#Disaster rants
disasterousduo · 26 days
HC for bloodmoons (all/most)
They might not be “smart” but I hc they have a lot of random info in there head or just like, annoy people with shower thoughts (what I’m pretty sure they’re called)
Example (shower thoughts)
"Go to bed, you'll feel better in the morning" is the human version of "Did you turn it off and turn it back on again?"
Does a straw have one hole, or two?
Nothing is on fire. Fire is on things.
How do our brains remember that we forgot something, but we can't remember what that thing was?
Examples (of random info)-
Rubber bands will last much longer when they are refrigerated. 
There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
The eye of an ostrich is bigger than its brain.
The largest pair of eyes in the world belongs to the giant squid. 
(End examples)
And then just bombarding people with this (most likely Ruin)
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Bruh I hate being allergic to mosquitoes on GODDD.
This shit sucks so bad. I mean normal mosquito bites are bad enough, but ever since I got the c*vid vaxx every time I get bit it swells up so bad.
It's so painful and swollen and itchy. One time I got bit on the ankle of one foot and the arch of the other and I could barely walk for a week. It's actually hell.
And yes I can confidently correlate it back to the vaxx.
This shit is soooo bullshit I hate it here.
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sloppy-syrup · 9 months
Your honor, he has a short attention span
Got lazy near the middle then picked it back up a bit lol
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raetttriestowrite · 2 years
Me, an author, side eyeing my WIP: you're not going to do anything weird, are you? We've discussed this. There's a plan. We're going to stick to the plan, aren't we?
The WIP: *presents subplot, presents additional conflicts, presents character development, laughs in my fucking face*
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andrigyn · 1 year
I think people are too focused on the game controller piloting the submersible (this can work, although it should’ve been wired imo) and not on the fact that it was made of CARBON FIBER ??
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teaableu · 9 months
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Last one I promise I swear- *sweats*
OH my god
YES YOU GET IT this is exactly what rotates in my brain for these two AGH
I am having a hard time communicating how perfect this is but believe me this is wonderful I love it so much and their expressions are PERFECT. I hold this gently thank you so much
I made a joke a while ago that One's got the "I'm the villain and I always will be" (emo) complex while Two has the "I'm the villain and I always will be" (sparkles) complex but when it comes to the deepest most vulnerable layers of the twins as brothers in constant competition with one another and Two's role in his family it's more like a bitter reality moment with the exact tone that you portrayed here. One internalizes being a villain as a necessary fate he can't escape, so he really leans into it (you want me to be the bad guy? Fine, I'll be the bad guy), but Two just accepts it as who he is and he's fine with that (very slight distinction but one that I think of so much). Two doing exactly what he (thinks he) has to even if One resents him for it, "Guess that makes me evil"-- AGH sorry I am emotional
Two looks so tired and upset I'm holding him gently. The way One tries to hurt Two but Two just spits it back in his face.. gah, it's so them
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clownehonk · 2 years
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No, that’s wrong!
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thatkoiboi · 1 year
//hi hi. just before we embark on this journey, there is a song that just adds a whole new element when i read the comic while listening. it's called "Je te laisserai des mots" by Patrick Watson, if you want! i put links at the bottom of the post O_o//
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Same phrase, different contextual meaning... nothing but LOVE
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picturejasper20 · 4 months
Lets talk about how Danny Phantom loves to push the idea of ¨these two characters must be together because destiny said so¨ and the implications of it!
Okay, for starters there is quite a lot of fans that agree how Danny and Sam gets forced into the show, specially in Season 3. They don't have much development in their relationship around the show because it was a 2000's Butch Hartman show and things have to keep the *status quo*
We know that Marmel wanted for more Valerie and Danny development but he couldn't for continuity issues and probably because Hartman wasn't fond of the ship. It took around 20 episodes for Valerie to have another episode about her since breaking up with Danny in ¨Flirting With Disaster¨.
I say that it makes a lot of sense of why Valerie and Danny's relationship didn't last long in this context because Danny was still keeping secrets from Valerie and still involved a lot of lying- not exactly the best condition to be dating with someone. So the best solution is for Valerie to learn who Danny is, and then after things get better, they probably can start getting into dating again, right?
Well, sorry, you can't see any of that because this happens in the very last episode of the series, we don't get to see how Valerie reacts to it and it doesn't matter because now Sam x Danny is canon!
Lets talk about that ring:
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What bothers me is how, while this episode is about Danny being into Valerie and dating her, the ring that Jack gives to Danny has the name ¨Sam¨ on it. It is like the universe in show is screaming at Danny and the audience ¨See these two are the endgame! Haven't you realized it yet? Well, we are leaving you 100% clear with this¨.
Sarcastic Chorus made a video talking about the show keeps hammering you again and again that Danny and Sam are ¨meant to be together¨ by having characters commenting how everyone can see that except Danny and Sam, who it isn't clear why they don't tell what they feel to each other. He talks about how it gets really frustrating because nothing is exactly happening, people are just waiting for something to happen.
Let's move to ¨Double Cross my Heart¨ we have Gregor/Elliot and Sam falling in love with each other. They seem to share a lot in common, being into similar things. Danny keeps thinking that Elliot is an spy from the GIW and he is after him. I could get into the implications of Danny stalking Sam in this episode, but the one thing i want to focus on is that by the end of the episode it does get revealed that Elliot had been faking to share similar interests to Sam and was lying to her about who he really was. Was it because he was a spy from GIW? Nope! It was because he was tricking her into falling in love with him.
What frustrates me about this is the implications this episode gives: ¨If anybody else that likes Sam that isn't Danny, then that means that they are faking it! Danny is the only one who can love Sam and everybody else is trying to trick her¨. It is such a bad message and it sucks a lot for Sam to find someone that is a lot like her and then the writing go ¨sorry, they are a faker¨.
At least for Danny and Valerie made sense because it wasn't intended to work in that context, in ¨Double Cross my Heart¨ it just does dirty to Sam by spitting back in her face any chance of liking someone else that isn't Danny.
And episode that leaves a similar bad taste in mouth to me is Masters of All Time.
I have talked about this before, that in the alternative timeline Vlad and Maddie end up getting married together. Because they didn't want the kids in the audience to think about the implications about how Vlad might have been happier and not turned out evil from the proto lab accident, they had to make human! Vlad go against most of his previous established characterization of his regular self (like not allowing Maddie to use ghost gadgets for some reason) and be an abusive caricature of himself.
It couldn't be that maybe Vlad and Maddie didn't work together well, they have to leave obvious that no, Vlad is the terrible option and that Maddie and Jack are meant to be together. So much so that it said by the characters in the episode!
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See, the writers made human! Vlad a piece of shit to leave clear that Maddie can only marry Jack. Because destiny told it so! It isn't like Jack and Maddie are their own people and they can choose whoever they want.
Yeah, Jack and Maddie have to get back together so Danny and Jazz don't become non-existent, but it find it so dumb that they made human! Vlad a weird ass copy of Disney Gaston instead of just writing it in a way that maybe these two clash being a couple. It could be that Maddie finds Vlad nice but Vlad is too busy always working or he isn't as fun as Jack was. Then Maddie realizes that she wants to be with Jack instead.
While having some fun elements, Masters of All Time is an episode that gets dumber and with more weird implications the more you think about it. And telling us that Jack and Maddie have to be together not matter what is one of the reasons.
I just dislike how weird this series is about how ¨destiny told these two characters have to be together¨ and not treating the characters as something they choose to do. It is also weird how this seems to apply to the female characters, in how Sam and Maddie, the moment they like someone else that isn't Danny nor Jack, then it turns out that person has to be abusive or be faking it. Itis like the show says they ¨belong¨ to Jack and Danny and they can't be with anyone else because then it would be bad. It is as a whole pretty frustrating
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ganondoodle · 6 months
so, doing this as an extra post bc i dont want to spam op nor invite more disaster into their post (sorry)
(i get annoyed, i get frustrated, but i rarely get pissed off, so if this sounds aggressive to you, it is; i have had enough of arguing with people -even if most of that arguing has happened on twitter-)
someone had replied (and later apparently deleted) something along the lines of "well zelda wanted to restore hyrule at the end of botw and what is so bad about ganondorf always being the bad guy in the way that he is?"
so first off, while i know hyrule and KINGDOM of hyrule is often used as an equally interchangeable word to refer to the world there, i dont think she meant the kingdom or its or its monarchy when she said that (does she? i dont have the end in my head rn and pretty sure its a lil different than english anyway) and much more the LAND of hyrule, its still in shambles even if people have found ways to live with it- that is an interpretation of me mostly, you can think what you want in that regard idc
secondly .... im not gonna get into that rant bc you cannot be seriosuly asking what is bad about how ganondorf is presented, treated in the games (espeically in totk) and his role and "writing" (oh geez i dont know maybe all the racism and stereotypes?? also, frankly boring ass writing, if your villain can be replaced by a cloud of toxic goo incapable of speech and nothing would change except saving money for voice actors that dont fit the role that is not a great look- hes never gotten much but totk is a new low)
then theres this reply
astro-shark3113 replied: "You're kidding right? If she cared about reinstating the monarchy then why is the castle still in disrepair after five years? Why does she become a teacher and live in a cottage with her boyfriend instead of taking on duties as princess? She clearly wants to help people and be a leader but she can do that without wanting to be a Queen. Please be real"
i am not kidding and i AM being real, i think you need to look at the game without your rose tinted glasses for a second; the castle is still in ruin? what the hell do you expect, theres no soldiers and very few servants left, repairing anything is quite impossible in that time and frankly not a priority (not proof of her not caring lol) also there is a plan for it at the very least given the camps with the hyrule crest all over it in the ruins of castle town- we dont SEE her as a teacher, or living a "normal" life, that happens in between the game, its flavor text, what HAPPENS in the game is her being taught a lessson on who she needs to be and what hyrule needs to be (pretty in your face too, she gets sent to paradise past of the "first" king that is some supposedly godly thing from the HEAVENS and watches him and his queen die at the hands of the eviiil guy, the last scene in the game mimics perfectly the scene where everyone that god king got under his rule swears undying loyalty to her ffs); she does live in that house, but what other option is there, set up camp in the collapsing throne room all alone?? nigh everyone from that time is long dead and the only one she actually knows is link who happens to have a house (bc impa doesnt care i guess idk), with her ""boyfriend"" is also interesting, a "boyfriend" that apparently is locked in the basement, lives in the woods or straight up dematerlializes when theres no big bad in need of stabbing bc why the hell does no one fucking know him in hateno??? not even the kids that come to the house EVERY SINGLE DAY?? and taking on duties as a princess, she very much does? just bc she doesnt get physically carried around in a castle doesnt mean she isnt doing royal stuff (also, again, that happens BETWEEN the games, not actually in totk), she still sees herself as the princess, everyone calls her that, she herself calls herself that (if the memorial stones are anything to go by) and everyone listens to the most overtly stupid and nonsensical stuff that zelda puppet says (even her friends follow that order without even asking back???) after over 100 years of there not being a kingdom as such its pretty weird how everyone immediately, even the ones not alive for the calamity event, snaps into blindly following her orders
"she can still lead without being a queen", did we play the same game?? totk? TEARS of the KINGDOM?? (its zeldas tears, she IS the kingdom) that game?? the game couldnt be more directly telling you that its whole point is that royal family holy and good and how much everyone has to sacrifice to uphold the holy kingdom bc its the only thing that keeps evil man from overtaking it!! including turnign herself into a farmable, glorified stone pedestal for the entirety of the actual game and then that sacrifice not meanign shit bc she just gets deus ex machina'd back (i didnt need her to stay a dragon, though it would have been the better choice if she still didnt get an active part in the game i would kill for her to have been a capable companion instead of the stupid ghost sages, and you dont even get to actually do anything for it, it just happens), not even the nuclear pebble is lost, how great! she and everyone else that is a leader of their people has a nuclear pebble now!! they will not let a bad evil man be a threat ever again!! like the point to bring her back in that utterly unsatisfying way is that otherwise the royal line wouldnt exist anymore, its a blessing of her ancient ancestors!! woohooo!!
and the thing is, i LIKE botw zelda, i liked her character, that she wasnt the typically maiden princessy type, her struggle (even if i find the way she unlocked her powers lame), i do NOT like totk zelda, after the intro of the game she is a princessy maiden standing prettily at the side of the god king that rules the only thing keeping evil at bay, the level of how much totk disrespects her makes me mad on her behalf but i have ranted about that alone enough as well
and with this i am DONE talking about this game, i have ranted so much about it, made my points carefully clear over and over, said that i dont have the nerves left to be nice anymore about it given how much shit alone on twitter i had to live through just bc i dared mildly critisizing the damn game, if you comment some snarky "be real" thing again im just gonna go straight to blockign people bc i am done with this
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disasterousduo · 27 days
I want to draw TSBS characters (any characters) in Halloween costumes, but I can’t think of anything :(
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bettertwin9000 · 10 months
Got cat called twice on my short walk. Never leaving the house again
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angry-scared-cripple · 6 months
non-disabled folks aversion to saying "disabled people" astounds me. We're not people with disabilities, people who have disabilities, HANDICAPABLE. none of that. disabled is not a dirty word. say it, cowards
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dontronvomitello-0 · 28 days
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More concept sketches of my AU thing
New au name : I see you, I can't scream (ISYICS)
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evviejo · 1 year
i know i haven't really shut up about this since october, but i've just discovered yet another reason to be Furious with rtd for the clothes thing
because we all know how jodie and ray collaborated on the outfit that would be gender neutral and all that, right? BUT what they also did with it was pack it full of symbolism - the whole sky, universe, suffragette-coloured lining, rainbows, the whole INCLUSIVITY thing
and there comes russell and strips all of this away, none of that is left, because - obviously - he can't have any tennant doctor wear anything other than a basic ass suit
how innovative. how respectful. what a fucking saviour.
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soapiemomorphine · 2 years
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bilingual tmnt 2012 and rotmnt head cannons!!
Ok so I’m Mexican American (ew america) and my mom was born and raised in Mexico
Yet I’m not bilingual
I’m taking Spanish class in my high school
This is what I think the rottmnt kids are going thru
My mother had to assimilate to get a job here. And I think that’s what rottmnt Yoshi had to do too.
But my mother refused to make my first language spanish, she wanted my life here to be easier.
I think Yoshi didn't want to be reminded of what he left behind.
He used his ninjitsu skills to become a movie star and actively runs away from his heritage from the show.
Not that he doesn't want to be Japanese, or that he wants to forget that part of himself, but he wanted to branch out and be Lou Jitsu, and japanese tradition and culture are not as important to him and his identity as 2012 Splinter.
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He ran away from tradition.
I firmly hc that the rottmnt turtle know japanese in the way I know spanish; nothing beside the scoldings and the frustrated mumbling of their father.
"Kuso!" Their dad will yell as he stubs his foot.
"Konoyarou," He mumbles as he talks about a person who screamed at the sight of him.
"No Blue! Aho! Don't eat random stuff off the floor!"
I hc that rottmnt Splinter has a potty mouth, and because of the all his kids know is how to curse and scold someone in japanese, which you know, they use to insult each other.
The rottmnt kids have to go out of their way to learn japanese, it's an underlying language in their home and a part of their heritage, but they live like third generation immigrants.
As opposed to the 2012 turtles, whose first language was most definitely japanese.
2012 Splinter grew up, fell in love, and lived in Japan for the majority of his life. He loved his heritage and tradition, the only reason he moved to New York was because he was literally running for his life. It was chance that he ended up in America.
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In Japanese schools, much like many other schools in different countries, have a class that teaches english bc ya know, it's the national language bc british and american ppl be pissbabies. So Splinter learned english, and like the good student he was, was good at it.
That why for he lived there he could live comfortably and could talk to others (like the pet shop owner), bc he already knew english.
Then he got mutated and four sons lmao.
So he raised them the way he was raised; traditionally japanese. The language, the tradition, the customs, everything.
So all the tmnt teetles are fluent in japanese, and a part of the reason they were not allowed topside before they were 15 is because they weren't done learning english yet.
They often forget words in english, and in the heat of the moment, it's the first language that comes up.
Raph and Mikey's english slang comes from the comics they've read and the movies they watched.
Leo's english mimics basic english textbooks and Captain Ryan's
Donnie sounds like an encyclopedia bc that's where he gets most of his vocabulary from.
TLDR: The rottmnt turtles only know insults and curse words in japanese while the 2012 turtles are bilingual; fluent in both Japanese and English because of the way their respective Splinters raised them.
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