#Digitial Media
bizkonnect · 1 year
Bizkonnect works in Actionable Sales Intelligence space. It provides intelligence to sales and marketing people like the List of companies using specific technologies and also assists in personalized campaigns . BizKonnect can be your data partner for cleaning up existing CRM data
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aegis-17 · 2 years
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Going to be Shifting track to focus more on worldbuilding for the A.E.O.N. project later this year, so i’ve been starting to go back through the files and  thinking more of which to develop more on. I have a much better feel on the deeper message i want to say with it and i feel more content revisiting and picking it back up now. Lot of mechanical and technoorganic creatures and constructs in the Voltuade along the ridge. 
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garlicbunn · 1 year
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hello tumblr i will now be posting art on this website, here is my profile picture, it looks a little bit like me
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psychsworld · 1 month
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gonna start archiving my art here
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djohnhopper · 8 months
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Inspirational art magazine: forever inclusive. Inspirational art magazine: supporting working artists across the planet: https://payhip.com/johnhopper
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banannabethchase · 2 years
Dears. Sweet people.
People lie all the time. Especially on the internet. Just because they have an attractive "all my fandoms and identities" bio does not mean it's true and does not mean it's safe.
Especially for the younger generation, maintain skepticism. We have seen over and over that lies and manipulation are easiest online, where bad people can use things like "I am not giving you my photo for MY safety, but I need you to give me yours for my safety" as a way to manipulate vulnerable populations. Sometimes people with the most up to date pop culture bios are lying to pull people who like those things in with goals that could masquerade as friendship but be something far worse.
Just because someone has a DNI or bio that matches yours does not mean they are safe. It doesn't even mean they're telling the truth.
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mrsbrown32 · 2 years
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digiblueslush · 5 months
Yall wanna hear something mind boggling??
So I post my art stuff on 3 platforms now: tiktok, instagram, and here. I started on insta just over a month ago, tiktok a little over a month ago, and here literally in the past few days
I have constantly posted on tt and insta at minimum twice a week, but more commonly 5 times a week for insta, and 3-4 times a week for tiktok
Insta statistics - I have 12 followers, most of whom are irls who follow my personal and like me enough to follow my art stuff too. I average 5 likes per post and in the past month I've had 430ish impressions
Tiktok statistics - I started on my old account with 1907 followers (I wiped it clean a long time ago but the most followers I had was about 1920) on average I get 200-400 views per post, and 5-10 interactions. And I have somehow lost 13 followers since last month (I also got banned from going live because I'm not old enough (I am literally 19) and apparently I am not the same person in the photo of my driver's liscence (I literally am))
Tumblr - I don't know exacts, but I have gained at least 3 followers, and everytime I check here throughout the day, I have 20+ new interactions
I am just so confused lolz, but I guess it just shows how main social media's really aren't made for actually passionate people and they are just a money grab with stupid 10 second soul sucking videos haha
Also just wanna say, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! This feels way more community like than the other 2 and that's what I really want, COMMUNITY!! I haven't posted about this other places but once I have a bigger "portfolio" I'd like to start selling stickers and prints!!
If you're also an artist, or literally anybody on here, feel free to ask to be mutuals/friends, I'd like to support as many of you as I can
Ok that's it LOVE YOU!!
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Digital Media Marketing
I will do your business promotion
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theartofgooglemaps · 2 years
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sl0th37 · 2 years
When I first saw this, I thought it would be more like a practical guide to balancing the allure of the internet with its effect on reality - unfortunately, it's mostly just another "here's how to protect your privacy" article. Still, it does include some of the important stuff, and in a pretty digestible format - not a bad introduction for kids.
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kp777 · 14 days
By Julia Conley
Common Dreams
Sept. 6, 2024
"A soldier fired directly at the protestors, hitting the American activist in the head from behind," said one eyewitness.
One journalist said that "devastating levels of impunity" were on display in the West Bank on Friday as Israeli forces reportedly shot a 26-year-old American human rights advocate, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, in the head, killing her as she protested the expansion of illegal settlements.
AJ+, Al Jazeera's digitial platform, reported that according to eyewitness accounts, Eygi was killed by a "deliberate shot to the head."
Eygi, who had dual citizenship in the U.S. and Turkey, was taking part in a campaign to protect Palestinian farmers from violence by Israeli settlers, 700,000 of whom live in illegal settlements erected over the last five decades in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
Israel rejects the position of the United Nations' highest court that the settlements violate international law, and the U.S. has continued to be the largest funder of the Israeli military despite thousands of deadly attacks by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and settlers on Palestinians—and activists trying to protect them—in the West Bank.
The protest where Eygi was killed was in the town of Beita, near the settlement of Evyatar, which was authorized by Israel last year.
"Just as the prayers were finishing, the Israeli military started firing tear gas and stun grenades towards the protestors," Hisham Dweikat, a resident of Beita, toldCNN. "As people were running away, live fire was shot and a soldier fired directly at the protestors, hitting the American activist in the head from behind and falling to the ground."
Suhauna Hussain, a reporter for the Los Angeles Times, said on X that Eygi lived in the Seattle area and had recently graduated from the University of Washington.
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Israel has intensified attacks on the West Bank in recent months, despite the government's claim that it is targeting Hamas, which operates in Gaza, in the current conflict that began last October.
On Friday, Israeli forces withdrew from the city of Jenin and its refugee camp after a 10-day operation that killed at least 36 Palestinians, including children. The U.N. warned Israel was using "lethal war-like tactics" this week as the IDF destroyed civilian infrastructure and carried out drone strikes in Jenin.
U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said the Biden administration was "aware of the tragic death of an American citizen" in the West Bank and that officials were "urgently gathering more information."
U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the only Palestinian American member of Congress, demanded that the State Department clarify how eyewitnesses and Palestinian media have characterized Eygi's death.
"How's they die, Matt?" said Tlaib. "Was it magic? Who or what killed Aysenur? Asking on behalf of Americans who want to know."
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thealogie · 3 months
Venting about the neilman sitch
I feel like I'm stuck emotionally because I've been through this rodeo with adult celeb men and their TV shows/adaptions and no clue if anything's going to HAPPEN to him y'know? Either legally or Amazon dropping him. And it's further frustrating to see tumblr ppl rabidly "benefit of the doubt" him when we should all (on average) be old enough to stop putting any "celeb" that sets up shop here like a deity above any and everything.
I hope the victims find peace, and (legal) justice if they're looking for it.
I hope tumblr stops worshiping celebs and I hope the status of his adaptions is swiftly stated and moved on from. These real women matter more.
I hope that tumblr actually stops interacting and holding space with this man digitially REGARDLESS of what happens next
I hear you and second you on all of this, but it will NOT be quick. As of now, this isn’t enough of a reaction to affect any of his deals. More could come to light in the days ahead because there are many more women who might come forward right away. Or it could take weeks/months for a reporter to track people down and write something comprehensive. And then it’ll take more time to see if the public reaction to it reaches a level that prompts big media corporations to take action.
It’s going to be a long road to see the effects of this play out. My heart really goes out to all the survivors but I’d also say to everyone here affected by it…brace yourselves.
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selarina · 1 year
Out of Style
-> Suna Rintaro x Fem!Reader
Chapter 2: Digitial Duet
Summary: The following night, Suna can't help but find himself lured by your online persona.
Content Warnings: celebrity au, rockstar!suna rintaro, actress!reader, online interactions, band dynamics, fluff, sexual undertones, mention of smoking, character study, sensual imagery, eventual smut
Word Count: 1.7k words
Author's Note: I'm ngl lead singer!atsumu does things to me.... also, bonus points for you if you guess what osamu, aran and kita's roles are in the band
Series Masterlist | Read on AO3
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Suna’s public account is filled with carefully curated images sent by his publicist, or sometimes it is simply just posted by a poor intern whose only job is analyzing and curating his online presence. He tried maintaining a sense of autonomy at first. After all, he only becomes a star after being on social media for quite a while. He quite liked it, the unseriousness of it all but too many sites have risen and fallen since then, and he’s realized he might be too old or too busy to get used to the new features.
So… Suna’s not one to spend a lot of time on social media, barring the one private Instagram account his sister, Reiko, set up for him. It’s private, it has the only photo ever posted on the account — a selfie of him and his sister from the same day she set the account up. She’s smiling at the camera, perfectly posed while he’s right behind her, his face is twisted, caught off guard. You could say he was objectively ugly in the photo.
Hmm? He stares down at the picture. Seems like he never really deleted it. He switches to his public account.
His eyes move to scan his phone screen for a brief second before he finds it. He’s still not used to how different everything is from the last time he used this app, and it’s only been two weeks. How can you change so much in so little time? And why would you even?
His finger taps to reach the search option, his fingers moving to type in your name. Immediately, he gets a list of results — a verified account on top with a profile picture of you. He looks at the rest of the accounts below yours, a list of fan accounts of you.
He clicks on your account.
When the screen finally opens, Suna is accosted by your familiar face, scattered across the range of tiny boxes.
He clicks on the first picture that catches his immediate eye, it’s a picture of you sitting outside an establishment. Your shoes are scattered beside you as you smile sweetly at the screen. He smiles.
Your profile actually looks like photos you are posting yourself, but well, so does his, he thinks. Frowning, he scrolls, and he scrolls. He feels like an intruder as his scrolling continues, but he can’t seem to stop for some reason. The photos are like a collection of your life — it’s full of photos of you, your friends, co-stars, your sister, and your cat. Sometimes, the occasional movie promotion, a fashion event, or something like that.
And then he stumbles upon it, it’s a photo of you wrapped in a blazer, as the rain pours in the foreground. And you — you’re twisting your head ever so slightly to address the camera directly with your eyes, and you manage to hold his eyes to yours for quite a well somehow. He can’t help but think if your lips are purposefully quirked with a ghost of a smile. He lingers far longer than he’d care to admit but eventually, he scrolls again, as one does.
Only to wash away his opinion of you, he says. Only to get accustomed and to get rid of this new feeling, he says.
He then stops at another picture, a promotional picture, but it’s not for your movie. It’s for this band. Scarlet Riot.
He remembers this band, during a meeting where his manager was very upset with the band for Scarlet Riot’s new single surpassing his band, Black Velvet’s single on the rankings. He remembers dozing off during the meeting and being forcefully woken up again, and again, and again until the manager had enough and sent him back home. He happily accepted.
He doesn’t know anything about Scarlet Riot, apart from the fact that they are apparently cut from the same cloth as his band but yes, he notices how there isn’t much visible. Not your face, not the guy’s face but he seems to be holding you and your very lightly covered body — just you in your bra, and your underwear to be candid.
The said faceless guy is clothed entirely with one hand grasping the small of your back, and the other one holding your leg up as you seem to lift it in tandem.
He immediately clicks off the post, switching to his official account as he searches for your profile.
His hands hover for a second over the send button before he clicks on it.
To be fair, he isn’t technically lying in his texts because he is now rewatching your movie to drown out the anticipation of your response, but at the moment he only had enough heed to hit send on the message then, and he didn’t know how long that would last.
He eyes his abandoned phone on the teak table in front of him, as he watches your movie. It currently has a conversation between two guys in the movie, and honestly, he couldn’t care less about them.
He couldn’t help it. He looked up the video, and he admits he can find himself agreeing with the rest of the 14 million people who seem to find the appeal. He pauses the video, and it pauses at a picture-worthy shot if he could say so himself — your eyes are heavy-lidded resulting in a sultry expression, akin to a languid panther moving through the tall grass, that makes something primal rake right beneath the confines of his body.
H clicks off from the video, turning off his phone as he unpauses your movie continuing to chomp on the rest of his pasta.
The next day, Suna found himself on auto-pilot making his way through the band's rehearsal studio. The place was cramped and confining — just as he secretly liked. It’s always overfilled with a diversified jumble of instruments, amps, and other recording equipment.
He adjusts his guitar strap as he began the process of plugging his instrument in. He’s early today, so it affords him the opportunity to observe as his bandmates and studio staff trickle in, one by one, as he sips on his coffee. He’s not usually a fan of hot beverages, preferring cooler, or lukewarm drinks but today, he needs the searing warmth to keep him from biting off his bandmates’ heads.
Atsumu, the drummer, finally saunters in with his signature impish grin that sent a surge of irritation coursing through Suna's veins. It’s just lack of sleep talking, he reassures himself as Atsumu takes a seat near him seating himself behind the drum set.
"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Atsumu quipped, his voice cutting through the studio's ambient hum Suna grew comfortable in.
Suna's retort was swift, a deadpan stare, as he took another sip. "Don't call me that.”
“Well, you look the part.” Atsumu remained undeterred, as he reclined against the seat, a smirk etched upon his features.
Suna doesn’t respond, his attention returning to the coffee cup, as he took another sip.
“Where's everyone else?” Suna set aside the guitar, carefully placing his chair as he weaved through to discard the now-empty cup into the bin.
"Aran’s out for a smoke. Osamu’s stuck in traffic, surprise surprise. Kita’s at a shoot. He should be late today," Atsumu replied.
Suna's response was a barely discernible hum as he sat back in his chair. He occupied himself with tuning his guitar, his fingers moving with practiced familiarity, attuned to the nuances of each string.
They continued to wait in silence, Atsumu’s soft humming withheld. Not that Suna particularly took issue with it, in fact, it was a bit soothing to exist in his space, until Atsumu spoke again that is.
"So, you seemed to have an interesting night.” Atsumu's tone was teasing, his words laden with an underlying implication that Suna found distinctly annoying.
A warning glint flickered through Suna's eyes, his response lax but firm. "No idea what you’re talking about."
Atsumu leaned back against his seat, a smile playing on his lips. "Oh, come on now. We all saw you last night. Never knew you could physically bring yourself to smile."
Suna's eyes narrowed. “We were just talking.”
Atsumu barely hummed in response, but Suna’s annoyance seemed to seep back under his skin – he didn't want to engage in this conversation, especially not with Atsumu, who generally had a talented knack for pushing his buttons early in the morning.
Atsumu waggled his eyebrows as they raise up. "So, what kind of talkin' were ya doin', hmm?"
Suna shot a sharp look at Atsumu, his fingers pausing his task on the guitar. "None of your business."
“Okay,” Atsumu responds and Suna’s relieved. For all his many complaints about Atsumu, he truly does know how to read people, and as much as he seemed to like pushing boundaries, he never truly seemed to cross them.
“Just be careful,” Atsumu speaks up, Atsumu's tone was tinged with a rare sincerity. Suna finds it a bit too jarring like he’s an alternate reality.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just — Relationships with other people like us never truly work out, ya know.”
“I know,” Suna responds, as his eyes flit down to his guitar. Suna's fingers slipped on the strings, creating a dissonant sound.
Atsumu sighs as his voice comes out in a subdued murmur, “I should know better than anyone,” before Osamu's voice carries from outside to inside the studio, disrupting the momentary exchange.
Osamu walks through pushing the entry door as he stomps over to where they are.
“Get off my seat, ya imp,” he says, tossing his back to the side before he proceeds to push Atsumu off the chair, and almost like he was slapped out of it — Atsumu’s back to his usual self as his hands rise up to pull Osamu’s hair.
At the backdrop of the familiar dance between Osamu and Atsumu, Suna pulls out of his phone and the muted buzz against his thigh.
Ping! His eyes flit up to the top of his phone. It’s you. He clicks on the notification.
yn_ln : sorry i passed out but wow, flattery and a movie review?
yn_ln : i'm honored
Suna smirks as he taps on the screen. His fingers seem to type out a reply before he's even fully aware of it.
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westcoastmidnightrun · 4 months
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The two-part Rebel Moon movies from Zack Snyder this year may not have been a fan favorite, however we not only created special original artwork for the science fiction adventure, but we promise you will find a whole lot more sci-fi exclusive original artwork for registered members to download that will celebrate this art form in both visual media and in print (novels and paperbacks).
We invite you to stop by our websites and peruse the vast library of original exclusive posters, most of which are available for download.
The Burning Question For American Surfers??? WHY MIDNIGHT IN “WEST COAST MIDNIGHT RUN”? #WHYMIDNIGHT
West Coast Midnight Run is about to present a series of artwork posters from our senior editor Pierre Maertin, all the while attempting to answer the elusive question, WHY MIDNIGHT indeed?
You can find an answer to a lot of your questions plus discussions forums and coverage the National Media will censor or will not touch. Visit us at
URL wifi [dot] midnighttracks [dot] org
and enjoy a view never before afforded the average web surfing lover. Keep in mind our content is available on mobile devices but displays much better on desktop PC’s large screens and monitors.
Also keep in mind our membership is free of cost, you can register using just your email (you dont need a credit card) and you can use any of the free emails from Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook and AOL selections, or you can just login using your existing social media account.
More things to keep in mind, we do NOT USE DIGITIAL COOKIES on our websites and forums, thus we do not in any way track your actions or intrude on your online privacy. We do NOT have censors for our Forums and Kiosk’s comments sections for members. A member can start any thread on the Forums and should not be concerned about Free Speech issues. We don’t censor unlike Yahoo or MSN on social and political topics.
We do not require the use of credit cards to register, some vendors offer free products and services and yet require you to register by using your credit card. We have no such requirements for registration as a member for a free standard account.
Some of the Why Midnight series posters will be available to download for members in super large size.
ANY QUESTIONS? Just reach us via the website’s Contact form.
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manofmanymons · 2 years
If Ghost Game had its own Survive arc (bunch of kids all sent to another world), or it started out like Survive did, what characters would be good candidates to be apart of the group, and their digimon partners to-theoretically-be? Of course the trio protagonists are there by default.
Funny enough, I think the main three could constitute a good enough group on their own. Between the levelheaded survival expert, the fearless adventurer, and the cowardly genius, they cover all the bases. However, if we were to have an expanded team...
(Pictures included in case anyone forgot these characters' names and needs to be reminded who tf I'm talking about)
Maybe I'm just biased because I like him so much but I think Yuto would be a good group member, and maybe a possible partner could be Lalamon? 1) because something small and cute suits him and 2) bc they can eventually evolve to Ajatarmon and I have a sick sense of humor. I think the group could benefit from how calm and gentle he is.
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Going off the idea of starting with a "stuck in the digitial world" arc rather than all of gg canon having taken place already, I propose Kayono. I really like her design and wanna see more of her, and I also think she's just a great character to exemplify how humans can negatively affect digimon. I think DemiDevimon could make a fun partner.
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I almost...I almost wanna say Kotaro. Not because he would add anything to the group or because I think he could survive but because you gotta have that comedic relief character who causes problems on accident. I could balance him out with a straight laced partner or I could do the funny thing and give him Neemon.
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Part of me feels like Ruli's friends don't really do enough or have enough personality to be relevant group members...but that didn't stop Tamers from dragging Kazu and Kenta along so...
Maybe they can be the "don't have partners for most of the arc but still help in their own way" characters.
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The only other character who really stood out to me as memorable enough to be a recurring character is probably Emma? She could be a fun addition to the team because she's smart and has an interesting dynamic with Kiyo. I...almost want to give her specifically the Dracmon from gg ep 3 (and 25 but we don't talk about that one) as a partner? I mean her episode involved her being a lowkey stalker and his episode involved cursing people via surveillance and social media so like idk their vibes kinda mesh in my mind. They'd be meeting in a circumstance where he's never seen the real world and she already knows what Kiyo is up to so maybe they'd both be better people?
Or maybe depending on whether they influence each other for better or for worse could be the thing that either makes them reliable allies or terrifying antagonists.
OR it could be a fun yet sad twist that he only partnered with her bc of her smarts and just wanted to use her to cause more problems on purpose and we'd end up having a main character's partner be an endgame boss battle but this time bc of a betrayal instead of a virus which...could be interesting. I accidentally put more thought into this than I meant to. Anyways this one is Emma if anyone forgot:
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