neil-gaiman · 2 years
So I have something that's been bugging me: Aziraphale is a principality, which makes him higher ranking than the archangels, but still let's them boss him around and acts like a lesser angel. Why? Please I need answers this has been on my mind for months
This might help:
Along with this:
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theunfairfolk · 2 years
for anyone wanting to learn more about the types (choirs) of angels, this is a pretty good infographic with cited lines that talk about them.
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wiirocku · 8 months
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Colossians 1:16 (NKJV) - For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
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trixster40k · 1 month
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Sisters Army Start Point
So this is my army's progress as of rn. Not shown are an extra unbuilt Novitiate squad (need to swap Killteam roles eventually), and 3 old metal sisters I need to base. Included are my vintage repressor, dialogus, and cherub. On the right are Novitiates with chainswords proxied as Repentia (hate the gymshorts), and in the back are some Seraphim and Zephyrim on custom sculpted Greco-Roman Pillar flightstands. Also shown is my Repressor, which is my current project alongside my Junith kitbash. Feel free to request any closeups and I'll post em, was hard to get focus on the whole batch. Bit above 1k points
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chillpilldrawau · 8 months
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9 ranks of angel hierarchy
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dicepunks · 1 year
New (Rest of an) Episode: 1.54B - Nightfall, Part II
So this one has already been in the feed for a couple days, but work has been so all-encompassing this week that there wasn’t bandwidth for both the editing/rendering/uploading process and the “telling people about the thing we worked so hard on” process. So, with apologies for the messiness of getting the finale all the way distributed to the listening public, we are so, so pleased to present to you…
Dice Punks Episodes 1.54A & 1.54B - Nightfall, Parts I & II!
I, Adam, am (figuratively) allergic to self-promotion or self-congratulation, so this is hard for me to say, but: I think this is good, that we did a good job with this campaign and this finale, and that it will be fun to listen to!
Nearly five hours of campaign-climactic listening, with a gratis Dice Peeks after-show in the main feed to celebrate! And atop that, our campaign-retrospective discussion/hangout epilogue episode will go live tomorrow evening.
So join us in all this actual-play audio-entertainment revelry, join one of our stalwart patrons over on AO3 for a delightful coda once you’ve listened to the finale, and also join me, Hollyhock God ordinaire, below the jump for some post-campaign musings, if that sounds like your thing!
So here we are, the end of our first full campaign. Perhaps unsurprisingly, looking back on our first full campaign to have wrapped has me reflecting on the origins of the podcast as a whole, so if that’s of interest to you, you’re reading the right post!
Our first episode, 0.1 - The Dice Punks Play Dicepunk, went live on 14 April 2021, but it was recorded well ahead of time in late 2020. It grew out of a Quarantimes diversion earlier that year, in which casual chatting online with friends who were also stuck at home turned into a weekly-to-biweekly campaign in a system & setting I’d been interested in trying out since 2009: Over the Edge.
It’s a very rules-light system with a very 1990s, conspiratorial edge to it, so I figured it’d be a good way to get Drew and Joanne into their first major forays into tabletop gaming, as well as giving myself a fun opportunity to try out a system and setting I’d wanted to play in for a while. And so it was! Every week, we spent a few hours just telling an amusingly absurd story together.
We conducted these sessions over Discord, and someone, I don’t recall who, eventually mentioned that we could use a bot to record the sessions for posterity. That suggestion then led to someone expressing an interest in participating should I ever decide to podcast a campaign. I responded that people should not joke about such things if they didn’t want to get roped into an ongoing podcast-recording commitment, and just like that, the kind-of-a-joke turned into starting a podcast.
Things moved very quickly and very slowly after that. I’d already been thinking of a mad, quixotic follow-up campaign to OtE in an ill-advised combination of the REIGN and Nobilis systems, using a setting of my own devising. This ill-advised idea was motivated by:
my desire to finally try playing Nobilis 2nd edition, after having read about it years before (also in 2009),
my love of the One-Roll Engine used by REIGN, and
the hundreds of hours I’ve spent playing Dominions 3, 4, and 5, and sharing the stories generated by those fractally complex systems with whoever I could rope into listening.
So I pitched the system idea to people, we played a one-shot to test the system, then we started drawing up characters. In the meantime, I had found there was a system out there already called Dicepunk, so I contacted its author to ask about the name we were considering. Between us, we decided our first episode would be a one-shot in a game using the Dicepunk system, and so our Psionics one-shot came to be!
After that, of course, Nightfall had taken shape, and we got started building a backlog ahead of launching the public feed. We started off recording in Discord (as a backup) and Audacity (for the higher quality, local recordings), but moved pretty quickly to Reaper, a digital audio workstation that didn't constantly lock up my desktop. And thus have we carried on through all kinds of things: Drew getting COVID just before some early recordings, Des getting brought into the main cast, Dask ascending, the campaign running a good 25% longer than I initially thought it would, and more.
Throughout Nightfall, our listenership has remained very modest, and our patron count has fluctuated between 2 and 3 people, but even in the planning stages, our attitude was always that if even one person listened to the fruits of our efforts, it'd be well worth it. And you know what? It has been!
So! I'm going to be trying to do a lot of promotion in the next month or so, since good jumping-on points aren't that common in campaign-based actual-play shows... but I'm not good at it, and we don't exactly have an advertising budget. (The awesome people who give us their real, actual dollars have bought TTRPG books and improved audio equipment for us, but no ads as yet!) If you're so inclined, we'd love for folks to share posts like this around, give us a listen, rate and review us, recommend us to anyone they think might like our stuff, maybe even check out patreon.com/dicepunks and dicepunks.com!
If you've read this far, we appreciate it, and we hope you'll like what we do -- coming up, we have more Extreme Meatpunks Forever, a mini-series in Unknown Armies, a Halloween special, and a new campaign in Hard Wired Island!
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dominioncharael · 8 months
I feel like recently I’ve just been trying so hard to ignore this part of me, and it has NOT been doing me well. I thought if I ignore the issue, maybe it won’t be as bad. Obviously I was wrong. I feel like it makes me so sensitive to the smallest things and I just end up looking like some idiot. I don’t know what to do, I apologize.
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paxvictoriana · 8 months
National Status of the Former (and Ongoing) British Empire
I've been doing research on the nationalities of all the former territories occupied, colonized, settled, controlled, or otherwise claimed by the British Empire. Short story: it's a mess.
But it also occurred to me in doing that that I couldn't find a good list of former colonies and territories that noted their status today (in Jan. 2024). So... here we are! I bet there are errors and I bet there are omissions, because – again – it's a MESS to get a clear picture of. And according to many legal historians and cultural studies scholars, that was and is on purpose.
Snapshots of those lists below -- but the full, and better-formatted version on my wordpress [because Tumblr didn't support the table I tried to make].
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[* Denotes countries now in the Commonwealth of Nations.]
Again, I am sure there are issues here, as there have been contestations, debates, and challenges to the statuses of people born on land around the world that was once touched by British imperial boots.
For more on the CHAOS of those struggles, including the fundamental problem with establishing what “British nationality” even means, I highly recommend:
Ann Dummett and Andrew Nicol, Subjects, Citizens, Aliens and Others: Nationality and Immigration Law (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1990).
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whimseysthrone · 7 months
Dominions 6: Same Great Taste, More Accessible
Don’t play it for the graphics I love fantasy strategy games. I’ve played piles of them. That includes most of the Age of Wonders series, Master of Magic (the original and the new version), Warlock, Fallen Enchantress, Heroes of Might and Magic 1 through 5, and more. But Dominions outshines those games in multiple ways. If you’re already someone who plays the Dominions games, you’ll have heard…
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bangbangwhoa · 1 year
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books I’ve read in 2023 📖 no. 053
The Stolen Throne by Abigail Owen
“One evil hunts me, the other loves me more than himself.”
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tnargrant · 2 years
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HOLY HOLY HOLY #benotafraid #drake #drakememes #angels #biblicallyaccurateangels #seraphim #cherubim #cherub #angelology #holyholyholy #powers #dominions #thrones #scp #scp001 #religion #religionmemes #biblicallyaccurate https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRqe0mS88H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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just0nemorepage · 2 years
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The Liar's Crown || Abigail Owen || Dominions #1 || 448 pages Top 3 Genres: Fantasy / Romance / Young Adult
Synopsis: Everything about my life is a lie. As a hidden twin princess, born second, I have only one purpose—to sacrifice my life for my sister if death comes for her. I’ve been living under the guise of a poor, obscure girl of no standing, slipping into the palace and into the role of the true princess when danger is present.
Now the queen is dead and the ageless King Eidolon has sent my sister a gift—an eerily familiar gift—and a proposal to wed. I don’t trust him, so I do what I was born to do and secretly take her place on the eve of the coronation. Which is why, when a figure made of shadow kidnaps the new queen, he gets me by mistake.
As I try to escape, all the lies start to unravel. And not just my lies. The Shadowraith who took me has secrets of his own. He struggles to contain the shadows he wields—other faces, identities that threaten my very life.
Winter is at the walls. Darkness is looming. And the only way to save my sister and our dominion is to kill Eidolon…and the Shadowraith who has stolen my heart.
Publication Date: August 2022. / Average Rating: 4.11. / Number of Ratings: ~720.
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zerojanitor · 1 year
twitter: currently owned by techbro pissman
tumblr: actively removing functionality and bloating the interface with things nobody uses
discord: being retooled by ex-Meta management who don't understand the appeal of the platform
youtube: neutered by advertisers and algorithms and also tiktokification
reddit: half of the site is down due to protests about the outrageous monetization of third-party API support
facebook: my mom is on there
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turtle-to-eternity · 3 months
who do you play in dominions 6? I haven't played for a long time (maybe dominions 4) but I liked the fire lava people
I play a lot of MA Agartha, I like their vibe. It's easy to get a narrative going about the last remaining Oracles trying to save their dying civilization in the face of total war and securing any alliances they can in the process. I also like how they're themed around buffing constructs, it's a rare focus for a nation to have.
If I feel like playing a bad guy I'll put a demon in charge of Abysia and have him use it as an engine of sacrifice to bring Hell to the world. Abysia is versatile because you can either play them as neutral fire elementals or corrupt demon worshipers.
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burnazog · 5 months
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dominioncharael · 8 months
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Such an ugly feeling
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