#pierre stardew valley
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vilochkaaa · 8 months ago
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hell yeah😼🔥
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skillful-satu · 7 months ago
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lurvly-malice · 10 months ago
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caseymcdang · 2 years ago
Am I an accomplice to something...?
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skillful-satu2 · 6 months ago
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drc00l4tt4 · 2 months ago
"I should make a Hear Me Out Bingo"
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seeing this on (digital) paper gave me whiplash
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remyuy · 2 months ago
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Okay, I created a mod that replaces Pierre's original portraits with @vilochkaaa (permission has been granted, all is well).
It seems like it should work, I really hope so. The site is labeled as making the mod work, so yeah. If there's anything wrong, feel free to leave comments.
I will warn you that the mod only has the original portraits of Pierre. A little later Vilochka will draw winter and beach ones, I'll add those too.
Link to mod:
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calyptramoths · 2 months ago
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drew this for a video, goes up tomorrow lol
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mr-jack-letterman · 11 months ago
So I might have gotten just the tiniest bit carried away
(click for better quality)
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Alt without the sign↓
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Along with some silly doodles
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Also Abigail and Sebastian fuckin around with some Minior NSNDN. If Stardew Valley actually had lots of pokemon I imagine a lot of space/star themed pokemon + some flyting types would chill around Pelican Town. Y'know, for thematic appropriateness NSNDND.
Thanks to the creators of this Submas stardew valley mod over at @subwaytostardew for feeding my brainrot. Good meal NSNNS. I hope you enjoy the art!
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novathesillylittleguy · 1 year ago
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razberry-slice · 8 months ago
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vilochkaaa · 1 year ago
«... One day I'll get to you
And teach you how to get to purest hell»
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skillful-satu · 2 months ago
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Sorry, it's just funny
Pierre does not winning at all
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 6 months ago
Do you ship it?
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maxwell-mtv · 7 months ago
Maxwell_MTV's Store Swap AU for SDV!
[I've been working a lot as always, so it's been hard to write. But... I guess the stars are aligning because one of my fave artists and mutuals ( @vilochkaaa ) posted their own Store Swap AU art today (WHICH IS SUPER COOL YOU SHOULD CHECK IT IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT ALREADY!!!) and I was also planning on posting my own Store Swap AU stuff today that I've been working on...
I hope everyone enjoys! I've put my extra braincells into spicing this up. Written stuff is below the cut... I was allowed to cook and I made the best meal I could for all you wonderful folks out there lol]
Morris: You ever feel like you're doing better in another life?
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The general idea:
In this universe, Pierre finds success after a long career as a professional boxer and manages to somehow use his fame to open a chain of convenience stores after he retires. This, of course, competes directly with Joja and while it’s not enough to drive them completely out of business, it manages to split business fairly evenly between the two.
While Pierre reaps the daily grind of those beneath him as the CEO of what is simplified to being called “Pierre’s”, someone else finds himself settling into a small town to try and live out his own dreams of running a store.
While Pierre is living the dream, Morris has been put through the wringer. 
With the success of “Pierre’s”, many JojaMarts were forced to shut down as a result.
Morris was on a fast track to his first promotion to be a manager when his store had to shut down no thanks to “Pierre’s” success in that part of the city.
With the store shutting down, many were laid off (only current management got to relocate to other stores) so Morris became ✨unemployed✨.
While Morris began with quite the rising confidence as he gained notoriety in his store, him being laid off brought all that to a crashing halt.
So, with a new sense of humility given his circumstances, he gathers what he can and searches for a new path in life.
He finds himself in a small town by the seaside, a village, really, with how small the populace was. 
But during his time soaking in the calming charm of Pelican Town, he notices an issue with the locals.
All of them needed to take a day’s trip to the city to purchase their groceries for the week. A huge inconvenience for those who needed small, simple necessities like bread or toilet paper. And when it came to purchasing from the locals, many farmers were out of seasonal stock by the time the locals needed them.
So Morris takes the initiative and opens up what he calls “Morris’s Market” in the semi-vacant building next to the clinic.
Semi-vacant, only because of the public access to Yoba’s altar.
Morris runs a successful business, feeling himself renewed as he gains a positive reputation amongst the locals. 
But still there’s this feeling deep inside of him as though something had gone astray in his story. Like something in his fate had been tampered with to have stolen his dreams from him.
But thanks to time, he finds himself proud and content with his small success as a small businessman.
That is, until someone decides to break ground in his small town, which leads him to a dizzying disparaging of his confidence once again.
Morris, in a desperate plea to keep what he has, often finds himself praying in front of the altar beneath his home. Although he’s never been religious, he doesn’t think he can take another blow to his ego. At the end of the day, when numbers are crunched and sales are charted, he doesn’t see himself doing anything but this.
It is evident that in this universe, unlike canon, Morris is more humble and anxious. Where his insecurities were buried deep beneath the corporate mask JojaMart had given him in canon, he has nothing but his more organic self to offer to a fairly organic town. Polite, tired all the time, and just doing his best…  
After his famous career as a boxer comes to an honorable end, he retires and uses his fortune to start a business. With the charms of what is reminiscent of a small business, Pierre’s General Store (later simplified to “Pierre’s” for better mass marketing) goes toe-to-toe with Joja’s long time success as the better box store.
Competing with a conglomerate like Joja isn’t easy, but “Pierre’s” values that are taken straight from the founder himself aid in toppling them to a mere equal competitor.
"A family business from humble beginnings with the drive to give back to the farmers who give them their produce to sell."
It feels like a more country version of a Trader Joe’s. And (not to intentionally out my current geography) competes against Joja like Meijers does with a Kroger. 
On vaster scale, it’s like Walmart/Sam's Club against Costco…
Hard to explain but that’s the general vibes of “Pierre’s.”
After a little vacation to Pelican Town with his wife and daughter, he decides to take on a capital expenditure which challenges the very competence of his title as a CEO.
Seeing that the only store these people in the middle of the Valley were confined to were either his stores in the city or a “pathetic excuse of a general store” (his words, not mine), he has a little talk with the Mayor.
Breaking ground in Pelican Town was easy, a convenient plot of land was just over the bridge from where "Morris’s Market" was and so customers would be a breeze to snatch up.
Despite what his advisors warned him against, Pierre ignores all odds and sets his eyes on the prize. Not even JojaMart could do what he was about to do, and that would catapult him from just an equal competitor to the top dog. 
It was easy enough to draw a crowd, but there was a growing issue with his store just barely breaking even each week. It seemed that though the town flocked to him for most things, the majority tended to stick with “Morris’s Market” in the name of loyalty. I mean, it wasn’t like his prices were much better than Morris’s store anyways since he aimed for both profit and quality. 
As he contemplated it each morning as he hit the gym, the problem became all too clear to him. It wasn’t his prices or the quality of products, rather it was the sense of community amongst the town.
I mean, just look how they all gathered every month (sometimes more!) in that old, barely functional Community Center to hold meetings, plan festivities, hold celebrations, and just socialize and bond!
If only there was someway he could break that and shatter that sense of loyalty they had in the name of supporting their fellow townie.
It would be a shame, really… if someone were to report that sad, beaten building to the proper authorities for an inspection. Without the Mayor knowing of it, he might be able to convince them that the building wasn't just “well loved” as the Mayor put it and was hardly still up to code, if at all.
If only he could prove it wasn’t up to code…
Damn his advisors, damn his wife, and damn everyone in this "hick town". He will succeed at all costs… even if he loses his charms along the way. 
Pierre uses his charms as an admittedly still good looking man. If you ignore the small crook in his nose from it being broken too many times before, you’d see why his wife still stayed with him despite her seeming too sweet and meek for his own good. 
It would be easy, if he laid it on thick, to sway the town amongst a tragedy to lean on him in some regard. Just a little wink, an offer of setting up events every month outside his store. Hey, maybe if he could drive Morris’s store out of business he could buy that storefront from him and use it as the new gathering place. It seemed fitting seeing as half the town gathered there every Sunday for Yoba’s altar anyways.
It’s too bad his daughter puts a dent in his plans though… She never did outgrow that rebellious phase…
Pierre works out often in this universe, having the time and freedom to make his own schedule as CEO. He treats his family well enough, although he’s never home long enough to let them see the monster he’s let himself become. But his daughter can see glimpses in the way he talks to her and her mother that he’s not the same father he had once been. It’s like something changed in him along the way to make him worse than he’d been before…
Having never lost a match in his career, only when it was planned for ticket sales, Pierre has an inflated ego which blinds him to his own faults. In his eyes, this is the life he’s always been destined for. To be on the top of the world and determined to never fall from grace.
His daughter, on the other hand, would say otherwise. She often has a similar epiphany as Morris. Where an existential feeling of dread consumes her and deep down, despite her fairly privileged life, she knows this was not what she was destined for.
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(I'd like to think Pierre just doesn't bother with the "no-homo" stuff and constantly flirts with Morris in this AU just to rile him up and throw him off his game. Especially when they get into fights about ethics and business and blah blah typical enemies to still enemies but also lovers stuff.)
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thedevilsoftruth · 8 months ago
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