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yellowmanula · 7 months ago
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kathlesa · 2 months ago
Cute art of a dill pickle. A St Patrick's Day dill pickle holding a mug...
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churchofgladtidingsyubacity · 2 months ago
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Organic Vegetable
Freeze-dried vegetables can be eaten as a crunchy snack or rehydrated to use in recipes. This is a healthy food preservation method, as it retains most of the beneficial plant compounds and nutrients in foods, as well as their color, taste, and appearance.
Pimento Olives Dill Pickles
Shop Now: https://churchofgladtidings.com/embassy-greens
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lordbyronskitchen · 9 months ago
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(via Creamy Dill Pickle Coleslaw)
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walkingstackofbooks · 11 months ago
Phew. Wow. It's far too late, but Keiko's chapter is done, now I've just got Julian's final chapter to do tomorrow and editing and I'll have finished it? Sounds easy when I put it like that 😅
Not quite sure how this has ended up spanning into a 10k word fic in the last 3 days, but sure, I'll take it. Keiko appeared and just started running the story, and who am I to say no to her, y'know?
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wyntergordon · 6 months ago
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A creamy and tangy potato salad with the zesty flavors of dill pickles and fresh dill.
Ingredients: 5 large potatoes, peeled and diced. 1 cup mayonnaise. 1/4 cup Dijon mustard. 1/4 cup dill pickle juice. 1/2 cup diced dill pickles. 1/4 cup chopped fresh dill. 1/2 cup diced red onion. Salt and pepper to taste.
Instructions: It will take about 10 to 12 minutes of boiling the diced potatoes until they are soft enough to pierce with a fork. Bring mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, and dill pickle juice together in a large bowl and mix them with a whisk. Chop up some dill, dice some red onion, and add them to the dressing. Make sure to mix them well. After cooking the potatoes, drain them and let them cool down a bit. Add the potatoes to the dressing and toss them gently until they are well covered. Add pepper and salt to taste. Put it in the fridge for at least an hour before you serve it.
Dominic B
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slippery-domjot-balls · 1 year ago
Klingons routinely slap each other's butts and say "good game" after victory in battle.
drama on DS9 after Martok publicly slaps Bashir's ass and Worf gets mad about it bcuz he doesn't think "the doctor deserves such high an honor"
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olderthannetfic · 29 days ago
This post is so funny because it's supposed to be a list of Bad Things that no one actually wants, and wouldn't it be terrible if the fandom was like this, except two thirds of what it lists is what I already get from Ds9.
Keiko/Kira? That's one of my few F/F OTPs O'Brien/Bashir? I'm a multishipper, I like that one as much as Garak/Bashir. O'Brien/Bilby? Ehh, not so much my thing but I can absolutely see it. Focus on O'Brien as a traumatised woobie? Honestly, it's too bad the show downplayed that side of him. "Neither Keiko or Miles wants this relationship they are both gay and want other people"? Are you telling me that's *not* how their relationship reads?
I don't do DS9 fandom on Tumblr, I just read fic and talk with a fandom of like 3 friends, but this dark alternate AU the post describes is pretty much exactly what I'd expect of the fandom if the show took O'Brien just a little more seriously or if he was part of the main main cast for every single episode instead of the regular main cast in nearly every episode.
What makes the difference is that O'Brien is often played for comic relief and as a supporting plot cog with minimal chemistry, not the actor's build.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 1 year ago
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My friends @the-last-dillpickle and @wanderingwriter87 made a very important post connecting the dots between Heathers and Star Trek DS9 "In the Pale Moonlight" a few months ago and I have been extremely unwell about it ever since
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dreamerdrop · 1 month ago
Work in Progess Tag Game! :3
Was tagged by @idonotbitemythumbatyou to post some wip sentences or excerpts based on the letters for MUSE, so!
Under a cut because… all but one of these are from WIPs about CSA survivor Julian, oops. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
M - Mere moments ago, he’d been in a beautiful post-orgasm bliss, content to spend the night with Garak curled on top of him, cradling the tactile wonder of his scales in comfort.
Now, he only felt disoriented and cold, like he’d been thrown into a pool of ice water without warning.
“That’s… it’s nothing, it’s… it’s just, I’m not, I definitely do not find him arousing, I just-“ Julian stammered, hands balled into fists as he stared at the ground, fixing his gaze on his own slightly twitching toes against the carpet. He watched the muscles in his feet and tendons flex as he cursed himself for not having prepared an answer to this question.
From a thing about CSA survivor Julian and weird trauma responses that I’m hoping to have finished in a few days maaaaaaybe.
U - “Um, listen, uh… I have to go somewhere now, for work. I… Listen, there’s a school teacher, her name is Mrs O’Brien, she’s very nice, I can take you to her and she can-” he’s cut off suddenly by the little boy making an odd sound, like he’s trying to hold back a wail. It’s distinctly unpleasant and hurts Julian’s ears a little.
From an older thing (i.e. I wrote it in October when I was still on my very first watch of the show) I need to sit down and rewrite entirely, but it’s… also about CSA survivor Julian and weird trauma responses… What a coincidence!
S - Smiling fondly, Garak felt a rush of affection in the way even a holographic Julian couldn’t help getting swept away in the excitement of all the minute details involved in such a bizarre fantasy.
“If you need to stop-“
“Garak, I’m a hologram, if I need to stop, I can literally just stop, I don’t even need a safeword, really,” Julian rolled his eyes.
This one is actually planned to be ridiculously schoompy and fluffy, and for a super specific kink that I don’t normally have excuse to do fluffy things with. >:3
E - Eventually, Julian had accepted his fate, and dug Kukalaka out of the drawer, and wondered if he ever had any chance of being normal to begin with.
This is one is… also from a thing about Julian having CSA trauma and weird responses! What an unexpected twist, that’s totally not a theme in my writing or anything lol.
Going to tag some of my favouritest favourite writers in this fandom, because I love every word they’ve ever crafted: @ectogeo-art & @walkingstackofbooks & @hellostuffedtiger & @the-last-dillpickle <3
(And also because they’re horrid enablers who motivate me to write even more psycholgical horror trauma fic.)
For the word… hmmm, maybe SNAKE? ‘Tis the year for it and all, and I hope the alien reptiles in Star Trek fill you all with endless motivation to create.
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idonotbitemythumbatyou · 2 months ago
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Searching for Jessica Sloan
Haunted by guilt over his actions during the Dominion War, Julian Bashir becomes determined to track down his former enemy's widow.
I made it just under the wire! This is my contribution to the 2024 Sloan Fuh-Q Fest created by @hellostuffedtiger, @the-last-dillpickle, and @ectogeo-rebubbles
It's very short but I had fun with this one and I hope you like it!
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kathlesa · 3 months ago
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(via "Big DILL PICKLE Royalty" Sticker for Sale by sartorisart1)
I like to create lots of cute dill pickle designs.
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ashecampos · 10 months ago
Riding it out
Aj Campos x sick reader
Reader x Chantal (twins)
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Warnings : migraines, nausea, anxiety, basic illness stuff, fluff, my terrible spelling
Summary : reader is sick and her girlfriend aj comes to comfort her, little does aj know reader hasn’t been looking after herself, even going as far as dragging herself into school.
You hated being sick, the word hate would be a massive understatement for how much being sick made you feel. Your parents are out of town attending to the company they own. Leaving you and your twin sister Chantal to fend for yourself.
Another fit of coughs racks your body, your lungs burn with this being the fifth coughing fit already with it only being 8 am, you had another half an hour before school started and you where dreading it. Throwing on one of your girlfriends hoodies and a pair of grey sweatpants you cough again, grabbing some water and your sneakers. Before you knew it you were at school, slowly walking to your home room class.
I put my head down on the desk, praying no one notices how bad I’ve gotten in the past 24 hours, the last thing I need is to be sent home and miss out on work, or even worse track. The teacher starts taking the attendance and I notice there is a few people off, probably experiencing the same symptoms I have right now. I am startled out of my thoughts when my phone vibrates in my pocket, lifting my head up I grab the phone to see who was texting me, seeing it’s the group chat,, I ignore it, not ready to face my friends at this moment in time. I know exactly how they will all react once they see the state im in.
Fast and curious
(Thursday 8:50am)
*missed call from Stacey Clark*
Timotee🪽: girl why are you calling us right now, why aren’t you in school?
Dillpickle🥴: wait my wife is off today??
Staceye😇: YES im off because SOMEONE gave me the flu…any guesses @y/n/n ???
Dillpickle🥴: oh baby why didn’t you tell me, I’ll ditch and come over in an hour
Gabrii🌺: guys im in home room with y/n now, she doesn’t look too good, what do I do?
Paige🎨: wait why is she in if she’s ill? Also get well soon Stacey 💕
Talía(Chantal): shes ‘riding it out’ her words not mine
Ayjay (aj): wait y/N’s sick? Since when? And why is this the first im hearing of it?
Talía : shit, she told us to not tell you, sorry aj
You are hit with a wave of nausea as you slowly bring your head up off of the desk to look at the teacher who is calling your name, you look over at him and you don’t hear any of the words coming out of his mouth. His normally angered face turns into a one of pity. He shrugs the question off and points to Gabi, signalling for what I assume is for her to take me out of the classroom for some air. Not even a second later a hand is on my lower back, guiding me to the door of the classroom. I look up to see Gabi on the phone to someone while we walk at an incredibly slow pace to a water fountain. She points to the floor and tells me to sit. I slide down the wall, my legs failing on me, making me fall faster. The loud ringing of the break bell hits my ears and the halls are flooded with students. The noise deathening. I close my eyes a little tighter and hold my hands over my ears before they are swiftly took away, I look at the culprit, it obviously being gabi but this time I look at her she has both of our bags in her arms as she holds out a hand for me to take. “Cmon ángel let’s go find ur girl” she says nodding her head towards the door. I take her hand and we start to walk towards our groups hangout spot on the field. I immediately look for AJ, seeing the girl in one of my hoodies and a pair of black jeans with her signature white converse. Her head shoots up as soon as the doors of the school shut behind me and Gabi. She gives me a look of sympathy as I walk to the group. Chantal is the first to greet me “hey sis, feeling any better?” She asks with a worried tone, I simply nod not to draw too much attention to myself “we got sent out of homeroom..so no she is not okay” Gabi says for me, making Aj give me a disapproving look. “Baby cmon im taking you home” the shorter girl says while taking my bag off of me, I groan while looking at her, tears forming in my eyes. “Just one more class and if I don’t feel any better we can go okay?” I plead hoping I’ll feel a little better in an hour or so. “No ángel, we are going now, our next class is gym and im not going to let you be sent to hospital because your too stubborn to admit your too sick” she scolds me, I look over at Gabi and Chantal as if they would help, they are trying to help but im being too stubborn to see they are only doing this in hopes that it’ll make me feel a little better. I hear the doors of the school open again and turn to see Dillon and Tim walking towards us. This is around the same time my body is graced with yet another coughing fit, followed by nausea. I run to the nearest trash can and throw up the contents of my stomach into the can. Someone is thankfully there and is already holding my hair back as I do this. A hand runs down my back, I look back and see a ‘told you so’ look from my girlfriend who now has her car keys in her hand. “dale vamos ángel” (‘let’s go angel’) a very concerned Dillon says as he brushes my hair out of my face while helping me stand up and get back to the group of my concerned friends.
Aj grabs my backpack off of the floor where Gabi placed it, then she walks over and grabs my hand, pulling me along with her to the carpark, the rest of the group saying their goodbyes to me in a mixture of “get well soon” and “we will come round later with soup” between the lot of them.
Once in her car Aj turns to me, giving me a stern look before holding out her hand “give me your vape” she states without a beat. I stare at her blankly before looking at my bag. She shrugs and reaches over, her hand swiftly disappearing into my hoodies pocket and pulling out my vape, she then waves it in front of my face “none of this while your sick” she mocks before putting the small pen into her own hoodie pocket.
We end up driving for around ten minutes before I realise we aren’t going in the direction of my house anymore “uh aj?” I say quietly,, voice breaking due to a lack of energy “don’t worry we are going to make a little pitstop then we are going home” she says with that goddam little smirk she always sports, her little dimples gracing her tanned face. We end up stopping at a gas station where she runs inside to pay the cashier for the gas but she ends up coming out with tons of snacks and a crate of Gatorade. I laugh a little as she dumps it all into my lap before she continues to drive back to my neighbourhood. Once at my house she helps me carry all the snacks into the house and getting us settled in my room. Once she has me in my bed and covered in a few blankets, she quickly runs around the room setting everything up, turning my LED lights on, closing my curtains and turning on my tv before jumping into the bed with me. I laugh at how much she knows about my room which in turn brings me to another coughing fit. She rubs my back and hands me a bottle of Gatorade she managed to open in the midst of my fit. I take it from her and take a few sips of the drink, i thank her which earns a shake of her head. “How about we watch a movie huh?”
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maeselc · 2 months ago
Particular desires
My last-minute entry to @hellostuffedtiger @ectogeo-rebubbles and @the-last-dillpickle 's Sloan Fuh-Q Fest 2024
Please read the tags before deciding if this fic is something you want to read!!
Particular desires (2454 words) by maeselc Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Luther Sloan Additional Tags: Surprise Pairing, Crossover, Sex Work, False Identity, Espionage, Undercover as Sex worker, Omorashi, Desperation Play, Watersports, Urination, Blindfolds, ruined orgasm, Pre-Canon Summary: Under a false identity, Sloan pays for an evening of domination according to his particular proclivities. The woman he hires is also not who she seems. (Pairing/characters not tagged to avoid spoilers. There's a hint in the crossover fandom tagged.)
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lordbyronskitchen · 1 year ago
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(via Dill Pickled Eggs)
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lemontartmart · 2 months ago
Fanart of dillpickle's absolutely fucking precious deadlock animal crossing designs!!! plus some bonus pocket sketches!
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Some winter mischief plus me playing as pocket vs their actual vibes
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