the ways i am are literally perfectly in line with autism.."
sidenote: i'm so much happier now that I let myself stim whenever i feel like it. i stim sooo much these days and it's FANTASTIC, I never knew how much I was hurting myself by not letting myself do it.
tell the bitches in ur head that ur ignoring i said hi :D !
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blueteehood · 3 years ago
About Nightwing Annual and the path they're going with Jason
So. Nightiwing 2021 Annual came out and it made me think about Jason and everything I don’t like about what’s going on with his current character arc. I’m going to try very hard to keep it simple. If anyone wants me to elaborate on any point I will.
Both Dick and Jason’s run as Robins was… a long time ago. In actual years. Which is one of the reasons sometimes the fandom (and DC writers I’m looking at you Tom Seeling you’re on thing fucking ice with me) forget things about them as Robins. One common misconception was that Dick never accepted Jason as Robin and treated him badly all the time. Which. Isn’t. True.
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So I honestly like it when new books bring stuff back like Nightwing 2021 Annual did. Some good old stuff we got to see again:
1) Dick’s fight was with Bruce, not really Jason. When Alfred said he wasn’t home he came back to help. And once he realised Jason needed attention, he stepped up.
2) Dona being fabolous and Roy in his stupid yellow costume. Also Discowing. Good times.
3) Jason was a violent Robin. That was the whole point of his unpopularity that led to that pool that got him killed by the Joker. I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about that scene and saying things like “Jason doesn’t need Dick to tell him to focus on the victim” and I respectfully disagree. YES, Jason Todd is extremely empathetic, especially with victims. He was smart. He was the Robin with the highest GPA. He was and did many good things. But let’s not forget that he was also the Robin with the bad temper that beat up criminals with excessive force SOMETIMES. Not always, he wasn't deranged or anything, but yes, he lost his temper sometimes. Again, that was what made him so different from Dick and that led to that fucking pool. So this is why that moment where Dick gives him advice about what being Robin means - which clearly takes place in the BEGINNING of Jason’s run as Robin - didn’t bother me as much.
Also, I liked the general idea of the book, with Dick and Jason having a chance to bond without their other dozen siblings.
Now, on to the bad stuff.
1) That motherfucking crowbar.
When Urban Legends #6 came out, I was mildly disappointed with many things that we don't need to discuss now, but when Jason decided to drop his guns, I tried to be optimistic. This is not ideal, but maybe we are getting All Blades Jason back? And he's going to show all his extensive martial arts training, right? RIGHT???
Wrong. Tom Seeling (have I mentioned he's on thin fucking ice with me?) gave him the most generic ugly medieval(?) sword ever
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Jason I know you're a nerd you don't need to show off your medieval fair props my dude
Also, I know at this point half of the family died and came back and I supposed Jason's death is no longer a Big Deal but… Dick was the one that didn't even get the chance to bury his younger brother. So seeing him joke with the crowbar thing just felt wrong
2) Another thing: The hint on Bruce being a bad parent, AGAIN. I'll be the first to admit that teenager Dick Grayson was a bit of a drama queen. So maybe that bit about Bruce forcing the competition between the Robins was just him still angry at his father figure. And we could say that Jason complaining about being compared to him was just his frustrations speaking. BUT that would be nuanced. And I don't believe in nuance where DC is involved.
This is, once again, pushing the bad parent Bruce agenda. And believe me, there's nothing I want more than to have all those fucking times Bruce beat up his kids addressed by literally ANYONE. I wanted that to be discussed and recognized as something bad so Bruce can Stop Doing That and we MOVE ON with the whole Bad Parent thing. Because I don’t want to see Bruce hitting his kids, for fucks sake. I also don't want to see this “Bruce has always been a bad parent, since back on Dick and Jason’s childhood” thing passing as canon while we have more recent bad parent events that should be addressed. Like RHATO #25
3) And finally, the whole no killing thing. Look, my favorite Jason, UTRH Jason, considers that there’s a big difference between killing the Joker, killing Two Face or killing a low tug. Yes, he put seven (?) heads in a duffle bag. He also did that to take control over all the gangs without a gang war. The best Jason for me isn’t Battle for the Cowl Jason who commits serial murder. It’s the Jason who calculates before every single kill he makes. It’s the smart, sharp Jason with overly elaborated and dramatic plans.
I'm not mad he didn't kill that guy. My whole point is that Jason doesn't consider death the only possible solution. Also, he was in jail. he knows that there's all kinds of bad punishment out there. That's not the problem. It's just that if they are going to make Jason stop killing entirely... well I don't want that.
Which leads us to the controversial point that is going to get my batfandom membership card revoked: I don’t want The Red Hood to stop killing people so he can join the Bats. We already have a bunch of former Robins that follow Bruce’s rules. I don’t want to see Jason ending up like Tim. I miss Red Robin (2009) morally gray Tim Drake who used to plot murders so much I could cry. And I don’t trust DC to not bring Jason back to the flock just to have his character disappear in the middle of all the other bats and birds.
That doesn’t mean I don’t want Jason to have a family. I want Jason Todd to make peace with his brothers and sisters. Heck, I would even like to see him and Bruce fix their parent-child relationship. But that’s their family. The Batfamily is another thing entirely. I don’t want Dick's and the other’s love to be conditioned to Jason following all their rules. I think the Red Hood and the Bats and Jason Todd and the Waynes should be separated things. Because you know what that would be? Good writing. And, in case I didn’t make it clear, I kinda want that.
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like-rain-or-confetti · 2 years ago
(Hey so I'm definitely not new here but I changed my name so I just wanted to let u know lmao)
Hey dork squad my favorite trio (*´∇`)ノ
How's your week been?
My week has been hectic, I swear. Since Monday was presidents Day in America we didn't have school, when we went back the next day we had a school shooting .... At my high school and I was present. Thankfully it was a hoax but so many kids/teachers have had theories about it, the one thing that stuck with me was the panic I felt but I was proud of my self that I was able to stay calm and sorta take action and help comfort my friends. On Wednesday we had a snow day bc my state is bipolar af, school was normal today but it snowed as I was walking home it was annoying it kept wetting my glasses :/. Idk what's going to happen tomorrow but I'm ready for it!
Anyways here's a cute little cat meme!
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Jonathan would know all about that.
I beg your pardon?
You pulled a gun out on your students.
Did you pull the trigger, Mr Crane? ♠️
Why would you ask him a thing like that!?
I don't know! It seemed the next thing to ask!♠️
What would you know of fluidity and order- even in social norms!?
The one on the left is looking at me rather peculiarly...♠️
...Exactly my point. Now what are you blabbering on about?
The cat me...me? Me me? It isn't me- is it? Or is it me? Am I the Cheshire cat? What a funny little trick! ♠️
That's not what the conclusion is, Jervis and it is a meme. They're mindsucking, brain bleeding mirages of humour for the young and dumb.
In a world of constant change, pain and sorrow. All that remains is finding comfort in relating to one another. Finding comfort in the pain we had no idea everyone else feels. A world full of expectations, we forget the age old lesson that we never are truly alone. So much so, its argued strongly that for every thought a human has ever had atleast another ten people in the world has had the same thought. Oh, sorry Mr Nygma, I know that must threaten a paradigm shift of sorts.
Crane, I'm going to say this is delicately as I can. Fuck off. Stop smirking at me too.
Language! ♠️
Yes, Edward. Language.
You're antagonising.♠️
Yes, I am. Do you intend to stop me, Jervis?
...Mr Crane, I have no intention of diverting your path for I value my days. ♠️
That's what I thought.
Before I lose any more brain cells to you two- can we get back to the matter at hand?
Ah yes, now is the time to offer a socially acceptable response to show that we are capable of empathy. Therefore...we are so glad to know that you are alright. Such a vile thing to joke of. For the record, I did nothing for humour and I brought it for educational purposes. A prop for class.
But...it is horrible! What kind of joke is that!? ♠️
Ask the Joker.
I'd rather not. ♠️
I see you mentioned controlling your fear...perhaps you'd like to discuss this further?
Don't make me sit through this.
I think the one of the left is trying to tell me something...♠️
DISCLAIMER: I know my rules say that my content doesn't represent my true feelings but had to put this out there to make sure it was clear. I'm so glad this was a hoax. I hope you know that whilst the characters are insensitive- I am horrified you had to experience such a terrible thing and hope you're okay!
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scaryscarecrows · 2 years ago
So, fear toxin. It sucks but what do the squad and Jason see? Like I get that canon Jason doesn’t actually see anything and just gets hella pissed, but what would he see?
Also, who would they prefer to be around while on fear toxin? Would they prefer Trent cause of his size?
(One of the tie-in comics does have Jason going through a nasty fear toxin trip that essentially goes, 'you can never go home again'. It hurts. It's great.)
Jason: Joker. Mom, sometimes, after she. After she died. Sometimes other people, from before Bruce. I was a cute kid, y'know?
Antoine: Z.Z. and palm trees and so much fucking blood.
Riley: Those white-hot tongs just coming at my face, fingers holding my mouth open.
Trent: That knife was cold. That's what really stuck out, is that it was fucking freezing. Still don't like cold shit on my neck. Someone tried to choke me out? I'll tough it out rather than put ice there.
Frank: The headlights. It was wet, not actually raining, but they reflected off the road and they were just coming at us so fast.
Mark: You ever heard a kid choking to death on their own blood because you can't help them? Not a nice noise.
Jimmy: You see things in this job. And me, I'm usually out of the way, so there's nothing I can do. Watching people burn to death...Christ, I still wake up to the screams, fear toxin or not
Jason: No one. I'm likely to hurt people by accident, just don't get close.
Antoine: Yeah, I don't...let's face it, everyone here is trained to kill people.
Trent: Oh, leave me alone. I don't wanna crush your skull, but it could happen.
Riley: Mm-hm. Startling any of us is gonna get you injured at best. Sorry for elbowing you in the balls yesterday, Jimmy. 'Fore I forget.
Jimmy: That was on me. But yeah, it's a dangerous life we live.
Mark: No touching. I refuse to feel bad because your dumb ass got within stabbing range.
Frank: Yeah...risk you take, man. Just don't. Just don't.
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edward-lygma-ballz · 2 years ago
2006- Batman Begins: Gosh this movie is so good if I'm not being biased this is objectively the best movie in the dark knight trilogy. One thing I will say is I wish Scarecrow had more scenes in the movie but I absolutely love the one scene where he does spray Falcone but I wish I could've seen more. This was peak Christian Bale looks wise and I realized this last night when I was watching the movie. The Ra's Al Ghul plot twist was actually surprising the first time I watched this movie. Alfred was peak overall just amazing. VICTOR ZSASZ MENTION!?! Side note we need more live action Victor Zsasz. I would have to say this movie is S tier.
2008- The Dark Knight: HEATH LEDGER WAS EMACULATE. I do agree that he's just a film bros wet dream for the joker BUT I still love it. This move produced multiple iconic memes just overall so freaking good. If you want my biased opinion this is they best movie in the dark knight trilogy. I can quote most of the Jokers lines by heart and I once watched this movie 3 times in one day. The two downfalls of this movie are Rachel and Two-face. (Refer to meme in pt1) Harvy himself is fine but Two-Face just ain't it chief yknow. And I know Rachel's thing is that she's not like scared of criminals and not scared to stand up for what's right but something that really gives me the ick is when in the penthouse scene during jokers schpeel she just stands and and says "alright, that's enough." Or something like that. Idk it's just like did you really think that was going to stop this insane man?? This movie is A tier as well.
2012- The Dark Knight Rises: If mid was a movie it would be this one. While I absolutely love Bane in this movie I can't stand Catwoman (which is really weird for me cause I usually love her, and I've tried loving her but I just can't.) It's not like a horrible movie it's just not fantabulous. C tier.
2016- Batman Versus Superman: I saw it when I came out in theaters then never watched it again. It was okay??? Idk not much input, I was more interested in the origins of the other members of the Justice League tbh. C tier.
2016- The Killing Joke: Did not like the first 30 minutes. This was the first time I'd ever seen an animated movie based on a comic and don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't to see batman and Barbara Gordon make out w/ implied sex on a rooftop. The first 30mins aren't in the original comic at all. Last half of the movie sticks to the source material almost entirely and it was executed greatly. A tier.
2018- The Lego Batman Movie: OH GOSH this movie is really good. I can watch it with kids when I babysit and we can both enjoy it. Witty remarks, Robin is absolutely adorable, REFRENCES BATMAN (1989) MULTIPLE TIMES!!! Joker isn't a complete dick to Harley. PEAK JOKER DESIGN!! No bad remarks. S teir.
2021- The Long Halloween Pt1 and Pt2: Loved these movies. Wished they made Sofia Falcone look more like Carmine like they did in the comic but her character was still great. I also wish they would've kept the catwoman suit the same as in the comic. Was very easy to sit through almost 3 hrs of movies. Harvy Dent was portrayed amazingly. Once again nothing bad to say about these movies. A tier.
2022- The Batman: I LOVE LOVE LOVE INCEL RIDDLER AMD BATMAN!! I love paul dano in general but God he was so good even though he only had like 15min of screentime throughout the 3hr movie. Zoë Kravitz fucking killed it as Catwoman. Can't forget #daddyoz literally amazing. "what's black and blue and dead all, over? yyyoOOUUU." Bussin soundtrack, got me back into Nirvana tbh. I love the casting for Carmine, wait no I take that back. I love the casting for the whole movie, it was absolutely spectacular 👌. S tier
Anyway that's all guys, if you want to hear my rankings for other movies just ask and I can put them all into a big post. I can put this into picture format if yall want to see it but I'm too lazy to do it rn.
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aleximustd13 · 3 years ago
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge!!
*rubs hands* n i c e
Helena - Came a time when every star fall brought you to tears again
Give 'em He'll, Kid - Well, don't I look pretty walking down the street / In the best damn dress I own?
To the End - If you marry me, would you bury me? / Would you carry me to the end?
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison - Life is but a dream for the dead / And well I, I won't go down by myself / But I'll go down with my friends, yeah
I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - Forget about the dirty looks / The photographs your boyfriend took / You said you read me like a book / But the pages all are torn and frayed now! (But also the iconic "But you really need to listen to me, because I'm telling you the truth, I mean it, I'm okay! - Trust me!" And the "I'm not o-fucking-kay" - I always lose my shit to that)
The Ghost of You - At the end of the world or the last thing I see / You are never coming home, never coming home (the whole song is my favorite lyrics of the song tbh)
The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You - Pull the plug, but I'd like to learn your name / When holding on, well I hope you do the same, aw sugar
Interlude - Come angels of unknown
Thank You For The Venom - Love is the red, the rose on your coffin door / What's life like bleeding on the floor, the floor, the floor?
Hang 'Em High - Shotgun sinners, wild-eyed jokers, got you in my sights // Mass convulsions strike the choir by the grace of God
It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Fucking Deathwish - The damage you've inflicted, temporary wounds / I'm coming back from the dead / And I'll take you home with me / I'm taking back the life you stole
Cemetery Drive - Back home, off the run / Singing songs that make you slit your wrists / It isn't that much fun staring down a loaded gun
I Never Told You What I Do For A Living - Touched by angels, though/ I fall out of grace / I did it all, so maybe / I'd live this every day
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gacuseni · 4 years ago
The last three hours had been not interesting. Batman and Robin were during their daily, or nightly patrol. There was nothing special about it, it had been pretty old fashioned. There had been two attempts of robbery, a minor gangster fight, and one attempt of kidnapping. It wasn't exactly too calm to put Batman or Robin nervous, but it was calm enough for a normal patrol in Gotham.
Batman had never liked the quiet though. And Robin had learnt from his father, he had a bad feeling about it, a feeling he couldn't quite name, but he had a feeling as if someone had could happen at any moment if they lowered their guard.
And they were right. As Robin was talking to the owner of the store they had just saved from a couple of armed guys, Batman heard a noice coming from the back alley, something had fell, at first he thought it could be a stray cat messing around, but he still got closer just to check.
"You better hurry! We don't have all day!"
Batman opened his eyes, he knew that voice, Harley had escaped a couple of months ago from Arkham, but she had gone quiet ever since. What was she doing there?
Robin looked at his father, he said something else to the owner of the shop and quietly followed him to the alley, he was about to ask, but his father make him a sign to keep quiet.
Aside from Harley, there were also some men on the alley. Each one of them was carrying a box and placing them inside a truck, Harley was looking at them impatiently. When the last one man arrived, he almost dropped the box as he placed it.
"Careful!!! We don't want to break it, don't we?" Harley said. And then she kicked the man in the chest making him fall.
The man tried to protect himself as he fell to the ground and covered himself with his arms.
For some reason Harley was apparently not in the mood to punch people, or she was really on a rush to arrive to wherever she was taking the boxes on the truck.
She looked around to check if someone else was following, she didn't notice the couple of bats that were looking at her from the other side of the alley.
Harley looked at the man on the floor. "That's what I thought, now get on the truck!!" The man, who was apparently also the driver followed her orders quickly and got to the driver's seat before the rest got inside and they departed to some place in Gotham.
Batman and Robin hid themselves as the truck exited the alley.
They looked at each other, as is for a fraction of second they had a mental conversation, they already knew what the other was going to do, both nodded before they started following the truck through Gotham's rooftops.
Batman informed to Oracle over the comms that they were following Harley, who was more likely working with the Joker, and that the rest of the bats on patrol should be alert in case they needed backup.
After following the truck through half of Gotham they arrived to the decks, more specifically to an abandoned warehouse. Damian was not surprised, the Joker and the rest of criminals should really get another creepy location to do their evil plans. But again, this was Gotham, there were more warehouses than McDonald's in the city.
There was a small window on the ceiling that Batman and Robin used to see what was going on. Joker was already in the warehouse, waiting for the truck.
He smiled with that creepy smile he always had on his face as Harley got out of the truck.
There was too much noice inside and outside to hear clearly what was going on, but Robin knew the couple was talking about the boxes, while they were watching from the hidden window in the corner of the roof.
Robin was ready to jump in the moment it was needed, his father on the other side was observing, analyzing the boxes that the men were opening.
"Hm" he made that noice he used so much as both Batman and Bruce. "They look like materials for his gas. There is also some new stuff, he might be changing the formula." He said through the comms. He then looked at his son, who was not really paying attention to him, but instead was about to jump through the window. "Robin, no. It can be dangerous, you will have to wait here until I say so."
Robin looked at his father, who was back at looking at the boxes, he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, just waiting for some orders. The night had been boring for him, and now that it started to get interesting, he was ordered to wait in there.
Batman was about to go inside when Joker and Harley stopped talking after one of the men had approached the Joker and said something to his ear. Joker nodded and then looked at Harley.
"Bring her here." The Joker ordered to Harley.
Harley nodded with a smile, she left and returned a couple of minutes later with a woman around her mid or late thirties, who was cried on the floor after Harley pushed her.
"No! Please! No! Let me go home!! Please! I have a family!" She was shaking her head as she trembled, tears falling down her face. Robin felt anger through his body as the woman continued pleading for her life and safety. Talking about her family and her home. She was just an innocent woman.
Batman noticed how tense his partner was, he was also not happy about this, but he covered it better than his son.
The Joker's smile was getting bigger and bigger as the woman cried and pleaded. At some point Robin was sure it couldn't get any bigger.
As Harley approached the woman ready to beat her with her bat, Robin decided it was finally time to do something. Orders be damned, so he started moving toward the window.
Batman glared at him, but Robin ignored his father, while he kept approaching to the window. Hiding in the shadows without anyone noticing him.
And finally, he jumped to fight the men.
"Robin, no!" He could hear his father yelling at him, but he ignored him, again. He could hear the exasperated sigh his father gave, he didn't looked back, but he could perfectly visualize his father's frown under the cowl, pinching his nose.
He landed along the shattered glass, making a noisy entrance that directed the attention to him and not the woman. Good, he thought.
"Oh look the little bird is here." Harley spoke, she glared at the men behind her. "What are you waiting for? Go get him!"
Robin took the first two men down, leaving them unconscious in the floor. They were sloppy and useless, he wasn't surprised.
Robin smirked at Harley as another couple of men attacked him and he took them down easily.
"Ugh!! Why can't nobody do something right?!" She screamed, then she looked at other four men "What are you people looking at?! Do something! Or are you waiting for a lollipop?! You are absolutely useless!"
The four men quickly ran towards Robin.
He dodged the first two men easily, but as he was about to punish one of the men, he looked at his left where he saw the Joker about to hit the woman with a crowbar, and Robin got distracted.
He had let his guard down, and never noticed that one of the men had a knife. A knife he used to stab him on his right leg, as the other man hit him on the face.
He was about to get another hit when a dark shadow landed in front of him, taking down the man who had stabbed him.
"Robin!" Batman yelled to his son, as he continued to take down the men. Robin had to admit they were at least brave, or very stupid, as they continued to get up and keep fighting them. "What the hell we're you thinking?! I told you to wait!"
Robin punched one of the men on his stomach as he looked at the woman being hit by the Joker, who had started laughing. Ugh, he really hated that laugh, it always got on his nerves.
"Less talking more acting, you can scold me later father."
Robin quickly ran towards the Joker, who was about to hit the woman once again, she was half reacting by now, Robin wasn't sure if it was because of her injuries or some sort of shock.
He took some speed before he make a flip and he kicked the creepy clown on the face, as he yelled to the woman to move, giving her time to react and get away from the clown. Batman helped her get out of the warehouse quickly.
Robin was supposed to follow Batman and the woman to the outside, but when he was halfway there, Harley grabbed his cape and tossed him to the men who restrained his arms.
He looked at the door, Batman was probably outside by now and would soon realize Robin hadn't got out yet.
Robin tried to kick one of the men grabbing him, but he kicked him first on his stab wound, making him hiss in pain.
Joker looked at him, and finally proved Robin wrong.
His smile could get bigger. And let me tell you, it was not a pleasant image. Damian wished he could forget it.
"Oh look, the little birdie wants to take someone's place."
"Shut the fuck up" Robin was able to kick the Joker on the stomach, but when he was about to punish him again, was hit on his use and fell to the ground.
He turned around to look what was going on, Harley had a grin on her face as she got in position to hit him again. With the crowbar Joker had been using.
"I think the little kid wants more! So fun he could join us in our play date! Don't you think pudding?" She exclaimed as she hit Robin repeatedly, her voice getting angrier as her hits were getting harder.
Robin grunted in pain as he tried to stand up, just as the Joker kicked him to the floor. He used the moment Joker started laughing to kick him on his legs, taking his to the ground and standing up.
He didn't noticed when Harley had got behind his back and was about to hit him with the crowbar until he heard a noise similar to a punch. When he turned back he saw his father was back, and was fighting with Harley, taking her away from him and starting their own fight.
And here is the thing. Robin might be a trained soldier. Damian may have trained his entire life ever since he was born and was able walk and grab a sword.
But the Joker was a hard opponent in a one vs one fight, even to Batman. So it was even harder for Robin, specially with him being injured.
That didn't stopped him, Robin continued to fight the Joker, but he was getting tired, his leg was hurting a lot, the stab wound felt like fire on his leg, he was sure a part of the knife was still in there, and he also probably had a broken nose because it wouldn't stop bleeding, and a small concussion aside with some broken ribs.
The point is, odds weren't good for him, is his father didn't take Harley down soon and helped him, he wasn't sure how long he could keep going.
And the Joker didn't looked like he was getting tired, or as if he was going to get tired at some point soon, or at least soon enough for Robin to get away from him.
Robin tried to jump to avoid a low hit, but when he did his leg starting hurting a lot, causing him to loose balance.
The Joker used this to grab his arm and twisted it in an unnatural way, making Robin to hear the crack of his bone, breaking in two or maybe more parts.
Robin cried in pain. This made the Joker laugh, he was finally getting what he wanted.
The joker grabbed the crowbar that had fell a few inches away from them, and hit Robin on his head. Hard.
He may had hit him more than once, that was very possible. But after that first hit everything had become blurry for Robin, he couldn't focus well and he couldn't keep his balance. He shook his head as he tried to focus and keep fighting. Every time it was getting harder, but he needed to, he needed to-
Robin looked around, someone had called him right? But they had said Robin...Damian knew that a Robin was a bird, his name was Damian wasn't it? Why would someone call him as a bird?
He lost his train of thought, tried to focus on what he was doing, he was on the floor? He didn't really knew, but everything was too dizzy, and he was getting too tired to think, his head hurt, his leg hurt, his arm hurt, everything pretty much hurt and he couldn't remember why.
There was this laughing he could hear distantly, Damian didn't liked it, he wanted it to stop, but he could also hear another voice, and he knew that voice, that voice knew him too right?
While Robin had been fighting against the Joker, Batman had tried his best to get rid of Harley, and get as fast as possible to his son, he knew he was tough, but Jason had also been though and wasn't able to get away from the Joker.
He had already called Oracle and contacted the rest, he just hoped they could arrive soon.
Batman looked at his left, Robin was struggling, he knew it. Joker was hitting him and laughing, and Batman just saw red.
He was finally able to finish the fight, punching Harley so hard she fell unconscious to the floor.
As he turned again to his left, Robin was barely conscious, laying on the ground. Joker had seen how he knocked out Harley, and probably left him there.
"Robin!" He called his son, trying to make him stay awake. "Hang on, hang on." He said as he grabbed his son.
He looked to the place where he had left Harley, she was not there anymore. Batman didn't cared about her, Robin was hurt, and badly.
"Ba bye Batsy! See ya!!" The Joker said through a speaker that had been left in the warehouse. But Bruce was too busy and too worried to get away with Damian, and then get him help as fast as possible.
"Batman to Agent A, I need the batmobile ASAP, Robin injured, what's the ETA?"
Alfred had said something about less than ten minutes and asked Robin's state. Batman was about to answer when Damian talked.
"Yes Damian?"
"I-I'm tired..."
"I know you are, but can you please, just stay awake? Can you do that? Just until we get to the med bay and Agent A checks on you, you will rest then." Bruce told his son.
Damian lightly nodded his head, but still his eyes were closing and were not focusing anymore, that was not a good sign, and Damian shouldn't sleep with a concussion before he gets checked.
Bruce had to take him out of there now. Damian was loosing blood, and he was loosing him.
He looked around for the exit, Joker had blocked the main entrance and Bruce wasn't sure he couldn't get them both out through the window with his hook.
Then he heard it.
A bomb.
There was a fucking bomb in the warehouse.
Bruce quickly searched for it with the look.
'Oh shit...please no' He thought.
There were just a few seconds left.
He knew he couldn't get Damian away that fast in his condition. But he needed to try, he took out his grappling hook and started taking them both out, they could make it out, they still had time to at least get to the roof.
Bruce then made the mistake to look back at the bomb.
Three seconds left.
There was no way they could make it out.
Two seconds left.
Bruce hugged Damian in a way to protect his son from the explosion and the impact. Damian curled himself and grabbed his cowl.
One second left.
He was just hopping that he could take most of the impact, as he wasn't sure if Damian would survive it. He closed his eyes and grabbed his son as hard as he could.
They both were sent away flying, Bruce couldn't protect Damian from more than some rocks and things that were sent flying away.
At some point he momentarily lost consciousness on the air, everything was going in slow motion, and when he gained again he realized his grip on Damian wasn't as hard as he thought, and his son's body slipped away through his fingers.
Bruce remembers how they were both smashed into a wall. Damian hit the wall with his head, loosing completely conscience.
And then Bruce got lost in the darkness as well.
Continue reading in Ao3
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onisiondrama · 4 years ago
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Onision on Kermit and Friends - March 21, 2021
(This video only has 59 views on Youtube. This is probably the smallest audience I've seen for an Onision interview.)
Summary Part 1
The host seems to be a fan of Onision and the co-host says she saw the documentary so she is well aware of Onision, but the show is a safe space and they don't judge.
Host says her and Andy talked about The Banana Song all night.
Host really like that Onision said not to focus at negativity. Says he only focuses on positivity and he's an amazing guy.
The co-host jokes that they will "do the Onision thing" and shave Andy's head, make him film videos, then maybe he'll change his sex.
Andy can't figure out how to join the show.
James joins. It appears he is in his new house.
The host says he said "goodbye" 2 months ago. James says during one of his more dramatic moods. The host asks what inspired him to say goodbye to all of his fans? He says when you work at something for 12 years and it gets torn away from you, you want to take a break. Host asks why it was taken. James says he likes the question. He says the reason why people are losing content these days is cancel culture. Says people have share holders in the stock market and a risk of being canceled themselves and people attack everything they're associated with. He says recently David Dobrik was canceled and he was losing sponsorships because the company doesn't want to go down with them. The companies don't want to lose business when they see someone they sponsor is being boycotted. He says it's business smart, but morally disagreeable.
James says the Discovery+ documentary called for him to be removed from the internet.
Andy appears. Andy says it's a horrible situation for James to be in and tells him he will do fine. James says he fears for the host and Andy because they aren't taking the position of "Anti-Onision" and anyone who goes against them becomes the target of that community. Andy says he doesn't care and he's sticking up for Onision. James laughs and says Andy has his own extensive celebrity experience so he understands how things work in "the biz. "
The host says everyone is at risk of getting canceled and saying anything can get you canceled these days. She says she was pissed off when she watched the documentary because everyone had groupies who want to sleep with them. They come after him and want him, he ignored them, they kept coming, and now he's at fault? Says now he is canceled and Andy is already canceled. She asks who is not in danger of being canceled at this point?
James says people told him not to go on the stream because of Andy Dick. James laughs and says he was told he couldn't work with Andy. He says people hold serial killers and people who make people upset at the same level. He says they have no gauge for morality, it's all the same to them. Says when you cancel someone for being a law abiding citizen who does things by the book and ignore someone who isn't famous and does horrible things, it shows your priorities. He says it's not about right and wrong, it's about who will bring more attention to me and make me look better.
The host asks James to show her one guy who would decline an offer from a hot fan to meet up. Andy points to himself as she's saying this. James says he thinks there is a significant misunderstanding to what she thinks he went through. He says there were no groupies or hot fans.
He says 10 years ago he dates a Canadian pop star, but he uses the term pop star loosely because she never got that huge. Says she had one music video that got over 1 million views. He says she dove into his life, contacted him early December 2010. He points out they showed this in the documentary. He says he responded to her something inspirational because she was talking about how she was on the edge of suicide and he wanted to help her. He wanted to be the person he represented in his videos, someone who does suicide awareness, etc. He says full disclosure, he straight up left his spouse for this person. The host asks if this was Skye, his high school sweetheart. James says not exactly. He says he broke up with Skye when they were 18 and 19 or 19 and 19 because he told her he couldn't make her happy. He joined the air force and she would write him letters.
Drunken Peasants comment "Cry is Kai-ing now." is features. James says "nice" and laughs.
He says he saw there were a lot of military benefits to getting married. Skye was his best friend and he thought it would be great to get benefits and bring her wherever he went. Says he married his best friend, then he fell madly in love with Shiloh. Six months prior he threated divorce because she said because they were married, half of his stuff was hers. He says that wasn't the agreement because he asked for a prenup. He told her if she was in this marriage for half of his things, let's get divorced now. He says she said never mind and if they get divorced she wouldn't try to take his stuff.
James says when Shiloh came along he realized what a real relationship was supposed to be like. He says he could talk for 10 hours about this because it's such a thorough and rich story. Andy says you could talk for years about what it's like going after a girl. James laughs and says, "a little sexist there?"
Andy and the host talks about their relationship. The host says other men she's dated didn't like commitment and never proposed to her. The host says James likes commitment. James says he proposed to 4 people in his life. Andy asks if anyone said yes? James says all 4 said yes. Andy asks then why isn't he married to them? James says he's been married 9 years. Andy asks to all 4 of them?
James says he only knew Adrienne from Texas 2 weeks and he proposed to her.
The host says she's been talking to Andy about James all week, but Andy forgets. Andy says he knows, but he won't bring it up. James says he's willing to talk about almost anything. Andy says he loves this kid and the host says she knew he would. She says he has so many amazing videos and she wants Andy to collab with him. James says before he went on, he was joking if Andy was like "you're a POS" and screamed at him, he'd still be a fan. He says Andy is top 5 comedians. James says Andy's still a comedian because he's made millions laugh. Says Andy took social norm and threw it into a woodchipper and does whatever he wants. He says he never saw a comedian with no limits, other than Sacha Baron Cohen. He says some comedians pretend they have no limits, but censor themselves later on. Says Andy seems to be on the same path, which is amazing. Andy thanks him.
Andy starts to get upset with them comments on the live. James asks if there's comments and takes a look. He says "this is great" and announced he will give them a crash course on the internet. He says there is an algorithm that promotes whatever you want to believe, like if you're a conspiracy theorist that believe in aliens. You keep seeing videos about it and it's an endless cycle of telling you you're right. James says Andy would probably laugh at this concept, but they took countless clips from comedy sketches and framed them as if they were from real life. He says there's one clip where he says mean things to someone, but they don't address he's dressed as the Joker and they're dressed as Harley Quinn.
He says he did countless pranks where people thought they were real. He says he did meltdown video series, which was one of his favorite video series ever. He says he rubbed poop on himself, lived in a box, etc. He says people ate it up and believed it was real even though he left hints in the videos that it was fake because they wanted to believe their pre-existing narrative that he was a nut case. He says it was entertaining until someone showed up to his house, then he stopped doing it. They drank the kool aid to the extent that they brought it to real life. (He's talking about Chris Hansen.) The host asks if it's scary to have people show up. He says it is when you have small children. He says when people show up to your house you think these people need mental help because they don't understand this is fiction. The host asks if this is the main reason he said goodbye? He says it was more an assortment of emotions. The host says he's an emotional guy. James says it depends, he could be. He says he's chill until you put someone he loves in danger. He says on camera he is "whatever I wish to be" because being a character is fun.
The host says she saw him go crazy in a few videos and wondered if he was bi-polar or had depression. He laughs and she says that's something she suffers from, so that's why she asking. He asks, you're bi-polar? She says yes. James says he is not. She asks if he has depression or anxiety. He says he has major depressive disorder and he was diagnosed last year so existential crisis happen often with him. Andy says "boo-mother-fucking-hoo." James laughs and says that's the father figure he needed growing up.
The hosts says she knows his parents divorced when he was 2. She asks if that affected him. He says "probably." She asks if it affected his relationships because he seems to have volatile relationships. She says she's in one currently. Andy asks what does she mean? She says sometimes Andy calls her a cunt. James laughs and says "yeah." James asks if it's a comedian thing to call people cunts? She says it didn't sound very comical. James says he wouldn't take it personally because what matters is if they stand by you, don't hurt you physically, that they give you love, and they don't say anything out of pure hate.
Andy shows a pill to the camera and takes it. The host asks what it was and Andy says muscle relaxer. James looks a little shocked, but mostly amused.
They have fans on to ask James questions. The first one asks if he really chained a girl in his basement. James says that's another thing the conspiracy mill musters up and no one was chained in his basement. The fans says he doesn't get why they would demonetize him because his channels were dead and he wasn't making any money. James says he was actually making money, he was solidly making a living and it was taken away.
The fans asks about the 14 year old James and Kai groomed, he says he's not saying it's true but he was wondering. James says it's not true and that person ( Sarah ) swore on their grandmother's life it wasn't true. He says if you to to Onision.com/IRL it has videos footage and texts of them saying they were not. The fans asks if James thinks he could sue YouTube for suspending him for offline behavior. James says it's hard to find a lawyer that would not mind being bombarded by negative reviews. He says cancel culture affects people with actual jobs too.
The host talks about how she and Andy are trying to find Andy a new place to live. She jokingly says with Onision. James says he's not in an entertainment-friendly place to live. The host asks what he means. He says LA is more relevant. The host asks why he doesn't live somewhere like LA. James says he's more of a rain and clouds person. The host says she always thought he would make a great actor. He says going to LA feels like his eye are being melted.
Another fan comes on. She says she grew up watching Onision and used to be a Patreon of his on and off for a couple of years, but she's more indifferent now. She says she already knows both sides of everything, but she thinks it''s a lot of it is bull crap. She says as someone with a similar mental disorder as said person- she understand why they would flip like that, but it's extremely shitty. James says he wasn't the person who went through all of the horrible things. Yes, he was demonetized and lost a means to make a living off other platforms, but the person they betrayed was the person he's married to. Kai didn't insult or engage, or do anything bad to anyone ever. The fact that their life got ripped apart makes him feel bad that he ever spoke to them. They have a family so it's hard to regret that. He says that's the only person anyone should feel bad for. He kicked someone out of his life, then he made passive aggressive videos about dating people and it leading to the same result. That person took it personally and lashed out. He triggered them and they attacked. Kai did nothing wrong.
They get into a bit(?) about Andy cheating on the host and her exposing him with a video. James just kind of sits there and watches.
The host asks if James is in a committed relationship with his wife. James says Kai is transgender and identifies as a guy. He says he heard the person earlier that implied he changes people's scientific genders. He says he was confused by that. The host just says "yeah" and there's a bit of a pause. James says they are in a committed relationship. She says he used to bring in other people. He says he is committed, but sometimes they were not exclusive. She asks if he has threesomes and orgies. He says not orgies.
They bring in another guest. She says she is new to him, but is familiar with cancel culture. She says it has to have been hard for him and his family. She asks what advice she has for people dealing with this. He says to not engage with anyone. He says people would do things that were illegal and a danger to his family so he kicked them out of his life. He completely isolate himself from them and they would try to hurt him. He says when you are in the public eye and you have a falling out with someone they can destroy you by spreading rumors. He says the Youtuber Anthony Padilla was terrified of getting into a relationship because he didn't want it to go south and his life to be destroyed. He says if you get in a relationship with someone, don't get out of it.
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