#Do You See It
reality-detective · 2 days
What most people fail to understand 👇
This video will show you the agenda that is unfolding and how to avoid falling into the big deception that will unfold, according to ancient prophecy. It's Biblical 🤔
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xixovart · 1 day
rereading moa rn and. omg. maybe i’m stupid for not realizing this sooner but right after the whole possession thing, piper prayed to aphrodite not to let jason die. ‘if love means anything, don’t take him away’. piper broke up with jason. piper broke up with jason just before he died.
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i-mean-technically · 5 months
something hilarious i'm seeing about Kong and Godzilla, and the ship gong/kongzilla/mothkongzilla is that people are saying that Kong is an old man.
spiritually, yes, he's a Perpetually Exhausted Old Man who just wants to take a nap with his adopted kids.
physically and chronologically, he's only recently reached maturity.
he was still growing in Kong: Skull Island which took place in the 70s, reached his full height in GvK which took place in the 2020s, is a little shorter than our boy Goji, and i think some of the comics put his birth around the 1700s?????
all the other titans were in hibernation at that point (on the surface at least), meaning that Kong is basically an 18 yr old and the ship kongzilla is a May/December romance LMAO
can you pick up what i'm putting down?
Mothra is a cougar, Goji is an Old Man, and Kong is out here living his Best Life as their sexy pool boy
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triptychofvoids · 11 months
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i heard someone wanted medic stimming so i drew this as fast as possible its canon btw
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galedekarios · 10 months
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Player: Gale Dekarios… I think I like him more. Gale: You like so many things about me I’d have sooner discarded… Your generosity is quite wonderful. Gale Dekarios likes you too. Very, very much. Though let's keep his existence between us for now.
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lofan · 3 months
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gardenofnoah · 9 months
so listen i had this thought that i will inevitably never flesh out completely but in my mind....bakugou ends up being a young, single dad. and in the beginning it's terrible—he's a pro hero for god's sake, but he can't figure out how the hell to take care of a baby. his mother tries to help him but when you give him an inch he takes a mile, so he just kind of. makes himself scarce for a while. and mitsuki is so preoccupied with keeping his baby alive that she doesn't really notice at first. but when he's gone for a week straight, she's like. oh. oh no. he takes one step inside the house and she's immediately like. this is the type of man you are?
and that does something to straighten him out—but it leaves him with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove. so he raises his little girl to be a soldier. she's always polite and self-sufficient, even as a toddler. it feels necessary, because he's still very much an active hero and he can't always be around—but then she gets older and he's not quite sure how to interact with her like he should and she has that same rage he knows like the back of his hand and he's like oh shit.
i imagine meeting you feels inconsequential at first—you're a neighbor or something, and you notice that it's just the two of them. you run into each other enough times that it feels weird that you haven't introduced yourself yet, so you do, and things progress from there. but it's slow—he's busy and guarded and so are you, really—you lived through that war too and under no uncertain terms did you intend to be someone's mother. and evidently his daughter feels the same, because when you meet her for the first time, it's the only time bakugou has seen his daughter cry since she was a baby.
and i think it takes years for her to warm up to you. open hostility turns to a numbed indifference, but you break her down slowly—you don't feel like you have much of a maternal instinct but there's a clear lack of something that she needs that bakugou just can't give. so you try your best to just be there—to be something new that she can take or leave as she pleases.
you don't think you're doing a great job and things still feel very strained for a while. except one day there's an accident. someone breaks into your place or something? and you're fine, but it's really poor timing, because bakugou's daughter gets home from school to find an ambulance and several police cars in front of the building. and she just loses it—some cop tries to stop her from getting through the front door and you catch her frantic eyes over his shoulder—
"move—that's my fuckin' mom—"
and even in the chaos, something in you settles. she finally gets around him—later you find out she bit him but bakugou's manager takes care of it before her dad catches wind of it—and nearly takes you out with the force of her hug. it makes you snort.
"i'm fine, kid," you press a kiss to her blonde hair, "and watch your mouth."
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personalshredder · 5 months
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renthedevil · 7 months
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headcannon: after season 8 mumbo can take on the traits of the people around him
also headcannon: this first happens accidentally with Doc, and it takes him awhile to get the hang of
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amiracleilluminated · 11 months
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▷Injustice 2 (2017), NetherRealm Studios ▷Baldur's Gate 3 (2023), Larian Studios
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reality-detective · 2 days
As you read these 👇 think about what is really going on.
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].
- John 10:10
Do you see this 👇 happening?
He will speak words against the Most High [God] and wear down the saints of the Most High, and he will intend to change the times and the law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, [two] times, and half a time [three and one-half years].
- Daniel 7:25
And almost the same thing is repeated 👇
And the beast was given a mouth (the power of speech), uttering great things and arrogant and blasphemous words, and he was given freedom and authority to act and to do as he pleased for forty-two months (three and a half years).
- Revelation 13:5
You see 👇
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places.
- Ephesians 6:12
That's why we must 👇
Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.
- 1 Peter 5:8
I think I have connected enough dots to reveal just how biblical this time is. It's up to you to understand. 🤔
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craigslisthorses · 9 months
its so funny to me that qh breeders want their horses to be soooo buff. and then they forget the neck. like all these halter qhs have knife necks? why do they forget the necks??
i don't know i can't fucking stand their creepy little skinny knife necks they are built like a pair of needle nose pliers
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hear me out:
boothill would be to the stellaron hunters what argenti is to the astral express crew (aka "weird honorary member that shows up every so often to help them fight a thing/complete a mission before fucking off into space again")
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vivalu · 1 month
Y'all hear me out Diomedes to Nobody's Soilder
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kaffkanya · 3 months
what do you guys think about amok time and im your man by mitski
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