#Discover Disney
amarithecat · 1 year
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Recently got around to watching ROBLOX_OOF.MP3 and seeing people compare it to Defunctland's Disney channel video had me thinking many thoughts.
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Meddling and acquainting:
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This pub is surely a nice constructive place to have a chat
Yet another slice of villains' life sparked by an animated movie this time that particular Hotel Transylvania's moment
Also why just recently I discovered the funny chemistry that can sprout between Helga and Clayton (Wet patetic man cat vs 24/7 done™️ muscle mummy I dig it)
Oh dear I just noticed some typos in the comic
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hakogyi · 1 year
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i drew a thing for this beautiful fanfic by @the-nameless-ramekin >:3c i 100% recommend this fic for people who enjoy crying (and beautiful writing in general!!) anyway hey rame...it's ao3 user bachstreetsolo o(-( i love your writing (i cried!!)
keep reading for rambles and alt images 🌟
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fun little detail (kind of) - i gave each character clothes in a hue close to their partner's hair colour...vil's was a bit hard to work in but she has a bit of white in her hat. also sorry for having the opposite of same face syndrome
honestly i think this might be the most detailed piece i've done? even my rook birthday art wasn't this intense omg. i aim to do more detailed pieces in the future 💥 i can't keep doing flat backgrounds forever...i'll keep improving 🔥 and seriously read the fic it's crazy good
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heartscrypt · 8 months
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errr ahhh um. cfv twst au upon ye (content made for me and only me)
if u couldn't tell kai here is twisted from the beast from beauty and the beast b/c i wanted to make him go through the horrors. i am normal about him
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prokopetz · 2 years
The one bracket I'd love to do on Tumblr but would never work in practice is 1980s Star Wars bandwagon-jumpers – both because we'd end up with a situation where about 80% of the people voting have never actually seen any of the films in question and are just going with the one they've heard of/the one with the most fanfic on AO3/the one with the coolest-sounding title, and because I'm reasonably certain that asking 80s kids to choose between The Last Starfighter and Krull would result in actual, physical violence.
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dreamofcamelot · 12 days
What about….. descendants AU???
(Quick idea bcs fight of our lives is on repeat rn. It’s going to be messy since im copying what I had in my notes, so excuse any typos)
So Arthur is the prince of Avalon blah blah blah instead of villains here they banned magic and sent all sorcerers to the isle.
Ok so Morgana turns out to be a sorcerer, Arthur who is about to be crowned king is like “we need to do something this has to change, let’s give them a chance” so he decides to invite a few of the children of the isle to come and study here.
Now enter the vks
We got manic pixie boy Merlin who grew up with stories about magic and dragons and his (absent) father and hates what the crown has done to sorcerers and magic. He's always felt like his very existence is a crime.
His magic? Banned. Books? Confiscated. He’s lived all his life in the isle so he does not know what magic feels like but but but he knows there’s something in his chest a pressure like he can’t never take a real breath like there’s something holding him back. He feels there’s something inside him that’s begging to come out.
Merlin, Nimue, Freya idk all the sorcerers maybe Mordred can come too I like him, are chosen to go to Avalon High.
They are happy about it, yeah why not, maybe things are finally changing and they might have a chance at leaving the island and having a different future, they heard the prince is not like his father, they want to give him a chance.
Merlin specially wants to give him, whoever he is, a chance.
Then they get there n meet Arthur n he’s all formal and wear this fake smile n Merlin can tell he’s doing this reluctantly, he is not confortable or happy to be greeting them, their presence alone bother him and it’s showing.
It’s obvious to them that deep down he hates magic n since magic is what he is he must hate Merlin too so not a great start.
When they crossed the bridge, Merlin felt it, it’s like the world got back it’s colors, like seeing, breathing for the first time.
Magic is in desuse in Avalon so people don’t learn it nor practice it but since Merlin is magic the second he leaves the isle he's able to use magic naturally as if he had been doing it all his life.
He begins experimenting with it and conjuring cute fire dragons and showing the others what they missed all those years and suddenly he realises that up until that point, without his magic, the very source of his being, Merlin was not living.
For the first time in his life he feels something. And then his hatred become stronger. How could they have taken this away from them, from him? Completion never felt more bittersweet.
And then, instead of going the d1 route, something happens, maybe Agravaine's being nasty again and throwing a coup d’etat or smth cause I really want to throw here the plot of d4 and bam they need to fix it, they must go to the past together n then, because they are a couple of dumbasses in every universe they start fighting n mess up with the pocket watch.
So instead of traveling to a few moments before the incident they end up to when magic was about to get banned and wow they discover the truth about Merlin’s incredible powers n learn about his dragon lord dad and wow is that Arthur’s mom? Wait what is his dad doing with a sorcerer?? Unbelievable. They have more in common than any of them thought before.
Etc etc etc 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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joelletwo · 3 months
[clips world unbent dub to cope] [unclear what emotion im encouraging by doing this]
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frc-ambaradan · 2 months
Drawing Rockerduck with Corrado Mastantuono! 😃
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from Topolino #3581 (translated from italian by me).
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ghostbird-7 · 5 months
MI brainrot
Ethan comes out of the therapist office looking effortlessly cool. This is not a good sign. He’s got his mission face on, wearing something that could be conceived as a smile if you haven’t seen his proper one, which is crooked and a bit too wide, unleashed when he’s being brutally mocked by a dear friend or has one of his signature puns turned around on him. When mission face is off he’s intense, makes an amount of eye contact that on paper is around average, but feels interrogative when you’re under it. He’s moving smoothly, too. Benji knows for a fact that with his ribs and knee he should be walking in his usual lope, but he’s walking like he’s in a poker game at gun point. Benji takes him home. In the kitchen, after small talk and tea, Ethan’s still got his game face on but he’s icing his leg and Benji’s given him a pamphlet so they don’t have to look at each other. Ethan tells him after 10 minutes, on the dot. “I’ve been jittery after missions where I didn’t use to be. The shrink says it’s because I’m not passively suicidal anymore,. Says I probably have been for a while, didn’t know.” He’s talking like he’s conserving money on a telegram. He hasn’t looked up from the pamphlet. Benji makes him another cup of tea, and after the next mission holds him by his uninjured body part (right shoulder seems okay) with enough pressure for him to feel it until he settles a little. Ethan thanks him with a foot rub the next week, long enough later that most people wouldn’t have connected it. Benji loves him, chooses to. It’s always been a choice for him, when he’s not in physical danger he can stack feelings around the corners of the problem till he’s looking straight through it. It’s what made him such a good technician, and it’s one of the things that made him decide to love Ethan at first. He can’t. He’ll buckle down and work through it, but always as a person. Benji will stay while Ethan works out how to feel like a person again.
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shirozora-draws · 2 years
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Fun little (little?) doodle of the two blorbos from the two fandoms that have had the biggest fucking impact on my life on/off-line. It's also been way too fucking long since I did a serious doodle of Tron in his Tron Betrayal/Legacy suit and good god, I forgot how fucking ridiculous that goddamn fucking jumpsuit is, but I'm a sucker for lights and lighting up those circuits made me too fucking happy.
I'm not gonna look too deep into how weirdly similar they both are when Tron rezzes his helmet on. Nobody look too deep into this kthnx.
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iwtv-az-hours · 4 months
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Aladdin/Eric mpreg is writing itself
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rabbit1225 · 2 years
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b4adb4tcher · 6 months
rip the bad batch and also fives you would have loved chappell roan
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kaythefloppa · 11 months
Just in case you aren’t feeling ancient yet
“Jake and the Never Land Pirates” ended 7 years ago today.
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#Disney#disney Jr.#Disney junior#jake and the neverland pirates#jake and the never land pirates#Childhood#childhood shows#nostalgia.....#nostagia#The experience watching this show was my canon event - You could document the exact time my brain was rewired when I was watching this#As a kid#It was the first Disney show I ever watched and ironically was the first Disney Jr show to ever exist#Which low key got me into other Disney shows like Sofia the 1st#Handy Manny#and The Lion Guard#That lead to me also discovering many Disney movies that aired on the block#It also lead to my old Peter Pan hyperfixation that died out#Like butterfly effect is the most precise emotion that comes to mind when thinking about it#I also had the biggest crush on Peter Pan’s shadow when I was 8 so there’s that#It’s such an underrated show yet it doesn’t be because Disney Jr pretty much wouldn’t exist without it. It was the basically the big sister#of a lot of other Disney jr shows there#If Sofia the 1st and Wordgirl can get sudden bursts of popularity online so should Jake and the Never Land Pirates#I remember when the show aired its last episode but they didn’t announce it (bc the show was cancelled ahead of time)#and I deadass waited 2 whole years for new episodes to air only to find out it was cancelled#That was my second canon event#I still HATE the cliffhanger they ended the show on#We don’t talk about that…#We don’t talk about Season 4 either lol#I know this show was probably loooong forgotten but I really hope that Disney Jr decides to bring back re-runs of the show#because of how integral it was to its existence - I get that most of the kids who watched the show are adults but still would be really coo
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liesmultixxx · 4 months
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ TOO SOON TO TELL YOU I LOVE YOU ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
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spectator-zee · 6 months
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"Use a fork instead, a stick is unsanitary"
Cielo the Starboy and Princess Asha belong to @signed-sapphire
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