#Discord Para
switchhummel · 1 year
First Date || Diego & Kurt (08/29)
TAGGING: @domdiegotorres & @switchhummel
TIMING: Tuesday August 29th, evening hours
LOCATION: Kurt's room
SUMMARY: Diego gets invitated for dinner at Kurt's place. Food is had. Some truths are revealed. Sex is enjoyed.
NOTES: Written on Discord. M/M smut
Kurt was glad that the day he had his first date with Diego he still didn't have classes yet, because that meant he could dedicate the entire day to make the most delicious meal ever for the other man. Ever since he had walked into the bookshop he hadn't been able to stop about him. His eyes, his freaking eyelashes, his lips, the warmth of his skin, the curves of his muscles and how they felt under the touch of his fingertips. More than once he had came with a strangled cry and his cock twitching in his own hand, while thinking about all those details about him, but he also knew he wanted things to be different this time. At least, he would do whatever he could to make it so.
By the time the hour Diego should be there was almost up, Kurt had already placed the lasagna inside the oven, along with a tray on garlic bread, and a green salad to go along their food. The ice cream was also inside the fridge for dessert, and an unopen bottle of red wine was placed in the middle of the table for them to drink from when Diego arrived. Dressed in black slacks and jacket, and a yellow and brown shirt underneath it, he ran his fingers through his now much shorter hair as he stood in front of his mirror to make sure his look
Diego had been nervous and anticipating this moment since he left the bookshop the other day. He would lay down and read his new book and images of Kurt would appear in his head, those beautiful hazel eyes, that sinful mouth of his and the way Kurt would look at him, as if Diego would own the world and he would do anything to please him. He knew it was the sub part of Kurt that was speaking everything the male called him 'sir' and did so much to make him want him, but at the same time he wanted to discover that beautiful male as only Kurt, no switch/sub/Dom involved.
He put on some black slacks and a white buttoned shirt, and a black cardigan. He wasn't dressed to impress, he was dressed to enjoy a beautiful dinner with Kurt, teh man that had captured his soul. He made it to the school campus and he made himself known to the guards…again.
When it was already time for Diego to be there Kurt opened the door of his suite and went to where the top of the stairs were. Being a Switch placed him on the second floor, so if the other man was coming up the stairs he would notice him, and soon enough, that was the case. Diego turned the corner to take that last flight of stairs and he ran down them, stopping midway. "Hi!" he said, a bit out of air because he was that excited. "Did you get any trouble to get into campus?"
Diego the guards told him he needed to go up to the second floor and he saluted them, making his way over Kurt's suite. He looked up to see the handsome man running down and he smiled widely "Hey, Kurt!" he said and shook his head "Nope, all good, the guards told me where your suite was, so no problem at all" he chuckled and took a couple steps up to where Kurt was and placed a soft kiss onto his cheek "How are you?" he whispered.
Kurt smiled, glad to hear Diego didn't have any issue getting in. He blushed softly at the gentle kiss, then looked at him and smiled, soon returning the kiss on the man's cheek in an equal gentle manner. "Right now? I'm perfect. Come on!" he said and took his hand, quickly leading him up the stairs and down to where his door was. "Welcome to my place, sir" he said, standing to the side so that Diego would come inside.
Diego hummed softly when Kurt kissed his cheek and smiled, taking Kurt's hand and following him inside his place. He made his way in and whistled "Nice place, handsome" he nodded and turned around to face Kurt, wrapping one arm around the male's waist and pulling him for a kiss. "I didn't think it was appropiate to do this outside"
Kurt closed the door after Diego went inside, smiling with pride when the Dom praised his place. "Thank you! I decorated it all by myself!" he said, then hummed softly when the other pulled him close and kissed him. "I agree" he whispered against his lips, his nose bumping on the man's. "Although, if you start to come here more often, you should find that public displays of any kind are highly encouraged" he said, moving his hands around his neck.
"Well you have amazing taste, even when I already knew about it" he smiled and nodded "You can invite me and I will be here, giving you kisses everywhere" he whispered against Kurt's lips as he kissed him one more time. "Mmmmh, the things you do to me, Kurt Hummel" he confessed.
Kurt smiled. "I just- I like things to be perfect, you know?" he said, somewhat shyly at first, although he felt, deep in his heart that he could be honest with Diego about things like that, and he would never make fun of him. He giggled against his lips. "Hm.. People are going to hate because I'd be hogging you for myself, which I'd have no trouble with, whatsoever, just so you know…" He bit his lip down, then looked down and played with one of the buttons on his shirt. "Me? What kind of things exactly?"
Diego smiled widely, he liked how shy Kurt could get around him, it made his dominant side to growl inside of him. "Well, things are already perfect, so I think you have managed everything amazingly" he nodded and chuckled "I want you to have me, I can deal with that" he whispered against Kurt's red lips "The things that would get your lovely buttons ripped off, baby" he said and then coughed a little bit "But first, I was promised dinner" he said trying to hide his prominent erection from being next to the other male.
Kurt looked at him fondly. He was generally happy when his friends let him know he had a real good taste, but to hear it from Diego, someone he had literally just met, it made it all that much more special. He placed his hands on Diego's waist and gave them a soft squeeze. "You're really ready for us to become the envy of everyone around?" he asked teasingly, then he licked his lips at the image of having his clothes ripped off like that. "Now, we need to get an agreement on that. I don't always like to have my clothes being ripped apart. You're welcome, instead, to take them off me, sensually…" He giggled, then stepped back and took his hand. "Certainly! Follow me" He took him to where the table was, already set for two.
Diego hummed softly when Kurt placed his hands on his waist "Aren't we already? Look at us, being all mushy and hot at the same time" he smiled and chuckled when Kurt mentioned the clothes issue "I will contain myself around you, Kurt. I promise, no ripping off clothes" he smiled and gave Kurt a salute and a pinky promise. He followed the very sexy male to where the table was already set and whistled again. "Damn, you really outdid yourself, baby"
Kurt smiled brightly. "I suppose we are, in a way" he said, then held onto his pinky. "Now, this is a serious promise. A pinky promise is a bond for like" he said seriously, but he couldn't help the soft laughter that followed after. He waited until Diego was sitting down, and he went into the kitchen to get the lasagna out of the oven, as well as the garlic bread. He placed everything on the table, along with the green salad. "Like I said, I like perfection. Could you please open up the wine?" he asked him, the corkscrew being on the table.
Diego sat on the table after his promise to Kurt and smiled at the handsome male, "Well, it already smells delicious" he said when Kurt went to the kitchen to get the food. He opened his eyes widely when the food was placed on the table and nodded, getting the corkscrew and opening the wine, pouring it on their glasses. "I'd like to make a toast if that's okay?" he said raising his glass and waiting for Kurt to do the same "To us, to new beginnings, to friendships and maybe more"
Kurt busied himself in putting the food on their plates, and also to stir the salad to be served on a couple of smaller plates. He took the offered glass and smiled at Diego's words, which were proper and fitting to their situation. "To us" he repeated, their glass soon clinking together before he took a deep sniff of the wine and swirled the glass a little before taking a sip. "Hm.. It's better than I thought it would be. Shall we then?" he said, motioning his hand to their seats.
Diego smiled at their clinking glasses and did the same as Kurt "It's an excellent wine" he nodded and went to Kurt's seat pulling it out for him "I know I shouldn't do this because dom and blah, but let me be a gentleman first" he said and waited until Kurt was seated to sit in front of him. "This food looks amazing Kurt, you weren't joking when you told me you could cook!" he exclaimed.
Kurt gasped softly when Diego held the chair out for him, then he thanked him before he sat down and placed the napkin on his lap. "Oh, we don't need to do any of that right now, sir. We're in private, so we can let go of the rules for a while." He winked playfully at him, then he too took a bite of his food, but his main focus was seeing Diego's reaction for it. "I never, ever joked about food, that much I can tell you!" he said with a soft giggle.
Diego nodded, he was not much of a rule follower, so he was glad they were in private and he could be himself around Kurt. He moaned softly as he took a bite of the lasagna "Damn, this is soo fucking good" he said as he cleaned his mouth after a big mouthful. "Fuck Kurt, marry me!" he joked and winked at the other male as he took a piece of the garlic bread and moaned once again at the taste.
Kurt laughed soundly at the prompt proposal. "My my- You really are easy to please. And this only with lasagna. Wait until you try my infamous chocolate chip cookies." He chuckled, then took a sip at his wine and continued eating. "You know… These weren't our original rooms, you know? About… almost two years ago, the three dorms building burned to the ground. There used to be three buildings, one for Doms, other for Switches and other for subs. All burned."
Diego continued eating and smiled when Kurt laughed soundly, it was something he was planning on hearing often because he liked it a lot. "Oh, you plan on making me yours with chocolate? because it's totally working !" he smiled and took another sip of his wine. He listened to Kurt and shook his head "I didn't know, was anybody injured?. That must been devastating"
Kurt giggled. "Yes! Fatten you up for the kill!" he said, laughing out soundly, like he rarely did, then he covered his mouth, as an apology. "Thankfully, no. I mean, not that bad. No one died, so that's good, right? Smoke inhalation issues for a while, but the sad, although not important part, but equally sad, is that we lost everything. All our belongings. We all had to start from scratch. I remember we lived in a hotel in town for nearly the entire summer- Well, not me. I was invited to stay at someone's place in town during it. It was tough at the time, but then they rebuilt the whole thing, and it was much more nicer than before. So, from the ashes, all of this came about. KInd of poetic, don't you think?"
"See? You are after my dead body!" he joked and then listened to Kurt atentively, reaching out and taking the other hand in his "It must have been so hard for you all, but I like the poetic of it all, because it's a beautiful place now for more beautiful people in it" he smiled sofly at Kurt and squeezed his hand. He liked how open Kurt was with him, he always hated the fact that switchs or subs would close off because of his suppossedly authority figure towards htem.
Kurt looked down when Diego's hand took his own, his hazel eyes now beaming with a warm joy, and he opened his hand and gladly laced his fingers with the other's. "Thank you" he said, then looked directly at him. "I made it like this in hope to one day share it with someone. But-" He chuckled and shook his head. "That never happened."
Diego didn't like when Kurt started getting sad. "Hey, never say never, handsome" he whispered and placed a soft kiss in the back of the male's hand. "You have me now to keep you company and to eat all of your delicious food" he nodded trying to lighten up the mood.
Kurt chuckled and didn't comment on what Diego said, not really wanting to bring the mood down with his story about fail loves and hopes. He smiled at the soft kiss, and it even made his hand tickle and his cheeks blush a bit. "I wouldn't want you to get tired of me, sir. Nor would I want to hog your company, when I know some others want to have it as well. Nevertheless-" He put on a smile. "Good food will always be provided when you request for it." He continued to eat his food, ocasionally making a clinking sound when his fork reached the bottom of his plate.
Diego could sense there was something off with Kurt, but he didn't want to push the handsome male to talk, as he was sure there would be plenty opportunities to do so. "I can assure you I won't get tired of you whatsoever, you are an amazing company Kurt, and I enjoy talking about anything and everything with you" he nodded and clapped his hands "Yay for food!" he exclaimed and continued eating. Once they were done, he took the last sip of wine and cleaned his mouth "Simply amazing, mr. Hummel" he bowed slowly at Kurt.
Kurt smiled fondly at him and nodded. "Your company will always be appreciated, sir. Something that I should be looking forward too, perhaps" he said, then chuckled. "My friends are also hooked on my food, so I'll be glad to keep your palate happy." It wasn't long after that when their plates were already empty, and he grabbed his own plate before he stood up and took a little bow. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, mr. Torres" he said, then took the man's plate too and went into the kitchen to put everything inside the sink.
Diego nodded and stood up to stretch a little bit, he had eaten a lot and now he needed to let go some of his pent up energy. He looked at Kurt as the other male went into the kitchen, staring up at his ass because he had to admit, Kurt was fucking handsome and sexy. "You are too good to me, Kurt" he nodded and pulled out his cellphone, choosing a song for them to listen 'Grow as we go" by Ben Platt started playing onto the phone. "Wanna dance?" he asked softly.
Kurt didn't intend to wash the plates at that very moment, but simply to clear the table enough so it wouldn't look too messy. "You deserve the best attention a gracious host like me has to offer, Diego" he said with a soft, warm tone. He discarded the little remaining food, and he was about to be done to simply leave the plates in the sink to be washed later, when all the sudden he heard the sound of music behind him. He knew that song, and he couldn't help the way his heart fluttered inside his chest. Slowly, he turned around until he was looking at him, then he walked up to where he was standing. "I'd love that."
Diego smiled and took Kurt's hands, wrapping them around his neck and he placed his own hands on the male's wait, starting to slow dance, his face hiding in the crook of Kurt's neck, placing a very soft kiss there as they moved to the rhythm of the music. Ooh, who said it's true/That the growing only happens on your own?/They don't know me and you he sang softly in Kurt's ear.
Kurt looked right into those beautiful brown eyes, their height practically the same, so the level of their stare was equal, and he gladly let Diego to move his arms up and then around his neck, their bodies at first separated by a very small gap as they begun to dance, but the moment Diego leaned his head on the crook of his neck that gap was gone, and their bodies swayed slowly from side to side while being gently pressed against one another. He leaned his head against Diego's, his eyes closed while he listened to his beautiful singing voice in his ear, his fingertips gently caressing the back of his neck. "You have a beautiful voice… Like an angel" he said softly, and soon the song was over, but Kurt stayed just like that, safely tucked in Diego's arms.
Diego looked into beautiful hazel eyes and blushed a little bit when Kurt praised his singing voice, he wasn't a singer but he could hold a tune. The song finished and they stayed there, just swaying together, their bodies flush into eah other's. Diego broke the moment first, his face still hiding in Kurt's neck "You smell good" he whispered softly "Like flowers, sun and home" he explained and looked at Kurt's eyes, a big smile onto his face.
Truth be told, Kurt didn't even notice the song had ended, and he just let himself being led by Diego's movement, until he finally spoke and he actually realized that. The way his words, his breath washed over the sensitive skin of his neck when he spoke made him shiver, and his teeth to gnaw on his lower lip a little. "That must be my shower gel" he said with a soft chuckle. "But it's also me" he went on, his hand now moving down from his shoulder, and letting it rest on top of his heart.
Diego placed his hand on top of Kurt's, and he stopped moving "Well, you are delicious if I must say the truth" he chuckled and leaned in softly, capturing the male's lips into their own and kissing in slowly, their hands still joined in his chest, his heart beating rapidly.
"Thank you…" he was able to say, right before their lips met. He would had been lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to that. He hadn't stopped thinking about how his lips felt when they kissed back at the book shop. So gentle, and yet so passionate. A perfect blend of both things that made him weak in the knees right there and then. And now it was happening again, and he was more than happy to simply let go, now they were in the privacy and safety of his suite. His hand closed tight around Diego's, his head tilted to the side enough to make their lips to slot perfectly together.
Diego moaned softly into the kiss, he had wanted to kiss Kurt since he had arrived to the male's apartment. He pulled Kurt towards his body, now flushed against each other as he continued exploring the other's mouth. He had to pulled out to breath and as he did so, he rested his forehead against Kurt's "You are so beautiful" he simply said.
Kurt felt a warm rush climbing up his spine from their kiss, Diego's tongue and his own dancing together hotly, both inside their mouths and somewhere in between. His free hand moved up the back of Diego's neck and fisted a lock of dark curls tight, and he exhaled softly when they finally pulled back for air, even finding himself chasing the man's lips a little. He kept his eyes closed for a second, willing his heart to beat slower than it was. "As are you… Beautiful" he whispered, his nose bumping on Diego's playfully.
Diego moaned softly when Kurt fisted his hair as they kissed. It was something that drove him crazy and even when Kurt didn't know it was amazing. He smiled at the handsome male as he bumped his nose against his, "You are a great dancer too" he nodded and made Kurt twirled around playfully, then pulling him in his arms and kissing his lips once again.
Kurt giggled when he was twirled all the sudden, then he put both his arms around Diego's neck when he was pulled into a kiss him, each time they kissed getting more and more heated. "Hm.. You should see my moves on the dance floor then- I'm kidding!" he said, chuckling, then he looked into his eyes, his fingertip stroking the line of his cheek. "You are… amazing" he said, then looked down between them when he could feel himself poking the man's hip with his bulge, and he looked up again and bit his lip down. "Oops…"
Diego moaned between their kisses and raised an eyebrow "Oh, i would really loved that, moving your body in the dance floor" he smiled softly and leaned in Kurt's hands as the other touched his face. "Mmmmh we should take care of that" he whispered as he looked between them and smiled widely because he was hard too and he wanted Kurt a lot.
Kurt was happy with how things were going, like they were taking their time into seeing and discovering all those little details, one at the time, and he knew there was still a lot they could learn about each other. Like the song said, they could grow together, if that was what was meant to be for them, and even if it scared the crap out of him, to put himself on that vulnerable place, again, it would be even sadder if he didn't try at all. But even with all those thoughts running through his head, there was no dying the way his body was reacting to have Diego's body pressed against his, to have his mouth explore his in that sensual, passionate way that had already rendered him breathless. "I agree" he said with a small grin, then he took his hand and stepped back. "Do you want to go to my room?"
Diego knew he was ready to do things to Kurt, he squeezed the other's hand and smiled "First, I want you to know about Riley" he started "I want you to know about her before you decide if you want to do something with me" he said softly and started explaining "Riley is my claim, well, she has the title but we are not really together, she lives back in the city without any plans on moving here or whatsoever, she's more like a sister to me" he said honestly.
Kurt could tell what Diego wanted to tell him was important, so he simply stayed in his spot and listened to what the Dom said, about Riley his current claim, of who Kurt already had heard of, and it put his heart in a major ease the fact that he was being that open and honest to him, right from the start. "I understand, I really do." He looked down and shuffled his feet a little. "Even if she isn't here, she's your claim by law, but that wouldn't change anything in what I would say- if… you were to, um- you know, think, or consider that with me."
Diego wouldn't tell that to Kurt at the moment, but he wanted him to be his claim since he met him at the book shop. He wasn't going to put pressure on the other male by telling him this, maybe in the future. "I just wanted to clear the air with you, you know? She doesn't mean anything to me, well, she's my best friend, but nothing more than that. You will have me completely." he nodded.
Kurt smiled, then stepped up and kissed him on the lips gently, his hands cradling his face. "Thank you for that, Diego. She must be a real special person for you to hold her that dear to your heart. That puts her right into my good book!" he said with a soft chuckle, then looked at him and took a deep breath, his lips biting his lip a little. "Mine completely. I like the sound of that…"
Diego closed his eyes and took a deep breath, it had taken up a lot of him to confessed that to Kurt, because he had been afraid of the other's reaction to his confession. He lifted Kurt's chin and smiled "Well, I'm glad you like the sound of it, because it's true. Now, you told me something about your bedroom?" he chuckled "Lead the way handsome"
Kurt looked at him curiously, almost catching the way in which his shoulders seemed a lot less tense now, like he had just got ridden of a big weight. And by all looks, he had. "I did. Come with me" he said, once again taking one step back and leading him down the short corridor that would take them to his masterbedroom. He had two rooms, one of them was his playroom, but that wasn't where Kurt wanted to take Diego that night. Maybe some other time. They walked past it, and soon he was pushing the door open to his room with his free hand, and he let go of his hand so he could walked ahead of him, then he stood in the middle of it and turned around. "This is it" he said, somewhat shy, gesturing with his hand, the four-pole bed against the larger wall, a couch on one side, and a big vanity mirror on the other, with a chair in front of it.
Diego entered Kurt's room and smiled "It's so very you" he nodded and walked towards the handsome male standing in the middle of it "It's very classy and gorgeous, just like you" he whispered softly "And the bed seems super comfy" he chuckled and took Kurt's hand while he sat on the edge of the bed and motioned Kurt to do the same. "I wanna kiss you so bad" he said and leaned in to capture Kurt's lips in his, his hand placed on the other's cheek.
Kurt giggled and tilted his head to the side a little, his hands wriggling slightly over his lap. "By now, I take it that's a good thing" he said fondly, then followed Diego to the bed and sat beside him. "You won't hear me stopping you from doing that" he said softly, almost like a whisper, then moaned when their lips met again, this time placing his hands on both sides of Diego's long neck and stroking the soft skin there with the pad of his thumbs, his lips open and earnest, taking in all the warmth and taste the other man was offering, and he did want all of it.
Diego simply could melt in Kurt's lips, the way the other male trusted in him and touched him was so exciting and it made Diego want more of Kurt, he wanted to explore Kurt Hummel completely. He pulled away softly, only to unbutton Kurt's shirt slowly, little by little and taking his time in doing so, just like he remembered Kurt saying. When he finished, he did the same with his shirt, except he simple pulled up the shirt over his head and was finally naked form the waist up, staring into hazel eyes.
Kurt gasped softly when their lips pulled apart, almost whimpering from not feeling that magic warmth on them anymore. He licked his lips and looked down, watching as Diego unbuttoned his shirt, and he giggled a little when he saw the other was sticking to his words about not ripping his shirt off. Maybe some other time he would wear one he wouldn't be too difficult to let go with a yank, but that night was special. "Oh my god…" he breathed out when Diego took his shirt off and he had his first glance at his ripped chest and abs. He reached out and traced some of the curves of his body slowly, the feeling of rock hard muscles under his fingers making his own skin hotter. He gave him one more kiss before he quickly got to his knees in front of him and took the man's shoes and socks off. After he was done, he sat back on the bed and took his own shoes as well.
Diego gasped when Kurt traced his body with his fingers, it gave them chills but at the same time he could feel the heat between them. It was building up faster and he had to control himself when Kurt got to his knees and helped him with the shoes. They were facing each other and Diego smiled at Kurt, moving towards him and initiating a hot, languid kiss between them. His hands moving immediately to the hem of his pants.
The effect his touch on Diego's bare skin wasn't lost on Kurt, and he decided to save that information for later. His hands held onto his neck again, their kisses becoming more hungry and hotter each time. It was a weird combination of sweet and heated, gentle but harsh. Weird, but more than welcome for Kurt. He was usually the one other men would tell him to get on his knees and do things for them, and whether he wasn't against being treated like that, the way Diego treated him was a refreshing way to do things. When he noticed that he wanted to take his trousers down he stood up and stepped up, standing close to him, even making him to spread his legs so he could stand between them. "Go ahead. Take them off for me…"
Diego followed Kurt with his eyes and chuckled, doing what Kurt was saying. He took off his pants, leaving him in his briefs and he nodded at Kurt. "Please, baby"
Kurt grabbed his pants from the floor and laid them down on a nearby cabinet drawer, then looked at him intensenly, his blood pumping hard in his veins when he felt the urge in his voice. "Please, what…?" he asked softly, his fingers running gently through his hair. "What do you want? Tell me…"
Diego rolled his eyes and chuckled when Kurt folded the pants and put them near the cabinet drawer. He enjoyed how organized the handsome man was and it made him smile. "I want you, I want your body" he whispered, taking a step forward and placing his hands on Kurt's hips. "I want you to kiss me like I'm your Master" he almost growled.
Kurt had to take a deep breath to will his heart to slow down a little when Diego said those words, because the mere sound of them ran through him like a spark, and ignited every submissive nerve inside of him, the kind that made his blood burn with urge and need. His hands holding him by the hips felt like a torch against his skin, and for a couple of seconds he thought that he wouldn't mind burning, if that's how it felt. He also moved forward, his lips now brushing over Diego's. "Then take me…, Master" he whispered, then grabbed his head with both hands and claimed his lips with want, open and willing, moaning when he felt his taste in his mouth.
It was the way and the tone that Kurt called him Master and then how the handsome male claimed his lips that drove Diego crazy with lust. He moaned into the kiss, his own mouth open and ready to receive Kurt's and there was so much want in that kiss that he also took the male's head in his hands and they kissed like there was no tomorrow, their tongues and moans almost obscene. A soft whimper fell of Kurt's lips, his lips, his tongue now burning with every single sinful stroke Diego gave with his own, both men now not holding anything back and finally giving to the desire that had been burning since the moment they first met. His lips, plumped by nature, were getting now even more swollen and red, and he still wanted more. While they were still kissing, he let his hands roam down Diego's strong chest, his fingertips kneading and feeling every line, every curve, and soon his fingers reached the waistband of the man's pants. Kurt pulled back just a little, gasping for breath, his hazel eyes locked in the other man's, silently asking his permission to continue.
Diego hissed in wanton as Kurt's hands found his chest. He looked at the other male and smiled as their eyes locked with each other's "Please, Kurt" he simply whispered, giving Kurt permission to do whatever he wanted to him "I want your mouth in me"
Those words felt like music to his ears. It was like an invisible thread was pulling him towards Diego, and the small gap between their bodies seemed like an abyss. He kissed him once more, his lips then started moving down his neck, gentle kisses covering the beautiful brown skin on his chest and abs, while his hands never stopped caressing him anywhere he could reach. Once he was down on his knees he undid his pants and reached in, carefully pulling his cock free. His open palm rested underneath it, while he slowly dragged his tongue up, from the base to the head.
Diego moaned softly and let Kurt took over his body, it was amazing to see such a handsome male placing soft kisses into his skin, and he could feel the goosebumps in it as Kurt traced every inch of his body with his lips. He gulped when Kurt got into his knees and hissed "Fuck, Kurt" he whispered and tried his very best to not thrust into the other's mouth. "Oh God, you are beautiful"
Kurt looked up at Diego, awe and lust filling his gaze, while he was still giving his lengths the first gentle taste, and every single bead of it that went down his throat tasted like the most exquisite thing he had ever had. The member felt heavy on his tongue as he finally moved his head forward, his lips perfectly wrapped around as he begun to bob his head, slowly at first, wanting to savour every single inch. His hand stroked the base at the same pace his mouth moved on him, his wrist twisting the right amount.
Diego placed his hands over Kurt's hair, trying his best to not move too much in order to the man to be comfortable with what he was doing, but he was giving him a blowjob so he was bound to move anytime. "Fuck, you are too good to me" he whispered, closing his eyes a little bit and enjoying how Kurt was working him up.
Kurt hummed around his cock, almost purring at the gentle touch to his head. He took his time to take all of him in, and it was a lot to work with, but he wanted to be patient, wanted to make it good for the other man. He looked up at him, his lips still wrapped tight around him, only to see him with his eyes closed, fully into it. Encouraged by that, Kurt picked up the pace a bit, the movements of his head a tad faster now.
Diego was having the time of his life, not only because the handsome male was doing wonders with his cock, but also because it was Kurt the one who was with him. "Fuck…" he sighed softly and licked his lips "Kurt, if you keep doing that I will cum, and I have other plans for us" he smiled and looked down at him.
Kurt pulled his mouth off with a soft gasp, the corners of his lips dripping of the man's slick. "Plans, hmm?" he said, still a bit out of breath, and he kissed the blunt head of his cock softly before he got back on his feet. "Do tell me about these plans you have for us, baby…"
Diego smiled, really turned on by the way Kurt looked up at him, all dishveled and ready for him, his mouth red and dripping his cum. "Hmmm, you are beautiful like this, ready for me to fuck" he said as he pulled the handsome male towards him and kissed him hard, tasting himself.
Kurt moaned when their lips clashed together again, hungry and wantonly, and he gladly parted his lips so that Diego could taste himself in his mouth. As they kept on kissing, he started to move them back towards the bed. Once his legs touched the edge of it, he grabbed Diego by the shoulders and pushed him onto the bed, and wasted no time to climb on top of him, his hands cradling his face as he kissed him again, unable to get enough of his lips for the time being.
Diego moaned into the kiss, he couldn't get enough of Kurt and wanted to almost eat that sinful mouth. He followed the other's movements, and chuckled when he was pushed into the bed, the handsome male on top of him as he leaned down and kissed him, there was so much hunger in that kiss that he matched Kurt's energy. "You are fucking hot" Kurt moved his lips down Diego's neck, his teeth nipping at the skin there gently, knowing exactly how that would make the other man squirm. "Hmm… You're not so bad yourself, you know…" he said with a breathless chuckle, his lips now moving down his chest, his hands touching him all over, while his mouth feasted on his own unique, salty and manly taste all together. Little by little, he settled in between Diego's legs and pressed his face against the bulge in his pants, taking a deep breath.
Diego hummed softly as Kurt's teeth nipped his skin, "You feel amazing" he whispered as the other's hand moved in his chest so firm and expertly. He continued kissing him until Kurt moved down to him one more time. He chuckled and with some strength he didn't know he had, he lifted Kurt up and pinned him onto the bed. "My turn now"
Kurt couldn't stop touching Diego in any and all way he could, up his chest and then his stomach, sliding down and under his buttocks to feel the curves there, all while he mouthed his erection over the fabric of his pants. It was almost second nature to him to take charge that way, since he was usually in charge to make his partner feel good, which he didn't dislike at all, but it was usually the way it was. So, needless to say he was more than just surprised when all the sudden he was picked up and pinned to bed, now having Diego hovering over him, with desire flaiming in his eyes. "Yes… I'm yours.. please…"
Diego brushed their noses together as he smiled down at Kurt, leaning and kissing him hard, taking charge of the making out session they were having. "Mine… you are all mine to take" he whispered softly in Kurt's ear.
Kurt hooked one of his legs around Diego's, one of his hand sliding through the dark mop of curls and fisting them tight, while the other caressed his chest. When he asked that he pulled back a little, and bit his lip down as he looked up at him. "I am."
Diego smiled at Kurt and whimpered softly while Kurt tugged onto his hair. Diego kissed those pouty lips and started placing more kisses along his neck and chest. "I need you Kurt, so much"
Kurt could feel his skin burning hotter everytime Diego kissed him, and he would have been happy just kissing the man for hours, until they could no longer breathe. There was something addictive about him, and Kurt could only imagine how the rest of him would be. His body writhed underneath him, longing for more, his fingers still clutching on his hair as Diego started to move down on him. "I'm here, baby… I'm here."
Diego pulled back a little just to remove his shirt and pants, now only in his briefs as he returned back to Kurt's body, kissing down until he found the hem of his briefs and looked up at the handsome male, asking for permission.
Kurt almost whimpered when he could no longer feel Diego's body weight on top of him, but he was regailed with the sight of him getting undressed, and that alone sent a brand new stir of hot blood to his cock. The feeling of skin on skin was setting his on fire, and he couldn't help to wanton thrust his hips made to get more friction. When he saw him looking up at him he licked his lips and gave a small nod with his head.
Diego mirrored Kurt's actions and licked his lips as he removed his briefs, the handsome male's cock sprung out and he couldn't wait to taste it. But he also knew he had other things to wait for, like the fact he wanted to fuck him first. "I wanna fuck you, I wanna kiss you, I wanna take you" Kurt gasped softly when the warmth of Diego's fingertips touched his now very sensitive skin, especially at the level of his hips when he pulled his underwear down. He bit his lip down and closed his hand around his cock, stroking it slowly. "Do it, baby… I want you to.. So bad… Please…"
Diego tried to remember anything more sexy than Kurt lazily stroking his cock for him and he couldn't. He leaned down to kiss those red lips and he smiled when he placed his hand over Kurt's now free cock.
Kurt grabbed Diego by the back of his neck when their lips met again, his own open and willing, stroking on the man's wantonly. He whimpered softly into the kiss when Diego finally put his hand on him, his cock twitching under his touch.
Diego moved his hand matching Kurt's rhythm as he continued kissing him. Once they pulled out to breathe he smiled " Hands and knees" he said.
Kurt moaned into his mouth, both their hands moving on his cock, his hips pushing up wantonly. He gasped for breath when Diego pulled back, then bit his lip and nodded. "Yes, baby" he said, then shifted underneath him and soon was on all fours on the bed. He wiggled his ass at him playfully and giggled. "How's the view back there?"
Diego hummed happily as Kurt shifted and soon he was in position, his ass on display."Fuck, you are so hot" he whispered as his hand found the rounded ass and traced it slowly. "Where do you keep the lube?" he asked Kurt so he could prepared teh handsome male to fuck him.
Kurt bit his lip down as he pushed himself against the touch of his hands. "The night stand, inside the drawer…" he said, his voice already raspy from moaning so much.
Diego followed Kurt's instructions and found the lube, smiling as he returned to where Kurt was. He poured the lube onto his hands and spread the male's cheeks, inserting a probing finger inside the handsome male.
Kurt bit his lip in anticipation when he watched the other man moving behind him, then leaned forward on his elbows, lifting his ass up a bit. He moaned softly when he felt his finger sliding in, the muscle clamping around the digit before relaxing slightly.
Diego decided things were going to get a little bit naughty. He spread Kurt's cheeks and as he inserted the finger again, he licked the man's base up to the rim of his ass, enjoying Kurt's taste.
"Fuuuck… ah…" he moaned out loud, when the weight of his tongue licked him like that, and he had to fist on the sheets to keep himself from push back on the man's face. "That feels so good…"
Diego hummed and continued licking and slicking Kurt's ass and entrance, placing more lube in his fingers and inserting a second one inside his lover.
Kurt moaned even louder when he added a second finger in, his back arching as the burn ran up his spine. "Ahh… oh god… sir… hmm…" He buried his face on the mattress and bit on the sheets.
Diego enjoyed the sounds Kurt were making when he touched him. So he added a third finger and stretched Kurt so his cock would fit the handsome male. He continued for a few minutes, making soothing sounds to calm and relax Kurt. His face contorted with both pain and delight, both things clashing inside of him and making him dizzy. Not only was Diego stretching him perfectly, but every pump of his long fingers reached deep inside of him and made his body tremble each time. The sound of his voice had a surprsing calming effect on him, which he welcomed gladly. "Please, baby… please…" he breathed out, then looked back at him from under his shoulder. "Fuck me, sir…"
Diego could feel Kurt shivering as he pumped his fingers inside of him and then he called him 'sir' and Diego almost lost it. "Fuck yes, yes" he said over and over as he pulled out his fingers and smiled because he knew Kurt could see him. He stroke his cock several times and then positioned himself. "You are fucking hot, fuck Kurt" he whispered as he entered him slowly.
Kurt bit his lip down when he saw Diego taking position behind him, and it wasn't long before he felt the blunt tip breaching through, even after all the stretching, because Diego was that thick. "Ohhh… God, yes… ah…" he moaned, them lowered his head a little and closed his eyes, willing the burn away before it slowly turn to pleasure.
"Hush baby" he whispered softly, as he entered the handsome male, as slow as he could, letting him get used to his cock. "So tight, love" he said and once he was all in, he stood still for a little bit. "I'm going to move, ok?"
His mouth fell open in a silent moan when Diego finally entered him, his back arching a little while his body got used to have him inside of him. "Oh my god… hmm…" he whimpered softly, then looked back at him and gave a slight nod with his head.
Diego started moving very slowly when Kurt nodded to him, his cock hard inside of him as he placed his hands in Kurt's hips and helped himself, rocking back and forth. Moans were the only sounds that could be heard as Diego fucked Kurt slowly.
Kurt moaned softly when Diego finally started to move, every slow thrust of his hips taking deeper and deeper inside his body, and although the burn remained somehow, the rush of pleasure was such, his mind focused only on that, and that made the feeling that much better. Pulling himself up, now fully back on all fours, he begun to also push his ass back slightly, meeting Diego halfway.
Diego kissed Kurt's back as he pounded into him. "You are so beautiful" he whispered in the other's ear and smiled. He met Kurt halfway, both of them lost in the bliss of the fucking and he pulled out completely out of the handsome male and instructed "Turn around, I want to see you" he said.
Kurt reached out and grabbed on Diego's hair when he spoke in his ear like that, the result from that a brand new rush of heat crashing down his spine and making his cock twitch. With the hard grip he had on his head they rocked back and forth together, wrapped inside the hot fog of sounds and smells, until the moment he felt empty all the sudden. But rather than whimper or whine about that, he turned around and sat on the bed, his face one of sheer surprise. "What?… You do?"
Diego knew he needed to stop in order to not cum, because Kurt was amazing and he knew exactly what he was doing. "Yes, I wanna see your face while we fuck" he smirked, trying his best to not get too sappy about all the situation, after all they were both naked and in the middle of a good fuck.
Even while having his cheeks flushed, his honey blonde hair sticking out on every direction, and his hazel eyes already foggy from all the lust that ran through him, Kurt found himself smiling softly before he nodded and grabbed onto Diego's shoulders, effectively pulling the man on top of him as he laid on his back, his lips soon finding the other's and kissing him with hunger, as he pushed his legs up and wrapped them around his waist.
Diego smiled back at Kurt and followed the other male's movements, so he was now on top of Kurt, long legs wrapped around his waist. he grabbed a pillow and placed it underneath Kurt's back, positioning himself and entering Kurt slowly.
Licking his lips, Kurt reached out and held Diego's cock with a steady hand, guiding him until he was fully inside of him. With their bodies deeply attached again, he grabbed his head with his two hands and pulled him down for another kiss, this one slow, just like their movements were at at that moment, their tongues almost mimicking the rhythm of their bodies.
Diego whimpered softly while Kurt held his cock, he kissed the handsome male languidly, smiling as they kissed and kissed while they fucked like one. "You feel so good, fuck Kurt" he whispered and he looked into his eyes.
A soft growl rumbled inside his chest as their bodies kept that slow, steady pace, both rocking back and forth as one, and they were literally one, in the deepest way. There was something so intimate about the way they were doing it, and it was something that made his heart warm. "As do you… You feel so good in me… so big.- fuck… ah…" He threw his head back, his fingers clutching on the dark curls.
Diego moaned softly in Kurt's ear and smiled when the male tightened his finger onto his dark curls. "I don't wanna cum yet" he whispered, but he couldn't keep himself from going faster
Kurt looked at him with a loopy smile. "Me neither… I want to feel you for as long as we can…" He moaned and buried his face on his neck. "I can hold back for as long as you want me to, baby…"
"You have a beautiful smile" he said and he brushed Kurt's lips with his fingers. ," You can?" He asked as his movements started more erratically.
He blushed hard. "Big teeth and all?" he said with a breathless chuckle, then moaned when Diego reached a certain spot inside of him. "Mhm… I can" he said, then looked intensely. "Order me not to cum until you tell me to…"
" Hush, my beautiful prince" he whispered in Kurt's lips and stood still for a moment, still inside Kurt "Fuck yes"he said and then almost growled "You are not allowed to cum, you understand me?"
Kurt looked right in his eyes and nodded, then a choked gasp fell from his lips when he felt the full burn of Diego's entire thickness filling him fully, and without moving. It took everything in him not to push down on him, not to urge him to move, but he wanted to be good for him, he wanted to be obedient. There was something about Diego that made the submissive in him cry out for freedom. He bit his lip down and gulped. "Yes, sir…"
Diego smiled and nodded "Good boy" he whispered and started to move, very slowly at first, only to keep teasing Kurt's prostate little by little and then he started to move a little bit faster. "So beautiful, my boy" he kept saying as he looked into the male's eyes.
Even if it was possible for Kurt to hold his climax back, or at least close enough to the surface without actually getting there, that didn't mean his body was reacting to what Diego was doing, especially with his constant pressure on his soft spot, slowly at first, then faster and faster, each thrust of his hips a direct hit to eat that was making him see white. His mouth fell open, his eyes locked on the other man's, and he reached out and grabbed his face with both hands, pulling him down for another kiss. "So are you" he whispered over his lips.
Diego thought he would never get enough of Kurt's sinful lips, so he kissed him and kissed him, and he was so close that minutes later he was cumming inside of the handsome male, his forehead sweaty as he kept riding out his orgasm "Be good, baby, remember? Don't cum yet" he smiled and he winked at Kurt.
Kurt moaned into their kiss when he felt the man's warm release filling him out, so much so, some of it dripped out of his hole with every thrust he kept on giving. His whole body prickled with electricity, and when Diego told him not to cum yet, he sank his fingernails on his shoulders and gulped. "I won't, sir" he said, out of breath.
Diego got even more horny at the fact that Kurt won't cum without him saying to do so, he sneaked his hands in between them and took a hold of Kurt's cock and he smiled, "So big and so hard baby" he whispered and moved his body down so the could be in front of Kurt's cock. "What will happen if I lick it? Do you think you will cum?" he asked innocently, looking up.
Kurt used to pride himself with having full control of his body, until that night. At this point, it was taking all his strength not to start shaking like jelly, much more not to cum. A loud gasp came out of him when Diego closed his hand around his now throbbing, leaking cock. He fisted the sheets on his side, feeling his breath so close to it. "Fuck…" he grunted, his back arching a little on the bed. "I… I'll try not to, if you w-want me to…"
Diego smirked at Kurt, his cock partially out of him because he wanted to keep teasing the beautiful male. "Mmmh, so obedient, my prince" he whispered and looked up from where he was. He started moving his hand, slowly, and returned to his position, moving his body so he was now fucking Kurt at the same time he jerked him off.
At that point, Kurt didn't know exactly was riling him up the most: The fact that Diego was still half inside of him without moving, that his hand was tightly closed around his now painfully hard cock, or the praise the man kept on giving him over being so good. It was the sum of all the things that was pushing him closer to the edge. A loud gasp came from his lips when Diego started to fully move on top of him again, his hand now moving at the same pace his cock did, and the way he was looking down at him was making his body tremble, his cheeks flushed and his body now covered in a thin coat of sweat. "For you--- yes… oh god… ah… sir… oh my god… mm…" He bit his lip down and threw his head back with delight.
Diego was close, he could feel his orgasm and he also could feel how close Kurt was, he tried his best to keep a rhythm but the feeling to cum was stronger and he wanted to feel pleasure at the same time that the handsome male. "Fuck, you are so beautiful" he smiled and as he was about to cum, he ordered "Cum from me, my prince, let's do it together" he said and a few seconds later, he was shooking his load inside Kurt.
Kurt held onto Diego's shoulders for dear life, their bodies now rocking back and forth together, or more like he was being led that way, since he was fully focused in willing his body not to cum, and he was slowly turning into a shaky mass of limbs. He caressed his lover's face and kissed him again once. "Oh god.. oh thank you, sir-r-- ahh!! Fuckkk!!" He have barely felt the warm slick filling him up again, when he finally let go with a choked moan, his cock spraying all over his stomach, and his body not only shaking, but also spasming as well, like he had the worse case of the hiccups. "Oh my god… oh- my… ah…" he whimpered, then fell limp down on the bed. "Fuck… hm.. that was…" he breathed out, his hand caressing Diego's face. "You're fucking perfect…" he giggled softly.
Diego could swear he had never seen anything more beautiful than Kurt's face as he was cumming, his load all over his stomach as he kept stroking him until the other rode out his orgasm. He chuckled when Kurt fell limp onto the bed "Mmmm, I could say the same, fuck you are so beautiful" he whispered and leaned in Kurt's hands as the other caressed his face. He kissed the other, a tender and languid kiss, letting his tongue explore Kurt's mouth, taking all his time to do so.
With his heart still beating fast inside his chest, and his skin still burning with the high of his powerful climax, Kurt surrendered happily to the kiss, open, wet, passionate, and still, it felt gentle, which was surprising, considering what had just happened. He put both arms around his neck, his fingers sliding with ease through his dark curls, and moaning softly in his mouth.
Diego smiled into the kiss and then hid his face in the crook of Kurt's neck, sighing softly. "I need to pulled out and it's going to be a mess" he chuckled. He placed a soft kiss in Kurt's neck and started moving, his cock sliding out from Kurt's body and he fell onto his side next to the handsome male. "Sorry, you can burn the sheets, I can buy you new ones" he laughed.
Kurt held Diego close gently, taking a chance to inhale his smell deeply. He whimpered when he finally pulled out of him, his muscle still pulsing with how powerful his climax had been. He scrunched his nose a little as he felt himself dripping, then he turned on his side too to face. "Hmm… The night of my life, and the promise to go shopping? You really are a keeper" he said with a soft chuckle.
Diego chuckled lightly and brushed a strand of hair from Kurt's forehead "Night of your life, mmmm?" He smirked and teased the other male "I guess I should put this in my CV" he sighed and leaned to kiss Kurt softly.
Kurt hummed softly against his lips, then bumped his nose on Diego's. "Hmm… Does that mean people would be calling me for references?' he said with a chuckle, then reached out for the box of moist tissues so they could clean themselves up.
Diego laughed out aloud "Of course, there would be dozens of call by day, be prepared" he joked and then reached out for the tissues as well and started helping Kurt so they would clean themselves.
Kurt raised a brow. "Dozens, huh? Just how many CVs do you intent to put out there, huh?" He poked Diego's shoulder, then laid on his back so that the Dominant could clean him up properly.
Diego winked at Kurt and sighed dramatically " I'm a very busy male, my prince. I will put out only a few" he explained as he kept cleaning Kurt's lean body. "Your skin is perfect"
Kurt put his hands behind his hand while Diego clean the surface of his skin where the cum was, his gentle soothing and calming, something that his body needed at that point. With the adrenaline rush calming down, the pain and burn was started to settle in. "Hm… Well, this prince hopes his King has time only for him, you know?" He narrowed his eyes at him, then laughed out loud. "I'm just messing with you!"
Diego smiled and looked at Kurt "I'll try, of course, love" he chuckled while he continued caressing Kurt's body with the fresh towels, now on his pelvis and legs.
Kurt bit his lip down while watching Diego cleaning him up, then reached down and caressed his head. "You do know I was joking, right? I wasn't- I mean, I don't want you to, you know… be only with me…" He turned on his side again, so that the other could wipe between his legs enough.
Diego hummed softly when the handsome male caressed his head. He shook his head with a smile " I understand Kurt, don't worry" he whispered as he continued wiping Kurt's legs now. "I think it will be unfair for you and for me to ask to be exclusive, especially here"
He looked back and him fondly. "Unfair, and unrealistic. I think… we have a long way to go, before actually considering anything like that." Once Diego was done cleaning him up, he took the wipes from him and let them on the side of the bed, then made Diego to lay down on the bed, and Kurt laid half of his body on top of his, his head resting on the man's shoulder. "I wish you didn't have to go at all tonight…"
Diego nodded because Kurt was right "But let's face it, we are building something good here" he smiled and then laid down on the bed wrapping his arms around the other's body. " Mmm, I don't wanna go either, you are comfy" he whispered and kissed the top of Kurt's head.
Kurt smiled and planted a soft kiss on Diego's shoulder. "I'd like to think we are" he said softly, then giggled. "Are you going to turn me in your comfort pillow then, sir?" he said, then snuggled closer. "Hm, you are comfy too." He looked briefly at the clock on the wall. "We have at least half an hour before curfew. Can we… stay like this?" he asked, a bit shy, his fingers now tracing the shape of Diego's hand.
Diego hummed and nodded "Of course, you are extremely comfy" he sighed and pouted when Kurt mentioned the curfew "So little time, so many things to do" he chuckled and traced his fingers back as well as Kurt's back.
Kurt looked up at him and pouted too, his lips pursed together all cute-like. "Think of it this way… We'll have something to look forward to next time we meet." He winked at him playfully, then put his head back down to rest on his shoulder.
Diego smiled "don't pout like that!" He exclaimed and kissed Kurt's pout away. "Totally, there will be lots of next time" he nodded and sighed "We should sleep a little, wake me up before curfew"
Kurt chuckled against his lips and nodded. "I will" he said, then sighed happily and rested on Diego's arms, their hand laced together, and their hearts finally beating at a normal pace.
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chaotic-hybrid · 12 days
Want to join a server that’s for nonhumans and respectful humans? I got the perfect server for you! 🐾Nonhuman Paradise🌺 is a server with fun QOTDs, a place to talk about your experiences as a nonhuman, talk about your ships, an adult only section, your own ramble channel and so much more!!
The server is for all ages, profic, paraphilia friendly, endo neutral, anti transID and anti radqueer. Pro/neutral contact on paraphilias that would be harmful to act on are not allowed
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foxylalonde · 17 days
HAI I made a server for homestuck sourced people who are radqueer, radinclus, or just support paras and transids!!
This server believes in the importance of CONSENT and that children and animals can not consent! Other than that, go nuts!!! :3
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h4v3n-system · 3 months
Broke: crying out loud about how you don't feel safe on any community and feel ignored
Woke: create your own safe space for yourself and likeminded people who will accept you for who you are
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tech-obssessed-shark · 5 months
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ME AND @bumblebee-is-best-boi wonderful relationship chart gahahaha
Explanation Under Cut:
Triple Changer: yeah Blitzy and Astro are both Triple Changers
Rode one time: I went on a TRAIN GUYS and I called it Astrotrain ok. It was fun.
Married: My name in the server is Swerve and they’re Blitzwing hehe
Their son: I adopted someone named Skyfire hehe
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egoriichi · 2 months
why do i have the urge to roleplay right now someone save me from these shackles i thought I was over this era
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queer0-0 · 1 month
Anyone wanna join a server for transplural ppl?
Anyone who is at least supportive is allowed
It's still a WIP with only a few people, so pretty much any requests for it will be added as soon as I can
Roles are not added yet but as soon as I find a bot you don't gotta pay for there will be 😭
just message me for the link
If the account you're messaging me on isn't openly supportive in some form though I might ask for some kind of proof you are, otherwise the server isn't large enough for any strict verification yet, no irrelevant opinions will be excluded as long as you're nice.
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lavendercrumbleshake · 7 months
Hello, My name is LavenderCrumble! U can call me Lav or Miss Crumble for short ♡
Some things u should probably know about this blog
*~▪︎☆°♡ This blog is a cutesy, semi-nsfw blog, so some the posts that I write, like or repost will not be safe for work, if u don't like this please block, not report, if u are a minor do not follow me please I will block u.
*~▪︎☆°♡ I am a plus size (kinda working on it as best I can atm) black girl who is 19 years old, & want to make friends & mutuals that are also 18 or older on tumblr, pinterest & on discord, I will link my discord server & other socials here for anybody that wants to join, if anyone has any fun discord servers or other social accounts that are sfw/nsfw u would like to invite me to then my asks are always always open♡
*~▪︎☆°♡ Any pictures that u see on this blog aren't mine and are from Pinterest, Tumblr, or Twitter unless stated otherwise.
*~▪︎☆°♡ Some of my current interests include:
kawaiicore fashion, j-fashion, or just most alt fashion styles in general
maid cafés
sanrio (but notably kuromi, rilakkuma, korilakuma, hello kitty & my melody)
kawaii cafés
kawaii & sexy costumes/cosplays
cooking (especially asain food recipes)
kawaii bento boxes
cute kitchen appliances, cooking utensils, kawaii bento tools (like the hello kitty rice mold for example) pots, ect (preferably in pastel purple, or of cartoon characters like sanrio mascots)
asian snacks
kawaii food & drink recipes (I wanna recreate kawaii food plates from maid cafés or bento boxes like the ones on my pinterest board, or food from different animes)
super sonico & super pochaco(idk much but I love their mascots their sooo cute! I heard super sonico has an anime n i wanna watch it >v<)
anime figurines
gloomy bear
sweet/dessert smelling perfumes & body products
games & gameplay videos(Mostly horror games, story games, visual novel games, or RPGs)
Tumblr stories/tumblr headcanons/tumblr concepts & prompts (particularly monster fantasy themed stories or relationships, & semi dark headcanons, like some Yan! headcanons for example, monster bf/husband, and Dom bf/husband (idk why I like these but some of them are just fun to read even if i don't resonate with them personally per sey, still trying to figure it out) among others, there really isn't any particular characters that i like for this)
Tbh that's just to name a few, I have a lot more interests than that lol
*~▪︎☆°♡ My favorite colors are usually pastels purple, pink, blue, yellow & green in that order, but I also like most darker colors too, like chocolate brown, black, or dark red, but my least favorite color is and will almost always be orange, idk why I don't like that color much
*~▪︎☆°♡ As is the nature of tumblr, I will also be putting my random thoughts & mentally ill rambling on here too lol, both sfw & nsfw. I love this chaos platform♡
*~▪︎☆°♡NSFW Interests/Kinks
(Plz note that I am a virgin so all of this are just fantasies that I want to try with people who really care about me & who I really trust one day)
Giving thighjobs
Giving Assjobs
Giving Pantyjobs
Cockteasing (almost anything that involves giving a guy a huge boner basically)
Blowjobs(I wanna try to give one but I have a bit of a gag reflex rn ;< i need 2 get stuff 4 practice)
Cockwarming(wanna build up to this at some point)
Size difference(both in height & d size, im 4'11 rn due to spine compression from scoliosis but with improved stretching im 5'1)
Praise kink(I like being praised)
Praise & light degradation/teasing(it has to be light degradation mixed with Praise specifically, but im still exploring this too)
Light corruption kink(still exploring & researching this one)
Worshipping kink( I want a group of hard pervy simps to buy me all that I want & to worship the ground I walk on)
Possible Breeding/knotting kink (No Pregnancy or mentions of it) ( I kinda wanna know what it feels like tbh)
Possible dd/lg kink (not sure yet, but I found a lot of stuff that I like under those tags & it's variations)
Possible rope/bontage kink (I'm kinda exploring this one too bcuz I wanna be comfortably tied up & gagged but I have physical disabilities)
Possibly some CNC kinks; specifically stuff like somno or very light dubcon (another one that I'm still exploring rn)
Degrading & Praising Simps/Paypigs
Reverse Harem of cute male paypigs or doms
I'd like to be gifted some money, cute clothes,intimates, essentials, toys, & other stuff to take tumblr selfies in & prep for so perverts can worship & jerk off to them
Anything I haven't mentioned here u can just ask & I will update accordingly ♡
*~▪︎☆°♡ Links to my other socials: (if the link to my discord doesn't work then feel free to ask me for a link in the ask box)
DNI ON THIS OR ANY OF MY SOCIALS IF YOU ARE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, abelist, fatphobic, currently 55+ or Ana Coach; if u are any of these things I will block you. Do not send unsolicited nude photos of any kind without permission (simply just ask i really don't mind♡) or I will call you out, block you & report you.
*~▪︎☆°♡ (*note) This pinned post will probably be edited with more stuff about me, my hobbies, interests, ect, when i get the time, but for now this will be it ♡
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fictionfreedom · 10 months
ppspspsps heyyy chat, come check out this super cool and silly server that has been fucking dead for the past month or something, pleaseee. (Nikola said she was gonna promote it or whatever and so I'm stuck doing this..)
The server is a safe space for the following: Proship, Comship, Therians, Age/Pet regression, Systems, Irls!! Also, anti-contact paraphiles, because they wouldn't be keeping us as a moderator if they weren't <33
Server link: https://discord.com/invite/zKn38hcF
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switchhummel · 2 years
Sapped, One-On-One || Wyatt & Kurt
TAGGING: @sirwyattsylvester & @switchhummel
LOCATION: Kurt’s room
TIMING: February 12th, late evening hours
SUMMARY: It’s never too late to learn something new.
NOTES: M/m smut. Plenty of it.
After messaging one last time to get Kurt's room number off of him, he locked up the shop behind him and looked around in the cold, crisp night. Why he was doing this, he couldn't tell you, but he still hopped into his car and drove up to the campus, parking and hopping out of the vehicle, walking briskly to get out of the cold air and into the dormitories. It was then he stopped to check his messages again to see if Kurt had responded. Luckily, he wasn't one to leave Wyatt on read, so once he absorbed the number on his screen, he pushed his phone back into his pocket and made his way down to the door to knock on it, already shedding his peacoat in the hall since it was much too warm inside the well-kept dormitory.
Kurt stepped out of the shower and took a deep breath. To say he has wild bats flying around inside his stomach would had been a mild statement. He was nervous, but more than that, he was excited about getting to do something new, and with Wyatt, of all people, who seemed to have knowledge in a lot more matters than Kurt had learned so far. Before getting into the shower to clean himself up a bit, he first texted the Dominant with his room number, and then the guards at the main gate, to let them know he was coming over. With that done, he put on a pair of dark grey yoga pants, no briefs because- honestly?- and a black tank on top. He was running his fingers through his still damped hair, when he heard the knock on the door, and he made it quick to get to it. "Hi, sir!" he said as he stood at the door, then stepped back to let him come inside, bowing his head a bit as he walked past him.
Side-stepping inside the room, his eyes briefly scanned the initial living area, since this was the first real look into Kurt's world he had ever seen. However, he wasn't here to analyze or dig, at least not at the moment, so he turned his attention back to the switch, realizing he had very recently showered. Good. "Hi. Where can I put this?" Even as he asked it, he handed his coat over to Kurt, watching him with interest to see what he would do before he stepped in and toyed his finger over the waistband of the yoga pants. "And... show me where your room is."
"Oh, right- I'm sorry, sir" he said, quickly taking the coat from him, then pushed the door closed with his hip and hung it on the hanger he had by the door. Once that was done he walked back to where he was, basically waiting for him to telling him what to do next, since he was the one in control, not that he ever wasn't, but on that particular night, more than ever. His eyes followed the path of his hand, and he licked his lips at the playful tug on the waistband of his pants. "Of course, follow me, please-" he said, looking up at him as he moved to the side, and led him through the short corridor that led to his bedroom. He held the door open for him, and was thankful than ever to have done a good clean up of his room earlier that day.
"Nothing to apologize for, Kurt." He shook hie head, since he wasn't exactly sure what it was for. Once the younger man began to lead the way, he followed him down the hall, feeling a little awkward having it held open for him, but he brushed off the feeling, stepping inside and starting to take off his socks and shoes, since it would be comfortable for exactly no one if he kept those on. "Good, now I want you to locate a bottle of lube and set it on the bed for me, and then I want you to strip and lay down on your back. Knees up."
Kurt watched as Wyatt started to get comfortable, while he also waited to be told what to do next. Once he heard what he had to do, he moved swiftly across the room to do just that, grabbing  a brand new bottle of lube from the cabinet drawer and placing it on top of the bed. Once he done that, he took half a step to the side and pulled the tank off his head, also soon losing his yoga pants and making a small bundle of both pieces of clothing before placing them on the side. Already been barefoot, and wearing no underwear, he crawled on the bed and laid on his back, his heart beating fast inside his chest as he lifted his knees and planted his feet flat on the bed.
Watching Kurt appreciatively as he stripped down, he took his time drinking in the sight, since it had been quite some time now since he'd seen his flesh, and unfortunately he hadn't gotten a good long look at his ass so much the last time. Of course, now wasn't the best time for it either because he had just asked the younger man to lie down for him, but hey, there wasn't really a scenario where Wyatt could manage what he was trying to do and get an eyeful, so he had to take it in stride. Licking his lips, he tugged his own shirt up and off, tossing it on the nearest piece of furniture before he moved toward the bed and up onto it like a predatory creature with its eyes locked onto its prey. "Good boy... lying there so pretty." He turned his head to nip Kurt's inner thigh and brought the lube closer to himself, wasting no time in wrapping his lips around Kurt's waiting cock, working it until he was fully hard, sucking and licking along his length.
From his spot on the bed, Kurt licked his lips while watching Wyatt strip down, a sight that, to him, it had been too long since he had last seen it, and it also made a sudden urge run through him, that screamed for him to jump on him and have his lips all over his body like he had once done. But on that night they had another things in mind, and as he watched the Dominant crawling into his bed. moving toward him and looking at him in a way that made his skin burn, he knew it would be best for him to stay as still as possible. Of course, his warm lips travelling up the soft skin of his thighs made it a bit difficult, but not so much so as the immense surprise he had when all the sudden he had his lips wrapped around his cock. "Oh, god.. sir- mmm..." he moaned, his hips jerking slightly with the expert movement of his mouth on him. He fisted the sheets on both sides of his body, his way to stop his hands from grabbing on the man's hair as he made him go hard inside his mouth.
Gratifying as it was to feel Kurt harden in his mouth, he didn't want to slow down now. In his mind, this was all about overwhelming the receiver, about pushing their body to take as much pleasure, maybe even more pleasure, than they could handle, and that was exactly what he intended here. His eyes briefly lifted to lock with Kurt's as he lips pushed further down his length, keeping up tight suction as he bobbed his head. Pushing on his elbows, he uncapped the lube and blindly squeezed some onto his fingers before pressing the cap closed. Rubbing the lube between his fingers so it wouldn't be too cold, he found his way to Kurt's hole and began to massage his rim as he took him down into the back of his throat.
Kurt had to remind himself more than once while Wyatt was sucking him off not to push his hips up. That was a Dominant who had him held down in that divine way, and he needed to think twice before grabbing the man's head with his hand and fuck his mouth, no matter he wanted it at that point. But there was no way he could stop the way his back arched on the bed, his head thrown back in sheer pleasure while Wyatt took him in his mouth, over and over. A sharp gasp left his lips when their eyes met, locked in a lustful stare for a second that was only too short before he once again had to let his head back again. "Fuck, you're so good at that- ah..." he grunted, moaning and nearly writhing underneath him. His hand fisted the sheets hard when he felt the rub of his fingers on his now very heated and sensitive skin. his teeth biting down on his lip to blood when he felt cock sinking down his throat. "Fukfuck... ahh... mmm... ", the sounds he was making now only breathless gasps and moans.
While Wyatt enjoyed being sucked off as much as the next guy, he couldn't deny there was also a power in it, at least in the way he liked to do it. The goal was the same as any other blow job, do well, give pleasure, but for him, there was an added power of knowing he was in charge of how much or how little. That, plus he just greatly enjoyed making people fall apart underneath him, as Kurt was already doing with all of his breathy moans and the arch of his hips. He didn't try to stop the arching, after all it served him well when he was grazing his thumb over Kurt's taint as his index and middle finger played with his rim before his index finger began to sink into the heat of his body. He gave an appreciative groan that he knew would cause vibrations in his throat to be felt by Kurt's cock, his free hand moving  up and over Kurt's thigh to wrap his hand around the base of his cock so he could stroke him as he drew his head up to focus on the head with his lips and tongue.
Every soft brush of Wyatt's fingertips over the rim of his entrance felt like electric shocks that echoed through his body, all the way up his spine, and then down again to end at his cock, which in return twitched inside the Dominant's mouth. In an effort to keep his hands from grabbing on the dark mop of hair that laid on top of his lap, his grabbed both his thighs and lifted his legs up, his feet now dangling in the air, so that his hand, his fingers had more easy access into him. He pulled his head up at some point, wanting to watch as much as could at what Wyatt was doing to him, and the sight of his lips wrapped around his cock in such a sinful way, moving up and down, the firm grip of his hand stroking the base, and those lustful sounds which vibrated around his cock, was slowly becoming such a high whirlwind in his brain, he wondered just how long he could keep himself down before falling apart. "Oh... sir- fuck... mmm... please ..." he finally breathed out, not exactly knowing what was it that he was begging for, but it came out like that.
Hearing Kurt beg like that was music to his ears, even if he had no idea what Kurt was begging for, even if he was already going to be doing his most. Humming again around his cock as he sunk his index finger into Kurt's body, he started to pump his finger in and out, slowly at first, quite the difference from the more fevered way his mouth was treating the younger man's cock, with frequent suction or rolling his tongue over him, licking through the slit on the head of his cock to get a taste for him and eager for more. Not wasting much more time, he added his middle finger as well and started to push them up and inwards, seeking out his prostate.
His fingernails dug through the skin of his thighs when Wyatt begun to pump his finger inside of his tight muscle, slowly working him open, which he was actually quite thankful for. It was the most amazing pull and push, with his mouth devouring him like there was no tomorrow, and his finger patiently getting him ready for whatever was to come next. He could feel the warm liquid of his precum oozing from the head of his cock, and the idea of the Dominant taking all of that in his mouth had him trebling even more. But everything paled in comparison when Wyatt slid a second finger in, his strong hand, with those two long, thick fingers now searching inside of him, feeling in blindly for his soft spot. Without even realizing it, and with the muscles of his lower body now apparently with a mind of their own, he lowered his legs a little, his knees now brushing on Wyatt's shoulders, and every pump of his fingers made him push his hips down, and as a result, his knees ended up caressing the man in some way.
While Wyatt had no problem whatsoever with the bump and caress of Kurt's legs, he did want to make sure Kurt was accessible to him, so with his free hand he slung Kurt's leg over his broad shoulder. This way, one side would be constantly elevated enough for his fingers to have their necessary access to him. His head continued to bob, his fingers to probe, all in service of being able to be impressive, to show Kurt exactly what it was he had been trying to describe by pushing the switch to his limit.
The slight but sudden shift on his leg made the Dom's fingers inside of him also shift in a way, and the sinful noise that came from his lips echoed throughout his room. With his mouth and fingers working him to perfection, he could feel every muscle, every nerve, every cell in his body being stimulated, to the point he could feel the heat pumping through his veins, making his hands to fist the sheets underneath him, and that was so he could stop himself from grabbing on Wyatt's hair, his toes curling in tight balls, while his body literally shook under the other man. "Fuck... Sir... mmm... god, that feels so- ah... " His back arched again, his head thrown back and a much familiar tug began to settle in his balls. "Sir... sir... mm..." Words failed him to try warning the other man he was getting that much closer to the edge.
Vaguely aware Kurt's moans were possibly trying to signify that he was close, he doubled his efforts, since that was exactly what he was aiming for. To make Kurt so overwhelmed with arousal that he couldn't hold it even if he tried, not while Wyatt was both massaging his prostate and sucking him off like his life depended on it. He hollowed out his cheeks as his head bobbed, humming to give Kurt those vibrations that came from the hum going through his throat and through his lips. It made his lips feel a little numb and itchy to do it, but he certainly knew what the sensation was on the other end, so he knew it would be worth it in the end.
Kurt could feel the exact moment when Wyatt begun to bob his head faster and harder, those perfect lips sucking him down in the most divine way, while his fingers kept on pushing and massaging his small bundle of nerves skillfully, knowing exactly what to do, and how to do it. With the couple of still functioning cell brains he had left from all the writhing and trashing underneath the other man, he considered holding his climax for as long as it was humanly possible, which wasn't a hard thing for him to do, if that was what the Dominant wanted; but then, he remembered back when they first started talking about what they would be doing tonight, and how, in the end, the goal was for Kurt to come completely undone and unable to do much else under Wyatt's expert ministration. Any by God, he was doing just that, just what he said he would. With his stomach and legs already trembling more than he could control, he managed to look down at him with pleading, lustful eyes. "Sir... please... please-ah. oh god...mm... let me come... please, I beg you..."
The begging was a beautiful sound, yes, but highly unnecessary, as it was literally the goal of the evening, to force an orgasm from the other. He looked up through his long lashes into Kurt's face which was quite lovely all contorted with pleasure, and replied not by taking his mouth off of his cock but dropping down and in and deepthroating the switch underneath him, hungrily swallowing around his length while focused more of his efforts on Kurt's prostate, trying to remember not to literally push too hard, even as he was keen to prove some sort of point.
The lack of words spoke volumes, and when he saw, and felt the way he swallowed him down to the hilt, and his fingers moving inside of him with ease and devilish precision, he knew there was no need to hold back what was now threatening to make him implode. Even more, the idea of him getting to do that in Wyatt's mouth made that one final push, that was final clamp of his throat around his cock, and of his prostate being massaged to the point of fainting, to become all he needed to finally let go. He wanted to see himself coming into the man's mouth, but the sudden way in which his back contorted and made him throw his head back didn't allow him to. Eyes  wide open, a strangled cry falling from his half parted lips, as his whole body stated to shake and he felt himself shooting his load down the man's throat, and he was riding such a high, he felt he couldn't come down for a bit, trashing and pushing his hips up.
A noise of approval came up from his throat when he finally felt Kurt stop holding back, milking him for all he was worth as he bobbed over his cock, trying to help him along to his orgasm. He felt the load fill his throat and swallowed it down, closing those muscles around his cock. Normally, he might have slowed at this point, gradually eased all his movements until all he was doing was licking the other clean, but this wasn't "normally." This was pushing Kurt into over-sensitivity, to work him beyond orgasm. The shaking of his body was certainly pleasurable to see and he found himself rutting his hips against the bed for some sort of friction as he eased up a little on Kurt after he came, but continued to bob his head, just with less intensity, his fingers more lazily massaging and pumping in and out.
A tremor shut up his spine, starting at his feet and ending in his head, making even his brain to shake inside his skull, which made him a bit dizzy for a couple of seconds, but Kurt was so far gone, so lost in pleasure, he didn't even think about complaining about being a bit lightheaded. If anything, he felt that was normal. He chanced a glance down, and the mere image of Wyatt still going down on him, his lips still tightly pressed around his cock, and some of his own cum dripping from his luscious lips as he kept on moving them was a bliss. But that was just it. He wasn't stopping. And neither was the way the heat rippled down his body again, the pleasure soon mixing with the mild sting of sensitivity; but the rush was so much, he wanted to feel it all, even if that meant to lay limp on the bed for day, which he knew was the Dominant's main goal. His body now a jerking mass of limbs, covered with a thin layer of sweat, before he could even stop himself he snapped his hand down and grabbed a fistful of the man's hair, his hips seemingly with a mind of their own as they rose to get his cock deep in his mouth, and down to get his fingers deeper inside of him.
If Wyatt thought back on it later, he would probably decide that when Kurt's hand grabbed into his hair, that was the actual moment when he made the switch lose control. Sure, he'd made him cum, but losing control didn't always look the same on one person as it did on another. Now, he could tell Kurt could no longer care about decorum, just chasing the pleasure, and that meant Wyatt had succeeded in his first goal, which was satisfying. He allowed Kurt's body to move desperately for more, more of his mouth, more of his fingers, and since he hadn't slowed down, Wyatt decided he wouldn't either, so he began pumping his fingers in and out of him more insistently, pressing into his prostate with every inward thrust and moaning around his cock to encourage him to let go. He didn't want poise, he wanted desperation.
Kurt could feel the tidal wave of sensations crashing down on him, his brain and his body having issues deciding if it was best to ask- to beg the other man to stop, or letting things go as far as physically and humanly possible, and in the end, the latter won. The discomfort from over sensitivity was starting to become greater than pleasure, but the resulting pain and tug inside of him turned out to be as equally pleasurable as the feeling of his mouth and fingers working him to the point of despair. And when Wyatt's motions became just as hard as fast as they had been before he came, he knew that while still riding the high of his previous climax, the next one wouldn't take long to arrive. "S-Sirrr.. oh--- aahh... og godohgod- FUCK!- mm... ah.. oh... a- AHH!" His body jerked up, his hands now pulling on his own hair and pulling on it hard, as he came a second time, and he could had sworn it was even more than the time before. The leg that was still on the bed joined the other on the man's shoulder, the non-stop shaking making them to practically clamped Wyatt's head between his thighs.
Even though he was sure the sensitivity was intense, he knew that the second forced orgasm would be so worth it, at least if he had anything to say about it. He worked over his cock with his lips, bobbing, rubbing his lips over the slick length to keep them from feeling any kind of negative friction. He was enjoying every sound he pulled from Kurt, greedily working him off until he felt the telltale signs of the other cumming in his mouth again, swallowing him down. It was only after the second orgasm did his fingers stop their movement, not completely withdrawing right away because he didn't want it to be too much of a shock, going from one extreme to another. He also stopped his insistent sucking, instead slowing his actions down until his tongue was merely laving over his length, cleaning him up, waiting for the muscles in Kurt's legs to relax before he drew off the softening cock, trying to catch his breath now.
Sweat drops ran freely down his forehead, his neck, covering his skin, which was already flushed on several spots, the blood that shot through him when his orgasm hit visible not only on his pale skin, but also on his face. The second time he came felt even harder than the first, and he knew it was from the sensitivity being so high, aided by the expert way in which Wyatt managed to push him over the edge until he turn into nothing more than a shaking mass, his body, even if it was a lot more calm by now, still having a sort of hiccup shock, every time he felt the slightest remain of his climax still running through him. The way the other man was now licking him clean worked in both ways, as much as to soothe him, and also to keep him walking that thin line in which it would had been so easy for him to cum again, should the Dominant would have a mind for that. Both of his legs fell on both sides of him, his thighs still rippling from the intense heat that still burned inside of him. Both of them were now trying to catch their breath, even if Kurt's was the loudest one in the room. While still gasping for breath, he reached down and swiped his fingertips over the man's lips, just a bit, to take some of his own cum from them, and he sucked on his fingers slightly as he let his head fall back on the bed. "Hm.. god... mm... I can't- breathe... heh... wow... that- mm... that was..."
Maybe if Wyatt knew Kurt and his limits better, he might have pushed it, might have seen how far he could have gone, but he figured this was the best beginner's course. He was a little surprised by Kurt's "forwardness" (for the switch) in swiping some cum off of his lips, but he figured it was just Kurt's inhibitions lowered from the orgasms. Either way, he looked amused, though he was reminded of his own neglected erection trapped in his pants. He shifted himself up just slightly so he could rest his head down on the warm, human pillow that was Kurt's stomach, letting his eyes briefly slip shut. "Mmmm.. now you know what I mean by "the fun kind" at least... I do enjoy being educational."
Kurt hummed softly while licking his own fingers clean, his breathing still fast, but a lot less than a couple of minutes ago. He looked down when he felt the weight of his head on his stomach and bit his lip down a little, then reached out and let his fingertips twirl around a lock of black hair. "Oh... And you were so, so right" he said, chuckling softly while still being out of breath. "You're an amazing teacher- In fact... It's a shame you're not a professor at the academy. I bet your classes would be packed with eager learning minds. I for one, wouldn't miss a single one of your classes." He kept on playing with his hair for a couple of seconds, then tapped gently on his head. "Sir...? Are you hard right now? Would you like me to lend you a helping hand, or a happily willing mouth?" he said and giggled softly, although he was dead serious at that moment.
Shaking his head slightly at the thought of teaching, something he had seriously thought about at one point in his life, he tutted and enjoyed the touch to his hair while Kurt was touching it. "Mm, I'm sure I'd have everyone hanging off every word from my lips," He said it in a sardonic tone, but he wasn't so sure that that was wrong, either. Hell, if he had had a teacher as hot as he was, wouldn't he have made eyes at them, at the very least? Well... maybe. He was torn out of his thoughts by the tap and the question, lifting up his head and looked at Kurt for a moment, considering. "You look a bit worn out, not sure you could handle those." He wasn't sure if it was a challenge, a taunt, or a simple statement, all he knew was he was curious about how Kurt would take that.
Kurt chuckled. "Oh, absolutely. You know that scene on the first Indiana Jones movie, when all the students were just like in rapture, watching and listening what he was saying? And then on the third, how everyone lined up outside his office, with the excuse of asking him something about a paper or whatever? That would have been exactly your case..., Professor Sylvester" he said, his voice still raspy from all the moaning and screaming, but low enough to sound taunting. He looked down at him when he commented about not being sure he could handle anything further after what they had just done, and he licked his lips as he sat back, making Wyatt to sit up as well, leaning in so their faces were separated by only a small gap. "Haven't you noticed yet that I can handle a lot? Tell me how you want me, and I'll be happy to make you feel as good as you had just made me feel, sir..."
Wyatt's expression was kind of blank, not sure if he wanted Kurt to know that he wasn't entirely sure what he was talking about, since it always made him feel a bit stupid to not understand pop-culture references, half the time.  There were way too many things people told him he "had" to see, how was he supposed to know which ones were actual "had"s? "Right... exactly like that." He hummed his approval at the title, even if it seemed too far away, like a fantasy long left behind him now. Ah well. He didn't have time to think about it too long before Kurt's moving forced him up as well, up onto his knees, wincing slightly at how tight his pants felt around his erection. He tilted his head and looked over Kurt's face in interest, letting his eyes briefly drop to drink in the sight of the naked man in front of him. "What if I said I wanted you to ride me? Fuck yourself stupid on my cock?"
Kurt smiled at the man's hum. "Ooh... Scene idea just came to me, 'Professor'. I did sign up for the Role Play class after all..." he said casually, twirling his fingers with the biggest mock innocent look in his face.  He eyes roamed down Wyatt's half naked body for two seconds,  his pupils dilating when he noticed the length shape under the fabric of his pants, twitching. His eyes then looked directly back into his and he gnawed on his lip a little while moving his hands down between them, and undoing his pants with ease. "I'd say... that there's no way I'd say no to that, and that it'd would be my pleasure to fuck myself on your cock, until you breed me nice and full, sir..." His hand slid inside his pants and closed his fingers around the thick length, not too hard, but enough to stress his point out.
"Did you now?" His eyebrows raised slightly when Kurt said he had signed up for a roleplay class. It was a little too difficult to tell how hot or not he found the Professor thing, since he was already about as hard as he could get, but he was quite ready to give into it for now, and find out for sure later. "Then I guess you'd better be using proper titles when addressing me, boy." He wet his lips as Kurt undid his pants, exhaling shakily when he felt the hand around his length, feeling his cock throb. "Fuck. Then I guess you'd better show me how much you want that good grade." He took Kurt's hand out of his pants just so he could pull them off in a hurry, stripping himself naked with his cock finally springing free, hitting against his abdomen as he shifted around to be sitting against Kurt's head board. "Let's see how much, or little, my fingers stretched you out..."
A soft shuddered gasp fell from his lips when he asked him to use titles properly like that, with that commanding tone that was quickly making his blood boil, like he just had some minutes ago. "Yes, sir... I'm sorry..." he said softly, his fingertips drumming over the now heated flesh of his cock, until it was pulled away by the other man, then he put his hand on himself briefly when he finally watched him taking his clothes off entirely. While Wyatt took seat against the headboard of his bed, Kurt got on his hands and knees on the bed, then slowly crawled all the way up the man's long legs, until he carefully settled down on his stomach, his cock already half hard again with how things were happening. He leaned in and pressed his forehead on the man's, their lips almost brushing, then he reached his hand around himself and closed his fingers on the man's hard cock, giving his hole a few slaps with it before he stroked it slowly. "Hm... I hope it's very little, sir... because I really, really want to feel you for days... I bet your cock will feel much better stretching me out than your fingers did, even if they felt amazing..."
"No, no, not sir, sir is so pedestrian, so usual of you. Professor, to you. Since I'm not yet done teaching you things." He swallowed thickly, watching as the younger man. This was the first time he'd actually been fully naked in front of Kurt, not that the switch had gotten a good look at his ass, most likely. He'd have to take what he could get, though, because Wyatt was comfortable where he was, and his lust-blown eyes were dark and following each of Kurt's movements as he got up on all fours and crawled to him like that, somewhat resembling Wyatt himself when he'd gotten onto the bed to suck him off. "You're learning things already," He praised, reaching down to give his own neglected cock a few strokes before Kurt got close enough and he moved his hand out of the way, not wanting to limit what the other did. He hissed in pleasure as Kurt made his cock slap against his ass, still able to feel some remnants of lube on his hole, smearing against his cock. "Oh, I know you'll be feeling me for days... last chance for a little extra lubrication, before I get impatient..."
Kurt bit back a chuckle, not wanting to spoil the mood with an ill-timed giggle on his part. "You're right. I stand corrected, Professor... I really want to be good, and learn everything you have to teach me." As he moved on the bed to sit on top of the other man, it downed on him it was the first time he had actually seen the Dominant in all his naked glory, and whatever image he could had pictured of that in the past, held no comparison with the real thing. Sure, he had his tongue bathing his chest and stomach, and had ultimately had his breath fucked out of him, but nothing like what they were about to do. He looked at him and grinned, his hand moving Wyatt's cock to slide between his cheeks, then he started to move his hips slowly, back and forth. "And if I want you to get impatient, Professor...? What would you do then?" he whispered over his lips.
There were a couple things that sprang to mind when Kurt asked him that, teased him by sliding his cock between his cheeks. He narrowed his eyes slightly as they drifted through his mind. One was too mean, and meant he didn't get to have an orgasm, another meant more work when he intended to make Kurt work for it, so there was really only one option in the end. "Then, I'd have to just force you down on my cock, now wouldn't I?" His fingertips gripped Kurt's hips bruisingly, as he manhandled them so he could feel the head of his aching erection prodding against his hole. "And I'd- have to knock- a whole grade point average down." He growled, one hand flying up to grab the back of Kurt's neck, holding him in close. "Now be a good boy and don't keep me waiting."
Kurt moaned in a sinful wsy, lust running like fire inside of him when he heard the danger  the warning in his voice. "Fuck" he muttered when he grabbed him like that, that much force used to keep him under his control, and the submissive in him screamed in his mind with delight. "A good boy... A good boy, yes... I want to be such a good boy for you, Professor..." He batted his eyelashes, faking an innocent look. "I'd do anything for that good grade..." he said, then lifted himself up a bit, so he could finally sink himself slowly.on him. "Aahh... fuckkk...mm..." he moaned out loud, inch by inch taking all of his cock in him.
As soon as Kurt seemed to change his tune, Wyatt tsked, holding his neck tight still as he brushed his lips against Kurt's, faintly nodding so as not to knock heads with him. "That's what I thought. Just needed a firm hand to bring you back in line." His voice was still rough, raw, both from the pent up arousal making him feel like he was bursting at the seams and the way he had been previously using his throat around Kurt's cock. Sucking in a sharp breath when the younger man's tight heat started to envelope his throbbing cock, he pulled Kurt's head down to the side by his hair and neck and leaned in to sink his teeth into his neck, a hungry moan tearing through his own throat as he arched his hips, eager to feel more of that heat around him.
Kurt would later think back on that night, and remember exactly how he felt. How, in pretty much every way, being held down with that force and harshness felt almost as good as his fingers, his mouth, and only second to his cock. He would remember at how being handled in that almost, even if not quite brutish way made a stir shoot through him, blood rushing down to his groin and making his up until just a few moments ago spent cock, and making it come alive again. He would also remember how very few men, in fact only one other that he could think of, treated him as rough as they wanted to, and not like he would break at some point. And what a delight was to find someone who was apparently as much into that as he was, not that Wyatt almost having him pass out from choking him with his cock wasn't a huge tell, but still. "Hm.. yes, Da-sir... Professor..." he gasped, shaking his head at his own slip, no doubt induced by the wave of sensations that were starting to cloud his rational thinking. Their lips so close together as they were, it took every bit of strength in him not to simply lean in a little and kiss him, but he didn't really know if that was something Wyatt would want, so instead he focused his entire mind on the fire that was now rising up his spine, which every inch of him sinking inside of him, aided by the way he pushed his hips up.
"Fuck.. mm... And I thought tour fingers felt good, but this... oh my god..." He wiggled his ass a little, then leaned forward a bit, his hands placed down on the bed on each side of Wyatt, which allowed him to lift his up a little, almost leaving him in a crawl position. It was then when he begun to bounce back on the man's cock hard, pushing himself hard with his hands, while his ass smacked the man's lap, his hole swallowing him whole with every harsh thrust, while choked screams fell from his lips from the stretching and the burn, the pain which soon into a dizzy pleasure."
"Already- a head start on- fucking yourself stupid," He teased through panted breaths after Kurt stumbled over two other "titles" before getting to the one Wyatt had asked of him, groaning into the skin of his neck which he then sucked on, his hand still in his hair, hovering there, in case he felt Kurt needed any more forceful guidance. So far, however, he was doing more than fine now that he'd started getting into it, changing position slightly. It was enough to make Wyatt's breath catch in his throat before a moan tore through it, grazing his hand up along Kurt's side since he didn't want to impede his movements any by holding his hip, not when the switch was really starting to go for it.
"Mmmnnnh, fucking Christ..." He shuddered, the volume of skin slapping skin increasing the harder Kurt bounced on his cock, one of his favorite sounds, usually because it accompanied some very satisfying penetration, be it giving or receiving. While he did generally get satisfaction from the noises of pleasure falling from his partner's lips, Kurt's noises were practically pornographic, so much so he might've blushed over them had he not been the one encouraging them out of him. Either way, he moved his hand from the back of his neck up to press his hand over Kurt's mouth. "Can't be- letting everyone know how you're getting extra credit, can we? Fuuck, I'm close."
Kurt chuckled. "What can I say? You have that good of a cock to fuck anyone's wits away, Professor...." he said, also teasing him, the burn from the bite that no doubt had left a good mark on his skin already hard enough to make his arms to buckle underneath his own way. That, the way in which Wyatt was holding his head to the side, while he also pushed his ass hard on the man's cock, had all his body in a sort of contorted way, and he knew for a fact that all of that would hurt later on, once the rush had gone, but it would be the most divine pain to be had. The new position he now had allowed him to move his hands up, holding onto the headboard instead that on the bed, his arms now sort of caging the man's head as it was.
He had always been an expressive kind of partner, loving the fact that he let the person of the moment know just how much he was enjoying them, and not once he cared about having to be quiet, or feared that they would be caught in any way. But the moment the man's large, strong hand was pressed over his mouth, effectively muffling his sounds, the thrill resulting from that was more than just an unexpected surprise. Wide, lust blown hazel eyes looked back at him from above the edge of his hand, and he was barely able to make a sort of whimper of a sound, a slight nod of the head,  and while never breaking eye contact with him, his eyes narrowed in a grin, feeling exactly what the other man was saying about him being close. He squeezed his butt cheeks hard, now impaling himself on the man without holding anything back.  He slammed his ass down on him hard every time, swearing he could feel the head of his cock poking his stomach inside. With his hand still covering his mouth, he managed to turned his head enough to take two of his fingers in his mouth and sucked on them hard, his movements now led with only the continuous thrust of his hips, back and forward, again and again, and as a result from that, his own cock was leaking again.
While Wyatt didn't know Kurt's goal when he felt his head turn, lips brushing his palm, he was a little surprised by him taking his fingers in his mouth and sucking. He didn't have any brain power to think about it, though, as Kurt was enthusiastically taking him in, stroking Wyatt off with his tight, hot ass, making his breath hitch in his throat as he let his head drop back against the headboard, the noise none too soft, but from the expression on his face it was clear he didn't care, didn't need caring about. "Fuck!" He gasped and panted, his eyes briefly screwing shut as he felt the tight coil in his balls.
Vaguely, somewhere deep in his mind, he thought about how this was the first time Kurt was seeing his expression while orgasming, since it couldn't have been easy to see when Wyatt had been shooting down his throat. Vanity kicked in enough to make him open his eyes again, to lock onto Kurt's as he bucked his hips and came hard thanks to Kurt's eager movements, groaning out as he dragged his other hand down Kurt's chest and torso, letting his wrist brush the other's cock.
Kurt moved his hands from the headboard to Wyatt's shoulders, fingernails digging on the strong muscles there, while he kept on bouncing back on the man's cock with all his might, wanting nothing more than to squeeze every ounce of slick delight out of him, and the way he could feel him twitching inside his ass, he knew he was close. Eyes went wide when he saw him throwing his head back like that, completely enraptured in the climax that was now exploding through him. A huge sense of pride settle in his mind, knowing he had been the cause of that, then went he looked at him again, Kurt leaned in pressed his forehead against Wyatt's, hitched breaths falling from both men's lips, while Kurt kept on moving, but slowly, working the Dominant though his climax, while taking the full load of cum Inside of him.
He moaned and bit his lip down as the warmth settled inside of him,  then he looked at him, a small pout pressing his own lips. "Please... Can I cum now, Professor...? I want cum so bad... please..." he said, whimpering with the soft brush of his wrist on his painfully hard cock.
Wyatt shuddered as his orgasm washed over him, panting as his cock made a final twitch with the last of it, forcing Kurt's hips to stay settled, since he knew any more bouncing right after that would push him into oversensitivity. He was, however, still willing to see how he enjoyed Kurt clenching around his cock as the younger man came, considering he hadn't felt that before, and Kurt was mentioning it. He dropped his eyes to the erection and wet his lips. "If you have it in you? Yes." He let himself slump against the headboard and gave himself room to reach between them, closing his fist over Kurt's cock and beginning to stroke him quickly, his eyes darkening in determination.
Kurt slowly came to a full stop, his body flooding with the heat that came from having Wyatt's warm load filling his ass. Considering how the Dominant had made every orgasm he had that night, he didn't feel that one more should be any different. His teeth gnawed on his lower lip when he noticed the way he looked at his erection, that wicked and also playful glint in his eye that could make anyone swoon, then he chuckled softly. "Oh, I do have it... You've managed to squeeze me dry, but somehow I still do..." He sat up straight when Wyatt leaned the other way, his hands reaching back and holding on the man's thighs for support. And while looking directly into his eyes, he soon felt the tug between his legs. His breathing became uneven again, hands fisting and also scratching the skin on his thighs, and with one more hard stroke of his hand, he let out a loud, sinful moan, as his load was pumped out of him, his orgasm hitting hard again, with ropes of pearled slick coating the Dominant's hand, while his muscle clenched hard around his cock, again and again.
A tremor went through his back watching Kurt get into that position, wondering if he knew it was peak viewing experience to do that. Whether it was conscious or not, it was a kind of showmanship Wyatt could appreciate, especially as he enjoyed watching being come undone under his hands or because of his cock. He was definitely counting this for both. Letting out a hum of pleasure at the scratched on his thighs, his cock throbbed as he felt the muscles clench around him, definitely hitting him in that sweet spot just before over sensitive. "Well... would you look at that." He said it a little breathlessly, watching as Kurt moaned and came, using his cum that dribbled onto his hand to make the last few strokes smooth, quick, milking it out of him. "Very impressive..." 
When the final blow of his climax hit him, brought in a large way by the skillful, smooth motion of Wyatt's hand on his cock while stroking him through his high, and also while still having his cock deeply buried inside of him, it was only then when Kurt broke eye contact with the other man, his head thrown back as a final wave of heat went through his spine, and he surrendered completely to it. Marvelous bliss. He was still catching his breath, or trying to at least, when he pulled his head back forward and chuckled breathlessly. "Thank you, sir" he said with a more than raspy voice now, carefully pulling himself off the other man, not wanting for him to get the oversensitivity to hit him too bad. As he did that, he let himself plop on top of the other man, his head resting on his shoulder. He hoped Wyatt didn't mind that much, but he needed a couple of seconds before he could move again. "You were impressive as well... not that I need to tell you that- heh..."
Softly hissing as Kurt drew off his softening cock, he exhaled, feeling the stickiness of lube and his own cum against his thigh, but it was nothing he thought more than a moment about. Hell, he rubbed his own sticky hand on the other leg right after licking off the majority of the cum on it so he wasn't just spreading it everywhere. He wasn't fussed about mess, especially not while still trying to catch his breath after an orgasm. His eyes briefly slipped shut, idly wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist on instinct as he felt him shift to get comfortable in Wyatt's lap. Hearing the words, he lifted up his eyelids and turned his head somewhat to look at Kurt, or at least what he could of him with the switch's head on his shoulder. "It's still always a pleasing thing to hear... even if I know it." He smirked.
Kurt would had been the first in making a case about how important it was to clean the cum off their bodies, or how dry cum wasn't good on the skin, but he was so utterly spent at that moment, he honestly couldn't care less. And with Wyatt also not making much fuss about that either, he simply allowed himself to have that moment of calm, in which they both caught their breaths back to normal slowly, while simply resting in each other's arms, and basking on the amazing sensations they just had. He smiled when Wyatt looked back at him, his hand reaching up to tap his chin playfully. "Oh, I know you do" he said, then ducked his head down again, this time his face barely brushing his neck. "You can stay for a nap, if you like, sir. Even longer, if you want..." Although there was no hesitation in his voice, there was the small thread of fear, of Wyatt thinking that was pushing it.
Kurt would have been able to feel it, in his close proximity. The muscles that began to tense in Wyatt's neck and shoulders when he told him he could stay, nap, or longer. Wyatt certainly felt awkward suddenly, his brain immediately considering best exit strategies. "Uh-" Shit, words. "I'm not... tired. You're the one that got used, hopefully wonderfully, so I'm sure you are quite sleepy, but it usually takes me more than one orgasm to wipe me out." He cleared his throat, subtly shifting his arms. "I should... get out of here, so you can rest."
Kurt opened his eyes, first looking side to side without moving his head, before he actually pulled himself up from what had been his resting spot for a couple of seconds. "It was just a suggestion. You don't need to fret" he said with a soft chuckle, them climbed off the man's body and landed on his side of the bed. He then sat up slowly, making a muffled groan as he reached for the box of wet tissues he always kept in his night stand.
Watching Kurt get off of him, his eyes flicked to the tissues once he saw what Kurt was grabbing for. He licked his lips and looked down at himself where the cum was on his own chest and stomach, and a bit on his hand. "Can I get one of those?" He asked, looking back up, since he'd rather not get dressed while he still had Kurt all over him.
Kurt turned his head to look at him when he asked him for a tissue and smiled. Carefully, he shifted on the spot and scooted closer to Wyatt, settling just beside him. "Allow me, sir. I insist-" he said, adding that last part when he had the feeling the other man would stop him from doing that. But he didn't mind it at all, and it was a good way to finish their time together for the night. Gently but thoroughly, he used three wet wipes to get the man's chest and stomach clean, also taking care of his inner thighs, and finally his cock, carefully wiping him enough so that he would be clean enough to put his clothes back on. "There. All done" he said, giving him a small smile, before he laid on his back and pulled another wipe to take care of himself.
Though his eyebrows rose at Kurt insisting, he wasn't about to stop the younger man if he wanted to assist him in this. Instead, he simply leaned back on the headboard again to give Kurt more room, his skin at first flinching away from the coolness of the wet wipe but he soon had himself back in control, following the progress with his hazel colored eyes. Shivering over the delicacy of the wipe on his cock, his body wasn't sure whether to react positively or negatively to it, but in the end it was still something soft rubbing against the sensitive body part, so his cock half-heartedly twitched. Nodding when Kurt finished, he took one back to wipe his hand before looking around for where to dispose of it. "Thank you. Can't say I'd been hand bathed by many people."
Kurt looked at him and nodded. "You're welcome, sir. I'm glad of being useful to you on that matter. You can never have too many of these when it comes to bedroom activities. And this particular brand is made with organic moist, so it leaved your skin smooth too" he said, a playful sense of pride about knowing that fact. He noticed the way in which Wyatt seemed to be looking for somewhere to throw the used wipes in. "You could leave those by the bed. I'll take care of that in the morning" he said with a soft smile,  while he also took care of his chest and stomach, then used  a dry cloth, also by the bed, to wipe his face. "I trust I don't need to walk you to the door? I don't think I can walk at this moment... " he said, chuckling softly.
Smirking at the pride Kurt had for it being organic and the like, he shook his head. "If I notice anything special about my skin after, I'll have to let you know," He joked, carefully climbing off the bed after he'd set the wet wipes down on the end table. "I feel like it's already pretty close to being morning." Shaking his head at himself, he peered at his phone before shoving it back in his pocket and dressing. He looked at Kurt sprawled on his bed and gave him a smile. "No, I don't think I'd have succeeded if you could walk me to the door." He sat down to put his socks and shoes back on, then put the shirt on last. "I'll see you later, Kurt."
Kurt laughed soundly at that. "I have no doubt that you will" he said, then shifted on the bed to get more comfortable, not really in his mind to put any clothes back on for the time being. "Oh gosh... It must be. It's a good thing tomorrow is Sunday... or that it already is" he said, also chuckling as he put his head comfortably on the table, his eyes doing one more check at the other man while he dressed himself back. "Not to worry. Goal completely achieved, sir. Bravo" he said and winked at him, then nodded. "Bye, sir. Oh- Could you please turn the lights off on your way out? Thank you." He sighed with content and closed his eyes.
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
🥀🖤 21+ writer looking for other 21+ writers. preferably 25+! looking to write fxf pairings or mxf where i will be playing the female. i play characters that are more on the submissive side but i love a good switch with fxf.
i like multiple paragraph-novella style but can also do rapid fire! discord only. i like to use tupper but not a must. i like at least one reply a week. how often i reply will depend on life. sometimes i’ll respond multiple times a day, other times it may be one reply a day. at minimum once a week :)
anywhooo, i’m looking for oc rps only!! not picky on faceclaims. actors or realistic. i use a lot of faceless inspo. as for plots id like to build something together. criminal/mafia based, apocalyptic, royalty, medieval fantasy. love dark themes. give me toxic pairings, lots of tension, corrupt characters. smut is a must but it has to make sense with the progression.
also a bonus if you like world building, chatting ooc, plotting, pinterest boards and multimuses :)
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misosthrope · 2 months
are you tired of proship servers who are overly toxic, edgy, full of tccers, or just weird in general? well then i got a place for you!
• SEMI TOXIC (though leaning more towards non-toxic!!)
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find-appiness · 2 months
·˚ ༘ 𓇗 “ Pro-Para Pro-transID Pro-Ship Discord Server in Need of Mods ” . . . !
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I've been working on a new discord server that's radically pro paraphilia, pro trans identity, and pro fiction! I want to open it up during August, which is paraphilia pride month, but I need mods for the server to do so!
There will be a couple different sections of the server in need of mods. There is an all ages section and an adult only section. There will also be events for the server that will need a team of people to organize and run them, as well as people to review applications to the server!
All mods who want to apply should be over the chronological bodily age of 16! They are responsible for all ages section caretaking and making sure everything runs smoothly! If they are under the age of 18 bodily they will not have access to the adult sections of the server.
All mods for the adult sections will need to be over the chronological bodily age of 18! They are responsible for NSFT section caretaking.
Event coordinators have one of the biggest responsibilities in the server. They will come up with the events for the server. This includes gaming events and art events!
Ticket managers also have a big job as they must verify who is allowed in the server! They will have access to reviewing all of the applications and discussing them with people who want to join!
If any of these jobs sound right for you, please apply below 👇🏾
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1988, New York City.
The 80s were a prime era for pop culture and economy. However, there’s an ugly underbelly of the city. Crime, scandals, and disease crawl through the city streets. Not many discussed it but everyone feared it. 
Where skyscrapers climb on every block, so do the crime families. Hiding behind politics and businesses they keep in plain sight. 
Unfortunately, it’s hard to bring these crime families to justice. The bosses aren’t the ones committing the crime, but the soldiers are. 
It’s easy to join a crime family of your choice, all you have to do is commit a crime of their choosing. That way if you ever try to leave they could threaten to turn you in. It’s a small price to pay for protection and money.
♤ ﹂ Organized channels and clear cut, inclusive rules are in place for a fun experience. ♤ ﹂ All triggers are to be respected and tagged ♤ ﹂ Semi-literate writing ability required at minimum ♤ ﹂ There are different types of RP styles to explore here, but para RP is required for plotting/server purposes. ♤ ﹂ OCs are encouraged in this server! ♤ ﹂ Must be 18+ as all character ages are required to be 18+
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stormsongroleplays · 8 days
Seeking Literate Partners
Hi, you can call me Storm! I'm 30 and the mom of a loud and demanding cat ❤️
I’m a multiple paragraphs/novella style writer. I love to write detailed descriptions and delve into a character’s head/emotions as well as surroundings. I compare it to writing a novel together. Not every reply has to be novella length, however. If there are action or dialogue heavy scenes, I tend to do a shorter back and forth to keep the momentum going. 
I only do MxF (with me writing the female role). I don’t double, but I’m more than happy to write side characters of either gender to help move the story along. I only want female authors writing male characters as I’m uncomfortable with male authors. (Nonbinary pals are an exception).
I'm really hoping to find a friendship, someone who can add to our story, and most importantly, someone who wants a long-term connection. It's difficult for me to write with someone if I don't feel that genuine bond. It's also important to me to have a high level of activity, with at least one reply a day. 
If you suddenly stop replying ic and ooc, I'll drop the story after 2 attempts of gauging interest spaced a week apart. But feel free to message me if you want to pick the story back up again, even months later. 
Searching For: 
20+ partners only 
An excellent grasp of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. (Literate to advanced writers only, please. I'm not looking for newbies)
Plot before smut. While mature themes will be in my writing, there needs to be chemistry between our characters. I normally do a 60/40 plot to smut ratio and my characters tend to be subs/switches depending on the circumstances 
 An older male character (early forties to mid-late fifties). I love the gruff and tough men with dark pasts who secretly have a soft heart. I also love grumpy, hypermasculine men being intimidated by sweet but fiery women. My characters are mid-late twenties to early-mid thirties so the age gap is legal. 
I'm not looking for age play. It's a romance between two consenting adults who each act exactly their age, and they just happen to be different ages. 
Enthusiasm to chat about our character and ship, how to crush them and then gushing over fluffy moments. I love crying over characters and what the heck they’re doing. I want my heart ripped from my chest from angst, then feeling like it’s going to burst from overwhelming cuteness. I want us to love these characters and the world we create. I want to make pinterest boards, spotify playlists, graphics, and toss headcanons back and forth until late at night. 
Have an idea for a scene? Found a picture that inspired you? Send it to me! Be invested when it comes to plotting/worldbuilding. There’s nothing worse than receiving one sentence in reply to two paragraphs of ideas, or having a doormat partner who says “sure” to whatever I ask. Building ideas one on top of the other, watching them snowball into amazing plot threads brings me joy. But having to pull plot ideas like I’m pulling teeth makes me think you’re not interested, and I will lose interest in return.
Modern fantasy, monsters, sci-fi, omegaverse, southern gothic/midwest gothic (i’m a sucker for that southern/texas drawl), horror, height/size difference, cheating/affair, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, spooky small towns, post apocalyptic/dystopia, crime/mysteries, emotionally charged/dark and gritty, bodyguard x assignment, forced proximity, opposites attract, fated mates, anti heroes/morally gray characters, traumatic pasts, grumpy x sunshine, one bed, men who simp over their women, touch her / him and die, and more.
I have lots of original plot ideas in mind as well!
Fandoms (OCs ONLY) 
Star Wars, Stranger Things, Mercy Thompson Series, True Blood, The Last of Us, Hunger Games, Fallout (TV Show)
I write only on discord using servers with organized channels. Like this post or add me on discord (magicofrain) if you’re interested. The most effective way to grab my genuine interest is by messaging me as if we've been friends for years. Please let me know which interests you liked from my ad.
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thundazatrinket · 7 months
Back with another search! This time it's Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm not caught up with the manga at all, but have been spoiled on some things (thanks internet), I am completely caught up with the anime though. I'm really looking more for MxF pairings at this time, but am fine with MxM as well! Below are a list of ships I'm willing to do, with my preferred role in bold.
Suguru Geto x Shoko Ieiri
Satoru Gojo x Utahime Iori
Satoru Gojo x Suguru Geto
Satoru Gojo x Shoko Ieiri
Satoru Gojo x Shoko Ieiri x Suguru Geto (a poly ship with these three? Yessss, pls.)
NSFW is fine with me, as long as you're 18+ and if it's not the main focus. 50/50 story to smut is preferred. I write switch characters with a sub lean, in this case. Dark themes are fine with me too, we can discuss triggers in pm. My reply length is 4+ paragraphs, sometimes more, and I do prefer writing on Discord. Tbh I'm craving a fix-it AU plot bc Suguru deserved better, damn it, but I have AU plots as well that don't involve canon. :)
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