#Disney Hans
Me with General Hux: Yiissss, yuusssss, give me more Feral Space Ginger, that one glimpse in a really small bit in a kid's comic book? ICONIC, canon 100%, loving it. Slay, my Emperor, you are doing amazing at destroying the galaxy, sweetie, I can't wait to see you committing more atrocities, say hi to Millicent for me
Me with prince Hans: <looking anxiously at Disney> pls leave him alone. Forget his existence. Forget he was ever there. He is invisible, literally, forever. No I don't want more Hans content, I am good, just don't make it worse pls
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hannahalexart · 2 years
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Prince Hans 👑💔
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scrapsoffrozen · 10 months
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not gonna lose
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Who is this Hans? (XII)
The Disney Prince
12th scene: Epilogue
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This scene opens with the fjord and the repaired ships on it. As I said in the previous post, there is a plothole here, since we don't know how much time has passed since the Great Thaw.
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We see Hans being pushed into a dungeon by an Arendelle guard, surely one who was under his command in the Ice Castle.
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As Hans' head ends inside a bucket, the guard closes the jail.
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While Anna's punch seemed justified, I find this scene very humilliating. Hans is violently pushed and jailed by a former subordinate, who would have attacked the Queen if Hans had given the order. The french dignatary says he will take Hans to the Southern Isles (let's assume his ship was destroyed in the blizzard) and him and Kai say goodbye on good terms.
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Here comes the Duke.
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The Duke tries to excuse his actions saying he's a victim of fear. Fear or magic is personified in the Duke in this film. Then he fakes a sore neck.
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When the Duke realizes the guards don't believe him, he demands to see the Queen.
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And is informed by Kai the Queen has decided to cut all business with Weselton. Then he is dragged to his ship by the Arendelle guards.
So we have three characters here that leave Arendelle in a very different way:
First, the french dignatary, who leaves Arendelle in good terms. This may seem contradictory with many fans' opinion that the foreign dignataries kind of "took the power" in Arendelle. It also may seem contradictory with my opinion that they wanted -and pushed Hans to give the order to kill Elsa.
I don't agree the dignataries "took over" Arendelle. Hans is the one in charge, put it charge by princess Anna herself after Elsa left, and these guys are acting as conseulors. Also, at the end of the movie they seem to agree with the Duke that Elsa must die, but this only happens when people's lives are in imminent risk and there is no other way to save the kingdom. This is not something reprehensible, and the fact that one of the dignataries is shown leaving Arendelle on good terms validates this argument.
The Duke's farewell is very different. Because of his fear of magic, the Duke has been hostile towards Elsa from the beginning, ordering his guards to "get her", fueling people's fear and making Elsa have less control over her powers, as she noticed she was considered a threat. He definitely doesn't leave on good terms: he is scorted to his ship by some guards and Elsa writes an official letter to him, cuting off trade with Weselton in retaliation. But that's all: the Duke is not acused of treason, conspiring to kill the Queen or nothing like that. The message is "you're a jerk and you're not welcome here", but the fact there is no accusation of a really serious crime is telling that the Duke's reaction is, after all, something understandable. It is understandable to see magic and be afraid of it, and to want to attack who you think is an evil sorcerer who is, in the Duke's own words, "conspiring to destroy us all".
And then we have Hans. Even if he is pushed into a jail and the french dignatary calls him a "scoundrel", the treatment he receives is that of someone who has done something tremendously dishonorable, but not a crime. And certainly not a crime such serious as treason. Elsa doesn't even bother to write a letter to the King and Queen of the Southern Isles. Trade with Weselton is cut off in retaliation for the Duke's behaviour, but there are no reprisals towards the Southern Isles. Even the french dignatary implies Hans will not have to face a tremendous punishment, just his brothers' reaction which, honestly, sounds like he'll be given just a slap on the wrist. (Important note here: Yes, I know there is a common headcanon in Hans fandom that his brothers are the absolute worst, mainly because of the A frozen heart novel, and he would be severously punished when back to the Isles. I explained in the first post why I was leaving that book out: the author was just given the script, she didn't receive extra information from the creators about the character to develop her story and since the movie hadn't come out, she couldn't even analyze Hans' facial expressions). Does he receive that treatment for "trying to kill both the Queen and the Princess of Arendell to take over their kingdom" or... for being an absolute jerk to Princess Ana for reasons unknown? I vote for the second.
Unlike the Duke, Hans doesn't try to excuse his behaviour or protest for the treatment he is getting. This is proof he feels guilty, because when someone feels guilty, they won't defend themselves.
Conclusion: The plotholes are part of the plot
In this first part of my analysis, I wanted to prove the events in Frozen could make sense without Hans being a villain or bad guy. Of course, this interpretation still leaves some things unresolved but, personally, I think that the "he was evil all the time" explanation is even more problematic with the facts we get in the movie.
We as an audience miss a lot of information about Hans' character, and not minor details but essential information to understand this character and his role in the movie. And then Olaf says "who is this Hans?", and Anna had said earlier "Hans is not a stranger" and "Excuse me sir, he's a prince", and I feel like the creators wanted to play with the audience, and wanted the audience to find out who this misterious prince is. I think the plotholes in Frozen are 100% intentional and part of the plot, a part of the plot creators wanted the audience to find out.
And then we have the troll song, and this line:
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Everyone's a bit of a fixer-upper, that's what it's all about
Could it be more in-your-face? Let's analyze the lyrics of the song.
For most of the song, the trolls are talking about Kristoff's flaws:
Is it the clumpy way he walks?
Or the grumpy way he talks?
Or the pear-shaped, square-shaped
Weirdness of his feet?
And though we know he washes well
He always ends up sort of smelly (...)
So he's a bit of a fixer-upper
So he's got a few flaws
Like his peculiar brain dear
His thing with the reindeer
That's a little outside of nature's laws! (...)
Is it the way that he runs scared?
Or that he's socially impaired?
Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods… what?!
Are you holding back your
Fondness due to his unmanly blondness?
Or the way he covers up
That he's the honest goods?
He's just a bit of a fixer-upper
He's got a couple of bugs (...)
Kristoff seems to be full of flaws, specially if we compare him with the other protagonists: Anna, Elsa and Hans. He's a commoner, a grumpy mountain man, but the trolls imply that under this fachade there is a warm heart:
But you'll never meet a fellow who's as
Sensitive and sweet!
The trolls also bring the subject of isolation, and the remedy for it:
His isolation is confirmation
Of his desperation for human hugs
So he's a bit of a fixer-upper
But we know what to do
The way to fix up this fixer-upper
Is to fix him up with you!
After they learn Anna is engaged, the trolls conclude she's a fixer upper too. And there is already a theory with this part but, for my own theory, I will jump to Bulda's part:
We're not sayin' you can change him
'Cause people don't really change
We're only saying that love's a force
That's powerful and strange
People make bad choices if they're mad
Or scared, or stressed
Throw a little love their way
(Throw a little love their way)
And you'll bring out their best
True love brings out their best!
Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper. Kristoff may have his flaws, but the royal protagonists, with their fancy looks and good manners, are just as fixer uppers as Kristoff himself. In Frozen, the royals are overcame by their emotions and screw things in some point of the movie. Kristoff, on the other side, "does the right thing" and takes Anna back to Hans with no hopes to see her again.
People make bad choices if they're mad
Or scared, or stressed
Mad or scared or stressed.
Elsa was scared, both of her own powers and of the reaction others would have towards her. Her fear and anxiety are the cause of the winter curse who almost killed everyone in Arendelle, and also of Anna being mortally wounded with a frozen heart.
Anna was mad, due to her isolation from Elsa and the death of their parents. She has a totally twisted vision of what romantic love is. Her desperation makes her not only accept Hans' marriage proposal, but also insist when Elsa points out how absurd it is and make a scene in Elsa's coronation, making her sister more and more anxious and finally losing control of her powers.
Hans was stressed, as would be anyone in charge of a whole kingdom in a crisis situation where his decisions can save or endanger the lives of all the citizens. Because Anna making a scene in Elsa's coronation is a consequence of his marriage proposal, he feels guilty about the situation. As the days pass (at least four-five days), Anna doesn't come back and there seems to be no other option to end the winter than killing Elsa, the pressure he endures grows to an unbearable extreme. So when he learns Elsa froze Anna's heart (and he totally missinterprets Anna's words, which in fact were quite confusing) he's shocked and horrified. He had protected Elsa all the time, and was even willing to go to the mountains to find his death, with the excuse of "looking for Anna", when logic says Anna must have died days ago. In my interpretation, his "villain monologue" is not real, but a consequence of his own rage and frustration, after several days of both physical and psychological stress, with situations in which he was about to die (Marshmallow) and lack of sleep.
First post of these series here
Screencaps from animationscreencaps.com
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scurviesdisneyblog · 8 months
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"Love Is an Open Door" visual development for Frozen (2013) by Cory Loftis
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shutupcrime · 2 months
Some of you are too afraid to admit this but we all know Star Wars works best when it goes full soap opera
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xplore-the-unknwn · 1 year
This got suuuper viral on twitter and I want to share this as well here and let you all know that this is Graham Hamilton 👀👀 and I-
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Here are other frame of references:
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He looks more like Luke THAN the Luke CGI 😭😭
Bro’s an exact carbon copy. He looks like Disney secretly cloned him Kamino style. Im cryin ya’ll. 😭😂
Here is the most perfect person for the role and Disney said “not enough” and slapped him with unnecessary CGI 😭
His last name is even HAMILton!! What a perfect legacy for Mark Hamill to pass the torch to. Bro was born for this role.
He’s even got the yassified twink vibes that LUKE CHANEL BOOTS SKYWALKER embodies! 💅 He’s so KING! I’m loving it 🤴
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I know we all love Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker. (and the originals as well) He is my childhood hero and he will forever be Luke in my heart. No one will ever replace the passion he put in his role.
But it’s been already decades and there is a new generation of new respectable actors and actresses that can give our well beloved characters to life again. Be that or let them be all replaced by capitalistic machines and heartless AI technology. Nothing can ever top the performance and influence of a well-meaning actor putting his heart into a role!
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seaslugfanclub · 4 months
Queen of the Southern Isles: If you’re saying I play favorites, you’re wrong. I love all my children equally.
*The queen, earlier that day*: I don’t care for Hans…
Hook: May I try to “rizz you up”?
(Y/N): Sure?
Hook *clinging to (Y/N)s leg*: PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE—-
*(Y/N) having a sleepover with Clayton*
(Y/N):… Psst— Clayton, are you asleep?
Clayton: I’m trying to.
(Y/N):….Tarzans first wet dream didn’t involve a Human.
(Y/N): What’s your favorite color Gaston?
Gaston: Red. No, Green.
(Y/N): Awesome! I love learning about you :)
Gaston: I fucked up it’s yellow
*Frollo freaking out for no reason*
(Y/N): Daddy chill
Frollo:….What the hell is even that!?
Hans: I have done nothing wrong, ever.
(Y/N): I know this and I love you
Rourke: *explaining the horrors he witnessed in WWI*
(Y/N): Today I saw a balloon
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elsafromcabinsix · 7 months
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i want them to be endgame so bad
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puryartist · 2 months
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frozen 3 leaked photo (real) (trust)
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dramastream · 1 year
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Run and don't look back. I'll find you no matter what. Kim Doo Sik & Lee Mi Hyun in MOVING 무빙 (2023)
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Hans: ...before we start, may we lay down some ground rules?
Olaf: Sure?
Hans: Are you going to hit me with that stick if I answer wrong?
Olaf: ...no? Why would I?
Hans: Thank you, I just wanted to be sure.
Very helpful tutorial on the sea: https://youtu.be/aZzxFr5tQ_w?si=kdvGfwLlu6JZj80f
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elvenalba · 1 month
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“What happened to Hans??” Boy they better return him
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scrapsoffrozen · 8 months
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10 minutes before
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scurviesdisneyblog · 2 days
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Character designs for Frozen (2013) by Bill Schwab
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