#Do you know what you’ve done Zuzu
muffinlance · 2 years
Fellow Prisoner Li, Part 5: Zuko, Ruiner of Speeches
Read from the beginning || Previous || Read all chapters on AO3
“We can’t leave without Li,” Katara said, and Aang said, and Hama and the other ex-Fire-Nation-prisoners were largely neutral on, but Sokka wasn’t actually arguing that.
“We’ve been here too long,” was what Sokka was arguing. “We are in the middle of the Fire Nation. After breaking into a prison, with our giant recognizable sky bison and our glowing recognizable Avatar. The whole point of coming here was to not be recognized, which now that I think about it, was a planned doomed to fail the second it started with ‘break into a prison’—”
Not that he’d voted for that plan, either. Honestly, that plan seemed custom-built to out themselves immediately. While in a prison designed to hold benders. Which just went to show that Li was not a Plan Guy. And yes, Sokka was just as worried as the rest of them that the firebender had apparently wandered off with no supplies into a forest and not come out in any of the neighboring towns, but— 
“Would you leave me behind?” his little sister said. “Or Aang? Or Hama? Li’s one of us.”
“Yes,” Sokka said. “I mean no. I mean—ugh. He knows where we are. So either he doesn’t want to come back, or someone is stopping him, and the fact he’s held out for days means it would probably be pretty terrible of us to waste his—”
“If you say sacrifice—” Katara said, while Aang was turning a distinct shade of hadn’t-previously-contemplated-torture white. 
Which was, of course, when the Fire Nation troops announced themselves. The inn was surrounded. Appa was groaning under the sudden weight of an iron net. Faceless skull masks stood poised to bend in a double-ring all around them, with… a teenage girl as their leader?
Good evil smirk. 10/10. Sokka really felt the unflappable confidence.
“What have you done to him?” Katara shouted, interrupting a very dramatic monologue about the inevitability of their defeat. 
“Rude,” the girl said. “And unspecific.”
“With Li. Where is he?”
The girl’s eyes skimmed over their little group again. Three children and one elder out front, other elders huddled inside, watching through the upstairs windows. Her eyes narrowed. 
“You misplaced your firebender?”
“Well,” Aang said, clutching his staff in front of himself. “He might have been upset, and… left?”
“Li,” she said, drawing the name out in a very particular way. “Left. Left you. The Avatar.”
“Or,” Katara growled, her glare firmly on the girl, her hand firmly on her waterskin. “He was captured.”
“If he was captured, I would know,” the girl said.
“Because… you are…?” Sokka asked.
10/10 on the I don’t disappoint me, you disappoint me look, too. Which was on her, really, because what had been the point of her whole speech if there was no one here who even knew who she was? And it wasn’t like they should know—
“Princess Azula,” she said. “Daughter of Fire Lord Ozai. Heir to the Dragon Throne.”
And then she snapped her fingers, and started giving orders. Search pattern orders. 
“Find him,” she said.
“Um,” said Aang, holding his staff a little less tightly. “Are you… capturing me?”
The Fire Princess had quite a repertoire of looks. Sokka… did not recognize this one.
“What’s even the point if he’s not here to watch?” she said, and turned her back on them.
She still left the nets on Appa, and enough soldiers to burn the inn if they so much as twitched. Given all the elders inside who could barely walk, much less run…
Team Avatar sat tight. Or, as Sokka preferred to think of it: outsourced their Li-tracking to someone with superior manpower.
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kunikame · 9 months
[06] - dude... | prev. | m. list | next
ace trappola x fem!reader smau
! warning(s) : cussing, st@bbing mention, sewerslide & kys jokes, is ace developing a crush? is he not? well never know, author real story incorporated (yes the scissor story is real.) ! w/c : 865
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even through your doubts, you chose to accept aces invitation in the end. perhaps this meeting will help clear up said doubts, who knows? plus, you suppose it wouldn’t hurt too much to pay the octatrio a little surprise visit.
upon entering the mirror chamber you immediately notice the ginger waiting for you by the octavinelle mirror, fiddling with his phone angrily. probably texting deuce, you assume. once he takes notice of your nearing footsteps he looks up and immediately brightens when his eyes land on you. “[name]! i didn’t think you would actually come!”
“.. that would be really rude. sounds more like something you would do.”
he winces momentarily, then after a moment, he nods in understanding, “can’t say i blame you for thinking that. shall we go?” 
ace holds his arm out for you to take, which you glance at warily, only to walk past him and through the mirror.
it’s not that you don’t trust ace, you’ve been through a bunch of shit during your time in nrc together, but you don’t really want to be seen arm-locked with him, either. people might get the wrong idea, or something (you fail to realize you’re literally going on something that looks like a “date” to outsiders). 
after a short mirror trip you find yourself outside the magical octavinelle dorm building. due to the dizziness the mirrors effects still have on you, you stumble a bit upon landing and immediately feel aces hand on your arm to help you steady yourself. after the first couple months you spent here, your friends have all learned the mirror makes you dizzy, and there’s always someone reaching a helping hand out whenever you use it. ace himself has done it a million times before.
so why is your heart racing just a tad faster this one time?
and why are aces hands shaking slightly?
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“jadey my dearest!”
“seven save me,” was all the eel got to utter before getting body slammed.
“oh, how i missed you so! i’m so happy to see you’re finally back from war!” you say, wiping some fake tears from your cheeks.
“he is not ‘at war’. he is simply ‘working’. as all humans should, because some clearly have way too much time on their hands.”
“zuzu! … go back to war, i did not miss you.”
azuls expression was a hilarious mix of flabbergasted and backstabbed and you wish you had a free hand to take a picture, but it seems floyd had you covered when you notice his flash go off.
“what’re ya here for today, shrimpy? .. oh, crabby is here too! here for a squeeze?”
“no. nope. absolutely not,” out of the corner of your eye you could see ace slowly backing away from floyd, who wore his signature menacing grin–
“c’mon floyd, back to work you go.”
–before azul (who was still pouting) hauled him away. to this day you still don’t understand how he can do that.
“thank you, zuzu! love you!”
“i hope you explode.” (he’s not pouting anymore)
“so, what are you here for today?”
“ace asked me to hang out. i decided i’d see how it goes.”
“i see,” the eel hums in thought, “alright. give me a call if anything. or floyd. any of us, really.”
“thanks, jade. i hope i won’t need to."
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“he threw you down a well?!”
“he sure as hell did! and our dad just stood by and watched, no words, nothing! like a damn statue!”
you’re pretty sure you’re doing an ab workout with how bad your stomach hurts from laughing so much.
“they couldn’t even pull me out! had to call the fire department, they were all like, “oh yeah, my child tripped and fell in the well in our backyard” tripped and fell my fucking ass, hello?! i was screaming ‘n crying when they got me out.”
“i’m so… so sorry… i can’t-can’t breathe–” you continued your hysterical fit for a short while longer before you finally managed to calm down.
“ohhh my god i can’t believe this, man,” you finally took a drink of the smoothie jade placed on your table about 30 minutes ago, “your childhood days were fucking wild.”
“yeah,” he copied you by also drinking from his drink, “how about yours? if you want to share that is, i understand that’s a.. sensitive topic right now.”
“no, no, it's fine. umm.. let me think..” swirling the contents of the glass before you, you thought deep and far back into your memories, until you found something appropriate, “oh, i stabbed myself with scissors once,” ace nearly chokes on his drink, “intentionally, i think? we were making some christmas cutouts with my mom when i was 7 and she left me unsupervised for 5 minutes. i started playing with the scissors pretending they were planes and the plane was supposed to crash into a mountain, which was my knee, and yeah. boom. scissors i my knee, blood everywhere, mom screaming bloody murder, and im just staring with my stupid little blank face.”
you look up from your smoothie and ace is staring at you like you just told him you ate your foot raw.
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## ❝ after the events of the phantom bride wedding, ace started wondering whether he still had the ability to charm girls. he hasn’t thought about anyone romantically in years, hasn’t really flirted with anyone either, what if he’s gone out of it? perhaps it’s time to put his talents to the test; with the person who hates him most, no less. if he can charm her, he can charm anyone. ❞
#TAGLIST ! : @solxima @gabirii @lunavixia @y2unagiz @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @borlining @verity-moon @myunghology @doughnuts-eater @lifeless-bug @babygurlenthusiast @shirishere @xopeach @stormyovent0aster @bontensbabygirl @ars-tral @wrathy-mcwrathface @sinofthesloth @skeet-2 @everettelz @sakuram1nt @shatiyuh @ambigrueity @junebunny06 @norylight @dyedracoonhair // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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babybatss-blog · 3 months
ik youve nvr done a fic for sam from sdv but I saw you are happy to!
Could I get fluff where he teaches you how to use his skateboard?
Of course love, that’s such a cute idea! I don’t know much about skating but I did date a girl who skated, so I hope it’s accurate ~
Sam (stardew) x f!reader, 1300 words
Cw: swearing, suggestive language and blood.
Life in the valley is relaxing as you’ve always dreamed it would be. After leaving Zuzu city, you craved a boring normality, without a standard nine to five job and screaming criminals outside of your window at three am when you’re trying to sleep. You do also kind of miss the fun you had in your teenage years though, causing trouble and giving grey hairs to your poor parents. Perhaps that’s why you love Abby, Sam and Sebastian. Being two years younger than you they tended to remind you of trouble-free times, often getting you into antics you wouldn’t dream of now you’re attempting a proper adult life in the scenic countryside.
After doing your simple tasks on the farm you check your phone to see a message from Abby. “Yo we are chilling outside of Sam’s if you want to join :)” You smile at the text, as you’ve only been here for a month and a bit and the three have already welcomed you in so graciously. So you grab you back pack and set off, to spend the day in the sunshine with your new friends.
When you arrive, Abby and Sebastian are sitting on the grass playing Arctic Monkeys on a small speaker, while Sam is skating on the path in front of them. “Hey!!” You call, causing an enthusiastic wave from Abby and a less enthusiastic one from Seb. You thought he hated you, but the others assured you he was ‘just like that’. Sam on the other hand, whips his head up and looses balance on his board almost immediately, causing him to fall flat on his ass on the harsh concrete.
“Shit Sam are you alright?” You say, scrambling to his side to help him up. Despite what you deemed to be a serious tumble, Abigail and Seb merely laugh at the poor boy, pointing and insulting his clumsiness. “mm I’m alright…” he grumbles, dusting himself off with a pink blush coating his cheeks. You can’t help but notice how cute he looks in his flustered state, but choose to not dwell so much on the thought as it somehow feels wrong inside your stomach. “So… What are you doing?” You ask, quickly changing the subject away from your awkward silence. “Just skating. I’ve been trying to kickflip but it’s honestly harder than I thought it would be.” You respond with a confused face, clearly not understanding his complex lingo as if it’s another language entirely.
“Show her what you mean dipshit!” Abby calls out, her and Seb somehow still chuckling to each other. Why are they doing that you wonder, Sam fell over ages ago! This also spikes Sam out of the same confusion, which causes him to explain exactly what a kickflip is. “Right. So, a kickflip is basically just flipping the board as you jump, and landing on it afterwards. Pretty simple but I just can’t get it!”
Simple? You think to yourself silently on how intricate the whole ordeal sounds, but decide not to argue with him on it. Afterall, what do you know about skateboarding? “Here, let me show you what I’ve got so far.” He says, wasting no moment to let you advise against it as he promptly rides off. His nimble legs kick the board into a twist, and he jumps as if a bird in flight. But on the landing, his feet completely miss the centre of the board which causes him to catapult forward!
You start to leap forward (as if it will help in anyway) but he artfully rolls out of it and bounces up to his feet, showing a dorky smile and thumbs up almost immediately to soothe any doubts you may have. “See what I mean?” He walks towards you with an unearned swagger, picking up his board on the way and smiling. How this man hasn’t died yet you have no idea. “God Sam, I don’t know how you even attempt something like that… I can’t even ride forward on a skateboard!” He begins to chuckle at you, before stopping in his tracks with a wide eyed expression. “Hey, I can teach you! I’ve tried to Teach Abby and Seb like a million times now but they never want to. You can be my skating buddy.
Immediately you know how much of a bad idea that is. Flinging yourself onto a wheeled board, on concrete and without any protection? No thanks. But seeing Sam’s wide smile, setting up the board and pondering the best approach to teaching just makes the whole thing so damn appealing. Who can blame a girl, wanting to spend time with a cute guy?
So you roll your eyes, but still walk over to the board on the other side of Sam. “Okay so when your ready grab my hands and step onto the board. We are just going to practice balance for now, I’ll lead you up and down the path until you don’t need to hold on to stand up straight.” Sam sets his hand out on top of the board, calloused and strong from years of falling over and playing guitar. Taking a deep breath, you grab them. They’re warm and safe. You step onto the board, shaking on the spot but somehow still standing up. “Good girl…” He says, making your stomach knot up. You know his simple affirmation shouldn’t make you feel that way, but you cannot help but feel the butterflies building up within your walls.
Abigal and Sebastian seem to have the same idea, as the pair who you had forgotten were still watching arc up, Seb with a wolf whistle and Abby with some loud clapping. “Ignore them.” He says, clearing not getting the inuendo the rest of you recognised in his words. With slow yet dangerous steps Sam leads you forward, both of your eyes trained on the board below you. A smile grows on your face at the success, feeling an odd sort of accomplishment despite the small task. His hands pull away from yours, which you know was the goal of this but still makes you somehow upset.
You hold you breath as if you are on a tightrope, trying desperately not to fall off. You almost had it too, until Sam gives the board a light push and it catapults out from underneath you! Your three friends all leap up, taking your fall much more seriously than Sam’s previous ones as both your right leg and two palms draw blood on the harsh contact below. A string of mumbled curse words leaves Sam’s mouth as he rushes to your side, while all you can do is just sit their in defeat. “Fuck I’m so sorry, I thought you were ready to have the board moving. Are you bleeding?” You only nod back, raising your hands to show the raw skin you have developed. Sam scatters off like a nervous school boy into his house to grab his mothers first aid kit, as Abby and Seb sit next to you. “Good job there.” Seb says sarcastically, causing you to blush even more. “Shut up.” You reply. “I wanted to seem cool.”
To this Abigail envelopes you in a hug. “Girl you are cool! You don’t need to prove yourself to us or anyone! Plus, Sam already thinks your cool.” She says with a smile. “Really?” You ask, hopefully in your question as if it will solve all your issues. Both her and Seb reaffirm this, as Sam now rushes back outside (almost falling over himself again in the process) to pick you up. “Come on, I’ve got some bandages and ointment in the kitchen for you.”
He slings your arm over his shoulder and hoists you up effortlessly, helping you stumble into the kitchen. Truthfully, your small scratches don’t need all this attention, but you’ll take the excuse to be close to Sam once again.
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Healing Kissy (Sebek, Azul)
"My head hurts, can you kiss my forehead so it'll stop?"
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
My head is trying to explode, comfort me, fictional men
— (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
— Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek shuts his mouth with a loud noise at the full body wince from the Prefect that meets his exclamation. He apologizes in a softer voice, both to not aggravate her headache more and to keep with her request to not be too loud inside closed rooms. She accepts his apologies easily, as she tends to do despite his best efforts to teach her to be more assertive, and smiles at him. Usually, her smile would make his heart jump inside his chest, but right now it can only squeeze in worry at the tiredness behind the gesture.
Human beings are just so weak.
So ephemeral.
So… precious.
“Very well, since  you’re sick and in pain, I shall help you however necessary.”
Sebek’s kiss is somehow determined like only him can be. It’s firm and it’s sure and so, so comforting.
If “the power of believing” was a legit magic source, Sebek would cure you with that kiss alone. He knows it is most likely just a human superstition, but part of him can’t help but hope it’ll at least alleviate some of your pain.
Will definitely kiss your forehead again if you ask.
Actually, he might offer a kiss even if you don’t complain about headaches. You should accept all of them, not only you’re getting free kisses, but Sebek lightens up with the prospect of helping his second favorite person.
At some point he might get so used to it that he starts just randomly kissing your forehead. Will explain it as “dutifully preventing future headaches”, and that is actually part of the truth. The other part is that he likes kissing your forehead
Kiss his forehead back, he’ll blush so hard but also boast about “being protected against all head ailments”. Will not accept forehead kisses from anyone else other than his mom, Lilia and Malleus (though the last one is not interested).
— (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
— Azul Ashengrotto
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I’m sick, my head hurts. Can you give me a forehead kiss? It’ll make it feel better.”
That is scientifically impossible, Prefect. Healing kisses are not, in fact, a thing. Unless there’s someone with a unique magic that heals people through kisses. That would be an interesting employee to have, in case of emergencies—wait, he’s not supposed to think about that right now. No, right now Azul has something more important to care about: his girlfriend’s wellbeing.
“Very well, for a price, anything can be done.”
“Zuzu, I’m sick. Can’t I get a free kiss just this time?”
“... that can be arranged.”
Literally so soft? Like, this man’s lips are so, so soft and plump? Sir, where are you going with those lips? Who are you kissing?
Well, you. He’s kissing your forehead, and it’s the softest, most gentle kiss you’ve ever gotten. You might get addicted.
Azul is incredibly embarrassed, but he can’t find it in himself to deny a request from you.
Because he’s embarrassed, he’ll only show affection beyond hand holding behind closed doors. Also, he happens to have two eels that love to tease him far too much. So don’t expect kisses to happen a lot.
But he’ll surely give them when you’re alone in a room. There’s no deal and not even need for a reason, he’ll kiss your forehead as soon as he has your ok.
Kiss his forehead back and he might spit some ink. He’s blushing so hard and his hearts are on overdrive. But he wants more. Give him more kisses, please. He loves them.
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cynthinesia · 2 years
Hello! Congratulations on your milestone dear! May I request something about your event?
I would like to order 🌺 tea with a side of 🌰 with Jamil and Azul? More on a romantic note, if possible. Thank you and have a great day/night! ❤️
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🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
The classes, the tests, the quizzes, the exams... All were too tiring in the following week, but you somehow managed to pass them with flying colors thanks to the tutoring you got. You walked out of your classroom when the lessons ended, and went straight to the Mostro Lounge not only to get yourself a drink, but also to visit your tutor; none other than Octavinelle’s dorm leader, Azul Ashengrotto.
Floyd was the first one to greet you along with Jade, who just came back from his shift.
“(N/N)-chaaaaaan~! How’re you doingggg~?” He leaped to your direction and came to your left side.
“Welcome, (Y/N)-san.” He politely asked you as he emerged from your right side.
“I would like to see Azul, please.” You replied just as polite as you smiled back at him.
“Azul? He should be in the V.I.P room right now, but he is kinda busy...” Floyd said as he chirped. “We can hang out with you!”
You frowned and let out a sigh.
“Thanks, but I want to see Azul. It’s important.” You insisted, making the moody eel frown more.
“Now now, you two. It is not a good thing to quarrel with one another.” You heard a familiar voice of someone none other than your darling, Azul.
“Zuzu!” You chirped, immediately rushing to hug him.
“Hello, my dear. What brings you here?” He replied after kissing your cheek.
“I wanted to thank you for tutoring me.” You smiled, making him smile as well.
“Ew, gross. You two better go to somewhere else before I barf.” Floyd said with a pout on his face.
“Floyd...” His brother sighed, then smiled as politely as before. “I believe we need to go now. See you later as I have to go to my club activity today.”
Before Jade left the dorm, Floyd was already gone. Azul looked around to check if anyone else other than you is there. After making sure you two are alone, he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your head.
“Awww, did you miss me that much?” You smirked.
“...Is there any problem with it?” He asked after a short pause.
“No, there isn’t.” You replied and pulled him closer with a hand on his cheek.
“G-good.” He replied as his cheeks flushed red.
Then you pulled a chair and sat down on it, Azul following after. It was only now that you’ve realized that you were tired. Maybe because of the usual shenanigans, or maybe because of the classes. Either way, you were tired.
“Hey, Azul...” You sighed. “I’m feeling exhausted... May I rest my head against your shoulder, please?”
“E-eh?!” He felt his heart jump at your request, “...I-I mean... You can, of course. But wouldn’t it be more comfortable to sleep in a bed than my shoulder?”
“...Yeah, I think so...” You replied while hugging his arm, “But I want to rest with you. Both of us need a break, you know?”
“I still need to do some paperwork, my dear... You can wait for me if you want to.” He said, then he got up and held out his hand.
“Now, do allow me to accompany you to your dorm...” He said while you sleepily took his hand and muttered, “...I can only do so much for you as your lover.”
— — 🐙 — —
By the time Azul was done with his paperwork and came back to your dorm, one of your dorm members opened the door for him.
“Hello, I came to visit (Y/N), are they here?” He politely asked with a smile.
“They are sleeping right now. Could you come back sometime later?” They said, slowly closing the door, but he was persistent.
“Oh, what a shame... I have brought something special to them.” He pretended to weep, “How truly unfortunate...”
The dorm member let out a sigh and let him in.
As he made his way to your room, he looked at the box that was in his hand. He opened it to check if the gift was still inside there. It was a well made brooch that’s gems glowing in the dim lights of the windows. The corners of his lips turned upward as he closed the box. When he arrived in your room, the sight of you sleeping peacefully in the bed caught his eye. They must be really exhausted... Wait, did they wait for me to come?!, He thought to himself for a moment. Then he put the box on the counter and sat on the bed.
He watched your sleepy form for a moment. The way your lips were parted, the way the moonlight hit your face, the way your skin looked shiny... He smiled as he put a strand of hair that was on your face to the side to see your face better.
“My dear, you never fail to amaze me... It makes me wonder what did I do to deserve you...” He muttered to himself.
He took off his jacket, neatly folded it and put it on the chair. Then he laid on the bed next to you, took off his glasses and put it on the bedside table. It was now blurry to see a thing which made him a little uncomfortable, especially when your face right in front of him and he wasn’t able to see it well. Regardless, he gave a light kiss to your lips before cuddling you, and snuggled up before he fell asleep as well.
“May we have a good rest, my dear... After all, we rightfully deserved it to the full extent.”
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🐍 Jamil Viper 🐍
You heaved a sigh as you rose up from your seat. With that, your final exam was over. You smiled ever-so-proudly as yourself as your eyes searched your beloved, Jamil. It was hard to spot him in the crowd of students, and when you thought you saw a glimpse of the feather accessory he wears all the time, it quickly disappeared in the next blink. You were becoming annoyed as you kept searching for him, but it was to no avail.
You sighed as you found yourself in the courtyard. The sunlight beaming upon you gently touched your skin as if it’s smiling at you. So, you looked up at the sky too. The floating clouds above felt like you were in heaven for a moment. Then you closed your eyes, savoring the moment, and opened them again as you turned your gaze to the front. Then the realization dawned on you, that Jamil might be in his dorm. So, you made your way to the Scarabia.
When you arrived there, you saw Jamil coming out with a bag to go somewhere. Needless to say, he was just as surprised as you were.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” He said, with wide eyes, and let out a sigh, “Did Kalim call you here?”
“No, he didn’t. I wanted to spend some time with you, just the two of us. That’s all.” You replied and forced a smile, “But if I caught you in a bad timing, we can hang out later.”
He knew what your smile really looked like, and he grabbed your hand.
“It’s fine. I was about to come to your dorm, actually.” He said with a smile which became a smirk, “It would greatly upset me to go to back my dorm without seeing my dear (Y/N) first, I’m afraid.”
“Well, aren’t you the smoothest?” You impishly grinned as you two made your way in the dorm, heading straight to wherever Jamil brought you.
“I suppose you can say that.” He replied as he opened the fridge to reveal something to you.
“You... You made my favorite food..?!” You said with a hand on your chest, panic immediately rising in your chest, “Jamil, you really shouldn’t have..!”
“But I wanted to.” He said, “I anticipated that you may be hungry, that’s why I asked you what your favorite food was the other day.”
You shook your head as you carefully took out the food and warmed it up, so that it can be eaten well. As you two ate together, you had a long time chatting about various topics. As you can chatted, you could barely see it, but the boy before you was looking at you with tiny sparkles in his eyes. You put your head on his shoulder, resting it there for a few moments before doing the dishes.
The second place was the lounge, and he gave something to you as a gift. Inside of it was a thing that you wanted for a long time, but couldn’t even buy it. You couldn’t believe your eyes, because you knew he told you how much he wanted a new sweatshirt but couldn’t get one, so you had got it for him. You let out a laugh as you collected yourself and took the gift.
“...I may have asked Kalim a favor...” He mumbled, which you heard it clearly as it was pretty quiet. “...which he did...”
Without any words, you smiled again. Then you wrapped your arms around his waist and put your chin on his shoulder. Then you took another glimpse of his face. He looked more exhausted then he usually was, his hair looked messier and his usual, bright eyes looked a bit dim like the candlelight flicking in the wind.
“...You’re tired too, huh?” You said as you caressed his cheek, “You don’t have to do all these things to make me smile. I’m happy with you either way, honey.”
He tensed up a bit as you said what you said, but then he closed his eyes and let you caress his cheek, relaxing for a bit. Then he felt your hands cupping his face, and you lightly kissed him.
“...Shall we rest somewhere?” He asked, “In a place where we will not be disturbed by anyone?”
You nodded while giving your hand to him, which he took it after a moment of hesitation.
The third place — the last, but surely not the least — was Jamil’s room, which he looked at you and sighed.
“I know I had said I’ll bring you to a place where we will not be disturbed but--” He said, which you cut him off.
“But you are getting tired too, hm?” You teasingly said as you smirked at him, “I can really see that, Jamil...”
“I believe we had better rest since both of us are tired right now.” He said, looking down. You kissed his cheek as you made your way to his bed and sat down.
“After you.” He smiled at you as he gestured his bed, which you laid down with a smile as he followed after. He hesitantly looked at you before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest.
“...You have no idea how much I wanted to hold you in my arms like this after a long time, (Y/N)...” He said in a low tone as if he was whispering into your ear. Then he pulled down the blanket on the two of you and cuddled you.
“Same here... Especially since the exams ended, we can cuddle all day... Right?” You said while caressing his braids.
“...Have you forgetten about my duty as a servant to Asim family? It would not be good to not stay by Kalim’s side for a long time.” He replied, looking down again.
“Come on, not even a little nap?” You cooed, “I’m sure he will understand!”
“But...” He hesitated again.
“Jamil.” You playfully glared at him.
“...Fine. Just for an hour or two, I shall relax...” He said, and you cupped his face and kissed him again.
“Good...” You said as you trailed off, about to doze off.
“Oh, are you going to sleep already? I was hoping we could chat for a while longer.” He teased, which you didn’t respond as you have fallen asleep. He let out a sigh and kissed your forehead before he, too, fell asleep.
“Have a good rest, my gem... I love you so much...”
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ratasum · 8 months
wip whenever
So I gat tagged in this by @commanderhorncleaver and I do have one GW2 fic I'm working on that I've been working on for two months. A little snippet of Leyya and Zojja prior to Sorrow's Embrace. I'll tag. Uh. @wall-legion, @guildwuff2, @sunsrefuge, uhhh. @commanderthalys? And anyone else that hasn't done it! Anyway HERE WE GO.
She had never liked being in the Shiverpeaks. It was unpleasantly cold, and though she wore her heavy cloak on her hunt for where Zojja had set up shop, it still bit through to the dark skin underneath.
It wasn’t the worst Leyya had been through, but she didn’t have to like it.
Regardless, she’d pressed on. The lodge she could see through the blinding snowstorm would be warm, and she’d be able to check in with her dear friend.
The difference in temperature from outside the lodge to the interior once she pushed past the heavy door was significant but welcome, and she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh, offering a weary but genuine smile to the kindly norn woman who waved at her as she passed, carrying a tray heavy with tankards. “Hail and welcome, traveler! Unusual to see an asura out this way, yet you’re th second I’ve seen! Sit, sit, warm yourself.”
“Your hospitality is very appreciated, ma’am.” Shoving back her hood and shaking out her short pale hair, Leyya gave the much taller woman an appreciative look. “Incidentally, your other asuran guest should be a friend of mine. Pensive, bald…?”
After a moment of consideration, the woman beamed and gestured to a table near the fire. “Ah yes! Over there, with some warm mead. Shall I fetch you a cup as well?”
Her smile widening, Leyya dipped her head appreciatively. “I would greatly appreciate it. And put her order and my own on my tab. I’ll clear when we leave.”
Once the woman had nodded and made her way towards a kitchen in the back, Leyya let out a sigh, finally shedding her cloak entirely to walk over to the table where Zojja sat, staring quietly into the fire. At first, she didn’t even notice she wasn’t alone, but when she glanced up, she nearly jumped out of her seat. “Leyya-! What are you-? Did you follow me?”
“I didn’t follow you, but I did track you.”
“Semantics! What are you doing here?”
Sliding into the seat next to Zojja, Leyya folded her hands in her lap, smiling faintly. “What? I can’t worry about you? You’ve been running yourself ragged- you said so yourself.”
Zojja gave her a sour look at that, but in the next moment she sighed, dropping her head back before giving Leyya a weary smirk. “I’d be angry with you, but this is nothing new, huh? You’ve been a pain since we were kids.”
“An affectionate pain, I hope.” Leyya leaned forward in her seat, looking up only to thank the woman she’d greeted when she returned with a small mug full of warmed mead. Once she’d headed off, her dark amber eyes returned to her old friend, offering out her free hand. “You know I do this because I really do worry, though. If you don’t want me here, say the word and I’ll be out the door.”
She was met with a quick shake of the other woman’s head, Zojja’s hand shooting out to catch hers in a grip so tight that at first, Leyya thought it might bruise. “No! No, it’s… it’s fine. This is a lot. Of anyone, you know this is a lot. If someone is misusing Snaff’s research, I…”
Leyya shook her head, giving Zojja’s hand a squeeze to cut her off. “Then you need to head it off at the pass. I know. Do you want me to go in with you?”
A moment of quiet passed, but finally, Zojja squirreled up her nose, glancing back into the fire. “I… want you nearby. Near the entrance? Just in case something goes wrong. But I can handle myself just fine, Lee, you know that.”
“I do. But where Snaff’s involved…” She paused when Zojja’s grip tightened. “...I just want you to know I’m in your corner come hell or high water, Zuzu.”
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could you do some Sebastian and/or penny head cannons of their confessions or first dates with the farmer? (so sorry if you’ve already done a request similar to this or gotten this request) thanks sm!! :D I love ur blog <3
Hey hey👋 Don't be afraid to ask questions anon, if I've written similar headcanons before, I'll just throw off the link) But this is something new, so enjoy 😃
Sebastian decides to take Farmer on a date to the Zuzu city gameroom where you can play arcade games. The poor fellow is worried, because this is in fact his first official date with the Farmer. Maybe outwardly he will not show it, but inside he is seething with worries.
They both rode on a Sebby motorcycle, because the overcrowded buses would not suit either of them. And what could be better than a trip by your own motorcycle with a full sense of freedom and a breath of wind on the skin during the trip.
And here they are - in the arcade machines room. The pockets are stuffed with tokens and they finally enter. There are not many people here, which makes Sebastian very happy, because he wanted to show the Farmer his favorite games. Most often, the Farmer and Sebby stop at fantastic shooters and fighting games for two. Although Sebastian is not a fan of games like Dance Dance Revolution, but if the Farmers want, he will also dance with them, even though it will look ridiculous. The Farmer claims that they dance badly too. "You remember my last moves at the Flower dance? It was just embarrassing" "But still it was fun."
It's been 5 hours since they spent their last token. Wow, time flies faster when you're having so much fun. Before the trip back to the Valley, the Farmer and Sebastian decided to have a bite to eat at a cafe nearby. But before going to the exit, the Farmer kissed Sebastian and thanked him for such a wonderful date. Sebby kissed them quickly as well, and they looked at each other so tenderly that each of them didn't move and wished this moment would last forever.
But the Farmer's stomach growled, which made Sebastian laugh, and he still insisted that they hurry up and order something to eat.
The constant teaching of children and the preparation of educational material affect the condition of poor Penny - she looks very tired lately. Of course, she likes to teach children and she considers this her recognition, but lack of sleep and not too quiet environment in the form of her mother, who watches TV actively and with loud comments at night, do not help the young teacher too much.
So the Farmer insisted that she take the day off and invite her to the Farm for a little picnic. Penny, at first hesitant, but nevertheless accepted this tempting offer. She wanted to prepare some picnic dishes, but the Farmer told her that they would do everything themselves.
At their appointed meeting, the weather favors both of them: a warm spring, a sunny day, birdsong, the murmur of a calm river. Penny and the Farmer are sitting on a blanket, and there are delicious meals and snacks nearby. They both hold cups of green tea in their hands and chat about nature, family, and more. No rush, no worries for Penny - just rest, tea and good company, her best friend.
Penny, overwhelmed with feelings, softly and unconsciously whispered "I love you." She immediately fell silent when she realized what she had said. Her face flushed as she realized that the Farmer had also heard what she had said. But before starting to apologize a thousand times, the Farmer replied: "Then you are incredibly lucky that I feel the same way about you."
If Penny didn't know before that Farmer had been flirting with her for a long time and this picnic was an invitation to a date, now Penny knows for sure. And still cannot believe in her happiness.
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bard-llama · 1 year
WiP Wednesday: Brother
This fic was inspired by Toph declaring Zuko her brother in A Second Chance at Family. I started thinking about what Azula would think of that... so cue this fic. This is post-canon, where Azula is working with Zuko as a political advisor.
Aaaaaand tumblr's shitty new post editor won't let me indent the story without removing all the spacing. Fucking hate this stupid thing and you can no longer opt out of it, so that's great. Thanks @staff. This platform progressively gets worse and worse. It's literally becoming LESS functional.
Anyway, have a snip:
“He’s my brother, not yours,” Azula hissed at the earthbender who was clinging inappropriately to Zuzu’s side. 
Zuzu looked surprised, but the earthbender just grinned a smug grin that made Azula want to set her on fire.
“You lost siblingship rights,” the earthbender shrugged, “you know, when you tried to murder him.”
“Toph,” Zuzu hissed, probably able to tell that Azula was very close to incinerating her. Such an insult could not go unanswered.
Azula raised herself up tall. “Zuko is my blood,” she sniffed haughtily. 
“Literally who gives a fuck?” Toph snorted. “Your bloodline is fucked up. We’re better family to him than you’ve ever been.”
“Nonsense,” Azula scoffed. “Family isn’t something you choose.”
Zuzu coughed. “Um. Yeah, it kinda is.”
She glared at him and he winced. 
“Just saying,” he muttered. “Can we please move on from this and deal with the actual issues on our plates?”
“No,” Toph said simply, pointing at Azula. “You think your blood entitles you to him? Fuck that. What have you ever done to earn the title of sister?”
“I don’t have to earn it,” Azula sneered.
“See, that kind of entitlement is exactly why I’m the real sister,” Toph said and Azula saw red.
“Guys!” Zuzu said loudly. “Come on, we’ve got actual fucking work to do!”
Azula’s eyes narrowed at him. “You agree with her,” she said, something threatening in her voice.
“Um.” Zuzu shrugged. “You’re both my sisters, okay? Now come on, I have a meeting with the finance minister in an hour and we need to figure out–”
“No,” Azula cut him off, incensed. “I’m your blood. How can you call this – this mudgrubber ‘sister’!?”
“Oh, I’ll show you mud,” Toph began, but Zuzu stepped between them, pushing them back from each other. Azula almost set him on fire in payment for the indignity of it.
“Guys, seriously!”
“Family is a title that’s earned,” Toph said coldly. “You’ve never done shit to be deserving of it.”
Puffing up in offense, Azula let the threat of lightning crackle in the air around her – but it backfired when Zuzu said sternly, “stop it! Neither of you are helping right now! Let’s just move on and–”
Azula’s face twisted with something she couldn’t define, but it was bitter and jealous and angry. “I refuse,” she said tightly. “I refuse to have anything to do with a pretender who tries to steal other people’s families!”
“Good,” Toph snapped, “then the trash can walk itself out.”
“How dare you–”
“Guys, come on!” Zuzu stood between them again, face stressed. “We have real actual problems to deal with! Like how to fund–”
“Forget it,” Azula said icily. “As long as she’s around, I won’t be involved.”
Zuzu blinked like he was surprised at her ultimatum, but Toph’s smirk just widened. 
“Fine,” Toph said easily. “Bye then. C’mon, Sparky, let’s deal with your finance minister.” She turned and started walking towards Zuzu’s office – and Zuzu hesitated, looking between them.
Azula remained with her nose stubbornly in the air – but then Zuko took a step towards Toph. 
“Sorry,” he muttered. “I’ve gotta deal with this meeting.”
And then he left, following after that brother-stealing earthbender, and Azula felt the sudden need to set the corridor on fire. 
Servants and staff ran from the area – but Zuko did not return and Azula’s rage was complete. He was her blood! How could he choose Toph over her!?
With a snarl, Azula set off to find something she could burn, leaving a smoldering section of hallway behind her.
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starfaced-blonde · 1 year
A new chapter in your favorite Shane and Harvey XReader fic!!! I was absolutely sobbing while I wrote this and I hope it will tug your heartstrings just right too. Chapter 16 available now on Wattpad and soon on AO3! Here’s a sneak peek: 💖💖
“If you do pick up some more seeds I’ll be more than happy to help you plant them.”
Your heart squeezes in response to her generosity, your eyes nearly well up from how much it means to you that she’d offer such help so frequently. “Emily, I can’t let you help every time, really. I don’t have the money to pay you right now and I feel bad having you help around so much.”
She waves off your feelings about it, “Please, I actually enjoy helping in the garden. My little box in the yard really isn’t as fulfilling as I’d wanted it to be. I love helping you out. Besides, it’s the least I can do for my favorite friend.”
Her favorite friend. That pulls harder at your heart than she had probably imagined it would. Not since you were a little girl has anyone said that to you. It’s such a warm sensation to know that anyone thinks of you that way. The “friends” you had in Zuzu never expressed their gratitude to have you in their lives unless you were buying them drinks or sharing numbers for casual hookups. The few weeks you’ve been in Pelican Town already have been an entirely different world with Emily by your side.
There is nothing to be done to hide the tears edging into the rims of your eyes, they gently slip away and softly down your cheeks. Emily is quick to notice and takes your hands in hers, resting them atop the table.
“(Y/N)?” She inquires softly, “What’s wrong?”
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makelemonade · 2 years
I feel at home, just not with you.
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Summary: After noticing Kazuha becoming rather distant and unusually rarely poetic than he usually is while staying in Inazuma, you notice how happy he is in the crux and when you had brought it up with your dear friends Kujou Sara and Yae Miko, they had told you the painful truth; He was tired of you and Inazuma. It was time to let him go. You thought his home was Inazuma and you, but it didn’t make him happy. His home was the Crux, not you.
Relationships: Kazuha x F!Reader, Lumine x Kazuha (suspected)
Warnings: Angst with no comfort. like there's no happy ending. uhm suspected kazuha is in love with lumine. some lumine slander (only for the fic i acc love lumine)
Characters: Kazuha, Beidou, Lumine, Thoma, Yoimiya, Yae Miko, Kojou Sara
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“Hey guys!! So good to see you again!!” Yomiya ran up to you and Kazuha, squeezing you both tight. “I can’t believe the Vision Hunt Decree is finally over! Like oh em gee we should totally all go get dinner since you know Kazuha isn’t wanted anymore and Ayato doesn’t have to deal with so much and Thoma’s on his break and-”
“Yoimiya!” You cut her off, giggling. “We should all go to dinner sometime. But for now, I wanna spend some time with Kazuha.”
“Of course! He’s a free man now, so have fun lovebirds.” She ran off to some little kids, giving them candy.
“That girl is full of energy,” Kazuha said, letting out a breathy chuckle. 
You smiled at him, grabbing his hands. “Come on Zuzu. We have all of Inazuma to see.”
The next few hours was your entire day as you and Kazuha made sure to visit every single island, shrine and special places of Inazuma. On his own request, he had gone to the Kamisato Mansion to greet his old friends again, and Watatsumi island to see Gorou and Kokomi.
The entire day you made sure to take him to places with all his friends so he could see them again. But, for some reason, he wasn’t his usual self.
His ‘poetic’ self you dare say. He always had a way with words, but today he was rather…off. He had a smile, but even you could notice how fake it looked. 
He was barely even talking too. Usually, he always had childhood memories or stories to tell you whenever you visited a certain spot in Inazuma. Whether it be the shrine or the Kamisato house, there was always a story to follow it.
But there was none.
When you questioned it on him, he just said he was tired from the fighting he had done just a few days ago against the Shogun and her forces. 
That fight, the one he fought alongside the Traveler with. You didn’t know her well, but heard many things about her. She was kind, strong, and willing to help whoever she could, no matter how far they were. She had saved Mondstadt just a year ago, apparently saved Liyue from a water-dragon-snake thing, and now saved Inazuma from the Vision Hunt Decree.
Kazuha always talked about her whenever he would sneak into Inazuma, whether it to give Yoimiya fireworks that were shipped from Liyue or just to see you. 
You’d never admit, but you were jealous of her. 
“Where do you wanna go next?” You asked. “Oh! Or do you wanna continue tomorrow?”
“Y/N..” He turned to you, frowning. “I have to return to Liyue.”
“What?! What do you mean?” 
“I’m a member of the Crux now, and I agreed to travel with the Traveler. We’re heading back to Liyue.”
“Oh..” You sighed, trying your best not to let tears flow out. The Traveler. Lumine. Everyone talks about her, about how great, wonderful and beautiful she is. That she could be as strong as the archons themselves and is the definition of perfection.
“You can come with us!” He suggested, giving you a small smile.
Your eyes lit up at that. You really didn’t wanna see the traveler, or leave home, but you’d do absolutely anything for Kazuha and to be with him.
You nodded in agreement, and on your way home, you couldn’t stop the twisting feeling in your stomach.
Leaving Inazuma? You’ve never set foot anywhere else than the islands in Inazuma. You’d be leaving all your friends here, not even being able to say bye to them because you had to leave first thing in the morning.
But you couldn’t stay away from Kazuha any longer.
The feeling in your stomach only became worse when you had arrived in Ritou to get to the Crux, and you saw his entire face changed into real happiness when he saw Beidou and the Traveler.
It made you wanna stop in your tracks, not even boarding the Crux to go say hi.
“Y/N?” Beidou called, “You coming up?”
Kazuha, who had already boarded turned and looked at you confusingly. 
You couldn’t stay here. This wasn’t where you should be. But Kazuha had already told Beidou the great news of you traveling with them. 
“Uhm..” You breathed out, trying to think of something. As you looked around, you saw a Ms Hina poster and your eyes lit up. “I’ll be back tonight. Just need to go talk to a few people!”
Before they could ask, you had already run off. 
If you couldn’t figure him out, maybe someone else could…
“Leaving Inazuma?”
Even the Head Maiden of the Shrine was rather surprised. So was Sara, who sat beside Yae Miko.
You knew that she was Ms Hina and that she made Gorou dress up as her. But even still, she was always answering advice for everyone behind it. So, why not go to her for advice?
When you had gotten to the shrine asking for advice, her and Sara were just having a normal conversation when they saw you. They had gotten a table and a few chairs and set it in the middle of the area, tea being made by other maidens.
“You know, I could’ve just asked without all of this.” You pointed to the tea, and all the maidens gone for privacy.
Sara chuckled. “Well, when it comes to you, there’s always a rather long story to everything.”
“It’s Kazuha…” You said, and giggled when she rolled her eyes at the name.
“Your husband?” Yae asked, and you spit out your tea.
“Nonono..” You shook your head. “Boyfriend.” 
“Whatever.” She scoffed. “No difference just need a ring.”
Sara put down her tea, straightening her back. “What’s up, Y/N? You usually never ask for help or advice when it comes to him.”
The next few minutes went by with you explaining everything to them. You had first started with the traveler, and of course they knew who she was.
“Not the biggest fan of them.” Sara said, and you felt a little bit of relief wash over you.
“I understand, Y/N.” Yae put a hand on your shoulder, before sipping on her tea. “Continue, dear.”
Minutes turned into an hour as you explained about Kazuha; How you haven’t seen him in months due to the Vision Hunt Decree, and the only moments he could have with you when he visited inazuma was always with Lumine. 
You talked about how happy he was whenever he saw the Crux and Beidou, but while you both walked around Inazuma, he didn’t look genuinely happy when with you or walking around his home. 
You talked about how you thought that it would make him happy- that he could finally roam around Inazuma again free with no one trying to arrest him or take his vision. Maybe Inazuma was just no longer his home.
As you talked and talked, you didn’t notice how Yae and Sara glanced to each other with frowns.
“That…was a lot to take in.” Sara put down her now cold tea.
Yae nodded in agreement, but then took ahold of her hands. “Y/N, do you want to leave Inazuma?”
“For Kazuha-”
“No.” She cut you off. “For yourself.”
You blinked a few times trying to think, and then shook your head. “No. I don’t.”
Sara sighed. “I’ve never been in love before but-”
She was cut off with Yae laughing, probably about the fact Sara was so visibly in love with Itto.
Sara rolled her eyes and continued talking. “Maybe his home just isn’t Inazuma anymore…nor is it you.”
Yae immediately stopped laughing and looked at her wide wide eyes, and so did you.
“You really think that?” You asked, tears starting to well up.
“A home should make someone happy.” Yae spoke, her hands squeezing yours. “Home isn’t a place, it could be anything and anyone. Y/N, my dear…I don’t think is home is Inazuma anymore.”
“But what about me?” You whisper-asked.
Yae and Sara gave each other a sad glance.
You already knew, and they knew you did too. You weren’t his home, nor were you his love anymore. He just didn’t know how to break it to you…and something else. 
The way he talked about her…you knew it.
“He’s in love with Lumine.” Sara whispered.
The painful truth.
It wasn’t you anymore. Maybe it was just never you. Even if he still wasn’t in love with you, you were in love with him, and all you wanted was for him to be happy. Maybe it was best you let him go on his travels without you.
“It’s time to let him go Y/N.” Yae let go of your hands, frowning when she heard your sniffs from crying. “Inazuma…and you…is no longer his home.”
You chuckled and let out a sniff. “The Crux and the Traveler is.” 
“How are you gonna do this?” Sara asked.
You looked up to the sky, it was already getting dark out. By the time you were to head back, it would already be dark, and maybe Kazuha would be asleep by that time.
“Do you have paper?” You asked, and Yae snapped her fingers and a maiden came, already holding a paper and pen.
“We’ll help you write it.” Sara smiled.
The next few minutes went by with a lot of tears falling onto your final words to Kazuha.
“Hey!” Beidou greeted you as you walked aboard the Crux. “Kazuha and Lumine just went to sleep. I’ll show you your quarters, com-” She stopped talking when she noticed your tears. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
You gave Beidou a smile. “I can’t come. I’m sorry. I can’t leave my home.”
Beidou frowned. “Sad to see you leaving, but I know what it’s like. You wanna go say bye to Kazuha?”
You wiped your tears while shaking your head. “No, but can you give him this in the morning?” You handed her the letter you had wrote folded in an envelope.
She nodded, and gave you a final hug before getting off the ship, and a small smile grew on your face when you saw all your friends waiting for you.
“Guess no dinner after all, huh?” Yoimiya chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.
Thoma looked like he was gonna cry. “Hey, sweetie.” He hugged you tight.
You assumed Sara and Yae had told them the news. Surprisingly, Sara was crying a little.
But you cried more as you watched the ship leave, soon disappearing into the fog.
“Goodbye Kazuha.” You whispered, breaking down in Thoma’s arms as he hugged you tight.
Dear Kazuha,
It pains me to write this. This was the last thing I ever wanted to do, but I guess the universe just had other plans for me, and for us.
I think you already know I’m not on the boat with you, and I’m sorry. But I cannot leave Inazuma, and especially not with someone who doesn’t love me anymore.
I see the way you stare at her, and how happy you become when your around her. You used to do that around me, but not anymore.
I know you’re in love with Lumine, and all I want is for you to be happy, so I wish you the best on your travels.
Now for us, our goal was to always stick together no matter what. If the other had to travel, we always know the other would come back no matter what. But it looks like we are straying farther from the goal, and the dream we had of us being together forever. 
You won’t feel at home with me, or here in Inazuma, and I don’t know what path you will be led on, but I know that you’ll feel at home with the Crux and Lumine. 
Goodbye Kazuha, and farewell. I wish you the best.
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husbandocorner · 3 years
How the MHA boys carry you to bed (Main three edition)
Scenario: The boys just being the sweethearts they are carry you to bed after finding you fast asleep somewhere random.
Genre: fluff
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Izuku 💚 (cute shy bean)
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🥺 - He found you passed out cold on the couch in the common room after a long day of training and he thought it was THE CUTEST THING he had ever seen and had the softest smile on his face!
🥺 -  He actually started to mutter about it until he noticed your slumped over posture and also how your neck was turned away from your body and started to worry that you might wake up with neck and back pain if you stayed like that any longer.
🥺 - Now I think this boy wouldn’t  take you to bed right away. Instead he would wake you briefly in the gentlest manner to ask you if you wanna go to bed or on stay on the couch.
🥺 - If you wanna stay on the couch, he’ll leave you be because he knows that you’ve been working real hard to improve with your quirk so you deserve as much rest as you can get. But not before making sure your as comfortable as possible. Helping you lay down on couch properly and getting you a soft pillow to rest your head on since the couch’s armrests aren’t exactly soft. He’d also get you a cozy blanket so that your nice and warm . He’d also tell anyone who enters the common room to keep it down so you aren’t disturbed by the noise. And if anyone is still too loud he’d send them a hard glare so they got the message to keep quiet.
🥺 - If you say that you do wanna go to bed however, he’ll smile while nodding softly and proceed to gently pick you up off the couch and let you snuggle up in his grasp.
🥺 - Which makes him blush slightly (Your cuteness is too much for him handle. But GOD he loves you SO MUCH!)
🥺 - Once he gets to you dorm he pushes the door open gently letting go of you for a moment. Once he’s in he shuffles his way towards your bed careful not to wake you. He lays you down gently. Tucking you in and pressing a quick little kiss to your forehead along with a “ sleep well honey “
🥺 - Just as he’s about to turn off the lights and close the door though, you whisper a “thank you zuzu love you“ back to him.
🥺 - he stares at you for a moment before smiling to himself and saying “I love you too“ to your now sleeping from as he closes the door. 
Katsuki 🧡 (needs anger management skills)
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💣 - So you know how Bakugo has the “grandma” habit of going to bed at like 8:00 pm right ? He still does that... except this time he calls you say goodnight every night, and no it’s NOT because you forced him to make it a habit of his! So he did but unlike usual you didn’t pick up the call, which was odd  to him since you always picked up his calls even if you were busy! And  he knew for a fact that you were busy with studying for a test tomorrow. But surely you could find time to answer him he’s your boyfriend after all.
💣 - It was now 8:30 and still no answer from you. So reluctantly he got up from his bed put on his slippers and went to look for you at the library since that’s where you would go and get your studying done. And surprise surprise there you were.
💣- You where hunched over, with your head resting on your arms folded on the table serving as a comfy “pillow” for you. Your notes and books spread out everywhere.
💣 - Seriously Y/n?! He thought to himself as he looked at you sleep. He tried to shake you awake but failed since you were a heavy sleeper. He sighed 
💣 - He gathered all your notes and bocks and places them neatly back inside your backpack before slinging it on his shoulder, he then slid your chair out carefully so you didn’t fall over. God your a handful sometimes! He thought as he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder and walked out the library like it was the most normal thing in the world .
💣 - He also gave everyone the “what the fuck you looking at” look to anyone who looked at him weirdly as he made his way to your dorm.
💣 - Now let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Bakugo loves you more than  he actually wants to admit. BUT this doesn’t mean he stops being rough with you, he’s a tad softer with you but that’s about it. Once he got to your dorm he just kicked the door open and made his way to your bed, only to then pick you up and off his shoulder and toss you on it roughly. Only then had you woken up.
💣 - HEY WHAT GIVES KATSUKI!? You yell at him annoyed at your not so soft landing on your bed.
💣 - He rolls his eyes at your anger. You fell asleep at the library dumbass, I had to carry you back here. He informs you.
💣 -  He scoffs. Yeah whatever, I’m leaving smartass. He says to you then he exits your room and slammed the door.  
💣 - He was making his way back to his own dorm when he stopped in his tracks. It wasn’t your fault you fell asleep. You were probably exhausted from all the studying you had been doing. He groaned starting to feel guilty for leaving you like that. So he turned around and made his way back towards your dorm again. (A/n: your dorms are only a few dorms apart by the way!)
💣 - He knocked on your door letting you know he was coming back in. Still you sat there arms crossed and an angry look on your face.
💣 - Seeing that you were angry with him he did the only thing he thought of and laid down on your bed and then grabbed your arm to pull you toward him.
💣 - Look gemstone, he says reaching out to stroke your cheek gently. (A/n:he calls you that because to him you are one of a kind 🥰) I know that wasn’t the best way to treat you but it’s just that... He stopped.  💣 - You got worried? You asked him and he nodded.
💣 - Ok I forgive you You told him while beaming a smile.
💣 - He could only blush while looking at you fondly. How he ended up being so lucky was beyond his knowledge.
💣 - Okay enough goofing off dumbass. He said ruffling your hair affectionately. Go to sleep we’ve got a test tomorrow .
💣 - Kay Suki night! You giggle as you close your eyes and snuggle into him. He only groaned at the “cute” nickname you gave him ever since you two started dating.
💣 - Goodnight babe, he says as he too drifts off to sleep, a genuine smile on his face. You got on his nerves sometimes sure, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Shoto ❤️🤍 (looks like he could kill you, is actually a softie)
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❄️ - Now Todoroki has this thing ever since he started dating you , where he can perceive that you are tired, like a sixth sense almost. Which surprises everyone because no one knows HOW he knows he just does!
🔥 - You’ve gotten used to it though. You find it quite sweet that he tends to you whenever your too exhausted to do anything, and honestly you LOVE that about him.
❄️ - Like it doesn’t matter what he’s doing he’ll drop it all to tend to your tired self! People have started to become annoyed with this too because he does it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  No fail! It doesn’t matter to him though cause YOU  are his top priority! As long as you are happy and healthy then he’s fine.
🔥 - One time he was in the hallway talking with the Dekusquad about weekend plans when you walk or more like drag yourself out of class with a drained expression due to the TWO EXTRA hours of class you all had to endure. (Guess who’s fault that was 😒) so yayyy you were more tired than usual.
❄️ - You hugged your dual hair colored boyfriend from behind to greet him completely oblivious to the fact that the squad was also present. Sho I’m tireddd! You whine. However Todoroki had already proceeded to pick you up and was already on the way to your dorm much to his friends disappointment, or more like Iida’s
🔥 -  Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation with your friends. You whisper to him apologetically. Todoroki only smiles and shakes his head dismissively. Don’t feel bad my love I’m sure they understand. He reassured you. You smile back at him. Always so understanding. You thought to yourself.
❄️ - He puts you down momentarily to open the door and picked you up once more. Making his way inside your room he sets you down on the edge of the bed  So he can fix it up . Once that’s done he motions for you to get under the covers and then tucks you in. Much like Deku though, he won’t leave you until everything is EXACTLY the way you want it to be. Whether it’s you wanting a glass of water on your bedside in case you get thirsty or the drapes needing to be closed so the sunlight doesn’t bother you while you sleep.  
🔥 - Alright your all set love. Todoroki told you, as he softly stroked your hair. You yawn as you smile at him. Thank you my prince. You tell him as you let sleep take a hold of you again.
❄️ - He smiles watching as you drift off to sleep peacefully. You’re welcome darling . He says lovingly pressing a kiss to your head. As he exits your room quietly he shoots one last glance at you and sighs happily closing the door behind him. Thanking every god in existence that you made your way into his life and heart, because you make him the happiest he’s ever been.
So this is the end of this headcanon.... For now that is, if this version does well I might make a part two with other boys. So make sure to let me know what you think 😉
Until next time take care y’all!
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qtipcottonbuds · 3 years
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hello my lovelies, this is another entry for my current event with a chosen prompt from the blog here - it’s a anon request, and i hope it’s okay >:D
the request being ;; sebastian + “put your computer away and come cuddle with me”
warnings for fluff, mild language and comfort !!!
by qtipcottonbuds 2021. do not repost.
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With his career finally underway; what initially started off as a freelancer job in the basement of his mother’s home alongside a lack of seriousness and support offered by his family (more specifically, Demetrius), Sebastian genuinely felt content. He had his own office, with what may seem unimportant to others, but it had a window - double glazed at that.
Without the continually snarky comments, he was allowed to let his creativity flow - working for a gaming company based in Zuzu City - but luckily enough paired with the flexibility of still working from home, and luckily, staying with you.
But at times, that shared quality time would be cut short into the late hours of the morning; with you sleeping soundly in your shared bed and him, still stuck at his desk, face illuminated by the screen of his computer. Sighing, he takes a quick glance at the analogue clock beside him, reading 02:38 A.M. Shit.
Knowing this is around the time you’d get up briefly for a warm drink (the winter season allowing you the chance to get well deserved rest, with the Junimos helping in replacement), Sebastian catches on to the misplaced creaking of the floorboards heading upstairs and muffled yawns.
He cares more than he’d like to admit of the collection of photos he had stored of you in his phone, titled the ‘duality of my baby.’ After Sam had accidentally stumbled across the hidden gallery, let’s just say Sam hadn’t spoken of the encounter ever since.
With a gentle rasp of a knock at the door and some sort of gibberish, the only clear word being a drawn out, “Seb,” - he watches you amble wrapped up in (one of his old blankets before he moved in) a makeshift dressing gown. So fucking cute. Catching your hip on the corner of his desk, Sebastian hears a soft curse word and a hiss, before you continue your journey towards him; coupled with a few unsteady steps here and there.
A rub of your forearm in reassurance he smiles, “Hold on, baby, I’m nearly done,” but of course, you’d never settle for any less, taking the initiative to worm your way onto his lap and burying your head in the warmth of his neck leaving little kisses.
“Needy, huh?”
“‘Want you back in bed. Now. Please. Miss you. You’ve done enough work.” Several more kisses paired with a nip.
“Such a hard bargain.”
Sebastian mentally debated on continuing his project or succumbing to the endearing sight that was you, the project not being needed for completion until the next week or so, he decided it wouldn’t hurt just this once (once was an understatement) to join you and cuddle together.
“I suppose it's hard to continue working with you taking all my focus,” at the comment he can feel a faint twitch of a smile on his neck, “like having the attention on you, baby?”
“Don’t get cocky now-”
Chuckling and lifting you with ease, arms wrapped securely around your waist and thighs; prior to a quick hand saving his work and shutting off the computer - Sebastian responds with a, “I wouldn’t call it cockiness, let’s say it’s just an observation. Alright, let’s get some rest together now, hm?”
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kazewhara · 2 years
I present you ✨Worried Kazuha✨
This is a whole fic I'm sorry
(Can we just say you’re very short-tempered cause this only works if you are🧍‍♀️)
Arguments between you two rarely happen because you mostly agree with everything. But, when they do, it’s as if you’re scolding your parents. All I can say is that he is a very stubborn man. No this is a joke. He is very easy to convince. Meaning, you rarely have disagreements. He only ever disagrees with you if he knows he’s right or simply, he has an opinion. But usually, arguments with Kazuha are more calm than screaming matches between two people.
“Kazuha, you need to rest.” You try to persuade him.
“No need, love. I’m used to it.” He says, beginning to aggravate you. You’ve been at this talk for a while now.
“Still. Just let me cure you.” You plead him but his head won’t budge.
“I told you I don’t need whatever that first aid has; it will heal soon.” He tells you, making you even more pissed.
“Just do it.”
“Kazuha. Please.” You tell, getting visibly angry.
“I don’t need your help. I can handle things like this on my own just fine.” What he said was your final straw. Why wouldn’t he just accept your help?!
“Fine! I’ll just go with Aether.” You told him, storming out of the boat, catching everyone’s attention as you stomp your way onto the dock in Liyue. Luckily, Aether was close to Ms. Yu, doing bounties with Paimon.
“Hey, Aether.” You call him, catching his attention.
“Hmm? Oh, hi, Y/n! What are you doing here? Isn’t the Crux supposed to leave tomorrow?” He asks. He notices the angry tears you’ve cried moments before.
While talking to Aether, Beidou sees you storm out, getting worried as she was your favorite crewmate (lets just say that). Also because you’ve only done that once and that was because someone needed you in Liyue Harbor at the dead of night.
“Hey, Kazuha?” She calls out to Kazuha, to which he responds with a hum.
“Why’d Y/n do that? Did you do something?”
“I did absolutely nothing, Captain.” He denied it, putting a new bandage on his scraped arm.
“You sure? ‘Cause we’re leaving tomorrow.” She states, getting worried her favorite will be missing out on Inazuma.
“If they want to leave, het her. If they don't want to come, then so be it.” He answers back, not giving a care. He’d figure you’d come back after a few hours, enough time for you to come to Inazuma.
“I’ll go look for ‘em.” Beidou assists, knowing you’d probably miss the trip.
“Do what you want. They’ll come back later anyway.” (Wow, assumer) Beidou exits the Alcor, beginning to find you.
Going back to you and Aether, he has begun to worry why you would cry.
“Hey, are you alright?” You notice you were crying and begin to wipe the tears off your cheek.
“Uh, yeah. I’m fine.” You reassure him. You would have convinced him but then he saw Beidou calling parts of your name, the other parts of your name? You could barely hear it.
“Are you sure? Beidou is- Woah!” You cut him off by dragging by the hand and going up the stone stairs, leading you to a busy street.
“Y/n. What’s wrong?” This time, Paimon says.
“Yeah, why won’t you go to Beidou?” They both ask, in which you respond with the classic “I don’t really want to see them right now.” To which they understand. It did seem you were in a bad mood. He quickly tried to find something that would lift up your spirits, simply, eating at Third Round Knockout. He suggests eating at your favorite restaurant to which you obviously say “Yes”.
“Oooh, quickly! Paimon can already taste the food!” Paimon whines, to which you chuckle; smiling. Aether calms down a bit. You’re closer to a somewhat good mood. For the rest of the day, you spend time with Aether, walking at the beach near Liyue, eating at Third Round Knockout, trying Xiangling’s new dishes, and just bonding together. Meanwhile, Beidou gave up chasing after you long ago, thinking you actually will go back by tomorrow.
It’s the next day. You chose to spend the night at a nearby inn (The one where Shenhe sleeps in the archon quest) not far from the Harbor. Kazuha thought he’d wake up to you beside him. Nope. He was surprised you weren’t there. He asked Beidou if she had found you yet; she said no. Now, he grew worried. Where were you? Were you still mad at him? Unfortunately, they had to leave in 30 minutes, not enough time to find you. So, you had to miss it and he couldn’t see you for five days at most. Archons forbid they come back earlier. They went on their way to Inazuma to help fight in the war. You knew they already went away. You couldn’t care less. You went on adventures you couldn’t go on before as you needed to go with the Crux. You had your cryo vision ready and sword when needed.
A few days in adventuring, the Crux would come back to Liyue in about two hours. While on a journey to Qingce Village, you encounter a ruin hunter in Wuwang Hill. You successfully defeat it but you gain a huge scar across your arm. Meaning you needed a healer or a doctor of some kind. The only place you know where a healer could be found was the Crux– you were bound to go there soon. Only 30 minutes left until they come back. Enough time for you to rush to Liyue to catch up before the healer went on break. You wince at the pain on the journey back to the Harbor. You arrive at Liyue Harbor; mere minutes before they arrive. Five minutes pass, and you can see the boat from a distance. One, two, three. There they are. You rush on board to find the healer, not taking the pain any longer. Once on board, everyone stares at you, including your lover that made you storm off days before. He sees the scar that the ruin hunter gave, making him even more worried. He jumped down from where he was sitting (Here) and with you not noticing, he hugged you from behind, catching you by surprise.
“What the hell?” You curse under your breath, immediately knowing it was your lover.
“Dove.” He whined your pet name. You sigh in annoyance.
“What happened to you? I missed you…” He said in an attempt to gain your empathy.
“I got hurt by a ruin hunter.” You replied dryly. No “I missed you too”? No “I love you”? So you were still mad.
“Can you let me go? I need to find a healer.” He did as asked and you went to find said healer. You come out of the office with tons of bandages running down your arm.
“Thank you!” You thank the healer, walking out. You see Kazuha waiting by the door and before you knew it, he was dragging you by the hand into his cabin.
“What do you want, Kazuha?” You say and he turns around to steal a kiss from you. You were caught off guard, of course. I mean who wouldn’t? After a few minutes, you two pull away for air.
“Now, what was that, ‘Zuha?” Ah, back to pet names. Are you not mad anymore?
“Hehe, I missed you. You did miss going to Inazuma. It’s only natural that your lover would miss you.” I mean, he did say the truth.
“Also, I wanted to say I’m sorry. I try to agree, but I seem to be too stubborn. I’ll try to accept your help more.”
“It’s fine, Kazuha. I’m just happy I’m here with you right now.”
(Lol I'm sorry if there are mistakes, I'm tired rn)
-Mystery Mutual
this is so cute :( ♡ also, mystery mutual? :O
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sdvharveybby · 4 years
How the Bachelors and Bachlorettes surprise the farmer on Valentines Day!
So, my friend @soft-bois-make-me-simp and I decided we wanted to collab for something on Valentines Day!! As this was our first time doing a collab with another person, we actually had a ton of fun throwing around ideas and getting stuff together! Not to mention that they had so many ideas that my mind was swimming, it was honestly so cool. I have a hard time writing about the bachelorettes, but they just blew me out of the water. I couldn’t have done this post without them and it was totally worth it. We had a ton of fun so we hope you enjoy this!!! All the Bachelors and Bachelorettes are below, thanks and WE LOVE Y’ALL. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!
I did all the bachelors! @soft-bois-make-me-simp did all the bachelorettes!
Oh, he spends a lot of time trying to present you with the best Valentine's Day present. He researches ideas on how to do that. In the end, he decides he wants to surprise you with dinner at his place and he is prepared. Throughout the day he spends it gifting you different presents like flowers, little love notes, and even a box of chocolates! Then, he calls you up and invites you over. Opening the door to the clinic, rose petals line the floor leading up to his door upstairs. Stepping into his room, the lighting is low with candles and jazz quietly breaking up the silence in the background. There’s a table set up in the middle of the room with a lacy pink tablecloth, dinner is set up, and rose petals decorate the floor. “H-hey!” He says nervously to you, “I-I wanted to surprise you, d-do you like it?” Even without the room completely lit up you know he’s blushing, but you can see that he’s wearing a nice undershirt like he always wears, but without his long green coat, and he’s wearing dark dress pants. He approaches you and softly gives you a kiss on the cheek, he then pulls you into a big hug. The dinner was delicious and you two spend the time complimenting each other and being in each other’s company. After dinner you help him clean up, you then see that he had been researching on how to be romantic… by watching romance movies. His efforts to show you how much he appreciates and loves you shows no bounds. He walks you home and before you walk through the door he says, “I love you, you know? I really do love you.”
You wake up at your usual time and head outside to do your daily chores. You head towards the mail box and it’s stuffed to the brim with letters! Eyes wide, every single one is addressed from Elliott, you carry the stack of letters inside and as you open them they’re all love notes with various dates on them. By checking each date you realize he had been writing love notes, with you mind, for an entire month! You check the one for today’s date and it’s the shortest letter within the stack. He explains that he wants you to meet him at his place around 8pm but he doesn’t explain why (his signature has many red hearts around it.) Arriving at his place at 8pm he greets with a big hug and a tender kiss, “I could hardly wait for you, my love!” In his small shack he put together a wonderful dinner for you two to enjoy. During the meal he explains his love for you the only way a poet would, it goes from him desiring your beauty over the sun to how excited he gets whenever you’re in view. After dinner he gestures for you to sit and relax on his bed. The evening ends with him playing the piano, he wrote a piece (for the first time) completely inspired by you and the love he holds for you… and only you.
He is up and ready at 6am. With groggy eyes you open the door to see Alex with a big goofy smile holding flowers. “Good morning! I just wanted to say that I love you!” He says this all in one breath and thrusts the flowers to you, “I’ll come pick you up at 6pm. I love you, bye!” It seemed over in a flash once you accepted the flowers, but he seemed confident and happy- you couldn’t deny his puppy dog eyes. At 6pm he strolls up the path, and linking your arm with his, you both begin to walk to the beach. Nervously scratching the back of his neck, he blushes and says, “You’ve been there for me a lot. I know I’m not book smart or anything, but you’ve been my-” he reaches in his pocket to pull out a scribbled note, “-light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve never loved anyone more than I’ve loved you,” He awkwardly laughs, and with the sun setting behind him he stops and holds both your hands in his. His eyes are full of love and devotion, “I found these in Zuzu City, I hope you like them,” He pulls out matching necklaces giving you the one with ‘A’ on it. “See, this one has your letter on it! I hope you like it,” You couldn’t say no and he helped you put the necklace on. With his large and goofy smile you two end the evening in each other’s company, holding hands and watching the sun set.
Sebastian gets really excited to show you a new DND adventure that he’s compiled for you two to play. He explains that he’s thought about this for a while and through a slew of note writing and trial and error, he is convinced that he has made you the best gift for Valentines Day. It’s an odd adventure that asks you to find Sebastian his one true love- you laugh thinking it’s just Sebastian being goofy but you play along. Through fighting and exploration you begin to gather clues as to who his true love is supposed to be, the clues are subtle but explain the personality and appearance of the one he wants to be with. At the end of the campaign you smile because all along, through all the notes you’ve gathered throughout the adventure, they all describe you. You are his one true love and the only one he wants to be with.
Sending you a letter in the mail, Sam explains he wants for you to be home around 8pm. Course you comply, a bit curious considering you had no idea what he had planned. Coming up the path, carrying his guitar, he gives you an awkward smile. He seems nervous and his voice sounds shaky when he greets you, “I wasn’t sure what to give you for Valentines Day, so I did what I know best,” he says, unlocking his guitar case. He gestures for you to sit and with a shaky voice begins to play the guitar and sing you a love song that he created himself. Sam avoids eye contact with you for a bit as he plays, unsure of how you feel about it, but as time went he grew more confident. When he locks eyes with you it’s filled with appreciation, love, and admiration. After finishing his song he gives you a hug and a kiss on the cheek- he didn’t want to be with anyone else.
Shane decides that he wants to take you out to the Stardrop Saloon for Valentines Day. He opens the door for you and as you two sit he gives you a peck on the cheek. You can tell he’s certainly trying as you see he has gel in his hair and he’s wearing clean clothes. “I… Look, I don’t do sappy stuff, b-but you know, I really enjoy your company and I-uh I wanted to try and do something special for you.” He explains as a blushy mess, he avoids eye contact with you as he says this, but you can tell by the sound of his voice that he really means it. Without ever ordering, Gus approaches the table with a big smile and sets down a pizza that’s in the shape of a heart! “I-uh… I really like you, you know. I’m not good with this stuff, but you mean a lot to me so let’s enjoy some pizza!” He remarks trying to divert the conversation from anything sappy. Through the rest of the night he spends it trying to make you laugh, and you didn’t know how late it had gotten until Gus had kicked you guys out. When he walks you home you see him noticeably get sadder, you realize that he never wanted the night to end.
Abigail wants to take you for an adventure. One where it’s quiet and a place only she knows about, or so she thinks. Telling you to clear your schedule that day and to meet near the wizard tower she’ll blindfold you. It’s a secret she wants to share with you, but when she reveals the secret forest you smile at her. Hesitating for a second to tell her that you’ve been here often though when she’s about to lead you to a dead end and you tell her; she knows it wasn’t a secret to you. She asks you to lead the way to the pond where she has a blanket prepared and asks you to sit down. Once you are settled she plays you a piece on her flute that you haven’t heard before. It’s calming and beautiful, you would even describe it as enchanting. After she finished she tells you it was an original piece inspired by you. 
Waking up you find Emily gone from her side of the bed. In her place was a wrapped up box tied together with a bow and a note saying Open. Inside was an outfit that was absolutely stunning in your favorite color. It was a more formal attire then what you both normally wear but that wasn’t all that was in the box. Another note attached to it saying she hopes you get a positive energy from the outfit as it was made with love. For another surprise please wear it and meet at the bus stop at 7pm. Wearing your new glamorous outfit that fits like a glove you see Emily dressed up and waiting for you. She takes you to ZuZu City where to your surprise the bus stops in front of a ballroom studio. Emily tells you she’s been taking a class on the “Dances of Love” and wanted to show you what she’s learned. You spend the rest of the night dancing, both getting lost in the music and each other. 
Haley didn’t mention to keep your schedule open or to come at a certain time but you knew Valentine’s Day was important to her. It was a day she looked forward too each year and you were excited to spend it with her. After the chores around the farm were done you headed to her house with a pink cake you made yourself and a sunflower pouch Emily helped you make. You put the cake in the kitchen and head to her room. She was standing in front of the vanity, but when you walked in you heard a closing noise, almost like a book being closed. She is holding something behind her back when you approach she shoves something into your hands. It’s a scrapbook decorated in pink and sunflowers with both your names on the cover in a heart. Opening it, it's a collage of photos she’s taken over the time you’ve spent together. Polaroids of the first gift you gave her, your date with the cows, some of the mornings you’ve spent together and all the events you’ve been to together. She goes over how special each moment is to her and tears up saying how much of a better person you made her. Thanking you for coming into her life and showing how beautiful a photo can truly be when you’re in it. 
Waking up you were excited as Maru asked you to meet her tonight. A special viewing of the stars with you space girl is something that always makes you happy. Though walking out you see all your crops have been waterd, in fact next to your crops were sprinklers. Confused, you walk to the mailbox where you find a letter from Maru telling you she built some sprinklers for you and if they are something you liked she’s happy to make more. She also reminds you about tonight and to dress warm! When the time arrives you head to the mountain and enjoy hearing her talk about space. That is until she mentions one star that you’ve never noticed before. She asks if you know the name but it’s one you are unfamiliar with. Maru smiles at your confusion. Telling you that for Valentine’s day her present besides the sprinklers, was getting you a star. A way that if you ever need to be reminded of her love just look up and know that she loves you more than all the stars in the sky. 
Everyone in town was buzzing about a big Valentine’s event happening this year. It was something that was kept a big secret and nobody in town knew what was happening just what time to go. Leah was not one to usually express extreme interest in going to town events but she seemed very excited for this one. If not to find out what was the big event you decided to go for Leah. She mentions having to finish up some work and she’ll meet you at the event so heading alone you’re floored when you see it’s an art show. Not just any art show but one Leah is putting on! It’s a Valentine’s day art show with each piece centered around the theme of love. She tells you how you inspired these pieces and how you are her muse. Not just for today but forever. 
Ever since the chili incident you have been trying your best to avoid Penny’s cooking. You love her, you really do and want to support her but cooking was just not a strong point. So when she asks you to a Valentine’s day picnic where she plans on cooking the food you’re a little hesitant but seeing her eyes light up talking about it you tell her of course. Walking into the forest you see her and a large basket next to her. She starts talking out dish after dish and encouraging you to try them all. You take a pepper popper and eat it. It was really good! You try all the different dishes from the stuffing to fish stew all delicious. She tells you she’s been practicing with Gus and is very happy to see you eating her cooking. Penny tells you she has one more surprise and gives you a book. It was your favorite book, looking inside you noticed a message. It was a message from the author, she got your book signed by your favorite author. Penny tells you to look on the last page as well where she wrote a note, although this book may be your favorite, our story will always be mine.
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themerrypanda · 2 years
Repost time! This one was based off the prompt: “Write a short involving a group of at least 3 separate parties communicating with one another via text or phone call.”
Title: Addicts Anonymous
Word Count: 1,006
Summary: Dr. Kim Zhang, MD, a psychiatrist based in Zuzu City, alongside her personalized appointments, also hosts anonymous chatrooms for addressing her clients’ and guests’ mental health and leading them to help each other improve. This evening’s session is specifically for addicts seeking to wane from their addictions from the Stardew Valley area.
Anonymous Addiction Recovery Group - Stardew Valley Area
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
DoctorKimZhangMD: Welcome to today’s Anonymous Addiction Recovery chatroom. Thank you all for coming!
3SpicyChickens: youre welcome
ThankTehBusDriver: whatever
DoctorKimZhangMD: It’s good to see you two back again!
DoctorKimZhangMD: I see we have a new guest with us today. Welcome ObsidianVoid420!
ObsidianVoid420: hey
DoctorKimZhangMD: In these chatrooms, we talk with each member of the group one by one. We talk about how long you’ve been dealing with the addiction (substance disclosure not necessary), what you have done to fight the addiction, and then suggest tips and ideas on how to cope.
DoctorKimZhangMD: 3SpicyChickens, would you go first today please?
3SpicyChickens: sure
3SpicyChickens: since college, I sometimes drank, like in parties or with friends
3SpicyChickens: it started being a problem about five years ago, but I didnt accept that it was until a few months ago
3SpicyChickens: since the incident, ive been trying to cut down. I still go to the bar, but I go home for a couple hours first. I started drinking only one beer each night rather than three or more
3SpicyChickens: I tried to go without the one beer like dr zhang suggested last week, but its hard. I make it a couple hours, but during the last hour the bar is open, I end up buying one
ObsidianVoid420: have you tried choosing a s***ier beer?
DoctorKimZhangMD: ObsidianVoid420, please refrain from swearing.
DoctorKimZhangMD: But ObsidianVoid420 has a good point with choosing a different drink. May I suggest water?
ThankTehBusDriver: water is so boring
ThankTehBusDriver: wat about sparkling cider?
DoctorKimZhangMD: With or without alcohol, BusDriver?
ThankTehBusDriver: …
3SpicyChickens: sparkling water might work
DoctorKimZhangMD: Good idea! Let us know next week how well the sparkling water works 3SpicyChickens.
DoctorKimZhangMD: ThankTehBusDriver, your turn.
ThankTehBusDriver: fine.
ThankTehBusDriver: I only joined this group a couple weeks ago cuz my kid asked me to
ThankTehBusDriver: I dunno what her problem is
ThankTehBusDriver: since my bus got fixed, I work now. if anything, I feel more justified in spendin my hard-earned wages on beer.
ThankTehBusDriver: we can bettr afford it now
DoctorKimZhangMD: So have you or have you not cut down since last week, BusDriver?
ThankTehBusDriver: …
ThankTehBusDriver: no
DoctorKimZhangMD: Have you considered that your kid may be trying to look out for you?
ThankTehBusDriver: …
DoctorKimZhangMD: Studies show that driving while hungover can be just as dangerous as driving drunk, even after the alcohol has left the body.
DoctorKimZhangMD: Your child may want you to be safe at work, and spend positive time with you after.
3SpicyChickens: doc’s right. my goddaughter said I seem happier when im not drinkin much.
3SpicyChickens: and its easier to connect with her when im sober. Im not complaining about headaches as often
3SpicyChickens: i cant always make the best choice for myself, but I can do it for her
3SpicyChickens: i want to be the godfather she believes me to be
DoctorKimZhangMD: Thank you, 3SpicyChickens. I can see that your goddaughter means a lot to you.
DoctorKimZhangMD: BusDriver, will you talk with your daughter before our next meeting?
DoctorKimZhangMD: Talk about her interests, your hobbies beyond drinking? Favorite movies, shows, games? Perhaps you can find an activity you two can enjoy together after work.
ThankTehBusDriver: …
ThankTehBusDriver: ill think about it
DoctorKimZhangMD: Thank you, BusDriver.
3SpicyChickens: heh
ObsidianVoid420: lol
DoctorKimZhangMD: Jokes aside, ObsidianVoid420 are you willing to share your experiences today?
ObsidianVoid420: idk
ObsidianVoid420: i came here to see if this group can help me with smoking
ObsidianVoid420: i hadnt realized it got so bad until i went through a full pack in a day
DoctorKimZhangMD: In many cases, people are driven to addiction because it serves as an escape. 3SpicyChickens, ThankTehBusDriver, would you share what you each were trying to escape?
3SpicyChickens: emptiness. I felt like life was never going to get better again, and didnt know how to enjoy the present
ThankTehBusDriver: im still angry at my ex
ThankTehBusDriver: its been 20 year
ThankTehBusDriver: drinking lets me forgit that b******
DoctorKimZhangMD: ThankTehBusDriver, please do not swear.
ThankTehBusDriver: B****** DONT COUNT AS A SWEAR!!
DoctorKimZhangMD: ObsidianVoid420, do you know why you smoke? What emotions you feel and what leads you to feel that way? You don’t have to share why if you don’t want to.
ObsidianVoid420: yeah i have an idea
ObsidianVoid420: i just feel angry and annoyed all the time
ObsidianVoid420: but i dont know how else to calm the nerves but by smoking
ObsidianVoid420: nothing else works
DoctorKimZhangMD: It sounds to me like there is something to either confront or accept. If it’s something that cannot change, it seems you have not fully accepted it yet. And if it’s something that could change, you are unsure if it will, even if you try. So you escape instead.
ObsidianVoid420: …
ObsidianVoid420: d***, you nailed it
ObsidianVoid420: sorry
ObsidianVoid420: er… what do i do now?
3SpicyChickens: you try.
3SpicyChickens: try something. start small if youre not comfortable with big yet
3SpicyChickens: and be patient. sometimes results come slowly
DoctorKimZhangMD: Exactly what 3SpicyChickens said, ObsidianVoid420.
DoctorKimZhangMD: It’s okay if no big changes happen right away. Like water flowing over a rock, it will take years for the rock to become smooth.
ObsidianVoid420: like how you can make a lot of changes to programming code, but little to no results will show until the last change is complete
ThankTehBusDriver: …yeah, sure
DoctorKimZhangMD: Actually, that’s a very good way to look at it! Would you let us know what change in your metaphorical program’s code you make by next week?
ObsidianVoid420: …er …sure
ObsidianVoid420: ok
ObsidianVoid420: if im back next week. i might be busy with work
DoctorKimZhangMD: Whenever you can make it, I’m here for you.
3SpicyChickens: I’ll probs be here too
ThankTehBusDriver: no promses
ObsidianVoid420: thanks
DoctorKimZhangMD: Alright, and that concludes our meeting for today!
ThankTehBusDriver has left the chatroom.
DoctorKimZhangMD: Remember your assignments!
DoctorKimZhangMD: Thank you everyone for joining today, and I hope to see you next week!
3SpicyChickens: yw
ObsidianVoid420 has left the chatroom.
3SpicyChickens has left the chatroom.
DoctorKimZhangMD has closed the chatroom.
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dl4draws · 3 years
okay so here is my little bullet point story for the httyd au lol, hope you guys like it
love amongst the dragons
this is a zuko centered au but the story actually begins with how sokka got foof
sokka and hiccup are one no one can change my mind
the swt hunts dragons because dragons hunt them, same thing as httyd
so basically the httyd storyline isn’t zuko’s story but sokka’s
he shoots foof (sprinkle of saber tooth moose lion mixed with night fury, mostly changing the size and teeth – foof would look almost exactly the same as toothless but is taller, has bigger legs, is bigger in general and well the saber tooth of course – also night furies aren’t extinct!)), not because he cant actually participate in the hunting, he’s perfectly allowed, but he creates these machines and people are like just use a spear like the rest of us lol
he shoots the saber tooth night fury down and no one believes him so he’s like “okay fuck it im gonna go find it”
he does indeed find him, foof is too cute, sokka instantly loses the battle, he doesn’t wanna fight dragons anyway
he keeps foof a secret until katara one day sees sokka sneaking away while she’s practicing water bending (the war doesn’t exist, there’s just problems in the fire nation – so the SWT is full of people)
katara is like sokka what the fuck are you doing
sokka cant lie to katara, he can charm anyone else but not katara,, sisters are charm proof
anyways events of httyd proceed to happen
sokka learns how to fly, learns stuff in general about dragons
katara is kinda like the astrid but she’s like confused at the beginning bc sokka’s getting too good at handling dragons and she’s sus
they both get good with dragons after that
until they find another dragon when they were flying around
a Very Large tm dragon
basically a water dragon, inspired by the unagi but from the south pole, it can leave the water but it prefers to live in the deep ocean
katara loves her, she starts “practicing” water bending at a special spot so one can find her, only sokka and her know where it is since they found it while flying
blah blah blah the swt proceeds to have a happy ending and everyone gets a dragon
the swt starts a life with dragons this time and they believe they are the only ones doing this (aside from the air nomads) (there is no war so aang is born 100 years later)
Crown prince zuko and soon to be chief of the swt sokka are penpals, they’ve met eachother once or twice, sokka never tells him about the dragons
The fire nation has few dragons left
The fn is the birthplace of all dragons, but they have very little dragons now, they hunt them for fun
It is a ritual for the crown prince to kill a dragon and bring to the palace its heart
ozai is aware that there’s only one dragon left in their territory and the last dragon nest is weeks away
he sends zuko anyway and zuko goes, but he really doesn’t want to kill a dragon
he finds one, he goes through all that same stuff sokka (hiccup) went through with “he looked just as scared as I was” so he lets the dragon free, the dragon isn’t hurt so he can fly away but he doesn’t
he knows zuko won’t do anything to harm him so he stays with him
zuko doesn’t know wtf to do so he does what he knows always sets him in the right direction
he writes sokka a letter and tells him exactly what happens, about the dragon (his name is druk obviously) and how he doesn’t have any idea about what to do, he hopes sokka can reply as soon as possible and if he has time he can come to the fn and help him, he’s an engineer right? He can help him build stuff for druk, right??
He sends the hawk with the letter, knowing it’ll reach sokka in about week, since he’s farther south right now, so he expects sokka’s answer in two weeks
He most definitely is not expecting sokka to get there a week later riding a dragon the color of the night sky, you’d think the dragon was black if it wasn’t standing under the sunlight
Zuko hasn’t seen sokka in a few years, so he’s not exactly the same as he was back when they were still 19 (they’re 21 and 22 now)
Sokka isn’t expecting to see zuko with a supposedly extinct dragon when he gets there tho
He’s fascinated by druk (also zuko looks very pretty)
Sokka teaches zuko everything he knows about dragons, how to fly them, how to treat them, everything (they’re like little dates but they don’t mention that, they’re buddies tm)
Zuko comes back to the fn and he finds out that ozai is planning to wipe out the last nest, so zuko tries to stop him
And ozai lashes out so druk appears to protect him, and ozai is like oh bitch you’ve done it now and his little army is about to attack both zuko and druk when sokka and foof (both were hiding there in the palace) do a sneak attack and get them both out
Azula sees all of this from the shadows (this is important)
Zuko and sokka grab some stuff and leave the fn
They fly to the swt, zuko’s nervous about ozai’s plan but sokka knows that once they get home and set up a plan he’ll be okay
Once zuko lays eyes on the swt he goes holy fucking agni and sokka laughs so hard he almost falls off foof
The swt is built to house dragons and such, it really is a sight to see
They make a plan and basically go all out, the swt and the air nomads are good buddies, so aang is there with his cloud jumper (appa!!!!! Flying bisons exist but they’re like very important to the air nomads and people don’t ride them, they just vibe)
Aang is the avatar, so he has a deep connection with alpha dragons (the bewilderbeast)
They all make a plan, and they start flying to the fn, katara takes her big ass unagi like dragon, but she goes underwater with aang following her from the skies (they’re trying to find an alpha to ask for help)
They get to the nest before the troops, and stand their ground
It seems like they’re about to lose when katara appears with her dragon, the cloud jumper and aang in the avatar state on top of an alpha
The battle ends quickly after that and zuko and sokka are like !!! we did it and they share a sweet little kiss bc I say so (currently listening to coming back around and it’s making me emotional)
Azula appears after all this in sokka’s room (he’s staying at the fn palace for a bit to help the fn get adjusted to the new dragon rules) sokka hasn’t gotten the chance to talk to azula much, but he knows she isn’t opposed to dragons (or that is what it looks like)
His answer comes in the form of azula actually asking him for help, because she’s been hiding two dragon eggs for about two years
Sokka’s like!!!!!!!!!! Yes I can help!!!
She takes him to the eggs and he realizes that he hasn’t seen those types of eggs before but the coloring of the egg indicates that they are fire nation born dragons (they’re bright orange at the top and dark red at the bottom)
He asks if she found them near a volcano and azula’s like, hm yes but are you aware this palace is IN a volcano, and sokka’s like oh yeah right, and he tells her those are most likely dragons that live inside volcanoes and they like extremely hot temperatures so she should keep them near lava or with constant heat
Azula takes note of everything, and she starts going to sokka if she needs advice with her dragon eggs
Azula: how long until they hatch? Sokka: you gotta wait, depending on the dragon they can take from 2 to 5 years to hatch Azula: hm okay
Time passes, zukka dancing and singing to the dancing and the dreaming is all I need in life (will draw tomorrow)
Anyways yes sokka and zuko start living their best life riding their dragons under the moonlight and early in the mornings watching the sunset from between the clouds the end <3
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