#Does dante have a last name i actually have no idea
laurmaus · 2 months
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i loveeee them theyre so cute
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
Lesson 36 spoilers below, including the locked lesson & hard lesson...
Sorry it's a little screenshot heavy but there was a lot happening in this lesson and I was having a lot of feelings. I think I screenshotted my way through the whole thing lol.
We got so much lore!??!?!
Things I'm freaking out about:
Mephisto's whole lecture about the underworld and its rings
the fact that trains were seen as commoner's transportation 'cause they were used by demons who couldn't fly
SOLOMON (as if he wasn't hot enough) walking through all the rings of the underworld
Solomon just kinda laughing about it and then agreeing that it's really just a tourist attraction now???? THAT'S THE UNDERWORLD YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.
He talks about the city of Dis which is straight up from the Divine Comedy. Does this mean Dante has been their resource all along?! That could explain Diavolo's Italian name...
Because he also talks about Minos who also made an appearance in the Divine Comedy... I'm just sayin!!
They said they're taking Lucifer to Cocytus?!? (Which is also in... you guessed it, the Divine Comedy. Where it's stated to be the home of traitors.)
Isn't that the same thing as the River of Lamentation?!?!
What're they gonna do, drown him???
Okay okay my list should have ended several bullet points ago.
(Though on that last one, if they're going full Dante, then they'll bury him in ice instead.)
Mephisto buying all those sweets for his little brother was the cutest thing ever. He needs to stop being precious. I was resisting so well and then he had to go and be a good brother and also be concerned about MC and ask if they were all right and yeah he's annoying but it's kind of endearing too....????
This whole part where he was just asking MC questions & worrying about them being hurt. STOP THAT. This is exactly the kind of thing I live for, you're doing on purpose, aren't you??
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You are not supposed to care!
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I warned you before to stop making me like you...
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Also do you think that when they say commoners are demons that can't fly... are they saying that demons with wings are the only ones that can be nobles? Or are they saying demons with enough power to fly whether that's with wings or not? Because isn't Barbatos actually like a duke or something? Are you really gonna tell me that guy is a commoner? Even if he does work as a butler... maybe it doesn't count 'cause he can portal himself around?
But also! We know Mephisto is a noble so does this mean his demon form has wings? I thought for sure they were going to go with a tail.
BUT ALSO ALSO do the bros not count? They should all be nobles, but they clearly aren't, but they also aren't commoners? Maybe they're neither 'cause they're fallen angels? And we know three of them have tails, so...? I'M CONFUSED ABOUT HOW THIS WORKS.
Okay, sorry I'm getting off on a bit of a tangent here. There's just so much info that we suddenly got in this lesson about the world! And while I've been wanting more such stuff, I was hoping it would clarify some things not make things more confusing.
So anyway, there's a whole lot of underworld which they've mentioned before but only briefly, so it was cool to get more info on that!
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Don't worry, Luci. MC has to travel through time as well as space and I don't think a trip through the underworld is going to cut it. I like it when you compliment Solomon, though.
I don't know how to tell you guys that the idea of Solomon walking through the underworld and laughing about it later makes me insane. So I'm just telling you straight out. I'm insane about it.
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Are we still talking about the underworld? Because when I hear "tourist attraction" I tend to think of things like the world's largest ball of twine, not playing chess with Minos, Judge of the Damned.
That whole phone conversation with him was just so good. I know I recently wrote a whole post about him being sus and he still is because it's him, but do not misunderstand me because I love that man. I love his cute little laugh that he always does.
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Then again, he's clearly terrible at lying. Good at just not saying stuff maybe, but lying directly? I'm not so sure...
So anyway, Lucifer's gonna be executed, huh? I like how both he and Mephi were like nope Diavolo is gonna fix this. They have such unwavering faith in him, it's precious.
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Lucifer saying he knows? He knows, but this is home now for him and his brothers? And then MEPHISTO coming right back with then you should understand why MC wants to go home??
I was not expecting Mephistopheles to understand and be concerned about MC wanting to go home like that. It wasn't something like yeah you should go home you're a human and don't belong here. He didn't say anything like that at all. It was just immediately like you must miss your family. Mephisto confirmed family man!
HARD LESSON: Solomon was being a complete menace. He locked Lucifer's brothers in a room??? What's he gonna make them do!? Eat his cooking?? No, he gives his cooking to people because he loves them and wants to make them happy. So it can't be that. My mind... it goes to dangerous places... why did they have to cut off the lesson without telling us what Solomon's intentions were??
I wouldn't mind being locked in that room with them all, though.
Please take this selection of screenshots of him being insufferable with that cute lil smile on his face.
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To be fair, he's not wrong... it was pretty funny.
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Also in the LOCKED LESSON: Barbatos my true love. This whole interaction was amazing. Simeon and Luke are so cute. Diavolo clearly doesn't know Lucifer super well yet and it's so adorable watching him figure it out. And now he's all like Barbatos how can I fix this? And Barb is just like sorry it's too late. LOL he's so strict.
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Dadbatos mode activated.
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Luke my sweet baby angel, never change!
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Diavolo's sad face is so cute, I don't know how Barb ever manages to resist it. I'd just give in to everything he ever wanted all the time. I also love how he is straight up calling Barb mean lol.
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They both look so serious. Cut him some slack, Barb!
And lastly, I only wish to leave you with this:
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Everybody knows nobody can make tea as good as Barbatos does. Not even Lucifer.
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Don't be angry, Luci. You're no Barbatos, but I'm sure your tea is delicious.
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
Now that I've read the DMC4 novel, the scene Dante tells Nero that Vergil is his father has changed for me. Having that extra context has me changing my interpretation of the whole scene and why Nero doesn't go looking for answers during that 5 year period between DMC4 and 5
Disclaimer: this is my own opinion and thoughts, not fact just speculation based on what we've been given
It's very easy to say that the scene where Dante tells Nero about Vergil that Nero is clueless before this and that this is some kind of new revelation to him. The DMC4 novel though implies Nero has some idea that Vergil, or to be specific, Dante's brother is his father. Not only does he refer to Yamato as his birthright but Sanctus straight up states
“It all makes sense now. That man must’ve been a descendant of Sparda. He must have impregnated a woman from Fortuna…”
TO Nero.
So what are the facts Nero knows:
He's a descendant of Sparda
His father was a foreigner
Yamato belonged to Dante's brother
Yamato chose Nero to wield it after he repaired it
Dante's brother has been dead for a while
So it's easy for Nero to assume that Dante's brother may have been his father, the problems that have now arisen are that last point and that the guy with any answers just left. I believe in Before the Nightmare, Nero thinks something along the lines of "his brother has been long dead, so why does it matter" to sort of shrug off the thought. But why shrug off this thought? Nero remarks how he had always wanted someone like Dante in his life (which he is a little annoyed with himself about because...it's Dante, who is nonstop teasing him) so why not think about his father and want to know more? I think there are two main reasons as to why Nero doesn't pursue more information.
Why get to know the guy if there's no chance you'll ever meet him? It's a sad thought yes, but from Nero's position it's a safe one. He's dealt with and is dealing with a lot of grief from both Kyrie's parents dying and Credo dying, adding on the yearning to meet a man that has been long dead would only make things worse for him. It's likely he also developed this defense during his time at the orphanage; he probably for a bit wanted to know who his parents were and wondered if they'd come for him at some point, but after years of wishing and wondering why he was abandoned he put up a defense of "it doesn't matter, so why try looking into it" and turned his attention to his present day family: Kyrie, Credo and their parents.
Fortuna is a wreck and I nearly lost Kyrie, I don't want to leave her alone to deal with all this and any possible danger that might arise We get a scene at the end of the DMC4 novel of Nero and Kyrie helping out with the recovery and in Before the Nightmare we know they are still helping and now running the orphanage, but are HELLA poor because Kyrie accepts payment in meat and veggies instead of money (cause she's a saint like that). Additionally, there are still demons appearing on occasion although not at the rate they were before the whole Savior incident. His whole motivation (ha) for fighting and keeping Yamato was to protect Kyrie, and after nearly losing her and losing Credo it's not a surprise he decides to stick by her side during these five years. He already had to watch her grieve her parents, now he has to be there for her when she grieves for her brother whilst doing everything she can to help the survivors. Leaving her alone does not justify the want for answers to Nero.
Having this in mind now, let's look at the situation surrounding Vergil's return and the scene Dante tells Nero "he's your father" from Nero's perspective.
He just learned from V that the giant demon king named Urizen is actually Dante's older brother Vergil and that they're fighting each other despite being brothers based on their opposing ideas
This mysterious guy who showed up out of nowhere with a ton of answers for things and none about himself is now deteriorating rapidly and wants to be there for when Urizen is defeated
V landed the final blow and all of a sudden there's a guy there who is apparently Vergil and he and Dante immediately begin fighting before Vergil leaves
He thanks me???
Somehow V was part of that guy
Dante is refusing to let me fight even though this guy taking my arm kicked this whole thing off
To us the audience, this doesn't seem as strange because we're used to DMC nonsense like splitting your being in half but to Nero who has only dealt with the events of Fortuna and this past month this is still bizarre and seems like the most insane set of events to happen.
And then Dante has the audacity to tell Nero to go home and that it doesn't concern him. This is the man that took his arm, the one that took his power, the one that nearly killed Dante, the one that is responsible for thousands maybe even millions of lives being taken and despite how confident Dante was in Nero last time they met in Fortuna and has seen what he is capable of with the Devil Breaker he seems to have thrown that all away?! His own rage at the whole situation blinds him in that moment and Dante hits him with
"He's your father!"
This snaps Nero out of it. As Dante explains, we can almost see the implications of it all set in for Nero. It makes perfect sense. But this man took his arm. This man was supposed to be dead. This man has caused so much destruction. This man was the one he had been working with this whole mission and the one he was fighting. This is the man that Nero never imagined even meeting. And he was alive, he was real, but could this be called a good thing when he's caused so much pain for others and Nero himself?
Nero has gained so much information in the span of an hour and now Dante is on his way to fight Vergil that is guaranteed to kill one or both of them. Like Nero says on the phone with Kyrie, he's suddenly gained a family and he might lose both of them if he doesn't do something. And he's not losing anyone else.
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Okay ... now, then! If you happen to take a peek at my "romantic" list, I have added two characters--Niko because I love the little fleeting crush dynamic he and Sherry have in Canto IV (I think they have a bit of witty banter and flirting that makes Heathcliff a bit jealous), and Hubert because ... uh ... I don't believe I ever mentioned him?
So, to catch you up to speed: Hubert was a character introduced in TimeKilling Time, which--if you remember my last blog--has been my favorite event so far because of how much lore it gave me. He tags along with Dante, Hong Lu, Rodya, and Ryōshū while they investigate the case of TimeKilling Time, and he's a very chatty individual, talking about inventions and time a lot (since time is a crucial part of District 20's culture). At the end of the event, we learn that he's actually the Chief Executive Director of T. Corp--making him a particularly powerful individual.
As for Sherry ... seeing as District 20 is based off Victorian London (one of my favorite time periods), it's safe to say that she, being a woman, would have been married off by her family for the sake of keeping appearances--and, given Mycroft's ties to T. Corp, as well as the Holmes Family's position within the Nest, Sherry and Hubert happened to be introduced, and it wasn't long before Sherry's grandmother was pressing for marriage.
We all know Sherry dislikes the idea of being tied down, so she was certainly against the idea from the start--even though she did (and still does) like Hubert. They do have a few differences in opinion, I believe, but if you put the pair in a room together, they could converse for hours--and it's rare Sherry finds someone like that.
Thankfully, they did part on positive terms, but you can imagine Sherry's eye twitching and teeth clenching throughout TimeKilling Time when she has to spend so much time with her former suitor ... especially since by that time she's started to become aware of how she feels towards Heathcliff, and she's separated from him for quite some time during this stretch of the story--she's a bit distracted, worrying about what he might think if he found out about her ties to Hubert.
Oh, and she goes through the entire event without naming him until the end. She's going to play the game of keeping everyone in the dark because she's just like that. /lh
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acuar-io · 13 days
haii interview incoming about your ocs
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If they were an animal what animals would they be?
Do they have any siblings? hows their relationship with family?
Where are they fromm? do they speak another language?
What's their biggest (stupidest) fear?
Favorite music genre/artist?
and last because im yapping away...are there any fun facts or deets about them youd like to share?
YAY OC ASK TIME!! I actually answered this on the app and tumblr poofed it. So im going to reanswer the questions again lol. Its going to be a long one so BUCKLE UP CUS HERE WE GO!
If they were an animal what animals would they be?
Sephtis would be a black cat 🐈‍⬛, Izara a bunny 🐇, Benny an otter 🦦 and I have really introduced him to the blog yet and gotten into his character, but Dante would be a dog 🐶 specifically a Jack Russell
2. Do they have any siblings? hows their relationship with family?
I love this question and I will get more into detail with all of my ocs in another post or in their character page (when i create one :3)
Sephtis has an older sister (three years older). They both have a good relationship with their mother, but a terrible one with their father. Their dad actually cut ties with them because they are both (according to him) "a disgrace to the company and family name" he ended up giving the company to their cousin because neither of them wanted to inherit their fathers company, nor cared about his business lol. Their father was never really there for them, their mother practically had a facade the entire marriage & fought so much for Seph and his sister to live "normal lives" as nepo babies (lol) they were pretty popular in school because of their bg which they hated. Their parents divorced Sephs senior year of hs and at that time is when his dad cut ties w him as well.
Izara is an only child. She has a good relationship with her parents. They're more on the traditional side & older people, so sometimes they dont see eye to eye, especially when she was in Junior High & High school. Izara's interests concerned them (literally just regular interests teenagers have that freak out ethnic parents bc they need theyre becoming demons or some shit lol) also didnt like that she loved art and wanted to be an artists/art curator. Eventually though, they understood that they cant control what their daughter does with her future and that is all up to her ( I think they left her alone more so because they realized she is successful in her art and modeling career).
Benny is the youngest of 4. He has 3 sisters. His relationship with his parents was really shitty growing up, sadly. He is gay & hes known that for his whole life. Having 3 sisters and being the only boy, he loved to play with dolls. His parents being very religious, seeing him play with dolls, was not something they liked. Even if he was just playing with his sisters. In school, he was bullied. There was name calling and rumors that spread around about him. His parents hated the rumors and name calling not because it hurt Benny, but because it makes them look like bad Catholics. Benny truly only had his sisters and other female friends by his side throughout school. It wasnt until high school where things seemed to change for the better. This especially were better because he had Sephtis. His parents have come around, but they def took their time to finally accept their son.
3.Where are they from? do they speak another language?
Sephtis is from Osaka, Japan (Mt. Komorebi) then moved to Los Angeles at age 4 (Del Sol Valley). He speaks English and Japanese!
Izara is from New York (San Myshuno), shes Ethiopian-American. She speaks English and Amharic.
Benny is from Quebec (have no idea what sim world would be considered Canada lol) He speaks French & English
What's their biggest (stupidest) fear?
Okay so Sephtis & Izara are afraid of movie characters LMAO Sephtis will forever be afraid of Kayako (The Grudge) movie he watched as a kid with his sister that scarred him as a child ksfkksfks. Izara specifically does not like the older Godzilla (model?? costume??) she thinks its ugly and creepy as fuck like literally nightmare looking ass creature. IS THIS NOT JUST CREEEPY TO U???
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Ok I wouldnt say Benny's is stupid....hes afraid of bugs specifically roaches. I mean logically, hes bigger than them so he can step on them and kill them, but he just finds them super fucking gross that he cant bring himself to do that lol.
Favorite music genre/artist?
Sephtis' fave band is BUCK-TICK, Fave genre is Rock (I'll keep it broad because he loves a toe=ne of sub rock genres).
Izara's fave artist is PinkPantheress! For groups, she likes New Jeans, Aespa & Perfume (yes she listens to kpop/jpop). Fave genre is pop for sure!!
Benny's fave band are the cranberries!! fave genre is also rock, but he prefers alternative rock!!
and last because im yapping away...are there any fun facts or deets about them youd like to share?
Okay well, I want to share a little about Seph and Benny's relationship rq!! So they went to the same high school. Sephtis is a year older than Benny. Their paths didnt officially cross until Sephtis' senior year and Benny's junior year of high school. They met one day after school when it was raining, Benny didnt have an umbrella but sephtis did :) thats all ill say for now :3
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spikeisawesome456 · 2 months
Oooh, I finally got contacted by the Avatar: the Last Airbender people about the figurine I won from the Braving the Elements podcast Live! panel I went to at Comic Con! Apparently, I won a Diamond Select Toys Uncle Iroh figurine that they’ll be shipping out to me soon! The whole panel was about Iroh, since his voice actor was one of the guests on the panel (as was Toph’s), so it makes sense.
Ha, I was so worried that I was going to be ghosted by these people, especially since my last name is commonly misspelled and my email address is just my first and last name, so it’s nice to have gotten contacted at least.
(Also, since I don’t know if I made a public post about this on this blog, when I was at Comic Con a couple weeks ago I attended a panel for the live recording of the Braving the Elements podcast that Janet Varney and Dante Basco (Korra and Zuko’s voice actors respectively) host. Since my mom is physically disabled, we were able to enter the room first and I got front row seats to the panel, and was able to book it to the line where they were doing trivia for ATLA. Now, I’m usually awful at trivia, but I am a fairly big ATLA fan, so I had some hope that I could get it. Luckily, the question I got was one I knew (at what stage of the siege on Ba Sing Se did Lu Ten die), and while I kinda didn’t get the question fully right, since I had no idea what they meant by stage, I answered that he died right as they broke through the wall and they were about to invade Ba Sing Se. Which Janet Varney accepted, ha. They told us to give our email addresses to a staff member to the side and they’d contact us about shipping out our prizes later, since they’re supposed to be a nice, more deluxe prize. After a week passed I was a bit skeptical about getting contacted, especially with the previously mentioned concern over my last name, but I finally got contacted which is a relief. ^-^)
(Oh! Also, I took video of them doing live script reads from the show, even though I don’t technically think I was supposed to?? No one has requested I take it down yet, though, so if you’re curious you can click on this link to see the YT video I made of it. They did three scenes, the one where Toph meets Iroh in season two, the scene where Iroh and Zuko reunite in the White Lotus Camp in season three, and the “father lord” scene also from season three. They also did a read of a comic book page with Iroh and June, but since I was on line for trivia at that point, the view is very obscured, and you can overhear the lady who was getting our signatures to acknowledge that we were going to be featured on a recording for a podcast. I also missed a bit of the beginning of the scene, but it was still cute, so I decided to add it to my video, ha. The actual podcast episode will be coming out at a later date?? From what I’ve seen of past live recordings, it can take months before they’re released, but if anyone does watch that podcast, you’ll hear/maybe see (if they post on YT) me answering trivia correctly for once, ha.)
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Welcome to the "What the fuck is that theory?!"
Today I want to talk about DMC 2. What about it, you might ask; well my friend, I want to tell you of a theory that I have been thinking about constantly for the past week/week and a half.
What if, in DMC2, Dante isn't Dante; what if it's actually Vergil? Just--
Hear me out--
According to the actual DMC writers; DMC2 takes place after 4 (and I think 5 as well, for this we are going to say after any game in the series).
So maybe the reason Dante sounds so... off is because that's not Dante. It's Vergil masquerading as his brother.
This is rough but just--
What if Dante died when the twins were in hell?
Vergil in his grief and probable fucking mental breakdown would come back mimicking his brother; keeping the Devil May Cry going in his brother's name.
Maybe Dante even asked Vergil to take over the shop for him and bestowed his gear to him--including Rebellion.
Or (and here comes the crackhead and main theory) what if Argosax is Dante.
Vergil and Dante's story lines up almost perfectly with Mundus and Argosax, respectively. Mundus ate a Qliphoth fruit to become stronger than Argo; Vergil ate a Qliphoth fruit to become stronger than Dante.
So let's roll with Argosax somehow being Dante in DMC2;
⋗It would be really ironic that Argosax wouldn't talk when "normal" Dante won't stop talking.
⋗Argo's horns are similar to Dante's Sin DT and his body is similar.
⋗"Dante" is able to disappear during the last fight which is kind of more Vergil's thing--to be able to teleport.
⋗Although I know this is old and Dante's colors weren't all red; Ivory's charge color is blue.
⋗"Dante" doesn't look Argosax in the eye or say anything--not even "Jackpot". Argosax, on the other hand, looks at him; staring him down. Perhaps to try and plead with his older brother (who knows that there is nothing that can be done).
⋗Plus the symbolism of Ivory being used NOT Ebony; Ivory is the gun that Dante used in DMC3 where as Vergil used Ebony. It would have made a LOT more sense for "Dante" to use Ebony for that shot, but he didn't, he used Ivory--he used Dante's gun. Given, Dante does kind of smile buT perhaps it is because he is happy to free his brother of this curse (and that he won a fight against him lmfao)
⋗Rebellion hitting the ground at the end of the fight might be a metaphor for Dante being put to rest; the legend of the Sparda twins being put to bed. (It's also just a cool view by I digress)
All this comes to a head when "Dante" (or in this case, Vergil) decides to go to the underworld; seemingly unphased by the idea--which, again, would play into it being Vergil who spent most of his adult life in Hell. Perhaps to go and continue the fight? or maybe see if his brother is, in part, still alive like he was after being killed in DMC1.
I don't know, it would be an interesting way for them to retcon DMC2 into the time period they say it's from...
Instead of taking place between 1 and 4 like literally, everyone else thinks it does--including myself--and that Dante's just really fuckin' depressed lmao Please keep in mind, as I said, I do not personally think that this is how it should work-- I just thought it would be interesting to talk about. I'm sure that this has been talked about before and probs been beaten into the ground but I thought it was interesting lol.
I'm curious to know what anyone else thinks about this; does anyone else see what I'm getting at? Like I know I am kinda grasping at straws, but isn't that the whole basis of DMC lore to begin with lmfaooo Please let me know through the tags or comments what you think--I'd love to read other's thoughts on this!!
Thanks for coming to my sleep-deprived theory time and I'll see y'all next time.
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beastsovrevelation · 6 months
I said I have 4 storylines of Good Omens fanfiction (including the Crossover with Legion). Had I said that today, I would've lied. There's five.
["Diary entry" under the cut, so there's no litany on an unwilling scroller's feed]
NOTE: I haven't seen S2 of GO, not do I intendt to, so beware of canon divergence
Well... The 5th one is less a coherent storyline, more a concept. I was playing Gardenscapes, and suddenly thought "What if F!Crowley were my Antichrist's mother?"
You know, maybe Crowley owed Satan a new Antichrist, or something. I guess, she'd have screwed up this one, too... Well, she'll gladly take over the world, she just won't destroy it.
The conversation (between myself and myself) went about like this:
Me: ...
Also me: what if?..
Me: for fuck's sake, not again
Also me: Lady Crowley...
Me: please stop
Also me: Was Maxine's mother?
Me: whyever would she be her mother?
Also me: because she owed Satan for the ruined Apocalypse, and had to carry the next Antichrist
Me: Maxine doesn't want the Apocalypse, she's a sane politician
Also me: works for Crowley
Me: she also has black hair and blue eyes
Also me: Satan has black hair and blue eyes, Benedict's not his faceclaim, anyway
Me: fine, why would her last name be Frost?
Also me: Satan goes by Lucian Frost on Earth
Me: why would he ever go by the surname Frost?
Also me: a not to Dante's Inferno
Me: I hate you
Also me: 🤪
Me: you're killing me
Also me: with pleasure 😊
[End dialogue.]
Now, like I always do with any new idea, I of course collapsed down into the daydreaming pit, which often turns fanfiction, and original stories alike, into Tolkien-level complex universes you'd need a lifetime to fully explore.
I thought, it could be funny. When Max meets Anathema and Newt's daughter Agnes in Oxford, they can bond over their unhinged families.
"You'll probably think my parents are weird as fuck, they have a pet raccoon they dye black, and pretend is a cat."
"Honey, no, I get you. My mother mentally abuses her house plants, and wears sunglasses at midnight."
Rich people things, I guess. I mean, they're both nepo babies, who would ask questions about why their families are weird. Who would ask questions about why a rising star politician's mother mentally abuses her house plants.
There's a lot of potential for comedy. Crowley's issues with her sister-in-law, for example. Satan and Michael... They have a strange dynamic. The last time they spoke to each other is mentioned in the Book of Jude. But, they both have the familia ante omnia, blood is everything mentality. They support each other's political aim. They would kill for each other. And, Michael feels very protective (possessive, even) over her niece (the family mediator, why do you think she's a perfect diplomat). It would annoy the Hell (Heaven?) out of Crowley. Still, in the end, she and Michael would probably kill for each other, also.
I'd imagine Satan forbidding any contact with his disowned son... I don't know. In my fanfictions (where he is a thing), Maxine and Adam usually do have eventual contact, and consider themselves siblings (do keep in mind, though, Max would always choose her father over her brother). Satan doesn't mind her not wanting the Apocalypse, as long as she's loyal to him. He sees good points in her arguments against. He never really cared for it, anyway, it was mostly the armies.
Also... Maxine rides horses, ever since she was a child. Crowley doesn't get along with animals, everyone knows that. But. She's the nightmare equestrian mom (think soccer mom, only worse - much worse). How does she get along with Max's animals?.. Well, Titan (the hellhound) actually likes her. Ulysses (the horse) tolerates her. Horus (the falcon - yes, Max's so posh she's in the falconry hobby)... I have no idea. He'd probably sit on her shoulder, sometimes. But, Crowley's anxious around him, since snakes aren't usually friends with raptors.
At first, I thought about conflict between Crowley and Maxine. For example, her refusing to ride in the Bentley, because she (every author must place pieces of them in their characters) despises Queen. But... I don't like writing that. I like writing loving, healthy relationships between mothers and daughters. So, it's more "What do you mean you're bad at being a demon? You caused the Fall of Humankind. None of them can compare to you", and"You'll be the perfect Secretary-General of the United Nations, honey". We love mothers and daughters supporting each other here. ❤
I even thought of cute scenarios, like Crowley coiling in Max's crib, because she's anxious, and wants to protect her baby.
Max is fiercely protective of Crowley. That's why she'd be in conflict with Beelzebub - funny enough, for a similar season to the other stories (Beelzebub causes the death of her adoptive mother, after she realizes she's raising the Antichrist). Beelzebub hates Crowley, and the Beast of Rev. will show her very sharp teeth, should someone threaten her mom. Satan's on his family's side, don't worry.
Actually... You know why this story is cool? Horrific things happen to Crowley in my other fics. Not this one. Actually, she's doing great. She's the Queen of Hell. Damn... She'd outrank Beelzebub. She could terrorize... Her? Like I said, I haven't seen S2, Ι don't know the pronouns, and I don't care, you can get them right if it matters to you (I just know in S2 an actress from Bridgerton played her (?)).
As for Satan/Crowley... As long at Crowley's female, I don't mind it. I like it. Good for you, you little serpent tempter. Because, you know I always romanticise the Devil.
Have I any ideas for smut? You bet I do. I even have crack ideas... You know that picture of a female wolf protecting a male wolf's throat? Think that, but Crowley's coiled around Satan in her snake form, and snaps at anyone who wanders close.
So, I let this out into the web. Now I'll have to actually do it. Wish me luck. 😑
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prophetparadox · 10 months
DMC OC Week 2023 Day 2: Connections to Cast/OCs
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Art by @thatfuckerjackinabox
Day two of @dmc-oc-week-specialedition! Technically the canon characters and the OCs connections are two separate prompts, but Avalon isn't as sociable as Kay is, unfortunately. So I figured I'd just combine them into one and it'd make up for the lack of a social life this man has.
Dante and Vergil: It’d be a stretch to say that Avalon really knew the twins, but he certainly knew of them. Growing up in Red Grave City, it was hard not to notice the twins with white hair going out shopping with their mother. Especially since they had the tendency to get rowdy. But he never even knew their names, or at least he didn’t hear them enough for them to stick out in his mind. After the demon attack, the boys went missing and he assumed they were just among the casualties that night, though perhaps he hoped they might’ve escaped. He didn’t think of them much afterwards though, after all, they were just random kids. It’s not like they meant anything to him.
Arkham: Arkham was like a mentor to Avalon, a man he respected who could help him with the subjects he wished to know about. He hadn’t dismissed him as crazy for talking about demons, which is more than most people. He enjoyed spending time in his company. When he mysteriously vanished one day, Avalon was distraught. He never found out what happened to him, though that might be for the better. Considering Arkham was involved in raising a specific tower…
Kay: There were many hybrid children back then, but for some reason this one stood out to him even years after. He didn’t care to learn any of their names, and she was no exception, but Subject 39 was hard to forget. Out of all of them, she was the most disappointing to him, he couldn’t understand why she survived to the end when many others didn’t. He hated her the most. He has no idea that she was the one who ended everything, that she seeks vengeance towards him, and that she will kill him when she finds him. This means he also doesn’t know that she is the one he’s looking for, the last loose end left behind. Their clash is inevitable though, and the odds aren’t exactly in his favor.
Vigilex (belongs to @keyboardthenerd): He hates everything about this. First, this demon insists they work together to find the respective hybrids they’re searching for, and then he just won’t…leave him alone. It has to be a trick, an attempt at manipulation to get him to sell his soul or allegiance, but what does going on a date have to do with that? Avalon can’t get rid of him. Shooting him never works, and stabbing him doesn’t either. Every time he thinks he’s shaken the fish man off, he finds his way back with a smile. The worst part about it though? Is that he’s starting to enjoy Vigilex’s presence. He actually likes him after all the attempts to get rid of him. He refuses to admit it though. Doing so means Vigilex wins, and then he’ll never leave. He shouldn’t be falling for a demon in the first place and it infuriates him beyond belief.
Clayton (belongs to @mrmercer13): They’re dating, your honor. (Their relationship hasn’t exactly been developed a whole lot but I didn’t want to leave him out either.)
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jenny-dreadful · 10 months
actually, for funsies, lemme rattle off as many of otgw’s subtextual death symbols etc. as i can think of off the top of my head
(understanding that the bulk of this is probably well-trod territory if you’ve sought out much discussion on it, and that some of it is inarguably half-baked ideas that i’m interested in bringing up nonetheless)
Beatrice, in the Divine Comedy, is the name of Dante’s lost love. Also, there is a traditional folk belief (having trouble finding its origin) regarding bluebirds as a sign or incarnation of a deceased loved one
“Pottsfield” as a corruption of “potter’s field,” a type of burial place for the unclaimed dead (How nice, then, that all those skeletons seem to get such a joyful welcome!)
(Addendum: I love all those cheeky little lines there, like “Aren’t you a little too…early?” and “Folks don’t tend to leave Pottsfield.” gtfoh)
(DOUBLE ADDENDUM: Reference to this village event as a “harvest” functions at two ends, sort of. Death is commonly compared to a sort of harvest, as with the Grim Reaper; also, the Pottsfield idea of “harvesting” people who are already dead and buried, rather than living people, serves as perhaps the series’s first glimmering hint into the idea that the titular “garden” is a graveyard
The tavern crowd is satisfied to identify Wirt as “the pilgrim;” The Pilgrim’s Progress famously depicts an allegorical journey through death
Endicott—definitely well-trod that his name appears on a headstone in the real world later on, which is more text than subtext. But I wanna mention it anyway bc (while one may conclude that everyone lingering in the Unknown has died) Endicott is the only one it gets so explicit about, and here too is a graveyard-garden synapse crackle: Where can you find him? Well—in the real world, it’s the cemetery, but in the Unknown he’s prospering in his garden
The search for two pennies for ferry fare (presumably, one each for Wirt and Greg, with Fred and Beatrice planning to play dumb and board for free), ending in the sort of left-field thing where Greg sullenly throws them away? cracks me up because I can only imagine the whole episode being written before someone in the room went, “Shit, wait, they can’t actually pay the ferryman— How do we get out of this?”
(Add.: A ferry typically crosses a body of water rather than traveling along it, doesn’t it? Usually, a vessel like the one depicted would be called a “riverboat;” the decision to consistently call it a “ferry” instead is deliberate as hell.)
Beatrice’s initial endeavor is in bringing the boys to “Adelaide of the pasture”—or, in only slightly different terms, putting them “out to pasture”
Some more small ones, but when they encounter the other frogs and realize they’re all clothed, Greg kind of oddly makes a particular point of noting their unclothed frog’s “cold feets;” bare feet are sometimes used in art to suggest death, and separately, going barefoot is a part of proper mourning in some traditions. Also—there’s something to those frogs burying themselves in the mud to sleep, and to our party going on instead of staying with them, isn’t there?
Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for…thee, ultimately, if you get eaten? I’m gonna be tbh with you, I don’t see a strong connection here, but it feels weird to not mention it when there IS a strong (if general) association of bells as announcers of death. Maybe I’m missing something.
Greg sure does visit (and choose to return from) what can only be described as someplace resembling a child’s heaven. Traditionally, only one way to achieve this.
Oh, man, no big surprise with, like, “Come Wayward Souls”’ moody ass, but “Patient Is the Night” is such a cool instance of a particular old-fashioned, folkish flavor, poetically obfuscating the topic of death to present it as welcoming and restful (couldn’t work out a less pretentious or clunky way to say that).
And last, for now: Hey, shit, I’m pretty sure this doesn’t quite add up to anything, it’s just… It’s kinda weird that Greg’s big crime is revealed as the theft of a stone (painted to represent a person) from somebody’s garden, when this poetic interpretation of a graveyard as a “garden” (lined with stones, each carved to represent a person, in a different way) is established pretty thoroughly. Like, I won’t pretend that’s not kinda a reach. But it’s not nothing nothing, right?
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killer-dream · 1 year
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-stares at phoenix ideas- ... -adds one more to the pile-
see, i already have cyrus, who's kinda sorta given up. to him, the world is the human's and it's only a matter of time before other creatures get wiped out. at least if he's useful to them, they won't have a reason to want to get rid of him at least. and it's kinda sad bc cyrus doesn't even remember his original name anymore, just the simplified version that humans can actually say.
in my drafts i tried to start dante's bio but he's a fucking piece of shit. he's from the era where killing phoenixes was outlawed, but having them as pets was a-okay. his wings were clipped so he won't ever fly again and frankly, it's a bit less humiliating for him to pretend to be a fucking parrot than to let it be known that he's a proud creature of the skies, doomed to be grounded for the rest of his life.
...new birb idea is birb that absolutely does not vibe w/humans and has absolutely burned down several residential areas. and will burn down more. probably one of the last remaining phoenixes from a species that people thought went extinct.
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rosedesang · 6 months
Audio #65. Control and hunger.
2024, March. Dante's recorded journal.
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“March 20th, 2024, self analysis journal entry number 65. It is 10 in the evening. I haven't quite finished the chapter I was aiming to submit to my publicist before the day ends. For my third book, I realize the direction we've chosen is limiting. I would want to go furthur, to share more than simple didactics. The entire psychoanalysts community is waiting for that book, in a good way as much as in a bad one, ready to tear it all apart if I do not do as good at my firsts. I lack inspiration therefore, recording this diary helps me empty my mind. Last sunday, a question made me re-thin on a few things. Why building an empire in the shadows? The question was beyond interesting to me : I have already asked it to myself countless times, however, it was the first time it came from the outside. I looked above my shoulder, the masked one was standing behind me, a girl of pleasure working the night for one of the most beautiful evenings we had at La Rose. Then walking towards the railing to remain by my side. I did not answer, she did not await for an actual answer either, simply letting her interrogation float, suspended. I firmly believe my wife wanted La Rose for control. Why building such an empire if not to take back what seems has been taken away from her through her entire life. Carrying the last name she does, it all comes with expectations she seemingly fulfills to perfection. When I observe her, she is perfection, in the way she speaks, walks, breathes. It appears natural even though the gears under her skull has been programmed to project this carefully crafted image of herself. Unlike the rest of the family, calmness seems to run on her skin. In a way, she is fascinating to me, I wouldn’t call it Love, what we have, fascination is a more suitable term. I for a long time wondered if disorders would emerge from such a long time act, such as neuroticism. In fact, as years pass, I can see the cracks in her will. There is such violence, in the eyes she lays on what goes on behind the closed doors of our beautiful secret society. Only here, it seems, she lets herself enjoy representing everything the outside world does not have a clue she truly is. I often watches her collecting information and hours and hours of footage of the grand names of this country who has been part of the society for years now : footage them diving into the most disgusting fantasies we provide to them at La Rose. The price to pay for pleasure is enormous, considering she now owns them all. Would she ever release the tapes? Obviously not. It would mean the end of our beautiful business - she simply adores the idea of everyone thinking she can.  Me, it never has been about control, never has been about becoming some sort of guru that holds tapes and tales and records of morally disgusting transactions above anyone's head. If I one day do, it will only to see how far they are willing to go to protect themselves, now that would be interesting. All together, it is the price they pay for pleasure that is the center of it all for me. Isn’t it ironic, for those who have it all to never stop from wanting more. And so I watch, the lines they insist to cross further and further. It is so biblical to me, the Rights and Wrongs dictated by some some higher being. Doesn’t that make me the higher being here? Serving on a plate all the Wrongs we could possibly find for them to feast on. I see it as entertainment then, a social experiment one could say. I would be hypocritical if I didn't include myself though, in a sordid way, I am a patient too. It drives me, to see how far I can get and how long I can get away with it. Freud was right after all, even if he foolishly states it’s the libido that controls us all, I would call it hunger instead.”
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timecryptid · 7 months
Ya know what? I want to talk about my ocs but I can never do that if no one knows anything about them and I have no idea what to talk about. So here is the list of my current stories (using my sometimes fun and sometimes just basic ass titles)
Republicans get fucked (literally): Okay so I got the idea for this one when there was a book that went viral where it's some young liberal woman who falls in love with a conservative man and turns into your classic trad wife. And I've never seen anything with a similar plot but the other way around or queer. So this is a series of stories involving Republicans who bottom for liberals. This is the series that Oscar and Kandi belong to. It's one of my favorites just simply because it's the stories/characters that got me back into writing my own characters. Currently, it's got two main stories. Ivan x Sage and Oscar x Mason. Oscar and Mason's story is more smut than Ivan x Sage. Mason's is about a rich conservative college football player who falls for his rather gross leftist roommate. Then Sage's story has been coined in my mind as incel to femboy because that is what he is.
Ken x Wren (Did I say already that I have basic ass titles?): Superhero x villain but it's the type where the villain is a young college freshman who is living with a famous superhero who is paying for literally his whole life including his father's medical bills. And the only reason said hero (Ken) is paying for all of this is because of the fact that he likes taking advantage of young people who can't say no to him for fear of being kicked out on their asses. Meanwhile, Wren has been working for a shitty capitalist who has been touching him since before he was of age so he's pretty used to this by now.
Yandere brother: The first incest listed here but not at all the last one that I have. This one is about an older brother Dante who has literally no feelings for anyone, romantic or platonic. And this includes his parents. He doesn't really want friends or anything but eventually makes friends to soothe his parents. That is until his younger brother, Eden, is born when he's ten. It's a slow burn and ends with the two fucking after Dante kills all of his brother's friends. It also has a lot of religious talk as I imagine you can guess with Eden's name. This story was supposed to be a short story but then it turned into two novellas/novels, one from each of their perspectives.
Kane x Blake: This is the story that I created the comic off of and have at least two more planned. It's about Kane who creates a gang when he's in middle school and Blake who is his muscle who wants desperately to just be a cute little housewife. Born to be a housewife, forced to be the muscle for a gang leader. Kane is insane but I love him, he's also a literal monster. This one has a lot of religious undertones (something that is present in a lot of my works).
Dani x Anthony: One of my older works that is being changed slightly and also one of only three straight couples I have. And even then both of them are bi. It's a holiday story about Dani who comes home from studying abroad and falls in love with her former academic rival Anthony who is a massively prissy fancy boy. He's a more fancy frat boy where if it were up to him he wouldn't be a part of a frat but it's the only way his rich father will pay for his college. Also while it's straight Dani does not bottom. Pegging all the way.
Youtuber siblings: And my 2 straight couple. Who is actually straight. Leah is the younger sister of a famous rather intense vlogger Noah. I don't actually know too much about their story but it's probably going to involve Leah doing some murder because she's a boss-ass bitch. Also, she's friends with Luca who is a closeted gay boy who crossdresses and pretends to be her girlfriend to make her look good.
Loving Family ;): This is the one that Envy, June, Robin, and Alex belong to. It's going to be two stories, one about Envy and June and the other about Robin and Alex. It was mostly created because I realized that I didn't have a lesbian incest story and I had to complete the trio. Also, Envy and Robin are both trans, Envy being a trans woman who is decently masc and Robin is a trans man who dresses rather femininely. And I went with that 1) because I think masc trans women are hot and 2) they are underrepresented. Also while the main couples are Envy x June and Alex x Robin I have idea for a lot of combinations of the four siblings.
Omegaverse Private School: Look I just wanted to write about a young alpha who got bitched and now has to attend an all omega private school. His name is Riley and he's very buff and pretty. Then you have his alpha who happens to be his teacher Louis. They weren't planning on the bitching happening but they did anyways. Then you have Riley's roommate Al who is an omega who is dating another omega Vivienne and Al is planning on transitioning into an alpha when she graduates and gets away from her shitty parents.
Queer Vent: About a 20-something-year-old girl Maya and her girlfriend Cas who go to Maya's family/s for Christmas. And it's basically just a self-insert about my own relationship with a family that just never acknowledges my queerness. You always hear about families where they are explicitly homophobic but not the quiet kind of homophobia where your family just never talks about it but like you know they're not accepting.
Modern Greek Myth Retellings: It's what it sounds like. I (like so many queer people) have always had a love of Greek mythology and I want to do modern Greek myth retellings. I would love to hear about other people's favorite myths because I don't know enough. I only have one done so far and that is a fun modern Narcissus retelling for a short story contest.
Revelations Inspired Short Stories: I also have a bit of an obsession with religion specifically Christianity and also cults. So currently I have just two planned. One with Jesus who is a queer polyamorous teen who hates his father and the angel Gabriel who follows him around. Then you have my anti christ who doesn't have a name who happens to be a teen girl cheerleader who has no interest in the world ending. Also, she lives with both of her parents including Satan himself and her father. Who you could technically call her mother as he gave birth to her.
Chronos x Gabriel: Chronos is an older disabled veteran who is now a cowboy. Gabriel is a gay teen party boy who is the son of some kind of politician. It's another older story that I am revamping and turning more modern. I don't actually have much of a story for it. Current thought is something about the troubled teen industry.
Wolfman x Dogwomen x Catboy: Look these characters started off as a self insert joke in middle school with two of my at the time best friends. My main character is a cat boy named Kat because it's a shortened version of the joke name that I will not be revealing. He's a grumpy emo cat boy who used to be the pet of a rich family until he was kicked out for kissing their son. Then you have Hannah (the former self-insert) who is a middle 20's dog girl who works part time as a dominatrix. Then Maverick (which may or may not be his final name) who was based on my middle school best friend's edgy wolf self-insert. He's a wolfman who is an office worker because it's one of the few jobs he can get as a hybrid. It starts with Hannah and Maverick who have been dating since middle school and are also in a pretty big poly relationship with a lot of their middle/high school friends and they pick up young Kat off the street. And he falls in love with them.
Alice in Wonderland Twins: I love Alice in Wonderland so of course here is my own take on it. It has twins Alice and Alec who fall into Wonderland. Where Alice falls for the Mad Hatter (my third and last straight couple) where Mad Hatter hates the fact that he's in love with this young girl. And Alec falls for the Chesire Cat and that one has a lot less guilt.
Little Red Riding Hood: Similar to Alice in Wonderland in that I wanted to do my own version of Little Red Riding Hood. This time though it's gay. You have Red who lived with his grandmother when he was a kid and then came back to live with his parents. Only to be sent back to his grandmother's small village. Now this one has two different ways it could go. One is that he falls in love with his childhood crush who broke his heart and is a massive dick who is the huntsman. Or you have him fall for his grandmothers new farm hand who is the big bad wolf.
Used To Be About Zombies :/: I've always loved the zombie apocalypse and I wanted to create my own zombie apocalypse story in middle school. And then I realized I can't really write that kind of thing so now they're not in the apocalypse. I love all these characters but no longer had a story for any of them but then realised they're my own characters. I could just stick them in whatever scenarios I wanted. You have my sad gay whore Nic whose first boyfriend took advantage of him and made him very hypersexual. Think Angel Dust but before I knew of him. Then you have his crush who is older than him Tom who is a massively Christian man who is very repressed and it takes him a long time to realize that he's bi. Also, I just realized they are basically just Huskerdust but this was before I knew of these characters. Then you have Tom's younger sister and Nic's best friend Maddie who is much more liberal. And also not only is she very accepting of her own bisexuality. And dating Valerie, a trans girl who is very shy but also very kind.
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soulbolts · 1 year
❗️❗️New OC alert❗️❗️
I've started a new story that's not horror related, and it's more based around high school in particular junior year of high school since that was a weird year for me since I was at home, recovering from a surgery I had that summer before junior year. It's about a new original character I have made up, and her name is Skye Miles. I know that sounds like a very African American last name, but she still is white. PLEASE, please don't get offended by this. I am making up for it by including another character that is actually black, and his name is Pastor Dante. As his name implies, he is a church pastor. He is very progressive and accepts any youth in need of help. He's a youth pastor in the church. And yes, he accepts LGBTQIA+ people. Anyways, Skye is very bisexual and does not care what people think about herself. Most of the time, anyway. If anyone thinks that Miles isn't a good last name for a white character, I will gladly change it. That's all I wanted to say.
Edit: I am not abandoning my other story with Ivy Keller in it. Another story idea came to my mind. I just need some time to sort out the plots of these stories.
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corvase · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you have any advice or suggestions for book titles. Particularly in the action/romance/drama genre. Thank you!
advice for deciding on a book title
firstly, thank you for asking me! :)
this is definitely one of the hardest parts of writing (along with character names).
for the romance/action/drama genre— or for any genre frankly, there are three ideas i approach to tackle this aspect of writing.
sayings, idioms, and or classic media
^^ cross out titles as a way to switch up phrases
describing how your characters meet, or something relating to their relationship in the novel specifically
to start with #1.
i search up (and or think of) idioms, or media, or things people say in general. then i either use those, or twist it a little and give it my own flare.
an example of this would be the book much ado about you by eloisa james, which put a twist to shakespeare’s much ado about nothing, or one like you deserve each other by sarah hogle, which is just a phrase people use often.
i use this site most often for sayings. i think it also helps to pay attention to daily life.
take the book very sincerely yours by kerry winfrey for example— that title is simply a way to sign off an email— and there are many different variations you could come up with depending on the book, like “yours truly,” or “with love,” or “thinking of you.”
let’s say your story is a comedic/romance/action/drama one about eeehhhh a gal who meets someone who’s a detective on her crazy family’s case (but she doesn’t know at first and they fall in love or something (don’t shoot me okay i just came up with it now)). you could have something simple like “first comes love, then comes cuffs”, or you could go simpler with, “humor me.”
keep in mind:
your title doesn’t actually have to be something blatantly plot specific.
it can be about one component of your story, or two, or five— or it could be about one throwaway line you had in the book (you deserve each other does this).
take for example famous last words by katie alender, where the title only targets the horror/action/hollywood-esque part of the story, although there’s more plot to it. it’s also a relatively common saying and is effective despite being known already.
or on the flip side, there’s the flatshare by beth o’leary, which quite literally tells you exactly what the book is about strictly from the title. a flatshare. it is simple and to the point and doesn’t take away from the story itself. same with howl’s moving castle by diana wynne jones.
#2 (which is basically a subsection of #1) is cross out titles, which are also very neat to me (and make for pretty cover art). these are where a title cuts out a part of the original title and only keeps parts that fits their novel.
for example the saying “out of sight, out of mind”, which could turn into “out of sight, out of mind” or “out of sight, out of mind my life” or something silly like that.
a more serious (and real) example is everything i know about parties, dates, friends, jobs, life, love by dolly alderton.
#3 is a title that describes the way your characters meet, which i find have a wistful effect to them.
an example of this would be it ends with us by colleen hoover, the wedding date by jasmine guillory, or aristotle and dante discover the universe by benjamin alire sáenz.
some titles straight from my head that follow the theme of describing the characters relationship (again, titles aren’t my strong suit) are “and yet, there is you” for something along the lines of a second chance romance, or one where the characters hate each other but are still drawn to each other despite it. either that, or “a song for your thoughts,” for a story where one of the characters enjoys singing, or maybe karaoke is an inside joke between them.
was this just me talking about some of my favorite books? maybe! do i regret it? no!
i hope this helps even if the effect is minuscule! happy writing! :)
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honeydew-mel0n · 3 years
Some Sparda Twin Halloween Headcanons
b/c I felt like it. Happy Halloween babes!
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Dante has never been one to go all out for Halloween, he’s never had a reason to. His thing is to just turn off the lights and wait till the next day to buy the leftover candy that's been put on sale. And to be fair, he does this with every candy based holiday. 
To be very fair, Patty had tried to drag him out to go trick or treating with her, he did once- but refused to put the full costume on. She finally got him to compromise with the red glittery devil horn headband. 
So now that he had two people who loved Halloween on his back… he feels even less excited… at first. 
If you make him help you decorate he’s going to complain about how you’re messing up the look of his place (as if it’s “look” wasn’t just filth), but will go out in the middle of the night and just look at it all. It’s so different, and it’s so you. He loves it. 
When it comes to the actual day, he dreads the idea that you’re probably going to dress him up in some cheesy costume. When you actually do give him one to wear he will verbally refuse. 
“I’m not wearing this-” And then he goes and puts part of it on. He’s a tall man, not everything is going to fit him. 
Patty will drop by a few hours before kids start making their rounds, and god she is so excited to see everything. She’ll take a bunch of photos without Dante’s permission, then give you a little envelope with both of your names neatly written on the front with Halloween prints all over it. An invitation to her party. And to his surprise, you deny her. “Oh, I'm sorry honey. But we’re staying home and handing out candy to trick-or-treaters.” 
That’s actually his favorite part of the day. Dante says he doesn’t like kids, but as we've seen with Patty, that isn’t true. He won’t hand anything out himself, but he’ll stand beside you and watch their little faces light up with happiness as they get to show off their costumes. When it gets darker he might even start playing some ticks himself. The darker it is out, the older the kids are that start showing up. So he’ll dim the light a little bit and- he’s aware that sometimes his eyes can have glow to them- He’ll loom over you while bathed in shadow, staring down at the poor kids. 
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Vergil doesn’t understand your excitement, or anyone’s holiday excitement for that matter. He’s been so detached that human holidays don’t register the way they used to. 
Once you start decorating the inside and outside of your living space, he doesn’t change or comment at all. It doesn’t bother him that you’re putting up all of these decorations in a home you’re already in charge of decorating. As long as it’s nothing distracting, like flashing lights or anything that makes too much noise inside, he won’t care. 
He had no qualms about the day itself, that was when he thought you weren’t going to try and get him to dress up or go out. But, you did. 
With all he puts up with from you he thought you would have spared him, but no, you subject him to this hellish torture. It’s safe to say that getting anything close to a costume on Vergil is like trying to put a hat on a cat, and you get away with it because he loves you too much to do anything. Just listen to him grumble as you once again put the blue devil horns back on his head. 
“I don’t understand why you don’t like them, I hunted down the blue ones just for you.”
It’s a tradition for you to go on a walk just before the sun goes down, but this year it didn't go very well. The swarms of children running by never had bothered you, but it became way too much for him very quickly.
You head back home early, feeling a little guilty for putting him in such an overwhelming situation. In the last stretch of the walk, your street was pretty empty of trick-or-treaters for the time being. The only people who walked by you were two little girls with the same hair and eye color in matching costumes. They ran past while holding hands with what seemed to be their mother jogging behind them. Even as they rounded the corner, you could hear them giggle, and for a split second, you swear you saw him smile. 
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