#Do I look like i would simp for Freddy
kastle-thrones · 3 months
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1 ) absolutely horrific response . Thank you
2 ) explain yourself
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charliedawn · 5 months
Can the slashers meet Eddie Gluskin? I am just curious you don’t have to if you do not want to. And have a good day or night😊
Eddie Gluskin AKA "The Groom"
- 46 years old
- Patient with OCD and post-traumatic disorder. Obsessed with finding himself a wife. Abused physically and mentally as a child.
- Very tall and muscular man, middle-aged, with a black slicked back disconnected undercut hairstyle which is neatly combed down and light blue eyes.
- Eddie's face is covered with red scabs, skin peelings and he has a severe case of subconjunctival hemorrhage in both eyes, the right more so than left.
Face claim for him: Cillian Murphy.
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Once you read his file, you frowned as you learned that Eddie Gluskin had been abused at a young age. You already felt bad for him. You knew that the first thing that man would need once entering St Louis was to have his personal space as patients with post-traumatic disorder needed to be handled with care—especially the first few days. Hence, you decided to keep his arrival a secret from the slashers at first, as to not frighten him. You were walking towards the entrance with General McCain and a couple of his men when you were made aware he had arrived.
"Be careful. He has already killed two guards in Mount Massive Asylum not a week ago. He is a tough guy."
You chuckled and shook your head.
"Don’t worry, James. I know how to handle tough guys…"
James nodded with a small smile on his face before he opened the door for you and you entered the room where a handful of policemen were waiting. They were surrounding a man who was chained down to the bench he was sitting on. The man was quiet and his eyes were facing down to the ground. You took a few steps forward before making your way through the policemen to reach the patient.
You stood before him.
"…Eddie Gluskin I presume ?"
The man remained silent for a while before he slowly raised his eyes to look at you.
He didn’t speak a word. He just started staring at you before you smiled and decided to introduce yourself.
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"Y/N L/N. But, you can call me Nurse Y/N. Pleasure to meet you." You extended your hand forward and Eddie Gluskin stared at it for a moment. You chuckled awkwardly as you realised he couldn’t really shake it as he was chained up.
"Oh. Right. Sorry about that. I—" You were cut short when you felt a pressure on your knuckles and your eyes widened as you realised that Eddie Gluskin had just kissed your hand.
He then looked up at you with a smile and finally replied.
"Pleasure shared…"
You blinked twice in astonishment before you quickly retreated your hand and Eddie simply smiled at you. Little did you know…You had just unintentionally became Eddie Gluskin’s next 'wife'.
First time meeting the slashers:
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Freddy *appears wearing a wedding dress* : "Heard you were looking for a wife ?"
…What did you expect from the simp master himself ? Of course he would shoot his shot. Eddie is hot. In the way that he is tall, muscular and could rip Freddy to shreds…Of course Freddy would simp for him.
Eddie likes him, but only because he finds him amusing. Eddie chooses his wives upon various very strict criteria. Unfortunately, Freddy wouldn’t make the cut.
Freddy *looking at Author* : "Hey ! What’s that supposed to mean ?!"
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When Brahms met Eddie, they both did not really talk much. However, after Eddie spent a little more time around Brahms, he started finding his company enjoyable…
Let’s be honest here.
Brahms would be the perfect bride for Eddie. Brahms is sweet, attentive and touch-starved. So, Eddie would surely like him.
But, I think Eddie would also see him as a child so maybe he wouldn’t try anything, but they would hit it off pretty quickly as two very distinguished gentlemen.
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Alpha male standoff.
Eddie Gluskin is the same height and bulk as Michael, which means in Michael language: danger. Michael is like the daddy of the slashers. He protects them. So the first thing that would go through his head would be:
Should I be worried about that guy ?
And the answer is yes.
Eddie Gluskin also noticed the chain of power around St Louis and immediately noticed that all the slashers respected or didn’t mess with Michael. And you—his precious future wife—dared to spend a lot of time around Michael.
So, they wouldn’t really like each other.
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Pennywise once pranked him by pretending to be you and Eddie kissed him. Eddie genuinely thought it was you and was so happy…until he opened his eyes and saw it was Pennywise.
He punched Pennywise in the face so many times that it took 6 nurses to get him off Pennywise.
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Penny bit Eddie Gluskin’s arm because of what he did to his brother.
He liked the taste.
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Jason met Eddie Gluskin when he was tending to his frogs. He was in the garden near the pond when Eddie came and sat down next to him. They started spending time together and Eddie even started helping him with his frogs.
They became friends—which is quite a feat considering Jason’s trust issues.
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…Father Paul’s face after Eddie Gluskin came to him for the 11th time to ask him to officialise his marriage to you. (Give the poor man a break. 🤣)
Even though, A: You’re not aware of it.
B: Eddie Gluskin is mad.
And C: Father Paul is obviously no longer a priest.
But he still does it every time because A: He is bored, and B: Eddie doesn’t leave him alone unless he somehow convinces him that he would so…
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I absolutely love n adore your writing especially your IDV Norton/ Fool’s Gold ones (I am a huge ! major ! simp for him). I need MORE OF FOOL’S GOLD— the size difference is getting to me!!
I hope you’re taking requests! :> Fool’s Gold is just sometimes always in thought at how different the size is between him n reader? Like. Just how do they handle him so well ?? Or even, just like the idea of cat and mouse BECAUSE OF THE SIZE DIFF.. this can be a nsfw oneshot or drabble but it’s up to you entirely!!
rated Explicit | Warning: it kinda feral
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Norton Campbell has always been the one who towers above you, Andrew, William, and himself being the tallest in the survivors' group. This translated to his hunter counterpart who is the tallest of the hunters next to Disciple, Evil Reptilian, and himself.
When he is around you, he is often standing beside or behind you, a grin on his face as you watch you crane your name to look at his face— The same thing you do with his other self, but is different.
There is arrogance, cockiness, and sadistness in his wide toothy grin. Especially, when he has you all alone and his excitement is clear by the way he has you on a medical bed at the second level of the Sacred Heart Hospital.
He was particularly vicious in this match. He is of course a vicious hunter, but this felt a bit personal as he had downed Freddy, Kreacher, and Servais. It was like he was… God, you should kick him for being territorial— None of them are a threat, but you know Norton never particularly liked them.
“So small.” Keeping his deformed hand pinning your arms above your head, “To think this has taken all of my cock.” His other hand cupping your crotch, “Bet you can take us both.”
The idea of both Nortons being inside of you as you flustered, embarrassed thinking how many times that was close to happening. You fear if that happens, you might not be able to walk properly for a while. Yet, the idea excites you and he chuckles at how you bite down on your lower lip. His hand moved up and down. Your hips raised begging silently for more.
“Say you can, no, say you will take us both, sparky.”
You try to speak knowing he is going to use it as an opportunity to have you moaning louder midway— Still, you foolishly try and once again you are moaning.
“Sensitive today, huh?” Raising an eyebrow at how you easily moaned a little too loudly. His hand moves under you grabbing the waistband of your pants, a push up and a pull as exposes your ass and legs to the slightly warm air.
“That little bastard.” He yanked your pants with your underlings off your legs taking a shoe with it before tossing it on the ground beside his feet. Now he can see why you were sensitive, the bite marks on your thighs and your hole smelling heavily of arousal— That weak brat made sure to cum inside of you too, giving Fool’s Gold the sloppy seconds of your hole.
“Fine,” Unzipping his pants, “This will only make it easy for me!” You squirm as he picks up your leg and brings it up to your shoulder, “Let's take that pretty voice of yours from him in return.”
You would have thought he was gonna slam right into you, no he made sure to drag out the sensation of him filling you. Norton is well endowed, to say the least and he is always something you might not ever get used to— Fool’s Gold is bigger, considering he can reconstruct himself… Of course, he made himself big enough to have a bump appear on your lower stomach from him filling you so much. And he loves to not only point it out but touch it to actively remind you: he is bigger.
So competitive, not that it does not have its advantages but, God, you are always sore.
“Now say what I told you to say before.” Now fully inside of you, “Say how you can take us both, sparky.”
You say it softly with your face turned away, then you say it again louder when he starts a rough pace making you immediately realize you are in fact that sensitive.
“That's it,” Laughing as repositions you to have both your legs pressed against your chest so he can reach even deeper, “Go on, tell me how bad you need us.” He wants to feed into his ego, loves hearing you admit how you love Norton Campbell so much— How you love every fucked up piece of him like he is a diamond rather than Fool’s Gold. “Fuck, every time so tight.” You moan out his name, the desperation for release with each ‘Norton, Norton, Norton’ you say.
“Whore,” Groaning, “My whore.” His hands, both of them holding your legs. Your hands gripping the dirty surgeon table as the Hunter fucks you relentlessly. A mix of spite and his own desperation for you.
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spoopy-arcade · 9 months
The hate on Roxy because she's a "bitch" and a "narcissist" and... wanting to get Gregory? (When literally everyone besides Freddy is also trying to kill him???) Is so fucking stupid and just shows how much you people hate female characters. I'm about to go in-
First of all, the bad talk at Gregory in SB was because she was hacked by Vanny, (even her behaviour when you see her through the vents in her room) obviously there was no way she'd actually talk like that to a KID, but alot of you seriously believe that. And yeah, ok, she says a few mean things, so what? SO WHAT? If this was Monty's, or maybe Bonnie's personality instead, would you be spewing hate at them, or continue to simp for them and call their behaviour hot? I know for a FACT that a lot of you would. Not all female characters have to be too sweet or quirky and silly for you to like.
Back to Roxy's bad talk, you may think "Well, none of the others bad talk him!!" Yeah, it's because everything Roxy says to him is actually targeted to herself. The game clearly showed us how she actually feels: crying alone in her room, constantly telling herself that she's not a loser, and questioning if everyone loves her. Her praising herself are reminders to feel like she's still loved more than anything.
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And the one thing that boosted her confidence alot was her looks. Her looks clearly meant so much to her, and we see this in Help Wanted 2 as well, so obviously she would be furious and lose it if someone took that away from her, including her ability to see.
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And before I say anything else, I just wanna say that no I'm not angry at Gregory at all, he is just a child who was doing everything he can to survive, and if I were in his place, I would've done the same as well to protect myself. But at the same time, I understand Roxy's anger too. If I were someone who had very low self esteem that I reassure and prepare myself everyday to hang on, when one day, suddenly someone hits me with a whole go kart that shatters my entire body, and on top of that, they steal my eyes too? Yes, I wouldn't just be devasted, but I'd be very angry as well. Roxy was taken everything away from her, and was left to rot alone, I don't blame her for being angry at all.
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Now more onto Ruin, which shows us her true side all along.
In the dlc, I don't think (Or it's clear at this point) that any of them are hacked anymore, since we assume that Vanny left with Gregory and Freddy in the good ending, and Glitchtrap is gone. But with Chica and Monty, I feel like they've just lost themselves and are completely broken. Even when seeing Cassie, they still tried to kill her. But with Roxy, she was the only one who recognised her when she heard her voice, and even apologized for grabbing her.
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Later on, when Cassie stumbles onto Roxy again, this is where we see her TRUE self. Where she's sweet, soft, and not as mean as everyone made her out to be. (The way she gently speaks to her and holds her hand will never not make me cry) We know that from Roxy's lines, she was one of few who actually showed up to her birthday, since her friends didn't and was the reason why Cassie was crying in one of the cut outs we see. But Roxy was there for her, and she still remembered her special day, her favourite cake, and she was her number one - twice.
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This part CLEARLY shows you that Roxy isn't a selfish jerk who only cares about herself, she cares about the kids, and she cares a lot about Cassie. There's a reason why she's Cassie's favourite, right? And don't forget that she literally went up against the mimic to protect her!!!
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And I do wanna say that, no, this post isn't telling you that you're not allowed to dislike Roxy or criticise her at all, the issue is hating her character and personality when she would've been praised for it and called "hot" if she were Monty, Moon, Bonnie, or if she was Glamrock Foxy instead. (Which is... literally misogyny) Like, even before Ruin, there were people who hated Roxy for being a jerk, but then turn around and praise Monty when we see him being way more aggressive, while theorizing that he was the one KILLED Bonnie over jealousy. Not even because he was hacked, just... jealousy, and that's not him being 10 times worse than Roxy???
Don't forget the details in Monty's Gator Golf minigame, where in some levels, Freddy was always seen separated from the gang, and in the last level, you see Monty performing along side Roxy and Chica, while Freddy was thrown in the trash...
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To me, this is clearly because he's jealous at Freddy, and wants to be the star instead. And along side him possibly killing Bonnie...
I'm sorry, but while I do like Monty, he is literally WAY more of a jerk. Alot of you people believe he killed Bonnie, is extremely jealous, way more aggressive, and yet Roxy is the worst of all for saying "I bet you don't even have friends" to a child when she was HACKED? But yeah, also praise the literal child murderer and abuser for being "interesting" and a cool character, but no, Roxy is the worst because she's a bitch. It's just so ridiculous, and I'm not surprised in the slightest, female characters will always get this treatment.
Alright, it's finally out of my system, anyway stan Roxy.
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
I am absolutely *starved* for foxy content, like one thing I’m obsessed with is foxy with piercings specifically, and imagine one night he’s like. Chasing you but you escape bc it’s just as the time turns over to 6 a.m., and as you catch your breath you notice one of his gold hoop earrings on the floor, and foxy’s reaction to seeing you the next night with his earring in your ear, the shock and the slow, reluctant tail-wagging he’ll deny but damn does that jewel look pretty in your ear and I hnnnnng PLS FEED ME IM A STARVING FOXY SIMP 😭
~𝔉𝔬𝔵𝔶 x Reader Headcanons (Wearing His Earring)~
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Summary: You looking pretty in Foxy's pirate booty (THAT BE TREASURE, YA KNOW) has softened his ol' sailin' heart.
~He's a grumpy old pirate and cursed himself for not being fast enough to get to you.
~Didn't realize his earring fell out while he was chasing you.
~Until he saw you the next night, wearing it like it was yours in the first place.
~You considered putting it back on him, but these animatronics almost murdered you just the night before, so you decided not to get close to any of the animatronics unless you absolutely had to.
~Especially the one that was chasing you down the hall.
~He had been only a hair away from you.
~You could feel your heart racing against your ribs just recalling the horrific event that almost took place.
~Deciding to get a closer look, Foxy ran straight to your door when he got the chance, spotting the earring just for a moment before you slammed the door right on his snout.
~He was grumbling for a long time after that, and you noticed that the curtains to Pirate Cove stayed shut for awhile.
~After thinking about how Bonnie, Chica and Freddy took action, he decided he'd do the same, rather than running up to your door just to be shut out.
~Foxy made his way towards your office, and stood in the darkness for a few minutes without you noticing.
~Ahh, you were a sight to see!
~How cute you looked sitting there all focused on the security cameras, your lips pressed together with anxiety and your eyes flicking quickly over the cameras to catch any sign of movement.
~And the earring in your ear that glinted when the dim office light above caught it.
~Foxy felt his shaggy tail reluctantly swishing from side to side, his eye patch flipping up to take you in with both eyes.
~You were able to hear the robotic sounds of his tail moving.
~When you saw him standing there, though, you immediately shut the door.
~He had been standing a bit too close, and because of this, his nose had been bonked by the slamming door. He moved just in time, but also let out a string of angry mumbles.
~You had never seen Foxy just stand there like the other animatronics did. He always raced in to catch you. While this was an unnerving new strategy of his, you wondered what changed-
~Oh, yes. The earring. Perhaps he wanted it back.
~Just before you left the building, you put the earring on the party table that was closest to his stage, so he could take it back.
~But when you returned, you found the earring on your desk, instead.
~It was yours now, and if you tried again to give it back, the same thing would happen. It would end up on your desk again.
~Something told you this old fox had a bit of a soft side.
KJDHDLGH THIS IS PRECIOUS. I believe it's the most wholesome thing I've written in a long time! I LOOOOOVE the thought of Foxy with pirate jewelry!
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~Love, PinkBoots
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𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠, 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 7
Tagging: @bloody-mf-bsc, @augustwithquills
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Liked by benbarnes, freddycarter1, sujaya_dasgupta and 6,348,672 others
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Wonder where they had gotten these... weirdness?👀
P.S: Continue to laugh. For now. Because one, I'm working my ass off here as you all have fun and two, I'm gonna be feasting on your tears later.😌
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freddycarter1: benbarnes, will you please tell your wife to cool down?😰😧
User7: They were just in a silly mood, they didn't mean it right?!
user4: Ever since that interview with "Never Have I Ever", she is giving them absolute hell and bitch behaviour except Ben( he barelly saved his ass) lol djdbjc
user9: I missed that one! Why, what happened? user2: They answered "Never Have I stolen anything from the set?" which they all replied with yes and were cocky about it. Y/N then answered that it wasn't because of them being discreet and stealthy but because she let it happen, and she told them she knew everything they have ever stolen. user7: Didn't that put her in a rough situation tho? user2: Nah, she just flipped her hair and dramatically said "I'm rich, I payed for them." dındekjn user12: I wonder how Ben, who is usually the one being bullied by her, was able to save himself? user4: Simple. When he was asked what else he "stole" without her knowing, he answered with a puppy eye "Y/N." and that was how he saved himself from the couch.
User7: Smooth... Very smooth benbarnes😏 Still, we were there before you tho😒😐
User5: It's just the way they are mommy, look, we are your precious babies right? Please don't make us cry.
User2: putting the people begging Y/N to spare their fragile mental health, I'd like to say how Callahan looks like a God but is a cutie pie in Real life... please step on me.
jacktwolfe: Danielle the Axelotl and Freddy... I don't know what Freddy is
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Me too boy, me too... I don't want to know how he did that with his mouth
freddycarter1: I have many talents Y/N, not that you know 😎
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: 🫥😶😐😒🤨 Say that to your wife 🍹👎
kittheyounger: 😧😱😨
User9: Ben is such a mood. My life would be in chaos, and the life around me could also be chaotic but as long as I have my tequila and whisky, we are all fine.
User6: Freddy is their New victim lol Love you all💓
User1: I think Danielle is becoming an eagle...
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Liked by benbarnes, pascalispunk, tchalamet and 6,921,311 others
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: This man is a lot of things. Husband, father, son, friend... Occasionally cool, but never for too long. He told me to take a photo of him to show how cool he is to our son but instead he giggled at his silly father in his own Darkling costume...🥹💓
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user8: With every picture she posts, I gain one year in life. With every photo shadowandbone posts of her, I gain 10 lives.
User2: So precious ❤️
User1: Piercing and charming brown eyes on a man is the sluttiest thing ever.
User5: Y/N, will you ever talk about that first "Lego Date" you and him had that you two became official?
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Maybe in my YouTube channel, if people really want to know, with Ben's permission ofc, I don't see why not? 😊
User3: Y/N the Concent Queen 🙏
User2: Guys, let's not traumatise Ben again with our thirsty comments about him being a real dilf🤣
User13: Darkling: evil incarnate with every possible War crime, perhaps a groomer, manipulative bastard who is obssessed over power... Meanwhile Ben: Babygirlified 42 years old man who simps for his wife and would commit war crimes FOR her and their son and is "the twit with the portrait"
User5: nOoo you didn't just bring Dorian into this djskdjjs
User13: Someone had to
User6: May the lord save us, how were you able to shoot those photos with him so close to you Y/N?
User12: I'd have folded easily
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: A little bit of heart attack, swooning for my husband and then definetly folding, everything was fine. It's easy really 🙃😊
benbarnes: Stop saying those things just like that 😊☺️🤭
User14: Ben is melting hard~😏😋
User15: If this doesn't end up with her pregnant again, I don't know what will. Maybe a girl comes this time sjsjsj
User15: Okay, guessing the little Barnes looks like the exact copy of his dad, the kid will have immaculate looks coming from both his dad and momma. LOOK HOW GORGEOUS THEY ARE?!🥹 *crying intensifies ehiel holding the family picture of them in my hands delicately*
pascalispunk: Want to see my little champ and his reaction as well!
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Just sent you the video!
User7: Ben lost to little Barnes today, the baby ADORES his momma🥹
amita_suman: He looses every time anyways🍷😎
User6: Y/N is winning in everything she does, this is her Barbie world💯
benbarnes: My little girl will definetly think of me cool, just so you wait for a few years,love.🙃😤
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: And what makes you say we are having a girl in the future?? Maybe it will be another boy who adores me???
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Liked by freddycarter1, calahan.skogman, emilia_clarke, emmaroberts and 6,893,561 others
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Another day, another chaotic moment!
1.The fuck hoe? Leave my precious camera alone, do you know how expensive is that? I can give you a toy one, just please go and threaten someone with that cane of yours.
2. I'd like to say, seeing a huge man absolutely melt at the sight of these cuties were pretty funny! Don't worry though, we adopted them!
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User2: Freddy, Y/N already pays for enough, please stay away from the cameras. Those shits are expensive as fuck!
User9: Have a lovely day you two!
User12: Guys, I just came back from her YT video, and the fact that Y/N fucking Y/L/N-Barnes literally went and visited every single one of the cast members, who are already the biggest simp possible for her and almost fainted when they saw her before their door, to thank them personally for how FUCKING amazing they are and how much of a GOD TIER acting they did is just... Ma'am you shouldn't be THAT FUCKING AWESOME❤️💓
User2: she brought gifts for them too! But her explanation is way funny: I brought something edible to all of them because come on, what am I gonna do with flowers? Eat them like a cow? 😒😉😋😁( her face expressions btw)
User5: and with the straightest face possible to mankind djskdjjeks
User4: Thinking about the fact that we're living at the same time as Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes, Ben Barnes, Amita Suman, Jessie Mei Li, Kit Young, Freddy Carter, Patrick Gibson, Archie Renaux, Daisy Head, Danielle Gallighan, Calahan Skogman, Jack Wolfe and everyone else in the cast is... What a fucking Era to live Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes liked
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Okay first of all, I'm impressed by your sheer dedication of writing every single name... And thank you for being so sweet, we are lucky to have fans like you as well! ❤️
User12: Y/N, the mother of us all, the best decision you had ever made was choosing Freddy Carter as Kaz FUCKING Brekker and Ben as Darkling beyond doubt... We can't thank you enough 🙌🫶
User3: Emma Roberts liked her post... Does that mean the new project is AHS? 👀
User14: That would literally top her(near) every project
User15: Someone please include her in a new emoji game, thirst trap video, interview whatever! I NEED MOMMY Y/N AND HER REACTIONS ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM
user6: Unrelated but I want to know what was the hardest scene to film for her?
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: Anything with that damn goat. It kept either distracting us, or head butted someone. Mostly Kit tho
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Liked by benbarnes, freddycarter1, archierenaux3 and 5,978,352 others
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: To anyone who calls this cast "A happy and cute family"... I'd like to point out that these six are the worst of them, including yes my own husband.
1. Those little shits after Archie pointed out me tripping on my own feet and my husband daring to laugh( I feel pretty betrayed because why are you cackling amita_suman and jessie_mei_li?)
2. Them, finally able to take a serious photo because damn it, I need to have a decent photo to give to the press! Poor photographers were begging me to keep them serious long enough 🤣😄
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User5: We are now at a time when all the women like Y/N had been at least once in their lives...
User8: Wanting to have some appreciation because everyone has been doing exactly the opposire even if we women work hard ASF and even harder than most people?🤨
User5: That too, but no. Homicide. And murder. 😈👹😊
User7: These people + Y/N could break me in half and I'd say thank you mommy/daddy
User5: their laughs are so precious... even if It's at poor Y/N 😁
blakelively: Your husband is there and you are feeling betrayed because of the girls laughing?
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: I'm used to him making fun of me since... I'm the weird one in this marriage lol But not Amita and Jessie, we are weird together, why did you laugh at me? 😭🥲
User3: Is that the way we treat her? Is this what her children(us) and little Barnes wants?🤨
Y/N Y/L/N-Barnes: I agree luvie... I was thinking about giving him the couch punishment while my boy sleeps with me.
User2: Mommy Y/N please stoo working too much! Your health matter more and you should spend time with your family and friends!
User13: Y/N, we are grateful you taught Ben the Emoji Language really. Thanks to you, he finally understands the young fans like us and win games 🙃
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thatvintagefanboy · 8 months
Older Guys
Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy’s (Movie)
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Pair: Mike Schmidt x GN reader
Tw: Cursing, mentioned of Steve Raglan, mention of Steve Raglan being hot (let me simp), kissing, age gap (Mike is 25 and Reader is 18), Allusions to sex, and panicking (reader and Mike).
Quick Author note from Author~Kun: So I was doing research and according to it Mike is 25. Garret got kidnapped around when Mike was 12 and it’s been 13 years since he got kidnapped. So Mike is 25.
(Y/n) - Your name
(N/n) - Nickname
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Reader’s POV
“Hey Mikey!” I spoke enthusiastically as I greeted him in my door way. “Hey (N/n).” He said my nickname and I flushed slightly. “So what did you want to talk about?” I asked and he looked very tired and I was beginning to get worried.
“Can watch Abby?” He asked and I was confused. “Why?” I asked as I stepped inside and he stepped in behind me. “Because I am working nights.” He mumbled.
“Mike, you said no nights.” I told him. “I know, but Mr.Raglan said it was all I had left.” He asked. “Hot Mr.Raglan?” I asked. “Who?” He asked panicking. “Nothing, where is it?” I asked and he looked to the side. “Freddy Fazbear’s.” He said with bored expression. It was my turn to panic. “Freddy’s!? Mike you know that place is cursed and haunted as fuck right?” I asked him as he looked away from me.
“Look I just need you to watch Abby.” He said and I looked to the side. “Fine.” I mumbled. “…But Mike, do me a favor.” I told him and he nodded. “Don’t get yourself killed, Abby couldn’t handle that.” I told him.
“Yeah thanks (Y/n).” He spoke as he was about to leave he turned back around. “Did you mean what you said about Mr.Raglan?” He asked me as I flushed and looked down. “I like Older guys.” I shrugged. “What about me?” He asked and I was more red.
“What do you mean?” I asked. “Well I’m 25 and you are 18, what about me?” He asked. “Well I don’t know Mike. What about you?” I asked he sighed then ran towards me, grabbed my face, and kissed me. His hands on my face making my pale skin extremely red. He pulled away and looked at me. “Well?” He asked. “We’ll be there at 8.” I told him. “We?” He asked and I smirked. “You didn’t think I would let you go after that stunt?” I asked as he blushed and I kissed him. I guess he’ll be late for dinner. Oh well.
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This is primarily aimed at Security Breach fans in particular, not FNAF fans as a whole.
You all are so damn toxic sometimes.
Even worse is that people are just being mean to Monty fans right now
"Don’t get all angry because your favorite wasn't in the game," and I don't think they get that he’s the ONLY one not to be in the game.
I hate being a fan of Monty cause we had to deal with the Glamrock Bonnie fans harassing anything to do with Monty on Tiktok or Twitter. "MONTY KILLED BONNIE!"
Not only that, Monty fans have been playing each game hoping Steelwool will treat him better. Expand on his character a bit more. Instead his negative personality traits and "evilness" being played up more and more cause Steelwool and Scott saw some people hate him, and thought it wasn't enough.
In Ruin there's not one moment Cassie shows any concern for him. It's that Monty thing, it hurts to look at. Than they made him just the worst off of the trio, and fucking killed him.
Now even in a game he rightfully should appear in. He's the ONLY one cut.
Monty fans get the short end of the stick.
We are harrassed by fans
Our boy is treated worse and worse each game. Physically, mentally, and even in narrative.
Now, he’s just fucking gone with little fanfare.
Its like why are you obsessed?
Honestly, because Monty speaks to me. This is mostly head canon, but based on how he acts.
I used to have really bad anger issues in elemantary and middle school. Even worse, I had to deal with a mentally abusive teacher telling me I wouldn't amount to anything. I was bullied relentlessly because they knew that when I reacted with my outburst class would be delayed. I even lived in the same neighborhood as them so I couldn't escape. It got so bad I attempted suicide. What saved me was after so long of being harrased, after so long of people only judging me based on what they heard. Never defending me. Someone finaly went to the principal and told them to look at my bullies before I reacted. Suddenly, the bullying stopped. What's sad is, it's not like I didn't try. I went to the principal and guidance counselor every dat. In the end to them I was that punk kid who would snap at any moment. Not a person.
With Monty I see someone who was like me. With anger issues because he hates himself as much as he thinks everyone hates him. I wonder if in universe he's constantly reminded he's not Bonnie. He sees fans clamoring to see Freddy while ignoring him. People always bring up the Missing message and his Arcade game to judge him. Then seemingly forget about the message that states he will skip shows to be over Monty Golf. You know the same shows he apparently killed Bonnie to appear in. What I see is someone who needs to work on his anger issues and get better, but isn't evil. They're dealing with the fact that one day their anger got the better of them, and they did something they couldn't take back. Something that I think many people with mental health problems can relate too.
My anger issues didn't just get me bullied. I was an embarrassment to my parents. I hurt people I loved. I was violent. I didn't hurt anyone, but I threw books and flipped tables. I was in this loop of feeling like everyone hated me because of my anger issues, and that only made things worse and worse. Even now I have a hard time loving myself.
That's why Monty means so much to me. I saw someone who was like me. I saw someone with anger issues but was more than that if people gave them the chance.
All I wanted was to see Monty one last time before he was retired when the new band is announced.
I couldn't even get that.
Before you make fun of me, this is what a comfort character is. I'm sure there are fans who relate to Roxy’s insecurities. Who have an eating disorder and feel for Chica. Who felt lonely and wanted attention like Sun. Who lost a loved one like Freddy.
I just wanted people to understand why this is just more than "my favorite didn't make it" for some people
I really hope Steelwool sees how much people really love Monty and not only put him in HW2 fully. They also treat him better
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yellowbunnydreams · 10 months
Mechanised Devotion (Part 4) ~Steve Raglan/William Afton x Female Reader~
~You're all so lovely honestly, and honestly I know we are all simping over large hot killer man, but who gives a fuck but it is so fun to write! I hope that you enjoy this part as well, sorry for some more slow burn :). Also, enjoy some animatronic fluff cause why not?~
Tag List!: @ruh--roh-raggy @likoplays
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), afab reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 40's), mention of crimes and violence, blood, mentions of child death (it's FNAF, what did you expect?), past trauma; abusive relationships. Nicknames, degredation.
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For the past three nights you had been attempting to call Steve Raglan.
However, it never seemed to go anywhere but to the voicemail, hearing his warm, but tired voice saying to leave a message after the tone and he would get back to you as soon as he could. That felt like an utter lie as you hung up the phone for the fifth time that day to call him. Looking at the clock with somewhat despair as you realised it was time to make the long walk back to Freddy's once again.
Despite what had happened, you had been unable to get ahold of Steve to tell him about it, and the thought of being in that pizzaria filled you with dread. Somehow, you had managed to make it for three more nights, and tonight was your last shift of the week.
You'd figured out a few things since you arrived.
Freddy and the yellow one you recognised as Chica now seemed to be somewhat 'friendlier' than the others. Freddy would move quite early on in the night and had taken to peering into the little window of your office door to make sure you were okay, taking up residence at the end of the hallway and watching as you came in and out. You'd also noticed your drawing you gave to him roughly tacked up behind the stage when you made your initial inspection for the night, which made you smile despite your rapidly beating heart.
Chica seemed somewhat confused at first, she kept dropping off items outside your door like some demented robotic delivery service. Sometimes it was a surprisingly in-date bag of chips, but most of the time it had gone out of date in the nineties. You felt bad, wondering whether it was programming gone haywire.
Foxy remained an asshole, he liked to stare at you through the window and drag the hook along the door, trying to catch the handle and let himself inside. You'd brought one of those sticks that sits under the handle and acts as a heavy duty door stop, which seemed to deter him somewhat, although you weren't sure with how heavy they surely were that it would truly buy you any time if any of them decided you'd met your time.
Sometimes you would draw instead of doing your homework and checking the cameras, placing them against the glass so the animatronics would see. You made a point to keep one of Foxy being mean to you on you incase he lingered too long at your door and you needed to get out for a few moments to use the bathroom. For whatever reason, it seemed to make him move on after staring at it with the one intact eye, eyepatch and ears moving before it was almost like he stomped off in a huff.
You had managed to make the job somewhat easier for yourself, but it didn't mean you wanted to continue working in a restaurant filled with malfunctioning robots with at least a minor penchant for violence.
Coming through the door, you noticed how eerily silent it was. Pulling back the thick red velvet curtain and waving at the animatronics cautiously. You hadn't really seen Bonnie around that much, but you were quick to spot the slight flicker of their lids and a faint creak of limbs as it seemed they powered up, waiting to roam around the open space. You even stopped by Pirate's Cove and opened the curtain slightly, jumping as you found Foxy leant forwards and mouth agape, almost at your head height. Hand over heart as you tried to calm down your nerves, you found yourself breathing heavily.
"Asshole." you muttered, blowing a strand of hair out of your face before you headed to the office again. Planting the door stop under the handle and securing it. Glancing at the monitors as you flicked on the breaker, you gave a satisfied nod as they came on as expected. Sitting at your chair and keeping an intense eye on the animatronics as you waited for them to start their fuckery.
But as the first hour crawled by, you began to worry. Even cautiously peeking out of your door and checking for one of the mascots. Nothing.
Something felt off.
Stepping back into the office, you noticed one of the cameras was down suddenly, making you frown. The cameras were ancient, sure, but you had never seen one receive 'no signal' like that, and part of you wanted to go and check what it was that had made it play up but a creeping, cold feeling in your stomach told you to stay where you were. Safe. Or at least, relatively so.
Steve Raglan, or rather, the man who pretended to be Steve Raglan had slipped inside the pizzeria in the earlier hours of the afternoon. And he had waited oh-so-patiently for his prey to wander in obliviously into his trap. He'd been monitoring you for days, growing irritated as you called and called, but he wasn't about to give you the satisfaction of answering. He knew you would quit before he even had a chance to turn on the charm and sweet-talk you into continuing, and honestly, he was intrigued how you managed to figure out that drawings helped to control the animatronics.
Or it was simply a clever, clever fluke.
But as he ran his gloved fingers over the knife in his hands, he grinned under the mask, none of it mattered in that moment. You were about to be his, and his stupid child had failed in her duties once again. Something pitiful about getting shot on the job and having to take medical leave. His hand automatically moved to where his collar usually covered and thought of the scars that would be there, how painful it had been when they had been inflicted on him so many years ago, but he had managed to go to work the next day still. He blamed Vanessa's mother for her weakness.
Stalking through the blind-spots of the cameras, he made his way towards the office, his footsteps light despite the heavy suit around his body. He felt his heart pounding in his broad chest, and if his eyes were visible, he was sure they would have almost been pinpricks as the adrenaline coursed through his veins. Carefully peeking in, he noticed your intense concentration on the cameras and tried the handle quietly. Pausing as it didn't fall open, confused as to why it wasn't budging. Peering back in, he could just make out the door jam, and this time he really swore. Adrenaline mixing with fury that you would spoil his reveal like that.
Moving away like a shadow, he searched around for an alternative. He was growing impatient. He wanted to break you. The doors were all locked up and he had the key at the moment, you never stood a chance of escaping from him. But there was a begrudging respect that you had managed to think of something so stupidly simple that it never occurred to him.
As he turned the corner into one of the staff corridoors, he spotted a solution and grinned coldly.
You were soon going to be his.
~~ It was around 4am when your head snapped up, looking towards the door as you swore you saw something moving nearby from the corner of your eye. A chill sliding down your spine like an ice-cube as the feeling of being watched suddenly came over you.
Then you heard it, it was faint at first, but grew louder as you paused and tried to place the noise. It was the sound of something heavy moving, but it wasn't like the usual footsteps you heard outside your door when Freddy and Co. moved around, this was something...odd. Echoey almost.
After another few moments, you realised it was definately movement, and looked around for the source, before spotting a vent with the cover missing on the floor next to you. Cautiously, you grabbed your flashlight and knelt down besides it, straining to listen as you tried to think what could be making the noise.
'Probably just a rat.' you thought to yourself. About to stand up before you spotted two white eyes glowing out of the dark, coming around a bend in the vent, moving slowly, painfully forwards with a soft 'shush' of fabric moving across metal.
Hands trembling, you flicked on your flashlight and felt yourself choke on your breath as the yellow and damaged features of an animatronic came into view. The fur matted and slightly broken in some places, eyes half-lidded and blank as they stared at you. crawling itself through the small space towards your office.
You dropped the light and screamed as a distorted laugh emanated from the creature. The man inside the suit savoured the sound with a delighted shudder, his heart pounding harder in his chest as he managed to pull himself out head first into the office. His massive frame slow to rise as he unfurled himself to reveal his nearly 7ft height in the Spring Bonnie costume. Not that you knew it's name. Nor did you really know his.
Scrambling for the door, you tried to prize away the door jam, but your fingers kept slipping and unable to turn it so it could release. Body shaking as your own adrenaline worked overtime to try and help you escape. But a heavy weight against your back suddenly slamming into you took your breath away and left your hands trapped against the solid door.
The pressure moved, and you felt a heavy hand pressing against the back of your neck, pinning you by your throat as you tried to reach back and grip the thick animatronic fingers holding you in place.
At the edge of your vision, you saw the expressionless face with an almost skeletal grin come into view. Those white eyes burning into your mind as you saw the other hand come into view, bringing up a wickedly sharp knife with it. Seeing it, you burst into tears, hot and salty and they streamed down your face and it became hard to breathe from the pressure and as your nose and throat became sticky with mucus. Nails scraping into the fur behind and the wood of the door, feeling splinters ripping up into your fingers as you tried to make your desperate escape.
You sobbed harder as a wheezing laugh came from the suit.
"Such a pretty little cry-baby." The crackling voice cooed, bringing the knife closer and running it across your cheek, making you shake and flinch, drawing a little blood across your skin. You swore you almost felt the thing shudder as it watched the crimson welt up against your flesh, mixing with your tears and dripping off of your chin into the white of your blouse.
The knife moved from your face to your back, running across your ribs and making your heart flutter wildly like a bird trying to escape from a cage, the sharp edge catching the delicate fabric before it sat at the base of your neck, just under its hand, threatening to thrust the tip into your spine and leave you dead or paralysed.
"You almost ruined my fun, little thing," It hissed, coming in closer and watching her expressions with almost a sense of delight about it. The jaw creaking open slightly and turning the grin menacing as it tilted it's head to one side. You swore you almost heard it breathing, like it was smelling your hair as it pressed in close again, the weight of its body against your back and forcing the knife to pierce your skin. It spoke again, low and crackling as if the voice inside was broken. "what did you need a lock for? Hm? Were you scared you'd get hurt?"
The questions were almost mocking, the voice distorting and moving somewhere between all too human and robotic. Sobbing harder as you couldn't find the breath to suck into your lungs. You didn't know that the man behind you was shaking in excitement. From the thrill of having you trapped and pinned, crying so hard you might pass out and already bleeding for him.
Suddenly it spun you around, slamming its large hand across your throat and lifting you slightly, your toes barely able to keep on the floor as your eyes widened in panic. Clutching at the hand and arm as your instincts told you to fight. To survive.
"Fucking answer me when I ask you a question!" It snarled, slamming your head against the door and making you see stars as you gasped for breath. Feeling the back of your head become sticky and warm, running down your back and through the animatronic fingers. Distorting the colour.
"To...To keep freaks...like you.. OUT" you sobbed, shouting as loudly as you could with the metal crushing your windpipe, your foot coming up and slamming against the arm holding the knife. Feeling something crunch under your foot as you were slightly surprised that you managed to bring your leg up that high.
But the thing dropped you, grunting as it moved back for a moment. This time though, it brought the left hand up to right forearm and made an all-too-human gutteral scream as it doubled over. You watched in horror as blood poured from between the rotting cracks in the suit, and your face paled as you realised that there was somebody under the mascot suit.
Steve Raglan under the suit was pissed. He had been having such fun making you cry and sob, and he hadn't thought about your legs being free. The pain of the springlocks digging into his arm made his nerves light up, his hand clenching and unclenching as he made sure it could still move. Knowing he was going to have to spend time digging the barbed hooks out of his flesh for hours afterwards. His head snapped back up, intending on killing you for your disobedience.
But your hands had managed to work the door jam and you had made a run for it. Leaving behind all your stuff as you fled the building, not caring to look back or even attempt to grab it as you fled from the psycho in the yellow bunny suit.
Your lungs burned, and your eyes remained misted as you burst into the cool night air outside and continued to run down the main road. You weren't sure where you were going, but it was anywhere, anywhere but Freddy's where those silver eyes watched you with a dark, burning passion as you fled from him.
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comicglitterr0909 · 11 months
As a community we NEED a fic where William actually gets arrested at the end, like imagine a romantic reader x Afton thing and he confesses his love and reveals his truths, and at the end it’s like, reader was actually a cop and your under arrest, and it ends w William saying I would have got away with it too if it wasn’t for you meddling- you get it. :)
No because that's such a good idea though too and even though I’m a massive simp for William I think he definitely needs to be humbled. THE MANIPULATOR GETS MANIPULATED WHILE ALSO READER KINDA SIMPING FOR HIM IDK I COULDNT HELP IT it still ends the way u want though >:)
Also I'm naming this "Playing with Shadows" idk it feels right.
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Stuff to know: Cursing, a lil obsessiveness, reader following “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss” mentality, reader is an fbi agent cuz idk felt like it, kind of a more creepy tone to it, this is taken place before Freddy’s is abandoned and before any of Williams kids die, but his wife is gone cause shes not important >:D
Being an FBI agent, you get your fair share or surprising things that you see. And when I got assigned to go to a small town in Utah, investigating a pizzeria, I’d say it was surprising, but that would be the least of my concerns. After arriving there, I was finally informed on what my entire job would be for the next 3 to 4 months. 
My boss takes me into a private room, I sit down in front of his desk, he grabs a file, his eyes graze over it until he sighs looking back at me. “Agent y/ln. Your job is complicated, I won't lie to you. It will be an extreme mental challenge, but you're the best to do this.”
“You must first get a job interview with a man named William Afton. He is the owner of a restaurant named Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. After you get the interview you must also get the job, as a waitress there. Simple enough, but then, you will have to seduce him. That's the tough part, we believe he is responsible for the murder of 6 or more kids. We chose you not only from your skill set, but also because you look very similar to his ex-wife. He has 3 children, if you start getting along with them it might seem more attractive to him, your main goal. Get him to fall so in love with you, that he confesses the murders.” 
And with that the case that would affect me more than any other, starts.
The day of the interview, it's pouring down rain outside, there are only a few cars parked outside of Freddy’s, the sound of music can be heard from outside. I walk up to the door, opening it, my eyes scanning the room. There isn’t much, it is a tuesday though, the first things I see are two parents trying to get one of their kids to leave, and the second is the giant ass animatronics on stage, well 3 of them are on stage, another fox looking one is playing with a kid. Well it would have been nice if they told me about some creepy animatronics but whatever. After looking around for a few seconds a man approaches me, he’s tall, probably 6 '4 or 6' 5, with glasses. “William Afton, you must be y/n y/ln, here for the interview?” He says to me, offering his hand for me to shake. My boss never told me what he looked like, they tried not to tell me anything about him, they thought that it would be too suspicious for the highly intelligent serial killer if I accidentally slipped up and said something about something I “didn’t” know. Either way I return the smile, shaking his hand firmly.
“Yes that's correct, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” Y’know if you ignore the fact that he is probably a psychotic, narcissistic, serial killer, then he’s actually really hot. At least it wouldn’t be that repulsive seducing him. “Follow me then and we’ll get the interview started.” I take the chance to glance around the place once more, noticing his eldest son, Micheal, leaning against the wall rolling his eyes at his brother who was crying. The fbi showed me pictures of the children so I knew which ones to try and interact with. I followed him into his office, seeing only one family photo, it had his ex-wife in it, I do actually look a lot like her, huh. 
He motions me to sit in the chair in front of his desk, while walking to sit on his own. “So y/n, tell me what brings you here for the interview? Why here?” Oh right, what was I supposed to say, shit I forgot, good thing I was in theater as a kid, improvise. “Well, I really love the atmosphere of this place, even though being a waitress isn’t everyone's dream job, I think for now it would be a safe and fun job to have. I also am really good with kids so it's a plus to have them around.” Hell yeah theater kids for the win. He nods at my answer, thinking for a bit then writing something in a notepad he has, I see his gaze focus on the picture of his wife and kids then back at me, he narrows his eyes. Oh he definitely caught onto the similarities in our looks. 
“Y’know what y/n, I think I’m just getting a really good feeling about you, how soon can you start?” Either my improv is so good I should retire fbi and become an actor. Or the plan is working insanely well, and he misses his ex wife so much that having me around could take his mind off it. I really wish it was the first option, it's definitely the second. “Wow! Thank you so much sir! I can start tomorrow if that’d work?” He grins standing out of his chair, I do the same and shake his hand again. “Sounds perfect.” He walks me out of the building, his hand on my shoulder, to most it would be a friendly gesture. But when you know the blood that's been on his hands, you can’t help but have chills running down your spine. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, y/n” He says, his eyes looking straight at me, it was terrifying because when I looked back into his eyes I saw nothing, but it felt like he could see everything in my eyes. I force a smile, waving and quickly walking to my car, driving away to my little apartment. I could barely sleep, my mind kept returning to the same look in his eyes, the same way a lion looks at its prey. I’m an FBI agent, I shouldn’t be this shaken by another murderer, but it just felt different, almost out of this world in some weird way, I guess it just didn’t feel real. But it was. And that’s the scary part. The other scary part was the feeling of being watched, I knew that my FBI friends were watching on cameras, only checking on me with texts, just in case William was stalking me. And that's what it felt like, the feeling of someone watching me, but I couldn’t do anything about it, I was supposed to encourage it actually. This is my job anyways, I’m safe and I’m not going to let some ,oddly attractive now that i think about it, creep scare me. So after giving myself a pep talk I was finally able to get some needed sleep. 
I woke up to the annoying ass alarm going crazy, I immediately shut it off, it was a mental battle to not just go back to sleep. When I got out of bed, the feeling of being watched was gone, which told me that William was most likely watching me last night, never gonna get used to that. After I get ready, put on the mini mic that records any conversations I have, and make myself look like a potential murderers ex wife, I head out the door, ready to start my “new job” at a totally wholesome children's place.
When I get there and walk through the doors I notice William was waiting for me, he smiles welcomely and pats my back. “y/n! So great to see you, are you ready to start your new job?” I smile back at him, at least it seems like he's in a good mood today, not a creepy kill all mood. No wait, he’s still probably in that mood. “Yeah, I’m really excited, thank you again for hiring me, I appreciate so, so much Mr Afton.” “Ah, you're welcome! I think you’ll be a great addition to have around.” He leads me towards the kitchen where a sleep deprived male teen who looks like he’s high, (he is) is lazily defrosting pizza dough and another worker, some 60 year old Betty is cutting and putting ingredients into containers. Basic pizza prep. When I walk into the kitchen, Williams hands still on my back, the 60 year old looks up and HARD glares at me. Bitch. I think Wiliam saw how hard Betty or whatever was glaring at me, so he tries to lift the mood. “Bethenny, Aaron, this is y/n, they are our new waitress so you don’t have to keep bringing the food out yourselves!” Bethenny, I was close enough. She looks more like the child murderer. “Hey.” Aaron says, even though he’s high, he looks pretty nice, he’s smiling at me. I wave at him politely while Bitcheny is still glaring at me, not saying a word. “Alright team! Well get to know each other cause y/n’s gonna be here awhile!” That's condescending, oh well. I try to be nice and smile at Bigassbetty and she has no reaction besides looking away and going back to chopping up vegetables. William finally takes his hands off my back and says good luck while walking back to his office. “Hey… guess I should introduce myself, my name is Aaron, it's nice to meet you.” Aaron says coming up to me with a friendly (high) smile. I greet him, trying to be friendly, and trying not to be repulsed by the strong smell of vape coming off of him. “Hey, i’m y/n, it's nice to see a *friendly* face.” I say, glaring at Betty while saying friendly. “Oh haha yeah, don’t mind her, she's just some grumpy bitch.” I laugh with him and Bethenny rolls her eyes.  We keep talking for a bit while I try to help prep the kitchen before Freddy’s opens. Once it does, a surprising amount of kids come in, even more surprising because it's Wednesday. 
Food quickly starts getting made, along with kids screaming and laughing and running around. I bring my first pizza order over to a table, smiling nicely at anyone who looks at me, getting mostly smiles back. A few hours pass and I finally get to hang out . It's not that hard, it's just bringing food to people and trying not to kick children who get in your way. As I’m bringing food to a table I notice a woman who looks a lot like me walk in with three kids, pushing them in with an even more bitchy look than Bethenny and leaving. Oh shit, those are Aftons kids. I put the pizza down, checking my watch, perfect timing, I'm on break now, which means I need to try and interact with the kids. I got a little information on some of the kids, I know Micheal is the oldest, he's a punk and a rebel, and he’d probably follow me around like a lost puppy if I offered him a smoke and talked to him about star wars, easy enough. Evan hates Freddy’s, so I’d probably need to comfort him and try to calm him down, make him laugh and cheer him up. Then Elizabeth, I could probably act like I found a barbie and give it to her saying “I couldn’t find the owner.” All pretty easy, hopefully. 
I decided to try and talk to Micheal first. I figured if the other siblings saw him laughing and talking to me, it would make it easier to talk to them. I waited for Micheal to get tired of his crying brother, as he walked outside. I quickly grab a smoke from my bag and head outside, I see William watch me with an intimidating grin as I wave at him and go outside. Once I get out their Micheal is already side-eyeing me, obviously suspicious and wary if I would snitch on him for smoking, that's until I pull out my own and quickly light it, I glance at him seeing his suspicion fall and his face become more relaxed. I noticed he doesn’t his lighter isn’t working, great for me. “Need me to light it for ya?” I say smiling at him, offering my lighter. He grins and nods. “Yeah, thanks” I nod and cup my hands over his cigarette, quickly lighting it as we both stand outside silently smoking. “So you're the new waitress here right?” I’m glad he started the conversation, to be honest I had no clue what to say. “Yeah, just got here today, I’d say it's going pretty well.” He chuckles while taking a puff of his cigarette. “Hah, just wait till the weekend, it's like hell, way too many kids in one spot.” I grin, “It gets worse than this?!” I say jokingly as we both laugh a bit, I see he has a star wars shirt on. “Who’s your favorite star wars character?” He smiles wide, clearly excited to talk about it. “Oh definitely Anakin, what's your Princess Leia or something?” He jokes. “Hell no (your fav star wars character)  is where it's at.” (If it's Princess Leia, sorry lmao). We stay out there for 10 minutes until we walk back inside, discarding the smokes, and continuing to argue about star wars while inside, which is good because William sees me talking and laughing with him. After my break ends I go back to working, occasionally stopping to talk to Micheal, and like I said he’s basically following me around all day. At the end of the day, I help clean up the kitchen a bit, the only three kids left are Aftons. Micheal looks like he’s waiting for me, clearly already attached to me, guess I’m good at my job. I can’t help but feel bad though, if we do catch William, these kids will hate me. It's all a part of the job. I finish cleaning walking out where William greets me with a big smile, I kinda wanna see what he looks like when hes not smiling, because its really fucking creepy that I haven’t seen him do anything but smile. “Y/N! You did great today, I was right, you make a perfect fit!” I see Micheal nod in agreement, William also sees that, somehow he seems even more happy and smiley than just a moment ago. “Ah I see you have met my brilliant son Micheal! He’s quite the kid eh?” God he really is obsessed with trying to make me their new mom. “Yeah well he certainly knows way too much about star wars.” I joke, Micheals face heats up with embarrassment. “Hey! I can like things!” He laughs and I laugh with him, William doesn’t take his eyes off me, he looks like he’s thinking, deciding something, and whatever it is, is about me.
The smallest son then comes up to me, Evan, and just holds onto my leg, wrapping his arms and legs around my leg. I raise an eyebrow and awkwardly laugh, not knowing what to do. Micheal starts laughing really hard, and William is chuckling. “Evan, let's get off of y/n now eh kid, they’ve got places to be.” Evan pouts and holds tighter onto my leg. That's when I start laughing, Elizabeth grins evilly and takes the chance to run over and grab my other leg. William and Micheal start to try and pry them off of me, we are all laughing. Like a family. I lose my balance and stumble back, falling, the kids both instinctively let go so they don't get hurt, before I can fall on the floor William catches me.
Look I know he’s a child murder but with a 6 '4 sexy tumblrman catching me like that, I'm gonna blush a little. And he lifted me back up like it was nothing, I love a strong man. WOAH pause, I am not gonna fall for a killer. Wait, there is still a small chance this could be a misunderstanding, no, I have to remember how creepy he is, like I get bad vibes from him. Then again I get bad vibes from all men. “You alright y/n” Oh shit right, I forgot where I was for a moment. “Yeah haha, thanks, at least we got them off right?” I grin and laugh with them all. Evan tugs on William's pant leg, motioning for him to bend down so Evan can whisper something to him, William does so. He starts laughing and stands back up. “Evan was wondering if you wanted to come have dinner with us sometime.” I smile and nod. “I would love to!” The family lights up, all of them smiling. “How about tomorrow, can’t you just close Freddy’s a bit earlier Dad?” Micheal suggests. “That's a great idea kiddo, how does that sound to you y/n?” The plan is working perfectly. Well, almost perfectly, I’m getting attached to this family, even the guy who might be a murderer. I part of me is wishing, that its all a misunderstanding, that some other fucked up guy killed or took those kids, that this family is perfectly fine and I could fit right in. But the other part of me knows I need to stick to the job, and that fucking sucks. 
“That works perfectly, I will see you all tomorrow!”
And with that I wave goodbye to the Afton family, before driving back to my apartment, staring at the ceiling before somehow falling asleep. 
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goldeneyedgirl · 2 months
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Sonya! (Imagine, for a moment, that Tumblr Staff actually fixed the bug that means I have to screenshot and tag you @sonyawix for replies.) I missed you!
Jasper's just there realising that a couple of decades of training and practice with the Cullens was no match for a tiny teenage girl who looks at him like he's the second coming. She did more for his self-esteem in one night than anyone has done for him since he was human.
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Jasper's softer in STL and his trauma has already been sorted, organised, and filed in his mental storage unit so he just has to simp over worry about Mary-Alice. Mary-Alice has the trauma conga-line but it gets pretty soft for both of them starting next chapter.
But it's why Jasper chapters are usually easier to write.
And listen, we all switch hyperfixations. I read a whole bunch of MCU fics that had Correct Vibes but Incorrect Takes, and beautililies had to stop me from writing MCU fic before I worked on Jalice fics. Also the idea I am carrying 70% of your Jalice experience is fucking wild. What do you want? I feel like I need to give you something because 2024 was not my most active year ever.
My little Mabel has recovered from the infections she had well, but decided to keep things interesting and acquired an ear infection which has since been upgraded to a double ear infection because what's more fun than a lot of credit card debt? Even more credit card debt! She is why I can only stare longing at Coach bags and not own fun stuff like that.
And honestly, I join you in solidarity that my sister and father are also Shitty Fucking People. Sometimes, people are rancid, and we just need to salute their bullshit and carry on our merry way.
It is law that if you bring up Anathema, I post something. I picked this scene WIP because Alice being a dramatic teenage girl is somehow so funny in my head? I can't wait to get to a scene where she's dramatic in front of Jasper and he's just "...you're adorable, you know that right?" And she's like, "absolutely not."
But for now, Alice makes a small scene.
“This is to never get back to the Clearwaters,” I could hear Freddie saying to Charlie Swan in a low voice. “Any of them. I trust you, Charlie.”
Charlie sighed. “Fred, I’ve known you a long time, and I don’t like this at all. What is so important you have to meet with them alone, without Sue and Billy knowing?"
Silence, and I was tempted to creep up the hallway to be able to hear better.
“… This is about Alice and her well-being. If… I have reason to believe that if Sue, Harry, and Billy knew more about Alice’s … health and genetic make-up, they would be deeply unhappy."
That was most likely an understatement. I had a feeling that if Sue found out that I was biologically half-vampire, I would be persona-non-grata in the Clearwater household. There was a fifty-percent chance that Harry would hunt me for sport, honestly. His aim with a shotgun was second-to-none.
Dr Cullen had brought his wife, and there was something almost funny seeing them in our home - they were both dressed in very stiff, fancy clothing, standing in the entrance looking awkward. I was in the kitchen finishing the washing up in pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt; both Freddie and Charlie were still wearing work clothing.
The apartment was still mostly in the late 60s style from when it was built. Lots of brown and yellow. Freddie always intended to renovate, but we never seemed to get around to it - moving all the books would take us days, and we’d have to stay downstairs. It was cozy up here, and if we made any changes, it would be to clean out the third floor.
“Hello Alice.” Mrs Cullen smiled so warmly at me, but I felt oddly shy, offering a little wave as I put plates back into the cupboard.
“Turn on the coffee maker, love, before you go,” Freddie said, and I got the message that this wasn’t going to be a meeting I was included in. I wasn’t upset about that; somehow Dr and Mrs Cullen were far and away more intimidating than Jasper was. Somehow the golden eyes and the pale skin that looked so right on him made me nervous around them.
Thankfully, Dulcie was having dinner with her brother’s family tonight. It meant we could have this meeting at home and she’d probably bring home left-over dessert. Hopefully that really good blueberry donut thing that Mrs Stanley usually made for Dulcie’s birthday.
It also meant that whilst I had been told I wouldn’t be joining in on the meeting today, there was no one in the house that would check to make sure I was wearing headphones and watching movies on my laptop instead of eavesdropping for all I was worth. And in my defence, I had to know what Freddie was telling everyone so I didn’t mess up the story later on. It was just planning ahead.
“He can read minds?” I shrieked, giving myself away instantly.
Charlie Swan swore, sloshing his coffee in surprise, as the rest of them spun around to look at me in the hallway.
“Alice,” Freddie groaned but I didn’t care that I would be doing extra cleaning this week or whatever as punishment.
A girl’s mind is private. There are things happening up there that die with me, okay?
Things like me contemplating the logistics of having sex on a gurney now that I’d met Jasper and realised he was a foot and a half taller than me, and probably 100lb heavier.
Or the fact that whilst my visions hadn’t been instructional, so to speak, they had given me a certain amount of reference material to reflect on. I might never have been a Girl Scout, but I do like to be prepared.
And the idea that one of the Cullens could mind-read and had probably told the entire family that a good fifty-percent of my brain power was solely dedicated to what I had seen of Jasper’s body in my vision at any time was… not ideal. Not at all how I planned to integrate myself into their lives. I was aiming for lovable future daughter-in-law, not mouth-breathing creeper.
“Edward considers the contents of everyone’s mind private, unless harm would result in keeping it secret,” Mrs Cullen quickly reassured me. Please. I had seen Leah and Seth together; I knew what siblings were like. There was no way in hell that Jasper hadn't been informed that I had absolutely noticed he was ripped when he helped me up.
“I’m taking a lot of emotional damage learning this,” I said slightly hysterically. “Can he hear everything?”
“Only when he’s present.” Was Dr Cullen laughing at me? He looked amused.
“Alice,” Freddie sounded tired. “There are brownies in the downstairs freezer if you want some dessert.”
Huh. It was bad if Freddie was bribing me with the catering supplies.
“That would help,” I said, trying to walk through the kitchen to get a knife with some kind of dignity. “You understand why I would be uncomfortable with a teenage boy reading my mind, right?”
“I think we’re all on the same page about that,” Charlie said. He didn’t look amused.
"Alice, I really don't think there's anything in your head that Edward Cullen would worry about," Freddie said, obviously trying to sound comforting and mostly made me want to slam my head against a wall.
"I've had unmonitored access to the internet since I was eleven and no boyfriend! Or girlfriend! There's plenty up there I don't want Jasper's brother knowing!" I snatched up the cake knife and looked over to see Freddie looking like he needed a drink, Charlie Swan looking the most uncomfortable I had ever seen him - and that included the ass-injury incident - and Mrs Cullen trying very unsuccessfully not to laugh at me.
"And now I've made it worse. I'm calling Cynthia!"
It's not the fact that my father was a vampire that makes me a freak. I manage to do that all by myself.
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himbo-in-limbo · 1 year
Now this is probably just because I’m a huge simp for Monty, but while I do think he’s lazy with aftercare, I do think he’d snuggle you. But that’s about it. And not just because he’s lazy. He’s also just a little stupid and doesn’t know what to do 😭
Now, since I rambled about Bonnie and Monty, and you rambled about Freddy and Bonnie, I’ll ramble about Freddy and Monty. And maybe another little surprise!
Now Freddy and Monty are both himbos. So two sides of the same coin. In other words, Freddy’s so sweet and gentle and telling Monty to be gentle with you. Not like Monty listens, so maybe. Jusssst maybe, Freddy gets aggravated and starts dominating Monty. Like we’ve established, Freddy doms brats. Monty is a brat. You see me?
And maybe you also get a bit of fun with Monty!
And then there’s after. Where he gets his revenge. Yeah you and Freddy are both gonna get a bit roughed up. Just imagine Monty dominating you while Freddy watches. I can just imagine all the dirty talk Monty says. Especially if this is a situation where you’re in a poly with Fronnie (Obvi with both Freddy and Bonnie being okay with this… okay not alright with it, but they both said you could smash Monty.) and Monty stroking his own ego and degrading you while Freddy just watches, knowing Monty’s about to do the same to him after.
I said I’d give you a surprise so here it is! Glamrock Foxy. Except I’m not mentioning bottom Foxy cause I do not hc that Foxy is ever a bottom. At most he’s a sub top.
So. He’s a half time cowboy half time pirate. According to SB and RUIN anyways…
Pirate Foxy: Definitely into knifeplay with his hook, teeth, claws, maybe a sword if he’s feeling extra frisky. And also, hammock. I’ve never banged in a hammock (Actually I’ve never.. actually banged. Irl. Just in fan fic and my imagination. Yknow that’s kinda weird cause I’m represented as a cro-) but Foxy definitely would smash you in his.
Cowboy Foxy: COWBOYS HAVE BIG DIC- ahem. So cowboys use rope is what I meant to say. (Unrelated but I find it extra hot to see Freddy all tied up in wires. Like imagine he went to go fix something and accidentally got all tied up in the wires and you just find him.) So Foxy ties you up. Anyways, milks you like a cow JSNAJKDJDN BYE
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I think I’ve finally perfected the way I will draw Monty….(hopefully)
Anyways, yes 100% these two would only (in my opinion) hate boink each other bc theys got tension (it also happened to be sexual tension…) I feel so sorry for Freddie bc 😭 Monty would be giving him such a hard time (in more than one way 😏)
And he’d DEFINITELY hog you like expect to get topped by Monty the most bc he’s a greedy bastard. oh but the degrading remarks he’d make at Freddie…..oof they way Monty would make you beg for HIM instead of Freddie and like you said that’d eventually piss off our Honeybear…if they start wrestling in bed I’m throwing money…
Uhhh…now for Foxy….honestly I don’t feel much for him LMAO not even enough like I do for Monty 💀💀💀 cute guy tho!
Maybe that’ll change if we get more lore about him? If he even is canon in SB (like yeah we see his old cardboard cutouts) but atm to me it looks like Foxy could have been Roxanne’s old model??? So she’s trans maybe?? If so good for her!! ♥️
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Funtime Foxy's Mate (Headcanons/Scenarios) Yandere Funtime Foxy X Female Reader (Five Nights At Freddy's/FNAF)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter! This one is going to be with Funtime Foxy being Yandere for a female listener with headcanons and scenarios! Enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer 1: Funtime Foxy is Sentient/Sapient in this, he has a conscious sense of self and is aware he is a living creature and has his own thoughts and feelings! 
Disclaimer 2: Funtime Foxy is not yandere, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are! You Dirty, Flaky, Biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Yandere Headcanons With Sentient/Sapient Funtime Foxy From FNAF With Female Reader- 
.Funtime Foxy fell for you right away and knew that he wanted you.
.He was a performer and would put on a show for you, to woo you to make you his and have you fall in love with him~
.He is a very possessive yandere he does not like to share and he declares that you are his first mate and HIS Mate!
.He does not want to give you up or let anyone else get their hands on you! 
.He is a bit annoyed when you spend time with others and does not like it. 
.You should only spend time with him. 
.He would also steal your things and hide them in his burrow (Which is his private sleeping room) making a shrine of you and for you. 
.He will eventually kidnap you and bring you to his burrow. 
.That way he can take care of you and keep you to himself.
.He also would lash out at anyone who tries to keep you from him, because he sees you as his mate and he does not want to share his mate. 
.He would cuddle the heck out of you and might leave hickies on you to mark you as his and his alone~ 
.Where everyone can know that you are his and his alone. 
.He would also bite anyone who tries to mark you as theirs, you are his, and no one else is allowed to touch you~ 
.He is a selfish yandere who would not let anyone near you. 
.Most likely chaining you down so you cannot leave him. 
.He would confess to you over and over and if you accepted his love it would take him longer to kidnap you. 
.If you deny his love he will kidnap you much faster and the more you turn him down the more he will be thinking of kidnapping you. 
.He deals with rivals by growling at them to scare them off and if that does not work he ends up biting them. 
.He is very much territorial of you and will want to not let anyone else near you. 
.Also as a yandere he would put on a show to rivals that he is a good guy and that no one has to worry about what he would do to you. 
.He also put that same show on for you, that you did not realize what he was doing until it was too late. 
(Now Onto The Scenario, Let's Go!!!) 
(Funtime Foxy) (Kidnapping His Mate) 
(No One's POV) 
You worked with the Funtime Animatronic Rental Company. You were Funtime Foxy's handler. So you worked with Funtime Foxy a lot. Which was a good thing in Funtime Foxy's eyes. He was very attached to you and called you his mate. You would blush when he first called you this and become flustered. But now you were sort of used to it. Which made Funtime Foxy think that you were into it. He loved you and wanted you by his side at all times. He hated it when you had to leave work.  So He decided that he was not going to let you leave again. You are currently working overtime. Cleaning Funtime Foxy and he is watching you with the glowing golden eyes. He waits for Baby to mess with the cameras and lights. 
Suddenly the lights go out and you yelp. You could not see at all and Funtime Foxy grabs you throwing you over his shoulder. You cry out and he starts to hum a pirate sea shanty as he carries you to his burrow. He throws you on the cushions in the burrow and he lightd up the candles. You look around and stare in horror. 
In Funtime Foxy's nest were things that he had stolen from you! Not just from your locker, but also from your home! That is right he has broken out and has stalked you to your home. Breaking into it and stealing the things he needed to make the love nest more comfortable for you. 
"Do you like our love nest, mate~?" He says to you his tail wagging and the gears inside of him going fast he was so excited.  "What the hell are you doing, Foxy!?" You demand. "Let me up!"  He shakes his head. "I cannot let you up, (Name), My Mate~" He purrs. "I love you and you are mine, you are going to be mine forever."  You try and speak but he kisses you pressing his snout against your lips and he shoves his robotic tongue into your mouth~ He tastes like pink lemonade~ You feel your face heat up and he pins you down. He was going to show you how much he loves you and make you his forever and ever~  Your cries and screams for help are swallowed by his robotic mouth and you have no idea how long you are going to be trapped here with Funtime Foxy! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, Another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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Gregory is not a bad character but people act like he was in the wrong and hate him for no reason.
Spoilers for the Security Breach Ruin dlc here. Also pardon my English. I'm learning.
So I have been seeing a lot of hate toward Gregory after the ending of Security Breach Ruin dlc. Specifically by Roxy simps. And in general, I've seen two arguments as to why he is a bad character.
1: Gregory killed Cassie at the end of the game
Look, we don't even know if it was Gregory at the end that dropped the elevator. ıt might as well be mimic, seeing as there were two subtitles before the elevator dropped and you can hear white noise from the speaker just before Gregory says 'we can't risk being followed, I'm sorry.' I will hold my opinion on this topic until we get proof that it was Gregory that killed Cassie. But to me it looks like it was mimic.
2: Gregory destroyed the animatronics, stole their parts and were overall unsympathetic towards them
People who use this as an argument; have you even played the game? You do realize these animatronics tried to kill Gregory, right? Like out of nowhere and without any provocation from Gregory. That Roxy that you think is all innocent and cool hunted him down like an animal. And Gregory is supposed to feel sorry for them?
Gregory was right to destroy them and take their parts. Because destroying them means they wouldn't be able to hunt him anymore, or they would be weaker. And their parts mean a higher chance of survival for him. You know, a higher chance od survival from dying from the animatronics that everybody act like are all innocent and completely safe. Like they haven't hunted down a child for hours.
Even if they were hacked or under the control of a virus, it doesn't change anything. Because they are in fact animatronics. They can be repaired. These parts can be replaced. Gregory on the other hand can't be just put in a new body and given a new arm or something.
At least this is my opinion. You are welcome to argue about it or not like it of course.
I also read some fanfics of ruin dlc and decided to write some dialogue of my own. The characters are completely out of character because I wrote it in like three minutes lol. But I think it gets my point across. This is how I imagined a confrontation between Roxy and Gregory would go.
R: Don’t come any closer to Cassie, not after what you did.
G: After what I did? So we are acting like there is no way for me to just drop an elevator and there is literally a robot that wants to murder everyone, can mimic people’s voice so perfectly that my friend didn’t recognize it was me and could also cut the cable of the elevator from his position. But of course it is my fault that Cassie almost died.
R: You stole my–
G:Stole your eyes? Cry me a river Roxy. Is that what she told you Cassie? That big bad psychopath Gregory that dropped you down an elevator shaft also cruelly stole her eyes and left her in darkness.
Cassie standing to the side, looking uncertain.
R: Gregor-
G:Did she also explain how she and her ‘friends’ hunted me down like feral animals and tried to kill me.  Without any provoking from my side. 
R: And that makes it okay for you to steal my eyes and completely destroy us?
G: Yes it does. Because fuck you Roxy. Don’t act like you are innocent in all this. You are not. For you, eyes mean a part that can be replaced. Getting a bit hurt means always a chance for repairs. For me? Your eyes upgraded into Freddy means seeing you and your ‘friends’ from behind the walls and evading you. So you know, I wouldn’t die by your hands.
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icarusignite · 1 year
how are you? I hope you're doing well. I wanted to ask you which actor do you think would be the best for Cregan stark and Daeron Targaryen? I think that Arnas Fedaravicius would be perfect for Cregan. And I would love to see Harry Gilby as Daeron that would be so perfect.
And how do you find the request for cregan stark x Targaryen reader?
Have a nice day/evening.
Your reader 🫶🫶
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Heyy love!
Lol I love the way you think. I definitely like them for those roles but that could also perhaps just be cuz TLK is the last historical show I've watched so I don't really know any other people who would fit. I love Arnas for Cregan (Probably season 4/5 though cuz he's too baby in season 3 lol). For Daeron though, I'm obsessed with Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen.
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Look at him! He's soooo cute and he's got the baby blonde vibes just right. I think Harry Gilby could work as well but I just have a hard time picturing him blonde lol cuz he's such a beautiful brunette. You know who he would work so well for, older Lucerys. Like I know he's dead and all but their facial structure matches up pretty nicely IMO. Harry could totally be older Luke living in hiding.
On a random note, have you seen who's gonna be playing Gwayne Hightower cuz OMFGGGG. They're rlly gonna be having me simp for all of Otto Hightower's children LMFAO 🤡🤡😳
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Look at this man. Freddie Fox as Gwayne 😍😍🤭 You best know Imma be churning out fanfics for him once the second season of the show comes out LMFAO.
Anyways that's all for now, love love love your asks as usual, feel free to send in more.
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mellowmin · 11 months
Lmao I'm on a fnaf frenzy sorry not sorry
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But I was just thinking who in mha would be good for a watch party and these are my thoughts so far:
FNAF Movie Spoilers ahead!
• Jirou is a casual enjoyer, got into the fandom because of the music lol so she loves The Living Tombstone and wants to see if they'll make it to the movie's soundtrack. Her fave song would be I got no time (not bc its my obsession at the moment or anything lol what).
She would put on an all black outfit with striped sleeves and leg warmers, do some loosely puppet inspired make up and call it a day.
• Tokoyami bc of course, come on. Look at him -a horror kid and a theater kid at the same time- he can't not like fnaf come on dude like.
His fave game would probs be Fnaf4 or maybe a fanmade like TJOC or Jr's.
What I'm still debating on is whether or not he would dress up for the movie (maybe like a securitiy guard or like puppet?? Or perhaps he'd just wear a formal suit Idk)
• Shinsou also just gives me the vibe, but I feel like he'd be a little more interested in the lore than the games, like he would play the easier ones but the more stressful games? Lol no he'll just watch Mark suffer for him. Thinks Security Breach sucks though.
He'd be one of those people complaining about the fort scene but Deku shuts him up real fast on that one (THEY'RE KIDS SHINSOU THE GHOSTS ARE LITTLE CHILDREN AND BESIDES IT'S RELATED TO THE PLO-)
Would dress up as either grunge or cunty purple guy
• DEKU OMG DEKU DUDE. A HARDCORE FAN. He's Mathew Patrick's no1 follower, probably follows every single one of his channels and is basically just a matpat 2.0 when it comes to making theories to be honest.
He's consumed every single piece of fnaf media possible and goes crazy analyzing every single detail on this film. I feel like talking/ranting/gushing to him ab this movie would be so much fun (but you have to be somewhat well-versed in the lore lol).
Screams through 60% of the movie, whether it is from goddamn Balloon Boy or from excitement. Will rewatch it any time he has the chance to.
Also he'd probably like the super complicated games like Fnaf2, Sister Location or UCM on all max lol. Would dress up but keep it lowkey (like a brown shirt, a little hat and Freddy ears omg what a cutie)
• Maybe Kaminari? But I feel like he'd only play Security Breach or the roblox versions of the games lmao.
He'd simp hard for Vanny/Vanessa while still being scared shitless of her chases. Other than that he'd probably rather just watch his friends play the games from a safe distance (and with the lights on). Simps hard for both Mike and Vanessa in the movie lol (maybe Afton too? Who knows).
In it for the memes 100%, he WILL start singing 'harr harr harr harr harr' in the theater at any point in the movie if he's not supervised.
Would dress up either matching deku or as toy chica (and I mean obnoxious game-accurate make up, hot pink booty shorts, a crop top and the apron- only because they told him he wasn't allowed in the theater without a shirt on)
That's it lmao but you can add anything in the tags/comments
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