#Dino x Joey
bengals-barnesbabe · 23 days
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There’s Something You Should Know
Pair: Dad!Joe Burrow x OC , Dad!Joe Burrow x ExFianćee!Reader
Desc: Joe’s new girlfriend is in for a big surprise when she drops by unexpectedly.
TW: Jealousy, Toxic Gf, talks of divorce, childhood trauma
a/n: just a little idea I had and worked on for 2 weeks :)
Main Masterlist
WC: 4.9k
┊┊┊┊ ➶ 𓆉。˚ ✧
August weekends are some of Joe’s favorites, not because he goes out with friends or showers his girlfriend with the attention she desires. No, he loves days like this. Days where his living room doesn’t stay clean for more than a few hours, mornings filled with cute giggles and sticky-syrupy little fingers, and nights controlled by a little girl with beautiful hazel brown eyes and a head full of dark tight curls, who picks the same bedtime story every night. These are his favorite moments.
Like now as he picks up the pink and purple lego sets off his living room floor while his little girl is off playing with some other toys in her playroom. From down the hall, he can hear all the make-believe scenarios the stuffies are going through. Currently, Who Dey the tiger and Joey the kangaroo were shopping for skirts but there was only one pink sparkly one left, it was a heavy debacle that Joe couldn't help but chuckle at while putting away the rest of the legos. 
Elliana, or Ellie for short, is the no doubt most important person (albeit little person) in his life. From the day she was born, there was nothing he wouldn’t do for his little girl. Now at 4 years old, the bubbly and charismatic girl is taking in some of his interests, hence the immense collection of Lego sets that decorate his home. Sure this hobby came back to bite him in the rear when he would fall to victim of said legos by stepping on them, but the time they spent together just playing around was worth all the lego injuries in the world. But they also have house slippers now, to protect both of their feet.
Joe moved to tidy up the kitchen after double checking that all legos were in their rightful spots, not that he was actually going to count every single lego. To prepare for his 4 day weekend with Ellie, he made sure to restock on all her favorite meals and snacks but also ingredients to make the Bengals-themed cookies that she hadn’t stop talking about since she saw them on a commercial for a grocery store they don’t even have in Ohio. Joe wasn’t much of a baker, he only began cooking real meals when Ellie started staying over for multiple nights. Give him a box of Kraft Mac N Cheese and some dino nuggets and he’d turn it gourmet for his daughter, but for now that’s as far as he could go. So he called in reinforcements for this mission.
*ding dong*
His saving grace, Ja’Marr Chase. Joe was forever grateful to have a best friend that loved and cared for his daughter like she was his own. Ja’Marr was a great uncle and Ellie thought so too.
“Daddy, daddy! It’s Uncle Marr, he’s here to make cookies!” He smiles as the squeaky voiced girl comes running down the hall. Before she passes the kitchen, he sneakily pulls her into his arms before she could notice him. “Daddy!”
“What did I say about running in the house? I know you’re excited but you might fall and hurt yourself and that would make daddy really sad.” He lightly scolds bending down to her height.
“I’m sorry daddy. No more running.” Ellie cutely nods and places her small hands on his cheeks to lift his faux frown.  A grin quickly returns to his face and he kisses her forehead. 
“That’s my good girl, how about you go wash your hands so you and Uncle Marr can get started?” Her face beams as she wraps her arms around his neck. He returns the hug almost as tightly to take in the warm sense of comfort that having her in his arms brings. His arms could probably wrap around the young girl twice, but the contentment of having her little ones squeezing onto him so tightly is a feelings he never wants to forget. When she finally lets go, she kisses his cheek then skips down the hall in her fluffy pink slippers.
The door bell ringing again brings Joe back to his full height, but his brows furrow when he doesn’t hear his friend do his usual call out. ‘He’s probably on the phone.’ He thinks walking over to front door. He opens the door wide with a smile to greet one of his best friends, but gets replaced with his eyes widening and mouth dropping in shock.
“Hi babe!” 
Joe blinks then narrows the door’s opening to only fit half his body. “What are you doing here?” He asks the woman he’s been seeing for 6 months.
“I thought we could spend some time together. I know you said you’d be busy this weekend, but you’re busy every weekend. But since you’re actually home, we could watch a movie or something.” She smiles trying to peak inside. “Are you going to invite me in?”
Joe can hear the faucet in the first floor bathroom turn off and another car pull into his driveway. He looks behind him and zeroes in on every detail in his house that screams ‘this is my little princess’ castle’ then turns back to his curious girlfriend. “Um, now’s not a great time Kate.”
The short brunette’s jaw clenches and just as she’s about to respond, Ja’Marr walks up behind her. “Wow- so what, Saturdays are for the boys?” She barks. Actually they’re for the girls, little girls.
Loud giggles erupt from behind him. “UNCLE MARR! Daddy he’s right there I see him!” 
His teammate breaks out in a smile and waves to Ellie. “Hey babygirl.” Ja’Marr excuses himself from behind the woman and Joe lets him in the house.
Kate stands in front of him now dumbfounded. “You have a daughter?”
When Joe met Katelyn, he hadn’t had a long term girlfriend in a while, not since you. So he didn’t have to introduce anyone to his daughter. His team already knew her, his friends were great with her and she had a mom and dad who would do anything for her. Joe didn’t even feel like dating after your engagement ended two years ago. He had some hookups here and there, but getting into a relationship was not on his mind. Funnily that’s how this ‘relationship’ started, she was just someone he could call and was cool about it. Then he took her out to dinner to test the waters and half a year later he’s here.
When you broke up, you and Joe agreed not introduce your daughter to anybody without the other’s consent. You both wanted to make sure that she was your priority and her safety always came first. Then Joe implemented the rule to not introduce Elliana to romantic interests until at least 9 months into the relationship, he said it was him being protective but it was also so he didn’t have to see you without anyone else until it was serious. You also didn’t broadcast your daughter to the world like other parents, so not many knew that he did have a daughter unless they watched his every move. 
So long story short, Katelyn did not know.
“We should talk.” He said as she shoved his body to the side and stomped into his home. “I guess I deserve that.” He shook his head and shut the door.
Thankfully, the kitchen and the living room were a decent distance from each other so when she plopped down on the farthest end of the sofa, he could relax knowing Ellie wouldn’t hear any distinct words the woman might start throwing his way. Kate sat facing the blank tv screen, he took the spot in front of her so he could still see some of the movements in the kitchen through a wall cut out.
“Listen Kate.”
“No me first.” She cuts him off with a hand in front of his face. He just nods and allows her to speak. “Why didn’t you tell me? Is she actually yours? Where’s her mother? How come no one knows about her? Why didn’t you fucking tell me? I thought I was your girlfriend, do I mean nothing to you? Who keeps this kind of giant fucking secret? Fucking talk!” She huffs.
“I was letting you go off- whatever. Yes, Elliana is mine. She just looks exactly like her mother” He mumbles the last part, combing his fingers through his hair, a nervous tick he’s had since he was little.
“She’s 4 and I have dual custody over her, so I mostly get her during the weekends. I didn’t tell you because her mother and I have an arrangement and I would have to talk to her about it first. Her mom lives here- well not here here, she lives in the city. You know I don’t like the attention the spotlight gives so it was easy for us to decide to leave her out of it as much as possible. I guess was going to tell you at some point.”
“What do you mean, you guess? I’m your girlfriend! Don’t you think I have the right to know that the guy I’m seeing has a kid?” She crosses her arms red faced.
“Calm down, we haven’t been seeing each other that long. We were never that serious.” 
“Of course not, every time I want to spend time with you there’s a new excuse. Oh you have a game, or practice that evidently takes all fucking day. Maybe you’re hiding me because there’s someone else.”
“I promise the only other girl in my life right now is my daughter. And everything you just said is a valid excuse, I have a job and child that require all my attention.”
“Why can’t she just stay with her mother? Do you have this stupid arrangement so she can come by and give you what you’ve been missing? I bet you’ve been fucking her this whole time.”
Joe scoffs, her words starting to make his blood boil. “Katelyn, what do you not understand about us co-parenting our daughter? I barely have time to spend with you, so what makes you think I have time to cheat? If you have a problem with me being a father, then you should leave.”
“I don’t have a problem with you being a dad, I have a problem with you not talking about your ex. What, was she so special that it hurts to talk about her? Was she the one, Joe? What exactly is your relationship like with her now?”
“I told you, we co parent. There’s nothing going on with me and her mother, that’s all in the past. Can we stop talking about her now, she’s not going to just pop up out of nowhere?” He rolls his eyes. 
“I’m not convinced, you’d only hide her if there was still something between you.” 
“Yea her name is Elliana, the four year old making cookies in my kitchen right now.”
Before Katelyn can come back with another complaint, the doorbell rings, again. Joe sighs and looks out the window to see another very familiar car. Spoke too soon Joe.
He opens the door to see another one of his close teammates and the very woman he was just talking about. 
“Tee, Y/n what are you doing here?” His eyes lazily flicker between the pair and you send him a sheepish smile.
“Oh you know, we were just in the neighborhood.” Tee nods very nonchalantly. You nudge his side with a chuckle.
“I got a 911 call from Ellie, she said there was an emergency.” 
“Really?” He starts to pat down his pockets and realizes his phone is missing. He turns around and spots a smiling little girl with two long braids neatly done with purple bows in her hair. “Ellie…”
“Yes daddy.”
“Did you call mommy with my phone without telling me?” 
You stop the laugh from bursting out your mouth when he sends you a pointed look. Taking that as a sign to go ‘confront’ your daughter. “Elliana why did you call me saying there was an emergency?
“There is an emergency momma! Uncle Jay is eating all the cookies!” Ja’Marr turns around shocked at his little partner. 
“Ellie, what did I tell you about snitches?”
“Snitches get stitches.” She relays matter factly. Joe shakes his head in confusion because clearly he wasn’t aware she knew about snitches yet. While you chuckle and run in to snatch up your girl.
“Ellie what did I tell you about taking advice from Uncle J?” You ask placing her on the counter.
“You said to tell you when he teaches me something new. He just did momma, see I told you!”
“Wow, Joe see what your friends have done to my sweet little girl.” She giggles wrapping her arms around your neck.
“They’re your friends too. How is it my fault, I had no idea?”
“There’s your answer.” You smirk. “Now Ms. Ellie Dae Burrow, is there any other emergency I need to know about?”
Freeing herself from your grasp she nods her head. “We don’t know how to ice cookies mommy.” Then takes your face in her hands and turns you towards the powdered sugar mess next to her baking buddy.
“Ellie, did you touch the cookies before touching mommy’s face?”
“Um yes?”
“Did you wash your hands after touching the cookies?” The young girl looks at her flour caked hands curiously. 
“No mommy.”
“Remember what I said about touching your toys with dirty hands?” Ellie nods her head. “Well that goes for people too, cause now I’m covered in flour.”
“Oh, sorry mommy. I’ll go wash my hands now.”
You go off to get washed up then Ellie returns to the kitchen to continue helping with the cookies while you join Joe in the living room.
“I hope you guys didn’t have anything planned, Ellie clearly has a mind of her own.” Joe jokes with the couple.
“Not much, we were just going to pick up some lunch and maybe catch a movie.” Tee shrugs.
“That’s what we were going to do, how funny.” Kate perks up with hidden mischief in her eyes. This is when you realize you have no clue where this woman came from nor who she is. 
“Oh how rude of me. I’m Katelyn, Joe’s girlfriend and I assume you’re his baby mama.” She fake smiles holding her hand out.
The eyes of the men in the room widen at her bold choice of words. You smirk and shake the woman’s hand. “Yep, that’s me. The mother of his only child, you must know how great of a dad he is right? Whenever he has any time off, he’s always picking her up or coming over to see her. Truly father of the decade and she isn’t even 5 yet.”
Tee sits next the father hiding his face in his hands and chuckles. “I bet this isn’t how you wanted this to go.” He whispers to him. Joe just groans in his hands.
“Well, you should have a seat.” Kate invites.
“Oh I will, thank you for the hospitality in the house that my ex fiance asked me my opinion on over a year ago.” You grin and sit on the other side of Tee.
Katelyn’s kind demeanor shifts with a fake smile wide on her cheeks as she sits next to Joe. “So why’d you break up?”
“We are not starting here!” Joe’s eyes go wide and he straightens up. “Ask anything else please.”
“Joseph, your girlfriend wants to know why we’re not married right now. Why don’t you tell her?” You say forgetting how the whole thing happened for a bit. Thankfully those cherished memories come floating back to your mind and you hoped he decided to change the subject to cover your mishap.
“You just met, aren’t you supposed to be doing the making sure she’s safe for Ellie to be around thing?” You let out a muted sigh before replying.
“Oh please, and you haven’t?”
“No.” He mutters.
Your face hardens as you kiss your teth. “You let this woman around my daughter without screening her first? Joseph what the hell?”
He throws his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t think it was going to last this long, I wasn’t thinking about it.”
“Then why is she here?” You question turning your body completely towards him.
“Your guess is as good as mine!”
Katelyn scoffs, “excuse me, I’m sitting right here!”
“Unfortunately we see that too. How long have you been together anyway?” You hope that their explanation has to do with the restrictions you came up with to keep your daughter safe.
“7 mont-
“6 months- They say at the same time.
“Damn, this is awkward. I’m gonna go.” Tee announces. “I’ll text you.” Then he leaves.
“Looks like that didn’t last, maybe that’s why Joe left you. You attract drama everywhere you go.” Joe grimaces at her just wanting her to stop talking.
“Oh no hun, I left him. Not like it’s any of your damn business cause you don’t know me or him that well either. But let me guess, he told you he was busy but you showed up anyway hoping he’d let you in and give you whatever you want. I wouldn’t stress about him not making enough time for you, there’s a lot of worst ways he could be treating you. Just remember that at the end of the day, I’m that little girl’s mom and he’s her dad. I’ll always have a key in the door, when you won’t even get to see the open house.” Then you got up and went to the kitchen. Joe watched in amusement as Katelyn seethed. Then peaked behind him to catch a glimpse of you and your daughter baking together.
“You need to talk to her, she needs to know that I’m your future and she needs to make room.” Joe rolls his eyes.
“She’s right. They’re my past, present and my future. You were just a distraction and now I don’t need you anymore. I’m going to have to ask you need to leave my daughter’s house.” 
She shakes her head. “Joe, we can have our own family. You don’t need them. I can do that for you.”
“Katelyn I want them, not you. It’s time for you to go.” He stands and walks over to the door.
“You’re going to miss me and regret this, but I wont open the door for you. When you want me back I’ll have someone way better than you. Please don’t do this, don’t break up with me.” Rolling his eyes at the quick change in behavior he unlocks the door for her.
“Joey, I thought we were having fun. You don’t want to throw that away do you?” She asks as a final strand of hope glistens in her eyes.
Joe sighs, “it was fun, but I’d rather play with flower shop legos and bake cookies.”
“Fuck you Joe!” She stomps out with expletives shooting from her mouth. 
⍣ ೋ
“Daddy was your friend crying because you hurt her feelings?” Ellie asks with frosting covering her mouth when he arrives in the kitchen. He picks her up and kisses her sugary cheeks.
“No bub, she hurt her own feelings.” 
“Joey hurt my feelings when left to join the circus.” She pouts talking about her stuffie and licking her sticky fingers.
“Are you eating the icing before we can put it on the cookies?” He asks the orange dye covered girl.
“Nyooo.” She chuckles.
“What are we going to do with you?”
“Mommy said we’re all going to the park to feed the ducks.” She smiles. You turn around with wide eyes and an amused smirk, halting your current task of making more orange frosting.
“I did not say that. Ellie Dae why are you telling your father stories?”
“I think she wants to go feed the ducks.” Ja’Marr snorts while eating some of the cookie dough.
“Uncle Marrrr, you can’t eat more cookies! It’s for the ducks.”
“Ellie ducks don’t eat cookies.” Joe chuckles putting her on a part of the counter that’s not covered in sugar.
“Kaia said they do.” Your daughter yawns mentioning your next door neighbor’s teenage daughter that likes to babysit her.
“Well you’re going to have to ask Kaia where she found the cookies made for ducks.” Glancing over at the oven clock you hum realizing its 2pm. Naptime. Looking back over at your ex, you watch him wrap his arms around your daughter as her eyelids struggle to stay open. “Joe.” You whisper. He looks up at you then the time and nods.
“Come on babygirl, let’s go upstairs.” She whines as he lifts her, but still wraps her arms around his neck.
“But daddy, I’m not tired. Cookies.” She yawns laying her head on his chest. He smiles and kisses her head.
“I promise the cookies will be there when you wake up, and maybe we’ll even take some to the ducks.” You can’t help but smile as the pair climb the staircase up to her room. You always knew Joe would be a great father, especially when the you were surprised by the idea of having a baby so young and so early in your relationship. But he only stepped up in ways you couldn't have imagined, watching him become a father felt like one of life’s greatest privileges. It’s one of the things you love loved about him. Joe’s caring nature was unlike any other, in those 4 years together you’d never felt so loved and cherished by anyone like him.
Turning around to go back to your icing duties, you’re faced with a smirking Ja’Marr Chase. “What?”
“You’re ridiculous.” He chuckles setting a timer for the cookies that you now notice are in the oven. 
“I don’t understand.”
“You look at him the same way he looks at you, which is the exact same way when you were engaged. You just need to put the ring back on and plan the damn wedding at this point. I mean he broke up with his fling for you.”
You just shake your head at his nonsense, there was no way you and Joe would ever get back together after how it ended- after how you ended it. “No, I’m with Tee. They just had a mild disagreement, the second Ellie comes home with me he’ll be calling her back over.”
“You’re fucking with me right?” He scoffs. “You and Tee are not together.”
“How would you know?”
“He texted me the minute you got here. The only reason you two were out together was because we’re all still friends. Don’t try and bullshit me. You’ve been trying to make Joe jealous for weeks.”
“I have not, lower your voice. If you think he would ever take me back after the shit I said that night, then you’re delusional. I already fucked up with Joe.”
“But you want him to though.” He tilts his head with a soft smile. “I bet you still have the ring on you.” Your eyes go straight to the floor.
“You didn’t give it back because he wouldn’t take it. You can’t put it away because of who it reminds you of and you won’t sell it because you still care. In fact Ellie said you put it on a necklace and kept it in the smallest pocket of your purse.” When you look up, he’s somehow produced the same ring Joe proposed to you with on that beach date when Ellie was 8 months old.
“She really is a little blabber mouth.” You sniffle taking the chain.
“She’s smart and a thief. She showed it to me after you went to go clean your face. She knows how much it means to you and whether she understands it or not, she wants her mom and dad back together.”
“Oh please, this is the same little girl that wants to feed ducks sugar cookies.”
“All I’m saying is you should think about why you’re still carrying that nice ass ring around and talk to him. Alright I’m gonna head out, you got this right?” You nod and share a friendly hug.
“Remember what I said.” He says as the front door opens then shuts.
You lean over the counter with your hands on your face and let out a groan. There’s no possible way for Joe to ever take you back. You don’t even know why you still carry the ring around, but somehow leaving the house without it makes you feel untethered to reality.
“I doubt the cookies are that bad.” You gasp startled by the man leaning on the entryway to the kitchen.
“Goodness, Joe.” Your right hand covers your eyes while still clutching the gold chain. 
“Wow,” you drop your hand remembering what you were holding. “That’s something I haven’t seen in a while.”
“Yea- um. I was having it cleaned.” You bite the inside of your lip, then replace it with a pout when his face tells you he knows the full story. “Joe-
“Put it on.”
“Listen- wait what?”
You want to believe he’s joking, but the look in his eyes is all seriousness. “I want you to put the ring back on.”
“I can’t, not after the way I ended things. It wouldn’t be right.”
“You can, because I want you to. I need you to put the ring on.”
“Joe there’s something you should know.”
He sighs and takes the chain from you. “I know you and Tee hooked up once, I’m still debating on if I need to sucker punch him for it.” Then unclasps the chain and releases the 7 karat diamond into his hand. “I know that we spent the last 2 years trying to forget everything that went down between us only to remind each other every weekend when Ellie is dropped off.” He begins to fiddle with the ring between his fingers. “I also know that nothing you said that night was true.”
You gulp locking eyes with the man you’ve always wanted to call your husband. “Joe.”
“On April 10th, your mom called you and said ‘never get married’ because she had finalized her divorce with your father after spending 25 years in an unhappy marriage, that without a doubt gave you enough trauma in itself. April 11th, I came home from a night out where I drank way too much and reminded you of a part of your childhood you tried to run away from, which is something I’m extremely sorry for. April 12th, we spent the entire day arguing about the dumbest shit because I couldn’t see the pain you were harboring. Then you said ‘I can’t spend the rest of my life with a man that doesn’t care how he comes home to his family. I won’t let you run me into the mud like he did to her, I want to be happy. I can’t marry you.’ And took your ring off.” You couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your face as he recalls the last night you spent together as a couple. A night you’ve regretted since it happened.
“Joey, don’t let me do this to you. You don’t deserve this, you could do so much better better than a damaged bitch with trust issues.” With one hand he wipes your tears and with the other he takes your left hand. “Joe think about this.”
“I think there’s something you should know.” He repeats your words with a more lighthearted tone, then gets down on one knee. 
‘There’s no way, no way. Nope, he’s not doing this.’ You echo to yourself while shaking your head.
“I spent two years thinking about this. Two years driving back and forth so we could have equal time with our little girl. Two years of wondering if I’d ever have you back in my arms the way I dream of at night. Even spent one in this house thinking about how hollow it feels without you living in it. I bought it for you, so we could raise our family here together. I know this probably won’t top the first one and I don’t have a new ring yet.” He winks causing another wave of tears to fall, this time happy tears. 
“I can’t see myself happier with anyone except this damaged woman in front of me with trust issues. Shit I’m not that happy now, cause every time I look in our little girl’s eyes all I see is her beautiful mother. She’s a constant reminder of the woman I miss more than anything. I thought we could do this co-parenting thing and stay friends so Ellie could have a happy childhood, but I spend more time with you than I do without you. I don’t want to wake up with anyone else in my bed that isn’t the woman right in front of me. And I’m thanking Elliana for bringing you here, because I need you. I want you back more than anything in the world.” 
His voice starts to tremble. “I’d step on a million legos for you, bake and burn a thousand dinners for you, miss hundreds of games for you- fucking anything. Anything you want, it’s yours. Just say yes.” 
You can feel the way your heart breaks for him, just proving how much you don’t deserve him. “I can’t.” 
“Why not?”
You can’t look him in the eye and break him again. You try to suck in the sob but there’s no use.
“I’m pregnant with Tee’s baby.”
i'm sorry that was childish, don’t hate me lol here’s the real ending
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
“I can’t,” You giggle when his pout deepens. “You haven’t asked the question yet.”
A bright smile breaks out on his face as he sighs in relief. “You need to stop scaring me. Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?”
“Yes, yes I’ll marry you, Joey. I'll marry you a hundred times if I have to.” You beam as he slips the ring back in its rightful spot then stands and pulls you into the most passionate kiss. 
After two years, you’re back in the arms you love, felt the most comfortable and cherished in. You feel so lucky to have found a man, a fiance so caring, thoughtful, and understanding. Lucky that every time you pushed him away, he just pulled you in harder. And you can’t wait to finally marry him and give him everything he’s ever wanted. Including a bigger family.
so any critiques, comments, concerns. i'm open to any and everything🫶🏾 oh and don't forget to reblog for more :)
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ep2nd · 7 months
Dsmp. Empires smp. Hermitcraft. Pirates smp. Rats smp. Earthsmp. Origins smp. Traffic smp. Evo smp. Mcyt. Etc.
I'd like to thank Dino from Discord for helping me through this, they were an amazing help and couldn't have done it without them.
Also Chaos from Discord who gave me ideas! She's here on tumblr too
Be aware I probably missed someone OR you may have another idea for someone else, if do please send an ask or reblog would love to hear yalls thoughts
Now without further adu- MCYT PJ AU
Big B
Evil X(Alex)
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gx-gameon · 3 months
Aside from rivalshipping and spiritshipping are there any other Yugioh ships you enjoy?
I am the worst multishipper in the galaxy. Like truly.
I grew up loving Joey and Mai but now that I’m older and I know the actual age gap it’s hard to still be for it. If it does happen it happens way later in life. Right now they are just really good friends
The DM crew is so friendship based it’s hard for me. I’ll dabble in wishshipping or puzzleshipping (I get where they are coming from and when done right it’s done right) but I set this au as rivalshipping and rivalshipping it will stay.
I could see Tristian and Miho.
Atem is different because I think he’s just interested in games here. Or pinning over Mana or Mahad which ever way you want it to go.
Now the Gx cast…
I can go anyway.
Chazz x Alexis or Chazz x Atticus is always fun
But then again so is
Zane x Atticus of Zane x Aster (when their grown up)
Jim x Alexis is cute and then you have the Dino duo is Jim x Hasselberry.
Bastion is down bad for Tanya but I would like to know her age please and thank you.
And while I’m a hard Spiritshipper Yusei x Jaden when done right is done right. And I can understand where Jaden x Alexis are coming from even if it’s not my favorite.
Honestly they are a group of teenagers on an island who are just figuring themselves out. Thank goodness the writers didn’t do romance because the amount of break up and different relationships you could have is wild.
I’m focusing on Rivalshipping and Spiritshipping here because I prefer them.
Anyone else will probably be in passing. The story is Jaden focused and I don’t think Jaden paid much attention to dating at duel academy. I can absolutely see his friends being in a relationship flying right over his head until they break up and he’s like “woh why is X sad all the sudden?”
He’s emotionally smart but also very focused on friendship and dueling.
I haven’t made and decisions on side pairing because I like to leave options open. If you think these two people should be together that’s great and if you want to see that in this story even better. I probably will keep most of the relationship age for that reason.
I have my to main ships and if I feel like adding another pairing I will but right now the DM crew are young adults raising a child (18 year olds raising a 4 year old) they have pleanty of time to figure out their lives.
And when Jaden goes to school his friends are all teens. There are messy crushes and relationship but it’s rare for any of them to stick. (Example Chazz and Alexis might go on one date and decide to be friends afterwards. Zane and Atticus might have had a thing their first year before Atticus went missing and it takes them a while to find their groove again or they date other people) it’s all fluid right now.
I have options
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Hi, if you’re still doing Doctor Who fanfics, I was wondering if you could please write a silly little 11th Doctor x Platonic!TimeLord reader where they are best friends and have a relationship dynamic like Joey and Frankie from the Basement Yard Podcast.
Like they’re in a dangerous scenario and one of them makes a joke and they both just start laughing. Or when they’re on the TARDIS they’ll be arguing and then one of them says something that reminds them of a song and they both just start singing it. And they use insults and a term of endearment.
I think this would be really fun and silly, but no worries if you don’t want to.
okay I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea who those guys are but I’ll still do this idea.
Okay so one thing the 11th doctor is the best next to Tennant (yeah I’m biased cause Matt smith is MY doctor).
and yeah being friends with 11’s doctor is a WILD ride!!
yet at the same time you guys just click with one another from the moment you guys meet.
let’s say both of your chaotic energies just mesh together like fish fingers and custard hehehe
and that sometimes can be pretty strange or confusing to others especially when it comes to saving the galaxy
like this one time when you, the doctor and the Ponds got ambushed by the Daleks.
“Resistance is futile. Prepare to be exterminated!”
“Damn and I think I left the stove on in the Tardis.” You say.
at that comment 11 couldn’t help but say.
”how many times does this make? The fourth? The fifth?”
”lucky number seven actually my friend. But you’ve forgotten plenty of times. Remember when you thought a grease fire could be extinguished with water?”
“And you could’ve told me that?”
after briefly glaring at one another you both start to laugh.
“What is all this?” Proclaimed one of the daleks.
”it’s better you go with it” Amy said.
There was also another time with some space pirates that had taken a town hostage for their crops and money (real bugs life type situation)
they had you and the gang in cages along with the villagers and the pirate captain was going on a villainous monologue of how he was superior than these foolish villagers.
"With the subordination of these meek-little farmers, soon the entire galaxy will know my name! BLAZER THE WRATHFUL!!!" the pirates soon uproared in celebration, but soon a loud laugh overcame that.
It was your laughter.
"Something funny monkey!?"
"I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry my dude, did you say your name is Blazer-fury?"
"So do you--shoot blazers out of wrath?" you ask.
"Enough out of you! Or we'll kill you first!"
But you couldn't help but snicker under your breath. The Captain turns back to you demanding what's funny.
"I'm sorry. My guy I am soo sorry. I just keep thinking to myself of how every morning you standing in front of them mirror saying to yourself, 'You know what would be a real kick-ass name! BLAZER THE WRATHFUL!!' HAHAHAHAH! That's how I hear you in my head. Remember Doc like that movie?!"
"Which one? You mean the Dinosaur one? Ahh I remember when we got to have those dinos on a space ship. That was a fun time."
"No, no, no Doctor you know the one with the talking Raccoon."
"Oh yeah. Huh? Art imitates life."
"RIGHT!?!? HEY! HEY CAP! What was your second choice gonna be? BLAZER THE SCROTUM HEAD!?"
At your comment, you had his entire crew laughing when Blazer the wrathful puleld you against the bars, his sword to your neck as he sneered.
"That's it wench! You die now!"
"Well, dying would certainly be better than living in a galaxy where a misogynistic moron who thinks Blazer the Wrathful is a kickass name." you said bluntly before using your taser gun that River gave you the last time you both met.
In the end, you all saved the village and defeated the piarates.
Overall, when it comes to being you and the Doctor, you better watch out cause there's bound to be some chaos, mischief, and a bit of eye-rolling due to their chaotic energy together.
"Hey Doc! Where's the flux-capacitor on SEXY?"
"She doesn't have one of those, this is a TARDIS, not a Delorian."
"Do you think she'd be able to transform into that?"
"No! I like her this way and this way she'll stay."
"Then can you make me a time-machine Delorian?"
Yeah, chaotic energy at the max.
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ozimagines · 5 months
request: what powers would each character have in a superhero comic AU (had a dream about this weeks ago and keep meaning to delve into it myself, but curious to see what others come up with...)
Thank youuuuu this gave me something to do while I’m bed-bound! Also super creative ask!
Oz Prisoners’ Powers…
Tobias Beecher: Telepathy
Chris Keller: Telekinesis
Vern Schillinger: Necromancy
James Robson: Super Strength
Agustus Hill: Super Intelligence
Bob Rebadow: Camouflage
Agamemnon Busmalis: Animal Communication
Simon Adebisi: Acid Form
Poet: Mimicry (copy others)
Ryan O’Reily: X-Ray Vision
Cyril O’Reily: Teleportation
Kareem Said: Mind Control
Chico Guerra: Shape Shifting
Miguel Alvarez: Invisibility
Carlo Ricardo: Intangibility (walk through walls)
Enrique Morales: Aquamancy
Raoul Hernandez: Pyromancy
Burr Redding: Ferrokenisis (magnetism)
Omar White: Atmokinesis (weather)
Carlos Martinez: Thermokinesis (control temp)
Timmy Kirk: Exorcism
Jaz Hoyt: Geomancy
Nikolai Stanislavsky: Elasticity
Greg Penders: Bioluminescence (glows)
Kenny Wangler: Cyber Manipulation
Antonio Nappa: Spatial Manipulation
Alonzo Torquemada: Erasing Memory
Supreme Allah: Lie Detection
Jackson Vahue: Marksmanship
Dino Ortolani: Death Touch
Peter Schibetta: Accelerated Healing
Chucky Pancamo: Self Duplication
Nino Schibetta: Precognition
Joey D’Angelo: Aeromancy
Donald Groves: Super Digestion (Acid)
Clayton Hughes: Night Vision
Ronald Barlog: Sensing Danger
Jeremiah Cloutier: Healing Others
Zahir Arif: Plant Communication
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graemepark · 6 months
In this week’s Long Live House Radio Show:
Smoove & Turrell
Dino Lenny
NY House’n Authourity
Donna Summer x Green Velvet
Todd Terry & Cherrelle
Joe Ventura
Dhar Braxton
Arrested Development
Eddie Kendricks
Soulsonic Force and more.   
Title (Mix), Artist
Karn Evil #10 (Club), Xperiment
Igotcha (Slynk Remix), Smoove & Turrell
Born In Blue, Chambord & Jaguar Jaguar
How He Works, Ish D
Deep In This, Toronto Hustle & Sean Roman feat. Javonntte
Lose Control (Tea With Quincy Mix), Dino Lenny
APT. 2A (Hugo Massien Rework), N.Y. House'n Authority
I Feel Little Pills (Super Disco Club Rework), Donna Summer x Green Velvet
Affair (Extended Remix 2.5), Todd Terry & Cherrelle
Soul Roots (2024 Extended ReSpray), Joe Ventura
Jump Back (Set Me Free) (Club Mix), Dhar Braxton
Vogue (Unreleased Shep's On The Fly Dub), Madonna
Mr Wendal (Perfecto Club Mix), Arrested Development
Going Up In Smoke (Joey Negro Big Smoke Mix), Eddie Kendricks
Are You Gonna Be There?, Shay Jones
Loveface That You Are, Pulse
Burning (Vibe Mix), MK
Raspberry Beret, Prince & The Revolution
Borderline (The Jo Manji Edit), Madonna
Strike It Up (Kinky Roland Acid Dub Edit), Black Box
The Kinda Love (JKriv Original Vibe Remix), Prospect Park         
Bass Power (12" Vocal Remaster), Raze
Lonely Nights , DJ Mes
Planet Rock (Claptone Remix), Soulsonic Force
That's The Way Love Is, Ten City
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hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
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Love or Loyalty
Love or Loyalty is the ship name between Joey Zasa and Dino Corleone. THIS is my Magnum opus of ships because it technically forbidden and I LOVE that.
Secret boyfriends! Secret meetings! Secret sex! BRUH ITS EVERYTHING I WANT!!
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stuffofknightmares · 2 years
Ideas for Death Battle fights.
Eren Jaeger vs Rex Salazar (Attack on Titan vs Generator Rex): Teenagers in poster apocalyptic worlds with God-like powers.
Trunks vs Invincible (Dragon Ball Z vs Invincible): Half-breed children of Alien conquerors fighting for a better world.
Zagreus vs Percy Jackson (Hades vs PJO): New heroes in Greek Mythology with powerful dads.
Radiant Black vs Black Dino Ranger (Radiant Black vs Dino Thunder): Sentai inspired heroes
Night King vs Kylo Ren (Game of Thrones vs Star Wars): Dark Lords who had their reign cut short thanks to studios
Hellboy vs Castiel (Helboy vs Suoernatural): Warriors from Christian Lore that fight supernatural forces in secret.
Lok Lambert vs Stiyl Magnus (Huntik vs A Certain Magical Index): Young magicians who summon monsters in combat.
Korra vs Sypha Belnades (The Legend of Korra vs Castlevania): Elemental fighters specialising in battling the otherworldly creatures
Caulifla vs Starfire (Dragon Ball vs DC): Energy wielding heroes from Warrior races.
Nova vs Blue Beetle (Marvel vs DC): Kids with weapons from outer space
Firestorm vs Atom Eve (DC vs Invincible): Heroes with powers to later the structure of matter.
Hiro Hamada and Baymax vs Joey and Heroman (Big Hero Six vs Heroman): Boy and his Robot.
Apollo vs Icon (DC vs DC): Superman rip offs bought out by DC
Commander vs Mr. Incredible (Sky High vs The Incredibles): Superstrong patriarchs of super powered families.
Kratos vs Asura (God of War vs Asura's Wrath): God killing family men.
Gohan vs Hulking (Dragon Ball vs Marvel): Hybrids with greater power than either of their parent races.
Itadori Yuji vs Boruto Uzumaki (Jijutsu Kaisen vs Boruto): Heroes whose bodies are playing hosts to beings powerful than them.
Frieza vs Braniac (Dragon Ball vs DC):Galactic conquerors with a personal history with the strongest heroes of their respective universes.
Godzilla vs Ultraman (Godzilla vs Ultraman): Showdown between the greatest Kaiju heroes
Mumm-Ra vs Hoardak (Thundercats vs She Ra): Big bads from 80s cartoon shows
Spear vs Ka-Zar (Primal vs Marvel): Tarzan Expies from Lands Displaced in Time
The Prince vs Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Prince of Persia vs Assassin's Creed): Protagonist of Ubisoft's flagship video game series
Razer vs Darth Maul (Green Lantern: The Animated Series vs Star Wars): Warriors fueled by Rage
Kevin 11 vs Rogue (Ben 10 vs X-Men): Human Mutants who can absorb powers (and end up becoming powerhouses)
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chenfordsrollisi · 2 years
Fandoms: Pt. 2
Fandoms under cut.
Fandoms Pt. 2 that I've written for: L's: L.A.'s Finest (TV) Law & Order: Organized Crime Law & Order: SVU Life with Derek
M's: The Magicians (TV) Making Out (Books) Melissa & Joey (TV) Miami Medical Moesha (TV) N's: Nancy Drew (TV 2019) NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: New Orleans New Amsterdam (TV 2018) The Night Shift (TV 2014) Noah’s Arc (TV) Numb3rs (TV) NYC 22 O's: One Life to Live One on One (TV 2001) One Tree Hill      P's: Port Charles (TV) Power Rangers Dino Thunder Private Eyes (TV 2016) Prodigal Son (TV 2019)
Q's: Queer as Folk (US TV, 2000) R's: Radio Free Roscoe Ransom (TV 2017) The Republic of Sarah (TV) Riverdale (TV 2017) Rookie Blue Roswell, New Mexico (TV 2019) S's: S.W.A.T. (TV 2017) Sabrina the Teenage Witch (TV) Saved by the Bell (TV 1989) Scorpion (TV 2014) The Secret World of Alex Mack Sister Sister (TV) Sleepy Hollow (TV) South of Nowhere So Weird (TV) So Little Time (TV) Spyder Games Station 19 (TV) Stranger Things (TV 2016) Supergirl (TV 2015) Supernatural (TV 2005) T's: Touching Evil (US) Trauma (US TV 2009) The Tribe (TV) Tru Calling (TV 2003) Twilight (Movies) Two of a Kind (TV 1998) U's: V's: The Vampire Diaries (TV) W's: Walker (TV 2021) The Walking Dead (TV) What I Like About You (TV) Who's the Boss? Wynonna Earp (TV) X's: Y's: Young & Hungry (TV) Z's:
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bisluthq · 3 years
If we had to cast the 3 couples as friends characters who would be which? Joe is the one who has slept around the most so he should be Joey but he also gives me a bit of Chandler vibes. Jack seems the closest to Chandler personality wise but Chandler is afraid of commitment and he loves history like Ross. But also there’s something very Ross about Josh. Taylor has a lot of Monica but she’s also the rich privileged girl like Rachel. I could see a bit of Monica in Saoirse but also Phoebe. Karlie is too boring for any of the gals
Taylor considers herself a Monica and tbf together Swiftwyn are very Monica x Chandler. I agree Joe has some Joey too lol like he’d be the one to kiss Hot Friend if he was complaining, not be the one complaining.
I think your analysis is generally on point.
Karlie and Josh are both Rosses tbh. Ross Squared. Like they both love dinos (in their own ways but still).
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forever-rogue · 5 years
You Belong to Me
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A/N: UMM YEAH SO HERE IS THAT HIGHLY REQUEST JEALOUS!JOE SMUT. No plot. Just smutty good of our fave dino boy being all jealous and possessive. Enjoy some filth.
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: SMUT ;)
PS - I hope this isn’t total trash, and you can enjoy!
"I will," he almost growled as he leaned down in front of you, touching your lips with a finger, "soon you won't even remember his name, baby girl. I'll show you how a real man fucks a woman."
"Go on then," you raised your eyebrow as he offered you his hand. You bit your lip, a part of you torn as to whether or not to actually go with him. But the pure carnal look in his eyes was enough to convince you otherwise. You took his hand and he helped you up, "you better not make me regret this."
"The only thing you'll regret is us not properly fucking sooner," he winked at you as he laced his fingers through yours and pulled you along with him to the staircase. He stopped and turned around to give Gwil and Ben a cheeky wave, "don't bother waiting up, gents. It'll be a long night."
"Joey!" you shoved him slightly and he just laughed as he bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time, making sure you were following closely.
Once you got into his bedroom, you looked around the familiar space. You had been there a thousand times before but this time was different, very different.
Joe came up behind you and wrapped his around your waist, and started kissing your neck. You pushed back against him as his hands started to wander under your shirt, tracing shapes and figures all over your bare skin.
"Wanted this for so long," he whispered in your ear, his hands traveling up and starting to massage your breasts. You subconsciously ground your hips into his, feeling his already hard cock against your ass, “should have done this sooner. Want those pretty lips around my cock.”
“You could have just asked,” you teased, reaching between the two of you and palming his erection. He reached up and unclasped your bra, letting it slide down your arms, “you gonna use that big mouth and eat my pussy like a real man?”
He whipped you around quickly, and pawed at your shirt, giving you a shirt before he ripped it, quite literally, off your body and discarded it onto the floor, followed by your bra. Joe put his hands on your shoulders and gently pushed you down until you were on your knees, face level with his erection.
“It isn’t gonna suck itself,” he raised as eyebrow as he gestured between your mouth and his cock. You looked at him with wide doe eyes, taking your time to undo his belt, popping the button, and pulling the zipper down. You pulled his pants down and boxers down, which he promptly kicked off and licked your lips at the sight of weeping cock. It was even better than you had remembered, although you had been half drunk then too. He was probably a bit bigger than Ben, although both of them were impressive specimens.
“So hard for me, Joey? Look at your cock, look at how badly you want this,” you giggled at, spitting in your hand and wrapping it around his shaft. You pumped his cock a few times, coating it with this precum and your spit. He watched you with a hungry look in his eyes, bucking his hips so slightly, but he wasn’t ready to relinquish control to you, “so pretty.”
“In your mouth. Now,” he commanded and obliged him, taking him into your mouth, using one hand to massage his balls and the other to pump the bit you couldn’t quite fit in your mouth. You worked slowly at first, making sure to draw it as long as possible to rile him up. Joe wasn’t having it though, taking his hand and forcing your head towards his crotch, making sure you took him in completely. You almost gagged on his cock, making all sorts of obscene noises as tears formed in the corners of your eyes, “fuck. You take my cock so well. Look at that pretty little mouth all filled up.”
He finally gave you some relief, letting you pull off of his cock to get some air. You took a moment to breathe a line of spit connecting your lips and the tip of cock. You looked at him as you licked his tip to collect the saliva and precum, running your tongue along your own lips to swallow it.
“You gonna let me do all the work?” you asked him innocently, “Ben fucked my mouth. Are you gonna show me how a real man does it, Joey? Ben’s just a boy after all.”
“You’re such a dirty little slut, aren’t you?’ he asked and you just nodded, giving him a sweet smile. He reached down and grabbed your face roughly, sending shivers down your spine, “you act all innocent but I know better. I know a slut when I see one. I’ll give you want you, baby girl.”
He grabbed his cock and shoved it roughly in your mouth. You moaned his cock, spurring him on as he kept a hand tightly gripping you hair. You put his hands on thighs to balance yourself as he started to thrust into your mouth. The snap of his snaps was languid at first, the slowly sounds were your light gagging and his soft moans as he took his sweet time. The feeling of your warm mouth around his cock, mixed with the sight if you taking him all in was almost enough to drive him over the edge.
As he pulled back to thrust in again, you pulled back and looked at with a mischievous smirk, “is that the best you can do? Fuck my mouth like you mean it.”
He watched you like a hunter stalking his prey as he grabbed your head again, rougher this time, and forced you completely on him. He made you wait a few seconds before pulling you off and repeating the actions several times, “you like it rough, don’t you? Such a pretty little slut. You’re mine now. I’ll make you remember who owns you.”
With those words, you moaned around him, growing wetter at the idea of his possessiveness. He gave you a wink before he bucked his hips and started to fuck your mouth like you had been wanting. It was a brutal pace, and he gave you no mercy as he kept going on, calling you all sorts of filthy things under his breath. Tears were of pain and pleasure were running down your face as he carried on with his ministrations.
After what seemed like a small eternity, his thrusts started to waver slightly, becoming more slow and erratic as you felt his cock twitch in your mouth. You looked at him silently telling to let go and cum. He already had plans for that though, “you’re going to swallow every last bit. And if you don’t, I won’t eat that delicious pussy of yours.”
You squeezed his thigh in reassurance that you would comply, and he gave a few more thrusts before groaning and releasing in your mouth. You kept him in your mouth as you sucked his cock to get out every last bit of hot cum he had to offer.
He slowly let go of your hair, and you pulled back a little, getting go of him with a loud pop. Maintaining eye contact with him, you licked up and down and his shaft, cleaning him off. Opening your mouth, you showed him that you had swallowed everything, “good enough for you?”
He reached down and wiped away a few of your remaining tears, giving you an almost tender look, “such a good girl. You liked that, didn’t you?”
“Mhmm,” you agreed as he pulled up and moved a hand to the waistband of your leggings. They were probably also ruined by now, completely soaked through with your arousal.
“Your turn,” he smirked, “I bet Ben didn’t even use his mouth on you did he?”
“No,” you shook your head as he putting his hand in your leggings and started to run a finger along your soaked folds. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips as you leaned into his touch, “fuck, Joey, just like that.”‘
Joe nudged you in the direction of his bed,  gently pushing you down on it. He gave you a searing kiss before working down your body leaving open mouthed kisses all over your exposed skin. He nipped at the delicate skin, making sure to leave marks even more prominent than Ben had. No one would know Ben had even touch you. You were all his now.
He tugged down your leggings, smirking when he saw that you weren’t wearing panties. He threw the clothing to the side and spread your legs gently, kissing and biting at the insides of your thighs. You moaned as he got closer and closer to your soaked core, taking his time as you had with him.
You tried to reach down and guide his head directly where you needed him, but swatted your hand away, “I don’t think so. I’m in charge here, pretty girl.”
“Please,” you almost whimpered at him, and he slowly traced a finger along your folds, soaking up the wetness on his fingers. He stared at you as he put the digit in his mouth and sucked it clean, “need you now.”
“Who do you belong to?” he asked as he started to gently circle over your clit, causing you to arch your back. He used a hand to pin down your hips and keep in place, “tell me who you belong to.”
“You,” you moaned as he pushed a finger into you, curling it expertly and almost effortlessly finding your g spot. You didn’t bother to hold back all the whimpers and moans that were spilling out of your mouth, “you, Joey, you. I belong to you.”
“That’s what I thought,” he added another finger, pumping them in and out rapidly as he finally put his mouth on your soaked core. He ran his tongue deftly over your clit, taking time to lick and suck like it was his only job in life. He pulled out his fingers and replaced him with his tongue, and you were soon a writhing mess under him, whimpering and mewling at his actions, “so fucking delicious.”
“I’m so close,” you pouted at the loss of his mouth on your pussy, “please let me cum. I want to know how it feels when a real man makes me cum.”
“You think you’ve been good enough?” he taunted you, kissing your clit and letting his tongue linger there for a few seconds. You wiggled your hips so he would continue, and he decided to oblige and running his tongue along your folds. You looked at him desperately, you orgasm quickly approaching, “cum for me then, baby girl. Cum all over my face.”
“jeezuschristjoeyfuckfuckfuck,” spilled out of your mouth as you saw stars, throwing your head back in pure ecstasy as he worked you through your orgasm. He keep his mouth on you, lapping up every bit of your juices, not stopping until you went limp, chest heaving at from the pure bliss he had just given you.
He watched you as he gave you a few more soft licks before pulling himself up and looming over your body. You bit your lip as you stared at him, his wet glistening with your wetness. There was something so hot and carnal about the way he looked at you, hungry for more.
You grabbed his face and pulled him down to you lips, tasting yourself on him. It started off slow at first, but he soon took over, kissing along your jawline and neck, biting at the skin. His hand wandered down south again as he started to finger you once more, slowly this time as to not overstimulate you all at once.
“Look at you,” he whispered against your skin, “so desperate for my touch. So wet again for me. Who do you belong to?”
“You,” he took a nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue over it as it instantly hardened due to his actions, repeating the action on the other one.
“Who does this pussy belong to?”
“These tits?”
“This ass?”
“You,” you were whimpering under him as he gripped your hips tightly, watching you slowly fall apart underneath him. The smug look on his face suggested he was more proud than he had ever been.
“Nothing for Ben,” he growled, making sure you were positive that you were his. You licked your lips and nodded, watching as he jerked himself a few times before lining up at your entrance. You were trembling with anticipation as he slowly started to push himself in, letting you adjust to his considerable girth, “fuck, you’re so tight. It’s like you were made for my cock.”
“Fuck me, Joe, fuck me please,” you moaned, as he buried himself completely inside you. He let out a heavy breath as he waited a few moments before he started to move.
He went slowly at first, pulling out almost completely before pushing back in to the hilt. It was slow and pleasurable, the familiar tingling started to build up already. But you wanted more and you could tell he was holding back. He removed a hand from your hip, circling over your sensitive clit slowly, the only sounds in the room where your panting and a slew of moans and quiet curses.
“God, you’re so perfect,” he said as leaned down to kiss you, “I’m never going to get tired of this pussy.”
“Then take me,” you begged him, “fuck me and let everyone know I belong to you.”
That was the last bit of encouragement that he needed before he thrust harshly into you, letting himself remain buried inside of you. He readjusted your hips slightly, making sure to get the perfect angle before he started to pound into you.
He was practically fucking you into oblivion as he continued his assault on you, murmuring things that still made you blush into your ear. How you had waited this long to give him another go was beyond you. He knew exactly what he was doing.
The sound of skin slapping on skin echoed through the room as you chanted his name like a prayer, encouraging him to go harder and faster. You probably wouldn’t be able to walk properly for a week at this rate, but you didn’t care. You just wanted another orgasm.
“’m close,” he said through gritted teeth, head thrown back in pure pleasure as his thrusts grew more sloppy. You were right behind him, pleasure slowly sinking in as you felt another orgasm building up, “gonna cum in you.”
“Fill me up with your cum, Joey, give it to your good little slut,” you encouraged him and you could feel his cock start to twitch as he gave you a few more purposeful thrusts. He groaned as his hot cum started to coat your walls, giving your clit a few more gentle touches so you’‘d cum with him. You moan at the stimulation, closing your eyes to ride it out as he collapsed onto of you.
“Fucking hell,” he whispered, kissing your shoulder as you both tried to catch your breath, “you’re amazing.”
“Not so bad yourself,” you let out a small laugh as he slowly pulled out of you, leaving you feeling empty. He went to grab something to clean up but you held onto his wrist and shook her head, “leave it. I love feeling your cum dripping out of me.”
He almost moaned at your words, moving to take a look at his handiwork. A beautiful sight, he decided. He pulled your legs apart and put his mouth near your pussy, giving you a smirk before he ran his tongue along your folds to capture the mixture of his cum and your juices. He came back up to you, swallowing everything before kissing you, giving you a good taste of himself and you. You didn’t think you’d ever seen anything hotter.
“Look at what you’ve done to me, baby girl,” he pointed at his already half hard cock, causing you to giggle, “I hope you’re not tired.”
“Wide awake,” you promised, reaching over and grabbing his cock, starting to jerk him slowly, “you’ve worked so hard, Joey, let me give something to you.”
He looked at you to say something but you put a finger to his lips, and forced him to lie down on the bed. You took your time to kiss him, making him the same as he did to you while jerking him off. You kissed along his collarbones, and neck, finding his sweet spot with almost no effort and he bucked his hips into your hand.
“Who does this cock belong to?” you turned the tables on him, seeing him at your complete mercy.
“You,” he choked out as you kiss down his chest, making sure to press you breasts against him. It wasn’t going to take long for him to cum again, but you had a plan for that, “baby-”
“My turn,” you interrupted him as you straddled his hips and slowly lined him up at your entrance. You slowly sunk down on his cock, moaning at the feeling of him filling you up again. You leaned down and kissed as you started to slowly grind yourself on him, and placing his hands on your breasts, “I’m gonna give the best ride of your life.”
“Shit,” he groaned as you slowly started to bounce on his cock, “why haven’t we done this sooner?”
“I guess I just need to try out a few boys before I got a real man,” you teased, moving in time with the light thrust of his hips, “Ben who? I only know Joe.”
He leaned up and moved his mouth onto your breast, sucking and nipping gently, “who do you belong?”
That was all it took before the two of came undone again, repeating each other’s names like it was the only thing either of you knew.
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siempre-pedro · 5 years
Turn it Off!
Dad!Joe Mazzello x Reader FLUFF
Request:  Could you please write an imagine about reader and Joe’s son and how the first time he sees Jurassic park he doesn’t like it because of the scary dinosaurs and basically rejects anything Dino-related and joe is kinda sad about it but his son loves baseball so he’s with it? Love your writing by the way (Sorry if this was too specific :')
Summary: After learning his 6 year old son is going to be learning about dinosaurs. Joe takes the opportunity��to introduce him to Jurrasic Park...it does not go well. 
Word Count: 882
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Joe had been excited for a month ever since his 6-year-old came home from school telling him that they were going to be learning about dinosaurs. The simile the graced his features was priceless, he picks up the boy and rushes into the kitchen “You know I worked with dinosaurs when I was just a couple of years older than you,” he says, placing him on the countertop.
His sons matching eyes look up in disbelief “You did!” he gasps.
So the time had come to introduce Jurassic Park and the actor was making a big event out of it. He laid out blankets and pillows on the carpet and popcorn that would last them a week. Joey sat in the middle of the floor with his favorite stuffed animal tucked under his arm while his parents sat behind him up on the couch. “He’s only 6 are you sure he’s ready?” Y/N whispers. Joe scrunches his face and nods.
“It’s educational, Babe. He’ll be fine.”
Things were fine in the beginning, he was excited to see his dad as a kid, his mom making remarks on how they look so much alike. The happy nostalgia didn’t last for long, as soon as Joey heard the t-rex roar he shot up screaming. Running into his mothers arms “I don’t like it,” he cries loudly. Joe’s heart deflates and turns off the movie. Y/N looks over at him with sympathetic eyes, running her fingers across the back of Joey’s brunette hair to console him.
Joe’s heart was completely shattered, of course, he hated seeing his son cry in terror but he also was hoping he would love the movie “Are you sure you don’t want to watch it?” he asks with his last shred of hope. Joey turns his red face and screams ‘no’ in between his sobs.
It was safe to say he hated dinosaurs now, every time Y/N would read him a dino book for school he would turn around in his bed so he didn’t have to look at the pictures. His teachers would call and have to reluctantly inform them that he broke down into tears when she put up her dinosaur decorations.
Late one night Joey woke up from another bad dream, hopping on his parent's bed, shaking his dad awake “Did you have another bad dream, Bub?” he asks groggily, pushing the blanket off of him. Joey nods, tears brim his hazel eyes. Joe picks him up and walks back to the darkroom “It’s ok. They’re not alive anymore,” he coos and rubs small circles on his back. Soon he could hear the soft snores coming from the head that was nuzzled on his shoulder.
It had been a week since Joe showed him Jurrasic Park. Y/N watches the 6-year-old play in their backyard running around with his airplane “I fucked up didn’t I?” Joe sighs as he comes up behind her and snakes his arms around her waist.
She hums “No, he’s a child. We all have our fears.”
“But I caused it.”
“You didn’t know how he was going to react,” she reasoned.
Joe presses a light kiss to her shoulder and sighs “I’m going to play catch,” he mumbles before releasing his grasp and walks out to the backyard. He grabs the two gloves and walks out onto the grass they worked hard growing. “You wanna play, Bud?” he calls.
Joey stops and nods wildly before running over and taking the small black mitt. Joe crouches down and shows him how to hold the glove. His eyes crinkle in pride when he pokes out his little tongue in focus. “I caught it Dad!” he exclaims as the white ball falls into his mitt effortlessly.
“Good job, Buddy! Now, throw it back,” he instructs, joy intensifying.
After a few throws Joey looks up at his dad, his small features beaming “Can we do this again?”
Joe looks down at his watch “The Yankee’s are playing. Do you want to watch it?” he offers. The boy nods excitedly and tosses the glove aside before trotting towards the door. Joe quickly walked after him, opening the door before his hands could make tiny handprints on the glass.
Y/N got to watch from the kitchen, lovingly smile at her boys. Joey sat on Joe’s lap absolutely enchanted by the game on tv. Joe would point and do his best to explain what was going on in 6-year-old terms so he could understand. Joey would clap along when the guy would get on a base and Joe would correct him with “We don’t cheer for them. We don’t like them.” Of course he would pout and Joe would have to cheer him up with teaching him a baseball chant that would annoy her endlessly for the next few weeks.
His newfound love for baseball was a good consolation for his fear of Jurrasic Park.
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spideytights · 5 years
Lily Of The Valley
dad!Joe Mazzello x Reader x Joe Mazzello
Summary: The reader’s career was off to a good start and she wanted the good things to keep happening; they were miracles. Miracles happen every day, big or small. She came across a little girl not knowing who her father was until the man showed up in a full panic mood. She didn’t realize how much of a miracle they were
Note: It’s here! my dad!joe book is a go and I’m excited to be writing this. Also, Tumblr won’t be the only place I’ll be posting this. I have a Wattpad where this will be so if you read on there, my profile is in my bio under WATTPAD.
Warning: fluff, cuteness, a bit of angst, mentions of depression, a small bit of sadness, heart swelling
Words: 7.7K+
THERE WAS NOTHING THAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE him unfeel what he was feeling. Nothing that would give him the energy to sit up in bed, swing his legs over the edge and stretch as he prepared himself for the day. All he wanted to do was sleep that day away, forget about the world, forget about his life for just a few more hours of sleep and infinite drowning of sorrow. Everything hurt his heart, his head, his body, his soul, just everything in general. Joe had spent the previous night shedding tears of grief, tears he had been holding back all day while he was around people. He saved those tears for behind closed because that’s the place where people wouldn’t pity him. He didn’t care about their judgment, that would be the very last thing he’d pay attention to. The way their brows were clenched and the fixated expression covering their whole face had the ability to bother him but he didn’t let it get to him.
As the sun peeked through the gap of space between the pair of tan window curtains in the room, the speck of sunshine lit up a portion of the room, that same portion of where Joe’s bed was. Even in his half-asleep state, he remembers falling asleep facing away from the bedroom door and towards the windows-he woke up with the gleam of light pointed at his face. With a heavy sigh and an aggravated groan, the man with dark brown hair turned his head away and had hope that he could get more sleep. He wasn’t ready to wake up and step back into the reality of the world he lived in. He was hurt and when he woke, he had to bury his suffering and live with the wound only he could see.
As the minutes past, Joe began to slowly-but not to slow-fall back into his previous unconscious state of mind. His breathing became slower and deeper. Soft snores fell from his lips and his mind drifted to his happy place-his home.
It was a quiet night, relaxing and pleasing. It was rare for them to have a calm and stress-free night, a night where they could sit around and do whatever they please.
Joe walked back into the living room, one small ice cream tub in one hand and a bowl of popcorn in the other hand. He handed the ice cream to his wife who was already snuggled up underneath a throw blanket, remote in hand and flipping through movie titles on Netflix. Joe enjoyed nights like these for many reasons, one reason being he got alone time with the woman he loved and was able to cuddle and watch movies with her. When he handed her the ice cream she smiled softly as she moved her feet so he could sit down next to her.
“Did you get lost on the way to the kitchen? I didn’t think it took 10 minutes to make a bowl of popcorn and get ice cream-” she paused in the middle of her sentence to get the first bite of her ice cream. She hummed in satisfaction at the cream, sweet, cold taste of the snack. “-or maybe you’re just a slowpoke,” she teased and Joe chuckled.
“Hey, that’s no way to treat your caring husband who is taking care of you while you’re sick,” he said with a pout, then sending her a disapproving look when she started giggling.
“I know, I’m sorry Joey. Just know when I feel better I’ll make it up to you.”
“You better or I’ll be one sad dino boy, ” his wife giggled again, spoon wedge between her teeth as her lips stretched into a big smile. It was always Joe’s goal to make the one person that makes him happy, happy too. He hated to see her cry, to see her hurting–physically and mentally–he just wanted to be able to see that beautiful smile. “You know you’re really taking this sick thing to advantage. Ever since you called in and got the rest of the week off, you’ve been very needy,”
“Yeah, and as well I’m enjoying my small vacation and being treated like a Queen by the man I love,” she shifted in her spot, untucking her legs from underneath her bum and onto Joe’s lap. “What movie do you want to watch?” she asked him while she got comfortable again. Joe took a handful of popcorn and shoved some in his mouth, resting his arm on her leg and looking at the tv screen.
“Oh! How about one of those–damn it what are they called? One of those movies where everyone breaks out into song and dance outta nowhere.”
“You mean a musical?”
“Yes!” he beamed, pointing a finger at her as his eyes lit up remembering after she told him. Seeing the new look on her face caused him to dial it down a bit. “Yes…” he trailed off
“Are you serious?”
“Yuh–dead serious,”
“You, Joseph are opening the floodgates–” she started but Joe immediately butted in and called her out.
“Since when are we on first name basis again? Thought we were on pet names, honeycomb,” but she ignored him and continued.
“–my friend. We have to watch Mamma Mia!” Joe groaned and threw his head back and rested it on the back of the sofa. She hit his shoulder and leaned over closer to him. “Oh come on! It has Meryl Streep, Julie Walter, Stellan Skarsgard, Christine Baranski, Amanda Seyfried, ” she counted off each person with each finger she had for that total. She went on and on about who was in it and how great it was—even though Joe really couldn’t stand watching Mamma Mia he would have watched it anyway. He liked making her happy and he loved to watch her as she talked about the things she loved. “It’s the most beautifully done, romantic, charming movie ever and it even has songs by ABBA.”
“You do love some ABBA, ”
“Exactly! It’s the best musical besides Grease,” she said and finally met his eyes again. He was already looking at her, even though he was fighting off a small chuckle, so much love and adoration filled his eyes. She could see it reflecting from his brown eyes to hers. “What?” she laughed.
“Mmm, it’s just that face,” he let his finger boop her nose–her face scrunched and nose crinkled. His fingers trace over her cheek, cupping it with his palm as his thumb traced over her bottom lip. “And that smile that’s overly contagious.” her cheeks became dusted in pink, her gaze broke from his when she turned away.
“I’m just happy,”
“Mhmm, really?”
“Yeah. Like that dopey grin, butterflies in the stomach, feel like my heart is beating out of my chest,” she slowly started to grin, sweeping her eyes up to meet his.
“Is that kind of cheesy? I feel like a teenager now.” she giggled. Joe nodded his head which she covered her face with her hands and hid in Joe’s arm that was propped against the back of the cast.
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” he leaned into her as he said in her ear: “It’s like a rom-com on steroids kind of cheesy.” she peeked up from her hand to him looking at her lovingly. “I’m happy you’re happy,” he said in a low voice, one loud enough for her to hear but others had to be really close to hear what he said. He wrapped his hand around her wrist pulled it away from her face. Her embarrassment was subsiding the longer she gazed into his eyes. These were the moments she loved the most. Moments where the nightmares and fears in her head gave her a break and let her enjoy the time she had. She leaned forward and placed a soft gentle kiss against his lips, but Joe being Joe, he deepened it so it could be longer.
The door to the room creaked as it got pushed opened. A small hiss was heard the louder it got, but the small figure slipped into the room with ease—they’ve done it plenty of times before. If it weren’t for the soft carpet in the room, the small pitter patter of little feet would have been heard, but it wouldn’t have given up the little person’s cover to be quiet. When she finally got to the bed, she grabbed on to the maroon duvet covers and pulled herself onto the bed. She huffed out an oof as she settled; crawling along the bed to get closer to the sleeping man, she made it to the pillows and laid her head down on the pillow next to his. Her chocolate covered eyes scan over his face, looking at the one thing she got to see every day when she woke up. His facial features usually creased with frown lines from the number of times he frowned when he was worried, uncomfortable or irritated. Now, his features were soft and smooth. If you were to run your fingers across his face, you’d feel just how smooth it was—she almost did that but pulled her hand back and tucked it into her side. Her soft breaths tried to match his slow easy ones, but she couldn’t get herself to match the two up.
She hated waking up her dad because she knew he didn’t sleep a lot. He was always busy with work and taking care of her—she didn’t know how to help him, she was only four. But she did know the least she could do was let him sleep in. When she woke up this morning, the clock read 9:30 and her stomach started making noises minutes after she woke. Joe usually made her breakfast, hence why she came into his room. She really didn’t want to wake him but the growling from her stomach wouldn’t cease. Eleanor scooted her body closer to her dad’s, her face only a few inches away from his to the point where her breath blew onto his face and cause the out of place hair on his against his forehead to move. She was afraid the sudden movement would wake him, but he remained the same.
“Papa…” her sweet voice whispered out to the sleeping man next to her. He hadn’t answered her so she tried again hoping it would wake him up. “Papa…Papa wake up,” she said quietly again and gave him a little shake with her chubby hand on his shoulder blade. He breathed in and exhaled deeply, which gave her the hint that he was awake even though his eyes were closed.
“What is it peanut?” he murmured.
“It’s back Papa,” his previous soft features wavered when she answered. Her words confused him as his mind and body lined up with each other at the door of reality. His usual frown lines formed between his eyebrows. “The scary monster. The tummy monster is back!” she squeaked and it causes Joe to wince at the sudden rise of her voice. He slowly opened his eyes, his own brown ones meet with the identical ones of his daughter. Her eyes were naturally big, big enough to see the world and what path is laid out for her in the future. Her eyes were wide and her face had an unsettled look on it. Joe blinked a few times—Eleanor continued to look at him.
“Well tell that tummy monster to wait for a second because Papa just woke up and is still sleepy,”
“I don’t think he’ll listen,” she said, shaking her head as much as she could since she was laying against the pillow.
“Well, he better or I’ll attack him, ” by now Joe was fully awake and aware of his surroundings. The birds were chirping outside in the tree of his New York home. One he shared with the one person he loved the most and cared so much for. A hint of a smile graced his face while he prepared himself to move.
Eleanor’s face twisted into confusion after her dad’s words. She didn’t know what he meant by that at all. “Attack him with what? Bubbles?”
Joe’s smile only grew more—he was quick to move closer to his daughter before loudly saying: “With kisses!” Joe kissed every inch of Eleanor’s face while taking his hands to her sides and tickling her. Her laughter burst through the air, her body squirming in every which way trying to get out of his grasp. Her little hands tried to push him away but it was no use with the amount of tickling he was doing. When he did finally stop, Eleanor’s loud laughed turned into little giggles while she caught her breath. Her bright smile was contagious and Joe couldn’t possibly not smile while she was. He enjoyed the little moments they had with smiles and laughter, she was what kept him going. She affected the choices he made because he knew his choices would affect her in the long run. She, his daughter, was the only thing that pushed him to get up and live through the day—no matter how sad he was, she was his light through the darkness and he would do anything for his little girl. They were alone, they had to get through it together.
“Papa will be up to make you breakfast in five minutes, okay?” his eyes look over her; her hair was curly and wild, a light brown like his—a hint of red, also like his. Her cheeks and little fingers were chubby but in a cute way; when he looked at her all he saw was her mother. Eleanor was the perfect mix between the two. She had his light brown eyes, her nose, and lips, her curly hair but his light colored hair. Even though she was the perfect blend, every time Joe looked watched his daughter he was reminded daily of his late wife Lucy.
Once he sat up, Joe got out of bed and headed to his bathroom. He shut the door for privacy but opened it back up a jar after flushing the toilet and washing his hands. Eleanor stayed at the head of the bed after she watched her dad walk away. Only a few minutes passed and the monster in her stomach reminded her that she was still hungry. She tried to ignore it by playing with the hem of her frozen themed nightgown, but the growls kept getting louder. Looking at the bathroom door, all she saw was the shadows of her dad’s body moving and heard the sound of water running from the sink. She wanted to wait but the tummy monster was getting impatient-maybe she could help her dad out and start on breakfast. Scooting to the edge of the bed, Eleanor slid off the queen size bed and padded her way into the kitchen. She was hungry for anything but the only thing she could make and reach was the cereal. She reached for the step tool her Nana had gotten her and pushed it toward the counter. She climbed onto it and reached for the cabinet door. She couldn’t reach it so she stood on her tiptoes, tongue peaking past her lips as she opened it and grabbed the box of Corn Pops. After getting the box she reached for the two Disney themed cups on the counter, placed them on the ground and opened the cereal.
After Joe finished brushing his teeth, washing his face and shaving he stepped out of the bathroom expecting to see his daughter still in his bed waiting for him but didn’t. He was running his hands over his freshly shaved face but stopped midway when he noticed his little bundle of joy wasn’t where he left her. He looked around the room, still not seeing her. He walked into the hall–not there either–then down the hall to her room. “Ella?” he called out, peeking his head into her room and only seeing her unmade bed and a few toys out from yesterday. He backed away and walked down the hall toward the kitchen about to call out for his daughter once more but stopped before he could get a word out when he heard things scatter all over the floor and a faint ‘uh oh’ was heard. Joe jogged the rest of the way down the hall to the kitchen to see what happened and to make sure she wasn’t hurt. When he made it, standing in the door frame, he found his daughter crouched down on the ground, two Disney cups on the ground along with spilled Corn Pops everywhere—Ella was crouched down picking up pieces and eating them from the ground. Her dad didn’t know how to react to the situation, he wasn’t sure if he could laugh or redirect her—he was baffled between the two choices. He let out a sigh and Eleanor peaked up from the ground while still shoving cereal in her mouth.
“You were supposed to wait for me peanut,”
“But the tummy monster kept growling at me,” she tried to reason, but still received the disapproval look from her dad, one that didn’t last long. Joe crouched down and started up the cereal.
“Why do you have cups out? We eat with bowl—stop eating the cereal off the ground, Eleanor,”
“Sorry Papa,” she mumbled softly and stopped eating cereal off of the ground. “I got cups because I couldn’t reach the bowls. I got you a cup for your cereal to Papa,” Ella had picked up the cup she got out for Joe and held it out toward him as she sweetly spoke. Joe couldn’t stay mad at her for too long, and what she said there was one of the reasons why—she was too much of a sweetheart not to forgive.
“Thank you peanut,” he smiles and holds out his arms toward her. Ella happily made her way over to Joe and wrapped her little arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug.“How about I finish cleaning this up, get us some bowls out and then we can eat breakfast together?” She beams with excitement, but it doesn’t last long.
“Can we eat from the cups, please?” her big brown eyes stare into his, her bottom lip puckered out just a bit as she gave him her natural puppy dog face. How could he say no to that face and her adorable cheeks? He sighs, nodding slowly.
“Alright fine,” he caves in, receiving his favorite face ever—his little girl smiling. “I still have to clean this up, I’ll get the rest of breakfast ready and then we can eat. Go wash your hands,” he kissed the top of her head before getting back up on his feet. As Ella ran off down the hall to the bathroom, Joe grabbed the broom and swept up the rest of the spilled cereal. He took the box of Corn Pops and poured both he and Ella a cup of cereal—put on a pot of coffee from himself and got another cup out for Ella’s glass of milk. By the time Ella finished washing her hands and made it back into the kitchen, their two cups of cereal–milk in hers and none in his–with fruit were already on the table ready to be eating. She climbs into one of the four chairs–sitting in the one she usually sits in every day–and grabbed the cup of cereal with her tiny little hands. Joe joined her a few seconds later with his cup of coffee in his hand. He took a much needed short sip since it was hot. Ella was already stuffing her face with spoons full of cereal.
The two eat together at the table, Ella watching cartoons on the tv from the family room and Joe checking his emails. The familiar tune of the Doc McStuffins theme song played through the small part of the house with Ella nodded her head and mumbling the words. Joe got a reminder on his phone about his flight back out to the UK tomorrow morning—he had to go back for filming and he was excited about it but, there was a small part of him that wasn’t excited. He was definitely not excited about the part of leaving his little girl, but he kept telling himself not much longer before they could spend all the time in the world together. Believe it or not, Joe was jobless for a short while—sure he did help a few people out here and there with projects, small projects, but he hadn’t had a big project like this one in a long while most of his time was spent on daddy duty. All the sweat, tears, boo-boos and dirty diapers later, it all was worth it because he wouldn’t have it any other way. Who knew being a single parent was hard, no one told him that. He looked over at his daughter who was currently picking up pieces of banana from a bowl and shoving it in her mouth–her eyes never leaving the tv–and smiled softly. Even though they struggle, bump heads and stumble upon bumps in the road, there is still the good moments and the daddy-daughter Mazzello duo is fine on their own.
“Don’t forget you’re going to Nana and Gramps’ house tonight and then staying over for a few days and then you’ll come back home with Halle,” he spoke, catching her attention for only a few seconds before the flashy colors of the tv stole it back.
“How long am I over Nana and Grandpa’s house?” Joe grabbed the cup that her cereal was in, left the bowl of bananas and cleaned up.
“Only for a two maybe three days. If you wanna stay longer you have to ask them, then ask Nana to call Halle so she knows,” His back faced her as he washed the few dishes they used. Ella answered him with a soft okay. “Are you done with your bananas?”
“Mmhm, yup,” she got down from her seat, carrying her bowl over to her dad before he could turn around and grab it himself. He sent her a smile and cleaned that bowl off too—he grabbed a baby wipe and wiped off her hands so she could go play. Joe knew he had to go get her stuff ready since his parents were dropping by together later—he wasn’t being lazy at all, he just wasn’t ready to let her go. It wasn’t like he was handing her over for marriage; god Joe didn’t want to think about those days at all, he knew he would definitely ball his eyes out then. He was only leaving for a few months, but it was the first time in months since he went away for a project, but it had been years since he left for one like Bohemian Rhapsody. Only time would tell how he would handle it for so long.
                                                                                 JOE AND ELLA SPENT THE REST OF THE morning and afternoon having their usual daddy and daughter time. Ella went out with him to get the mail, she picked up her toys in the front room and helped him clean other things, they ate lunch and then played dolls until She took a nap. Once she woke up, Joe let her do whatever as he finished looking at the script sent to him via email—he didn’t look at it much too long after she woke up, he knew his mom was on her way over to get her. Then it was off to the Airport for the man.
Joe stood in his room, moving from end to end gathering the important thing his daughter needed for her stay at her grandparent’s house. She had one bag for clothes and toys and another little one for her toiletries—especially her little hair bands and scrunchies she likes to have in her hair. After his fourth trip into his bathroom for another one of her small items she needed but didn’t have at his parent’s house, he glanced at his watch at the time, which read 4:30. His mom was supposed to be there in the next thirty minutes and he was nowhere near done getting Ella ready. Grabbing a hairbrush and a hair band, Joe yelled out to his daughter to get her to come in the room.
“Ella, princess, come here.” a faint voice called back, then pitter patter followed right after down the hall and to the man’s room. Ella stood in the doorway, head down looking at her tablet as she watched the current episode of Paw Patrol on Netflix. Joe glanced from the task at hand over at his daughter who currently stood in the doorway of his room-making no motive to move from that very spot. “Peanut, please come over here so I can fix your hair before Nana gets here,” he said with a sigh, running a hand through his hair. Ella slowly makes her way over to the bed, her focus was fully on the small device in her hand—blindly leading her own self toward her dad. Just as he was going to advise her about how walking and looking at the tablet could get her hurt, the worlds weren’t able to leave his mouth after the seeing the corners of her mouth drop with a sad expression. His first instinct was to find out what the problem was, his whole body turned into a small panic mood as the rest of his dad instincts kicked in. “What is it?”
Ella carried herself the rest of the way across the room to her dad, lifting up her tablet and showing him the dark loading screen of Netflix. Inside the loading circle, the loading number was stuck at 39. “It’s not working anymore. Paw Patrol went bye-bye,” Joe directed his attention away from the screen and down at the four-year-old; her lip quivered and Joe could tell she was seconds away from crying.
“Hey, Pae Patrol will come back, you just have to wait. Here–” he reached for her tablet, taking it from her hands and sitting it on the bed. He helped her onto his bed. “We can wait for it to load while I fix your hair. If it comes back, you can watch it for a little longer, but you’ll have to stop watching it when I tell you to,” he reassured.
“What if Rider and the pups don’t come back?” he sent her a sad smile—he gestured for her to turn around and she did it even though she really didn’t want to. She was still quite disappointed in the lack of hero puppy action. “Rider and the pups were helping baby turtles get back to their home in the ocean. But there were cars driving really fast,”
“Super fast?”
“Yeah, yeah. really fast. The babies were gonna get crushed!” Ella crossed her legs letting Joe run the purple detangling brush through her hair. Wet, Dry, Curly or straight, it didn’t matter how Ella’s hair was, it always got tangly. After many tests with a whole bunch of different brushes, they finally found the right one. Halle, Ella’s Nanny was approached by a mother recommend her to use the detangling brush for Ella’s hair—she used it all the time for her daughter. Since then, Joe used it none stop. “But Rocky and Marshall were able to help,” As he continued to fix her hair, she kept wiggling around, causing a few scolds from her father to come her way. Every second she would look at the tablet on the bed hoping that her show was back, but it wasn’t. Joe brushed her hair up and back into a ponytail and the tying off her hair with the black hairband around his wrist.
“Alright peanut, all done,” he patted her shoulder and moved away from the bed to put her brush back into the bathroom. When he walked back out, Ella had the same pout as before on and her tablet in her hand. “Is it still not working?” she shakes her head no with her voice sounding defeated. “Well, Papa will take a look at it. Come on, let’s go finish getting ready for Nana and Grampa’s house,” he said, trying to direct her attention from anywhere but the tablet, which worked for the most part. She set the tablet down on the bed, Joe picked her up so that he can make the trip to her room shorter. He placed her down on the ground again and she took off to her closet to pick clothes. After pulling out her second bag–the bigger one–he joins her over at the closet holding her bag open. “Alright Peanut what do you wanna wear over Nana and Gramps’ house?” Only silence was heard but Joe wasn’t too worried about it, especially since a few seconds later Ella walked out with a few outfits of her choice and throwing them in the bag before going back for more. “Don’t get too many you’re only staying a few days.
She responded but her voice was muffled to Joe while he stood outside the closet. “I need play clothes, outside clothes, jammies, and nice clothes when Nana and Gramps take me to church with them,” Even though he didn’t get to hear the first part of her response, he could guess at what it was truly about—she probably made up some rebuttal against his claim. She had a better proposition.
“Ella you do need that many clothes. You’re gonna get all of them dirty before you need to,”
“That’s why I need more!” Joe could only shake his head and chuckle. He blamed himself for her peculiar ways. He was the one who taught her that if she made a mess she needed to change her outfit—probably not the best idea. His mom had gotten on him a few time about it, she told him it was a waste of clean clothing and a waste of laundry detergent for all the outfits Eleanor went through. Yet, every time Ella came home from her Nana and Grampa’s house, she almost always had a new outfit—she always did have a new stuff animal. The mountain size of animals by her window seal was getting ridiculously high. His sister doesn’t say much about it, she knows the struggle he went through when it came to clean clothing and small children—the clothes never stayed clean, it was almost impossible. He really couldn’t argue much with his daughter, and he blamed himself. She came out the closet once more with a few pair of shoes, sticking them in the bag and then holding her arms out. “All done!”
“Alright, go in your wardrobe and grab a few pair of jams and bring them over to the bed,” he turned away from the closet and walked over to the twin bed, covered with Paw Patrol bedding, placed the bag on the bed and took out everything that was in it. He grabbed each clothing item and folded them up to put back in. Ella joined him a minute later holding a few of her nightgowns in hand—her eyes watched Joe fold each item and stick them back into the bag.
“Did you just take all of them out?” she practically almost shouted, earning her a frown from her dad at her sudden crazy state.
“Yeah, Ella I did. Your stuff won’t fit in it if I don’t fold it all,”
“You should have told me that!” she throws her hands up and shook her head. “Would have saved us some time Papa,” in attempt to do just as her father was doing, Ella began to lay her nightgowns out across the bed and fold them in every which way. Joe playfully rolled his eyes as the sass Ella was giving him but smiled watching her mimic his actions. Their cute moment was cut short with the loud church bell type noise from the doorbell. Ella squealed before running off, forgetting the nightgowns on her bed and shouting out words Joe couldn’t make out. He soon followed out of her room to answer the door. Once he made it down the hall, his daughter was pulling her arms through her jacket sleeves, her shoes on but untied, all while jumping in excitement.
“Peanut be careful, your shoes are untied,” Joe told his daughter before he opened the door and the person behind the door was revealed to be his mom. All of her attention went from her putting on her jacket to the older woman standing in the doorway.
“Ella,” the older woman held out her arms ready to catch her and when she did she gave her the biggest hug. “Are you ready to have some fun with Nana and Grampa?” Ella nodded her quickly, turning her head to look at her dad with her smile of excitement. “Your ponytail looks so good Eleanor,”
She turned her head “Thanks, Papa did it, do you like it?”
“I do like it, Papa is getting practice isn’t he?” Joe’s mom reached behind Ella grabbing her jacket sleeve and helping her put the jacket one. During their little reunion, Joe had gone and grabbed Ella’s stuff from her bedroom and he walked back out to the foyer to where the girls were.
Ella nodded, pulling her ponytail out of her jacket. “The vacuum helps him a lot too,”
“The what?” the older woman said startled. She wasn’t sure if she heard her right, but once Ella repeated herself, she sent her son a very glooming look, one he couldn’t help but smile sheepishly at. “Joseph Francis Mazel—”
“I wasn’t hurting her, right peanut?”
“Mhmm,” he gestured over to his daughter, hoping her answer would help him reason with his mom; the glowering look didn’t cease. “I just used it to get all over her hair together for the ponytail.”
“You don’t use a vacuum on your daughter’s hair Joseph.” his mother pinched the bridge of her nose. She ran through the thoughts in her head looking for anywhere in her life where she might have forgotten a fork in his childhood road, but she knew there were a few, but she was the best mother she could be to the man. Even though he still made dumb decisions at 35, she could admit she couldn’t be more proud of him. He’s got through many obstacles the universe had thrown his way, he’s learned from his mistakes–and still learning–and most of all he’s learned how to be a dad. He treats his daughter like the princess she is and there’s with doubt for the amount of love he had for her. Joe’s mom was proud to say she was proud of all her children.
“Alright I’m already, let’s go people!” Ella stood by the door with a bag in each hand. Her body lolled more to one side since one bag was heavier than the other. “You to Papa, let’s go,”
“Peanut…” he gave her a sad smile, taking a few strides forward to get to her and crouching down to meet her level.
“You said we were going to Nana and Gramp’s house, didn’t you?”
“Princess I think you got it mixed up. Papa isn’t going with you to Nana and Gramp’s. Papa has to get on a plane-” he took his arms, raised them in the air and motioned his hands like an airplane in the sky. “-and fly over the ocean for his job. And you are staying over Nana and Gramp’s house for a few days until Halle can come to get you,” Ella frowned as his words began to process, but she was still confused about why he couldn’t come. Even though it was a small smile, Joe still sent her one to hopefully reassure her that all was okay, but she didn’t like that. Ella took a step back and shook her head.
“No, you told me that you’ll always be with me wherever I go, even if it’s to Nana’s house.” before he could even think of a response, she ran off down the hall. Joe looked over his shoulder at his mom with a somber expression.
“She’s really having trouble with this, she’s never-”
“She’s only four Joseph, she won’t understand everything we say. She’s always by your side, she’s attached to your hip.”
“I’ve left for projects before this one, she’s never acted like this. It felt like a stab in the heart when she said that; I’d never leave her. I’m what she has left of a parent, and she’s all I have left too,” He really couldn’t wrap it around his head, he didn’t understand why and what would make his little girl say that. He’s been at this parenting thing for four years, you would think by now he would have enough experience to be intermediate, but every time he thinks that the universe shows him he’s still a beginner.
“Those were smaller projects, projects where you were gone for no longer than a few days. This one is bigger, you’ll be away for months Joseph,”
With a sigh, he nodded his head and stood from his crouched position. “Yeah, I need to go talk to her, hopefully, help her understand better. He walked through the foyer and then down the hall to his daughter’s room–his mom’s eyes watching him until he disappeared behind the cream colored wall. He got to the room at the end hall, the room decked out in purple and pink with unicorns displayed everywhere, even on the door. The door was partly open so Joe had to push it open more to see into the room. There on the bed with her head down and arms crossed was Ella. Her lip puckered out completing the pouty look she was going for. He made his way over to her, adjusted his pant legs and crouched down till they were about the same leave. She knew her dad was there, but she refused to look at him—turning her head away so she didn’t accidentally look him. "Peanut… I think you’re big enough for us to have big kid talks. We’re gonna call them….our world-famous talks, okay?” He paused for a second to come up with a name, his voice was hopeful. He was hoping she would break and give him a look, he didn’t want to leave her upset. That would leave him upset and he couldn’t do what he loved to do—besides taking care of and loving his loving daughter. “Dad to daughter, Princess to Papa,”
“Why are you leaving me?” she said finally speaking up, but still refusing to look at him.
“Princess,” he reached a hand toward her cheek and turned her head gently till she was facing him. “I’m not leaving you, I would never ever ever leave you and daddy promises that. Papa just has to go work so he can still have money to take care of you,”
“Nana can give you the money, her and Gramps have lots of it,” His heart leaped when brown met with brown.
“No honey, Nana and Gramps need that money to take care of each other, Daddy still has money but in order to keep taking care of you, he needs to sometimes work and earn some money. That’s what big people do. Listen, even though I won’t be here at home with you a lot soon doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I’ll still call you when you have your iPad we can facetime when I’m not busy. I’m always one call away,”
“Are you still gonna have dancing parties with me?” she asked and he nodded. “What about singing our song to me before I go to bed?”
“I’ll try my best every night too. I won’t be able to do it in person but I can sing it over the phone and facetime. But your Nana or even gramps can sing it to you. Or if uncle John is over he can sing it. Nana told me earlier that your cousins and aunt Mary are visiting while you’re there,” he suggested. Joe wasn’t sure how flexible his schedule would be now that he was starting filming when he got back to England. He was able to get away at the beginning with just rehearsals and lessons, but now he had to buckle down and get filming down. He’s been traveling a lot more, staying up late hours until he was off the hook; he’s been in a different time zone so by the time it was bedtime for Ella, it’d be in the early am hours for him.
She shook her head again “I don’t like other people singing our song, it’s our song. Ella and Papa’s.”
“I know peanut,” they both looked at each other for a moment until he looked away. He rubbed his forehead with a sigh, convinced that he might just have to mess around with his schedule because he thinks Ella wouldn’t be able to stand the time apart. He put the blame on himself because he barely went anywhere without her and if he did–as his mother said–it was only for a few days but he did miss her like hell. He knew that the directors wouldn’t like it but it was his only choice.
“I’ll miss you,” Ella shuffled off her bed, her face only mere inched away from Joe’s. When he looked up, he was met with her doe brown eyes, the same eyes that gave him joy, the ones that reminded him that if he isn’t doing it for her, then it’s wrong; everything he did as for her. Ella leaned in and kissed him on the nose before wrapping her little arms around his neck and giving him a hug.
“I’ll miss you to my little peanut,” just for a second, he closed his eyes and soaked up the moment. When he pulled away, he made sure to look her directly in the eyes, hold back his tears seeing her eyes watering and put on his brave face. “But now we have to put on our brave faces now. We have to be brave while we go through this okay? Alright, let me see your brave face; let me see that smile of yours,” She blinked her tears away—a few fall down her cheeks but she wipes them away and gives her dad the best smile she could. “That’ a girl. I know that we gotta keep this bravery thing up but, I want the biggest, most gigantic hug you can give in the whole entire world right now,” She squeezed him tightly, being lifted in the air as he hugged her back, and leaving kisses all over her face—she giggled with all the tickily kisses and her laugh was like music to his ears.
Joe took a seat on the bed, seating her on his lap and sighing happily. “Are you gonna be good for Nana, Grampa, and Halle?” he asked, she nodded it. “Good,” he placed another kiss against her cheek, earning a smile. Ella popped up from his chest and reached behind him to hand him her favorite stuffed animal.
“Here, a present for you for when you get sad. You’ll have Mr. Jelly Bean there with you to remind you I’m always with you.”
“Peanut are you sure? It’s your favorite animal, your unicorn,”
“I still have Lucy Unicorn, Jelly Bean’s sister. She’ll keep me company,”
“Well in that case,” he started before reaching in his shirt and pulling out the necklace he had around his neck and pulling it off. Hanging against the chain sat two silver bands. One of those bands had diamonds fitted on top. Ella was too young to know what they meant and what they were at the moment. She had never seen the bands before, but now that she had, she was curious about them. “I’m going to give you these to hang on to. Now I trust you with all my heart to take care of these and to not lose them. They’re important to Papa,”
“What are they?” she asked.
“Well remember the story I told you about how two people loved each other so much that they tried to so their love in so many ways? Well, this was one way—they decided to get married to make it official to everyone that they loved each other and these were the rings they wore.”
“You and mommy?” He nodded his head slowly and put the necklace around her neck.
“Promise to keep it safe okay?”
“I will, I promise.”
“And when you look at them you’ll remember that I’m always with you and that I love you with all of my heart. I wouldn’t be me without you. I’d just be a grumpy old man with a sparkly cape—mad because he doesn’t have a princess to give him unicorn dust,” a small giggle was heard causing the man’s pouty face to flatter a little. Ella covered her mouth to hide her giggles and smile but it didn’t work.
“No matter how big I get, you’ll always be my Super Rainbow Sparkle hero, Papa,” Those words hit him straight in the heart. They affected him more than he intended them to but he loved the gushy, lovey, feeling he got. His hearted burst with love and it gravitated to his daughter. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and hugged him with so much love. So much love that he knew she would feel it even when he wasn’t with her because he loved her to the moon and back.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Never have regrets; Joe Mazzello x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well here I have another Secret Santa gift. As a part of the Get Down Give Joy giveaway I would like to present @stewielover95​ with your fic. Yes dear I am your secret Santa. I really hope you like this fic in the end, I struggled with it at first but then I finally had a good direction to go with it. Anyways I also want to thank @warriorteam1924​ and @thosequeenboys​ for creating this splendid give away, after the LONG AND HELLISH year that 2020 has given us, it was very sweet of them to create this little give away to brighten up our holiday spirit (esp. since we can’t really see our families this year. Even if you can, PLEASE BE SAFE!!!). Now I’ll stop typing so that you all can start reading, hope everyone enjoys this lovely little fic with our beloved dino boy Joey Mazzello :) 
Warnings: Joe’s chaotic child behavior (MAY CAUSE CAVITIES), fluff, parental angst, parent death, mentions of suicide, a small very subtle HINT of COVID (word isn’t mentioned but still think I should give warning), 
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I was peacefully sleeping.  After working long hours at my job I wanted nothing more than to just stay in bed all day and sleep until lunchtime.
“Hey baby~” Joey’s voice cooed in my ear.  I felt him kiss my cheek and I let out a tired groan. “Good morning.”
“Joey!” I whined. “Go back to sleep.”
“No. The sun’s awake, so I’m awake. Which means we have to snuggle and make out.” I cracked an eye open and looked up at him.  His auburn hair all messed up from his constant tossing and turning that he does in his sleep.
“We’ll make out when the rooster crows.”
“But babe there aren’t any roosters in New York.”
“Exactly.” He faux a gasp as he collapsed back on the bed.
“How could you? And I thought you loved me?! I knew it. You’re only in it for the money! Or the childhood fame crush! Or was it for Ben? It was for Ben wasn’t it! I knew you two were having an affair behind my back!” god he was such a drama queen.  But he was my drama queen.
“Yes we’ve been sneaking in text messages behind your back.” I teased him.
“Okay that’s it!” I then felt him wriggle himself under the covers and I felt myself go from my stomach to my back in a split second.
“Joseph Francis Mazzello III! What the f—NO AHHH NO DOHOHOHN’T! DON’T TICKLE ME!!” I thrashed around trying to get him off of me but he had me pinned right down to the bed.
“You gonna get up now?” I heard him say from under the covers.
“JOHOHOHOE!!!” I screamed out in laughter. “Plehehehehease!”
“No not until you either say you’re gonna wake up. Or until I hear an apology.” Then I heard the dreaded sound and feeling of his deadly raspberries being blown on my stomach, just an inch over my bellybutton.  And it was even worse now that he was growing out his beard.
“Okay! OK! OK! OK! OKAY STOP! I surrender! I surrender!” his head soon peaked out from the covers as his face was just a few inches away from mine.  His shit-eating grin spread across his face, while his eyes twinkled with that same mischievous spark that made me fall in love with him. “I hate you.” I whined.
“Aww and I hate you too.” He moved closer to my lips and kissed me. “I hate you—so much.” His voice lowered down as he deepened the kiss. I felt his hands cup the sides of my face while my arms wrapped around him.
My right-hand stroking through his already messy hair while my left wrapped around his back.  After what felt like an eternal make out session, we finally separated from each other and stared at one another.
“Alright you have my attention Joey.”
“Yay!” he cheered softly. “But in all seriousness, we need to get up. We promised my mom that we’d help with the Christmas decorations.”
“Okay. Now get off me yah goober so that we can help her.” He got off of me and I sat up but I was quickly pulled back onto the bed, laying against Joe’s chest.  Him grinning smugly at me as he kissed me on the lips.
“Sorry, had to get my morning kiss from you.”
“And the morning make out session wasn’t enough for you?”
“Morning make outs and morning kisses are two completely different things.” He told me in that philosophical tone of his.  You know the one you use to make yourself sound smarter.
“Ahh I see. Well thank you Professor Mazzello on explaining the differences between the two.”
“That’s Dr. Mazzello to you. But you are most welcome. Anything for my best student.” I pecked his nose and got back up but found myself being pulled back again towards Joe.
“Sorry, sorry I couldn’t resist. Okay for real this time, go on. I’m right behind you.”
“Why don’t you go first and I’ll be right behind you?” I suggested.  He sighed and pulled the covers off of us and went to sit up but this time I grabbed his hand and pulled him back onto the bed.  I pecked his lips before taking off out of the room.
We both raced down the stairs and towards the living room when I felt Joey catch me in his arms, pick me up and spin me around.  Laughing manically while he did it.  I myself couldn’t help but giggle when a female voice said.
“Ah-uh Joseph! No horse playing in the house.”
“Sorry mom.” He said as he sat me down.
“Sorry about that mama.” I said.
You see, Joe and I had been dating for practically ten years. We actually met through our good friend Rami way back when we were all on the Pacific.  I was part of the costume department, and I was Rami’s assistant costumer.  So whenever he got into Snafu’s character of course he tried to flirt with me and I’d play along off of his character telling him he didn’t have a chance.
Between takes the three of us became thick as thieves and kept in contact.  Then one day when we were all on break, Rami set Joe and I up to meet at the beach so that the two of us could talk to each other.  At the time of filming, Joe and I had been really shy around each other and we both liked each other (of course neither of us had the guts to say it to the other).
But after spending our break at the beach together that’s when Joe made the first I love you confession and—the rest is history as they say. When the three of us reunited for Bohemian Rhapsody and got to know Ben, Lucy, Allen, and Gwilym, our little family had now grown bigger.  And it was after filming a concert scene in Japan (with some help from the actual Queen band themselves) that Joe (yes still dressed as early 70’s John Deacon) proposed to me.
So for 2 years he and I had been married.  Of course like all couples we have our fights and disagreements but in the end we patch through them and not let it run our lives. Oh and I almost forgot, since I had been so close with the Mazzello family throughout our entire relationship, I had the privilege to call Joe’s parents, my parents even before we got married.
“I swear you both remind me of—” that’s when mom trailed off sadly as she looked down.  Joe and I grew sad too as we thought about his dad.
“We miss him too mom. God I—I can’t believe this will be our 3rd Christmas without him.” Joe said as he walked towards his mom and gave him a hug.
“As much as I wish he could be here with us, he wouldn’t want us to be sad on his favorite holiday.” She told us.  She took a deep breath in and cleaned her eyes of her hidden tears. “There now, I’ve got breakfast all ready for you two. Once you’re done, Joseph, I want you to bring in the Christmas boxes from the garage and set them in the living room. (Y/n), you and I will get the Christmas decorations from the attic.”
“Ma’am yes ma’am!” We both saluted.  We went to the kitchen and ate our breakfast.  After that we went to our stations and helped Mama Mazzello with the Christmas decorating.
It took almost all day but we came to a pretty good stopping place today decorating wise.  We put up some of the minor Christmas displays up all over the house (like small animal plushies, Christmas pictures of the Mazzello family throughout the years, etc.) Joe managed to get all the outdoor decorations set up and displayed, and mama and I set up the Christmas placemats on the tables.
It was now a bit past 5pm and it was pitch black outside. Joey and I were cuddled together on the sofa and I looked out the window and shook my head.
“I still can’t get over the fact that it gets dark at freakin 4o’clock now.”
“I know it’s crazy. My mom’s never liked it, have yah mom?”
“Oh it messes up my schedule everytime!” Mom cried out from the kitchen as she was prepping dinner.  “Hey (Y/n) are your mom and Derek still coming to the party?”
“Yeah. They said they’d be taking the train from Virginia instead of the plane. I think they said they’d be coming up sometime next Wednesday. I’ll call them later tonight to confirm that.”
“Alright well I’ll get the guest room set up for them.”
“You know you don’t need to do that.”
“Nonsense you guys are family. And it’ll be a lot safer here at the house than taking a hotel room with everything that’s going on.” She said.
“Yeah that is true. Thanks mama.”
“Okay well come and make a plate you two, dinner’s ready.” We stood up and got our dinner (steak and potatoes) and ate at the dinner table while playing on Freeform’s 25 days of Christmas was the Santa Clause.
Weeks later and it was the day before the Mazzello Christmas party and arriving in less than an hour was my mom and Derek.  If your curious as to why I call my dad Derek, well he’s not really my dad. He’s my stepdad but I really do care for him.
He and my mom met up shortly after I graduated from high school after my parents divorced.  My real dad and I…well—we don’t talk at all.  Our relationship is very strained so why don’t we just leave it at that?  But when my mom met Derek, he’s been the father I wished I had.
He’s loving, supportive, kind, funny, and he’s always there whenever my mom or I needed him.  He was there for me when Joe and I were going through a bad patch in our relationship, he was there for all my birthdays and movie premieres, and he was even the one to walk me down the aisle at mine and Joe’s wedding.
I was doing the last final touches of cleaning up the house for my mom and Derek’s arrival, as well as Joe’s siblings, nieces, and nephews. I heard the door open and a stampede of footsteps soon came running towards me.
“Auntie (Y/n)! Auntie (Y/n)!” I was soon glomped by 4 little nuggets.
“Hey there kiddies. Oh I’ve missed you four soo much! How have you all been?”
“I lost another tooth see?” Joe’s niece Samantha said opening her mouth to show me her missing tooth.
“I learned how to ride my bike!” his nephew Matthew aka Matty exclaimed.
“Oh big boy now huh? Bet you were better than your uncle Joey was.”
“I heard that!” Joe called out.  He along with this brother and sister came through the living room and I hugged my brother and sister in laws.
“Hey guys Merry Christmas.” I greeted them.
“Merry Christmas (Y/n).” his sister Mary said as she and I hugged each other first.
“Even though Christmas isn’t until tomorrow.” His brother John said.
“Okay Scrooge. Get over here John.” He gave me a kiss to my cheek and the two of us embraced each other. “Joe’s told me about your little league’s championship win. That’s amazing.”
“Yeah those kids did me proud.”
“You know if you could convince Joe and (Y/n) to hurry up with getting kids of their own, they might give you some new champions.” A female voice soon spoke up.  Soon coming around the corner of the house along with Mama was my own mom as well as Derek.
“Mom!” I whined.
“Now, now (m/n) don’t go pressuring her just yet. There’s still plenty of time for her and Joe to have kids. Say when their 50.” I chuckled and shook my head at Derek’s statement.  I walked up to them and first hugged my mom.
“Did you guys have a safe train ride?” I asked.
“It went well. Much less crowded than I expected.”
“That’s cause you’ve always done the Metro mom. Metro and train are two totally different things.” I told her.  I turned to Derek and he said with a smile as he extended his arms out.
“Come here baby girl.” I smiled and went into his arms and the two of us hugged each other. “Don’t just wait till the holidays to come see us. How will your mother and I survive?”
“I’m sorry Derek, work’s just been crazy lately. Directors have been wanting me to do costume designing and fittings for them left and right.” I said as we released each other from the hug.
“And why wouldn’t they? You’re incredibly talented.” Joe said as he came up and quickly pecked my cheek.
“He’s right. I remember you staying up way past your curfew designing costumes for your tech theatre class back in high school.” Derek continued. “And all those times of drawing on napkins and the corners of the morning paper. I swear you doodled sketches like it was no one’s business.”
“You stayed up pass curfew?” my mother snapped.
“Thanks a lot Derek.” I muttered angrily.
“Hey had to come out sometime right?” I playfully nudged him and said to my mom.
“That’s in the past mom. No need to talk about it now.”
“Oh you can be sure we’ll discuss that later little missy.” She lectured as she waved her finger at me.
“Alright, now the rooms have all been prepared for you all in advance. Mary, John you’ll take your old rooms. (M/n) and Derek the guest room has been made up for you all and of course the kids get the cloud bedroom.” The kids all cheered. “Now everyone drop your bags off in your designated rooms and we can all gather around the table for some dinner.”
I helped mom with her bags and guided her and Derek to the guest room while Joe went to help his mom set up the table for dinner.
“So when can we expect future grandbabies from you and Joe (n/n)?” my mom asked.
“If you keep pestering me about that then you won’t have any grandbabies.” I teased her as we came to the room.  “Here we are, I cleaned it up myself. Hope you guys will be comfortable.”
“It’s great (y/n). Thank you.” Derek assured me.
“Tell Virginia we’ll be down in a moment once we’re finished unpacking.” My mom said.  I nodded then left the two of them to unpack their stuff.
As I came down the stairs, I already saw Joe being attacked by all his nieces and nephews.  The kids were climbing all over him like a tree, all of them talking over the other and squealing like little piglets.  
God seeing Joe with those kids it—really did make me want to have kids with him.  He’s already a fun uncle, I’m positive he’d make a great dad.  Probably spoil our kids to no end but—he could be the discipliner if he needed to.
“Ow! Who’s on the head?!” Joe exclaimed.  I shook my head at his nephew Matty who had half of his body on top of Joe’s head.
“Alright you kids break it up.” I told the kids as I grabbed Matty and held him in my arms.
“Auntie (Y/n), will you sing for us tomorrow at the party like you did last year?” He asked me.
“You bet she’ll sing for you kids. And hey how about we do one better. How would you kids like it if your auntie (Y/n) and I performed together?” Joe asked joyously.  But the kids all let out a groan.
“No uncle Joey you can’t sing!” complained Sammy.
“Excuse me?!” Joe gawked offensively.
“Yeah uncle Joey, you don’t have that good of a singing voice.” Matty agreed.
“And too loud sometimes.” His other niece Katie or as I like to call her Kitty-cat said.
“My own kin turned against me. That’s it you three are in BIG trouble. C’mere!” he went to grab his nieces who quickly ran off his lap and hid behind me.
“Save us auntie (Y/n)!” the girls chorused out.  I shielded the three of them and stood before Joe as his face got right up close to mine.
“You know we could team up and catch them together.”
“I don’t betray kids Joe.”
“So—they’ve turned you too. Fine. I’ll take you down first.” Suddenly he picked me up over his shoulder and proceeded to spin me around and around like a helicopter.
“JOEY!!” I exclaimed through my laughter.
“Then surrender the kids to me or the spinning continues.” He threatened.
“Well then this game’s gonna have to be put on hold cause it’s time for dinner.” Joe’s mom spoke up.  The kids all raced to the dinner table while Joe put me back down. I stumbled a little but he caught me and asked.
“You okay?”
“I’ll live. Just next time don’t spin me around so fast.” I kissed the corner of his lips before heading towards the sinner table with Joe right behind me.  Soon enough we all gathered around and had ourselves a pre-Christmas family dinner.
Soon it finally arrived.  The most wonderful time of the year, Christmas eve.  All the gifts were now placed under the tree wrapped up in various Christmas themed wrappings or color schemes of silver, red, gold, and green. Now it was really beginning to look like Christmas.
“Alright guys, as per tradition we shall start off with (Y/n);s annual Christmas performance.” Mama Mazzello said.  I stood up from Joe’s lap as everyone applauded.
Derek at the speakers ready for my signal for him to turn the first song on.  I nodded and he clicked the play button and soon my first song (in fact the very first song I ever sang back when I was a teen for my family) Faith Hill’s “Where are you Christmas”.
It’s also my mom’s favorite song and every year since I sang it back when it came out in 2000 she’s wanted me to sing it just for her. As I sang I could see the tears forming in my mom’s eyes as a wide smile spread across her face and she lip synched the words.  The kids all stared at me in awe, and my beloved Joe Mazzello he was entranced.
He’s always teased me of how I should be a singer instead of a costume designer and back when we were both involved with Bohemian Rhapsody he’s sworn that he’d get me up on stage with Queen and Adam Lambert to sing with them. Thankfully that hasn’t happened (and I hope it continues that way) so Joe’s just had be do private concerts for him.
After the song was done they all clapped as I told Derek my next song and helped him search the right version of the song.
“This one right here?” he asked to confirm.
“Yep that’s the one.” I told him.  I turned back towards the family and now playing on the speakers was Carrie Underwood’s “Do you hear what I hear?” I fingered the piano chords against my thigh, pretending that I was actually playing the keys (even though I can’t play to save my ass, even with Rami’s help).
That song required a lot of breath work and correct timing but I managed to pull it off and once the song concluded everyone clapped again. This time for the final song, I took out two chairs and set them before everyone.
Joe took this as his cue to come up and help me set up the finale song, especially since he was going to be joining me on it this year. We had been practicing this since November, he wrote the script and everything and we rehearsed it and rehearsed it and rehearsed it.
“For this final song I first want to thank my director and partner Joe Mazzello for writing the script for this little skit you will see.” Joe nodded as he came in with two cups of hot chocolate (his being made of almond milk of course).  The two of us sat side by side and Joe clapped his hands together and said.
“And…..action!” I took a sip of my hot chocolate and said my first line.
“I still can’t believe you can finally drink hot chocolate.”
“Hey almond milk saves lives.” He said his line.
“Personally, I’d never drink that stuff but so long as it helps you. I’m glad I could share this tradition with you.”
“Me too babe.” My phone then dinged and I said.
“Oh my god!”
“What? What is it babe?”
“It’s already pass midnight. My mother’s gonna kill me!”
“Whoa, whoa wait a minute. Don’t tell me you’re going out there!” he said as we both stood up and he gestured toward the window.
“I have to Joey. Even if it’s 20ft of snow out there, it’s nothing compared to the wrath of a mother who doesn’t like their baby staying out past curfew.” I broke the 4th wall and turned to my mom who crossed her arms and looked at me with a playful scowl.
“C’mon just give her a call and explain it to her. It’s way too cold out there for you. I won’t let you freeze out there.” Derek then turned on the song “Baby it’s cold outside” the Seth McFarlane and Sara Bareilles version.
The two of us walking in circles of each other with me trying to head out of the living room and Joe coming around in front of me singing Seth’s part while I sang Sara’s.
Every now and then he’d take my hands in his and giving them a kiss.  Or he’d brush a strand of hair out from my face, gingerly brushing my cheek with the back of his finger.  But just as we got to the end of the first verse, there was a knock at the door.
Joe and I stopped singing as Derek cut off the music and we all turned our attention to the door.
“Mom is—anyone else coming?” asked Mary.
“No.” she simply stated.  Four more knocks rang through the house.  The kids were started to get frightened as they ran up to their parents.
“I’ll find out who it is.” Said Mary’s husband Dylan.
“No, no, no. You just stay with your kids Dylan. I’ll go see who it is.” Derek offered as he left the living room.  After about a minute my mom followed behind him and the next thing I heard was my mom saying.
“What are you doing here!?” it—it couldn’t be.  I raced out of the living room as Joe tried to reach out for me and stop me but he was too late.  I came around and walked down the small hallway staircase that led to the front door and there at the door was someone I hoped I’d never see again.
For there standing at the door in his famed fedora hat was my dad.
He looked older than the last time I saw him, his hair going grey from the stress and wrinkles forming at the end of his eyes.
“I know I don’t have a right to be here, but……”
“That’s right you don’t!” I snapped.  My mom and Derek looked up at me.
“(Y/n) go back upstairs. Derek and I can handle this.” My mom told me.
“(Y/n)?” my dad asked in awe.  I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest. “Wow look—look at you. You’re……practically grown up.”
“Yeah.” I snapped shortly. “You’d know if you’d pay attention instead of just criticizing me all the time.”
“I know. I……that’s actually why I came here.”
“How did you even know we’d be here (F/n)?” my mom asked.
“Well as part of the NYPD I’ve been—keeping tabs on our daughter. And found out who she married and where she was currently living at.”
“You’ve been spying on me!? Great even when you’re no longer apart of this family you still have to spy on everything I do!” I snapped. “So have you come to complain about my husband now? How I should’ve married a doctor or a cop? How I’ve thrown my life away by marrying an actor?”
“No.” he said. “I haven’t come to do anything like that. I just…..”
“No you know what? Let me start off since you never listened to me then, but you’ll hear me now!”
I walked down the steps and even though my mother tried to get me to go back upstairs, I got out of her arms and got right in my dad’s face and sneered at him.
“For years I’ve tried to be the perfect daughter you said you wanted! And for my childhood I tried to follow in your footsteps. But as I became a preteen you began to nitpick at everything! The color of my hair, what type of clothes I should wear, how I should wear my makeup, you even didn’t like the fact that I wanted to get my ears pierced! Said it was for criminals and goth kids to get their bodies pierced. You called me a delinquent!”
“I-I-I know I did. But now I’m……”
“It doesn’t matter what you have or want to say. The verbal abuse you gave me throughout my life has been nothing but a stab at my self-esteem. I tried to commit suicide by the time I was 16 because of you! You did that!”
“I’m sorry (Y/n).”
“Where was the sorry back then? Where was it? All you told me after I got back from the hospital was that it was my fault for disobeying you.” I once again got in his face and sneered lowly, “So whatever you have to say forget it.”
I turned around and walked up the steps.  As I got halfway up my dad tried to say to me.
“(Y/n) please. I’m trying to make amends for that now. I know I’ve done and said awful things to you in the past. And looking back on it, it’s made me feel absolutely disgusted with myself. I’m your father, please forgive me.  It’s Christmas time.” I lowered my head before turning my head towards him.
“Derek’s my father. Now get the fuck out of my life.” I said lowly to him while I glared at him.  I ran back up the stairs and headed right towards Joe’s room.  I slammed the door and hid myself in the corner of his room, curled myself up into a tight ball, and tried to keep my tears at bay but every now and then a tear fell from the corner of my eye.
I heard the door open and softly shut.  The bed softly dipped down; and the familiar smell of Joe’s cologne hung in the air.
“Please Joe I—I’m not in the mood.”
“I know. That’s not why I came up here though.” I felt him rub my back in soothing circles. “Baby girl, I—I think you should really talk to your dad.” I raised my head up at him, my jaw dropped in shock and my eyes bug-eyed.
“You can’t be serious.”
“C’mon babe it’s Christmas…..”
“So?! I already spoke my mind to him!”
“No. You ranted in anger. You’re not supposed to be angry or any other negative emotion during Christmas.”
“Joe you—” I took a sharp breath in. “I’ve told you what he’s done to me. The neglect and verbal abuse he gave me. How am I supposed to suddenly let it go and forgive him!?”
“I know it’s not easy…..”
“I don’t believe this….you’re actually taking his side!!” I snapped as I backed away from him.
“I’m not! All I’m saying that is if you continue to hate him for the rest of your life, you’ll never be truly happy. Babe please I’m just thinking about what’s best for you.”
Oh my god—it couldn’t be.  He wouldn’t…….
“You called him.”
“What? No!?”
“No. No, no, no, no, no, no, not-it-it-it all makes sense. How else could he pick up this address? That whole detective bullshit you reached out to him and called him up didn’t you!?”
“(Y/n) I—”
“TELL ME THE TRUTH!!” I screamed at him.  Silence rang out through Joe’s childhood room as he and I stared eye to eye with each other.  Not a single one of us flinching or breaking eye contact.
“Even if it was me, as I told you I was only trying to help.”
“How!?” I snapped. “Be thankful your dad died a good man!” At the mention of his dad, Joe’s face grew hard and angry.
“I know. I was lucky. My dad was a kind man, and generous and forgiving. But get this (Y/n), I won’t get to experience that type of father love ever again! And I would give anything to have him back here! To have gotten to know you as my wife instead of my girlfriend! To one day see our children! So be thankful that your father is still alive and healthy!” his voice quivered and choked as his voice got steadily louder.
“Joe, I—”
“All I wanted was for you to make amends with your dad because you never know which day will be your last!” he stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut.
Goddamnit! Now I feel like shit.  I sighed heavily and fell down onto the bed and felt the tears stream down my face.
After calming myself down and cleaning myself up, I walked downstairs and there was my mom, Derek, Joe’s mom, and siblings.  The kids weren’t there so I assume Mary and John sent them to bed after what had happened.
“If you’re wondering where Joe is he left. Didn’t say where he went he just—took his coat, hat and scarf and just left.” John said.
“I wasn’t going to ask that.” I walked over to my mom and said. “Where’s (f/n)?”
“Please mom I—just tell me where he went.” I said urgently.
“He told me he was staying at the Milton motel just 15min. away from here.” I raced and grabbed my winter gear and keys.  My mom calling out to me but I didn’t hear her as I got on my bike and took off down the streets.
When I arrived at the Milton, I went up to the front desk and asked to see a (F/n) (l/n), I told the concierge that I was someone close to him. She called him up and told me he’d be down in a minute.
I sat down in the lobby and waited for him to come down.  I heard the elevator ding and soon coming out of it was (F/n).  He turned to his left and when he saw me, his eyes widened.
“(Y/n)?” I stood up.  He slowly walked towards me. “But I thought—”
“First I want to say this before I say something else. You suddenly showing up the way you did was uncalled for. You can’t expect an apology after the years of neglect and verbal abuse you gave me. Even from the smallest little thing about me that I wanted to change, you insulted me to no ends.” I took a deep breath. “And as much as I want to never want anything to do with you again—someone once told me that if I continue to hate you for the rest of my life, I’ll never be truly happy.”
“I’ve looked back on my actions and every day I hate myself for what I’ve done to you. So—will you give me another chance?”
“I won’t forgive you right away and start calling you dad.”
“I’ll take what I can get. Thank you (Y/n).” he extended his hand out for me to take.  For the first time in years I took my dad’s hand and we shook on it.  “Do you want to spend Christmas day with us tomorrow?”
“I’d like that very much. Plus I’d—I’d like to get to know the man that stole your heart.” My eyes widened.
“Joe! Shit I almost forgot! Ohh but where could he be? He could be anywhere!”
“Just a minute (Y/n), let me make a call.” He took out his phone and made a call. “Hey Jeremy, it’s me. Yeah hey listen I know it’s the holidays but I need your tracking skills.” I saw him nod and hum in agreement, “Okay just a second,” he placed the phone down against his shoulder and asked me, “Do you have his number?”
I told him Joe’s number and he relayed that to his friend. Wow I guess he really is a police officer.
“Really? Great. Thanks Jeremy. Yes you have a Merry Christmas too. See you after the New Year. Bye.” He hung up his phone and said. “His cell was last pinged at the Rockefeller Center.” I thanked him and raced out of the motel and back to my bike.  I revved it up and raced on down to Rockefeller Center.
The monument around Christmas time.  I stood before the giant, beautiful tree and raced towards it on foot.  I looked around for Joe till I finally found him on the other side of the two angel statues playing their horns.
“Joe!?” he turned around and looked at me before glaring softly and turned back around.  I raced towards him but he still refused to look at me.  “Joey……I—I talked to him. My dad. And—it’s gonna take some time but I…..I told him I’d give him another chance.” He didn’t respond back, hell he still didn’t even look at me. “I was way out of line. I shouldn’t have accused you like that. I mean, even if you did call him I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I was angry and—those feelings that my dad gave me when I was a kid I’ve tried to bury them for years. And seeing him for the first time in forever it—made me feel like that extremely insecure girl I once was. And I didn’t want you to see me like that.”
Again, he remained silent and stoic.
“And I shouldn’t have mentioned your dad. He wouldn’t have wanted us to fight, especially on his favorite holiday. I’m sorry Joe.” Nothing. Not even a smug Deacy grin. “Joey?” why wasn’t he answering me?
I slowly approached him and everytime I tried to lean forward to look at him, he just turned his head further away from me.
“Joe please? What more do you want me to say? You were right and I was wrong? That Ben should really be with you instead of Gwil? What can I say that will help you say something to me?” he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed at me.
I sighed sadly and looked up at him.  Okay, I get it.  Guess he’s really upset with me and I could possibly expect him to go stay with Rami and Lucy for the next month or so.
“Alright. I get it. You don’t want anything to do with me anymore. I deserve it. I was a real bitch to you. But I just want you to know that I’ll always love you, and that I hope you find the right girl for you. Even if it’s not me.” I turned and walked away from him when I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me up against a comfy coated chest.
“And just what makes you think that I would want anyone else?”
“What?” he gave me a cheeky grin. “Oh you son of a—” I proceeded to hit him in his chest screaming profanities at him.  All the while he kept laughing and holding my arms back.  He then proceeded to peck all over my face with kisses.
Soon my anger turned to laughter as I calmed down and surrendered to his kisses.
“You’re a real jerk sometimes you know that.”
“But you married me in the end right?” I nodded as he once again wrapped his arms around me.  “So you really talked to your dad? Not just yelled at him.”
“Yes. I—even invited him for Christmas lunch tomorrow.”
“Well look at you making progress!” he exclaimed proudly before taking off my beanie and ruffled my hair.  I exclaimed and tried to shoo his hand away from my head.  He chuckled then readjusted my hair to some level of normalcy.  “In all seriousness babe, I’m glad you took my advice.”
“Yeah. I mean like you said, I’ll never truly be happy till I let go of my anger. And I haven’t realized til now just how much that anger has been weighing me down.”
“I could see it every time your dad was even mentioned. I hate seeing you be that angry.” he embraced me from behind, nuzzling his nose into my hair.
“I’m—also sorry about….you know what I said about your dad.” He placed my head over his chest.
“I forgive you. We were both angry and said the first thing that came to mind.”
“But I shouldn’t have spoken ill about your dad. He really was a sweet guy.”
“That he was.” He smiled the smile he inherited from both his parents.
“Like father like son.” I giggled.  He chuckled and took my hand then as we walked back to my bike, we both looked up and saw that snow was starting to fall.
“Well, looks like we’re getting a White Christmas after all.” He said.
“Indeed, just prepare for the avalanche of feet from the munchkin army come morning.”
“Don’t I know it. But you’re also forgetting one other kid.” He looked at me confused. “You yah big man child!”
“Hey you’re just as crazy about snow as I am!” we then proceeded to nag at each other over who was a bigger fan of the snow, even going as far as to see who would crack first tomorrow morning once we’d see the snow on the ground.
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tommyismymainranger · 7 years
Got tagged by @swampygirl (Thank you xxx)
1. Relationship status: In a relationship with @delightfullybritishgoldar for 10+ years
2. Favourite colours: Green, white, red, black (lol Power Rangers/Tommy joke, sorry)  Ahh, I don’t know! I really love rainbows lol but I guess teal, turquoise, purple
3. Lipstick or chapstick: I’d rather wear chapstick but I always put on lipstick when I go out
4. Last song: Strange by Here Come the Mummies
5. Last movie: The X-Files: I Want To Believe 
6. Top 3 shows: I’m ironically terrible at picking favorites so I’ll just say I’ve been watching Stranger Things, X-Files and Power Rangers of course–Dino Thunder atm, also Sun Vulcan for our Super Sentai watch through
7. Top 3 ships: I’m really not much of a shipper, but I love Joey & Pacey, Tommy & Kimberly, and Mulder & Scully
I tag… Ahh, I don’t know who hasn’t done this already? @anyone who wants to join in, seriously because I get scared to tag people (On a similar note, yay! I actually managed to do this one. Well, I mean post it. I often write these up, but have trouble actually posting them because of my anxiety.)
@imaginarybird @mysuperlexy43vr-aka-weirdo @mleighsquickspot @seraphimkouenki (Of course I understand if you don’t feel like doing this)
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edmlifeofficial · 6 years
Iceland's Secret Solstice Festival 2018 Final Lineup with Dubfire + Lee Burridge!
A new post has been published on EDM Life at http://edmlife.com/icelands-secret-solstice-festival-2018-final-lineup-with-dubfire-lee-burridge/
Iceland’s Secret Solstice 2018 Festival is returning next month for its fifth edition on June 21-24 for 96 hours of consecutive sunlight in the capital city of Reykjavik. Final lineups have been announced for Secret Solstice Festival 2018 and its side parties.
Secret Solstice Festival 2018 will be welcoming the debut of Lee Burridge’s party All Day I Dream on Friday, June 22 to the geothermal swimming pool Hreppslaug. This bespoke offsite event will offer the pool party ticket holders complimentary drinks and lunch. Tickets are available here for All Day I Dream at Hreppslaug.
As EDM Life reported in December, Secret Solstice’s Into The Glacier side party will be held at Langjökull, which is a blue ice cave deep inside a glacier 80 feet below the surface. Following his closing set on Friday night on the Fenrir stage, Dubfire will be playing a techno set at Into The Glacier on Saturday, June 23rd. Tickets are available here for Dubfire at Into The Glacier.
Checkout the Secret Solstice 2018 Final Lineup below!
Secret Solstice 2018 Final Lineup 
(*Indicates new additions)
Slayer [US]
Stormzy [UK]
Gucci Mane [US]
Clean Bandit [UK]
Bonnie Tyler [UK]
Death From Above [CA]
Steve Aoki [US]
George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic [US]
Jet Black Joe [IS]
6lack [US]
GoldLink [US]
J Hus [UK]
Charlotte de Witte [BE]
Skream [UK]
Kollektiv Turmstrasse [DE]
Masego [US]
Högni [IS]
GusGus (DJ) [IS]
Gentleman’s Dub Club [UK]
*Dubfire [US]
*Lee Burridge [UK]
*Bjarki [IS]
Agent Fresco [IS]
Ali Love [UK]
Alvia [IS]
Andrea Jóns [IS] *Anton Fitz & Martin Loose-Cuts [UK]
Aron Can [IS]
Artwork [UK]
Ása [IS]
*Ateria [IS]
Bensol [IS]
Between Mountains [IS]
Birgir [IS]
Birgir Hákon [IS]
Birnir [IS]
Captain Syrup [IS]
Carla Rosemary [IS]
CasaNova [IS]
Casio Fatso [IS]
Cell7 [IS] *Cole [IT]
*Colin Perkins [IE]
Cosmic Bullshit [IS] *Daniel Hamilton [ZA]
*Dino Gardiakos [US]
*DJ Caspa [UK]
DJ Frímann [IS]
DJ Karítas [IS]
Dream Wife [UK/IS]
Droog [US]
Earthgang [US]
Egyptian Lover [US]
Elli Grill [IS]
Ern [US]
Fever Dream [IS]
Flóni [IS]
For A Minor Reflection [IS]
Fox Train Safari [IS]
Geisha Cartel [IS *Get Funky DJs [UK]
Gísli Pálmi [IS]
Godchilla [IS]
Grúska Babúska [IS]
Helgi B X Igna [IS]
Hildur [IS]
Holmar [IS]
Huginn [IS]
Indigo Theory [HU]
*Intr0beatz [IS]
J.I.D [US]
J.Phlip [US]
Joey Christ [IS]
John Acquaviva [CA]
Johnny And The Rest [IS]
Jóipé x Króli [IS] *Just William [UK]
Kilo [IS]
Klose One [UK]
KrBear [IS]
Landaboi$ [IS]
Logi Pedro [IS]
Maher Daniel [CA]
Marbs (Desert Hearts) [US]
Marco Faraone [IT] *Martin Marson [ES]
Matt Tolfrey [UK]
*Maxxi Soundsystem [UK]
Mighty Bear [IS]
Mike The Jacket [IS]
*Mókrókar [IS]
0 notes