queer0-0 · 6 hours
Can you make a "this cisAdhd supports transAdhd"?
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Hehhe!!! Here u go!!!! >.< flagz uzed: (ciz)ADHD nd TranzADHD
requeztz r open!!!
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queer0-0 · 9 hours
Reminder: there are gonna be radqueers at pride. Nobody will actually care outside of the Internet.
Sincerely, a radqueer chilling at pride
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queer0-0 · 1 day
once i had a dream about being at a party and you were there but all you did was eat the seasonings from the cabinets like you were licking the garlic powder and shit
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queer0-0 · 2 days
Beings that are anti cnc are so funny to me. What are you gonna do about it, bust down beings doors mid scene? "OPEN UP!!! THIS IS THE SEX POLICE!!!"
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queer0-0 · 2 days
I saw a userbox on someone's page that said "this transspecies wants transID's to fuck off!"
Transspecies is a transID. People are so stupid 💀
Use "therian" or "otherkin" if you hate transID's so much.
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queer0-0 · 2 days
wait you should actually do that it would b cool i think
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queer0-0 · 2 days
Debating making an anti-radq blog to fake my cisids on
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queer0-0 · 2 days
(sitting on your shoulder like a cartoon devil)
fake your transids online. say they’re cis. say you’re diagnosed. no one can stop you. do it if that will make you happy. life’s too short to not live it to the fullest.
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queer0-0 · 4 days
Flag of me hugging you bc wtf why are you cool.
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lol . lol i really did
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queer0-0 · 4 days
fiction affects reality, but that doesn't mean we can't indulge in fiction
People killed over media before, but that doesn't mean we can't like that media
People were traumatized by media before, but that doesn't mean we can't like that media
Fiction is fiction and reality is reality. At the end of the day, while they are inherently connected, fiction can still be enjoyed and indulged in. That does not make us bad people.
!! Op is proship and radqueer and encourages antis to have constructive conversations !!
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queer0-0 · 6 days
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Uuuh idk who to tag so anyone who sees this ur automatically included/silly
I wanted to make one of these!! Reblog things so yea!!
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@jeffthekillerxd @punkrocloser @pup-rots @dumb-little-mutt @dxllys-unstablelife ++ anyone who wanna :3
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queer0-0 · 6 days
Okay Emma, how about I list everything here.
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1- your friends do not represent the whole group
2- I have nb lesbian friends who call themselves lesboys bc that's what they are.
3- you literally don't listen when I say "cishet men are not lesboys" why tf would I listen to you
4- these people have been around longer than you. Your ignorant words and infighting will hurt the whole community, but it will not erase their existence.
5- hate to be the grammar police but its "___ (plural) aren't valid" not "___ (plural) isn't valid"
6- you're literally telling people they don't exist because you think it's "weird" QUEER USED TO ONLY MEAN WEIRD. WE ARE ALL WEIRD 😭
7- again this person brought up the "ERRMMMM it invalidates trans men" as I've said before. Opinions on an identity can invalidate it, but a completely separate identity cannot invalidate another identity.
8- literally didn't even read more than 2 words I've typed per comment. Says the same thing over and over and does not read through the explanation on how that is not what we're arguing about.
9- blocked me when I called out the harmfulness of infighting instead of actually trying to excuse themselves or admitting they were wrong for yelling about non-issues as if it was killing people. I would have accepted that if you simply blocked me at the start instead of wasting your time not reading but instead you gave up.
10- "MEN CAN'T BE LESBIANS!!! MEN CAN'T BE LESBIANS!!!" is literally your entire argument. Replying to a comment that originally said "hey that's actually not what the label means, it just implies being genderqueer", please read farther than the name. Please do actual research instead of just enforcing being normal in a group united over being "not normal".
People on Tiktok are so fucking stupid when it comes to queer people omg.
"hey, no, lesboy is actually mostly used by genderqueer and/or non-conforming lesbians, not cishet men."
"NOO!!!!1!1!!11! it means LESBIAN MAN which is IMPOSSIBLE and HORRIBLE. This term is NEVER EVER EVER used by non-binary, trans, and butch lesbians because I SAID SO 😡😡😡😡😡"
Like. Dude. Please
And even if it was a man who just wanted to use the label. Just liek. Don't date him if you don't wanna date him. Most conservatives don't even know what lesboys are.
Your infighting is literally only hurting the community please for the love of whatever you believe in 😭
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queer0-0 · 7 days
had a dream about getting addicted to vaseline on toast. my girlfriend crying, begging me to stop eating "that miserable greasy toast"
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queer0-0 · 7 days
Not to mention PINTEREST omg 😭
Youtube and tiktok are the worst places to be openly proship on.
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queer0-0 · 7 days
My heart goes out to trans paraphiles.
You are not a disgrace or making the trans community look bad. The stereotype of the “perverted, predatory transgender” should have never existed in the first place. 
You belong here and are beautiful ♥️
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queer0-0 · 7 days
Not to mention the repetitive argument of "IT INVALIDATES TRANS MEN!!1!1!" As a trans man I promise you, someone ELSE'S identity cannot invalidate me. It's a whole different person's gender and sexuality.
Your queer experience is completely different than mine and that is OKAY . It's okay that we're different because that's the whole base of the queer movement.
The whole thing is that we're outside of the norm, when you start trying to enforce norms in a movement specifically against that you are literally tearing it down from the inside.
People on Tiktok are so fucking stupid when it comes to queer people omg.
"hey, no, lesboy is actually mostly used by genderqueer and/or non-conforming lesbians, not cishet men."
"NOO!!!!1!1!!11! it means LESBIAN MAN which is IMPOSSIBLE and HORRIBLE. This term is NEVER EVER EVER used by non-binary, trans, and butch lesbians because I SAID SO 😡😡😡😡😡"
Like. Dude. Please
And even if it was a man who just wanted to use the label. Just liek. Don't date him if you don't wanna date him. Most conservatives don't even know what lesboys are.
Your infighting is literally only hurting the community please for the love of whatever you believe in 😭
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queer0-0 · 7 days
Me too anon
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